Jun 1893 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Jun 1893 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Jun 1893 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City


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ICOM^<br />

Ole marttsr knowed dey was eombi oa|<br />

NO. 9.<br />

OXYGEN<br />

FOB<br />

Sickness and Debility.<br />

ros<br />

Alcohol, Morphine, etc<br />

For nearlj k qparter ef • sestnn the<br />


<strong>of</strong> 16i9 Arch tiitet, PhUadelphta, have<br />

dlHponeed Compound Oiygan Treat,<br />

meiit for chranlc dimasst and debility,<br />

With a tnoBt brUHant record sf curss.<br />

Tliey have treated ovgr «,W0 patients<br />

aiid ID spite <strong>of</strong> opposition have forced<br />

the world to acknowledge the poteoey<br />

aud uBefulness <strong>of</strong> Compound Oxygen.<br />

Over 1000 physicians have need ft In<br />

their practice, and this number Is being<br />

continually Increased,<br />

The original Com pounaOiygsn mads<br />

by this firm Is pure, comparatively devoid<br />

ef odor or taste, snd one <strong>of</strong> the<br />

greatest <strong>of</strong> natanU vltallcere, building<br />

Up broken-down coqmUtuUnni, BUpply-<br />

Ing nature's waite from dlaeafle, excHStv<br />

<strong>of</strong> or old age.<br />

<strong>On</strong>e <strong>of</strong> the beauUea <strong>of</strong> using this<br />

treatment la that you toke BO medlcino<br />

whatever, your iyitem Is not shocked<br />

by If, buBlness or travel are not Inter.<br />

fered with, and tfnattnent ia<br />

pleasure. You simply Inhale the Compound<br />

Oxygen and get It dlrecUy Into<br />

the circulation, where It will do the<br />

most good^where your Byitem can absorb<br />

every atom <strong>of</strong> ft without any objeotlon<br />

being interposed byyourdlgefltlim,<br />

A hook <strong>of</strong> m pageamsjled flee to<br />

any additeS tells all about it<br />


About flro ve« ftjEOl WM a iKk<br />

fllaB and a lit* Diafl, taffeHnf wllfi<br />

prHtratlsD BrHtntlsb ftftd aftd tiiOK imyWe, TiHUT Te=d I IB<br />

iironi-^iui rUKKrd liil doing liepTf walk<br />

dajr, umyf «^H *« M 1 uf» ii*ft aj[ mf_ ne«iiu hesiih BUM ABd IUV iife IS W U« OOBI<br />

O*]fKf " •-' 11 slid lid jratir aii felod kind help hitfid and adf »d*lf« \im, vu-ivv<br />

ttie IDh>rMi <strong>of</strong> Iliiie flKjFeanL I h»*s 6WB ftr<br />

eemmfiidiiiK f iiUF IrutaiCSt &r and ne*J-i add<br />

hy u\f ail vie* uncl your itMtnest ire ban aa?ed<br />

it ppsi ilf «• sad BaH^ited sibsn<br />

r, NswYqr*, K, W, Whwl»f,<br />

Dm, gurkaf A FaleD, PhlI*dBlp!<br />

About m yrar ago I wu inffs..<br />

mark and cnnsfqupnl fxhatutlon, > u^-u ?¥<br />

Compound QirKcii TreHment wllb food naulj<br />

I ne*er Lad anjth lnB g ID Io e!«r clear tip diy qiy nnld h bail<br />

and fAd put melB rneln 6eH*rihii«i bette ibkiia ibaiiTrtUr ihaii jnur CompeHl<br />

Oijffen Tre«ttnen(. lt»T, B, A.<br />

I i F a<br />

Bra,BUrter4f»!, iiiliadeiphlfc Ffc<br />

Mr phjireiu, who bu itrmttS as fer 8»<br />

reirt, ffeinarked to M ieffrtl W«to •§« thai<br />

[he OampOBod OHgea bad e»Ffala!/ ddfli wonden<br />

for trie, 1% BU alie HUifH IBS <strong>of</strong> U|«<br />

dmadjui tpcili 1 ytad io h«»p. I flrmlj bsllrn<br />

tbat I would ban sene (iiie gmampileB bat<br />

winter, kf (sr I bad puasoBifc tf I B*4 not tskeb<br />

tbe GMdpeund OQIH, I noil mj thai 1 us<br />

to Mtar (>Hlib t)iuef«F before Un« 1 wia •<br />

ind alt rnn jour Cflmpopod OsTI«n<br />

taiinnt. I itml ttbal l I on H*» «•!>_ Bids knam ts s H, Ii_Mit dens<br />

tTerxtblny for m« I oeuld haf B ukod, I bn<br />

fworanended It Is HTCrftl oUf n. who bn<br />

tried ft ud km brnffliM, I tHsnuMtd u<br />

wljb Ibejnatelt eetiflij*n».<br />

motfoTt, &>, M n, K*T, H.W,<br />

ta. fitufc*? £ Pdlett, PtiUtdelpnto, Ps,<br />

_ Hf moth*r 9Hd jour goapaaad to<br />

THtBCBt fer Ii»j Feters inc baa aet m<br />

tlti AIb«rt QiffoTd.<br />

Falen, PWUdaJptil*, Ft,<br />

iggBBdtdna nwi* *m>dM»<br />

F fraB ffli<br />

y<br />

Oar core C t<strong>of</strong>a, iwifl and m, W« dn1 Hans WE, sa ole mauler bejit } ti=<br />

