Aug 1896 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Aug 1896 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Aug 1896 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City


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j tbe Aiiiiwj<br />

"net to tjhiak <strong>of</strong> that a* first, » "<br />

likely to kno<br />

JOB prompted,<br />

"ftBjJeOtl<br />

* U coma fcait5qJy loll JOB. 1 got fas but i»! hand was steady, -iiccnraw alia<br />

apnssion—besides, you me tha only cool—s shapely hand which the inn<br />

man I've seen in Herridon whs looks never browced, aud ha was a mun who<br />

it »nd ths song whleh loved the BOB.<br />

He draw back<br />

ks I 1 been la on arerie ee"S»<br />

a reend the proinenfid<br />

hat without; fladiag ju<br />

^ Alph B<br />

lf«« with<br />

ae, said to him:<br />

thai ebap Bp U,o«<br />

rammer house? Lord*<br />

•lightest pretext to go ap the'flilfrD.<br />

qnented tide path arid ipeak. to him,<br />

bat his mind wtui too ejccited to do the<br />

thing nataraJlT without a jfpnt pretext<br />

Besides, though ho (idmited the man's<br />

i and his ases frost an ar.<br />

"It Is not quite that I oonfess 1 can<br />

not ejplafn it." |fifld._ „ , „„ mtttvvUv u<br />

"I hspo you did not think the thing him heard. It was Mrs, BetJQr, She<br />

too boerirfj tn be pardoned. <strong>On</strong> the faet had, With the young girl who had sat<br />

Ol It It W reds to you—and the lady Si her Ae| the ercnljig before, bees<br />

alsa" , ' shown late the enter imm, had pjay»<br />

* 'The eirumtiBtacec*—the eoiaoideneo folly parted tho cnrrulaa between the<br />

—wan so utinMiai thai 1 did flot #1^ to rooms sad eaterei She stood for a mo*<br />

think <strong>of</strong> auiniipni." meat lookisg at the sketch,<br />

"The coiiieidenefl —-what eefnci» thrilled. Her eyes filled with fcars, then<br />

deaee?" said Telferd, watching iutent- *weat dry aad haf, as she said in a lend<br />

IF- ^ • whlip^ri "Sfw, iheheuztot the thing is<br />

had htaielf well in hand, there, ••<br />

aad that<br />

Bath Houses,<br />

QUO HER 8 WAYtttpS unit i AH! *(»,<br />

at jjgt. "Yes that's ; Cor, Boardwalk and Eighth gtrert,<br />

-, hi mid, "Ifi right, rifht, His I<br />

fast shall come is later. But the heart I BATMiNO HOUSES, SHUFFti BOAftDs<br />

<strong>of</strong>thithingis there," " FANQY *RlICLlSi,iqVS,BHII,LS,ag,<br />

She last senteses waj epoien In a ' -•—»—- <br />

; ply, M to this mm I happen tfl kuaw,'<br />

i becanse Mrs. Detlor Mis tut a picture at<br />

my.stadlo this .merningt and 1 uta one<br />

<strong>of</strong> the party for the t-jteuraion,!* j<br />

"Jast Sk Then will yen plmsesay ;<br />

BOtJiing to iii*. Dt-tUit qbpat hariiig |<br />

fact ajcf I should jjrpfor mtpimug'<br />

her," •<br />

__=^, who lored the man's unique<br />

aad ipontanetina chiiract<strong>of</strong> as oalj an<br />

artist can lore a Bubjeut in which be<br />

gees rqyoJ possibilities, coBseoted glntj-<br />

Jy, sod dr<strong>of</strong>ipcd a ftjrdiul hand on the<br />

other'g ihoaider, Thehuadwas draped<br />

down sad wrenched back aad forth<br />

, with a ttairdf clasp, in time to a roll <strong>of</strong><br />

naad( auctaoni langhter. Then BOTH<br />

teak hia ap harriedly, aud inrraiB^<br />

him to Telforo: with the wordsi "Yea<br />

two might to fcnoweaeh ether, Telferd, lu^J^ht'^ '"" l " Bapw<br />

trawler, <strong>of</strong>ficer oi the Hadwa'a Bay ly leafe jonr nml—breaiise shohaiaa<br />

company, et ceterai Hagar, artist, g^l ^uBtutvn'imik t\,;* ,..—=- '— - • •<br />

Then he drew back anil smiled as the<br />

two nea^ not shaking handi aghees><br />

Beeted, Bowgfli nad said they were hap*<br />

py to meet Tho talk began with, the »*<br />

mark by Hagar oa the panorama below<br />

them, "that the thuig was amusing if<br />

set seen too <strong>of</strong>ten, bat tho eternal pad'<br />

dllng rvnnd the bnjjd ataiid was too,<br />

anch like jnaricmet tea M ;<br />

"Yott prefer a Punch end Jndy to<br />

ipajoaeiteaf" Mked Telfdrt,<br />

"Tm, yen get a iionian clemfiut ia a<br />

Ita^ and Jady tragedy, Besides, it . . • ,. . ,j „_..„„„.<br />

has snrpraei, acoerdiBg to the idioaja» d "I'm afraid I eaa inake ao p^fsa I aafl iaaigtiaet<br />

era^<strong>of</strong> the man iu the grepnreoiu," j Vhg reason Is not sniBeieBt, .Surprift:-*, j "Ohr'iheiiaidwithaiJ<br />

Es smiled isuqediately, rffuiembering | as yea remarkwl about Punch nnd Ju= ;—thai is like hiin. How<br />

thsi blB im werdi plsgiarissl Mr, AU, j dy, are BjuBidiijf, Lnt they ainy ajge be kaowf"<br />

phem Bichnjond. , traginuL" .<br />

"*- reraia a Panch and Jadj-if ;• TelfbRl flachpd adarWinqairinf look<br />

r ifc"raid Telford. •'leajeyths a* his coniijaijiea, and thpu said; "£«»<br />

^-^^^iBBaoTWith whiGh Pafldhhag. ^^«t^ 1 did not say thut, tliongh it<br />

tits <strong>of</strong>f hia vietiaii, His light hearted. > ^ mmA - However, it is no njatter,<br />

-——•--- - • - . , . . - • • aieet atdiiiuffr, lHapptBti, thia<br />

Ellthea!" ,<br />

Heiraiied hu hat with a (light,<br />

sweeping inotion=B iitfle mmkiagst-<br />

mm in the «}Brfcw-=ahf* walked away.<br />

rim jmmV7mr§u»kmt,; R^7<br />

"OH! FOR A<br />

hrdule jo fffMt JUNE a.<br />

r«r Fblladf tpbia,<br />

—Le»» HwafHl Biffei^<br />

EiyircH, «.;i7 11, n., if rift* ptiiiaita.,<br />

Kgptt»ia8Si B •*<br />

Kgptt»ia,8Si, BL,<br />

Aeeom,, 2.IU ji i».t<br />

liKur,, afflp-M,<br />

I<br />

f Vi n. 111<br />

8 IS a, rii<br />

ilJO<br />

i.& p hi<br />

aa)p.iB<br />

1 ii «i» ii-~ *~ ' "• - 'iflm, in.. •' u II Ha, in<br />

lap.m<br />

Why nut MM Me liiiesi wntw : S'PJ^** JJJ* !!*H<br />

w»j reel flwj* bi" tonriwlliig io the ; g»pr*iM!, 5,00 pi a,,<br />

ifliiins ef ihe nw,a elly W«(ir •SIJNUAVS.<br />

(Wtnpany anil npvtr drlnit ii'iidij.j-' ""<br />

«"*•-, never thlrsi, otvur w «JtJt. ,.,„ p, „,,,<br />

, hM p. m,,-<br />

7,10 p=<br />

e<br />

suit iralfr<br />

j n «<br />

liiii Use (he ti<br />

t iityJ rlit>a]Hfic<br />

Mthir<br />

'That!<br />

f iliii nii>«t<br />

iicins ,oi (tie jtlih ^ j gwij<br />

JiglllS! "MV feri iliitl IPlH.'ll!i l"l!i=|a<br />

not Ir.fitliijr Jn Ilitj! hriini-l!! Why<br />

f, fjjl iiiiii (cup, i<br />

d b<br />

fiH « am vietinu, HiJ lighf<br />

aaa when doing Woody detda ii tto<br />

(( matiiiilitfflttatbadqB& te dolt<br />

th a gris ia* 1 — ' ~<br />

W*#<br />

matiiiilit<br />

with a gris ia* 1 —<br />

"ft the aert absolute tragedy, 11<br />

agar WBB Mteniihed, for wen the<br />

tader'a infomBtioa that Telford «pekt<br />

•«fieJJ,eBl fteneh, and had eertftinly<br />

teta a deal oa red ear^t to his tiffii<br />

did art trepans him for thd •hftrnly fn=<br />

«W¥fl wordi ja« nttered, Ttl it W«<br />

net laeongrerta with Telfd'<br />

8BC6=not erea with the<br />

p! If that is tbe nan, ** iie said, "1 MW<br />

n this niontiiig. Is his muio Mark<br />

; Teiferd?" ;<br />

"I'es," she saitt, nad Rank into n<br />

chair. ft*siiitly HJSB spraDg to her ft*t,<br />

tiiker uttermj.<br />

The lei turi'f beguii with the remark,<br />

"Thy giyat tliought <strong>of</strong> all should be Iu<br />

iaiprtivy evtry oppiirtuiiUy fur spirit,<br />

uu), intellectual aud inotal ailalu=<br />

iHeut," Loiitiiiuiiig, lie wild:<br />

It in libt alwa^H [HiHHible to mark<br />

(lie j|otid listeiier, »H ILB Gieat Newton<br />

wiw said to be very abssent-iijiuded, but<br />

tbe truthful ittaicuieut would bo thut<br />

LJIS* Uiijugbt was prtfwiif iiiall i*j power<br />

ni the proper thing, Horace Ureeley<br />

wa* sleepy lyokltig, but hit, lutilleelyal<br />

is known to alj, while many<br />

may git with Htttring eyes and every<br />

inurk uf prufutiiul atU-nLlon aud<br />

[iotiiL>ar with their<br />

iijierpryt (tirrfgily<br />

The Score Stood ii to 13 In Fa*or <strong>of</strong><br />

Trinity Choir Bojs,<br />

If-the Owaii Ulty Biiie Hall Club had<br />

run lip agiilijNt the team esnipoggd <strong>of</strong><br />

youtig men connected with the Holy<br />

Ttiuily thureii uliolri.<strong>of</strong> WeHt Ulieiter,<br />

iiitw a Jin pinion thuHitaiid, they would<br />

imdoiilitedly have inet thilr Walyfliio,<br />

were anxious to play<br />

yistorday, but it la ru.niiired Hiat<br />

tiis home team excused<br />

from playing became Catcher<br />

baugh was oui <strong>of</strong> town ami<br />

Shirley Speiiee was too buny with hlH<br />

oiher pr<strong>of</strong>ettgiuBii! duties.<br />

The hooie team lay they wj|j jilay<br />

tlieni tiinie day next wetk. Tilts cliulr<br />

boys Lavi proailBed to aecsoaiiuotlaie<br />

theiD uotwithHtaudliigth<br />

lyave tlie city tt^day for their<br />

Tli«te playera had a week's vatsitioii<br />

prior to the remainder <strong>of</strong> the ojiulr<br />

uer# and are obliged to leave.<br />

They were very BiueU diaap]Hjliited<br />

yesterday afternoon wheu they learned<br />

that (Jibuti <strong>City</strong>'s lOKtilHrB wniiidu't<br />

pfay them.<br />

The vJHltorH wanted a ganie, how-<br />

er, and flve <strong>of</strong> Oeeaii I'ity's eraek<br />

player* appeared on fbe ileld. They<br />

in I lie<br />

Mmiy tinie-i<br />

to t<br />

we<br />

bft under-<br />

blftiiie a<br />

myiuory, when, if we but<br />

*m_<br />

the red filial was turned in lime to<br />

bavis prevented Uu- mvfui urash will<br />

nuver be kiiotvj!, Tlie only liiHii whii<br />

could have replied to that qut^tluti iw<br />

deal]. He wsw Eii^iiieM Faif( whiise<br />

iuangltd buiy wus iiie laht to be dug<br />

up fri.m i he pile uf Wfeikuge, He liy<br />

tlie.broad «f Iii* Ufk, with out-<br />

urius Iu the cab <strong>of</strong> bia fetij^iuy,<br />

Tim uA'ful L'iilumtty IIUH nut Ha<br />

ov*?r the heartN <strong>of</strong> ihe<br />

Clly, and lb«i* in<br />

eveiywiiirs. It U like the<br />

<strong>of</strong> iliuijUer after tlig' Ugbliiiug<br />

ban rent the sk>% Tiieduiigyr W<br />

the dimage is d.iiie, bus the rwiih<br />

aiid tile terror are uuly juht<br />

the nal yauite, we will iind<br />

ablq to iti'uil all that htm<br />

eHted tin, HiiiiwluK thut 1<br />

utleuliiiu iff u ijr«K,euiiKd tuiud tbul<br />

Ui til ilil?H iuaiiy thlilgn Hwld.<br />

"Tbe |iiiwer <strong>of</strong> iiiiayiuutiy» U streii-<br />

tlon. Uliarlm,<br />

but<br />

Ditkeiis wan<br />

aHetiiluit<br />

bolt<br />

was<br />

is atteiitli'U, u»<br />

raw tsiitiiQ Is but a fHutor <strong>of</strong> tlie jurtot<br />

eiutli, and ryquir^t the miiilve jiuwer to<br />

Lriiig perfei-iiuii, So ulleuttoii, etupltd<br />

wlih tile pitwer <strong>of</strong> tliou^ht, brJugs the<br />

truly eiluyiited mind."<br />

TLB Buok <strong>of</strong><br />

ktjted Al, Bniitli, MarshiM IJiiiiveF,<br />

Joe Cos Hnd £, Millifio play with<br />

tiiem. It watt agreed to pU>* a seven<br />

luuiiitr gaiye, and Jafk Uariiey, iif thy<br />

ne teiiRi, was elumen untplre,<br />

dldu't iaire to pltth yesier.<br />

day's gHiLe, preferring to nave bin<br />

Mireisgili ftir the tjHtils wllli the Mill-<br />

villa l{t-nerve« tliia ufternoiHi. He<br />

allowed H^neer tu go into the bos,<br />

while E Milltt, who tiaH<br />

perfiirBied ihe dutliM «f eiteher,<br />

put byhiad the bat fur the hon.e team.<br />

The ehtilr boys tliogght they had an<br />

easy tbiiig yf It, and refrained fmni<br />

plaelhg 'their crank pitcher, LewiH<br />

RriH«, iii the tH«= Bruii in a MM.<br />

biuodtd riidJan, and. haw a reputation to<br />

iw euvied a* u bill twlrler, The viiiil<strong>of</strong>ct<br />

etiiieluded they eould win "hauda<br />

Tilt? large hittei« mid siiJulitr<br />

iie»yil Lave hut lli(ly uf t<br />

jcujfty iiiiii iue plauuE uf<br />

ais pryuiiiMlly duiug notuiug, while<br />

ihe imardwalk ttiruijgH uie itiliiiied out,<br />

•Mayor tit iy NWUJH lo tbliik luat Ibis<br />

gloom will went away before lmig and<br />

iliat ibe jjIejiHU rest <strong>of</strong>t lie rtufunjn wilt yet<br />

«iiU»o Vb)ii(irn io fiirKet the frightful<br />

by<br />

Fair's budy vsm ilie last \<br />

laken out <strong>of</strong> the wret-k, Wlieu the<br />

engine was rubied by hi, -<br />

s jauka, Fiirr's istdy WHS<br />

ttuderly fium - beuenih thy fuuniuuiivy<br />

thai hhd c'iirriyd hlui tu hit Uetitli. Hi,<br />

budy Wi« eriialied UIUIOHI beyond<br />

nh.-ugiiilluij, but it htrauge eiryuujMiaUL'#<br />

his watch was uninjureil, und ticked<br />

uwuy iiat a second beiiliKl ttie regiili*<br />

tlou ruiiruud tinjc, Mulilated parla ol<br />

Itodlea were gathered up fruiu the<br />

dlttihes besifJQ ibe liayk aud IHIJ iu<br />

hwtiiH, and euvervd with ubeeM aud<br />

turu seat eoveiH. AHioug the hod its<br />

rBBuyeftd were two wuuieu, who«e<br />

lieadH were HtcruHbed and elijthinii to<br />

torn t'liuE taey probably will never be<br />

idcntUieU,<br />

Ntuetei n uf JJrlilgtlon*a dead rt ached<br />

tbat dity ytwterday afterumiti at<br />

(t'eliH-k uu a speeiul train. The<br />

were those <strong>of</strong> JUehurd W, ,<br />

aud Mis, Tftjucliard, J, Duy Juhuspu, I<br />

Joseph J'eteiP, Charles 1), liurruiighri,<br />

Fred Oiieuiy *ud his ijUJidreu, Jiisepb<br />

aud Ninas W, U, Loper and wife,<br />

Hallie; Uii»r]eiP, Jl'Ueari K, y. ftiuia,<br />

Janiea N, iiutsmaUj jubu (iriner, gr,,<br />

1'eari ttluta, JoiUua Earueai,- Morrio<br />

PeteiH aiid F,H, JJell aud Mrs, iieli,<br />

uf Bridgetoa, The bfjd y <strong>of</strong> Mighael May<br />

had been put <strong>of</strong>f at PiUutlue, and thai<br />

<strong>of</strong> Frank DUUOIB at Huattd'8.<br />

The body sf, Mrs Jaiacs N. Hateiiiau<br />

haa nut ytt bees ideutilled, uor thcjse Of<br />

Clmrleo ijuay and liia HIII. The others<br />

missing from Urldget -n are ftiisaTillie<br />

liuture. He then *aid thai au<br />

(u detutlN is iif the greatest iiu-<br />

Oidiiiary utieiaiyn l» like<br />

cihjt'etH ihrouj^h is tile^eifpe,<br />

while real atiyiitluu was the luieiu-<br />

Bi'ispie IiiveMtlgHtluii, Hhtiwiiig the repii.<br />

tiiiiiiu gained and work »ix-umi.lihljed<br />

our great biitunlgiH, who<br />

iu tue study <strong>of</strong> a tiny lii<br />

thai d es nut iueliide et'lf wus<br />

ivinioii iu tbiH part, bhow=<br />

Iiitftlie iuiih.rtanee <br />

blued button-honk and Biits lir>rn(J,<br />

A, PerhlDH,<br />

'Squire Farrell pitched for the<br />

choir boyj Ju thla Inntag, The viattoiW<br />

•UUI *ud after gBtliugou ihe feed box | were tUeu deelared thi winners by the<br />

L______ ... ^ j |g l ja; H l ^<br />

will Bpflng upoQ the hone's back ud<br />

sit, there in ointeutment, the aultual<br />

never attempUug to shake or knock pitched tog the choir boys In the Biith<br />

i thi game would hawe'beeB a<br />

one-tUded ftAfr In their favor, ' ,<br />

Colorsd<br />

There will be Hiinday-Bchnol lo=mol--<br />

; at 8.80 p. m- at the Mission.<br />

Preachlpi at 8 p, m, by Hev, Qeurge<br />

H, Washington, [WHtor <strong>of</strong> Si. Dan lei's<br />

M, Et chiireh, Chester, Pa, After<br />

preaching ibe sacrutneut uf the Lord's<br />

Supper will be adliiiiiiHtered. Viiu are.<br />

Invited.<br />

Ban TblM A<br />

The Oeeau <strong>City</strong> Base Ball Club<br />

sfternuitB will piny the Mill Wilt Re<br />

serves, on the bench Lippoalte Sixth<br />

Htfeei. The MillvilJe team arrived ibis<br />

morning, Thi game<br />

promptly at 2,80 o'clock.<br />

will begin<br />

|<br />

Hurvkesj to be held In Stltes Hall<br />


,-T- J S1<br />

fln Unpardonable Liar.<br />

IBB, tv His Anib<strong>of</strong>.l<br />

au^af cauin cJoee to Ci-r. "Fen fiats<br />

. 4Usr" lie faiil, aud took the brash,<br />

She did aot answer by word, bstehe<strong>of</strong>c<br />

ler head wearily, as to Minis* due fw<br />

—^-effi-spreSBJiiK neitigp yerw<strong>of</strong> iiC^^<br />

"Why?" lie"said quietly—nil their<br />

words lind t«cn in low taniB, thai they<br />

might net be hcBrd-^'why. do jm<br />

wear (liat ring rh«)P<br />

ght net be<br />

wear (liat ring, rh«<br />

She looked at her<br />

iftfcHfe<br />

''us, piiase.yeaauatijs;;" «&^<br />

"Go en, tell.ulu ail," he urged, bnt<br />

still held the ujiiiiuttirt) iu hia hasd far<br />

a anctst, is little mow to tell.<br />

art Sl<br />

He<br />

iftcN is little mow to tell. He<br />

played a part. SlJu caino It) know how<br />

coafso asd brutiU he •was, how nttfirjy<br />

"At hut he went: away te Africa—<br />

that was three, yearn ugo, Ward earno<br />

that ho ws drowned <strong>of</strong>f tho coast <strong>of</strong><br />

than the real DUP, which was Bndpnbt-<br />

^^J lield buck bwmnii <strong>of</strong> Mrs, Uetlor's<br />

presence, fttseuHl* he brightest tip<br />

and said, with im sttnnpt to be eonvine-<br />

ing, "Son know that CieBFlion this aft-<br />

enocQ. Hajpr? Well, don't JOT think<br />

io Dould trast had Beta him<br />

hnriaL ¥et people call her a widow—<br />

who weids LO mourning'* (she nnikd<br />

"i » ."- ^i wear it in aiaraoiy cT<br />

SliT^ Q f H VQT ? *«"--£I»I<br />

pointed to the pirt „«-= "mid to «m,md<br />

fii eh0Bhl lirovo ** bs » «&" aim<br />

sodded s<strong>of</strong>tly ta use p!cfttro „„ -• »<br />

no luoiimijip'<br />

an iiutili?—<br />

to bis<br />

„,, meui, Well, don't yen think<br />

we Bight ask the chap wo met this<br />

memlBg—flrst rate follow—as pjeb—<br />

piEtureeqoo for th« bos ieat=go"down<br />

wifh the Indies—all like hini=ehf i!<br />

'Idpii'tioe haw wB eas, " replied<br />

^a.piwiiJBEft_L^B^^iUya 31m J&tlaf inmed to the<br />

n^LM l fP. Ussl ]^^ iecfe i V WB ««» 'all tip? every<br />

give np aiy<br />

toward thorn;<br />

[>H<strong>On</strong>KIt S PATllIOfliiilil VAKlAfi,<br />

Cor, Boardwalk and, Eighiti Street,<br />


F*HUT Afif lCLESi 10tSi h Hlt-LS, ac,,<br />

F. E. CHAMPION,<br />

•Madagascar, bnt'fe yMj^jigfJilnfjngft- jhga^gnoily, Mw.Hei<br />

^adluo vfettjiii woaid not boilers that asntelpioefc **Wo arts<br />

ho 1788 dead nnlesg ibo saw him go or Boat ii eee?np!ed—auletas<br />

mms obiijshp could trust had agea him* Wat to liiai."<br />

idow—<br />

(she nnikd<br />

to liiai,<br />

airs. Dot lev hiilf<br />

, t Jar hnlf tflmed toward thorn<br />

again, l)itciiiiW ncufply. She euDght<br />

Hagiif s^eiu^thpfflirroLjidl t<br />

# <<br />

aha an both dead;<br />

their faeca now,"<br />

"Poor woniflii!" hesdd inn whisper,<br />

Thea he turned to ilnmuivtis and, lifter<br />

' a moment, fllkii in from ineiiiary the<br />

face <strong>of</strong> Mark Ti'iford, she watching him<br />

breathlessly, yet aittijjff wry still.<br />

After soDio mioBtos lie drew back and<br />

looked at it ,<br />

the *s*s and laid: * ! Yes, he wot lite<br />

Wat; enly yen have sdileil what I saw<br />

at another time. Will you hear the t£-<br />

Hi tarned asd inefioiied her to a seati<br />

then gat down opposite to her.<br />

She spoke Bfldly, "Why shonld I tell<br />

yeaf I do not know* ejwept that it'<br />

8#enied to ms you wes 1 -* *<br />

' Tet I hope men like yea<br />

best forgotten; nwd I i<br />

m&t? carp to hear it?"<br />

"I lots to liHtea to yen, 1 '<br />

"That girl wag farherlPSBi<br />

raffs waa so ttan with any<br />

pcfnrd, He aiid t«°t therp ore g<br />

p'lhwr jifoplo wenr fl°* I inve wot<br />

' yern Wi<br />

-_r ! iindlwill UWIIE<br />

„.._„» Tq tho world tlie story<br />

I tell oil this caaras'ebnll be lay own, is<br />

"I like to try uiirt bolievr," glie mid,<br />

that there ore goal men iu tiid worli<br />

her relief, iliat<br />

fiving ap Jjjs<br />

knew rijut sbo<br />

WOOD,<br />


OUEAS<br />


htiil itify ffiimpt. All. tiew<br />

fO<br />

yearn Wim<br />

hi<br />

list<br />

eould net<br />

t<strong>of</strong>orfjet<br />

oh h<br />

for<br />

ffiask,<br />

"I um san-," ho<br />

. _ I think that <strong>of</strong> tneW| one, though sho uiight Jmvu to put it j jwirfinnKv *<br />

songs, jtiiil havo danced away froia her ever sftpt. Women have ; vWri> ' lVfl%e '<br />

ow well wo wittr the j been known to live a lifetiiae <strong>On</strong> iho<br />

<strong>of</strong>HHl" j joy <strong>of</strong> one day, Hir fyis fell agiiia on<br />

_ „„. ,„»'," he said, "iliaf there are j the maufplpiiWi oil H<br />

better diiyw cpiiiiiig for you. <strong>On</strong> my saal j letters. At flrsE her ty<br />

I think it," j the writing oa thp<br />

lib intention"<strong>of</strong> p<br />

urkTlfL Sh A L<br />


J5| Bath Houses,<br />

SSidSSr BoirdwalkandEigBthiirtaL<br />

itl iiilontlvu iiIUndFiiilK iiilil<br />

: •<br />

8, E, (^fuer Riurth and West<br />

Pupi~Mlliriini^Fa&n^<br />

fnm Silim Ccunl; DiiKu,<br />

_.M"<strong>On</strong>leni to fcrve «Ml receive protiipi<br />

S. I!. i'qsvKIfi Hi A,<br />


The First M, B, Church Crowd-<br />

ed at Both Services.<br />

ho is hcrr," BUO siiid. "What<br />

for? I eouii<strong>of</strong> fhiiik tlsore will bo aiiy*<br />

thing but iiiisfrr wJii'u lie crosses my<br />

path?'<br />

4i T!iat (liiOl1 M )iprfjoinrd, flieinstinct<br />

uf tiiinum inituml io au hniniriiblij man<br />

rousrfl in liiif!; "dirt yuuuviir JII'UP innro<br />

tiwu nuu (siili-tsf.jt^* j<br />

yyf loiiif'iiaM^ I hnre thonght<br />

Cleciro<br />

H'hat<br />

do<br />

,,B _„ .».y wtbvuutac eHVGlopO<br />

awhaninaJIy, tln'ii aisaitifuIfecQpjiEiiiH<br />

CiiDie into tberiii sihi*liiidmsin fhat writ-<br />

ing beforpi thilt slow Klifliiig serawl niu ,<br />

Jika unyetheri Bowr-to bfi mistaken. Jt •<br />

tufned hfr Nick, Her iiiijfera ran tip to<br />

ths envejnp", then drrw baek, Slid felt |<br />

for an iuHtiiiil. rJiiir slie njii^t rnke is iiiiil.<br />

Open it as she ninod tlitn* What jiiitl<br />

*'" Wfiti-f <strong>of</strong> thiit; leftpr to do witji<br />


1<br />

and Hlenni Fjtilii^ Tin<br />

B, HeaU'Dt utsd It<br />

^niititiy uttPii.jtH! to.<br />

J | II HiRI'J IS de hOSS<br />

<strong>of</strong> Until<br />

te<br />

t<br />

that otiior was, "-=slit» JUJSUI<br />

***•* pk'tupr—"|m fcait'il JIU juaiu "<br />

"A uiiniirc!" he suiii, "Lcf me<br />

" &*wh <strong>of</strong> it,"<br />

ftes was se aiftn witli any riMht to ( He pdt to wartj SniiiiprliiifHy, After<br />

•tand hef friDfld at rise fliae—to oveagn j *be Em stroiig oiitliiics plio rus^ mtse<br />

hop—thongh, Qsd knows, gije wished i fe him and mia, "¥os know m ttnch<br />

f« no feTDBge-^seept a distniit sanfiia : <strong>of</strong> it uj I (Ie—I lyill net ituy apy<br />

Who had eenio froin Eiigiaurt to sad her j iQiiffcr."<br />

oethef and herself i to aiany her if lie I Ho vmght >iiftirtv tliliijf, HI)<br />


inTRANDED,<br />

The Life Savtaf Crew Do He-<br />

roic Duty to RiJeasinf Her.<br />


bar. Those oil board dldii'Lkasw thiy<br />

were |y sui-h dungeroils watcra<br />

were not nequainttK] wlih^lfie barT<br />

The yacht Hhuiifd have goai to tbo<br />

<strong>of</strong> the sea buoy.biit instead<br />

t<br />

KiiH>Lrligitii,<br />

to<br />

in# belJeTOil (hat bo mil? eared tot her; DIP, I did not<br />

she was young, ami she wta Eony lot \ this might em j,,»-<br />

bjj diB0pp6iiitaiaDt Whnu time tiJingj »'|f Tm paiat ii jiitfiiiii<br />

happeBed"—her eyes were on the pie- gdiij heimr by if, tii.it iit<br />

hue, dij Bed hard~. !! l!S came fnFwardf; siiid. "It tuny uiiikp'.vnii<br />

— *• *-se he Biiiri—to make tha I smiiprt a iitik wisrfiiljy<br />

r fop Jus deceit With his life. } anjliitious, "*-•<br />

brutal <strong>of</strong><br />

what sll<br />

pintare and<br />

h^' she<br />

Me \<br />

I knew ibfit he Jivr rathe<br />

jiiiil t'ijnfjhi Bi(,'hr, iit* iji>r ewii<br />

Ii wjis ili'iidiy puh 1 - if Kuijfjail,r<br />

to wiivor iipfiinsJn-r ftiifl Tn prow<br />

AMI 1- M<br />

do, what a ientheruer would do. He<br />

was an EnRiiahniaii, and m it looked<br />

, still mdro brave ia hiiii. He went to the<br />

ffiaa'a roQBjs and <strong>of</strong>fered hba fl ehanco<br />

tet ill life by a daeL He had fcrought<br />

reTolteri, Ha tarned tas key in the<br />

doer and then laid the pistols ho had<br />

brfloBht on the tgbla Withoat; warning j<br />

the flthor snatched ap a sniall sword i<br />

and stabbed him with It, He ntaiiagetl j<br />

to ^t eae ef the rerqirera, fired, and i<br />

bWnght thi man down, Theaiaawnsi<br />

net killed, hot It waa a Jong tiuio before<br />

he—Mark Teiferd 1 tftwi—wag well<br />

When he get ap, the girl"—-<br />

bilt iiflwi'sfni<br />

in wii BUlijCOt<br />

bat had i<br />

rl-iti<br />

sinipii!<br />

joti end If<br />

fine's Hfi; IJICK:<br />

dfoi!dfni thnii it<br />

ailyoi! hiifl<br />

had ?«i<br />

'*! Jijivefflu,<br />

She sliocik her hrwl, ,'"Nrvfr. an in«<br />

i pplpjiflnii wJf'e!! lintl pr^si'sistfi yrjn n'a<br />

| you utiKlit f(i b*i tn mow ilir iitiblra • * •<br />

well? * • *,rjo_yon rJiiiik 1 have helped<br />

jea at all? I wau'tcd m aineatodo<br />

sernqtiiijifjffrryniu"<br />

To Hagur's mhiil there ennie the re-<br />

BifnibriiUt'i.Mif iho pur,g MPRiiin who, tu<br />

help aa nrtl^e, HN fHjywty stvh'kim lishe<br />

i wnH fiilHitPi], eujjatrrrl oil tiiti<br />

Bp the mrl wag fflat-j ef Ou^mitliii,''t-mue iuto ills<br />

who had perlied hia j, m Lady GWIITJI |JIIHIW1 fhroajfh the [<br />

issiydBes, bat it was / Htrrefs <strong>of</strong> Ciivmitiy, aa htishsd and as i<br />

k " ' j solemn, A Bib riiisik in his throat'—he I<br />

Bere She panged. The sileneo ieeffled j wu« <strong>of</strong> ftiw hat NtrtMiff £*niDtien3| ho j<br />

rttf.dl^iBliilher.thouglit, Mt'nehed trat, tmik her wristi ia<br />

j hands, and * '' *<br />

' reac<br />

'iiiiMif fismhtnys Hum !^st>ntlnl<br />

hi n Nuil-idf liiSMft fur Jli'lllltl iilltl<br />

hiniipvlly Ni'!i.!mllF!i!t»;t<br />

iii>wi.ii riiFiiii visiiiiriiiiiii ,..,...„,.<br />

, rrnihid i-iittiiMi'ii Its gin if. %UV giinl-<br />

li!ry riiniili hiii, IM i||f h nr liny kind<br />

will iiFi'iii iiijiliii'iH iLiiri Nihillnr '<br />

• Ijii'iiKiH, All snHj T>Ni"f!!'t>limilil<br />

iiinniicl win, |j|(. (.t'HiiF. tifpiiri<br />

i'lly M:«vriiiii- ims H sii>'ll«1iii| t'rhi<br />

vliy ilriijiijia 1 tif ovi-f twiiily tivi<br />

•nut<br />

HIM'<br />

7fiH :<br />

iMs<br />

!iS<br />

lit i#.<br />

ii Bi<br />

li is<br />

*7os-<br />

N li<br />

(lu? Ni(h> <strong>of</strong> tJiii ail_t ; iW,~ fi! till'<br />

-, *<br />

IM.-ilri i'iiiiiiiii'i nfi [lit-<br />

Inn UN !|ii:llii..Ht dniln-<br />

a !<br />

•s Ji<br />

A M 1- M AM<br />

l'B» <<br />

10 ftf 4<br />

-_ ._. 11 « < !<br />

ii si!__jm whcifunuiad<br />

that Mime Npiefal iM'!ms s uii WIIH iieie>aryiii Older tn digplay love to Uod,<br />

spoke their niudt-iiiumjim in ihiit their<br />

(.'i.ureasluii w&i Hot their hubii. Let na<br />

sets to It that tiiir hOHri-iives lire iiitiH.<br />

Afler Wateolnf th# Yaent **Sf bllla" (lie<br />

Property <strong>of</strong> Brewer John R Bell, <strong>of</strong><br />

Phlladilphla, the Life Saving Crew<br />

Go to Her Reieuf^Captain Corson<br />

6I?es a Oraphie Aseeuni <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Means Taken for Her Safely,<br />

Although Ihu crew <strong>of</strong> the Life Having<br />

ii did HIH go oil ai-llfeiliiiy until<br />

H WUH btsiuKlj<br />

eatjy lust yveiihig, when tlie<br />

ymht "aybilla,'' iiwaed by Juliii F,<br />

JtelK, tliu weiiitiiy brawtir <strong>of</strong> PJiilujjyU<br />

phia, iMrL'unitt itraiidet] ou the bur<br />

about oitu uiid a.lmlf iujlgfi from shore,<br />

Owjiijf is) the skilful luaiiwiivrliiif <strong>of</strong><br />

the dafiijif life Having grew, the Wtl.<br />

HUH gotitu ulT the bar and she pleaHure<br />

Bcekura were uijiidueiyd to msk<br />

any niaterlai diniingy being<br />

Ihe buk'tidlij eriift,<br />

Ttie erew *if Oefsiii UHy'a Life Saving<br />

IH uiie »f the \nm trained oil Ihu<br />

iiwt, Kvery nieuihyr <strong>of</strong><br />

it cu|)iil)ie -sea dog," mid undi-r-<br />

hJH ijiiHiiie thortiuglily. There<br />

inuli, thy BieiiiberH jieini| Uap-<br />

it is<br />

Hand,<br />

ia<br />

-—= — "»- „„„.. . «.Jit * ton uujj nnif. yen are yenng, aa<br />

He went back. . • yoHngalmostiisIiu j-eare* sittqlj yaaugw<br />

Sfc>. ^tier waiinned, "Bnt ft was! every ether wsiy, for" I bejiaii wilh *—•--<br />

a tftrriblei mistake, , There was a Vain-; edy too emm,"<br />

able properly in Eagiaiid whieh the j At that iubflipnt tlipre cams a lona<br />

eonain knew shd «oBld get by proviug! kaoek us tho outer iJiWiheu<br />

ccrtiiin tljipga, The niarrjage WOJltd 1 «»"—>- > •-- • •<br />

hia a BpwnlatlojL Whou nho waked to<br />

thst^it was aareadfulflwnkcniijg—she<br />

refos<strong>of</strong>i to move ia tho matter.<br />

Rfnsod to move in tho matter, bfJjcr<br />

anything more shaniefBl than ajsaeal<br />

tion Ju flesh aad Woodth h<br />

followed by .„<br />

throuRh ,tJie iviudow—"I soy, HagarT<br />

are yoa Jhi'rrf Ffhsll I eenje in <strong>of</strong> wait<br />

oa the mafe till the BJavoy nrriveH, • # •<br />

—„—«.« »"«te BnanieiBi tiian apeenla.; Oh, hire stio i&*^u]iiaint Tal<strong>of</strong>a!<br />

Man la flesh aad h|sjd»-the heart anfl j Alahs!«w]ik<br />

is furMnli Aii-.jr (|MiL|pi|iH.<br />

!>i-nt LiMhlN iii Jinj" [Miri (if !hyi>tii',<br />

nnci M'fHniTiti'i- iiiiwjiufi> PiiiiNfui-<br />

• ion, TliL 1 jlK>U!)iii'Hi't>|ii lijjjiis will<br />

iip run nil lUjfiii, • • -<br />

, BfiOABgf, STATION<br />

Hnd th H "'<br />

, 4 ,ffl.ils, ji£i * nt.iiMJfl, 1,1s<br />

4,Jl (?• f'i OqntrfNttiiMi IJm!I#d, PininKlirJ,<br />

i^rsitifiit. .<br />

1VH ATiASfTli: iff 1^.<br />

»BV* llFfiirf Mir^f Sfnrion, fitilaiiflphin iti*<br />

a ,1-1 •••!•• -.I 1 * p. m., wppfc^sj, Hiiu<br />

f lly, f -iO H, |y,, wgfk^sfn 10,03 4, m, and<br />

'ftW, 5.HIII<br />

}>, 1.S0, *.«. 3.0, i,Vl, 4M aD8d 6<br />

af B s or i.<br />

6oi Asbiiry Avenue,<br />

PLAKTi iplli Bi.iuid Wtgft AvetiitK<br />

p<br />

iih<br />

the real life, Ju ihut truth<br />

in charity, Sin ft* our kufiwkdgf nf the<br />

tiuiit UH 1H iinpcrfeui knowledge<br />

<strong>of</strong> thiwe hearlN euu=<br />

not putjHitjIy be exuei. We dl»|ilay uur<br />

uwuthyart life iu wtihunting the heart-<br />

life <strong>of</strong> oiberw, JCiUermiii laid, "Tiie<br />

jfiJoii u inaii Heea iunipured iu tbe evil Is<br />

us liis o«ii good efiiiipared to LIB<br />

evil,' 1 That iiiitflil aliuiigt IHS aura<br />

tii a law if we make it mc^ii habtiiial<br />

Hlght, If a iiittii Is iii) adept jn ttie d|«-<br />

4overy <strong>of</strong> evil In hjH ftlloWH, tils very<br />

protluieiii'y ut least piivverfiiUy Hiigg^Nts<br />

' iiju great liiiiTiiul fiiruiiiarity with uml\<br />

tvJI, Alid if UiuUuik <strong>of</strong> H mau'a iiiural<br />

HubHtaiiee iHguud, it his life Is hiipreg.<br />

iiuUly HetUed in Hiueeriiy <strong>of</strong> purj ow<br />

and iiiHile heauiiful. with love, iheii<br />

tliftrity will lead the ftiroeN <strong>of</strong> IIIB mill<br />

wheiiyver he sets iiiit to luveHligale<br />

iither lives, •<br />

. And iu tills truth <strong>of</strong> diy heart-liry IH<br />

Um& plea fur npirittiujity. ' Not a"rt-<br />

• iiiijiififiidBtiiiu <strong>of</strong> HU iiiijiracUt-'iible llfv;<br />

liot a witiidrawa] from the praelR'Hl<br />

edneeriiH <strong>of</strong> life, and eiiiraney hitu a<br />

dream life, whiyh.H;H.'iida it«t>lr Iu gm=<br />

: hig wiHtlully aud huiiefui Into a dm-<br />

taut future. The day for man piety |»<br />

guile by, To iiiipriBou uiitseif within<br />

given walls, and ilieie ehahi the life<br />

diiwii Io wearisome vigil? aud (levo-<br />

tSiioal iibservuTM'eii eaii iio lunger lie tic<br />

i-epted nu a type iif the l<strong>of</strong>tii*i religion,<br />

Nor does a spiritual lift; meal) thill<br />

whk-b Jlnda ith soif exjirefeBliin in the<br />

isiabtlshed exereiaefl uf qhurab urdur,<br />

wlildi iiHS hyiuiis aud ps*[iii8 aud<br />

, puhits prayers and HpeseheH for iUe<br />

thief prutifBiif IU existem'ft. But<br />

Jife which abids III truth=trutb In t<br />

lu ward purtH—ir«th wbleh iuakeg.lt<br />

JBJpossible that ouegijuuia siiHpeot that<br />

tlie outward, vi»itjlti life U a deeelyiug<br />

mask weariug the Heniblaiieg <strong>of</strong> trutli,<br />

but really covering up tho lie <strong>of</strong> the<br />

hiart. The iile which is pittlent aud<br />

,iiiiJa.§u0Briagaiid forilving; thf pyre,<br />

true, sacrificing (JhriHt-JLfe. Buch ft<br />

Jile Jj the svideuee that the taberoacle<br />

<strong>of</strong> Uod IB with.mtiif the suincieut<br />

aDswBr.to the demand fur. theBUper-<br />

Baturai.wblcb ii In the human heart,<br />

v. Mtt«Mullei!<br />

fnini the iesti "Who in He,<br />

Lord, thai I might betievi> un Hlnj?"—<br />

SI. Juan iK'Mt The auujeel Was:<br />

"Bearch fur JIHUH," Tho sernnin was Jt<br />

iiiiRt escellent nut aud IJIuairuied the<br />

U>ni|M.T iu wliltli uiieNliouid^fareh aud<br />

the vlNluii (uat ijtiinea to thy true Heeker,<br />

nnii, J, M, Uorriim, Melvlu<br />

TpiV!iNi.nd (.iiidfiey, Pliliijj H,<br />

SVilljtiiii iiarretNiiii, Jiijuch<br />

mid iiuifiirdJeifrles.<br />

ItwiLSi Hliiiriiy after 0 o'einek when<br />

tbeemw, whiJiiiitl byeu wuiehliijr the<br />

yuflii fiirsoine time, uotieed that Bhe<br />

was geitiiin iieurer aiiij nearer inm<br />

ttungeniiirt waioiH, A JJIHNH WIIH lirijught<br />

liiti! use and a raiige ke|jt iifjitu the<br />

vtHst-l uiilii ii Biruek [lie bar, Tiirmigh<br />

i he gl a*s a muni ber <strong>of</strong> t he e po w wa ielied<br />

I he exdteniL-ii t ijf thtiHe im tiimrd aiiil<br />

HAW the wheel slop, Nu HiRiial<br />

iiiaile for aHsigtaiiije, but llie ufew<br />

knew tliyre WHN triitible iihead fer the<br />

yai'lit, iiini at nitea got into readhiertH<br />

fiir Herviee,<br />

The large boat was immediately run<br />

the hiirf, itefiiru it<br />

y. n<br />

<strong>of</strong> lhat it kept eastward <strong>of</strong> tile biiny by<br />

m yards, Wy knew she must strike<br />

as sho was Jtist outaido the north bar.<br />

When we mw her wheel Hlop we knew<br />

she had Htryyk and lost no tliiie ill<br />

reauhlug her, although un dlitraa<br />

sigiiiij WBN displayed, Wliere she<br />

stranded in a very doBj^roua place and<br />

more tliau olie vms«l hiiagunL- to<br />

there,<br />

"Whey we reaebetl tlie vetml I seut<br />

Eiiocli Uloutliig abimrd tu pilot her.<br />

Those en board the yaelit were yeiy<br />

tiinnkfiil for oiir pre^eiice. The vetwel'H<br />

fiWii praw were trying tn get ber <strong>of</strong>l by<br />

runnhig ber baekwurd aiid forward,<br />

and if ihisy had cmitlimed tbia mueu<br />

lunger sue would have Income deeply<br />

tjiBbedtled In the bar aiid tligii there<br />

woiiid bave heeii troublu, VWtii one uf<br />

our crew as pllut, the r«-.l<strong>of</strong> us eurrled<br />

a liawser abuut foriy.Hve faliiniiis inii<br />

Olid dnjpped tbe aneuor into the sea.<br />

This uaiiaed tht Bterii <strong>of</strong> tlie yacht to<br />

veer aruuiid iinU then we succeeded in<br />

steering llie boat luir> a slough, At<br />

tlniu8 tbere were oniy live feet <strong>of</strong> water,<br />

at other tlines geveii feet. MbetbuiB|ted<br />

over tile Mumps' aud the crew aboard uf<br />

her bad great dlllleiilty in keeping on<br />

their ftei,<br />

"Fiualiy we gift into deep water, and<br />

a more ibuiikful iitirty 1 never sa.w.<br />

There were eigbt <strong>of</strong> the erew and tbrea<br />

pHfi-uugerrt. We foijuwed the yacht<br />

until she was a wafe distam;e from thw<br />

/J'he Itev, Kleiiiing JameB, D, I),, nf<br />

Ptiliutlelphia, cfjudueted the Epbuujial<br />

servjees in Siites Hall, In Hie, morn-<br />

ing hetonk tor bjiMstiiyeet, "TileTwo<br />

HldeH <strong>of</strong> the Law—I ho Sittvu'H Side<br />

-»As inuny na are 1st] Uy (be Npirit 'at<br />

Utt.-y are iiie mm at Uod; fur j<br />

ine igmt qi oondnjtu<br />

fenrt jjytyeisiivu r^L-ived<br />

Lluu wliereliy wo vry Aiiim,<br />

Vilhll, IA, - .<br />

Two kinds <strong>of</strong> ClifiHtian-* are serving<br />

higUudaud HIH Juiv—ljuiiclHiiieu and<br />

sons. Uotli nerve the HUIUS law; but with<br />

a vaijt dlifereueein Nplrlt, Flrat, we liave<br />

who serve Ju ths spirit <strong>of</strong><br />

fear, Thtre Is the law, very<br />

slaves— to<br />

Htrk'i, very righlepiiH; keep Itperfeyiiy,<br />

aud yiiii will live; fail to keep It so,<br />

and you will die. The peualty <strong>of</strong><br />

death IH ever before your eyes; God is<br />

"a hafd master, ft as ihe tuau sf tme<br />

talent said; religion is doing lank<br />

work. Met out <strong>of</strong>: doing all you eaii,<br />

asid do ihe mi IH the fear <strong>of</strong> hell.<br />

There is no inspiration jn tliia Hfiirlt<br />

nt fear, It euaugeii gsteroai eoaduet;<br />

but it does iiiit touch the heart; it<br />

does jiut get the bcHtout<strong>of</strong>us; J|<br />

not awakyn our nohie nature; It<br />

not elevate ehaniuter; It jiint makea ua<br />

Blavea. ,<br />

But the other elan eervg Uod its SOBS.<br />

to ir,<br />

iiowever, hun Jreds <strong>of</strong> people wiiu were<br />

alieiidiiig llie fturf iiieotiug had ob-<br />

served the prediciiiiieiit <strong>of</strong> the veNse!<br />

and Iiaaieiied tu tue beaeh opposite the<br />

Life Saving gtatloti; These numbers<br />

were swelled and the gallant orew were<br />

vigorously applauded ua they started<br />

to the rescue. Many, yf ihfSHe present<br />

Hftil gtosea and through ilitSL* the grew<br />

was watebyd Lintl) it reaehed the side<br />

<strong>of</strong> the yaetit. The bystander* were kept<br />

iuftmueii <strong>of</strong> ibeir uHioiiH; also tua<br />

manner in wl'iluh tliey were working<br />

until diirkneHSHet in and »Iweured the<br />

view. '<br />

Aluiig tile beach the crowd lingered,<br />

awallliig ihe retum <strong>of</strong> the life eavent.<br />

They euiild see, in the far distance, two<br />

lights, whieh gniudaily grew more<br />

mid then all telt tl,at the yaeht<br />

Ahulf hour afterwurd the<br />

dim light in the Ufe bunt was discerned<br />

audii rouslug ulieer greeieil It, The<br />

crowd puHhid forward iiutjl many <strong>of</strong><br />

theai sioud uukle deep iu the wutef,<br />

nearer.<br />

bar, Tho*B iu charge <strong>of</strong> her<br />

to return tu AtlaiiUiJ <strong>City</strong> tor the iiight,<br />

itt*M)K UH Httiuii time ty yet baek to 1 lie<br />

beacii, Jt WUH duik, u\t we full owed<br />

llie ehutiuet all the way aruiiud by the<br />

HuiUb bar, upjiuHite ihe JJrlghtuii, iiiici<br />

then got Jiilu the slough, wbleh<br />

brouglii us but-k' to the plaes from<br />

whieii we started. We wers lucky to<br />

gtit the vessel oil m mmu as we tlidi"<br />

Yesterday, sliurtly after Ihe iiiion<br />

hour, » ihree-iUBBted fiehuouer was<br />

miilued to .lie iiugging ojasj tit shore,<br />

A number »f persoua waiyhed the vs><br />

nel, but clidii't kiiiiw the Hag Hying<br />

ffuiii her fiiieUijiiiin^t was the Highul<br />

for a pilot, Absiut y it'ehiek, howtivtsr,<br />

n,i Hamuel &'uU dud Juhu T.<br />

n,wvd oui (u the vtmwi uml<br />

remained fur two hours abiiiird uf her:<br />

Wlieu ihpy rame bauk tliey said the<br />

WUH the J, U, MeEauglituii,<br />

Thtintas GurwcRKj, aud that<br />

she was Jadeii with lumber for.S,<br />

Diunioud and Atiderwiij BuUfgeuiH,<br />

Owing to the reeeilhig tide Uie<br />

lain <strong>of</strong> ihe veHsel was advked to rt-<br />

uiaiu uut at sea until high tide thm<br />

afteniiHiii, when Captaiu Hvull w||{<br />

pilot him Into the hay,<br />

UOQRU '"<br />

Sir, Howard lieebe, <strong>of</strong> Miilville, it,<br />

Bfepphig at the Ociuii <strong>City</strong> Houtte for<br />

a fej¥ dnya.<br />

<strong>City</strong>'s Favorite Ball players De-<br />

feated In a Seres Inning Game.<br />

Aa the result <strong>of</strong> a seven Inning game<br />

<strong>of</strong> ba*e ball jjliiytd oti BBturday after.<br />

iiooH between the Ottun Cliy team and<br />

tho MillvMs Hemn'ea the homa team<br />

was defeated by a Hioro <strong>of</strong> 2 to 1, It<br />

sa** by mere aegident that the <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong> ellib waa iitit Hbut out, Thi* hPBie<br />

team can play fjetlef ball than the eju<br />

hihitlnii given Saturday, and should<br />

huyewiiu the gaine. Kn doubt they<br />

would had they played nine iiiuingH,<br />

Html Knlato J>ealer Button, who um-<br />

pired the gams, favored the Mllivllie<br />

club,,<br />

Although the game was sailed fur<br />

AM (iVIouk, It was fully a half hour<br />

laier hefure L'aptalB Spends was rtady<br />

tit (ifiH-vud, The delay wai caused by<br />

Hie tariiiiigsN <strong>of</strong> First JJaHemaa Mills,<br />

Tho gtiiiie WUH a fairly wall contested<br />

tine, Hie Miilville baiys liittudueing A<br />

taw tneks that espajied tlie uotiee <strong>of</strong><br />

(lie ihiipifu,<br />

TI lyre was present a large audieuee<br />

in wlinesw the gam#. The West Uutfl=<br />

tut uholr was uu haud early aud<br />

"riHiteti" for the ailliville Rfeervea,<br />

I'lieisu were the players <strong>of</strong> tb§ visitliig<br />

liHim: .<br />

CJ. Adanis, Hb.; Biggs, "b,; Pfelfltr,<br />

s,s,; Parker, e,; j, Adama, Jb,; Grift<br />

liiii, l.f.i Kormine, e.f.; BumboU, r,^;<br />

Hi)tier, p,<br />

Tlie iitiiiiy teaui's inake-iip WLTU;<br />

,; Uoulsou, p.; MHln, Ib,;<br />

HeFetrlage, Hb,^Hurley,:<br />

l»f,: Morey.e.f.; j<br />

r,f, . . - -<br />

iii<br />

Tholifutiiwtdrew uearef and<br />

They keep beiore tuelr feyeg tlie cross<br />

ou wbjph the tovlug Father oilered up<br />

Misiila for their skke. They love<br />

God, and tbli Jove is the luspiraUon <strong>of</strong><br />

the|r llvesi ita diving power teaahes<br />

P very thing Oud | Iks la them; draws out<br />

their eager aud devoted service; en-<br />

their character; renews in them<br />

the llkeufM <strong>of</strong> God, aud makes them<br />

the sons <strong>of</strong> Qod to ..the core <strong>of</strong> Uioh?<br />

uutlllt reMied the breauen at ihe<br />

satne plaee whsre it entered the surf.<br />

Willing iiandw aadisted lu pulling it<br />

mhamaM three more hi arty cheers<br />

were giyeu the erew,<br />

;WbiIe thelifBeuoat was being loaded<br />

Ujiou tbewaguB yli Boria<strong>of</strong> questloiis<br />

were plied to ihts JBeaibgra <strong>of</strong> the grew<br />

by the throng <strong>of</strong> pyople,. They were<br />

infurmfd uf the uanio and owner <strong>of</strong> iho<br />

l nhn hud imparted to theai the<br />

l that the vassyl had been<br />

gotten oil tlie bar and tiiken iuto deep<br />

watsr, TJiecrowtb! theu ihinued out,<br />

hilt a surlluieut iiumber remiiined to<br />

iw.il«t In pulllBg the boat to iheitaUan,<br />

The taw <strong>of</strong> God is no longer a legal<br />

(Continued on Second<br />

Captalu (JOI-HOU BUbssquyutly ex*<br />

|ilalued to a repErB?ntutive <strong>of</strong> the HE.<br />

I'UHTKK thatcireumatnuuea connected<br />

with the BtraiHiing <strong>of</strong> the yaelit. Me<br />

«ttld the bunUsouae craft had been to<br />

Atlaiitic <strong>City</strong> aud left there abuut 4,80<br />

o'cich-k ja tbe afterfliwu with the Inteo.<br />

tltuiftf luiinlugtoa 4iurbor iu L,qng«<br />

port for the ulgbt. It was to proceed<br />

to Pbliadfilphia this meraing,<br />

'* We were wfltohlng the yaeht for<br />

fully an hour'' continued UapUtln Cor-<br />

§on, *' tipeetlai it to land upoa tbe<br />

Mrs, Bailie fiiclHirdwrnand sini pyi,].<br />

<strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, are guailH itf'ex*Ufiuu-<br />

eiJititin Liuii, <strong>of</strong> Uenlral avenue, They !<br />

will reniaiu far ten days.<br />

The benellt for the trustees <strong>of</strong> the<br />

M, K, ehiirgh .takes place at tlie Pa lute<br />

<strong>of</strong> AiiiuseBiejit Wedne»day<br />

when one-lislf ihe entire proceeds<br />

to that body,<br />

John O, Muiiigijniery and wife, MJHH<br />

Pan iile Savage, liiehard Savage, Jr.,<br />

Obaries Savage, Walter*Savage aud<br />

wife, <strong>of</strong> Pbiladejpbia, arrived In town<br />

yeHterday and will remain a week,<br />

Klehard feitg, es-reeeiver <strong>of</strong> taxs,<br />

<strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, was an <strong>Ocean</strong> Ujiy<br />

Visitor yesterday, He in a deputy elerk<br />

<strong>of</strong> the. QuHrtcr gessiou!*, aud aha a<br />

raember nf the Piiblk- Hnildlugs Coni=<br />

battery was fair, although<br />

ibeir regular catcher was not here,<br />

Ptirker, hii we ver, allowed few balls in<br />

wcaiM? bis eluiehes, Jtutter, thepiteher,<br />

was in giHid form, and his outward<br />

curve pulled the hfime itaai. The<br />

visitors wtut to tlje but llrst, and suc-<br />

ceeded in HLMjrlngtk run by Ucjolbaugh<br />

fitilliig tii stop a grounder.<br />

The Itiiiup leani failed to saure iu<br />

their lirftl hi!iihg,Ml»o the second, third,<br />

uml iifih, They toads hits<br />

bul were uiiforiuiiate In hav=<br />

left till hit**?* when ihe third<br />

jiiit mil,<br />

third and fourth Ju-<br />

aliig Miilville failed to guare again, A<br />

noticeable feature <strong>of</strong> ilieir playing was<br />

tiiiit tliuy never lilt the bid! until after<br />

two men were out in each Inning,<br />

Whey Oeean CJjtyejuse to bat in the<br />

fourth inning, Piichef Rutter chagged<br />

hu tauticH ant] began throwing pu^<br />

ziiiig outward eurves. The home team<br />

made no ruu^ ibis insiug.<br />

During the fifth iuuliig th§ vlHitorH<br />

ttiiotiier run, but if the umpire<br />

hud given closer altentlon to hia busj.<br />

ness it wouidu't have been scored. It<br />

WBB Pitcher Ituiter whoiiinde the run,<br />

A yeautifui grniiBder WASStut Io Bur-<br />

iey,butbe fclied io stop It, Butter,<br />

who was on geeoud base, took advau.<br />

tags <strong>of</strong> this error and baafeued huiue-<br />

wiird. He was go nuxioiis to reach the<br />

plaie that he paid no attention ti!<br />

touching| third huBe, but took'a short<br />

eu t. tat borne, Thi' «' nieters" ehtered<br />

liutk>r after he reached the Lome plate,<br />

Otean Cily's teani wai retired, HB<br />

umiui, wltlioiit any ruus in the iifih iii-<br />

uiug, In the flisiti Miilville aim failed<br />

luean thief robbed Life tiuonl<br />

agaiu on, Saturday eveulug,<br />

While the boardwalk was crowded<br />

the two contrlbu.<br />

to Bcore, Hurley, <strong>of</strong> the home teana, hi<br />

this iiiniugj niiifFed an eiiHy fly ball<br />

while twii ttieu wera nil baffia. The<br />

Uoiue team, lu (heir half <strong>of</strong> the sixth<br />

iuiiiiig, were lueky enough to make<br />

a run. Mills was the player whu<br />

made it, •'.'..<br />

Neither side mode a. run In the<br />

seventh mid \OHI liiiilug, HO the game<br />

was awarded tu the visitors, The latter<br />

will play another game with ths home<br />

team next week.<br />

tloo<br />

to Lire.<br />

i80U Haiah!e«f Biormt, Euvoys .<br />

were broken open and all <strong>of</strong> EellpBe and other Ulgli.graUe wheeli (v '<br />

toe money luken from them,<br />

Thg «Ixth birthday nf (Jlayioa F,<br />

MiKire, the eldest <strong>of</strong> J, Hainptoii<br />

Moore'i five luteregilug buys, wns cele-<br />

brated at the iatfer's Wcwley aveuue<br />

cottage ou Saturday, Iu the eveulug<br />

Clayton and I be rest <strong>of</strong> the iatqJly ad-<br />

journed to tlie hiaiih and set pfl a lot <strong>of</strong><br />

fire works. ,<br />

Dr, M, R, MuDowell, Jr., pfacUcal<br />

cHkulbt and optlQiBb <strong>of</strong> Atlantic <strong>City</strong><br />

will be in thla eWy mvsty Wsdue^ay at<br />

hi? <strong>of</strong>fice, 809 Asbury avenue, from 2,30<br />

tpfl p, m. AJ1 kindi <strong>of</strong> prescription<br />

work & upeehiUy, - 7<br />

rent at Gilbert &, iJakl's, MS Aebury<br />

avenue. Terms, gft cents per honr,<br />

Sl.OO per. day, fS,00 per w§ek,<br />

mt month. <strong>On</strong>ly repajf ihop in<br />

Ulty. Enamelling, ulekii wort,<br />

Ing and vulcanizing a speclilty.<br />

iMIiair:<br />

.,. HO tv Philadelphia and pw ft<br />

hfgU prii»foraueilonbouse trasb that<br />

is uut MUaranie^, but get a liigb^nd*<br />

Itombier Bemingtou, Bpsidlng, Vletiir,<br />

Eelipee, Envoy <strong>of</strong> Sionnef bioyde, at<br />

Gilbert * Irfie'a, Cash qr essy pay-<br />

1<br />

f for oasli, an Hot 9-<br />

*nU' W.thfioJS,<br />

. •- . : ' i " /•-_•. ." " ; - - T !' ~ .:•

•m<br />

JSf<br />

m<br />

m<br />

i<br />

'I-<br />


PUlfclSJiBB DAILY BV<br />


Editer »n(l proprietor,<br />

ubasrlption, : , BOo. Per Season.<br />

slight by mortal atii. By sin we turn<br />

agtJiist the God from whom they came<br />

I—nur reasiiu, will, uauMleaee, tiurf=<br />

aud tuui render QunelveN beneath the<br />

CJod'sgift—"He glvei.lt to all men lib<br />

erolly, aud uperaldt>tli not,"<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Cards.<br />


level <strong>of</strong> the bmtw, who never trans- lUife was a large Jorge gathering gatbyrlng at tiie the<br />

gress „ any „ law „„ <strong>of</strong> tlieu" their Creator. Tn In sa<br />

BUff meeting when tiie services wore<br />

wenj, ereatf d as we are for Qod'a glory gn by lf, ».w.<br />

b ai iM the WB reat T-TM. 5-ajt. i>ai i(i 1<br />

' left and weuded<br />

"A-lat^T<br />

TTS'<br />

,—=«„ returned, however, and<br />

listened to the excellent addresses do- Oentral<br />

livered by Bishop Cyrus A FOSH, (lie<br />

llev, JJr» Wliliana S])sui«f and the Rev<br />

eiTY,=N, J<br />

WajlgBa MieiJuiien, Dt._ Bpeiimr U l*l!ft!jii!, !i!^!ioiirsl ' loilii. I!!>J I tu>tt Hfvuiitii Ht, aiid Wvrivy Ave,<br />

OCEAN CITY, N. J,<br />

the blood-stained cfus*. iivjng<br />

1000 yeare after the mn <strong>of</strong> the first<br />

Uhr(alii«f( morn lug shed its bright<br />

rays upon the world, we do not aufljcieiitly<br />

reailz* BOW abaudened sur Houla<br />

would b@t haw ttoma would become<br />

< the Bpriugs <strong>of</strong> love in our heartt, i<br />

empty and lonesome the grandest<br />

thf>dmlii would Mem, huw cold iitd<br />

for<br />

__.^H«., his object in<br />

life WBH fulfil tn nature and nature'*<br />

Oud, Faith »ws the Inviwllile Goij, the<br />

exhaugtletsg fountain. An old saint hi<br />

----- — —•• on tfidiij<br />

uaveynur iiiiral qiitfiiuhtd iit hiiii-<br />

.,>« iiitii, TlTfllJi' .ilfMli'FlllP.<br />

ti; \l. H, N|j[lliiti!i]uii I u»NJi!i!-i>,<br />

i'iihi,.<br />

Cef, 8th St, and Wesley Ave,,<br />

OCKAS t-ii'irv, s, j.<br />

J R, JOSEJi,<br />


HBHTH STHiiTand<br />

wMfoijiidrCHditig<br />

TiilM IiuriKO i«df!itrliirnlly Ifii'jtti-ii nil »<br />

..,..-.,.6 ...n-i-isi[u> given to hiiw.<br />

The several topics discuBse4 were:<br />

by mortal sin, Hui holinaia is Boblhae<br />

Flritj. The "wMam'<br />

wheii nothing but the d«th <strong>of</strong> Christ<br />

c»nl4 beml the wpund given li; atifl, It<br />

la Ibis luUrieM we <strong>of</strong>fend,' The love <strong>of</strong><br />

God b great when for us Be weriflced<br />

Hkonly Son; but II ii that Jove we<br />

f Netiea! Carpenter and guilder<br />

1828 Ithiri Aiinui, fjMils oitj.K.j,<br />

tftujt or day.<br />

conf<br />

(JUJ, :<br />

Promptly Attended to,<br />

^ aeorr<br />

, HAHK<br />

Rill Eiliie, M<strong>of</strong>tgigei ind fniursnte,<br />

815 Afibtirj* Avenue,<br />

v§i'!inf6r wniHMi<br />


CAPE M*( COUBT HOUSC, «, J,<br />

VEI<br />

and Ferm ftsperiy. <strong>of</strong> nt Cflkes iitld !'!«!, Ws wily Ii«e iUe test SETTINe, BRISK WV<br />

i<br />

INS, Ere. .<br />

''HAS K BriKKK, i*roji, All work in MAWJM LINK prninjiHy «(,<br />

<strong>of</strong> the text, ^eoud,<br />

The universal need <strong>of</strong> "the wig.<br />

sco.,<br />

dom Iflat Is froBiabdve"—iiiiiJ, Third,<br />

The method <strong>of</strong> obtaining iW'Let him<br />


«k <strong>of</strong> Go&,» Fflurtb, The esrfsisiy CoiMtg sad Ifeteia lOBplipd with pur*,<br />

. ARSHITEefs,<br />

that It wlU be bestowed,"and It Bhali be<br />


given him," Fifth, The fuUn<br />


<strong>of</strong><br />

No, 6® Asbury Avenue, V<br />

. *<br />

i<br />

A" programme<br />

int v<br />

Tl<br />

FOR THE<br />

SUMMER OP <strong>1896</strong><br />

AT THE<br />

OCEAN Ns j,<br />

siin<br />

th* t ivfb fb T u j a "<br />

L<br />

ry *flr%,i ! ' ID '' M f K *' T = Samuel L,<br />

Of<br />

anil in<br />

«i.Ur*<br />

- snd will<br />

r%s;zftiE<br />

Jlf-H-Pinnh hy<br />

, L-llUFLll.<br />

i<br />

piii<br />

(S,<br />

iBfy gutianl ef M<br />

clemill inftllons bj> ,,<br />

li.Hii AmtOfiiiiifin,<br />

Jtov, Efc 31i.fi I*'<br />

J<br />

July<br />

by the<br />

si ¥,<br />

i* Ap.seiiit.iy .fiilj- ai. Bin.<br />

ur nnsilPii, s. J<br />

^iij j LLVmvenlfuii, V f Aiien«t B to<br />

If J, KHIpy, .jf WMUiBsi!,S:<br />

!llL * N *** ieF ** Ute<br />

s ' |1 ' it .<br />

- | ! V l L | | iU'i<br />

I<br />

FRESH and NAI.T MF4TNI<br />

H, 7=10 Aitiiiiry Aveiiut', i<br />

^ jn>K)i fmut Uie fiimi. Ail!<br />


A nil! jliiP fit Cjiiii.u<br />

ioeGreamPariors.<br />

Tii.t s,<br />

X,. 1 ,!<br />


Heveutb gt, and Asbury Aye.<br />

Ikmriiwutk, Iblrd duir bul, 8tb Ht,<br />

Ise CreHiiii Water ices, Frozen<br />

B, S<strong>of</strong>t Drinks, Etc,<br />

AH Our FiiTOri An Midi From Fresh Frails.<br />

Ice Cream Parlors,<br />

t'fit t.iiillua iiiiii fieiitliintiii,<br />

NO, 714 ASBURY AVENUE,<br />

OSCAN eiTr, N, J, =<br />

Meals Served from 6 a. m, to 8 p. m,<br />

Oj-HttTH (liiil l^isi! a Nppfhiity, Hu<br />

iHhM' rFlraM pnrpijNpiihdhijf willi<br />

1'ifru nrliijiiiin wifli wnti-r<br />

v<br />

,,, BUM iem CREAM .<br />

Its nl HiB bi-Mt QMillty, Wjih



tnnrt<br />

atoamf Hear ot<br />

.,-- «,-Er le Barrow Trait<br />

tjl#=-8w*st«til<strong>of</strong>f the Cop—The Slatting<br />

Oat sf a l\fa—B*f*mnm*riU tlft«!.<br />

WiSBEfaTOS, A<strong>of</strong>. S,=UP, TSI<br />

sage's subject today light* up the<br />

tows <strong>of</strong> this life and tcasd* the<br />

goodefce^fsf^Il-wio-<br />

it ffliteslwai Lake siT.<br />

with m, far it !i toward<br />

Tw6vil|^h<br />

•onr sou!, in .all tfla infernal<br />

_ _«,—..-as <strong>of</strong> Satou, in all the surging<br />

up <strong>of</strong> ruuiiiltnons paMvna and excite-<br />

tueaU. You fdt with awful emphasis<br />

thnt it WM toward ovcniop, In (be<br />

tempted hour you need to ask JBNBJ to<br />

abide ft-ith you, Vou caa boat book the<br />

BJOaater that wooid devour yon. You<br />

eon uujjorso Jbe sin'that would lisle you<br />

down. You crui ghtirpfiii tlio battles*<br />

Vith wiiieh yon/split tiie head ef hel.<br />

Bioted nbwninntiou. Who helped Paul<br />

{•bake tho brazen gated heart <strong>of</strong> Felix?<br />

Who acted like a good sailor whqa nil<br />

the drew howled in tlio " "<br />

' !pw*@ekf—Who helped<br />

firm when<br />

, «. -Muoaicn, aavo started out<br />

a! the city gate and ore on their way to<br />

Emmaiw, the piaca <strong>of</strong> tlioij* Kfliiienee.<br />

They go with s sad heart, Jem* who<br />

had town tjieir admiration and their<br />

joy, bad bpeu basely massacred and pn«<br />

tombed, Afl, with gad face and taken<br />

they pass en their way a (trwigfir<br />

i toem, Tney tell him their ans«<br />

ttprnessef BOBI, He in (urn<br />

to them, mightily gxpoandiag the<br />

_«.,Ttufeg, Jle throws ever them the<br />

fascination ef-intelligent qonrenation.<br />

They forgot the Bine and notice net tie<br />

objects they pas% and before they are<br />

awnro haw eoiiio up in front <strong>of</strong> their<br />

lionse. They pauso before the eiitfnaee<br />

and attempt to personde the stronger to<br />

fany with fhnin, fhoy prwa upon him<br />

their hospitalities, Night is eeiiau|r on,<br />

and us May meet ft prowling wild beast<br />

or bi obliged to liGanHlielteredfrdnt tho<br />

dew. Ha cannot go nineh farther new,<br />

Why not step tliers and csatiiiue their<br />

pleasant cguveMation? They toko him<br />

by the ami, slid they insist upou his<br />

coining in, adflrcssiag him in the words,<br />

"Abide wiih us, far i% is toward even<br />

Of recantation<br />

swoop and the> enrbeJyapn cross too sea.<br />

Lot the thunders tout, Seta all will be<br />

velj, Ohrfrt iu the ship to soothe his<br />

friendft^ Christ on the sea to Stop its tu»<br />

mult, Christ in tho grave to scatter tbo<br />

darkneM. Christ in the heavenj to lead<br />

Uie way, Bivm*d nil finrli. HIH nrnia<br />

will iuelost) tlis'in, his grace- eoinferS<br />

tlieln, his light ehwr tJierji, lite sacriflee<br />

froe thBqi, liJn iflory eiiehnnt thein, If<br />

earthly estate hikes wiup, he will fa<br />

ajB incomiptiblo treasure, If friends die,<br />

is will be their regBMTctien, Staiidiflg<br />

witli as ia tho morning <strong>of</strong> our joy and<br />

...- .in" the neoudny <strong>of</strong> our proNrJerity, ho<br />

sa j will not ferriaky us when the luster has<br />

Lima in Paul<br />

Cor, Don rd walk uiid Eighth Street,<br />


FANCY ARTICL1&, 1 m%, SHELLS, &£, j<br />

P. E. CHAMPION,<br />

IX—<br />

EIIIHtSEHR'*.<br />

••»•!! or<br />

Hirililli. ILL ijlf(<br />

WOOD, ,'<br />


lluardwaik QIH! Kiatli Street<br />

ocms v, N, j,<br />

H* «ut ma kindling flrtf<br />

Wju tha niglit <strong>of</strong> tho ton! cutneoa nod<br />

all the dcniscus<strong>of</strong> dttrtticsfloiiiDo riding<br />

Hpoii tiie wiudB <strong>of</strong> porditisB, who gave<br />

itreiigth to flie son!? Who gftvn calm<br />

ness to ths heart? Who brok th l<br />

<strong>of</strong> iafl i<br />

_,.,:.. flro POiig. Look at thu glory ihrit<br />

hag reft the (lunt'crm ami tllliMiJ thu earth<br />

ttud lieavyuH wiNi iliis friisli uf tlie full<br />

ing niauupifM -nf dt'Npotjgiu, And tljuij<br />

loqk at tbnsM tvJio have tried to eqrf<br />

by Jiaiiiun pn'seriptioijK, ah<br />

to heiij giiujn-ene with u patch<br />


UHin nuumi wtcs OR SEASON<br />

l^irifg nniJ iilpy p»jn;iiP<br />

AM lifif rQlHS<br />

Nlrii'Ily HreUrhiiiH, PfiviKO nillls fiiraftifij<br />

IJUIVU lur, K, V, itlfVI.Kt PptprWluf,<br />


: ASP<br />

634 Anbury Avenue,<br />

OCEAN ClTr. N, J, =<br />


VOL. Ill, OCEAN CITYS N, J,f TUESDAY, AUGUST ^<strong>1896</strong>,<br />

NO, 3a,<br />

H, M, eorngr FoBrth-aodnVaitr<br />

Ba<br />

tlja<br />

is toward ,<br />

.. ,„- l<strong>of</strong>ts <strong>of</strong> ftanee wasnt.<br />

tacti'd, aiid the outworks were taken be»<br />

fore Hhflit, The teit-gicff anny lay<br />

down, thinking tbfre was but little to<br />

do in tho ainmiuft aad that thi ebU<br />

dicry iu tiw fort ceulrt be easily<br />

to sn«vnfler, But during the a;<br />

a back Btuira, tlipy escaped<br />

11 try, Tu the morning the<br />

itfiuy sprang upoa ths<br />

but found tiiut their prey was<br />

go, wJien tve are usHauifod iu<br />

, tioii, there ia always soms st>eret<br />

etuir by which w« might get <strong>of</strong>lf, God<br />

will HO! allow OH to bq tempted above<br />

what we m able,' bat with otory temp-<br />

tat ion will bring a tray <strong>of</strong> escapo that<br />

we niay, be able to bear it.<br />

taeats<br />

gene,<br />

Tiie prayer <strong>of</strong> the text is appropriate<br />

_„„ ,-JJes are light#d| the table Is The gnatf-st fiiliy tiiut CVPF grow on<br />

flprvad;plea.nantstx-iuluefiiin't>ukiud]ttt this plaiipt JB tha'tPiidtumy. to<br />

They rejoieo ia the preserjcB <strong>of</strong> the treabli, but rhi-rn art<br />

stranger gnat He aflk§ s blessing upon<br />

the bread they eat, and he hands a piem<br />

. <strong>of</strong> It to vMsb. SuddenJy and with vvvr-<br />

whtlBiiiig power the thonght fiwshm<br />

upon the ustoiiijibed peopi&=it ia the UP - n ravwitt?. Ilieory<strong>of</strong> that child<br />

Lord! And as tjjey BiE m. liroafhicja Strikes di«;k.'F iuto tiie hciirt tjjan the<br />

wondpr, looking upon ths TCsunwted et T °' »H the otlifrg, Von thinl|]uore<br />

bedf <strong>of</strong> Jwoi, lie Toiiiflhud, The inter-1 fttjtme £t ' Ynti give it mure atteuriou.<br />

.^I-..B( iu limit gUUgTi-'Iie Wltil<br />

<strong>of</strong> eonrt ptotrr ami in stop tha ,,,..„«._.<br />

ef dying empires* with thu qiinrkery <strong>of</strong><br />

oartlily wmlvut M<strong>of</strong>hiiig cau epcak<br />

peaee to tiiis BOBI; netliiug run Hn^tmp<br />

our cruxhiiig liuriirHSt uotliingcjiii ovi«f.<br />

coino out- Hpiritaal Corn, uuthiug cau<br />

©pen our sfea to sea the mirtmndiag<br />

Jieracg itud oharintB <strong>of</strong> nalvation that fill<br />

all the Mann tains, bnt the voice imd<br />

command <strong>of</strong> hiia wJjg sfopjs*d oiie night<br />

, at EtnniiiuiL<br />

; The werds <strong>of</strong> ehw t^jt aft? pprtineat<br />

to us nil, frem the fa«t that we aro<br />

' Bearing fig imbuing ef deutJi, I iiaVM<br />

j heard it iairt that we oaKlit to live as<br />

I thoggh eaca lupmeijt weru to bo eer I<br />

i l«at, 1 do sot bi'iiuvo til tit theory. As !<br />

i far as preparatirin is ci'iicorui'di Wo<br />

ought a)ways ta be ready; but ivq ana« ><br />

not Hiwujs be tliiiikiiig <strong>of</strong> death, for we<br />

have duties iu life that dviuaiid oaf nE«<br />

teutioii. When a Oiflu is selling goods, it<br />

is his busiui.sa to think <strong>of</strong> tlie bnrgftiii<br />

he la Bilking, Whcii a ni«n JM pieyding<br />

in the eaurtu, it is his ilufy to fiiini <strong>of</strong><br />

the jntorrisiH pf Ijig elipiita,<br />

HIM »mt<br />

f m Sl!lin C(BI111 Bllrtsl *<br />

win revive<br />

10<br />

Electro Theraptiitics<br />

nt ir^Il«viie Iliitli<br />

I'intiT liii-<br />

„, ABbliry<br />

aiid Hiettm Fining. Tlu JtnuJlyg.<br />

Htiivbs, Heaters and «*••—---<br />

jii'i-lne ii"iniini,V Hit, ndeij j<br />

OH= THOMAS H,<br />

PHfilEflN in<br />

BDjiiii 11 4 p., T5 j f: Ki<br />

|> B ft .till I!<br />


OF*<br />

c, W11IJ Iiipt'ntfln<br />

ly yi iiicaJtrule jirt<br />

JO4a5Q Avenua.<br />

The Aged Minister Succumbs<br />

to Heart Dlseasf.<br />


Be¥, Caleb I. Wenilijf, for plfty Years a<br />

Member <strong>of</strong> the New Jersey Conference,<br />

Panes to His Reward at Pitman Or<strong>of</strong> e,<br />

• Will Known in This Vieittity.<br />

'Ihe ICBV. t,'. K, FleUiiiiKj nf AbHeeun,<br />

died Htiddenly yesterday fiiiifnliuj ut<br />

Pitman Urijve, while atleiidhijr ihe<br />

imiiiii-ineetiiig. H|« muliii/n dsath is<br />

ntfributed tit ht'tirt dl>wuH», The minix-<br />

ter wiiH well known iii thin oily, where<br />

he WIIH a liiiHtuf fur ihree yenfH, He<br />

(•ood Ball cniti» Vo>marrow,<br />

ifternugn the Otsau <strong>City</strong><br />

Rase Bull Club nnd a team mmpcMtd<br />

<strong>of</strong> colleglaiiH, known as the "Loiig-<br />

isirts," will grew bate in the Htmnd,<br />

opfioalte Bixth streel. The Kaine will<br />

be failed prompEly at 3,80 o'clock.<br />

Real Estate Dealer Button will set an<br />

umpire.<br />

^CoiiifietOFs anoJIiSWire.<br />

Iireai>lied here<br />

and Builder,<br />

—8(iT Asbury Aveuut,<br />

Sexi door Ml IW! ! (fflist 1 .<br />

JO o'cliK'k,<br />

U> be<br />

a<br />

hos<br />

who life with<br />

Mgoae<br />

<strong>of</strong> as it jg a bri i)t<br />

aioaa inTnFi^riios a leaf rusiling ia<br />

the forest; uo chill lit the air. But we<br />

cannot expect all this ta last. He is not<br />

oa inteUigDBt Uan who expects perpct<br />

sal daylight <strong>of</strong> joy. The gun will "<br />

net bedsHSP it ia aaj<br />

than tlig (itherH, bat<br />

,fnjiiitig fi-^uL3<br />

elint'k, in (he<br />

kiliiW li<br />

lit night, "I<br />

He<br />

re <strong>of</strong> ,a<br />

beena^ ie<br />

i<br />

in<br />

JH be<br />

itt ilia'<br />

But thnra uratiiflps WNH m Cnn<br />

. . .firlir, .•-nvilllUlKIIlH illid H i)rKlll=<br />

! i iiiKM hirimil&i. KHtlinHU-HKlv-uh ui! a<br />

litisMif ittitiiiiiMs riisijir tiHAHtini; ^ " ^ , ^F'^.;,'i^"J. ~—- —--"-"^ : = —<br />

nl ii Hiijt-lili- JU'Hiir! rur iii'iiliti iiiisl<br />

liiliBvVlly i« iH.-niilill,-H; m It Wllll|(] '•<br />

IK- Hi II fllr Illl V|«]|lti-i ,1(1(1 ln-nnijiN j<br />

irtr*- ?« «w yoBT ChruHan K is toward *-—<br />

^seaiistewtiaft ¥oa feared that yea —<br />

wooJtrf«U in Uie awful wrestle with<br />

da Md be thrown into the dust. Tlio<br />

gloom thictoned, 3yj§ first Indjcatioas<br />

<strong>of</strong> tto nieht were «ea in all the tsjn,.<br />

cp the grHM gliort! Iu Tariuns<br />

, niiitiiieFR thu (lock wail griiiiually Leing<br />

ffedUtHaii uiid uno aftorjiixjn whea tho<br />

1 rfieiihanj luft die fiuek fur a liitle whila<br />

itWiis sfuieu ahfj \Atiwu tiirfjayh Wutor-<br />

town, A jjiitralinsiii frighte!Je IM(*WJS Cretli ga*'e tlieir niece. Miss<br />

Ediia MarHli, <strong>of</strong> North EtghtMnth<br />

Ntreet, PiilJadelphla, a birthday party,<br />

Miss Edna U only § years old, but,<br />

iiutwlthHtatidliig her tuuder years, thlM<br />

Is the fourth eelebratiou <strong>of</strong> the kind<br />

where she has welcomed her little<br />

ffitnila iiiider the same ro<strong>of</strong>, ,<br />

•Tlw nm day <strong>of</strong> <strong>Aug</strong>ust Is always,<br />

made memorable by this festive oeca-<br />

Hiou, The Misses Creth take great<br />

plfiiMire In the welfare iif their nleee,<br />

and em'h year penult her to Invite all<br />

her juveulte aoyuaintaucea to thai<br />

b'jfctelfie, Saturday evening Was n»<br />

ext-eptjim to the'general rulei and the<br />

element stupphig at the hotel<br />

In the parlors early. The<br />

olhir guests began arriving at 8 o'clock<br />

and many <strong>of</strong> them were uecompaulyd<br />

toy their jiirenlH, who were also fetj.<br />

iioine.<br />

Wiieii everyihiug was la readiue»N,<br />

the eiiilUreii indulged fun number <strong>of</strong><br />

iiiiioceut gariieM, including "blowing<br />

oiit tlie candle," In the latter game<br />

thy ehilfJrtn aw bllndnilded mie. at a<br />

time uiid then turned ahuut ihe rooiu<br />

fo jhiit it will be udmicult matter to<br />

ilml the (HiiUie. 'Eutsh uiie is giveu<br />

and the most jiut'Cismful in<br />

it ure awarded<br />

Jiliae wlunura nil thin u<br />

ou Central avenue,<br />

H, A, DuiigIiiH4 aud wife, Mlm Char-<br />

lotte lJuuglaHS, Ufara Smith aud Harry<br />

Bmftlj, form a pleaaaut PbUiideluhla<br />

party who are guests <strong>of</strong> a Ctnirul<br />

avenue yottiige for two weeks.<br />

aideraWe dlfflQUlty with this vessel. It<br />

bad to he blown up.<br />

it Removed,<br />

The reHideuts In the vleluity<strong>of</strong> glx.<br />

teenth h street uud Central avenue sro<br />

very b!tt«r In tlieif curnplginUf<br />

ftif tbe trolley repjir Wagj<br />

itMnda there ciiBtifcuaibi^tfhey nialu-<br />

tahi It Is an "eyeaore" to the neighbor*<br />

hood, aud if It 1B not removed they wilt<br />

Hnd a way to dispose <strong>of</strong> it, They «ug«<br />

geat It be kept ueur the power honse<br />

when nut in Use, "<br />

Elcctneian ICalbach had his atten.<br />

tion lled to the matler this morning.<br />

He said there was no room at tuts<br />

Power House, for it. UealsuBHyg ha<br />

will, paint the H'agoy when lie Is at<br />

A Well-eariied Victory.<br />

The Ooyau Uity Juniors agaju de-<br />

feated the Holy Trinity Juniors, yester*<br />

day afternoon, in the test game they<br />

have yet (flHyed, The score was not m<br />

large, but everybudy played better ball<br />

llisu they did last Fridiiy, The Holy<br />

Triulty Juuiora uad three men from<br />

the regular If&tu, while the home team<br />

took Murey, The linal (wore was 12 to<br />

% • The features- uf the game were a<br />

Biagnificeut three-bagger =by Morey,<br />

aud ' the work <strong>of</strong> the whole team.<br />

There will he another game, with thy<br />

same team, iiejit Thursday.<br />

FOB BALB—2000 feet iteel triek and<br />

four cars, se»p a_nd all grading appara-<br />

tus, Apply to H,C, Brown,<br />

LosT~.Lettaf oo b f dw'k, bit lib and<br />

9th it«., MOD, aft,; rtt thla <strong>of</strong>f,; rew'd,'<br />

If your wheel needs * doctor Mod li<br />

to Ollbert & Jj*ko, 845 Asbury avenue.<br />

Pfafewor Eoacb, B, M, D,, jate <strong>of</strong> tha<br />

Hart Cyala Uomaniy, wUi prescribe<br />

for it at & very moioits fee, ,<br />

on a Wieycie Tour. :<br />

Mrs, Vetta. Btuue, nee Uialey, aueum.<br />

panied by her busbaud, appeared In<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> yea ten! ay uu a tandem.<br />

They left their home la Philadelphia<br />

several days agb; mid have been mak-<br />

ing a tour <strong>of</strong> the country ou their<br />

wheel, Mrs, Stone IN welUkuowu lu<br />

this city, and she aad herhuHhaud will<br />

remaiu iwo weeks with b§r father,<br />

Daniel Ulsley, on West nvenue,<br />

Don't go to Philadelphia and pay a<br />

high price for auoilonbuusj traeh that<br />

Is nui guannieed, but get a hlgh^rade<br />

Rambler, liMiulngtoiijBpiildlnM, Victtir,<br />

Eelipse, Envoy or Btormer bicycle, ai<br />

Uilbert * LsMtfe, Cash or easy pay-<br />

ments, •<br />

were: First prlie,<br />

mi>*-<br />

5sa<br />




Editor mid Proprietor.<br />

UbBQi-lptlon, , SOc. P6r<br />

it iB-cfiioa ana live nsti per<br />

• r*golsf aavtrtlMtnenU<br />

Alt matter intended for pntilk-ation maii<br />

Me reoelTBd befiire 10 tt RI, <strong>of</strong> the day <strong>of</strong> pabii-<br />

n ~* IN »cobd-e!MB m»lt*F ntthe post.<br />

ID, qf Allaut<br />

the inquest 1<br />

. -- w .,„•..•-•««, HUM L'OUMi'Jeracie<br />

progress was made. It is probable,<br />

from present iudiintioiis, that all<br />

today and prubably fi>morfo«'will be<br />

occupied la baring the testimony, as<br />

the most important witnesses have not<br />

yet been culled, and lucre are a<br />

number on the list.<br />

~ " the<br />

iueniitifatlon <strong>of</strong> the dead, the agreeuieut<br />

and rule** adopted by tbe LHJQJ-<br />

paulea ju relation to the grade crossing,<br />

thedeHCtlpiion <strong>of</strong> the Juterlotklogslg.<br />

Ml apparatus and the nmm«i> nf i- •<br />

i to the movements <strong>of</strong> trahjg ou the<br />

iy <strong>of</strong> tbe actldent, aud eipeelally <strong>of</strong><br />

the two trains which came lu colluioti.<br />

The meuiberi <strong>of</strong> the Jury were quite<br />

free la asking questioiis <strong>of</strong> the wlt»<br />

****** —— •• ja ftftreuce to th«<br />

JUOCflLi<br />

Joseph Hoothroyd caught a floe roek<br />

ftab iu tb# lay yesterday.<br />

The |3pworth Jweaguo meetings U-fflu<br />

atit Sunday sud coiitluut> during the<br />

week<br />

Tlie ^ m qu WurtW wd Sunday<br />

hremght a large numLerijf visitors to<br />

this niti-<br />

Ex-Senator W, Henry Button, af<br />

Haverfort, Fa,, hai rented the cot<br />

Wo, Bm <strong>Ocean</strong> avenue.<br />

Dr. Gilbert Paley and BOB, ageom<br />

****** & "^ute" Hnvs. v,,^<br />

uayKutanuBiBer<strong>of</strong>ereakois "<br />

Tlie Rev, J, R, V^twood, <strong>of</strong> Puila,<br />

^phh,,w,ltieaeHBythe pulpit <strong>of</strong> tbe<br />

*lm a, E. church nest Saubatr,,<br />

,__,-,_ under 1(«<br />

._„ enjoy the i:muu hrtsiscs.<br />

Miss EtfaJ. Thegau, <strong>of</strong> Central aveue,<br />

who was Djade 111 by a fall from<br />

<strong>On</strong>e <strong>of</strong> ilia merry-go rounds, U very<br />

much Improved.<br />

Bishop JFOWISF will preutjh next<br />

ou<br />

He<br />

-,jnt» is lljsliig up au <strong>of</strong>lls'e<br />

aireet In the rear <strong>of</strong> bin cotout<br />

the I<br />

Johu W, <strong>of</strong> Cacudeii,<br />

Eighth street,<br />

—== »s! i.u»uj((u before he reaoljeii I — •*r-~n •<br />

the eniifing, und the possibility <strong>of</strong> bo(h ! d l% U<br />

*°'<br />

Ivflim fcM. ,, i... , -'•-*•• *"•! <strong>On</strong> Adams'pier<br />

iiiK them i.fli 1... ,<br />

•WtiB. 1<br />

coQipBiiy had<br />

— its passenger<br />

Wat Jtraey,<br />

The.<br />

the<br />

j<br />

agency <strong>of</strong>:<br />

that btt hag guuc j<br />

doing with that horrid stufl?" site<br />

asktd.<br />

•'Will, last SBturdiy Might, if you re*<br />

member, mfmlt ftud male friends<br />

nailed uver (oSomers* Point. It was<br />

late wheu I got home/'<br />

'"That Is nothing unusual," liitar.<br />

ruiifed the wife.<br />

The huHLaJnl paid no bet-d to the lusliiijatloa,<br />

hut continued his explainstloo<br />

in the tone <strong>of</strong> a man wlio felt that<br />

he bad a grievance* "You may recall<br />

fact that I fell over two cliafra and<br />

l! '" '"-"M.aad stepped 6a a wo<strong>of</strong>leu<br />

Jed me oil lay baek."<br />

"I can not help recalling It" t>he said.<br />

It not only wahed me up hut all <strong>of</strong> the<br />

neighbor**, who have been imjtifrJug<br />

!t. What lias that to do with the<br />

package uader your aria?"<br />

"Katbfug, oU, nothiptr at all" lie<br />

replitd nfth-astipujly, "if wiw a ntaalt<br />

matter, gut ft annoyed me, aud I made<br />

up my rniud that If you iwu't teach<br />

our, only child in put Its ploythlugH<br />

away where they belusg 1 would at<br />

Iraki make arranjfemeiiifl m tuat I<br />

would know where they are wheo I<br />

(•ome Ijnaie, m I inUnd goliig out far<br />

Uiioitjer (Mill lo-ulght. This<br />

Nfiveruiiu<br />

glniut it,"<br />

y "<br />

now, I sia<br />

b ort«l<br />

Riiil^titeApnts,<br />

NO. 7ii ASBURY AVENUE,<br />

'I jou are ionising (or<br />

him, Itwill^ay yea<br />

S'OU Lin JIM<br />

AUimt A. ISOWKfcla HAHltY a.<br />

iU-ai EsUitoRiid IM« Hinging.<br />

^ OVBAN CITY, N, J,<br />

biar=><br />

Hotels and Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Cards.<br />

Ooeaa Citv, N. J<br />

KpW apes for roepfion <strong>of</strong> guest*<br />

aodern liiHiii<br />

Wafer,<br />

Far ienna, ftc, addreegr .<br />

bum si, A,<br />

735 Central<br />

OCEAN CiTV, N J<br />

ItMa.tttl. Hoiii!) conifbfth TeMiii<br />

rviLHOIinbti-. NowbpMn,<br />

8. HURLEY, Pfiiprietor, |<br />

UitnierSlsth aiid Asbury Avenue,.<br />

Situated on th**<br />

I', ULTtlllKBOS,<br />

Resident Physioian,<br />

Lala <strong>of</strong> PUIadelpbfl; Fit,<br />

ate* sat<br />

OCEAN C!T¥, N. J,<br />

656 Asbury<br />

I ' _ _<br />

Ityf Ns J,<br />

jJ AA«nado, ltd!) u<br />

(Kvenlnir, utter B H<br />

n>. CHAWI.EB C. H41TH<br />

and I(-11,. | | "" 3 « ATLANTia<br />

Itm. II, !i, rANFlKI.Ii. 1<br />

- —I ATLANTIC CITV, N. J.<br />

oitrv j . "<br />

"12 Ueuitul Aveuue,<br />

l)t-!lc)ltfill i(n-!it!LirL Clom> to<br />

ieatea fl!ro!(i4l)OUt Good tiihlf,<br />

LH'EAS CITV, S, J,<br />


Hnnftp<br />

j fin<br />

MiHicfHte Ternia, Half block from<br />

Camp Umuntl. HitmetJonifoitH. Lawn<br />

ieuuhj and cruquet grounds,<br />

No, 717 Asbury Avenue,<br />

WKAN L'lTV, H, J,<br />

i J l l i t i<br />

So,<br />

TIME IN<br />

cANciTv:<br />

i siti *Q the etid<br />


HOUBAY m<strong>of</strong>TAmm,<br />

m* Wfglty A^nue, 0«an <strong>City</strong>, 2f, J,'<br />

Ofllif houni: L'ntli 9 n, m,; 2 10 J p, ni,, lad<br />

T to 9 p. nu • : .<br />

Ortl<br />

S p. Hi,<br />

. THUS, H. PEACOCK<br />

He, BiS WE8LCY<br />

AVENUE,<br />

f, J.<br />

fs Office, 23d and Rirrh lit.<br />

j YiotMi, in,; i to,i p. ns,; 8 to<br />

Si D.,<br />

Uor, Seventh SL and Wesley Avs<br />

OCEAN CiTV, N, J,<br />

before the t, waee*= aud<br />

utereitiug being tte first<br />

tistifflony y <strong>of</strong> f<br />

getting iuto the hay yesterday after, j isoom So^^piKBiU. w,J. ji.<br />

au oye>witntsi jt <strong>of</strong> the noau. The vessfl is tietl up at Fourth I<br />

o*X'urreuce» He ttated that while street wharf, -. ><br />

walking home, and about SOD feet a way,<br />

Manycottagew enmplalli abulit the'<br />

he mw the trains approach lug the<br />

oeulQut <strong>of</strong> toe gurbage col!ei>ti>r wlit*<br />

umwiH0 tud van euFfirbjed tume the<br />

teayet refuie in the aliei'u for twour<br />

„ train held up by the<br />

and the West Jersey tfatu given the<br />

right <strong>of</strong> ways Sueh a thing was tjn*<br />

usual. He had Hit doubt the Reading<br />

tiajn would itep. He went back to<br />

ihe lower after the eoiltaou, atid found<br />

, the red tet agaliist the litadjug, uud<br />

the white, or clear signal, given to the<br />

West Jersey traifl. The duty <strong>of</strong> ihe<br />

Beading was to slop and the West<br />

Jersey to go ahead as the signals stood.<br />

The condition <strong>of</strong> those who were ill-<br />

, jured in the meadow cfosslug<br />

!<br />

0 S ps til.<br />

COP, 8th It, and Wesley Ave,,<br />



Thli* lioiisp in diJlj-hirnUy ifKiiitii on 11 wid<br />

refine in the yB fur tw<br />

wide<br />

VI-nyplI feW feet fniill Hit! iHVilll. At'rlJlll Iloi'lts; fl io JDn. l!i.;! (s fl Ji, in,;«ta N [i, m<br />

iK fltl f<br />

three days ut a time, The ndoj H arlHg<br />

Hit! iHVilll At'b<br />

frsira it on very warm days Is eseeeil-<br />

ul! till* Vesir,<br />

lilgly Uiipleatiaiif,<br />

Mm. v, H,<br />

1% ABBOTT, .11, o,,<br />

Tlie MhU'jH Miii'tric-li, <strong>of</strong> PhMadi'!><br />

CfUKAN S, J,<br />


phiar Mim liarrett, Charles<br />

Frank JJarrett aiid J£, M, .Mlddletiiu, .M<br />

U<strong>of</strong>, filsih Stret't Hud (Jentru! Avenue OFFICE; Cor, Central Amis md Ilghfh Sfnit,<br />

1<br />

<strong>of</strong> Conidei), Cd were B ruerry pariy tlfyt<br />

) TIM, P i. %,<br />

Vinlted HJI, Slttftelr't*!'CiltiiKeJJxteenth<br />


j Vmm bT H I', jj.<br />

Street and Ceutnil avenue, laHt week,<br />

J, II. SMtttK!!<br />

ite . W W. ti, t<br />

. _ . . ,. - . = . ••«»»• = guryeu, , at Ut Fifth filth,<br />

•ii «n,<br />

street and H'taley avenue, attmiis th&j<br />

Alloruey al-Lan.<br />

j d he tneadow emaslug dlgaatef attcuiiou and udttiiruiioii uf PHS^W by. j<br />

THE =,-«„«-«,<br />

ASB<br />

<strong>of</strong> last Thursday eveulag, and who Among the arborial uoveltfes is a pmt\<br />

!Sf<br />

Tfiirteentb gtrett Slid Centra] Aviuue.<br />

itll] remain la theUlty Hospital, is Im- ttm oliiiut two feet high with a half'<br />

is ii trt-Hintont Airyporeiii<br />

HOOIH 8, Bail K*tute end (JIW liulitltng<br />

provfpg dally, Jn several enscjj the dpieti MeiWeveioped BarUett pears<br />

r tit .—„ _=,.*. jy w?verai enstyj the<br />

(A'KAS tfiTV", S, J,<br />

upou it, I<br />

to the ¥i#ir. Siinitarv dniinjijre, KleelFlr<br />

patients are alaoet ready for discharge<br />

tC«AlKgtut@, Iii.ymiiw. Cohvejdnclng,<br />

<strong>of</strong> to be removed to their<br />

The trusties pf tile Flwt SI, E, churtfh '<br />

seerr H*«O.<br />

K4CAHKV, J<br />

IB there will have a benefit to-momm eveuiug<br />

in the liftliM^i A'-*,..—--••- "<br />

Rial lilatt, Morigsgit and IntartiKe,<br />

„= .« -.MB nuiwp ^ns mere<br />

te How very little chanee <strong>of</strong> ihe list <strong>of</strong><br />

The pra^edH will be for the Con \e$iukcBT, t'oiii ui lu luner- ^> ,<br />

'' I,igliU.il tiiroiijjlimU tvilli Kiei>!fi|ij!i-,.<br />

fe—Of Dvcdif, Sotiirj P<br />

the chureb, and It Is hoped<br />

fatalltley being uMressed.<br />


that a majority ority <strong>of</strong> the. t hpeople l thi<br />

Nearly $Bpo has been fioatrjuutod hy<br />

vifinee lain nnd Feriti I'ropertj oi<br />

papioiis ]|»i?Jik<br />

<strong>City</strong> will he<br />

kinda for ule, IUHMnuieii to uny iiDio Full Oceiiri Vleir,<br />

cltfsene and vjaiiors for the benefit <strong>of</strong><br />

the injured, u well as other seeesaillea<br />

The<br />

Hhure Jtmurnnce buaibraiin nr-ei-fnMy,<br />

C'uilt? k'lnUtA<br />

and little luxuries very aeegptable to<br />

Holy<br />

«'<br />

the ifljurtd mm Tbseltrn phyaieiauB, I fZ"^^*"' ths<br />

p<br />

whs «t once voiiiotfered; thtlp serdea *fnum Sunday •» 'be Agdiand<br />

and wins wbe did dill «».-i- such —•— splendid work<br />

^ ^«.lag. They were to<br />

but oB<br />

Jeviatlijg the eufleriiiits <strong>of</strong> the<br />

•«««•" <strong>of</strong>-thB-rt^nUliig<br />

eeuflcriJe, <strong>of</strong> the Jaju^ ^<br />

^^<strong>of</strong> John F.Betrsu itobiir,<br />

r<br />

, ,.- — «» wue nr me wreck<br />

Bf*keld<br />

and at the hospital, deserve all the<br />

credit sad commendation thai can<br />

slbjy be glvea tbeoi<br />

TBom'» Baraware Blare.<br />

If you d^Ire anything la the hardware<br />

line vtoit ft, Howard Thorn, Kfos,<br />

8O1-S Aibufy avenue. He has eeaitanllyoo<br />

Land aoy article that you<br />

might wfab In that pariieutar J|Di:<br />

Mr, Thora als» deala In furniture,<br />

l f ^^<strong>of</strong> John F.Betrsu itobiir,<br />

at the teeae pf the wreS Uboinilftater Bf*ke«euld uolgettb#«<br />

together.<br />

MI «. «„» - »*.•«, JlfSi^jaSes ' 7»h and <strong>Ocean</strong> Aoe<br />

Philadelphia, tanse over bb^<br />

way <strong>of</strong> m & A .<br />

Atlantle C% gUBday and paid a<br />

visit to reiatiVfB here. He<br />

h<br />

1> **? l ? l ? Il ^ to is »ortfneni o<br />

«*««"»<br />

Atiaatte Ci^ guudav and MM - «*JJr.w«•*;-.-•—«.—-• •<br />

wbeBOpeaB CJity »M a wiidernew and "- Cot. nll 8ad Agbu ^<br />

the abode <strong>of</strong> ^Ud eatile. He says the , - '<br />

land vaiuea on the Waud have changed oyfiAS UITV, N, j,<br />

and thlHkaef ravsting in Mveral \m, ^<br />

crockery .od tinware. He always fa<br />

Bupplled with tbe various kinda <strong>of</strong><br />

flshlDg Uekle, aud furnishes It to our<br />

best flaherJiien,<br />

i NWhr, Mytif n citnarj, Helm Mm,<br />

ems ciTir pin<br />

CIT1\ If,<br />

1^& 1 VatSiii<br />

guests 6f the „ Hotel<br />

t-oinposed s fishing party thla<br />

. ----*,B i-B!»Jf lun UJUrUiUg<br />

fmjrcid and-Cake Bafceri,<br />

that went into the bay 00 the yat-ht<br />

Waverty-, They were John H. Youag,<br />

Effleat Alien, Mra, Msbel Alien, V, L<br />

Tlie Pioneer ^<br />

WBt<br />

Hariey, George Denny, *lfe and<br />

OOAgbUfV Avenue, neean UI^*," N, J,<br />

daughter, and William P, Hunt, A<br />

Bnrton<br />

fev^ member? <strong>of</strong> the psrty *re expert<br />

mgb Jn one <strong>of</strong> the Aasods- flahernieo, and a good i-areli Is linked<br />

tton's bouses, wait not teriopsly Injured for<br />

faemtcAlscflnirtjintiy DO tiand.<br />

gnuday evenifig when the wagon cai»<br />

In jtny part <strong>of</strong> the city.<br />

Stli Bstxemmm<br />

r^Iog tbe lifeboat to the elation ran<br />

OTCT hfa foot, Tht boy<br />

A youog marHed woman met her<br />

usbaad at the depot Jut eir.i.i,.«noni;<br />

JURE S=Sefiiiah iiah hy He*. II, A. Wliltit, D= p,<br />

r Real Estate Exchange Mm<br />

in WMliingtaBilrfS UnlvsfjItT,<br />

" Clothing House<br />

V» -<br />

Ikin't you want to<br />

FOB UM<br />

pi, niut<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Ofrpslilll PraibytsHan cbuMh,<br />

t'hiliidelfilila. Pa,<br />

Invest Ju a lot? If so, call on<br />

JULY 12-8*rinon by Be*, E, C!ake»l#F, ef Bail,<br />


tnn tnn, StJH StaJHi,, , filiror lir <strong>of</strong> f "lilbi "lilbie Bia Biuaj Biuaj fft ffBtdn " "<br />

JULY LY 118-AfiBddrentby<br />

Bddrentby j'n, j'n Aiiliabfl Aiilb Morris<br />

81? Aabury Avenue,<br />

HOI.ISV, or Wfii Pitmton. fa., Ifclurer for<br />

{bit W^ Q. T= U.<br />

JDLY Stt_Bf rnioii by Bj.f, Baniufil t,, Be!irr. D, W. EX MASSEY& Co., KNORR<br />

D Vlei! f!|ifliii»f Flfif: eE tlie AiiieFlcan (jniity<br />

at WsiililnMlun, D, e.<br />

*=i*Mtiioii hjr llijlui), Of fijs p<br />

dsiifiuhls Fft - -<br />

Real Estate Brokergp<br />

Hpfm<strong>On</strong> li? ISisho,. Cimrlrti" II.<br />

FOIBF, <strong>of</strong> LihtTslii, S, V. I<br />

Al'QUST IS-^-rljisii by H_«t», A. J, Talnier, D,<br />

tar Rent.<br />

D,, nf Sen York Clisf. MlMioiiarv Si-rri-iftry Loans Iltid 811 ASBURY AVENUE,<br />

Of (iieSl K.elniftni.<br />

AtUUSt Wt> Ssfu.aii by Iftv J p. Oinion D<br />

I) FrrtbjUflan minister <strong>of</strong> DrMkijn, K, ¥,<br />

The f^i.l.Je LKb!leal As«.!nLlv iiggiM JuiiB a<br />

i l iijili! jilij IS. It (><br />

iii!i«tij|j*l P<br />

Jnhh Kstaii, Waihtjijfteii, L). U ;<br />

J. S, GllbMFt, W'aiiliJii^inii, ft, C= }<br />

I'flfiiarjr Buhool or M*tlmj!ii fnrBimriaj-ighoolii j<br />

<strong>of</strong> all dpoiniilnatlona l:y tb« ^ JsFcf f B<br />

Bundny^i^lioiil Asioefation. Juif 20 to July @<br />

8*K-R)lBrj. Jfe». E, Jiuirit PrFgnien, Treiitoti. !<br />

S. J.<br />

ChaUEaiiqiiii AMrrahlj Jiijy m and 11. Mr«<br />

L. B, twain, <strong>of</strong> <strong>On</strong>slii-n,S. J, S^qfi-tsry,<br />

eppuftji IjTiigue (J..jn»«[]L!nn, AhEUit S to<br />

AUK;IHI is, \ten. H. J, ZPMPJ. ,(f Wfiitinali, 8,<br />

J-, I'rfiijijFiit nf tllu NHW JmTiry Conft-rfriCs-<br />

Epwufili l^flffre AMopialiun. wlL[ linfn eliarKi?<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Hii-fliiiirs •<br />

Tlie Aiihijal (Jamp M»>>IIIIB nil! lmelti ADpint<br />

m and eantlRii? Nil iliih "lip*, Thpnms HllrhBnii,<br />

iji* ?va> eptjiti:, will Itt fir*scju dumie the<br />

eniln? eanip. Hi* rj]j MrfBeii a liuiiibfr <strong>of</strong> tifliaji<br />

and ITMI help in all ttip fnnftjii(f!i. Hln ilniine<br />

Itools*. "Pretiuui IlyniiiB," ifiil be u«ed duHtiE<br />

lha canip, " "<br />

Hr*, Jeba Tiiijnipien, amocista fdliBF <strong>of</strong> ihe<br />

"Chftsllnn PlAndurd," trill hnVt? Ct)nrKn nl llir<br />

myruinic Binn u'elijvk HuUiir«if Jleeiine*.<br />

The populiiF Tuea.im. Mrs. HBIF. j.u, Wilson.<br />

et Vliilndcijihia. will *» pn-Sf ri oiid sing at the<br />

fHriijiiH meetings <strong>of</strong> ill* t-aiiip.<br />

Mauj jirnnnnent niiniittr* cf the I'hlladplphln<br />

ana KB* Jersey tJnnrsrencrs, u wrll u thow <strong>of</strong><br />

iilif niifeFciicea EMU iiMisjniinstldhit, will be<br />

i« jirt-iich aiitl help In the niJH-titsjp*,<br />

B. WESl.EV LAKE, Prfiidtnt, •<br />

Groceries, Provisions, Meats, Etc,<br />

J W,<br />

It WHH s&ty this ssfnlBf when a<br />

mau, wliii was enjsfllng Wesley aveuue,<br />

ut NjiiUi Btrrtt, auddeuly threw his<br />

haliiiB ipto the air, add began perforBi'<br />

lugitraQge aiitlta with Ills feet, and,<br />

after taking plenty <strong>of</strong> time about it,<br />

he oatne down In ft heap.<br />

A BUBiber qf people, wbo wtre on the<br />

[jurtleiiH <strong>of</strong> the two hutek iu the vlclii*<br />

Uy, taw ihe ptrforfuaiii*, and then<br />

was a Keneral Uugti, it liad nol cused<br />

wtaen u Htruiigur, with a fuDtreal coun*<br />

aiid imked: ' •<br />

.'•Who Is iitt^whirt'H his uafiae?"<br />

"I guce* H'H Miidd uow, judging by<br />

the wgy II|H cloihlng lookn," replied<br />

eie ASBURY AVE,. the wnuld'be fuiiily llmli,' .<br />

Are now oiRiflnjf<br />

001*1 IHSET CflLF SHOES «<br />

We bftve also t->lfffi isJvnnliiiio at H t<br />

dei'lliie lit lha RIBBON iiiartset aBll tin<br />

R. Curtis Robinson, uliQwjng n (trent niiihy <strong>of</strong> iljft !Bt«*t slj'li'ii Bt<br />

UiBlBlal low prlpi>d. Alwnye iu Tmeipl iil<br />

uftlled=ftiF and diMlnlble gooila in<br />


KNORR & CO.,<br />

Commissioner <strong>of</strong> Deeds. ConVfiyanelng In all Its Branches.<br />

No, 858 ASBURY AVENUE,<br />

744-6 Asbury Ave.f <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N, J,<br />



inaiirnne.e plni «l So IBs mo«t Rfliabje eampanlc* tlolugbujinenfl In tail StaU?.<br />

