Sep 1985 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Sep 1985 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Sep 1985 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City


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S<br />

E<br />

P<br />

1<br />

9<br />

8<br />

5<br />

PAGE 14 " >"„*...... , • . TOE SENTINKL-LEDCER. O€EAN CCTfr.iiNAti.'O '.":•'.'..•. '}• -'.'-'i '••',' s %^; '?.M ^'^ AafUBatt^iBpi1liiBBRJiii^ ;<br />

Her Beloved dbg may be ordered destroyed today<br />

(continued from page 1) what may happen if Coco HM h, OCMM Otir ' * M» M M.h,»Ti»^ U««*i MI IM ttoua on Aithn.iDh .h. f«* •«« ' ! ' ' / "' 4 (continued from page l) what nay happen If Coco here in <strong>Ocean</strong> Oty nm sense that I have^^she removed Cram toe house on Although aba forgot to renew<br />

the mtt m «*: attract "%*,***** *»* 'WJa'aanJI^old "her aays,becau»eC«»goestottieTto Street and placed In the the dog's license tWs year, a<br />

.— . .. ^animal shelter. vaccination certlflcatetbows<br />

rt"a tortnf dog, an'*' Mwjto, hw fmr am- niwea^tjand lo^afUr whn^ever there is a aa»?a3 Hot kwwtag whai to do, ttw, haa. rt^rt aB the<br />

C ;; ' • • , - • ^<br />

iiHrtd woman, neigh. ^?!i.^.^^ S? hernowttBtahaftrtaiwia fce fart dew., t • ^ i tan eaBed on bar friend* to necessary snots and that they<br />

WW are u<br />

abort their<br />

condoned ^ ! ! bouts with cancer and a contentedly In the house with oat friend related. Bar .,,. ~<br />

partUlly mt^m Mi, ha- mlitre«. However, there fimdi are wffln| tom^ •iterejajnlaaJ^JoDAi,<br />

- Jones can barely mow about ire occWons wlim she must cowl with Jones andspeak on says, stroking one <strong>of</strong> her cats.<br />

. She supports heraelf with a be put outside. '1 useTlo tobalf <strong>of</strong> the elderly woman She cannot underetand why<br />

cane and has trouble keeping chain her to the front porch." and her dog. anyone would want to take her<br />

; herbalanee, taMJaVkv!' ^ A^hbortookJooesto^ pst •way from her. A@^dlnJ<br />

leansherparaiytedsldeonan arose when she was outside, door <strong>of</strong> the animal's cage was Oog would not have nipped<br />

old grocery cart, her Many times children in the a note with the words, anyone unless aha were<br />

"cadillac." she Jokes, so that ana have hamaatd the old* "Quarantined - Do net teased or provoked,<br />

ahe can shop In town. "Yog woman. Both her friends and nBeaje.' 1 Jonei ripped the , ^ ^ _ iLL ^J.,<br />

do for yonneM." P^iffr. tteo MW her, "aha almost weo. in me meanune,<br />

.aW'taai to eonflnad n^lmm too Oat the MU out <strong>of</strong> tar«p.» 22FmJ t Z»J£ H<br />

TOwtaitohiraieoiri *Udi« have thrown ,tmm WOAOT at the Om ^ ^*5" ^^f^ £*<br />

&m bedroom, it'i difficult at Coco and at the windows <strong>of</strong> Biinuii Society ihtto wbo ^ «*& save Oow from<br />

fer her to answer the front the house. They have also had arranged to Jones to **»&.<br />

door. 11* steps are steep and teased the dog and Jones. adopt Coco six years ago are _<br />

Coco appears apprehensive, as if she realizes « _g ,. ,,.„<br />

the fate that may befall her. The dog knows *W dog ii her eyet and ffied in <strong>Ocean</strong> aiy and on destroyed.<br />

«Bia agrees. "OBCO'I gs* old mixed shepherdf'm )em «B * Coeo'a papaM.<br />

Collective now<br />




You're Invited to join the "Triple CeHbratlon" at our 3 <strong>Ocean</strong> dlty locations: KM Asbury Av*,,<br />

3333 West Ave, and our new MAC address, 1600 Haven Ava In the <strong>Ocean</strong> Clty.Super'Fresh.<br />

You're going to Ilka our completely renovated and enlarged Asbury <strong>of</strong>flee with Its convenient<br />

new drlvftfin. /<br />

For those at the southern and <strong>of</strong> the island, stop in and say hello at our newest <strong>of</strong>fice location on<br />

VVestAwe. • • ' "•• " • f -<br />

Or learn how you can get the knack with MAC In the Ocaan <strong>City</strong> Supef'Fnjsh. < '.,<br />

Wherever you live or,work In <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, we're Just around the corner, .. i.M<br />

egister for valuable prize<br />

during our celebration,..<br />


WIN<br />

SONY 26"<br />

Color Console TV<br />

U#IM SONY 19"<br />

WIW Portable Color TV<br />

Fisher VCR<br />

with wireless remote<br />

WIN<br />

Get the knack<br />

with MAC<br />

24 hour banking<br />

7 days a week<br />

Fill out • MAG application at any<br />

<strong>of</strong> our 3 <strong>Ocean</strong> Oily locations and receive your<br />