dlcnlous tat we&ld be adopted if wero<br />

by a per»ou <strong>of</strong> rraffldeiit Importanoe*<br />

W M dissented from, wntfsnnon Mr.<br />

Bpoaoer <strong>of</strong>fered to bet that if h* ont<br />

<strong>of</strong>f the ikiru <strong>of</strong> hfa coat and trattal oot<br />

with merely tits body-and deem h$<br />

mjd be taitated. She bet M se><br />

pted, the coat prcpflre4 aa^ |o@k *ha<br />

fcacf <strong>of</strong> a wdl known tailor. IS© "§pmoia*'<br />

soon sfter can?s f&ta gmfamk<br />

London Tit-Bita, ;<br />

1 * and "ewwrns"<br />

and '*sobbing8 B j -if<br />

r'-'i<br />

fi<br />

<strong>of</strong> thiit period corns is<br />

again? The Amellua and Delias and Ctao><br />

Unes <strong>of</strong> that day were always (a *, dead<br />

fatnt over s«mothing. They fainted for<br />

joy and fainted for sorrow, A girl <strong>of</strong><br />

time swooned <strong>of</strong>f when hm lovv<br />

propOBed, and when she earn© to aha wn<br />

in his arms, and <strong>of</strong> course<br />

UwasaU over and 'noose trytag to ^D<br />

a fallow about beings dstar to him after<br />

that<br />

There was another feature about tUa<br />

•weening fit oi the eld time harotoe, and<br />

that was that her dearest ftignd was always<br />

within call with the sedsors to cut<br />

her o<strong>of</strong>set bwa. Hew Is any one hi tlda<br />

time <strong>of</strong> hidden hooka mw to looesn •<br />

bodloo before tteherolBf pases over the<br />

border line in her faint? It wiU bsnthsr<br />

far tho modem girl, frbo baa<br />

trained herself to BmUs whs bet heart<br />

hreaka, todienthor than reveal her heart,<br />

to conqeal her joy and prater? tt bw «e><br />

realty alike throngb death Of divom, ta<br />

learn this graoeful art <strong>of</strong> collapsing at<br />

jus the proper time to bring m<br />

suitor to bis knees,<br />

souiHthhig dangson to<br />

man's theories against<br />

riaget<strong>of</strong>lnd hhsself soddenij with bk^<br />

arms fnU <strong>of</strong> Ump,slgbing, pate f<br />

hood. Be Is more apt p I^<br />

:fl<br />

namea t&n be would beif i0w<br />

ant and defiant before him,<br />

ready t ^ h J d<br />

forkBun,<br />

As 8 matter <strong>of</strong> fact<br />

abont tbe least<br />

ffiBtnti* '^>/l<br />

Fraacsb politically a'<br />

dsl^ tt keeps rtt<br />

irtf ri<br />

J if.'"s5K''S<br />

* a<br />


•fv * t • -<br />

- I r -<br />

.Si<br />

#r • - ssi<br />

i_r t - Ik crown* aaittnoK<br />

her* by<br />

to. ]<br />

Bl ULEV'fi FO1HT,<br />

Young ha* commenced* tbe<br />

aectktn <strong>of</strong> • dwelling bonn on a put<br />

EHTJBSBAY, JDHE 1, 188B.<br />

PAT.<br />

o&im&d ail over Uib<br />

"Memerul" or "Decor*.<br />

"d*lf-« day net apart In memory<br />

b Alta b<br />

lf y p<br />

,ultaiudBordd^<br />

- - B<br />

ttU tab<br />

H<br />

udetbar ltd IA<br />

_.thAmpoit(be£iOBi*<br />

OF OWB*rt df u* lot or Sets to<br />

pHntfd ar ijjlltl bwlet fa^SHi<br />

IA edfeblf, whl& rJd notioB i -_<br />

pmn&dlT. OF 1B etm ef a sen-mfdm. abtlt fa*<br />

m*ll*d ifhlmarbjBtaMnm « known tiojlt Il k f lh M Abd<br />

tlife snl <strong>of</strong> tha Ie»tt(7»4 t<br />

eally tbs kmleti at tha HA or lets<br />

afaia Ihr iiatun at ths work rrquJrwI tUp&a,<br />

aaatl rnqdot Ihs parfarraaMW by raeh O*D*r or<br />

awvm at aid sortr trllhfa RlUtH dinahaU<br />

elle Mlii erdlnaSH Ud ahall fet fnrih fite vena<br />

t l<br />

ed relative td lbs teues inTol«d-=a fen <strong>Jun</strong>e «<br />

gi"<br />

\k<br />

tbe preserfatlDQ <strong>of</strong> the Union, and on<br />

the part <strong>of</strong> many <strong>of</strong> the people <strong>of</strong> tbe<br />