MiHlry, in ptmiH rienlivij, on bond and morlgagp<br />

, )iii>iih.4i*!siitfiiat*d tomy cam will<br />

12 LOTS<br />


Call and See<br />

IS<br />

Fine Grocerlis, Produce, etc,<br />

Holy iinyiiyf for "Tlw (•(•tfjiriiipil K, p. Hut-<br />

705 and 707 ANbUfy Avenue,<br />

Our List <strong>of</strong> Lots from<br />

S, J. !<br />

XT J., SMITH,<br />

$<br />

UP<br />

s<br />

4S AT,,,<br />

A. J. STEELMftN'S,<br />

Cor. Atlantic and Ohio Aves.,<br />

, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J,<br />

Men's liiojclp HQ!w, f 4, reduced from IHlien's<br />

CuMimere Suits, f4- and is, ?vfrom<br />

17 and f 10.<br />

Ladled 1 Wrappers, 3S6,<br />

a 1 chimed lit iinottier hy-htattdef, 1ODO><br />

Hfiitly, &H he believed the other man<br />

It *UH "Mudd,"<br />

Are you nun-V ,<br />

Yes, l'Ui [irmiilve it Is,"<br />

I'll laugh, tijo," fluid the<br />

niau, and he leantd<br />

un electric light pole and<br />

und tHtiflhed for fully live<br />

lllillUltH.<br />

Home <strong>of</strong> thet-ruwd were pawiog re«<br />

markM uptiu thin BJngutar conduct <strong>of</strong><br />

the atrBuger, who ttaally wlptd the<br />

teant from bin eyes and explained:<br />

"My frlendB, nnihlng pleases me 10<br />

mutih aw toscea iiinu full down. Ten<br />

years ago I was a saleflrnsn lu a whole'<br />

ualn htiuse, with a Ilue chance <strong>of</strong> pro*<br />

motion, <strong>On</strong>e day a mad just nhead <strong>of</strong><br />

me tell down and I laughed. It hap<br />

peiied to be ojy employer sod he diBulmrgetl<br />

my on thy sjisi, Five ve&n<br />

Iii tar I waH euiaged lobe married to ft<br />

rich widow. AH I fame out <strong>of</strong> the<br />

jHwl<strong>of</strong>ll niie day a man sprawled on<br />

tbe (.uvement In front <strong>of</strong> me, gad I<br />

laugbHl until I waswre,<br />

"ThiaseHtlernao happened to beau<br />

other than my intended brutheNBlaw<br />

mid he put up u jubon me which<br />

Ci-aiih suitu, §3.25, were l/i, iiiuBed the luttteli bet w«n the widow<br />

uud I to be deylared <strong>of</strong>l. Upon aoother<br />

t laughed my self out <strong>of</strong> a<br />

ug toiiltutiuUi and but for the<br />


failure I would to-day b« holding<br />

ATTMimOIf,<br />

some i¥B|ioDeibli position under tbo<br />

Qovernliieut, I have learned wbdaai.<br />

Now wbeii I see a mau fall I ask bin<br />

name, aud 11 ud out if he lias any laQu*<br />

euts to put me out <strong>of</strong> uay dertshlp.<br />

If be has, I look Bolemn sod pasB on.<br />

If be hiuu't I certainly do oojuy a food<br />

laugb at hla tsuense. It u a ralll 1<br />

have, but J eati 1 ! control it,"<br />

Ijtrger tliftfl ftiiy Other, TUe building has<br />


fin Unpardonable Liar.<br />

Bj aiLBEET FABEER,<br />

.tm, by %ius Author.) I Bmno ef i<br />

sselL Ho Itafleed a£ tha aUiw let-J gravpfl, wj i n iti.i «« •„.— •.- , i<br />

OoaJd Hw have<br />

with thy?- He<br />

•. i<br />

.„._- «=u HMJLO my nil top. \<br />

10 have meant anything to do j<br />

?" He tapped it apward with 1*<br />

Bath HgusBs.<br />

2jiiuw£irs>4¥ii,ftts and c Asian,<br />

C«s Bejrdwfllk and ElgBlu itreet,<br />


FANerARTiOLiSjiorSi SHELLS, ac,<br />

F. B, CHAMPION,<br />

•nn<br />

^<br />

J» 11,'H B4TI1N,<br />

Aniirdwalfa aud Nlntb Btfeel,<br />

B¥ THj<br />

tfiDtodowitii M<br />

m Gtedney with her?"<br />

With tliifl inquiry showing in<br />

he tamed round and<br />

medltatirJf bnt<br />

n his pyes<br />

ut Borag<br />

o d time to pl<br />

Fart-»and wJjnl kind <strong>of</strong> part=iii fcpr<br />

lift? What was Mark Telford to John<br />

Cila'doey? Tho thing vimnailt<br />

the<br />

archway and drew tli« tnirtaiiis. Thee<br />

he opened the letter. The body <strong>of</strong>itiua:<br />

BlAR BIS, HjH3jtH--Ihnvo Junt lln "<br />

By n?foru ftani ihy Li fitiiu nt with (hi<br />

coabta tfaat yea tirn pi HiTrttlon. jly<br />

tw Mildred, Wham J-UB liuvu iji_, WuitAvi'ui; known imi-h<br />

•With (ho JJargrarcH, ffhiiin, EIHJ, 1 tlijnlr,<br />

da isst kauiv. I Hin gainis Uoisf ft ttiiunmtw, sad<br />

«fII iBtradHHi yon 1 111) Us fin-b uthcr. Way I<br />

fcsk you total] on BIB (iertif (Jim. or iwicj<br />

yon tafa daae mo a ervBiM'Tvlr*.: usd I<br />

w " *«» gratitude tijF uskine ji'B t? da<br />

rj|l tliN friftbtiJi yon oirt --• "- - •<br />

— „.«, i.«(«H. iciigrti to John<br />

CJlftdney? Tho thing y?mntstplpasmt to<br />

ceaiider, Tbe lim** were ^osfiiig aud<br />

recrOssiiig, TroaUo mast occur sano-<br />

where, ihn sat down qnieE and efija,<br />

IToorjeeoaJd harts gnessied her tolad,<br />

La«u ine, gjie fyaght ^,wk<br />

TI *« I peerage. She hud alwqys had that, bat<br />

,. mB I it was easier to mvtcim it when<br />

HwA lu was a •<br />

it—and was ahdt barnqt killed, ^parejy<br />

hraagflt alia to tan eoasf, and ptit him<br />

into hospital, »»-•-•-•'"<br />

-'-'Thlffl- "<br />

fa<br />

^^rhad Jmd a blow, Ewryihrtg<br />

defiat all ia 0 inoiDCijt. Tliftrowrisgrioi<br />

Ireny io it "Yeg, that wag the imtuB, *'<br />

be uid. "Will-«- 1-— • -".-.—»<br />

ffiel"<br />

ftai<br />

ffi«M Icaaed agaiait the mantel, oat-<br />

wanflly oanored, BOWS for B numi) kind<br />

<strong>of</strong> osprisaion, Ba»u cane awkwardly<br />

to him and npck$ wiihaitHnibliaf Mad<br />

Anl«hftrtTh<br />

. -^ = ..,c.i. lifter<br />

Kor rurritfr iiiiriloyiar*)<br />

g was tliiit iii?, p<br />

years in thsi rt-nioti'st oonirrs at thy<br />

werM hi tut \m coni|jiininus<br />

hiUalf A<br />

n,, i. IO«ndS3p. til. Wf ft-d<br />

V *= iq.: a*iyroinjf. leftte<br />

S '* •- B'> V& Ud &ifV ifc<br />

sdajB *0l p 81<br />

'•>»• »t m IHI..I ln,,i<br />

rtll ! Ihi- litil,<br />

^iitiiiiNiiHc, wlir<br />

l» furiilahcvtui vsry<br />

io AiriiiHli A'fiifi<br />

Ifl illiV (Hirt<br />

Itt? iiliCtiliir*<br />

Tin j<br />

riiM ill!<br />

whdfmiiii.fliiWJlfMbyi'kwiird^hu;<br />

d na Jjopt; fgrthufutnm Tut* thought<br />

what Iw uii^Jjt him* IW....V*-*— '<br />

S.*i and f,ftf p. m,, wrek-dif,<br />

in, and 7,it h |i HI Beiupali<br />

hial here iu K]i!to <strong>of</strong> hiijiia'if,<br />

S.*i and f,ftf p. m,, wrek-dif, HuHdaf i S.B? fc<br />

in, and 7,it h |i HI. Beiupaliir. irive Aitlnlie<br />

fiiy, 7:0 a,,!,._ sfekusj,., JojBa, ni. and Lib<br />

JIBK<br />

yw leava the tolling to I girl=.wh»*<br />

Fop the<br />

e<br />

time Dff!tJig dmm<br />

the position and<br />

Over,<br />

d as goSiig<br />

ovcii as nJie did go uftw<br />

to him at Mje<br />

Hh? liuil D«t'p(tni<br />

away ler.<br />

•For God's sake think what yoa<br />

V'GfepaiieHaqesH'i.wiaEd rteht to<br />

lastitaidfltthe<br />

He esjBeted to §« tihe_girLhi hrt \Wih'<br />

fed na$-maiigbff £h« day. He had ' - '<br />

oatieipatod it i * u - *---* -- *<br />

fsr, i<br />

She UB I'iiiivtmllt'iiH lit Hyiii|ijiiiiy with the<br />

,Mtlli!.Ui-L iijiisijoiiiil eiiiiiili, Mnny nf<br />

thy nieLCiii^ liuvt! bin II uf intfrnHi, ts-<br />

Uie liiti;ic-tj AoHninlily-, iiiu<br />

<strong>of</strong> J'riiiiiify MtihiKiN, iiie WIN<br />

i'liriMJiui rtiii[H,rHii.>tt'l[ii.iti<br />

ulid file (J(iuutiii|i|iia v\*?t>nih|y. TliL'<br />

(liiliiiiH uf Uie K«verai eiijifiijiys have<br />

• iii tJillyreiii f»H'a»ihiiH been (Hiiijik-U by<br />

der(iy!fii?!i, wlitw<br />

\VhJJe fjdlug ft bicycle o» the oueiiii<br />

boulevard, at U^m May, yaiieiti^y, S<br />

T, Keill, R lawyer <strong>of</strong> Warren, Pa^<br />

The attpraey was taking<br />

oil the wheel, and hud<br />

for an liihtruL-UjF. He had JUH|<br />

alighted trvm the blayvis,ttiid<br />

'fin<br />

seek j<br />

Tliurv Um<br />

Ihy |jiiHi<br />

hiive fiiuiid<br />

Instil Isjiier tlsliing<br />

in Uie wjilvrH iiiljueeiit iii thy<br />

(liaii IIIIN Uvn tjiijiiy«J iiert? for<br />

Heveral yyjiiif piBViou*, Wuiklinli nijij<br />

(=fi.iiktr« have iiovur Liiiigh innie freely<br />

ttmii IlieydiiM |ire?-eiii5 Thy lislmr-<br />

IUe|i who AU! lit I'Jili'Ji Iheili duti't uii=<br />

lii'Hiaiiil Imw to tU}\.. lix the buy, inlet<br />

iilld ULfitll rtimn; Mllo "tlhigHFirUfJU^lit<br />

Tiie embLiiiiK, (ihp, im» liyyii escelieiii,<br />

and it him l.H-%'ii iii) iriiijhk' ni nil tu<br />

raiuh ihem hy ilii><br />

Siiriiiijj jHiriiLn are u<br />

Uliii every day iiiuy be<br />

wllU ihelr {ilyuriiiK wekem rid<br />

Oil the buy, Tiie must [Hijiular<br />

<strong>of</strong> all, hsmevup, U the bathing.<br />

There sue un fepdiir IIUUIH ji.,r butliiun<br />

at tlllN iixtrl; but (lie majority enter<br />

the Miff jiiNt byfiiru the iimin liuiir.<br />

Tliuw unubie io Liuthe ui that Umy<br />

t«kv a dip later in Lhy day,<br />

'1'liu LiatiiiliU iilluriis tiiit vt^ituFN tu, re<br />

ryal iilvasuf« uiid tiiLertainiiiiia limn<br />

i*a!i by dyrivyd at any utiiUF Unie <strong>of</strong><br />

Uuyon tlie bimriiwuik, TJiere is fyu<br />

i Jii tlii! water,<br />

do iiot full to insike lite<br />

gay HIRI lufiiHeu tipiilt yf g «d<br />

intu all, Jim the it? U Htuyytlii<br />

heHidtt the H\wtl, It U the ultray-<br />

ilye Wdiuiui uuU ihuir preity Lathing<br />

Huita, In no otliyr city by I he am are<br />

there to he !*etn dally In the mjrf<br />

iiiaiiy preity (aeea, aiid gracairiil<br />

Miuirt. Tlien, tiiit, therti tire t|iiiU? a<br />

iiiiinberul lniiiiW>iliH mMLumen.<br />

At liitu tmiti tiiu ;iei>ii|e poem in<br />

iiiiiigk-t^gyUiyr liltiry thiiii they do ut<br />

iitiier wtktering plaeeti, liverbtKly i»de-<br />

lighted with one thing iir uiiother;<br />

.fritiuJHliirH miJ UL'erl bieyyllHt, Th« fatber, hav-<br />

iiig liiwil iiulueeti io Uike hfeyi'le lea'<br />

HiiiiH Willie here by IIIH wife and daugli*<br />

ler, bad expected to give bbt you yg<br />

lUlreeuble ^urjirisHs ou IIIN return liume<br />

by miiiiiiiing a. wheel aiid riding uiT<br />

with him, lie wiu Huillriently ad-<br />

vanitil (II do It, and all three were au=<br />

tii'i|iaiiiig wluit a reveiulittn bU Mkill on<br />

the wheel woiihl prove te May<br />

fortwinily-five yt-ars until hut Friduy,<br />

wlieii he i'iiiU'hjded Iu eelebrate the<br />

Nilvef iiiiiiiverHflry ot htn wedding by<br />

the Hen, He liatl Hpflit hM hmieyiuoon<br />

ul that reNtirt, LuHt Mareb a bmlber<br />

<strong>of</strong> the deoejisesl drojiiHKl dyuil in WuNli*<br />

fmiiL hfiirt falhire.<br />

The nmiiiiiiH uf the deaii lawyer,<br />

after being viewed by the forijtier, were<br />

F, A, Mulr and wife, <strong>of</strong> Chestnut<br />

Hill, an litre fur a. brief Rtay,<br />

J, H iimp to ii Moore, <strong>of</strong> Phl|adt>lpliia,<br />

viniied h]g family !a«t eveulng,<br />

Fatriok Currau, <strong>of</strong> Frankfurd, to vi«-<br />

it lug frieiidH In South <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>,<br />

Mi Murao AiiiJutUoil, <strong>of</strong> Oaiuden, U<br />

frieudB on Ceutrul nvetiue,<br />

RlBrion Rogera, <strong>of</strong> Trenton, Is<br />

frlencjH OB Anbury aveuuu.<br />

Miss Sfabei Buchanan, <strong>of</strong> IMtlfunre,<br />

is viMlting friends on Ctntml avenue,<br />

MUH Clara degebweinlU, <strong>of</strong> Uetlile-<br />

hem, Pa,, !» sojourning at The Ijafti.<br />

yett#,'<br />

Charles A, FlliSt returned to ihe<br />

Quaker <strong>City</strong> yeBterday after a. wjuiirii<br />

<strong>of</strong> two weekit,<br />

UlmrltH Harrnw, a Hoil-known young<br />

iuan <strong>of</strong> Philudgl|.|iitt, U Ntuppitig ut<br />

The IJifiiyetie,<br />

Ueorge L. Horn, iif<br />

The <strong>of</strong> a<br />

pi<br />

tn the city ytatterduy I taking aftur<br />

i<br />

liiri<br />

Janiya CJ, Lnve and Wllliaiu E, Nte-<br />

iiMiii, <strong>of</strong> Phi lade) ph in, ryglNEt>:ed ut<br />

Tlie iirlgbtoii yeaterdHy,<br />

Mrs. 1J, A, ItuBai.<strong>of</strong> Laiuberivilte, X,<br />

J,, it HlHter-lu-iaw ol Rev, lather<br />

h htoprilug ai The Lafayette,<br />

The &)lB»eH W.Walker and<br />

Weiizel, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, are (be<br />

arrivajH at The Blmiid, •<br />

Dr, Janiesi jluleointi, itHf!nia>uputhte<br />

yiilyltiii uf Pbiladelpbia, will remain<br />

fur the remainder tit the week.<br />

Testimony Thai Far Given<br />

Conflicting Character,<br />

No tefltiinuhy bari yet bfyis pniduyed<br />

byrory Curuiier ileLaugliliii in the In.<br />

iiu^i <strong>of</strong> the Atlauilu <strong>City</strong> itailruad col»<br />

Iklou to fix the diruut reNponHlbllll.y<br />

fur the auLident, Thy evideiiee regard-<br />

ing Engineer Furr'n autiuii iu runuii g<br />

at a »peed <strong>of</strong> furty-flve iiilk'H an liour<br />

pant ft danger Hlgual ieemu iiiyxpltcyible,<br />

and OH be 1H dt>ad his reaHiiiH fur doing<br />

HO will never lie known,<br />

Karr was un experitiited yngincer,<br />

and the evitli-uce thus iur giveu teudn<br />

Iu prove that he was lieliber rtckltHH<br />

nor I'arelefH, Two woyfcB prevluua io<br />

this terribly avyldeiii his truin was elg=<br />

nailed to Mnp nt thinHameir.tuning,and<br />

bnitiglii his train uudyr<br />

ix-<br />

tut ihv tent<br />

A erowd <strong>of</strong> young men late last iiighi<br />

tboiiglit they would liuve Hiaie »|iur<br />

by I'uitliig Hie ni|jeH ttiflt Hnpport tbe<br />

leiitH oi-iiupied by iueiuben <strong>of</strong> tlie<br />

i'liuir <strong>of</strong> thy clmrcli Iif tlie HolyTrinity<br />

<strong>of</strong> West (Jbejiter, wlin are eanipliig uii<br />

the beaeh. They tiueefeeded Iii culling<br />

Hiree uf the' nijiea before the oycupuiit<br />

knew what was going oy, Beverai ai<br />

the cainpera undertook to caieh the<br />

tatlMereanbi and ybaied theni forweveru<br />

squares through: (he «ity.<br />

The fieeitig rhBeals managed to iHi'tipt<br />

ibeui by runtilug ih rough Beveml dark<br />

alleys, in Uie fiiture a etose watch<br />

will be kept upon the fenis, and If any<br />

one Is eaughi iiiteffuriiig with tberu or<br />

loitering aruund thefanip late at utgbE<br />

they will be «yerely dealt wlili. • It<br />

lucky the aiarauden' weren't<br />

ItiHi night, for the camperi; who<br />

weiit in ptirBuit <strong>of</strong> Hiern carried heavy<br />

diibn aiid other<br />

Our siriytUFB* iibon tlie iU, we<br />

have iiiice ItmrnwJ, In go to tiie<br />

lif (lie yadiit Hyiiitb, tin Hiniduy lilgbt.<br />

L*Hpl«lu Uurroii, <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong> Htstfiiii, 'Hignajled for afaiHiaiiee,<br />

The i'efk'H Hea«li ereftp are not alluded<br />

to teavij their pted adverse coiiinieiit.<br />

?fUAhton L'dw'k, bet^Sih aiid<br />

i. Moil; aft.; ret Hiiti <strong>of</strong>j.j rew'd.<br />

Otrean Cli» ! ii Popular Band<br />

The SV, A, Manahan Military Jlaod<br />

already ocsuuiea a fixed pueltiou JII<br />

gceauUliy, Its vogue .Is already phe*<br />

iiuuienul, livery rei'ent concert glvea<br />

by ibe members <strong>of</strong> tbe urgaaiaitoji,<br />

who are now re*jileiideiil In handsoiiie<br />

uniforms, hilH beeii iitleinled bj' inBiiy<br />

huiidredH <strong>of</strong> |;«ople, Tlie perfurnjfineea<br />

on the boardwalk Iiave Raehed such a<br />

degree uf {wpulartiy that some eflbrt<br />

niuy be made tb extend the HBHon,<br />

In many hiBtaticw, especially when<br />

the band UUH appeared in AdaiiiH*<br />

C'luiiio, the music Iwa been li»tened U><br />

by tliniiigs nf vimtorH, who speak very<br />

approyiiigiy <strong>of</strong> It, Ordisr has existed,<br />

and (he UJetudJes have beta listened to<br />

with a iileiwure uiiiiiterrupted, Es-<br />

MuyiirSleeliiian, the leader, ta achiev-<br />

ing a reputation with the t.iaiiil that<br />

may nwult Iu uiuking tlie urganlfutlun<br />

iiiited, nut aluni? hi thin e|ty, but<br />

whers.<br />

Bflft« BRll XtilB<br />

A gitme uf base ball will be played on<br />

tiiB Blrand, opinstlte Bixtli: street, this<br />

aflerinfoil, btttwetil the Lougport and<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> teniuiJ. Tha ganiB will be<br />

railed at &M u'elnek. There Is every<br />

likeUhood ef tliu p w btiug an inler-<br />

entiqu one w everybody iu towii knows<br />

what tlie honie team csn dpi while Ite<br />

"IjOpgporter*" are composed sf Colle-<br />

glnus froia Yule, Princeton and the<br />

Uiiiverai^y ef Pennsylvaulfi, ;<br />

ay 8 m S-<br />

hb tt<br />

WiNTSp—Tfl bu^foFcuiij ay 8 m S-<br />

roooied boune In Ucan C'y, W, thb ott,<br />

, will HiKiiU tlie twu Juiief<br />

weekfl In <strong>Aug</strong>ust at thin ruHurt,<br />

MIHH ManeilleM, an HitNiiuitiiNhed<br />

(iHieiiin <strong>of</strong> Plilluilelntiiii, cuullmitH to<br />

eiiurluiir tiie KIUHUI <strong>of</strong> The Hiruud,<br />

JuiDeB Fran ifH Hi •bertha weil-kiiowii<br />

mM'lety man nf Pidlttijeijtbiu,<br />

piiij? with frlentlH oil W«Jey<br />

Ilev, Clmriw WillluuiB ant) liev,<br />

Henry Wiillard, «f iinxihlyii, N. V^<br />

run overfrnai Atlantic <strong>City</strong> yesterday,<br />

UnmaiiagH, niie <strong>of</strong> Ftiilaclyl<<br />

moHt prurafiH'ul ijiiilderSi is bere<br />

for a week, He h stoppfng Ht The<br />

Ijifuyeitf.<br />

Lawrence Higghi! 1 , a prominent<br />

jeweler <strong>of</strong> New York, eaajti over ffiiiii<br />

Atlaiitle Ulty ytsttixJay nn*U remained<br />

over night,<br />

MrH, John 11, Harrtrut'l, <strong>of</strong> Wilriiing-<br />

ton, Del,, Isehjoyjiuf the bnt-Kfts fora<br />

SVeek at a cottagy in the lower msUim<br />

<strong>of</strong> the city, , ' '<br />

Master James Allan, uf Brooklyn, X.<br />

Y,, )H visiiiiig the Biiiiimcr residence <strong>of</strong><br />

li, W. Kuthcrfora mid family, I'MQ<br />

Aaljury avenue, .<br />

Miss Marlon Smith, <strong>of</strong> Pblladelpbla,<br />

wlio visits Oceao tJlty every iumiuer,<br />

says the iiotletH miiiiy (tiiprovenienti<br />

ilnee last §nmmer.<br />

After a delightful stay ot three weeka<br />

at a Central avenue LNittage, Frank<br />

Thomas and family returned tu Phil-<br />

adyiphla tiibJ nmriiiiig,<br />

Heury O'DonuiH, <strong>of</strong> tjio PUlladei-<br />

pbia pasMiiHee, Is here fwr a brief mt=<br />

jifuiiu He was ilHlinig yesterday and<br />

caugbt a few weabt!nb,<br />

L. J. Sthoiltt, tlie Fhlladelphia Iron<br />

merchant, aud daughter, Margarei, ti»<br />

getber with Mrs, John .Murphy utid<br />

faraliy, are (he guests uF tbelr tnotber,<br />

iln, FioHiiee Bcbniitt. "'.,,'<br />

At Use liiijiiest yesterday,<br />

Piiikertiiii, <strong>of</strong> lite txitrew, muted (bat<br />

Farr njiiht liave at*!! tlie siBiiul • H*?t at<br />

rnnaliig for be beurd liim give NIB rejj«<br />

iilur Hignal in reply U> imlify ibe tower<br />

man—a blast <strong>of</strong> tbe whistle. The wit-<br />

in.i*H liitjiiiuleif, rutber tbiiii elnirged,<br />

that the signal «us t-uddviily ehmigLd<br />

on Purr, IM he lieuiil (tie wbinilu in a<br />

lueinent bluw furloiiNly ugaiii for what<br />

lie took to be umtther HlynHt bhwt.<br />

IJiidef exiiiuiniitiiiii, tbe wltiifHrt was<br />

funul !u,adi!ilt Unit wbtn lie looked<br />

front the platform <strong>of</strong> the ear tbe dan-<br />

ger HJgini) wnH Heh and tb!n |ionltinii <strong>of</strong><br />

A uuy, named Arthur HtUes,<br />

plained that he had ridden out to tee<br />

the bicycle traek on the svsaiBg ef thf<br />

ayeldent, HecrtiSHed the drawbridge,<br />

and raided with the eieuralon train,<br />

heating it.<br />

Me saw the lleadiiig exprt« eoralng<br />

at the rate <strong>of</strong> forty er Mly miles an<br />

hour. The engineer blew a long, nhrl!l<br />

whlHtleaBd Hiarled to rau# with the<br />

Kiadliig express. The lieadlug irabi<br />

Btfuuk the West Jersey train ju»t OH he<br />

reached ibe tower,<br />

''Oil being further queiit|Dned lie r#«<br />

peated that be left tbeexcuniion train<br />

behind, and that lie was not going<br />

faater than twelve miles an tidur, thuH<br />

contradicting Grelner'H tefltlmoiiy that<br />

titu eseurtiion train was running thirty<br />

uii hour,<br />

niiiiiy other<br />

Kvidenee was HIHO pnHhieetl<br />

Ibat 1'arr had r#du(<br />

tunk plate. Kiiginesr Urehier,<br />

uaiutaluid he was runulug<br />

about thirty iii lies an hour, tie did<br />

not stop because be wan looking after<br />

hbowu aigtittlB sad tbe' tafely <strong>of</strong> his<br />

train. He testfiled he heard ooiy ei»<br />

whistle from the oxprew engine, aud<br />

that was just before bis train was<br />

struck. [ He denied Plnkeiton's stata,<br />

ineot that hecoyld have Btopped bbt<br />

train when lie saw Uie Beading ex-<br />

press bearing down upon htm. He was<br />

poeiUve he was running at the rate <strong>of</strong><br />

tblrty mila Bii hour, and couldu'l haw<br />

s l o p p e d , • :: • •< ;,:•.'• . 'r• ,• ;-.\.i^ '•• ,<br />

<strong>City</strong> leata to-morrow aftemouii. It<br />

will be known an the "baa beeilH,"<br />

It, W, autherfiird, Jr., accompanied<br />

by IIIH fatlier and jftmea Allan, acouHln,<br />

went uii a Hailing trip to Beesley's<br />

Point yiid Luiigintft yesterday and #ii*<br />

joyiid a very eseltlugHall,<br />

Tomorrow evening there will be a<br />

grand fete on AduuM' pier for the bene-<br />

fit <strong>of</strong> thenew Epfeeopai ehurcli fund.<br />

Everything pussiUe 1H being doiit to<br />

make this a insist eujnynblt! oceaalon,<br />

Cisrouer It. Cuittsiiobiuson will yMi<br />

Sea iMle <strong>City</strong> tomorrow to hold an in-<br />

ifuest in tlie ease <strong>of</strong> Emma K, Kelt, the<br />

young Pblladeiphla woman who was<br />

drowned in the surf at that, resort over<br />

three weeks ago, He espeeti Jolm H,<br />

FiHher, the Kew York bicycle uleemaSj<br />

whn was bathing with Muu Hell when<br />

she lust her life, tu be present us<br />

witness.<br />

Don't fer^-t the beiieflt fop thi Firet<br />

M, E, church trusties this evening at '<br />

the Palace Amusemeut U»uipany f H<br />

building. The old as well u tbe young<br />

slum id tAke advantage <strong>of</strong> tillsexeelient<br />

opportunity and etintribute toward the<br />

cause. Manager Brown Will bave an<br />

UiiUHuat presBUre <strong>of</strong> steam on hand to<br />

whir! the merr3-go.round,ftfl kJHhoped<br />

it will be crowded every trip, ,,<br />

At the Auditorium tomorrow there<br />

will be a gnind rally ID favor <strong>of</strong> probl-<br />

billon. There will be three sessions—<br />

10.80 a, a,, 8 and 8 p, «, The p<br />

ers to be preaent are Rev*.-1, K, Fuuk,<br />

D, D.i edilor <strong>of</strong> the New York Voice ;<br />

Rev, C,-H, Mead, ieeretary <strong>of</strong> the Na-<br />

tioual Teniperauee Society; ftev, j. F,<br />

gjjeiiee, D, D,, Cbaticellor <strong>of</strong> the Atnerh<br />

can Temperance UnlverBlty, <strong>of</strong> Tfen.<br />

liissee, and the Itev j, B, GAw, D, D,,<br />

<strong>of</strong> Treujsn, The W? A. Blanaiiau<br />

Military Band will be present.<br />

Hade iHHane bjr<br />

Tlie young people <strong>of</strong> aur town might<br />

prom by tbe experieaeei <strong>of</strong>Mifbaei<br />

ghHW, aii llyear-old New York buy,<br />

who wpefii the grealer part <strong>of</strong> last Bun-<br />

day at a awimnilng place bear Oak<br />

Pohii, =<br />

He icmnSued uiidrewed lieuiy all,<br />

iiuy, imw in the water sud then uut in<br />

the sun, ami wlieu be went honie lie<br />

was badly Hiiiibnrned from head to<br />

lout. <strong>On</strong> Sunday night his ins!her<br />

smeared him wliii Unseed oil tn allay<br />

ills pain, but tti ati effect,<br />

All night long he i>rfed with iia|B,<br />

and at B b'eloqk Mfjnday* morning he<br />

became frantic. All the eflorta <strong>of</strong> bin<br />

pafBiitH to Boothe him were <strong>of</strong> no avail,<br />

so au flmbuiance wa§called from<br />

llattan Hoapltsl, Dr, fioHOiti p<br />

Bounced young Bhuw insane, but Mid<br />

that he would recover.<br />

If it<br />

A Bleireie Hospital,<br />

your whopl needB a doctor<br />

to GlIbeH & Like, MS Asbury BVelilte,<br />

Pruiesser it«eh, B, M,D,, Istt <strong>of</strong> U»<br />

Hart Cycle Company; will prescribe<br />

for IIU ayery modemte fee.<br />

wire<br />

h<br />

FOB<br />

beds<br />

per, firs pi

fln Unpardonable Liar.<br />

• &ILBEBT PA1OE,<br />

She stood<br />

•om*<br />

Ida BOW. Maybe<br />

i then, made him almost<br />

in jiia quiet and filled bis fees with &<br />

kind <strong>of</strong> tragical beasty, Sagar saw ii<br />

and was streak by it, If bo had Jaiewo j<br />

"If it eon Id make any difference, I<br />

ill ask her toJaomjw." > , ;<br />

Ho did uot imd<strong>of</strong>ttand. Be thought<br />

she waa spealdfig ifouieally,<br />

"Sen are hnnkr than yen Jam,' \ he<br />

amid heavily, "But I will tpe«k It<br />

for the last time Will yea hear me* 11<br />

"I do not wish to, bat I will not go,"<br />

I had net her five ytmw before there<br />

_-,r, .MM futimnoH when she under-<br />

stood thfit fwonlil not aiiirry litr. Tht<br />

diUd wiB born. Time wciit en, I loved<br />

bur. She agreed to go sway<br />

all tie<br />

to have bwn<br />

tno ring fie ass gircn Ber 12 years te-<br />

*— - He stepped forw ard quickly with<br />

If smothered cryaod caoght her<br />

fingers, "Yea wear ay Hag!' 1 he aaid,<br />

"Marion, yon wear my ring! Ifqn do<br />

care for me still?"<br />

She drew her hand away. "No," she<br />

•aid firmly, "No, Mark Tetford, I do<br />

net care t& yea, I have wota thU ring<br />

s» a warning to m


Wa% Men Want (o mnr anil.<br />

Lawyer Albert A. Hswell, <strong>of</strong> this<br />

Motel Arrimia.<br />


city, 1B organ (zlfig a fat men's base ball<br />

Tbe foliowitjf are tb« latest<br />

R. CURTIS ROBINSON, team, witb the view <strong>of</strong> Btayjag ths<br />

at the varisui 2tpai«lriet;-<<br />

rpm<br />

Editor ud Proprietor. crack team <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> next Tues TOB iAJAVBTTB.<br />

day. Mugger ilsssey faaa promised Andrew MeCudden arid wife, Janata ~, <strong>Ocean</strong> Gitvy N, J.<br />

5Oe. Per Beaton. to gave them ft game, providing they<br />

Now opeti<br />

tleCuddeo, Midhjel ATeOudden, Dsulel<br />

[ wll! sign at) agrpcnient bot to fall upon leCudden, Master Asdrew MeCud-<br />

per Hoe tor flnsi insertion anil<br />

tinier.<br />

lino ^W for such 9WB iBbgeqHBBfe •Utsftjaent. toy <strong>of</strong> Ills*players aud disable thetn,', litD, MISB Mary Mc€udde,i, Miss Marj<br />

Ktte* tor WsntaB rf""""- Airnlihpd Atloruey HowelJ's team will consent<br />

MiWF IntSndeJ for publication mnil to I Ilia if it la stipulated In the agfos-<br />

mm si,<br />

I Ilia if it la stipulated In the agfos-<br />

6SMS»<br />


wd before IB «, m, <strong>of</strong> the dnjf <strong>of</strong> pabll- UeUt IfiaJ "we will t itei<br />

cation.<br />

UeUt IfiaJ "we will not inteutionally<br />

(Hth*<br />

any <strong>of</strong> them."<br />

H, I/, Chaadler, & Jtf. Bryant, B A,<br />

• •<br />

Tfit lawyer baa &l<br />

Hurual, url Wffl, W P, ^tr«t, Jr., P Central<br />

fly#<br />

, f»t«i, sir,, fituadelplayers<br />

for bis team.<br />

p ; hrj<br />

He la BOW look.<br />

A.<br />

A.<br />

Seeds, Tiiw, H, Harris, a<br />

OCEAN CITY, n, j.<br />

ing far four cthera<br />

Csindenr M, A,<br />

Kont<br />

A Taii and d wife,<br />

:<br />

pRirU, Tffiiiii<br />

~ 4 •*iM| TO im trail!, because<br />

he pergjsied ia vjgoretuiy Bbaklug tbe<br />

little one on account <strong>of</strong> her erjlng.<br />

Theehakjngs be gave the child did<br />

not appear to have aay eflfeet eEcept io<br />

ttake her cry the harder, Tba waineji<br />

iu tbe depot gtflBeed at the stranger<br />

and ssjd mean thioga about him to<br />

each other. The men looked over tlie<br />

tope <strong>of</strong> their papers Wflwioiially and<br />

swore inaudfbly, The tether <strong>of</strong> the<br />

ehiid were 11 wgrrled look, aad tbi<br />

bab© continued £» cry. At Umei it<br />

Bt(<strong>of</strong>l)u y sf Mfllviile, He will play<br />

third base and Manager Hinvell de»<br />

peuds upoii Itirn to do most <strong>of</strong> ttie<br />

iilayiag. For tuat reasoii he will be<br />

ssnigned to ibat Important position.<br />

Jf lawyer Keweatnb ig as iuee^fu! =-,,...-, mr, au<br />

p!a>*iughaH os he fa pJMdirjg eausa Ogdeii, (Jape May <strong>City</strong>,<br />

the stout mcu should win witb ease, ' : <strong>On</strong>tifieJtl Jordau, flfl«« Af, (J.<br />

CierujHiituwh; MM, Wtijiain<br />

WliiiHia A, Beisfr Bud wife,<br />

B#Iser, SVynmte, V*,\ MMier Hartild<br />

«-'»—, «oujert!*u, !*»,* jiiaifter Tbeodare<br />

rtsab, Mii« Sara Waijyw*!l, Ab<<br />

i, i*»,i MIM May Alburger, ilia.<br />

1>. VV,Kramer, aiiBHltoriiiaKtaajer,<br />

'•"<br />

—'<br />

J. \V, Alehardfinn- Vbo will plaj'<br />

l ' l hlim, A,<br />

In M ji. iii.<br />

| Jjn.it*Li*ii B,<br />

Cor. 8th St. and Wesley AveL I ~~ RESIDENT ,<br />

OEKAIB i'lCr'T, Si, j.<br />

EIGHTH STflEET mi mill AKWf<br />

TlilH liOiiHi<br />

r.venueB few rrniu flit, nwaiti<br />

inoilutlcins<br />

\\\,\ ji tudBf and its<br />

head wfluld a^ §iespii Th<br />

? suii i sj ni<strong>of</strong>l p, MI.<br />

g T, ABBUTT, Jj<br />


ftojerfles PorSaJe OP Rent<br />

BQWKLU iUiliiY a,<br />

e ee<br />

top<br />

ballplayer.<br />

own,!, * «T«Eiitinh by IDnIiD^ Wiaflfji II,<br />

Fn*lai=, <strong>of</strong> Unffiiifi, S. Y, i • "<br />

AUfiUST JB^lFi-irinti by It*'*. A. -j= Palmer, p=<br />

: Uii fif JJsw YHFIJ t'lijf. iiisHlunary Seurefafy<br />

Of tlieH, E. eliUFish. "<br />

AIJtilJSTSi. Hsrii.fjn by ISr* .t P, yirHon, p.<br />

0,, Pmthifffinn mlhUt^f iif liruciliifii. Si, V.<br />

Tli«S«#iilHllfli!loaJ AiMHiiLbl* befjriji JimeS<br />

and < ttjjtiiiufl* until July 1,1, It it<br />

flBrt JU!9>rd£Bsiiiiii>ilk>iia!, Pi-rtliiHiil, (if<br />

Jnhh KAtnij, WashJiiKfuN, It, 13 ;i3tef!-tary.<br />

J. E, Uiibrri, Wanliliiiiin!., 13, £!P<br />

Primary BflhSdl <strong>of</strong> Mpthufli f fitHum! »y =«n »IB<br />

<strong>of</strong> all drill.trilnallr.riH liy Hie Mtiw J,.r,py BlfllC<br />

HLindsy-aelKM.l AiiijKliiiifin, Juij- SB In jiiif S<br />

feereiary, ItB*. E, M.jtrln Fi-f^iiguii. 'If«tl«ij.<br />

«. J,<br />

• riiftiitnuqua AiiBrmhly Julr 3i and SI, Slot<br />

I* li. fnvain, or CiMiiiph, S, J , ^er-fftpy,<br />

Epworili J^rtfiur tjiiBs^iiiifiii, Aiisut-t i ro<br />

AUKIISE IS, HPV= li, J, Krlipy. rtf WiHiimxh, K,<br />

J,j PfFBld^ht nf the SfS JpfT!l»n?)'f Iii HiiiiiHdeHiri>d,gB bond add mortltiise. '<br />

ISimliii'MHciitriiiiU.il its Hiy tsre ttill rt-reive iimiript fittunllon.<br />

13 LOTS<br />

Befc Juliii Diunipion, ananciate fitlinp iif Ihe<br />

"Utirlailan ^fVidsriJ," frill imvs ehiiPgB <strong>of</strong> ijia<br />

l l i i l l Mli it ^^itelliiHi l '<br />

l pilitr vogajiiii, lln. Ke*. J. U. Wilson,,<br />

<strong>of</strong> l'hlteiii-liihtn, will he preiiiMn timl Bing al ilietftrluiis<br />

nifi-iliiv'f fh<br />

Many jifomii<br />

aiid lirv Jcr»y , | B<br />

(illii-r tniiffri'iiLfn mid ddnoniiiiaiiiiiiH,<br />

iireecnl l>? prtaeJ( a.,ct llelp in Hi* Intel i<br />

B, WEH^KV LAKE. 1'rTl-ld.nt, '<br />

Groceries, Provisions, Meats, Etc, 1<br />

Call and See<br />

j rrouutu^ etc* j<br />

t*n|t !iB.-ni-y flip ••'J'lib'.i'vjvbrttUil E. H, Hilt. I<br />

ep,' p " " !<br />

im and 707 AHliijrj 1 AvtHHP,<br />

H. 1<br />

iH'KAN ITI'V S= ,1.<br />


Seventh<br />

HfHHOiiiiitj i-'riiiiff i-iiiiffiiiiliy on iiiimi, A<br />

tiiji tint' r tirNi^iiiKK ii inKiTiff, ii liinnif<br />

Uiilll IU o'uliH'it HiltliFdllJ' I'Vi-'ililij;,<br />

FREMII and S1I-T J1I0AT.H<br />

Ncs, HO Afihury Avenue,<br />

(Viiihlpy l-F!HlUi'!> freHh.rniiii Ilm fiiPin, All.<br />

iiDtalis di.'lIVcriiJ IOunliT. :<br />

|"i GORGE 5IVI-H!t, . '<br />


, m AsnuiiY AVENUK, i<br />

A fui 1 lintl<br />

K4 S.<br />

MUKAS CITY, S, ,h !,<br />

IDS Cream Parlors,<br />

, IJuUcr, I%jt<br />


n HRDH,,<br />

Bt, and Aabury Aye,<br />

lioardwaik. third door be!, Sth Bt.,<br />

jee Cream, Water Ices, Frozen<br />

Fruits, S<strong>of</strong>t Brinks, fete, '<br />

All Our FFirori An Midi from Frith Fruilt,<br />

Ice<br />

-AND=r<br />

NO. 714 ASBURY AVENUE,<br />

OCEAH eiTV, H. i,<br />

Mf ife Served from 6 a. m. to 8 p. m,<br />

OyifUTfl unii Kish =» spwlaliy: -Hi'FVi«<br />

l PfiMii Pi rarrsspondliiB WHM i'lljr l<br />

, t'ijro nrMlnh well WHUji^<br />

ionii foe IB l<br />

qiinllty, WB!W IffH af nil<br />

' C. MAHAN 4 CO,<br />

Embalmers and Undertakers.<br />

]» el the<br />

l<br />

B, U. IsauiuwM- A, H,<br />

1'RAerlCAb<br />

Embalmers...<br />

AND Undertakers <strong>of</strong><br />

A<br />

our I'nrioni upe o;*n mr tho j<br />

Hodlw froni llfilpls or CSHiist* _<br />



04S-4? ASBURY AVtNUi.U<br />

CITY. '<br />


Our List <strong>of</strong> Lots from<br />

We can SeU you a Lot<br />

and get the Monty to<br />

Build the House<br />

If you will give us an<br />

Idea <strong>of</strong> what you want<br />

will draw your Plans<br />

and Specifications<br />

Call and see us<br />

$<br />

UP<br />

J.<br />

Office next door to Post Off ice.<br />

J; fl. Chester & Co.<br />

Real Estate Agents<br />

RAIL and BOAT.<br />

West Jeraey & Seashore Railroad's Short <strong>Line</strong>s,<br />









No Visitor to Atlantic <strong>City</strong> Should Miss <strong>On</strong>e TH°t r « Exhilarating Trips.<br />

For Time Table* and H«t«a <strong>of</strong> F«r*ApBly at 0ffiG«; .<br />

Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc. WIS6INO SWINDLES,<br />

QOTO-<br />

RUSSELL, & ADAM!<br />

For- WOMEN'S and CHILDREN'S<br />


81H Anbury Avenue,<br />

ANDTO<br />

NEW<br />

Cloth ing House<br />


SI7 ANhury Avenue,<br />

KNORR4CO,,<br />

8S8 ASBURY AVI,,<br />

are now pJIgflnK<br />

1f| tiiiVS Bi|tO t-^Kvn mlvntitHKe <strong>of</strong> th<br />

decline in the RIBBON iimFket iinil lift!<br />

"howlnj it art-lit jiiiitty uf the liltctit fHyli-H ill<br />

the iBUiBi i llow<br />

prl«,'»; AJwrii'it iu reei?l|it ot<br />

mllJf fnr andd<br />

d l h l l i<br />

nt<br />

KNORR-& COM<br />

Ns. 838 ASBLIRY<br />

ARQAINS 8<br />

- - A T i t s<br />

A. J. STEELMAN'S.<br />

Cor, Atlantis and Ohio Aves,t<br />


Kpji'ii liliyclpfiuilF), §4, refluri.il frnin ffl,<br />

M«ii'» i'liaBlmeFB Wulia, §4 "t.ntl SB. fM-<br />

TrOiii f7 Dad fid,<br />

i' Wmppers,<br />

' Wllflh Hullo, 4SO.<br />

iiiikt'tB, lilc., si cily prlcm=<br />

AtTENTIOrl,<br />

Magnificent pake!<br />

It hiut been poiiuUt on a gmndtr Hniie ! iiiiin<br />

ever, "(id is iiOW OpfB for<br />


is<br />

tiiiiii liny Other. Thn building iiiitt<br />

TR-'i'nenJitrU'«litniiH|inmiMK»ird>i jihKTd tln-rein.<br />

<strong>On</strong>ind New Organ,<br />

charming mu ,<br />

A # #<br />

* . , SAAtDV KlTCHCfJ,<br />

ihuilHteiit (hp prodia-lng dell-<br />

in uewin city. 1 Cijiiie mid *ee<br />

rnnde, wi<br />

I.G.ADAMS,<br />

t c PALACE<br />

i, C, IIOIH, Fnsldiiit,<br />

Boardwalk and Eleventh Street<br />

OCEAN CITY, N. 4,<br />

This weii-kBowD plciwuro rtfsrt bu been<br />

Tbe bulldjng hM been oomplflelj- renovated<br />

Bl ft «Mt <strong>of</strong> gtir IBOOO. Oar lee cream pBrlor<br />

in oysr 100 fret long; the light lunch cfife itnd<br />

eandy HDd «adB W8t«r alnodf TJfOVlil* refreiih-<br />

mi MIL THILB<br />

furniih amBpwment fbr n) •, Tin ttrreys?I )<br />

twt" wua M popular fr,r uinhf tnoatbs<br />

nftflf it Wai infr<strong>of</strong>inppfl that it il dot<br />

that it hiiii btwii kept apsTfii<br />

i law. It nHVPr •ttained 1^<br />

iMipulnrity in t!HH wmiitty. A HS?"<br />

tence was printwl wiih one 1 wont ]*f|<br />

hliink. niiti thefirftf ps»nB who ntpplied<br />

the iniwdhtf wont by iimil gut tlie chief<br />

ptisn, other nwurrtR bfirtH itinde up to ft<br />

ciiirmirionible snni, Eorh competitdr sent<br />

in sntriftlitiifr lilCR n Hliililti^ us nntrntice<br />

fen, n Hi! this lot a] nmrmiit remivrd in this<br />

v-af, gMinriillj mi enfjrnions frnm, Wai<br />

difltrilintfd nifimig tlia winiier«,<br />

Tlmt ans flifl •sfaj thp ennipetidon<br />

went when it wnn mnnngpa fairly, Bnt<br />

the most <strong>of</strong> the nitMiug ward gnineB, jf<br />

not sill <strong>of</strong> them, that ate atm<br />

an as moh piiLiclplij.<br />

now coiifln<strong>of</strong>iufr them ire<br />

p<br />

tiiicut nnil ara Bcatterrd bFoad«Ut QD<br />

Britiph m\h In ttiuny cjueg they are not<br />

p. riodiciiln ftr nil, but merely eircnlara<br />

=PH1M1 up m lettetri Riving the tern* <strong>of</strong><br />

tho com petit toD and the Keateaee to be<br />

p<br />

An iiiHtauce<strong>of</strong> how one <strong>of</strong> these *win«<br />

dlefi works in that <strong>of</strong> a wsrlriBgai& who<br />

sent 8 shilliDBB abroad to a contest < A<br />

lew days later he rasived ia reply •<br />

letter Barked "Private," ortanaihly<br />

from an eraplajee bf the fanign coocern,<br />

which otTeted in "revsnge" to<br />

supply the ffliaing word Mtretlj-for 30<br />

shillings, or abuot 15, Tbe deladed meclmnio<br />

sent oa the njoaey and resind<br />

the word. Hbortly afterwaid fee got a<br />

letter from the company, (ayiug that<br />

he had won, and tbnt there yfsm •etwal<br />

hnddred dollara Bt&Df]ing to bis credit<br />

The only tronhJe n, is the letter no,<br />

that another oompetitflT bad lodged a<br />

goujplaint and slalued £3, If n« wns<br />

willing to boy the man ont, «BdJpg £3<br />

by pqatal, the prize money would be<br />

fqrwartid to him In fnlL ^ '<br />

worjiiiigniari e<br />

qlothSiig la order to rain (fas mooej,<br />

«hoD a ftisad nggeited to bin to bsva<br />

the company Bend tbe prista noBef<br />

BIBOB tho £8, Ha wwte to tbst affect<br />

In ouswer eatae a letter ftatlBg tbat ba<br />

Bted uot send the mosey, » It faadiU<br />

teen eottled. Bst they bad • ebufs en<br />

their books ngoiHst him lot "notflrial<br />

aod other cajta<strong>of</strong> enmapy," au«ot><br />

ing to S shilUags. Would he lead thai<br />

o?if immediately fni etpemmi Ooafld-<br />

Ingly ba did so and aetsbsizd ftom<br />

the compauj iftenstrd,—HeW ¥sik<br />

Wnll<br />

Tlia other day aeverikl menibe« .<strong>of</strong> a<br />

faaily, who wore either deaf crduDb,<br />

bath, earns witnin ths writer'" oOgffiuoc.<br />

Bad It wu a»crtained tbal all<br />

weru the <strong>of</strong>fspring <strong>of</strong> finl ooosln* li<br />

has long been an wtablighedmasini thai ,<br />

flrstcoiiHinB Ought not to BMHj, tbongh<br />

tbi ralO ii tery <strong>of</strong> tea broken, Tba qne*«<br />

tion <strong>of</strong> the actual anatomical and pby«iologieal<br />

aim <strong>of</strong> phyBioal diHbtUtl«<br />

in the <strong>of</strong>fspring <strong>of</strong> first eeudu i* wttU<br />

wortJiy <strong>of</strong> the m«t thorongh fiJTeitig*'<br />

tion. Bnt if persona <strong>of</strong> the «BIB blood<br />

and family, inch ae flnteoMinj, all <strong>of</strong><br />

whom mast necessarily be mote or leu<br />

eimilar in stfoetQn and function, ajartj<br />

each other thoq their pemUariyei WiU<br />

id, not ta be diaiauhed, bal to be<br />

laereifed, perhapa doubled. If psopla<br />

would hat bear in mind that the onioa<br />

<strong>of</strong> jrerflons who bars simfkr defeoti,<br />

more efipecfaJly if they we blood relations,<br />

tendi to inteBiify tb«a defecti,<br />

eiuctly ai pi ling eeal on a bright fire<br />

infallibly prodqeas angmented heat,<br />

iy w&old gave themselvea nooh blttw<br />

rensoTSo and avoid the maledletjooj <strong>of</strong> a<br />

lsa <strong>of</strong> inperfeot hnman being* who<br />

not ieldom CUIHB tbe day they ware<br />

po)p.—London HonitaL : '<br />

Pharmacists.<br />

HEW<br />


•81 A?BUB¥. Avg,, OCEAN CITT, N, J,<br />

jlaBdMinaiJIBd &WI equipped !n the city.<br />

Pun Hfun and Mjsiftine*, Toilet Uoodji<br />

pd Fancy Article* FineHMrtmBtiiaf StiM<br />

jonery, *c. PUt ( J j i<br />

SlMDKD.<br />

W«if(fon*f'• qfrlrt in draf store.<br />

^ PHAHJI^V,<br />

Cor, 7th and Asbury Avenue,<br />

, OCEAK CITY, N, Ji ,<br />

Open the cnllfe year,<br />

.AfuU.lne A-fuUlne alS alSryR Patent lIodlei<br />

Oltei AftlelH, Pernimfry, Htntioncry aBd<br />

Ifiinl. FrWCflr'tlOdn s •pwliijty. Try our<br />

lelltil&UI lee Crenin Bods ana J£f f Phuiphste.<br />

Corner BlgbtbBi, wld Waley A\e.<br />

Tlie only regulur frmlUiiUi, with nft«a<br />

aw'sityBi^rteaw, OpenthsU<br />

l t lsrtetiive i my y pergifcj uteltton<br />

, FtirllyBflrfneemrM*.feelne!my<br />

A.nijl line QfgpseWtt«f Atent<br />

unauBetnic^hi wjomintiran buy.<br />

a in »ay pan <strong>of</strong> Hi* B|^.<br />

HOWARD flioBM,<br />


Crooltrj ud Tlmf•, Ftobi^

l/ 1 *--<br />

flu Unparqonaaic liah<br />

WH nuunrig esieaisHQa* regarding the<br />

company he had floated in Londoa and<br />

certain other Battens, When he had fla-<br />

lshed Writiflg, three letttrs jay sailed<br />

aad stamped BOOB the table, **=--<br />

A OHie*-e^viaNiTTi,<br />

•*• CJ«rk'« JEHBM Abont tb# Blek ]<br />

it iBw^tiiaUd l» *b* winn<br />

He had be«u In the habit <strong>of</strong> oBffire-<br />

Kiiiifmoi^ absenting himself fnm the<br />

f <strong>of</strong><br />

t<br />

*«% that I fepi ^l<br />

*,^^ 6 W played<br />

lath Houses. »(*, F. E. CHAMPION,<br />

-~* "•••*'—^ = ^ «ME wan- ..._ — ...» tug) at a Hiretcu<br />

. Lendoa, There was soother aitaiyiflg iatewaJs for ebentii year,<br />

-—— ThisheputiiihispodkeL He Md at Jut thenianBger got toad aad<br />

| took the otJiPr letters ap. west down (wore ftp and down that he-wouldn't<br />

•tain and pasted Uieia, Thes he asked rtanfl it any longer,<br />

the hall porter to order a horse far JM. "Whan *« ——<br />

Oor, SoardwaJb aad Eighth Street<br />

a, fw God*i sake, jorn do nai<br />

•aiiohlarl-<br />

--:« tte«aWefB<br />

•» ready at the door ia an how. He<br />

afain went to his n»m, pat no a riding<br />

• fli * i ^ e dowa "^d walked on* aoi«g<br />

d to th<br />

JlMMlf<br />

tm^llmms^d lohnfe<br />

eao^<strong>of</strong> the otter maa. Btftba<br />

tack toe Bsoij, I §aid thlags asd*<br />

flinp I did not aiesa. He went<br />

•pto. And theji aftenraft! I knew that<br />

I lewd hia,"<br />

' '«® ff J afl rf that, npea ^ffljdif<br />

•affl Telfem, leftipf go a long breath,<br />

ef Jurdaes. ' • A few days HKU I had ds^<br />

tmnined to lad hia If 1 eeaid, and to<br />

tbst end I intended t© ask a man whs<br />

had pwved hifflsiU a firtead to learn, if<br />

pasifahv where he was in America, I<br />

ease here to see biai aad my daughter,"<br />

"Who is the man?"<br />

(Unghtm,<br />

hadJld<br />

gar,<br />

gflt abet fr^ Tclfwd's<br />

« »'ortnaaBB wan," bo<br />

eamily '"gtm.hnxs s<br />

to 6edthiit=-tli<br />

. _ -.w-*eat to tho nan a<strong>of</strong>fl<br />

qnietlyandeHtiirfldthe halL oeraj<br />

at the dew <strong>of</strong> Hair's sitting reeas. "As<br />

ho did so a fitrriuit game ont, aad, ia<br />

neply to a qncstioni said that Mr. Hagar<br />

bad gese to the Tempo hotel and waald<br />

be baek difwtly. He went ia aarl sat<br />

i dews. The enrtnim were drawn beet<br />

i between tho two FOOBJS. HO saw the<br />

, easels, with ihnif baaks ta tho archway,.<br />

|B§ rose, went ia and looked at the<br />

! sketches ia the dim light<br />

I Be started, flushed, aud his lips drew<br />

back meg hi* tenth with aa saiumlJike<br />

fierceness, bos iniitiodiately he M rroia-<br />

issed again. He got two roadies.<br />

. brought flioia aad s>t thpta on u stead<br />

f between the easeltL Tflpn ho fiae daws<br />

j i«d studied tho piintiagi! alteiitlTelyf<br />

! He laughed oiiee with a dry rcekless*<br />

lies* • "This tell* her story admirably,<br />

He is eqaal to his mbjecf. To be hang<br />

iu the aeadeniy. Well, well!*'<br />

Ha heard the outer door epca, then<br />

--iraed iatel? Hssmr rafts-ed the man<br />

ana cane fortranl te where he ~m% The<br />

artist was aiMoished. aad for the in-<br />

staai ensbsH-aHsed, felferi tote. "I<br />

leek the liberty <strong>of</strong> waitinf for yoBj aad,<br />

•eeisg the piettires, was iaterested, "<br />

. fiflgaf bowed coldly. Boomed his<br />

hand toward the pie tares. "I hope<br />

! yon find them BBthfal, M<br />

•' "I flfld them, asl said, iateresfcifiir,<br />

They wiUuako skHtjiimtiw. And ia there<br />

anything aiors vosmmyf foa are a<br />

Ittpky fflaa, and yea have the ability to<br />

isio advatuge <strong>of</strong> it Tea, I greatly ed-<br />

aiw ysar ability. J can ds that at<br />

leant, tiongh we are Qmmlce, I gappose,»*<br />

Hfa words were atteriy witbont sf-<br />

fpage, A melancholy smile played cm his<br />

Ups. AgEiia Bagttf bowedt bat did not<br />

, —« we mnBsg^ rasipUBf hi* bMhy wwmwiilk aa<br />

firay half with one hand while he WKAN <<br />

brongbt the other flat down on the ite- h i-. u n A A I J.<br />

sographer^ desk with a baog that aude iATII ROUMS<br />

SiSlfor BTOfj BiinBta that be has teen ttJrWy tim-eiuik H<br />

fOBit I'd diseharga hiai oaths sum and fee. K.I-<br />

WOOD'<br />


_ every oiinale that he has<br />

„—. I'd discharge hlai on the spol<br />

and be dsse with it, bat he's ggocid<br />

w<strong>of</strong>ker whea he's here and I like bla<br />

and Will toy to pot npwltb this bit and<br />

Bjiffl way <strong>of</strong> mmlttg around tot a little<br />

while longer."<br />

That was on Monsisy, The etetk<br />

dfda't ihow ap till Widneiday at aqea.<br />

"What'i been the iaaWiff M asked tlio<br />

manager, poshing hia plumes down over<br />

the aid <strong>of</strong> his ause md e/iag his em<br />

plojee soverolv<br />

Boardwalk aad Ninth Street,<br />

OCEAN VlTYiS, J,<br />

, J,<br />


WIIK Sti SEASON,<br />

634 Asbuiy Avenue<br />

C0Dlf5Ctors andiuilrifirs.<br />

The man took hia placo at ths long<br />

table and cgsmeueed siow^-pBliisf cu<br />

his black oiljca sleeves,<br />

"TIJB bahy has heeaiiek a^itti" he<br />

•aid gravel? taking np bis pen oad Lo-<br />

ginaing to write,<br />

•Tin sorry," lie said, "bat pieais<br />

_ J«f in siind that the uoit tiiiia yon go<br />

<strong>of</strong>f this way yoa will legs jam wages/'"<br />

Tho majj's face jseaaied to take on an<br />

etherdEgreeaf puleneas,'"* L<br />

calraly* "Alltight,'* H*<br />

1'foprliUJr. , _<br />

AReHiTEeT,<br />

i Contraeior and Builder*<br />

Bath House" "••""" """ •<br />

[Boardwalk ud Eighth BtriiL<br />

* 1 W ^ 1 J ^ 1 * ^ * i Nest dwr to Hi»t Offl<br />

[k gf<br />

I hfive liiHt'ii imiimviii niiij t'nlHreN fn.V<br />

ullilihHih uhd lIiuMs frtVurlnjf iijn wills Ifiwr<br />

il rind attentive iiEiendnnlfl utul<br />

cniz*.<br />

tion.<br />

JjiijHl Kjtllniiiu-s given on applica-<br />

N jfUfimUtUHj,<br />

OCEAN<br />

TH&<br />

OCEAN CITY, K. J,s SATUKDAY, AUGUST 8^1806, NO, 86,<br />



at Bellet ue Oalh Falavr,<br />

l^tiiieP the I V H HujMTviHlttii <strong>of</strong><br />

f! Conti^ctorS Bnllder,<br />

^.,-~.T went en, "We ate ««<br />

aea jpt I haTO doue yea se harei, yoa<br />

haw injured aie, have jiissaltcd me, aad<br />

?ct I do Hot meat it, which Ii strange,<br />

BS inyirienas ia awildet eoantry woaia<br />

tell yea,"<br />

fls. tDtheaaswufed<br />

* aaa west en writ*<br />

It was sii wetka before La staid away<br />

again and that time he Wag gone two<br />

duye, Bs cnine back ou u pay day. Bis<br />

fuco wag sallow and haggard and his<br />

eyes were sBBkeii and ped.<br />

"Baby been sick again?" niked the<br />

fflanagtr, with a faeetioas little eaiJe,<br />

"Ves,"wasthBqtiiet naswef. "She<br />

wag WOMB than airaal this time." Aflj<br />

the clerks grinaed and Blade ap their<br />

stiads that he had had a high old timo '•<br />

that trip, I<br />

Sis dallarswwe dedneted ftflBj his I<br />

ealary to <strong>of</strong>fsrt the pleasures Qf f^<br />

tie spsm, and the nmuiigeF tisonght<br />

ench MDimurj paaiebaieiii ouHli<br />


El HBuB.i U 4. H, TD t *, It,<br />

SAMUEL NCIfUitCif, H, Si.<br />

--——. OITV.N. d,<br />

4 i l i 'iriiUiiiu! work<br />

Three Verdicts Rendered by<br />

the Jury.<br />


Towermao Hauser, Who Wai UBder Bail<br />

Peaainf the Invistigafloii, Was »is=<br />

Prom Custody by Coroner<br />

TBe Verdkts Have No<br />



OFFICE: liml KniafHnr ' ~<br />

Olnmmv fuiircmd dt'iKii.<br />

Jtoa^JBoNt^ida 1 !^**<br />

weekg ho gtaiij away aga<br />

his fialary wai aiain di<br />

BeUJMUtohUi<br />

1 Sbe woiuld pevu forgirq foa. ihe was<br />

^ good for yon, and yea rained her<br />

Bs wai tei5r qaiei and spoka ia a<br />

dear, aed jtatiw roiee, * • FOB ate right,<br />

I think ibe hate* me. Bat j(m are<br />

vrsmg, too, for she has fergi¥ea Hie,»<br />

-'^00 tawe seeu htrr 1 She eyed hiffl<br />

MEiHii reforaiB* ?<br />

tho end <strong>of</strong> threi '"<br />

weekg ho gtaiij away again, ayd althoogli i<br />

his fialary wai aiain dimiDiNhtnl at ^e ,<br />

sanje Mte, he took auotlier sell appoint-'<br />

ed vacation vvitiiin a manth, Whea he '<br />

•ent a nate arooud tbefoarth time after ]<br />

the decking proc^HS e<strong>of</strong>fiiniaesd aad ag<br />

EQ&atOd for hii nhsoiit-a by the msw ol<br />

i h<br />

linonf tiit= iiilntfH Bitisl vsseniinl j<br />

iitJlHt-iinIlli- Hsjiiirf fijf (iPiiltii snii ; nWflHdfli*"<br />

immevHi* i-i'liiiiHInLTspHo ji woiiltl | !« SlondBi 1<br />

I* well for nil vjsifanaiid prtaw ! j^ ^ ^ j ,<br />

rentingt'oifiisw to«ce tts !!JBiiiini.I jfifiiumj)i><br />

tar? coDcililifii, Hs flltb.nf any hind, " "-'••—"'" r<br />

will jjritt) innliifja iijiii Nljiiilnr:<br />

liKfilfiiM. AU • ill ptllf'tN filluiliii :<br />

priiiiiePi tvltii [Ju? tii-wcr, iiiujftii]<br />

I ! !ty.Bgwt'ftigf li»B a m-i-ti.miil F»I, :<br />

- H<br />

F. IK<br />

yfly<br />

: v i<br />

A a and<br />

u a'<br />

SB 4HJ<br />

Ti! fiuo<br />

8 « £ 01<br />

i as, ! fi rt?<br />

io fti<br />

fitll inii itj>lt< iriiin iijiTH-^in front ^Jiinnlii<br />

liHiV llHiN KtVliiKliH (iii-ili,rH| ilFiiiii* |j Tuesday<br />

NHL 1 hi! HIM Spiv Ji'rwj' rnHHi. ' ft yMiiicsjt<br />

Dl<br />

-«, todaj, !! His foek WAiidered to<br />

a table »heraon wan a phefograph ef<br />

ha danghteft He glaneed at it keenly.<br />

A look <strong>of</strong> eingsjar eiaitenient sprang to<br />

Wi tyea, ".That is year dsBgliterf !<br />

She inclined her head.<br />

"OH? aid is the!" Hepicfced BB the<br />

sQlJid t<strong>of</strong>fle," ,<br />

"It modo aa diffon?n«( to yen then,<br />

Whyshoold itHjaisawyiJiffiircnee now?<br />

WA> should yoa take it io toill<br />

"I do not Jtnow, bat<br />

head niow4 his lips tBgffijaL<br />

"Bat now she is tbsdaBghtef <strong>of</strong> JOBS<br />

Qladaey'B wife, iho Is lo?ed and eared<br />

tat brpe^iswho aw bettej-, inflaitely<br />

better, than her father aad mother were<br />

dead. Aad he is dead!"<br />

VMr ehild! Mj child i" be<br />

^wdf efs- the ht<br />

"Whassiittatphi.<br />

,-—jvuijreacflfld toafr.Miirt<br />

_. Whea yea said yea wars geiag<br />

te.aiftiiyaaetherwimiaa aad toW nie<br />

thai ws mmt pattr Joar ohiid haa m<br />

falher, ¥ea Aall not toll her, ¥oBWili<br />

go sway and ne¥er speak to her, Thinif<br />

<strong>of</strong> ttprttBaHoa, Spai«h«r, if yea do<br />

not apsRime or yonr friend Joha Glad<br />

HugftrwaBimpnssjd, affcetei "How<br />

have I injured yea? By painting theaer"<br />

"The (ajary « thtoi I loved a weaiM<br />

•aa wroaged her, hat Bet^eyoad_»jiai<br />

ration, years passdrTf saw her and<br />

loved her mil She might itijiinwe<br />

lorod rae, bnt uiiather BHUJ caao in. It<br />

^Myea, That was eae iajwy. Then"—<br />

He took aa a candle and held it to<br />

the sketch <strong>of</strong> the difleoTery. M Thisis<br />

perfect is its art aad ehivuliy, It glori*<br />

flea the, ^rl That is right, pl Ha held<br />

j the candle above .the second sketch,<br />

["This," he gflid, "ii adaiirable as Hrt<br />

aadfletiqn. Bat it ia fistion, I have no<br />

hope tjiat yea will ehangp it I think<br />

yoa would niuko a migtake to do so.<br />

YOB eoBld not hate the situation, if the<br />

froth were painted. Yoar audif-noo will<br />

ngt hate the villain as ths injered raaa, f *<br />

' * Were you the in jnred mmV !<br />

Telferd pat tho oaadte is ligu'i<br />

nafld. Then he QBiekly took <strong>of</strong>f ate, „„„ IUS wgrmjn geaen<br />

coat, waistcoat and cellar aad threw I ia purticnlnr for patting<br />

tack hig shirt ffoni big Beck behind, j tfonble, '<br />

"The balletwonad I teeeivedoa that The elerk hiatseif epeBerf ths doei'<br />

eaasion was ia the baefe," he, said, aad let the iaanager ia. His coat was<br />

<strong>of</strong>f and ilia eyes were swollen aud his<br />

hair was pushed back ia reckless C«JIB-<br />

iim. The niiiuager tupped big conaeui-<br />

pajtieaily 011 the aardwuod floor as a<br />

preiode w tho coming lootura and §afd<br />

with a testiness that was tuade itili<br />

ttore bitter by nspleioa i ,<br />

"Well, sir, 1 did iiSjjpss to flad yea<br />

athoine, didn't I? How'a that baby?"<br />

The niau held ont his hand with a<br />

.-«•••« us u.ia nuHoiiL'e by the sasis aid<br />

pica that the baby was sick the manager<br />

made up bin miud that he woald laves-<br />

tigute thiugN.<br />

JJTm gfiiag over to hia hon» gad<br />

straighten tills niaitcF ont, "La said to<br />

tlt» stenographer Iwtweou Boateoea, <strong>of</strong><br />

letrer he was dictatiug, "Thaifttii |<br />

^'t sick any'ajQro taiat 1 aai, aud not I<br />

half as randi so, and Tli caR?h him laes<br />

te fuce ia his tricki-ry. If 1 go oytr<br />

there aad flud him drunk, as 1 1 anpposo<br />

I will be pretty sare to do, I'll discharge i<br />

hiai m quick he woa't know what Ijis !<br />

Baino is,"<br />

The it enop'opliBF BB id uhe theaghfi f^hat<br />

was the cjnly wuy to fli hiuj, and figbt<br />

away after iBuoh he aitirted fer tJie<br />

South Side lo hunt op his dilinqneut;<br />

eiBployie, The niyn lived I"B the third j<br />

aat, sad by the tiaiB the aiauaHef had;<br />

pBffed and paiited hiir.ielf op the two.<br />

letig Sights ef stairs Jin wiui enraged<br />

with the world iu gcuenil attd JJIH clerk<br />

After it lung mid tetiiuiis BUhalun, the<br />

coiotier'H jury last (•vyiijtiii returnea<br />

llifte vardkts hi ilsing the<br />

liillly for ilia meadow towtjr<br />

neitr At Ian Ik' (Jity, it w«>k au'» Jaw<br />

TLmmiuy. Atjti.niin^ if, the ver<br />

diut* leudered tliu<br />

wiw divided Li>lwih*ii (lie tit ad<br />

Hineer <strong>of</strong>- the Jteadlnji esjtrisH<br />

Towernimt liiuiHtr. Tlje vgrdiut<br />

tlailly means uuitjiny, ^«» rsf as<br />

ual culpublllty fa (.yuutfrued, m iio<br />

ciiargeuf drluiJUitl iiuglipjiKi.' it* made,<br />

and Joe towfriuuii, w bu WUH uiidi-r ball<br />

peuding the inquest, (ia«<br />

uhsfged by C'amtier iMi<br />

Prior to the return <strong>of</strong> ilie verdintt*<br />

tby Juryoiuii Uad a Wiirui Uiw_Hiwluij<br />

liver the questloa uf uBiisuring Engineer<br />

Ureiuer, «f tbeWest Jewey<br />

£1, to glve-iieed Jn timetotheMma.<br />

.pbamjtigiialKMtagainst lilmraad-thu8<br />

fulled to have hia train under proper<br />

yiintrol on apprsacbiiig the Hlgaui and<br />

croatflhg uader the rules. The uuder-<br />

Higuedjurun fartber declare that the<br />

towerinBu, Oeorge P, Hauier, may<br />

lisve UHed p<strong>of</strong>ir judgment In taih tatU<br />

mute <strong>of</strong> the distauce nway<strong>of</strong> the Atlati-<br />

tle VUy Rntlnmd trala Ke, 'M, wliea<br />

he gave the white boards to the Wpst<br />

Jersey and Bea«horo ext-ufHioR train<br />

Nit, ml<br />

(Signed} LEWIS EVANS,<br />

LKVI U, ALiiKitTSiKi<br />

J, B, (JHAMPHJK.<br />

flli-LuuiEhllii yetsterdtty BUN<br />

jiirymen by tlieoath hi ftd-<br />

tii (JIJUMtable liUBHPlj, who<br />

had charge <strong>of</strong> them. He was iworn to<br />

"ki'ep every penon oa the jury to.<br />

gethfer hi hinue private or ceavealiat<br />

|ilm¥,wiilu)iit meat ordriak, water ex=<br />

eepted, until they had agreed upon a<br />

verdiut, 1 '<br />

Tbe jurj 1 ruiwd tbe pulnl that tbey<br />

Cuuld not be deprived <strong>of</strong> "meat sod<br />

drink,'! and the muneel <strong>of</strong> botb ra!l=<br />

niad winjjiiitiloH agreed with thfm,<br />

Tlie corongr subBeqiieiiUy BBthoriEed<br />

tliy eiiliHtable to tut the jury go to<br />

fast this<br />

far 1<br />

oai<br />

las, 1<br />

II III'<br />

i$m<br />

u OH! FOB A<br />

Fur<br />

' glpt¥M, BM ,<br />

wiflir m,m<br />

feet, Uei>,i<br />

JBR <strong>of</strong> tlie<br />

ii,u<br />

i<br />

p.<br />

——-•«-*•• wan m taa back." he said,<br />

"The othes jnaa tried to play the HHSSS-<br />

iifl. Hero ii the war. Ho posed as the<br />

avenger, the heio, and the guiitkinan, 1<br />

wai called the raward and the tags-<br />

ndr Ha inarried tee girL "<br />

He itarted to put en his waistcoat<br />

again. Hagar eanght his ann aad held<br />

it The ela^was iiaiotioaai and friead-<br />

iy, "Will yon stand BO for a ffidmeat?"<br />

hf said, "Jtist io; that I "<br />

"That 3*<br />

ht I Bay^<br />

paim ia the to-nth?<br />

g as th<br />

=_« JBB maj paiai ia the trath?<br />

Ke, fon ftre talking as the man, Aa an<br />

artist yea were wise tt sriek to year<br />

tot ceBeeptigH, It Iiad the heat <strong>of</strong> in.<br />

Spiration, flnt 1 think yea eaa paint ffle<br />

tetter taaa yoa have doas is "<br />

Bketchea, Crand, I will give<br />

. Be Ml sews in a ehsiF, hta _ M M<br />

Jumdi nsHag OB MM fcn«& Ho did not<br />

•pwit She MBld see hia Bhonlder shnk-<br />

Jag a UilUe, aad areseatlf a tear dre»<<br />

pej m Us ebetiE.<br />

But she did not (dr. She was thiak-<br />

V W h« chili ''Bad yea not better<br />

«i Bald at last, "My d&sghter<br />

"*—T lit any BiQinaBt" •<br />

_/Bnartoodttf»BheE "lhad<br />

» u^ludl hats lest It alL" he said,<br />

"flqedbj." He did sot <strong>of</strong>ftr bte hand,<br />

•*r to *— • " *<br />

The man held o<br />

gesture uf entreaty,<br />

"flniihF'he aoM, with a qnieMig-<br />

nityiitatJoBfroijg by grief,. "She' dd<br />

ihe died jut an honr ugo. "<br />

tino<strong>of</strong> iliii nifMi iiniHirimii (jiii's-<br />

HifljiH. «*p fee I timi i ifit'liii j'liy l»<br />

riot l!M.-kiii(; in ilijK tiriiiii-Ji, Wiij<br />

uss randlSK, oji niiij KHK, wJijrli f!Pi<<br />

iianghrna* Btitl otUvL-iionNiite. wiii>n<br />

'•""'"' ' fiipfiifihfiJ Hi very.i<br />

,,.,.tj to fiirniiiii ArrfiF Jni-HSiiif**.<br />

writ Lifftita In iitij- pun nf Mic> i=ity,<br />

nnil. Kiinnink-ij fili*(ilii(e KMinfitv,<br />

tibii, Tlte iniutiijiwiiit iliiiitu will<br />

I* run nil iiljjlji.:.<br />

year chmm fer fttaie,"<br />

It is am? st<br />

DoB't<br />

^ ^ to fnip^hew.<br />

# ibsklbf Tgica He pictod tip<br />

fetoS»ftBi pored hii hand eter ft<br />

<strong>of</strong>tly M thoogh ho were oanssinff the<br />

girl herself, lifted it to hi* lips, put tt<br />

dorm, ^T*hea fllontly left tha ( i<br />

with carbon bfmlphidg, whieh<br />

practiced in Sugiaad, s prodaat p<br />

iag rmnarlfiibJe iiidnitrial valqo is tha<br />

FiiBit. DisHolrcfl ia water aa insolnblf?<br />

eesgalnB is ptedBced, wii^, Wnaa<br />

wflahed and rpstoved fr<strong>of</strong>fl • the water,<br />

becomes hard odd compact, In which<br />

condition it is found ataikhlB for tool<br />

hanilles, biittoag and other artfcle<br />

___„.„« B. Bh*<strong>of</strong>cUi,d,<br />

Waaniug R, BbaBkland, who died a<br />

few dayi age, Wiis the oldest eferk in<br />

tbe employ uf the United gtatet. Be<br />

qcenpied a positfoti eloBer to ifiuators<br />

thafl gnybtJier besanse <strong>of</strong> the caBfldea-<br />

fial Biitore <strong>of</strong> hil datlei na eieoBfite<br />

clerk in giiaraa <strong>of</strong> thn »*»» •—-»—— <strong>of</strong><br />

ing<br />

IVL LIKE, PffSiftnl,<br />

OFFICB, 601 Asbury Avenue,<br />

PLANT 1 lOtiiSt.iiBd<br />

FOB ATI AUTICtlTlf*<br />

in. snil T=!5l<br />

irjc<br />

B jr^it to bis roosu and s*t writ*<br />

Ibr* tang'Urns steadily, He did<br />

i«ffl isclted arosToos Unoe<br />

ffl isclted ,soos, Unoe a<br />

ttHa As 0pf np ^ad waited back and<br />

llortfl, old PJJ&S boas as the float ?*<br />

.»«iwyii n is ronnd atailablB for t<br />

handles, bfitt<strong>of</strong>ls aad othtf ortfclM, „<br />

U the sattrial, whils still la •olBtiaB,<br />

hag ateabo] added to it there JHObtaia&i<br />

«B« whieh ,ruBy be sttmped in to a<br />

tarletyef efejects, may boused aa a<br />

nediniB for pig meats ia jriffltlsg cettoa<br />

geoda, applied . to cloth 09 s facing m<br />

wed as a Hnbstitnte fsr leather, It'tt<br />

al» stated that sloth having a coatinf<br />

ef Ma solatiDB ia ^esible ini.waafaiagr<br />

*~' rtiffeai wiiea irtBid, io thBt = "^<br />

the (sffioe <strong>of</strong> clerk <strong>of</strong> the hoBSe <strong>of</strong><br />

.,F,Mi0EatiT&, la JpO-l, aad whaa<br />

in Jnlf, 1161, Cojonoi fgraey became<br />

ieoretury <strong>of</strong> the senate be took Mr.<br />

Shaflklflfld with bim to ihs aarHi frfuf<br />

<strong>of</strong> the oapitcil, and there (he latter »><br />

inaiaed m years, Braving hintelf •<br />



Street and ANbury Aveuue,<br />

IBlHa PttOJiIi>TI,¥ ,<br />

FISHER & SON<br />

njaiaed fl5 years,<br />

thorsnghly worthy<br />

tohiftfteffi<br />

CUrtuns mnil Piso<br />

UlwnLlppil. J'r<br />

A new feataw in the risks <strong>of</strong> eleo-<br />

Mei^ is foBad la ths iraf IB fgte & a FHA<br />

retail degle? who disliked the position *=——= .„<br />

<strong>of</strong>qaeqftheliBhtaiafrffliisf aUrtow H"**** WISS «<br />

*BdthtiBferepaahed it.with & BBBII "JS 1 -<br />


eiTr,s.j,<br />

in all iu<br />

Il<br />

bes<strong>of</strong>fla, (sihiM, c<br />

may bo made item<br />

Kew York Saa.<br />

iraBid, is thBishirt on »B iron plato in the iideiHat' tos<br />

cuffs sad table llaeii 0!dujilornied «txmnoetioo *Bd ieat *<br />

itad^iintagBoin^y,—. entrest ihfongh Ms body oansine ia<br />

a<br />

rinteJua wsrk dons up by faud,<br />

! j0jj| gidug ahead whyu be gut fliy<br />

^^^ «ud over the furin ul L-eurtiirinjj;<br />

Blfa (,f UKJug bud jtiiigineiit in<br />

Blgniiis fi*r,a('liar' trtii-h tu the SVts*(<br />

Jersey train,<br />

Iiurlug the iliHgiiHsSuri yiuiiitgruplier<br />

C'lffl wuHcailMl iiiiuiimJ tin* testimony<br />

iif Ureluer yiid IIJH nieuiun, Newell,<br />

HIIU «a a result Iliree <strong>of</strong> the jurymen,<br />

Eviuin, TlniiiiHh J,<br />

i^CiiUTl&i E, AdiiniH,<br />

fiiuud iliut Engliiftr Farr,<br />

Uieliib'r and , Towyrniuii<br />

uned bad judgment, and Jiiry-<br />

njea Lt'WJH iOvaus, LeviU, AlLeiUoB<br />

uiitl j. Ii. Cbiunpiiiu, luuiiJ liiat the<br />

iiiiilteioii WUH due to the failure <strong>of</strong> au»<br />

gliie^r t'urr, uf the Itemliug expna^,<br />

to give heed In iiuie to the HitEiialB to<br />

have hia train uiider tiiiitp.il, jimJ de-<br />

ciured iliat tlie tuweniiim might: have<br />

used pour jiitlf/rueiit iu ins e^iiiuute uf<br />

the distuuui* <strong>of</strong> the liyudiiig expre,^<br />

wheu he ^ive tliy t'lear Higiiiil to the<br />

exL'undfiu trdu.<br />

In the uilk'iiil vuidk-t Ihi wurda "hut<br />

having given thy ^{ghata it WUH the<br />

duty <strong>of</strong> nil tmiiiffieii to obey Uietn,*'<br />

had been wrliten by Lewis JJVUIIH, but<br />

nfler a heated debate tliiiy were<br />

out. The fat't is that there wan<br />

Htmnir a-illug by mimtMif ihy jurj<br />

lliat 11 \VUH thy yugluuer'a duly to<br />

looked gut for duiiger, eMjjtLially m<br />

they regarded that tiit* iuwerinun used<br />

bud judguieiil in giving the signtUs,<br />

'J'bey were lilwf UifWiUlRiU.'d with Eu-<br />

giiiewr Urtiuer^ Hiutemeuf thai he wus<br />

not iooklBg fur any thing but his slg«<br />

li&li aud that lie went nlieud<br />

! he got<br />

The<br />

Henry AAV, Bailth * Bro,, the welU<br />

known plumtiere and Bieam litters, <strong>of</strong><br />

tUls elty, are entitled to eouHiderabJc<br />

credit for the able maauer in which<br />

they HueteediHi in stopping tbe noise<br />

made by the escaping sttam at i, G,<br />

d CuHfiin, After diligent perie-<br />

otii the part <strong>of</strong> Messra, Bffiltb<br />

We would hardly know there were<br />

large builen and aa engine iu tbe rear<br />

part <strong>of</strong> that building. Many prasitieal<br />

steam iltters Bald it was impossible to<br />

do wliat the^e ineelianicij have<br />

The gue«tM <strong>of</strong> The TrsyaiOrB bad<br />

eiiruplaiaed ubiilit the noise made by<br />

tbt' eKbauHl, which interfered with<br />

their ulumber. ftieftsrH, Hmitli, upon<br />

Biakhig a Lareful exauiinatlon, aaceN<br />

talned where the fault lay and attempt*<br />

ed to refflydy It by rumiiug ft four-ineli<br />

esiii»uBt pipe tbruugU tbe ejEpanslnn<br />

tuuk. Tbia failed lo have the desired<br />

tfllWtft, alihough It cheeked the noise<br />

HOIU e what, Th ey HU bsequtmtly aitaehed<br />

an exhauHt liyud, ifiid tills proved to be<br />

tbe cure, Not only i« Proprietor Adams<br />

with their iuiiueks, but BIMU the<br />

uf the hole! gyjyiuiiig, who are<br />

very tlmukfiil that the iiuleaiiee bu<br />

abated.<br />

Tbe IIrut vordU;t rtrnderud WUH an<br />

We, the jury empanelled lo iiiyestl-<br />

gBtt the eaiUHB <strong>of</strong> death uf I 1 ; H. Gold-<br />

HciltbHiid otbtrn, do IInil that iue Hgid<br />

p#fHotiH, whose bodies we have viewed,<br />

cams tu their dealhs by a c-itliiBion ot<br />

express traiu Ntt, 2J, oil the Atlautiy<br />

<strong>City</strong> Krtllntad and fSijursiou^ruin No,<br />

700, go the Wt*t Jersey and Beashore<br />

liallroad, at a point kiiuwnHg the mea»<br />

daw tower, dear Atlurttie <strong>City</strong>, on the<br />

SOlh day <strong>of</strong> July, iiftJ, at «r ahout U.-1S<br />

p, in,<br />

(Signed) UiiAKLm EVASB, Forenian,<br />


J, B,<br />

U<br />

ft DAUBY,<br />

Ull ARMS U, AuAas,<br />

• All the jurors.<br />

The secoad verdict readsj<br />

, We, ihe uiiderslgued jiirorH, also<br />

find that Euglaerr iwlward .Furr, <strong>of</strong><br />

tbe Atlantic Uity Hal I road, failed U,<br />

have libeiigiBe lioder pniper eoutml<br />

tin appnwliiiig Baid cnsfslug, and tbal<br />

Towermsu UiurgB F, HaUBer, In giving<br />

tjie excursion train »t tlie Ww»l Jersey<br />

KsilFHid the Hglit <strong>of</strong>, wuy over a fast<br />

express used had judgment. We alao<br />

ere <strong>of</strong> (lie opinion timt Engineer Joan<br />

Greiuer, <strong>of</strong> said eseurelou train, erred<br />

ID nut exereiatnK greater care on Cross.<br />

jiig ahead <strong>of</strong> talil farit expeaas.<br />

• (Signed) UHAKLFS EVANB, Foreman,<br />


CL B AM<br />

The Ibird verdict U as faljowe!<br />

The underBjgned jurore are <strong>of</strong> the<br />

opinion that the cause <strong>of</strong>coitlsiou was<br />

toe failure <strong>of</strong> EuglneerEarr, <strong>of</strong> train No.<br />

There wag;a large progressive euehre<br />

jtarty at The TruyUiure last eveuiny in<br />

whleh innuy uf the guestfl aad a few<br />

invited LtuttsgerH participated, 1 The<br />

game was pluyed in the wjifleioBs reeep-<br />

ttnii room ef that hostelrte and eun-<br />

tiuiied until' uear niidBight, The<br />

uuBierouM isiajers werei= .<br />

Sir. »iid Mrs. Heatty, Mr, aad Mn,<br />

Taylur, Mr, aud airs, UroHBcup, Mr,<br />

and Mrs, Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs,<br />

Hiimuieri Mr, aad Mrs, PerklaSi Mr,<br />

and Mm, HasLjoi, Mr, and MB, Beck,<br />

Mr slid Mrs, Hiisteu, Mr, aud Mrs,<br />

liullch, Mr, and Mrs, Turplti, Mr, and<br />

Mrs, Heeeide, Mjs. Hailan.W, Street,<br />

Jr., Mra, Comfort, Mrs, Siadiger, Mil,<br />

T<strong>of</strong>t, Miss Walsh, Miss MctJulieqta, J,<br />

Douglai, Mr, MePetrWfi, Mr, Wilkln-<br />

son aad Mr, Aodergen, ,*•-.' -<br />

These who succeeded In winning the<br />

ladles 1 prizes werei Flrat prUe, Mrs, E,<br />

Hoilth, ellver coin purse; second, Mrs,<br />

H. Sireet, pearl and silver ulad set;<br />

tliirdi Mra, Hammer, decorated eblua<br />

tea caddy j fourth, M|B MeCulloeh,<br />

etijua ban*boaier; ceusulatluiip 'Mrs,<br />

Beck, china tea-tray; :<br />

Tbe geatleaieu'spriiea were awarded<br />

to tiiese playersi First, Mr, Realdti<br />

sliver manicure set; second, Mr, JJald-<br />

wiii, match Httfe, decorated with a pug<br />

dog; third, Mr, Wilkinson, Itttther to*<br />

baeuo poueh; fourth, Mr, Douglaai,<br />

match tnj'iyeuiolatlon, Mr, Grosacup,<br />

siiver match iafe,, ,<br />

Wist CaKtir's loiertstlif Slafirs Re*<br />

(nro to Thilr Homes This AfleraoBB,<br />

following their break-<br />

morning, ibi~ menjbera <strong>of</strong><br />

p y ^ who have been tent*<br />

lag ou ihe strand for two weeks, began<br />

taking down tbclr tentH. These camp-<br />

ers are tbe veated eboir <strong>of</strong> the Kplnuji-<br />

pal Church <strong>of</strong> the Holy Trialty, West<br />

Uheater, AH <strong>of</strong> the teats aud ether<br />

paraphernalia were stored In tb(s dty,<br />

as tbe 1 choir intends to rBtura aeitt<br />

Bummer. . '<br />

Under tbe can <strong>of</strong> Choirinaater<br />

William A, Brooke aad Thomas Louis<br />

Ogier, tbe choir claimB to have bad a<br />

delightful lime. Mr, Ogler aejed Ju<br />

the dual capacity <strong>of</strong> commissary and<br />

medlelne maa. He says theebolr gos<br />

away regretfully, aa it wanted to pro<br />

long its stay. The boys with the cbeir<br />

Have beeu greatly heuefltted by the out-<br />

tug; aad no accident happened to them,<br />

with the exception ef UJoyd Kwcher,<br />

who ray a naU in hl§ foot. This eauied<br />

iaBieness for two or three days.<br />

While here a number or tbem were<br />

sunburned, but Ibis was their own<br />

fault, as they failed to adopt the uece».<br />

§ary precautioui to prevent It, Mfter<br />

being advised upon the subject. The<br />

youngsters with the party occupied<br />

nuoHt<strong>of</strong> their time in itrolllyg alung<br />

the beach and patronizing the merry-<br />

go-rounda. They also occupied a eou=<br />

HldPratilP portion <strong>of</strong> Uielr^pjirB4lnie tn<br />

making representations <strong>of</strong> Egyptian<br />

Villages with the sand on tbe beach.<br />

Although their canvas teats were at-<br />

tauked by two severe storing tbey didn't<br />

leak a drop, A few <strong>of</strong> the boys COB.<br />

tracted COIUH during the lint few nights<br />

they were here, and '/Spider" Beagaii<br />

loHt bis voice, Tht ma.<br />

breeze always appears to have a peuu-<br />

liar ettm on ihs (i apIdir f B» vocal<br />

cbordB, giving it a sort uf briny tone,<br />

which dues Dot improve the quality <strong>of</strong><br />

his melodioiiB esprano, He la retover-<br />

iag the lost tone, bowever, and expects<br />

to be able to Hlag with his usual vlger<br />

at home tomorrow,<br />

Uboirmaster Brooke aliu leaves Oeeau<br />

<strong>City</strong> with feelings <strong>of</strong> deep regret. He<br />

Is enthusiastic in IIIB praise <strong>of</strong> the re-<br />

cepiioa extended his choir and the<br />

Interest taken by the public in their<br />

winging. He says be has experienced<br />

kindness on svesy hand, Mr, Brooke<br />

expressed biaeonow at not having the<br />

cbpir siug at the Auditorium hut Han.<br />

day evening, but espial us that It was<br />

litttfiy ImnoBfllble to get theni together<br />

on account <strong>of</strong> the straBdlng ol the<br />

yacht Sybilis on a bar In the ocean,<br />

TherealdenU and visitora <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong> were well pleased with the West<br />

Chester obeif, Their deportment was<br />

decorous and filled all with admiration,<br />

AH vocalists they have egtablished<br />

OverccmtB were again Ju demand last<br />

night,<br />

The present weather is<br />

delightfjl.<br />

Biahop Fowler, will occupy the pul-<br />

pit In the Auditorium to-morrow.<br />

There will be the u«uul services at<br />

the ftijtf meeting tomorrow eveiiing.<br />

There will be a large progressive<br />

eui'bre party thin evening at The Tray-<br />

more,<br />

Charles A. Campbell hag purcluNed<br />

from Abel D, Scull a house and lot on<br />

Weslsy avenue, near geuubd street.<br />

At AdaniH' Casino tubs evening the<br />

W, A, Matmhan Military Band will<br />

entertain the patrons <strong>of</strong> tliat place with<br />

popular music.<br />

MIHH Htella Uorson.<strong>of</strong> Ueutrai aveuue,<br />

eiitertained a paYty <strong>of</strong> frleuds laHt even*<br />

ing. They Indulged in euchre and<br />

other Interest ing game«,<br />

Manager Brown, <strong>of</strong> the Pflltee<br />

Amusement Company, will have<br />

several new attractions this eveiiing<br />

for tbe enterlalument <strong>of</strong> bis patrons.<br />

The guests <strong>of</strong> The Strand were euler-<br />

talued lakt evening by two men who<br />

wake a practice <strong>of</strong> visiting seaside<br />

resorts and earning a few dollam by<br />

their i<br />

Rev. J, B, Westwood, pastur <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Seveutb Street M, E» cburob, Pb||a.<br />

delphia,wil| preagh txtlb morning aad<br />

eveuiag io-Biormw In the Firet M. E,<br />

church, <strong>of</strong> thi» city,<br />

ueorge l^uiiiyer, Frank Ulynn aud<br />

Harry Arnold, a trio <strong>of</strong> Philadelpbiajis,<br />

bad a tlslilug excursion on the bay<br />

yesterday and caught a nice string <strong>of</strong><br />

weak aad black Qsu,<br />

TliOf* desirous <strong>of</strong> afimittJng to pay<br />

Life Guard KrauuH for bla services will<br />

llnd eoQtributlon buses on the board-<br />

walk ut Eighth and Ninth slreetB, He<br />

When iad uadir What GondiHDDS FUh-<br />

ing 1 Is Successful.<br />

The lulling at this resort Improvid a<br />

little tbe past week, and many whs vis-<br />

ited the bay and adjaoeut itreama for<br />

a day's sport with the flnay tribe were<br />

amply paid for their trouble, in the<br />

early part <strong>of</strong> the week both the wind<br />

and tide were very favorable and the<br />

Ilih did bite its well aa could be expect*<br />

ed in the month <strong>of</strong> <strong>Aug</strong>uit*<br />

If there Is anything that Ii eaienhMed<br />

to try an angler's patience it ii to find<br />

that the wind is blowing from an<br />

easterly quarter when he hu decided<br />

to take a party <strong>of</strong> friends ihihlng for<br />

the first time. Anglers who have<br />

made a study <strong>of</strong> the bablts <strong>of</strong> the sea<br />

fl»h take into consideration a great<br />

many things before they are sure <strong>of</strong> a<br />

good day's sport. The wind should to<br />

from the south or southwest, mud the<br />

tidemuht beat a certain point on the<br />

ebU or flood. Many fliherisen declare<br />

lLat ilHb will net bite very well follow*<br />

ing nioouligbt nigutfl. :<br />

"There an many things to be eon-<br />

Hidered in order to be auceesiul in<br />

eau-iiiiig fish," said an did Oihermaa<br />

thlti morning. "The first Ia comfort. If<br />

you Blurt out for a day'a sport, dress ac-<br />

dil W<br />

repiftation. They take tbtir departure<br />

with the best wishes <strong>of</strong> the community.<br />

Spwerta E^eiiEBe conveBtian.<br />

The £pworth League Convention<br />

will begin tomorrow (Sunday) tnorB><br />

log with an Epworth Love* Feast at 9<br />

o'clock, At 10,80, BUhow UharlesH,<br />

Fowler, D.D,, LL.D,, will preach, Iu<br />

the evening, at 0,80, ths Young People's<br />

MeeUng will be led by W, J. MeCowan,<br />

ef WenoBah, At 7,80 a eong service<br />

looks after tbe MaUie Heveraf liourg<br />

f8Cb day.<br />

MB, Llmte ItUBai, <strong>of</strong> Lambertviile, a<br />

Bbter-lu-law <strong>of</strong> Jtov, Father Rasa], <strong>of</strong><br />

Ht, <strong>Aug</strong>ustlne'e church, this elty, Is ill<br />

at the letter's rtMidenue on Central<br />

avenue. Hue has been confined to her<br />

bed fora week.<br />

Marshal Couver found a I oat child at<br />

the railway depot last evening. When<br />

the little fellow was tjucsiioueU as to<br />

bis name and where he lived he raised<br />

the lapel <strong>of</strong> his sblrt waist aud e.\=<br />

biblEed to the otlkcr the words, "Please<br />

return to tbeLuray," He wag returned<br />

to hiH parents.<br />

The Uigut ilevereud John ScarboN<br />

ough, D, D,, the BfHhitp<strong>of</strong> the dluiieBe,<br />

"will oHlciate at all <strong>of</strong> the Btrviiss <strong>of</strong><br />

the Kplsuopal church to-morrow in<br />

Stiies Hall, Eighth street, near ABbury,<br />

avenue, opposite railroad station. Holy<br />

communion, s a, tn,| morning prayer<br />

aud sermon, 10.80, a, m,? 6 p, jn,f eor-<br />

liLyiug, Eleveiith Htreet aud<br />

Ceutrai Bveiiue, All are cordially<br />

Invited,<br />

will be conducted, and at 8<br />

there will be a platforna meeting, with<br />

h addresses by Bishop Fowler,<br />

President Lake and Rev, H. J, Zelley,<br />

Fresfdent <strong>of</strong>. New jersey Couferecca<br />

League, •<br />

It will be a day <strong>of</strong> unusual interest,<br />

and all are cordially invited to be<br />

preseBt,<br />

The afternoon service Will be held aa<br />

BIUBI, <strong>On</strong> Monday evening the great<br />

lecture oa Abraham Lincoln, by Bishop<br />

Fowler; _ought to draw a crowded<br />

bouse, The Convention will continue<br />

until Friday evening.<br />

Why the utf&iii wcai oat.<br />

The arc electric Ugh!u in tbesiiutliern<br />

dlHtrlet <strong>of</strong> the dty were extiBgulHhed<br />

about 9,15 o'clock last, evening. Mlee=<br />

trielan Kalbaeh, in expJaiijlng the<br />

eauBi, says that a wire broke on the<br />

armature <strong>of</strong> the dynamo. This could<br />

have beeu repaired lu a few minutea,<br />

but to have duue so would have placed<br />

tbe entire city in durkuesa. The dam-<br />

age baa been repaired and the lights<br />

will bs all right to-Bight,<br />

Electrician Kalbaeh conipialuH ot<br />

parties who make a paciiGe <strong>of</strong> lowering<br />

the lights on the boardwalk by means<br />

<strong>of</strong> the rupee and taajperlng with them.<br />

He sayH their sport will be stopped in<br />

the near future when ibey .receive a<br />

shock which will knock Home <strong>of</strong> them<br />

out, .<br />

1 n i^BBjr Parneaii,<br />

DWt go to Philadelphia and pay a<br />

higti price for auetlon-house trash thai<br />

Is not guaranteed, but get a high-grade<br />

Jiambler, Remington, gpaiaiajj, VTobir,<br />

Eclipse, Envoy or Siormer bleyele, ai<br />

UUbert * liie's. Cash or e«y pay-<br />

FOR 8ALE=New double cottage file-<br />

lug ocean, between Teiitb «ud Eleventh<br />

streets, on Wesley am; electric llgbtt<br />

sad haths? can be occupied imme.| will<br />

sell either one or both together; open for<br />

inspect,* apply to Abel JD, Beull, budder,<br />

Lri betwefn fib<br />

Iilbeial re-<br />

asd |tb ttreeta, as<br />

ward If ntortied te.<br />

1 t i<br />

Base Mall Tat*<br />

The <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Base Bail €lub will<br />

cress bats this afternoon with the<br />

Sharon Hill team <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, The<br />

latter ba?s a crack pitcher from ths<br />

University <strong>of</strong> PeuDBylvanta with tberu,<br />

Jack MeFetrfdge will pitch for the<br />

hqmeteam. Tat game will begin at<br />

precisely 8,50 o'clock.<br />

A ittcrcle Hospital,<br />

If your wheel needs « doctor amd It<br />

to Gilbert ft Lake, 145 Ajbury avenue.<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Bosch, B, M, D,, late <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Hart Cycle Comnny^ wJU prescribe<br />

Offlce, • fef It at * very mogiraUs fee.<br />

Aribur<br />

Arthur Beebe, whose parents have a<br />

cottage at this resort, received a duck*<br />

ing in the bay yaterd^r while flihing<br />

near Beuley's Point, He and severttl<br />

friends were aboard the yacht Cin-<br />

derella, when he was aecldentBliy<br />

Knocked overboard by the boom. The<br />

yacht turned about to rescue him,<br />

but Beehe swam to a row boat that was<br />

anchored nearby. He subaequently<br />

boarded the yacht and upbraided the<br />

other members <strong>of</strong> tbe party for their<br />

«ordiiigiy, Wear eloibing that<br />

Ucen east aside, as the sea water will<br />

ruin good ciotueB.aad if you wtar a<br />

while hbirt and. cuflS(^ou^wlli feel<br />

Ve^Tu!ie<strong>of</strong>flfljrt«b1er"Vey want to be<br />

drewed in BUCII manner that should<br />

you fall overboard aud take a forad<br />

hath the water would do you good asd<br />

tnjt iujure your elothing,<br />

"Some people lead themselves down<br />

with proviiioBi, That is s mistake, it<br />

1M will io take a small lunch, but above<br />

all, Uou't furget to take a foldiug cup<br />

and several bottles <strong>of</strong> pure, ftesh water,<br />

If you enjoy a day's fishing you want<br />

to be prepared for sport aad bot bard<br />

work, Jriftide fiBhermen—that is, theae<br />

who Huh from small boats er bridges<br />

inifde the inlets—have throws uidi<br />

the hand line, which cuts the fingers<br />

wbeB hauling In a fishrand invariably<br />

gets futo a laugle when au effort la<br />

mflde to make a cast, A good, stout<br />

rod SH uaei!, Borne ars very iujnt, with<br />

a strong reel, fine cord lloi, medium-<br />

welifht dt(Hyaudmed!unHd2td nooks,"<br />

You will flafl, as a general rule, that<br />

black.ttib. will bite an slack water<br />

flood=tbat ia, when the tide lias about<br />

run down, Watch for this and bave<br />

your clams opened and cut up in ad.<br />

Vance, BO tbat'ygu eat) have tut sport<br />

while it lasiaor until what 1B called<br />

half-flood tide. This Is the time <strong>of</strong> the<br />

tide to start adrift fur floundets, weak><br />

II«h and kiugpBh,<br />

When tbe tide is full seek the banks<br />

oredg^i <strong>of</strong> the bars Iu nn| leas thau<br />

fotir feet <strong>of</strong> water for flounders, and<br />

deep holes for weakBsh er hake, Y01/<br />

crtu liwate the places by souudiui wilb<br />

your dipsy and your flounder linee.<br />

Whey the tide has about half ebbed<br />

you niay aa well stop ushlug and eat<br />

your lunyfa, as the flsb will Bot feed for<br />

mm% time. If you have located a deep<br />

hols where the current la not tee swift<br />

try your iiue for weakflsh and bake en<br />

the last half hour <strong>of</strong> the ebb tide<br />

Homeiimes you will find the flsh re-<br />

maining there fur the Best tide, and<br />

you Biay have the good fortune lo<br />

book several <strong>of</strong> the gamey fieb, •<br />

BerviECB at Ha^donlA MlMttin,<br />

Ihe aervleeg at the Colored M. K,<br />

Mission have bpn Hpecially provided "<br />

fur tomorrow, Bunday^ohool m usual<br />

at SM p, m., durjpg which time Rev,<br />

W, M. Warftekf <strong>of</strong>llaedn Uniyesity<br />

will give an exegesis <strong>of</strong> the Befean<br />

it'Hgou, Rev, SVarrlck stands forth as<br />

a linimhient giample<strong>of</strong> tbe mysterioui,<br />

wurkiu^pf tbegupremtOriUe. F ^<br />

1S8S until two years ago this yeuBf<br />

man was counted among the vilest <strong>of</strong><br />

tne vile; twisty he Iseoy ef tuestoutwl<br />

; y one <strong>of</strong> htto<br />

apostiei <strong>of</strong> Christianity, Come and<br />

hear him preach to-morrow evening at<br />

S o'clock. His theme will be; '^The<br />

Piiwer <strong>of</strong> the Oespei,' 1 fto ehoir will<br />

use their new hymnals fur the tlrst.<br />

time, V<br />

TO JJOAN—#2600, IB^ sums to<br />

suit, on Unproved Ashury, Central or<br />

Wealoy aveniie property,<br />

. B. €UHTIS BouiHBON, Agent,<br />

Loer—Maltes eat Return 416 to0-<br />

tnl avenue Beward, v v<br />

Hire.<br />

_ Itunbien, itormels, BQVOVB,<br />

Eclipse and other high-gjmde wheels tf<br />

rent at Gjibert 4 l«k?»», 645 Aabury<br />

avenue. Terms, gg eenti per hour<br />

ILO0 per day, W.OO per week, 110,01<br />

mt montb. <strong>On</strong>ly repair ihop to Oeeau<br />

<strong>City</strong>, EnamelilBf, nickel wort, bru-<br />

ng aad vulcaajElng a •pecUU(y.<br />

FOB 84LB=200O feet «t«l back and<br />

four can, tcoop aad all grading tppra -<br />

tUB Apply to U.aBrowQr^<br />

, for casb, wt Saw »•<br />

ri C'W Ihl fl<br />

pI boy, for casb, wt Saw »<br />

roomed bouaa to Cceari C'y.W Ihl* pfl.