FflEE $5 MAC<br />

Deposit Coupon<br />

_.. TMColleotWJidimlSSDipoiifCoupQnliwdiimiblaiii<br />

« *p©iIifoto)yOo(l«eilvaF0dira!trinMetloniMountiUnilt<br />

;s 8n«^reartrisldif, qogpqn villd upon MtripleUono! MAC<br />

: ,:;t •pplieiHotiviina.rtertpt <strong>of</strong>,«Me eart, Coupon'mi/it be<br />

;w,;:'4 iL •-;.,./.• / dspoaltad'at^tne'Oteh dsjiojiiw,<br />

Cit S l<br />

'Mi^' r. ••.pwerrin*<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Locations:<br />

WIN<br />


. AT ANY OF OUR<br />

1<br />


$200 Super*Fresh<br />

Shopping Spree<br />

Two 10-Speed<br />

Bicycles<br />

S61 Asbury Ave,<br />

1500 Haven AveJ<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> *J<br />

Supfr*Fresh v-<br />

3333 West A<br />

FREE gifts & great rates<br />

Stock ADvclurS<br />

ooaiunation from; * ^ * ^ ^ f ^ ^ ^<br />

Collect your free gift fromColltth* Mini whan you open<br />

any certificate ef deposit account during our celebration.<br />

Theas nallonally known items are our way ol saying'Thank<br />

VOU", '•'M^'':^i-<br />

op«r» any tyft*i'rt|"f*'iPp«n' wy Uf<br />

certtficate <strong>of</strong> depcwH I certificate <strong>of</strong> c<br />

account with a ctepostt | account w«f»a t<br />

<strong>of</strong> 1800 or mpr»i4^d *Hoif^OOporiBorB,<br />

rectiveyourchoto(ft SiJ«|rtWByour«liote»rt<br />

tiOOiih . • vi'^KsJBplCsah, • •• : .•!**•<br />

WtiteloxTrivtl Alarm;;).,' (i iilSCiSubar'FfBih' artr<br />

Covtmry Cutlery •)'/^ -i^ilfiealf .'v?<br />

|Bflr«m Light Tlmar ,S|y iiifliA OfeNiritipstool*'-*,<br />

floyil Solir eaieulato^*". i Son KAIr: RaimiirgiaMgy<br />

;.ttnnon Blanket , .' Mt4 W^f^ ^f^r ^M<br />

eornlngwira Cilajwl* ^jfoiioi jllak 10 f cijpr<br />

Dlih ,,i,^:K ijMfjWmjilwrV ;'V . .|Vi<br />

'Malntanbh.WjM Cafaftfi;/* ilihiidiat.Bidio':; . --M'<br />

tear In her eye. 'tte'a a<br />

Doughnuts<br />

I IWL L^WyO<br />

Sodas<br />

and Gifts<br />

Teary^yed Florence Jones, 85, holds onto the*<br />

no-no in motels<br />

(continued from page l) mtcrowaye oven tn a<br />

restaurants and-wanted the<br />

«r<br />

s E<br />

P^l^aaf<br />

otner animals or. nurnins<br />

flnlttml<br />

Vx^ police airf ^ ; dog A pubUc 1 hearing wffl be<br />

warden wlU be charged with hew ^ the ordLwe at<br />

Quit-smoking<br />

MiVfAntrican<br />



Served From 4 p.m.<br />

further lnforraaUon call the<br />

96<br />

CIALS<br />

Full Menu Available m<br />

With 40 Entrees ra<br />

To Choose In via *<br />

HrMTiMtmii'. Surjiji ,lcn<br />

'mmW^fpiH&<br />

eighth-Inch ca»d weU equipped i postponed untiliflHfcfcC<br />

yF*or*r"<br />

fflr^ll^gtowrteiptthtoaimay^ ; a<br />

^ jOteOTMnended by the^ocal fire chief w\'.; ^^|^^.vWpWi^ipj|^i^^<br />

tf.<br />

b I<br />

•L't-<br />

-flu-<br />

:a8i ttew<br />

release to your paper?<br />

TwoSecapns (GO9)'J9S-54I1<br />

, who founded <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

Incidents<br />

(Heane turn to page II)<br />



Page 4<br />

Section 1<br />

costs' to repair<br />

ANTTAJ.<br />

. While the dty -w^ttw eaglnwt*<br />

Jggt on the c«t cf n^ted ^faS<br />

««mry to the opper levdi oTtt*<br />

• Qfltuna Arti CenterwMch eadkr «# f<br />

"hocked at<br />

Wtaariw..;....<br />

. < vJ—*-a>jrfl*. •<br />

Final fishing column <strong>of</strong> Ihe season.... ...Se^iiooi page*<br />

now commen llifc<br />

McHale aald tht flood

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