South for a separate government <strong>of</strong> that<br />

•ectktuaf tbeeodntey, andaoui&eqtMnt<br />

destruction <strong>of</strong> tbe grand prlndplea our<br />

fore&tberm <strong>of</strong> the Be^oldtlon fought<br />

for. Vllltons <strong>of</strong> men were engaged In<br />

the struggle, and a million <strong>of</strong> liven were<br />

•aerlfleed before victory crowned<br />

efforts <strong>of</strong> the lovers <strong>of</strong> the Union.<br />

In 1861 then were about 900,000 Jo-<br />

habitants In oar little Htate <strong>of</strong> Ne*<br />

Jeney, and yet thlg State sent over<br />

MUM0 men f<strong>of</strong>igbt the battles <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Union—obe-tenth <strong>of</strong> her entire papula*<br />

Uon( oountisg men, women and cbti<<br />

dies. Nearly every family tn the gtAto<br />

had one or more members in tbe Union<br />

armfe*—wmetlmea •ev^al—and many<br />

<strong>of</strong> thg*e Derer fituned to their bomes<br />

l<br />

clpal <strong>of</strong> the Tuckahoe pnblle whool the<br />

earning year. , .<br />

The house rtcenily vaeatod by Kev,<br />

J.G. Entrieken li being greatly Ira-<br />

•.••-• BEA-»LE 3ITT.<br />

MBrlln Welbj, a prominent resident<br />

and member <strong>of</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council, has been<br />