M,;—;<br />

v i<br />


tuausHicD DAILV ay<br />

IV<br />


and<br />

William McCowan, <strong>of</strong> Wenoush,<br />

agent for Perey Htllaer & Sou, the<br />

F, S, Slmmoui, the weU-knowa un- weilknowu eoid opifatorg, fenil friends ttnra Carljile,<br />

Pa., at their Aghury avenue items-ow,<br />

Grealoeh.<br />

A party <strong>of</strong> WftBhlflgtayfaHs at The<br />

Water kad B*i|>,<br />

sins, H, 11, rA<br />

Situated on the<br />


ATLANTIC CITV, N, j .<br />

WEttEV MOIJiE,<br />

Brigljton are P. fl. Turpln and wife,<br />

y utiiinP<br />

AYEtH'K.<br />

Mm, Joseph M, B. AliUJgan, Miss Frank P, Iteeside, wife, uhlld and Dr. italpta »• JoutH,<br />

Vernndnlta.<br />

Helen B, Jeffsref, MB. Kerr, MIM £ nurse,<br />

Ur. Ralph R, Jones, Ci>mero/K!ghtb Appointments<br />


Kerr, Sirs, J, Mumysnd twrfehUdren, J. Staufiferaud wife and R, M. Keeva<br />

a (reft and Wealey aveuue, l» a promi-<br />

Sunday nnil iloo»<br />

Philadelphia; Bebtrt Miller Mid wife, and wif« fe are a parly from freai<br />

nent practitioner sf tbia city. His<br />

AJHivilie<br />

Tfceoiiyp W, Jd, Banks, Milton, pa. who are enjoying iheffieelves at The<br />

<strong>of</strong>liM is at Fred Bapp'a iSapp's drug §(0^<br />

Enimett.<br />

where he may be found at the usual No, 712 Ceutml Avenue,<br />

—.=..»,= lioura <strong>of</strong> pbyalciani. He li building<br />

^ Pratt, 1I«, B, U Kfflt<strong>of</strong>, him Clara Grave, <strong>of</strong> Fhiiadtlphla, up quilt a large praetlee and has given<br />

OCEAN C1TV, S, 3<br />

Atlantic CiJyr C, H* Wiialtr, Mm daughter <strong>of</strong> itev. Mr, Qwve, j is VUIIIIIK vuiiiliig entire satlafiiflloa to thpse patleiits<br />

Jeraiion, cioaetabaiBifc Hgiug<br />

, , Attoirney ttotngy John Hliallerufw Bliallcruw at the Iho Point whom ho has treated,<br />

lieated thFoqjfhouL nood tntjle. nibftt?n>.5n<br />

iMlBAaBaB, WliieF.W. <strong>of</strong> Beach. Beach,<br />

Tet.ipbMRjiiHppiied, Tern]H«iy(Sn.|?to<br />

A. Allea, Plilladelphla; Q, p. filghop, Miss Virginia f.ee Jonea, <strong>of</strong> Philadel<br />

Hammonlou; W, S. Shafer, ChleipJ, phfaf Ja the guest ot film E<br />

TUB STRAND, STRAND Harbmfln Harbiioa, at lier *>** iathir's i»*i—» cottage on<br />

Ettt Beeves and son, Millvllle- J. W, Weiley iley avenue avenue.<br />

Edwardi, CliouMater Ully? W. J. Wii- Dr,JameiBu»oa,oi W<br />

in<br />

kingoa, Nell VVilklnson, Waghington, here for a brief etay. He talks uttmM<br />

D, 0.; MusCarrioM. Brawii^Ilw Carrie !ug fsr hig family to remain tht ba]<br />

Hill, Gennautowo; P, Elmer Welts], BBfii<br />

r flB°ar<br />

—" s,OAi{Wooi),Pfflp>!et»,>. ( p m St. HOWARD BITRT.<br />


m Wtiley Avenue, O^aa <strong>City</strong>, Ns J,<br />

Ofljc*hour*; l"ntl! Ba. ill,; 2 to *p.m,,»iicJ<br />

*<br />

COTTACiT<br />

y OI<br />


HM coneianUy OB Ills I lit<br />

For Sale or Rent,<br />

Maurice Power, proprietor ef a Pbtlglilimeat,<br />

jollied<br />

a.<br />

at tbelr cottage<br />

mm EMMSTT,<br />

TEF, Dope, mega; Miss M, Craw=<br />

U« P Tut<br />

ford, Harry Hoefflc-r aud wltetT, Petty<br />

, Bldert Philadeiphla; Arthur 0. Abel!,<br />

0, H, Hoi 1Bwayf F. g, Bironnj<strong>of</strong>i, Jj. D,<br />

Van Bom, Camdefi; Loufi Adama,<br />

Baltimore' John Stsbger a ltd<br />

K K, M, M Beeves and wife,' ife' MlltvJIIe; M 10.<br />

Adams, Atlantic Ulty,<br />

• T«S VANPAJJ4.<br />

H, VV.^Wil8on,_Bjehard_Vajiaiider<br />

" : —attd"wie^HTil, Thani^dBi Victor<br />

• anataem and wife, Philadelphia; Anna<br />

W. arfltiel 1 443 ASBURY AVENUR,<br />

aioderate Tirpis, Half hlmk from<br />

Camp Ground.,HomeCumfurw. Lawn<br />

ttimiB and croquet ground§,<br />

MliH-E, W, KiLLKV, Ptpptietma,<br />

HAHUTC CiaTEBfcMAff,<br />

^itttfrBini^f Uf, U« P Tut<br />

Uef <strong>of</strong> Caaidea, In injoyruliig far a<br />

week at a cottage oa Ueutral avenue<br />

near Seventh. siMt<br />

^Ft Wiiioa, <strong>of</strong> Kewyork<br />

ran over froin Atlantle <strong>City</strong> y#steBla.y<br />

to view the Iowa, He waa very iuut;h<br />

inaprfaged wiib our cily,<br />

Ii#V. il. A, Talmou, <strong>of</strong> St. Sfujk'*<br />

Episeepal chyrgh, Mauuh Cbuok, Pa<br />

^ho_hufl bets stopping atThiBftgutuh'<br />

has returned to bU home,<br />

, Bii>erflford, Pa,{ J. Olto<br />

Tbllow, wife and three dm<br />

Pftlmyra, y, Jonathan Hand, , J., Jr.,<br />

Vrnpe May Court House; Utorge A,<br />

Jiowiu and wife, Frauk JorUiue,<br />

i; C, B. Bufley, T<br />

.Wai, Hi Phippa, Mrs, Orace Alien,<br />

Harry ThomaflBUd wife, Sf aster (JleRge<br />

Vbpmag, J«hb P, C^rgon, 1, V,<br />

**-"''-"• -" Flttsburgi<br />

fLflyrn# aod wife, u.umuu,<br />

ion; A. », gtidhaia and wife, M<br />

Captain ihaier, Washlagten, rf, u i<br />

Tb G, HialaBf QenrgeC,John'<br />

Mn, Helen R, Jahnsin, -<br />

^ H. t, iniilh li the proprietor <strong>of</strong> ihe<br />

0«an Cliy C«h Qroary, earaer <strong>of</strong><br />

&veoih §tre#l and<br />

Hfs gooda are<br />

!<br />

THOt). H. PKACOCK,<br />


Ne, iis WESLEY AVENUE,<br />

: OCEAN CITY, N, j,<br />

PbilidebjUi Dfffoe, Hd Md Hsrrit Sit.<br />

Offlee hoar.? f lo o«, ffll. i isS p. m,; a (o<br />

• «*M*M II, JOSKH,<br />

No, 7i7,Aabupy Avtnue,<br />


ALJJEBT A, ilQWKH,<br />

QUEANCiTV.N.J,<br />

. — ^—<br />

H-i to jo a. m,i 1 ie s p. m; 0 ie s p,<br />

Biaiafiprii<br />

liml KBtoteaatl Ijw Building, liooru 2,<br />

CUBAN CITY, K, j. Cop, Bth St, and Weslay Avs,, PHYSICIAN and<br />

illiii.<br />

I GffJCI: Csr, Csstril Iniyi ud<br />

Real Estate<br />

h TU H I'. M,<br />

MBH.'V, H. HOHr.N'HuN, i'njf>Hiifm<br />

pAHK UOTEIn<br />

Mra,HattieCflHhelisnd Mis^Eiia BiH- OF?KJK5 it, Kefit isHtnieBHd iJtw ,<br />

aan, <strong>of</strong> wm PhlJadelpiila, arrived HfflJIii Su, «, bppr»lUi W, ,1, it<br />

OyEAN ulTV, N, J,<br />

Iwt evening, and will remain a week at<br />

Uor, Sixth Btrtft and Central Avti<br />

ASr/HOLUlTCn IS<br />

a Central avdiiue cottage,<br />

Utorge Hattou, <strong>of</strong> Lttugdowne, Pa<br />

is bere fer a week, Mt Intentis to i|ab<br />

lu the bay every day during IIIH mtjourii<br />

liiw, burring the Snbbalh.<br />

UeorgeLeverlnii, wifeand daughtefi*<br />

<strong>of</strong> Boxborougl!, Pa, are Bpeu<br />

tral days at tbia resort and<br />

ping at the Oarwood Houte,<br />

R, Underbill; <strong>of</strong> at<br />

J 1 " 18 SPECIAL RATES rdHTHl MASdf,,<br />

t'JTY, Ss J,<br />

J, Jl, HhAWTKit<br />

Heal Kstfltc,<br />


C3 Thlrteeiith Slrcct and Cenlrnl Avenue,<br />

IlMl tiwitnient A try porciii'M, Sn nUsi ruction<br />

UJ Hie % lew'= Wiinltiiryiiniiniiia. K l i l<br />

Prtitealaiit EjiWipal chtlKh,<br />

MBS, A, BCAHKV,<br />

Solicitor, Mister ID CutuMry Rotary Public,<br />

Uroadwaj' and Jtuydeii estreetK, C'afflden,<br />

lii regi.Ntf red at The Urlgblon, •<br />

e«K MAY eeuBf HOUSE, H. J<br />

F, £lBor Weltjsel, T, B, Hurlburt, ?.<br />

(ilKliWl ihmiiylioiit WIDi<br />

wilt, ny<br />

May, Chaiining Allen, Henry A,Truitt,<br />

ArtCTiflii Water,<br />

and Abble A, Oarwood are ninoug (lie<br />

Hanlbirjf lirninrtijL',<br />

. Hpili-iOUH rlilJSiliU.<br />


Pilladelphlaiw atopplug at The Strand<br />

pull aemn Visw.<br />

Q, Heary Martin, who la<br />

ATSH'ICB,<br />

with the Phihideiphia and Reading<br />

Heai;e«tate and Law Eultdlnff,<br />

liallroad In the HchuylSill Valley, ar-<br />

y enue. rived jcsierdfty to retnain bvi<br />

godfl are fllwa^Ti flwb. He haa<br />

,. liwrenee'te a Bflltlmo><br />

eomtaoyy on hand all kinds <strong>of</strong> seBMn-<br />

rean who attracts considerable atten- Rul [ftttt, Bsrt|jgei md InfvriBci;<br />

able fruits and a full line <strong>of</strong><br />

tion on ihe boardwalk. She is an ex- nveyaflcer, ComniiiisipRsr—'<br />

Goods are delivered u late as<br />

every Saturday evening.<br />

pert rifle shot and an eutbusJaHtic bJej'.<br />

fe-ef psdi, ^oterjF Pubi<br />


C*Ft MAY eOUBT MeUIC, R, J.<br />

'JHaifo J*ts •»! UlUt*r,"<br />

TOo and HYi y\Hhury Aveiiiie,<br />

Ui'KAS flTV S, J,<br />

Real Estate and Insurance Agents.<br />

111! INSURANCE<br />

• • OCEAN CITT • •<br />

Real<br />

P,, Hater <strong>of</strong> afrtDhll! PfMbjlerian churBh,<br />

I-liirsdFlphls, Pa.<br />

JULY I2_8srm(ift bf Her, K, r>!akf*l*T, <strong>of</strong> Bos<br />

ton, Sljtss,, rdiler <strong>of</strong> "BlBle Styfly Uolfla "<br />

JULY ia=An uidroH b¥ sinii , Aohsbrl Ao MurHl rHl<br />

HOIT*^ <strong>of</strong> W«t Plili PH.. fer<br />

iheW, IheW. D,T, U,<br />

JOLV au-8ermon hr Her, Samuel U Bfllcr. D<br />

B , Vlrp Ohencf Flnr <strong>of</strong> (he American UnN<br />

v»r*ity Hi WsitiinjEiUti, D, C,<br />

AVausT s=SerniBii uy liiiidnp c^rns P,<br />

<strong>of</strong> Phllidf fpd/a, I'A.<br />

AttOUBT H-Sprmoii bj-<br />

CII»F!,-S H<br />

FBWISP, ef Biiffalo. S. V. I.<br />

AUQUCT i«=8!'rinoi] by'ltoy, A= J. Palmer, D,<br />

p., nf M»* Yiirk fiiy, Miiwloniry BevfflBTj<br />

• <strong>of</strong> fh«St.E, ehurcli. .<br />

AUiiUHT Si- Beniiuii b* Be* J F= C«nnn, P,<br />

H, Fn>Hbf trriHri niiniMrf nf Untejlif n. S. Yi<br />

Jlie Seftiide Biblical Aajpinlily begjnn Juns S<br />

Un.JleiitiiiiJev until July IS. It In ^miigrltcal<br />

ftijcl fiitj-riJsnomlnitlitnaL Priniifrht, Ofncnl<br />

John titoh. WaiihihslaD.lJ, U ; ttecrftory. He*.<br />

J, E. ailbprt, Wmiilaatoh, D/C,<br />

PHraiFj School 01 jlaiii «;* for symltjMieh eels<br />

Of all denDniliiatisina hy tlm ffew J»r«*y 8!s(s<br />

SunuaF-Kiimti AHm-iaiifin, Jii'j- sa to Jiiif a<br />

, Its*, E, Murris Fergmen,<br />

uqiA AWFitihiy July 9i and fll. Mrs,<br />

L_B, Uriin.e! QeBlifii, K, J ( Seerptary,<br />

Epworth l^HEtin tJntiT»nili>n, <strong>Aug</strong>ust 8 ta<br />

AuitnBtls. HCTVH.J. Zflisy, <strong>of</strong> W-fiunftti, S,<br />

J,t Praldent <strong>of</strong> ihtt NHW JsrSfj eaiifBWnM<br />

Epworih Leapi 1 <strong>Ocean</strong> Uity~Il#al.BBtale:igBd¥snsinri6-pti<br />

* AiaijelatiqB, will lisV« eSiar^n<br />

Of (lie ttiffllnitii<br />

Thn Antiuai Camp 5r«-tlujr Kill lipfln AuRuiit<br />

£i iiitj eanljiliie !*-i! iliy^i Keh Thonins Har=<br />

HKIB, tJm efkitfiiiiii.. will (in pf^-*i=nS during (lie<br />

enllm CBinji, Ht< * Ml [irxtyh a ntimb?f <strong>of</strong> limes<br />

and will lirlji in all the itifHilngii.<br />

book!!. "Pfeeloui HyirthH," K1|] IJB<br />

tn*. camp.<br />

He*. JoSin Tliumpaoii, aninelats fdltnf <strong>of</strong> the<br />

"(Jhrijliiin Slandftfd," will have clmrfiH <strong>of</strong> the<br />

uiorninB nine o'elfn-M IIoUnnFH MenlinifB.<br />

The poitujHr faeaiiiit. Mil! Key, J-. 0, KVliiSn,<br />

<strong>of</strong> t'iiilsdcliihia, wtit be pnsehi aiiil Bltijf at tins<br />

»ar)oiis nirellnjfH oJ the oaiiiji. '<br />

M*By *By iFnminsHt iiFnminsHt n>!lji>i.H (iruwTlpx. (IIMMIH iiv<br />

i d i j ' i<br />

ri<br />

FREMII ana<br />

Nils, 7JO AHliiiry Aveniie.<br />

IS<br />

i'ftHiut'f Iri'Pli from Hie fiiriii. All<br />

i l i l> Order, •<br />

MEAT ANB mmeviatsNMARKET,<br />

m ABHUnY AVKKUK, j<br />

(iCKAN Clf V, S. j, !<br />

A fill! linn ill rliulra SHt# ota'l ta. Afar,<br />

1 Furnishing Goods Jte,<br />


For WOMEN'S and CHILDREN'S<br />


Sis Afihury AVUi<br />

^ Clothing House<br />

— FOB MEN'S<br />


817 Aibury Aveuue.<br />

KNORR 4 CO.,<br />


are BQW oncrinit<br />

RUSSET CfllF SH0F3 ^ J i<br />

' GUSH SUTS * *3<<br />

We li»*eal«o Vikorijiavnnlngo<strong>of</strong> them*!!!<br />

In ilia Al^BON iiihrhct und are<br />

reiit ninny <strong>of</strong>ilie hilfHt SlyleN at<br />

low prktn. Aiwnys lii Wctiljit 6i<br />

anil defitntble SCKKIK iu<br />


KNORR & CO.,<br />

No, 858 ASBURV AVENUE,<br />


A, j, STEELMAN'S<br />

Cor. Atlantic and Ohio Aves,<br />

ATLANTIC €!TV, N. J<br />

Men's Ilicyt-If gulu, $4, rydtiiibd Fruiii HU<br />

Sleii's Cipixtiiiere Huiu, §# nnd S6, ru=<br />

diii-ed fifOIii S7 BBd 110,<br />

BHUjlngHiiitSifS.<br />

1 Wr«ppero, 3SC.<br />

1 Crash iuliii, §3,25, ware U,<br />

4Se,<br />

, vU-.i til city<br />


ATTtNTlOR,<br />

THB<br />

s,<br />

CASINO.<br />

/^Magnificent palace!<br />

H hiu been rebuilt oh a grander iK'iiIe limn<br />

vfi and ta now oj>eo for<br />

THE<br />


ss<br />

iy otiior, Th" bulidintr i<br />

ltevn(.-iiiiir>!L > iliinilHhliiiie.iH)iir>lri jihu-fi) lUertf<br />

In. Uraiid New Organ# sfl wlili new iiiitl<br />

eharnilng mu<br />

A<br />

* » * CANDV KITCHEfJ,<br />

for ppsdueittK<br />

UlnuH nnii purfCitrHly witlitn itjgljiilidiiifj. Tbo<br />

iii Urpjiil i'ilj'i OoniB jtnij Hi?e tlif<br />

iiiiiiiii. ' Who|emiii>rinq<br />

I. a. ADAMS, PROP B.<br />

Office next door to Post Office,<br />

• ' PALACE *<br />

J. n, Chester & Co. iHUSBHENT t<br />

H, C, BROWN, President,<br />

Boardwalk and Eleventh Street,<br />

OCEAN 6ITV, N. J,<br />

: This %eii-kBowB pieajiure r«»ort ba><br />

Wonderiuliy impr<strong>of</strong>rf niaes tba dcjuum ef '&%<br />

TBS building hiui been complflily fcn<br />

Hta«>St<strong>of</strong> over JflOua Our tee cro«m<br />

u over in feet ioDjE; ihe iiglit luticii mis and<br />

candy ni ioda water Rludr providtf refreni'<br />

menu tf nil kinds at (iiV«1emte prteen.<br />

SHUFFLE BOflflD,<br />

-wJLUT FDOl. TflBLES<br />

nl'. The CnrrOllsel lit<br />

OBB <strong>of</strong>tlio dompleteflt In tats suit*. Thin in<br />

tlie finest suioscniont k*ort oii tlie eeuit.<br />

-EllflH^R i,IVCR¥ CO,<br />

Btab]es=7tb Bt, HsdHsveu Ave,<br />


Bbuden well rod ssd nirei for,<br />

Orfler* left »t Abtoit ! * dm; ators will n<br />

eeive prompt ^tientipn,<br />

; WHi B. GRAHAM, Manager,<br />

n co.,<br />

Lamber, Illlwork, Ume, Cemnt, PI *M<br />

t«<br />

Wnl Am» ud T«if*<br />

A LatteF Diff<br />

liana witiioiit iecorltj •» a<br />

which usurers <strong>of</strong>ten bold oat to the aa=<br />

ry. bat* ft certain Locanr thsBgbf it<br />

might be made gill] uton tempting b<br />

adVertiaiug t lift6 people eonld ld<br />

their honut for a iabstaotial<br />

vuficB. flnijor is iuexhttUiiiWe. p<br />

elly whoa It can be tanied late hard<br />

cash, us the BoheBJB bade fair to Bnoeefsd,<br />

Baton thefoee<strong>of</strong> it aa aeommerclal<br />

epeonlatioii it WOB a pewr ia^eftmenE,<br />

Its philunthropj 1 waa its chief recOm.<br />

uinndntiQii. and therefore Ita anthor,<br />

emigt'a MiistatiB-fOMiiBriy, with ^<br />

iapflDlanB. filt emboldened ta Imitate<br />

Mae. Eugtiuie Bnffot mid itng la the<br />

streets to Invite the charitable p_bliQ to<br />

contrllmto 10 the New Stndeijl'i Priead'<br />

^ iwle^i as Uief ealled their phi Ion=<br />

thropio loan <strong>of</strong>flce.<br />

The trio fceleotud the Nomatidf ceast<br />

leaorta for their lour aud dalf (tdwrtised<br />

thqiir pliilnutliropio Heti^si lathe<br />

loeal press," Bnt BpfartMifltaiy M, LBoOBf<br />

proaqhdd withont pradtioiiig. Ha<br />

had hiruKolf contwetod a unmber el little<br />

dibta m the stttngth <strong>of</strong> hii honor,<br />

and his creditor* were not unite sutisfled<br />

-with the VUIBO <strong>of</strong> that secority, aud<br />

when receutly he borrowed from a<br />

eiid a bii-yelo, whieh he »t sees<br />

bunded over to, 1* cafe keeper who wan<br />

douuiiig him for money, the blojclhrt<br />

toak mi nnkiud view <strong>of</strong> the tramaetioii<br />

aud lfMlifod a uumtiliimt with the polioe,<br />

with the result thut the latter dnj phi.<br />

luHthopist i« iiaw iy safe enstodf, meditoting<br />

upon the VforthlesmiaM trf hotior<br />

in worldly trftasaBtioni,=^!BidBa Tel*<br />

M*mt af u«<br />

An iliBstrfttion<strong>of</strong> the oinrFeloOi »con.<br />

racy eharaQteriii))g toolB or instrument*<br />

<strong>of</strong> tneaBDNiaeBt now ssplajid ^B e&m<br />

pared with ihoHi <strong>of</strong> fermer timei U<br />

given—nameJy, thai whereii fttrnfflly<br />

,001 inch muked on a drftwisg Wonld<br />

Lava been objected to 00 the ground<br />

that it -waa difflenli « iinpMiiMe to<br />

work BO olwelj to uioaaiiiea u Ua*f aM<br />

the ptemni tine .OOOS insh ii meuared<br />

ia every flae workshop, and ditnanrioas<br />

git in hoBdredthi er awm tooo«<br />

sandtha <strong>of</strong> aa inch freqntaitly appear on<br />

drawings without objection on the put<br />

<strong>of</strong> the workmou, 7hi inatinnieQta <strong>of</strong><br />

a degree <strong>of</strong> refined aoonraoy Oat srm<br />

the warmth <strong>of</strong> the hand may Mpand •<br />

rod IS imhm long io that the omirant<br />

<strong>of</strong> espflUHion can be measnrijd. II has<br />

becouja important in flns oaniBtnt<br />

to be carefol that the pleoe to be rawgwod<br />

aboald hate the aaae tem<<br />

peratonne that <strong>of</strong> the iustnaeat by<br />

which the dz# is deteisiaed. By flnt<br />

handling & rod, <strong>of</strong> tee IcngUi named and<br />

meaenriHg it, particularly if the rod be<br />

<strong>of</strong> briit-g or rapper, aad then, sftef allowing<br />

the rod to cool, handJiBf the<br />

gangs nntil the latter eipsndi, it ifl<br />

foind that a discrepancy <strong>of</strong> fmn .007<br />

iuth to ,01 iachmaj besonietinieimade<br />

apparoHt, dae entirely to diflcrenOit <strong>of</strong><br />

temperutow.^American Maohhihit<br />

MlMlB AlulEM<br />

Es-Stnte Senator B, O, Voorheii si<br />

Satter Origk retBrBBd, with hii family,<br />

from a visit to Alaska yesterday 00 the<br />

Oitf ef ftsik 1 . •• .<br />

"There is one thing from which the<br />

ordiuDrj tontlat eaniipt be wiSBed, 1 '<br />

iaid ho. "He will boy eurim whereyer<br />

he ioce. That i§ the way in Alaska, We<br />

liear a good deal abont the flae earring<br />

doue by the native Alaskan, Now, the<br />

fact le.the Aluakaa knows mighty 11 ttla<br />

aboot earvtPg, The «aek earrer <strong>of</strong> Sitka<br />

ciune down to San FrnBoieco, I WM<br />

told, to learn the art <strong>of</strong> ewving, and<br />

uow hetBrnsont barrebi <strong>of</strong> ingenioM<br />

cootrivancea Bnppoeed by his OBBtomen<br />

to be JudigenonB to the soil <strong>of</strong> Alaika<br />

only. <strong>On</strong> a boat which weal to Jttoean<br />

a short time before we srrlTBd, then<br />

we uctnally 6,000 poands ef Alaakan -<br />

tnriOH, Biflnufafltnred by Amerieui it<br />

Brookton.Maii,' '—San Ranoisso CbroO'<br />

iole.<br />

Pharmacists.<br />

jym, wAGOttifEB^ HEW<br />


731 Aeaujiv AVE,, OCKAN CITY, if,<br />

llHndjHitrieCt aiit! Iwet enHi{)p«d_iB the cily,<br />

ruro lmiifit and s!pdieiB«i Toilet Sesdn<br />

nnd Fancy Artloleii. Fine aiHMjrtnwnt <strong>of</strong> Htll*<br />

r. Waggoner's b<br />

OIRBB In drBg Itoro. •<br />

Car, 7lh and Aebury Avenue,<br />

OUEAN CITY, K, J, ,<br />

Oj»n the eelire fear, ' .<br />

A Aiii ilne 01 Dru^i, Putent Medieiaa<br />

Toilet ArtielcK, Pcrrumory, HtRtion*ry sDd<br />

Cijtarn, Prtsscriplloafl m Specialty, Try our<br />

diilipioiiS lets Qre*m Moa« and Eft Phosphate,<br />

Comer Elghib Bt, and Wesley<br />

TUB only resuiar eradndte, witfi<br />

yearn 1 sit? as perleoee. Open tee sati<br />

pFgaeriptlDni receive BIT penoniil ntte<br />

in all cartes, Pimly Una accuracy bejn<br />

ntsndard. A full line qf BpeaWtii«t RtHl my<br />

McdlelncS undChDtnlcili Mntiaiitly on band,<br />

addUdlaany partdf Uiectty.<br />

Ttf ROWMDIMolls, vv<br />


ud Thnra, k<br />


m<br />

fa<br />

m m<br />

MBMH<br />

• I<br />

IKt<br />

ftil<br />

Tie<br />


AIoi.l||faty."<br />


f law to tbeitiler,<br />

who come to Uod by him.<br />

Silte Hall, aad R- ^twood, pastor<br />

d ... eloquent sermon<br />

M E l<br />

gtl<br />

E* eliureh, Phliadfl<br />

ntm, but<br />

a* the Flat<br />

the<br />

aarsa<br />

There WM a large amiptgatioii<br />

1 *" ih f prejanrt sf the ia«vWl<br />

pnciple ||i8t Qed<br />

tbe bat that man cap give In p part as folio(VP-<br />

every tphm hmot life and d applied PUatt, the r t n judge,<br />

J<br />

><br />

f<br />

f<br />


Tbere wwa large congregation at tbe<br />

Audftiirluu], yesterday tuorulng, to<br />

h«.f Bishop C, JH, FawJer, JD,<br />

g (he w<strong>of</strong>fd;<br />

all ye tbat Jubur, aiid I<br />

/ett' ! wurld, »I anjj<br />

waie unio me |<br />

Hill KIVO V,;<br />

i<br />

iil<br />

-.-- — - «««« me reason Qed ex-<br />

*ie«t J^t«;fl«liH the pftpamUgn<strong>of</strong> __. „ _, s« present, who act on the<br />

ills cqaiiafe saying we (as judge <strong>of</strong> tbe princjpletrjiit the peopleextat for them-<br />

flHtated irork bj the preparatloas forand,<br />

fijflhennore, ufa method is the re*<br />

Its, ccftioipliiiitQfBt; Another Judlca- vtrse<strong>of</strong> the Edetnodol the WOFM, for<br />

Isstni <strong>of</strong> attemptlBf to light wnng,<br />

bjf •Ja^jag the wrongdoer, he dies to<br />

in tbe nwBwogerB who prt«*ded hb<br />

save him, «j)d tliui traortbrina theflln-<br />

coming—Ifcwhj Abraharo gad* MC^B,<br />

ner Into the Hint, « Ha ©me sot that<br />

•peaWng<strong>of</strong> tb^e wonderfal specimens<br />

ins world might be condemned, but<br />

<strong>of</strong> God's iervaflt*. Another ludJeatJon<br />

that ths world, tbrbugh Him, Might<br />

be saved,"<br />

•<br />

Alld<br />

rnpjwf.ibr<br />

BP iartroitioa m ritiiuaui.H»i.=<br />

uitis,<br />

A Jarg» audjgdee wu pjwent to !(*ntothflftblftdl<br />

Btebop<strong>of</strong>tbiBoman CMhcOfc e<br />

8tf«0BiD<br />

tJon, Both<br />

mge BtletidftiKS<br />

r used tbelr DCH- byniiiai«<br />

for thf flrat Unie;<br />

NO. Til ASIURy AVENUE,<br />

MM<br />

ALHSBT A, BOWULL, Jf48B¥ ii.<br />

2^ OWSt!, * STEELH Alf,<br />

y score M*NB,<br />

Riil ftitte, isrtgigii nd<br />

EAPE IIAV i<br />

Villa<br />

nod<br />

J<br />

CITV. ». J,<br />

HAHKV<br />

f, H, Jt,<br />

t. N, j.<br />

E, Comef FourtM and W^fc<br />

Pure Milk and Cream<br />

wm<br />

No, ia Ashnty Avenut<br />

and<br />

^<br />

HUESAMW,<br />

WORKMEN.<br />

.._ J SifiAM rrrnN(<br />


84fl A»bury Avtnug,<br />



ainb Putt* -»" ••"- -<br />

r, N. J. /<br />

N*w^Bfbr^HBn<strong>of</strong>p«y, , f Besfdeat Physician,<br />

T95 Central<br />

Jtarten In<br />

J&rfetran Water imd<br />

Ma, #•?<br />

:<br />

SCIAN Ctnf. It, J.<br />

DAVIS. If. »„<br />

058 Aabtiry Avenue,<br />

BUBLEV, Pmpfielor.j 1 Evening an#, u «<br />

auil Asbury Aveuue,<br />

I H. JH, f'ANKifih<br />

JJIt. CHARLES C,<br />

tT3& ATLANTIC<br />

ATLANTIC CiTV, Ht J,<br />


A0gtM>.t-liilt-ldatiti!Ui; Hlh tt> the pnd nf !!IB<br />

irio irionth, .<br />

1'rtiprielHsws. MPIe<br />

.- _ MPIemfceBi day<br />

glinday and Man-<br />

No, ?J3 Uenu&i<br />

, S. ROWJIRO<br />

WKAN CITV, S, J.<br />

HQUQAY<br />

IJeliebtftil loontlQis. Clsite lo bem-lb<br />

Uestej throojfhoui. yead inbie. inn<br />

Wwley AVftiue* Orean <strong>City</strong>, N, J.<br />

rtlft<br />

table bc*fd supplied. Term*<br />

MtW, B, OABWOOOi Proprli<br />

Offlj* Lourtt I'nUI Hn, |H,i 2 to i p, Bi., Ud<br />

T to Dp. !rt,<br />

. ._ ,.„ ^. .,„,..r. ,<br />

Moderate Terms, Half block from MCBAET O!TY, S.J.<br />

imp Uruund- Hoiae OpBiforte, Lawu'<br />

18 aud croquet groundfl,<br />

MIW,«, w^. KiLLEY, "<br />


No, t|Tt'Afbu!-y Avenue<br />

A. JHJJIHttKK, P<br />

Cor, Sth §t, and Wesley AVB<br />

Tills lioiisc IN jjsiiKiiifiili.v limitMiifn a<br />

BVenilsH fcw fi.etff.iiu flip owaiii. At<br />

UBS all Hie i'Mtr,<br />

Ptt».VHLI<br />

Street and Central<br />

tlfinUfUievlew. Han\wh dnttnnice, Ktertfjp<br />

UitUtM. LhUALLAffUm 4 CU, t'RiK<br />

, R 0ABBV,<br />

HE RTRAND,<br />

Lighted liiraiigheut willi Kli'tiFJi'lty<br />

ArttBiai! Water,<br />

Hanlttry f>t<br />

Hpmelonspji<br />

Full O«j!<br />

It, W, KOVVAHJIH, i<br />

7th and <strong>Ocean</strong> Am,}<br />

f<br />

tti Offlee, lid utl isrrti III,<br />

Ufflfo JiOiirer 7108a, m,j iigg it m,t S in<br />

p. Bli<br />


liBHTH STMET<br />

HepKH; 8 ia je«, Hj,| I ia S i«, m,i 6 is «(s, i<br />

\ T, ABBOTT, II, Oil<br />


Witt: -esr.*lintiil Aiinei lfld euih §irMf,<br />

Ofih* fifHiH; U'Kiisj j iiTh. i», ii-<br />

5 i fiius h ti, 8 !•, »,<br />

* A,<br />

is<br />

ATtOBMiWUW<br />

Solicitor, Inter lo Cfeuwry NoUry Public,<br />


B8<br />

RoaJ'Bstate and Law BuEIdlnf,<br />

tOBtiOM,<br />


ninuhed,<br />


Practical Carpenter and Builder<br />

'•WMimtam. ostu cnr,ij;<br />

vea, Uuildlnn ewtrf b* conir«ct<br />

or dijp-, "i *<br />

Promptly Attended to.<br />

BTBmN<br />


IWa Ere Ere,<br />

Ail wspjs la MABON ySis prompUy au"<br />



; :<br />

' ' ' " ' " •' "<br />

^ ^ ''•• . 7 ^ * . _ , ' t - • . L 7 . . • • . . . : -L -<br />

'<br />

i<br />

i<br />

An Outline programme<br />

FOR THE<br />

SUMMER OF <strong>1896</strong><br />

ATTflE,<br />

OCEAN ClTr, H, J,<br />

JULT l2=S*fmDn by Se», , ar Ben<br />

Jl »<br />

. Bdniusi L, BBII.P, ».<br />

«•„—-- b Jf U'lihop Ciiarlrt II<br />

, 81 BiiiTsle, H. Yi |<br />

iU-SMTneii by He?, A, j, Palmer* D,<br />

-&* ¥<strong>of</strong> * ' IW> Sllsalyiisrj Bee<br />

lt <strong>of</strong>. «!»«** B.ehureh."<br />

WUVWf fa* B,r,,,an hyUev. ,1 F, Cirian, fi<br />

Th«g*»,[deBlb](es! Aniiabl* b»eiB*<br />

and hit*r.1S!HJinlnttinn»L<br />

, Kf»,<br />

E, Sllbirf, Wulilfjeten, D, 0,<br />

FHjjlMj School <strong>of</strong> HftliDds for HUBd<br />

<strong>of</strong> * J dmomlhiiions momlhiiions by i!,c ! H H«w JJ^gal<br />

Bd Bund«7-»c!,oi.i AMoel(ii]on, l] Jyly £0 la Jy|y a".<br />

irehlon.<br />

v SIS 9 ' QiBli tn, K, J<br />

Ai,eu»t 9 to<br />

WPSBhah, H.<br />

CflBfi.r*W<br />

l<br />

* ir w Hi l»eln Auaust<br />

A *nd cnntiDU* H-r, cliyn, hr*. Thoinai ffarfiwo,<br />

lliee*»rKel|(it. sin he pPHHiidynnc liiB<br />

I<br />

1 i n '? 1 i"* f," 11 'i*'^b > BUInber <strong>of</strong> Sow<br />

tamts, "Preeloui nyiiins," will be usri<br />

Hie ennip<br />

J W,<br />

rH," w ],a<br />

t Hit<br />

^reitft BttdsliiE at tlie<br />

the c»rtip,<br />

iiiiliier* <strong>of</strong> the Fhlilifeiphla<br />

flcH, «« well u ihaw <strong>of</strong><br />

,,id dsBeininalfoBii, will be<br />

nd hplp iu UJ# ineetiogt,<br />

i, WESLEY 1AKB,<br />

, Provisions, Meats, Ito,<br />

Fine Gfocefles, Produce, etc.<br />

fop "<br />

70S aiid "07<br />

IS<br />

AHUury<br />

af<br />

K,I>, liui-<br />

L'lTY<br />


•ill nne <strong>of</strong> Kriills jiiiity on hnml. A<br />

iuu'uloyleHMiiniii;<br />

i<br />

f. t OHfiUlV,<br />


NIB. 7-J0 Anbury Avenue.<br />

('•ilintfy I'fiidiii* IK'NII frpin ihu fiinn. All<br />

to<br />



A fill! Una oi CliOii-ii<br />

li<br />

! OeKAS ClTV, N, J,<br />

cilA,ni>iui«vt<br />


Bt'veatli It, and Anbury Ave,<br />

I Jlteiy rriiiOik'led nnd large air? pnMOrft.<br />

|)OOGAR<br />

JJoardwftlk. third door be], 8th Bf,<br />

lee Crsartii S<strong>of</strong>t Drinks, its,<br />

tea Cream Sodas a Specialty,<br />

Ml Qir Flnen Are Hide Frem Frtshfrattt,<br />

Ice Cream Parlors<br />

NO. 714 ASBURY AVENUE,<br />

ieuNeiTf, s, J.<br />

Meals Served from 6 &, m. to S p, m<br />

Oyitgr* Slid Fish ft gpeclalty., Her via.<br />

fintt-cIfiJH- Prices cerrHpolidlpfF wltll e|t¥<br />

... reetauront*. |*nre SFfHiafi Well Witter, ne<br />

comniDda Ism far B people,<br />

,,, ouit mm GmmAM,.,<br />

Is ai the fiat qimliir, Water Iwi <strong>of</strong> nl<br />

" C, MAW AN A SO,<br />

Embalmers and Undertakers.<br />

a c.<br />

5 A, H. HAKItiE,<br />

U& EASER,<br />


Embalmers...<br />

AND Undertakers<br />

our I'Miori ars §wa tor^Ui*. msasptien sf ;<br />

Hdl from Hotell or CottsieH,<br />

613 ASBURY AVENUE,<br />

LAME,<br />

•.->, ' ^.— AND—<br />

' ,,, mn<br />

S4S-4-7 ASBURY<br />

\<br />

Real Estate and Inauranoo Agents.<br />

• OCEAN CITY<br />

Real Estate Exchange<br />

Us-tau <strong>City</strong> Em) Estate li advancing II per siat, a year<br />

la a lot ? if HO, aij on<br />

DoaU you want to<br />

W. E. MASSEY&CO,<br />

ipotiBg<br />

LDBBI<br />

Real Estate Brokers,<br />


R. Curtis Robinson,<br />


Comtnlssionei* <strong>of</strong> Deads. Conveyanolng In All !ta Branehes,<br />

744-6 Asbury Ave., <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N, J.<br />


Insurnno? plnm) In the tnMt reliable eouipanleji doing tatu]D«B !n tftHHUte.<br />

Mnntjy, ID nuinniedlredj<strong>On</strong> bdlld and mortkaf*.<br />

HtiNjii«wi«atfiiat«i us my can wlll.rective phjmpt ottentlop,<br />

13 LOTS FOR$50o<br />


Call and See<br />

Our List <strong>of</strong> Lots from<br />

We can SeU you a Lot<br />

and get the Monty to<br />

Build the House<br />

If you will give us an<br />

Idea <strong>of</strong> what you want<br />

will draw your Plans<br />

and Specifications<br />

Call and see us<br />

$<br />

UP<br />

Office next door to Post Off ice.<br />

J. fl. Chester & Co.<br />

Real Estate Agentr<br />

RAIL and BOAT.<br />

Railroad's Short <strong>Line</strong>s,<br />









No Visitor to Atlantic Citv Should Miss <strong>On</strong>e TH^.C Marating Trips<br />

^ p Tl * t«bl«« and RaUa Qf p*r« Apply at Office,<br />

AO.DAOTONo J.KWOOB, ' OBd,W;j<br />

• Qst'irtmtAgmi,<br />

Gents'Furnishing Goods, Etc,<br />

Helel<br />

followlug are the lite«t arrivals<br />

GOTO—<br />

at llis varlotu b«tetrleei—<br />



WIIIMm L, Staekbouge, 8, H. Steels<br />

Far WOMEN'S and CHILDREN'S and family, Mary J, Berdell, Harulil<br />

Evsus, Henry Evans, rhlldll<br />



Asbury sbury Avenue, Avnu ^UliarisH, Maogaa aud wife, Hilim<br />

ANDT0<br />

B, Mangaii, F, A. HafrjBon, Paul I*.<br />

aauder, W, t\ Bird, Phlladerphlar H,<br />

^ Muora, New Yerfc,<br />

FOR MEN'S<br />


817 Aabufy Aveuue,<br />


»P9 Bpw Qflerliig<br />

Ttala weil-finown plsmqre report hue btcn<br />

wondertulij hnpHived alnw ti,n KajmB ur *t!L<br />

T b<br />

p<br />

at > an <strong>of</strong> aver lam, our |« p<br />

!i qvwiOO feet long • tUe light lunch cafa and<br />

eandy and poOa Water «tantU prevldo refhsfh-<br />

111<br />

B*v« Thomas aalOB, D. DM Wm.<br />

H, Dobsju, M, DM WMhingtOD, D. CJ.1<br />

Ueorge Laaliyj Mis* Martha K. Jeiiuit.<br />

l«Bi Biles B, B, Arthur, Phi]»del|iliia;<br />

MfbH Poul, Salem.<br />

QAftWOOD JlCJUBIi.<br />

Juhu H. Boyle aud wife, J, B, Ohal.<br />

metHBud wife, John W. Ban. Cam.<br />

dea; W. E, Oakfurd, AuitiB B,HilI,<br />

Llllte M, Hill, MiHs b. V. Pyle Mj!<br />

Buowsleii, H, iiutou<br />

THE<br />

WS lla«eRIBOl>Neti ndvimttige<strong>of</strong> Iliertfeiit H, Iluuklcy Webalw, Wliilam'BIaue,<br />

deelioe ID tbs RIBBON Hmrket imfl «ru ridgetiiii; g t ; Mtos MgAIlister, MgAIliste B, 0,<br />

JihowlngrBifreat niany <strong>of</strong> the lut*(tt «t}!i-s nt<br />

ib ._ !lt lamf l low<br />

Wiiudliull, Casdfoi 0*<br />

l ii In rw!tt<br />

0 U, Crawforrt fo<br />

and wife, Marlon Leaeh,QtmiBtitowi!;<br />

cuMeJfor Ubd deBlfalile go«lB IB<br />

William irwjii aud wife. MisswH. 11.<br />

and W, B, Irwliii Pbiladelphlit; W, H,<br />

AltwrtMjll Ubddtliia ~<br />


No. 858 ASBURY AVENUE.<br />

F, Gluc-kert Jr.; E, Delan, B^le<br />

fcmonil, B, p, Preutsil and wife Jehii<br />

Owens and wife, Mim Ethel Owtas,<br />

RARGAINS • • PliiHp H, Pmrnml, J, J, Jago, Mfcwet.<br />

J, J, and K, Q, Jago, MitpmMc-<br />

Parlayd, Sadie G. Aicparlaud, Phila-<br />

AT,<br />

dslriblai njBbt R#¥, Jams A.McFaul,<br />

U, I),, Treufan,<br />


G#orjf# Boweiii Maurieebiwa} K, BT<br />

A. J. STEELMANS, iLhiumi, giurrnown; ft<strong>of</strong>, B, ti,<br />

E , W«idbury= jehB F, DuAau,<br />

Cor. Atlantic and Ohio Aves., Mm, ilasBe/, Mrs, A, GMhUTaad<br />

graiid^auHhter, GmtgB B, Well vain,<br />

ATLANTIC CITY, N, J, Jlichard MltLier, WliflBm H, flann,<br />

Hainutl p, Msuu, EMzabetb M, Mann,<br />

Ueni* JjlGfcle eyitfl, $4, reducwj from U, PhllBditphla; Rodney Hand, Cape<br />

iten'm (JaHilmsre Hulti, §4, nnd f8, Maj'; Edward CpreQUfJMtphTnith, J.<br />

d rrflm ff and SIO, » H, H««vefl sod wife, Mlllvllle; HOB,<br />

1<br />

Bathinf Hullji, $2.<br />

John Jiuiuwl) and wife, Lteibarf,<br />

1<br />

Wmppeni, a Be.<br />

STKANTJ,<br />

Cnuhgulls, 83,25, we»K, WiUHlow Pries aud wife, WIIHe P,<br />

Hoys' Wash Butt*, 45s,<br />

Fries, F, L#edom and wife, MB, O«i,<br />

UiatikBtB, eta, st city prlees. Beta, M)i«L, G, Hach, W. K, Jtfl.<br />

TleHrOrWrBiager, U. W, orr, Jobd U.<br />

MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT Hull, M. Idtulm McrtJonoell William<br />

ATTBfiTlON,<br />

W, Vfln Baun, &I.-&, FfailadeIpfa(HJ<br />

K, H. ArniBtrdHR and wife, Mte M,<br />

Stacy, • Miss Florauee ArmitroDK,<br />

Arthur ArmatroDg, BrsBJdyn,; K, Y,?<br />

D, U, r^wls, wife and eUldT, MliivUle;<br />

THE<br />

Bfldtii, PaimytBl Mabtl, F,<br />

, Taeeiiy,<br />

TRAVMdrtB.<br />

P, Coongr, KaiiiBrlyt 0,<br />

icent<br />

Kiwr, MB, Ida Weila, Marian Fel§y,<br />

W5 K, Midge, wife, childreniand outA<br />

ttemiiel F, ffmith, j, B, flmltb, Jr.<br />

ten rebultlon A itnincler mule Uiiia William L% % GNJaer, ThamH It, Fort<br />

ever, UHd 11 BOW open fop<br />

Jr Jr., F, F Peareon and wife, wife A, A B B, P<br />

J. Kurd HutGhJiuoo, Mjtg<br />

Hmlleyt-Mn, B, ainlrs^aA, Daniel<br />

W. A, aharp, Leon F, Slewlirg- PhlladeiphiB<br />

William B, BailVh, T, B<br />


T Lawreoe E<br />

m<br />

tliiiii nny oljitr, tlie building il»B<br />

LKH 1 p , BailVh, T, B<br />

Hmllb, Jr., , T, Lawreoee Eyre, West<br />

Chesttir; ; Andrew B B, Bmltb Bmltb, Camdeu;<br />

Hltthop Bcsrboruugh, Treuton; Willlain<br />

M. Tfl^rt, Gesrge W, Blgltl and wife,<br />

PiillsiJilphlai illsiJilphla l*on Hsmpt<strong>of</strong>i, p Wood<br />

!) elihirgiHJ liiiJHIiniu&itoariJS jiliiecd tli«r&- bury; W, B, Helghi elghiw and d wife, ife W W, E, E<br />

in. OFtttid New Oriran, sei wlili new und Hujfbis, Vhielaud; illiam MagFarcharm<br />

Ins mu<br />

i Willi El Fl M<br />

WASUFAeTUBiSa \ .4<br />

* * * eAKftV<br />

With l.Ue=|[fitettt liiciiltiw for produfjng dell.<br />

(jiiiuB uiid pnrccundy wlHiln tlie building, Tlje<br />

o|p>' one In IK-t-nn t'lly, COiiic and ste tbf<br />

d<br />

I- G. ADAMS, PROP fi,<br />

^LACE r<br />

, eaud; William Ma<br />

, William El wood MBcFarlau,<br />

uhttiitvllle,.<br />


M^rs. F. A, Dyeh, MIH Bice, MIHB Ji,<br />

Blee, Wm. T, HomrlghauBen, wife and<br />

child, J, A, PerklUH, B, Frank Watto<br />

Jr., Addlgg; Oeiioin,M Cbulbt,<br />

Lippiutytt and wife, Edward T. Ltiog*<br />

Ntreth.U, W.Hughtfl and wife, Vlffiil<br />

Hughes, W, E, Montellua and wife,<br />

Fraoeli Wettqn, Ml§§ ft, M, Wslton<br />

Mm E, Wtttaa, Miss Ealells E, Ulaytoii,<br />

Jliag Qraee E, Dorsey, A, Flittr<br />

atid wife, U», B, Hawkes, E. ¥, Landis,<br />

P, M, Laadii, Jahn li, L\ Boyer,<br />

J.l.Bakir, W.HarryJRitter, W, All<br />

fred Iteuner and will, Maatir Harold<br />

MIT GO.<br />

A, JlsnHer, U, W, Oruii, Jt, ilalooloi<br />

UrosH, J, ii

mm Im mm<br />

JIAJL BE TUU hAXb.<br />


DANGER<br />

OF<br />

••ft Br.'Tslnm** Dmt Wet Biiiin That<br />

Tin Ii Any CbfJBsc eT Bfprstam Bad<br />

1 th* Or*<br />

* weiiwe. J» *§ net to t» es<br />

&em that ?m »nid mm a better<br />

Ihip onl <strong>of</strong> new timber thao oat el an<br />

«meer ingn oat 01 an<br />

that has beea peaad np in the<br />

' If starting with e e t l<br />

at has beea pea<br />

If starting with<br />

the man dee* not<br />

~— — •j»i«un that _. „,<br />

wins time diamiatm. It is one uf j<br />

import,' ahull we have<br />

i mi— i.. . • •= -<br />

iniioeeiiey the man dee* not become<br />

godly, U It possible* that starting with<br />

•ib • tiraph can be Bvelaiedf I§ there<br />

not more prospect that a senlptef will<br />

make « finer statue eat <strong>of</strong> a block <strong>of</strong><br />

para white Parian mat bit than oat <strong>of</strong> a<br />

black wefc time has teen franked and<br />

twisted and split and Beams! with the<br />

•terms <strong>of</strong> a hajf centaiy* COBM JOB act<br />

write s last will and testament ef write<br />

tree fall toward<br />

north, in the plaea<br />

the tree falkth there it (Shalt be."<br />

There is a hovering hope in ihe a lads<br />

<strong>of</strong> a vast multitude <strong>of</strong> people that there<br />

will be an oppartniiity in the next world<br />

<strong>of</strong> oomwttng the nUjtakoA<strong>of</strong> this; that,<br />

however complete a ahipwrwk we nuiy<br />

; make <strong>of</strong> oar earthly life, it will i» on n<br />

beach up which we may walk to n pah<br />

see; that, M the defendant may lose his<br />

em in a oirctiit court and appeal it and<br />

have it go up to the supreme court or<br />

wart <strong>of</strong> chancery ud *H the costs<br />

thrown ornr on tha other party, so a<br />

ajftii may lose his ease iu this world,<br />

bal in the higher jturisdietioB <strong>of</strong> eternity<br />

have the decision <strong>of</strong> the earthly ease set<br />

aside, all the coats remit tod add the de-<br />

fendant be triumphant forever.<br />

The object <strong>of</strong> my sermon is to shew<br />

yon that common sente declares with<br />

the test that reeo an expectation is<br />

chlmerieaJ. "If the tree fall toward the<br />

tmtb or toward tha north, in ths place<br />

when, the tret falkth there it shall<br />

be," There we those whs nay than if<br />

the impenitent and Bflforifivea man ea-<br />

ten the aext world aod seen the disaster,<br />

u a remit <strong>of</strong> that disastef ho frill turn,<br />

the distress the arese ef his reforma-<br />

tion, bat we liBve 10,000 instances all<br />

aronud nbont oa <strong>of</strong> people whs have<br />

dose wrong aod disaster Suddenly came<br />

opes them. Did the disaster heal them?<br />

No, thoy west on,<br />

Kit Hops bat Ia tha ffcMBt,<br />

There is • man flnag <strong>of</strong> iUegiparioaa.<br />

The doctor says to liira, "JJow, my<br />

Mend, If yon don't stop drinking end<br />

don't itop tills fust life yon an living,<br />

yoa will die " She patient thmim the<br />

phyHician for his warning and geta bet-<br />

tef | he btyina ta ait ttpr hpffiiw to<br />

——^ to<br />

write a last will aad testaaient, ar'write'i ,»„<br />

m deed, eg write an iaptiftai« Afgmm^t. g{!<br />

f '<br />

BiniiaM mym u>0 fact that tfle 'iftfldi<br />

date has bi*u a s<strong>of</strong>fleiiot titno nader<br />

their drill, and thm eaten<br />

their drill, and thm eaten ieawn,<br />

•PandemOHitun, a preparatory ftehsQl for<br />

celeatial admiiBioii! Ah <strong>of</strong> ttienii<br />

u, prparatory ftehsQl for<br />

celeatial admiiBioii! Ah, <strong>of</strong> ttienii,<br />

while tatsii aurt bin c<strong>of</strong>iortt have fitted<br />

atast ainlfitudtt ftif ruiB they nef<br />

atast ftif<br />

ed<br />

they nefei<br />

atast ainlfitudtt ftif ruiBi they ne<br />

fitted oils seal fuf lioppiu*«S—ntJTej!<br />

In. Cuarl <strong>of</strong> fctsralty,<br />

A dream. I am in the burnished Jfldg.<br />

ent hull oo the ln«t day. The great<br />

blte thitme la lifted, bniths Judge hu<br />

not yet tai«i It While we are waiting<br />

for big arifl I hot th i r t l t<br />

not yet tai«i It While<br />

for big arriful I hoiit the<br />

en a port white sheet ef paper easier<br />

than yon could write it noons sheet<br />

•cribbicd all over with infmnyand blot-<br />

ted niid tors from top to bottom? And<br />

yet there are thorn who are m dncflm-<br />

niou BWjsiea! as to believe that, though<br />

a Juan HtartM in this world with infancy<br />

and its iniiijrs'net' and tarns out badly,<br />

ia the BRSI world lie qaa start with 8<br />

dead fnilore and k ' '<br />

Wl * ttt<br />

i<br />

immortals in<br />

yon<br />

from<br />

, .„,., "went ip uuia<br />

..„ „ to a goal that wnnt np froBi<br />

Aaeriea. Tiie Jutter nyjpoadij '*! was<br />

ia Aiuericii 40 yoaira ago, and I heard<br />

the gospel preached, and I had plenty<br />

<strong>of</strong> Bibles in my house, and from the<br />

time that 1 knelt nt my mother's knee<br />

iu prayer until'my lust hnnr I had<br />

freat opimiviiitU'Hi but I did not im-<br />

•"^-o theiiii aiid t iiin here today wait<br />

lor uothtif cbttnwi" "Strange,<br />

jujtt eoiwa np<br />

jorld nwBHftB nnr «m lies jS m T6FJ<br />

bri<strong>of</strong>, Vf9 BcoKely h ^ Po0B ^ ^<br />

around between the cradle and tiie<br />

grave, the wood <strong>of</strong> the oiiuanaogi strifc-<br />

ing ufpiiiiit the tnnrble <strong>of</strong> the other We<br />

nnglit to have ahothcrchiuieaboeanso <strong>of</strong><br />

the brevity <strong>of</strong> tbis lifa" Wy Iriends,<br />

do ynn tnOw what, made the aaeieat<br />

dclBffo a neeoBityf Is was the i<strong>of</strong>ige^ty<br />

<strong>of</strong> h0 antcdUaviaBi, They * (Hificii Ihrllilrst-<br />

t'itf pUl'Ni- ilirUltKilfiUl (hi 1 amillfy. '<br />

Why tJfti iisi- ihv liueriL wuM-r<br />

flfiuilii> f mi" »•'-' '•<br />


Bei.Rlyis in eff«j| JUNE m<br />

t'*ir Fhil*dpipliliMi<br />

-Leave Neemitf HiH*t—<br />

STftfii rt<br />

Aeeara,,' a,)A 4, n'*<br />

A«sin=, syy p= in,,<br />

Lieut,,<br />

. in<br />

_ ,„ ,, ni<br />

!i,iO»,in<br />

t« n, it!<br />

7lupsni<br />

S'H)p<br />

tlii' liiicNl WW i g e , . Mff». [»=, * " il 31 ft, in<br />

A Chorum <strong>of</strong> ' T.To.,<br />

Sllle, Lwia Fuuro rt'K;>t!ibli>s her fa»<br />

thcf, not ijitlyiu njijjfuriiiuji 1 , Irutalrioili<br />

Jicr hiitred <strong>of</strong> putilidiiT iiiid HIIOW, lie-;<br />

. IEKI otM|i UJ 1 itmiiecimu to (lit- ; Ej|irc*Ji, i,*ii p, in.."<br />

('(iiiipjiiij find iipver dfink tinifiily<br />

wnier, ntver ihiwl! nivtr t« WUii< j ! f«i<br />

nut WHlsr tint UiH? llw i'letiiiwi,! *ft*in,, . ! f ! Hti.<br />

till)iilFf lit istii.'f>.<br />

e *<br />

w urthernore, the pmpept <strong>of</strong> refomia<br />

tkn In naetlieT world 1« oore'fiDpnb-<br />

•blfi thsa here, Do JOB not realise the<br />

' U/)t IfaM • mu start* Io tola world<br />

with the laneo^os <strong>of</strong> Infamy? Iu the<br />

«&& ease, vtartlsg |n the other world,<br />

£• alvis witi the tecnmulated bail<br />

tie parents <strong>of</strong> other eitiM havo sent<br />

their children there 10 bo edacated and<br />

isfprsed?<br />

If a man in this world was mrronnded<br />

with temptBtioii, in the rieit world, all<br />

toe rightesHs having pflAied np iuto ths<br />

beatiflo stale, the-BSeQeiatioB wili be<br />

more deterioratiujr, dtpresiatiag and<br />

down, 3Ten wonlrt «ot send to a cholora<br />

or yeUow tma iimpim • oiaa far his<br />

health, aurt the grtat lazaretto ef the<br />

fotttf, in s ^^ » withered tho dis-<br />

eased and tbe plague 9^0^, wili ^<br />

poor place far Boral fWOTejy The<br />

Ojjil Of Chateaahriand, i*%Jt<br />

make his child cenragwBg, ttade him<br />

alwp m the tanets ef the castle, waero<br />

the wind, howled and specters were<br />

*tif to haunt the place. The BDthef<br />

and tte sisters almost died <strong>of</strong> fright,<br />

bat theson <strong>of</strong>torward giTta hiiseeonnt,<br />

»^ bo sayg, "That W¥e BUS ntrfes <strong>of</strong><br />

steeli and gase BIB een^ge that"-<br />

nwff faltered,» ,<br />

^Bmt, my frieadi, I ^ aat thjaj u,e<br />

tnrrets <strong>of</strong> darkneaa or tha (peetral<br />

world swept by sirocco ud flB^o^don<br />

Will STOF prepare a sonl for the eternal<br />

Imd<strong>of</strong>satiahine, I wond<strong>of</strong> what ia the<br />

in the Oeil^a Inferno,<br />

_„._,,„ Ill dmw wliiMl Bivi'H lit'p unite<br />

an £tigi j N] 1 fi|i);iimiir u, Tim Iki* Io Pa-<br />

risiniw iulio wlvtnu- the hit sat outrR <strong>of</strong><br />

eyeliiig eostiiiiicu, lit* th*' \va%) complain<br />

that she flifsRi'H Ujo iuHt'h likt* a UIOIL .<br />

tTnliitt! otto ^iris <strong>of</strong> her !»(?*» nud pe=<br />

giti<strong>of</strong>l, HUo, rautfl is (0 bi! HWU nearly<br />

every jifrfsriiwiii on tjip briulovunl uloutt,<br />

mid the fuct th,it H1)I> Irntk.s m EugliMh<br />

pavo fi«a to ati sniiiHiiiK iiieiduBt tlie<br />

ether day, A« irreproMible guinio, not<br />

recogniziiig ia the toll und tailor gown-<br />

ed jouiii? wuuuiu the iin'BiflfiHt'B daugh<<br />

?d lii'f witli a lively griniaee<br />

and tt'mfxskmfi siiout <strong>of</strong> ",Vivii-I ! Angle,<br />

terre!" Notliiug duBiitrd, but with<br />

ti'ljt lift 'his! cnlnr, Mlln. ^ linlK -<br />

*V?y(' lu FriHicf?!" wfi-, ,-F<br />

sti aii Eftglifliiijiujj who WHH passing<br />

took in the si turn ion ut u planeo and,<br />

raisijjg his liut, TOinurki-d ivirh a pm-<br />

foaudbow, "Vivo le presidenti"-*rjoii-<br />

don fii»»itin"i""--'—<br />

From I'hiiatlMpbt<br />

?.(»» in,, im<br />

, eSOa.in,,<br />

tTflr.p. hi<br />

i p,'m<br />

r«r i*|ie Mar,<br />

y., 3,!0»BaJ-JSp. in, sn-t-rtiijpt gun-<br />

'.ft, H KtiHrhinr I?*** iSp? M»y<br />

Or<br />

In<br />

Cl*<br />

TOHmtl ?Q HIRE!<br />

LI,<br />

FICE: 601 Asbury Avenue<br />

r_, mmm_jiM<strong>of</strong> EdiihISbia at-1 pljAN T 110th gt^ftnd We* Avenue,<br />

tocketlthe priih}eiu <strong>of</strong> flndiug aa anji»<br />

dot« for iiiatu hitP, aiiil tJjore is everj<br />

temtiii in isrijte timl Uin,ls\ji}fn wiU not<br />

by for uaiiiilit, Starting with the com- , , • *y -T..«,<br />

BJoitly !iiH.i>|j!cd tlieufy, wiijch he fiflds AU New. xtk Hew AUL NEW<br />

mnnity luast be dnp to the jibsurption in<br />

tiiobliwddf (he pujgdnons matter, He FISHBB * SON<br />

cobra poisois, and isscBrfauied by direst faiirirfriae<br />

ex|»rii)ieiit tlie niiuinjiuii lethal dqBB.te ;___. _^ WUHUIIBa.<br />

a BiBiill uiiinjal The dam wasgriidnftl- _«" "<br />

ly imaruned without a4iy iuwnveaieoce (J •<br />

to the aiihiiuL Itidttd it pew fat oadet S33 A5BURV AVENUE,<br />

the trentiiititiE outi I it copj.1 rooeive by<br />

VOL. Ill,<br />

634 Asbury Avenue<br />

Contractors and Builtlers.<br />


OCEAN 011% N. J,, TUESDAY, AUGUST II, 1806, NO. 38,<br />


**<br />

or<br />

Six EiUgd and three Score More<br />

Less StNouily Injured,<br />

in tlit- frightful UL-cldnut nil the «•!«;-<br />

Irle railvyity auuday iilglit at CMumbla;<br />

VA,, Hlx ptirHfjiiH WITL* killed mid three<br />

KL'IIHJ more or U»«H HerUiiiNly iiijiirej,<br />

Aiiinug ttiijHy kliigd wiiH SVilllam IMiik=<br />

u LurUT, whii U the Lmsther uf<br />

Frank Ii Wflilit'lcti f, nf Aphury<br />

tlil« cfty,<br />

ihs time uf thy iimdeiit Mra.<br />

iiimljer, was vWiliig<br />

They wuro iiutltlyd «f<br />

death by ti'k'tiraph aud yys-<br />

iiiiy iiftyriiqi.ri bi.rli Mr*, HciiiiclUef<br />

I tier iiidtlier HEurtiia for »<br />

biL-w-liall park uest 'Henaoii.<br />

A progreHgiVfi euchre party enjoyed<br />

thcniHehflh ut Thn Htrand IgMt gveulog,<br />

Jauk McFetridgs will pilch for the<br />

Oi'eftii <strong>City</strong> teura lu to-morrow<br />

with Uujia Atay,<br />

HuudreilH nf batherti* take B dip lu<br />

i?lU iKi-mitlttHg warm days, 'The<br />

Ii iiuw 11 delightful temperature.<br />

The BiiustH nf The Trayojore, last<br />

feisjuyetl' the cutettftftiment<br />

by twii travellug muHiciaiiH,<br />

The liiitelH are dulug euuh a thriving<br />

buslueMH that they MAuuot<br />

date all tho people why apply for<br />

by uf (J,<br />

The Qsieau <strong>City</strong> Base Ball Club, to-<br />

inurr<strong>of</strong>t 1 , will play a game with a teain<br />

<strong>of</strong> coMcgiauB who are Hjjuiirtiltig at<br />

U«pe Mayr<br />

Mttijy cottugera aud visitors seated<br />

tlicim*elvc« lit the tiayd SB tlio beacb<br />

last eveuiug tu get ibeHlI<br />

ffiim the iictan. .<br />

A set uf falao teeth, with<br />

brtikoii, was fuuud ou the beaeli Stin-<br />

duy, uud ww plaeed iu the care <strong>of</strong> Bath'<br />

Luuse Keener ilruwer.<br />

A boat from the Life Saving SlBtlou<br />

pill pHttol tiie-Hurf ihta afternoon to<br />

guttler the ballj that are batted Into old<br />

by the JaE UIBU'B. hms ball team.<br />

tuu<br />

ntuj<br />

PBOOgh sin, eaten and goat np from<br />

frwhmaJi <strong>of</strong> iujqnlry to Kphonjere ef<br />

sbsBiujatioa, and on np, from Mpho-<br />

ffiore to jorilor, and from junior to sea-<br />

Im, and dgj <strong>of</strong> graduatioa oomai, and<br />

the diploma in iigned by ntan, the<br />

prejldent, and all the pf<strong>of</strong>faaional da.<br />

i«i «H,fvPU|UOf „,,! |)g<br />

ft^m<br />

be regardeil as one <strong>of</strong> thi moat Inj-<br />

ant o£ the ceatBr*.-»Uhanibsri*<br />

guuHta <strong>of</strong> The TraymiiRj had<br />

progrvHtiive vm-lire jiuriy<br />

duy evfiiiu^, Aiiiijlijf tlims wl!i><br />

ijuiged in the gallic wen-:<br />

Wlllimu Tuggdft aud «lfu,<br />

Daniel and wife; Edward H. Marsh<br />

ai ut wife, E, M, Tiubuqr mid wife, Ar-<br />

thur W, Uiiy und wife, ThuiiniB Hilt<br />

uijij wife, Uliiirk'H Kleiu uud wife, U.<br />

H, WlHleruud wife, Jiilui B, MeDauli-i<br />

und wife, J. WhHueyUlusH*y and wire,<br />

TiiuuiaH MtjKuight iiiid wife, Mrs,<br />

Ariua Jiis'kwii, flir». p, S,<br />

Mrs,;E, 8, Kadiey, Iiie Alis»Ds<br />

the AilHieij Joins, MINH ,<br />

MtaUertrutte Wiititr, aire, S, A, Hwmt,<br />

Mtu, Ueorge 1), Spur, -<br />

The priiB Wiuu'eH <strong>of</strong> fhu ladiei warn ;<br />

Flint, Mm, UliftrleN Uaniel, w delft<br />

jarditiiere; steqtidf Mrs.Edwiird Robsm<br />

Alaiehi H delft tureen; tliird, Mrc, Wil><br />

Haw Taggartj toilet pen fnurib, MH*.<br />

Smith J, Spur, Japan truy,<br />

Thi; gcjUltmeii wiuntra were; First,<br />

Lubtjg, Htiguf uud urtam set;<br />

Louia MaigiU, tovered dlah;<br />

third, E, M» Tkstmer, adelfl '<br />

fourth, g, BitteuhoiiHy WUs;!, silver<br />

sliaviug cup,<br />

Uruwti, <strong>of</strong> the Falacf<br />

Uonipany, has roped his<br />

]»t monkey wltbin agpaclous enuluHure<br />

Hii that (tie uiilrual^ tonuyutors cannot<br />

reach It,<br />

Additluijai e>lectrlca| appliauces have<br />

bueti placed In tlju Uelleviif Lath hoiKtet*<br />

oii the Ltiftirdvvaik. There an; alHuuew<br />

bath lute fur Ibtue dgniniumit taking<br />

an electrical baili,<br />

Tlie bat beta were ainiised, yestenlay<br />

by a Uian In a bathing suit wbo v/m<br />

up to hh) fttiuuldera In tlie ayrf, ushltig<br />

just iiuujide the breakers wltli 'a rod<br />

aiid line. He only landed one Hsh,<br />

Every member <strong>of</strong> tbe fat men's bane<br />

bail teniii will wear cabbage leaves iu<br />

tiielr cii{M thlH afteruiKin. aa a prvcati<br />

tlijii agaiiittt guiiHlriike, No one but th<br />

u ill Mire will be }«rniittwl to tarry i<br />

pului'leaf fun, '<br />

A tlsfif .fljcht amused tiiu vtflitorH on<br />

Atlaius' |>ler Ia>it evetihijf, The ant<br />

liiuia beiouif tii the lielgbbtirs<br />

Kleventlt Htreet and Central avenue<br />

and made ujutttH lively for a few<br />

A yourjg lady who owns one<br />

BISHOP<br />

Thi Distinguished Speaker Reviews tile<br />

Life <strong>of</strong> Abraban Lincoln.<br />

A targe audience last evsultig wtl-<br />

eurned Hirthop C, H, Fowler, D, DM at<br />

the Atiditartitra sod listened aifen=<br />

tlvely to hjs eioquiiit lecture utxiii<br />

Abraham Llucoln, It was most inter,<br />

eating and Instructive tiiroughnut and<br />

those preterit seeined never So feel thu<br />

burdeu <strong>of</strong> oppressive heat,<br />

, The hjshgp cotnnueneed his leutura<br />

with the statement that '-Gad'H provi.<br />

denes has the right <strong>of</strong> wiy, sp aiaiikind<br />

will never forget Abriham, MeiHet*, Per-<br />

le!^, Bt, Paul, Richalieu, Cromwell or<br />

Wisblngton, clalmltjg Abraham Lfn-<br />

O'sl!! embodied the Btretiftli <strong>of</strong> Iniellt'ct<br />

and fiBgaeity <strong>of</strong> these n§ro§&<br />

We must measure him as we dn a<br />

bylldiug, both above and below the<br />

water-mark,<br />

He pletured his plain liome, whirs<br />

little Abe slfpt on a bed ef leaves, and<br />

spoke <strong>of</strong> the advantage yf it belyg the<br />

poverty uf tbe Ameflmu wllderuH*<br />

rather thsn Hie poverty nf a crowded<br />

city.<br />

His tarly daj-s were spent Jn work<br />

the farm, and his eventygN fouud<br />

him in au old chair, wltli bis feet ek"<br />

vated, and a book In hto baud, glean*<br />

lag the knowledge- hs had iio other<br />

tu git. III these envlnfiuneuiH be<br />

grew tii a sturdy munhood, wiih a<br />

physique that gave him jrower to au-<br />

compliHb hi<br />

and <strong>of</strong> D<br />

Uraati<br />

e eampiujf (rtouiifi beyond, and as<br />

we§ee tbe pontoon lying bafore us, we<br />

must each murch over in single file,<br />

and like him, be measured by what he<br />

d(d. He was a Ubrlstiau oornmauder,<br />

a leader <strong>of</strong> a great political munici-<br />

pajltv, and iii It all he reivers<br />

girtb up abiiVB every mau tor HIX<br />

and years.<br />

<strong>of</strong> the cfluliies<br />

vigorously kicking<br />

euuipletejy bfl the<br />

other parjy<br />

her pluck by<br />

ouy <strong>of</strong> the dogs<br />

pier, it was tUe<br />

s cur.<br />

OP<br />

m<br />

A oip Ewrff iiusira<br />

arda Kepi Butty.<br />

, The life-guards hiid a hiiay day <strong>of</strong> it<br />

yesterday at Atlantic gjty resLuing<br />

tareieie or unfurtunate bathera frotn<br />

-tha surf, Among those saved frum<br />

* drowniiig were liuseell Walkmyer, <strong>of</strong><br />

Pittsbnrg, and Qgjrjie WillianiH, <strong>of</strong><br />

Merehaiitvlllei, two guestB <strong>of</strong> €«ngreFH<br />

Hall, who went batblug from the Iron<br />

Pier, The current from the Inlet ca^<br />

ried them <strong>of</strong>l their feet aiid the guards<br />

reseued them after great dlfuculty with<br />

a life bo*t. The other* reHCued were<br />

Hatry Davis, <strong>of</strong> No, 828 Whartonaireef,<br />

Philadelphia^ and William BUager, also<br />

<strong>of</strong>PhllBdelphla,<br />

The Epwarih Lcaxpe,<br />

Tue Epworth League L'uuvention<br />

yesterday mapped out a programmt<br />

for their work ihin week. This iuom<br />

Ing the Jtev, H, J. Zelley, <strong>of</strong> Wflaonahj<br />

yonduyted the, Blb1e*rfeading, his<br />

jietbeing, "Peats,"<br />

Fitliowlng It the Kev, E, J, Kulp, <strong>of</strong><br />

Pmiaukiii, made an address to a small<br />

audieiiua on.." TbEL League Prayer Meet-<br />

lug." Hk lint r/marks called attea.<br />

tiiiii to the fuet ffiat uo principles were<br />

hi vlgar and dUtlnct that they could be<br />

fiiuiid available to each individual<br />

League,<br />

The ilrrtt esaentlsl elemetit <strong>of</strong><br />

le found iu the heart <strong>of</strong> tue members),<br />

while a rich peruonal txperlenee ii<br />

ueeeartTj to leading others to Ohflst,<br />

The active memberB must be touver-<br />

ttd iii word and truth, with uo doubt <strong>of</strong><br />

their spiritual condition, This i« the<br />

key-note <strong>of</strong> power.<br />

This spirit always produce*<br />

for they will be williiig<br />

. ' t"T& teii to sianen'rdQBd, :<br />

What B dear H«¥lor 1 have found,"<br />

A dlMciiBtijon fallowed the nddresa.<br />

This evinhig, at T,80 s'otock, tbere<br />

will be a suiig service, couducled by<br />

Williatn j, MeUowan, <strong>of</strong> Wenonab,<br />

At 8 o'cleek there will be an addr^i lit<br />

the Auditorium,<br />

chain aad heart. Re-<br />

ward if returned to 708 Wes>iey avenue,<br />

LdgT==PlB!n gold ring, between Tth<br />

and 8th atreeti, us beach. Liberal re-<br />

ward If returned to KEPQSTER Offlei,<br />

FOB SALE-Niw doable eottop, fl»&.<br />

Ing ocean, between Tenth and Eleventh<br />

streets, on Wealey ave,; electris light*<br />

and baths; can be occupied Imtae,; will<br />

sell either one pr both; topther j open for<br />

inspect,* Apply to AbelD,Scull, builder.<br />

intelligent, hii dress (hi plainest, bis<br />

long legN gtu.uk seveuteeu iuuhes<br />

through his jjantfl, a coaii eap Hdoriied<br />

hie head, and uotbtug were on his<br />

Trilby's. HisfaeewaHHO hoDtiely that<br />

man ineetlug him one day isaid, "I<br />

have a notliiii to Hhiwt you." Liiiftilu<br />

asked "why?" te which the man re*<br />

piitd, "My father told me If I ever met<br />

auy ose uglier than myself I should<br />

Hheot him," Llueotn calmly stared,<br />

and then mid, "Well, If 1 am homller<br />

than you, shoot at ouee,"<br />

The blHbopBaid if there was any-<br />

thing he dlHlJked more thati a IHili<br />

yellow dog, It was a pretty man, God<br />

made i-lncoln out <strong>of</strong> the best njateriul,<br />

measured froEB any atandpuhit. He<br />

described the squalled freedom <strong>of</strong><br />

Illinois arid declined Haying ftuytblug<br />

harsh <strong>of</strong> the South, "m we had a little<br />

dJHt'u»»iou with them In<br />

got in the last words."<br />

He gave UluHtratluus at Liiicolu'9<br />

ability to settle nUeatlouH<strong>of</strong> Biatc with<br />

turn wisdom aud dlgulty aiid with<br />

Hueh logical force that even his eneiniea<br />

an Indian,<br />

There was uynalderuhle<br />

111 a eattflge OH Central avenue early<br />

last evening when It became known<br />

that ay Indian girl, who was employed<br />

us a doineetle, was arugng the ojisslog.<br />

The ululdeu had been set'Urgd from the<br />

UuriiHie Nuhotil by the family, and (hey<br />

were vtfy mucli exereihed over her<br />

strange dbiappgariiiiue.<br />

At 4 o'cltMjk In tbe ufternoon NIIO<br />

asked permliislfin to gatber siiells ou<br />

the tjeauh, and m stie bad been nceus-<br />

tonned to going there ,nloue she ob»<br />

tallied the utcegNary nmeut. AH the<br />

hour for supper wait druwlug near and<br />

the girl had not returned the family<br />

became provoked, an they had com-<br />

pany and depended on the girl get Mug<br />

Hie evening fepunt, Fiually it grew m<br />

tale ihiit the Indian's employer WuH<br />

obliged to prepare thenupper.<br />

The meal WUB UnlHlied, und ^-ttIII tiie.<br />

girl failed tn niaterialize. Theii her<br />

eiiipiiiyvr became vt>ry uniuh uoui^rued<br />

regHrdlng her HafL'ty, It wp tk strange<br />

thing for her io do, as whe never re=<br />

maiiieil away from the houRe very long<br />

at a time. They thought, perhaps, she<br />

bowed in ackuowledgineut <strong>of</strong> his<br />

power.<br />

The foundation <strong>of</strong> his great nes« lay<br />

In tile "moral science," His first ques-<br />

tion was "Ii It right?" thai setued, hia<br />

id; secondly, hisreiiBon,<br />

It was said <strong>of</strong> him, "he was ilow but<br />

awful •sot," 1 Me followed his own<br />

eoiivfetluiiB* no man could do his ihink-<br />

iug for him; thirdly, bli common-<br />

sease {tiie molt unpomm<strong>of</strong>i ttilug to he<br />

found}, la these three aitributeslay tils<br />

woudertul Btrength. If he Uad Imked<br />

the il rot, lie would have teen a villain;<br />

the second, a fail; the third, a dreamer;<br />

with all he wag Abraham Lioeoln,<br />

Tbe bSHliop |nid. a high tribute to<br />

Lincoln's grat<strong>of</strong>y. He said his opeech<br />

at Ofioper lastltute ha§ only an equal<br />

"ii Daniel Webster, while at Getiyauurg<br />

hti speech <strong>of</strong> twenty sentences was<br />

sucli a marvel <strong>of</strong> per feet English that<br />

when a London university selecusd<br />

<strong>of</strong> the different tongues for<br />

examples for their nudeBts this wag<br />

he Belecjtlon made fram American<br />

Itiraturei '<br />

Uis trujjt In God was great and a<br />

hlBg he was not akhamed to owo, fur<br />

when in eon vernation with Same <strong>of</strong> hie<br />

cabinet he made a statement, claiming<br />

bat "be had told the Lord If He<br />

would guide the rebels out <strong>of</strong> Mary-<br />

land be would liberate the slaves,"<br />

Sewell, In surprise, ssked him "what<br />

he Hid,'' Rud the brave Chrlsliau<br />

uraed to him and boldly repealed tha<br />

Hntenca' that so surprised tbt Plate*.<br />

man,<br />

law pncUci waa noticed, hfs<br />

great skill In gaining verdicts in favor<br />

if hii client, and his honesty In gain*<br />

ng the right and declining to taka<br />

1 thit were i*Iee, Hii itudy <strong>of</strong><br />

Uod'i Word *ud carrying l| ^sutauOj<br />

waa shown u the secret spring that<br />

was drowned. Although lfer Liatbjiig<br />

suit was foui.d In its usutil place, H<br />

Htrull was taken by oqt> iiieuiber uf the<br />

(aniiiy aloug the beuch lu the hopes <strong>of</strong><br />

finding her. Another HOB iuiiuiit^<br />

liif* Wbyel mid Ride all over ttiwii, but<br />

thy Tiiilliiu girl cnuUJn't be found. The<br />

railway station was a!so visited, aud<br />

inquifieH made If the girl had beeo<br />

there, but pelttier the ticket agent or<br />

tolegrnph operator had seen her, A«<br />

her employers are Pniladelphians they<br />

tlidught, ptrhBiH, she bad tired <strong>of</strong> aea-<br />

8lisre lift uud returned tii the Quaker<br />

Uliy, '<br />

Another tour <strong>of</strong> the tmvn was made<br />

OB the wheel, (but no tldtiigs<br />

gleaned uf her. The small patches <strong>of</strong><br />

timber lu tbe upper aecti u uf tbeciiy,<br />

also the Nteainbuut laudlug und shure<br />

along the bay were NBaruhed, biii no<br />

ludiau was seen, Everybudy ques-<br />

tioned had not Heeii a stray Indian, so<br />

ibe family gave up tbe Heareti lu hupeH<br />

tbat she would return bifore luug. AH<br />

eight o'clock drew near and ahe WHH<br />

still absent a visit was made to several<br />

lamilies here ^bo employ IiidlHu girls.<br />

None <strong>of</strong> them had neeii the mis^tug<br />

aborlglue. '<br />

Notwitu-Htaridiug nu truce <strong>of</strong> tier<br />

could be found, tilt* family continued<br />

their search, Abi>ut ulne o'clock two<br />

<strong>of</strong> the euus were in the lower iaerry*go=<br />

round ridliig on the b'obby^burHeA when<br />

they obsen-ed a pair <strong>of</strong> plerciug eyeii<br />

peejilug thrutigb thy window at them<br />

fhiru Ihe boardwalk. They recognized<br />

them as belonging to the Indian girl.<br />

Without fiulHbiiig their ride they<br />

allglited and rualmd out <strong>of</strong> the build<br />

Ing, B|ie coufruuted them like a<br />

startled fawn arid burst into lean.<br />

Between ber Hobt Hue explained that<br />

after reaching tbe beach and finding<br />

nonhelJHHhe tutikawalR tfaLvugh the<br />

towii and hist her way, Hhe knew<br />

they ffeqiieuted the merry-gd-rouuds<br />

and as she had not heeu there before<br />

she asked a colored woman 'ti* direct<br />

her io the boardwalk, ,<br />

No time was Uwt in eflcurtiiig the In-<br />

dlari girl to her homo. Bhe sjieaks the<br />

E&glisb language fluyiitly, and es-<br />

plained to hur, employer the cause <strong>of</strong><br />

her abseucg, lustead <strong>of</strong> a sculdiyg Hbe<br />

was Bymuaibizgd^viiii, aud In-tructod<br />

to be mure carejul In the future,<br />

A peyuilar trait <strong>of</strong> thisy Indian girls<br />

Is lliey are imiuraliy bashful, Allhuugh<br />

this OHB talks exc-eHeut EngHsb, she<br />

wandered about the town fur hours<br />

alter losing her way; and wouldn't ask<br />

Buy one to direct her to the eultage<br />

where she live*, , Wberj she found<br />

darkness<br />

aud approached a colored woruau,<br />

ftworted her to the boardwalk, Hho<br />

knew that members <strong>of</strong> the family<br />

Visited tue earrbuHls every evening<br />

A Ftw iBiersitlnf Facts Refardlnf Sun-<br />

stroke and Eihansllon.<br />

During these daya <strong>of</strong> txtrem,e warm<br />

weather everybody ibould bt posseted<br />

<strong>of</strong> a knowledge af the •symptonii <strong>of</strong><br />

heat>exhauition aud sunstroke, to-<br />

gether with the methode <strong>of</strong> tbelf tie&t-<br />

mtnt, Although people at the •«><br />

shore give tbla question but little<br />

thought, they are <strong>of</strong>ten visited by a<br />

torrid wave which Is HMdy te strike<br />

Hoiiie <strong>of</strong> tuera down Unless they use tbe<br />

necessary pretautious to prevent It.<br />

An uuderetanding <strong>of</strong> ihe ilmple<br />

intjthodH <strong>of</strong> relief may be the meana <strong>of</strong><br />

avoit! lug miiuu buflering and Buy pre><br />

vent fatalities,<br />

speaking in regard to aubitroke, s<br />

promiuent pbyBiciau, this morning,<br />

Maid:<br />

!t tiuuHtrtike Is a ajudUlou eauied by<br />

expusure tu severe hist Two forma are<br />

reeoguhwd—heat-exhaustion and heat,<br />

stroke. The furoier is due to prolonged<br />

expygure to Ligh tenipeHiure, pflrticu*<br />

iariy when tooihiued with phyatfad<br />

extriliitip and is liable to be followed by<br />

great jirugi ration, uullapse, restlaSBess,<br />

and, in ttevere canes, by delirium, Un-<br />

like hyat'Htroke, thesurfais uf the body<br />

IH usually cool, Ibe pulse t*mall *ud<br />

raijiil, and the temptriiture beluw nur-<br />

(nal*=a« luw as m a Knhrenhelt, It Is<br />

nut uoutHSHry tbai a persuu shall have.<br />

beeii expuHed M» the direct r^ys o( the<br />

sun, !IB the cmidjtlou may come on<br />

!Bd=gu!ieHnti>Hlie^Uff^athiur^r!d+^^ u ^ !yrS ' u aJi«i»*f«»uflBed-r«Big=<br />

during mldHuruiuer, aud when exposed<br />

to great ariilicial heat, aa in laundries,<br />

bake shops and engloe rojmt.<br />

"in regard to sunstroke or heat-<br />

stroke, It Is chiefly eonrlned ta persmis<br />

wurkliig very hard while exposed iu<br />

the nun. It is very cttmmon In (urge<br />

clu, but is not unknown lu the<br />

country. It has <strong>of</strong>ten visited people<br />

while they were lathing er flshJag,<br />

Thuse habituated to the uss <strong>of</strong> lntoil-<br />

(jaUiig iiquora, and the debllilated, are<br />

eoueuiaiiy predtaposed to attackB. The<br />

tttiauk may be sudden ud the patient<br />

b« Htruuk duwu and die wltbin •&<br />

hour, with syrnptsnjg <strong>of</strong> hiarMallQre,<br />

diflicult breatbiug aod lot* <strong>of</strong> cou-<br />

The great preildenrj JM goae with<br />

and that ebe<br />

there, ,<br />

would run across t,hem<br />

ISooo to loan on tj,,^<br />

to suit borrowers, W, Scott<br />

6<br />

1 lk O W, Scott<br />

6 BUtes 1 fllosk, Ooan Ci^,<br />

"The usual form comes on," j«i><br />

tin tied the doctor, "during exposure,<br />

with* pain lu the head, dlzilniH, *<br />

feeling <strong>of</strong> weakutss, and sumetiuiw<br />

nausea and vomiting, Tbe loss uf<br />

cutiscluUsiigHs may be only partial or<br />

it may be complete. It Is important<br />

to uute tliat iu beat-eibsuatlou the<br />

Hkiu la moist, pale And cool, tlie breath-<br />

ing easy, though hurried, the puM<br />

small aud s<strong>of</strong>t, and tbe tenses entire;<br />

while in heat-stroke the» is usually<br />

insensibility aud great heat <strong>of</strong> the<br />

skill, ' ,<br />

"While the hot weather Issla, Judg-<br />

ment should be used lu the uatleEuf<br />

dreus. Dark, dose-rlttlng aud heavy<br />

clotbing anil such as compress the<br />

chest aud neck should not be worn,<br />

Fur ikose who are obliged to labor tu<br />

the' sun, light dutblog and a stiaw or<br />

felt hat, permittiog rree clreulitiou <strong>of</strong><br />

the air, are preferable, '<br />

"Ou extremely hot days one ahould<br />

drink frequently cuol water In modtr-<br />

ate .jiiautitlesf It I, injurious to drfufc<br />

a large quantity sf lee wafer, cold beer,<br />

atida water or oihij mlnen] waters or<br />

iced driukfl. Cool water, In which o»t-<br />

meal has beeii stlrrtd, is a safe add<br />

refreshing drink, Im mediate deiih<br />

Is sometimes caused by ice sold drinks.<br />

The Immoderate use <strong>of</strong> akeliolle<br />

beverages Is slsa dangerous. When<br />

overheated, work slowly, ftequintly<br />

ooullug the head, ebest, back and<br />

wrists with cold water,<br />

"In treating sunstroke," ftdded the<br />

physialau, "rdmsve the patient to a<br />

tool and shitdy plnee, where there is<br />

plenty'<strong>of</strong> pure, fresh air,^itrip toe<br />

clothing to the walBt, and place tbe<br />

sufferer In a recumbent poeltion. Bout<br />

euld water (lee water) upon the batd<br />

and ehesuj and wrists until oonseroui*<br />

ueas returBB, Apply ice to tbe bad '<br />

and rub the body wifh it, but If (be<br />

skla Is cold lie lee should be appUfd,<br />

be put in a hath at W Fnbn-nhelt to<br />

reduis the temperature,<br />

"In beRl4XbauBliuQ, fltloiDlaQt*<br />

should be given freely, and If the tern-<br />

peratuie ii below nonsal, u atuwn by<br />

the skin being cold wpd elammy, ttie<br />

hot bath should bfife&<br />

and water m*? be given, If pawwr,"<br />

4 - , - ' ; c - - . . •••'•: . • . - • . • ^ • : • . / • • ; • . • • • . • . . - - . . • - , . ; , . \ . [ • • • • . • •

.1<br />

tfRv<br />


Ft?BtJSHED DAILY BY Hotels and Boardmg Hfluses. _ Pfpfessioiial Carts,<br />

BOg, Pap Season<br />

£§ff&ffi&2&&^j*<br />

ppy, <strong>of</strong> PhJlMl<br />

Ctafeaisf SDJIUI, on<br />

_.v a<br />

! ' Ji Di MftBiiburg, <strong>of</strong> ErJsl, Can)<br />

-, f«w=rB. The game will tegiy dtn ^unty, J« visiting her friend, Ms,<br />

it £30 o'doek sharp. J, Hum pton Moore,<br />

Tfiass MB the playem wlestfd by ^•CiiarigiKewffl&ii, a Philadelphia<br />

Attorney HoweJh , William Thtgaii druggist, ig hem for a weefc to enjoy<br />

Js W, Blehaitlwq, William D. Wilson, flri ? ta * Md H, O, Feweomb, Wdllam Colston,'<br />

cabbing.<br />

* I|S8 LIJI|« brother<br />

Joseph gut|on, Captain J. &l Vntma Anbur ^ Vs tab ea room* for a iveclf at<br />

K. S, Fowler and Jesse Rapp,<br />

a WntrnUwiiue mitagg,<br />

The eaptota <strong>of</strong> the fat men's team is<br />

[aw**? Hniiaii He L<br />

— ..,,« ^.-J-CII. ae Uaa selected uiiie<br />

players beside himself, m that In rase<br />

•ey one <strong>of</strong> them ''fluke*" he will have<br />

s full team, Hii wen have ima prsc»<br />

tleing "<strong>of</strong>f shore" during the ps*t four<br />

days, and lawyer HoSell says they<br />

are Jo lies condition, except himself,<br />

tn were "welgbid in"<br />

and lipptd the imlei at 2430 peUBda,<br />

or mo ponnds sbevo a g^aa ton.<br />

lh<br />

« Quaker<br />

V<br />

William tiiinii<br />

fisdelfffe, MJJlvilJe; John<br />

ife and h<br />

TBAVMQRft<br />

H. O. Boltot),<br />

i, Wilmington.<br />

WESLEY HOtrSK.<br />

J. CJ, Caflrey, (Jamdeoj it M, Horntr,<br />

WMsisle; WUHMST, Uteri?, Lillian JH,<br />

Hibta, Edward Polish M, Manderfleld,<br />

H. B, UJW, Charlgs K, Hiblis and<br />

wife, Mre, J, L, Ifaar, Lawreiji* Hmr,<br />

llrfrvJlTa<br />

THE<br />

oil;. AlbertF, GibtlJ, Mw, E M TBIJ<br />

wver.iyan, Dnyld Halsted "" ' <br />

W«. J, H, H. Aliliigau.<br />

^ifltou, Site Hejeu j|,<br />

Shieldg, <strong>of</strong> Phtiideip<br />

, , gave au exhi exhibiiion <strong>of</strong> bfgyete ank, Catharlu GfaJiatn, Jvhn<br />

fid ing g oy tlie beach ^etd<br />

ali, , B» F. Uiisthwn Uiis and wife, B.<br />

aoojj aoou.<br />

after- P.Uiiathani, hani Jf,f Jf Mi^ C £ Ki<br />

J; William Van<br />

Phlldlli<br />

Tti S,itsm Marmfnt And Eslitii<br />

Joae), <strong>of</strong> Wst I*hjlfldelpl!la,ftM vkiti<br />

their frJidd, Mlw lilt- Jones, yi<br />

&iuaid jM#ph B,<br />

found hia watch which<br />

ft^^in^tbiieB-weeke-afo-sh<br />

JMfB#*c«»ijOB wa» hew fiom<br />

_efljftrflfii F, SteMf, wife <strong>of</strong> a<br />

—^.^...MM was new froai Ola**- WeU=huown Ctffldtn eual degjer, hm<br />

boW It wu retrtd<br />

boW, It fu retufbed to him by Jmm bma vtaiUng her daughter, Mrt. J,<br />

Murdochj a leamster, fast evenjug. Hsmoturj M.»>«><br />

ft^irhti<br />

, Palmer fled up<br />

Waff the bag,<br />

wjil remain witL friends on<br />

ttvenue for a week.<br />

hli F<br />

CORBQH,<br />

NO. 731 AS1URV AVENUE,<br />

Has comuiBtly on fil« list<br />

mjertei For Sale or<br />

lire jiere for , two weeks, f hgy<br />

"•fei'Jiig friends OH knhury avenny,<br />

John BhaUcrfm, e«e <strong>of</strong> Bfaukfii<br />

the d«Kirtptioii <strong>of</strong> the<br />

ps he<br />

''""" •'" <strong>of</strong> the<br />

he was aeut tq the Ijfe-<br />

gnwd, wheat at oneaidtifl<br />

lie|!artuieiit <strong>of</strong> Ultarltles and tJnrrH!=i<br />

it as hi*<br />

p<br />

.-It !• ppa tbat the party who<br />

took (be watch<br />

hid<br />

iSBjeWfitd and<br />

! >*'!'^ 1 ^•»«'i««mi Estate and<br />

IH an Hos ! N<br />

"<br />

, <strong>of</strong> f Fe!tan,filbiey &0n,,!<br />

took (be watch beiSBjeWfiitined and P*' rJl<br />

ecnpMUon, Life^ujifd Ktamn in<br />

, hlfhl>- elated ov#jf baviug it reiunitd<br />

.to him, The tUBe^plftg was svidtBtly<br />

plaeed under the boardwalk r~<br />

Mil H.wai in too gwd a satiiditiaii<br />

' laloibere siBcse the time it wm*<br />

H * W 1 ^ yariiJilj BJgatifaetureni «fi<br />

hid it under (hi b«idwaJk, Young Wiiadfiplila, who hag beea H^niJingi<br />

Spmx found it whjfe piayiiif wiih a * we wetlw'wiih Hei% Bavil Bojiili'N<br />

companion, Lifeguard KMUSB is fem'ly,«« CiuiBal aveBue, returiw to!<br />

highly elated over hapiiig It felurufti * h ^ U«»Mef <strong>City</strong> ti»-day<br />

to him The tj<br />

ChuiloH Cuke, who has a collage here<br />

fljf the suiniutr, f« the UileJ' <strong>of</strong> the<br />

* T - ' sift Bfairiet aud-awuit<br />

i Eojitsrn DMtivi <strong>of</strong> PSDII<br />

Mr, M, fakeljna«g!«itd6i<br />

Uls graodehlldreii out l<br />

Jphla, are MutaiB <strong>of</strong> ^r. aild<br />

rgoiier at the cfenside |ibtFt<br />

Stamd, is one <strong>of</strong> the iiMJit<br />

.-==B *refoui|tau VlUb 01<br />

yn; Mr, Brnwa'a parly «n«<br />

aby <strong>of</strong> his wife aud faur chUdwn,<br />

They are fond <strong>of</strong> (he iurf and have a<br />

bsthjng wartrohe whjea is univereuily<br />

are<br />

deUvered flte «r eharge. Th« .t«k ha<br />

has eenitaatl^ sn haad ii ftm^Um la<br />

srery particalar,, • '<br />

A JPronitQcnl JPlMiiicMt,;<br />

iDr, Willlun W. KBowitsfl, coraer<br />

geveaHi •tBaetJad^atojtmgaiiM.-ii.i.<br />

*lucaU¥*prBoUceioOcwn<strong>City</strong>, He<br />

ji* ifwy;JiKCMsftjj phytfeiaB, Hli <strong>of</strong>ifOSKV-<br />

TO LiOAS—I2S00, id BUIUS to<br />

snltjon iajprovBd A*bufj, CentnU or<br />

Wesley •venue pmerty,<br />

; awaits a^iip;<br />

KuBereni yJHtOH woadSf wfap the<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> Cirr* N, J4.<br />

Saw open fcp rweptlo<br />

l l<br />

OCEAN emr, N= J, ;<br />

Williflm i ^ntntily locate!, Uemt egmfartn. Jerm« |<br />

s. ielor, •<br />

Corner Hixt!) anil Anbury<br />

iK U1TV, S, J,<br />

inpni«meHiB,<br />

4 net inn Winer and Hull'.<br />

II, t>,<br />

Situated on tl»p<br />

A<br />

rp_ iVUVTIiMlllMt, «g O<br />

Resident y<br />

<strong>of</strong> PtailfcJelpftl*, P<br />

No. etj WSSI.BV<br />

eiTV, N.<br />

(jfl0 Asbury A venue,<br />

~ — '—^^*-<br />


DENTIBT,<br />

tram ATLAMTm AvmNUKt<br />


DENTIST,<br />

So, *J« 4HBIR%' AVKSIK,<br />


Anirust-1-i, m nrnJ Hd; mil lu Hit' ^Ui! hf lh?<br />

A, ('. i l« E, CIEFJTH, rro|if!tlrentes. Wplemfcil'-HBtiifday, SUfidiiy and<br />

MOISE,<br />

S'is, "IS t'eutiiil Avsnue,<br />

(KKAX CITV, r>, j . ,<br />

hmiedthToostioat, aged mble, JiiBHtrPigi<br />

rautj", Table board lUppll^L Tsniis rfvon<br />

«b|f, MRS, H, fiARWOuU, - • • •<br />

44J ASBURV AVENUR. j<br />

ilffderate Terms, Half Llwk froni |<br />

Camp UruUfjd. HotiqeUmiifoiijt. Lawn i<br />

tcuuis and croquet grounds.<br />

\ No, 7)7iA8feury Avqrue,<br />

UCEAJS CfTV, S4 j.<br />

1. St. HOWARD SVKT,<br />

OlllFe bourn; L'oiji It n. m>l S t« 4 p,mt, ftnd<br />

loS p, in, ' :<br />

. tHdB, H. TOAEOCK,<br />


OCEAN CITV, S,J,<br />

,„. Wee, ltd ltd ffefrit i&<br />

jQS* RALPH •> j«rcii, — —<br />


IfBHTH STBKTiiinriSttif AVMUE<br />

PlrnsunUy Lenitd, Terms JltsdeRiif-.<br />

t'oaventeni lo H. R, Hint tun and I'MUJJIkt!.<br />

J51fEBTI'tojoV Dv; 11«.11.= in.;fl to«p. ni<br />

SIBH, A; JRJSfHnPJ'j<br />

SfSDiVK: ill<strong>of</strong>iji. !!!, . . •<br />

COP, 8th St. and Wesley Avs.,<br />


CKiiai C.ITT<br />

*<br />

TIjJH . ••>•? UfJUH£ boii«e | in (k-llEiiifiiUy I<br />

f tvenue venue u few fewget<br />

(jam i)ie rn<br />

I Opta •"'-taliena '<br />

a all the lb «(<br />

1<br />

,MJiM ""8,"fi<br />

pABK HOTEL,<br />

Real Estate Agenj<br />

Reii Estate, Mertfigu i((<br />

<br />

"«rifi*U«a H»na.»rd," will hflfe clmPKe or ihe<br />

mproln nine u'elcn-k HohiitKS JlBsllnBa<br />

l<br />

ftl ytilladtiphfa, ifilibepfH.,.!,! sr,d sing at the<br />

TBFIOUS meoii,1Es g[ ihe camp. "". "<br />

alafif |iF<strong>On</strong>iiHBiit nunlficrs at the Ptitisdeiphla<br />

ana I»sw Jrfnj LisrifBrptiGPs, an weft u fhSM <strong>of</strong><br />

otnpr eabfeiPi mid ili-iioiitlitsiluns, »i(l be<br />

-ti IK,U hclji la Die i<br />

WESLEY LAKB. i'«BtdHBt;<br />

Groceries, Provisions, Meats, Etc,<br />

f W, SMITH,<br />

I)K,U,Klt IS<br />

Fine Groceriegj Producej etc. j<br />

Hale ligi'Hcjj- far »tiiC i^iivhrnteA E, it, tiuU j<br />

TOS ancj TO" Anbury Aveuue, !<br />

CITY N. J, '<br />

J| I.. SMITH, !<br />


H«ijiniiH!i|f VTUWK ranMuiiUy na liHiiiil A •<br />

iiliJIns <strong>of</strong> ilrHUjliiHH Urottrfeit liooiis djsi!<br />

QAIILOM H,<br />

is<br />

FBR^H aiul MAI/r MEATS!<br />

Nua, T4U Asbury<br />

try i'fcjduce I<br />

delivered Is<br />

JH1 A8HUHV AVKKUli,<br />

(it-KAS UlTV, ,V,'J,<br />

All<br />

"""""<br />

A fiiii iliii-cil riifj|i=i! Miiiip, Jintirr, Kgii*,<br />

N'tgrtnitieiiieii-, , 7 . > 1<br />

joe Cream Pate, T""'<br />

JHA S, HiAHFIOS ,H<br />


n<br />

Heseiitli Ht, aiiU Anbury Ave. ;<br />

y ri-mrrili-ki] jmd inrtsi' nlf'r pnri<strong>of</strong>it<br />

third duut bei, Slii Bt,<br />

tee CFiim, Seft DrinKs, ite,<br />

lee Cream Sodas a Specialty,<br />

All Oil FlarenAre Hidi FiBra Fresh Fruits,<br />

Ice Crearri Parlors, f<br />

- l^rLeaiet uadGeaticniea. I<br />

NO, 714 ASBURY AVENUE, j<br />

secAN eijt, n,'4, !<br />

Meals Served from 6 a, m. ts 8 p, m,!<br />

ilWStef* Bnil Kl8b n np«lnl!y, Kcrvldc!<br />

nriitHCliiJ«, I'j-lecS corresponding Wtiil city'<br />

nwtaaniDta, fnre nrtrtinH well water.' «0.i<br />

cqminoda ion* far CD Istiple,. |<br />

, ,, OUR 1SE QRBAM. .. \<br />

\* flt the beat quaiily, Wfllsr lues <strong>of</strong> all !<br />

HBYSHI, C. MAHAN 4 CO,<br />

Embalmers and Undertakers.<br />

1, (*, ijfQRRBOLI- A, Hs 1IAKKR,<br />

DAKKR,<br />

Embalmers<br />

AND Undertakers<br />

Our Fnriura art open for tiie Iletfption <strong>of</strong><br />

Bfidlef fromllotcli <strong>of</strong> Cottages.<br />

• •_. ©53 ASBURY AVENUE,<br />



CJTT, N. J<br />

Estate Exchange<br />

la<br />

Gents' Furnishing Goods, lie,<br />

GOTO-<br />


Spcedtnar •<br />

At sixty miles an hour the Ksiatance<br />

<strong>of</strong> 11 tmln b four times as great as it la<br />

ut Ihirty mites^thal Is, the fliel must<br />

be four times as great III the one else as<br />

For WOMEN'S and CHILDREN'S it is In the __ otber. But at sixty ^ _____ miles<br />

BATHING! SUITS ft SHOES,' uuhtilirthlsflleluiuwtbeexert ^ lforft<br />

81S<br />

AND TO<br />

Avenue,<br />

Clothing House<br />


T 1 f T=7\ •% *- ft s*^i I ^ 1T Aabu 'y Avenue,<br />

W. EX MASSEY & CO., I KNORR&CO.,<br />

Real Estate Brokers,<br />

ESyg^gSfikm 811 ASBURY AVENUE<br />

R. Curtis Robinson.<br />


Gemmlialaner <strong>of</strong> Deeds. CBnvsyanelnS In all It* Branches.<br />

744-6 Asbury Ave., <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N.<br />


12 LOTS F0R$5oo<br />

to iuy i-are will reitlVS prompt nttentlon.<br />


Call and See<br />

Our List <strong>of</strong> Lots from<br />

We can Sell you a Lot<br />

and get th© Money to<br />

Build the House<br />

If you will give us an<br />

Idea <strong>of</strong> what you want<br />

wiU draw your Flans<br />

and Specifications<br />

Call and see us<br />

I5O UP<br />

Office next door to Post Office.<br />

J. H. Chester & Co<br />

Real Estate Agents<br />

RAIL and BOAT.<br />

West Jersey & Seashore Railroad's Short <strong>Line</strong>s.<br />







JEICN<br />


No Visitor to Atlantic Citv Should Miss <strong>On</strong>e TH%cEihilarating Trips.<br />

For Tims Tatoiea and Rat«s <strong>of</strong> Pars Apely at<br />

j,fi,wooR am<br />

Afwt, Am,<br />

J.<br />

Wo hnveHISSliken iidvnnt»Kini HUlw, §4 iinii SB,<br />

fratn if nnd Sin!<br />

(idlhiiiK HuiiH, Sgs<br />

'Wrup|H'rp, 39c. •<br />

'Crash Biiibi, S3,as^wrFtt^.<br />

Hoys' WhflURultMi+Sc, •' • "<br />

j ah',, ut eil} : prf«at.<br />

! given dintniico in half the time that It !B<br />

j at itiifty lullts, HO that the amount »f<br />

jHiwcr gserled and steam generated In<br />

u given {Kriod<strong>of</strong> time must be ejglit<br />

tSnittt IIH griat an the raster speed. Tb|«<br />

mtfltiri ilifltHLie^cflpacftj-df- the boiler,<br />

(jylludert) aud utlier pftrti muBt be<br />

grtatfr with a correspouiJiug<br />

ta the weight <strong>of</strong> the machiue, Ohvi»<br />

uuHly, tlierefsre. If. the welibt per<br />

wheel, 011 account <strong>of</strong> the limit <strong>of</strong><br />

B6S ASBURV AVE.,<br />

that the wheela will carry, Is<br />

are now aflvFlni*<br />

we soon reach a point when<br />

the driving wheels and other parlt*<br />

cnmiiit be furl her enlarged, sod then<br />

we reiifh the maximum <strong>of</strong> epeed, The<br />

nlue iidjuhtniPiit ntc«uary or the vk»<br />

rioiiH ptirtb uf these Immtnte engines<br />

uiiiy by indicated by norae figure* an<br />

it) iliu work performed by thefs parte<br />

APJD<br />

WEAR, wheu Hip jiicomptlve is worklug at<br />

KNORR & CO,,<br />

high speed. Take a passenger engine<br />

(Hi any «f I he big railroads, At sixty<br />

No. 8s8 ASBURV AVENUE, mijyftau hour H driving wheel five and<br />


iiiie»iinirfeet lu diameter revolves five<br />

ijrueH ovory st-cond • now the reclprocaihig<br />

jmrtH uf eui'h cylinder. Including<br />

"tie piston rod, urtm bead nnd connect,<br />

AT<br />

ing riicj, weighing about 650 pounds,<br />

uiuNt niore bhuk and forth a distance<br />

eqiiul to the Htroke, usually two feet,<br />

every lime the wheel revolts, or in a<br />

fifth <strong>of</strong> ii Nwuud, It starts fi«B BBlate<br />

ut r.jHt ut theeiiduf each nlroke <strong>of</strong> the<br />

ijisinii, inuaE unjulre a velocity <strong>of</strong><br />

ATLANTIC CiTV, N, J, thlrty.twu feet |icr tteyuiid In ime-twen-<br />

, and must be brought<br />

attest in iheHanie period <strong>of</strong><br />

A pistoJi elifhteen itiehes In dlhaN<br />

au area <strong>of</strong> 54| Hquan Int-hes.<br />

uf W) ptimsdB preiwufe per<br />

iii.-h wiiiild, Iherefure, csert a fores on<br />

the iiirtUm cijiitil to 38,175 pounds. This. '<br />

fari-e la »ii»iled. _aUefiiately:,tin taeh<br />

MAIL QRDIRS OrVlW PROMPT •idti nf the (.ilHtou ten timeH<br />

Magnificent palace!<br />

It bft» tiecti rebuilt BD 11 BrHndef Hi'aje thiin<br />

eytsr, Hnfl li flow open for<br />

THE<br />


is<br />

in. Gniiid<br />

charming' mu<br />

tiiilfl nily niher. Tile building iiiig<br />

d J m m b j<br />

• • • CflMDV<br />

st't wiiii new nnd<br />

;.<br />

ih^linteat tiiciiitieif for producing<br />

in Oi-enn (Jiiy, osme titid at*<br />

Wliolniiiki nisj<br />

I, 6. ADAMS, PRQPH,<br />

PALACE 7<br />

USHT<br />

a, a BiowNf<br />

Boardwalk and Eleventh Street,<br />

OSEAN CITY, N. J,<br />

p K*>art hap eh<br />

wonderluliy improvedaineetbfl wjASKin <strong>of</strong> ! fti<br />

The bBiidiiig biw b#en eampift«iy reuoviitfflj<br />

rtta c«t Of over ffflflft Out leo ersam BflFlbf<br />

ia over 109 net long i itae ligiii lunch enfe and<br />

eandf and nds water Htaodir<br />

Hi$nUJ tf all kincjii «t inoderiitfi<br />

, BOWMtli,»,<br />

8LLET ?fi'1 POOL<br />

uoe ar the fTjirtiUftcut in ifle state, TJiiii in<br />

t&e IIBern amnHliieht raiort <strong>On</strong> Ilia<br />

Tm St. aatl Haves Aye,<br />


Boarders will fea and sjnd fbf.<br />

Often left ui AbbflH'i dBijr itpra will<br />

lT8 BKiiBpt Hlipntlr.n, =<br />

WH. S. GRAHASI,<br />

LmnHr, Illliork, Lime, Cement, Plaster, $<br />

Lnubtr Yard ui OjJ)t»,<br />

C*Mt f*ft Ainu ill T«Klk StfML<br />

•#-#-<br />

KB meyeie For Him,<br />

A rmipie <strong>of</strong> men who are eugaged iu<br />

hu»fine«8 oil the boifdwaik were watching<br />

wfveral bleyeligtB on tbt strand<br />

.ve»terday afternoon. <strong>On</strong>e <strong>of</strong> iheni<br />

slaked thi other why he didn't get a<br />

wheel,<br />

"Nil, Sir," Mid he, «* I won't ieBm<br />

to ride a yieyeje. I had thought <strong>of</strong><br />

trying it, but I have JUNE heard <strong>of</strong> a<br />

trait in the machine that<br />

me to clwnge my mlhd,"<br />

*' What IH timt ?« asked bis friend,<br />

" I imdcnjiund that wbeu you lint<br />

try to ride, if you see unythlnB you<br />

L*sjn,H.ialIy WINII ta »v«Id, you're almost<br />

yertuiii to ruu luto it-"<br />

"There's a ptod deal <strong>of</strong> trutli in<br />

that."<br />

" Weil, that settle the wbeel for me,<br />

I have enough trouble with bill<br />

as it is," '<br />

no VDU 'Wutit<br />

YiiUDp Uoreon, No, -521 4 y<br />

auy, hiiH (KiOHtaDtly oil baud a number<br />

<strong>of</strong> dettLruhlg nropertlew fur eats or rent,<br />

if you are looking for bargaJne, drop<br />

Ju Btid see him. gome <strong>of</strong> these preper<<br />

ties will be gold cheap, Thgy are<br />

iiluely Hitualed and jiittt whit ui<br />

wuntt-d fur either Benslile hom« or<br />


OCEAS CJJTV, N. J.<br />

iliindponicnt nnd bftPt equlliwd Iii the city,<br />

l'iini Drugs und ileaiclnw, Toilet Oornis<br />

nnd Fancy Arlkiefl, Fine ttgROftlnent Of Mta*<br />

llflliury, *C, I'HMCJiiJ-TJOSiJ CAHEFUI,!,!<br />

UOMi'OlfHDRB, " .<br />

i b WnfgDDer'l OiHce in drug store.<br />

Cor, rlli and Asbufy Avenue,<br />

t])i!(_>nLirO J<br />

l .iiio oi K, I'fiient MedislBHi<br />

Artk-lf(i( tkl ForfUiriery, HUitiooery and<br />

JBf. i ! HSicriptliinH a npecliiH}% Try bur<br />

u'litiQim Ice Cratiii Hpda and Kffg PhospbAft).<br />

Eighth Bt, and Waiey A^,<br />

Tiie only rrgiiiaf gndUAtC, with<br />

rHTiptTeiiiiFHSIWIW<br />

elly estH-'rlenco, upon the<br />

in fill eiuiejL 1nrlty 1'nrlty an and U<br />

dO A nil! l! fine fi<br />

Milliinfffl nndCbentk-Alprcnttantl<br />

UaOda delivered in asy port Of Vbc<br />

Httentloij<br />

in?<br />


Ereiker} ind Tlifiri, fkhbg Tiolli.<br />

801-605 ASBURY AVE.._<br />

OCEAK CITY. N, j.<br />

TJ<br />

JtAl TDI<br />


OP OCEAS C1XT,<br />

Ul<br />

•toe<br />

f<br />

IO4S-50<br />

Wtndov Stmim tn<br />

4 y J

V<br />

KK<br />

TBI MIHf<br />



Editor and Proprietor,<br />

OB •ppiiaujps,<br />

zarmmmetiii fnrnlsh&I<br />

„,_ . ' - The follflwiui are (JIB lutes!<br />

Be?* John RosdH Fw^y, <strong>of</strong> Q#maja. al tto v «'e' 1 i B&sielrltsi-vaf<br />

J* * guest <strong>of</strong> TOt Illinois ( mtS tAFAVmm<br />

Aln. Uareliae Vaaaman, <strong>of</strong> Salem* f W. U'llberfafK* nb—*..<br />

ia»R!»UtSW ^jaSW»JS» 22L? Uffiden All biatter intended fcf BBblteatien mart<br />

"»-*'- -t ThJ ^h^p.Hunttr.^<br />

W received l*fort JOi, nh sfllie dsy <strong>of</strong> puBth<br />

Entered w afeoM matter ntihe<br />

O««l <strong>City</strong><br />

with -<br />

the beacli „,.,,„,«<br />

afternoguj when llie<br />

Brighteb,<br />

W. WUterforee ••#<br />

f»a,Hawk,<br />

KfHvfllfe<br />

- Mr* l<br />

Hotef§_ind Boarding Houses,<br />

•EllJlETT,<br />

Gitv, N. J.<br />

7S5 Central Avenue,<br />

OCEAN ciry, N, j.<br />

tohif<strong>of</strong>tt<br />

if iijuin,<br />

SJiURLEV, Proprietor,<br />

Sixth mitl AH()UF,V<br />

_ ._- J two new piayeisp who will go<br />

fill duty fhh afttruoun. Tilt gaiou will<br />

b# etifed at 2.30 sharp, as tbe visitors<br />

H,<br />

desire to rtluru to iheir home* Ijy the<br />

KAV<br />

rplIK.THAf StUlIK,<br />

WlUwiu Bt<strong>of</strong>fard<br />

y Nam are erat-k pl^ren,<br />

wire, itus.! Situated on<br />

m«ll3U<br />

efeated the Cape May<br />

Jwt Saturday urday by a M f<br />

U. A. BoJand sud dBughtar, <strong>of</strong> Qer,: A. B, Daiiiifubew, J, J. rfclmati unit A ^SlTlIMlt'F Ilnin,..<br />

y gui^ msutowup are vlaiiJng fri<br />

<strong>of</strong> 8 to 3. leyavtiiut t fora few days<br />

iu ,,f tbe Wlillaai 8t<strong>of</strong>l«rt awd wife,<br />

Bo*.<br />

Jones, Wjliniiigfnii<br />

T, I g l l ( J W . r, K*.<br />

U. Beelsy, JJobsrt Burp<br />

*"". vl W"ii»il«iin., • — .<br />

is> "12 CenUul Avenue,<br />

'H'KASf CITY, S, j,<br />

^•MMJMk torn MddtolDw.; ^^^iMtobita^i^Wi. ««»w»ll«iliitotli«ffl« ^J ASBURV AVBNUR<br />

Ceua, His b&s filled that jHjdJtlODWJih '. MSSutt ' """""""" "'*"• <strong>of</strong> the judge <strong>of</strong> Pmbate aad iiftfetti? .MfkJemte Terms, HairMnt'ti frni<br />

credit cregjtgn on the WHIBB Wesliy Univenliy if,,],,_.„.... ttmu , jnmeH Carter nnri mtb _...i ,,, Are VQII the r,,j,.., .* .-. , *',.»,,./(_.<br />

and WHS one <strong>of</strong> the winners Ii!l?r. t).<br />

d:, Viefi ijhinc*rior <strong>of</strong> tbe AnieriyBii Uh!-<br />

¥>nlf; »l Wuhjneiun, p, Q=<br />

T W, ttitlTH,<br />

Real Estate and Insurance Agents. ' Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc,<br />


• • OCEAN CITY ''<br />

Real Estate Exchange<br />

<strong>City</strong> lieal^Btnte is<br />

invest In a lot? If HO, call an<br />

W. B. MASSEY & Co<br />

Real Estate Brokers,<br />

pf Philadelphia. Pa,<br />

AUGUST y-Hffmon b> Min Chsflfi 11,<br />

F i . BiiffslQ, S.Y.I<br />

AUOUtT Jfl-SfPfnah by He«, A. J. F«!tn?f. D.<br />

[). fif Nt-w Yepk rjif. 511iakiniiry15«-t'riit«rjf<br />

tsiifli<br />

<strong>of</strong> ill* II 1, elmreh.<br />

AlTdUST Sl» flern.un b* Re*. J P. Oranii, D,<br />

»«, Pr»hJplsri*B iHiniiiter <strong>of</strong> Drmklyn, H. ¥.<br />

TheBeutde Blbtle»l Au«nblr b«flu Jun- &<br />

unJ < Bhtiiiufp until Jcitj IS, It In e?i!ij[»ilEll<br />

•nil iijlsrdenntnlrnlliin*!. Fftildenl. QeRpFil<br />

Jnhn K*ton. WublngldB, D, C; Secretary, Her.<br />

j, E, oiibfrt, Wuiijmcwfi, D,'&<br />

Frlmtrr ieboa! af Seihsijt rwHyniliy^iihegtB<br />

ft all denouilii»tlQn» hj Ih* NB* Je|t»F Stale<br />

Hiii :l.j-ecbo.j| AMoeiiEidti, July !» t« July S.<br />

Sw.: ijirji Ret, E, Slurrii Fefgueon, Trehtsn, Csmmlsslansr sf Deeds, Cenveyanelng In all Its Branches.<br />