ttiade tbe defendant ID a «ult for fSOOO<br />

duugtB, brought by H, A, DeB«bet<br />

a florist <strong>of</strong> this place. In the Utter<br />

part <strong>of</strong> March, DeReche, whlleentering<br />

UoiincIIman Wells'store was set upon<br />

by four or five dogi and before be could<br />

drive them <strong>of</strong>f wag biiten. Be claims<br />

tbe wound wag made by one <strong>of</strong> Welb*<br />

a<br />

W* O&ftf / Mere than<br />


Year by year the near-home<br />

weavers are getting closer and<br />

closer to the best from abroad.<br />

Maybe some <strong>of</strong> them are get*<br />

ting ahead. No matter; we<br />

reach for the best wherever it<br />

can be had, , ,<br />

And many an extra interest-<br />

ing lot comes this way.<br />

You know the "is^tfc Ging*<br />

hams at Se. They wpre tffe<br />

talk <strong>of</strong> the town till the 25c<br />

Silk-stripe Ginghams came at<br />

ioc» Doubled the talk. You<br />

hear<strong>of</strong> nothing really like either<br />

or<br />

fa*It «Ktt£, that upon MM mtdeet<br />

to* o«n*f f» Mud flftMB dm ts<br />

wlili the tcHH sf nek neLke, y» tktwi<br />

___:___J<br />

for the Hid Council roHhWith<br />

prsef«J to pgrfsn Ibl HU we* OF h»*B tb*<br />

-Id<br />

•tens*<br />

eort Ihetr<strong>of</strong>. elflff r<br />

ha US OHHW > Urn<br />

y pHajBoeat to t I<br />

MdthM»¥««<br />

« »1M«I tha lame 6y d ne<br />

Nn.i Anil b* II «Mrtf d. th»l lhta(Srtiii»B(*<br />

•hail take rffeet Immedljitelj*<br />

Sjififiu ud fltsJid ifoy 2i A* D<br />

AH«t: ••*• --• - = "<br />

H 1, A<br />

Fr'i ~ "<br />

AN<br />

»It Bs If entiled by the Hkf <strong>of</strong> and<br />

2^-, uf UM Bormigli <strong>of</strong> Qeaam Gif, IbM<br />

tfm following HBiaf neier sppraii*eij H kid<br />

alive, wbUe wme were burled In on*<br />

known pans on tbe nnHle-flelda,<br />

Ifamfyerer? femuy was In mourn]<br />

for tbelr hived ones, while many <strong>of</strong><br />

toon who did retnrn *live ware maimed<br />

and filled with dfasaer contneted In<br />

lbs nrrlee, aid died within a lew years<br />

Alter the war waa over,<br />

Oat young people are apt to forger<br />

tbmfteto, If they were ever Informed<br />

<strong>of</strong>ti, and therefore it to well that<br />

tiny ibouM be tangbt what a terrible<br />

thing a great war la, and <strong>of</strong> the blest.<br />

fnp <strong>of</strong> tbe peaes U»ey now enjoy<br />


Baperintendent Price Is managing<br />

he improvements belog made at the<br />

camp ground, A new entrance, sitting<br />

room to boarding hoBae, and fencing<br />

are among tbe thisgu which will attract<br />

tbe attetioii <strong>of</strong> visltbm this summer.<br />

Cottages are being reralred and<br />

painted and there are new oses to be<br />

built Tbe Doard mwto on the gftfa <strong>of</strong><br />

Jnoe to rtl the privllegs. The annual<br />

will nommenoe 00 July<br />

p y jy<br />

They need to be tangbt to honor tbe<br />

memorial or tbe men whs endangered<br />

Vb#r Uvee that the cosntry might live,<br />

d f b<br />

y<br />

and <strong>of</strong> tbe great aagrlficpg their<br />

and relatives made to support them<br />

while engaged in tbe de*Uy strife-<br />

avcrtflses <strong>of</strong>ten IH great and<br />

t<br />

even greater than tbow <strong>of</strong> many <strong>of</strong> the<br />

aotdleni woo filled the note or the<br />

oontest They need<br />

to bonor tbote men<br />

A flre bf<strong>of</strong>ceout in tie centre <strong>of</strong> a row<br />

<strong>of</strong> houses en BrMd atrst, belorjgJDg to<br />

ei-Freebolder A. L, Haynes lait week,<br />

and U» prompt rsj»p» <strong>of</strong> tbe flrede><br />

partmeot prevenlal a ep<strong>of</strong>lasnUan.<br />

Tbe loan was about §1000, covered by<br />

Inanranee, Cbafia gabdgnrj, whn has<br />

been 1B poor health for several years,<br />

iuflering from theeflectg<strong>of</strong>a<br />

BtMkefwid wao occupied ths<br />

<strong>of</strong> them anywhere else,<br />

Now one <strong>of</strong> the newest^Ve-<br />

lour Russe—elegant In every<br />

way, 42 in, and meant to be<br />

figCj may go at 5oe,<br />

A slep^away are the delicate<br />

English Dotted Swiss (printed)<br />

at 25c from 35c,<br />

And so it goes, Where the<br />

sunshine <strong>of</strong> Fashion and favor<br />

atnfce warmest is exactly where<br />

you are like to find the most<br />

tempting price surprise.<br />

The beauty <strong>of</strong> the Women's<br />

Sat] Cloth Suits is not alone<br />

their natty neatness and win-<br />

some whiteness and Etonese<br />

elegance. They'll stand grief?<br />

f h« unt •«•<br />

U» the fellow]<br />

B<br />

ing<br />

l i<br />

hoi<br />

dT<br />

flloeljf-Uj«*lirfeBflag ihe _<br />

mtfef tin Serin* e eetlon A, P, elghlwn buhilfnl<br />

«!Ml DiBBlT-fOttF, f |»:<br />

I. For llfhtliif laid<br />

*. ter<br />

a.ror<br />

-I 1 %**£='-•<br />

8. Far hoiis#<br />

f, Far rahoeftifiBOd* Ititni, |11»<br />

SHI, i ThM |hta flrdtBUies ihall lafee tBeit<br />

«IB* Ifllb da* at Jurtr. A. D. 18H.<br />

InsilnHI vhsrenr ] hits faerpyito Ht fflf<br />

WBIBH Umfntot uJd Isnocta *bd anleil tht<br />

<strong>of</strong>fleUJ meU or uld Bomub To bs kiSlpd Mfl<br />

Ute uni mieslM la br tha Efasrk th» twenty.<br />

idiUnJ«7(j( Kiir, A.D~IS3.<br />

AitcM; O. H. MOORE, Miypr.<br />

H, B. ADASB. Boregfh ragrtt,<br />

JT 1 Fen, JS IS,<br />

PRICE, $5-00.<br />

V E §ignaHze the Columbian year by<br />

ducingftis new costume, to which we<br />

now invite attention as a maml <strong>of</strong> economi-<br />

cal production, and which at the price, might<br />

well be styled "a new discoveiy."<br />

Never before, it is believed, has such a low<br />

level been reached in the price <strong>of</strong> such an<br />

excellent quality <strong>of</strong> Costume,<br />

The fl Coiumbian" is caretolly made in our<br />

own factor by experienced men tailors, <strong>of</strong><br />

All-pure Wool Diagonal Serge, also <strong>of</strong> Plain<br />

Habit Cloth, with new, full skirt and swell<br />

sleeves, Colors: blue and black.<br />

We shall expect, from this date, to<br />

stock a full line at all times.<br />

in<br />

SEALED<br />

WB.L<br />

by H,<br />

_,„._ t<br />

»emb itivi in OWM <strong>City</strong>, The curfew' U »<br />

6e ut« from ibe Blliyi in rr»ro7 fien (BJ)»b=<br />

lied pnmlwn ind nmand ta • **t«F-tJ«bt art<br />

or *tajgt<br />

d l<br />

nman ta • **t«FtJ«bt art<br />

bfrij, oi-ollHsrllglil rec*>Pt*iJi>, 18 *<br />

lbs meidowi wart<strong>of</strong> the Hiiintd t<br />

nwhe<br />

ud Iliere di.pO*H«3, Did onwhem el» wlthffi<br />

UrtHmlH<strong>of</strong> Hid BaMBtft. &Jd KMteir* to N<br />

nnignd en<br />

WllliamBtariver and family, <strong>of</strong> t'funk-<br />

ford, are engconcsd In tbelr Aibury ave-<br />

nue cottage.<br />

Jamea Myera, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, has<br />

purebased a lot on Wait aveiiuo <strong>of</strong> Al><br />

fred Kelson.<br />

Gbarlea MathiiwBorii <strong>of</strong> PhiiadelpUia,<br />

I* spending a few daya In this city<br />

wllb his family.<br />

I, Newton Howell and wife, <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

„ View, were guests <strong>of</strong> Carlos Unison and<br />

wife over Sunday,<br />

MiH, Dr. O. P. Tut tie, <strong>of</strong> Camdcn,<br />

was Iu town laut week fit ling up tbelr<br />

North Point cottage.<br />

The Bteamboats are now running un*<br />

tier a new schedule, which wetit Into<br />

pffect on Tuesday Isnt,<br />

John E, Louabaughand family have<br />

been occupying their Central avenue<br />

cottage for a few days.<br />

Miss Banna Helsler, <strong>of</strong> Cedarvi!le(<br />

la here making arraDgeiuenta for the<br />

npenlqg <strong>of</strong> the Aldlne,<br />

Charles Habb and wife entertained<br />

Mlllvllle frtenda at theirAsbury avenue<br />

resident over Sunday,<br />

Captain James Lee, Jr., and wife<br />

were guesta <strong>of</strong> James W. Lee and wife<br />

for a few days last week. *<br />

John Y, Badsllff is maklug noticea-<br />

ble improvementfl to his Aabury avenue<br />

eoltsge, near Eighth street,<br />

HH, P, t. Wick, <strong>of</strong> Camden, la being<br />

enteriained at the residence <strong>of</strong> her<br />

olater, Mrs, John W. Smith,<br />

Captain Will lam hi Smith is greatly<br />

impruvInghIsre8ldeneeBtThirty«fonrth<br />

street by an application <strong>of</strong> paint.<br />

Mrs. James A. Main and children, <strong>of</strong><br />

Philadelphia, are domiciled In an ocean<br />

front cottage far the entire season,<br />

W, A. Rumsey and hmlly, <strong>of</strong> Phil-<br />

adelphia, are domiciled lit an ocean<br />

front cottage for the entire season,<br />

Mrs, Andrew Marshall, accompanied<br />

by a friend, Is occupying her <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

avenue cotusge for a few days' reenja-<br />

tlen, .<br />

Sirs, J. L, Elet, <strong>of</strong> Bridge ton, accom-<br />

pauied by eons friends, la occupying<br />

her Anbury avenue collage fur a few<br />

dayg,<br />

- SlesRTB, Gilbert AXake are Improv-<br />

ing the residence <strong>of</strong> Abel D. gcoli, an<br />

Central avenue, by an application <strong>of</strong><br />

paint,<br />

John R, Kendrick and wife, <strong>of</strong> Plill.<br />

adelphia, have been here several days<br />

getUng their cottage ready for summer<br />

occupancy.<br />

Edward L. Wib»n, editor and pub*<br />

iiflber <strong>of</strong> Wilson'a Pbotographls Maga-<br />

sine, <strong>of</strong> New York, hli bteu recreating<br />

Inthlaclty.<br />

John H. Davis, <strong>of</strong> Wayne, Pa,, was in<br />

this city on Tuesday looking after bfa<br />

cottage and viewing improvetnento<br />

about town.<br />

Captain Q, Qr Roberto and wife ate<br />

occupying their Weeley avenue cottage<br />

fcr»B«»n (or the benefit <strong>of</strong> the^<br />

tain's health.<br />

Mr, Borden, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, is spend-<br />