S, J<br />

• - iiitiuqilA Auftubly Jujf 9} »nd fl!. Sin,<br />

L h hw,ln, <strong>of</strong> ODibfii. h\ j ,, B«en>larj.<br />

Epearlh League ConTeolion, Aliguil 3 to<br />

Aii^iiM is, lie*, H. J. ifUw. ef W^iionili, K.<br />

J=, i'rraldnfit <strong>of</strong> fh« Nelif Jemfy ConfereneB<br />


Kpwi.rtii LragKe AHaeiallgn, will IISTK ch*f(ic<br />

yf lbs iiltifllBRS<br />

InBUriinr<br />

Tim ABDU*] C»mp MftPtlnjr will \sfg\n AUKUII<br />

=J *nd conlloue t?n deys, fter, ThoniM ftsr^<br />

rilnh, (lie efkrjfeUH. will bt present dUrirS thn<br />

eBtire c»inp, Up rill pMA ft number Of tifnes<br />

and ifjll help in k!t the inpeijflfl. HH *!flBing<br />

eoskg, "[Wkiii* RfiBSa," HIIJ hs u«d duriug<br />

1MB u*ftip:<br />

Ha*, John TljumpMn, Mwseitle edltdf Bf Ifia<br />

"ChrlntsD St*nd«rd,- will have clinino nf %\m<br />

mAFblBg Blno o'clock HsitBeH 51e*Unfs. '<br />

file MDUEIF tocaibi, 31 r». He*, J, 0. WMMII,<br />

r,f Vlillftdrlphi*, will ^e pnunt ana iiag 11 ths<br />

TBHuUii mHilsfC Of the Camp,<br />

SUny pruramcDt mislaUnef tbeFhjladflphla<br />

ana Sew Jcriey Conf.reneeji, u wtii aa Ibotie <strong>of</strong><br />

iillier cijiiferenc** and dgppnlnatiQni, will bt><br />

|ires*ol in pre*ch sod help in lbs iiiffelliiga<br />

8, WESLEY LAKE. P d<br />

1 ! 1 placed In thp inost reliiible rornpniiicB doing bulure DriiiEH BDii MedlClncPi Toilet Uppdi<br />

' iiDd Vttoey ArlieiM. Kiiie MsortnifiH qf eta-<br />

"tibnery, £r, PitlaiemraiOIfS<br />


t'»r. nil and Aibitfy Avenue,<br />

OCEAN ciTVi N. J,<br />

OpsBtse entire year,<br />

A fUll line <strong>of</strong> Dnigfl, P»t#nt Msaidlnoi<br />

l Articles, i'SffHInery, HtaUpilery asdJ<br />

»ra. PrBHriptiSBii • «pscl*lty, Tiff 6Br<br />

leloo* Ice CrHTB ««J* and Eff PAnipBata.<br />

Comer Eighth gt, and WeBlsy Ave,<br />

The snlj- repiliif Kndunte, with nftwB<br />

:' cily DipiTlcnt*. Open IBB f at\it Jtmi.<br />

Idna receive my personal llUDtlun<br />

M,~ Piirlty and «HiiiracT tttoi my<br />

! ctMndftrd. A mil Tina ei BpeelfcflU^ fUae<br />

BeHiiHep<br />

in any p*rt <strong>of</strong> u<br />

I Tfl€RK,<br />

R.<br />


801-805 ASBURY<br />

OCEAN CITY* N, 3><br />

n l<br />



UlaM, Paint, Futlj ms4 VfinHov Htm<br />

itocfc wauliipen »d 4>fcor»«oni ID<br />

variety at modM»t« pftaafc<br />

f S4S-S& Aabury Av«nu*<<br />

WORKMEN.<br />

, OAS A STEAM FffTlNO<br />



,. i-<br />


F, 1, CHAMPION,<br />

t. n» nd=<br />

can sing, HsapHd npo,, B ,j,ott0li ^ji nirable, tlifi palp efirtkHpPFiuiji^ u liftlo<br />

HSf^°f k tQ f « d ** *«. M ! touted, a« «tan BWIBSWI SU ^<br />

I €,fl,in q f, t/l0 1..1 l)fl1 m B^prA, "II to bring out their paJior j tlie eyes iHrgM<br />

,^aot be. Why, J11S brouKfit me his and bright, perhaps artifiniaUy,^ fo muk*<br />

pwra Plearly written out and beggpd BIB ; tbeB Wggw and aore Itutfmm; wh(t« , - .^ -<br />

Nftcy, And I did it, and it woo tha WI. tnoagj, <strong>of</strong> high pitcl,, tbtjmmhed : tleCTr °<br />

*ie won Hia prjz& Time is trua Ho Bat<br />

was tha flint mm! who brought UJP tho that „ „.. lH,,( i MOW nbons him."<br />

m xtrJ' U W " w W " b ll15 " P* 111 '" "* ^ m ^ s wiii « B « hm done now "<br />

With ynur jww? WoudPrftill 4ad "Iwendw; Knctblniv wry"liiesmm<br />

yea sat down in pitJPi,w fl,fri ..j,*),,^ , M tadmd, ao doubt, Wuii, if he wen-<br />

h&^ be weald toll BS liiuj«>!f ju uu<br />

agony <strong>of</strong> iojf lilisiHimnBi. ( '<br />

Housis,<br />

I<br />

tin*)<br />

lnrre<br />

iiii<br />

ffl>'<br />

ARCHlTeeT,<br />

ContrHPlor and 1 .<br />

'pth'itt^m Mhuty Avenue,<br />

Si'JSt *Hif to i*u«i (iffii-P,<br />

i'inn», NvCijlilr>iitlQh* uiiil VViirNlnjf l!rfi«*<br />

(fitrs fiini)Hiii4|. Knitiniina Hheii ii Hiipih-K-<br />

t!OM= ^!([L»fjir[li.ii ((UiiniliUviJ,<br />

teem Bigger and More ItiiqiHtiug; whim - —- —•» . u, . . , , ,<br />

:&USZISIS.'EJSL5S' Electro Therapeutics.^ ATtHleOt, ClHTJCUr J<br />

a diseourso that did net Biova ine a Lit j " r~ "" oCmAN CITY, N*<br />

fol indeed, ao doubt, Wt'li, if he wen'j l mil?l * t!i " i ''" l '* M " ! ^t'l^rvWon <strong>of</strong> u _„_<br />

ha^ be weald tnli «» «-•«•-•*- :<br />

at Belleviie Hath<br />

i'is«lt=r llit- 1'i'rwjriiil<br />



OFFICE; H*'iil K»t)iif iihi! i llii<br />

OFFICE;<br />

a)i|H»iw niii<br />

i<br />

Ait<br />

. TIBS TAB|jE<br />

rf il<br />

i .1 U<br />

•t Tiiun,dui•<br />

? I- rlsluj- -<br />

H HulunJi<br />

•--••• IW " J^^aeajflgr: PWf to areouat<br />

to? his dark fiair and pjila fans by<br />

fcifth in tbe tropics,"<br />

"Well, Jiifl naind is not Paul Oa»<<br />

Blngton LfiffJiJin ut all, ^it fiven Paul<br />

It is Samttol Cannhjjf,' Siuu or Sananj/<br />

>-he answenid to *Jtbi!r nanjp»-Hjun<br />

Canning, tbe only child <strong>of</strong> hig sjother,<br />

sad she was a widow, Tlio fafiier died<br />

iErhaa jje was an infant, and tho widow<br />

^it on this business sliJl—honimilet<br />

And ftatiouer in EastfheHfe'r, The'&g<br />

had i lovely fan? and a lorrty vqidp,<br />

/took him into tbe ehfilr. aud hi<br />

I to sing soles with so niypji fiirror<br />

;ea ^irihiiil raBinns iu hitaugtile<br />

SOBnteBaBes-*thst all the ladiei fell In<br />

lore with biou Hi was edneatcd nt the<br />

gnmmw whos), and tbe niaaters wert<br />

net fond <strong>of</strong> hina. He crihbed bia e«r-<br />

ei«^ He lied wbeneTer it was eoBres-<br />

ilfflt The hoys did not like him, Hewaa<br />

too 4aiB^ for tbe playing Mtl Ba<br />

thflfeUowi and (pread tbeni iihread, He<br />

staid at the whoel, newever, till he was<br />

i& Then iametbUig happened, All this<br />

, I beard ftaai a man who is a master<br />

tt«s The head test for Mia eue mom.<br />

ing, and iu flw minntts br-was flred<br />

eat <strong>of</strong> tho front doer, •• I hardly know<br />

wbat be did. Tin brad jjtijl «aj>B aboni<br />

hia that te |ho Smt and flaly «mo ia<br />

hig tils he fitnis m-r&m n hnman cri-a-<br />

Sore apfarently withnnt aitjttl»-wifhent<br />

» aonj, fi« said. Queer thing to iuy<br />

i bey, eh!"<br />

Uv, f<br />

« ivrt'aiii<br />

IMfDfH?<br />

" iiht'uf tlfetiillnfd nimi ,-KIH;<br />

nt B fitiiiiicje ilemn ftir iiniitii iinsJ it Mi<br />

l«M!guvily istrlWiBfini'iiii; «n it wonid !f *J<br />

trt-weii ftip nil vrtiiiiinund |»r«in!i y {f<br />

n'nijiig nutiiKt-a tow* to tiie Mini- !U T.<br />

!«fj- eenditioh, iw flfili ef any hind |* *'fJ*»A,<br />

win bfi*d jHiiiiirhi «Bd (itniliir iff St'iirtt^*'<br />

dJBf.jiHf!!, All pyru tflun'N HIIOUJII if JioniJuv<br />

i-iinnwi u'ifii the mswer, OI-CHU W 'ff»*«l«A"<br />

¥M<br />

.0*! JSU| u*<br />

as<br />

Mi<br />

SB!<br />

it iti'<br />

HUM<br />

n<br />

A «<br />

s in<br />

A m<br />

i<br />

Of what<br />

"Aeertttiu<br />

ter? !><br />

sent to<br />

, , • • • • -<br />

—,i J^igJiaii, Wug<br />

i» tlHM.IUfUT, iiud tilUt<br />

!HH-k l» [hi, liiniti tiiiinnuir.il the v ^'«i!«f<br />

U It' !i if II<br />

f? fig < flT ! 0 ^., ., « »><br />

7 ij, ?aii i if i m a or<br />

IM s* ssijju<br />

'X IB; SliJ! T toi V Ui ,-, jj<br />

S ift( i! Jfl it Ui. I" >•• ' : ' =<br />

msmsm<br />

i ai i scflau<br />

g?-H!» Jig 1 **<br />

i I (••=• • • i * j • - --•<br />

=„»« Mftstor iaminy disappeared,<br />

TWO sr three yeara later news eftnio to<br />

hia ttatlTe towaibut ha had cliaugwi<br />

hia name and was at Chtford, It isn't<br />

otftai that an "Emu-homer hoy goes to<br />

Oxford—they ail go w Caai bridge, I<br />

WH 5088 Saawir thought no one would<br />

find him sat Bar, his face jg far to©<br />

lerieftf and hhi piety ia log toe esteuta.<br />

- Idotm, Other niea iaeel in ebareh. He<br />

I^B wi iings and sprawls. Other<br />

n« bow tbdif heada in obwHrity. He<br />

turn* Bphni fai« andn? the strongest<br />

Urfht in the pla^ There wrus, bowover,<br />

tee astehater man at biferd, and, <strong>of</strong><br />

eoarw, be potted Sam, Be eeenis to<br />

hsf$ tepomd tits mattyrat houiq and<br />

to iaw Mid Bothlng at Osferd. I think<br />

be went dowa imniediatply, ao thai Sara<br />

abtinf thiiiga diKnp|H>uriti^ in flit* etjlk>jta eleflrly iniintviif ii! tlif uiuticr, UIJ<br />

-=elpokn, wufejis-si, riii«H; niojii>y, uij he, tin* I.iMigji, WiW miity tn' mhiii<br />

kiiHiB <strong>of</strong> tjiiug^ Ym * *• • ftUei hiui, th# Roy, Paul L%lmn, jinist ut<br />

aotliliig fTer found our, was thfre? • sspceiul Nishii-c,<br />

Welj, oiie (Say I vmn- upfRBu (lie river : *'"n« ! fi ! (iubU'WMNcIiIfflt-."Mf. Mfili-<br />

Bad fimnd (imt inywiitp!! Had clitttii, ' « wutiimt'ti, "thiit I Jiad io ruu nu iu<br />

fflj pBi^>. which hud iu ir • a JM note I «*wa Ju ordt>r tu m- niy oivn vieiit and<br />

ami MBit* gold, nvn or f]irrt< fing^i mul j to BOS at nsE tln!-Hiinfla <strong>of</strong> ri*rui!i yend<br />

ether odds aiidendHwcrp puijo, J NHIIJ ! people who wif Jinrrilily *s=,iiirlalia'd<br />

BOthitiK at uj], yerausi? tiilkiu^ uboat I flf ^jtnt had himrs urij. Then* wi]J lm H<br />

toe Ims weald ,pr«b(ilJy iin JieflfrnlBheElttt Vi-ry<br />

IO niFilJFltl Ah: tip<br />

••riii Lfjfiifs in iiiij= iuir!'i<br />

MHii Biliiriinrti! iilwoliit<br />

iiiii!. TIK- iii^iniJiwii'iii JlBiif<br />

i l njjrJii. , .<br />

tun<br />

..II.<br />

OPFICE: 6qi Av«,ue,<br />

on the flora-, I wept, to<br />

pBfltly distitssed, lewfm that tiBg<br />

ihoald fee saidi the whoie itujinws<br />

•heuld be buried aad torgottKHU 1 Ait-<br />

ffliaed tto, doteetite, who 0se4 cou-<br />

nj /aufoage abont totn and<br />

WsSm<br />

mi<br />

'I bi« your pardon. Biudanje,"<br />

pJifdbe, Bttjiiiiig; "thereis a mist<br />

pe^to^Bay°thS, a S B orto S ff d Brt ' j f|>'Jon we «gbt," replied tbtJady I<br />

naf Us' from faliine into tefflijtatioB'' P'^v- { ! m ls ««we aMnndeatnad' i<br />

-' ' te^^r^W^ ^. ithgnihtytmflHkediijfl?eragB«d=!<br />

^^WHP «» riHi, butsiiieeitiaawaltaiiwiiltoioi<br />

(IOTP —- to'"<br />

dWaaci p<br />

Bo that fiq aiMt, UfOa<br />

it with Mm • f ai* tap-<br />

moammt&"<br />

"(tares, Yearitoy, please."<br />

W Wia He always •ee-Sjed ts haw<br />

j^J" «i!mea to ha^e<br />

• , . . M • • • " •<br />

"3S* matter hat muted B* a gwai deal j<br />

Mow pusled than BTer, thagfflils-<br />

=an waitud in ejplauatioD, which ihe "<br />

iave him with a gracious railss ! ^<br />

"Do yqa nBdirttand, sir, thai I am<br />

dancing for the bentis ef tbe pepr? ft Ja<br />

1 isnii for a qoadrilie, S for a waltfe and<br />

ao tedtiGtiytt in pria," ?<br />

At thig rate Unit I, bad BBifiekdi *eis<br />

partners, and bravely and cbaritably<br />

diinc^ te tlie eiost <strong>of</strong> the ball, Whubat -^-- - • --<br />

•ooh a sonroe <strong>of</strong> revsuoe J—Eiohauge,<br />

Aa l&M»ptio»,<br />

MiM Paiset fdeUBrely boasilij).—<br />

JTotbing aaeniuatai a wetton'a age llkn<br />

it a bonnet. ';"„*-<br />


CiTV, |«. J,<br />

VOL* III. OOEAN CITY, N. JSf THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1890, NO. 40,<br />



Wild Throwing and Poor Pitch-<br />

ing Responsible,<br />


The Aii=ColUglate Team Scores Nine<br />

Runi in the First Innlnf—Th# Ab-<br />

ssaes <strong>of</strong> Me ft tridge > Pitcher, Badly<br />

Crippled ihe Home Team—Scare, S<br />

!u iJ,<br />

i lie OiX'uii <strong>City</strong> Oa»g Hall Ulub Wt<br />

I it* Wuterliiu y#Hterdiiy nfterLiooii, wbeii<br />

it LaviH thvh reiii'lied the iiotiie-pliitc iin<br />

wild tlirtiH 1 ,<br />

The vlsiturw niuEfe tin nina In the<br />

xtb liinintf, HH three' men were rfttlred<br />

Mure they reuuhed ilfnt base, Bpeiit'e,<br />

the Iwnie learii, made a rim ill ihe<br />

ixtb inning. MIIIH, uud Lake ufeu,<br />

lade himb liitH Lut failed U> rettuh<br />

miue, iis Miirs)jall filed out to Nhort-<br />

tup jiiid !\V!!!IIIHT men were struck<br />

nt.<br />

The vUlion iiinde tt tun in the<br />

seventh uiid lust innitig. svlileli wan<br />

rejllted tii-i'uuiiiliH.' Thrfy other m«u<br />

then put nut hi ijiiU'k ufder, hi<br />

heir half <strong>of</strong> Hie seventh inning Aii=<br />

:*rmni aiid Murshiill eat-h made n run.<br />

ISy uii ugreeiiient the guJiie wast<br />

ailed at ihs end <strong>of</strong> the Hyytmili lu-<br />

liug, tut the viHlion lurt t« Mitch a<br />

ruin for Cafiy<br />

-Slj,; Milifl, Ib,| Hurry<br />

,l5f,; t'ciulbtiugli,i%; Morey, e,f,-; Andrew,,<br />

r,f=; Uuul«ton, p,<br />

<br />

to leurii Hint lie has reigned,<br />

ttt RtuFtlng busineHs for<br />

blniHelf,<br />

.Mr. Kuibai'lt, wlio b all exiwrieHfed<br />

^i.-trjcitiii, Nun hern in tile employ Of<br />

he Electrir- LiglilTCumiiauy for three<br />

Bertha Shaw, <strong>of</strong> MlllrUEe, in<br />

Htii[ipl!ig at The Strand,<br />

Miss Beth H, Lfpplneott; <strong>of</strong> Vine*<br />

laud, is u guest <strong>of</strong> Tile StrftUd.<br />

Ethel Barker; <strong>of</strong> Woodbury,<br />

arrived yrHterday to remain a<br />

Andrew Jilood, iif Meraulou, fre*<br />

qnenily runs over from AtlaDllu (Jity,<br />

Mr«, J. A. liue, <strong>of</strong> Alleghetiy, Pa,, in<br />

ii liitest arrlvahi ut TheTray=<br />

The<br />

innre.<br />

Mm, Wurtier H. JeukiuH and Hont <strong>of</strong><br />

St. Davids, Pa,, are registered at The<br />

Slruncl<br />

U, Ulelaud JqueH and wife, <strong>of</strong><br />

in Ing ton, Del., are sojuuruiiig at<br />

Tfuynjore,<br />

H, K Uoruell and wife, nf Phllfldel-<br />

phia, uruaruong the lateHt arrlvalN at<br />

The JBrlghtuu,<br />

Gharlea S. Prlee and Humnel Prlue,<br />

<strong>of</strong> Lrtiiftduwne, Pa,, are registered at<br />

The Tmynliira,<br />

U\m ftlttinie Gullrprd, <strong>of</strong> (Jheater, in<br />

on Ceniral iivcnue. Hho in ail<br />

y and lm j<br />

liable mculianfc, as hy imiil up the hus-<br />

tu itn prc-Htiit mm,<br />

CtriL'iiill Ktllbui'll, Wliu hiiH<br />

duii« HUifh excellent servlts for the<br />

H a iieuhew uf liiu fiiin«n»<br />

artht, WHiluni Vuit .KutuWti, He wan<br />

bsirti lit Philadtlpliiu, Mnreh .», 1B53,<br />

iliit I'dufaleil In the publle HI'IHMIIH <strong>of</strong><br />

hat uiiy, Ho early displayed uu ju-<br />

puwerful <strong>of</strong> the fiircea <strong>of</strong> uutnre, and<br />

Ural engaged iu telegraphy.<br />

goon aiterwardfi he hyt-aine Ititer^tifd<br />

i! iijB powers <strong>of</strong> elei'lrluity, and after<br />

wiVerul piUL-i kill e)E|ierlnieninl oUsen-a.<br />

iuliA he wrtf givili t-uutrnl uf tlje tlntt<br />

iliiut estiiliiUhed to light UheHtiiiil<br />

tfttt, I'lnliiilelj.hiii, fritiii the l>elii=<br />

ware river tfl the Hriiuylkiil, The me*<br />

issH <strong>of</strong> IhlB weihkiiowii veiiture estali=<br />

i»hed his reputaiiuii as uii eit&trfulati,<br />

uiid he afierttanlH H|ieul a iidiuhijr j*f<br />

ean irnvtlin^ ilmiiigb I't'iin^ hiiniu,<br />

New York uiiil Ohio,<br />

Waunanjabher, <strong>of</strong> Phitadeh<br />

, 1H viBitiug M. W, Iiigie, FlJtli<br />

and Central, fur a week,<br />

S, W. litiHk, wife, child iiiid nurse, uf<br />

iiiifield, are eujuyiiig the IHWUU<br />

Irotu The Strniul.<br />

Mrn, Frank Feltoii aiid SUUH, <strong>of</strong> Phil,<br />

adelpiiia, are guestt« <strong>of</strong> Jtev. Jiuvll<br />

Hmlth, uf Cent mi yveulie,<br />

. WJliimn Franklin, u wfillrkhown<br />

tiiefchniit jif Plilladaiphiai iij<br />

TIffi EPW0R1B LEAGUE.<br />

it<br />

A Large Andience in Attendance<br />

, Last E?cn|ng's Meetlnf,<br />

The atteiidanee at the Epworth<br />

League meeting fa the Audlturliim<br />

lust evening was larger than tin Die<br />

priuedlugevetiliig. After a uerVlee<strong>of</strong><br />

siiug tHiiidueted by Pr<strong>of</strong>eBHor WlUlam<br />

J. McCowiin, prayer was .<strong>of</strong>lurcd Uy<br />

liev.Ell Glitardi <strong>of</strong>Uupe M^ Uliy, A<br />

telegram was read, saying that General<br />

RiiBltng, or Treutod, bad been overdHiie<br />

by the IntetjHe heat and WHS unable tu<br />

he present, The lime was occupied,<br />

however, with short address* by Kev«<br />

H, H, Zelley aiid Itev. E, J, Kulp.<br />

Mr, Zelley ia his remarks gave a<br />

composite view <strong>of</strong> tbeEpworth League,<br />

He said thut, like Adam, It uever wa§<br />

a baby, but WHS created a man,* There<br />

Is but ttiiv river on the earth that is<br />

typical <strong>of</strong> tlie league—the rlvtr Salut<br />

Lawrence. AH that receives tlie Waters<br />

<strong>of</strong> the five great lakes and carries it<br />

onward, so the league waa formed by<br />

the union <strong>of</strong> live Methodist Young<br />

Petiple's BiK-lellea and uoiub|nei< thy<br />

biut features <strong>of</strong> all,<br />

Tlie league it u family, aiid brings<br />

the Individual nienibers uf tile churuh<br />

iutti i'lowsr fellnWHhlp, It is a hclioiil,<br />

in which the yriung people at the<br />

chun.h are Iiisiruuied hi lisyahy i»<br />

UhriHt, the churuh, and the umiou. It<br />

teaches b»w to Herve Christ iuteili=<br />

gently uiid Biiiceflftfuiiy, aud empba<br />

the ifflpormnL-u <strong>of</strong> true iadepeud<br />

visiting friends on Asbury<br />

A, PerklnH, a welt-knnwn<br />

ttiatiufactiirer <strong>of</strong> PhiludelphlaF IN<br />

visiting frietidH itii Anbury avenue.<br />

The sriHfCH Heleu and Jemile Uc-<br />

Uiilly, <strong>of</strong> Phlludelphla, are two young<br />

ladle* piijauriiltig at The Trnyniore,<br />

t/liHTlwHllliHirn, Jr., wife and daugii*<br />

ter, JIIHH Emma May Hiilboni,- nf<br />

Philadelphia, are reglHtered at The<br />

lirtghtnu,<br />

taught iii the Hehool<br />

can be used hi doing the Master'tt HCT*<br />

vice. Worship and service are not the<br />

sami?, tiiougb butii are e«HcnUtt|,<br />

Tile league in a church wlthlii Hie<br />

church, and U alw! all uggreuHive army<br />

beekltig to conquer this world forUurist,<br />

E, J, Kulp then followed with a<br />

<strong>of</strong> Fraakford, accginpaiiied<br />

by hl« wife, eame here yeH|«rday from<br />

Sea Isle Uity. ,<br />

MINH Annie Felton, <strong>of</strong> Piilludelphju,<br />

whti baa hem visiting Mtt\, Ravi!<br />

BtiiUli for two week*, returned to her<br />

liiime yesterday, •<br />

Mr»iina MtH, J, H.Fife, <strong>of</strong> Yuba,<br />

Micliigau, tin; visiting [heir daughter,<br />

Mr*. F. B, Pusey, at her cottage on<br />

NilieteeutliHireet, .<br />

Mrs, Htttite .Utbthel, <strong>of</strong> West Pliila.<br />

dejphia, liaM tteeti at a tVntrul avenue<br />

miituge Hlnee Hatutttav, Sbe lakes a<br />

dip ill tbe anrf every day,<br />

Frank UtHimbB, <strong>of</strong> Wliniiiigtiiii, Del,,<br />

in spending two wefks wlilj friendH on<br />

Asbiiry avenue, He eiijnyn liimswlf<br />

tlsbiug uud sailing ou tlie bay.<br />

Qeonje WHlIanaH, whu dues coiisld?<br />

t'nvtile contract work for tbe Quaker<br />

<strong>City</strong>,, in here far a brief sojourn, . He is<br />

i' eiiyuKytl Iu pwfeetfiig uii eleeir«- Ivii-ltitig frleiidB »ti Wesley uveuue,<br />

railroad f»r rimiiitig eursj, Mrs, Mabel JeniilBpaiid her iister,<br />

Mn, Luther, <strong>of</strong> Camdeii, nelieHnf Ur,<br />

C, E, Eilwardi, «f tbU Ohy, are atop,<br />

ping nt ft uottage oi) Central avenue<br />

Hev, W, Wtlberfbree CiMikniaii, pa*<br />

tor <strong>of</strong> tbe M, E. chureb, Tlsga, witb<br />

famliy.lB registered at The Lafay.<br />

etie, where they will remain fora few<br />

weeks, ,._<br />

Jacob FellOQ, H WBli*kiiuwu merehBTit<br />

Air, Kulbut-h vami to <strong>On</strong>ran <strong>City</strong> hi<br />

June, jSilii, ID asHuine i-imi I iif the<br />

plulit lu tlilH [sluey, utid hiw Hj.iue made<br />

great lni|iritvi>!!iHitH lu the fii(rl|llle» fur<br />

ightiiig thb city,<br />

: He haH (lateutvd a lightning<br />

tir ihe pruEtt'iinii <strong>of</strong> butltlliigR, and<br />

without overhead wire*,<br />

the<br />

I: - fiain<br />

The organ was grinding out<br />

Nougs Iftflt evening at Adams' nierry-<br />

goroiiud, but (lie one that attracted<br />

tlie most altentiim froma yuuugciiiijiie<br />

air, "Put me oil at Bu|Ialu,! !<br />

"Htiw does these popular songs at»<br />

tuni , their rtii(,-fCH=V if inqujir-ii ihe<br />

young wbiuat) <strong>of</strong> her eBcoh,<br />

"Weil, I'll tell you. In tliese days,<br />

out <strong>of</strong> every diizeu MOigH iiuui an UHpir*<br />

iug fiimputter one Is, perhiipe, worth<br />

puhlisuitig, Perhiip tlu' ('ismpoeer has<br />

but little niyut'y ni is MV liemlb<br />

BO Im iitH 1 ^ io tun' "!' ihe BI<br />

women who mukc tbi.'if lu, ug tty<br />

lug popular songs on thi. -siiit". If lie<br />

succeeds In makhiga deal n nueuf<br />

these artiHis the greatest part nf the<br />

victory in won. ' ,• .<br />

"Tlie new song is sung in all tbe<br />

large cities <strong>of</strong> the country by tiie<br />

If themjlig has any part <strong>of</strong> U<br />

catchy air at ail it Is Immediately<br />

caught up by the 'gallery gods'<br />

whistled. Then its lueueai is<br />

for people hearing It whistled by others<br />

apply for ihe Eoug at a musk- HI ore asd<br />

ehortiy afterward it b hailed iii a<br />

' fliil as for the proBis,<br />

and<br />

pp<br />

tuoy geiieralLy go to Mime oue else than<br />

h "<br />

thsauthar,"<br />

Progrewive tuifhrt party at Ths<br />

IiSfayelte Hotel, Aqguat 15 ttl p, &1.<br />

Tickela, flity i<br />

liuiial Ouardi, <strong>of</strong> Penueyivauta, hold'<br />

tag a enmmlssiun as captain <strong>of</strong><br />

yi Fifth jlegiinent,<br />

A parly who same here yeatfirdfly on<br />

the ynQht Minoie, from Stone Harbor,<br />

arc Caplaiu II, V, Holmes, James i,<br />

SteverJBoH, Horace Stevenson and<br />

Abraham O, Stevenson; They an<br />

stopping at Ths Brighton, The Steven<br />

e«UB an? In the real estate huiiaiH In<br />

Philadelphia, and are making ft tour <strong>of</strong><br />

the'AUaotlc &nmt along tbe, borders eF<br />

New Jersey.<br />

In the Old Teetament tlnaei thegtait<br />

deeds wrought by those Illustrious per.<br />

sons were dependent upon the baptism<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Spirit, Now there Ia a great dlf*<br />

fereiiee between the posaeflsiuu <strong>of</strong> power<br />

aud the canBclousnesa <strong>of</strong> It. We tome-<br />

tittiea get the Idea <strong>of</strong> power that thsrt<br />

eouae to u» tlje thrill, like unto<br />

the presents <strong>of</strong> the eleetrte cur rent<br />

being lnjuicd lutu our being | but,<br />

friends, even ChrM cutild uut do what<br />

he wanted m aycumpllsh because mall,<br />

hi hlu ffeti ageuuy, may fruitute the<br />

pur|ioses <strong>of</strong> God. Uut thin was nut b*-<br />

Uhrlet lacked power, to we are<br />

not to fancy that If we fall lu influent<br />

lug man, therefore, we are without<br />

power, for man may resist eveii tbe<br />

divine riplrit.<br />

The power <strong>of</strong> the Holy Ghost should<br />

be our earnest desire, We should nut<br />

rest' tan ten ted without a personul<br />

Pentecust. This will qualify ua tody<br />

any work that Gud calls us to perform.<br />

Use the |MJwer you have, and the con*<br />

s <strong>of</strong> the possession <strong>of</strong> power<br />

will in due tine come to us. This Is ,<br />

the supreme qunlifleatloa fur HFvl».<br />

TJ* S'lOIIT'S ADUiRl-SS,<br />

Hev, J. Slorgau Read, <strong>of</strong> Burlington,<br />

will deliver an address to=iiight iu the<br />

Audlturimu on "Hume iipworth bite<br />

lakes tif be Uorrected," fiir, liewl i» a<br />

piipuittr Hjieaker, and all wliu have<br />

hi Mi are sure to be present to*<br />

aud all, others ehould visit the<br />

Auditorium and Hsteii to him, Mr,<br />

Head ia «iie <strong>of</strong> thi vlce-prealdeutfl <strong>of</strong><br />

detBfyCott tefeace<br />

isne uf the most ucUve workers,<br />

but. earnest address. He said<br />

that the quealloii Is asked, why shiiu<br />

there bpjuEuwprtb Lefgoo? IMU- ibe<br />

same reason that there Is n Metuouiit<br />

hurch. Why is the Meiin^lat ehureh<br />

heoessary ? Beoause it stands for life,<br />

us-against mere creeds aud dogmas.<br />

John Wes|ey did not invent new doc-<br />

trines, hut he dug down into the quar-<br />

ries <strong>of</strong> divine truth and brought forth<br />

the neglected atones and made them<br />

the head <strong>of</strong> thi comer, Methodism<br />

lives the duutrltiifif-fJod'H word, and<br />

becanne<strong>of</strong> ihlH it lias become a [tuwer<br />

in the earth, ; The Epwyrth League<br />

has for hi* object the develupment <strong>of</strong><br />

this HpirltUHt life In its members, who<br />

are pledged to seek the highest New<br />

Testament niuiidard <strong>of</strong> piety for them*<br />

selves. ,<br />

Mr. Kulp Is an earnest aud tliought-<br />

ful epeaker and his ejiceiieiit addresses<br />

during this iroiiveutiou have been<br />

highly commended,<br />

At the clone uf hia remarks a hylnu<br />

was sung, alter whluli the service<br />

clOMd with tlie Ueucdlctioii by Jtev.<br />

Ell Ulflord, •<br />

THIS MUilSlN'u'S HRLSatiiN.<br />

The Bible reading, this mornins. In<br />

the Voiiiig People'H Temple, was IJOII -<br />

dueled by the Hev, H, J, 55e!Jey, <strong>of</strong><br />

Weuuiiau, His Bubject was "Puwer,' !<br />

"Aud when the day uf Peiiteeogt wait<br />

fjilly ciinie, they were ait, with one aii-<br />

I'KlKJJtAMMF.<br />

The programme for to»mprf0w JH ail<br />

intenstlug ifije and as foUows:—<br />

10,00 a, m.^Bible reading, Subjeot,<br />

"Preaervatiou.",<br />

liMSt) a.m—Addreiwea, "The object nf<br />

the Epworth League," Flint, to pni*<br />

mote iulelligeut and vital piety In the<br />

youug members and friends <strong>of</strong> the<br />

— ^<br />

Ui aid them in the attainnisnt<br />

<strong>of</strong> purity <strong>of</strong> lieart and (KiBStAnt growth<br />

iuicruee, Itev, F, L, Jewett, BtulUca<br />

Hill, Third, to train them iu works <strong>of</strong><br />

•nervy and help. Aim, L, H. Hwaiu,<br />

Uusheu, The busUiesg <strong>of</strong> the chapter,<br />

Mr, W; Ii Miller, ilerebaiitviile,<br />

a/otj p, m.=Orund junior rally, ffiU»<br />

ducted ' by B. H, Tliouias, Camdeu<br />

Eslilbitiun drill <strong>of</strong> tlie Blate utiwt<br />

Epworth (JuardH, aiid flagpreflfulalloii.<br />

IM p, ffl,=8oni eervlue by PFU^WIF<br />

VVIilluiu J,.MetX)wau,<br />

1AB p, iu:—Piutftirm oieeling. Saverai<br />

shiirt uddreMHyH by priiniliieut league<br />

Hinging, with auiaharp<br />

by Ilev, CliBB, III!tier,<br />

(Jauid^ii, . ,<br />

A HBii*#aier In ttoe Bay,<br />

During the past two weeks a Hliark<br />

has worried uuuieroiiH tisbeniieii in<br />

the bay, opiKiHite Twelfih street. II<br />

bus been ^een several times, and ex-<br />

i,'uuiiuilnaati Lltiy, <strong>of</strong> Philadelplibi,<br />

wliu Is mimniering nq Central avenue,<br />

near Foiirtb Btreet, Is ory»ulzlyg a<br />

party tu capture the man-eater.<br />

Lluti has seen the nluiister several<br />

times, and mys It is au unusual thing<br />

to see u shark its Him iii ibebsy. He<br />

sayti It will meamire fully nine feet.<br />

y§ aball receive power,"—Acta I'M, .<br />

The spirit <strong>of</strong> power was promised to<br />

God'fl children, and uii the dity <strong>of</strong> Pcn-<br />

teBOHt it Waa Hrst fulfilled, it was tbe<br />

power to testify. Before Peter WBH<br />

jijled with the Holy Ghost be was uot<br />

quaillied to testify fur Oud and Christ,<br />

but after PeiiieutHt be waa vallaut and<br />

told, and BO It was wltli glepheu. He,<br />

too, was filled witb the spirit; tben>=<br />

fore lie attested hli devutiuu to the<br />

Master by his life, Paul, also, was<br />

enabled to preach with the dymotislra*<br />

tlou <strong>of</strong> power after the baptism iif tile<br />

ttiHyOhuMt,<br />

Tiie Hiily Ghnst is not u mere hiflu=<br />

euee, but a peHOUHJity; iieude we are<br />

to look iftto the Holy Ghost as the<br />

tb ird person <strong>of</strong> the Trill! ty, The Holy<br />

Spirit ig the HUlrll <strong>of</strong> gHWauee, Christ<br />

wat «o dependent upon the Spirit for<br />

guldauts. Jiooians vihU, "For as<br />

many as are led by the Spirit uf God,<br />

they are Ihs suns <strong>of</strong> Uod," Cjod'a Bplrl<br />

leada Hla uwnohildftn, The JHoiy Bplrit<br />

give power for Kfvlee, Tuts<br />

in the life <strong>of</strong> Fhllip. Quoting AcUi<br />

88 he aaid, Chrlet needed the Holy<br />

was because <strong>of</strong> this power<br />

th« Christ was (mabled to perform HU)<br />

great work among men »nd •egempilih<br />

the wori <strong>of</strong> redemption.<br />

and that he dcAlrea.io capture It, »<br />

that he tau have the jaw bones and<br />

the teeth mounted.<br />

The last lime the ruun-eater waa seen<br />

was yesterday morning, when it Wis<br />

feeding ju the fhrtllow water on crabs,<br />

Llnu haa Beeured regular ihafk booki<br />

and will Heareh to-morrow for the<br />

shark. He contemplates ustdg meat<br />

for bait and if this 1B not BueetHful<br />

In iuntliug the big tlbli he will resort t»<br />

u large loaf <strong>of</strong> bread ia which be will<br />

inijert a half puuud <strong>of</strong> tobacco, He<br />

say H that tiibaceu has the Barne effecE<br />

tin a man-eaier an arsenic does OB a<br />

human being.<br />

. tteveral other perioue have also seen<br />

the moutter. The ether day» party<br />

was flHhltig, when the ihafk apptared<br />

within a few feet <strong>of</strong> their boat The<br />

amateur fishermen never thought <strong>of</strong><br />

sharks entering ihe bay, and as only a<br />

Htnali portion <strong>of</strong> it csuld be seeD they<br />

c Ufluded It was a drma-flBh. <strong>On</strong>e <strong>of</strong><br />

tbe men la the boat struck it a vigor.<br />

oue blow with an o*r, when it i»vet<br />

awlihef its tail that neaHy eap«!isd<br />

their boat, i<br />

, ' : • ^ = — J M, i —"^= :.' '.;•$."• •(.•'<br />

MOSEV TO LoAS-lsaOO, ID : Hiras (o<br />

suit, on Improved Anbury, Oeatnl o£><br />

Weslev ayiniie property* . . •. •. - v •<br />

B, CuBTWlioBiifios, Agnt .<br />

^, J(^<br />

i^^iSiiMilffi^&^i^iSiki<br />


#<br />

m<br />

|<br />


f UBUSHfi© UAItT SV<br />


Edits* Ud<br />

per line<br />

IlnBlbri<br />

on Application,<br />

ijeati In local columns, la eentt<br />

flMt Insertion tnd flve otuU per<br />

All nutter Intended tat publlcBllftn must<br />

!w reeelTed before 10 ft, tn. <strong>of</strong> the (JBJ <strong>of</strong> publl-<br />

Mtfoo, ', - . - r.. -<br />

THgkgPAY, AP0UST- ia; jsge,<br />

Burned in an 1.?(«HVII,<br />

J. 0, Austin, an employee <strong>of</strong> A rider.<br />

ma Bourgeois, had a narrow escape<br />

yesterday from btIng Beverely Injured<br />

He wa§ engaged la repairing a floor<br />

board machine when (tie flL'cident m<<br />

.. — .u9«s«u in injuring Ban<br />

I into a boxHround some shaftlug<br />

to form a bewlag, when a little<br />

water that happened to be la I he box<br />

caused BO cspkwloti. The flying metal<br />

struck Austin lu the face, illglitly<br />

burning him, H Is eyes were pfutected<br />

from the njettl by his gtewef, which<br />

wife eorflBletely covered with it, 11<br />

_ f friends <strong>of</strong> the tUeinbefs, who did<br />

everytfilog In their power to make the<br />

occasion an agreeable one. They served<br />

fefreabDJiutfl to their many<br />

who paaaed the evening very y,<br />

aantly, Among tho«e present were:<br />

May DIi, Ada Heilmsn, Bessie Hell<br />

man, Adell Suyder, Emily Garrigrtu<br />

Jjouise MeOflanell, Laura SleUt<br />

Mm Jeflrie^ Mm, Ifsviberry, Sirs<br />

gaydir, Mrs, Leonard, Mm. Wenuer,<br />

Mrs, C'aiaqcki MeHHrs, Httilth, Smtdley<br />

MarslinJI, Hamlttoti Gale. U'm A<br />

It wu warmer Jast nighttbao on the<br />

preceding evenings, -<br />

gome <strong>of</strong> the hotels havft engaged uuhe<br />

conifers toe the<br />

<strong>of</strong> their gnrtte.<br />

A Hchool <strong>of</strong> (mapping mackerel were<br />

seen yesterday la the epeati, Pr,Palea<br />

and '-Kate" H«JB are going in search<br />

<strong>of</strong> these edlWe flub.<br />

The Genii <strong>City</strong> Base Bali Club<br />

should select competent umpires, m<br />

well as a scorer who undsrataudB bje<br />

bualoew. Some <strong>of</strong> (he decisions<br />

fay the umpire tu yesterday's<br />

were very crude.<br />

Several bleyle rWift were scorcHlng<br />

ea the beach last eyeuUijr without any<br />

iunji«. <strong>On</strong>e <strong>of</strong> these reckless<br />

, annoyed by small ^<br />

whu jump <strong>of</strong>f and oa the hobby. v,|le<br />

w while lliey are lu motion. They *<br />

par*ntji to lusiruct children to<br />

stop this pracllix* before out <strong>of</strong> tueni Is<br />

Injured,<br />

HotclAnlTBlt,<br />

, The following are the latest arrivals<br />

fit the various hatelrles:—<br />

TBI<br />

Piilliidilphia,<br />

Cookmin, ftift<br />

Faulkner, Tlsga,<br />


him Benale Mildren, Sirs, Jlovle sad<br />

daughter, Airs. T.J.Quinton, Mm, B,<br />

Hawk, Philadelphia.<br />


sad Wife, AUssw JoslBnud Mfllllo WeU=<br />

stein, FfBneig lleevm, Jr., ftlrs, Aawu<br />

Bll#y, Milivilfe; M(BS M, Sh l*<br />

Bflelphls,<br />

TilB KVRASli<br />

TISAVilOKIt<br />

i!- - . 5 i<br />

Helen aud Jemjie F, JUL>=<br />

Hotels and Boarding Houses, I Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Dirts,<br />

Ooeaa Oit-v, N,<br />

Ka* Opfa fef reception <strong>of</strong> ju«*U.<br />

jQadern adern l*eptav*mH<br />

, etc<br />

735 Central Avenue,<br />

y !m>«titl. Honie OQiuf<strong>of</strong>tH.<br />

S, JJURLKY,<br />

Slstli and Awlmrv Avenue, '<br />

WKAS UITV* N, j.<br />

Water and Ball>,<br />

MiiH, ii, n, v<br />

Situated on the<br />

•*r —=—<br />

J.ot* ufPfalltalelplll^P*,<br />

.LA.HovLii! oeftrn CITY. *<br />

H, A<br />

U(ty, K, J,<br />

fi Bhtl! 1_ .<br />

3D, 1 |a g „<br />

h afUr it H<br />

DENTIST,<br />

ATLANTIC mvMNue,<br />


odlBBce who Who attend atieud the tht UM§ 8aret Barel Hanhaw, Wtlli<br />

ba Haishaw, WiJlium M<br />

" fc*"*" would keep a rMpwtabie Phlladfiphiiu Mm, J, A, Jiue,<br />

the majority <strong>of</strong> the meta! had uot<br />

~'<br />

blows down Instead <strong>of</strong> up( A nut In<br />

might have btfca severely Injured, TlJe<br />

metal<br />

metal is<br />

is<br />

a alslure<br />

nil«=»»«<strong>of</strong><br />

** •>----• , t(u -<br />

and<br />

zinc, and very.explosl<br />

when It<br />

In contact with water.<br />

it " nw fipum tlie diamond, It would B^euy, Pa,,- A, J. Nelmeugef aud<br />

*»<br />

* y to them but the St. tutiisi CiiarU^ H l*r\ H<br />

a TIME IN OCEAH cirr:<br />

ftust-lnt,;!] undJii!; fslll toUlflihtl or the<br />

heaeflt not<br />

tnoiiUi.<br />

y them but the<br />

H, l*r\is,<br />

piBiN<br />

TUt latter a« unable<br />

W «w tHuse prtBeut<br />

Wife,<br />

the hunie»ptate<br />

TIIK<br />

ger M *<br />

Feond oead in Bed,<br />

H, JJ, Bolilg, sf Cheater* Pa,, wasare<br />

prgpeny repw on Irefore ihu gaiue A<br />

faynd dead is b#d yesterday morning<br />

1|jWln<br />

" H.<br />

at Sea Tele <strong>City</strong>, The dtoensed wm m Guftl Krsuw Is annoyed by<br />

ymn old, tad was engaged in waking several yuuug meii suj wouieu<br />

morulug dj<br />

candy, oil the boardwalk at that rggorf,<br />

OdreDir B, Curtis Robinson, <strong>of</strong> this<br />

elty, wha WMmut for, ¥isw#d the hody<br />

and from the Inforrntttlon he received<br />

gsvea etriifleats <strong>of</strong> death from apo-<br />

, - ^ . Hollis had bien drinking<br />

heavily for about three weeks. He<br />

died In bed In the rear <strong>of</strong> his caudj<br />

booth. Yesterday mornjug a man who<br />

WiS workiH* for him Went into the<br />

, : ,,. -,»„.= was alive then,<br />

but when his companion returned he<br />

found the old nan dead,<br />

The dead roan bm relative and<br />

ffleuda at Chester, wlioni the «iroiief<br />

cotmnunlaiied with ,<br />

Ho, ejfl<br />

Ventiidniis,<br />

utint'iilH iHfuK'lii"". A|J=^,.-1BI, ^,i uiiuHii; sill to lite i>ii>l f>F Mjn<br />

tnonlli.<br />

Jt, (;, * !„ K, UliKTH, f rojiriMfeHNcM, H*M»Wlwp-«"iiifi%i Siifiijai' itnit SFOIM<br />

wms ciTV, jf.- j.-| m W e B [^ Av_nu 0(¥flii w t ^ j<br />

, Miss Joia<br />

He«Js. Csnideii;<br />

Welheumaver<br />

J A Porklns<br />

.. .... Rood table, Hlnnert.a Of|h.-e linu«: t'titjl Bne ni.I t In < p,ni..liHd<br />

CBBlSi Toblo b<strong>of</strong>lrdniipplltid. TsrjiiH reoiMja- T toll p. lii-<br />

H T Coruiil s V wife, CJ|lftrie«<br />

Hiilborii, Jr., Mr«.<br />

yuug meii suj wouieu each<br />

(UiarleH H l ^<br />

" : p«- f«Mi H, PEACOCK,<br />

morulug, durjiig baihlog liuure, who<br />

interfere witii him 111 the performance<br />

It, C. Hulnien, James fe§, AIBURV AVENUE,<br />

.neiAS!<br />

<strong>of</strong> bis duties. ¥G4l#HJay I bey attached<br />

Horace I!, SfeveiiMm, Abm=<br />

. 125 WESLEy AVENUE,<br />

Jinderate TermH, Half bli.*k froia <<br />

haia V,<br />

a JlFe-JIne tu hU boat, which was in V, Steveijw)!! «f Hie<br />

Canip (ipiunU. Home CAimfuftH, Iflwn<br />

nC'KANCITi<br />

the surf beyond the bwskers, ami<br />

rite, Bioue Hurbor,<br />

touiiju and croquet tfruunrts<br />

. 23d and IVsrrb $ti,<br />

fjulled it ashuie. TtiiH may be Bport<br />

ri),; liott p, in.; a<br />

fiif the youug y g p*sp!e, but it fa bad ba bua- A Reriideni i>ii>a(cii)ii. QCXANGITV HOVSK,<br />

1<br />

Jnesg, m a life iu»y be lost while hil tbty Dr. B, T, ALbott IN niMv a jvsiijeut<br />

£JB, RALPH B. JOffCH,<br />

No, TIT Asbury<br />

iialug th^niaejves<br />

pliysleiflii und fliirgecnuif (jL-eau<br />


guard*<br />

He la JiHarmi at PI«K»I. *^<br />

OuKAS CITY, S*. J<br />

p<br />

..rBPP by Bsf. B. BUM ^BteB, B.<br />

' Jtor <strong>of</strong> 0 refill] 111 Ffesbylerlart eliurvh.<br />

j<br />

•in<br />

Real Estate and Insurance Agents.<br />

OCEAN CITY • •<br />

t!||y Heal ^tate is advancing 25 pfrwnt* a j-ear, DonH you want to<br />

invest In a lot? If BO, call on<br />

JULY brftfl?=<br />

ten, KM., friltnr sf "Bible Htudj HHIQL<br />

JULY l»-An*ddr*ii hy Mn, AnMfapl Morrll ffll<br />

ItoW«_y. <strong>of</strong> Wfit FlitBioo, Ft, for<br />

~ '". fill.<br />

JDLV Sffi=B«fingn b? R*T. Satndel L, B*-tlf r. D.<br />

D,, Vies CliBDrrllor ef !HB Anier!e»n Unl=<br />

T*ni!lF *t WaihitigiLin, n, e,<br />

AUGUST *-fl»rmoB 0> Hiitbop CJTUI B. F*M,<br />

Of Pl,|l*del|,hl*, P«,<br />

AtJOIjftT e-B#rnioB hj Biiliop ClitfiFl H.<br />

FOB leF, <strong>of</strong> BiiffilQ, N. Y. 1<br />

AUOU8T IS-SffmoD bj R**. A, J, Pslmer, D.<br />

DVoi He* Varlt fHif, Mission*!? Beertittf<br />

Of sheU, R. sbureh.<br />

AtlHBBT m- BtPiiBB b* Be*, J F, CSfSBn, B.<br />

j ,, „ ryMTl = . , | Bfpoklxn. J, • --<br />

f<br />

Tim m aaaildB ai Biblieal ea A«*inblv b#gie» Jun* a<br />

il Ji 15 Il in «f»(!fel|»l<br />

i ' oiiUnUM until Juiy 15. f»(!fel|»l<br />

t Gcimr.l<br />

tnri inlerdenonjin»tlon»l. P<br />

Et«t><br />

John K-aton, \V«ihlDjEtQD,D= C ;<br />

j, E, OUbfrt. WjitiilniEiori, B, 6,<br />

Pflnlarj#Cfioo! Of Slethadt rnrSu<br />

nf si! dBnnt!il!i»li0hi! hf Ihe New J^T*y i<br />

Hii- iidj=acJiiHii Aftjoclillf.p, July S) (B Juir S,<br />

ftpef-iliiry. Re*. Ks Muiriii Fefguson, trenloi!,<br />

"\ : Real Estate Brokers,<br />

ior Rent,<br />

Commissioner <strong>of</strong> Deeds, Conveyanclrie In all Its Iranehes,<br />

jiiitjiUrjiis Annembly Jylf f J »tid \l. JInt.<br />

I,. 1J swelu. <strong>of</strong> a«ben, N, J . BwJrfUry.<br />

Euwortli LfBgUe (JonTetitlnn. Aitgutt B If)<br />

.\UKUKI IS. He*, ft, J. fjMiey. <strong>of</strong> W-yui«ti, S.<br />

J., Prrtldent <strong>of</strong> th« Ssw Jen»j CBiif*r*Bei><br />

K l I A l t l wlir h h<br />

nf III* irirfliBp<br />

Tlie Annual Osrap SlHlltig ajll lifiplti AURUPI<br />

•i* fnd cfintlnurt luh a nui.ibeF <strong>of</strong> limes<br />

and »l!l tiela in all the mfeilnpL IIts ilnjrfiig<br />

iMk "FrdiBUf Bymn^" will bs used during<br />


ln>iirimi phinij in Uip nn«l H'iiablp ffimpiinies doing bililHeiiS In ihtiiHIiiiBi<br />

,MiiiL!-V, tn ftiiiiiH ijt'Blri'ii, on band and BiyrtgiiBP.<br />

ilHlii GiilrilHlHl lu my v»W »!!! rnHflve limiiipt nttuntlon.<br />

W. B. MASSEY & CO.,<br />

811 ASBURY AVENUE,<br />

R. Curtis Robinson,<br />


744-6 Asbury Ave,f <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N. J.<br />

is LOTS PORS6OO<br />

. Jnhn Thumpidn, BU«iaIe edhor <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Uhriitian ti fUBdanl," fUBdanl, will linn linn clmrgo <strong>of</strong> ilin<br />

monsln^ nine o'ekick 'kk HU HoUdpis 11ti 11Wtings.<br />

Tlif iHipUlBF *ae»IIii, !i» Its*, J. U. WilMn,<br />

<strong>of</strong> Vliilndfiiiliiii. wijt be pHb>ri the<br />

T»rki(i» (iifoi(ng» <strong>of</strong> tt<br />

M dlftnj lirtitriinent t niiiii«crB UL iuEr£iiwu»ri|i« ;<br />

•iiu KB* J««ey gaaftreniffli, »> well U lbo« <strong>of</strong> ;<br />

•"'•- jnferriites and OfhOininHtiuni. will be 1<br />

• •> preach ahd tielp in lha ui«t|ngi,<br />

S, wrai^Y LAKE, PreildfBfc .<br />


Groceries, Provisions, Meats, Etc.<br />

W. HSlTll, Call and See<br />

Fine Groceries, Produce, etc,;<br />

fcr "TJw CtlebrutKl E, U, But. i<br />

TT<br />

. . . I<br />

705 and ?07 Asbtiry Avenue,<br />

OCEAN HIT'S N, J,<br />

SMITH,<br />


: Seventh and Aabury, i<br />

Kejumnablu Kfiilta wmBtftntlS' on bnlni. A {<br />

lull line <strong>of</strong> (In <strong>of</strong> F»re Apply ft Offie** •<br />

Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc.<br />

U0TO-=—<br />


1 ! Far WOMEN'S and CHILDREN'S {<br />


818 Aibiiry<br />

ANDTO •<br />

^Clothing Hsuse<br />

FOB MEN'S<br />


817 Aabury Avenue,<br />

KNORR & CO.,<br />

No. S|8 ASBURY AVENUE,<br />


A Wflihiagtoa gowiper tell* bow Saaatw<br />

Ferktaa <strong>of</strong> California ii In • heap<br />

<strong>of</strong> tr<strong>of</strong>lljlo. owing to certain rash prom*<br />

lies that ha oaoa nude. Fifteen or ill*<br />

tiea ye«8 ago he was electfld gotetaor<br />

<strong>of</strong> GaUlarDht, asd • ten»kabl7fopa«<br />

laf isit <strong>of</strong> governor he prorad ta ba. So<br />

popular, In fact, that bonnelng baby,<br />

boyi were railed by hfi naa« in ash,<br />

oonntj, Qgtarnsf Psrkini heard <strong>of</strong> «f ><br />

ery one sf these incidents. The faod £a><br />

thora ond juothera imagined the rich.<br />

ycang g g y g<br />

KNORR &CO.,<br />

BSB A5BURV<br />

in BOW oBSfinf<br />

up haadredi <strong>of</strong> dollars in recognition <strong>of</strong><br />

all thcifl eospUmnti, Bat Isttead <strong>of</strong><br />

settling oa the spot. Mr, PwHni wiot*<br />

letters to fivery pair <strong>of</strong> prond parmto,<br />

lnwbieh he said all manner <strong>of</strong> file*<br />

things, Had ended with a flooriih <strong>of</strong><br />

promise Pi followi: ••When Gwrgs<br />

Perkins Smith is grown, lit IBS know,<br />

aod Iwf)l«jnd bin to college,*' Hi<br />

USTOT imagiiiod tbat he wai going to be<br />

a senator from GtalfoTbis, -with ambi-<br />

ill<br />

tions for HHsJHitiOB, 15 or tS jean la*<br />

t«r, Bat there he ii, ind thow lfittfl«<br />

We e hove o alfio t tken ndvHniugP g <strong>of</strong> tlie recenl<br />

decilns in (lie • RIBBON ~- Innrket und nru «renrs<br />

eomiog hosie to f oat. Already four<br />

ulinwing n Knut mrtni'<strong>of</strong> the Iftlait tlyli* ut yanug men named George Perkini<br />

Ihelaltut few prliA-Hl prlA w«} Alw«}« in feWSpi Ul<br />

lldf l dlhl d l<br />

Sialtn, .Toaei er ioaethiBi sla bafs<br />

Lallrd-fuf mill dfHlrohle goods la<br />

put is their elaiiBi for a college edaea-<br />


tion at thft «ipeiiie<strong>of</strong> the former goTernor.<br />

"I expect then art 30or80aor«<br />

<strong>of</strong> theai,'' aayi th# MDator, "sod I'll<br />

ha?! to honor tbiir draf U, if f n If II<br />

baakrapti ae,"<br />

ATLANTIC CITY, N, j.<br />

's llifyHe 8ult«, S4, ralucH! tram fit<br />

'aiiHimss mm, s* ana te< t<br />

from 17 »nd ill<br />

N, 39c,<br />

i 1 CrflaliHuitfi, $1,25. went 16,<br />

Hoys ! Thm Stan at Un<br />

In the antnmn time, and o&Watd to<br />

th« beginning sf the Bisi yssr, the<br />

mother iiilfflon awsndi the riven to dfrposit<br />

her egga, and thta ta HSBES the<br />

continuance ef her face.: In coaneottoB<br />

With Shis pgr^ioal rtsll m f iiita to tos<br />

rifer nnst be mcatinned a teiT sarioni<br />

fast. The idea Is entertoined itst<br />

strongly hy §ems anthoriilei that a<br />

gauasB Invariably fOttLrM to itenstita<br />

riva Of that in which it WB bi^, II<br />

hu even been assarted by flahermai<br />

tflBt, wben ieyer^ f iTew snte* the tea<br />

In one §i»«n, ai at Bonaf Bridge, its<br />

example, the salmon tod In sash river<br />

will paH baek into thtbr own watef tod<br />

will avoid the strange streanii, Tbs lkte<br />

WBHh Suit*, 4BB,<br />

Frank BHekland, m ttrsng belltTef to<br />

Blanket*, etc,, m ciiy prk'P-, this inatinet <strong>of</strong> the fits, re|jarded the<br />

HAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT aenie sf Smell as that wflieh led it to itt<br />

native river, PwhpM<br />

for the Best part ialnen do wtnni to<br />

thair own riTeri, bnt the practio* ud<br />

Merry-go-Rounds.<br />

habit ape sot neeHfarily iuTariable,<br />

Wo know ihqflshea certainly Swim frest<br />

THE «EW mtm* dittaiieM along coast lis«, -where they<br />

an captured in stake and bag Beta, and<br />

it may well be the sale that now and<br />

then a fish will tarn into a riy« thai is<br />

near in prc-ff>rcii» to scfiking its own<br />

and distant %V«tcr,<br />

Arrived in hn riyer, tha aietjii?<br />

H hH beta retiyilt SB a grander st-nle thith salmeB befiiiii to scoop sat ,s kind <strong>of</strong><br />

, and l» nqw apeD t<strong>of</strong> l>uiiinei«i.<br />

treaeii in the griivelI <strong>of</strong> thsitrtsam, ThM<br />

she efleeta by plowing into the pave!<br />

THE<br />

with lief body. This trench ii to be the<br />

naratjry <strong>of</strong> iicr jtiatig. Tlie eggs ara laid<br />

in the fumftv und nnsdulyfertiiiifid by,<br />

MERRYrOO-ROUND the male salmon. Then the trench if<br />

fllled ill by the f-ffnrti <strong>of</strong> both pa^ft<br />

ijy OCKAS<br />

the eggs an* i'ovun'd with gravel, and<br />

the mound rims fariiied<br />

, * * CAfiOV KITGH1S»<br />

1 ii oalitdg' ill<br />

flghor's Iftiigiiiiee, »"reiii !! HoWBiaBy.<br />

egga H mother Hulmoii wliJ deposit is, <strong>of</strong><br />

course, u diflluntt qnestiOH to detennine,<br />

bat a stook cnlyuJiitiun malutains'tbat<br />

aha ppodBCPS aboat BOO egga for eirery.<br />

poniid ajjo vrt'iglis. Each egg In its diameter<br />

mcaHurwi uboqt B qoarter <strong>of</strong> aii<br />

inch, and it ia eatiiBated that 35,000<br />

eggu go to B iallon,^Chamben !<br />

s • fll - * i<br />

A. J. STEELMANS.<br />

Cor. Atlantic and Ohio Aves.,<br />

\<br />

Larger than any other. The 1 buildlyg UM<br />

been enlarged nod BliMue-taiu-dji piueza lBere=<br />

In. Qrand New Organ, «i with n i<br />

eharmlns mu<br />

With ikB-ilaUa! iacilitlcn for prDdnelDg deli,<br />

clou uad pnrOtaDaj-wjihin ILobHildlPS, TLc<br />

olny one in OceftH C»y. Gptne sad H« tM<br />

candy nlhile, WBQIHUIIH add retaJL<br />

j. G; ADAMS, PBOP R.<br />

H. C. BHOffR, President,<br />

Boardwalk and Eleventh Street,<br />

OCEAN CITY, N, J,<br />

f his wsli-knowa pleMure rwart hii* been<br />

wond«riuijy improveti sine* iba ««•»& <strong>of</strong> '65,<br />

lll trf<br />

at s co*i <strong>of</strong> over 15000, <strong>On</strong>r Ice cream pftrl&r<br />

ii over 100 reel long i ihe Uiiit iHeea cafe and<br />

candy and m4» waWr flkD^t provide refreshf<br />

Ail k| ndn Bt rasgemte prleen.<br />

SHUFFLf BOflIB,<br />

M MOL<br />

furnlib Btmiwriiept tgr al?. The CaifouBei In<br />

gae <strong>of</strong> the «mpieM*t lu me suta, Thm IF<br />

ibe nnwt mmiiiemeBl neeri on ib«<br />

Stables—7th Bt, and Haven Ave,<br />


Tlonrders well fed Md qared tor,;<br />

left M A&i»tf» drug itore will ro=<br />

i. UTITEB A<br />

'. S. ORAHAM,<br />

, IlllwDrt, Urn, Oment, Pl«(«ff fte.<br />

Pharmacists.<br />

HEW<br />


781 ABhUBV Av&, OCKAH CJTV, N, J;<br />

rat and bc-nt equipped In to* city,<br />

n und MedlctDM. Toilet UttoCH<br />

AriieiM, FineuMMrtaieBiflf Hi»»<br />

ifkoair'S <strong>of</strong>fice in drtti Btare,<br />

U«rs ftb and Asbury Avenue,<br />

BITV, K. J.<br />

A^yii ilns ot Urugn. Patent<br />

Toilet Article*, perfumery, ssyrtjanj<br />

C1I£UFH, preacripllohii n sp«!tBittF, Try o«r<br />

delicious Ice Cream Sod* und Egl I'liWpUalf,<br />

Apotlieey,<br />

Corner^Ighih St. and We§ley Am<br />

The oiil* KgHlar gritdaate, Wilb Bft^H<br />

yeftrt'cllv ssisertenefc Open ibt «ll«y«r.<br />

Pre»cr1ptl<strong>of</strong>i» re«!ve If peraoBnl attention<br />

in kit MM* Parity aatf Meuraer »lBf in*<br />

tadi A fflU line <strong>of</strong> Spultfllfn* fesai<br />

dChiia consmnuyon h«nd.<br />

p»rtflf tatat<br />

llUltfABD THOKff<br />


CrmluTj iidtlfflnri, Ftahfsg Tttltod<br />

BO1-80B ASBURY AYE.,<br />

OCBAH GITV. N. J,<br />

B.<br />

fIJ<br />


OF<br />

UlaiP.Pmin<br />

efuct -WiMi<br />

crrv.<br />

Putty >nd Window 8BMI«B|II<br />

and HpcpratlonijnBiwi<br />

p<br />

-5O Atbwry Ay*nu«><br />

XT A. W. SMITH * »RO..<br />




S4B Avbury




Editor and Proprietor.<br />

Ady*rtl»Bliieola IB local columns, 10 cents<br />

W lino far sn| iBHrtfSD and Uvu ctsnU iwr<br />

line f<strong>of</strong> each iuta&jUt<br />

on<br />

Bald<br />

a<br />

tor repiiH a<br />

Al All matter Intended fbr publlgntlon<br />

*»tlon.<br />

~ " before 10 B. m, gftbediiy <strong>of</strong> jsubl!-<br />

Entered i I fc?CDod=c!M» niftltit alibi pMfc<br />

sales.<br />

water. The dlmlmftioq |q the nuiaher<br />

<strong>of</strong> moequltoej was &slly noticeable,<br />

and now the pe*t Uiw been almost goU<br />

tearjd<strong>of</strong>,"<br />

Ugtatp.<br />

While a number qf^rioHB were sit'<br />

ting is front ot Brewer's bath.bouseg<br />

last eveuiug their attention WBH at,<br />

JoLnG. Glover, <strong>of</strong> Praiikford, Pa,,<br />

la here for a brief stay,<br />

George Canfleld, a noted Philadelphia<br />

, is hen for a brief stay,<br />

Hotel Arrivals,<br />

The following are tile latest arf ivals<br />

at the vftrioui ho9telrJesr= :<br />

Hotels and Boarding Houses.<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> Clt%% N, J*<br />

Ashley P, Hunter and wife, llastf»[ Now open for reoeptiob <strong>of</strong> meal*.<br />

, SOs. Per Season,<br />

Morgan P, and T, Pierce Hunt* r, in<br />

Matthew Wallace, <strong>of</strong> Perka§Je( Faj<br />

faiit and uatm, Norrlatown, Pa,<br />

la visiting friendi OB Asbury avenue.<br />

Mis, Ainrtba E, LeFeyrs, <strong>of</strong> Phila-<br />


For typMiN, I'll-,,<br />

A,<br />

delphia, is siiJourniBg at the Lsfayetti!, Mre, Mar! ha E, Lefovre, CJevfge L<br />

Ashley P, Hunter and family, fily, <strong>of</strong><br />

Llppliieott, Hleljafd A, Feley, Phil*<br />

NoFriatown, Pa,, are roistered at Thedelpbia;<br />

P. H, Freiit^el,<br />

T<br />

Pa,<br />

795 Central Avenue,<br />

avenue cottage, Is quite a<br />

favorite at thii rsert, Hiie is su expert<br />

lawn teunis player.<br />

Miss EmnmUramer atid MIBH Wilma<br />

Cliew, who have been visiting Glass,<br />

and the Pitman Grove Uanip<br />

returned to their home on<br />

Central avenue yefiterday,<br />

Attorney George flu ike, <strong>of</strong><br />

phla, eutertatned a few friends,<br />

tseted to two lights that ippeared to<br />

eveuing, at nu Asbury avenue<br />

be SB the ocean, Tuty were Beveral<br />

the event belug the gsJebrsiion <strong>of</strong> the<br />

yards apart iad thoBi who saw them<br />

flfih aauivenary <strong>of</strong> his mtirrlsge,<br />

concluded a vewii was sent the shore.<br />

It eerisl&Jy did look as though the<br />

j, M, TrjonijMon, an exi*unive real<br />

lights were at the how and etern <strong>of</strong> a<br />

atate dealer, and bis wife. Dr. Jones<br />

boat. AH the people watched ihtni<br />

Fortner, and <strong>Aug</strong>ust MesseBer and<br />

Ihey gaw the one ha the rear gradually<br />

daughter, are a party <strong>of</strong> Baltiraoreaiis<br />

draw Barer, It then dawued upon<br />

who will reniaiu here until September 1,<br />

them that the lights belonged to bicy><br />

ThomaB A, Grace, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia,<br />

OCEAN CITY. N. J.<br />

7th and Ofcean Aoe<br />

Piet Bread and Cake Bakers.<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Cards.<br />

Heeident<br />

»„<br />

Late cfFlil!»delph[fl,HiL,<br />

Ho, 6*7 WHH.EV<br />

OCIAN eiT¥8 H<br />

I Vf DAVIH, SI. Dit<br />

1 IT I<br />

50 Asbury Avenu©,<br />

N, J,<br />

bury avenue,<br />

atel _,<br />

James H, Steyeimon, ft]lib K, B, Heai»<br />

SuW OpeU.<br />

rsinriiiBi, tnitM ip<br />

TttlBKP<br />

Jphu H, Mlskelly aad wife, <strong>of</strong> Bur-<br />

IlgBiMiHAnepnony, I to .i H<br />

pie, Mlaa E, J, WallHi^, Frederick<br />

It was at one <strong>of</strong> our prominent holelu, l K J,, are registered at the<br />

Proprietor,<br />

(Kcnlng after «<br />

Mrs, A, K, Christ,<br />

yesterday^ duriiig the dinner hour, Wesley House. ; .<br />

WKSLBV IlUUgg,<br />


when a middle-aged getitlemiiii and<br />

akFetrldge, a retired iner.<br />

D<br />

. wife begun discussiugr the aeivaslsges L'hatit <strong>of</strong> the Quaker <strong>City</strong>, Is a gust <strong>of</strong> Juliii H, Miakeley and wife, Burling. Corner Sixth and Asbury Aveime,<br />

uf tbe new woman. Several <strong>of</strong> theThe<br />

Lafayette,<br />

tou| Dr, U, Tshreil, N,<br />

DENTIST,<br />

, S Poak<br />

UL'KAN L'lTV, N, J,<br />

guests warn silent llsteuen to the .&». Lawreaee Lfppiueott, <strong>of</strong> fihertef, Pa,, and<br />

d f<br />

family, Mtu. Mik-hell and datlgh><br />

yersntlon, and admired thi view tukun la spending two weeks at a Wesley ter, WBJ, Watt and daughtw, MrB,J,<br />


\¥*ler And Halt,<br />

upon the BUbject by the husbiud, avenue collage. .<br />

W, Harehaw, Mis» M, Hamhaw, H. Q,<br />

MltM. H, 11.<br />

Aflii bis wife was through deliver George L, Arnold, a prominent bus!* G»ve and wife, Auua. 31, Grove, Kfoljy<br />

ATLANTie CITY, N,<br />

log a dissertation ujxm the progress <strong>of</strong> m«s njuu <strong>of</strong> Plillailelptifu, W B|jt!ijdlisg B, Orove, B, Feitmi Uruve, Edkli Art'li*<br />

her sei, the dti man thoughtfully said, a week at this resort*<br />

ibld ibald. JJames<br />

Dli, K. •<br />

"Yes, liidetd, the a#w yroniau la vastly Ella M, aiid Rachel B, Peters, <strong>of</strong><br />

THE<br />

Situated on thft<br />

different frum tbe old."<br />

Philadelphia, are among the kteat Juhii It, Stay aad wife, MIHH<br />

SB,<br />

A Lovely HiinitLsC-r llounj,<br />

ASBl'KV<br />

"I thought you would realize that in arrivals at The Strand,<br />

JohDSon, liowland and wife, JlrtMid Vernucliihu.<br />


timei" replied the wife, rather sharply, Miss Carrie Huffl, <strong>of</strong> Camdiii, is Mr, and Mm, Pelynfuu,<br />

A[i|Hi|nl!iii>ntn<br />

Wulktr<br />

!,'.'.!tiiidlid- nil<br />

tin-<br />

"I have just been readlDgi" he went eujoyfug two weeks' recreation at aand<br />

family, j, J, luidiger,<br />

i t!i * I* Ei L'HISTi),<br />

Hiiiiiiny init! Si tinou><br />

"how glrii used to be sold by thelf Central HVeiiue.cnttagi,<br />

E, atadlger, Aiiiis A. Milllgau,<br />

parentH, and some <strong>of</strong> them brought S, James Thompson, <strong>of</strong> London, Ji OTliiiger nod (.•bildrtm, Mr*. J. J,<br />

,R, S. HOWARD BI'RT,<br />

firasy prices,"<br />

Eug,, who Is a prominent British bar- •.L'.W.Uruwaiitl wife, J<br />

No. "12 Ceulrat Avenue, D<br />

"But: there Is none <strong>of</strong> that nuw, rister, was here yesterday,<br />

Gertrude Gross, Liiile Muuer,<br />


CMRAS CITV, N, J.<br />

thank heaven] Woman has averted Frank Buckmau, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, Is Philadelphia; Irvine K, Maguiti anrj<br />

M WfBley Avenue, O**eaii Clly, N, J,<br />

herself and-—"<br />

enjoying a week** fishing with several wife, Mias Enjily Muguiu, Palmyra;<br />

new to beadi,<br />

Ofllc* lioiirx; Until HII, hi.; £ ta 4 I>i In,, nil J<br />

"No, there's nuiie <strong>of</strong> that now,"<br />

the Point <strong>of</strong><br />

James B, Taylor, Mount Airy;<br />

rants, Tublf lM3nrd«Lipi!!le«J, TeriliB<br />

• IB. •-<br />

lutemipted (he husband. "A man A, g, WooJsion, mm <strong>of</strong> ex Judge H. Hnrris, Caiudeiii Itev, Kin Icy _. lib!?, MRH, S, QAHWUDPi<br />

does not buy his wife lu these days. Woolsiou, and family, <strong>of</strong> Uaiudeii, am Miliati and wife, Ualiimyre; George .<br />

, THDS. H. PISAEOEK,<br />

Now he has to be paid tit take her, 6ud here for the balance <strong>of</strong> the season,<br />


Weiag and larnlly, Mr*. lMiJiip Hard^<br />

A ~ •• > • i<br />

her poor old father bag to wreck bj« Bltoe Cafuline Denny, daughter <strong>of</strong> Ing, Uerinautown.<br />

44J ASBURY AVENUE, |<br />

Ne, 626 WESLEY AVENUE.<br />

bank account to prsvlde the dowry," tilt mayor <strong>of</strong> IudiuDapoljs, In one «f<br />

Moderate TerHIM. Half blnch fromj<br />

lifEAS CITVi S,J,<br />

the attraellve ueweoifleri at this reeorl<br />

ID OISCUHS the Sliiiaiieu, Clrourid, Home CuraforM, Lawu!<br />

Miss Mamie Abbott, <strong>of</strong> May's Land- The Fennaylvaniu Banker^' A^oeia- leuiiiu mid croquet grounds,<br />

Philadelphia Office, 23d idd Nfrb Sli,<br />

A fakir OB the boardwalk yeaterday lUK, Js tLe guest <strong>of</strong> Misg Eoiina Steel (tun is huldiug itsauuunj busiyessmeet- SiilS. & W, K1LLBV.<br />

7 luPii, in,; 1IO3 p. in,; (J U,<br />

S (J, in<br />

afternoon had ft Htock <strong>of</strong> tyeg man, rainier Fourth street and AHbury ing at tile Uiirduii Hotel tfrday in Allan* QCEAS CITV HOUSK,<br />

that would almost rival the ouis kept avenue.<br />

Hi?<strong>City</strong>, The diifieulties <strong>of</strong> the pre«n<br />

m.<br />

by asail Bt<strong>of</strong>ia, It is not kuowu If he Hurry AihbgurHe, <strong>of</strong> Wilmiugtog, flnautlal iltuaiioLi, and the pusgibie<br />

No. 717 Asbury Avenue,<br />


served an appreiiiipeehip to ati oeculigt, whe lit (stopping eu Wesley avenue. means tif avoidluti dittuwtrourt results iu<br />

s. ,i»<br />


butthe faet-ttarhB~dia~cn<br />

h-hUBiiwMi w«rld-iviii-r#t'iive" H<br />

flted.T*HiiiiMtiiI^ralK<br />

husioeas is quJte evident<br />

bay yesterday.<br />

It, H,HuiUuiiniiilL'uBHjm(f,<br />

eoiisideratiou.<br />

i<br />

8 io 10 a. niii 1 to it p, in.; n fa B |;, m<br />

His trade, <strong>of</strong> course, was cmidueted The Misses Jennie aiid IreneBtewart,<br />

iii<strong>of</strong>ip, m.<br />

A,<br />

among the guHIble class <strong>of</strong> peopie, who two flceornplijslied youtig women «f the<br />

be easily talked into making a Quaker Oily, are stoppluf at a Ueutral Real Estate Agents,<br />

puronase. Ai iouii an he wpuld find avenue cbtt&ge.<br />

Sb innocent looking permm gazing at aijHs Mary Foley, a weli-knowu<br />

Car, ith 81. and<br />

and SURaEON,<br />

or ei&mislng his Block he Immediately yeyng lady <strong>of</strong> Treutou, is liere for a N9 721 ASBURV AVENUE,<br />

si, J,<br />

OFFICE: Cor, Cenlri! Afinut uj Etgtiih SUeeL<br />

began to "apout" upon the quality and brief Hlay, Hhe is itappliig with friendg<br />

lint<br />

TLiH huiiRS U drlljilitrully litrilicd on a wide<br />

) TIM- p *, )J,<br />

f.vt'nuisu few fist froiM (liLi tK-euii. At-c<strong>of</strong>ii- !Jflii-e HsUfi): IFHUH I TIJ .'! V, M.<br />

cheapness <strong>of</strong> his glasses, whiyh he on Asbury avenue.<br />

t Tertiis f«i*OUhljk-. : : ) Jiioii (i TIJ d r, «.<br />

fitted upon the now <strong>of</strong> his viciimg.<br />

Properllgi For Sale or Rent, nil tin'ytur,<br />

' "<br />

He kept tUto up<br />

p<br />

until he made a<br />

r<br />

MltSViH<br />

A LHEBf At<br />

le,<br />

and<br />

d<br />

erabbim yesterday with sussis. He<br />

pAKK<br />

when the poor deluded purehuscru caught a large number, which he di-<br />


Atiornty ai<br />

•ub«equently found the glaww were <strong>of</strong> vided among his friends,<br />

OCEAN; UITV, N, J.<br />

«o earthly me to them, they were Frank Anderson, <strong>of</strong> New York, a&. 1J OWELL * ItTKEUlASi<br />

'or, Sixtli Street and Central Aveuye,<br />

•sbamed to acknowledge tnnt they had eompanied James MeNamet, <strong>of</strong> PfaUa.<br />

New JiouiH-. SuW juriilturp,<br />

i(ooiii % Krai Estate nna iAw jiuiitiing<br />

been duped ti attempt tfl reluru theni delphia, to <strong>Ocean</strong> Ulty yestirdsy,where<br />


to the a windier.<br />

they will remain a week.<br />

ljuiidiog, Hoam s,<br />

j, it.<br />

Colonel Banjuei GpodrnaB, <strong>of</strong> Uhe«t=<br />

tE«o-Ine K1IU<br />

nut Hill, who represents one <strong>of</strong> the OCEAN CITV.N.J,<br />

\\7 iIEBE Til<br />

Jn nffle, towns in Maryland the<br />

y<br />

suburban wards <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia hi city<br />

Councils!, is si*iiding a few days here,<br />

I-AkE,<br />


use ker<strong>of</strong>ilne efleetiveiy in Kitting rid<br />

Wniiam H, Stevens, <strong>of</strong> Woodbyry, T AKE BHOII,<br />

«f uaqultoea. "fiomg citiiQii*," aaya<br />

Thirteenth Street and Centra] Avenue,<br />

andailBa HatUe Siewart, <strong>of</strong> Camdeu,<br />

a meldenti "haa expertise!!ted with<br />

Heal Estate<br />

Ifesl tmitiiitnt, Airypiirclieji, NO<br />

are an entertaliilng youug couple, who<br />

tlon la tlte View, Hnnltiifvdrnlnii6B.<br />

eetlall as a remedy and wire iurprised<br />

ilhi iALIitfHKI<br />

are sojourniug at a Central avenue<br />

at iheeflectlvenew <strong>of</strong> the liquid, The<br />

Sollcllor, Mister In Chu«flFf; Ngilff Public,<br />

ceitage.<br />

attention <strong>of</strong> the authorities was called<br />

Judge A, H, Williams, <strong>of</strong> St. Loiila,<br />

- !• e»PE MAY eeuHT Hsuas, w, *<br />

to the matter, aad after a ferlea ortesia Mo., ran over fromAUanUu <strong>City</strong> yesi<br />

the people were givey <strong>of</strong>llefal notige terday to see what this pjace looked<br />

ighted tlirgugiiDut wlilt Kkrlrkity,<br />

that eyerjbody ahoula pour a litile like. He expressed himself m de-<br />


coal oil In rain barrels, stagnant pookt lighted with H,<br />

;<br />

aod wherever water had collected/ No<br />

, AT DVflCK,<br />

Mira Fannie Parker, a<br />

Real;Estate and Law iui(d)n{r.<br />

Contractors and Builders.<br />



<strong>Ocean</strong> Oity* N, j*<br />

sism-<br />

nnd<br />


en<br />

Practical Carpenter and Builder<br />

ien Aihan mm, Oew ciir, I,J.<br />

h. iJnii.iinjni ciwud by enntrwlorduy,<br />

Jobbine Promptly Attended te.<br />

d It wag very low tide and the<br />

eame dowu, this tnorniug for a day's<br />

were pedaling ajosg the beach<br />

pleasure, Mr. Grace haa spent flfteea<br />

^qqaidenhle distance from the board=<br />

suinmers at <strong>Ocean</strong> CHy and greatly re=<br />

which was very deceiving.<br />

grets his Inability to be hen eootinuously<br />

this seasun, '<br />

cote <strong>of</strong>tbe clouica<br />

Miss Linda M*y Peacock; daughter<br />

The woman whs leally huoeeeds in <strong>of</strong> pr, Thornaj Peacock, uf VVealey<br />

always looking trim m&<br />

avenue, arrived today for a two week*<br />

the flhore, U she who thinks<br />

It all atifully out beforehand, In her<br />

trunk will be pscktd away u Iron and<br />

;a aaall oil stove mdy for use. When*<br />

ever the damp sea winds chowe to<br />

nt^lige amoog her pretty things thak<br />

• match for them. The amnggmeni<br />

<strong>of</strong> even the w&f hat <strong>of</strong> Bnoaawr botela<br />

|»ad?en»to the keeplsg nice <strong>of</strong> the<br />

gtBHiBjay WlfdKb& - * "<br />

MQHET TO t t —tseOQ, , fn BQIQS Q to<br />

au|% oQ Impntred Aibnry, Aib CCentrai t ior<br />

Wsue? avennd prowny,<br />

R, Gumn EOHSgoir, Agent.<br />

1<br />

fls»i Estate, Ksrigagei ittd JnturaBie,<br />

i|tnef<br />

f B«a», KOUIIT Pabii*,<br />

WA¥ COURT HQUIt, N, J.<br />

t,<br />

stay, AJIHS Peacock Is a promlfient<br />

vocalist <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia and la the<br />

leading contralto in Dr, John B, O<strong>of</strong>f<br />

Pidge'schurch,<br />

A Heal SMate Braver,<br />

.J, a, Buah, the real-atate broker,<br />

U09.83MJ3 Aobury avenue, has eonatanlly<br />

on hand cottageB and bulldl&g<br />

lots to suit purchases. Many <strong>of</strong> thai<br />

properties are very desirable, aa they<br />

are located In tbe choleat part* <strong>of</strong> tta<br />

elty, They should be aeen to be appreelated:<br />

Mr. Buib Is mho eagnged in<br />

theeonveyanctnjrbflij]<br />

v ii lill M? r ^ la Th# rioneer Bakery,<br />

TOO Asburv Avenue, Ooeau <strong>City</strong>, N, J<br />

*nd Fftrm Property at all Frwb BHd, Pm anatiVKeti dully, Thirteen<br />

kind* for Hie, InsUfani-6 Uf any a •iivceuivs wMijnn here, and twenty.thfte<br />

placed lit all paftn or Oape Mfty County Seat*' eiperieoie. HjrtiBlMtle.il—<br />

%hate Inauranw bulflHI« ip«il*Hy,<br />

B, E, Corner Fourth and West,<br />

Pure Milk and Cream<br />

fim Sitam 6e«!j Wu.<br />

m B*rve will neelve probipt<br />

H, A,<br />

KD, 6^ Aibury Avenue,<br />

GM a&d Bteap Filtlog, Tin Ho<strong>of</strong>ing,<br />

B Hester* and Ranges,<br />

1 " •<br />

Urdeni dci(vef«l. Give ua a t-flji.<br />

Q OTDfRg<br />

PLA&TEmiNm.<br />


INQ Ere,<br />

In JIAWON MKE promptly mU<br />

l*adpd »,<br />

iia Aabury Avenue,<br />


Hiivinjt mwtenumerous fmproveiaenu, CONTRACTORS & BWLOERS<br />

IIB Bcamm ts rurnigh sen arriSii<br />

« and Fim, W« gD& y» tbe bat Ko. 053 Asbury Avenue,<br />

GiVeiH&eBlU<br />

FRANK HCHOCK, prs&<br />

1$ Will pay ?ou H^BHUU.<br />

ft CO.,<br />


• uwsamttem, - . , .<br />

Asbury A?^ betwieB 4ih and 5th its.<br />

*hseels lUi trmioa tm&<br />


A^<br />

"I<br />

n Qutiine programme<br />

FOR f HI<br />

SUMMER OF <strong>1896</strong><br />

ATTBl<br />

OCEAN CITY, N. J.<br />

gsnnoni and •darMiw* en ^undtf 1 by til*<br />

follow!uj rttstitiguJihBd pertoni;<br />

JUKE a-BBrffiOii by Bef. H. A, Wh!!S, D. P.,<br />

~ pnreHQr ID WMhlDjtton L« UniTertltT,<br />

n.,pilot-<strong>of</strong> UneniiUI Prea<br />

JULT iit^nioB hf Her. E.Slakcclef, 6f *<br />

"ten, M»H;, fdltor <strong>of</strong> "Blbli Btudj UnlM<br />

JULY b=An HddfrH by Sis, Annabel Morris<br />

Ilelfefs Of Wfsl Plllilon, Hit,, UclUrtr fgr<br />

D,i Vies CiiHBeeflnr el Ibfl American Uni=<br />

AUO0f r i=Ree» b j tfiihop ejrui n, FOB,<br />

"af Phll.dpll.lil*, ps, • , ,<br />

AU«UBT B-B*nnoB b* BilbSil Clifcrltfi II,<br />

Fowler, <strong>of</strong> Buffsla, R, Y, I _, ft<br />

AUnD^T IB—Srrmpii by Be^ As J, Filmar, D,<br />

" 0;, Of NEW York CllS, SUaalonlit i#aref»rr<br />

Of lii«H.B, ehiireh. » _ „<br />

AUHUST !M..8eriiian Bf RPT, J I'. C*rioii, D,<br />

It,, I'l-cubyttrian mlniirtsr af Brsafcly^ H, TC,<br />

The Beaiiide Blblk-al Ausinbiv btgiim JUHP*<br />

uitj rDiiiiimet iintll July 16,_ It I* sfB<br />

•mi liitehliiieiriintsiufuL, ppstitiBnt,<br />

j<strong>of</strong>in k»mB. WHiiiBiloBiD,yj Beerf<br />

j, E= (lilhrrt, WapliinKiDii, D, 0.<br />

Vfliuary V ich»! <strong>of</strong>Melhodi elhodi fqp fqpiyna»F<br />

n! all dPtjamlnaiioni by lh

pi<br />



M*iiSTISUiB.]<br />

Ifoa HI a Uhrlstian at JOML<br />

o chnrehf"<br />

'I go to ehnrch,<br />

to oiiflroh. Hobndy has<br />

church more than I "<br />

fond <strong>of</strong><br />

thorns and its<br />

Iwk orders, it<br />

XOB<br />

teen<br />

Pshapshad bs<br />

quite « nods in thai baton I<br />

haw ban different. It was<br />

W-.«f_ta» that IbS<br />

what I did bcecsnie. When wordi an<br />

repeated by a boy tTery day, and them,<br />

ends <strong>of</strong> iimea, they may became to that<br />

^ ^meto<br />

»f bi waiting a<br />

^ ^ h<br />

2<br />

B<br />

*""*<br />

_ might be singing ao out hem in a ca-<br />

ttiedral—I wui thrown awny, Maggie,"<br />

"¥oa tolil ius ao, certainly,"<br />

"Thea yea gave ma money for 0x»<br />

ford, 'f os led me biwk to tBe eiinrDh, I<br />

found all the old emotions returning to<br />

me jolt aa swily and pleasantly aa \x<<br />

fbm At the university there is floe<br />

...,_ for a fflun like mo, und I<br />

many Mends, '*<br />

Bath Houses.<br />

S FAYllIOM inil CAKliiiN<br />

Cor, Boardwalk and Eighth Street,<br />



i , ;; !<br />

iiini OF<br />

BATIIM,<br />

Iloardwalk and Ninth Ht/eet,<br />

N rirv,s, j.<br />

p. B, CHAMPION;<br />

COAU<br />

. „ «WM BJ, ujj HUB gyeg und pg| a<br />

flue Bplritoal rapture into ay face,<br />

-which made the women sigh and cry.<br />

The light <strong>of</strong> that face, ths sweetness <strong>of</strong><br />

than eye^ they said, was alone snffl.*<br />

eieat to aplif t their hearts and ts fill<br />

than with faith,"<br />

"ft Waa a fatal gift"<br />

"Iif ^ to load me with presents.<br />

The/nsed to get me to their houses,<br />

' and millrn tun ulnir Then ,„„.,*_,= 1_J.__ _<br />

Nothing is dreadfal to me ia u<br />

Want alone is dreadful to urn<br />

ifl neeegaityi desire in my only ,„„,<br />

ifca BID, It yon can, obey some other<br />

law. Every nan is a golitai? unit; he<br />

lives for himself; ho has to get what he<br />

ean for liingf lfs Oh, I could tell yon<br />

if yon care to hear them"—<br />

"Goon,"Bhereplied "SUowinealL 1 '<br />

not" He had become suddenly<br />

Heft Ttoa<br />

it<br />

i<br />

bud<br />

i<br />

»<br />

Y asasrja<br />

eye§ gazjug ^nuk,<br />

light net <strong>of</strong> this world,"<br />

"Howeoujd they? Hew could yonr<br />

mother jit than do it?"<br />

"She was prend <strong>of</strong> it, Sometimes she<br />

thOBf hi it wt-11 to pot in a. won! about<br />

flaying one'* head loraed, fan! it w!Ui iB<br />

» faint hearted way. <strong>On</strong> the whole she<br />

Was psptifi <strong>of</strong> all the flattery, Slignsed<br />

to cane to tho cathedral homelf, and sit<br />

opposite. She nsed to tattle to her ens.<br />

tomeri in tfli shop abo&t hot (saintly<br />

boy, ihe had maUJ <strong>of</strong> his HayjjiRS &<br />

tBlate glie really believed that her son<br />

was a saint, I briio*ed it tea She used<br />

to expect an andiljie ea!i like tliat <strong>of</strong><br />

Samuel She would not have bees in<br />

the least su^rised at the appearance <strong>of</strong><br />

airaeles. Indeed, 1 did think ef trying<br />

eae<strong>of</strong> two, Unfortunately I had not<br />

then so oineh eesruge as i haw asq aired<br />

ihiML OtherwLjS I mighs have rigeit to<br />

found you<br />

"Th«y leave, me from time to time,"<br />

bfl replied lightly, "but atiii'rs eoiufe "<br />

"And sow yon have turned yourself<br />

eut <strong>of</strong> the etaurcii by your uwu mi aud<br />

deed, (i<br />

"I ftffl aoE so sure, I fm?6 iftyer boefl<br />

la quite such u wra/ic Ixfiifo, U is true.<br />

Still, Ban i* foil <strong>of</strong> resottrco. particu-<br />

larly a Man who, ii not-rnoblrit with"<br />

laws forbidding this and fckut. Wo eholl<br />

tmMttggliL" '<br />

RflflMS<br />

nUUlfla TO RENT BY THE<br />


WOOD,<br />


i f KKIt'E A S1* H KHI1JKXC'K,<br />

634 Asbury Avenue,<br />

OCEAN CITY. N, j,<br />

VOL, 1IL OCEAN qiTY? N, J,, SATURDAY, AUGUBT 15, 1806, NO, 42,<br />

C niiil niry KKllll". All MfW<br />

ly llrfll-uliuu!, l s rlvali> Nil It* t-i<br />

JBSfDRTH-lEAfilE<br />

I fan, <strong>On</strong>rionji, it is oaly the mascnliue<br />

j BiiBd whieli delights in rcadinff almut<br />

' wieked men, I BBS, Taguely Kpeakjag<br />

ud withnnt fartlicr AemilH, ihe wicked<br />

man."<br />

"Unfortnnfitelyl kuov? so many <strong>of</strong><br />

the detnilB."<br />

eariyi<br />

, a fatal gift," sajfl tho girL<br />

^ffl'tJL 8 ! ^°L d at like<br />

—- ——. /OffiQVOTo^ a snnByTiaired,<br />

piiaply Uttla wretch with boiliNl flsh<br />

ejfla and snnb noso and fire foot noth-<br />

ing high, would you?' ! ,<br />

"Go on, gs on, Let us flnish, *'<br />

"Here is niy apologia, Ma^ie, I<br />

dm[t think yon gnito nndergtaud the<br />

Bad <strong>of</strong> early life I had Well, yon ate<br />

' it was all ?ery well at home sod in the<br />

eathtdral, bat at school it was different<br />

Ths boys^thoy was a rough, coarse<br />

set who had no sauitliflcsB <strong>of</strong> _HOH1 and<br />

werocapabiodf no ecu rim t—wouldn't<br />

ha« Biy gifts and gtimm at any priee,<br />

They ga?a ins niekuaiac§, I was goapy<br />

Baa, ¥on know that my first name wy<br />

at m%, Mufc'gic." He stood up and giiin<br />

tried to toke her hand, hat »ho tamed<br />

away, "YOB are afraid. ITea know thnt<br />

I am iBtenstiiig ptjll," he luuglir-d nin-<br />

lieaJIf, *' i'ou dare not meet niy fycH,<br />

Well, Magf ie, whatever I am smumi<br />

<strong>of</strong> doing, yon know that my hyari, ia<br />

hem, Nobtsdv knowa the true maii—the<br />

real man=-e*eept yourself."<br />

"Nobody cnuid guisd that «nrh<br />

Baa enim M<br />

"I feineinber, Maggie-*=-he seated<br />

himeelf at the niano, iiiitl, tuanftig his<br />

iflgew lightly O¥t!p the koya m au ac<br />

Compaqimciit to his werdB, i<br />

JflSEtiitfi£JehnbStd<br />

He played silently for about ton min-<br />

nt« Thin hy elosfd tba piaao and got<br />

* *I supposf I inngtj leaye ygn," ha said,<br />

"Von will five Hie nno, kind wqrd bo= ,<br />

fora I go, You will winh Bin good hick,<br />

I shall need all the poiwl luek I can get<br />

if I am to gft back into the ehnrrh. >! i<br />

**0h, Panlp Iciuiuoti ¥ou break Jny<br />

hcait I mugt abandon you. Thin litst !<br />

busiacas is too rin-utlftiL Yoaniuitt nev= j<br />

er eomt! hore any more Go-=goa)idvis- I<br />

[ it—that oths peweu,"<br />

' "Iwrflte a letter to tho vieflr," hi<br />

Said, "I told hi to thut Hoandul.4 arc ftl=<br />

ways eaused by the sprouti party, you<br />

know^tho othc'r ujati^uot tiiu infta<br />

who did the tbing. About Ii if own lit-<br />

NELSON'S<br />

Bath Houses,<br />

[Boirdffiik tM Mfflh<br />

iiiBfh inipnvpil und L-nlufiritl mj'<br />

aiiiJ itiiMU faSorlni; int?-with tliclr<br />

il iltid nilefiUvi! ntipiiitliiiiii uniJ<br />

Electro<br />

R HASH,<br />

ARCHITieT,<br />

Contraelor and Builder*<br />

C ) f Asbufy Avenusp<br />

S*BSt UtHJf U) PojiJ llrtlcii.<br />

l ! lnns, Hi'Frlliciiiliihii nliti Wnrklin- l.irjiw-<br />

Hg* riiFfiirlieil K-Hmiilt'!. jfivfn Oil niiu]jt-u*<br />

l i<br />

W, L8 Miller's Practical<br />

Address,<br />

UuaniN, whiph fnllowed, W»B very<br />

juteWiug. The bbye are well drillL'd<br />

went tlming1rtlre-vBrious=yifn(!ult<br />

wltb, u prouiptuegB and pr&<br />

d<br />


B,<br />


at Bel lev ue Bath<br />

Cnilertjit* 1'trHtiiml<br />

BH, THOMAS H,<br />

Architectj Coutraolor S Bnilder,<br />

OCEAN QITr, N, J,<br />

wdfk<br />

IN EMiBSE.<br />

HBURSI If *. M. TB il,<br />



H, si. KAi.<br />

it I^WIB St SBivel'l WMHdlyTee*<br />

I was the Pipni Warbkr-.B|1 kinds <strong>of</strong><br />

BBffieL I was aot happy <strong>of</strong>. solicxiL Then<br />

1 BBnldn'j fight, and they wenldn'i let<br />

nweiy, Eveu the headmaster wouldn't<br />

hare it when I be^a to poi iin any.<br />

thing like the real spiritnal gnze <strong>of</strong> tho<br />

; photograph. Called IBB a uiwcrablo Iit»<br />

tla bypOdrite enca when I was spying a<br />

eollist and began to puts litile cspni.<br />

BOB into my eyes, flhied a book at me,<br />

the Book <strong>of</strong> Common Pt&fet, Aad he a<br />

clergyman I No, I wan not happy at<br />

Bchool." hs added thongbtfuilr. "It<br />

^"J^F 6 thft * $& $*& «** hapmned,"<br />

"What was ihatf" D^iite her wrath<br />

^t eould aot chsase hut listen, ^giiipg,<br />

be bad nerer before tills revealed him-<br />

ath! so coniplctojy.<br />

- "Soinethujg aboat money, 1 * he re-<br />

plied, with a weary iigh, "Itisafwayg<br />

aboatnion^y. We ean't get alqngwith=<br />

out asaey, yit they make so maeh fosa<br />

about hilpiag yourself. This fass wtf<br />

m^- about three or four ponnds, I found<br />

tbtm oo the aeateiBhvlf in one <strong>of</strong> the<br />

n«teH ! »enii Of eoursB I didn'* ask<br />

U ii Bolba^d to iiybodj. Yea pick a<br />

blackberry on th8 hedgf and yon don't<br />

uk whose blackberry it is, ThBrewas<br />

a maldBervant who saw iae. Of ronse<br />

in Mil defense I aaid that I saw hif<br />

tate the money. They, sdanshed mi and<br />

they found the coins in niy pookeb Ss<br />

Iwase^elled, aiid all the boys cams<br />

oat te cheer when Holy Jo@ left the<br />

doom Of coane at home I BEBek to the<br />

•tory abo&t the housemaid. And tho<br />

ladia all beHoTed it'»•'<br />

"Oh, what g stsri it iii"<br />

1 "& I left home and went to London,<br />

1^ -mm was coBitng back now in the<br />

Shape <strong>of</strong> a tenor. And 1 began te sing<br />

asset, under another name, and made<br />

yam seqnaintaaee, Maggie,» He teied<br />

to tflko her haaa, bnt she drew it away,<br />

"Mads font aequaintsuce. Miga ""<br />

hflj^eatod. "It was tht happiest<br />

tttaylift Jon fill ln IOTO with<br />

Md I With yoa on the fl«t day "<br />

"f oa with ne? TOB in Js« with<br />

— I remember i<br />

Ike day aud place where I ijr-M<br />

yon about myself,' 1<br />

"It was the first day we met "<br />

"WnsitBe soou? Very likely, j aU<br />

ijs begin with girls by tttlkiug aiaat<br />

teyielf. They like it," i<br />

His fiugura rstnbled about the kefs.<br />

As tho girl leaned her head sadiy en<br />

her haua and gnsed into* the fire, while<br />

the muaie fell npon her ears, HLO saw a<br />

Tision=it took only a niiaute <strong>of</strong> two<br />

bat it ceverud fl¥o yeaw. She saw this<br />

ffliffl, yoaagand beautiful m a dreani<br />

Biore ethereul than any laiaTcl or niira' =<br />

ele in art, whose ayes were like shaded<br />

fountains in whose wate^ luj life for<br />

Ihe SQBJ, whose vui^ was s<strong>of</strong>t with the :<br />

BinsiB. ef hiirt'euly harmduies, wJifHu '<br />

heart was fillud wish faitli, who prayed '<br />

tat nothing bnt to be in the charch ul-" i<br />

KS * B1 " thf dinreh^ulwaysin tliu surv- !<br />

'lunii Hfld Nngi'iii ittlcipi. fiirnl«lied,<br />



Toe QCian CMy Camp Miitinr AssKlatlon<br />

Present the Boyi With a Handsome<br />

SlItFiif-'tait IreHlflg's pr<strong>of</strong>rainne j<br />

<strong>of</strong> Vniiiuai bxeillenee~Th§ tonven*<br />

(IDS Adjourns, •,'<br />


T?'v!Qorulngeserelfw« <strong>of</strong>the Kpwortti<br />

Lp'fue coiivfuttiitt flosfd ytHlurduy<br />

with an addriws on "The BuiiiEfcwstf<br />

(he ChHptef" by lltv, W, L, Milier, «f<br />

le, Mt, Miller U ou eii'<br />

: worker and u Biipeesslul buHi-<br />

itmn, aud diHCUH-xpd the topic<br />

bill! fntlil a pfut'llcul<br />

A a r >i I A il<br />

„. HiOli .,-„_,„„<br />

J!«iufl tar lii'flllh unij<br />

— ..,f ..i-kitnitiiwii'BO it ivotild<br />

t« Ur-eil.ftiF All visitors und r^r-onif<br />

roilliflK HIIUIKMI ta^e laaiiesHal.j<br />

t«p.v Bobdtlii.ii, iu nliii ef Hny kliiU j<br />

will brciai jitiilnriii iind Hlinllitf j<br />

Alt piu-ti phiiis nhuuld |<br />

the Bi?wpr, iPeenn i<br />

| Tiiuradi<br />

7 *>ldiiy<br />

B Hiiturdiij-<br />

HHunduy<br />

H<br />

ID -<br />

II<br />

|<br />

\ tie grie?aBCe-=that little £80 job—I (old<br />

i him I was ready to scud iilui the tunaey,<br />

JI got it, in filet, froin ait old frioud-=<br />

' one <strong>of</strong> the frieadg who threw HJB ovrr,<br />

| ypa knew, I snid I WHS very Hor^j* it<br />

| had happened, but I \viiiit**d tJiijuiiinny,<br />

and tisat bui'tig m, why, I wrotu this,<br />

I not knowing thnt you had mettled rim<br />

' basinugg. do I snpposu thut i« dDnu<br />

with. As for the other liijitter"*—<br />

"Ifps"—her uiit^k flauiBd—"iiiQOth»<br />

. iii«<br />

r j UfetreraKi! IIIIR it. BifL'tmnni Km'<br />

vlty i!fa|nu*f uf ov*r iB-eny- feel<br />

fjHl IS il mite imiii liiPiiceiln front<br />

to the liHilii i>liii!ilii'l on tiif<br />

UIUN KlvingUN Uiu<br />

II (lit* KeW JMWJf<br />

NHttirrlnV<br />

mutiny-<br />

J 4.1<br />

•I M\<br />

1, ne, and thcrewM left, instead, aerea-<br />

tnrB te whoBi Bin and crime aud shame<br />

were words uiiduothiiig bnt words, jnst •<br />

M rightebBsttfas and faith were also<br />

wonli and nothiag bat words.<br />

She saw him in the ¥isisn, a satyr, a<br />

Caliban, a mocking spirit, a spirt* nsi<br />

inereduleas, hat inospiiMe <strong>of</strong> belief in<br />

higher things. Yet she saw herself foi-<br />

lowing him, tied to him, eoustraiued to<br />

no with him, always trying to awaken<br />

bis conscience, always baffled "<br />

beaten back,<br />

11 Yea eaauot iay, Maggie,'' the man<br />

_..at en, ptUl at the piano, "that I told<br />

ron «iything but the troth, Itisi<br />

*— a comfort ta BS to think that *<br />

some one who will hear the truth<br />

fromm& M<br />

i told me that yea .,„„___<br />

t yomr faear£~-yoar whole heart—<br />

tho •ehuKh and JOB were kept<br />

t Ton said that if yoa cgnld not<br />

* church u H priest you<br />

if<br />

> The ctlebrafed iuterrogfltipii <strong>of</strong> tho<br />

< laered writer, "Cm ths Ethiopian<br />

! change his nkin?" ean be trntiifgilj- an-<br />

• Bwercd iu the DfflrraatiTe—Uiat in, if<br />

I present prospecta and receJituccoiijpJiith-<br />

i mmtn are a criterion to whiit njay be<br />

i expected in the near fsiore, Sarem]<br />

! yean ago, ia iauo or IIUJ, ouo Dr, John<br />

I Edge <strong>of</strong> Beading, Pt, experimented in '<br />

! skin gfaf lisg sejenea, nsiag putohm <strong>of</strong><br />

a negro's black gkia to cover au agly<br />

wooud ou a white man's leg. The ebon<br />

hued patches "set*; all right and wen '<br />

loon adhering as flrnilyas the adjoining :<br />

epiderajs, hut it was not niuny days be- j<br />

fore they b^an to;fade, and bj the time!<br />

the wonijd was eoajpletely healml werB<br />

at white aa ihe caiicje whiuh the iajarp .<br />

had mmarsd from that perl ieti ot •<br />

i, in<br />

Hi<br />

S ,:!^ q. El,<br />

iM in." iii<br />

'• >M p. in<br />

t,f,li>|i. in<br />

- > i" |» tn<br />

i lO bf 1 III) f'ltil iif ' " ' . ' _<br />

liiS IJiiliiietJimugliiiUl tiicraUntFy. BlEnr., 'JM», Hi,,<br />

limvine Tram iiPtt-stiiiii weili! qvcp] Eijircgai kiBiji, in^ '•<br />

miiinM <strong>of</strong> the "UI*!IB CUy Wiiitr I "l 1 "^.S'«p. *'_"nti^<br />

wnwr, never ililfsi, ht-ver \m wltii« | . ****<br />

nut w,u«r |.ut um the r'»'nw^;it*7r!l!.'.-ft.l«S.*ff: <<br />

jflt-Hl liiiii i>tii>Hpi-iit Wiitep 1 Ktoar,, 5 4u[i. HI.,<br />

Knr ftiFihi'F [Hirfliiliura: E»Mf*W, BlSii. hu'<br />

if, T,UiiS m, rirriTrJi (K-ffisii'iry, p,>iSii fit<br />

Wl, »aj».iii,, " •• IhUOiiii<br />

h .jh, S.lu and h m fu tii, *f-*k=itsyr!, SBH-<br />

, 8,&f 8, B! Il*Ilirnir^ IrNvp (JA<br />

i «!W HO Si Bt-.'SLM —"• •»'•.. |,|<br />

!<br />

, liB ' t 3<br />

p* -Mi I fa.<br />

UM p,<br />

y mU Wflfl<br />

B to ihe soieiitiiy, who had tg<br />

thai date, oontended that nigro tfcig<br />

wfiere?fr transplaated, wonja retain iu<br />

Ofiginal «Jo*, ,<br />

An eenlai dfoioiiBtritioB'thnt theeol-<br />

(ffing matter in the Begro'i oatiolsi was<br />

<strong>On</strong>e or Hit<br />

iint<br />

to<br />

ftp<br />

til llilH fcr«!ii'ii. Why<br />

iii KHP, wiiieiiiif*<br />

IwiiiiiiBtiie, wiien<br />

--mrni.ln.-ant very :<br />

»i, i, ... -." i<br />

d«* SUBJays, Mi p, m,<br />

F V<br />


d^ididionl ^<br />

"Foil Candid! FOB lay bare to ae a<br />

Mi feu call ft asare aBdeandid sonllf*<br />

w ^ *pP«m Anything bat thai*<br />

l^rete/.foa mistake, A-toUtay,' Bat-<br />

ttBttMgd, feea barni eoomoa prejudice,<br />

'7097 •. aeddleseme csa^<br />

U<br />

They a»* part <strong>of</strong> B&»<br />

the keya again to<br />

w e f t f i<br />

partqfaaafi^ Jwlah<br />

a Rgman Qithoiie, fhs<br />

gMffioithlii<br />

| ion as to tuu euase <strong>of</strong> differenee in sbjoi<br />

; in tl)B different races and ma ken seme el<br />

; fte Htafetnentt in the medical uud jnrgj-<br />

, eal textbooks sonyd semewbat strwsge,<br />

I Sal the discovery was one ot vnlgo |fi<br />

seienb, e\eu if it did disprove aa mash<br />

aa it prbred, Lately a TM. vena skin<br />

grafting ajparlment his been made in<br />

Berlui on a negro who had his faoe and<br />

aeok badjyBcaJdod. Six square inches ol<br />

white stiii IJUSB been trausplaatoaV and<br />

thejiegro nyw hag unohalf ef hitfsea<br />

white sud the urher blank. Timmtgtaat<br />

ittsbarge deqlsfed that if the patiflnt<br />

will iBbmit they will gite him a whole<br />

faee ai whits as that <strong>of</strong> anf ~<br />

Biajdefl.»=Bt, Loafs Republic,<br />

In iiuy piirf nf Use pjty, I<br />

fiilii KiiHr»nt(x jiiiHuliilt. Biiiljifii" '<br />

Hfiii, Tlii> hii-niMlHifeni llHi.tH wlii ;<br />

Some <strong>of</strong> the seffind floor dweihjri at<br />

nintifit fiijoy ndvoiifagps <strong>of</strong> which tha<br />

dnpantH <strong>of</strong> thi s flrat flmjns art dfpriwd,<br />

In nuiiy partfl <strong>of</strong> that dimriot the<br />

dwelling houwi* am htdli gttjquisg,<br />

Bomu <strong>of</strong> tlii>m/ bonscii ure eweted after<br />

die cheufwKtpliusH jvjusibli*, auit in manj<br />

the Mwiifra ivftuB to bear the<br />

qnsi <strong>of</strong> having hills behind them<br />

cot down, • . • ='•<br />

By tJila f«Et flir qeenpnats <strong>of</strong> the tsi<br />

floor an rii'iJrivvd <strong>of</strong> yard ftdvontngefl,<br />

whijo thosio on the wt-oud and <strong>of</strong>ten on<br />

the third and fourth Boom have them.<br />

It Ii set as tmctinuijon thing there<br />

for as Qcctipnut <strong>of</strong> the first floor to Mk<br />

the oecBpant <strong>of</strong> the second er UdfiJ,<br />

"Msj I Jiang my t'lotljra in yunr b*ok<br />

far4i"=^riW t(tfi Bifcald<br />

F. B. iflKt, Piesfdenr,<br />

OFFiCEi 6oi Asbury Avenue.<br />

PLAKTr 10(h it, and Wtsi Aveuue,<br />

TO MIREi<br />

TOHlRHf<br />

*Li.NEW, ALLHiW, AUNE<br />

SeveBth Street and ANbury Aveniie,<br />

KKPAfHINO y i i O i<br />

FISHER<br />


OCEAN ejTV, N. J,<br />

Ijinudry Warfc jo all ill l.rtqehw<br />

CJMIB Utigfl, PrtHpt Delive^,<br />


708 .Asbury Avenue,<br />

, OCEAN enr, K. J<br />

worfetJonpiipByhMi<br />

aitd Ihe chairmen ahoutti<br />

Hfter their own departmeiits. Prompt<br />

iiesH is iieceBsary, WUeu a tiiue 1H<br />

Used for a meeting begin ou time, if<br />

fight o'uloek Lit the hour, doii't waii<br />

until tenor Iwenty nilnuteit piuit'Uiut<br />

hfiur before you coniineiice,<br />

- Cabinet meetlugH Hlioitld be held fre<br />

queiilly, ss iiittt eauh olHuer tan<br />

iiis wnrk, aiid also flir the purpoim <strong>of</strong><br />

|i|atiiilug nietbods <strong>of</strong> !<br />

the object <strong>of</strong> the league, to be<br />

ted to tho next business meeting <strong>of</strong> the<br />

chapter, - ' • . . . ' . ,<br />

Enibusiaim Is e=sentiiil to feuect *«,<br />

Nothing can ue doai without it. The<br />

r worker is the «ue who HUU-<br />

uud the people must be iiu»<br />

i with our earnestness.<br />

Urn plenty <strong>of</strong> printer's ink, Adver-<br />

'iking pays in church work as weilus<br />

in iseiilar busiiiesit* l*ut a nsaily-<br />

fniiiied advcriievaicut <strong>of</strong><br />

in tbe post-oiilue, tliB railroad<br />

and In ii>e iioteii, AdvcrllHe hi ll«<br />

newspaper, and send printed invlta<br />

thiiw to Htraligers wliy are in the tuwu<br />

met feuudai*. Talk tip the preauliers'<br />

HermuiiH, aiid invite (he people to c»uie<br />

aud hear tbem, a.iudy iiover methods<br />

nf attractiitg the aUeutloii «f the pub.<br />

He to what you are doing. There i« a<br />

can be uti-<br />

, to b«<br />

fyiirttenq.-f.tJiWiiE etfet<br />

A. U. im, enlltiKi »,\u fipdinni»«<br />

to ii«* liiTaB <strong>City</strong> iiHiiroud isuiii'<br />

<strong>of</strong> fiiivi-u BVfiniii', from Hfly-iilntli<br />

kw rimr-iiwt, in'oc«in Qfty, &* ^<br />

Hev,doi»miiiiinil,VUUi Ihiit you i-i'rtify imtl<br />

Whll Mi our JilHtlsW.il <strong>of</strong> our HHiiroliiB t-Oiirl, at<br />

thiiigit toueliintf niid concuriiltiK thu ,MMi, n»<br />

flly uiid BBtir&y itf it reiiiUlnH teftWW yon,<br />

..f writ, that WB IHiiy<br />

h<br />

pole near the<br />

shattered it.<br />

aupporrs the<br />

fruni Its fBEtcuIUKH, caUHiiig the latter<br />

Wire tii sag down, making it Impossible<br />

fur the cam to run Hie whole length <strong>of</strong><br />

their route.<br />

Travel, however; wa« not Impedid,<br />

for two (if the caw which were laying<br />

at tbe steafflutiat pigf were used to<br />

lruti«fer paHueugerH from the caiH from<br />

thesoiithtru aye [Ion <strong>of</strong> tliecliy to the<br />

poiiit where the lightning did the<br />

duiimge. BiectrlulBii Kalbnch was<br />

upon the Hceile with several<br />

Biid after two hours labor<br />

bud the wire repaired HO that all the<br />

cntB (jiiu|d run ihrough to the pier.<br />

The liuuge No, 10 Ueniral avenue was<br />

ilso struck b,v two biilis <strong>of</strong> lighliiing.<br />

The cottage JN occupied by It, M,<br />

'Vliit-lujidi S. H. ThoinpHou, <strong>of</strong><br />

i'aniden, liuv, Peiiiiington tJoFSiin, <strong>of</strong><br />

W 1.. Miller, <strong>of</strong> Mer-<br />

llev, B, J, Kulp, <strong>of</strong> Pen*<br />

uud liBV. J. .Morgau Head, <strong>of</strong><br />

ihirlitigluii, Tti

Mai<br />


By BBL&HT,<br />

•••<br />

"It will settle itself,"<br />

"When I w» a bor. they run<br />

and kitted me.<br />

after mo<br />

Haggle, they have done<br />

it wws iinee, They aave been afto me<br />

Tliey work slipper* sad<br />

Tfaeygfrre<br />

b i<br />

fnr<br />

Ith<br />

Ob, then won't be atiy Kandal!<br />

flnlja thoasaud piHa that the<br />

cane oat jast when it did. However, I<br />

don't dapair, Rupe&tanoo-cipen rapeM-<br />

anoe-^BlwQja wins the daj. YOB heard,<br />

pa-bap* <strong>of</strong> the way in which I l<strong>of</strong>t the<br />

eithedtsl Perhapg yea saw it, I mud<br />

it Is the papers—that jt was nfoll j flue<br />

sod tstmhed all hmsta,'"<br />

"Ob, if joa had a heart to ha toiel><br />

Ml? '—<br />

'•ioace had a heart, but it U now<br />

jcnn Maggie, YOB bave had H for five<br />

since yem were u<br />

Innocent, open eyed<br />

fii» kept her f«a averted, bat she<br />

bJusfled, and HJIO dropped her hand. The<br />

»f| mniio <strong>of</strong> his voice touched her mill<br />

sad a* much m over,<br />

"Stand opt Staad op, I ujjy He<br />

ipoka in a Yoiee <strong>of</strong> command. She obey-<br />

ed and Btood beside him, "Givo mo<br />

yooEhani" Again she obeyed, "Leek<br />

in mj- ism,", She raised her eyes. She<br />

wu eonquored, He stoopod and kissed<br />

herlipe. Hii syeiwefB full <strong>of</strong> love,<br />

Wa« it real, or wu it simuliited? Then<br />

hs langhed, the laagh <strong>of</strong> one who<br />

"Witd I " h jd<br />

p!«td deeply any<br />

Sailed them srora->wakb"ba might<br />

have oomtnitted. He hinted tbntssps-<br />

gardg money he cqnJd net nndoratand<br />

that any tsmt bad hem dona, ^1 aere-<br />

I j borrowed ef yea, at frem OOF oca-<br />

men chent, sertaiii fflBaeyi wAared for*<br />

pariah pntpoeei I forgot to tell you af<br />

it What crime have I eomnittedf As<br />

regards the ether incident, ycmth might<br />

be pleaded an excuse, Bat 1 plead none.<br />

I am deeply penitent, I can say no<br />

tnore. ilaaatime I nave been msgEseed<br />

by being iartud away fretfl. the bishop<br />

at the last tiiotnent in the fflee <strong>of</strong> the<br />

sad BOanMd taa rfd MrpetSa sHOrt.<br />

A olub indeed it was^a mart boai<br />

fcl clab. There was a band playing in<br />

one room—a gia^ll'l^nd—playing s<strong>of</strong>tly,<br />

fttaad^difeaaMB^ ;&j^iiBfaf srsltE,<br />

There wire dangers la that roam. The<br />

yoaaf »aa looked on, and his brala<br />

reeled Haste, and fens!ing, nnd wine,<br />

and maidens fair—everythlug wai here!<br />

Then was another ioqm where sapper<br />

tables were laid oat Here there wpe a<br />

bat and a jFonng Jadj: aUp^iag drlnka<br />

Kit' fc wiiitflf dpenhig champagne and<br />

partifl»<strong>of</strong> two or <strong>of</strong> fear or <strong>of</strong> stx taking<br />