ing a tew days In this city for the bene-<br />

fit <strong>of</strong> his health, comfortably quartered<br />

at the Allaire,<br />

Mrs, Boettger, son and daaahter and<br />

' Mrs, NeckeranddaughterareBpcnding<br />

a pleasant time at Mueler*» cottage In<br />

flecand syndicate.<br />

The work <strong>of</strong> laying the rails for the<br />

street railway is being, pushed rapidly<br />

to completion, Alfred Nelson Is supnr-<br />

Intendlng the work.<br />

A. Brown and wife, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia,<br />

spent a few days this week with Mrs.<br />

Brown's parents, E, Bmekef and wife,<br />

at Tenth and Central.<br />

John C Carroll and family, <strong>of</strong> Phil*<br />

adelphla, came down Monday and took<br />

posseaslon <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> the Association cot-<br />

tages, near Fourth street<br />

tin. Arabella Morris, pf thla oily,<br />

Council met hi adjonrae^ iestsn on<br />

Friday evening, Mayor Moore Jn the<br />

Oouncilnien Coreoti, C&nfleM, Steel,<br />

mart and Band were present !<br />

The mlDutea <strong>of</strong> the previou§ mating<br />

were read and approved.<br />

The Mayor repotted that the Bo, rough<br />

could eflect a loan <strong>of</strong> $2000 from Bash<br />

J, WhStffltde, thereupon the Mayor and<br />

Clerk were iuiitrufeted tn give ft note for<br />

amouDt, • , %<br />

The Collector was authorised to en-<br />

a note given by the Ocaiii <strong>City</strong><br />

AtspcfatloB for taxes <strong>of</strong> 1881 or 18fl2 or<br />

both,<br />

A comma ulcatioB fftjuwtlng Council<br />

to employ the W, A. Maaahan Cornet<br />

Band to give optn air eaneerte on the<br />

boardwalk at least two evenings each<br />

week during the summer season was<br />

read Aud laid over until the next meet-<br />

ing.<br />

Councilman CoriOB wm appointed to<br />

confer with the Board <strong>of</strong> Health In<br />

reference to its appropriation.<br />

The newly-organized fire company<br />

was instructed to receive the hoee car-<br />

riage on Its arrival and to take care <strong>of</strong><br />

It until further notice,<br />

Bills to the amount <strong>of</strong> 124.01 were<br />

read and ordered pgld.<br />

A lot oh Weiloy avenue, between<br />

Ninth and Tenth etreeli, was ordered<br />

filled tip to grade.<br />

An order was drawn hi favor <strong>of</strong><br />

ThfintoB M, Peto for f 150, the first pay-<br />

men t on ho§@ carriage.<br />

The Clerk was instructed to eourUep-<br />

mand tbe order for one train load <strong>of</strong><br />

gravel.<br />

The Clerk was Instructed to advertise<br />

In both paperfl for bids for the removal<br />

<strong>of</strong> garbage the coming season, the pro-<br />

pcwal for .which Is Invited in another<br />

column.<br />

Council agreed to meet In committee<br />

on Saturday afternoon to locate the ft" re-<br />

plugs and to fli the line <strong>of</strong> boardwalk<br />

OR the etnnd between Sixth and<br />

Seventh atreetij.<br />

Connellraan Hand WM appointed to<br />

procure piling to repair Beveath and<br />

Twelfth Btreet boardwalkB,<br />

Adjourned until tomorrow evening,<br />


Nun H*t»B SHltHi Tkwirta<br />

ni far Ita* "H«Biiu»»,'* ife*<br />

Captain<br />

s ggATIEW,<br />

D.B.ErigliBh family<br />

t<br />

p g j y<br />

spent Tuesday with Mrs. m's mother,<br />

Mn. Lutes Lake, at Pleasantville.<br />

FORT REPlTBlJti.<br />

Mrs. Elmer Adams spent Bunday In<br />

AtlanUo<strong>City</strong>.<br />

Mrs, Bllen Hnntly visited her daugh-<br />

ter, Mrs, Eva Lake, on Sunday,<br />


George King, <strong>of</strong> this place, wafThufg-<br />

dayawarded averdlet<strong>of</strong> f 1614^7 agaliiflt<br />

the Order <strong>of</strong> Iron Hall, King was a<br />

certificate holder in the order, and .be-<br />

fore the appointment <strong>of</strong> Thomas P,<br />

Oorley, <strong>of</strong> Camden, as receiver, at*<br />

tached the money In the hands <strong>of</strong> the<br />

treasurer <strong>of</strong> the Hammonton branch,<br />

AJ Simons, who lost a portion <strong>of</strong> his<br />

brain recently by a Berious accident, is<br />

in a fiJr way to recover.<br />

nenisd, • s<br />

Willis Bard, <strong>of</strong> Millville, hu rented<br />

William Chew's cottage on West street,<br />

Y. Canon en Tuesday rented Rev, B,<br />

O. GarrlMiu'a cottage in third syndi-<br />

cate to Elmer Bard, <strong>of</strong> MlUvHie.<br />

Mre.P.E, Weltae), <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia,<br />