I BOW a* jen fin! to writs to the<br />

ep withdrawing the qbarp<strong>of</strong> fraud and<br />

HfteaiBg aa lnnt-h as y<strong>of</strong>lean-4f not<br />

witHdrawing attegettir, which wtoniil<br />

be tlie Bjoro cbaritabla line—the other<br />

s. This OOBD, he will doabtle§i<br />

receive nie at Ms ne*t ordination, get*'<br />

sadly, I winli to return—my character<br />

unstained—to ay past ninong snr &g><br />

loved flork. An j little eoldaosi er*a^<br />

To another room were a pair <strong>of</strong><br />

when they were lifmiig a little<br />

qniet baccarat, and another rooai where<br />

they we» enjoying rather noisily & lit.<br />

tie anp. and linotbtr rooniwhere there<br />

prevailed a deadly' qniet while a few<br />

gentleBta in pairs played ecjirie,<br />

A beautiful little club, so gentl«tuitt=<br />

Jy=the niaaaRgf himself, wbowita tbvn*'<br />

eray sight aud knew fie lii&ee, made<br />

tbli remark—«o complete a little beaten<br />

lath Houses.<br />

Cor, Boardwalk and ragtitb Stm-h<br />



F. B. CHAMPION,<br />

^ if BALER<br />

ICE, COAU,<br />

HIT iH<br />

WOOD,<br />

ALL tlNSf Ml £Ut TO<br />

ASP<br />

Buafdwaik aud Ninth Btn*t,<br />

('1TV, N, J.<br />


trlUlly fl<br />

eared ior.<br />

TO R<br />

WfEK<br />

nnd iilry rimniii,<br />

flnit-4-iiWHh i'rivutf<br />

K C H V l<br />

NTin<br />

OB MUSH,<br />

K.C, BliVl.K,<br />

NELSON'S<br />

634 Asbury Avenue,<br />

OCEAN CITY, N, J,<br />

Contractors and Builders,<br />

House<br />

I Boardwalk and Eigblh Street<br />

F, HAND,<br />


Contractor aud Builder,<br />

Asbury Avenue,<br />

Nest diHif to PCMt Offlr*>,<br />

g , g on who wiiui<br />

"Wiatdo I eare," ho iajd,, "whather<br />

they tnrn moont ornot, provided I hare<br />

mj Maggia't My deap"=tlleM waa s<br />

miJTar in the STprmsiatsI=*"\¥e shdl<br />

oaks m le?elf pair wheu we are<br />

A. week later Paul looked ruefully at<br />

hii purse. Oat <strong>of</strong> the «BS there was<br />

left only m. His holiday, he reflected,<br />

had lasted jnaeb It-aa titiie than he es»<br />

is yea tha ether day, it takes two to<br />

Bake a ecundiiL I shall not be one.<br />

*Pake ©are not to bo tbe other,"<br />

He added H few tugH which ho thought<br />

sight be nsefaL .,<br />

la the letter wbioh lie wrote to the " Money mail be made WffliBOw<br />

ibap be eompiaiiied that a cbrirgo uf two or three wools be would be<br />

<strong>of</strong>gery and fruad had boda njiiile oat <strong>of</strong> ed. Them ?u Blways Maggie, ycl he<br />

perfHitly iniioceBt uiid wiiH aiwaut ihraak ^oia beggiiig <strong>of</strong> btr so soou, Ht*<br />

iKstp tliat, m abort, ia the absoaco <strong>of</strong> did aat want jasr then too oineh tsli <strong>of</strong><br />

the Tiear, be bnd iigaed bit natae In or- csaioieaeg. Ha must jnuke maycr<br />

" get s*= -.--«- ,=„,..— *—i -. 1 •- . . * ;. •*<br />

I 1I«VB iniii'li linprovcd iitid I'liluFKi-ti my<br />

building!!. utnLjhoss fnvorLntxnt^ulllL tbtl<br />

pil ill III mi«i!tlv« H(tit|iij(ihl» and<br />

g<br />

I am<br />

i f f l i a , "Married?<br />

No, sot tost, PunL Mev«ir^aever=iiot<br />

that, Oh, I am degFad^ by<br />

yen to roamin in mj prwenM,<br />

more degraded etiJI by Jcttiug yon<br />

to miel love—yon, a man euch IH ouoe<br />

I thought impossible—eh! Wbat words<br />

MB I^flodf What can I say?''<br />

, Maggie, TOO eau MT the trtith.<br />

fen can iay that JOB loife m& "<br />

f'Sa, 1 loYoyonfts yon should bo,<br />

« Ged meant yea to be, sot what JOB<br />

«& Oa Doa*t iptak to me <strong>of</strong> love<br />

again till the wards—the sacred words<br />

with which yea hafo Bportod—mean<br />

thingi, the inoaniuglero, idle words,<br />

the preiensfg and the HIMUHH. become<br />

nal and living thuigs^tUl yon find<br />

fOiK fool and yaar jodgo, aud perhaps<br />

/oar Jiedecmw, Go, I iay! !l •<br />

He lanshed, caoght her hud, kissed<br />

it, "IsrBwcll, my Maggie," be taid<br />

ltfhUy and left the<br />

der to get stuno money uutessary for<br />

pflfiih'purposqs, not for liiiuself at all.<br />

Aa regunls tlip other niattcrs be abiiwd<br />

MniBulf. He mfced to provg Iiii repeat"<br />

MOB by hufd wbrfc—*tfie huhdest—in n<br />

poor parish—the poorest—among the<br />

worst sinners, himself a Hiouer. And HO<br />

on, • , f<br />

Ths*fearf wJveahegot Uili epiitip, |<br />

toasod it ai-MMa rlie tnblu to his wii'r. i<br />

"An impudent; hypocrite!" his sMrL t! i !<br />

rijall writo-iiiid tell him so," And be<br />

did, . I<br />

The bifhop read the letter with a :<br />

brow <strong>of</strong> eotrugflted iron, j<br />

1 ! Thii iqtfer rcveula a wry nnaunul •<br />

ffiind," ho EJiid to bia ehaplBin, "<strong>On</strong>e |<br />

might wish to have the writer hera us i.<br />

jiOB hospital—wo want a hospiiia <strong>of</strong><br />

crooked and eripplcd minds—and (o!<br />

wotsh the development <strong>of</strong> him. Who j<br />

Chat the Bttuly <strong>of</strong> liinnkiud \<br />

Electro Therapeutics,^,^.<br />


at Bellei tie Oatli Palaee,<br />

L*[s.ier the I'erxoniii Hu[»jrVIHIOM or<br />


Plum,<br />

itijfH ftifiiliiJisil<br />

tlou, H U f<br />

rtiid WuFklfig<br />

ml<br />

jFGbitootDsnQ'a<strong>of</strong>DFiBDilder,<br />

OCEAN N, tf.<br />

TvriiiM<br />

work<br />

I T'lSKFH €1,<br />



mi DOWNWARD WAY.<br />

When Paul foaad himself in tbe<br />

be walked away with a well t&U<br />

look QB his face<br />

There bad<br />

IS a mathematical problem, and that<br />

man bj aa Enigma? Here is a eren-<br />

who eoiflniita i\ eotamoa und elnm-<br />

sy forgery*, Then j§ net th& loagl reusou<br />

for believing that ho feei« the iniB!Iest<br />

ihamo or repentiinee for it Ho shows<br />

thai he hai up iueL feeling. He etoali<br />

and la dptectecl He dossi't feel any<br />

shame, He tliiuka the mntter will be<br />

jnat passed over. Nay, he HOW<br />

that .the inauoy was wmitcfl for<br />

purposes. Ho ia a most<br />

iiftr—a bruzon liar, # « a j wonder<br />

what hii industry lias beeo. It is indeed<br />

an impBdeut letter. A$ for the secoua<br />

part <strong>of</strong> it, the alleged penitence U the<br />

most 'palpable sham, There is no troe<br />

ring oboat it, Write to him in ryply, j tnre,<br />

Tell hiia thiit betaaet eontiiiHo to repeBl<br />

ia order to '' ' ••'<br />

in<br />

CBnwh, at lpaat fer a tlmn, mnst be eon- |<br />

iideled aa out <strong>of</strong> tho qtjnflHoiL j<br />

Kow in tJitso diiyi, bow &&.'& a yoang I<br />

man bard up, orayoaiig wouiiui, uhvuya {<br />

ttf to make meapy? tto wrifea A army<br />

=he always begina by writing a itory, !<br />

Tbeydnng woman who is hiird up do I<br />

eiMtly the same thing. Then he guiidi I<br />

it to an editor and aspects'to have aii<br />

immense check retained immeiilHtely,<br />

Sometimes he improves his chaueua by<br />

telling the editor that hu has * 1 jant<br />

dashed it <strong>of</strong>f," Pan] the deacon tfidUnt<br />

do this. He knew » liiiit! iibuut things.<br />

He knew, for iiiBtiuiee, thai a story itfli-<br />

er Tery, very aeldojii sjirings info exist-'<br />

eiiee at a leap, bat that ho grows, Hu<br />

also knew at tho ostset that as hud mi<br />

power whatever<strong>of</strong> creating the<br />

work <strong>of</strong> imiigtiiutioii. This<br />

iaved iiiiii mneli dienppuintnu-ijE, |1|.<br />

tried a aew aiid an iagmiinuH tilmi- i ft<br />



11 «: M. TS 1 r, m=<br />

NCHUKCHi H, M,<br />

alinger,<br />

KAi,HAl-H,<br />

OFFIOls Renl .<br />

qppu«!le riijlrtwiij dtjHiU<br />

i l'lnnn And Hmn-Itl Mitlong furniuhtd.<br />

wny is oceait <strong>City</strong><br />

IHeallliful<br />

AM HK<br />

(<br />

2nunuuy<br />

a Mondny<br />

i Tuvndny<br />

h Wedfitiidny<br />

« ThUfwlny<br />

7 " J<br />

AH<br />

<strong>On</strong>e <strong>of</strong> ftio HiliiKg inoul t>SB#alidi 1 fi HHtijrtii!j-<br />

for iitiilih aud ( U Huiiijuj'<br />

; TO H irqiild ,}«<br />

1« well for BlivUittoniulid perron« ! j<br />

i<br />

^ dm. I. iu ^thed^l when h. tm \ fSS^SZ iSfiSSK ty I<br />

m© aarfsty stoat his relatienfl with diocese aa a dt-aran, ndr will I testow !<br />

toB girt who reprmehed him eonHnBal. BBOB him tiis os4er pf the prioatliuocL " ,'<br />

^ ^ ^ q t ^ i 11 *? t?* T W ' lt T m instrmfcion \ha chaplain faith.!<br />

wt* all right, inel<strong>of</strong>ed him, Itnak. fally, even pqiloBafc carried sat m f<br />

»ajB taarfttetaiy for a peanilesa adven- that ths yoanfc mua was for a short sima<br />

tarer to feel, that he is actually loved<br />

by* girt <strong>of</strong> iadependeiifi fortaiie, tuid<br />

thii witfiOBt respecs to bis morals or his<br />

principles or hill practice. Ho had no<br />

difllre to Baiij her, Marriagp with pat<br />

•o fiill <strong>of</strong> prejudice, would bo like we«»,<br />

fsg ahiir ihtt6i a tiling which Panl ah \<br />

wsyi regarded Ha the height <strong>of</strong> foolish-1<br />

asm, tat ha eobld still, be tbought, bor»'<br />

row money froa' her. This reflection, !<br />

enrpledwitB a natural bnoyajicT <strong>of</strong> dii«<br />

pctUion, enabled Pa^l to keep ap Uis<br />

eourage sTtn at Ihia dark momeiit,<br />

wbffl the ereniugpaptra had the jjtti,<br />

ipcidsnt in tbeir bilk and nil thewurlc<br />

dOMng aboBl it uiid many Raidy<br />

inventing stor ies<br />

lag tbe eawe <strong>of</strong> that iiioidcuf.<br />

He weal borne to his lodgings,<br />

bad taken two rooms in a first floor<br />

Boaeil square First ho took <strong>of</strong>f<br />

clerioal garb. Crat asd<br />

ii not new, becuBse the tuiug<br />

worked before, but in u more rudimiu-<br />

tary manner,) His method wua l\m \ H?-<br />

weat to the British lunseuiii ? hu liunud<br />

np old magazines, enpecinllj- Anigririiti<br />

laygazinca, <strong>of</strong> 80 years itgo, vthm ilit'y<br />

Hardly ever eamir to tbu ejuutry. He<br />

foaud Btorios thcfn-wlileh, with uvifiy.<br />

little altcrjttiou, luiHwori.t) iiii<br />

perfccHy, BQ copiwl tbum oat,<br />

ing niUQsa mid piac-fa, and<br />

altering the dialuguo. When tho arst j<br />

one was qnita ready, he gent it to the<br />

editor <strong>of</strong> a certain monthly luagasiiiu<br />

with a leftfer. Ho Baid in Uii» ktseri' '"I!<br />

•cadyoa wliiit 1 am tinain 1Ba really<br />

good-story, I have no tiuine in lit^m-<br />

or I uliould inake it bsirgiiiii witii<br />

yon. As it JH, 1 will h't.yciu huve it ut<br />

yoar ordliittiy jirifi', Yoa will do well<br />

torcudif. I do nut iijplqsu stiiiaps for<br />

its retnra, Ix-thintttt youjyill not wtum<br />

it esL-cpt in<br />

Panl<br />

The<br />

to mm to iha iani<br />

iftry coodlHL.ti.UB fllth <strong>of</strong> »ny kind<br />

will breed mjiinrin nnd Bimiliir<br />

AM Biifii )ilm*ii Mimiid<br />

wiiii I'm *swsF. ijcsnn<br />

t'lljf HPIHIHIKP lui^ it jgi-tiaawl UTB<br />

Is TlioHl<br />

•if q%t?p ivcnly fi*i; yi Kriduy<br />

fnii ion iiiiie iriiiii thencfiiB frtmt! 1 ^ I**'"*:<br />

!>!!'<br />

i^SHfl^<br />

4<br />

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"OH! FOR A<br />

HI<br />

SEiHiiUHK H, if.<br />

JUNE s!H. (SHU<br />

i til be tin? pU-uoi<br />

)!!S pubilu Uimiijjliosii tlit rdrmtrj-.<br />

1 Wljy aol Nistj til<br />

A Oicuniia Map.<br />

(?nrvay map <strong>of</strong><br />

108000 hf<br />

(lilt<br />

y i.fjnn«ttiig to tij^<br />

<strong>of</strong> Hie LHHIO cit^ Water<br />

iiiiii never drlnli ii'iiddy<br />

never thirst, never be w I III.<br />

wnt«r but line flu<br />

sirfM,i»,,«;<br />

Expfi-u, y.Kl p, in ,<br />

Eijir., J.gii p, ni!%<br />

, 0,(0 p.. m.,<br />

1'ron Pblladf ||>blB,<br />

in<br />

, ill<br />

ai<br />

, m<br />

Lf!6<br />

few<br />

! AecnmH<br />

g nsd waiHteoa.<br />

«nd sliar he laM aside with «m«thii!g<br />

Uke a gran, " Whea,'' he a«fc^,' •fbali<br />

Iwarthothi?" H<br />

gguu? He thought<br />

<strong>of</strong> ft® »iin% flga» clBd la white and<br />

the BptBfBsd eyefl and the hiuifls folded<br />

.- In pri^ej OE eitended ia exhortutioBi<br />

ui be Bighed a deep and henrtfelt iigk<br />

"MB Tiodlotiv*n, 2,66, i,ffi and 6.SU<br />

RUJIJ.Jp, TOO, 8.C0, V.Wind<br />

J. a, wodo,<br />

ilpfl, BM» ApSDt.<br />

. m,,<br />

, in,<br />

EPOt<br />

km<br />

iaUifi,<br />

_ » • * •<br />

m -TH&<br />


VOL, HI. OCEAN 011% N, J,? MONDAY, AUGUST 17, <strong>1896</strong>, NO. 48.<br />

"Christianity a Failure," Rev,<br />

C. L Pulforth*s Theme,<br />


H wuprtnie motive cutitroi:iug<br />

lives w#TmrnutieM<br />

Houses <strong>of</strong> Worship unusually Well<br />

Hllia at all the Serriees Yesterday*<br />

Be?. A, 1, Hlehardion's Able Sermon<br />

an "The Real Pre§ene| <strong>of</strong> Cbriit With<br />

His Peppli"=Re?, J. P* Speaei at the<br />

Auditorium,<br />

Tin- beautiful wtaUliBr »f<br />

w,,s tikiii aavHiitage <strong>of</strong> by tbts<br />

uus ViMtora ut thiB rtBurt who winded<br />

llieir way b» the vuTtiiuH isiaeeH <strong>of</strong> w<strong>of</strong>»<br />

Mhl|i, lu t'uUBfSjiieiicu uf llieir pryMtnue<br />

til! Hie ehurtili^ hud liirgy (?, !>,, «f H«tbiiko».<br />

pr«ayiied lo large uyiiimgaliul!<br />

Hiid Bvenin^i wbile the<br />

oykwotsl Fitlforlli, «f<br />

«seiidU!?ted- Uiy<br />

Tlie Hiv. Heufy<br />

in 8!, AuicUHiiiie's<br />

hijlic ghuruli, aiitl thii lt«v, Wlltluni<br />

«r=ttnbiuBnit-=ttiBd ufted—tl<br />

The Iluv, W, U,<br />

«• the C»lored MiS'iim,<br />

liieeHfig aitraiiled !ari|e<br />

whu ilalBuyd u* keveral ably<br />

lu fortune-getting, in<br />

gllng after witridly honor mid glory, (<br />

We van t^*t uur ultegliinco to God by j<br />

rule.<br />

t giirlHt'a wiia tlie Bpirit <strong>of</strong><br />

lit individuallNin, Tu Otid'H t«|l<br />

Ubrisl reH|)Hiidedf "U*, I eonis to do<br />

Thy will, O Oiiil.' 1 He never for istie<br />

iiiituiyut deviaifB fniui the fisefl P^n.<br />

to know aiid perfiirni Hie will uf<br />

His Father, Bs* many are caught la<br />

and tiirrted down ty ihe current uf tlie<br />

iiiiiitUiidu, We are tit niuiutalii our<br />

fideliEy to Uod, SIVKII tliougU we Btaud<br />

alone fitr tlie right, truth atid God,<br />

iileNH wjs do this we are uuiie <strong>of</strong> His.<br />

Tilth!, CJhriHi'H wp the spirit <strong>of</strong><br />

pliilanthr*>|iy. Slaiiv liuve<br />

the world's philaii<br />

love tu think <strong>of</strong> them uiid their uoblu<br />

und iiilgiiiy nelilovem«ntf»w «1IB worlds<br />

^need <strong>of</strong> a great Uiiusher; tlieBfiire liave<br />

we the OiiiHt eniiueut <strong>of</strong> all teachers in<br />

the^wau<strong>of</strong> HtaBuii, JBHUB Christ, 1<br />

dfi not present to you the UeMt man In<br />

Ueean Uily aud auk you to take bim as<br />

yuur esampitir, fur if 1 did 1 would<br />

yuly hold up an iaiperfeot eopy, hut I<br />

present to you tbe uublamiBhed UhrlNt,<br />

His ebaracter is tbe ideal one,<br />

A a artlat wanted his sou bf exeel 1Q<br />

hUiuved pr<strong>of</strong>esslen ! he cuiiseqiiently<br />

tuuk him to a uust celebrated piece <strong>of</strong><br />

and told hla to study it, and<br />

I* uitdorSpiritlaw, m uuriuhiaiid<br />

yes, muresu than physical hiiv,<br />

eal Ittww may uhiiuge, yut the laws<br />

governing ; prayer ars unduviatiug in<br />

.on. 1 met a niau whu<br />

ibe d<strong>of</strong>lrine <strong>of</strong> tlie eijiuauy <strong>of</strong><br />

prayer, He said be had JUHI went a<br />

cablegram to a frleiul In : Luudiiii mid<br />

received an answer. I aald I did nut<br />

believe It. Tbeii lie e me red iiltu ail<br />

exphuiuliou uf tlie luwHwf yleytriyity, 1<br />

told him I .knew It wiw all true, and<br />

that a^ uertahtiy UH ihere was the<br />

meatiri'uf iiuniiuimlvatliig'witb his uii-<br />

seen friend so by tUe laws giivermug<br />

prayer 1 eon Id uouiiuuiilLite with thy<br />

iuvlHible Alujigiity Uud, U'e, Spente<br />

ihift thought furilier by an<br />

incident iu the lives t>t two BtudeulH hi<br />

I|H uiiiverslty life.<br />

Hlxtti, ChfiHt's svas the spirit <strong>of</strong> HBQ«<br />

Uhristiauiiy is Imbedded lii<br />

, "God m loved the world<br />

but He gave His only begotten Bon<br />

bat whiiguever believetli on Him<br />

ihoiild iiitt pyrlsb but huye eveflaMtliig<br />

Ife," etu, UhriBt btmame p»or thai we<br />

brough Hl» poverty inbjlil be maiie<br />

'ieh—puverty begluuing at lbs manger<br />

endim at the mm> Ot t,-»urwa we<br />

as did Uiirl«t, but<br />

The tillloukeH<br />

tiiiiy twii rtrlkes, but Umpire Button<br />

Bald It was ihrtMiid good-naiured Jatk<br />

mil rawed but totik hUHtat, He<br />

, however, he onl^ hud one<br />

strike aad a AJUI tip, ,<br />

The visitors faiiBd to Nusire again an.<br />

til the fourth inning. Uoulatuti eaugbt<br />

a fly ffotii Pienuu's but and Harbert<br />

thrown out at first by<br />

are right hands to be cut oil aud right<br />

UhHt l<br />

if be failed ts see iu Ibis<br />

the possessed exeeHeueles, he was lo<br />

repeatedly study the wsirk and he<br />

woyld at last apprebeod tiiein lo nil<br />

their beauties, do if we fall to see lu<br />

Uhftat the matohlesB ebaruis <strong>of</strong> ebarae<br />

Hr ihbtrent In Him, ws are tu iiudy<br />

His lite, teaohlugs, knew Hiai in al<br />

the DiafvelouB eshibltions <strong>of</strong> Ki» per<br />

(telly manifested life, and we will be<br />

capturtd for Gad. My theme li the<br />

ApoBtle's "Test <strong>of</strong> Dlseipleshlp," I<br />

any man have not the spirit <strong>of</strong> Uhriat<br />

ha Is none <strong>of</strong> His,<br />

First, (JhrhH p«H»Sd the spirit q<br />

reibfiuus supriinaey, The Dlvln<br />

FBther called Hlai.cOBiBiHied to Him<br />

a work, indl tbla wort dmrnl Dated Hi<br />

wbole belug, waa the supntme though<br />

<strong>of</strong> Hta'llfe. It moved the bead* bear<br />

aod baud <strong>of</strong> Christ, It wan Hfe glnrj<br />

to pprferaa tbls work. If we have no<br />

The latter then gave Marcus and<br />

their biiseB on balls. Borne' was<br />

struck by L'ouisbin and glveu IIIH ba.He,<br />

niliuglhe three bases again, Martin<br />

then t'aiue to tbeh' rescue aiid hit Ihe<br />

ball hard to right Held; Bending Mar«u-(<br />

andFishyr hsnue, amltbtheii knoeked<br />

U fly tu Morey in centre field and waa<br />

beautifully caught out, The score wm<br />

now b to 0 In favur <strong>of</strong> Weiiuiiaii,<br />

The horns team during their tout In-<br />

niiigs didn't icfire a run. They were<br />

dishi'Urtened, and some <strong>of</strong> them coni-<br />

|)iaiiiid bitterly <strong>of</strong> what"tliey termed<br />

rank d«el»io'na by UniplfeHutton, Tiiey<br />

coiiPUHed MeFetrldge, wbo wasi play»<br />

ing shiirtHttnii, and urged him to pitch<br />

thereitiBiuder<strong>of</strong>tlJBgami, aa the vi«U<br />

tors were making too many ruutt, Jauk<br />

uiiiisented, and when be entered the<br />

i toll f th ftfili<br />

The trio thea diveeted themselves <strong>of</strong><br />

their cldlhing and jumped overbuard<br />

from the boat to enjoy a swim, AU<br />

though Johaneen was a good Hwlmmtr<br />

he guulda't stein UIB slroiig tide that<br />

wu» ruyiilDg at the time and wan<br />

drowned. His two companions wer#<br />

not far away wheu he called for asslsU<br />

ant'e, aud one <strong>of</strong> them went to bis<br />

re«ijue. He also nearly lost hla Ufa in<br />

the current. The third man, however,<br />

reieued him with au oar that he<br />

reached (rum the boat,<br />

Upon learning thut Jolianaeii witf*<br />

dtowned, tbV other two hurriediy<br />

drestivd and rowed to the *harf,<br />

where a large number <strong>of</strong> penoiss, who<br />

had witnessed the drowning, were<br />

gathered. They brought JohanseB's<br />

dotuiiiff ashore with them and ttild<br />

who the unfortunate man was and bow<br />

he l«at his life.<br />

The body was nut recovered, l *Uncle<br />

liUly" says It may never be found, as<br />

the grabs will eat away the stomach,<br />

and then It will be impONiiiule fur it to<br />

fliiBt, .-^ .<br />

Andrew Forbes and_ wifii, and th#<br />

Misses Adelaide and Beatrice Forben,<br />

well-known PbiladeiphlanB, ife io=<br />

jouruhig at The Lftfcyette,<br />

(ieorge Luthtr, <strong>of</strong> Camden, Joined<br />

his wife and ehlldrin en totUEday at<br />

a Central avenue cottage, where they<br />

are domiciled for two weeks,<br />

Wllbitt Appiiby and Howard<br />

Gharleaw<strong>of</strong>th, who are aummerinK at<br />

Olty, have returned to their<br />

y avenue hiime after a two weeks'<br />

to Miliviile.<br />

James SleCcmuell, a member <strong>of</strong> the<br />

editorial "i»0 sf the PhiiadelpliU<br />

Evening Star, arrived In <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

yesterday meming. He visited mtm-<br />

hew <strong>of</strong> bis family, who have been BO-<br />

there<br />

biijE at ibe beginning <strong>of</strong><br />

inning ujB waH greeted wti<br />

The VIBHHM<br />

the ftfili<br />

the fill.<br />

The trial <strong>of</strong> the Little Giant fire ***<br />

iingulsher, which took pluce on Butur=<br />

day evening last. In front <strong>of</strong> the Pal»<br />

fltre Amusernent Uompany's building,<br />

was a very severe one, but tug estln-<br />

eyes lube plucked out, Christ<br />

ua tu iumhBiJrate talent, tiiue and pto-<br />

perty. Here isaplaye where we can<br />

show the spirit uf saerincc. The widow<br />

who duHt ill her two mites had the<br />

spirit uf L'hririt, f»r sue gave her all.<br />

The" man at the soidieri^ cemetery<br />

kiiissiing bealde the grave over which<br />

wan written upon a slab, * ! He died fur<br />

BHW Iii that, iHaij's loyalty a<br />

friendship tbal knew no tmorltlat? too<br />

great. Bu«u should he ours for Ubrist,<br />

\ WRST u, B, (•HUHCH. •<br />

thi Rev. A,U. jtlebardsbn, D




EdHdt and Proprietor,<br />

rubaorl^tlon, * BOe, Par season.<br />

Aa WrtjjemaBtf IB local column», 10 cents<br />

HrUse r» ant lonerlloa sod five eeuu «r<br />

sieiiiiiibtequent ^<br />

n •ppucfitlon.<br />

All matter iBtSBded for publleallon niuit<br />

DSiHelnd before Ion, ni, <strong>of</strong> the day af puiill.<br />

fttred ai e«end-rlMi nailer at the post-<br />

- - :"<br />

MOKJAY, AUGUST IT, 1888,<br />

are Informed that therefure It is service <strong>of</strong> the Redeemer tbaj brushta<br />

j ure. Where, It was asked, it It esld<br />

! aside the obstacles lie may mfjatinter<br />

thej ihill cease? Christ det-lared, In tbe roadway <strong>of</strong> duty.<br />

I came not to send peace, but a sword, As did the aalata, so also we must<br />

j Again, it la maintained that because later. The myrtle wreath <strong>of</strong> vietary,<br />

' I he majority do uot obstfre It or the aroma <strong>of</strong> ianetlty, is not worn lu<br />

therefore It ii a failure, Ubrlgt §aM, ease or [usury, or by<br />

"Many are the eslled, but few the iBfieuce, but by the<br />

Chosen."<br />

spirit that to^ay'a ejiUUe<br />

was,<br />

pf<br />

i, lu hiiuliy<br />

tlitiaejurrows did<br />

In UHSedayB <strong>of</strong> idfrjlifls akiptl<br />

J Ood in eturro as well as In Buaihine, I<br />

'- * ioctaltom and<br />

«u«ndea to.<br />

deniouBtratea to tbe outside world tliat'<br />

, when aJl the powers <strong>of</strong><br />

K iiiitn * uaa'<br />

bis cljurch can give him not merejy a<br />

to he nunihalliiii all<br />

AJiE<br />

etrtoia kind <strong>of</strong> knowledge, but ma<br />

AJiE TBB=—<br />

tlwlr forea tot the final onslaught, wefurnish<br />

him with convictions, Having<br />

•» told CbrtstUnUy It m ftUure, Tbl* the laws <strong>of</strong> the church or« and above.<br />

ii no new dedantioni yet many be^<br />

oifocEAswti,<br />

us and not framing cur own Individual!<br />

Window<br />

lte¥e It* but there w EO cause for alum we art thus removed from the<br />

Whit us HBt <strong>of</strong> the reasons alleged<br />

danger <strong>of</strong> selHuduliens and. love <strong>of</strong> i=-<br />

why €bri*luuiity i«. toilure? We ui<br />

mm, whleh lifeely would follow if mt) H. **.<br />

Mid that 1800 yeui hive eUpsed since<br />

111 inspttOB, ud still the world IB the<br />

ifeodre &HHOI& bypaslons.<br />

Wl<br />

JO4B-SO Asbury AvSnus.<br />

heart formed jta awn precepts. He, PRACTICAL WORKMEN,<br />

Hotels and Boarding Houses, j Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Cards,<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> Oifcv, N,<br />

Saw Open fcr reception<br />

Sedern lflifira¥#llH>ltfil,<br />

WBIffl<br />

For ttPBiH, tie,.<br />

UOLINR,<br />

Central<br />

eiT¥. N,<br />

M, A. UOYLE.!<br />

H 1 *'.<br />

i J. *<br />

, M. B,t<br />

Resident Phygiuian,<br />

Idle Of PiilUtdelphja, Pa,,<br />

so. *•? wBii,«y,<br />

DA via,<br />

068<br />

OCEAN CITY. H, J.<br />

D,.<br />

Avenii©r<br />

r .Mnnilng. until ip e'<br />

• OFFICK llouHjjU<br />

Afternoon, 1 to K ><br />

m<br />

n Outline Programme<br />

FOB THI<br />

SUMMER OP <strong>1896</strong><br />

AT THE<br />

OCEAN N.J.<br />

,-. fttid adar?** en K upidava by file<br />

fiillowlng dJRltnsuhhed perHfm<br />

JUNE ffl-germnii hf Rf*. fl, A. Wiiji*, p. P,,<br />

in WsgbjngluB LH Unifenllf,<br />

^ a. pink.<br />

p^gff\f nf Grain!<br />

PH.<br />

JULY ly-BWiflHB fix Ref, E, BlakMlff, <strong>of</strong> Bnii.<br />

tiih, MBH,, filjinf <strong>of</strong> -'Dibit Study Uolon "<br />

JU LY IP—An Ansiliir-s" Bitiip'S" by ' nii niiAntishpl<br />

MBrHi;<br />

fey, <strong>of</strong> Virii VirH FiiiRtoii, piiiglg FB., iMlyrfF for j<br />

S, JIUiiLEY, Propriet<strong>of</strong>, ( R l ftil*r H<br />

wisdom," He refuted the idea when<br />


He said, »If any wllla to do the will <strong>of</strong> was a large gathering nt the<br />

TjR, GHAttLEB C RAITH,<br />

niwtjiig bclrt liist evening, Tbe Comer Sixth and Anbury Avenite,<br />

presence produced a pr<strong>of</strong>ound trine,"<br />

ITIST.<br />

impression on fall mlbd, which liecepUoii, it win (mid, depends (in a Ujirtine, Addresses «ere made by the<br />

CITV,<br />

after nade Christ's practice a resllij higher fiiuully. Faith originating in Rev, John E, Greur, <strong>of</strong> (Jgnfretua, N,<br />

to b)m, The f #xta selected are faaiillar, the bean and not in the niiud, J.r Rev, Dr, A. li, RiuhardBou, <strong>of</strong> Hy.<br />

bu| u«t generally appreciated. We slug Sonie reaauui why Uhrlsijauity h not and the litv, J, A, Lippliicott,<br />

"Pftjsent we kuowThuuart," bul de wea<br />

Adjure sea given as shown by ltopantor<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Nlnieenth Btreet M. M<br />

beliive It? These ierlptiins referriug<br />

iU luflueuw and itnUbureli,<br />

Philadelphia, The pinging<br />

to Uhflit were spokeo by Him and <strong>of</strong> staiidlug throughout tlie world, by Edn-urd FIiiod,(if thsQufiker<br />

Hiai tbe Jangusge gge js j plaia paia aud dlreel dlreeli Any failure was not owing i» defects <strong>City</strong>, , •<br />

no questloBlng, tll noequtvocatkm. Uhrfat Is tbe eysteai, but iu the practical ap. TliK HAiTIST SKBVIPia,<br />

Is tbe "I am" <strong>of</strong> the new djap#iiBatiuti, plicatiuu, by the devotees <strong>of</strong> its* due*<br />

Wii=!<br />

Then Is a tend«iicy to think <strong>of</strong> Christ<br />

refusing to accept whole<br />

u baying returned to heavtiu, thcnfurir Ubrist,<br />

separated mm us. We reaa <strong>of</strong> His<br />

death, gad thtuk <strong>of</strong> It as the tJuse <strong>of</strong><br />

HIB f«at work. We r^Juice in M|a resureetluiii<br />

and follow Him unlit from<br />

Olivet He rises. True, the uugela tell<br />

us He is eomlng ajmin, but we §yy<br />

"Hl<br />

Th# theory that thi goo <strong>of</strong> God<br />

ifi this world Is harmful,<br />

unBcriptural, He is In our midst, Me<br />

Is always with u§. in the Godhead<br />

there Is a unity <strong>of</strong> nature and a trinity<br />

<strong>of</strong> rektiorji, Obe Gud, three persons,<br />

Inseparable and undivided, V\<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Fatbtr, Boa and Holy<br />

We read <strong>of</strong> three dispeiisiiU<br />

cannot think <strong>of</strong> tbt Bslty m<br />

thiiW.OT. U=<br />

JCLY SB-SBntmii b* &?, flanuifl L, BtWtr, D,<br />

D , Vlcf, rjliBDit(lor <strong>of</strong> tli« Aii.eilcati Unl=<br />

VHFpity at WnthiiiKlun, D, G.<br />

Al s I73S ATLAHTIO<br />

Wilier and<br />

sins, it, ii,<br />



Situated on thf» Heaf?h, DENTIST,<br />

A Ij8veiy HtiniitiPf Homp,<br />

so,<br />

Yesterday uflertiiHUi the<br />

lt Vernndnlifl.<br />

TIME IN OCEAN ecm<br />

-iBi, m uudsdt mi> to ih«tiid n<br />

U, riubiusiiii, <strong>of</strong> Paierojo, gun- '•<br />

Uj<br />

diluted tbe Uafttlat aervioea In the I *, c?,-«<br />

und<br />

bousu. Tbe minister jtreacbed !<br />

The Rev<br />

dU8T"2=»erinon by Unliop CJPUI D, FiiSS,<br />

<strong>of</strong> iMsdeljiliJ*, I'*.<br />

IJT BlitSieti Clprtr!,. U.<br />

KW<br />

Al'UUBT Ifi-BiTfflfiii |.y Hi.?, A,<br />

D,, nr KeW Yfirjs f'ity,<br />

<strong>of</strong> SliB M E, eliiipgii,<br />

AUliGiT Si- rtcF.ip.ih hy Itrv j r, Curiifiii, D,<br />

L». l'iT-»Li¥tcFl«n inliilftfi-<strong>of</strong> llforikljii, K. Y.<br />

TlisSiMRidsIHlilies! Asii'tnbly beRlnn June S 1<br />

tin><br />

di-STisE's «, e, uiisjiwji, 'scbool bousu. Tbe m<br />

v, Henry RUBS], pasiur <strong>of</strong> St. j<br />

iiii,uo[]!!i!!!ff until July 15, II In"?<br />

ahil<br />

, I<br />

p<br />

John Whint^luD, V, V 1<br />

Her,<br />

J. E, . WMiilrmiun, U- Q.<br />

I V i l n r y B ffii i i f eMihi f M ^ i h f f S y ^<br />

nr til iirpDinjiiRiisni by m»* New Sffury atsis" ,•<br />

H'i' i! 1} =si;liih(! An«ouiH!mil. July SO to Julf S<br />

gr*'-'»rj-; MHS, E, Sljiffla Ffrgiinin, Ifpulon,<br />

|l 1<br />

a 1IUIJNR,<br />

" eliHjueut Beraion to<br />

J^R, S. HOWARD BIRT.<br />

'H fioniaii Catholic- uliurvb, i I'resent, :<br />

Nd Till L'eiJtial Avenue,<br />


preaetied an able sernoou In the<br />

otKAs riTV, Ni Ji<br />

ing, He lo<strong>of</strong>e for his tests<br />

Sim Wesley Avenue, Orean CJty.N.J,<br />

The usuiU HerviL*M weie<br />

IlPUSfllflll lER-illlOlli C-itjSp.lobHISll, HO|1I»<br />

heated (hniHgliQiil, Upod tflblP. iilntieni.ai OP<br />

Tniiie beard •iipplied, TtTinH fcnstiii,<br />

H, fJAKWOgiJ, f<br />

- L. U.<br />

1 -„ jrx: UhtllSa, ry,T 2 lo i p, ni,, and<br />

""^' HB. THDS, ||,<br />

, self-sacr!fit-ing gplrii<br />


Ns, iii WESLEY AVENUE,<br />

tbat lived, aud seemed lo burn with the<br />

MiHjemte Terms. Half block froin<br />

iKflSAN CITV, N.J,<br />

alrijag flre <strong>of</strong> lift, in the suul <strong>of</strong> 8t.<br />

Ciiiup GrtiUrid, HomeCornfoJiri, Lawn<br />

Paub Teaiptaiious, iffir»eeuiions, la.<br />

and uruquet ymuiitlH,<br />

Phi(idg(ph[i0fflEe,2idindHsrrteStf,<br />

bora or keenest eorrowe w§re piiwerleM.<br />

K, w, kilJ.EV,<br />

OOffleeLoura;<br />

TIDBB, m,| 1 toll p. Bi<br />

S p, p i<br />

to lead biin from the right path. He NO. 731 AS BURY AVENUE,<br />

f tbt =Dsliy m dUtititi, the dignity <strong>of</strong> the i<br />

(Mil list<br />

Thla la called tbg dispensation <strong>of</strong> theghaiaeter<strong>of</strong><br />

inaniaud appreQlated the<br />

Ho^ Siit ilrit, AA§<br />

tbe seeuiid aud third divinoatd Uhlti i<br />

ia tho Trinity were wllh<br />

Father in qrealiun, BQ the first and<br />

third were with the Son in redemption<br />

and to the ^tablishmyut <strong>of</strong> the king<br />

dem <strong>of</strong> Gad ia the Human bean the<br />

Malty fifropetatea. The Holy Obost<br />

Bot ouiyiepraSHti CJhrUt, j<br />

Bim, The human Jeeua, our elder<br />

brother and great High Priest, In in<br />

heaven, He ascended on higb. He<br />

now gppeara In the prtseiiffi <strong>of</strong> Qod fur<br />

01, , but His dlv-lae vine presence Ia la here btre with<br />

Mi 1B Hii inieparayle ualou «lth the<br />

ao^pbt ^pt, ,<br />

Wherem the Holy Ghoat la Ciirtoi<br />

U there also, Havlug ibewn thy fiwt<br />

ud the possibility <strong>of</strong> Uhrlit^ preieufe<br />

wllh hta people, niiteseveral tblags iuipiled—as<br />

taught by the tests, His<br />

preseneeliuHratrietedjia to theloea=<br />

iion '• Wherever," d by<br />

ao degrees <strong>of</strong> latltudi or longitude-^<br />

uywhere iu thli wide worid—wjienever<br />

[here is a heart (hat waats is mttihlp<br />

there may b§ foyud a hallowed<br />

alUr aad a |i«snt Qod. His presents<br />

Is unaffected by numbers and uuilmU<br />

tej In diuslloii, SVe must uot furgei<br />

tbg eoBdiUcms <strong>of</strong> His pttiseDue, Note<br />

the persona and tbe purpose<br />

iland for His true fuliuwers, "In<br />

name" reveals the purpuee, Cu<br />

the design <strong>of</strong> Hla prBSenfe, aot to<br />

eteeor cens«i¥f bui to cheer aad «JBI><br />

fort—lo instruct iuid lugplre.<br />

Haw are ws beaefltiedf'A kuowledge<br />

<strong>of</strong> Hii preMnee will had us to<br />

minify ielf, It will give a deeper sig.<br />

ulfliance to «U we do for Him, There<br />

will be more veritblp iu our<br />

!<br />

q Apspnihlj'Julj 3-i ond ,11. Mrs,<br />

ii, <strong>of</strong> U.jthtn, K. j , Harrisry<br />

LiiB Ciinipnllfui. AiiBii»t § tn<br />

Sugiiiif 15, H*, H. j, &li#y, vt WfjHinllh. N,<br />

J., J p e in<br />

divine and CliriHtlau yiiawcter <strong>of</strong> „,<br />

rOr SS10 Of<br />

filth, aud With the grace <strong>of</strong>^f*d=hisJ=^?<br />

r*»il!Bllt Of Illli S¥« JrriinJC<br />

EiiworMi i^spi-B AMduiftiluu. will liH*«<br />

yf (lie iiiFrliii^<br />

The AniMltl I'atnti Slwlhie will la>Bin g<br />

i£3 Jiid eutjlijiuii tpti ilaysi UFV, Thomss lliir=<br />

rlidiii, fim t-vsi KI-I|B(, will !)K prcstnl durlnc (he<br />

ehdri- efiifip. HP v III (ifs-sch a ntnisbeF <strong>of</strong> iiniffl<br />

•nd w||i Ijslp In all this incciinEi, l||x nliieliis<br />

iiDokft, "1'Fediiua llyinhs," will Us yKfd diirliik<br />

tips liarsip. •,<br />

&•*, John liiompson, »i|jneiMH *in Hlsndard," trill IIHVP ehnfe!- uf the<br />

murtiine Binp o'eltpuii IlailnuBS MeeliHKB,<br />

Til* puliuisr vifysUKt. MFH. Hev, J,Q, Wlltorp.<br />

rif I'hiiadtiiiiipla, will *je 'pfFwut BiiU aliis « t'l*<br />

VitriytlH !!!#*!injf» <strong>of</strong> ill* LBlnp,<br />

llany }ifcirnuiriil nPinisK-rs uf iti« I'liiladelpljift<br />

Biifl Ii*-w Jerswy Uoiif«f*nC" iliflnf nf<br />

tit her eunhreiiL-PB slid drluiiiiiriatiunn, wiii be<br />

b d ll h (h ti<br />


iUjl?eJlskll!ff4w ''"''SB'w^wirtaTiBi<br />

life Wfl« worthy <strong>of</strong>, aHdrefleeied bo.ior W """' " W '" W yM QCI^ABi CITV<br />

JJH. R4IPII R<br />

, NO, 717 Asbury Avenue,<br />


tiUEAS CITY, N. J,<br />


'<br />

upon, bii Chriatiau ehirmeter and<br />

church. Upon our soula ]M eiigraveu<br />

the Name beaatiftil and tternal<br />

Groceries, Provisions, Meats, Etc.<br />

T W, KHITII,<br />

IS<br />

Hole HKi'ncy tor **T!ie €,'eli;bfiitea E. ll.'|lut>'|<br />

tcr." * " i<br />

and :Y07 ABbury Aveiiue,<br />

more iinoaity in our |iFByeHp more<br />

»K<strong>of</strong> la our iervice; eveu our giving<br />

will be w<strong>of</strong>ship. It will give proniptnem<br />

to BUS tMtlmsny, O what a pop.<br />

fort, Ubriat Is with ui. We ean go<br />

do »nytbiug, with euub a<br />

We an not alQBe, Christ<br />

la not opiy In us but with tu, and some<br />

day w© shall be with Hioi jorever with<br />

the Lord, ,<br />

THE mflSOapAl, SEHViCS,<br />

A i«4eeongngBUtHj grsted the It#vs<br />

Cbkriea LocMwoed Fulforthi recinr <strong>of</strong><br />

the Cbureh <strong>of</strong> the Masljih, PhliadeU<br />

phln, whs conducted tbe Eplsfo^j<br />

srvlctt yeitwdny moraing in Silt^<br />

HalL He took for hta themei 7 'Chria,<br />

Failure, 1 T, ABseVT, in, oM<br />

Cop, ath St. and Wesley Ave,, PHVSICiAN atid SURGEON,<br />

the will <strong>of</strong> Bt, Piiul sheds over u» its Kstate iiDd J,HW Uullillng, Room y,<br />

OFFICE: Ear, GintFil Arenas ml Etghih Street,<br />

Bright rai-s, Bbali we, ihen, esml a rth OCEAN t'lTY.N.J.<br />

ui!ei!!api<br />

few rett fHii<br />

Aa*m. <strong>of</strong>flw , , i TO 3 P. si,<br />

aplendeut ray <strong>of</strong> glory over ourghurgh CiiA.H, p.;<br />

moynllouR flrHtijlfiliB.<br />

IfAiiKV *^ LAKE<br />

TiTinit<br />

J FliUM b TO H V, Si,<br />

by beluij faithful to the dictates <strong>of</strong> our<br />

upen an the<br />

r 4KR BKitn.<br />

i sifts,<br />

conscience; by obeying the laws ,,f Uur - - " _ • • *<br />

ehureb; by loviug the aubllme initlm H©al Estate<br />

p 1IOTEI,,<br />

our faith will unfold? Shiiii we ap-<br />

j OUBAN CJTV, g, J,<br />

OCKAX S, j,<br />

preciate the noble vocation to wbjcb!<br />

' Uor, Sixth Street aiid<br />

God his ra|| ui? ; in n#n! imnii> mid Uat<br />

so.<br />

w^j, is<br />

We dwell within the temple built!<br />

upon the ruck flrai eartij? weare<br />

"" guided; our njlnds are thus<br />

mined by Gud'Btswu ilght, Tljt golJeu<br />

trsasury <strong>of</strong> our iliurch eoiitaius all lut<br />

means <strong>of</strong> grate that Christ has instltuted;<br />

we ail ouu drink from tbe countless<br />

ntfeams, wiiere spark j Ing JJIBBS fluug<br />

ever oa ward, Tjius our wf Ils are made<br />

strong by Ood'ii own power. Tbe<br />

inoridity iucuigsied by nur t'huruh<br />

pureift, uioHt e,<br />

only are our words and aethms yoiitrolled,<br />

but our very ihoiighig art<br />

bound fay ybalus fair as ^iid yet <strong>of</strong> iri,u<br />

strength, lest those thoughts<br />

wander into regions unholy,<br />

wecau ulalui St, Paul and ail the h.Iy<br />

ehildriis <strong>of</strong> Qad as oiip bretbren, as the<br />

golden frojt ibat haft grown from the<br />

very ianie seed <strong>of</strong> truths and grate and<br />

laws <strong>of</strong> morality that, io these days,<br />

are sown iu our yeartB. Should we<br />

Dtit, tbtn, thUM enlightened, strength<br />

TJ E,, SMITH, |<br />


Seventh and Aiibury,<br />

* During bis<br />

£ Attorney ai-I<br />

geniral AVEL y#.<br />

Hiij.iriToH IS<br />

New IlOUHf, New mrnluire,<br />

B«m 2, rifftlENtate nqil Law liuilcjing<br />


WEAN CitV, H, 3.<br />

J, H, SLAWTKii<br />

B*toie,<br />

TO THE<br />


Tbirteenth Blreet and Ceniral Avenue,<br />


ilOlitothevjeSF, Hiinttnry drKlnuiff.<br />

A!LAffH£lt m<br />

Solicitor, Mister ja Chancery Rolary Public,<br />

CBURT HOU5C, N,<br />

PDU^Iitiyt Wlili k|«ticli>!ly,<br />

WILL HE •<br />

Arli-Hlan Wilier, "<br />

Rent;Estate and<br />

, ghtened, atreugib.<br />

euod, governed, be nobls; manly Chris-1<br />

tlaiis? giid lik<br />

Si?usoniiWoFriiltii.HiB«tatitiy OB Iiand. A<br />

fill 1 nijii uf |lr»i*l!iHH (jroer'rira* (Joodfi 3ellvtrril<br />

linll! iUq'cltKik HiitiifflB} 1 pveiilnfi.<br />

/HA II I,O ii<br />

* DKAJ.RR IS ' ;<br />


\Y^ aeefr HAND,<br />


Reil filais, Mortgigtj md fniurinee,<br />

y<br />

MiniiilFiMoiief<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> Oily, N. ,Ti<br />

we net, like gt,<br />

H-N jflvtn i'i Hpf,:iriL-niiorm<br />

endtavor to<br />

*-^=af ami*,<br />

reflect honor upon<br />

ehureh, and<br />

our «MI MAT eouRf Heuac N, j, 7th and OcGan Aoe.,be<br />

willing to<br />

PUT UP By<br />

VlUoge i^t* Biid Fnrm Property , ol nil<br />


Oft,BAY,<br />

g,<br />

cast a dark sbadow upisu our<br />

religion by tiareleasiieSH or slu?<br />

Tbt spirit <strong>of</strong> labor that tbaracter^ed IF.-<br />

Bii Paul IH required <strong>of</strong> eaeb oue «if us, B, E, Corner Fourth ami West,<br />

Practical Carpenter and Builder<br />

is greater or leas degree; labor ia eruBh- Pure Milk and Cream<br />

Ing our piLHsli.piiH, fa coiiqueriug oar<br />

H, la eubduisg tbe lower From Silsm Constj DifriM.<br />

Pie, Bread and Cake Bakere. 1121 Aihifi Aiiiifli, Qma ^ £ j<br />

<strong>of</strong> our nature.<br />

Ui Will prompt !<br />

-.4- •;'<br />

[ai»lNAI.TMK,4TW<br />

NOB. f40 AKbury Avtnue.<br />

rctiiniry Fnrfuee<br />

treHh ftem JhS fhfiiii AH i<br />

red to OHILSP, . i ;<br />

gqqdil dei!v«<br />

|-1 EOltS<br />


481 ASBURY AVESUE,,<br />

i<br />

OCKAN UJTV, N, .!,<br />

A full line ni eiiulee Slculfl, tluttfr, EgB«.<br />

Vi'Kciiitik'K, tic.<br />

jpi Cream jWfs^<br />

Til* 8* CIIASIPIOS'S<br />


Heveiith Bt, andiAsbyry Ave,<br />

Ijitfly rgiiiritiiilfd upd inrgenlry pHrlont<br />

UOGUAR HROi-t<br />

Jjpnrdwfilk, Ihlrd door be], Sth St.<br />

lee Cream, S<strong>of</strong>t prinks, Ete,<br />

lee Crsam Sodoa a Spec laity,<br />

All Oyr f!«efi Are'Vadi From Fnih Frulu.<br />

Ice Cream Pariors,<br />

pOr n<br />

NO, 714 ASBURY AVENUE,<br />

acEAN 6!?*. «. J,<br />

Meals Served from 6 a, m, to S p» m- j<br />

This belief that labor Is nteegsary for<br />

aaivattouifl not the rautt <strong>of</strong> our own<br />

reaioulBg or itudiesr neither Is It a<br />

principle whleb we feel at liberty to<br />

abandon fur allgbt escuami U |g IUJbedded<br />

deepdowu iu our<br />

H. A,<br />

No, B*{ AsburyAvetiue,<br />

; The Pioneer<br />

' ?Q0 Aebur? Avenge, <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, K, J,<br />

j FresB Braid, Flen and V&Htm daily,<br />

i BUcp««lve Btasqii* here, arid" •-- RANGE<br />

, req' psibf rlc-nte, HAt|nI:<br />

Unferadeflvered. Give U*<br />

Promptly. Attended to,<br />

* d ¥ib » spwlnjly. servief<br />

i, ("nro arH?s(iMi fiBipoidiBB<br />

ienn for B people<br />

in di the best ^uail(>, w«ter_iBea gfiinvors,<br />

= G. MAHAN & CO.<br />

th#n, who obeys the laws <strong>of</strong> hla ebURh,<br />

he WIJO is a pnetics]<br />

Pfthee wiJisrifis, to da|y,. manly<br />

5;r=KS; .: v-.<br />


QAS & STEAM<br />


OCJEftX CIT* mk KEHY,<br />

816 Aibury Avenue,<br />



Aibury Ave,, between 4th and oth<br />

p.<br />

ARCHiTECTi,<br />


e uit UTV<br />


Una Hotel. iB<br />

AND QMDI<br />

fl with ^<br />

^ ¥ '<br />

i<br />

Emhaimers and Undertakers.<br />

Funeral Director.<br />

Real Estate and Insurance Agents.<br />


'OCEAN CITY"<br />

Real Estate Exchange<br />

P..D..I <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>.Bail Estate In advanelag JS per cgpfa a yeaf• - Pon ? t you want to<br />

In a lot ? If 8^ call on<br />

W, B. MASSBY & Co.,<br />

Real Estate Brokers,<br />

p ! Lonii KeiE<strong>of</strong>filled- WTASBURY AVENUE,<br />

R. Curtis Robinson,<br />


Commissioner sf Deeds, Conveyancing In all its Branches.<br />

744-6 Asbury Ave., <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N. J,<br />


j rrnip pli fii tlie mflHtiflinblt pnmponl#H doing himlntM Sit thlB Hbile,<br />

\iifin-y, iij niimu IJPHIFC!!, ttn bohtl HIKI morlgnsHi<br />

l(iiHliu>M tii(FiiNUi(l to my unre u'lll ft-iislvt! prompt ntlrht(ori=<br />

12 LOTS POR$6OO<br />


Call and See<br />

Our List <strong>of</strong> Lots from<br />

We can Sell you a Lot<br />

and get the Money to<br />

Build the House<br />

If you wUl give us an<br />

Idea <strong>of</strong> what you^want<br />

wUl draw your Plans<br />

and Specifications<br />

OaU and set us<br />

150 UP<br />

^Office next door to Post Office,<br />

j-,:.fl. Chester & Co.<br />

Real Estate Ageiits<br />

RAIL and BOAT.<br />

West Jersey & Seashore Railroads Short <strong>Line</strong>s.<br />





Any style swfcsti famished. Bsdis teken j MHTOR LINE OF OPEN CARS TO SEA ISLE CITY,<br />

s.ft^iHA jn»v«««ivrt my »,,„«*! AVALON AND STONE HARBOR, '<br />


LAKE,<br />

#4.1-47 ASBURV AVSNUE.<br />

, OCMAH Crrr, S, J <<br />

i:: ! iU<br />



No Visitor to Atlantic Citv Should Hiss <strong>On</strong>e THYS. Exhil<br />

For Time Table* atai, R«%t» ef F«r« Apply .•* O«la*f<br />

J!B,WO©P, GB0.W.BOTD,<br />

, \<br />

Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc,<br />

GOTO-<br />




818 Anbury Avenue,<br />

AND TO .... ___.<br />

" ew Clothing House!<br />

FOR MEN?S<br />


817 Asbury Avenue,<br />

KNORR &,CO.,<br />

ees ASBURY AVE., ,<br />

, aranowoncrlriK<br />

LHDIE3' PUSH SDITS -• »j.oo<br />

We have nlw iTlieB^dTiininR af tht rtt*nl<br />

deolliiu In tbe RIBBON mufltBt ynd lire<br />

HliSWiBjiaRKBtiliUBfufllie liiteA Htyita ut<br />

the infestITow priisii. Always lu r«*ip* ol<br />

ciifiedfar ana Uesif able iDSdif in<br />

AMD<br />

at<br />

KNORR & CO.,<br />

No, 8s8 ASBURV AVENUE,<br />

RARQAINS •<br />

A. J. STEELMANS.<br />

Cor. Atlantic and Ohio Aves.,<br />

Tbe fullawlng MB thi Iftbat uriwta<br />

at tbe varloui b«t«]fleii=<br />

THE ILtlN'OlB.<br />

P'liUip Alburger, S. B, Cald well and<br />

wife, MlBH Katie Caldwell, Mtra Polly<br />


Mlasts Kate Breektn, Lou<br />

Mrs, B, A, Bamford, John<br />

, Miry Klitoyi P. F, Pieetor,<br />


Beatflys Forbfa, Andrew Forbes Mid<br />

wife, G§gigi J, Dqreiyi James P« &»r*<br />

aey, P, M, attveag, Reglna ESj O ! Dea=<br />

uell, aiiiry WHISII, Rtchard A, Foley,<br />

Phllftdelphla.<br />

WBStEV lioUIE,<br />

uaderlaudi ^<br />

ffmm<br />

K^rr, Frank F^ anuw, au d wl lfr,<br />

Edward Pallok,Tbw, E, Watt.P.T, P<br />

Clark aud wife, Philadelphia; T, J,<br />

Maxwell,'Utaas. Hillikir awd wlfe»ud<br />

mil, George L, Fox, Camden; Mlse<br />

Emily Lyucb, TMOony.<br />


Mita Aiiiia L, Funk, Bftddeiifield',<br />

Jolm W, Newlln, Wllliana Binghaoi<br />

und wife, AllBii Bheppard, Oliajlea D.<br />

Ni >, J J. B B, Reevs Rd and wife. Chailts<br />

Weaver,?. B, WeathirBy, MUlvUle;<br />

'• jfimea W, i^ird, Mn, Marl* U Mann,<br />

j Frank L, Honihirfl, Homhi.il, Johi* Jubr* F, DUipu, «--—iard<br />

Hiieiintr, Ml* Llsie FUBII,<br />

, Elizabeth M. Mauu, PblladflphiR,<br />

Til IS iTBAHD,<br />

U, h\ AiiderBou, Readlnt Fxank G.<br />

Howhotbani, William L .<br />

Tboman M.Eynon, Warner Hs JenkliiK,<br />

T. II. Hurlburt, W, H, Horn.wlfe<br />

and two Qblldren- M, L, F* C<strong>of</strong>flpton<br />

and wife. Mine BHtar. A, Abflll, Wllllattl<br />

ATLANTIC CITV, N. J. I W, Van Bauu, K, B, Radciifle, Phila=<br />

I delphla: <strong>Aug</strong>ust J, UBllapher, Uiareuce<br />

i j, Uullagiier, Bt- Iiavlds, Pa,| "<br />

i U, Huiliiiay, FranUterf, Pa,<br />

'<br />

Jlch'i* riicysle giiltli $4i<br />

Men's UimtraeH Buirt, §4 Hiid is, rc=<br />

from S7 «nfl Sift<br />

\ • TBAVKOBB,<br />

Uiitlilng Sultd, $3,<br />

U, F, It. Fuliy, Waiter C; .._.<br />

, 3©C,<br />

Hurry B. fall and wife, Wallace May.<br />

hew aud wife, Dr, W.,-0, Jaeobi! anfl<br />

! 45s,<br />

1 wife, Homer k Jaeota, W, g* Wllion<br />

i and "wife,'Arthur W. Ouy, CbrlnM<br />

! Kail, Mre, P, W, KaUs, Wllte Sobm,<br />

1<br />

MAO, ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT LiiliB li. Km, Chirles H, Bowin and<br />

tTTPWTtnW.<br />

JajnUy.iihMlea W, SittlerL^Banauel M,<br />

Dute&f aud wife, William __ .<br />

FbiludBlphia; B. M, Glass, J, Wtiley<br />

Merry-go-Rounrfs, tJiomiHiii, Audrew B, B, Spaith, Cftmdun-<br />

LSUian U, rJeiiiH, HOB, A, R.<br />

it nor, U, WiiMn, Jp,, Merchant.<br />

til WSii<br />

; Maude A, Smith, Weal Cheater,<br />


Dr, C, H, Rider, J, H, BaB, Howard<br />

I, Mw, O, W, Uajteret, F, Dalrym^<br />

I, P, Hider^ PbUftdelshift; ffD.<br />

uvuun,'Jr,( Treutoni H, B, Van<br />

i it iiu BMB rebuilt an R grander srius thBB | DeuBeii, WUIiamsport, ftl.I L, p. Van<br />

over, and i» im* open for iJusineiM ' Horn and wife; Edmoud ParyiD, W,<br />

«: Aibertifln, F, S. airumonfi, M«, M.<br />

THE if ASDSO.TIEST jaekaoii, William Wane, Mis Blane,<br />

j T, F. Molloway and wife, O, Steward<br />

_ r>/\ft\fri Hollnway; Uuindeiii William Brews-<br />

MERRY-GO-ROUND'baek, Bryn Mawr, Pa,; I. Q/Adaas<br />

andwife.AUauUcUity; SUUIdiiWelibj<br />

ftiviltei ' - - Will, wni, UU,<br />

Miller, *<br />

toWnV Wllitani H?U(y, J*, J • MHWIte!<br />

thanaayoiiiBr. The byiiiliBE hia! ¥. B, Wflcsx, fl Bridge Bid top; t M», C. F.<br />

DBiBrisaBBdHUfflus.bMraspiBeadihere-iLsflrafUi, »iUth ^BUIS;<br />

la,' Qrand New Organ, net with new oiia j till!, Itrtjoklyu, H, Y<br />

charming mu<br />

THE BKloHTufJ.<br />


Joseph Ndbili, WeiiDBahl Henry<br />

HiimiugbauNeu and wlfb, D. S, Acker,<br />

<br />

.MHter; F, M- McMaUun and wife,<br />

Danville, Pa,| Mm. C, Uoid and child,<br />

,. Waigiiiifuwu, Pa,; Mlas Melxel, Mlllon,<br />

"' i l*u,| TbtJiyas H, tfaiuii, Mrs, L, Baiuii,<br />

Uerniantowa; Kev, A, B, BlehardsoH,<br />

;<br />

HUikey; H, B- Btedhaia, N#* Tferki<br />

, L, K. SiKfter, D. D,, and wife,<br />

' H. C. 1101R, President,<br />

Boardwalk and Eleventh<br />

OCEAN'CITY. ; N.'J,<br />

This weli-kBBWii plWJiure r»Ort BM been*!D<br />

Pharmacists.<br />

Irl^libfivsr M oar i« M parior fM ASIURV AVE., OCEAM UlTY, N. J-<br />

H opor 10Q f«t iong i tlie jlfht lunch i-ftfe and , jiund»!BBit»Iia[ b«i«iu!pp#djn Weei*?'<br />

provide refrt-nb= ' pure DrHpi BDd Medlt-liltaii Toilet yedoa<br />

^jriivio^re . r \rtirteg. FineuSMrtment <strong>of</strong> Bl*><br />

WOFFU Mill, UWLH6... t j<br />

l^h wriuiwffient for al >. f he Carrauscl !»<br />

one <strong>of</strong> lbs p lu tflo Ntatfl, Thl* iii<br />

final BmDRsmtM r»ort ea the COM!,<br />

giabiB-7th<br />


CO,<br />

Ave,<br />

in All Stylett<br />

WM, H. QRAHAy, Hmiph _.;<br />

LnmUr, Illliort, TJmi, £eaaV PluUr, 4c<br />

Lnmbw Iwa ud Ofid<br />

W*ft niTMIilMi<br />

C'OHrti SDED, _<br />

. wnsgoDeri «a« in drug iton.<br />

Oiwnthoohilreyenr. .<br />

A full 'ins ol pruti, P»lent MedlefnM<br />

iirt ArtiL-ies, rerfumerr, amtlgnery ud<br />

. I'raierlpdonii a «pecla)l7. Try our<br />

ai la Cream So4a ui W FfaapiuU<br />

HAPP,<br />

Corner Eighth Bt, and Wertey Ave,<br />

Tbe only regolv fradunte, witfa fl<br />

vain' city eiperlonce. Open the eotire<br />



8O1-8O5 ASBURY<br />

, N, J,

11*<br />

TUB DAILY BEi'OllTfiBJ<br />



Editor Hi Prapfietaf.<br />

gufcuortptlon, , gg^ pSp Season,<br />

Advertlptement* IB ioMl wlumnti, IP<br />

ftfllneJar fljjjt Inssflion and livy «o<br />

he ftirea^li iirjbaequtiit.<br />

reguEaF udvertlMnlenU<br />

fin B<br />

puhilmilo tntl«t<br />

Knt«rtdu ««sd-rltui mallet lithe Hal.<br />

1 Tgj-y Become Unpopular.<br />

i but few uamma! lawn ten.<br />

ntaplaced at tulaMtaehle rts«rJ. Thioaea<br />

vt-iv p«pUl_r yaaie lias, we<br />

niE CAMP<br />

Hotel Arrival*<br />

The folinvUiig are I be lattat arrival H<br />

th l b<br />

M M*mm msmmstmmi ftr j flt «* wio^Uw^<br />

Ut Occasion. TOS ILLINOIS*<br />

Blrt, M, S; Ffiher, J..B. W,<br />

The <strong>Ocean</strong> Ul I j Camp Mtetlng will! o,., ----«-——.-*«• "*»ranjrr(<br />

g ,<br />

M.iiday evening, <strong>Aug</strong>ust 31,<br />

There will be a ifaimoruthm eeivleu<br />

io jjrtjmre for tUt J James Efckine WJIHOM, Walter L, I<br />

number <strong>of</strong><br />

vlval<br />

Hotels and Boarding Houses.<br />

mut<br />

Orenh <strong>City</strong>, N J*<br />

Saw epea far Keep MOD <strong>of</strong> IOMU.<br />

m v.<br />

I '<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Cards.<br />

Resident<br />

Sy Sim S,i<br />

Lite Of Plitlsdelphlo,<br />

For terra*, etc, n.Jdre MI<br />

Mo, «if WE<br />

MISS 31, A,.<br />

OCtAH CITY, N, J.<br />

£ «f the aimp Bp in aiiurdBi'f^«i'i"ri y^ PiiiilF, iiiii F, HHiionai', HHiionay, Juhii Jubcij,<br />

ak'«! Tf A* DA 1,1 A<br />

"ft' .<br />

Nomre, Fred (,', Kiiiite, Juiuc* Giiilti<br />

', Tiioinaa<br />

the jih.r, t huHiH % Lipeoln fend «If.', Uev. 785 Central Avenut,<br />

who wfll bt P. &, WtiglaB, Fbtl<br />

OCEAN eiT¥rN.J.-<br />

" DAVIS, M. D,,<br />

6fiO Asbury<br />

i iiud uiiudiict ILe -ie-j<br />

THE STtlAED,<br />

Cliailea F. Wull unJ wife. Jtnue<br />

lornled. Home comfort*. Tetmi'<br />

rt>iu!3nnbl& Now open.<br />

f^»»- I jioniinp, . until in Ida'cloek.<br />

f 1 t ;j «<br />

! OFFICE Horns ;•( Aftfrnoon, I tn s<br />

', Proprietor,! * I Evening, isftw u<br />

! be asflfffed by Alfia Clara<br />

___!,, In speak. h 11 '*' ilda KtnBfy Bad Mta,<br />

ing at iti decay, tin ardent admirer uf ^ l *? wa rd, «f Pliiiudfrlpiiini ul-o _„ ___<br />

the garni, thin luuruliijr, said:<br />

feM « r HUUBUB, uf Ptijindeljilila, wlip<br />

It bad readied «U the i*tfect|im <strong>of</strong> * mie * d l_f CITV<br />

0. L. WHOIWIU, aiHMlle; Jeljn W<br />

Sldiu, jr., Owi?ii JJiwk, H. E, ..<br />

idaU the isifecthm <strong>of</strong> " '<br />

and wife. Pli!ltde|phiy| B, B,<br />

which itWBB<br />

atinJued<br />

mma IUe B 8. W, JkiiL'ii, |iygior<strong>of</strong> the<br />

:<br />

. j,<br />

.i, 01, [W, HelKhley, Viiiduiid? Albs<br />

Will Is three priaeliiBgservk'ei I ^ eUl ^^H'gufti Hurry Uuutus, ,,,re<br />

jeaeh d^y, at 10,80 a, ni, siid 3 and fi ! TIME (N OCEAN<br />

___ l=lsl,2d nnd IjJ; mh 15 Ihu tnd nf the<br />

month. ,<br />

A. C% « L, £ CRBTlf,<br />

pn-lltbrr—fnlurdiiy, SUnduy nnd Jlan=<br />

day cueh week,<br />

Ulmrhs P, JiyberfB, Aim, SVilliaia; Q*Bwm*ii<br />

fullewing iBiuislere have ! Kiuhardwiij, Fiiiladeijiuiij; Mrs, U ' No, 742 Ueuual<br />

ui Bi f HOLIDAY COTTAGE,<br />

in preagUi IlevH, JoLu ^5 »a. Cienii"'"=••••••<br />

ffCBAN CITV, S, J,<br />

TIIE<br />

i Wfiley AvcHUe, <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N, Ja<br />

, Clone to tannh, Hou»<br />

D, Suiil.U, J<br />

ihfouyiiout, (Jwd iabis, jihineri.,S6 Offleshaufi? Until S a, ni,; 2 [fl J ji, BI,, and<br />

W, Ljle and<br />

7 toO p. m.<br />

i Hi GARWiHjn,<br />

|jB. THUS, H, PEACOCK,<br />



No. il§ WESUV AVENUE,<br />

f Tt'rms, Half k from<br />

UC-EAS UJTY, N, J,<br />

Uriiiiiiil, Hu<br />

, Lawn<br />

niitt croqiri-t K<br />

PhlJjdsIpHi Dfftei, 23d and Msrr!i Sis.<br />

S! [is, ti W, KJ LLEV<br />

_ nfllce houm 7 to a n, Hi^ ] taa p= m,\ e<br />

HOUSE,<br />

sp. in. • .<br />

p<br />

1 iaat <strong>of</strong>*<br />

Ne, 717 Asbury Avenue, JJB, RALPH Kt JOS««,<br />

«nt. j ««*".<br />

,,r<br />

f<br />

la S, J. OCEAN CITY. S, J.<br />


,._._„.., a-bleycler-—<br />

V.<br />

j^n|reniyo it<br />

(he most dragooned i'oung mtmau \ '-'*<br />

le<br />

fl to JOH HI,; j ISJS p, m.; © Iq 8 p, m<br />

W Taht ua{<br />

Sf»SE¥Tti LoAs-fflSOO, in mim to<br />

ebe likes, Ifsbu atieqijtied logo m a iiiid workarn huve been<br />

, A,<br />

fitfj -* ou jiuihiveu } Anbury, AsLu L'ttitn:! or<br />

beaj, in a mttUgs or even oil liurs& Ibis jejr'B vamp thaij wereengi ftsr i<br />

bscb back, ai iretly h jus fcite e luiues itbi tm<br />

yeaf. Sirs. licv, J, u, I •«• turns IIOBISBOK.<br />

h#F ^yt'lf, the ocean would be _.,„„>. Wlisou^tri'luluddplitu, wlllbepreieut!<br />

will be prsieu t' 0 i'fr^l<br />

upon to sover her aud eb§ wuulU<br />

awlfdy be reiuiudt'd <strong>of</strong> Ilie oblfgatiima<br />

and resirictJoiiH <strong>of</strong>. l!« ees, Jiat s^<br />

female b!t>> tlU^own do=yo-wmtfgr" Is f<br />

It |o be wondered at that, BOCII betug [<br />

tot ease, bid>-iiing piomfpes " " '"<br />

duly la«a itnuip, Lut to<br />

Mhitsiandi* In iti<br />

=lS?<br />

Csi*, Sth St, and Wsiiey Ava,,<br />

i SI, i,<br />

duiJBg the cntifL- cuiiip and elng at tie! "631 £31816 AgifttS.<br />

mtvlsm. A, glgrjuus iluiy<br />

l<br />

Party.<br />

A pnigreWlve cuchrg party wa§ ueldi<br />

ovet | jesierday niuiulug at The Trayujore,<br />

JAlisisM, tJoulBiLa wtm fliit jjrliei I<br />

si Tbe<br />

Mre, J, A, P«!kiuss geuondi Mrs U,<br />

was aa HgietnLli ,<br />

iui'hre party at TLe Lafa^ttL<br />

utday evening in wliiclt<br />

JjJaveii participated.<br />

The ladto wbo won (he prls^ «ere-<br />

Wiitt, hllm lisgiiia O'Diiiiuell, a<br />

baijd iui<br />

chotfllaie piioLer; third,<br />

Beville, a cbinu ]am|i|<br />

Hbm Ai, L, Itbvllii, a bottle <strong>of</strong><br />

Timee wbo »oa Hie<br />

prtiwi wire; FlMi,<br />

. well aiid tmy;<br />

l ==<br />

! Wlafcr, ihird; Mre, H, T, Cuinet]. f<br />

j fourih; Mrs, U, A, Daniel, flftlu Mre,!<br />

j.E, 3f. ^klJeBij^ iixsh; JJW. Uesjme:<br />

W. Hitter, wrvmii.<br />

wen Mrs. T.'<br />

', Mrs. O. J,<br />

ii, u. •<br />

MP,!!,*-, Hiir, Alre, J, F. Blucftw, ..-«*•. IS.LAISB<br />

iUl-a B, Uouistsii, JllHi E, B, Siuyierr, ! r AKE ,,„„„<br />

MlssM,a.S£uekwtiMlss Wiihr, ^r,,| L* S E Ollos PHVJICIAN and SURQEON,<br />

j OFFICE- Cpr, Dininf Annul and EFghth Street<br />

. f hjH house f« lirifeiiifuliv Icwnttfl so a wide J<br />

'•'ffliion fcw feet frum i'lie d«iiB, •<br />

) TILL 0 i. if.<br />

Jiif«liilirtns IlFKt^tiiNH. Teriue<br />

yrtum i to g r» »•<br />

NO. 721 ASBURV<br />

Upi'Hill] lijes'Cflr.<br />

J Fiiojl b TO S i<br />

. 31HH, 4% H, tipBI NHIJK,<br />

Him cobltuni!}- ou hU list<br />

*<br />

A, W, Uujj Mra. C*,.H. BiiviUB, Wr*.!<br />

E, Ji. Slnn.b, Mta JeuiiJB fiiyUully, |<br />

Aira, S, II, Aiidemoii, ,Mfij, W, H.'<br />

1 , «.<br />

I AiiK<br />

OCBAS CITY, N, J<br />

Kaw House, .Kew turnltiire.<br />


. J, !I5 SLAWTEII<br />

Reil Eatate* iDEDranee ani CoiTeyaDoiaf; w i!gBE *° ° 0 iiooni 2, rtifli Estoie anii Lnw riuiidinf<br />

Ot'EAN CITY.N, J,<br />

Real &Hiie, IsiunDG^ Conveynncing.<br />

'<br />

tiini KHuite and Lfuv iiuituiflf. Room 2, ; TO f HE MFAYEfTF<br />

OUEAN eiTV, N, j, JTiilrteemiiSlfcetandUtntrarAvea^iJ<br />

IKiitmBnt,<br />

A. E, CAREV, s<br />

ir, Hytef Is Clueerf, Hobrj Public,<br />

8e«iis cwf, s. ji,<br />

- C*Pt MAY EQURT HOWti, N, J<br />

J Mum preseut weft the Misses i<br />

i, Oiijli, flolaii, £, iieyijje. jj, i «t(, Mts, Tuggari, A, p, I<br />

B, Bevllie, Iufi Forbes, jj, Kafahw<br />

MyParlflBd, UfLBa WsNli, Marf<br />

I'lJuBHill, Mary Kgjy. j J<strong>of</strong>cansen*!* Dotty<br />

tKcliy, Agiies Kdly, Eml^l Tlie bi.dy nf Cbristiaa Juliatiseii iht<br />

_ use Kelly, Pearl Kelly, Slam! Swell?, <strong>of</strong> Ko. 7m Smth<br />

O'Uonanr, M, O'tAmnnf, aUo,heiu, j Hhut, Piiilailelphia; wbo was<br />

&!». Gieea, Sharkfy, Kelley, Haw. «« U^reou's liiji-t tin Huiiday, watt<br />

«ey,Juhu Uiiiutefaijd wife, Mmm E, iiJ¥trtd jeNierdfty ufteFiiuuyV it"\<br />

Wljsoti aud wife, Wr,aBd Mrs, HasMt, f"»nd float lug on the aurfiut <strong>of</strong> tbs<br />

feter Qftliaiber, Audrew M^fuddtQ Tiiereughnirp, about oae ni!!t' frum<br />

and wife, , Q, L D»my, riy, JJaaiea<br />

F, '<br />

ley, James KeUey, Mr, Mrs,<br />

Bntwn( Slaufiffl Riwer iiid<br />

FauIkBer and wife,<br />

Jh p Jl , Wflltaty<br />

, Mr, aud M«: Devlin, Joba<br />

d wife, , QswarBugsi, i, Heury H<br />

and the Me»^ M Qk Qluykert,<br />

piufiutt, Bruektf, Tfusebgl!,<br />

Nilhou* and Mr, and Mrt,<br />

A pnigreuslve eyehre |!arty<br />

J= . m. t for f ththe<br />

gtiesii aad a few in.<br />

Vited fiiefldtat Thefeltaad Jastevi'n.,<br />

, = where thg dr..Wiih)g<br />

Japiitt IfiflilUd, <strong>of</strong> ,_„,„„<br />

Irelatid fasieutij the body io big<br />

ayd tovied it tiig^a IfJtt'lty,,<br />

H, Curiis iieblu-Hiti was Irumediau-ly<br />

BOtSfled <strong>of</strong> ihe fliidinM <strong>of</strong> the body,<br />

«Bd wirnnjUnUjatLKl wllh the drowned ,<br />

ftiHB'B friend* liJ the QtiBker <strong>City</strong>, us he !<br />

I** uot ktiown to have auy reUuvea in I _____ _<br />

thin eouiitry, Johansen was _y y^fs j \\f ^CQ^tHA^E<br />

old, aiid itiBBald bo belonged to iwn<br />

lug. Thtn we» nine tables and thirty-1<br />

•Ex ^era, Tbe game begau at 11<br />

o'clock tad was BBtched at IQM,<br />

Tho» whs won the ladlfs'<br />

were? flrat, iire, autk,<br />

^fSetalilfdbjbr<br />

( *<br />

orgBBliHiti<br />

proyubliity, lake ehafge <strong>of</strong> the<br />

ftfit-r ihe inquest.<br />

x,ircstiBi-d.<br />

Hard Jsetph B, Krat^ wia the<br />

t <strong>of</strong> atiother puree froui a party<br />

Of juveiiiiea, TUs children <strong>of</strong> the 8, B, Corner Fourth und<br />

t d r Oud^Iri Oeuibaugli Lur^, Suttoa and Murrli cottage «u<br />

A pnify Japauae inyjthlrd, MM Vin Ooean avenuf, held s» eutortamnieiit Pure Milk and Cream<br />

B t Jipuitiie p plati; foyith, Mn,<br />

Sstunlay<br />

dt B, f fuuey n*e J<br />

y evealnf, f, whtoh iieited<br />

Iron Silta Ciust, Dafritt,*<br />

Jaj| , This ssinouiit i twas<br />

to thSi<br />

Snow, fincy mustard jar,<br />

wiu reeei't prompt<br />

life-guard,<br />

The prixa VOB by the gentlemen Thate who rp iin<br />

Flnt, A. F. Erwiu, fancy<br />

«.<br />

f!-BL'h » nijiiitwr <strong>of</strong> il'it?"<br />

and will help in all [lie iiic^iiijH. !!M slnifinF<br />

books, 'TrtMjiuua Hjnirin," will be iiKed durli

F *<br />

by a* A<br />

Mae upas<br />

beheld, be was<br />

all during<br />

<strong>of</strong> UJOSO men to whbm macs is allowed<br />

Mid almost everything Is fergiren, I<br />

fflyself—but let thai pas, FOB inighi<br />

hate jived it tlowa, beeawa ao one<br />

weflM have epokfttt <strong>of</strong> the scandals and<br />

ladecd there would have bcennoscan-<br />

—, „« „,« j.ui, jaj^ ^ jj,jjy_ || jsgens^ Interfered and<br />

, „ v^ v u, t«.td be wrote for mm* mt oslf repaid tlie money te the Tieaf.<br />

j ey, hat got none. Men liiePaBl.^JjRB^nat^^^pgre^f-^j^Bai-tEiir<br />

A Ttsy good letter. The thjpi alu, .*h«£.f^.jJmbby,^w4o-pn!aearfliPffl. j earns the Paul Iliffe episode, After that<br />

eeaas baefcin jweaffjind it was an es», f el •» peson, Thejr write beting i iieertainjy beoutna difligolt lareinrn,"<br />

«II#nt story, and be get s Esederuti?' h m m Maggie-Timtedljef ftiaidi, Men | »iiWa9B faiiS ebDrSsi**'snid Pwl.<br />

eaedffB9 doubt m mmh m tho mam* i^\ m i P^l 56 ^ » h yigeivt?a at anr<br />

"""••*•- <strong>of</strong> *—•' ••• - --<br />

.—,,=...- states, is sreiua alBiosE IlleEical thut<br />

....^ffirjhfi fart thiit peoplQibdald be itnahlooalnilr to dii»<br />

EE wfi:k In* was atway-* Ki.iiig to draw eBSi ti,e possibility <strong>of</strong> an Mltmm wjtli<br />

another £,m cr Kft , t aeiflhlmrs who !u evtTytliiiie hnt ihg<br />

night lie. litjtitism awitm fJms therD was a j gei^g, |Jjubnhly .aet oae Canadian ia<br />

Iwiin kiiywlnia. In fact, ! ecu lias aiiy <strong>of</strong> the Plrt joyniist blcjod in<br />

Esurii JJemnrttin Sinitli, , fog Te;HS. ,ior |or jf,.^ Biattor bai any<br />

In 1 ho frniitaiid hMl fouui], j 8 r R W propdrtlou ef the ririsetiS af the<br />

Uuifc.1 states a claini '<br />

are<br />

"This<br />

This niuii spat rQUud ijis raid aud<br />

-'if.'<br />

iiijjjij ia id*<br />

is whae I nm<br />

?%% jouvM pas a ypr<br />

Dnn tToa think ri)n fiifpht<br />

iaorepr<strong>of</strong>]fjtl f jj"<br />

my<br />

since tve jit<br />

Ai yea<br />

flnn Toiee<br />

tiiake n—a<br />

to sBg^i."<br />

rh'.ti,s Will ynu enaMo<br />

anil talk! if iH a Ie[,ut'sne<br />

Iiif'' • "<br />

deswnf, '<br />

JJut ts the nli| ajitngoBisra tfl Enf liinii<br />

eh the OUR (ii'ilu uf ihe liao isatlopEed b^ 1<br />

fie eons tiifi ffRiiid^tiiia <strong>of</strong> einigruBtH, so<br />

upon the tiih<br />

art; bo sips, whilo tha drunkard laps,<br />

bttt the effect 3i iaaeh tho eame in logf i<br />

tt vrUi and nerr# and ia iiBterieration, f.<br />

Berfmpi there was iittle fnrther deterio*<br />

rstien poesiblc. Bat there was possible<br />

recovery, and thia poasibilily began to<br />

. The iiiggcr trocp camo to a calami'<br />

teal end. The manager totted, ami the<br />

saBpafly dJEpencd aud had to pi back<br />

t@ town and other engagements aj bc-st<br />

. It wa« at thU jamintB thai ftml I<br />

iB«f m theitsga Oseaf the niggwi<br />

beop Eavo Jiiin lesions in the elcmepts I<br />

cf (be ,wt Hs was still yosBg Bid I<br />

handsome His roice tFas still rich aad '<br />

fflajlcaL Bis eyes were still lovely-^to<br />

yoasg- lady el o wrtaln<br />

touin <strong>of</strong> !SOiJ, and they intreasBd JB !<br />

flambgr wifb )uyrefilling ftipldity, dw* ;<br />

' ing to the hnaty jiruiti harvesfs iiavijjg<br />

I mucb nuclirusijifi ^miu,!iud in the taiid 1<br />

: WcEtlinr, In midiii'gij iu tbu comman<br />

: lionso and fir-lf] uiooso, auaiijyr and new |<br />

Turitty opiiearM, hBtiBfe a iong, sharp f<br />

: nose, Tii&u iuifie Oferiafl neef place, ^<br />

aiicj tLcy Djiivnd fti v^wc BDBibdra like !<br />

arinieai uiirl, iu iiiBTanuea did aelhesl- •'<br />

tats to ji!tai-k iue;i and anirtiak Wiiile i<br />

tha rftfM wwd Byf sy iniiHtrcus .as IhtJ<br />

mice, they were Uiore dtjifoeiiTei eat-<br />

ing Qfcryihiiig. gnawing away wood'<br />

work, and uvea rn!niji« enfird baild'<br />

jags. AffHr esiianstinif ujl titijer aeaaSi<br />

the plj^Bi wiw fluiiJiy teraiiDflted la<br />

by revert to bmtziinltigf, whin the<br />

uers ik'?troyeU tjiiie ioocnla-<br />

ii few rcdgtits with<br />

get hii. =- WMI) i ngt ou<br />

first<br />

at<br />

/!lenia ptty, FduV*<br />

It waa the day after the rBniiJBS I<br />

athrdirl Von shewed at a let-!<br />

op>s ehapji i f<br />

Let luo I'Siieejaily wariJ the reader,<br />

pafiieBliiriy thu ucwlfiiiitrriid rstdpr,<br />

ligaiijBt tup lypo <strong>of</strong> friOifd fr<strong>of</strong>fl to<br />

eopiitfy wLo( gy spoa ai ha Joiinu yon<br />

have m up u bun^e is London, sod-<br />

denly (iisetfoM BB iJiferest' is Mni fer-<br />

tnnss wjileh, llkfl certain rfaeri, Bat<br />

, farijiejf thaa yaaeaB<br />

'riivy write and tell yog<br />

are tliinkiug<strong>of</strong> cgmiyg to t<strong>of</strong>to<br />

ia'spend a ftw dayi<br />

eBd a fgw dayi |-=^~—=—<br />

?y 3 enve their Leadoa ad= QCBAS i kTV<br />

It has the itwk ef a blnuk \_<br />

expected ta Oil V [<br />

.„,. —« played it Bpleadidlj,<br />

I a cnratenlayod with BO saocli<br />

_ ..,. „' «nd reality, Tha Upward »!]<br />

af 16s ey^ aewrfailtd to fetch the<br />

Jjonsa, asA iho eeelsiastieal twaaf, tlje<br />

nsetDOBS d*ep <strong>of</strong> the Toi«, the Boiutiy<br />

poaj <strong>of</strong> tbo baads, eeeiBed to njveal a<br />

•**"••'" Tb^ralfctdrf thafcoadea<br />

1 It waii only tollf, for tha<br />

Smith, tchen a<br />

had tegeoHt "I the<br />

S -- - i<br />

tola the bidiop'c chapjaiB, iayiDg f ^'hich you are ^petted te Oil ap, VOB [<br />

j the bishnp WM mttsfled <strong>of</strong> year ia* i shrewdy mrmim that, ao la soy, they<br />

neceaea. That lettwivaa not written by! »«I»Eate pd^iuji a rmt to t'nstyy tad<br />

tljg bisltop'a ehaplaia," / ? Bpending a ftirtoight with yoa on llie<br />

,,**: - j n ^ ^ . Homcrton j Wn ?' Bni if yytt aw wise oad snbtlo<br />

is epHiert ii he will' Wd Streag yon cat this<br />

" " RiUiJtBSJy as you Ipp a briUieb; Cnt it<br />

„,..,„,« Away atifi enst. it inro the mm ef ehli?<br />

yriu went OBt qf kwith s U m n -' i ' r<br />

„., !«>; Hs fin aetopleawg the itage<br />

a Bhai-c fif the flit at ths ^llciy<br />

and a i&affi slam <strong>of</strong> the sham earit, Ton<br />

!£si=i fop<br />

i!lai!n)l!iii(FH leitB la SJieitHn!<br />

lury etmdtiifirii Ha ill Hi <strong>of</strong> nay kind<br />

"lii iirecsJ uiiihifln iinij<br />

B,j,,t, phirrn<br />

wiili the<br />

hill In kjiiii<br />

to Sin;<br />

d UK ttit<br />

MjfL< en ilse Ntiv Jt'fiH'}'<br />

El RH. S. iip<br />

r ;<br />

con tec ting to ibt |<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Owun'gity Wi<br />

|! in,, ••<br />

SAB i)- '»., • !±<br />

PROS pAVS. »<br />

iflto jiiuj 5-0.. mil<br />

H'lL<br />

tiiiii<br />

In this brniiih.<br />

Hi Ht ¥|f^<br />

|t Piiip, VS"s ure n«W pre*<br />

JHirtiJ td furntfb Arunf J<br />

Lijftitif ill «».¥ rfMi y<br />

tfilrirMrtH* .htiWiiute (ilUISfiif.<br />

ThB lhi*iiriiiesi>f ill iji-'htii Bill<br />

OFFICEr 6ot Asbury Avenqe<br />

PLAINT " lOth St. Hnd<br />

TO HIRE! TO<br />


Bovsgath Street und Asbuty<br />

' ^KOitWJ,,<br />

nd a shaffl ilaffi <strong>of</strong> thethftsi tiit, fog<br />

dropped m% BJld we •went sa without<br />

torn. ItWMa pi^f, Faai, Yonnreqne<br />

nst it info the oven <strong>of</strong> obliv-<br />

fear to hart if, These jjee-<br />

lit! Jo for yea f<br />

ion, s far t a je<br />

pie care «» lit! Jo for yea as yoo for<br />

theni, ikl! they Want if board and lodg<br />

ing, and if yea giva it to them yon<br />

bt Ba amutcur hotii keeper ali<br />

bt Ba amutcur hotii k<br />

days,—"PITKB Faudoi,"<br />

Mnddrj'<br />

AViNun,<br />

CJTV, N,<br />

nrk in n!i iw<br />

BPtalns ftii(3 Floor Mnt'lil B «r>f"i<br />

Citijth <strong>Line</strong>n, I'rpinpl Delivery,<br />

TTABBT<br />


Chinese Laundry<br />

, fM Ailiyry Aveuue.<br />

&-<br />

Avesue,<br />

OCBAK CUV, H, J.<br />

Mrfc don* op &F JIMO, ,<br />

snstuL BAntfn<br />

TraUN tt&L HmnlU u 9«il H<br />

1<br />

J<br />

•S.i<br />

fel<br />


ill<br />

1;^<br />

VOL. III. OCEAN OiTY, N. JB, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 189a NO. 45,<br />

A VISrr OF DiSPlCTON.<br />

1 Party <strong>of</strong> DUtl<strong>of</strong>nls%fd Railroad Repri-<br />

sentatlTcs itrt Yesterday.<br />

A paity <strong>of</strong> reprcajntathe railroad<br />

miu were the gii»U <strong>of</strong> Emory P,<br />

-merat-g-<br />

Ciiy by Mr, Day, *ho i^curfid ttiera<br />

to tLia resfl?! OH tLe Becuiuia<strong>of</strong>iutiou<br />

vkhivb riaiched litre si biHJii,<br />

Tlie party Itidludid Pr^Ident<br />

<strong>of</strong> llie Haiinu it HulliiigMv.tth<br />

aud Car Building Works,<br />

DA. 1 Liigau M. Uulll t, |irefltJeiit <strong>of</strong> tlie<br />

ttnutb Jyrwy aud Oceau- Uiiy *<br />

Company; j. A, Hweitjaid, yeueral g«=<br />

the PbilaiielHhiii and<br />

Railroad Uoiupauy;<br />

j, cf the figtblebeui Iron<br />

aad aupttinttrndtut ikaeb, <strong>of</strong> the<br />

tiouth Jeritey Hallioad Coiupaiiy.<br />

At the railway staiiuii tUey wtre Hlit<br />

by ex Mayor Fialief aud iby ltev, B.<br />

W&ley Luke, {treiiduut uf tbe Ovmu<br />

Uily AHwwIail.sn, The party look<br />

enrrliigeu iu waiting atd were ilrlveu<br />

uvef lue ulty, Es-Mujor Fktier aucl<br />

ilit; Ittv, Mr, Luke tM>i()t«d olJl lhL '<br />

many iniproveitK-nifl iuade at<br />

in receut yearti, wiiicli<br />

. tue visiion,<br />

Tht«j piitltitbKn are tinw making a<br />

tour <strong>of</strong> ibe vaiious aettHidM rtsortB with<br />

tbe view <strong>of</strong> gelling au ideft <strong>of</strong> llJB<br />

ani(iuiil <strong>of</strong> ljusintwrt (ruus'afieJ Iu Ihe<br />

<strong>of</strong> ibu BeagOB, They were<br />

piesniil with lUe gruwtb oi<br />

, Ulty aiid t'laiaisU thai lia wou-<br />

Utflul deveiupi«eui_ju<br />

I it a very brigUl<br />

linings bere, buwevcr. il 1<br />

, LoM auuibir aiguniviinuti, "i he^<br />

drove frum uue eiitl uf tue tu#ii tu ib<br />

oiber aud. it U BUM that<br />

are about to be tuaau whicU wtli<br />

tliti eliy Air bejouil llie expeclitilubB ui<br />

Ibe rtsideUH »ud viititura, t'uey<br />

1 tbe beAUiiful be^cu<br />

iliey<br />

they<br />

« •<br />

fyf a iiny'it<br />

yeurf, but ibetV will be «'* «lt-Ii oatohes<br />

fir mi me lima In yome.<br />

wuiers, «r g iiiy<br />

Bituuks<br />

Lewis, an attomey »t<br />

lag at au Aabury avenue eot-<br />

for a week.<br />

Es^ouiicllmBii George L, Horn, <strong>of</strong><br />

the Tweiny>flfiM ward,<br />

b here iLH.kiin? after hia<br />

31 w, J, Aiidirson B«Si Miss Heleii<br />

auU Master Joha Bow are a triii<br />

tmmt arrivals at The Briglilon,<br />

Jiiuie4 Fitzgeraldj s weU^kuown rial<br />

dealer <strong>of</strong> GermautownplH BojiiUfa*<br />

ijig by llie sea oii South Asbury ave*<br />

raga anil tliFSits wero mads to ahimi at<br />

the uiiweLuuRiB visitors.<br />

If iame <strong>of</strong> ourBpirltid uStfetas would<br />

liitbTBt iherfli.'lvea they Giiuld put a<br />

stop tu the manh'adin n-tiiermiB ply-<br />

ing their trade so sear our aliore. They<br />

have,no fight wiihia tbe tbree-mb<br />

limit, but will euutinut AMm wher-<br />

ever aud wkiiiiever they feet like U Juit<br />

HO lobg a* I bey are sot lulerfertd with.<br />

It Would tos a very eaiy mitter for thi i<br />

proper autliorltfs ts toue a warrADi<br />

for the arrest ttf the eaptaius aad crewe<br />

d i l h<br />

nest Batnrday.<br />

Overcoats Lave been brought out<br />

agaiu thM week.<br />

It was most tod eosl for bleyele fld-<br />

tbe beach last ulght.<br />

llie HiiglLh* will nnw uwuit their re-<br />

iuru iu Out iber, when they will #iuu | cjhtiflei M, Truitt, <strong>of</strong> BsHirnort,<br />

yu fijute fur the eouliu'ru fciryuuitt. All • rived ytttterdfty aud will remslu f»if<br />

day loug, bttih the uud two weeka at tt eottagt on<br />

for tiiBf-e edible tUh, * UyeuUe.<br />

but no Inri|eia*E(fhy!*are repitrisd. • anHB FloreuL* Knapuet, <strong>of</strong> Ibe<br />

The bay and liile! »iili aluiuud with [Quaker Uity, is the KUfiitt <strong>of</strong> an A»bury<br />

and iitliur i»mi!ler tty, ["uyeiiuu coitager, aud will reiiiaiii until<br />

will •niiw give j nest Monday,<br />

#hiu!i the |<br />

lhe« ttsll were I'lias^U iiiin]<br />

IliB ufBrtir-when- 4<br />

y<br />

AlyiiHOUdlug, <strong>of</strong> QermahtoWB,<br />

liie adjat'eut wuterH yr<br />

ilie blueiUh iiiiiiiy their<br />

and tiuuday, Thu<br />

itiU'lUufur ihe<br />

they ure uliiiiiur io ii Iserring<br />

iln«<br />

tirvfairi<br />

Mail-<br />

tL# Qaaufftni^U adajJUd tur a belL_j<br />

line, und it is untiBlyaifed iu»t iu tut<br />

luture euob a hue u ill by built,<br />

How Iho HII<br />

After ttie bull gam*<br />

l«eeu Ugeuu U.ty yjid<br />

SatuKiuy I<br />

Weuunili,<br />

full <strong>of</strong><br />

la<br />

jug i<br />

BUe takes Html delight<br />

the biiy,<br />

l.ttyat arrivuls at The Tray inure,<br />

ib<br />

ye?.tfcrday,<br />

ride fail the way through io<br />

TUB tuuriiU gave particular atieu<br />

tioii to tbe weil-gra JeU etrieut aud d<br />

wbitili ufd f« aopeiior iu i<br />

nsortfl. The luaay huBdiOiu«<br />

were wlfflired; nl«u lhs largei<br />

huti-ie from au kFuUiifeciUfaUtaudiiolui<br />

Tuey tuuLgul, Uuwevtr, thai |Le tw«rii-<br />

waifesuouldUe uiovrtl fcntjtr tuwuru<br />

iLe wean fur the beueHt <strong>of</strong> b-fth b^lu<br />

en aua urouieusdirs, &* it ceuld b,<br />

made BUlHcientiy Huli^mniiul 10 iiauu<br />

the high m** iu mid=wiut«r.<br />

After NUK driven abuut ttiwu \h?<br />

gu^ii partuuk <strong>of</strong>.diLiUvr Ht Mr. Day's<br />

yuiUge, on L'otiUal avenue, Were i bey<br />

were J jtuej by * nuiuoer <strong>of</strong> O&uu<br />

Hit}'* feuryteutntive Uu=iiifr5H tuia, Iu<br />

CiudtsU iu ilia ItttitT ,wefdE lleis, S,<br />

Wk»ly Laiie, to B. Lake atid<br />

WiU.ftui Lake, ut iuB'tkeju Uity As-<br />

«jeiallyn; ilayorUaluoF P, iMfljre, Dr,<br />

, JB, B. Stitea, AudfeW<br />

ex.Mayyr Hubert Fuhur,<br />

T|IBdiaUuguButd Vteliuu,<br />

fiifwardeU-ih-i*<br />

or oiie <strong>of</strong> ihtir<br />

1 Ua iirnute<br />

that the vUiluw<br />

his deliveries all over ihe Held. This<br />

Sufi eT "roa4t!ug" riltd ihi redoubia»<br />

bi^ Juck liecaiiae it was unirue. In you*<br />

uf ilia publmheU itmu>iHLnt he<br />

1 ihi fiiltuWiii)!<br />

tiuu io ike pjp^r iu winch It<br />

In ihla iihiriiJu^ |ia|ier ifaj HUure <strong>of</strong><br />

lliuO^t-au Utt^ Mi \Vfeliiin ih biise bill<br />

tinum HHH iiiiiiii>.iitiil,tt-;i, iiK«N H O^enii<br />

UHy, »!i(l fney h.wi me down u4 (lie fir t lime<br />

thdie tliiiii-* have neL'Uirvdj but 1 have<br />

never juihi any utUUiiuii iu<br />

MaryE,<br />

wnmliigi",u, IJBI,<br />

Ut-iiige Biiliiip, * whote^ale<br />

the Q'Mker <strong>City</strong>, Will i<br />

a&d Wilbur<br />

Psnneuberg, <strong>of</strong><br />

drujEglst<br />

his wife<br />

to<br />

<strong>of</strong> Ihsm tMjatri, aud bring them aeUore,<br />

where they couU bi made an eiimple<br />

<strong>of</strong>, Tiie i*w la very etplleit regsfdlug<br />

tblH uuiftwful rbhiugsHud tbe nefitfious<br />

praelice could and should bi Btopped<br />

immediately.<br />

AM MOt-nt aa last Saturday they took<br />

five biiatluadg ef fl^b leufo. the watera<br />

rfpjiotflie Tsnth iireit withia three<br />

hundred yerda <strong>of</strong> ihore. They have<br />

beeu doing the same thing ftll Hummer<br />

aloug the c<strong>of</strong>tflt, Ope day they appear<br />

<strong>of</strong>f Lougport, the next day cpponite<br />

Sea Itda Ulty and Ibeu they VIBU this<br />

r&»ort to coniluue their unlawful ¥oea<<br />

tioti-<br />

If they would only couflnt their<br />

work tu CBlehing the nieptaadia thai<br />

would ba auaUier lUtttter. But they<br />

duu'i, Thty siiyliBeate everything that<br />

begoiuga eutougleJ iu the meshes <strong>of</strong><br />

their titta, from thi obuoxloUfj dog-<br />

ahark to thu toulluogae weakllsb and<br />

auappiug Baagkerei, Tbiy Csteli tbou-<br />

iaudfl <strong>of</strong> Uflh every day and those they<br />

fail ta liBd bedoini frlghiened sud give<br />

th&« Witters a wide berth uuiil tbey<br />

ure eh^ed from ttome other place,<br />

remain<br />

Samuel Lockwood, <strong>of</strong> Alle><br />

U liefs lur a brief fitay. He<br />

up from Cap*) May, when he hid<br />

been slum July la.<br />

WilsiaBi aiorgan, formerly BUpSfjfl-<br />

teudeat <strong>of</strong> the Masier iiuilder» ! £i-<br />

PhlludcJphia, wua seeu on tue<br />

iaat evening.<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Heury Aruold.ef Bri«klyn,<br />

N= Y,, made-a brief v!«!l to this *res«rl<br />

He earns fruio gea Isie<br />

where he is autuseriBg. '<br />

Mr*. Wiilitiia MoFHriaud,<strong>of</strong> freBlos,<br />

i4viiiiin!£ fneud* oa Wesley avenue.<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

ibTif<br />

ut<br />

ihiui.<br />

by<br />

10 to ruiu<br />

look the 3,18 p. Di, tralii fer<br />

<strong>City</strong>, . : _.; .<br />

HIM nsiber bw Him<br />

Paul While, 6 iearn eld, <strong>of</strong> No, UW&<br />

gislb iiftet, Aiiouiia, W»s run over<br />

aud luBtautly billed yeslerduy afier*<br />

by au ikpreaa wagou <strong>of</strong> the Union<br />

Coiup^uy iu AUiiuilo Uity.<br />

a iet'Utatiuii<br />

J. B.<br />

<strong>Aug</strong>ul 17,<br />

Wuiil jluFelrUge ?aya ia true.eseept<br />

I list be pituhei sit iiiniiip, Jjiik<br />

dldu't enter ths bos uatiUtu buglu<br />

UIUK <strong>of</strong> lue ttltli liiiilnji. Tual, -liow-<br />

tiver, 1» poly a si ght mUake, but if<br />

j auk bad pltcljei, Ihi whole liiiie iu<br />

lilugs thy rettuU would have been dif-<br />

feieui. Tbe-WeiitiuaU-plsyerB were uu-<br />

able tsi bit him si ail, ani ouaUt (•* bg<br />

thaukful th«y were il .1 wiut<br />

ii Hhut*biiE, ,<br />

The<br />

Is au<br />

and pusses*! a beautiful voiee<br />

Auiy WilllafHi, ft papular<br />

woniau <strong>of</strong> BetUliheia, Pi, is •<br />

airivai at this iWurt, She<br />

liifJBt<strong>of</strong> her lime batliiiig and<br />

qvellug,<br />

Aiuong tlie Jafsst afrivais at<br />

Brighton are M«, James SU'sBua<br />

t'aiiie Huitter, alia* Aliens<br />

UliaricB D, Jenkii sud Wife &ud George<br />

U, Juhuwn,<br />

Dr, itobertMau^hlp.<strong>of</strong> Philadelphia,<br />

why lias biicn iii for isverid vvwkt,<br />

yitnii to Ossaii Ulty yeaterday to MOU=<br />

penile. Hf la rtopplng at a Central<br />

e f-ottage,<br />

Aunle Slpitou, <strong>of</strong> Ridley Park,<br />

f DA<br />

g . p | .<br />

flshiraien, end suggest<br />

Ibe fiah wardeui or other<br />

should take tue matter lu hand, fieh-<br />

lug ia put <strong>of</strong> ihe reereatlons at seaside<br />

reaumaud tbey clitlm that if the meu-<br />

iiadea flslierUicH are But uaule=tid,<br />

there will euoa hi linle Inducemeuis<br />

lor auglliig BpiirtBiBen to fiequeut<br />

ihetfl,<br />

WhiB iha BJiahadBii boats were<br />

here lout ijjturdaya resident ef the<br />

jnwer BegiiJU <strong>of</strong> thi city prseured a<br />

Hliot-giib ui'ni tif^d upou theqi. It bad<br />

uoetJeytupuii the iiabermsB, aa they<br />

knaw they were got wituiu<br />

dd i<br />

Wu»t is ueeded<br />

so ibit the hou^ei

ifhr<br />




m<br />

Ajeil^u<strong>of</strong>m phyiteliB itesd on ihe The foUowini are the l.tot anl¥l,ls<br />

b«Ri«alli yatiRl^ afiefa«a wateh-:« ih# vnfieui<br />

Inf Kfsial jDBi[ woHfB who w«ni<br />

riding g ataiig g tba, beach on eft btsjctm. hlcycte<br />

Some <strong>of</strong> them were bent oearlj duyhle<br />

aa tbtj fediledllsi msehlsfs, white<br />

tb t times ti would ld lit i niufe<br />

to ba gmsfui?" he" IaJJ,<br />

Hotels and Boarding Houses. : Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Cards.<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> Citv, N, J.<br />

Sow opeo fcr RflpUDB <strong>of</strong> (tlPitl,*<br />

f ubpeflptian, , , gee, Far i«uen,<br />

Joseph Jena, Wlbor 0, -«»=»( a<br />

fi, DftuneBberB, Wilmington,. Del,<br />

„ fHl SHIMiTOS,<br />

dTmtaeweolB la laaj rtjlnmnii, 10 cent*<br />

lfnt fiif Unit iDaerilaoud fl¥B e*nt* per "I duu'i wonder," , aald ald be, he, (hat<br />

bioh«t»ltt#nl.<br />

(hat J, ABdersnu. Ross, HUs Helen<br />

recuHr Mdvertlsemciili .many <strong>of</strong> our yguag India* af icwisy are Rom, Master Jolm ROM, Mrs. JaRjtB<br />

«& •ppiiaiiisiis isii<br />

nut more grjL-tfut wbtmln<br />

BiiiLt<strong>of</strong>i, 511*8 Call is Hunter. AJIeiie<br />

,_Al£jM»winleaaed fe? BBttlleiiJsn mast rasm, Tiit uiaioiltyi.f y don't Hloei, lifatrii»,<br />

. E, tt'.-KlLLKV,<br />

Q«*S CITV MO18E.<br />

No, 717 Asbury Avenue,<br />

S t-JTY, S. J.<br />

quicktftbausflaah, | that the bloyule ^quirifl Beittigf ly,«,<br />

"In njj joBBj^rdsy*, I have lodged "o' »»iffi is does nut ntc«Bsiiati the EPISC0PAl CHUBClOf ffig iOLY raifHTY<br />

hi a ins fur aniin wUli ihg Lhermuibe | f inpiuyaitBt <strong>of</strong> an ii<br />

ter at sre, wailing f<strong>of</strong> a shut at a de*r,! !t uev . • -.-1 rjauwntly LosHiicd.. -Tprnis<br />

(:(.i!V.-n!ent_it> It. It.Hiiiii.iii<br />

FibluHH Tsbls,<br />

3i Ft?!. A. HOMtlOFF,<br />

«f IUIJB away^<br />

T n<br />

^" Wed to keep niy gun up a j ^ « Fiiutun, H*,, lecturer (uf<br />

th* W, q T. 0,<br />

JBLif ^»**minn b» R»», SamU>l L, fcllw, D<br />

D, VieftiJtlttii^finr si _l\m Ais-enuan UHI=<br />

*nrtl[j st «iihlnyliin, D, C, '_<br />

AtOUHT i—hirnmii hy Buhop Cjrui D= t', SJ,<br />

* Of piilliMii'i|ilit»i P»,<br />

—-— 9=gprlnf,h hf tli.JiflJ Cliiri^ji It,<br />

T, Of BllffslO. f*. V: I<br />

li^^fiiimi by Be*, A, J, PaimFf, D.<br />

PT, lif Seir VoFli f US. ilijulonarf tJ*^re!#rj<br />

<strong>of</strong> the If E. eliiifi-It,<br />

AtfUtJBi- m- S*r>iiiin bf Rs>». J F, Curann, p.<br />

1J,. PrPShf Urt»ri iiitiilst-F (if BriM.liii n, S, V. i<br />

TBt B**tid« Bihljial A*iM-lilbl!f b)>K Jiii- # i<br />

ivnJ • OBI liliSi uMil July IS, It l< **ii BHi

Stse? name—thanta fa us muia sails<br />

and the variety enteeUaaaati id hi<br />

us muia sails<br />

enteeUaaaati aid his<br />

f tb tl fc t "<br />

Kieiy entffltainsienti aid his<br />

, otunlitakaUe fiee there was<br />

y ens better towB^uUui<br />

By /FTA1TEB<br />

Wtoihelcftthaepnrtefbankfnp^<br />

fie bad for all pesieisimiii tiie clotha be<br />

stood in end a few pounds in hia peek-<br />

*t__ Be fflfght na¥6 goas back to the<br />

auk tall, bat he was afraid. Every-<br />

body now knew from the papers that be<br />

WHlaorieri—iudeacoaS orders onlyH<br />

It ti ffae,ljat the people do not observe<br />

pies dlatiaetloiiit Ha Bight hsva bad<br />

himself fiavertiged as the "Rev, Paul<br />

LeJghajj, B, A,;, Lion Tenor," and gene<br />

on to meet the applanse <strong>of</strong> the rnalli-<br />

tads, ThBS_B_i_.edee_B_Kdtobi_B, Or<br />

JjS Eight go on without talriuir any as,<br />

ties <strong>of</strong> flio exposure and be jpyed by<br />

ths gnlletf. 2fo| eyen tbe<br />

by the<br />

most \<br />

if only beeanss the pro,<br />

^J* the fact in the next ad'<br />

J <strong>of</strong> salaries. paBi was stiil ei><br />

J sensitive to tha opinions <strong>of</strong> the<br />

,„—„ Ho did not *--- *•— —«—• -=<br />

beeaaie, or Iried to U^WUJL-, _, gen*<br />

Thai I*, a pieker np <strong>of</strong> odds and<br />

He fan abpat at night raHeeting tmBgi,<br />

be haunted tbe eii.ikirf« <strong>of</strong> crowd/?, be<br />

stood shoot in ban. <strong>of</strong> rase. But ho<br />

nevir made a good penny a liner, He<br />

did not know what<br />

tetdVuf- ens better „,,» «,<br />

«!£ Halted dan Ua brirt by<br />

Mfiagt© spoil bis fast fast it was as<br />

jot BntBoiiedi the flue lines and delicate<br />

sieves were there stilt with tfe—*— li -<br />

eyas which bod woo so BUST<br />

haarts, . '<br />

fOf coarse ho had passed i<br />

tfrnt, a time wholly sHtiffint comfort<br />

Era iha servicis <strong>of</strong>'the cbapel failed to<br />

awakea any <strong>of</strong> the old emotion*—yen<br />

ja£t tply f«I a Rligidu rsptnre<br />

OJFKfleri In ft riHtmn garband tilting-Ja-»<br />

paw all by jenrself i itii absari He<br />

•anf its bjuiiis beamse It wai a relief<br />

WhSyKf"^ W ^ i( ww •*"<br />

He stood eotslde the prison gates to-<br />

rtsolBte, despuirin^ He porfiieiiy an.<br />

derstoed his own pesitiein be had no<br />

tei«^, at fliL By thistiaithebttdgiTBa<br />

who had ens<br />

ho think <strong>of</strong> her<br />

otfler men and to say s frieadlj wortL<br />

3*be girl wbo had captured him came<br />

half ft dosea tunes in the eoom <strong>of</strong> the<br />

day to ask him what. she csold do for<br />

blm, and before josf It wu known in<br />

tbe barafiJa that they had get s real<br />

clergyman <strong>of</strong> tho wtablishmeiit,, no lets<br />

• pasoathAB the frisky dcaeou known<br />

ta the mnsio halls, tho rasa who Imd<br />

b«n tnmed eat <strong>of</strong> the ehnnjJi and who<br />

hid suffered iapfissnnieatifif obtaining<br />

mfloey finder false preteniet. This wai<br />

extnsely ints_«i8g.<br />

In the evening there were<br />

hB ""* and prayew at the"<br />

Bath Hamas, J F, E, CHAMPION,<br />

gitow<br />

COF. Boardwalk and Eighth Street.<br />


F* NUt ARTICLES, 1OTS, & HELLS, ^C.<br />

•ai»EB- Rlnire «<br />

SP Ifl^Oig IKe)HTTi<br />

TH&<br />

••Una<br />

ICE, =DIALK IS=<br />

WOOD,<br />

, iu sut,<br />

was in<br />

» •» HIS wairu&tB.<br />

ota bctcli-flcd liitouf d.<br />

a higlily CBiotlennJ, bysfcricaJ<br />

to begin with, A i h k<br />

--it <strong>of</strong> the depflirK»dts, his e<strong>of</strong>flpan-<br />

ions or the MHiio ball and the tavern<br />

tan Bade it impossible for him to think<br />

<strong>of</strong> her. Hew, he asked himself, was he<br />

going to cam hii daily bread?<br />

A man in rags and tatters hading B<br />

ehild in caeli hmd passed ftlengi ho tSd<br />

bawling the "Swuet Bj aud By," A<br />

maidstrvant ran np tho area steps and<br />

tossed him a prai.y mi vanished, ' 'That<br />

way!" asked Paul with a asking heart<br />

A Etring <strong>of</strong> men crossed the road iow<br />

down, L - -<br />

****» business^ never rsry sneeeMfn],<br />

sa_ye to a sodden end—a emah—a dii=<br />

sneiw-a eoUJBlon, The law, in fact,<br />

was going one waj with great stbadi.<br />

am Ud resolution, nnd Fool Wis goiag<br />

tba ether way, and they met, with the<br />

ftsait that Pan!, being wrecked, went<br />

_„, yon see, mil to a tradnanan the<br />

rapport <strong>of</strong> the whole London preta**-<br />

Sse«, Dajly News, Standari, Tele.<br />

grapta, ^gf, Chronicle, anrt aH^oBUss<br />

jm are able to eanj eat year pledge,<br />

T h " ' a M i* ObWiiiMff moary-BadTr<br />

, And 6HL-e more theRev, i<br />

ganaiHgtei* Leighaii, i, i, flg.<br />

ia the papers, atid aaep more a<br />

|oed part el fcls record was pabUshed<br />

for all the world to read, iaeindiBg the<br />

seens at iheeathedruL the reaion why<br />

j half corKcfe=the Paal Ilifle tpi.<br />

: sad the banknptdj,<br />

MargMift ia h#r flat, read the paper,<br />

F&nl bsd net seen heFfirjee thst day<br />

wbea hs eanis straight from the eathe-<br />

toL ehe hid read <strong>of</strong> him from time to<br />

*^~"*.o* i« diigraeMfa<strong>of</strong>l his<br />

, =ho man was hopeleffily dis<br />

, degnuled and rained, Kotbipg<br />

BOW ^fere bin to his former<br />

plaee, Ko repentanee eoald bring bin<br />

•to the worldM hones Yet hs hid<br />

beforebim all h« lifers «•„ not<br />

10, atre is always heps for ths<br />

yBBBgMii least II is bapnily m thonglit<br />

aad taBght, Pot ay part, feeing theia.<br />

Wgnryaf the tfaptation for thtyonngp<br />

I deabt whither their caseignisri hopff<br />

ftl than that ef thB old, who may'be<br />

-J««"jf hot as no longer deloded by<br />

A gang <strong>of</strong> aen w&n waking en the<br />

read, They had broom* and ajsadci aijd<br />

were rakinf the mad into beans for the<br />

earts teeolJect They f«e broken down<br />

wreteaea, oscs ptosperoui er expeetiriK<br />

to bs prosperoas, Thty drew 3 iffiliugl<br />

a duj froB the parish. Thev wore boots<br />

s» became more fiery ho lost all fonirol<br />

<strong>of</strong> Will and tenson. Presently when ths<br />

•inginp—KOOd ringing, m BO knew, hot-,<br />

. fiery Biogi&p, full <strong>of</strong> tho raptors wbiefi<br />

fie reneabfred—began, his head went<br />

round and ronud, ho spfnng to hia tcet<br />

fihrieting, he threw up bis arms, lit* fell<br />

^adlgug_©8jtli6 fl&3l,_jTjipB, Inngbiaff<br />

add saying jh& knew not what Miracle 1<br />

Uinelel <strong>On</strong>e aets ptlson bird gtrnck<br />

With wuvictlon.<br />

When the strength <strong>of</strong> the hTSterieal<br />

fit was partly spent, WBI was rilaeeil en<br />

the stool it it3qui«r9-*er wag it that <strong>of</strong><br />

npfntanee? A stalwart captaia laid a<br />

hand tipon hi« Hhonlilcr mid exhartfrl,<br />

him wliero to lock and what to way and ,<br />

wiiat to expect, Tlie girl who hart ,<br />

brought him" to ths plaeehe Id both liis j<br />

bonds in hers mid kneelrd beaido him f<br />

and pBifed nkad, tcarn at<br />

lankfaluoss fuMiup dowii<br />

"<strong>On</strong>, glory!"jho cried, "Ouo<br />

Pnul<br />

ALL LCHflTHl CUT TO SNBf ft<br />


634 Asbury Avenue,<br />

OCEAN<br />

OCEAN<br />

VOL. Ill,<br />


was puufed by J. P.<br />

who<br />

^ NELSON'S<br />

Bath Houses,<br />

, Board nit ud £||jiUi SEml<br />

mnoh impmtea and Fnlnnrrf Bi<br />

d t lh lih l<br />

vim*. All n#w MlWi. *^^<br />

HirfftlT flnt«iiijuu Pfimt* null* nn>rulij |O§EPH F.<br />

enml far, E,L'iBt}¥LEii I »prlet6ft "1*1<br />

—— I , V ARCHiTECT,<br />

Contractor and Builder,<br />

jOFFiCB§07 Ashury Aveuuf,<br />

Neit (J&or to poit OffiSf,<br />

ffl.-ii[lnf.i( linri W'ortrn t<br />

, Kit!inn|MiK|vtii en<br />

tioii Kii»rhhtittL<br />

toniport Team<br />

Defeated,<br />

Again<br />

bu|l,J|nB#,<br />

PfltrenBk-e<br />

Fnlnnr<br />

ttiu*c rsv<strong>of</strong>lhE me wlih l!i#lf<br />

rtn<br />

plaia, and waa finally fnrc«l to admit,<br />

thai he hud forgotten the sigsifleaace <strong>of</strong> j<br />

that parriealar Brjuieaca TbereBpoa the j<br />

old hifrt etir'Vgn'ftffii'd"<br />

Oht?oi iliPihtnBS most<br />

lit ii WfiisiJB ittfiari fur bviilili BBd<br />

ioDgcvify i« f-li'nhllrjffs; HJ tl weald<br />

!«• wet] for HI, vliiiwrs aad ptrmnnii<br />

tsmiiif crMii'lea fails ts lEieiiflnj.<br />

iflFi' condition, fis Bllli <strong>of</strong> any kind<br />

w IU LrtfiJ jiiriiiirlH and jthillnr<br />

A [J nu'i ais wit,<br />

^ ^ j <strong>of</strong> his put ittt^. ap!<br />

JU1 flerer jdlewa man to laj down,<br />

J__|anftb.i6tUlhedis,<br />

_A nut who baa a bade nay perhaps<br />

tst eaplyment. U be j, l^ r^£<br />

nwhtachafaeta, A aan who bo a<br />

^^rim—specially,if t^i fee ^6<br />

•fflM prfwim^if be low hli eh&<br />

_W«sa BifflEf iad wet Ks uiae<br />

flgi _a«t Wows ops than bU owa.<br />

JN itorr sngfat the poplar laagjM.<br />

to^ TOei fu wmethiog indis^ i^<br />

-feBto-ttti-BSii Fanl Leighan7a<br />

i.dWHiiBtolyortai Ttec^aS<br />

•nTMTplsBS papai allsa tlm the<br />

^^ftfWg tiny sdlid his,the tee.<br />

PrtinbledevBn; tfeiyalltd Mm ja_dE<br />

g^tef i^taw pleteia<strong>of</strong> hfi<br />

__l_L _tfH_K dinii. Wi^.to» BBiarS"<br />

,___ ,- _,*•= jjjBt-B lur jn, xiiere<br />

TOO can sit down and talk things over.<br />

We're all friends together at barracks,<br />

f oa know. Some <strong>of</strong> us brotber goldiers,<br />

tat all <strong>of</strong> as friend*"<br />

She took bis band and held it with *<br />

warn and fiietorlf grasp nnd led Mm,<br />

now aa flnresigting as a Lunb, ilong<br />

with b&, "Oh!" shesBrcaored, s<strong>of</strong>tly,<br />

"Obi good Lord, bere is a gentleman—<br />

look al bis face—0 fentlenaan and a<br />

Bcbolar, I sboold my, LOOJE into his<br />

thoughts. I think thif us hard and<br />

Wicked, Be bsm't turned from his<br />

Wickedness yet. Ha bta n_re? worked<br />

with Mis haiida. Lord, tireafe op bis<br />

stobbora benft for him. Ho knowi bia<br />

Redeemer br hearsay. Wo BJJBII not have :<br />

to teaeb bin) aBythiagl we only have to |<br />

give him food and love Bad prwiently—<br />

grant it, Lard—he will give Way- slto-<br />

g?tb_faiid bo broken np." Now even aa<br />

She tpoke there atole into his htart a<br />

faint imi> «• *»•- old emotion which<br />

___,_._»_ IHM in ethers. And it staid<br />

there and pew there. He made no reply<br />

tO her While shn __rmH-i«a__ 1.=.<br />

jn hii c^ with the Lsrfl, The<br />

genMt tgneh <strong>of</strong> be? flngBH s<strong>of</strong>tened him<br />

—it was so long iiBS anybody had taken<br />

any inters, at all in ii^Hita^<br />

wba ihe wafH-a Baltatiea Amy girl—<br />

aad Jhn L-nsw mlui .l,^ _- P .<br />

lirue hsnored ery <strong>of</strong><br />

____„„_», A'ljij gqga JjjjBjer 1 de»<br />

noting the iermiuation <strong>of</strong> a _iUing, fai<br />

eieiaiuiPd in aKfsiiiiiitiiiiit (o a brather<br />

Celt: "Well, did yon ever ses soeli iiB=<br />

pndenoe us Uiat? What basitiess is it <strong>of</strong><br />

those feilown who gwa hdiuel" fiat be<br />

eclipsed this porfurcuanct. when he<br />

slighted on tbe fortaal aunonnpeia _ui <strong>of</strong><br />

the ssferance at Mt, feiEon'a oOaneoUaa<br />

with the liouifa, vvliiclj was pnl .jshed ia<br />

tbe onitoraury forra—nonjely, that<br />

gearleama in qQ__tieu had been opj<br />

id ate w urd and bailiff <strong>of</strong> one _f her -UDJ-<br />

esty'a aannr__, Ths inuortnE Hibernian<br />

poinifld tliis sot wjtb great eaneeni and<br />

gravity te a farotljer inenibflr. laying,<br />

"Who'd bnve tfaengiit that Tom gaiion<br />

rgpjd Lave sock BOIOWBI to fake a hit-<br />

let like, that BUij fretn a Torygoti<br />

m_H_ tq<strong>of</strong> "^Loiidon Correspondent.<br />

"CH! FOR A<br />

Dit <strong>of</strong> Good ii!<br />

*_*rai! to be ihq plea o! tbe tfelBt<br />

. InKpHblie tbfo_gt..uil_(. wra-try.<br />

Wby aoi y» ih? flhFRi *BUf<br />

npwing from ArtfKinB well* e_fp<br />

SO feet 4ttp hy «nB«t!Bg to ___<br />

JHilna sf the tliean Lily<br />

eenipahy and nivep drinis n<br />

watsri _e_w tbirnt, never be<br />

cut water hiit ur- •* - *<br />

p__e_f,fc_r_eH find<br />

I s«turd»y<br />

SNuaday<br />

» i<br />

4<br />

5 WtsJiittd<br />

0 Ttjursday<br />

T Friciay<br />

sui<br />

f<br />

Owing tOiFTlSttnec <strong>of</strong> IBi Diamond<br />

Froia fti Steamboat Pier the Spec-<br />

tators Wire Few-Th£ Gaffli Umpired<br />

by Dr, Haeiy, <strong>of</strong> IBt Unlferslty ef<br />

PenfiSjrifiBia — Ihe Elckers tn t&€<br />

Minority* <<br />

•iUy <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Base Biill tJlutj wun<br />

a\i(,t_ry jiBterUay Bftefiiuuii over tU#<br />

liuDgpuft tyara by u score <strong>of</strong> 8 to 4<br />

There Wiw nirt a very lurgs atidlgm-e<br />

to witnctsH tbe gaiue, UH tlm<br />

i were ab>>ut ime nud otn-lialf<br />

! friiiii the town, utid. In ordir lu<br />

i them, ptidsiritriiiUH Md to travel<br />

uver the ttit-adowH and ri _k the danger<br />

(if belnt? deviiured by mo«qulioe«.<br />

As OUB walityd over ilie BjeuUuwB,<br />

Hgeiug a t_irnggliisK p_t_on here and<br />

tliere wiudlug ibiir wuy iu ttie euiue<br />

io uyt m LlniUgU a<br />

s tight luHi-iid <strong>of</strong> a bus? ball giiiiie<br />

WUB iii j_fi>g__«i. It was tertaluiy »u<br />

gut=<strong>of</strong>4lie'«By plut-e, but tlie luojorlty<br />

uf these wliu Uhd vwiied tbe sput hs*<br />

fore look tlis prL-CKUlInu to eutiiiHe<br />

yijciiis, wliluh iBtided 'tlitm wUhlu ft<br />

few f_«t uf the £r_ut_d-H, The latter<br />

littd ibe niiaduW liny QiuWid Uowir<br />

abuulttto weeks ago ttud U «»-•» fclib<br />

aiivy wlil) B_)iBquliue_,<br />

It wus iiiarlj 4 o'ulutk when three <strong>of</strong><br />

and<br />

w.liile<br />

homo.<br />

In the seventh hinlapr, Qreaa<br />

Lmd three infen rettrirf lii o»et two,<br />

ihre# order. They were Themus, AII<<br />

olid E. MillB, who sere put out<br />

at first bass. There wns a dispute_lu<br />

Lotigiiiirl'a half <strong>of</strong> this lulling<br />

Ivi-uy bit tbe ball. It W»H grtthered by<br />

ton, whst threw it to Uatulier<br />

. Tbe latter fufiibled the ball aud<br />

Btejipt'd ou Libi hiiid, Tbe<br />

4 Iveny uut, but tbe latter<br />

refused iu leave Hrst bsfee. Umjifre<br />

liiiwever, explained Ihat he<br />

r, expla<br />

out for '-lufuiug the<br />

Frank Smith is Bpending a<br />

with bin Mister ID Vlnylnnd.<br />

Benatur A, D, Marian, <strong>of</strong> ,<br />

Pa,, ia registered at The Strand,<br />

mm MttDftifet HarlMiifl IB atopping<br />

wilii fflentli at ibe Point <strong>of</strong> Beach,<br />

Qeoige A, Ciifflfurt, Of Atlantic CUyj<br />

gufst <strong>of</strong> The Htniod yesterday.<br />

Dr. Tbqjnas B* T»spr^ <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Quaker <strong>City</strong>.lB Btopplug at Tht Biraod.<br />

Taylor, <strong>of</strong> Ann Harbor, Mich.,<br />

IH amuug ibe latest arrlvalB at The<br />

Trayliiore.<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>essor and Mw, Ubarlei U, Gaiber,<br />

<strong>of</strong> Ueimautown, an vhlllug Weada oa<br />

Ueu trul avenue,<br />

Mrs.H, D, Canfleld<strong>of</strong> the Illoaois,<br />

The cnair Bvii Camp.<br />

Ths bo,yB sf Bt, Luke's Prjitestaut<br />

plMOpal diMreh ehoir o! Gefman-<br />

town, wbo arrived here oa Monday,<br />

are having a guttd time, noiwithHiapd-<br />

ing Lbe dtfllcultleB they have bad to<br />

eon tend with, Upon their arrival<br />

ben they weft disappointed to learn<br />

that the tenlB they had sagiged from<br />

the Blftte pepaitBieat at Karrfsburg<br />

had nut arrived.<br />

-Rev.-G. HerberL^enalBon, eurate <strong>of</strong><br />

St. Luke's ehurub, and George Aieisn-<br />

der A. Wat, tbe cholrnaaatef, were dls=<br />

appointed, 1011,1111 everytblng elae was<br />

the uiUiiliig LgugiMiiters iuiiied up<br />

fruin AtlitHlie tJrty, iLe gauje »«•<br />

than eaiUd, with iliL* makeup <strong>of</strong> Uie<br />

1 two ttuiiis:<br />

Osau <strong>City</strong>—Sptnt«, ih ? U. Mill*, 11M<br />

3b,| Scbwarisi, q i _ilunO', e l\<br />

had s-nlled hitii<br />

wrong way" wft« BM reaibBd the base,<br />

mid ('_L):t«iii Ityuilugtoii li.Htfuuted<br />

Ivgiiy l« abide by Ihe uiuplre'H<br />

liiii, Saevliiii; «tru_k out and<br />

ruy was ivtlred at tlfat bo»e,<br />

Nu ruiirt wure auored by Oeeun Ulty<br />

in Uie eUbiil inuliig, UttuUtou Blid<br />

out t« liiMUi Speucj Htruek out and<br />

w__i put out while loaling on<br />

bane, The l^nKlMirteiB lu their<br />

«j failed tit t>-or#. A, H,<br />

was fetired at flat, Doau<br />

a hit, but was cauyht iiuj.jitiigon thlnl<br />

Bud put »u«. while Kuiirr wai unable<br />

lit ruagh flset him before tbe bill,<br />

TUe iiluili and last inntiiil way<br />

v¥itii__u_ elthir team BOiitljaa,<br />

Uiiy put DuvU at the bat, sud he<br />

ylt, St'iiMarig and • *riiiiiua» -twih<br />

out, while Morey _t fly sss*<br />

in Ihe ii-iti, LoHgtMirt (hgn<br />

iu tbe biit in (iiiiH=__.ei titber tylug<br />

Bcuiepr uluHiiig tlis Kanis, 'i'bej'<br />

ii impending sevenl days with rtlalivea<br />

lit Uermantown,<br />

Dr, and Mrs, Uharltii W, R»y, well-<br />

kunwu JHbHadeiphjaaii *ra regi-l-fiid<br />

at The Lafiyitte,<br />

Ciiufles NewniHU and Frank.West,<br />

are wtll'kQPwu Caindiyita whu are<br />

recuperating here,<br />

United Stats Senator Mitchell, <strong>of</strong><br />

Poitlund, OrtKoii, eanie over frjia At-<br />

for the boy* to camp on<br />

the hacb, Thty iincoidlately lele-<br />

giapbed taHarriibuiK for inforiuaUoB,<br />

and ttlll tht teota didu't arrive. In<br />

eonMqutaee <strong>of</strong> this It was not known<br />

eon§equt<br />

where lu iudga the boy».<br />

Finally Cuptalu Conwu, ot the<br />

fl h<br />

Life<br />

Finally Cp ,<br />

gavlug Statiey, <strong>of</strong>lsred the u§e <strong>of</strong> the<br />

boat»houie for the juveniles to ileep ius<br />

Here they wrap themselves in blankets<br />

every ulght and lay upon the floor.<br />

They take their meals with tbe curate,<br />

ehoif Blaster and ulhef members <strong>of</strong> the<br />

pgrly tt ft cottage on Weslev avenue,<br />

h Si O A<br />

isiariejefl wui, fur W, P,<br />

a two-UaHi hit, Fuiierwas pui<br />

out at ttrat, lveiiy then hit ihs _a 1,<br />

uud •HtBalujstuii uiidBKuok !•• rearh<br />

h.me, Uiiuatiiu, hiwever, «a_ ti«i<br />

hun, _<br />

4Uick f. r him, and Unipiru<br />

t T L<br />

he Hatf out. Tug<br />

r,, 6 is (>, ui,<br />

Ire* KdcIfiJiik,<br />

Swond Street<br />

,, 7,001. m.,*rritw OyplB Cuj. S8S •, in<br />

i,, aaji. ni., " " Ilila=in<br />

it? jii i)l=, " " JlJILH<br />

m , • «' •••». i4Jp.nl<br />

m, 1* '• flrtji HI<br />

in?<br />

The (Mb.J TriLnnt ap<br />

$ l linpnrtnht<br />

01 IBs ii'tta «hiUrj= is M<br />

ligbta, \Vo frti tbat Oc-eao <strong>City</strong><br />

not Ifcfkli.s In Ihla Wm<br />

HSe csutjlw, ell nrid KH1<br />

dAntfersuii And ObjrelionHble, when<br />

elfrtrlpit}= Can he taraUibed at ten<br />

rtiwnnble niltr. We ape now pre,<br />

ptrea ta ftirriiPh Apear 1 ncinder<br />

Mill LfjthUi iu any part <strong>of</strong> Iha eilj<br />

UniJ gunnntee Hbso)tit« Mttliifiirs<br />

lion. The lnraBd«>ci>Ht litthui will<br />

t» run a|i BiLt<br />

: lii.,<br />

,in!t<br />

,a.,<br />

s is *. .in,,<br />

Mi.-Hje. i<br />

\nv\\fS.«ft,m<br />

. iM«a, m ni<br />

•ilB-<br />

yull h»<br />

cttiigltl<br />

li.ira<br />

. _ _,,.,_^_, i,»i |_, b, , "<br />


WHfeiMj|UH mid iti* sMBih.<br />

!«,_», IIS. « hi, ins ifisi'LifflrfBiBil*<br />

? 8 BS, iUini<br />

!i,ie uight,<br />

ATI AlfTIP i|T¥.<br />

ifctr giii l<br />

*»• »<br />

j jtiri—<br />

« wat^ aafl why<br />

tat he waa weak<br />

nfi d<br />

paper. It igeugjigtd iu wrifisg np the<br />

IiopuJar fJergjiueu <strong>of</strong> the leculity, aad<br />

the way in which it does it may be in-<br />

ferred Iruin the fullowjug paragrapb In<br />

a fteeni Bketeh: "Jpraidhtr iJaKlflBi<br />

<strong>of</strong> Hopkins is what the sporta mil<br />

'erackerjack,' He luukH like a sport him=<br />

feif-=ef the finhoni farieiy. Ha dresses<br />

like a fQjJowtfF <strong>of</strong> the raeus, UHS tdbae<br />

00, iwears ixtsisionaDy, invents<br />

sal wot ion lousbiueji and wk<br />

a<br />

and as 00-<br />

=„<br />

Thero has j«nt died at Eirtomey, en<br />

tht northeast coast pf SoUjcrland, Mra,<br />

Betsy Mackey nt the age f 103 gha<br />

...= _», 9V_u,g, uut UB WM wean<br />

from im solitary confin-_o_n_ and the<br />

Briioa diet Team filled hl« _je«—fpal<br />

.__- ^net Himnlated, T^e girt «aw<br />

them tnd wpnt on Emnnoring e<strong>of</strong>t and<br />

kindly prnyent So be walked boide ,— _.__.«".=.* ._<br />

her With flrooping head ud qniTCring Bf tsy Mackay, at the age <strong>of</strong>. 103,<br />

licaL quite ready to be tffoken down wan a Dative <strong>of</strong>. ittaEbnawr,<br />

ever the niOBientihcmldaffiT& He *"*<br />

taken to a place where they gȴe<br />

hia ft hot bfestfajit aad •hnok hMda<br />

bis as if they were Kally glad tt)<br />

. _in_. When be caid he was that<br />

inomtng ont ef prijon, they mumiored<br />

gently, as if it was hi< mirfwtnae and fug Ktnem __„. „ .,M «1U ouU<br />

not hi» fanlt, Tbcyiaidthatjaanygreflt yonng, tveult aad strong, were turned<br />

Mana! eatts te thfS ftjpjri^_aaA jat^thJtijthgrtfikJhB-peopli get half<br />

that many other peat ilsnen woo n_L» aa iionr'i notfeo te pack up thtir b&.<br />

CJWOB to tljptn had poTer been «n1; to losgfogs before tbe to«b was applied<br />

—'^-I'al.all fb^f »»*e him boeto to le the tflateii <strong>of</strong> their dwelllagi. The<br />

- _f ud thej' told him that he might baning lamed ilk deyt, and freffl one<br />

stay there whUe be looked •boot igt eminiUceoTei SCObJoiJaRcottflfacooId<br />

wwk T_«y _0J «ef3_ied to be T__7 bMT, be ismated! A Ti*y diffent «mte el<br />

*~" U_ej foond time to look Ia now and !_!___£•, it 1_ plesiing te reeard,<br />

i whw h- «» -*"* ^ tia g^_U,__j,u __nwr_* •_<br />

OPFIGEt £oi Asbypy Avenue<br />

PLANT: jOth St.and W«* 4venue,<br />

LuiiHpuri—Fo_neroyt8b,; A,.H, Rein<br />

it,? Doiu, e,hi J, P.<br />

ton,!.__,; Kauir, Ib.; W, P,<br />

|,f.i.fuller,c,'; ivtny, rt:<br />

Tbe Octau C|iy teJiu wetB fliBl In<br />

bat HDU made three rum fu i<br />

tuning. These weie hCijitd by<br />

U, MhlB and DAVIB, Sub»iiriE flifed am,<br />

MuNy wau retired at Ural aud'<br />

struck out. In their half uf<br />

iii&g, Luiiyport failed to nwr_.<br />

PuiHtroyttitU iLe fiwt<br />

ed, but the iutter W&B<br />

between Beyuud aud<br />

biwe atid put uut, A. U,<br />

was r__l_e_i vihile runn_Q| io tbe<br />

plate and J. P, i_e_ui_igtuu<br />

The seeoud lulling waa very brief for<br />

Qeeau Ci|y, m AudeHou and E, SI iii*<br />

we_e put out al Hrst aud LkiUlgiOii<br />

Biiuck uul. The Lun.purleto mel with |<br />

a. Ht.uihf fate, te Kiiuor _truQk out,<br />

Fuller flied out, while "Iveuy'was r§-<br />

UreU at tint bang,<br />

lu ttieir half uf tue tlilid<br />

Uiiy cuade four tuum runs,<br />

were Wed by C, MIIIH, Davis,<br />

Morey, Bpeuee made u<br />

tWo bsae hit In this inning, but wan re-<br />

nts!while trying to steal iblfd<br />

Hiruuli a foul tty, ikiiJ wu»<br />

ettugbt out, while tH_uleton witf<br />

JlrBt, The LgnKporterN, iii ibeir<br />

Imll <strong>of</strong> ibiB ltiiil"K> i ""Libta<br />

They were made by<br />

toy, and A. H. ikiuluKtuB,<br />

P,<br />

qsiuitit by U, M|i!HfBud Kaorr fsiled<br />

to reach tlret.<br />

p<br />

wuud<br />

hi» deetiki u,<br />

rtlireil at lint b^t, *<br />

'I he jijaiiiewaa umpired by<br />

<strong>of</strong> the'University »f Peimsy<br />

lautletJity ,_<br />

Tbe Mieses Kellle aod jennla Braai,<br />

<strong>of</strong> WilniinjfltJU, are here ft)F lt« re-<br />

ider uf tlie Heasoo,<br />

, Heury Juneii <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia,<br />

_y and vvlll renuilu Until<br />

(he camp meet lug,<br />

._. M Agnes Arther, s taleiited mu<br />

atciaa, ia giiipiinl *itb friends in the<br />

!Uih_rn «eiion <strong>of</strong> ihe elty,<br />

Frank Peretvi^<strong>of</strong> Bruokljn, •ecom<br />

puaied ty hi» wife, li i|__ndiaK the<br />

week at ii Central avenue<br />

Henry B^herinel, <strong>of</strong> Phllasleiphia<br />

inviitinf QuakerUityfrleuiiaon Wei<br />

ley avenue. He will Bmaln over Bun<br />

day,<br />

William A*, wife *ud BOB, Ol<br />

Pbilydelpliis, teiurnsd h._me aftiF<br />

BjwndiiiB twtt wskg with B, R_ Btuith<br />

Blid wife.<br />

Aired rus ©rie*!ioCM.<br />

Althuugli Alfred iiias and William<br />

Matthews, <strong>of</strong> Palermd,'a two fsrmen<br />

<strong>of</strong>l shore who married slates and<br />

lived tegetUer in the same house, their<br />

family ties are anything but pleasant.<br />

They ©eeupy the ami home§le*di but<br />

It to said they dlsspived parluefship in<br />

Ilie farming business laat spring owing<br />

to their many difficulties, ud new<br />

grow caattluupes and awest po»loealii<br />

iHereBt flelds,<br />

Theb; frtqueut qyarreto weft brought<br />

to a cjieiai yesterday afternooa, whin<br />

Sims appeared before Bqulre Myers to<br />

answer a charge 0! aasault sod battery<br />

on Malthews' son, TheaHepd assault<br />

was committed last Sabbath, whin<br />

Sims te aceused <strong>of</strong> kuayklng young<br />

Maithews dawn, alms w*» «"«tel<br />

in toe morning by Manhal Uoavef<br />

while huuksterlug pwduce ea Asbury<br />

avenue, near Seeond itreet.<br />

The tuanhal had ft warrant in his<br />

Inside pocket for ilma Bines Monday<br />

and was awaiting bis arrival from Pi-<br />

lefuid with a load <strong>of</strong> vegetables, Him*<br />

was uot surprlHed when tafcea lute<br />

hd Mt<br />

in the parly are Sirs, Q> A,<br />

A, Wat aud Walter G«n_n_e>% Tbe<br />

elioir boys af_;<br />

juun BraltUwalie, Itoy Bile, <strong>Aug</strong>ua-<br />

tus Bile, Arthur HenderBon, Frank<br />

Keudersan, Fred Bcidliii 1&& Htaek.<br />

Louis.Jamti MeAlease, Walter Upaw-<br />

was uot surprlH<br />

eiiBtody.as Matthewii had Mated he<br />

h hi rsted MM*<br />

ther, Persy Burueas, Koniiaa Haw«<br />

thorue atid Guy Hawthorne,<br />

The miinbera nf the fihoir are loud<br />

The mii<br />

in their praiSM <strong>of</strong> the genewus bospU<br />

aud kliidnaa <strong>of</strong> Uaptaia Coraun<br />

and tbe life guttrtB, who have dune<br />

eveiytblBg in tlielr power to make ii<br />

pleaaatit for therfl. Tuey enjoy the<br />

drtlli <strong>of</strong> the life guards and watch<br />

them with the deepest intercut,<br />

Uiirale UBIIUISOH and Cbulrmasttfr<br />

We^t have been showing the buys an<br />

esceileat iiaie Kloce their arrival here,<br />

Ou Tuesday they took them to hang<br />

(i hi<br />

intended having him arfeattd.<br />

.Ual Cunver rode with Mm to<br />

yfflee ooly to find the proieeu.<br />

J, alitibewi, waiB*t thire.<br />

BHulre Myers ¥try gtnerouil^ ^»t»<br />

puntd the bear! UK uolil later In the<br />

day to live MatibewB BB opp<strong>of</strong>tuiitty<br />

to put ID aa appearance. In ths uieaij'<br />

time Biros remulned iu the easily <strong>of</strong><br />

the __ap.hW, Finally Matthewi ip*<br />

pared aad _ald be *n willing ta drop<br />

the proHicUtiOB agaiUBt BlBiB apon. hia<br />

not lu molest hia family<br />

The laitti would not conieBt<br />

^irg^ «? g ,<br />

brief rtBy, They will fituro to their<br />

f_____S"y£- ._S5_fa_s_f,-tr7^rn-^-ni- „ _ , ...<br />

,MB bsnj for*)pier, while j«tert«y they were<br />

pier, while i y y<br />

lowed to bat be tn tbe oaeau. They<br />

tbe dip in ths surf l»=<br />

TOHiRgl<br />

ALt HEW<br />

...._ _ ___,,.,„ ._•_ miaiHouvtTi ana wsaB<br />

grown up woman i_hitf that fertile and<br />

once popnl<strong>of</strong>lH sfrflih—about aS tails<br />

losgvWDs rBtijleasly oloared <strong>of</strong> it* ia*<br />

habiiant. iu the second deoa_e <strong>of</strong> tbfi<br />

cefltnrj, She had n vivid reeoUeotioa<br />

end jnritjy gtoHis to tell <strong>of</strong> ihe barrow-<br />

Ing ictnem wit_e_«*d wbea old ud<br />

TO HIRE!<br />

*LL_tCW aLLHtW,<br />

Street and Anbury Avtnue,<br />

REPAiniRQ J*HOMraj,¥ DONS,<br />

aos,<br />

Brit*<br />

u <strong>City</strong> didn't stions lii the<br />

in his base<br />

laundries.<br />


OCEAN<br />


N,Hjii«nto it, Fbiladeipaia, 1%<br />

DARBV A PdOLE, PHM!H«R><<br />

Chinese Laundry<br />

TOT Asbury Avenue,<br />

OCEAN CiTlf, N. j,<br />

TitH^lam werk HOD* up 6y l»Bd,<br />

The iue«li cifThe Hrlfihtun «IH have<br />

r eiityrtiiiuiueiit shis cveuliilf. 1^<br />

._. csiii^iat uf driiuitttm laadhiKS,<br />

Jobu alufiB boa p__reb_i__i ft lot *iu<br />

tJeiitrrtl aveiiUe, ii«ib *»f Kluib streeti<br />

mid will ereyt a «ollHj|e theieuu ut out*,<br />

Lttrge _(_huul» isf meiihttdeu Ciiiild N<br />

seen in the bay aud Inlet, .vwtterdny sf-<br />

tyruui'ti, btt^een ilil-* eity aiid Long.<br />

i»rt.<br />

Uuuduelor U, W, Htekey haa p!ir«<br />

Juhn ilurl6 ! euttagy en<br />

, beltteeu Ei^btb and<br />

ie«, wttteraiylutiH ttiid<br />

are pleiiiiful at thii resott, It<br />

.. now the height *if tbtlr**ea_on. They<br />

briiitt resisuuabie prkm<br />

aud besvy wrsps wire in<br />

greaVdeniaBcl Uat nlglii, fivtn __»_<br />

<strong>of</strong> the cyellBtft who roths along, thi<br />

yeoeh wore heavy cluthiug,<br />

aibd Mli-t Anna Paleu<br />

out uu"the oct'ao, yeaierdayi In Mireli<br />

Uf biueflHb, Mb« Paleu lanUed two<br />

wlthiiut any<br />

t'lareuc# JqsilH, ot Phlladtlphia,<br />

aieuinpauled by Mlis Fannie Garr^sD,<br />

i'auideu, U Bpending a week wllb<br />

lsi ijii Aspury avmue,<br />

Alfred Whia'ea, a jally PnUsdel-<br />

a.hai been iDJuylBif * two weeki 1<br />

y lit a SVealey aveuue eijitage. Ha<br />

ritiinied this Morning to the .Quaker<br />

Uiiv, Lydk P, Moore and a party <strong>of</strong><br />

ffuni Phliadelphia, after a plea<br />

b fide lef<br />

Tha people is general have all giveo<br />

them * heariy weltome, as they sym-<br />

pitthized wUh them in ttot fetxlvlng<br />

all thtir .eanapiug ouifit. The<br />

Lavs tieen putiiog In their spare<br />

BinlliuR ftloug the beach and patronii<br />

lug the merry<br />

again. ___ ==_—-<br />

to ihis, but said he wm willing for the<br />

mutter to be hard, All he sated w»<br />

JusLlee, »nd he had no doubt but that<br />

it would to metetl out jmBanlaliy,<br />

the hearing then Io_k plaea ifld<br />

Mattbewi described the alleMed askult<br />

ujstri hfa Bail, He said the defeiiaant<br />

Uuuok .hta ..<strong>of</strong>fspring wim fete i»i,<br />

kflfsklUg himdttwB, Young Matthfl»i_<br />

eyrrehurated the statement and isld<br />

hi gave aimi no ssusa for sueti brutal<br />

treatmeuu ^<br />

In bin own behalf, fUmt virtually<br />

admitted striking lbe bsy but said hs<br />

was ws&tavsted le do It as y», « —,B- =<br />

P. KsiHtiigiup waa caught iiapping at tagers uf Outau Uity.went to Lti<br />

yedterdi!v Hfternuou to witness i<br />

third base,<br />

Ho runs were seored by OeeaB UUy<br />

in tbe llfib lynlng, Thijujas aud AB<br />

deruuu were retire J at ttrtt buw find a<br />

fuulfly by E. Mills was aaught, la<br />

i«uiptm r ii half, NaevUog iiruek out<br />

Pommoy was giveu mb«e ou balls, A.<br />

H, Htrmlugum filed uut and ttMa WHS<br />

at flrst '<br />

tagers uf Outau U y . ^<br />

yedterdi!,v Hfternuou to witness ihe ball<br />

biUtliiiiMWijiebbriiusbt<br />

garot, b<br />

tli^m back nt 6 o'eljck<br />

no<br />

had oa board<br />

Bight pf ftnnB iutereaUrf JH the<br />

furmiiig <strong>of</strong> a euu0regatliju to held di-<br />

vine services under the aimpices <strong>of</strong> the<br />

PnBbyterisn denomlpatlou piet, last<br />

g, at The IlliaoiB, to dhcu« the<br />

matter,<br />

g<br />

Sunday mufniiig<br />

Central avenue,<br />

There will b? _efvlaa held In the<br />

public iciiffij building, Utntral RvenH*?,<br />

bBtwtta Egbth and JMiotb streets, by<br />

the Pre_b>terl_ Bf, ou Bunday mariilns<br />

10.80 it'elet'k, wbea lle¥, A. W,<br />

W^.nUliy learn «0Bd eue run I apwuIMf New Yo^, will preaeb. V<br />

,BlhB8litulBulug1apBnceBU«_edl»g Mure tbaa ous fl«li«_naa IB O^ao<br />

a^h^heme*t^,l_i<strong>On</strong>'-iUul fly Oi^ U wiilhig to tire upoa to mei^<br />

w^auSt SC'hwarti Hied out aad baLi tt^be.msB if th|y are furnished<br />

EJS?J5l Si-tot i«ihU wltha^in^ Theyo^miiaBieiuus<br />

S m UU* and DavHi aW hit the ylueflA mu_it b.v8 fc.«md tbelr way to<br />

lBUiiif____l__l«B94a_rtiO. ®U* witbmfcBtoaa'atwuwefshaiB.<br />

It was agreed to hold ierviwi Best<br />

the school house<br />

_„„„ . bet#«n Elgbtb<br />

and Kluth atreeti, providing the ttus-<br />

Urn <strong>of</strong> Ihe bulldlug would glVe their<br />

QUDHini, If the eemmittw ap^iniid<br />

to Bscure the building are lUL-eeHful<br />

tbe Re?, A, W, Bpraull, D, D,, af New<br />

Yurk, will preaeh,<br />

Those who were present tt the.__ifle_»<br />

lag la_i night have signified theil<br />

wililagnesslLtdiiiJi to their power to<br />

bavs lb#sefy!eH ttest Handay, Tbey<br />

BIBO mtlcipate Ihat they will hi *bls to<br />

build __Pr_«b$tem_a chureh in the natf<br />

f u t u r e •••, . ' \ ,_". .'.;:. . ;• .'•.-••<br />

duit. Miss Marlon Hall and Florence<br />

Catharines wslttl reeitatlaa, "Uumlng<br />

Home," MB. Mack; skirt dance, Fior-<br />

snee Catharinei piano salo, Miss Emliy<br />

reclt»tldn( "KtosiBg Uups<br />

MaiueMaeki solo, Aouie<br />

Moor*; polk* wajy? regliatloa<br />

"Keliey'a Dream," P»f. McCarty;<br />

dnet, Mf.SBd Mrs JlBeyiSall<strong>of</strong>'s Horn-<br />

pipe, Flore&ee tolnarhie; Keitatloa,<br />

"A Bactolor's* Bollloquy," William<br />

Murphy,<br />

;<br />

Tbe» were twB*tep and other dauew,<br />

which wen fsUaWed with refreahBienW,<br />

ht<br />

man, v ,<br />

The latter accampaBied alrns and<br />

the marshal back to the oatee <strong>of</strong> Squire<br />

ffh°"° ^ f * Cotton cunsepted<br />

te'slgu the bail bond,<br />

frum d<br />

Hlmft was theii<br />

The Ball Game<br />

There wlil he a game <strong>of</strong> baNe ball this<br />

afteraegu, between the <strong>Ocean</strong> Ulty<br />

team and a nine selected by B. T,<br />

tries, a business maa sf this town. The<br />

game will take plaeeon the beach, op*<br />

pwlts ai*th HtM#tt and will be alM<br />

at i.S0 o'fllMk.<br />

The Osean <strong>City</strong> |ilajers will bei<br />

BMiiee, Sfl.5 0, AUUfl. lb.i B- Mills, i,f,;<br />

r ^ _ ' »»____ L . i_f-l..u__L_i. _* ,<br />

^_M f<br />

mm w m<br />

ip'tj<br />

Among the many guats that were pre-<br />

sent werei ,<br />

Mr, and MR, mm?, Sir, and M»,<br />

pept, Mrs, Muck aad daughter Mame,<br />

Mrs, Juhu Uthariuf *ud duUghWF,<br />

Ml* Bailly; Mrs* William.Heishey,<br />

MM, OIIBB, Mra, Joha Pasy, Miss Nan<br />

Goodali, MISB Field, MUs Aunle Moon,<br />

M^rs,B_u__p, BVOAA^, Xiffirie uid<br />

William MDrphy, Phlladelpbia; Mn<br />

p<br />

d,;<br />

i, Bfuwp, Uhiongq; Gerito Carpenter,<br />

if Llaie Luid aad Paul Jones,<br />

_»»,,..„, A. Boyce, Bostuni frereMoi<br />

Mci^rty, fi«llicnore, slid Joseph Cb»n_.<br />

Inn tin<br />

UiiulBteB, p.1 Dorlii 8b,| ,<br />

Miirey, e,fti Anderson, I J,| Thomas, r,f,<br />

E,T, Files teain

Jub Ktng and^BuHie poll<br />

Warrlgk and Addle biand, -—rf<br />

^ndltWa and 3St« Harell, Joha Fet-<br />

Ujgiiuaod MfBi Btimard, jqha Wyai,<br />

•ad Hdta Jyhniwn, Hoberf Bi*maii<br />

. and alary Bthcm, WiilJaia Uaraeii<br />

and Cornelia Guuld, Fred Gould-and<br />

Cornelia Ford, William Msure and<br />

Sadie Ellis, L, W, mm and<br />

TlUmap, Hlyhard DUHUU aud<br />

AodersoB,<br />

Each eeuple was nunibered and thtjj<br />

dfffeKnt iiylM <strong>of</strong> pedeiiriaBisai eliL-ited<br />

much applause, Keariy a half do«n<br />

eeupis Lad many Irtenda aineng the<br />

large audlenee, who appJauded tbeii<br />

favsrlle couple as they paBged, After<br />

they had made a elreie sf the nwro fo\<br />

abont Bve mfnuta, eeveBU coupis<br />

were wtfded eut and retired as bora.<br />

peiltoB, Thi walk was tbfn ftiuaiid,<br />

wiihJuhn KtogaudSuNie piinarddn<br />

the lead,<br />

WfflPetlard.waH tbeftvurite for a<br />

long tlrae, but whey geveral mm enuplw<br />

were itHckfn out, leavtag<br />

tares <strong>of</strong> them Fenaalnfitg to<br />

Tut tbf prlie, WllliaiB' Warrick and<br />

Addle Giand tben put oi) their hear<br />

"lugs," and brought dowa life bouts,<br />

The antic* <strong>of</strong> anqf&er .enupje w#ft<br />

lilghty abusing, espeeially, the young<br />

man, who should hays beeo awarflrt<br />

•ome prize for the eentnrtioni atjd ev&<br />

JuHeiie that he faased tbriiugb,<br />

^iB-ily the judfje* deeidsd that AMU.<br />

Hdw THey Becan Atg<br />

Bbe wo eTidently frena Tuakahne,<br />

fcir <strong>of</strong> flfvn Cod conntfiDftuoe, trltb<br />

hue] brews gfet and light blows baLt<br />

•biulti a with witt Just just • tinge tiafe at <strong>of</strong> auburn, auburn. isniieOiSy, that her li/e wu dapaired<br />

which was care fully combed up behind, «if, was yesterday removed from the<br />

Hotels and Boarding Homes, ! Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Cards,<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> Him N. J*<br />

Few open for mspllo<br />

*•- utnni^gos,<br />

mBfcfng making tbt tljecou'touf pou'tuur <strong>of</strong>h« <strong>of</strong> her h»d head ttitrac Clij UoepStal (o her brn "<br />

live, tibe wore ft cheap sliiii WHIM<br />

Cffj Hospital to her bums* She<br />

with gma and white stripes, a wLlte t«ktB iiw^y ia <strong>of</strong>auge ef relatives, mi*<br />

butterfly tie and a thick floured siita aud Mra. Clmrlea Smalley, <strong>of</strong> Bridge- For terroti, i e,,adtlreiiSi<br />

er, «f<br />

ton ton. ii'M«s -1— *—— '- " "<br />

; MISS M, A. iJUVLE,<br />

^i»f»* t, wj,jje hile a ifinj trim (jtifor' Bailor i3af list with 6&<br />

removed ta itaelr<br />

p,<br />

y*S!DAI,iA 11OL HE,<br />

intended fer DBbliaUon martwhite<br />

gsiIn baud rested jauntllj on her<br />

_ cmlno Party.<br />

fef 10ffl, oHoa day or pabli<<br />

A juvenile progressive casino party 795 Central<br />

was given at The ~ " '<br />

by _.,. . audLulu<br />

eveuiug while tbe baud was ploying H<br />

THUiliDAY, AUGUST S»,<br />

Tha-e who carried (jfl<br />

Home fomfortm<br />

topulur air. As she whj.Jed around<br />

Now Sjsn.<br />

were Adele Tsjl&f,<br />

«n the merry-gfi-round hhe caught the<br />

Ttttctkc Walk lad concert.<br />

Htlena Taybn coasiiliuion, Albert'<br />

B, IJIJRLEV, Propriit<strong>of</strong>,<br />

«?y#<strong>of</strong>a joutig man who was already<br />

Tlie eoaeert nud cake walk at The<br />

Taylor, Cliutles Butting!.!!) and JuLiu<br />

attract lug Atieotiou by bis general<br />

Brighton last evening was a eueeww,<br />

Hamel, Norman 8 ted igef secured llie<br />

«•—-•-•• It was giveti adder the<br />

He ware duet (routers, with bonby priia. Those prestfut Corutf Sixth ftu-1 Asbury Ai-euue,<br />

bright tajiie i<br />

Helen "'<br />

list with a bright red „„» -U..P<br />

OL'EAN flTV, S, J,<br />

four hundred people crowded baud, a bright blue iiecktle and _,„,„.,<br />

, dlnfag-roinn aud all<br />

rf Btrgif, HgMe Stadlger, Ntliie Jfodrrn InproTrinf tlti,<br />

Hbees. He was certainly a i|»rl>< IJO4V 8etds, Etijth E.vin, Enmiu Jijltwrn, WlWr Btid Bail..<br />

wtsiBuirt by the fntfrtaiameul, slid intended having ail the fun Io be Maiy fliftoB, Ireiic Tuy igr and Hun y<br />

H, I), CAXKIELP,<br />

la the uaittawfgtoa earner <strong>of</strong> tlit got tea ouE oi a eefc-lde resort with a<br />

dinJHg roeai an improvised stags was very little money,<br />

erected, wlib tuuiiliii curtains, watch Wlwu beob^rved the girl smile he Kllrtft(!ot>'» Alumnae<br />

Wliou tie ob^eriBd the girl Brnlle htj<br />

were drawn afiertaeb aet. The Mer-<br />

threw away I)is cigarette, and tiirnltig TUcj hnd never<br />

cies were opiaed by lot Brightoii<br />

„ -,==,."!=>»>-, aim niniing<br />

to a eompanirm ilading blt h two I*fare.<br />

quartette tinging tht ballad, *>wm> EL> a eonipanjnu iiaudiug he*liie tiim he<br />

But «!ie tfi'ntlj? culled him<br />

Down upon tbt Swaate Hirer," Jt Hi Id: "Wait until the machine ha* walkftl HIQDJ; tliCMlif<br />

WHi bfauiifuilyrebdertd for amateur and Bee m get t gethirY gbe<br />

Hliigers, Robett Hessian and UlariBw<br />

ereel in disturb ibem<br />

The girl, jader *be nlliEhtfd ttmi<br />

t<br />

GrosB, lwijgqjor«| waiters, thee eniiv<br />

..drnxisel, made it a point hi walk pssi<br />

eOid matters with tbiir eiuile<br />

where the young man lu tbegay oloth<br />

81<br />

So. 6s? WE8I.EV<br />

OCEAN CITY. N, J.<br />

T DAVIS, «, »,,<br />

i»<br />

050 Aebury<br />

Oeeaa t'lfj, N,<br />

(Kvt-nltiK after 6<br />

> CHAKI.ES C, KAITH,<br />

DENTIST,<br />



iug t-Uutd, He eaw hf comiiig, and I<br />

After the concert ihe audieuee, nerved himself to accost her,<br />

which was fatkcd like mtdiom ia tbt '" ** 1, aiidas she appeared<br />

dining room, was requested to ox>Vt<br />

their (uhaln and beiiehea so that a cir-<br />

<strong>of</strong> him she flyly turned her<br />

aside. Her adfllifer. however,<br />

cle esuld be furmeJ f.*r (he cake walk,<br />

w&9 not to he outwitted, so he<br />

I..S They did «>, but as ibtre wtreio<br />

i<br />

present it wal iaipoisibi^ to the shoulder, aaldi<br />

give the walkers iufflcleiit upmcs h I ujcet<br />

Shuw lhgrni*Jvii <strong>of</strong>l,<br />

Tb# Judges who were to decide tbt<br />

winner wgie Ihta chosen by HeadwaittfU,<br />

W-JaekHdo, who aeltd a><br />

maalef ef cgftmoBifa, He s#l«ied<br />

ColuatlA, T» Lja-jb, J, A, Petklnand<br />

L. Wtlls Baldwin, ih^ Phfiauei.<br />

pLiaoa, who aie gusts uf The Ilrlgh<br />

too, Tiiae gen liefflea were iatiifiieiuiy<br />

t*i evefjbudy prsent, and theu tbe ftii,<br />

begau. A eqloped perfutmer on th* -aiy uftae jS &<br />

pjona then struik up a lively iuae aid couldn't guess It?*'<br />

the walseii with tiieir b@!t girl* put in •• VV#j|, are Vfiii L<br />

an sppearjace, Therf were d«ni. i^rouad again t» b»<br />

coupls.and iheas were the ceuteaii-<br />

k " J Situated on<br />

til! D T, Ann<br />

Hyrtior, Mkh5<br />

THE HHiailTON;<br />

" l5l>e«K»r AdaBii, George (J, Jolnmop,<br />

J, A. Perkins, Ptiliadelphta; ijn,.<br />

Kaihcriiie Prudivdje, Uhlcugni H.<br />

Pitiiburg.<br />

Lulu Biidiep, ffldorai Drs tt*. g, j<br />

Buck, Philadelphlar AHu Urania Mtsmith,<br />

rUm; Josepli T, Bmiih, M<br />

Helen Giaw Smith, New Yyrk dty, t<br />

OCEAK CITV MOf'SB, . '<br />

Hsward Keyger, Jrs| Wm, E. Frieiid,<br />

Mr, Blacfe, Ml* May Allen,- Mia^<br />

-flrati Allfn, Philadflphiar Qm, Ogdeu<br />

aad wife, RrfdgetoQ, R, M, Beeves,<br />

' THE feTflAStn : .<br />

B, W, B, Doages, Charles Laird<br />

Ida M. Biiailng, Mary a.<br />

Moore, I)r, Thomaa D.TagfaH, Walrer<br />

Kuthweli, Pjiiladulpbla; George, A,<br />

Crawford, AiifiiitJe Uity*<br />


MM Ji*i<br />

:<br />

For Sals or Rent<br />

II UffEIL A STI KEfcllAS<br />

Reai We, y<br />

Uvr iJuiiJlne. Hoora £,<br />

UIT¥\ N, J,<br />

DRO4.<br />

if Ai! lev '*»<br />

OFFlUEi in neai E,yiiSnnd ij,» nul]fl!<br />

Buoin 5fs, fl, Qgposita SV, J. Ii, -<br />

Juhu H. Siiyle and wife, J, B, Chalmers<br />

afl>mtr,<br />

;Tlilrteeiith Street arid C«!!ir^l Avenue, ATTORNEY B AT a TOfUE lAFAltTTF,<br />

i<br />

LAW<br />

, ,,»r-s,viniiu?nfe Airy fjnrf.bH.' Ne&twiFiif-<br />

i!iis,A,<br />

WEhtSd llifQiighout wJtH E|eptficlty=<br />

AHfsinn Wnil!r<br />

!<br />

7th and <strong>Ocean</strong> Aoa,<br />

The I*footer<br />

00 TO<br />

Avenue, Oeefta<br />

OCEas<br />

S15 Anbury Avenue,<br />



usiHJies,<br />

,, bet ween 4th and 5th BIB<br />

60UHT<br />

WILL BB<br />



Qvenn <strong>City</strong>, N, J.<br />

iM givea, Miin« and S<br />

furoii uroisiieg,<br />

BUiLQiNea PUT UP BY<br />

OB DAY.<br />

Practloai Carpenter and Bufltfer<br />

1118 Astarj iisnys, QDIFB Cflj N j<br />

N,<br />

i Qutllne programme<br />

FOE THE<br />

SUMMER 0P_i896<br />

AT THE<br />

OCEAN CITT, K,<br />

S#rmonfi and irtdrcufs on<br />

i*=BBrman hy RKT, H, A. Wtilf*. P. B.,<br />

prf)Ftpnr iti Ws.Lliifttit) Lea Unlvertltf.<br />

LflihE <strong>of</strong>l, Vi,:_^^^^ ^_<br />

V ft=Ripmnii BFn**. s= Bunk!) ftPlFon, fi.<br />

p., iHVtinrnf Qrvkuliiil PrecbyjerlBlt UJIUFLII,<br />

r<br />

J D L V 8?riHB y *, : r s M l<br />

till, lias*., MitiirSt. "BiWe iiiildF IJr<br />

JULY lB=An adcip BIIJ > r»= AniijliH<br />

Holify. <strong>of</strong> Writ pdttton. la,. Ifctursr fur<br />

ihitVT.OT, U,<br />

JULV iB—Kermuu bf R^T. SaniiiCl Jj. BPIIFF, D<br />

D , Vice L'jjaiirHlnF <strong>of</strong> ths Ari.ef ILIS UnlfHpilir<br />

At iVmhlMidiin, P, C,<br />

AtJOWT a—Mnjisij hy Biiiliap efrHa B, P,ifn.<br />

df Hiiila.lifii.hijti V

.<br />

*.••' details than I have owe able to<br />

f ; ho narrated with copious additions<br />

tifl wlsieh yea have read. He eon-<br />

; by siuftiiig to them one at<br />

ewa iato whirl) he<br />

j, to fflach repenfiuiep, so ancb<br />

fiiitJi thiit the eougK-gatioa<br />

u Hnotionnl company, it is tm&—wept<br />

and shed tears witliont restraint or eon*<br />

troL Anti when he fiaMhed, fiiajdiig on<br />

hia hmm before them all,'they sprang<br />

to their feet utd Bang Puch a hyam <strong>of</strong><br />

trininph, with bursts ef the silver clar.<br />

leas, besting <strong>of</strong> the drnmg and ghosts<br />

<strong>of</strong> glorified aadfergiTcn sinners, that it<br />

Eight havo been heard for miles nrohnd,<br />

Piul WM g rwrait Before loug hi<br />

was an effieer. He had retanied to his<br />

eld emotions', he was ones more happy;<br />

ss one threw the past in Ilia teeth; tbe<br />

" sere enthusiastic sf tlie 4rmy erCB en»<br />

TJed aim these dpptbi <strong>of</strong>. Tice with wiiieh<br />

thsir ewo p«r iiltla eoinjnonplaeo siBi<br />

= !<br />

=-whJch coald not be fflndo '<br />

^wefe not for s moment<br />

And a Hpemant clergyman <strong>of</strong><br />

.UibsiBti And once more the Kev, Faal<br />

Leighan, D, A., the urcpr^gitjle deacon,<br />

the Iran deacon, the jack is the<br />

1 ^Contraotflrs<br />


ARSHITEeT,<br />

NELSON'S Coiitriteior and Builder,<br />

Asbury Aviiiiie,<br />

I3ath Heui<br />

Neil dear io Post onjee,<br />

*iiilii»itt*givi!ii OB sppljca=<br />

Electro Therapeutics,^^ ArcMtBCf,<br />

Bttllfler.<br />

OCEAN OITrt ft,<br />


work<br />

at irellt'vHO Bulli I'aloco,<br />

, Clivo BU<br />

','11 Iinay ba allpwed ta stay Jaug j Bneagh far a itqrE. I want elothfB, I<br />


| enough to sHy it," j tvant passa^a tnoupy, I u'tsnt money to PR, TMQMAS M,<br />

;. "gay if, jflpa," I ji?a npea while J ani lcekingslmnt mo,<br />


ts<br />

j "Yeaipfab<strong>of</strong>iaypBetJiIsfnrf, Well, 11 wiJi ffiWit yoa with nu ptowisen. I<br />

j it ia, I nekiiowlHjgB, a mosS disgraeefai nay go to the dovll or I tiiny go up hill tseanii !1 *,<br />

Biitoiy, Notlun^ ehn ho said aboat it itistcflfl <strong>of</strong> dtmrii^sl don't know, Jircry»<br />

that Is too bad for it. Cut it ii past and taiBg ii nncpjfaiii esc«pt tJiut I mmi ge<br />

gone. It is quite gon e, " Ho opengd hfi away froia hrro lest 41 wurse ihiug huji=<br />

annst<strong>of</strong>iliow that "it wag tvallj gone pens to me,*'<br />

into the ewigfcelt, "I have no patfe J He spDltc for eitup irii h tbe mnwst'<br />

jja?e EQW only a prcs;iit and a fatBffe " aess ef rculitf, What had, bo ilene in<br />

"Altai Tim world will soon show yon the Sulrii! ion Army? WSmt new pcau-<br />

that fats pu*E rsisiij as nmclj as yaur dals=»whac tflws^wcr!' (Jitsf <strong>of</strong> whieh<br />

jrescnt Pan!, a aiaii eau no more iid j he «pekc? liirgiirH ivua ;L ftonjad, ihe<br />

"' ef his past life than bo cua fid \ gave _..-_- way. ftho oji(jic«ii ht«r iicskr slm<br />

<strong>of</strong> hia ebudow, It is always < ihadfti Jier fart 1 to hitl&tJit' tfiiw in her<br />

iritb_hiia.'•' | eyes; she drew ont Iwt eluyiAiOtM. Bfitl<br />

"Ket with ffla I hate done idth ay i she «?t~ ! u bhu ft chrt-k fry 8 OFPICIS IfPBi KHtn<br />

, Jt= M.<br />

>4f loini furnished.<br />

Kljitilpii'ian, ^m.<br />

TI1IK<br />

, Huii<br />

I NalufUHi*<br />

flu<br />

£|Qf)—to thn<br />

past, I hfSTC the prriiGiit, which Is u« ! orrt..r'tif damnt'l. CMitiiiiig. ^Jm htld it<br />

niiit (hefaJurp, wliieJ), A!nr« i ee! withoat iHisiiia lirr lifad,<br />

with your help Khali bo honor. \ j| e %c6k ii^ho Rnm'-il—hpfippued his<br />

month !y speuk—ho sjifike nufor two<br />

words, Mhe liioikjjcd, fiilll not<br />

1 liiifiyii tnn«l fPwn<br />

lh»iri fur littiKIi<br />

!f!ts«i'vit,v i«ciiiiiiiiintf *; m !j wo<br />

lit- WSiil fiif Hll viRitORf BBd pera<br />

krnd m<br />

11<br />

With Bly heipf'<br />

"If yea will listeu for oiie tnomeat,<br />

Margnret, I have rrfnrfrcd isy eM pawprii<br />

and inort ! *-ten tiyies iuore, I fan<br />

tefike them cry, Iain im timra more<br />

eirsjneat (haa cfer i was brftire, i!<br />

i>M A M<br />

u +•; 4 ai<br />

"jay! 7 ii| SUU<br />

am mine<br />

11 in 5w<br />

iy si sut<br />

i is* 0 W<br />

8J,i!<br />

3 ui f, If j<br />

« 51 6 10<br />

i « 5 if<br />

£,ii a li<br />

inry candititiH, nii'iiiiii.ef K<br />

y 44 " ji<br />

uiEL iir••<br />

if<br />

'L, Manehe»ter, sen ef 1W<br />

d fmily, who have<br />

Hull<br />

flail «,l»b,<br />

ihe ball »ud «ftebed flrsl,^dii<br />

l ,br«»e:«*,a Mjibihit ^<br />

bail and ThotSM WM »««« « tm<br />

i,dfl( who iuyfiUrf «»«* »«*."»**3<br />

tduubi* Pi-y.- » Miliaw«for^<br />

way<br />

Mif^'WSfi^<br />

iMue mutleiiin, and is the «Hto* <strong>of</strong><br />

I BiuBloai publieatiou known<br />

1 ' " u, which »»•« •*•»«» s<br />

The Choir hoyt 01 BI,<br />

' " " " " ^<br />

ill<br />

IS<br />

p pa<br />

§m<br />


• ..r<br />


ly WAM1B fflSATO. .<br />

KfejuTicht, vm, by th# Attt&H-.j<br />

[C0KT1HDEOL]<br />

When be was goae and = tie fleet _<br />

phut behind him and his footstep was<br />

fig loaier Bcflft) open the stain, Mar.<br />

gareiist dowu^ts think aboHi him,<br />

At any tiaje, when any tiling, bowerer<br />

UtUe w miiaiporfaat, reujinB-cd her <strong>of</strong><br />

faaJi ihe mi down to think abont him,<br />

Bh .° fed always in her mh.a whiifc,<br />

caiiHi tne renl PBBI Tbt man as be<br />

might nave ten, the mail as lie was in<br />

tended to be i his tinolioaal nature dis»<br />

cipiinid, filling hia words with the finl<br />

Sf sineerilji bis le?0 <strong>of</strong> innsio xaakinf<br />

[ the servieg <strong>of</strong> the church; the<br />

. ._. IE u new becoming ssmdij<br />

fames*. -*v<br />

"Yem ka<strong>of</strong>f tbe meaning <strong>of</strong> werdiF"<br />

•tedMargaret bitterly, "Sets, toaaje<br />

cannot teach JOB. lipainja eanaot<br />

--..JOB. JUoTeeanaet atfrBei yon"<br />

WlefcednSB eannol dels fen, Hethiag<br />

out sote yon—notiilng—notMiig, et<br />

j sept—will it happen—a ' ~~<br />

BlttflVd Oat el & Bit :<br />

.... M<strong>of</strong>fat It the Bearer banker wad<br />

waa robbed <strong>of</strong> |2J,QOQ in Ml prints <strong>of</strong>-<br />

fise eat day at noon. Tho fobbes held<br />

arwolverin one hand aad * tattle <strong>of</strong><br />

•nlfroglTperin la the other. Ho request-<br />

ed Mr, fi<strong>of</strong>fat to write a sheet for |31,«<br />

OOO wider penalty <strong>of</strong> being shot and <strong>of</strong><br />

ef<br />

Abont a year afterward B.<br />

a letter ttam tho United Statea It •was<br />

" las handwriting which<br />

i^nigfr-flhoTpg^onr^<br />

lottea fell oat, Oas wai fraai Panl, I§<br />

WM written frani a state prison.<br />

"'hardly dare addres JOB,» It ^<br />

"YOB see where I am—in what a<br />

rful plaea Feu nsk ma how I got<br />

here, Ihuvebadmisfortaiiea<br />

all tQ the veneration <strong>of</strong> all— what Ia<br />

ths whole world gnrpaMes thg<br />

tion <strong>of</strong> groveling men and<br />

women for the saintly life? This<br />

tbe man she ioT«L Ag for the other<br />

man, ho was so liks tao man she loved<br />

in niBBy little things that shq was iu(<br />

sited in Ijiifi, That was love, sho pat it<br />

Whs could lore mob u erearore—so esN<br />

lous^<strong>of</strong> neh eolostHl insensibility ie<br />

ihaaie--a aon who nt the very Biuaieiit<br />

flrhen ho was pr<strong>of</strong> eating the most bitter<br />

femerte wai planning BHW ffceep<br />

Bat that Baa—no—ibe loved the ulMEi<br />

au. Many women, in veiy footo, do<br />

always love the other aun.<br />

Three years passed by, Nothing Bad<br />

come from Asioriea, concerning Paul,<br />

Margaret minained flInRlp=and she kept<br />

In her flat, thongh ihe hiid become »a] ly<br />

ri<strong>of</strong>a aad might hate taken larger aad<br />

Better Beaut People, wao eipoeE<br />

stay la the fame place, Morgan<br />

peetid a visitor.<br />

He did not coaie, .iad now be n#Tir<br />

will coins, Oaes she received a Jotter<br />

from biBL It eamo fcea a town in eat<br />

<strong>of</strong> the central itatcai, "Perhapi," it said<br />

ia^he third person, "U<br />

may renjimbrr one whom =„„ ,„,„<br />

knew BJFSBi Lrighaa, Perhaps Hie „_.<br />

quite forgotten him. If tae former, she<br />

BWJ still be interested to learn that he<br />

ia floBriihiug aa aiaah ax he bad a wish<br />

to expect aad- more—niucb, Tgrj r<br />

mom Hi left bii nativi eonni^<br />

the fljEcd intention <strong>of</strong> forgetriitg the<br />

l*«t He was resolvtii to qoniiiler the<br />

pfet as BIMCA He landed io Jfsw Fedi<br />

with ne past—salf a fatnr&<br />

"Mo went ialana te one <strong>of</strong> those set-<br />

tled states which as Englishman<br />

visits, aewiihed teho ftesfreai the<br />

ehanee ef recegnltioa. He ehrae a eitj<br />

la wflkh {lies are few or none <strong>of</strong> Eng<br />

llsh eitraetiea, Hq'pfew a beard te «*•<br />

er and conceal hia toeo. He wore spec,<br />

taelea to eoacoAl hia ejes, and hg<br />

brBBaid bia lair differently, Tbiidoae,<br />

ii weald take a wry sharp detective to<br />

«eegaisQ aim, HfrnrriTed at taia<br />

aaduldowfi. Ha mads the aeqa<br />

aaeo <strong>of</strong> aa Epucopal clergyman.<br />

waa able to state a plain, usvarni<br />

tale <strong>of</strong> bis own record. Ho became an<br />

ardent aembor <strong>of</strong> the congregation aad<br />

a teacher at Uio Snaday Bheol. la 13<br />

naonthj to wai ordaiucd s deacon—for<br />

the seeend tine, it is trne=bnt big fast<br />

waa baried and gone, j, year after ho<br />

ieeared prieit'fl orflera, He bai aow a<br />

chorea and a fall EonfrtgaiieB, The<br />

ferries ia admirable, the preacher ii<br />

rich te Ida They said thingt I lost my<br />

ttharaetor, I had te flya I'eusid get no<br />

•woik, I was isfsauded to joia—j<br />

raaf^ it=a gang <strong>of</strong> swiadleM, We<br />

wen diteeted and tried, ana I am here<br />

for some years, I shanld not write to<br />

yea bat that I mum tell yea, friend <strong>of</strong><br />

By happier diijs, that I now sao and<br />

clearlj- atderstand tha PBulitiDa<br />

thiaga, I have learned at last the mean<br />

lags <strong>of</strong> wmbi whidii ferBjeriy were a!<br />

ways ea my tengiis withoat any tneaii*<br />

ing, I hava R>mi-abered what yea tujd<br />

me, that qbwafity aiast heac<strong>of</strong>oith be<br />

ffij life, Iarei*pt the lot Lctiae, how.<br />

e¥er, still hbpq to lead the saintly life,<br />

I sea Myself teiliug anioog the rongliost<br />

and ndest They shall kani to lova aad<br />

to Htere aft. I shall ae¥er let them<br />

know »y i joty <strong>of</strong> diagraeo, 1 in all lead<br />

them upward—an aLsMire saiut <strong>of</strong> the<br />

oplo—among the peoplq M -=<br />

Here the letter stepped, it wgs<br />

cmnpanifd by another,<br />

! *Madaai» ! -=thiHiQttsif waa als<br />

tin frem the Btate prison and was gd<br />

by the governor^''I ineleie a jettet<br />

hid was W b<br />

is rcpnted to bo worth M sany rnillioua<br />

u tfaflBWabef<strong>of</strong> thonsaude detuaud«l<br />

by the itibbcr, He wrote tlse ohork. The<br />

Kibbr said he would hare to trtraliln<br />

tojejpith_hlBa=lato=u»<br />

pPfl cafe and prodnco the<br />

casiL fie weald lake (00,000 in largo<br />

billaandiJ.Oobingold.<br />

"H you nay one word or indicate by<br />

B Jbok Of uaatioD that anything is wrong*<br />

I will shoot yoa sad thpa blow ap the<br />

bank" Sayiiig wbieJi tbe robber threw<br />

ft light evenwittjuver his arnj, coureal<br />

Bath Houses,<br />

Cor, Boardwalk and Etghlh Street,<br />



*f<br />

Boardwalk and NintU Street,<br />

OUEAS LITY, N. J,<br />

P, E, CHAMPION,<br />

^BUliBlS- -<br />

ICE, GOAL,<br />

punt iPiieia wm sni8* allf erceis, »it •<br />

WOOD,<br />



fij4 As bury Avenue,<br />

•m&<br />

OCEAN<br />

VOL, III,<br />

OITY^N. ^ SATUBDAY, ATOUST 22, <strong>1896</strong>,<br />

NO. 48,<br />

J,<br />

ijiFSe niiij niry .nwiiifc AM mw rtihes.<br />

mrvd for, E. u, liUVtK,<br />

Ihs reyoitcf Im held iiT hia baud,<br />

Mnpanled the bank pfUaidoatintfltho<br />

tellm-'a cafBi received the money iind<br />

rctutned with Mr. MoSnt to the private<br />

NELSON'S<br />

Bath Houses,<br />

^rdfiiUDdjlgMib.<br />

"GDntfaot<strong>of</strong>s and lull<br />

! V, HASD,<br />

ers.<br />

Hult muff BUUIH were addid to the<br />

church tliftt year than any year up in<br />

J<br />

AftCMlTECT,<br />

C'ontrn«lor and Itiiilder,<br />

..OFFICE—M? ABbur,y Aveijiie,<br />

Neii year is I'OMI om^.<br />

I hnve iniich improved nnd>n!ii!Vf4 tnj<br />

iind tliiHiH fnviirthi,' ine w|ib Iheff<br />

will find ntlentive uttenriiirilji und<br />

the biiaker aad blow ap ths „„„„,<br />

„ if iifl alarm shonld be given bL-fora<br />

be (tha rebber) was rafely eatiide (be<br />

bank. He luaile bia eisapi and has not<br />

beea eaptnrtd, Therobbc*'» overcoat,<br />

revolver and bettlo were fonud iu a<br />

doorway agar tydbiuik buiMiiJE, The<br />

revolver fpas loaaed, bug a et<br />

Bnajyiii<strong>of</strong> the coutents <strong>of</strong> the „.<br />

revealed thp fart tijat thq Bnid was<br />

BitTpglyeeria, but sweet<br />

Dispatob,<br />

Electro THerapeutics,^,^<br />


at iTellevue Jiatit Palace,<br />

Under tilt i't-fiiijijul rtuptrvlslnn oi<br />

DR. THDMA3 H.<br />

IMKH liirniuhiHJ<br />

lion Hilf<br />

iiiiiiPn »n(t \V<strong>of</strong>feii<br />

K«[li{ihU«K!v«a ou<br />

fi uiiitruiUtHKL<br />

I KASLI»:RH,C:UR8ON,<br />

ArohitBOt, OoDtrector I Bnllfler,<br />

CITY, N,<br />

awn; II •= 11, TO I<br />

ra^ W a priiiuner<br />

tat reaiaiiB nafliUHhed ife died tbfi<br />

memjng, ia ear hospital, ef pneumonia.<br />

Ho esppeaied peat psaltenee, and I<br />

floj^ his penitence was sincere. His<br />

•hori career ill this eeaat^ wasiuirkcd<br />

by aansual andae!^ in crime. Ho was<br />

an Episeopal olersymaa <strong>of</strong> p^at elo-<br />

qaeaee, who was detested io BOBIQ gean-<br />

dal aud bod to a> bii town. He beeaine<br />

a member <strong>of</strong> a eempaay <strong>of</strong> swindlers,<br />

new breksn up, who worked together<br />

and crgaaized robbery on a lar^ scale.<br />

He waa betrajed by the ' jeaioBiy <strong>of</strong> A<br />

woman. Wo have aow learned thai he<br />

had been ia ene luglish prison, Thcis<br />

facts are, I dare lay, known to yea,<br />

Perhaps yea will eemmnuiuiitfi the news<br />

Of his deata to any Inieretted ia hia, I<br />

hare only to add that the clergyman <strong>of</strong><br />

tba Episcopal ehBrch wlie attenfied<br />

him mi to She end was deeply me?ed<br />

with the fervor <strong>of</strong> hia prayers and Ihe'<br />

raprnre with whloh be tamed his dying<br />

iyei to heaven, I report biiTeiy words,<br />

aa they say be some eenselation to his<br />

fonnor frienda,"<br />

rag ESD.<br />

He Sat nmi Trout<br />

Es-Getprunr Btmvn mm speak no Ian.<br />

Snago gjceept Euptlisli. but iii hia trnvelB<br />

abread has mauyfn>d to get nloujf quite<br />

ffelL gsidJiei * "I liavefoumi that there<br />

la but one safe rule iu frftrelj&i abroad<br />

nsd that is to itnimte the uicnhu&t niid<br />

follow year trniik, Iu iny feriaer travrla<br />

1 made it= a point to grb my trank<br />

checked tliroupii, or rppHterfid, m they<br />

call it ThPSi I km mr oyi1 fjll tl!flj<br />

ttnnk, Wlifn I, saw the hiujsrngeniau<br />

pat my trunk" cq a car, I at once got into<br />

that train aud teak a forward Hrat,<br />

where I cmUl « tho Mmngn ear deor.<br />

Whenever I suw ibo Liuf^guuiuji take<br />

my trunk eat <strong>of</strong> thp par I feot <strong>of</strong>f ln '<br />

thii waylneveriuaile a mistake, ibnuEii<br />

I conld net sppjik ths luugungo nf iije<br />

eonntty I was traveliHg |u and hiiduo<br />

yjterpreser,<br />

"<strong>On</strong> one occasion L was at the statisii<br />

ia Bern, Switierliiiiri, The station<br />

a nafon affuir, and so many trains<br />

coming and goii;? that I pot aliua^ for<br />

fear that I would p| oil the vnouR<br />

trniu, Sol sat on isy trBakand waited.<br />

While I wBi sitting there I wes op.<br />

prooehed by n j-oung htdy, who, like<br />

invBelf, eonld ppcnk LVrglish only 1 . She<br />

wanted to know wbieh train to take, I *<br />

told her to do as I was doiug^tjt oa '<br />

hortraijk, bhsdidm, I gave tlie game<br />

to a Bittu,' nnd betn <strong>of</strong> theia<br />

It'i tho only safe ruly,<br />

_=„ ^eneruily goes right."—Haiti<br />

mere American,<br />

n, a,<br />



OFFICE! KFII! KHtnie Rrif! LH» itl.lldllii;<br />

it l l d d j M j t "•" ••""'<br />

is<br />

0<br />

TlUK<br />

! A M | f H<br />

H .yluhduy<br />

4 'fyeNUay<br />

itt aHeii»iiiu<br />

mn« ini<br />

for lifiiilli iijid<br />

a; Hit li Would<br />

In- well for iiti viHiigniond jshuina<br />

hmtilif tollHili's l«ni?o ig the mini<br />

iPfj>.=enflitli)ii,ii-HH!ihtif uiiy k<br />

ii! bd<br />

B<br />

10<br />

H<br />

ii WttiilttHJg<br />

l.S 1 liurwiii)<br />

it Friday<br />

Ij HtMUJrt<br />

. Alt mvh<br />

With (lie siivtp, Orann<br />

L'ily HyWi'FUKf iiiiH a msiljoniil "KPI. j<br />

viiy drniiiiui. nf ev^r iHtnty fis-l! ff<br />

Bill ion iniJc iHijii Hieoi^an frotii! fl<br />

ii>iek to tin.) iiiHiH.lmntnion the<br />

9f<br />

1 ia.<br />

£&•<br />

4 m<br />

1 au<br />

2 Si<br />

BBS<br />

A M<br />

6 61<br />

u u: h tit<br />

b 42 4<br />

f 'ii\<br />

SB<br />

bhs;<br />

Ut 46<br />

ii<br />

i on<br />

f flu<br />

a u\ m ig> a m<br />

1 17<br />

y uu<br />

•i it!<br />

awf<br />

i i j<br />

6 us<br />

S6I /, JU<br />

i Ja a 1i<br />

a K.S la<br />

o U ft ii<br />

-iii o is<br />

am sa<br />

ly!« o is<br />

U w 5 iu<br />

li M S 17<br />

Id m 5 is<br />

is fa 6 lu<br />

" B a i<br />

n 14 ^ yj<br />

6:<br />

fight,<br />

f dear Margaret"— The iitteF<br />

abrBptly into the fliBt pereon and<br />

m apogal to herself. ''WhatiaQrocflBld<br />

jetWisbt What ia betterfor me? IhWe<br />

ri«n, Ja the depihi I did not feel my<br />

deepness. Is wnmed the snushjne <strong>of</strong><br />

prespertJy to #how tha foil degradation<br />

<strong>of</strong> that forgotten past Now Itrnly<br />

Ifaow the meaningirf woria. I am hap=<br />

P7, I (ini Jeadiug sonli upward. I am<br />

gOiBi to many the daughter ef the rifh-<br />

stnaik ia inyehnreh*-a Bjillionaire,<br />

She lows, however, the BjUutly life,<br />

Wbm 1 take her to Europe, I iltali<br />

brtflg her to ape yqa if j-Bn will let mo.<br />

Yea shall Is mj eoaiia, K will help<br />

me greatly to be couHectetl with BO good<br />

• feaiiiyiyi yeara, I httrs, <strong>of</strong> coBras,<br />

Be turned and rafted amy,<br />

m$ttaeh <strong>of</strong> mj«eord. Sinai<br />

JOBf naee raolwd to hmy the nast<br />

ttlsaatteiaething. It-ii-sen*' Im<br />

Ireo to linagiue a tott&( afeolisr, rart,<br />

And te the good <strong>of</strong> the ehnj?fi and the<br />

tpMt^ WelftOT <strong>of</strong> ley floek 1 am p»<br />

to Bnpprcim every thing. The inp-<br />

#i, the md-la TISW. ei-<br />

this ottwwiii<br />

f f U<br />

Tha death <strong>of</strong> LfflngreseaiBn Wiiiiaa EL<br />

Drain <strong>of</strong> TCIBS reaioTid froa politidaa<br />

life eat <strong>of</strong> the brightsi miadi Ja tbe<br />

•eqib,<br />

Mr, Craia nsed to bo eae ef tbt lead-<br />

era <strong>of</strong> the boBBt, JBB Bttir spoke wiib-<br />

<strong>On</strong>i tbe greateei attentiun, fer hs aiwaya<br />

spokiweU, For flva feari past, hew »<br />

evtr, Mr, Crnia bai praetieally fakia<br />

ae part ia the proeeiduigi <strong>of</strong> the boase.<br />

His Bgefaiutti wai. destroyed by a joke<br />

—a joke from WHICH ht aever recovered<br />

Mr, Gaia wai 6m elsted to the<br />

Portyainth eqngriks, He washaBd-<br />

sdae in appearaHee, w«U poitVd on all<br />

§o ejects, aa arnter, mi a a an <strong>of</strong> greai<br />

ptnoaal aiainetigm, TOeia qoallHei<br />

laimBdiBfely hreaghf bia to tfae freat<br />

His flwt ipsieh ia eoagrBH made Ha a<br />

Batna. Thi aawspapir eosefponaiiits<br />

took a great faney to him, ind <strong>of</strong>ten<br />

wrote flattering ariioiii abont bin,<br />

It was dnring the Fifty-flrii eoagregi<br />

that be wai ii»i&g ia tte ftMolab<br />

oDi aftiraoon discnitiag poliiies with<br />

a party e( aewipap6rmiin, Te ens <strong>of</strong><br />

ttfm he remarked apoa tba fact that<br />

when some aen ipoke ill the<br />

•pondiats left fbe gallsry and<br />

to the lobby,, while wbea oihtra ad-<br />

dresied the honii they crowded Into tha<br />

.boose.to hear. He added that he aotefl<br />

Itsy ilwayi eaae in to bear hia- and<br />

bs eipeeted all <strong>of</strong> thenj ts be pregfat<br />

on the flat nay, when be- eipeoted is<br />

Tha wsaflfniuga iuaa was Htnoi<br />

on tbe Bcnrroirt, aud the eheriS was elad woman,<br />

l hkt uf lthes ntte<br />

lug u largo basket <strong>of</strong> clot<br />

[ to cross ths street from an<br />

uf the tabeisaclH, Thi w<br />

liefc, and eiirN^poniled with the<br />

Use Jesus iBHUeoyiHUie <strong>of</strong> the ^aie <strong>of</strong><br />

h<br />

The weaiaer its »w uc».B^n«,v „„. SMVSS, .„.„„_<br />

and the pkces «f wnahipwi numerous once a weeki he never tbiuks <strong>of</strong> going<br />

ilmt tliere remalUB BO excuse for your to opera or oilier aruuuemeiita, m his<br />

utitwiiCe frutn chureli tomnrrow. wtittle time Is occupied with his wheel,<br />

Tlieie will be the usual Baptist Ber» With the wbineB it i« the same, Mauy *« v. ,— „„<br />

si iit-aiorrow after BOOB at 8 o'clock <strong>of</strong> them neglect huyltig M masy ciutlieg (l)rectiun. As sbu ueared the deput<br />

the ftuhool-liouse. Rev, W, G. ga UBUSI, all appearing to be happy *lm diidged suddeUly to avoid a U«ck-<br />

uf Palnuerii, will conduct and cttntcplwl In a bicycle costume. waguu that was bslng driven recklessly<br />

them* Aud so it hurts all buslnesa, : towarU tha platform, aud 6tumbled<br />

..~..= »„,.!„,..„, ih- .__ ^trnJ.J>._ -__ agalHst the UU geatleaian, her basket<br />

KuSuMrfTueKht^' uf elothes kno ^ !a « mi gfuto ^F<br />

in<br />

A bad Jew bad as muuh right ld ttll-wouud<br />

James H, Linn, <strong>of</strong> Gentnl avenue,<br />

juugh unable to actively participate<br />

in tlie '•Water carnival'' un the bay<br />

Ttiiirsday eveulng, added to the enjoy*<br />

Went <strong>of</strong> the occasion by prettily deco-<br />

rating the clnbhoUHeat Fourth ttnet<br />

wharf with Chinese iaaterus,<br />

This evening there will be a lawn<br />

fme'ou the grounds adjolalng The<br />

Trayniore, If it should rain, the novel<br />

and intf resting affair will be held on<br />

the porticos <strong>of</strong> that hoatelrle, The<br />

proceeds are for the building fund <strong>of</strong><br />

the new Ept*cnpal church <strong>of</strong> the Holy<br />

Ball Club Will<br />

Btiarea <strong>of</strong> stock were subscribed for,<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficers elected for tbe branch<br />

jbj located in this city were:<br />

A, rftmobell; vice*<br />

president, lender 8, fJorsos; secritary<br />

and treasurer. Harry Q,<br />

Albert A, Howell; direetors,<br />

touatte, Albert A, Howe!!; ,<br />

Harry T, Smith, Elmer B, English,<br />

Qeorft M, Breeklty, Jshti N. iehusen,<br />

and Nilis t»HeiM ^ppralsrs, William<br />

3to O Bteeltnan and<br />

E, Maasey,<br />

Robert giihef.<br />

itat<br />

Bteeltnan and<br />

Wtieo, tberefoie, one <strong>of</strong> Her Matesty's captain. Ho is a g«Ki<br />

•allors mm a rope with a icwlet thread player, a ufe hitter aud fast runner<br />

in it he cndojH it tut hU Qoimtry, ' He generally filled' tue piisliioDdf<br />

' W thera its & ssrlet thread which<br />

runs through the eutin 'Bible. It is tbe<br />

book <strong>of</strong> blood. Our beloved Dr, Uone,<br />

who w« buried beneath the waters <strong>of</strong><br />

ths Indian <strong>Ocean</strong>, uid| at one <strong>of</strong> the<br />

HeaOBd baaeuau, but in uasea uf T<br />

geuey has occuuled the ptUsher's box,<br />

Prolessor apencp, during his stay bert,<br />

bu been, elOBely Ideatifled with tbe<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> AflSocistioQ'a <strong>of</strong>liee, SUtb<br />

Trinity,<br />

The Oeean Uity Base __<br />

be badly crippled ^r tbe remainder <strong>of</strong><br />

the season Bfter this week,' gevend <strong>of</strong><br />

jhe beet players Intend leaving for<br />

tuslr honaea. Audereon leaves to nar-<br />

row, Wpence oa Meilday and Davis*, th@<br />

clever third basenian, hu already<br />

taken his depuiure, '<br />

John F. Myert, eon ef Squire Myers,<br />

Is visiting hii father's «»-•*- •»<br />

i t a t t l B e f s l I i r » e ^<br />

Mte.guard KTBUBB fuuud uniy tbree<br />

pennies lu hla c<strong>On</strong>ttlbuUon bei« ou<br />

thB boardwalk lBBt tveuiag.. If U was<br />

net for thi entertaJameats gotten up lu<br />

hii behalf by the young folks aud the<br />

labor ef Mn, Lee Bufflngioa, who<br />

fstsed him a iniaii purse, hs would<br />

havertesivtd, but little remuneration<br />

for hit arduous duties, the life-guaid<br />

aayi as will eentlaue Batreiinf the<br />

beuh w long as ths batbera enter the<br />

Es-Mayor Fisher and Emery P, Day,<br />

who are well known lo the residents <strong>of</strong><br />

this elty, are perfecting ainmgeiueuig<br />

(or a iarge tract <strong>of</strong>, land at Point uf<br />

Beaab, It lies north sf First street as<br />

far as Uii inlet uud attween the «*aa<br />

aud bay.<br />

These getitlemcu waBt this desirable<br />

piece <strong>of</strong> properly for dBveiopnieBt,<br />

Wheu they obtain possessien <strong>of</strong> It one<br />

<strong>of</strong> the malB leatiifes will be to estate<br />

iish an Athiitle Amusenient Park, with<br />

ample provinlen for base bail In its best<br />

form.<br />

It In their Intention > ent-loBe the<br />

grounds and have not only a base ball<br />

team, but a bicycle track, eroqutt and<br />

lawn teBBls greundii, Ferris whefl and<br />

oiher amusenienlH, A blejde tack, a<br />

haif-niUe la circumftrenee, will form<br />

the outer clrele <strong>of</strong> lbs grounds.<br />

The negotiations which have been<br />

peaditig fur two weeks are nearly com-<br />

pleted,<br />

A Seat Mm Reallsctf*<br />

' The festival given by the naimben <strong>of</strong><br />

the M, E, chureh on Adams 1 pier last<br />

evening was very well patroHteed,<br />

BOBBlderiBg the weather, A portion <strong>of</strong><br />

th# southirB end <strong>of</strong> the pier was fixed<br />

y<br />

ha. ebargi <strong>of</strong> A, J.<br />

la Chester eouaty.<br />

Uifl J4Jum" ««-——• =--• .--.- iiM--» »»nwl find AsbUfV ftV£ailg« . H© Will I !• m***r****-r=- . _ -<br />

•urf.<br />

BAIE—New house on Weslty<br />

e. Apply to Abel D. Scull, builder<br />

MONEY TO LoAN—ISaoo, in iutus to<br />

lt, va Improved Ashury, GemisJ or<br />

l avenue property.<br />

JL UoicTia BOBWSQS, Agent.<br />

# southsra p<br />

that the Btroug wind<br />

« th g ceuld not<br />

reach those lu atuaudiinef, The W«<br />

arranged by tacktag taeavy sheeting<br />

and ether material along the side nf<br />

the pier, which stayed the wmi.-The<br />

eattes, lemonwle, ice cream and fancy<br />

articles exposed for aale netted m neat<br />

sum.<br />

m®8<br />


Is-'<br />

1:<br />

I w. •<br />

r<br />

[.""•• .1<br />

i<br />

r-'t<br />

i<br />

f<br />

I<br />

I<br />

• i •" •••<br />

•-a-<br />

•si<br />

V: ••<br />

•?•• •<br />

• . $ .<br />

! & •<br />

• ^ - ' • '<br />

:|v;<br />

••T?..><br />

-i 1 •. • =<br />

iV- '•<br />

"4V •<br />

!=•;.:<br />


J'UBLtlBID fiAtLV BY<br />

Ml* M. yuufewtttr, ef 4ff«r York<br />

B<br />


" ' ' " rnlDf si Th* Struid, .'<br />

Art*•rtliqiiiifnti !u lw*! cultiiitni, lu «ttta<br />

Mr line i Rir tlnl fiiwfltoii iMiU Bve «i!t»<br />

fin ine ftip<br />

t b<br />

rfftiinratlvmncmniU<br />

tilli i<br />

innlter lntamihi Air putjii!<br />

P. K, <strong>On</strong>g atid wife nud J, K,<br />

V ire domiciled at<br />

HoW Arrival*.<br />

Tbe following in<br />

at the various<br />

ftt<br />

Murj-Ftslicr,<br />

WSSLKV<br />

Bobfrt EaBthufti and wife, J,<br />

Held, Philadelphia; Cattle M,<br />

veil, HtmuKii M.<br />

CITY<br />

R, B. HW*4II, W, L, Bbaw, Phllade!-<br />

Hotels and<br />

So* opes<br />

Ooeaii Citv, K, J. «<br />

Kor tL'riiie. ilr.<br />

<strong>of</strong> ftt«ta,<br />

Blffh —<br />

M. A,<br />

r, T* Pr<strong>of</strong>essional pants.<br />

M, B,,<br />

Resident Physician,<br />

<strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, Ps.,<br />

OCI*H j, J-<br />

i 1 •<br />

735 Central ATenut, Q&Q Asbury<br />

«i the<br />

Miss* Jennie mid Blanche Lip.<br />

Hulluuu, afj|lvill#; Mr, Swsrtrf, Home nmfbh Twrni<br />

piucort, <strong>of</strong> Bridffton, at? a topping at ft<br />

Vgesiit rgdinl aBi!<br />

f Morning, unUi 10 o'clock<br />

CVutnl iveiiue culture.<br />

learij At VnpdflHa=<br />

Horns-.; Afternoon, 1 to ;t j,<br />

WinikEu If. tirwssup, Uie<br />

b\ K, gug, J, K,<br />

S, BUJl LEY, Preprielsr.<br />

tRveping. nner U »<br />

HMiiker* to Tym In Haiti,<br />

orator <strong>of</strong> Camden.<br />

utei Mlia« HeTrinK. UharttM B, Kline. ^<br />

Ill punmitiin* «f the<br />

Ii<br />

i »i William<br />

was, uf Philadelphia, land; H, Ci5<br />

Comer Sisth aud AsUu^ Avenue,<br />

in «e«t«h »l M-will<br />

rvmntii at wi Asbury avenue osm<br />

OCKAS f ITV, N, J.<br />

IHly, tflreiitint wt*h« »nt out<br />

for the lies!<br />

THE tritAsii,<br />

ftyiii IMiiliutiljihlft. .W-stetdty* hi every<br />

Kdwaftl Irwiti, Mrs, K. A, Rmwii<br />

m, mule Wright, «f<br />

hsnfc and tutuk^r IH Hie 8laH> urging<br />

Haffy Kulbai'li, at<br />

trim K Uliteus, jr., WilHsia Uamji:<br />

h l« tuttltv l<br />

af us iusu'li gftUI<br />

tm A»b«r>- sve<br />

aiid wife, Miss Carson, Heyiy A, [<br />

wltti the<br />

«f Ih*<br />

llfw. A, W,<br />

TruiH, riiHadeitihiai ja F,<br />

D, D, <strong>of</strong><br />

and;, TRAT3JOH1',<br />

wife, IthHifcfyn, K, Y.<br />

Y«fc t1l,vs is the |u«i «f Sir*. Dr,<br />

street aarf Wjalsy<br />

TUB<br />

I*rwUtMii , vt Ui*<br />

Mr*, Allison , , Arthi _,„„, ; Simsted on<br />

aue,<br />

If Willlaiu P.<br />

II, M^¥fis l*iit«biirx; William A l-ev*iy saiiini*r iiuai*,<br />

over<br />

dttai(t-jl«I *t The for ^rxr... **' **°'<br />

t while 8et3¥ii«y F, M,<br />

Horn Ih»t the<br />

«t ;<br />

t SHj Wi ^' c *l lj " l *i t\ J, Whaler,... \V^sntnn^^inii^is»<br />

M» Miner, ^^^ ^ ^, ^ >t, ^feviui, 'Clthrti.- * ^ * »- E^KHTH,<br />

| Hall, O,i lU»v, Ttimiia* Hamsun, Mrs. # i ABwtttiii 1101%!*,<br />

Oi ^#W llire. arri\*# > d •,. : -. —• ««i?r« ,«. ^, ==, *» _,I—•<br />

at the \V«arv > **- pW8 ' w * ^ w Y% * rk * Fl « i ' W DENTIST,<br />

' »f Ja 4riJ«T/e AVENUE,<br />

| ATLANTIC CITY, N, J,<br />

Beaolu | DENTIST,<br />

, ' SB, «JS ASBVMV<br />


AwnlM-in,<br />

, Sunday and<br />

?f, HOWARD<br />

nil! vn*liail,<br />

, a lid<br />

'<br />

• '•'.Uiilid, Sagiuii^, Mieli.: johu U.<br />

niym; li, \\\ H(tkniau,<br />

' '<br />

IK-KAS CITV, S, J.<br />

i^iisfiifui SK-UIJOE, a«n> to bearb.<br />

Wesley AvHiut, O^n <strong>City</strong>, K, J,<br />

, 1%; Will ism- H, U<br />

: 1/01 i! ft ft. ni.: 3 to -I p= ini4<br />

fhe %It.¥, t* au<br />

IliautDwu; K, M, Shifk and wife, JSA, "!^._<br />

, Ttwiu^ (I. H&4iiHi KI>F j I LGV'ELI.VJI COTTAGE,<br />

is f p, m=<br />

THOB, H, PC ACOCK,<br />

anvl !b# C1#Mfi#ki atid will remain<br />

Lawn .Fete<br />


Mi>def»ie Terffl*. Half bUvk from<br />

i round. Homel.Vimfrntii. Laws<br />

slid<br />

tug «**<br />

N Ui<br />

|h« «wly<br />

WOMUFBI Set tb*-<br />

Th* gwuitda will<br />

ifdiU£ tMi th*<br />

V«i Me»t, <strong>of</strong><br />

hi» t* Moppl^ en<br />

a«, i* ih* hf* <strong>of</strong> maay Athiug<br />

Iwia* MU, »*a^ JQ is us sj<br />

For Mi or Bill<br />

CITY HOF8E,<br />

7tv A36ury Avenue.<br />

aiid Ceotnl<br />

141PH<br />


, 23d aid Honij Su.<br />


STREIT ud ffESin AVEtlUI<br />

T. ABBOTT. M. p.,<br />

PHYSICIAN and<br />

m;5togp.m<br />

Car, Ctat^I Aituw md Eighth<br />

*- itWKLI,<br />

Room ^ fiau &Ule ana L»w Balidlnf<br />

wto. Uwp OCEAN CITY, K, J,<br />

pufi&k awl itw<br />

tbeu-y fisfe wUi: asd MR L H, W<br />

S* CITY, K, 3\<br />

vrr*. v i,i<br />



Ci»Bir»l<br />

7 a-iisafc,<br />

tU LI_\Cf iEBift<br />

A, E CASEY,<br />

dkd ai a<br />

Pr, asd II OCHB CIT! iflii<br />

Ste^ te. Wlhi |/y tun*<br />

TW SIT. X ^<br />

and Law Building.<br />


a<strong>City</strong>.N.J,<br />

tt and <strong>Ocean</strong> Ace<br />

dew C^fBttr and Builder<br />

'% r<br />

i<br />

n Qutline programme<br />

- FOB THI<br />

SUMMER OP <strong>1896</strong><br />


OCEAN CITY, H. J.<br />

SefiMu and •fiiiHaus fifl r«ort, D.<br />

I).. FrHbTbrlan mlolntdr <strong>of</strong> Brookljil. N. ¥.<br />

Hi* StHlde ilbMca) Aa«inbly b^jBH Junn 28<br />

Hi !,a!i|i!iqn Until July 15. It 1( eTangellcal<br />

and iHtefdeRanaJnilluhali freildent, Oener.l<br />

John Eaton. WuBingteB, D. U 1 Secretary, Kef.<br />

J. E. Qllb^rt, WHliinctnli, D= O.<br />

Primary Bcboaj ef Mrihodi f<strong>of</strong> euhdiy-pchftcla {<br />

<strong>of</strong> all denomlnationn kf i\,f Ns* Jerfcey Hint* I<br />

HiiMyy-KlirKii <strong>Aug</strong>elMlon, July SO |a July m.<br />

1111<br />

Real Estate and Insurance Agents*<br />


• • OCEAN CITY<br />

Real Estate Exchange<br />

JBgjLEetBti ItLadvaiieiBg 26 pee uiBt, ft<br />

iiivtst In a lot? If BO, call on<br />

Don't you want to<br />

W. E. MASSEY & CO.<br />

imtt far Rent<br />

Hlldt<br />

Real Estate Brokers,<br />

811 ASBURY AVENUE,<br />

R. Curtis Robinson,<br />


Commlisiansr sf Deeda, CsnvByanelng In ail IU Br»neh*«.<br />

744-6 Asbury Ave., <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N. J.<br />

V 1 •.iitimiua AMfmhly Jiijy SI *nd SI, Mrt<br />

L.. U BVliu, oE Oojlien, K. J , Secretary.<br />

EpWQflii LeeRtle ConTention. Anguat S la<br />

AttKUit 15. Rrv. If. J. Z*ll»y, <strong>of</strong> W,iionah, H.<br />

J,, PreaJasai <strong>of</strong>»itin New Jemnf Conf<br />


Epworth M-&gi>,# AwHiktlgn, wllf ha*e<br />

sf th J<br />

tnviifnnre plnred In tlie mnut r*!lu!i!e roinponlwi tloitig bu»!neKJ IB thlBHtiite,<br />

Money. In liunil dspilrcd, on lienfl nnil t<br />

The Aqnu>l Csnip Mating will I.T^IM <strong>Aug</strong>ntt lillMtUlei taihr care Will reii<br />

a snd coiiilnue t*iB diypi. Hi-*, Thonifts H«r=<br />

rlinn, (lie etaiigeiiiti,, will lie pnarht durttig Iha<br />

Satire camp. He vlll prcieb a nttinbef <strong>of</strong> llmel<br />

and sill ljB|p in all Che meetings. Hi* tinglDg<br />

: books, "PrtselouB Hymn*," will be uaed dUriyf<br />

Ihft Cftflip,<br />

H*i= John Tbompion, ajiaeiais editor sf ihft is LOTS<br />

fl<br />

ChrUtUn SUtidsrd," will h«»e ehsrge <strong>of</strong> tile<br />

monsln^ Dlna o'clocls UallneBB ileeilpgij.<br />

Til* popular Tocailfit, Mri. Res. J, u, W!!«o,<br />


<strong>of</strong> Vlilladriphla, will *is prtaent and slog at {lie<br />

VariuUl niecllnen <strong>of</strong> ihe eamp.<br />

Many jifominunl nilulmerjef itte Philadelphia<br />

and lie* Jirwef Cdii farene**, a* wril aa thow <strong>of</strong><br />

olhnr ennfcrdiL=CB anil flpnuinirmiloiiii, will be<br />

pFHCBt in [inrftCti ai.d hplp (n lbs Ineetlngi,<br />

8, WE8LSV LAKE,<br />

Groceries, Provisions, Meats, Etc. Call and See<br />

T w,<br />

Fine Grbceriesj produce, ete.<br />

Bale BgKngy Celebrated E, B. BuU<br />

tef." -<br />

"US find 707 Asbufy Avenue,<br />

OCEAN CITY S, j<br />

1,. ""'<br />


Scveatta and<br />

DcUonnble Fruits conStSntly on band. A<br />

full line or flna-cuws Oro«fleit, Ooodn ae-<br />

IlVertd until idq'elBCk Hfttnrtay eveiUBg,<br />

DEALCR ts i<br />

FBKM1I and WAI,T MKAVB<br />

. ' Noe, 740 Aebury Aveoue. .<br />

if jf i'rodues fMS.il from ihe farm. All i<br />

i deiivend to tinier. : !<br />



iJGEA.^ ClTVi S, J,<br />

A fail lino si ciioiou MfoU, iiuit*r,<br />

tti t<br />

Ice Cream Parlors.<br />


Hevititli gt, and 1 Aibury A\%<br />

Ijiltelr nmodeied and] \atge Blr? Pftrlow,<br />

DOOG4R<br />

llowdwaik, Ihlnl daqf bei. 8th St.*<br />

. IctGraim, S<strong>of</strong>t Brinks, Etc,<br />

tee Cream godes a Specialty,<br />

All Our riifsn AftlMuli Fnm Frnh frultt.<br />

Ice Crearri Pariors,<br />

' For Ladle* Itfld Gentlemen,<br />


esiAH CITY. N, J,<br />

Meals Served from 6 a* m, to S p, m,<br />

sod Klab ft apeslaliy, ^rvlM<br />

flpil^iua, FrieM eBFrtapendldK wltB city<br />

te»HiUr»n(ji. Pnro ftrt*al»n well Sltif. &<br />

d ions for s le<br />

the best quallir* Water Jse* af all<br />

rt q G. MAHAN 4 CO,<br />

Embalmers and Undertakers.<br />

Funeral Director.<br />

ABT style Hikeu nnlabid. BodiH Ufeea<br />

• in tharso fend iuneMll copducitd Mm VaJ<br />

' i,^ff dsind, i h*v*> received my OSUH<br />

Hd VBflail,<br />



64S-47<br />

< • •<br />

AVENUB.l<br />

Our List <strong>of</strong> Lots from<br />

We can SeU you a Lot<br />

and get the Money to<br />

Build the House<br />

If you will give us an<br />

Idea <strong>of</strong> what you want<br />

wUl draw your Flans<br />

and Specifications<br />

Call aud see us<br />

$<br />

UP<br />

Office next door to postOfftet.<br />

3.F\. Chester & Co.<br />

Real Estate Agents<br />

RAIL and BOAT,<br />

West Jersey & Seashore Railroad's Short <strong>Line</strong>s,<br />









No Visitor to Atlantic Gift Should Miss <strong>On</strong>e<br />

par Time Table* nhd Rate» sf F*re Apply<br />

0**1 Faia.<br />

Eihilarating Trips.<br />

Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc,<br />


Far WOMEN'S and CHILDREN'S<br />


818 Aebury Avenue,<br />

AND TO '"<br />

TJ9<br />

Clothing House<br />

FOB MEN'S<br />


Avenue.<br />

KNORR 4 CO.,<br />

8SS ASBURY AVE,,<br />

are BOW one ring<br />

m u •• . '<br />

Fl,¥<br />

Heat <strong>of</strong> tl<br />

i g BHffn ID<br />

The wOrld'i supply <strong>of</strong> stioky fly paper<br />

comes from Grand Rapids, Mi<strong>of</strong>a, Thin<br />

BM three or four othot IBAU faetgriSH<br />

icstterid ibont the eoanif j, bat BOD© af<br />

them uakH enough to sol mush <strong>of</strong> ft<br />

flpie ia thi fflflfktt, Tiii great predn^f..<br />

ii the lingle factory in thin sit?, a big<br />

poncerti enpiajiog 400 to flOO hands all<br />

the year round, aiid its product ia shipped<br />

to if«y loud.<br />

The factory !• sorronnded bj n high<br />

hoard plekit fonoe. aod goarda are ou<br />

watch day and night to kwp oat lntfn><br />

den Tile best friBBfla <strong>of</strong> the pspftolori<br />

aest "with as eoU a reception »bfn ths<br />

niotter <strong>of</strong> goinf iuto the fftetgrf ii iain=<br />

(latiid aa ally Btiniiger, Iho stlol^ P'BParatioa<br />

with whioh it fg expoeted the<br />

fliea v.111 form eutnugliug ulliaacsfl Is<br />

SUITS<br />

and they alone kflow tlis Blast:<br />

The preparutjou ia not patented or<br />

rfgbted, m to gain [he pf<strong>of</strong>wtiou <strong>of</strong><br />

We hAVe aj»o Itken ad van UK <strong>of</strong> the recent thsgoyoruBiiUt it wdalrt be awsesary to<br />

detllne In ihs PIBBQN liltirkei and are<br />

ibQWlng a great many <strong>of</strong>tbB latent nl^lM : riVeiU the muferiols that gu isto U and<br />