haa rented N, V, Clellaiid'a Wealey<br />

avenue «>ttage for the coming fieaiwB.<br />

A. Bacbmmi, <strong>of</strong> Mahanoy <strong>City</strong>, P«,<br />

&ud family have rented aud token occu-<br />

pancy <strong>of</strong> an Anbury avenue cottage,<br />

north <strong>of</strong> Fifth street, ,<br />

Charles 11, Steams, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia,<br />

on Thursday, through the agency <strong>of</strong> Y.<br />

Uorsoii, leased Mrs, J* A, McAlees 1 cot<br />

tageouCentral avenue,for theHiimmer.<br />

Mrs. H, U, Watt, Of Philadelphia,<br />

has leased William BtonehiLl's new<br />

cottage on Asbnry avenue, nearTwelfth<br />

Btreat, through the agency <strong>of</strong> It, Curtis<br />

Robinson.<br />

H, B, Adama & Co.bavs rented Miss<br />

Jennie Magulre, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, a<br />

cnttage an Ashurv avenue, north <strong>of</strong><br />

Eleventh street,<br />

Y. Corsos has rented George O. Ad-<br />

West avenue eotta^ to M, D,<br />

Bowles, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia.<br />

Highlands, Col., wbere abe will he tbe<br />

pint <strong>of</strong> her eon, ChsriiS Morris,<br />

Mre, E, A, Bamford.<strong>of</strong> Phiiadeiphift,<br />

afloonpanled by btr daughter, has bees<br />

occupying and making Improvements<br />

m<br />

to &eF cottage on<br />

<strong>of</strong> Fifth street.<br />

J, a MeAlliiter,<br />

wile and nns, are<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> House,<br />

B*renade,<br />

Rev. E, B, Lake, to whose untiring<br />

efforts <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> owes the public en-<br />

terprises now under way, was tendered<br />

a complimentary nerenade on Wedues<br />

day evening last by the W, A, Manahan<br />

Cornet Bimd <strong>of</strong> this plat*, The occa-<br />

slon was the lighting <strong>of</strong> the town by-<br />

electricity. After the hand had ren-<br />

dered a number <strong>of</strong> selectlans, Mr, Lake<br />

addreaged the aeHembled company, dur-<br />

ing which he reviewed ths rapid ad*<br />

vaneement made in the past thirteen<br />

years in <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, when but one<br />

building occupjed tbe site where now<br />

stands hundreds <strong>of</strong> handsome collages<br />

and places <strong>of</strong> public eniertalnment=<br />

the transformation <strong>of</strong> an unsightly<br />

tract <strong>of</strong> land overgrown with bushes,<br />

briers and tangled undergrowth into a<br />

beau tlful city p<strong>of</strong>lHewed <strong>of</strong> all the modern<br />

Bcleutlflc improvenentH which add to<br />

the comfort and convenience <strong>of</strong> its resi-<br />

dents. At the conclusion <strong>of</strong> his re-<br />

marks, Mr. Laka escorted the band to<br />

Ira B, Champion's lee tream parlors<br />

where they wore'treated,<br />

Mra. S, "Wheaton received a box <strong>of</strong><br />

plreappieg last week fnim Now York<br />

ty, the gift <strong>of</strong> her nephew, Lewis<br />

Wheaton,<br />

The Bethel flunday»scliool celebrated<br />

last Frldtiy In the grove near the church<br />

as a May party for the children. It<br />

was n grand HUGCCSS,. Lunch was<br />

served on the ground.<br />

James U, Plaher and wife are the<br />

guests <strong>of</strong> her parents, J. I, Stoelman<br />

aud wife, Captain Fisher having tust<br />

returned froin a voyage to Mexico.<br />


Our public school closed on Friday<br />

last. Miss Lizzie Block, the asHistaut<br />

teacher during Uie past yar, la enjoy=<br />

lug a brief visit in Camden.<br />

Mrs, R.M. Ketehum, <strong>of</strong> Norfolk, Vu,,<br />

Is visiting her parenlis In this place,<br />

Mr, Pleree Harris, <strong>of</strong> Atlantic UJty,<br />

recently removed his family to our<br />

village. They are occupying the bouse<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Late Sirs. Hannah Lake,<br />