UHlat£«I. lo* prtcea. AlSnyK In receipt ot thsi sake the form a Is kntrwn to tlie<br />

r and dsirable goads In<br />

world aod give trade pirates a ehunos to<br />

opomte. The ieerel ii pfoteottd by not<br />

KNORR & CO..<br />



lotting It oat, and it haa beta kept BBC«<br />

eeafifnllj for nearly 30 yftMB. The ma*<br />

eiiiuery BHed in the ffldtufj la gnarted<br />

in tha iaffle manner agaisit in&ingemeut<br />

instead <strong>of</strong> being patented. Mat <strong>of</strong><br />

the Bfldblaery was designed far the ipeeial<br />

purpose to which it ia pot, and the<br />

We have made a CUT SALE at our faor brothers eugiiBed iu the hoainewi<br />

ititlrs Block <strong>of</strong><br />

made the deaigHR far it themielYBi anfl<br />

had different purts <strong>of</strong> it eonBtraeted at<br />

SUMMER GOODS different BinsihinB Bhops, The fly pBpef<br />

Mm'l Snlte that wert #10 now $5,00.<br />

taetatf oeenpiea fqiif large two irtory<br />

BorBfluiis thut wufii 1400 now §2-S0. brick htiildinBH, rind the einployeefl iu<br />

Ladla' BBIrt Wsljill! WePfl* 1,00 now fiQe,; osa depnrtinent are ijot allowed nader<br />

Me, now ggs.<br />

any oirettBiBluncM to tisit aay other sJe-<br />

We are now adding to Dlif nUX-k tbu parhjient/'Nona tat troatwerthy nneii<br />

is am ployed, and, OHM engaged, -they<br />


enbsWBtialJy a life job. Hot oviH<br />

IH Men's, Women's and ChlWFSn's Wtaf. the Boat trnsted is not allowed to triftw<br />

mam thun one brflhch 9f the bnsiiieM.<br />

QMPT.<br />

A. J. STEELMANS.<br />

The fJF paper i" iflade by Rprtiafling<br />

cettyin halsams and gntnH on B aheet <strong>of</strong><br />

gjzed maoillu piper, The* iheet bag u<br />

Barrow herder <strong>of</strong> was ta prevent the<br />

itieky staff fruin oozing ont. Ths bwdw<br />

^ wax is pBi <strong>of</strong>l, tbi stisky pnpafatiou<br />

Cor. Atlantic and Ohio Aves,F is spread, and the sheet is folded ready<br />

ATLANTIC CITV, N, J, for isRpeetien and ghipaent by one ma*<br />

chins, and this maBhinfl has acnpacU^<br />

sf aboot 50.000 sheets a day, FfQBUhe^<br />

Meny-p'Rounds,<br />

naohlne the tfheetu pan to inspectori),<br />


who tee that the staff ii <strong>of</strong> the right<br />

eooiiiteady, and thin to Ui'e packer!, to<br />

be pet into boxes for ghipmeuh The paper<br />

goes to Africa, Alia, Easpi, Aoi.<br />

tralia and South Aneriea, beaides all<br />

^Magnificent palace! pprrs <strong>of</strong> tbia country.<br />

The ujannfactarefB<strong>of</strong> the gticky pspar<br />

bMB rebuUioaa<br />

ever, BDd fl BOW opea fcr<br />

ttisD begaD bneinwa iiboBt SO years ago on ft<br />

•mall senle, oOCTpFiog a leao to io edu-<br />

Dootion with a rabnrban drag store<br />

TBi<br />

which the brothera had eitahliihed as H<br />

branch <strong>of</strong> their city bnifiiMS. <strong>On</strong>e <strong>of</strong><br />

the brother! carried on the fly paptr<br />

MERRY'-GO-EtOUND nmnnfactoriOB as a side ietme, and as<br />

first only enaagh WH nsaDnfactnred to<br />

supply a limited lucal demand. The demand<br />

iradnaily grew, aod the factory i*<br />

l&aD noy OtMr. The buMdlRtl tau now ane <strong>of</strong> the big institntioni ef the<br />

been eDlaTg«a»n(i Hhniifrbgardi piMrt the w<br />

citj, nud the IOHE brothen! all demote to<br />

1B, Or*ndiN«wOrgan,wt wilh niw and<br />

il their eutiro tiuii,=-NBW ¥ork Sna,<br />


witb i*t**t for proaaeing. deliwithin<br />

the building- Tilt<br />

OJHF ane In <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>. Oume aad IHM> the<br />

made.<br />

I. G. ADAMS, PROPR,<br />

. • PALACE *<br />


I, C BIOIH, PnsWiit,<br />

Boardwalk and Eleventh Street,<br />

OCEAN CITY, N-J. '<br />

TBil weii-lDBWS plisaanrt report iuf beeh<br />

mndertHll j impro¥ed sln« tb* #«uion vt 'B,<br />

The building has been wtnplfttly rcnovatt-O<br />

at a ewt ef c?er i5000> Oar lee ernam parlor<br />

!• over in feet lom; the lighi lunch mh and<br />

OMayand ioda water Stand* yray Ida rorh=<br />

BCBU bf all felqdB at BlOdente prlrcs.<br />

mmi Niu,<br />

^. flLLiY ?n1 POOL TflBliS<br />

fHrutsh amu»meot for nlS The Carrmmel tn<br />

ooe or the «mp!«tei !& tse State. THis in<br />

tha flaart isMtant resort on His eoasl. •<br />

Vmtoni alwuTi welo^pie. •<br />

V1I<br />

B Ht. and Uavta Ave.<br />

FINE CAfiRIAOES- *" —<br />

BoHdeft *^11 Sid and and fcr,<br />

prdera TeR at Abfrolt'i drag atsH will n<br />

etifa prompt attention, •- •<br />

WM, Si GRAHAM, Manlier,<br />

B, 1<br />

iftlTEB * CO,,<br />

PUUHJR<br />

, llllwork, UBI, ftnilV Pluter, le.<br />

LamNrtMdaaiOfflae,<br />

Ef NT IM AMN Ml TnKtt ««tl<br />

i Thinio_<br />

by seenpylBg hifflself BOSS triei to fly<br />

Irom it by intemperance. The idle man<br />

1E almost necessarily fioiou.<br />

Pharmacists.<br />


781 AsiiUBV AVK,, OCEAN Vm% N. J,<br />

Uiitidjioriieiitnrid BwitpqtilppcHl lii tliocltj',<br />

I'ura liruKR Hnd ilediiildot. Toilst Uoqa*<br />

aiid Fnlicy Arilfloi. Flu awortliieiit <strong>of</strong> bt«><br />

liMIUVSUBlJ. .<br />

*B-Ur, WHjgoner'n <strong>of</strong>fice in druEilore.<br />


Cor. Tth Bsd Aebury Avtiiu«;<br />

cif v, s. J.<br />

Open the entire year,<br />

A nil! lino oi bragx, Pateat i<br />

Toilet AftirfM, Psrfqiiiery, KWillunerr and<br />

ClgHrS. FffiterlptianH a npccliiltjr. Try (Mir<br />

deliclOUB Ice Cream Hoda and Eg I'LSImus<br />

RAFF,<br />

Uorayr Elgfcth It, and Wtaiey Avc,<br />

The only reililar grflfjnRte,. with Hflwn<br />

earn' olty Mpwlene?, Upesn %hs anltrt-jenr,<br />

ri*crlplions receive my perasnal atlentlnl)<br />

in nil Hum, PuHty and accuracy beliip my<br />

A fall tine <strong>of</strong> ttpsjlnltieii,<br />

1 ChjQdn delivered IB any part <strong>of</strong> Ul elty,<br />

O - HOWARD<br />


Craskirj tnd Tjsnri, Flihlng Tiskle,<br />

801-805 ASBURY<br />

, OC1AN CITY. K= 4.<br />

B.<br />

K IIJtllTH<br />

=A»E TDK—=<br />


or t tixv.<br />

UlftM, Paint, l»nUy and Window Shade* la<br />

FtoclC. Wnjl Papera aiid ^ccoralloni In (FHI<br />

Variety at medetiiti pric**<br />

1O4S-50 Ambury Avenu*.<br />

A. ^V» SMITH * BRO.,<br />

H<br />




•*,v"i,<br />

• * I.<br />

h<br />



B»*tt<br />

Whca tho bonndAFf lino between Tea.<br />

nesses and WO<strong>of</strong>gin ws established, It<br />

ptsed half a aiile south <strong>of</strong> the spring<br />

Tnefc.a-lwKJjec^!iPPi among tlie foot-<br />

hills <strong>of</strong> ihB tla&_kns, mid aa ie crossed<br />

fine <strong>of</strong> the priiidpal Indiaa tmils it be-<br />

i ame apluce <strong>of</strong> niurh iiupgrrnaoo, Thiis<br />

. — —.___,„„;..* tribes, headed uy<br />

ROBH, and rise Ciporgia tribes,<br />

,,-_il by Major Ridge, both hulf breeds<br />

and mwi <strong>of</strong> esfniohJijiftry iihijity m<br />

leadfra. The establishim at <strong>of</strong> tUo new<br />

*«>»—r line Urn d thi* limits <strong>of</strong> their<br />

• tfiTifnrii'a, sud iu tiTiHid bar*<br />

. * far m possible the amtcndijig<br />

foetidna thp gisvi-niiiifUE' establislipd &<br />

trading poss f ji^-., j(tj,B Hnward Pnyae<br />

appeared upon tlio (scene and WJU nrcnwd<br />

<strong>of</strong> incitiijg tlin liidiiius to.insubordjns.<br />

tltm - m was Diiiei^uiifipr anest m aa<br />

muviua^ uiiil purriiHl to tlie ess<br />

haas*, Tho nainn <strong>of</strong> tJ« pia(,p WM<br />


PlMfi<br />

Smith<br />

little, bnt It is BBfaftBBitaly to<br />

iha*gd by thi trsaaiatdr hlmmlL<br />

MS <strong>of</strong> coorti ednspicnemi i t i<br />

for ths aesi part th<br />

Charlts fj, ihepsrd, who js ___.<br />

culture his lite work, thinks 10<br />

enough to layout in gardens at prsiflt,<br />

•"""J -2ff*-«w>*«l!f-to«^flopj to doable<br />

i <strong>of</strong>ten *»W afe*. And it la a c<br />

i —«•-» — •— • eleariag la the woods<br />

| m^m the viiitor enfergts - -<br />

*"***" into the open gnae<br />

<strong>On</strong>ly the leaves are too<br />

«ty difk grwa. 6a ac. _<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Ha* "°» tile leovfti rewnibla those c<br />

« i J • * J~" r""' nuHtoTer may bo J* bashes, though they grew on<br />

laid <strong>of</strong> the infl^Mey <strong>of</strong> translatioa, 1. tuiek tiionKh forftea teaSsT ,<br />

^«» ^I^tstdfkni^ Pk-n. or9BS high «, thfwW<br />

Witli th§ dignity <strong>of</strong> " fimB «&=i.. •_ i.;_u —n.-. . . — .<br />

Bath Houses.<br />

DitowiB'i<br />

Cor, Boardwalk and Eighth Street.<br />



|jl<br />

P, E. CHAMPION,<br />

=bl.ALEB IS-<br />

ICE, COAL,<br />

HB WATtil lit<br />

Boardwalk and Ninth Street,<br />

t'lTV, S, J,<br />

|<br />

easily lironcjiiiitiHl <strong>of</strong> fa d ciiiy, beeatts<br />

<strong>of</strong> flits color <strong>of</strong> the? mil iu that vicinity<br />

While Payne was .licflil timro oaeef<br />

Hie first baud* jirrlrpd, and anipiie tbe<br />

Indians «,„ t|,p fiiiflff OfwbpB. er Rat:<br />

tling,C,oun% a brf.kf'ii hearted juaii. Ho<br />

WH BlOody !lf,d BUstrilPtPd , f d<br />

, ,_ earefalh/ ppBaed,<br />

We an orchard <strong>of</strong> email '"'<br />

»a<br />

and<br />

, trilPtPd „<br />

tiflH in tho tfouiicil<br />

partake <strong>of</strong> im f«>sM etiwments<br />

ssrvpr, bnt fijH,it thn iuSst <strong>of</strong> his<br />

sit the ERivfa <strong>of</strong> his wifn niid ehild<br />

farther np tJIP Tal I.>j. At lugf ea rmnril<br />

iag he wits ini^, d from liirt arpBstn<br />

plnee b?ilin fciinpfirp, mid an alarm<br />

ffiiniediatc.lj-RiJH d that Rnftlirijr<br />

had rsesiirtL The patrol scattered<br />

P^dirpmioif in «nreli<strong>of</strong> him, aud some<br />

<strong>of</strong> them hrthnaght thrm <strong>of</strong> his foa.ia«w<br />

fertile spot; where his hwcfl ones slept<br />

tod went in search ,sf him thppft A^<br />

them thry fomiil Iiini. WelwriuH in i,js<br />

mu blsnfl, Ki, t^y lay bp^wt, the li^<br />

He fflonnrta that pnTPmi hia sqnnw and<br />

pnpo^t, la Bflin^ Wur jlS jlfl!j gpg^j^<br />

* b^eaet whnn thfl Iiidians wew beiag<br />

awnnnwl, mid bfoodiug ever his rHn6V8i<br />

to breams dpsjrrutf., anel gwkinff that<br />

lone spot ho chanted his deatJi stafff fell<br />

^»tfe I»»« "t the b^eatt, which<br />

p!?ff«i hw hftiirt, and dipd on the ipot<br />

Whtrp he had nfrcn expregiftl a dain<br />

fc# Lj,a for hii iflBt long Rlp<br />

ignorant <strong>of</strong> its inipBrtanee, ud<br />

lit is that foreign sathors ate 60^ j We on Qrebard <strong>of</strong> anall frail"<br />

ah)i Ik P, ra ted t0 BB1B «* farh ioslgy, Ihffbaae^si forking Hie pesi<br />

S wotfi^M thi quality 6f litsr. I wmltar ta thoaiands in tTJiaasBdalS<br />

alf * OTkBlnllsJl1 P w *s»M stfinSt Shea at • Asiatin«mntrt6i It Is & geaiin#^<br />

*fS^^t,* bP \ Bf$giT#flrlieipat '« M TD thaw who Itnfe Rgea th6 eheafi<br />

Si V« .M^SM 0 ! 0 " B W " W ' H9 Wt i bnaliei ^'"W ««tain «de« L2<br />

I«,1!ii pi lT? BtfQn ef "W. 1 * tefertign , an Bn^Biiliar look, bnt it is tha <strong>of</strong><br />

"""*>, naii BotKoinneh the'"<br />

•fntiigiLiLiinu<br />

WOOD,<br />

ALL LEnatH* eur TO oHpcn<br />

634 Ajbury Avenue,<br />

OCEAN OtTY. N. j,<br />

Corttractars andjyjidiri,<br />


NELSON'S loiiirmlor Aiul IlnlMcr,<br />

^3^th HOUSSS JOKKK'K—807 Aabury Avenue,<br />

~ ~* St'StjiijcjrlBl'qHtiJ}il,¥i<br />

I Board waft and Efibffi StniL rmna, «.•,!( ni'iaif-na iina wue<br />

iittHs fuvL.rlug me wllh |bf& ! ^— _"...". — ^_^- .......v¥..^<br />

nfl Stlpntlrf Otlendiiis!* Hna jKASDKH S. CURHOfV,<br />


fiiiil ulrj- npiliiH, All livW<br />

llrstijltuiii. i'rlvnle itiiliii<br />

ior, K, v, HiJVLB, l-<br />

iind Wupklbe litav-<br />

ut-fl b'lyeii on iiiiiilli-n.<br />

iiinJ ilHjmj fuvL.rlnit<br />

will find Stipntlif<br />

i!h<br />

Electro<br />


at Iffllevue Bath Palar?,<br />

I Ss!iit-fvla[eniii<br />

Arcfiltcct, Contractor I;fiDlIdar,<br />

QQEAN SITY, N,<br />

HBijiiiiiilt.<br />

Kirsl=L!i!iH work<br />

alwnys beloHfl ta the elm desiribed by<br />

pliiluBthrupiBfB s« dtserviug, i<br />

on th and<br />


IN<br />



OFFICE: liifiil Ksiijft'Miii! |jil¥ Jiiiiiaitiir.<br />

I'lanimny HjB.fli! '<br />

BtitEi netins- 11 a, u. to ! 9, m,<br />

NJIIIJIK;!!, H, SI. K.\l,ll,WHt<br />

i r. Kin<br />

TIBS tABI,E,<br />

; li [KJ!w»terilj>W water HU ii<br />

to ninka good<br />

A<br />

rMni<br />

Biriot ft Co,<br />

which will retiiii at «i aHri %L4Q<br />

aa area <strong>of</strong> 15 aeres<br />

b<br />

-~d indignation, Ths taalconfeiitB took<br />

. advantage e^ the distiPMing eogarreaee<br />

td stir ap itrifa and if ma wse entef-<br />

tained <strong>of</strong> a inntiBj. A graTe was dag<br />

on the spot H-here ho lay, aad tho chief<br />

was Bmied by the soldiers, one <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Morarian aiRBioaaries <strong>of</strong>fleiating, Aft-<br />

^ the Huryjcps were ever John &ai<br />

wlin had been<br />

pnthntie scene.<br />

liflding Freneh g^KrapnerH^villiard, WHii<br />

said to be th« »«» woiHlerfnl Mode! £ i ^<br />

the earth that the scientiitt huve BB«i -», » 7 " -----^ '«!•« itmu raiBine<br />

had the pleasarP <strong>of</strong> iappwrlng It iH i 4?" 'I pPeM!!t i"" ieba ' » h e thinks,<br />

hnge iphere, 4a feet 4 diameter aad i W*-* J «°«'ni«B fihrnhs niyed<br />

has^nteaaponit^nrfaeo^^S - - ^ '" llw ^ ftol «<br />

laiji <strong>of</strong> the earth's geography. The gJebf<br />

weighs 13 to,,Bi bnt js Sft ajpojy bnI,<br />

anced apoB ifa asis that it ii eaiiiy ro-<br />

tated by a small wheel worked fey c<br />

man, Iti entire surface area, whieh<br />

—„ and deprwHid so 'aj te siow<br />

aionntaias, Tmiieys, ste», js 5yfl feet<br />

TliiH pant gidbe was annonneed fla be-<br />

iBgflaished 14 inoatha age, bnt the fin-<br />

ishing tgBehes. each as balanslng, lin-<br />

ing, etc., httve occupied the ceaataBt at-<br />

tention <strong>of</strong> iy insaiinte that dart These<br />

IS espertehave BOpnrately andiniBBtely<br />

earned o« every detail kid down^ by<br />

g h tbe sdn<br />

Biiiea b«a reliopd threagh o<br />

OBthoeartlL Gnnwai Biflhop, W4 had<br />

*^l a da* Kfatiuy on hwaetidna,<br />

heart the song aa,1 eailoa Paynt to hint<br />

Ypnag ttiui," said the stern old Im<br />

WM^liter "whm, did yon Wan. that<br />

j<br />

Bameg are<br />

whnre did yon<br />

d U i<br />

the<br />

the great geography, niIIJSVi uaJBe<br />

gifin above, ana M. flerios & Ca now<br />

reel jnstiflrdia auiionBaiug to tht world<br />

this thfl great toBk <strong>of</strong> bnildiag the larg=<br />

at globe in the world has b»a carried<br />

to a soeeeffifni nnislt The aesj large!*<br />

model <strong>of</strong> the earth is the is tSk Lonis rm -- • ••<br />

ni seed ijiipgrted<br />

China, peylon. FUFni«a aad AsH<br />

Ui abo what are called Asnin hy"<br />

. wliieh a« cgnsidewd tfla owt<br />

ere obtained fcy mining the seed <strong>of</strong> the<br />

para Asaaj or Ccyloa with gems other<br />

gnida,<br />

_ Thi ihrehs grow sis feet apart, ai<br />

they reqnire a large nmonnt sf BQBfiah<br />

aiDBtaudeihansta Ja^eareaf<br />

s<br />

T<br />

B sun!J(i*y'<br />

lit well ftjr nil viaitnnand perKQQn \\<br />

rCBiifig mMiiKSifi to si* to the HunU j| TJiliradiij"<br />

tiirj cdndiiirni,jifiiiith<strong>of</strong> »nykma H Kr 1 - 1 — *<br />

ttiil bpt«:! liiiihirlii unci aliiilliir ill f 11<br />

i'lih I lie<br />

1,'lfy nevi>rtt||i_i him ii nci'tiiifiul<br />

Vlty drHlgfi^iy yf tfv^f<br />

fail iuii milt-<br />

!0 tin. 1 iiiiijn i<br />

IN<br />

IN<br />

Itiiv,<br />

Hie Hew Jerwy<br />

rwt n<br />

2J°<br />

r the<br />

when the ar^t shoati app^rf ud<br />

i6 taken to pro,^ ffin from<br />

tlif.y have readied a h<br />

"* f«*t. Whea they<br />

i l !<br />

2Jf° " P J."* f«*t. Whea they b*4e<br />

fairly hmdy and eau witlisiaui! pgaallj<br />

the changes <strong>of</strong> teiniairiitBro which e«nr<br />

a h<br />

1 ^1 HiiUlriJn<br />

$1 NutidHj<br />

• Hi ^iOiidJiy<br />

$01<br />

(fj. j ^ B JH 10 is s ai<br />

..(& 5 s 1 iOit, ii ^ogoi<br />

«(«, « ITI JI «—=- etfi<br />

iii 7 .vij 1 IT 1 1 aj § OJ<br />

iT H «! suui * is'fi«<br />

u ii y so y« y w gut<br />

IpJH i| UN: J III .| ii 5H<br />

Jl ifT^- — 3l^i fi i 1|F A i-*<br />

1 UJ I ,ii. Miyi i U i is<br />

•J IU: a JO. 7 .iu 1 H («; 5 U<br />

if wi'i ,-i if 1 u uj iu i»i ! 5 is<br />

ii«i 4,«j lulsi Iiw]5is<br />

« I?' (i Si:=-<br />

f tf! 7 if<br />

7 -Hi 7 fiS •' iy fiu s<br />

i 6?*, y ij 5 ->i<br />

8 Bfi a |M 5 ij<br />

a ^; A Ml & j|<br />

a us 5 6j 5 yo<br />

I il<br />

K.<br />

-- » >».^ which occnr '<br />

tha ,war, Tha ahraba caa be'<br />

ha ahrtUs caa ta<br />

p, bnt aro less hardy<br />

by the usli<br />

h<br />

Hi*<br />

qi<br />

'well, a- njaa iylio eiin<br />

6 that is no iut%indiarj<br />

may bo against yon, but I "a-going to<br />

Bpt yon free, I .KhaH'ttrits out yonr di<br />

-und upaaforyen<br />

pfennti Hi* Waji.<br />

Pepe, as he tells as, W«B tlie anfortB-<br />

note possessor <strong>of</strong> a "e "<br />

md t h l h l<br />

g th<br />

I«WH by<br />

thuq if ruuHHl by t g proegg<br />

Whetithe ,hrnb ia abont tliV* ftet<br />

^, the harwsiiag <strong>of</strong> the tea begiHgi<br />

thin n imlim flie moit iufereJtiua<br />

•tage <strong>of</strong> alL Axmvd with ft feliarp fcUiffi. ,<br />

the flslt liand iiirgefit tiunih^ o£ HitsijeH dnrlug :<br />

U(J, raj* tennersentiiaenti with ! fpgttldt 1 ii!itii[i<br />

ifim B. or draw ijJmuf for bonsai and < aMafn^l W»H<br />

gardens, ojica avrnar^ eat grades, plant i *•''""• '"<br />

fine<br />

A tiny tlaek spot in her BftIjd « u th6<br />

,mly mtward and *i,ibla ilga af the<br />

tronblt. This, the nilkwoaaa i<br />

ed, wii ,th9 plua where, two<br />

«e.8he had aid<br />

into her JiaBd, TheBi#dli had b<br />

mi, she eirplaiaed, bat «wai po«^<br />

that tht point WH still in ihehaBd.<br />

The doctor i<strong>of</strong>fiiiElag ghit it ^asii bs<br />

diflleait to aecida whether this was sa.<br />

the lady inqnfrBd partiaeti 'H h<br />

prstfy hifh.'-^uhjiniik>fg'<br />

<strong>On</strong>e thitf<br />

i<br />

hstograph was<br />

iVth«tlBj..pfn. 6f ««! jta«WS-<br />

feetion tbat«ea the thinner end eTit<br />

The Atijwls<br />

Hi* Aflinu Huinm<br />

_ .. WfljmsinB uiMjnt thB AMaata<br />

Worid * «ticsiijoi,. »Ti,Q Worlfri fair<br />

in tbi ionth IN U prc-Biiant pad treaien-<br />

dotM fact. It means niore than tfetpaas-<br />

ingawayef old jdpai and tradiflonj-<br />

it swans nie» thaa thi creation <strong>of</strong> a<br />

ntw and keen eyed spirit <strong>of</strong> iadnstiT<br />

and progress looking aot over the flalds<br />

ease eeBBeorated to a dying cnlti it i<br />

tteaus ths repaeniioa <strong>of</strong> an wlin<br />

• Uif fif Ihe iiitiHi linp-innni qut*<br />

l!iili« Si) iijii IJIH, i=,i,,li|fj- is IjtHKi •<br />

IfgiitM, ft'i- fri'J: I hut U.*nii L'ily t«<br />

iiot iiti'liing In til Its briillNi, WJiV<br />

ii i UUP, whiehar*<br />

i i b i<br />

i'lfptrlHly «in lie nirnlHhfd at very t<br />

rtjMHJiiiihlf niH.'K, WgH/D nnyi pre. i<br />

fiiiFVd to (urnlHli Art'ftr Iiuuiiiifessl<br />

I'enl LijiiiiJi in «!ij purl nr iiit? rity, j t*<br />

Hiiii BiMifiihi |ii«ott|le fiiitisflii'.'<br />

Uoii. TliF lhi-iinijiwi>iit iliiiisH will<br />

I"' rliii iiii 11 iii lit. " ;<br />

hy ihm^mi rsr .jratili« fi|V0t, the i<br />

.. ; liswetl a thfintcr, organised a;<br />

re^Iiir eonipiiny and inaugMated a'<br />

series nf reiuiirkubii* ppsdnet Jons <strong>of</strong> Bas-<br />

Eiaa ulayi:. _,,,.w ^d ..id, Tobloi^<br />

f » giifat «r\ien to art aa<br />

hiris The play waa dig-<br />

en*iMij wiilely iuid thrprungaly, —J<br />

OPFICEi dot Asbury Avenue,<br />

PLANT * iftih It, and Weflf<br />

sasasaw<br />

"Bat the most intsatia<br />

oryirtt<br />

y,a<br />

rtoryiryitte<br />

thta np to date BJlkwoBiM, wU<br />

asprasafngi <strong>of</strong> gntitnde, nid:<br />

now, pray, kin thf klndnwa to<br />

ttt photograph, I ihall h<br />

ay ihep, j t will .ttnei<br />

«*"'—WatmiaitQ<br />

A Citf Bnlil In m bbtrrj Be*4,<br />

At tho time <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Pslaea flipnaidea a ^Bi ___<br />

BF oiJiibitedB chs^sjfflBwMto tha<br />

eiTi^<strong>of</strong> whiffine niibBJltB pgfeet<br />

plan <strong>of</strong> thi eltf <strong>of</strong> Sovait^ol, mzmUi<br />

fflilway »E|WSaehB(.hridgai*eto.<br />

A powerfal ffljoroeoopo<br />

il ll<br />

flf th# tejnjufair'i tail Eaea <strong>of</strong><br />

i«e pJi« la th. tana, <strong>of</strong> ^ i<br />

on. workniaa, tb# total qf th8<br />

m<br />

n Fn* Thnntrr iilsf! srearrfi<br />

PWRiiejiisti nf tJji. aurJifiriries<br />

n l»ljiy hy PotrkhiiL It "jg"<br />

tiiiit unifhrr <strong>of</strong> these plays<br />

Irave b(*u Ntujuretl by private «4^<br />

A aBmber rtf great ftjrtj^, ]tlgLj£<br />

'— [S" IhflBii, Hndffrjnann, Ma§<br />

'for Hugo aufl nthoFM. In all<br />

,,«yiptH wnrr-HOy rubles(Birtto<br />

bo ann?ua]Jy larfre fiw Uu^ia), ~<br />

tlit 1 grciit fluauciii] njiii<br />

whieh rha movers ia fliU<br />

10 firprronie, the reeoM <strong>of</strong><br />

.-;---• .par in nsyeljeut, Taa public<br />

wiUmgly pafmnisMi the ptes theater<br />

aad, (it all evontH, there reaiainj the<br />

ftet that a, Hew jui^fe theater haj been<br />

established which irabi,nIinBtes nil eon<br />

to thr. trna intmeHts <strong>of</strong> Uter-<br />

TO HiRil TO HIRE!<br />

AUNEW.-- . *LLNtW, HtLliE<br />

fevtath Strat and Aibury Ave!iu&<br />

H<br />

JJf"*-MPii*(!.S:Uil a.<br />

ra, »e¥!S.Q,jH,siJllij11<br />

Wiiilni^j ind Huiir<br />

* iTTV<br />


' OCBAS<br />

FBANK B, BAliBV, l*rop.<br />

COip LAUNDRY<br />

"08 Asbury Avenue,<br />

OCEAK CITY, N, j<br />

5 zA<br />

THE<br />


TOL. IIL OOEAN CITY, N. J,s MONDAY, AUGUBT M, <strong>1896</strong>, NO, 49,<br />


Rev. AiW. Sprouirs Praetlcal<br />

Talk,<br />


Re?, John A. GOMfillDW, Rector <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Chufch <strong>of</strong> ths Good Shepherd, Ptaiia-<br />

i, Conduetcd the Ipiicopal S€f.<br />

?. Hcarj Russl's Sermon to<br />

Mothers = Macedonia Itissloa Well<br />

Attended,<br />

All ilm various pliuaa uf<br />

wt'ii well litteyded yeitefday. The<br />

largest L-ougregations visited the Audi=<br />

turium. In the, tuonUug the Hev, J,<br />

K. Uawiii, 1), lh, at Brooklya, K. Y«,<br />

pfyayhed an ehiquont serfuuu, while in<br />

the evening the large building was<br />

[lacked by (holy who desired to btur<br />

At tile First M, E. cbutth iu the<br />

Btoraiug, Ihe liny, W, \Vilberfurc#<br />

CookniUH, <strong>of</strong> Tioga, preflched an able<br />

Heroiou, The Itev, Jobo A, GiwdM=<br />

low, rector <strong>of</strong> ihs Gbyreb <strong>of</strong> the Uood<br />

HheptieRl, conduuted the Epldfopnl<br />

Bervk-ee in Si lies Hall, Rev, A, W.<br />

Hproull, D, D,, ot New Yiirk, preaqhed<br />

at the PreNbyWrJan BervlciH helil iu the<br />

e, wblle Hev, Henry<br />

at St. <strong>Aug</strong>untltie's<br />

t'fttbolk'ehureh, itev. W, G, liobiti-<br />

wiu held wtvlccH fur tlie Baptise In<br />

ihii aftemouu, The utbur rellBlnUH<br />

lueellup were lield on the beauh and<br />

HI thy L-oliirgd MetttndiHi MIMHUHI oti<br />

AHbury avenue.<br />

the<br />

AT THE<br />

A large rongregatltiu<br />

Rev, J, ^,lftiriwu,U,D,,<br />

liiiiilstyr <strong>of</strong> Wrooklyu, N, Y,,<br />

prfBclitd iii Ihe Bioruitig &i the Audi-<br />

tiirfum, Mrs. J. U, Wilson Biiiig two<br />

holoH, Dr. Uanon setccled for lib lext:<br />

lie iiiult InirmwCi liul I iiiUMi<br />

John<br />

„„ t|l(. tsfl iw,¥M <strong>of</strong><br />

They will mu fruni one to two<br />

1 I l<br />

The prfacher'B tlieine was "Joho's<br />

propbecy o| C'lirim/' Amoug mmy<br />

other beautiful thingn the inlulster said:<br />

The text is at pnee H revelation and a<br />

propbeui'. It Is a revelation «f l^e<br />

am* <strong>of</strong> JoliU. Oiily a great lunn<br />

make surli a detlaratiuu uuder<br />

I'fri'Umtttftnee*, John was the<br />

iyan <strong>of</strong> Iiii day, A UlUe<br />

while after be had entered upon hii<br />

It becaiae geiitruily known<br />

that In the wiiderueHH <strong>of</strong> Judea there<br />

was one whose burning Words It waa<br />

worth while io heur; ou# who retailed<br />

laalah-by hia fervid, flery iauguuge,<br />

and by iiis wild, wierd iif«<br />

KiljaU, tiouu all elassea <strong>of</strong> people<br />

flocked to bear him, and from the BBlf-<br />

wmlaiiied, 'bt»n.*li OH the Uirime to<br />

ilie liiougbilisw soldier hi" the camp,<br />

iiieii trembled btfure his ilefee mitt!'<br />

tBOHM UJ repeutsnee,<br />

lit the presenee<strong>of</strong> all thla Joliti eoiild<br />

uot be uumlndful <strong>of</strong> h« Ufliquejjer*<br />

wiuallty anil miusliin. Like Jesus blm=<br />

Hilf, his yirtb was a matlef <strong>of</strong> propheny;<br />

angels heralded it, announced hla name<br />

aud foretold Ufa woudorful career.<br />

The text tit uot simply s revelation <strong>of</strong><br />

tbe greatuesa <strong>of</strong> John, ' It is far more<br />

than that. It hi a prophecyj not ftirniai<br />

iil It Io i t e M f<br />

mugne. Iu the next, Alfred, the Ureat,<br />

HoirfU5:riirperlBl"rOoWoTB?|islu, and<br />

in tbe eleveutb century the Hume <strong>of</strong><br />

Uapel is ;oa the throae <strong>of</strong> France, A<br />

thousand yens have pHsited, yiid de-<br />

ej.iite all the bate uiitl enmity aud per*<br />

utlon, Jeaua haJ) iucrea«jd In every<br />

century, Ua the agtH roll, Harold In<br />

oil the tlirnnc o<br />

the ftellugi, one <strong>of</strong> those royal Insights<br />

tb*t men sometimea have.<br />

Nineteen hundred ysara have passed<br />

BlBce JohP spake these w<strong>of</strong>ds, aiid his<br />

prophecy has become history,<br />

Iklfirk the proceaston <strong>of</strong> the ceuturieH.<br />

In the beglBBiDf we find Je§u§ a man<br />

o| humble rauk, poortAtAte, UBletttred<br />

gonditioti, ^fter ft retlrsd llfi <strong>of</strong> about<br />

thirty years He ailed about Him a few<br />

foiloware, Thea came mlneles, p«-<br />

ftbie»f sayings—a oew philosophy—a<br />

tuyaultttnaong the people, Ibebetraysl,<br />

the arreat, the trial, The cruoiflilon,<br />

reaurrecilon and Bsceaiiop toon follow,<br />

Theatory<strong>of</strong> the CiirUt piwa now be-<br />

3?ond Judea Into new ulrcles, AtRooie<br />

Nero heue It, and m* to destroy it by<br />

burniiig Uhriatis&s, but the_ more the<br />

Bt<strong>of</strong>y apreads, Io the fir East a Ro-<br />

ffiaD goveFBor hMn <strong>of</strong> it? aad, while<br />

ezpreHlag bit Bconi for the Nssarene,<br />

he qaunot refraiu ffbnaa reluctaiit Rd-<br />

mirmUon for tii§ followers, .<br />

Ou the UdiDgB spread until we come<br />

to the reign sf Coaitwllne, when the<br />

eron became tbsiigB ef mnquest, Two<br />

centuries pass, and the world MM the<br />

glory, flight and death <strong>of</strong> MobamiBi<br />

Tbis cumci tbe «ntuEy <strong>of</strong> Ubar!e><br />

loved ones Io heaven can and do exist<br />

couseiuuHly to Interest themselves In<br />

our setri, and this lnHplree us to greater<br />

fa!thfu|n«M,<br />

The recogBitloo <strong>of</strong> frletids Is then<br />

taught, and he gave a touching a<br />

uuuiit <strong>of</strong> his mother's death and her<br />

great triumph when lift cold loiieh<br />

JN f'Higlit, Wililaiu, tlte Coil'<br />

ijueror, haH come,<br />

after atiotbef eotues mid<br />

goes uutil Amerlii )» dlHtfoverwJ, and<br />

hSHtory i» beiiuu. Saw "the<br />

Inse their disthiutuu^H and we<br />

bcglii to uieaNUre time by eras <strong>of</strong> pru-<br />

and epiHjtiH <strong>of</strong> tliought, iiutH at<br />

tht're \>nnk twfore ua the wondufa<br />

<strong>of</strong> Uie liliieieetith Beatury,*'<br />

He Is u iuoie = real mid a greater tier-<br />

tiage iti the uhieteenth century thuu<br />

Me wiw iu the llhst, Iu the iirHtt'eu«<br />

tury He was despised, rejeqted, eruul«<br />

iitij; in the uliieteeitth century He in<br />

revered, aceepiwj, erowiiud, Never<br />

was Jesus UlirlHt «o iiiflueatial m He I*<br />

this very hour. Around Him Bathers<br />

the reverence <strong>of</strong> the miblwt unS bgat<br />

the world. The [mitihec'y<br />

<strong>of</strong> John has been fuilUlcd,<br />

At the evening service iti the Audi*<br />

turium Df, Wardell, <strong>of</strong> UhieaKa, made<br />

the o|ieuing prayer, after svhkli Mrn.<br />

g "J ihall not be a gtmiiger<br />

up there,'?._<br />

Evangelic HarriBou preaut>ed froui<br />

"Lord, help me." He<br />

stated the well-kauwii fuut ilmt timra<br />

kuow ua HiHtioii. If lull Hiid jioor, the<br />

diHup{Hi|iited and Hurr.mv<br />

Hlrlckeu all unburden their t-area by<br />

tears, He eiaved the |iruyerh <strong>of</strong> IIIM<br />

i«iign*guth)ii for a bleHning on III* mt-<br />

and tuJU <strong>of</strong> the Uoverunr <strong>of</strong> MaM><br />

iHettit, when tiliakhu; liiiiidH with<br />

him, HiirprlNiiiif hliu by a "tlnil iiliw*<br />

you,"<br />

He iuade a touching allu»l<br />

Louis F. fiierian, Harry *E, Mech=<br />

lib and H, U, Meehlln, three New<br />

Yorkers, had an adventurous cruise<br />

Saturday while attempting to reach<br />

yuitjf iu a yacht,<br />

the trio left Atlautle <strong>City</strong>,where Mr.<br />

Mechliog' purchased the boat, and<br />

while en route to Cape May they came<br />

down Into the thorough fare. Here<br />

they lost their bearings and got Into<br />

the Tuckahoe river. About 8 o'clock<br />

Saturday night they sought the suores<br />

<strong>of</strong> this resort and dually landed, They<br />

remained over night at The IHIunlH<br />

aud yesterday morning, bright and<br />

early, started •gain on their voyage.<br />

Had • Flnser<br />

George Fallon, engineer <strong>of</strong> the<br />

steamer Avplon, plying between <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong> and LonKport, had to have one <strong>of</strong><br />

bis fingers amputated yesterday. He<br />

caught It In the machinery early ID the<br />

morning and badly crushed it, IB<br />

consequence <strong>of</strong> the accident that hap-<br />

pened to Bjiinetr Fallou, the beat<br />

was tied up at the wharf for several<br />

hours.<br />

bos<br />

small cottage. Apply<br />

,pOit<strong>of</strong>Be«, -<br />

___„' .^ I*OAN-^2M0, la SUBS to<br />

•Bit, en Improved Aebury, Oential or<br />

Wwiev avenue property,<br />

B. UUJtTis BoimeOK,<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Shuts Out the CUarflild Team<br />

By a Score <strong>of</strong> 16 to 0,<br />

The <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Base Ball Club scored<br />

another victory on Saturday afternoou<br />

Whan It " fthut ftltt" thw l?l<br />

The h ime team failed to score In the<br />

second Inning, Morey was given bU<br />

base ou bally. Anderson filed out aud<br />

the t'learileld team made a double<br />

play by retiring Morey and Uoolbaugh,<br />

In the third inning they made tlircu<br />

, HpeDce, Bchwarlz aud Thomiis<br />

Tbe home team made OD%<br />

run in the fuurth inning, which wan<br />

credited to Morey. The fifth waH bar*<br />

ren <strong>of</strong> resuitH, as Left Fielder Murray,<br />

for the vlaitorN, put out the side himself,<br />

apenco aud Mills filed out to Murray,<br />

after which McFelrldge made a twiw<br />

bate bit, Morey then hit the ball hard<br />

to left field, aud Murray made & pretty,<br />

riiimiiig catch, for whieh he was vigor-<br />

ouHty applauded.<br />

In the sixth* iunlug the home learn<br />

made live ruua, Spenee,<br />

Sub warts, Usulston and Thomas<br />

tug. Uoulstoti nude a two-base hit<br />

thia iituhigaiid ftjcFetrldp's hit sent<br />

two riieii home, Anderson niade a<br />

run In the seventh iunlug, No run*<br />

were icorctj in the eighth and ihe<br />

borae team didn't play their liulf <strong>of</strong><br />

the ninth inning,<br />

The Visitor rank ttieh defi;ftt-gomt<br />

naturediy. Their lefHielder, Murray,<br />

carried <strong>of</strong>t the honors <strong>of</strong> the day by<br />

catching three beautiful fly balls.<br />

Pitcher English struck out only three<br />

men but gave a dozen <strong>of</strong> them .bases on<br />

Party at Tlie Siraud.<br />

A pleasant aud dellghtfal progressive<br />

euchre party took place at The Struud<br />

Saturday night, Tbero were nine ta><br />

bleg and thirty-six players, all <strong>of</strong> wiiODl<br />

enjoyed themselves hugely, Tlie<br />

ladles' prise won by Miss OibLs was<br />

a handsome fruit dish; second, Miss<br />

Hnow, a beautiful vase; third, MM,<br />

Allen, Japanese jelly,Jar; fourth, Mra.<br />

Hammer, a beautiful plaque; firth,<br />

Mm. Thegan, Japanese pin tray.<br />

The gentlemen prlw-winners were;<br />

Pint, Mr, Bom, Japanese pitcher;<br />

seeoad, Mr, Hammer, Inlaid glove box;<br />

third, Mr, Thegan, Japanese cigar box;<br />

fourth, Mr, Smith, besutiful cup and<br />

saucer; fifth, Mr. Hafned, china match<br />

bwt. • . ; ' : • • • . , ;<br />

FOB SAi^-New home on Wesley<br />

Apply to Abel D, Scull, bnllder.<br />

•<br />

mm<br />

km<br />

•Pf<br />



Hotels and Boardinf Houses. Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Cards,<br />

Itual lift In heaven. How an one love q upon the little out neat!ing Upon<br />

God after d«th fbO baa never loved her bosom"<br />

t'UBLlHHKLl DAILY BY ,<br />

Him 4U lire? How am the wul which Let her keep eonstanUy befyre he<br />

uevet held gamm union, wltb God upoii mind the dignity <strong>of</strong> the sublime trtoe<br />

R, CURTIS ROBINSON, earth delight iu Hlspreseuce In heaven?<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> Oitv, N, J*<br />

uif bestowed upoa her. Then by<br />

ThUB Uia aiDVlui pawsr ef t*M> giap<br />

Saw vpe-a for reception <strong>of</strong> g&Hticorrection,<br />

gentle hut deternilned, by<br />

Editor nnd<br />

upos tbe iflDir man must be oom-> her words sweet and prudent, by her<br />

ineuccd upon earth, If he would be<br />

ubsertpti<strong>of</strong>i. **. EOe, per Season<br />

eiBtuplf In nionilng aud evening<br />

lilted for dwelling forever In<br />

For tefiii«, tie.,<br />

prayerfl, giitberiug the children arouud<br />

M, A,<br />

What Is tbat life to be for which this<br />

A u i e n u in !tx-jil coliniitm, !0 etuu<br />

her, byhGraiteutfun to the duties <strong>of</strong><br />

per Una tor Unit inierUen and five wista grand preparation le made? Heaven chureh'bytiayiugtetheehild not go, \f<br />

fliiis for eocb lubecquent, .<br />

Ilto t ngBlilr aJvi'rtlSrmcnt* ftlrnllliud itself in described to na under the moat but corns with pie to dovotiouH; by<br />

iiHy^llHiUe Ueii<br />

i! lowing ImageH, and yet they fall far<br />

795 Central<br />

Ail nutter iak'odwJ for piibiimtian nun<br />

making the home pleasant; by making<br />

be n^ivgd b<strong>of</strong>ori) ifiii, lii, nf (he dny uf publi <strong>of</strong> whet the reality will be.<br />

OCEAN §iT¥, N, J.<br />

the IIfo <strong>of</strong> the little one liappy In.thf<br />

OHtlon. _ ,<br />

•ccoud-cttuiii rnnm>r iitttie ptwl- The most prwlous materialB with family circle; by guarding U from evil<br />

lining Mfnforts,<br />

Viii-unl roniiii iind<br />

whiuh we are acquainted ate grouped companion!) and telling it frequently <strong>of</strong><br />

in Holy HiTjpture to represent he beauty <strong>of</strong> a virtuous life, then that<br />

MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 18W, our hfftVUhli* JeruaaletD. the ulty <strong>of</strong><br />

S, HURLEY, Pntprttt<strong>of</strong>,<br />

mother will have the wusolalion which<br />

our Oud, built without liandn, etenial always i'utnestoatJhiisiiiiu heart when i Lti soiP..<br />

fii the beavrnn.<br />

a duty for tjod is nobly done.<br />

From this splendid picture we may-<br />

Corner Sixth Bisd Agbury Avenue^<br />

Resident Phyeielan,<br />

Late <strong>of</strong> I'lilUdelpLlim<br />

uctive hnw the Holy Spirit has<br />

J.<br />

massed In one common centre all that<br />

The flfflt <strong>of</strong> a Merits tJf Hcrvii^N, con.<br />

the |terf«t dhtiuterettttNiii@» is at tract we* glorious,<br />

templatingtueorgaiiiaitioii nf a Presbyterian<br />

chureh, was held in tbegthiKii<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

love, and Jtsiiis chooses Lifaiitlful and harmonluus, as though to<br />

house, yesterday mornlnp, with an eu=<br />

II. U,<br />

t(i be wtii|uer«i by this pn^er <strong>of</strong> faith leach us, through the sliadowB autl<br />

MHiraglng attendaii.e.<br />

aud humility, fur he says unio tier, feeble imiHues <strong>of</strong> earthly gratideiir,<br />

"O, WotiiBU, great i* thy faith. For how far aurpaselng, infinitely aurpass. The services Were coiidin>ted by tile<br />

pHlJ THAlJlOHK,<br />

this aayiug, go thy way, Jle It unto<br />

ing, ihall be the gkiry and brllilaHty <strong>of</strong> Rev. J)r, ^prouil, <strong>of</strong> New York\[ty, Situated on<br />

tliw even a* thou will. And htr<br />

heaven.<br />

who took fur his text:<br />

I Anil they romi. iifllit Ilim, liflnitlng aai><br />

daughter was Blade whole froiu that<br />

j sick (if tht' failny, wlikli sii* brime or fiisif,<br />

very hsmr,"<br />

llsfe<br />

The Hev, Henry Ruga!, pastor <strong>of</strong> fit,<br />

Mr, Cotitnmu etnithided his dlssuitrtse AiigUBtine^a Jloaian Catbalie churuhj<br />

by calling nueui ion Ui one great prvaeliHl In the morulug. He selected<br />

sUggisttHl by the beautiful scene that he for hi* testi<br />

had described and tliat is, that 111 the<br />

midst <strong>of</strong> all our trials aud dlswunge- ABil B# WDtil down willi lUt'ni ftiid iaiu* tit<br />

ttid wtis *iibjei>t iu<br />

meufa we should trust In and patiently<br />

wait u[H)ii the Lord, assured that He<br />

will always. In His own Unieaud way,<br />

The honif ef Nazareth was a ttodel,<br />

hear aud answer our believing, earnest<br />

aud tli at blessed family was au example-<br />

at what every CUrltttlan home<br />

family should be, WhfU from the<br />

IIOLV rHisiTV cifi'Ki'ii, baptimnal foutit the child Is returned<br />

Tlie services<strong>of</strong> th#'f<br />

Hi who becomes a C.'(iri»tinu ii to U. K.HliilLon an<br />

Horjisr Sin I0a,ni,; 1 ioS p. in.jii tdi p. lii<br />

himself in LiiBiBiuiiiuK with<br />

gl'.NliiVa; aUii p, fuL<br />

<strong>On</strong>e who will be bin. frieiul fur vyvt . up. A,<br />

and \U) It requirn uf jiiiu<br />

]> T, ABBUTT, M, P.,<br />

U'KSLEV HOlfifi.<br />

lion with HutlVfius humanity.<br />

.» True rtliyioti iesulsi to<br />

,Csr, SthJSt, and Wesley Ava,,,<br />

PHVSiClAN and SURUEON,<br />

efliwi for the ^!»«i (if (iihiTd,<br />

(HKAX riTTT, x, i,<br />

OFFICE: Car, fosalrjl lieayt ind lighfh<br />

the cliunli.<br />

ThiN tiOiiH- i» dfUk'titfiilly irnTiUii on n yrlile<br />

1 Tl 1,1, H *, 5f,<br />

tile prlceleiw worth oi- the s. lit order in suetewl there I* •<br />

p<br />

tj TO s i>" s!<br />

ebild giveB In the nioiher to trait! In demanded persistency <strong>of</strong> eifort, Ko; all I lie year.<br />

the way* <strong>of</strong> Qod. The mother Is the ! *bji«el worthy nftm-&m is ever attained mm, v, s<br />

ilfst whom Uod selected far this duty, j by a slujile eflnrt, aud this apptiw<br />

She la flRt also |u tepeniibiKty, ¥\>r! equally if iht salvation <strong>of</strong><br />

what van the priest or sihol icctim-<br />

IillNh if the traliiiug is not begun si<br />

the home and there eyntinued, ^t,<br />

peyiaily by the mother? If<br />

y<br />

The vietbry over death u the<br />

depriving is <strong>of</strong> any piiwer hereafiertw<br />

Injure or destroy, D&itli W vanquUhed.<br />

Ii shall be no more seeu striking down<br />

the etruB^, ruining the beautiful. To<br />

, uudentaud it all the iierfwi joy <strong>of</strong> tht><br />

heavenly esisieuee KeTtnUft weigh well<br />

Hie pre^nt srievaiK>\<br />

us, but whk*h are u><br />

ihere. We are<br />

spirit, , lii oiany ways<br />

ileus the spirit de^truys, <strong>of</strong><br />

or eruslits the body cummiittrtl to it*<br />

In inauy wiys, slsoj the<br />

iu»t@d yf continuing the slave<br />

to the spirit,' usurps the authority,<br />

ThU Is what may be properly iertued<br />

lh« phildeophiial history <strong>of</strong> man to bis<br />

nature; and beu« frum the<br />

<strong>of</strong> ibeune upon the other, Joy<br />

! |,BRRr A.<br />

IJAItK<br />

•I A<br />

V OCBAS tlTV.S. J,<br />

at-Law.<br />

aad the world's<br />

;i'«r, Sixth Street and Central Avtn'je,<br />

ANII'NllLlt'lThlt IS i'flANfEHV,<br />

•*• The result will iH Uie eud be<br />

sUi'ee*N! The divluy proni!N# is sure <strong>of</strong><br />

2, Krai EnUlW nnd 1 J iitillding<br />

fur yeaw fulftttiieai. Work, wait,<br />


:<br />

thechlid b well jioverued aud oorreeted,<br />

THK<br />

J, Hs SLAWTKJS<br />

then, eveutyougii In after years it may; M<br />

held ,,)(f<br />

d frOBi the Hint pslh, Mill j bt,4raw»lk, eurly in ihe evening,<br />

TO GO,<br />

the eflect <strong>of</strong> Iu early training will n* | were hmjdmi* <strong>of</strong> pe«,ple,<br />


turn and alter Its tvuducL | oil thk ow-a.-iii<br />

If for yeas uothing but high ideals ] ijanj H; WIKHI,<br />

Thirteeuth Street and Central Avetiue,<br />

1). P.. the HevMr.<br />

are held up to tile niiud <strong>of</strong> the child;; j>mvs Jjf<br />

No r.l«irtjp.<br />

„ *i i i, - i i vi-'i^, vi » HiiaBii(.iuii1 and jiuu " iiiBjiev, I lion ton la liiii<br />

Bothiug but whai HI pure, honest ind !wtg,Ludlow, <strong>of</strong> Hie New iem>vCoU. iifbt ^<br />

mauly aiid<br />

^ttedi If It never see* careleseueiis iu<br />

the<br />

religious duties, never hears to* unholy<br />

1<br />

euree, but ever uebolds thi tr^ Cht'u-''<br />

£dward Fiiwd, uf the f £<br />

liau life in \in pareute' ways oi iiviug, TIIK<br />

th#B it truly stauds tn rrawiti thai fhese i Tliere was the usual BapUM<br />

! y&tefday afieiijiioi) In the syuo*<br />

will mukesiH.b au impresslou upon the<br />

| A larger atteiidaufe w« present than<br />

whkIi ftuul <strong>of</strong> the tbild that never can it beon<br />

tlse i!tyi«eUiiig Sunday, who iisi,<br />

no eutranL¥ entirely efJaeed, . eued atti'tilively to the remark* <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>of</strong> B^haiid Kuble, then. Is a HBOther's slliiig iteV, W, O, ttoL'luHHi, iif<br />

by ^vere euafr when iiohiy duue, Prleat aad Dioth«r :<br />

is she, A priest, l*eause »he \s thein<br />

da tipri pke#a the j'<br />

eue to be taught ii* ; stewards and. ittewarde^e^, "In ibe<br />

own dignity, Its immortal value, the evening the Hev, lianil W'ashingiou,<br />

beauty <strong>of</strong> h*avint the glory <strong>of</strong> G«d, * <strong>of</strong> . V 1 "* 161 drains,<br />

H, ifALLAUHERii<br />

Soileii<strong>of</strong>, luer in Ciuiesn, Holifi -public,<br />

M1W, A, F_ CAREY*<br />


E NTKASP,<br />

Arleeian<br />

II-0GU1I CHY EfSRY<br />

S=(E«',<br />

Real; Estate and<br />


*; l^^hed, iakiuir for hW<br />

tile nevesaiiy <strong>of</strong> #ecii'rjng it* eternal<br />

rtalvatluu. A'm<strong>of</strong>her, notbuly to care<br />

far the children, but to supply that: Pharmacists.<br />

I6v#, to give tliat iyspathy, to bellow ;<br />

7th and <strong>Ocean</strong> Aca,<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong><br />

lU.LBlNBS<br />

BAY,<br />

D<br />

1 SEW<br />

yor emutioq, all thefluA'iuatiou* [be itearif <strong>of</strong> little iblldrea oaturaily<br />

<strong>of</strong> feelings rB# and fall like the swell= fail fur. Be^uS; not •eciustomed to<br />

ings <strong>of</strong> the eea, , itit rough ways <strong>of</strong> the world, they need<br />

Kbw this is an itnperfett ttate <strong>of</strong> one that an feel litie they feel, and a<br />

being, sad when w# are told "deatti'ie mother, ao metier Li-*" nu-'ij* years<br />

ew*l|owed up in vietory" aiid "tears may h»%-§ passed UVLr )• r h?*-t, can<br />

•« wiped away frau all ffcw," by the ways be« ehUd H • her tfj, when a<br />

luKt<strong>of</strong> the contrast; we. begiu toper, run!! to her for ad\iee or &-i -., .tin a,<br />

«iv£ lit.what will eouakt ehiefly tbe A mother then ehould he i T -iini •{*<br />

bapplass el heaven. When the evil I pure, all that is Christian, ail „.,.,._ t> :<br />

Poetical Carpenter and Builder'<br />

Av&, OCEAS Cttv,,K. J,<br />

lSmr<br />

ft tbeeifr,<br />

apJ fmser Artwf*<br />

l<br />

<strong>of</strong> the fiah is removed, with all its! uuble, Saintly Is her alllnf, f r at,<br />

dejirB, with all iu earthjy,' heriaee the little OB# learn* to Ittp it*<br />

with all the lusts waning, prsye»i aeble U her duty, iiu«<br />

we shah; be able "to • bif bwoni the chUd ia taught<br />

me Qod IMe Is (sec." But there Ii *n ence, love and respect far Its pBRnt«|'<br />

indispenanWe condition to this wonderful<br />

phaefe ftwn mortality to inuportalliy.<br />

It will pot take pJ*« upon aJl,<br />

bat only upas those wbo ID this life <strong>of</strong><br />

trial hav¥ sou^bi God with all their<br />

hearts, ud thrutigh faith in the atoning<br />

' falypd el Jat» Chdsi »n washed ftoa<br />

tteir eins^ are aasetlfied by the Holy<br />

Gbost and haw U«d to His fear and<br />

love, . • , ''•,''<br />

The imlm for living is heaven<br />

[<br />

Iniletii«, Tollrt Ga.il*<br />

Fins •**ortme(n «f St**.<br />

C ! Pie, Bread and Cake Bakers.<br />

romptly Attondad ta.<br />

urns itntiT,<br />

W<br />

A BBOTTS PMARMAEV, \ The Fioncer Bakery,<br />

Cor, Tth and Aabury;Avenue,<br />

; TOO AsburT Avenue, <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, JT, J,,<br />

Fr«h Bread, P1*» sad C lj Thlrt*ro<br />

i 6*nH Bud tw<br />

H J t k<br />

Ail<br />


ING E<br />

1B MAWOS<br />

•ubUme u her TucaUon, bftmuae princi- f<br />

pally by ter It to tnlued in all those Comer Eighth St. and VVesley Ave,<br />

ways that afferwud make the child<br />

the help, the pride and the Joy <strong>of</strong> the<br />

:<br />

Holy aad ^<br />

B3etber F OCEAS CiTt HAKKKT,<br />

: SH Asbiifj* Avenue, ,<br />


FOB QOOB Novt-ii*ec BREAp, '<br />


Br*ad,0a* P.. Atliertiflit;<br />

Cllmon L, Htiudfr, PhltodilpWBt ^bt,<br />

auiriiB. wife and euild, Ueo. Pfllelrttt,<br />

Edward Osraun, J, Harry Gleg, AIQHEO<br />

Willetfl, MUivilio,<br />

THAYMOJiE.<br />

AleiMider BryBnt, Howiinl Bry»ntf<br />

Harry B»ii8, Fmnela Nalel, U, A,<br />

Daiiiil, Umm W. Htelsr. W. A, BUBTP,<br />

MR, C, F, Bmlth and ilaugUter, him<br />

J^, 0. Sininn, PlUdlpbla<br />

TIIK<br />

Mm Auuft E, Uflrsy, Mary A, Met<br />

Auuft<br />

KlnHtfy, Henry<br />

H<br />

W Hetal,<br />

Hetal<br />

Mi<br />

Mi Mag'<br />

O'Donuel), Mfsa M, HiMiUtOB, S,<br />

Pwsissl, Philadelphia; Katutrliif f.<br />

DuLighertyj Ceclll* A, Gable, BBIBB«<br />

A, Gab!et LntidBBter, Pa,<br />

TIIK<br />

., Sant A, Wallaghef, Ufa* HUda<br />

M. Ualliiglier. MISH Mttrtba M, PUIbln,<br />

.,.,„= A V , V, 1 Mletil, d, B HowfeIi Arlhuf<br />

and wlff, MJg* Ethel D, Arthurl PhllB*.<br />

deipbli. Fraok P, Webb aud wife,<br />

Jeiifcinmowti. Ps,s W, P. D»)Ie»t<br />

Media, Pa,; CJi»rii8 D, UrloklBPi Brld^.<br />

to!!, . ' •" '<br />

TUB llIilQHTON,<br />

MUB M, Miwefi IJMili WeSdSsr and<br />

wife, I- A. PefklBi, Edward 8, I«Bg.<br />

Btretli, Mrs, R, M. Lane, Ml« Lane,<br />

A.K,'Modre.gii«le9E, Wiley, Dun--<br />

eati Htawarti Henri Ouat Scott, Mm,<br />

S, A, DevSue, Miss A, Devint, EiBaBiir,<br />

LeertDenly H. E, Kmune, F, H, Buckley,<br />

W, HMffy Bitter, J«bn A, ABdeF=<br />

son, E; J), BoSieJi, H, T. Uomsll, T,<br />

Henry Swesttui. Qrara H.^ Sawyer, J.<br />

AndeBon BOM. L, B, Dlibrow wife<br />

aiid children. Rev, J, L. RHW —*<br />

wifti PUIliideiphiii Tli«, H,<br />

Getuiftuimvii. J, B, Derby, aire,<br />

dreu and Burse, Wayne, Pa,; J* H-<br />

Cuuverii, Baliiinnre. Tbonaas H, Hsrjideii.<br />

Real Estate Agents.<br />


liut cormlittitly oa WB !ltt<br />

Froprtle! For Sale or Rent,<br />

f ATLANTIC emr, N, J.<br />

11 j omire inciting ier bAFgainH, drop tn nBd<br />

km iiira, it will pa? you,<br />

. it hu tees rebuilt on a, grander jK4ile tlmn<br />

ever, and Ii now open for buBi newt<br />

• iTBE H4IMQMBT<br />


_^»,»^, tlmn »ny other. The bqlidlng has<br />

been on uirfefi 1B4 Bhffl ueH»«ra» placed therfr<br />

In. Qnad New Of gan, set with new nod<br />

oharmtnsr mu<br />

. _ CAfJDV KITCHEN<br />

cloua ftpdpurocauiljwHhla thebuUdinK, Tbe<br />

IQ Oceaa Liity, eorae nnd •» "--<br />

WholeiialB nod retail, <<br />

I. G, ADAMS, PROP<br />

AiSEHM t<br />

B. C. BBOffR, Presldant,<br />

Boardwalk mi Eleventh Street,<br />

OCEAN CITY, N. J,<br />

TttU well=tnown pieutiFe report hs» been<br />

ip»¥ed lin» ib* MUSD uf *9&.<br />

HI m «ai el over SUSA O<strong>of</strong> (ee CHB parlor<br />

ttenr J90feet 1QB_T; the light luaeb cafe and<br />

candy and »da water »t*odjr provide ntnmhm«nta<br />

i,f »i! kladji at modernts priesi,<br />

8HIFREH8ID, MWUie.,,<br />

M FOIL TI1LB<br />

Itaraiib innHBieBt ?, The Carfqniei In<br />

one ef too eeiBplrtert in ifl* State, ThiH !•<br />

the SpHt isnitiiement r«nrt <strong>On</strong> tbe coast<br />

CO,<br />

liable—7th Bt and Havttt Avt.<br />

FINE OAMIAail 1 " «" **»*<br />

eivf prompt uttenWoa.<br />

WM* S, GRAHAM,<br />

R,*<br />

Lomtter, llllwwk, UtD«, Cement, PIut«r, i&<br />

IS<br />

A, HQWMfcfc HARKV «<br />

Refl Estate, Mnranoe ail GonTifanoing<br />

iienl JStflieoBfl [Jiw liuildlnf.Boonig,<br />

QUEAN CITY, S, J. ^<br />

CliAH. f. LAKB,<br />

f 1HE BBOS.<br />

Heal<br />

' in R«i EsiaU iind<br />

W. J. It<br />

R«m Ko.<br />

y M*NS,<br />

Rill Etlali, Mottlipi Mi<br />

N,J.<br />

6*<br />


and TliifiFB, FWilng TiaMi,^<br />

801-605 ASBURY AVE..<br />

CITY, N, 1,<br />

*. = ABE f 1I!N= _ . _<br />


OF D£RAH CITV,<br />

uiuAg Pniai. putty nad Window Hh»d« in<br />

RhK-k. ' waiiT^perl (Mi USSITBHSBI 1B _rt»i<br />

varleiy *t m^ersis prl«fc<br />

iO*S=SO Albury Avgnue,<br />

XT A, W5 IIHTH<br />




* B, 1, Corair<br />

Wat<br />

Pure Milk and Cream<br />

tft<br />

reeelvt<br />

•rasw<br />

i<br />

m<br />

^<br />

SB<br />

1<br />

I1<br />


ilK<br />

m<br />




••MCpUbHIl?<br />

Dr. trim«l» en<br />

sod mm PSWBF <strong>of</strong> Mtrtom •<br />

World ef Bin Hd HtiffsHor to * Werld<br />

ef fHM Hi Joy,<br />

. „ JS^WMIa the<br />

reaper* are basy ia many parti <strong>of</strong> the<br />

land and the harvesta are being gathered<br />

the setae breaghi before as in this SBB»<br />

pet la especially appropriate. The test<br />

-.MUEInpiv, IB, 19,80: "Aadwfiea<br />

the child was grown is fell on a day<br />

that hs went ont'to bis father to the<br />

reapers And he iaid ante Ma father<br />

'My faiad, ay hosdP And he said te a<br />

l&i, 'Cany lifni to sis mother,' Ani<br />

when he had token hiia and brengyt<br />

him to njs mother ha sat on her<br />

till neon aad thsa dirf,<br />

-=^«^« Is utJKBt oas happy homa ia<br />

ghBBem, To ihe lnxarianee aad splea><br />

dor <strong>of</strong> a great haasa had beoa glTsn ths<br />

adrent <strong>of</strong> a ebijd, E?ea shea the asgel<br />

<strong>of</strong> life fariBgi a new rtal te the poor<br />

moa'i hat » star <strong>of</strong> joy shingi eTM tho<br />

manger, Infftney, wita its helpleffiaess<br />

and mnewnw, had passed away. Dajs<br />

<strong>of</strong> boyhood h«d wmf, dnyg <strong>of</strong> laughter<br />

aad ffolie, days <strong>of</strong> tnmshiae and proni.<br />

ise, dayi <strong>of</strong> atmtjge qoiitioaj and<br />

enrHBirjandqaiekdeTOlopinent Imp,<br />

pose among all the tresfisres <strong>of</strong> that<br />

house tbe brightest wos the bay, OaS<br />

day there is ibn shont <strong>of</strong>, reapers heard<br />

afield, A boj's heart always bonnds at<br />

tha sound <strong>of</strong> Biefcli! or any the. So sooBer<br />

h«T#tlje harveiierBeaiaswftth ae»<br />

tai Held than thi lad joins theni, and<br />

the swarthy reapers! feel yonng again as<br />

they look duwa at fliat lad, as bright<br />

and beantifnl as wai Roth ia tan harvest<br />

fields ef Bethlehem gleaning after the<br />

reapers. Bag tha san wus too hot for<br />

Mm, Congestion ef the brain sebed oa<br />

him.<br />

I gee the swarthy Inbrirfa drop their<br />

sickles, aiid fhuy rash bat to see what ia<br />

the matter, and they fan him, and they<br />

try to coel his brow, bat all is <strong>of</strong> no<br />

stall, la the instant <strong>of</strong> conseionaBeas<br />

he pats his uaads against his teniples<br />

s?d eriea ontj "J£jp iiead, aijhiadr<br />

And tho father said, "Carry him te bis<br />

mother," jnst as Buy father wonld haTe<br />

said, fer onr hand Is too roBgh, Bad onr<br />

voice is toe harsh, sad oar foot it tee<br />

land to doctor a siek child if there bo<br />

in oBj home a gentler voice and a gea*<br />

tier hand and a stiller footstep, flntali<br />

<strong>of</strong> ue avail. While the reapers <strong>of</strong><br />

Shnafni w<strong>of</strong>tshttiy ia this field there<br />

Huae a Granger reapflr, that way, with<br />

keener scythe and for a richer harrmt,<br />

Jfe ttuped qnly eno sheaf; bat, oh, what<br />

a golden sbpftf. that wast I do not want<br />

to know any more about that heart-<br />

breaking scene than what I see in jnst<br />

this one patharte sentence, 9 "Ho<br />

her kneea till noon and then<br />

- Thengh hundreds <strong>of</strong> yean have K ,<br />

away glnce (hat boy skipped to the bar- |<br />

vest field and tlica wus brought home i<br />

and died on his nietiier's lap, the story |<br />

still ihriilj as, Indetrf, childhood has a i<br />

cliornj always and everywhere. I shall '<br />

, now speak to yen <strong>of</strong> childhood, if* '<br />

betaiyi its sttBeeptibility to iuipresijen<br />

its power ever the parenrui heart and;<br />

its blissfql transiiiya froja - earth to •<br />

. heaven, , -<br />

Bepafjr <strong>of</strong> Cblldbaod,<br />

Tho chiid'M beauty does net depend<br />

npeu form or feature er conipleijua or<br />

apparel, Thai desiitute our. thai yon<br />

law en the street, braised with nflkind=<br />

Mils and In Hp, hasaeharBi abont her,<br />

: even nnder her destitntioH. Yea have'<br />

fprgotten a great many persons whoai<br />

yon met, o£ finely cut fiafnms «ad with<br />

erect peStnre and with fsinltlwia oea-<br />

, plfeaea, While yoa will aiwayH renieai*<br />

ber the poor girl wliq, en a ebld, nigeii*<br />

light night, us yen were passing late<br />

Hoa^ in her thia shawl aad baryfeot<br />

JB the pavisnienf, put ent her huud and<br />

said: "Pinass; to give BJB u<br />

4hs how <strong>of</strong>tt>ii we jiJiTe walJsiiil OH<br />

ild. "Oh, thiii is tmtbiug bnt „<br />

YagqboBdifiniJ" bnt aftirwe ROE ablWk<br />

or two en we stopped usd said, "Ah<br />

that is uer right!" add we pasfled ap<br />

that suBo way and dropped a aijte iato<br />

that suffering hand, as ihdngh it were<br />

not a matter <strong>of</strong> iecend thooght, M<br />

aibamed were we <strong>of</strong> tiur hard<br />

wesld be witfiont tbe •partfnt<strong>of</strong>w ef<br />

ehildnnj When I find people that do<br />

not like children, f isjnjBdJately dmbi<br />

their tneral and GbrittiaB ohaiaotar,<br />

BB| shea the grace ef God eosies spa<br />

a^ehihl, sow nnapiakably aitnoti¥S<br />

Wben Stmael begins to pray and Tim<br />

etBF begins to rosd th§ Bariptniw u6<br />

Joseph ihows himttlf invulnerable to<br />

temptation, how beautiful the eosiej I<br />

kaaw that pasnts smettmej get ait*,<br />

eat when their children become pions,<br />

becanflo they flaw tbe Ida that good<br />

ehiidren always die. The strange q<br />

tioni antnt God aad eternity aad<br />

dead emits apprehensba ia the<br />

rental miad athtr than «^ratal_MU^<br />

T *'*" J «he» Hi soBii peopla that sects<br />

for has, Thhi world la toe<br />

jsfdeu for them te bloom la.<br />

The hnes <strong>of</strong> heaven are ia the petals.<br />

There is soaiethiiig abent their fore,<br />

bead that makes yen think that the<br />

Band <strong>of</strong> Christ has bwn on It, sayinB<br />

'Let jijfS nnfl^nBi&-4u mtj, and Jet TE<br />

to me loon," While that one tar*<br />

Hed la the honse yon felt there vru an<br />

angel in the rMsaj, andfoa theaght that<br />

«*—Sickaea wonld be the lart. And<br />

flaaliy, the wtndi el death did<br />

the ieaTM, yea were no mats<br />

mrpfisM than to sea a star CSBB eat<br />

abeTi the eland on iidarkaight for yon<br />

had <strong>of</strong> tea mid to year companion, ! 'Mj<br />

dear, we ihsll never raise that shili I!<br />

Bai I seoat the idea that good saiidren<br />

always die, ianinil the pioHi boy be-<br />

Samnel the great prephst. Chrifr<br />

Timothy became a mlniater at !<br />

ma. Teang Daniel, couMsrated ta<br />

zfOk b ^* ffle priffle niiaisEer <strong>of</strong> all the<br />

and there are la hnadredi ef thi<br />

and families <strong>of</strong> thto egauey to, I<br />

day children who lovi Oed sad keen<br />

hisrommandnjeute, an' "<br />

paritn m in wess, A motwign Bey, *<br />

* 10 years <strong>of</strong> age, Kotoing meibid,<br />

BOthiag dull abont him. Hit Teiee<br />

and air toot swifteif ea the<br />

Often Si hag ooma fajto my<br />

and thrown hiaseif down aa the<br />

Boor Ma aa eshunBtion ef bolstinni<br />

mirth, and yet he was a Christian, «n-<br />

•taated to Uod, kpHping aii eoniflaand.<br />

Hientit That i^ tha kind <strong>of</strong> ehildish<br />

ple^ I believe in. When tha day! <strong>of</strong><br />

tttoss cjune iaddealy and he was told<br />

Omi he cpnld sot get well, he said:<br />

Jeans alono ean save at, Jesus will<br />

iVo me. He has saved «& Doa'l cry,<br />

rnninniik 1 shall j^i right Htraiglit np to<br />

And thpu they gave him a<br />

glass <strong>of</strong> watt* to cool his liot lipg and he<br />

saidi **MaBiiHu, I ihull «ks a draft<br />

f»m the water <strong>of</strong> life after awhile, <strong>of</strong><br />

which if OHM driiik he shall Bever get<br />

thirsty again, 1 lay myself at Jeans' feet^<br />

acd 1 wunt hini io do just whrtl bo<br />

brar loiin with nta nk your h<br />

iiTH ftifi—Mafo<br />

?> do iifit iiiuuni too i<br />

eliild tiitit<br />

. .jiJH tif jifiiyt<br />

a cJiild'i* sirfc is..,], Qm ptaft't tlic> Lord<br />

Uktgj ihe ai!it>r piayiT hu noa mt<br />

When a sagl kijii<br />

sick bed isnd k:jyn> "ij Lord,<br />

iiMip ciije, Bu is \vty uwir Ut niy<br />

I don't want !a jmrt with bins, bat<br />

will fee dQHft'Whiit jg fho Jriud <strong>of</strong><br />

prayer tho Lyrd jyvus*, Thvirv ia _!"_<br />

kind ef pmyer whiyh I jigvu hyytd aea<br />

bake in Kubstujjce<br />

tijeiiiineit<br />

lision fuf health<br />

lorkjinilness; so Uwflnid<br />

i* weij fw ail vishoni mi pcf»M<br />

renti np ebiva^*. toiw io B<br />

tawcotiditinninH nlih <strong>of</strong> «ny kind<br />

will bFBHi ji,,,!uriii nnd iiliBilsr<br />

All siu-li plnres iiiioyld<br />

irlili<br />

fits' Ki'wtryjle ijilH * KKilebHi Er».<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

liiii UJU iirik' Iroiii<br />

ia I ho ipiidii iJiiiuiici ijfi HIP<br />

•iflti! 2 is<br />

a 5i' 6 iu<br />

i « 6ii<br />

y li a at<br />

B is 6<br />

a at s<br />

1UUU.<br />

JU<br />

i! m\ ii IN<br />

li 4T-—.<br />

u 4 i-im<br />

m Ttaun<br />

2* Kriduy<br />

HltiuriJuy<br />

^ d<br />


Eiprcw, «:{fT », ni,, «irl*fii<br />

Accom. OiSt m,,<br />

isr ftT«, S.prt p. in.,<br />

to is ihe plfti oi Ib? thirst-<br />

iiig pub]je llimiigbnut ths mytiiry.<br />

Why ii.it HB« ihs flBHst wBldp<br />

nowlhg ffDiji artesian sells ever<br />

m fm art|1 by «B6wllIli- te tBB<br />

MHilnH nr tin? l!,*ini (jtly WHt«F<br />

utver drink n-iiddj<br />

ihtnit, Hrver he witt,,<br />

•nil KiHtT bill use<br />

if!.,<br />

8USDAVH.<br />

MS p, m<br />

7,!n<br />

,hil4 ^<br />

aud cold are nothing<br />

i<br />

plea before some men ef great attain-<br />

menu, and a gfiitlemsa said to him<br />

afief^'ard, * 'How eoold yoa ba » ealm<br />

standing in thst «Djntst pre^enoe?"<br />

"Oh*" Mid Erskine, "I felt ay children<br />

pntljng at ay skifta crying fer h»«^ •*'•<br />

p mnyh<br />

fax land we<br />

attractiva In that<br />

aw not itraBgeni There<br />

I an those there who speak oar ouse day<br />

by day, and tnpy woiidw why to - Jeug<br />

[ we tarry. If J could coaat np the nasies<br />

<strong>of</strong> all thoso'wSjn JJHVC gone one froai<br />

these, tumilim into the kingdom <strong>of</strong><br />

• With what admiration<br />

apen a grenp <strong>of</strong> children<br />

iiflt iM-kilis in thiii bniiii=iK Wl!^<br />

i!i!# mnalHi, «|] und irtui, wi.irh are<br />

daqK,;roqB ^aa SbJislloBiilile, wiian<br />

eiio (B riirniptin] HI yerv<br />

f THXKB, We are now ppe-<br />

1S furnlHJi An-Or Jni-nnd,<br />

••erii Mgfatil in atiy pnpi iif ihe ritj-,<br />

HBd jfllHriihtfy i!l«p|ul«<br />

lion, Tht<br />

l« run iill i<br />

. -_„ a'Miiingtnn, 8.W f.ffl, S.Si<br />

li, ±1$, Ml, (S,i« t'gneTi-wiQfi»l Mm*<br />

.._. JliJlng I'srj, S.iT: fl&j, fljjflinji inn, 7.SB<br />

Huiiusyi, .3.^?M 1,14 ii.gf I m, UM~ni<br />

II' ( f: J a . fkiSgi WUiisnfii Uiiilied, WniBK C'lrt<br />

io.at, ii m<br />

UHthiA'i<br />

ited, D|ij,.,6<br />

(WMliigcir<br />

, « •,•,-', t!1 iiK( FMlgn<br />

*»« ATI,. ..„<br />

Pj p M.St.f*rt iiatlun<br />

thongh yen<br />

taB g yen<br />

ok atam. Yonr ohiidrea mist ta well<br />

p ildren en tlie play. ' dothed thenih yea gd la raga. Yen<br />

er is the schpnj, and wo elap j B4y( »|fy efcildres Bhali bo<br />

iTDlntitarilyaadsaT I t *-<br />

enr hauds alinoat i<br />

"How beantifnlf"<br />

dignliy are gone<br />

h hi<br />

Ail w<br />

and yonr ahont<br />

t<br />

gny are gone, and yonr ahont is<br />

heard with theirs, and yen trundle their<br />

eep aad fly theip kit d ik<br />

s, and yen trundle their<br />

ep aad fly theip kite nnd Htrike, their<br />

ifflll, and ali yonr wmrfuisM and aniietr<br />

are fffle, OB whin a eliild yen bemadsi<br />

ewer the playground yanrseifc That<br />

fsihar who standB rigid and unsympa-<br />

thetic amid the iporifninea Of obUdrea<br />

enght nerer Io have been tempted bnt<br />

et a erasiy and unredeemable Hlitsri*<br />

Sbe waten lap down the ioefes,<br />

bnt they ha?t not the pHfigfHi step <strong>of</strong><br />

childhood. The morning eomu snt o|<br />

the gates <strong>of</strong> the Bast, throwing its Mis<br />

as this lake and its gold en the towers<br />

ud Its fire ea the eipna, bnt li It oot «o<br />

bright Sid beaotlf nl as the morning <strong>of</strong><br />

life, There la as light like that which<br />

is kindled ia a. child'a syB, np color lika<br />

that which blooms en a child's cheek,<br />

BomnsloJiko the toond <strong>of</strong> m child'i<br />

e.' IW face in tbs poorest pieSH» ii.<br />

i aoy Ithperfeetion in art, When<br />

wa a» wmuj with tell, ttsir litila<br />

huodjpnll tha burdens <strong>of</strong>f oar tack<br />

Oh, wfasj 4 daU, ttole, jBBmj world this<br />

though I beret- had any ehance," What<br />

to yoa w» weary liabs and shing bead<br />

and aaads hardened and oalleas if otSy<br />

the welfare <strong>of</strong> year ehiidrsa caa te<br />

WroBght out by hf ThiUfiorrow iH your<br />

•arrow, their joy yonr joy, their sd-<br />

TaBeemtat yonr ¥ietory, AB4 oh, whea<br />

the last siakneu eomei, hew yea<br />

back the march <strong>of</strong> disease, and it<br />

miy after a tepitndoas i^gfia thai<br />

yea swender. And thon when the<br />

hai flod the great deep is broken<br />

yon ieve Hieni aew, and e?er nu<br />

BIJUB joti think yon boar their<br />

1 1 . LBIE, Presifleqt,<br />

U**e, Bi=!!it| mttft ii.tiDn. Philadelphfn (»la<br />

|J5 if!= Q*IW • -<br />

LM*!.SiAruSETR'FBfB»pii.-i.,«^ -. - -<br />

TH6<br />


VOL. Ill, OCEAN CITY, N. J8J TUESDAY, AUGUST 26^ 1806, NO* 50,<br />


Much Interest Manifested In<br />

the Meetings.<br />


Mrs, Wilson's Voice Adds to the Altras-<br />

ilTcncss <strong>of</strong> the Services—Hiss Alicia<br />

Buttie's Able Address at ths YOIIIIE<br />

People's MiiltBf — Iff. penniogton<br />

Sermon In l«e Auditorium,<br />

the general matter <strong>of</strong><br />

to every penwn mM tu all<br />

into. There ure proven* which seeni<br />

ii go limping and halt)lie, tire lame In<br />

ruiuiiiiir, hultinfi ill BXiiresHhiu and<br />

et they BWID to bear you lip as If no<br />

lie broiid whiKfl<strong>of</strong> an angel; hi fut't,<br />

high that you daii luok_OKa<br />

and see Itn amblttons<br />

feet, while you mem bathed ul=<br />

in the mellow beauty iff the<br />

dawning <strong>of</strong> fettTual duy.<br />

yuu have heard pFayers<br />

brliiiiiiit wfiileiictM, w they fell,<br />

The camp meeting now in<br />

tit t!)EH rertott 1H lueeliiig with great<br />

Crowds iLrong tbi Youug<br />

IViuple Bud Auditnrlura at<br />

service aud give strict attention<br />

to the lievotiouat extfrubtts*. The slutC-<br />

ing Is superb and BtHjstfc hi attractjug<br />

<strong>of</strong> visitors to the pluues <strong>of</strong><br />

Each <strong>of</strong> the H#rvk-«i held<br />

Wire largely attendwl<br />

The ,lt6v, Frank tiraei) gondiiuted<br />

the childieii'M meeting, at 2 o'ulouk,<br />

yesterday afteriiugn, HIH (subject wan<br />

"The Goed HtttnBritan," He gave aa<br />

illuHtruled talk, using a blackboard on<br />

wiik'b wan re|tre«?[itfd Jerusalein arid<br />

Jericho, with tlic road intervenlug,<br />

with Its huge rtteks, bebiud which<br />

imaginary robbers were ptaued.<br />

Us pk-Uiivd the traveler, who met<br />

su«ii a sad fste at ihelr hands, and the<br />

ptigst, Levlie and giied Bamafitaii, and<br />

his friendly aid; also, the lane iittli<br />

bulldlDg by tlie wayside stood fur the<br />

inu that (hfiterid thisk>k man.<br />

ani§fl Is very iisppy Iu his<br />

i <strong>of</strong> language the little folks uua<br />

aud at the dlose<br />

i the lewea vgns <strong>of</strong> the day:<br />

ir say IjUle word ef mine<br />

M»y Duke * life (lie brigbter;<br />

y mnke a iienrt the ilihter i<br />

Ural help me ipeslt thai little word<br />

. AnauiMiny tsit<strong>of</strong> sinifiui*<br />

And drop ii In some lonely vn!?t<br />

To aei tBs echoes FlHiing,<br />

Bsv. W, S, Ludlow, <strong>of</strong><br />

tiiwn, N, J-., preaehgd the aflemoou<br />

wrmiJi) from II Peter llW'A<br />

when la the promise <strong>of</strong> his coming<br />

fur jaince the fathers fell aaleeji, si<br />

thinga coutiuue m they were from tin<br />

beginning <strong>of</strong> the ereatlQl!, 1 * His di<br />

vliious wsrsi "The csimliig ef Ubrlst<br />

the historical coming hi great humility<br />

Ihe B&L'oud euHiiuE <strong>of</strong> UhriHt tf<br />

Judge <strong>of</strong> the world- His coming lut<br />

our hearts, 1 '<br />

There was a large atteiidaiiue at the<br />

nenple'B meeiiiig heitj in the<br />

the Hiily Comforter, who should<br />

abide With us forever. This to linpUed<br />

Iu the Heavijily Fatbef'a oBtr <strong>of</strong> the<br />

great gift,<br />

aixth.Our intereeHSOf, "The Bplrit<br />

heipeth our Infirmities,," the apoa><br />

'for we know not wbat we<br />

pray for an we ought, but the<br />

Spirit maketh iDtereeaBlou for us,"<br />

taking our feeble prayers, BO full ef<br />

cbildUIi wertknuea, aad making them<br />

purkled like dltimoiiflfl, and yet they<br />

did not lift yiiu. You have eiiji^al<br />

heir beauly «H one would wlitn the<br />

unllgbt won la rail onuu ieelierg— so<br />

iautilnl in Ittuk upitiiaiiri euld,<br />

TUe Miuiergave themtlieseed mitlis<br />

roni wlikh all iiuifluu aeed may be<br />

and thy fiiijntaitiH froni<br />

Wliluli uii HtrctiOlH <strong>of</strong> praise may 11 ow',<br />

atid by u qiiilut parable enroK'wl the<br />

uefd <strong>of</strong> tutnerttiicsH and a dinging<br />

rIji «f Iiiipirtuiiliy then pni«i{d to ihe<br />

mmorta! words whlub follow.<br />

He draws the parallel and discloses<br />

it; cuutriiat betweeu the curtlily.Hiid<br />

Heavenly Fatb^Vs care aBd tlBuUy the<br />

great best gift wbH-li the FiiLher is<br />

ready to btstow, wlllcU 1H <strong>of</strong> F t forgo tUti<br />

ii our pelitiiiii, tlie gift <strong>of</strong> the Hiiiy<br />

Bptrit,<br />

leud tbe audience up to B iscep-<br />

tion <strong>of</strong> the preeminent Imptirlaiiec <strong>of</strong><br />

the theme and the wundrouH glfl to he<br />

bestowed for the aHkliiti, he draws a<br />

paryjisl and ehows s ccsiitruttt betweeii<br />

whiit iH being doae ciinstaiitly by wtiik<br />

human parents and what the Hoaveiily<br />

Father in ready to dr an<br />

egg—u scorpion.<br />

If ye then being evil kmnv how to<br />

give good gifts, how much more shall<br />

your HiftVenly Fatlser Kive thi<br />

gifL iotbeia thutusk Him. If Je<br />

evil, twisted la your guiieeniiou <strong>of</strong><br />

thiujctt, leaning »» itruB^iy toward evU<br />

bin I led ID kiiowlislgc uiid<br />

a nnfftflure the i'DinmOii de=<br />

<strong>of</strong> llie nice, buw Hiiii'h inore<br />

will tbe Heavenly Faiher plan for your<br />

right before Oud,<br />

aeseutB, TheBpifUia our liberator.<br />

The law <strong>of</strong> the spirit <strong>of</strong> life has made<br />

my free from the law <strong>of</strong> sin Bad death,"<br />

writes the great apustle, aad all may<br />

enter into this great Iu her! taut*. It<br />

taay be bad for the asking. He will<br />

give the Hiriy Spirit to theiS that ask<br />

Him, Therefore ask for this great gift<br />

with all fluency <strong>of</strong> speech and earnest'<br />

iitaH <strong>of</strong> piayer. Seek for It aa with a<br />

lighted caudle. Kansk with Importu-<br />

iilty at'the door <strong>of</strong> blfMlag, and It<br />

Nhull be opeued unto you.<br />

The HullutSH meetlug, tilts niomfng,<br />

led by Hev, John Thompson, was at-<br />

leiidedrby a goodly niimher, The flBt<br />

liaif linur was devpted to telling expe-<br />

riences, Had then they gathered about<br />

the altar for a recuBHeumtloa <strong>of</strong> them*<br />

to Olid for greater service.<br />

The morning lowon was read from<br />

Johii U, Mrs, Wiisea sang "I'll steal<br />

a way to Thee." C, U, iummernf Id, or<br />

Camdeii, then preached from the text i<br />

"I wilt pray the Father and he shall<br />

give you another comforter Bad he<br />

y<br />

sblde with y*iij forever,' t =-Johu<br />

Charles G, Eudlcott, <strong>of</strong> New York, is<br />

reglBtend at The Brigbtoa,<br />

J, B Derby, wife and children, are<br />

domiciled aHtae Brighton.<br />

lilt, G, Batemaa, <strong>of</strong> Maurieetown,<br />

17. J,, is a guest <strong>of</strong> The Brighton.<br />

!tfj#s Ida Crffts, ef Jluflalo, Jg amoag<br />

the recent arrivals at The Strand,<br />

W, B,.£a!ert <strong>of</strong> Wbrahickou, Phlla-<br />

delphia, L* reeuperktlag at The Strand,<br />

W, E, Dowltraud wlfti <strong>of</strong> Philadel-<br />

phia, are guests <strong>of</strong> the Wesley House,<br />

Mrs, U, J. MftHHluger and sou, <strong>of</strong><br />

Mlllvllle, ate registered at The Emmett.<br />

The Bev, J, L, RuBsell and wife, <strong>of</strong><br />

Philadelphia, are guests <strong>of</strong> The Brlgh<<br />

toil,<br />

J, W. liuwmaB, wife and child, oi<br />

Wiillambport, Pa., ire aiijeumiug at<br />

TbeBtraud,<br />

Alias Ffanqei Dairy niple, <strong>of</strong> German-<br />

town, li Hgaiu visiting a Wesley ave-<br />

nue cottage.<br />

Mrt. j, J), Lippluuntt and Ml** Lip.<br />

plueolt, af GrossWICIEH, are gussts <strong>of</strong><br />

The Emmett,<br />

Mrs, John H, Kleiafeider, <strong>of</strong> PhUa-<br />

diiphla, iBaiaiitig the isUat arrivals at<br />

The JJrlghtiia.<br />

Jese|ih 0, W hi laker aud funjily, <strong>of</strong><br />

Philsdeipiiia, are BOJfiurnlug at the<br />

Wesley House.<br />

John I* andWtm* Hass, <strong>of</strong> TlGga,<br />

Fhiiadelphla, are vIsltiBg tht We«iey<br />

Houfte for ft few days.<br />

Mrs, Mary D, Prickett, <strong>of</strong> Paimyra,<br />

and Airs, Mary Flanders, <strong>of</strong> Burllngtoni<br />

UQGRU<br />

anged<br />

The rath laat evening<br />

board walk to he deserted,<br />

Large catches <strong>of</strong> weakflsb and CMak-<br />

era were made in the ocean yesterday.<br />

MB Beujaiiiln L, Rusk, <strong>of</strong> Haddon-<br />

field, rwglHtertd at The Strand<br />

viMi<br />

Ainoug other thingn he s«!di God baa<br />

talked with mea and bas re-<br />

Himrteir to tb§m through Hii<br />

. Uhrist lived, taught, bled<br />

aiid diedr He waa the divine embodi-<br />

ment uf Ibe Uudhead,«Dd when men,<br />

in their iguunuee, sought te discover<br />

jfficuHaritles Io thefflSilva, they<br />

ouly declare Him "ft sirfthga<br />

But not so strange but that He<br />

was a ttimpin}onito mpu, an Mvooie<br />

and eoiiiforter, aommaudlng honor and<br />

Imp by His guidance <strong>of</strong> them.<br />

They expected Him to abide with<br />

them, and were eapr te arrange ferHIl<br />

eartlily kingdom, but Hi taught them<br />

He wan w»u to leave them, causing Had*<br />

iiesi iii their hsarts, but adding the<br />

comfort <strong>of</strong> lbs promise Of sending<br />

them another comforter that should<br />

ttbide witli theni forever.<br />

Temple ui 7 u'elock, last even lug, uw<br />

R W A F<br />

A. Fer<br />

uf Ide<br />

aiien .you ihiak you hear thtif toices<br />

caUiag yon upward. Ah, ye*, they ha¥e<br />

Hoae etti trom ij th f<br />

OPFICB: 6ei Anbury Avenue,<br />

Hoae e« tium aij these families, and ! P^AKTi iOthBt.aud Wea* Avenue<br />

yoawaBtno bcBkteteiljfon<strong>of</strong> taedy- ! ^<br />

tog «iiH=rk*iiee <strong>of</strong> Chrietiaa ohUdren,<br />

ap, and Bacliel will not ba eosferted<br />

beanaa her ehildrea are act and Dawjd<br />

goes ap the psJaoe stairs, «By|ng= *'O<br />

AnsaleiB, ay sea, my ieo, weald God I<br />

bad died tar thse j O Absalom<br />

There ll apt a iarge fiunily, or hardly<br />

m large faaiily, that has not tent error<br />

•neh a, tfmsam aad iMC It. In the fan<br />

ily fold Is thars no dead iamb? 1 haw<br />

•sea nady sash easea <strong>of</strong> leffgw. Then<br />

Ii eag pre-eminent ia my meaMny u<br />

pastor—ScoTiJio Hayna WcOoUam,<br />

The Btcar <strong>of</strong> his dnth baa brought oan<<br />

Yon bavt- jimrd it It has been wiiig-<br />

jii joat- ear, O father, Q Bothery<br />

Q brother, O niatw. Toward that good<br />

land all Christians ore beat-ing, This<br />

•napping <strong>of</strong> bi?firtatringa, thii flight ef<br />

years, thia umdut (ha heart reminds oa<br />

that we are pawing away, tJuder spring<br />

blossoms and tbrongh mauner harfests<br />

Md across aotnmnnl leafesaBd.<br />

the wintry gnowbanks we are Fa»uig<br />

en- Ob, lejoice at it. children <strong>of</strong> Ood,<br />

TO HIRE!<br />

TO HlRii<br />

8« ! enth Street and Asbury Aveaue,<br />


FISHER 4 SON<br />


Hotels and<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>essional parts.<br />

Hotel Arrivals*<br />

The following are the latMt arrivale<br />

POBUSSID BAILT BV at the various h«b!H§*:—<br />

THS<br />


Editor ana Proprietor, , man L. Haloa, Terwoed, ftLf W<br />

Subscription, , BO6, pap SSaosn, Seoit Hand, t&is May Court House,<br />

TttAVMORE,<br />

AdTortlMitiBart jn lean column*, 10 etau<br />

pr lino for tint LnHertlOB sad live sent* per Blra, T. C, Joan, H« Efflnu Jouea<br />

IltiS tor fiat-h •UbfejqUenL "~ -<br />

Katei lor regular DdvcrtUem*at« fllrnilbed • Ckis, John C% Lttotef, William M<br />

uapplleaUoo -- Tageart, Philadelphia: H. Bharpkss,<br />

All matter intended &r publication mm!,*, . _, „<br />

(Milan. be reserved befcre is &, m, <strong>of</strong> tiitday<strong>of</strong> pubii-1 wuuaeo; T, U, away, M* J» Fox<br />

Kiilered as Bfttodd-cla*! mailer ttttlio pen. Norristuwiij George W, Keliji, J#y<br />

nt's "<br />


TUESDAY, AUGUST 05, 1890,<br />

I, W. Bowman, wife and child, Wll<br />

llamsport, Pa.; Ulaa IdaCrifta, Buflalu;<br />

ihlntf ot\ m ' Fred Many Guard? «O Ike<br />

The com <strong>Line</strong>d eBottt ol «v#y life<br />

guard* were itqulred to RKH Mr, and mHE<br />

m. »„<br />

Mri, Charlai Bannoti from drowning<br />

T,<br />

io the iurf at Atlautle <strong>City</strong> yeetenlay. <strong>Ocean</strong> Oitv* N,<br />

Mu and Sin, Bannon, a young wuple Sow opes for KeeptiDB <strong>of</strong> gn«U, Resident Physician,<br />

<strong>of</strong> Phillidelphl*, Pit,<br />

from PoughktejBie, if, Y4i en(oylng<br />

tlwjr houeyuioon there, were bathing<br />

Far tef BSK, PU'i, dddMnil !<br />

at the foot <strong>of</strong> Korth Uanjliiis (tveuue,<br />

SI19S SI, A. BUVLE,<br />

H. J.<br />

when Mrs, Bannon requested herhu».<br />

baud to teaeh her to fl<strong>of</strong>tt, Bannon \rAIMDALIA HOUSE, : OAV19, H. P.,<br />

itepptd Into a hole and went down,<br />

*<br />

TS5 Central Avenue,<br />

dragging hia young wife with him.<br />

056 Anbury Avenue,<br />

They earne Io the BUffaee about<br />

DGEAN CITY. H J.<br />

sixty fleet from Hhiire and lu water<br />

laeaiKd, HoiBi jomfefifc TsrBU ,<br />

VuenBt rpouii OBil i<br />

beyond their depth, Bauiion kept hie<br />

(Morntnjf.unlll mo'clock.<br />

guild LsMird Hi Viindiilla,<br />

llOL-KSi-: An*fnoon, 1 to a •• :<br />

Wife afloat and screamed for help,<br />

I EYED) jig, after 3 »<br />

8, HURLEY, Proprietor,<br />

la BJcycte Hiding<br />

being unable to swim againat the tide,<br />

"The biovele has become a<br />

e«c W.Umenl and wife, OuardB Asa and Peter Parker started<br />

! T* CtlARLEM C. RAItH,<br />

utility aud netsiailj'," wild a p^jl j Marie E, Horn, Philadeluhiai W, S, liito the fjurf, eoBh with a life buoyj<br />

ueiil<br />

Baler* Wlssahlekoni Philadelphia: Mrs. nd rtaehed the pair, M», Uaunon Corner Slsth and Asbury Aveuue,<br />

*'It has not yet become a fixed science<br />

Benjaiaiii £, Rusk, Haddonfleid, ras placed in one <strong>of</strong> the buoys, wlilto<br />

OCEAN L'JTV, S, J,<br />

us to its use, aad It iitay exeRjlse great<br />


er husband tiwk the other.<br />

!73S<br />

harm or iiiiieh good, iu proportion at* It J> t?ifoe Hall aud wife, E, W. Hay The brave guards were unable to tuw<br />

nttd<br />

is used or abused," ward, Edward h, Flsa, H, B, heui ashore, and they all began to<br />

H. !». i;ANriBI.l),<br />

"How do you regard ths Influence <strong>of</strong> A. O, UarHin, Pliiladelphjai John H,<br />

Captain Lake saw their<br />


bicycle exm'lge ou the health?" he wiw Boyle, Caniden; Mr§, R, J» Hop wood,<br />

and ordered UtjardflLhid-<br />

B. t. t. Wt«*TO?l,<br />

asked. Jams 0. Hopwoodi Arthur M, Hopi<br />

Davis, Mills aud Repp<br />

j Jj<br />

"Some time ago I made iii¥e»tlga= wood, Jr., Jnliii H. Hopwood,<br />

o [nil out In two life-boat!!, Jn a wild Situated on<br />

tloiiH to team whether the bicycle did *"n»ukfortl: Air. and<br />

ice to the rent-ue (lit £Wo bi»ut» Sped<br />

So, 6jS<br />

A Iidtelj- SiiijiineF Home.<br />

harm or good; ' ftfst, in the caw <strong>of</strong>Baltimore,<br />

iiir,iuuh the,breakers, Lmf did uolHfnud<br />


honllhy persons; Bft-tiudJy, Ui the case<br />

reaeh the party befiire they had drifted<br />

J-Ist, id and\M\ Sill to tbe end (if iht<br />

WKSLfcY HOUSE,<br />

tl<br />

or those diwJaMMl. I found it was good<br />

over two hundred feet frum Hhiire, The A, ¥> 4 It, & CRET1!, i. C.<br />

AUQUBT i-B*fmoh by BUhep CjrUl P, FUB,<br />

ef PhilHieliihia; pi, :<br />

AUOUBT S-B»niiisn bf Blahett Ciiarirt H,<br />

Fpwlsf.gf BuifalB S, ¥,<br />

AUGUST iS-arnDda by Bsr, A, j, F«lmpr, D,<br />

p., <strong>of</strong> Ntw York CIIJF, Mlailaiiary B*cr*t»rj<br />

<strong>of</strong> the M E. churcli.<br />

AUtlUST 3- fefnon bT Re* 3 f. Csrisfm, P.<br />

P.. Prmbjlsrian minister <strong>of</strong> rjrookljrh. H, Y,<br />

The BeHJdSBibheil AH«nblr btfin* Juno 28<br />

an4 i.Qiiliuuf 1 until July Ifi, It i» «»nfe]leBl<br />

Ud (HtErd«i|s«{Ei«t|BriKJ, Fretident, Ijensril<br />

John Kalon, Wubinitsa, S. Uj itefeiary, Kef,<br />

j, E, Gilbert, WMljlniftoTi, ti, d<br />

pr Im»f7 iebodl <strong>of</strong> llBlbodl forSuadajHichsMjij<br />

<strong>of</strong> ail denominations by fhn New JVFUJ 8mt*<br />

KM* d«y=»Cho4il Ajuoelilion, July 90 to julp S.<br />

TW. SMITH,<br />

DEAl.Rfl IS<br />

Fine Groceries, Produce, etc,<br />

for "Ttie Calibrated E. 1>.<br />

"OS and 707 Aabury Ayeaue,<br />

OCEAN<br />

Real<br />


<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Jteal Estate Is advancing 3B per cent, a yar. Don't wuf to<br />

ID a lot? If BO,<br />

W. B. MASSEY & Co.,<br />

lor H«ot.<br />

ltd<br />

Real Estate Brokeri,<br />

811 ASBURY AVENUE.<br />

R. Curtis Robinson,<br />


Commissioner <strong>of</strong> Deads, Conveyancing In all IU Bruieh**.<br />

feer-ury, He*. E, Hurrii Ft>rjtu*on, 'inotOD,<br />

H, J<br />

:<br />

j • nuiiijnu* AUffflBtf Julf *) end 31, In,<br />

L. U K*tii!, <strong>of</strong> Ooilif 0, H. 3 , rt«ret*rj-<br />

Epverljl LrfttUe COBfcstion, AiifUitt S to<br />

Aujfuit IB, fiat, H, i> &IiBy, <strong>of</strong> WrnoBlh, S,<br />

Jii PreiideHt o( the New Jeney CdhrereBCS<br />

KBwort!) League AMacUtlon. wllf ham eharge<br />

<strong>of</strong> ttie mreltoe*:<br />

Tbe ABDUHI Camp Mestlne will \ttg\n <strong>Aug</strong>uit<br />

'H «nd continue tt=n dlVh Ref. Thutusi Haf=<br />

riUB, , the tjHitgeiiRh HigeiiRh will b« b pnHBt pHBt during rigtbe<br />

entire ti c»tnp, B# IF ill pffacti "• nuiiibisr af f ilmei il<br />

and will blip Is sit the BifeUhg*. Hi« linginp<br />

tsook*, "1'recloUi Synhi," will 6B u»d d duFlV£<br />

Die sniP sniPi<br />

BJT, John ThgmpMn, awoelate HJiEdr 6f l!m<br />

"OhrtiiUB Rtandard," will hin clmrge el tbi<br />

•prolnc sineb'elfKk HSHBCH MgeClngs.<br />

ThcpopuinftoenitthaiiTi. its*, j, u, wiimn,<br />

<strong>of</strong> Viiihidrlphi*, will ht pK^ni and tiae at the<br />

farleBi nineliBgi ol itip amp'<br />

Many jinniiBCal ni|ui(ter»tir tfcs Philadelphia<br />

aBd liiW Jptwy 1'iinftfeBCMii u well aa Ihow ef<br />

ether eoBfeiriiC** and deDomiiialiehB, will be<br />

pr«HBt 10 pKKb and help In the nrtll<br />

LOTS FOR »6oO<br />

8, WESLBt tAKE,<br />

Groceries, Provisions, Meats, Etc. Call and See<br />

IT L.i»WH,<br />


• Sevsuth and Agbury,<br />

Sinnonftiiie Fruiia eonitkntiy ou iispa, A<br />

' fnti iipa sf BfHMiMJ* oro«r!«, Gcsoda a#»<br />

Ilvered asill IOO'CIIHJS; Buturdwy ev^Binc,<br />


. •.' UKALER isr 1<br />

sud UJkVt HEATS |<br />

Nps, 740 Aabury Avenue,<br />

CoUnlrJ 1 I'ffjduc* ireili ffOili the farm.<br />

dJi delivered 10 order.<br />


431 AiBURY AVENUE,<br />

\ OCEAN elTYi N, 4,<br />

A full (in* oi Choice Menu, nutter,<br />

bi i<br />

Ice Cream Parlors.<br />

All<br />


Beveoth St. andiAihury Ays,<br />

' IdiUly remodeled K&d large sir? pwlorft.<br />

TJOOGAK BRDI,, -<br />

Boardwalk, third door bel, gth St.:<br />

ioe Cfeamp S<strong>of</strong>t Drinki, Etc,<br />

let Cream Sodas a Specialty, •<br />

Alt <strong>On</strong> Finer* Ira'Did* FrenFriih<br />

744-6 Asbury Ave., <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N. J.<br />


inHiirpnre plurw! In (lie mfiiit rc!ifll||e rrsmpiitilcn dolBI buslne<br />

.Money, lit aiim» desired*on Bond nnd tiiQrtKsilfi 1 lin<br />

.<br />

iiuijiiieiiifiBlruRted to iiiy esre will reui'lve iireinpt HttenUon,<br />


Our List <strong>of</strong> Loto from<br />

We can Sell you a tot<br />

and get the Money to<br />

Build the House<br />

If you WiU give us an<br />

Idea <strong>of</strong> what you want<br />

will draw your Plans<br />

aud Specifications<br />

Gall and see us<br />

$<br />

UP<br />

Office next door to Post Office.<br />

J,fl. Chester<br />

Real Estate Agents<br />

Pleasure<br />

Ice Cream Parlors,<br />

Fot LBdiH «ad qeatiemeD,<br />

NO, 714 ASBURY AVENUE,<br />

OEMH CITV, M= J.<br />

Mais Served fnm 6 m, m, to S p. m,<br />

asd Flan s apmiaity. mmea<br />

FrlcM wrrespgndlBg wltt ell?<br />

„ fUfS BI^HHD Well WHtcr. ti&<br />

i ieai for a<br />

EmbalmefS and Undertakers.<br />

Funeral Director.<br />

Apr it:<br />

IB ebHl!<br />

bSBHtlf<br />

I have received mjb«i*<br />



GntiCITT, ir. II ' ; ,'<br />

RAIL and BOAT.<br />

West Jersey & Seashore Railroad's Short <strong>Line</strong>s.<br />









No Visitor to Atlantic Citv Should Miss <strong>On</strong>e<br />

ptir Tims Table* »n(i Fa<br />

fc A,O,DAYTON, J. R WOCffi,<br />

GEO.W.BOYD,<br />

Gents'Furnishing Goods, Etc,<br />


F<strong>of</strong> WOMEN'S and QHlLDRiN'i<br />


SIS AsbUry Avenue.<br />

AND TO<br />

Clothing House<br />

FOR MEN'S<br />


We have made » CUT SALE <strong>of</strong> our<br />

entire aloek <strong>of</strong><br />


Men's Hull! ttMt WEfd 110 flaw $f ,OO,<br />

Bsyi iotti Ibat wen 85.00 BOW §2,30.<br />

I jdiM* Hlilct Watat* WBH! *! .00 now fiOC-;<br />

BOfc now 2Sc<br />

Wo ire now addiiiK to eur «iael! the<br />


Iff Ken's, Women's and Children's Wear.<br />

T&ere are MANY BAmaAINB in'eUr<br />

BEf*T,<br />

B¥ tALLtfON TO THI<br />

i IB Ita r»f«.<br />

I, Andrea luf<strong>of</strong>BiH me, layi 8 writer<br />

n tbu Bostou HefBld, that, itartlnB<br />

Jroai K<strong>of</strong>sk islands ef Bpitzhwgin, ttm*<br />

vliug at tliu saaiB rsla ua tin aoine irf hi*<br />

TOBflena lisHoon eitpodltloug, aud iiTBii<br />

a faverabU wind, Im ga§ut to ««Wh the<br />

north pole 1B ten honis, Bnt ttia if M<br />

does not travel more than %t fcilQ«ale3f«<br />

i«r hear—^vhieh is tlie inefta s^ed «<br />

lbs wind at that pttrticnliw eteVfttlou ha<br />

prapases to adq]it-=4i lienra alimW<br />

finlllce to mas him to tha coveted<br />

• r - ' ' " '= :' '•.- '-' Imam<br />

81T Aabiiry<br />

KNORR4CO,,<br />

Bo fnf as tha polar rfgioas arq eon*<br />

eerned. thonatflfalebnracterlitles whleh<br />

an dotfJfflpntyl ta dgjiliaiiig the eartli'H<br />

enrface fterre to fnoilifrttfl balloon<br />

pleration. The tatarabHipes t? -sip<br />

s 668 ASBURY AVE.,<br />

lira hdw <strong>of</strong>ferinjl<br />

pai H8SET m Mil - *i.<br />

i enables the ballaai to tfafel steadily,<br />

tiiere bqiiig m duiipF <strong>of</strong> tfe! taw<br />

liaM beeeiuiag enhuigl"d la<br />

Tiili ooiiiJrtonirioB in ef mat ^<br />

sons »* *3.oo<br />

tane#, KPfiiiig that phutopiiiihi aw ta be<br />

takeLi dnfiug the whole <strong>of</strong> the *ijyuf^<br />

We have alo also t>keh udviiouiife <strong>of</strong> the rtoent and eSPBtaHt jprki wnnld te<br />

decline li ib th the RiSBONiiiBrfcet RiSBON^iiiBrfcet Md »« « to the work oil baird. The<br />

ihtjWlnf»graitniBny Bf the lateit ilylea at<br />

the UtMt low priMn. AlWBjg la ».*(pt ol BtiuHhino wfVeHtqiiiiiiiitniu HO svenneft*<br />

Hlled'lbf add dealnilJle goods IB<br />

<strong>of</strong> tetiipfirMttrfl, aud e«iiH«intaitly the<br />


in tho cafrySag power ef tlie<br />

KN0RR & CO.,<br />

No, 838 ASBURY AVENUE.<br />

will be ^ory ilighfe The mow<<br />

fall In tl» Hniniiiff ti not heavy, and<br />

tboro is no likelihood ef the ballosn eti=<br />

thnBderatorBiS, aiin wafaar<br />

A. J. STEELMAN S.<br />

Oor, Atlantic and Ohio Avei.,<br />


THE<br />

Merry-go-Rounds.<br />

CASINO.<br />

It &H be«B NbBiit en « pranaer neale thuo<br />

ever, end la now open tot builn^ui.<br />

. ;LTHB B4iBH»Elf<br />


LBrfer t&*n (my other. Ths building &U<br />

i<br />

la, yrMd New Organs «t with<br />

ehirmliiimu<br />

A<br />


wiUi tb lAt^at ijwiiiuei far produeiBK dtli*<br />

elouiiHjapurecBnay witUlo thebuiialns. The<br />

oinj SBS in <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, Oome sad ate tbe<br />

.Mndy_mBS&-_WH8i§9!i!e and retail.<br />

|. G, ADAMS. FnoP fl.<br />

• PAtACE•<br />

WSHT CO<br />

I, C. BEOIiT, htsident,<br />

Boardwalk and Eleventh Street, j<br />

OCEAN CITY. N-J.<br />

IBIFFLE N|U, NVUNi...<br />

M FMl TOia<br />

f\i«uh inuHH^i for •! >. The Carreti»i U<br />

one <strong>of</strong> tte «mpiet«»t iu tae Hist*. Tkiia ii<br />

the flssl anuwBiBHt n«ort on the<br />

Val»n ftiinri weloerae.<br />

8UbIeB=7th Bt, and Haven Ave,<br />

FINE CAraiAiK^^ 11 ^-<br />

mfcm prompt *usntion.<br />

WM. S, QHAHAM*<br />

p iniwert, Uaa, Geiisl, HuUf, 4c<br />

Si m m tmm ill TWI* »«it<br />

"All tliwo peiaa nnmistibib^ Jndi*<br />

cats ths Mperioriiy <strong>of</strong> a baUoon ms a<br />

beat <strong>of</strong> iledRefoifcx|ili»ini«Mh aeonB*<br />

try," mid M, ^oAm, "and &%$ •«<br />

not fflcreljseientinedednetidnii tat the<br />

iwolt <strong>of</strong> perioiiQl tsperimHitii; thsraleia<br />

1 feel I in jostifled in pnttlnB thiB<br />

forward."<br />

M> Andrte pmiKwi* (Q8tnrtt with two<br />

i, in the early iflmmeref ISne, Hs<br />

feiko the Balloqii rw fur us the Norsk<br />

Jslimds, where s \^m ^^ w u ibB<br />

*<br />

^'hich tlifl balleen will be<br />

with ^a. Here ho will await a<br />

wind to start Into tha —*<br />

ThqiHir will amtaia a<br />

roora for phntnRniiihf ami well<br />

tcctcrt sk«'piiig iiPtHinimfitlntieii for the<br />

thret traTSisnt. The ro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> thi tooaii!<br />

will behoardHl t<strong>of</strong>nnn the floors <strong>of</strong><br />

the Bppsr story, wbiyh will haw » balnfitntle<br />

and warvs BH a pronienad&<br />

PhatOMTophj heiug an iffiportnM fa*tare,<br />

8,000 platflH will he takes, thoogU<br />

tlMsae will not be devilqped antli they<br />

arrive home again,<br />

The bslkKin will bf pfpTliioned Ut<br />

•i fsBinionthi, and H will a|»o SBFry eanfu<br />

boati, ilfrfp, tent, life §tt¥inR npparntna<br />

in ease <strong>of</strong> nay miahiip, scieutiflo<br />

jaittWDBBts, an elaetrlq battery i aim on<br />

elestriQ eooking eteffc<br />

Ths Bspiorar hope that a favornm<br />

winiwiHear^thesi nghlarafOM tts<br />

pole, M. AafeBB hai alrendj eipefl»<br />

njfiiitsd in ths mtrftw <strong>of</strong> iteiring a bal-<br />

Ieon aad has §s far meeeeded that ha<br />

eis divert itf eonria to the eiteal <strong>of</strong> 2T<br />

d^wei fpsrn ths dlHBtlen ttswind U<br />

Thii «Bj bo an immtasa sd'<br />

te bin, .<br />

ghe Knew WW Tin*<br />

An flfusf Wi are narrisd will<br />

sm lovia me?<br />

Rniwri y<br />

eomQ home, as ths felt<strong>of</strong><br />

SjUly^-Yttai, aa then<br />

grocery .1**<br />

Idiiii J<br />

Pharmacists.<br />

down ts U«<br />


fgi ASBUMV AviJ,, OCEAN UJTV, N. J.<br />

JiHrKimijniat und b«t snipped In Ibe. siyf.<br />

Pure IlrliH Biid 5I#d!e!hM, I#d!e!hM, Toilet SSp^fl ^<br />

and Faney Artk'IiB, Fi Fine Stl aSBortliienl pf HtB«<br />

ttoncry, id, P<br />

UtSlUki*<br />

uiio oiuiousnKP,<br />

n*Dr. wmgtiner'g <strong>of</strong>iiee in drug store.<br />


0«r,<br />

Aibiity Aveaus,<br />

OITV, N, J,<br />

Tsl Artieiw, PsrRiMepy. HtflMpBffjf >6"i<br />

Oigiiffc l*r«erlptlPli« S apislB!ljf..Tiy onp<br />

delklOHS lee Cream Hods slid gjCK I'fiQsphaU?<br />

RAPP,<br />

Toll WBll'tMpWB pleaaqre rWSrt he* been<br />

ttl« «aBOD lit *&<br />

Tbibniidipg baa been wraplfMtiy<br />

atkBHtef orerteSDft, Our l« cream<br />

Eighth 8t, and<br />

U6T« IWfeStlODgi thellghtlnneti oafe apd Th« only refUlHif gradnstSj wi with fltteeli<br />

auidr and HdM water «U<strong>of</strong>l» provide rsf^wh- c«ni'city enwrit'iiM. O|»B the entire<br />

Bt» runr,<br />

i<br />

renrripUPBIi receive iiw perwaal twlnii t»tiH III=V<br />

n Mil msea, 1'urllV fuji fino <strong>of</strong> f p<br />

SlRdirinMi tdriTA sndUhsmUaliiF<strong>On</strong>etantly<br />

fuji fi<br />

yaodl dulivereii ID any part <strong>of</strong> ibe city.<br />

1HOHS, . ,<br />


CrMkeri tRi TJfmri, R»Mng TieHs,<br />

801-B05 ASBUEY AVE,,<br />

OCEAN CITY, N. J.<br />

K smlTli * *ona<br />

*BifH<br />


OF<br />

,paint Putir IB4 Wiiulsw *<br />

Wall Paper* ADd DeaorrtleBi<br />

im«MttpFlwB -<br />

mp ,<br />

1O48-SO Anbury Av«nu«,<br />




•48 Asbiiry Av«nu«><br />

1181<br />

1 ^ffi<br />

1US<br />

Sm<br />

mm<br />


i<br />

Ib<br />


FUBtlSHJllJ BAIL? BY<br />


far a week, hit, WiLflu ta uu espert<br />

Migkr and makes ruany flne teheB.<br />

Uharit? Montague, a weiUknowB<br />

business man <strong>of</strong> FhlUdelpbia, accoin.<br />

puled by his son WUIiatti, la being<br />

CBttrtftlned by friends on Wesley ave*<br />

noe,<br />

H«iy Busby and* wife, <strong>of</strong><br />

an vWUng the former^ ?bj|fri Mrs<br />

Muy Chew, <strong>of</strong> Ceairal avenue, Tae_¥<br />

wiUgoto WfldsB', Pa., ta-nierrow U<br />

MnalB * few dayi,<br />

A party train Atlafiae <strong>City</strong> whs viil<br />

tad The Trajmere yeaterda? were-Jnim<br />

A. Ireland ana wife, H, Ji.<br />

u4 Wife, SL V. O6i!6B aqd wife, P. S,<br />

UonDDBBd wife,<br />

MB, Dobbina, <strong>of</strong> Camdea, bother <strong>of</strong><br />

tbe Bev. Qnrge X,, Dobbln^<strong>of</strong> tbe New<br />

UQBference,, RCcuinpanJed by<br />

Kerns, <strong>of</strong> Pitman Groves ii the<br />

oj a Oen|r»l a^nue eottage,<br />

Mim Sadie Marshall, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia:<br />

and MIH Annie Oreinef, <strong>of</strong> Boyen*<br />

fbnJ, P», who bave been rustiestini at<br />

Tbe V*nd»U» for several weeks, leave<br />

for their basm on Saturday, MIH<br />

Grelner will atop ever in the Quaker<br />


thought. The whole prayer (i|«iis he«<br />

fore us boundleH possibilities <strong>of</strong> pc«<br />

eeseion and pwef. It dtscrJbeH a<br />

blesisd experiehee, a glorioUi life. Let, _<br />

m study it. We may uot heahietoj S<br />

fully understand ur explain it,Lnitwe' V 1<br />

Hhali gain Itiim it aorne lust rutrilon and ,<br />

help, ,<br />

This defcripliop <strong>of</strong> Ood's love<br />

mm its perfeetnii*. In vait ejttent<br />

no mortal mind can measure. It in<br />

higher than heaven, deeper than hell,!<br />

broad as the universe and long as eter'<br />

Hstel Anrt<br />

The following are lbs<br />

at the various Uoitfilrlai—<br />

Hotels and Boarding HDUSBS.<br />

T 1 V.<br />

m,<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> Gitw, If,<br />

ChrtBt appruprlsted to Himself, He is<br />

Editor mad Proprietor, called the Bon <strong>of</strong> B«r|d, Ht site Him- B, F, Dennis, A, M, Beflnli, M!M L.<br />

self the ggn ef Man. Q^a, the Father, E. Dentils, WQffiiogMD, Del,<br />

SubseFlptton, , SOe, Per Season,<br />

•Mm<br />

speaks ef Him as Hie well beloved,;<br />

THE IM.IHM&<br />

In leal columns, 10 cent* Gtid ban many soiii, AB many a* are Airs. V. H- Laubaeh, Mta B. J,<br />

Bwilae<br />

r _1F9E 11 * " ' "<br />

line<br />

led by the spirit <strong>of</strong> God tbe^ art tue<br />

MISS Mi A, BOYLE.<br />

Fisher, PhUndelphla; Rev. A, B.<br />

inefi)r«keb<br />

Katea(OP jftgularadvertlMiiirntJi sons <strong>of</strong> God, But tu&e are adopted Bhieldn, Gentkotown, *<br />

•^AMUMA HOVRE, •<br />

en application,<br />

Air mitter Intended TOT publication must<br />

Ciod giily<br />

y<br />

lias one<br />

fiteu<br />


'« received be/ore 10 a. in, <strong>of</strong> llie day <strong>of</strong> pu bli=<br />

795 Central Avenue,<br />

estlbb<br />

Son, who ts equal to Hits iii glory aud liertha V. Bucbttil, AUrgftret A.<br />

TiBtercd ftg gregQd-elm : at the<br />

OCEAN CITY, H. J.<br />

haypf. He had the highest place that<br />

ueaveu ld-Ha . b but fur the T joy<br />

Hannah M, Wood, Philadelphia; liewta<br />

that was eel before Him He endured<br />

the eras, deepislug<br />

U, Vail, OermaBlows,<br />

He was not peaj. He ehose<br />


to come. He arose in His glory and MlniM, Hamilton, g, F, Prenlzel<br />

"Lo, I come to do thy will." lu lamm WIIHOB, Thomas F, MeMahou<br />

Mm, Andrew Forbes, <strong>of</strong> the (Quaker the volame<strong>of</strong> the book It la written <strong>of</strong> Alfred F, Carey, U, Fearon, P, Bioi<br />

CJIy, J«at Tbe Lafayette, me, "I delight to do thy Bill, O hatu, P.-U, Uhamhtriajn, Ms, Aadtew<br />

Alfred F; (jare^ <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, is To seek, If<br />

Forties, Philadelphia,<br />

stojspiag at The Lafayette. His character as a shepherd gone (<br />

B, A, Brioeaud wife, <strong>of</strong> Caintli-ii, are wck after the lost oye, , A layg loyg lime time Furmau h, Shaw, Edith Norton<br />

^Burning at the Wesley Huuse,<br />

He was spoken <strong>of</strong> m tlw Good Bhep- Philadeiphla; John A, Ireland and<br />

Ths Mlawsj HaimiijjfH, <strong>of</strong> the Quaker iierd, He gave His life lor the if<br />

<strong>City</strong>, are guests <strong>of</strong> tile Wesley HOUHC.<br />

fivs Wilson, <strong>of</strong> MlJlvllle, is To save. He (u suve us from<br />

stopping wity friundH on<br />

Anbury ave» '»i»i horn death aud hell. Sin U a dig,<br />

turhfygelOHjent, It la like saud in the<br />

Fyrmaa L, Shaw aud Edith Nurtan, vge, Nothing but slo can Beparate us<br />

<strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, ire registered at The from God. Bin always Involves sufler-<br />

Traymore. lug. Every sin eomoJltted tted ia iaunchga<br />

Alra, Jennie and hlks ilaud Reed, <strong>of</strong> J us wife, S, 11, McShes and wife, E, V,<br />

Uufton and wile, P, 8. Coreon sad wife<br />

Atlautiu Uity; Mrs, J, Doleman,<br />

DoienjaD, Buffalo, N, Y,<br />


J. B, Ellennad, WlHlain H, Johnson,<br />

'<br />

t so auyh iuSeriyg Into the<br />

Canjdeti, , registered at the Wesley Jesus came and took tlse Buflerlog oy<br />

House -yesterday, Hlniself= He bore our u\as In His<br />

Airs, J, Doleuian and him ttora body ou ibe tree, satisflid divine jus<br />

Doletnan, <strong>of</strong>Bufla!ot K, ¥„ are' atop* ti« and sew WB,, who believe^ til Him,<br />

plug at The Trajmore, ioByi|<strong>of</strong>ree, '<br />

Mra, W, IL Slape, <strong>of</strong> HarepfoRl, Pa,, The Rev, E, Hewitt, D, D,, paatuf <strong>of</strong><br />

who Is ?ery popular heret leaves tbl-* Tabernacle M, E, ehureh,<br />

afternoon for hif home, preached (hi* inorning in<br />

Bertha V, and Margaret A, Bftehtellf after the Rev, Johu Thompson had<br />

ef Philadelphia, are among the latest cBiiduuted his Hnliuess<br />

arrivals at The Brightuu, Dr. Hewitt tuok fnr his test fiph.ilh<br />

Funk Pareong, a weil.fcBown pru» §,17,18,1% lu ihes-uur^<strong>of</strong> hj» re.<br />

s Haualiip, Mrs, Jennie Reed,<br />

Maud Keed, Lewis Lake, Mn<br />

liorudeu, R, A, Jirice and wife,<br />

Edna Briee, Howard Briee, t^rl Brtw,<br />

H, B, Uueesnaan aud wife, Miaa EUgaheth<br />

Higbee, CamdfB.<br />

taw Her Western<br />

Brows, ef Chicago, who hat<br />

betu Hpending ths eummer at an Aa<br />

biiry aveuue eoitage, and who has been<br />

luHiruuienml in furyiihiug amusenient<br />

aud tntenainmtiii for the other gueBia<br />

slay, will ftart fqr her<br />

duee dealer <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, is visiiing Bittrki,<br />

friends on <strong>Ocean</strong> avenue.<br />

Of the Bflaiiy prayers recorded in !ht<br />

Dr, Frtderle W, and Mra, Berlpiures three are for ieverui HMOUB<br />

P» W, Msaervi, <strong>of</strong> Ike Quaker <strong>City</strong>, | B|i«ialiy pRjmiiieuL Iu this UUmLwr<br />

are 6topping at Tbo Strand . , I.do not ingiuds ihe Lord's Praytr<br />

Thoniaa F, MeSfayon, <strong>of</strong> Phlladel. berauss it [N nut really a prai-er<br />

phis, Is reguperaiing at tins resort,! *•>" Curtot, but ajerelya fomT <strong>of</strong> prayer<br />

He is a guest <strong>of</strong> The Lafayette, ,' yivfu ' by HIDJ tu His dUsfiples in au-J.<br />

Among the iate»t arrivaitj at The<br />

BrigBtou are K. Uueker and<br />

- UlBB HitBflUll M. Wiwd, af Philadelpbli.<br />

Henry Dusenliefg, <strong>of</strong> (lie Phlladelphia<br />

polhje fuKo, arrived y«(erdtiy to<br />

Spend a week uf biN vaotiuil at thla<br />

raurt,<br />

, Mn. H, D, Caufl#ld, uf The lIliuoiH,<br />

haa returned home after a deliKhiful<br />

vtait la Gtrniaijtiiwn, Pa,, and Mount<br />

Holiy,<br />

: Resident Physioiaii,<br />

Lttt <strong>of</strong> PhiliidtlphU, Pt,<br />

Ha. *• 7 WMLIf ,<br />

OCEAR CITY, ti, j,<br />

PA VI* H, DM<br />

656 Anbury Aventie,<br />

ami It/t<br />

V»e»nt roomi<br />

(M<strong>of</strong>nlng, DBtll 10<br />

Orpin HeviuHAlUnosB, 1 to s<br />

HURLEY, Proprietor,<br />

tEl *R*r o<br />

rpHE<br />

jywt, CHABLEH i RAITH,<br />

Coner Slith aad AibUrj- Avenue,<br />

CITV, N, J,<br />

ATLANTIC A\f£/*um.<br />

inttfu water kafl<br />

MRH. B, D. CANFIELD.<br />

ATLANTIC C!TV, N4 J4<br />

E. t,<br />

Situated on the Beach,<br />

A Lovely Sommtf Bane.<br />

at, 6j8 ASBVR7<br />

Tim in OCEAN<br />

AppolatmtnU<br />

AlWHtt=lit,5d«nd3d; Sth to the end f,f th*<br />

BWDth<br />

'A,C4LE.CRETH,<br />

nnd MOB.<br />

JJR. S, HOWARD<br />

No, 712 CsQttfcl Avenue,<br />

eif v, H, |,<br />

Weiliy Av#Bue, <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N,,<br />

g loeitlgn. Qamiohmeh, SBQH<br />

h«ted thnmhont. Good t«btt DiDBticSO Qffl»hoonrUDtiieL tn.i a to * p, ai., at<br />

«Btfc Table bo«dlUppUE4. Teruu IHHD-<br />

•We, MBS, B, OARWOOD, Frgprirtre-.<br />


LI.VH COTfASE.<br />


Moderate TfertBi, Half MMk tem<br />

during tier<br />

CsmpOfound, Boms Comforts, L»wn<br />

Western home to-morrew, Tb« iadf teyafi sod cruquet groundi,<br />

was tendered a surprise party last Bight, MBS, E, W, KILL1Y,<br />

All uf the j?uestH weie present, and aftef<br />

indulging lu music, reaitatloai, ptoiei<br />

aud a royal feast, they ail joined ID<br />

tvisufug Mw. Bruwn a aaft! and plea*.<br />

aiit jouruey, aud eipressed a desire to<br />

meet tier again ttt our pleasagt seaside<br />

•---•••<br />

After Friday, the ^th inui,, the ad* M»er to tueir fequest (Luke The<br />

dnsa <strong>of</strong> Bev; Dr. A, W, Spreuil will be<br />

TO 1_,box nijinu'MJfteFBd, recorded is iu Johii ivil Tbui<br />

faeturer <strong>of</strong> the iiuakyr<strong>City</strong>!IiiftUjppiHi|evef.ljeaiilifui prayer, go HisapUsla Ianfur<br />

*. a week ,. =,,^ with frieudi ,_,_...__ at the Piriut <strong>of</strong>-<br />

guage, m pr<strong>of</strong>ouiid in iijenaiug, ef<br />

Beach,<br />

whteh MeiBuptliDii said, "Thei* is iii*<br />

Alls Mame Williuins, <strong>of</strong> cJernian* voice #hieb hgM ever beea heard either<br />

town, who has been at tali resort tut in heaves or on earth mure gxalfed,<br />

three weeks, takes her departure ihiw liaore holy, Biore fruitful, Biore sub^<br />

lime than this prayer fifiered uu by the<br />

Charles s, Lincoln, clerk <strong>of</strong> the'"'" >*"-> "• ~ •*<br />

Uuited SUMs District L'ourr, Phiia- Third, The prayer allured \,y pmL [<br />

delphls, made another visit tij Ot«au At ilie tiais he oilered th# prayer he j<br />

<strong>City</strong> yesterday,<br />

was a prtaoner, Mia fatidy was bound,<br />

A itio who registerid at Tli# Htmud i but bin spiilt was free. Fur (be tiuie<br />

yesterday are JBS¥,<br />

tJeunis, A, M, j he ieemed to forget bis own »ad awe,<br />

Deauta and Ulas L,. k, IieniiiM, <strong>of</strong> f his fjioiijs aad iniprimsuun!tii; his uoiii<br />

WUfflinitoD, Del. .-'',' !*»« with the heathen at Eyhsmite,]<br />

Lewis D. Vail, <strong>of</strong> Uerniaiitiiwu, Konie = <strong>of</strong> whoa), doubt|«sa( had hseij!<br />

fonneily coiiuwi ef the Law and Order • fotiverted through bis iB8truiueiitnllty I<br />

Society <strong>of</strong> Pbiiadelphia, reiistered at and he pours out ttiiH prayer for their<br />

Tht Brighton yestertltty, j full eatabliBbnient in Christ aiid ihtir<br />

Mri. L, I, Geodman, whine hutiband ' HJBtiniied prosperity. What a Biar=<br />

la^ia^ly iBiersted In the oil buaiB»sj Vellous prayer H iBs Th# rii-iies <strong>of</strong><br />

ID FbUadelphla, is : heie with her : N*. Si9 WISLEY AVENUE,<br />

OCEAN<br />

Offle* bdun; 7 to § h. m,, I is S p, m.; B bi<br />

•QCli,<br />

JBSE*,<br />

No, 7(7 Aibury Avtnut,<br />


OCEAN ClfV.S.J,<br />


Tertni :<br />

rn.;8to8p.<br />

SIRfl, A, BOMHUFK,<br />

gT. ABBOTT, 51, D,,<br />

8th St. •nd<br />


s, J. OFFtKi m Cfirtnl Afnit ml fEghth ItriiL<br />

Ufflp* HOuft- UBOH 1 TU 8 P, a<br />

Termi bit.<br />

j men snsii-. ji -<br />

BOfllSBOSi<br />

OCEAN CJTY, N, J,s<br />

Attorney at-Law.<br />

Cor, Blith Street and Centrml Avenw,<br />

iiiB SOLU-IIOK in<br />

Ne<br />


OtkAN<br />

j, M, StAWT^R<br />

Roil Estate,<br />

Heisi fc»uiioana \MwHuiidinS. Rooms,<br />

_L_ OUEAN CITY, N,l,<br />

UltiS, P, tAKK.<br />

:<br />

.Kft<br />

I<br />

grace, tbe fullneaa <strong>of</strong> the gu*pel the<br />

daughter, Mia LoulHe Qoodtnau, ! extent to wbleh a human soul may i- i<br />

=<br />

TO TBE<br />


Tbirteeutb Street ud Oeatnl Aventte.<br />

B*rttr«tmepfc AirypcrcBnt<br />


H*H8r >*<br />

[MU. T<br />

JjAKE BIOS,<br />

MsfcA.ScABEr,<br />

Mliltor,<br />

Real Estate<br />

B4¥ s,<br />

ODEA X CUTTY, !g, j.<br />

In Reni<br />

Law BitUdiBf<br />

vv% j. H, ft<br />


3<br />

Foil Oce«n View,<br />

U* W, EBWAIBB, prnprtrtw.<br />

Frpak Wllwn, <strong>of</strong> Bristol, Pa,, is are here closely pointed out.<br />

rft<br />

iOBIION,<br />


<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N, J,<br />

ieB gtm, Finns and 3p*cJflMlion»<br />

and <strong>Ocean</strong> Aoe, • yiLOINSS PUT UP IT CONTRACT<br />

OR ear.<br />

log to everlastlDK-<br />

Mrs, J, 8, Wiisoa sang "Peaee, saeet j<br />

peace," »t this moralnrB Mrvieen in '<br />

the Temple,<br />

Playlnr Bali.<br />

Manaha! Harry UeiiTer is CMBDBM to<br />

is honae with * badly aweljed a«k,<br />

Hehu been unable to attend to his<br />

duties this week. The marshal wu accidentally<br />

Btnick on the net* with a<br />

bali thrown by Pitcher Collision a<br />

Tew dip rngo durtng the progrwi <strong>of</strong> a<br />

in which the manhal took an<br />

Qty fdim few dayt M the gnat <strong>of</strong> Mte mpefUnt part It w» not thought<br />

be Waa •eriouity Injured at the time.<br />

Rial ftliii, IfrtpgM<br />


iii F«rtn<br />

J. SJ1JTH,<br />

S, E, Cvrner Fourth and West,<br />

Pure Milk and Croam<br />

Frw Sil« Coni, Mrfu,<br />

H.<br />

No. 6S Asbury Avenue,<br />

O» Bteaai Flttt<strong>of</strong>, Tin<br />

Bj Heatas d B<br />

mpflj «s«id*d fa.<br />

Pie, Bread and Cake Bakefs.<br />

PfMNr<br />

Ajbor? Avenue, Ocwn<br />

QQEAS cmrt<br />

815 Astmry Avenue,<br />

i BREAD.<br />


UHDHCt,<br />

Aatawy Am, between Oh ms& Mb Sot<br />

Builder'<br />

OMin:CJtj, N. J.<br />

Jsbbing|PP6rnBtly Attarjded te«<br />



Ko, 863 Asbury Avenue,<br />

•UAUTf<br />


MILK,<br />

.::!<br />

An Outline programme 1 _ Real Eftate and Insurance Agents.<br />

. FOR THE<br />

SUMMER OP i%6 mi<br />

OCEAN<br />

'AT Tiff-<br />


• OCEAN CITY. ••<br />

Real Estate Exchange<br />

iijH i>y, tilt!<br />

JUNE SS-Siirrpmi! li.V KPVV l|, A.WiMlf, [I. P.. 1<br />

Pfnfpfinr In WftshfiiKHtii !,*« V,\i'vtT •>/ fin *>»<br />

• iniMflll j!>>ljt hi nili iiiii ii FPiiiitfii, 111, MjijFijih' 1<br />

S" v- ill In' "*•«!<br />

Inr Rent.<br />

U<br />

'. Jaliii Tlmnijiiinii, n"in'i'ji>ip i-Hiiiif nf ilii) ^2 LU I b rUK<br />

Niahiliitil," iiil! tiMi'i' vhiir^'i- iTii« i'vU-lpnili-'J !:. !>- liuU ,<br />

TO j tu id iftf .Aslj'ur.v Avi-tiii!',<br />

i ii"tiA N i:Ti'V , N= J.^<br />


f l i N iilltitiLiif I \', i,n_ \,',\:\<br />

StMi' i'f itl'Hf=!i];isa i ir.i, i ri-r-, li-imli<br />

i iil l i i !iH-M--'Niiiir*Jt!v I = M MIHU.<br />

FKKS1I mill<br />

T4ii<br />

FV l'riililrrt' irc!4h friilii<br />

dt'IiVi/fi'il lit iiriJi=F,<br />


4\\\ AHHUIiV AViCXl?]^<br />

r - • •<br />

MtfMAN (.'JTV, N. j,<br />

A Ail) llnv iif fisfili-tj JiKilsj iiiiii.T, ¥-'£-J*t<br />

Vl'fc'tlHlfii-'Hl* 1 ^' 1 . , i<br />

Ice Cream Parlors,<br />


T<br />

ri!ino(!ik'i|<br />

.v Avt«,.<br />

rilrv |!!if)Mi-i>j<br />

lioariiwulk, il(ini.(!>»ir UtL Sill Hi,'.<br />

lee Griam, Saft p>!nks, Ete,<br />

lea Cream Sodas a Specialty,<br />

Ait Our FiiTBfj AfijMidfl From Fresh Frulli,<br />

IceCrearii Parlors,<br />

FOP IJHIIIH ntiil (iciilli inwii, .<br />

NO, 714 ASBURY AVENUE,<br />

SBEAN eiT¥, N. J. '<br />

Meals Served from 6 n, m, to S p, ni.<br />

Uhd •l-'li'li ii niHi'tiilty. Ni-fV|C!?<br />

i'fh-i'N (iiFH:»IM)iHiiliiS: willi fits .<br />

. I'iiri* nfli-HlsiM well *nltr. ins.'<br />

. , , OUR (Cf CREAM', , , . • '<br />

ol llie bual iiuiiljl]-,' VViilisf. fi-i-M s tnken .<br />

inehnrB««flEl fiiiiufiiis i>riBi]|ik?ti'il fTnm mjrl<br />

honiBi if jjeal^d, J linvc rtufh fd my iifiinw ;<br />

nnd dead wiigon, • , :<br />

6S3 ASBURY AVENUE. j<br />

,* I.AKE,<br />

S45-47 ASBUBY AVENUE.jJ<br />

Citv, N, J ,<br />

\<br />

Real Estate Brokers,<br />

811 ASBURY AVENUE,<br />

a Curtis Robinson,<br />


Cnrnmisriiontsr ef Deeds, conveyancihg In all Its Branches.<br />

: 744-6 Asbury Ave,, <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N, Js<br />


fhiii-i' }i!p!f=ii! in iJin uiiiai rolintflt*ronifintilrNdoing liu^itiPHB In<br />

i'y, In s=iiii! i 'i!!"»lrii!iiiN linPiii iiltti in<strong>of</strong>lKHd'.<br />

iU'^!i vnlriiMdtj li> iii,v i'lift 1 ivlil riji'iH'<br />


Our List <strong>of</strong> Lots from<br />

We can Sell you a Lot<br />

and get the Money to<br />

Build the House<br />

If you will give us an<br />

Idea <strong>of</strong> what you want<br />

will draw your Plans<br />

and Specifications<br />

Call and see us<br />

$ 150 UP<br />

Office next door to Post Office,<br />

J. fl. Chester & Go<br />

Real Estate Agents<br />

• • : . . • • • - *<br />

Pleasure Outings,<br />

RAIL and BOAT.<br />

West Jersey & Seashore Railroad's Short <strong>Line</strong>s.<br />









No Visitor to Atlantis Citt Should Mils <strong>On</strong>e T^E Exhilarating Trips.<br />

Fef Time<br />

A, O, DAYTON,<br />

and Rates ef Fara Apply »t Offleei<br />

J,R. WOOD, GE0,W,B0TOf<br />

Oca*! F.|Afent<br />

Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc,<br />



BAf HINfi SUITS & SHOES,<br />

818 A b u A v u<br />

818 Anbury Avenue.<br />

AND TO<br />

Nmw Clothing Houso<br />

FOR MEN'S<br />


SJ? Asbury Avenue,<br />

KNORR&CO.,<br />

BSS AiBURY AVE.,<br />

are now <strong>of</strong>fering<br />

We liftve made a GUT SALE <strong>of</strong> our<br />

entire slock uf<br />


trere lit) now %B,QO,<br />

ilnvM Sulla Itllit wuro i", j,<br />

iipt'H ihn entire y«ir,<br />

A f..li -Inn ..i limiHi. linti.l.T Mi<br />

Taikt Artie!, ft-rfuiiifcry, Htiiiieopfy<br />

eiEiiHfi I'mLirlpiintiH n HiierhtiLy. Try sat<br />

di-lh'inun IcpCrvHin Hqdii iii.tt M^iE PbMrttiHle<br />

pREDRAl'f, . '<br />

llieoary,<br />

CJrirner JSigbthSt,a«d Weal^y Ave<br />

Ths Ohljf j MKiiiiir K KrHfliinip,<br />

wiUi<br />

years' ears' eliy eapt'rteii! eapt'rteii!*, Uiwn fa' I fa's i jar<br />

ITeflirilitions rt-rcHu inv iH-monnl ntt«iit,igi><br />

in all iiidiM. I'iirtti'Hinf iHcilruiy being<br />

Bt»ntlnnL A full lino <strong>of</strong> 8iR-einitk-*i t<br />

Jtedii-incB nud (Jtitiiriit'Mln iiat«niljori li<br />

fieedn dellvtrvd In »ny pnrt <strong>of</strong> tile ally, 1<br />

Tllillts,<br />

Creolerj md Tinware, Fishing tilth,<br />

801-806 ASBURY AVI,<br />

' , N, J.<br />

Tg B MITH & SOBS<br />

T _ '• — ABE fflE—<br />


OF oe^AH cirif,<br />

UliuM, Paint, Putty and Window ihadH In<br />

•lock. Wall P*pem and DeMrutlsni IB gnki<br />

Turlely at toidihte prl««.<br />

IO48-5O A«b«ry<br />

IJ A.W. 8HITH # OHO,,<br />

PRA€TieAi. WORKMf N, .<br />




1<br />

m<br />

ifi<br />

Wm<br />

1<br />

1:<br />

w<br />

1<br />

j the illndy<strong>of</strong> thh "tld gang"<br />

bl4 caught HaYle'i. eye for a as><br />

meat and had sodded farewell to her.<br />

iha bad imiled back ts him "Good<br />

lnek," ntas wistfully, and then he<br />

had edged <strong>of</strong>f behind the yourta, strnek<br />

fato the Kmb and by the time ho was<br />

minedLwai iafa la the tree geranium<br />

With Sferauk,<br />

firom the woolen ihirt4 which made hitn<br />

iteli all orer, te the baggy troascrs aud<br />

leohi the kalal aad "tibetka hi laid<br />

, hnt il WBJ too hot to pnt them<br />

yt t. Then Yermak produced some<br />

eat ap tato pieces about the<br />

lisa ef a domino, and looking as sut«<br />

able, whleb he feasted over the ftshei.<br />

With these and Kane corn bfafldy fla-<br />

wred with enmberries the two men |<br />

mads a msaL So did the mosquitoes. !<br />

After that the fngiti^w lay and iwel-<br />

tcred, MaeintyTB doing his best ta forget<br />

hUtronblea ia a pipe. The only sounds<br />

wero the ball! <strong>of</strong> the aegqaitoes and the<br />

champ <strong>of</strong> the harass, except now and<br />

then for a sharp ikp when one <strong>of</strong> tho<br />

"Banian!* 1 became toe intimats with<br />

Mocintyn?, eg for the qeiek jiflgle nf<br />

bmeile aad bit whea eno <strong>of</strong> the hnrw-s<br />

flicked Ui tail and ihook hiaudf to be<br />

rid Of the flies,<br />

At last, when the inn began to do-<br />

iSlue and the long ahadowa to creep<br />

plain. Macintyre got an into !<br />

hex tsetse, ball dead witfi fntigne and<br />

terror, Mai'inryie was dragged to tbe<br />

! gronnd, hia tilal stripped <strong>of</strong>f and hia<br />

anus pinioned. Th«?n tbe two were laid<br />

before the khaii, Wlio eat framed ia tba<br />

dark opening or his yesit and-blinking<br />

ia tbe flfeiigiiti half stupid %fitk aa»<br />

liphka, •<br />

TnoeoBm-s* <strong>of</strong> both man arid girt<br />

arose m they ft It flu? firm ground "be»<br />

Beatn their fts?i and knew gojuetliing <strong>of</strong><br />

their daiif PR<br />

M Wa are to we the yoarti n little<br />

closer together, btirishoa," gitid<br />

tyre, with «.smile,<br />

io-noDP won id rnakft, " :<br />

" AroBfld thPBii in a wide semieircla,<br />

k aud lie knew : ^<br />

Then it fit (mid Jo Afsrhityre fjisit tJfb '•<br />

shot WM whrM'et wiiii ii ilionranfi syrer-<br />

bqrationaj fJIM r-nm nf, ihuaiitr v aa ih<br />

hiarjirH; tlit'eurlb<br />

no tnpre,<br />

• • *<br />

WhfiH Iii? PiiiJic to<br />

>j tmmw* i<br />

•iifl Iiuliliiiji ii<br />

Uft'F<br />

tATfr<br />

RENT B¥ THE<br />

iih4<br />

iilrv Ffiniii', All new<br />

tit'.<br />

If, Murif* Wits<br />

NELSQN'S<br />

Bath Houses,<br />

Street.<br />

J F. HASD,<br />


Contractor and Bulld#rt<br />

Asbuiy Avebiie,<br />

• willow that grew near a moist pjitt'h,<br />

and from then kept a bright lookout<br />

fot the Kniafana<br />

Kaffitlf ont <strong>of</strong> the red ham h?<br />

eanght ths flniih ef the low snu nptin<br />

bniniihed itecL and noon iiiaclp ont thf<br />

whfjleparty—tbe gnvirnorrind<br />

and ttn, at an intafral <strong>of</strong> i»rhaps<br />

bandied yards, a gay gronp <strong>of</strong> lad,,_,<br />

and <strong>of</strong>floefs. MMintyro eoald oltniwt I ia# ent lii»<br />

fancy that he beard the tipple <strong>of</strong> the i SiittcFnl to<br />

taster and toe jinile <strong>of</strong> the.aecontcr-!<br />

mmts. The Oosiaek fBafd was not to i<br />

bs lea. Posiibly it waj nanting about i<br />

| women mmng mt tho liigii<br />

I girl as jit a visfee frsun ftnotliiT<br />

and hitlsltijg thuir philtlren between tj<br />

kpws to Winind 'hcni <strong>of</strong> thi3-*tho<br />

flic, tl»,. „ , „.„«,„,,<br />

light OF fuliiiifi into yliadow as the flre^<br />

light leaped or saiik,<br />

A hasii ftU nppn all an one ef th.*<br />

KirgJiii:, bnvtng prnsEratfd hjaiielf be-<br />

fore ths khnB, raid tha atnry <strong>of</strong> tht'<br />

bamlita. If was a drowsy humUiis, Lui<br />

tbp end made up for all,-<br />

"a-imld HOW, O ](liauf give nrrler<br />

tbni we miiy obf-y; giYo erdrr, 0 nm vf<br />

Gbpnghif,, whoss wittdotn in iioninUi-ss<br />

aa the stepis, w 110*9 sijgrr. h(l a Hitlo tiiiisnp to hiin, Tji-i<br />

Beit momciit his arms wep) tfm: anil Jje<br />

felt Jiey bm hand brnsh we* hi*<br />

nertfi iu his ht«iy iiujjit :it;rl |<br />

haya raurl! to sqy, Lcf tin<br />

to draw utiir, fiT I will niay rhis<br />

whppi he itfiiitU "<br />

For n Jscurf tjiriib tho livrs <strong>of</strong> ite<br />

pnsaaerfl huija vpm n thwAil* Thou<br />

Mscintyre BtifiJed to lbs pirt, wiia<br />

ped into tii& ytmrt mi artppr.'d ihu i!<br />

behind her, '<br />

I'bs khaa stsod fmsslvt*, TBfwl.u<br />

riin sf eolfl irnii ftsu'wn'ndei'fuiJy HPh-.<br />

ing, Bntwheii ih>j<br />

leap htnry pad Vnar<br />

is alwiiya a eerfuin<br />

aess whou u print, even u pget covered<br />

with a trjinspartiit fpi! <strong>of</strong> iiuiiqii,<br />

dne'ea his own eumpfisitiuna aud<br />

them aload, We are ifresiiitibly<br />

id <strong>of</strong> a scene til "Nioliglas Ki<br />

whsfe tlio hero is tryisg hjg f prfi!itice<br />

haud en a gtiiiiuicufitl drauju, and is<br />

tolt! hj hia hrgflier agtnri tliue lie ninst<br />

iiijradoce ii iliincg for tile phcnainniion,<br />

"UliCiU mf word I don't m\\t<br />

sfatiifa but fur their<br />

by wrlf(:r«i<br />

rnry . iirurtn^iuiiul<br />

wliich in nf tiii> iiaiure'iif ("itif<br />

tliiug, tlj;it is, whjtji its fljtflirjra talk<br />

ffdiu a triiflitifju tliut it nughe to be<br />

but wiiiyii tliey, na-w#U-as the ad-<br />

I, thyw bythrtrdiiiffi^grd <strong>of</strong> ilin<br />

aernal iifo tiiat thoy tin nob reaily bo-<br />

Iigve, t-r thiuk du«htt« lebelieTed, Wt<br />

: iifo tql(J tlisit wi? oti^lit nut to work- gc<br />

hufd; (lOfjlit not to pot finsii a fltrniB<br />

Bpnij nm!.{'lvpW; slight in ijinka out<br />

itlBals gj in f.li>r ifjifl easier <strong>of</strong> ^ttajnaent i<br />

oiighr not icj waiit so liitisili; oagbt, ai<br />

Thy Briiiiih Mrfli.'ui JiJnriiul tmesfsaid,<br />

tQ."tjlkc il liflju'liiiirft p;lfB iliil tn fcML<br />

m<br />

, HI<br />

riot<br />

Ffif tin' lim«l iini<br />

Cit ihi> lliiJi iiiiillij : (M KIBJU<br />

, WK ji'!-! ttllli U./iii!i i,'liV is<br />

si'kiiijF jii liiiK bFiiiii'li, wiiy<br />

, iiii iin>! Kis«,<br />

j<br />

' • .'".i a « n ' He!UriilBj(, [fine i^<br />


•taibtHnit,<br />

I'ly".??^* Rnd «*a»l>iPB!niit 3,60, ^M, B-3|<br />

in.iM, is m n m, i2,tB ui.:u ? uinii^jg^j|^<br />

i riirjji»h<br />

i in jiiiy<br />

^iIiifiifili<br />

iliili,. Til?<br />

lit-FIllUiM'lllifllli<br />

j i i i l i e h<br />

ciin is; nirniftiud RI i^fj'<br />

roil.>!. Wi? ?ifi> hnw jiFe»<br />

ii, IJliiiPijj u'«r>, ft,J". S 46, (Dlfl)BK (iff, 7.IS<br />

iiiiiii; i sri ii in, and 1»,(6 nifhi, *e«k*fl«JP(,<br />

WPS Bigiii, ' " •* .<br />

liUii<br />

j<br />

1 fiiyiiiiii-shitn,jej|,iiiB, ].fe<br />

OP OAMDEN,<br />

! was placed, cin the Indes —^<br />

j by Ping IS, where it now it<br />

y f tho crowd,<br />

Irvm theyomt She law<br />

nyt<br />

y , where jt now it Be ny<br />

thai the bank in qnestiori, a tfMtita u• i i 1<br />

- — ^<br />

j p*r cent inwrcrt IU »li0WKl upon<br />

payable O|»B two weeta 1 notiect<br />

•THE<br />

CITY<br />

VOL. III. OOBAN OITY, N. J,, THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1806. NO. 52.<br />

•if, Franfc Crattf Leads the Children's<br />

Meeting.<br />

Tbs Hrvk'SH <strong>of</strong> the Camp Meeting,<br />

whlub were onntlnued jeHterduy after-<br />

add Iftht evening, w«ns up to the<br />

HtaHdard, nutwitiiHiatifliiiK U>at<br />

two ailniitera who were afiuounutd lit<br />

pretchdlHp|>«luttd the president <strong>of</strong> the<br />

AMHuelatluDjItev, S. Wtsley Lake, ilutli<br />

M the iftenooB sod eveiilug HttvUi*<br />

EvaugeliHt TtiODOfH HarrUtiii wan prt«-<br />

eut siid five very pleaHJuff cxlmrtu-<br />

tluiiB,<br />

A Urge numbeF<strong>of</strong> bhlldreu and many<br />

IjFiiWii folku gathered at 2 o'cliK'k tu at><br />

tend the uLildren'n nieeticg, led by<br />

lkv. Frtiik Otaeft, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia<br />

?^ViJiir^mmand^tbrreipeet|4i#--iB--aft=^i£luu*jiost=flt<br />

<strong>of</strong> your feliowa? Dow it<br />

j'H favor, OU, friend,<br />

tiHiugh to cniiMider fhls<br />

question,<br />

A«niu, what inyour life as it atandu<br />

related tootbere? No man ihould live<br />

for hliiMgif alone. No man ba» s rljfbt<br />

He devoted the flrnt period to teach<br />

iiigtbe books <strong>of</strong> the Bible, and mi aim=<br />

ply did be divide tbeui tliut eveu the<br />

IItile onea «wm«l to muster them very<br />

well. He reviewed the Vemim <strong>of</strong><br />

pnuediog dnyH aud Kcelved auHwerH<br />

that proved tliey bad pruflied by UIN<br />

IiiHtruetionB, Hto leuwjii <strong>of</strong> the day<br />

wu "The puultltDeiit <strong>of</strong> tbe<br />

wbo mwktd Ellflba," He used<br />

biaebboaFd V* repra-cm tbe road from<br />

Jerielio to Bethel, and with liny<br />

be pictured tbe ciilldreu, aud, at the<br />

tight time In the story, produced<br />

b»n and told <strong>of</strong> their 'dtHtrgylng the<br />

forty-two cbiidreu wbo bad uruelly<br />

mocked tbis maa <strong>of</strong> God.<br />

It was amuaiog to hear the children<br />

•pawering the yariguH queatliiiiN, BIJOW-<br />

iug that the •ptaker had §eeUred their<br />

alieniion and confldeace. He<br />

hi* talk with a beautiful story<br />

. by MiitB Proctor,<br />

In (be absence <strong>of</strong> the Rev, S, W<br />

Beach, pastor <strong>of</strong> the / Pi eaby lariat<br />

church, <strong>of</strong> BfldgetOD, who was to<br />

pnacb yeaterday urtern«>u, the Kev<br />

WIlllBm B, Wood, U, !>., wu called<br />

pon to flii hia place. He i.iok for lil»<br />

testi<br />

HiBHed bs the dod asd Fmhcr or our Lard<br />

JHUI Cbriit wtae lutb biewed us witii at<br />

tpiritni MHilDii is Ueavenly EIMW in<br />

LtiTrtt=Epl5,1:1<br />

t)f. Wood took for life<br />

••Heaven OB Earth," Amoug oilier<br />

tblngst be said:<br />

gome erroaetiui Idea« <strong>of</strong> heaven<br />

policed, Heaveu was sbowu tu tnu<br />

•bit not ef external raugnllioenue, bii<br />

inward cbaraeter.<br />

It waa iiatM that there' was a lieu<br />

yenly place, but, ah"i » beaveniy HIHIS<br />

This wait shown to tJOUHmt <strong>of</strong>t<br />

First, The heart perfectly right<br />

aud,<br />

Second, Love till ing and<br />

the nature, . :<br />

£<br />

WbalhM your life been? Whit ia It This Savior will soon beyuiirjudgy.<br />

will<br />

call forth<br />

atop long<br />

Important<br />

bit) eye to tlm fry lug Deeds <strong>of</strong><br />

bin ftsllownieii. The raee to one great<br />

hrotberbood add there Ut a demand<br />

maile urtoit every member <strong>of</strong> this great<br />

r arully tiiat ho do hia bent to help the<br />

itlierii, Vou say in rispeusi, my Ufa<br />

dots nut alfeet anybody, Filend, you<br />

Iuve no right to make aueh a reply.<br />

Your life doeH touch BOBBB oae. No<br />

inuii LUU live without exerting au In.<br />

either for ffsed or evil. By<br />

your life you are either responsible for<br />

noiue <strong>of</strong> the evil exist lug or you are to<br />

be com mended far name <strong>of</strong> the good III<br />

the world, Whieh is It? Do sot try<br />

to liide behind tbe statement that you<br />

are without influence God aever<br />

created a man without glvldpf him<br />

power to cserl au Influence. But In<br />

urdsr that thia ID fluents he for good<br />

over tba hearts <strong>of</strong> DJeu your own life<br />

must have upon It the stamp <strong>of</strong> Uod's<br />

love.<br />

Ob, «o«l.ywi are either hilpiug some<br />

isul toward heaven or hill. If you<br />

are not right with God, get right BOW<br />

that your life as it stands related to<br />

your feliowmeB may be all that God<br />

Make haste to find<br />

the time, to-moirw<br />

glorious then,<br />

Jesus, Now Is<br />

may be too lute.<br />

The Holiness meeting at s» o'tiin-k<br />

this morning Was conducted by I be<br />

Rev, John Thompson. The Rt-v.<br />

Arthur Oaksapafa failed to nmleth.Me<br />

tii preaL-hat the regular<br />

mid<br />

p g<br />

presldeutB, WeHiey Lake Hiil*ti!iit«tl<br />

<strong>of</strong> the<br />

former<br />

lute<br />

the Itev. Vanaanti sou<br />

figy, Hamuel Vaiisaut, a<br />

siding elder.<br />

Prior to the preaching Mr*, J, H|£ed uudluiiL'ti pre*><br />

eflt when tbeltev. Vanzaiit was hum.<br />

duced. He prefaced bis runjark« by<br />

niaking au apology for bis<br />

a 13111(C thtre was alwaya Ihreu<br />

expected <strong>of</strong> a ffilsUter <strong>of</strong> thu<br />

Thew were te alBg, [ir&ifli and die.<br />

He had also heard <strong>of</strong> a preacher being<br />

auuiBiLiiied to a Wc*teTii ifutiferenee<br />

who cuuid awlBi,<br />

The miuiater begun his diNi-ituwt by<br />

slating that religSouB peiipie try to<br />

s<strong>of</strong>ten tile law, which i» ehurHftefi<br />

<strong>of</strong> modern theology. He said yiiu uun<br />

get creeds m devoid <strong>of</strong> all the<br />

naenta promised that would bujt the<br />

moat lenient. Whit wi need in the<br />

puritaii creed <strong>of</strong> religion, whirl) we<br />

caiiDOt depart frona.<br />

Bin Is a trauHgreaHioii uf the law <strong>of</strong><br />

God, punishable with hell,'from wbicli<br />

Third. fUlowihip with God,<br />

fourth, Commuuion with tbe pure<br />

—wjth all salute—lu earth aud heaven.<br />

All this wa« Bbowu to Ue po^lble on<br />

earth, That unless we euter heaveti<br />

here we will nut euler heaveu bereaiter,<br />

Taat there was much talking about<br />

heaven, but comparatively little gut*<br />

ling ready fur it. Numerous illustra«<br />

tioua were i!itrodiiced( and the POHBU<br />

blllty ef a higher state <strong>of</strong> graue, »bitih<br />

would OunHtltute a heaven mi earth,<br />

•bown to be attaloable.<br />

The youog people's meeliug waa ad<br />

dressed by the IUsv, J, H,<br />

= tnBTBtlS!<br />

In the few mumeuts at my<br />

1 dalre to call your attention tu a few<br />

tfainp worthy <strong>of</strong> conBideration upon<br />

the part <strong>of</strong> all here. These meetingH<br />

are Important In that they seek to flx<br />

your thbugbui. on -nutteRi muclibjg<br />

your eternal welfare. The purpose <strong>of</strong><br />

meh service is to bring about your<br />

•alvatloo, To Impress upon you the<br />

fif Th t t th<br />

The statemeut that<br />

llfela real is an old one, but it In full<br />

<strong>of</strong> deepest meaning. <strong>On</strong>e <strong>of</strong> the greatest<br />

needs <strong>of</strong> lbs age, at ie»i ao far as our<br />

young people are concerned, U thai<br />

they be brought face to face with the<br />

fcet that life in IU truest and most lra=<br />

. portant sense is real. May I, therefore,<br />

Mb you two or three Blgntfleasl quea-<br />

flan<br />

f<br />

"What is your lift aa It stands related<br />

to your own interest*? . Are you saving<br />

or destroying It? An yoy seeking the<br />

best that Uodbai to give iUe#? Will<br />

four life stand it» teat to which God's<br />

word puti It? Remember you are build<br />

Ing for etemity. Thk life doe* not end<br />

with the grave, tbfa la but, the door<br />

way to eternity. Your life ben will<br />

ondoubtedly afiect your itandJog be-<br />

fere the judgment bar <strong>of</strong> God. Glance<br />

at your own record. Take a retrospect.<br />

lbs Mjwter <strong>of</strong> the' L f u)ven*e? If tint,<br />

iiow in y«ur opp<strong>of</strong>itinity. Thto in ynur<br />

uliBtiLv ty get ritflit with, U»d, Thewe<br />

luiiHirtanl queetlouH deinaiid immedi-<br />

ate atteutloii. Your BOU1 P B beiit iuter-<br />

wttx, (be ueed uf your fellows and I be<br />

love <strong>of</strong> God demand that you turn your<br />

attention tu things Hpiritual and eter-<br />

iml. and thus be alile to atretigthen<br />

there la no escape, save by the<br />

tiou Of Uhflit,<br />

From GeneBte to ittvelatiiMi wy lind<br />

areeord<strong>of</strong> Grsd'HliiVe, bill a!** warn<br />

lugs to inoM who break the law.<br />

But when the heart I» rijch.i to ward<br />

God there cornea Into It a<br />


UOCAli liUNCHEON-<br />

The Millf Hie Reserves Won Yesterday's |<br />

Cant by ihg Above score. ;<br />

Wheu Hunter ThpraaB, the thlrd<br />

A in ijlier beautiful daj-.<br />

The vamp meeting will<br />

uf Quean <strong>City</strong>'H Lmiw bull Uoni,<br />

mulled a thrown ball yeNlerday ttfler=<br />

mid ulliiuid two Lime ruuntft* !u<br />

mate, Tils HJileaMueH beuaitie diiiiorul-<br />

\ml uijd the Mlllville lU-servt^ had 110<br />

dinlculty hi duffuting tUt* home<br />

The ball wm tiirowu t« Tlioinn» by<br />

Uatehyr Huhwarix while HuwklitH, uf<br />

the visiting learn, wm» atuiiupiiiig to<br />

1 bird hune. The liall went through<br />

liuirdn and Hunklna rail hnwe,<br />

fnlloived by VaiiHuut. AM a rtwuU <strong>of</strong><br />

the game the v Iii turn defeated the home<br />

by a swire <strong>of</strong> 14 to 4,<br />

Wllhuiu E, AlaMuy muuugeil ttie<br />

Uity teaiii, which was L-iiin-<br />

<strong>of</strong> these pluytfHi Uuodfellow,<br />

H.S,; U, Mills, Ib.i Coolbaugli, ab.,;<br />

caring for and keeping the law <strong>of</strong>Goti,<br />

Man-hull, r,f,; CoiilBtnu, p,i M,<br />

Tlie MilivIHe l£e*4erves* were<br />

by E, T, Fries, and h»d thsK* player»:<br />

. lb,; VaiiHant, ilb.; Tice. Ub.i<br />

j.i I'feiilef, sis i Rulier, p.;<br />

Lf, 1 L'urmin, v ; BoruhMtl, r.f.<br />

The vhiiufH went in the bat<br />

wiibf! HiiiikiliH ttiid VatiHailt<br />

ihe ball lightly arid Huv^cdeil hi muk*<br />

fug ibylr baacs, Tiue- svas at thu bat<br />

when Sell warts', threw the bult to<br />

Tisomati to head oil Haukiii^. The<br />

ttali was runidltd and beinru il wiUl<br />

be uraherL'd both Haukirm mul Vuu<br />

aunt reachyd home, Pituber<br />

«uijMequtntly utiuuk wut Wm<br />

Hiid Ruiter. Tlee WUH left (>ii bust,<br />

in their biilf <strong>of</strong> the lif&t<br />

C'ily failed to Hture,<br />

were ajjctdliy retired, but u<br />

jiumiiit'jit when<br />

was dfclared out at ilr^t. The luattL-r<br />

wast patched up, however, wiien the<br />

umpire retired from the (kid. He<br />

Danger<br />

•'Am I afraid <strong>of</strong> lighiuiugv''<br />

A young woman the other day iii<br />

answer tea question, "I used tj be<br />

UDUI a man 1 met told me I was In<br />

much more danger <strong>of</strong> being murdered<br />

Haas <strong>of</strong> being billed by iiphtnfiig, Ai<br />

I have never lain awake o'ulgbtH fear*<br />

Ing to be murdered, I began tu ION* my<br />

fear <strong>of</strong> e! trie fltormn, iiiid imw tme<br />

bah to be %ery gevere to alarm nit,"<br />

Statistics itiiow that there in only one<br />

clmnee In n njilllon <strong>of</strong> a him*.- U'lug<br />

Htruck by lightning.. An eiriiiieiit<br />

iMsieutiitt who has recently hmtu liiveHti-<br />

gating the matter aaj** that tliu only<br />

precaution necessary U tu avoid a<br />

draught. Mbul your Uoor^ ami win*<br />

dowB when a stonu fomw tiini you are<br />

your buld on heaveu, Bralttr<br />

roBs the pathway <strong>of</strong> otheix, and live<br />

a life upon which clod can set If is seal<br />

<strong>of</strong> favor, ,<br />

Mrs, J.U, Wiimm sang, to the tune<br />

<strong>of</strong> "Atmle Laurie," a Bcietiton entitled<br />

He's AU In All to 5ie." The Itev, Ii,<br />

W, Vanaant also Hang a aolo <strong>of</strong> bin own<br />

composition.<br />

After B praise service at the Auditb=<br />

rluiu. Rev. Mr. Boudwln, <strong>of</strong> Clifton,<br />

Pit,, made the opening prayer. Mm, J,<br />

O,WiiwiuHflng"The Ninety audNlne,"<br />

after which the Kev, John W, Klcberi<br />

ii, <strong>of</strong> Fairton, preached, taking fur<br />

bia test: ,<br />

as aafe from lightning a» 11<br />

i» be safe from anything in<br />

<strong>of</strong> surprising l<br />

his.<br />

And they ABil witii tiaxU.-<br />

He aafdi To see the world'i<br />

was the greatest desire <strong>of</strong> the sbep-<br />

herds. Those who looked on Maham*<br />

ei'a tomb destroyed their tyea for fear<br />

they should defile them by looking up-<br />

on common objects. After we, by<br />

faith, see Jesus we ougbt to take our<br />

eye» oB worldly objects,<br />

4 They were la a hurry to see Jesua,<br />

the world's Savior, Jesus Is our<br />

brother. He to holy, undeflled, sepa*<br />

rale from aluners. He bad power<br />

without pride, benevolence without<br />

ostentation, purity without sin, Wbea 7<br />

you read His lift it is Blraply a s(<strong>of</strong>y <strong>of</strong><br />

a friend dying for bin enemies.<br />

They made haste to aee the world'!<br />

Redeemer. To redeem (a to deliver.<br />

He died the just for the unjust, If<br />

Cicero could admin lbs word Savior<br />

and not understand the meaning <strong>of</strong> the<br />

word, how much ought we ts admire<br />

i«<br />

thin world<br />

Straw Ride io OHnit<br />

Early last 'evening eeveral yuung<br />

people gathered at ibss reaideiiue <strong>of</strong><br />

Wlsa A, Manhali, on Ocvaii avenue^ to<br />

make prepantioua for « straw ride,<br />

They afterwarda driive about towii,<br />

making thiaga lively with their Hint^<br />

ing, tln-horuB, bells and other liiitru<br />

, after :whli?h they pniceeded to<br />

l f<br />

the <strong>Ocean</strong> Rest, iii the lower seuifou «f<br />

tb# uity, where they enjoyed daiiclug<br />

and, Mines*. RefiMiniL'ulH were also<br />

close on<br />

gitod eatchta<strong>of</strong> flab are being<br />

lutide dally in the bay and octau,<br />

Alartba Hayg aud a party, yesterday,<br />

btfut mveuiy*livi? p*iuuda ut<br />

and weakrlHh.<br />

All nf AtluntluClty'MdelegatefltQ the<br />

U«piibll(!iiii State and CoiigresHloniil<br />

uiivoniidu are Msund money men,<br />

Atlaiitti! Uity pnllgsaen, who get Wi<br />

nuiiiili Nilary and uniform tbeiii-<br />

lve J , itre again asklug higher pay, O<br />

•Tile guests <strong>of</strong> The Htraiid l»l even*<br />

SK enjoyed anotber hop. It was<br />

largely 111tended and a beautiful affair.<br />

The Ynohtmen'H AwMjelation will<br />

give jiuntlier delightful aall, this after-<br />

, on the bay. Visitors enjoy these<br />

outingM.<br />

Ulaliii ngejitH uf the Atlantic <strong>City</strong><br />

and Weal Jersey nllroads are at work<br />

In lirldgetiiu adjust I tig the clsimg for<br />

(iuiiinyti* rt*ultitig fnini the meadow<br />

horri'f.<br />

The body <strong>of</strong> Street Supervisor Lewis<br />

E. WlilN, <strong>of</strong> Alinatie Uity, who eom-<br />

iiiitted Huicide iu Fblladelphla, was<br />

buried yesterday at the Pleasaatvlile<br />

cemetery.<br />

The luditN <strong>of</strong> Holy Trinity Protestant<br />

i church will buld a Otir, nexl<br />

evening, at the Patace Aniuse*<br />

ment Company'n building, on the<br />

two<br />

tit<br />

Tarns, frnrn Phliadelpbiu,<br />

appearaui4«, was pntlBfttfiory.<br />

r CoulHtoii stfuuk out<br />

mure <strong>of</strong> the KeHerveH in the<br />

and ttie lliird MJIH rBtirfd<br />

The htsme team tallisi<br />

their biilf, Roih halve* iif the third<br />

hiiilng were barreu <strong>of</strong> ryBultst, In thf<br />

fourth iuuiiig, the Jtiwen-eH inutk- two<br />

Butter and AUaitiH jtatriug,<br />

Ofty In- itM half was feiirwl iii<br />

uiie, iWiJ, thrt'e iirder as U, AII|I«-waii<br />

put nut at UrMi,' while ('tHtlbuuifh and<br />

Miirey fll«l.MUt. - " .<br />

Ill the fifth liiiiiiiK the vtHituR iidded<br />

aiiuibur run m Hlggs NLHired, "I'IH-<br />

liuiue lettiu made a double play hi<br />

liming, putting oiitTli-y<br />

HMfiHHJ lUifi llr-* >»•«" A.M_UaUiil<br />

A Godfrey, last evening,<br />

awfirded the contract to build all<br />

three douhle=at rieventh<br />

street and Wesley avenue. They will<br />

be en-cti-d for John Y. Kadcliff,<br />

iii»v, Frsiik Oraell will make the<br />

tlie young people's meelliig<br />

g Miss 8, Jennie filassey<br />

will slug. 'I*tieservices will be eonduu«<br />

led by the itev.i W, A, ferguaou, ai<br />

Ui-Uil!,<br />

'1 iif Traymiire Itue Bid) Club was de-<br />

yt-Bterday on the groundif <strong>of</strong> that<br />

by the Beach tarn. The<br />

Hcr.re was m to L They will cross bate<br />

again UMuurrow mornllig . at 9M<br />

tbs name "jeuus, the name high over<br />

all, in bell, or earth, or eky." -<br />

They made haate te tm the <strong>On</strong>e who<br />

bad a enmpiere vlst<strong>of</strong>y over «tao.<br />

The dtaelpiea fenook Him, Jews con-<br />

demned Him, Roinani eraelfied Htm,<br />

but be eonquered ail the powefa <strong>of</strong> IID<br />

and bell eomblrjed •gaJstt Hl<br />

aerved,<br />

The party consisted <strong>of</strong><br />

Vogt, sltaB Aliee liisley,<br />

erlue Schorield, Mis? Aiiuie<br />

MIBB Faiiiile McConueli,<br />

Messrs, A,<br />

Clara<br />

Kath-<br />

Uity failed to BWJre<br />

*fwo more ruus were jidded io the<br />

Hecervt-t 1 HtKire \u the sixth lunliiy,<br />

wbeii CorHiin and liiiujh<strong>of</strong>i'<br />

Iii ryuuhiug the htiniiMtiate.<br />

iu UIIH iutiiniE. Btruuk out TSue iHid<br />

liillgs, while,the third nmii WHB put<br />

(Hit nUlntt. -<br />

Oituii Cfty, Iu i!» half nf the<br />

iiifiliig, inaile two riiiin. Thy<br />

went wild wbeu the huiiie Wanj iiiatle<br />

MIX bawH In tills* iuiiltig. It wax<br />

lived, however, a» the only p|ayer» who<br />

reached boine were'CiiJodfulluw uud C.<br />

They were B"Ht to the hoiiie-<br />

hlt made by<br />

Uoolbaugb, E, Mills \VHH (|UL UUL HI<br />

Becoiiil base wheii Good fellow hit,<br />

M«rey was retired at isitHJud after liit»<br />

and the<br />

Marshal], H. Hruith, W,<br />

, H. Buri, F, Spencer and<br />

J.R, MeAUIiter,<br />

' Benefit for (tie i,iie-«nara, ;<br />

There will be an enterlaiunieut to*<br />

morrow evening at The Brightiin for<br />

the benefit <strong>of</strong> Joseph 11, KrausH, the<br />

Volunteer !ite>guard! who bm done act-<br />

ive _<br />

fiw weeks wltbout ajnipeiiNathHi, It<br />

will be beld in tbe parlor <strong>of</strong> the hotel<br />

and hegiua a! 8 e'ekiefc , ><br />

The guiertaibment Will consist <strong>of</strong><br />

reel tattoo* by Miss B, Jennie<br />

and vocal and iHstrumental<br />

by Mrs, J. G, Wilson, afn. rihaler, and<br />

the MlBoes McCullocti. There wlU<br />

.also be sever*! tableaux, .<br />

WASfEB^-Whlte or eolored woman<br />

to eaok, waab, and inn, in <strong>Ocean</strong> Uity,<br />

far the mouth <strong>of</strong> aepteraber. Good<br />

warn*, Apply it ones to Mrs, W, A,<br />

Gte 701 Central ave,. <strong>Ocean</strong> Clly, N« J.<br />

F<strong>of</strong>c BALE—New bouse on Wesley<br />

ave. Apply to Abel D. genii, builder.<br />

Harry Uonver; wbo wai<br />

lu the head with a ball a few<br />

day a n&>, WHB but siighlly Improved<br />

night. He is Htlil louliiied to his<br />

whtre Dr, H. T, Abbott is at»<br />

tending him,<br />

The Hev, Itobert Mcllvain, paator isf<br />

tin.' M. K, fhurdi at Falls <strong>of</strong> Hthuyi-<br />

kill, Pliiladelpuia, will preach, this sf-<br />

tern.jins. In the Vouug People's Temple,<br />

It U iiiniouujeii that Hie Kev. J. F.<br />

, JiriHiklyu, K, V., will preaoh<br />

i liieAuiiitorlum this evening.<br />

Nearly two hundred excurslonisis<br />

tu this resort tbia morning on tbe<br />

regular exturploii tiuiu. They hail<br />

fnijii the Sfloniu M, K. ihureb, <strong>of</strong><br />

; theHiliiain M, K. chnrcii,<br />

Puiliuielplila, and anoiher<br />

In the liiwer action <strong>of</strong> tbf<br />

Quaker <strong>City</strong>. ' ., .- . .<br />

i)r. T. J. Elliuger, <strong>of</strong> Fourteetitb<br />

street and Asbury avenue,'ou Wedues*<br />

duy. look a party Uahing on his yadit<br />

H. It was captained by Chart,<br />

They bad splendid sue<br />

upward <strong>of</strong> seventy<br />

<strong>of</strong> U)e tinny tribe, Mi*>s Uar><br />

lauded a tine Hpeeimen <strong>of</strong><br />

weighing six pouuds.<br />

C,<br />

rle<br />

lliig the bull to left Held, where it<br />

muffed by AdaniH, while<br />

struck out,' : ;<br />

The game iiow stood ? t« 3 Sii iav«r<br />

<strong>of</strong> the ficserven, who wanted the guuiv<br />

lld It i l ti<br />

The<br />

tut |t waa uenring irulu time,<br />

boiiie leam,' however; wanted to<br />

HntHb playing and the 'Resefviw again<br />

went tu the Uat. They had noiilltt-<br />

culty iii hitting Uoiilstoii-H deliveries<br />

and pmtiably would have l)«u buuiiii;<br />

Y^i-imil n^y nnt becooie (SireleBH and<br />

Rllowed tbelli weTv _<br />

tiiat they etiuid fflteh the traia, Tlwy<br />

pounded out wjveu mote runs iii ttiin<br />

luniug, Hawkins, , Vaiisant, BiggH,<br />

Kutier, Adatm*, L'orson and Homii<strong>of</strong>l<br />

g<br />

The home team in its balf <strong>of</strong> thlN<br />

Inning made two rune, Uoulaton and<br />

E. Mills Bcorlug, Marshall and UiHid<br />

fellowBtruckout, whileUoolLmugh was<br />

retired at Ant base,<br />

Hutter/f<strong>of</strong> tbe flllilviile Bsen'es,<br />

pitched fairly good ball. In thesevtn<br />

innings played he struck oui eight<br />

players and gave but one man base on<br />

balls, He iiruek Hunter Thomas with<br />

the ball, giving him bis base,. Coulstou<br />

struck out ten players aad gave nine<br />

men bases on balls. He also hit Bom-<br />

boa with tbe ball, giving bin a bnae,<br />

HI* Wf* lor a<br />

Harvey M Sheets, <strong>of</strong> 805 But ton-<br />

nei; PljHndelphla, was knocked<br />

from the platform ef the Cape May ex><br />

curBion train by striking a truck oq<br />

the plutfurni at Bea Jsle Junction laa(<br />

iiiglit and Itad his left leg cut <strong>of</strong>t below<br />

the knee. He wag removed to Cooper's<br />

Hitspltal, C'amdeB, where he died, ":<br />

Tiie dead man. Id company with<br />

Albert Httthl and the iatter's son,<br />

Cburk'N, <strong>of</strong> SOBButtonwood street, spent<br />

iby day at Avaloti ilsbing. They met<br />

n lili good fjuoieiia, and tuuk the branehr<br />

train luBea Isle Juiictioa and Waited<br />

for the Uape May train, whieh baeks<br />

in at the Juuettsu, While the train wu<br />

nioviug Into the depot slowly Sbeetsgot<br />

oil the Hiepi <strong>of</strong> tlie smoking car, The<br />

traiii backed toward the platform.wbeu<br />

Hheets struck a baggage truck that wu<br />

close to the track. He WM knocked<br />

from the atep under the ftuyasd two<br />

<strong>of</strong> the wheels passed over hia leg, •<br />

Ou the Cape May train were Dm.<br />

vyailaee UeQeorge,EmenoB McGeorge<br />

and A. B, Innsideii They took charge<br />

<strong>of</strong> Sheets<br />

hospital.<br />

unlll be was taken to'thfl<br />

0<br />





Subscription,<br />

Editor and :<br />

dTErtlnement! in In IfMfal If inniii«iiu<br />

t*r line for HfUl Insert tan ami Ihe mi! rvh!<br />

Ilfi* fef men labeq<br />

nbl Kmea lor regular l adifurliwtm'ii<br />

on application. , j,f<br />

Aif matter IDt>nd!il litr liuhlinifiit" Mnin<br />

be receivedbefore ioiu IEI, orttu' (Jiiy uf \ni\in, ui<br />

csltoB,<br />



Dank! Harruu, <strong>of</strong> I'hii&k-li<br />

OP THE DAY." ln fgnoF"B«ftBd ¥l»ar# <strong>of</strong>ten driven !<br />

to lives <strong>of</strong> shame and disgrace by !n*<br />

Hotels and Boarding Houses,<br />

putfilt.<br />

Synopsis <strong>of</strong> Lecture bj Rev. Stcphco<br />

When, a eodmunify fearlessly aad j<br />

Lyons In 5J<br />

decide to exclude the:<br />

; Jkv. S, M, .-Lyons' reputation u a<br />

uloon I heartily blss;<br />

lecturer drew together a large audience<br />

BOe. Per Season, in St. AijgiiriIije*H Homait Catholic<br />

So * Dp * B<br />

and congratulate g them. I can find nu<br />

evening, wtisit he deliv-! aenca add *is-dom <strong>of</strong> the municipal<br />

ihe following' " ~ '""" Jiuitaorltfei <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> in legislating | = _ — - ;- " y_'_<br />

dtmitoyH heaUh aBd j"gainst the notorious lEquor trafflte, JV* 1 ' 11 '* 1 ' 1 * olsE *<br />

s dlsfonla, i|uaiteU, The exclusion <strong>of</strong> the stUuod frou this' 7Q% Central<br />

prjvbrty, misery and woe;moat delightful «?aHide tenon MK'ures',<br />

, disreputable'<br />

OCEAN eiTv, H<br />

ESSIEtT, •<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> Citv, N.<br />

j Tlsderii IiHj>FM*iin>Hl««<br />

words d too itruug to the pru=. ; o, 6*7<br />

is viwiiiiia i.i the galliiWN* drags; fleiUint that Hingregate iii the drum,<br />

ii it'ii* i>f ihuiiHuuds<strong>of</strong> human be»i s fasp- Topers.will shun this charniitig<br />

ytariy in prtlnalure graves and Bummer restiFf, because the<br />

Mjutrt tu eternal ruin. It rubs ' their favorite gathering pluce, i*<br />

iptmeii <strong>of</strong> reawju, c'ouda the f"«nd hire, (iuard inviulably the saH m<br />

iiie judgment aU(l de='<br />

- tiit'iu beiieath the Nasta <strong>of</strong> the '<br />

obaracrer <strong>of</strong> this charming cify<br />

rigidly eufisrejiig your most jifaliw-<br />

[lllj i&il* LZIXTIU^ "mil ftjr ill! M|M&.-<br />

P, t:, ChftinLrtrrlani, a sveil-kmiKH hom.** uf ihe rich aud tlie poor and (b e u'rhp^bnttdiug tlruiU shop, and lue;. jgods-ra<br />

PyUadelphlan, L* *topimiii «! 'I"in? J^fu- iniu*t>,nu* thgoi into abode!* uf Mirterv day b not far diaiuiit when Out-an CHy i<br />

yelte. - Siigp, p-uirttw, [jDVerfy and woe. It Is; w tlI number tier inhabitants<br />

Harry W, Keller, »f I lit? Kiy*!1S]iH (h; Jif,flirif. t;iU^ ilf yrltBe Btl{J ,wV; ! |B(miw by the<br />

Bank, Plltsburg, eanit Imfk in Hit vriy; '|-iirt.-t»-l..xirth» «f<br />

The [alert arrival* »i Tl.eTra.vin.,rc alpU, ,tirti.tlv lir in.ii^fiy, lo imcL .. T !* f " 1 !"* lilg * W .! be Hotel Arrival*.<br />

j<br />

win<br />

k, itlrtitiy uf jiiiiirevtiy,<br />

'»^ arrival.<br />

are J, Holmes L'uyveft? and Kiuilv<br />

at [he varlouN<br />

A LbvsLy<br />

JafBSi Mt-JJowetl, nsv.li kunw ii l!t:!aware<br />

avenue merciiauI uf JMiilail!-l|jiiu,<br />

1st here for a weekV ilghjiiji,<br />

: -<br />

A trio <strong>of</strong> Briioklynitisi ai Tiiu Hrivli?<br />

ton are L. (<br />

are spendiDga few day*<br />

on Asbur>- avenue,<br />

. John Combef, suf*fiiitt?i!!i6iit <strong>of</strong>liife h;ihlj j<br />

Money Order DH'iifl(i!e!ii >tt ilie.J'hilu-' ,,f w j^.<br />

IjBfayette yesterday.-<br />

Tlis Kev, Wiljimu UiibtFt, H i/t<br />

daughter, <strong>of</strong> Viueiaud, vim<br />

tmjtniruiug here for t»ii<br />

to their<br />

hi V, Luoas,»<br />

man <strong>of</strong> Bal 11 inure, »h liu-- ll Harfoii, <strong>of</strong> Philadelpbiai Rev,<br />

M. LyuuSi ijf J(ew Jersey.<br />


H, KieUfird.AnBie M, Hsn=ijilpS!i<br />

Atti, t'lirlord W. Kluuard, (Juniden; —=•-<br />

Hausl, Jr,( L ! u|fe May (.'oiirt jj<br />

Paifiuk J,<br />

Id4 T, S,<br />

i,,n; J,n.<br />

TJIB<br />

iLu^ liw liaiidrt.. in the blood CHptaiD Wfntleld Huiisbury,<br />

iiiii tiiiiiireii iti tifuukeji rev-; Hauabury, Launt HuBsljiiry, Mrs, Win<br />

' tieid Mansbury, E. Hity Urasvfar<br />

AL H, CJrawford, iii^ ElizabBta<br />

at tl J<br />

.f slant •heard hi tlit- iumnhMif Carving] i[fts H< O, WeltBief, II, O, Wellincr,<br />

#, HUIlLKY, fnsprieUtf,<br />

CurnerHisth au>] Anbury-J<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Cards,<br />

rp i. Ill-ftJtl'fMXi M< D>><br />

Kesideat Physioiaa,<br />

M, A, e(T¥, », J,<br />

tir*Q Anbury Avenue,<br />

"' Bntll 10 Qcto*t<br />

Aflffi 1 td« »<br />

I Kilning, illter U - "<br />

lit: iLfcisoi*. J3»> CH*RI,E8 e, RAITH,<br />

on<br />

Bini<br />

! . ! • •<br />

A, I.:, k !„ E. tJRKtJJ, i'fi]}<br />

Nii. 7li (Vtltlal ;'<br />

Tiitili?<br />


DENTI<br />

1T3S<br />


\R, K, *', WESfoS,<br />

so, 6ji<br />


-l»f, Si niiiJ :t*l; Hcti lo tlie end nf thi<br />

luontSi. S<br />

S*p!«Blber=*»iitiir(3iijfi Suti.Jay and Moa.<br />

T)R- S, HOWARD BVlTi<br />


m* Wealey MemiBi Owan <strong>City</strong>, N, J.<br />

l«bie. I'laaers, -fn - Office litmni; l"n!l! Siii Iiiii 2 KJ 4 p= nt, i<br />

:Fil,, frri[!» rMiiMJIi" TtoS p, m. ,<br />

Half i'i!K>k fmra<br />

U-!)Iij>< Uiitl i<br />

i F, B» Wiiuux, Badge- , Mll,". K. W. Klt.l.KV, rmprWre**. .<br />

MT, New Vurk Lity,<br />

No. 717 Assypy Avenue.<br />

Kintly !-iK:ilt!HJ, TiTHl* >! ! bJiTilf«', '<br />

flf ta Si- K, shiiHiiniriii I N w h<br />

MIL*. A. lfHMH«:!j 1 'K,'PF..pr!Hri*!is.<br />

f t|ii-i!iuiaii;*ii('«ur |KK!r=iiiJiises ayd; Kdward Ktiwurd Went, W&r H, H S. s Paris MHFU and HMII alb ftift?, \V * *<br />

u-3ii.ii!> have U.t?ii rediiued to jMiVirty! Lijruthy I*ana, Philadtiitliia; Mra J.<br />

. Itir^iiill Uk-lP ..Wti inlenjiwrfiiii^ or S; i^^js. jlrs, j, Le«l«, Airs, Janu<br />

Csps Sth St, and Wesley Avu,,<br />

ijiiisiikih Hii* itiiijiiiitf'arii'e<strong>of</strong> their HBt= i Hntiiiisyiii KIMili li.ii.itiaim \iUj^<br />

umi jin^tcii.ti,. We are hlesswl with Emma liiibiumi. Aliai.iJu <strong>City</strong> Mr»<br />

TrriJis*<br />

; wmmA fb»- uei'hmu i"i.?<br />

n.-h' luiMs iir«-iuii£ minw, varltd in- L, T. Uafretsun, Catt? May Ccure'.SKii<br />

ftu'trk-^ ujid hij|tj waats, iind yet great hjijuse, ' - - MRs. v",<br />

jrfAi.-rf.v'I fi'iiiii^, WJiv. 1 •Enormous THE •MhirjirroN. ' ,,.,,,,<br />

-liiis.' • (if tiiDiiev art Squandered fur Chsrle* Hurhiii and fiitliilv. Oak *<br />

«iiij»kis. iiiiil ii'tf. The expenditure, I^ue^ l*a ! Mfs, Dr, J, H. Surge tn,<br />

tiiiiiiuiit.« finiii^twelfiti<strong>of</strong>tliuestiinaied Mis, A. riuiiih, MIM Addle Hmitli. j. L'or, Sisth rttriet und n<br />

State ye»terdBy tn ,..juut» ut ilih • 1M(,llhlw .lrf „„ lwrsjJJiS », the United A, Perkln., MR. K. U. Dri.eoli, Kdith<br />

re*>rt. Hi is stoppjagat The JlfU'<br />

iuiii iiiii] tit iitiE^nftti (»f tilt- iia»<br />

Fraukliu uud". wifi*. n"f (itt-<br />

N>S= iio(i4«U Ni-ir<br />


lii<br />

: W, DrisKTiil; Pbiiajelphla: L, CWaiiB-<br />

,...,._. dt-hi, • ; mak#r, ! Mn*, L= WauaaiMker- Lulu AI<br />

nuiituwiilaiv-t(.pi.iiiKWiil;Fiieinl^.I| Hir'.Vilfm-dl.aw*uiiSoy« "While the Wanamaker, Bmi.'kli-B.'N. vV; A, D. • J. H. H.A%VTKK fr.i1.rh.S.,K=<br />

Central avenue, Mr, fcruukUn N a j r ,u FPM..n.!t .. ^^MJ,«^, t^ amuuni: Kn»rPi WUlIiiqm|i..rt. Pa,: Janie<br />

whole.alepfoau^^l.r in ttiei.Uiiter .,l1ti „, ,,,e vw,,|tfJ.J(- flf ^rong drink aj^TavJur, Mount Airy, Pa,< Harrv<br />

— — - -<br />

Cl| y- , : i.roxlrnut^ iL-t-nMtnil." The: .Wutrit I Keller, Pittsburg, " ' ""* TO THE. LAFAYETTK<br />

i Edward JJloodi a PtiiSiidiiliihhi ni»tj« • _. t ^-. » f. p, -„ •-..m fan.iiy i* vli»ynv^ h, ; j ^ : , , ^ ^ ; ^ ' - ,<br />

, accsttageon Oi*au avfcHtii'i Wi!!, in a llfj'u,i i MT,-j s Th<br />

Mmith, SIUs Addle s<br />

kins. Mis. Ii. ('.<br />

Drlseeii,<br />

Margaiet<br />

. Mafne Mahouy,<br />

Philadelphhi ladifr,<br />

aveiine esitage. ThMy i.iiije eiiHy .in :<br />

the week, and. will feiiiiiiii until<br />

Monday.<br />

I, ttliii<br />

in<br />

daily<br />

Real Estate Agents.<br />

. s, J.<br />

t im ji<br />

TMiffeeiitb Hirt>et and t/eiiiral Avenue,<br />

prubahiUiy, remuiii ai this re*irrfnr!<br />

ttvefal weeks,kinKer, ,. |<br />

ttii Pliiliiiii'tjihi^il<br />

The<br />

Mr», Lit. J. H.<br />

' '<br />

: 4" • ' - i t - - v - ^ ' " " " • ' " i | i i ! » t i t " - i H q w t i u i i i . i i romai, • ; y y<br />

•f.-r uk>iiu.i! would relieve Y°<br />

n_-^.,._n^m^:._ lt: , . . . , • • t.l,hM»»mi^riMiMTl'll<br />

l H G * «OBBOS<br />

y [usif. Hut thl-i Is* iiut all. !<br />

. rViiiiit<br />


in ?ii»talu<br />

Mill' tfun*iiHitJi- «ii 1st*<br />

lifin UMiie yew, j F y jFMiiiiiii,<br />

liishfi!. j!,)i,V!,f.AfTflKi< £!*!•.,<br />

Mis*. A, K, f-AI[J.:V. M-<br />

STRASiJ.<br />

playtr. .H a<br />

if lA-ivp uf<br />

nd<br />

everj-mtJililug iu Uiv turf during hji|i,j ...^ ^ "%l"j,j"je".<br />

lilg hours, , imuLririiik. ><br />

^lat evtiiiuK HI si.<br />

i Calbdlic cbtifuh; !« u siicsi. n|'i |"<br />

lbs* Laiajfeiie. Kailier Ly<br />

the pulpit ef ibis cinifi-li t.ri<br />

l^uji: H^RBiili- Ufld : Uii^ Vi'FV . "<br />

wilhall willi wliuru he<br />

in contact.<br />

Bfislligiit» Knelire 1-iirly,<br />

The guests ef Tlie Rrijk|Iitcjii «i!I *^i<br />

their Iftflt [irogrcfLtive eiiciirv puriy ni<br />

the Bca»m neit Saturday evtnliiir, ;iini<br />

prepanlluiiB are Ik-iiig iimile to maku ii i<br />

m moat au&sswful bus, Ii Will IM> muler]<br />

the superTlaion<br />

Al" Uiii-L tilftu-fijurth-i <strong>of</strong> (hij<br />

it>i<br />

iif l||#<br />

ure taxes<br />

I bail itiiy tttli^r,:<br />

to tlie wtjlfere!<br />

ifj ilic :<br />

' uml lierjietiiitv iif inir i|nvern-L^<br />

<strong>of</strong> the<br />

.^ ,)ml!l, are<br />

Fur i'lijp" aiid<br />

«fill fear bef.i | (<br />

!*i>i?uk und ai't at the hitjdiuguf tngi<br />

or I'N'.VtT, 1 If frw? g'jveriiniytjS is<br />

i*e<br />

.-tuiil<br />

, if our<br />

In tulwarj- ^ |<br />

if ihe! IP I<br />

, if fjurijiiys iif igj ^ > JP<br />

iiian <strong>of</strong> moral amJ<br />

, there can be no<br />

flit'!! »! H)do>, y«u wliu are<br />

H, WIllikijjjfifHH. | Eiie Jiisijc fijr I'liuuii and L'tjiintry iu the<br />

At the tut'bre party litid TuyssJa^••: fiiuirw,' H* aliiiiiug UiiidetM <strong>of</strong> totftj<br />

ePenfng theae were the lady )ihm \xhi- j nb*tiut-in.f. Us true uu'ii uf inufal<br />

ntra: First, blue and while itiilet ^t,; intulltrUiiil i-JtT-clieiiut, Jiewwe <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Mrs, Hunter; Hecoijil, i.-iiiua i'iivi-(ij,ii, j uihisii.uiiug %lm»\ The wreiks and<br />

MM, RuMi; third,cliiua buy»bui! tlUti, ruin^ t>f yiitfih>id hrip iii «1»- ini<br />

8* WESLEY I-AKB, l'F»mapn|.<br />

Groceries, Provisions, Meats, Etc.<br />

T W,<br />

Fine Groceriis, I'rbduce, etc.<br />

• Hole agency fur "The Cclifbfiitoii E, U, UuU<br />

taf."<br />

"05 and 707 Aabiiry Aveiiiie, i<br />

TJ<br />

1,, SMITH,<br />


Seventb ami Aishury, |<br />

HcaHOhiible Fruits cuiiPUtctly on lUinJ. A '<br />

(nil line or finii=elBi!» OfocBfieii, tumin ae-1<br />

llvered ufltll 1 ' d<br />

riiiRLtis «><br />

DBALKR IS ^ :<br />

TBESH sad HAI7T nKATMj<br />

Nqs, ?4i) Anbury Aveiiiisf, i<br />

Protluee ifci*!! from the iiifm. All!<br />

delivered. i$ uFcifr, • '<br />

QEORCK<br />

i M£AT AND PffqU/S/Ofl/ MARKET,<br />

D,<br />

l<br />


ncRAjf.ci'fv, s..,!,<br />

A full line <strong>of</strong> Ctiok'S JfeuU, liulltr,<br />

Ice Cream Parlors.<br />


DOOO4R BROS.,<br />

St. aiidrAHbury Av#,<br />

Boardwalk, third door beL 8th at,*<br />

tee Cream, S<strong>of</strong>t Drinks, Etc,<br />

lee Dream Sodas a Specialty,<br />

AH Mr Ftifsn Are'iads Frem Fresh Frullt,<br />

P,<br />

Real Estate Exchange<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Ral &tatB tB«d¥uelBgSS ptf«at k y»r. Don't you want to<br />

W, E. MASSEY & Co.,<br />

IS<br />

Ice Cream Parlors,<br />

For LoOicn andOuntletiien,<br />

NO. 71* ASBURY AVENUE,<br />

. SHAH CITY, N, J.<br />

Meab Served from 6 a. m, te 8 p, m.<br />

O»teni anfl Ftsa a Bpeuhiity, Hcr^ice<br />

nni-elana. Prlea carrepponiilnif .wltii cily<br />

rertanraiilflt 1'uro arttslnn well wnttr. jicfOiPmcidB<br />

iSBI for tt) (Hople,<br />

B * « 6 ^ A i&B G^MANt kit<br />

ii ot the Baii quality. Wntsr its* nr 'ill<br />

G. MAHAN 4 CO.<br />

Embatmers and Undertakers.<br />

Funeral Director.<br />

AttyitrI«cailt«»lHrn l « h e d - BaJiei tftken<br />

in-eoiifje and iHiierMin fajBdusrrt from my<br />

s, [f dciiifr

I*<br />

Till: DAILY UK MY<br />


in#>i* iif»H(i<br />

HftvmU«ntM iiUtller Hi Hie (Wl- ' ' «, PH U tl'<br />

. j IK'*, If Illi' haliii<br />


)1\ t¥*«rl¥** Mow, mut<br />

wit ^«* tutviiry ttml * It Inm i<br />

"If any «»w<br />

•with he* iittte nephew. H# Hotels and Boarding Houses.<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Cards,<br />

tliv bur Mhk'h wu oull iUmtli,<br />

iitlrt (utii (tip Imvcuuf euruiil rv-t,<br />

ber, hirlivd her to batbe wltb ;__^._^::. " "<br />

Oh, tittw itcsp.ihs bslliViif dndi the blra, mud<br />

, They y<br />

•tt¥HUi B| tUvliw Inn la l*e at he dram<br />

•stauily girt tejend<br />

lh« riui uf Ilflfc, till tuut It<br />

. their , depth, -_,.., riu- <strong>Ocean</strong> CitV. N, Jbc&itnu<br />

U f fttim btm, atid d ilia- •,-,-«.<br />

:, If tiio Viti «f the qul*<br />

iho water: H* ah I _ *<br />

i K I* mllv brntlK limt la<br />

* M, »„<br />

i If ln*»|mr*. it touiily<br />

7_ h> tit ttuwi] hi nhun-<br />

op?B _"" ?1'.f ,<br />

in fertile her but eauUu't, a ><br />

Resident<br />

Late <strong>of</strong> FfillidelphU, P«»,<br />

bo ibeu uutilUnl *>veml pt»r*.un<strong>of</strong> Use<br />

lit rsplftliiinR 111*<br />

Miss ii. A. yyVLii<br />

3ta, 6*7 WE§LB¥<br />

eiTt. H, J.<br />

, ii 1* niifc' | aiirtj rVuiu frum ihe the Ulaiul Ulaiid iiditaiiHl il.st In?<br />

rtl*** *^ I l*«d an iHipwliinl eiigngraiei.t In New<br />

, tliat lie HruiiB*U'k itiM tvouingaS 1.3l)D\>k«k,<br />

Hiiit Ml*^ j He hail to t^h the iniii tlmt Jm uiJ<br />

. It t* uuly j lu «hU»r ly ke#>( it.<br />

tlml I* Umtuilnjj It ffttni • Kn utlhT witiuwes wen?<br />

ttviUtly vHiiitU 1 V DAVIS, H. DM<br />

*, Umt Hv I«I*5- el4*|» h : ^^(eidajs us uo ii«e wiild<br />

msn tuigliig iiarp ithil wnvtiiK jHiliii.! «hu hmi stvii h>i«r«iiil ,Mi»s He.vi<br />

QCEAN CITY, N J.<br />

V»,-iiFt fwHi* and<br />

050 Asbury<br />

U«an <strong>City</strong>, N= J,<br />

( ilornins, nnlil Id o'clrxt<br />

HUCBSS CBSS^ Aft«rpoorit i to 3 »<br />

( K i After a "<br />

tknih has tut UTftifii fi>r ihw ehilJ I Hr Hf sut«f or bAilititg in this suif, Tiip jur.v, milK itiisoi**<br />

i<br />

sfler Ilclviiiug ly tl-lu'ra te^limoov.<br />

11 sft-ui* lu iiis-1hat lire ghtntlfwrBHi,<br />

Ham ^ ,nj, rtlJ [tiij I I'HJi.t Uj uL't'H. *<br />

the<br />

* ,. ,<br />

'"""""*' " h a ' 1<br />


EAN t'lTV, S.<br />

I hi* I'holr iifiwawii »S!l in«ti, at Hu- variiuu<br />

U<br />

III? l«Sl<br />


ATLANTie CITY, N. J.<br />

i Qutline Programme<br />

SUMMER OF iSp6<br />

' |AT Ml<br />

.-. OG1AN CiTTi H. j.<br />

SeFlnO unA nldrnin an Hundaji hj[ the<br />

foliowiiit dlritniEulKhfd lienmiiit<br />

JDUE a-ftiriiion hj- R-T. Ih A, Whlf*, p, P..<br />

t In WmliliigtuD Lee Unl?EfiiilT,<br />

, Til.<br />

L if in*Lr by B**. P> Bsfliia Npl«en, p.<br />

p., pjulnfnf Qr»Biii(l l ! fe>hj lp|i!in elllliVli,<br />

PliUB.iFlplJi'V, P#.<br />

JULV iy=S*Tiii(in hfRa*, R, niftfcfRlrf, nf Sun<br />

"tflii, »!»«,; *-i1ii«r<strong>of</strong> "BjhlB Hlucly Uiilnn " 1<br />

JDLf id-Ait »itilf> t* hy ' ntz Aiihfttii-1 iloFfin;<br />

: liniwy, <strong>of</strong> Vttmi PlltBlon, h'a., leetuftr for<br />

tiwWfCT. U, •••••••><br />

JDLT J ffl=Sefn!Qn bf tl*T, gsmup! L, Br!!?r. D |<br />

u.j yicf>Uhanr>h»r <strong>of</strong> itin AihHnesu Unt-;<br />

Trrpjff at WSBhllii!tMn. D, O, !<br />

ilJOUST «-S#ritieii hy Huiljiip eyrui p, P.1M,<br />

•~jrffmfwi<br />

tress. Bi» sseape w« a fe»aDtl| aftif.<br />

Hflswam aer«Mi th§ DmliulW*<br />

Aflstrlo, Bi?« to ]«« S* igilB B«<br />

death, , , ,<br />

Ma bad few wants sad nweeaiia in<br />

lifiijg ea-EBait ionothiBBia«I »s *»i<br />

Of Wnritsmb<strong>of</strong>i fife hiffl in IMBI^<br />

But bt fifnlafiy ipeai lbs *SsIi a ii<br />

dnrioa the fir« bolf ef lbs SJifflth and<br />

bad uuibici ib H?i sa dmifiBi the Mat<br />

Part <strong>of</strong> his sinoU ineoniS waa iBini<br />

HBoa fait hit dBBgyttf, dflngbtw, who iBrrtf<br />

ATLANTIC C!TY» N, J.<br />

Uoaut Eberbunl coinpsied suie, ud<br />

Uoaut i lif t »eif military<br />

bfi one joy in lift *»• to »eif military<br />

bauda plajbii BonpOBltioni, w wnirt<br />

tbs AliSttuder, Tegttth<strong>of</strong>f and Is^rfl*<br />

William HiBieiiigBrt (till oaU»iFnf«tery.<br />

Bii pares sai «apfy, &• piai!.<br />

aftlf hii three dayi' illnas*, aail ttta<br />

RCBiifl <strong>of</strong> ibs kiag <strong>of</strong> Wnftiiinbtii, wift<br />

hii flaa plifaiqae sod aoble tearing, bad<br />

aililtri ei8i?H faaarai nnd so aoara^i<br />

eiesnl his iju<strong>of</strong> iBBfliady. Hsrtsaw<br />

g aii <strong>of</strong> OS and bad i|«d 40 yera i=<br />

I d glnBdard,<br />

esact p <strong>of</strong> BB "injaiirtai<br />

coitttuje ii wptib The «al»o)i'<br />


el's l " ffoil<br />

blows FitBch Bca*<br />

ostg MO franesitbe wbitoeietb<br />

. „„ fruBL'S. and ths •tilled.<br />

_ „ 70 ffaueif, tlie plnmtd ual afld<br />

tlinn any otlier, Tba bililding liii"<br />

bos ore dowy for 59 ftaBa, nnd &*<br />

in. OMnd'NawOpgan.MtwUi!newBiidUWordt with Msbbsid, fsi 40 fnnsi<br />

dharmina mwaie. tetul, S94 ftPBes. It \s irreverent stia te<br />

.---.-• BaffBie tUttt Bodolpba SalM, tht p»i<br />

.! mm keips <strong>of</strong> the Cbat Hoi*, fssiBlIf<br />

A MAN ;FACTimiNG * * ' boogbl BP iba c«ii ef fiesaisl •»diaiieioBi<br />

f« bii waittffc Ths gawra^<br />

-.-; .• DASDY KITQHEM, Bfat, bo#sf ef, pot • step to ie 1<br />

1 wiiii the latest i»eiiui« tot<br />

! elqiis BQII pure wititiy wtihlo tiie OHildintt,<br />

J oinyonu in qwiin fhy, tSlilS nod M*<br />

I candy iiiude. Wtiylemilo Anfl retail.<br />

PALACE<br />

J; TI. Chester & Co.|A15Ill)T<br />

Real Estate Agents<br />

Pleasure Outings,<br />

RAIL and BOAT.<br />

West Jersey "k Seasbore Ralroad's Short <strong>Line</strong>s,<br />









No Visitor to Atlantic Citv Should Miss <strong>On</strong>e t^W Exhilarating Trips<br />

Far Tlm« Tatol#8 and Patsa <strong>of</strong> F«r« Apply at ©ffle«.<br />

J, B.WOOD,<br />

H. C. EBOWN, FresldsDi,<br />

Boardwalk ind Eleventh Street,<br />

OCfAN eiTY, N. J,<br />

Tb!« welUttBOWB p<br />

wonderfully iBiprovpd linee tbn teuma at '83,<br />

'ha bDiidiss bas been psmpl*»!y rfnd¥ntisi<br />

A n ce« ef over BOB, Uur !« eF«m pnf !or,<br />

» over 100 feet ionB; tbeiiiriis Jum-ii cats and<br />

pondy and fiOdn wntcf ntnndf provide rc(»Tiiii><br />

mehtl iJnW kinds nt niOflei-Hle pfU-es, : •<br />

eflfBD, BOV/LiKG .. . .<br />

?M POOL TflBLES<br />

furiil«ii smuscmerit fer nl P. The t'lwrqHiwi !• I<br />

<strong>On</strong>e D! the completed \U Ine HU!t«, fills !«j<br />

tbe flnHit, BBiutaeieiit Miort on tlis soMt.<br />

Vinltoni nlwavs Welcome.<br />

V CO.<br />

Biablii—7th St. aod Haven Ave, S!<br />

FINE DARRIAfilS^^ffi^<br />

m wil! fed and aired tar. .<br />

left at Abl-JH'fl drug Stsre Will «•<br />

celve prompt Httenliop.<br />

B.<br />

n. STITEII *<br />

IH<br />

, lilliart, Ume, ^nnl, Pinter, Is,<br />

Gsii? ffMt<br />

ul Tnlflk SlnH.<br />

Pliannacists.<br />


! fai ABBUKV AVE., OCBAS Crrv, K, J,<br />

Cur, Ttb isd Aibuiy A«touB,<br />

CITY, N, J.<br />

iia.<br />

Toilet ArtleiM,<br />

piiiim. I'fHWPifitlo<br />

defieioui la cr«ni<br />

Elghtb Bt, and Weelsy Avt.<br />

The only regiilBF ffndimte. Witfl<br />

""""!• eity os peMenea Opvii ibe sn<br />

iftcelvemy penmnnl<br />

i*HFityitnff Mourns* bslBf n»?<br />

w „ hjiiTlna Bf H^clalHat, if —-<br />

..„,.....jes HndehemliMUBoniitaniiyon i<br />

Aomlinleiivered la any part <strong>of</strong> IBs eliy.<br />


Croctefi ind Ttniari, Fklilag tietb.<br />


OCEAN CITY. N. J, ••-".<br />

T> B B7I1TH Ai BOMB .<br />

^—ABKTIiM -•<br />



uiui,pniBi, Poiiy and Window<br />

steiR, 'Wail hipSfiandyseerailoB<br />

vftrlety at moderate pfiasii,<br />

iO4B-5O<br />

JJ A, Ws' PMITJH gt<br />




Pi<br />

km<br />


1<br />

THI eOVlBNQR'S TAQT* " I<br />

Am SmaUtBi at ledtl tlBi *• • loaMi A*<br />

It was at Fllgrinrt ,fi#t* goWflsidi<br />

fa the Trancvflal one nitty eTeaiag in<br />

*b« Spring <strong>of</strong> 1880. The 2oln war WM<br />

Jort concluded, and peace aad pltnty<br />

hid cams with Ghfistau jail part after<br />

sun than five jean <strong>of</strong> continual border<br />

Warfare and financial depression.<br />

Tie party were awaiting ths arrival<br />

f ColonelSf*O«a«T^HB« *t--<br />

£u* «f ttw<br />


Bath Houses, i P, E GHAMWON^<br />

Britiiii regime, who<br />

„<br />

la tattini ot« the preparatloni for<br />

,,_—„«.«» Hi nay way irosi im-<br />

I vision and have tnaeh writing to<br />

shoald, w the typewriter, ""<br />

tier can lean Luck in a<br />

•~~- item am position t<br />

«UB jEura ngS IO m<br />

•he gQTeninient tell<br />

ef his eipetjeseea it ilfa Oonuan Blanco<br />

who w?i then the autocue <strong>of</strong> (fats coun-<br />

try. For three or foop months he was<br />

fcept dangling areand toe Gaga Afflafilla<br />

(the yellow house), io which tbe pfesi-<br />

d«a| Midas, and finally told Gorman<br />

lki * *ie wanted a final answer. Guzman<br />

LdCA8I*i>, ;<br />

Cor* Beafdiraifc and Eighlh Street, j<br />


F*Ner ARTICLES, 1 OtS, I HELLS,;SQ,<br />

BATIIH,<br />

Boardwalk and Ninth Street,<br />

, COAL<br />

WOOD,<br />


OFFICE ANIJ nmiumce,<br />

634 Asbury Avenue,<br />

OC<br />

yba^hoBM<br />

at a o'eloek teawrow ffie<br />

and ws will clijKO (his matter op,'*<br />

Was tha reply.<br />

Taa ntil morning lie was called at<br />

I galloped BB« •« *-i*—---<br />

Bath Houses, ."mra-SO?Anbury Avenue" '•<br />

" and EflhU fa*, r^,, ^flwllitJjv^^ I ^ Offl ^<br />

'i£H AlPFi jghwf t.i. i..,,.,.^, _;<br />

them<br />

ing to be rewired, nod tome <strong>of</strong><br />

files <strong>of</strong> iaip<strong>of</strong> tuse, while tue president<br />

eat npon the porch sipping hig c<strong>of</strong>ifco and<br />

reading tho morning paper. It wag con-<br />

aidered a dreadfnl broach <strong>of</strong> etiquette to |<br />

interrupt (he great, man when he was !<br />

reading, and there wag not a person in<br />

**•" satire coinpatiy who daiid do it. j<br />

r simply stood arena d or lat by •<br />

Yankee nmrehod I<br />

to tbe nornh aad guid, "Good<br />

IJIJIICJIIIKS, anij ILiuai' fiiviiring tnV with ilielr __:<br />

pnimnBtce will iliiij ultehljif uiiciiiiiiiiyi Hcij • 7<br />

avpfjf HjiiVBiileueUi<br />

: lj<br />

Electro Therapeutics,^* AroWtBCf, COfllractOr I BfllJfler,<br />


at Itntli<br />

;t<br />


IN<br />

• e »'J tasiiina<br />

„* <strong>of</strong> them had j<br />

. -,—•.=»,.} aad girth lines their!<br />

i were made aad looked fully as !<br />

sf as thiy ft It, |<br />

_.„,» was served as looa as the gov-<br />

ernor arriTed. Be noticed that his bulls '<br />

were moving uneasily io their eeats,<br />

asd the chairman ef the occasion, a big<br />

•AfricMdefi serene in flannel and oordn-<br />

, explained ia a whiiper (he capsa<br />

in CoIoaaJ Lanyon exhibited a ep«I-<br />

—J <strong>of</strong> tie taet thai had sjade bis be-<br />

loted, and is still reaeiobered grntpfnl-1<br />

Ijbyrnaay who eiperfeased hf« conp-;<br />

i&j. At soon as he recovered the ose el j<br />

fail Toice he j-oge in his chair and madg i<br />

perhaps the mm weleose addrets as ?<br />

had em <strong>of</strong>fered, = '<br />

itteBifl," he laii, "Ji'j io fa-<br />

r hot that 1 rnost osk jeflrper-<br />

=,—,„. to tAio <strong>of</strong>f my coal and tills<br />

tafek collar, 1 weajd have done so with-<br />

oat Mliiiif, mly joa all jeokio spick<br />

aad ipan, f witte yen would keep BIB ia<br />

countenance byfo»—*- * "<br />

. Tilt governor Ji<br />

in • thin undm^a BBif«», cegj<br />

- -e ia inp= j<br />

!bB Yaalfoo, •<br />

B((IC[ HDUPII: i( It, m-. TS 1 e-. m.<br />

PflAGTlCAL «„,<br />


'•' OFFlCEi HrHJK.i1,fOlln,j<br />

,y|.pi»ftiK fujinjud iJt|:»iL<br />

flnhJi!iiiilNiiH>IB_^ - •<br />

"It Mnst bare been miserable ituff.<br />

Ton oogbt to tasie miue. I age noae hnt<br />

what I grow on tgf own plantations and<br />

always carry it witb ino. no tuattef to<br />

wbat part <strong>of</strong> tha worid I go," aad riag»<br />

lag tha bell be ordered a cap <strong>of</strong> c<strong>of</strong>fee<br />

oncJ a roll for hia caljer.<br />

Bot the latter did sot propose te<br />

waste time, gad immediately eaidi<br />

"Yon did BJBttJehooor to say yefter.<br />

day lhat yon wonid close np tost not-'<br />

ter at our interries- tais stdning, aad<br />

j Janvo come prepared is da so,' !<br />

"I wiiia By people ware BJ pronjpt<br />

» JOB, Oor great fault, as a nation is<br />

proeragtination. If we were ai energetic<br />

Si your cooBtryrneni Venezoela woald<br />

bs s richer nnd more productive na-<br />

tion, "mid witb (hat they WCB£ into<br />

For as heat the details ef the Maeea*,<br />

fion w«re diiKnjssedi and boing agreed j<br />

Bpan the president dictated ri»-=nn front<br />

iiminI'liuiLiirion<br />

fS CHI FOR 4 —-,.-<br />

n * 1 6 ! fl i Ttr i in , Ascuiii.i 8.t.i»-, in., "<br />

III lilt II mill! iin HI *wfi, a iu (,..,.. ••<br />

ii».<br />

rsiitjitiiLi<br />

nnt yifr to be agrtiit<br />

tbeiiU'yf.lks.<br />

The cUl!dr,-n's<br />

BtieBded, Many adalm;<br />

dreu iitttud tliesi<br />

The liKaublng has<br />

and liiiuilreiti nf [A'Ojite<br />

greatly LH. noiltted tbereby,<br />

owgtln^ wiu u real<br />

Quite, u nuiiihL'r <strong>of</strong> ;Hinl><br />

teuts knt-lt at the altar <strong>of</strong> jirnyerand<br />

"0ihei§ "hiwU i» ihe (.iniyreguthiii utid<br />

sought Ibe fuvor <strong>of</strong> Qitd,<br />

At the th Idreti'H rateilfiE yeHtffdiiy<br />

afleriMHin ihe liev. Mr, Diigun made<br />

thepraier. , Rev, Fiauk Grjeil ilieu<br />

the let-win mid tave lit<br />

u drill on whut lie bad<br />

r lUttii ouue^riiiiig (he<br />

uf the Bible, iby Liuukb >ufd<br />

brought hiio rcquii-ition. Tie intiui<br />

letter u( ejch lunjk s\m \ I >ced<br />

the ehildrui tipim lie Ucuid,<br />

tbt'y read fery HHidJy, He<br />

thyin it tttipiill In poiiitMie H iii rhyine.<br />

iifsirm like doon ppeii' wiiii vase,<br />

Wilb vtry viry iiitiu kej'H< '<br />

Ant) Hop'I forrii-l ihm two <strong>of</strong> Ibfe,<br />

Arc tbiink j'OU "If, find if juu pifuHa.<br />

He then im glit ibujii (lis nuiiitBol<br />

thei»thejiln.^leH, Hu t . k [Ui- chll<br />

dreu till UjF.iUgh io ibe na uf Gtilk'e<br />

and tulJ llteiu <strong>of</strong> ihcruirttLle uf I lie l\\v<br />

luavea antl twii ilshtii. Hit* i),t,« buy,<br />

whit bad I lit; lujVab and llniies, «ii r^-<br />

tipi.UMiLh fur the fWiiljiU nf that miild<br />

tude. Biinjelnutts U^M uru cs n^idwieu<br />

a suisiiuee, but here lite Liny WJIB U<br />

very iiuiiuriitut liiutir, auj<br />

uoiilit t'Oiiie tu josif houst*,<br />

would give Him y>«r b|e>lH, BIIII h t\\<br />

umiij wituld giv« Uhii yuur dull'-? Ail<br />

&tld Ibey would give Hint ihcnv<br />

Hu at>ki.d ibttiu it Jysuy wi'iild<br />

them fur their he»r(s, junv many<br />

All ru-p uiled in the af<br />

Ulirbt in iujt<br />

i Hit ipyyiul. y^i* oi euuii,<br />

hj just the S.OJB limluy iii<br />

fiiiuei-g yver ihe cindic-u uf lutu.<br />

ternioii hi ihe aftKrut<br />

evening wiineitnduuudiiy ihe Hev. W.<br />

A.Ftrgusitii, WIN. It ti, U lUou sang,<br />

* Dy ytijiiifihiiig TiMJiiy," iiev, G ,A,<br />

tiyiitti nii.de ibe •duress, HlireBiaiks<br />

u y\ ii 1 he purl Ion <strong>of</strong> tUu s Jf-<br />

oji ihe,s,ouii! ieluiiiigtotbe<br />

tbegipiiU ai d uaU<br />

'1 be iiht Hiep in repairing a linuse he<br />

htid ut*n iriibiiHiid in watehiag, he<br />

iiiuud tu bt? ibe takioi uiit ot ull weak<br />

uinleTH ui,d laying bare the solid fguu'<br />

duiiuii, ' .<br />

Mil ihe rebuilding <strong>of</strong> dmrncief must<br />

,e flie rt-movul <strong>of</strong> ihe rot tea Umber* <strong>of</strong><br />

g<br />

His text was, Jubu, Pint<br />

p 1 3 , Jn part lie Fahi;<br />

The greal object <strong>of</strong> (ihristlanlty is. to<br />

(Jharlis Luken=. * loeal polnlcian <strong>of</strong><br />

Philadelphia, who is stepping en<br />

Asbury aveuuti enjoys himself U»biug<br />

on the bay.<br />

Two young ladle* enjoying ihe eea<br />

at The Brighton ate the Ml*«s<br />

Adele Jones, <strong>of</strong> Boxborsugh,<br />

Philadelphia.<br />

Lee fin fling ton and wife, <strong>of</strong> PhiladeU<br />

phla^ho are gue*ts <strong>of</strong> The Brlghtos,<br />

are rtill enjiiying the breeze* to be<br />

found ai this rnurt,<br />

Albert J, Bloom, a real estate agent<br />

<strong>of</strong> PhUadelphii, acctimpablfd by his<br />

wife, WH thi guest <strong>of</strong> Ulybard Shevlin,<br />

<strong>of</strong> 804 Anbury avenue.<br />

bin. J, B, tJtittipbeil, <strong>of</strong> WlimlngtOD,<br />

Del,, who has been nojouruiBg here fgr<br />

a week at a Uentral avenue cottage, left<br />

this morning fur her home,<br />

MliHt Katharine Beiiolield, a ch«rn»<br />

ilig young laity,who has been spending<br />

a shuri siftwii with Miss Vugt, ha» re-<br />

iurned to her WigsahlGkou home,<br />

Mary J, Bel hell, <strong>of</strong><br />

thejudgineut bar,<br />

Tye RBV, William A, FeiSusoB will<br />

give a Bible talk, this eveulug. In the<br />

Veung Peqple*iTernples Ml» B, JfeB-<br />

Blake Ui perfect hi t-'hrut Jesiia, aiid<br />

fur Ibis purpose the wh..le e.miiwl <strong>of</strong><br />

Gud luuKt be prwluinttd, believed aud<br />

pruetlced, The mistake yf tuo<br />

is that they take a part for the<br />

Every part is &=Beiitiel, like the,<br />

prlaBjaiic colors <strong>of</strong> tha mtu^itw. All<br />

ore tieedtd. Leave nut ^ne, &nd H is<br />

iuurretl, go the s^onii^ dcelar «W<br />

he has felt and see Pi n,jt Bji«culaUouit<br />

but fe(,u (,f whieh be had<br />

M My ,<br />

phia, who has been a guest <strong>of</strong> ibe Van-<br />

dalia House fiif several weeks, returus<br />

io her btime IB tbe Quaker <strong>City</strong> today,<br />

E, H, Bell maBftger for A brain<br />

StrauwsA Co., general uphulHleref* <strong>of</strong><br />

Hto(.klyri, N, ¥., Is tbe guest <strong>of</strong> itev,<br />

at the latiei'it Ueutral<br />

wlUsgf<br />

During tbe geasoa the <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

Due Ball Ulub have played feurteeu<br />

gaiues BO far. Of this number they<br />

•oat but four. This la

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