Henry Truax, <strong>of</strong> Atlantic; <strong>City</strong>, liu<br />

rented the house <strong>of</strong> Mrs, Phebe Smith<br />

for the Hummer Beasan,<br />

Dr, Gehlng and family have returned<br />

to their home In this place after spend-<br />

ing the winter In Philadelphia,<br />

BfJOLIflll fiKKPK.<br />

A iurpfiae party was iendercd Mra,<br />

J, W, Babcock, when ab.iUtHlKty peijplc<br />

walked in upon her, *<br />

Rev, Lqniir and family, <strong>of</strong> ^IllJvllle.<br />

have been visiting Kir, and. Mra, Samuel<br />

BomerR,<br />

Haunle J, Bradley bi Hpeudhig a week<br />

at Mullica Hill. .<br />

Captalp Japhet Somera la beautifying<br />

bis residence with paint,<br />

MIH LlKtleantl UIBB T. Alberlwu are<br />

spending a few days in Philudelphhi,<br />

Marcus ieu1l,'or Atlautio <strong>City</strong>, has<br />

njoved t« R, Scull's farm at Ifargaln-<br />

town,<br />

Joseph H, English attended the school<br />

trustees meeting on Thursday In Fleo»<br />

antvUle, !<br />

We are sorry to learn that Mm Enoch<br />

Champion is very sick. Captain E,<br />

Champlou, her husband, is very poorly,<br />

Nehtrniah Clarka and family have<br />

moved back with us again from Atlan-<br />

tic <strong>City</strong>, We welcomed them with a<br />

grand reception. There were thirty,<br />

five in Dumber at Bupfjer,<br />

Jacob Smith and family have gone to<br />

Fihey Hollow to attend a birthday nur-<br />

prtBe party to be given to their grand-<br />

father,<br />

Mrs, Aaron Rmltb has a variety <strong>of</strong><br />

flowent, among them a,beautiful nnake<br />

cactus.<br />

<strong>of</strong> sidewalks with 'barrels<br />

- Tro thousand iehitol children paraded<br />

the strseU Friday and publle patriotl<br />

eervlcM were hejd at the<br />

avenue school house; ~<br />

, The colored people <strong>of</strong> this city are<br />

forming atoinnuiy to establish a ncme-<br />

Ple*safjbH!o,<br />

Six applleanus for poeltlnnfl In the<br />

Mt-otHce underwent a Civil Service<br />

examination on BatUfdav,<br />

WUIlam Conwell, <strong>of</strong> Philfidelphla,<br />

will succeed James y^Townffind M<br />

manager for the Postal Telegraph Com<br />

pany for this city.<br />

The building fund'<strong>of</strong> the Church o<br />

Ascension now amounts to f 10,000.<br />

A public meeting was held at the<br />

<strong>City</strong> Hall, Saturday night, to advance<br />

the project <strong>of</strong> building a drive to Loug=<br />

port, A committee <strong>of</strong> promluent citi-<br />

zens was appointed to soIIeEt 8iibHcrii><br />

tlons.<br />

Mrs. James Butterwnrth entertained<br />

eeveral frieudifrom Piiiladelpbla this<br />

week=Mlwj Muttle and MIHH Maggie<br />

Altkln, MIPS Katie Rentz und Charley<br />

Butlerworth.<br />

Peter Adams has commenced im|<br />

lug his property. He has sunk u well<br />

end placed a pump there!u, and wfll<br />

beautify his house by a coat paint.<br />

Kir, McAllister, <strong>of</strong> Camden, was a<br />

guest <strong>of</strong> Mlw RecveR ou Sunday,<br />

Mr«, Anger CJtillitiH, <strong>of</strong> Camden,<br />

spending a few days in this plane,<br />

Culldfen'g Day eserclsw will be held<br />

at Mount Pleasant Uhurch on Hunday,<br />

<strong>Jun</strong>e 11th.<br />

We are glad ta«ay that tlie IR rniicii<br />

interest taken In the Jr. Ulirtetliiii £11-<br />

dcavor Suclety <strong>of</strong> thlH place.<br />

Some <strong>of</strong> the young people took a<br />

straw ride on Tnesdaj' evening tn Boy<br />

View, wiiere they I ripped the light<br />

fantastic toe, but Rome who were op-<br />

posed to tills mode <strong>of</strong> entertainment re-<br />

lumed borne.<br />

Rev, Mr, Croweil, <strong>of</strong> Cronier Semi<br />

nary, preached in the HaptlHt Church<br />

Bunday.<br />

MIBS Lottie Woolbert, <strong>of</strong> AUaiitiistJIty,<br />

Is vlgjtlng Miss Etta -Lake,<br />

Mrs, Mtihula Gardener, <strong>of</strong> Philiwlul<br />

phia, Is vtaUiug her slater. Mist<br />

Adatntf, whfl is very til.<br />

MM, Rebeeea Adams in very ill.<br />

The Baptist eholr fiiniiphed iniiBic for<br />

the Decoration Day exercises.<br />

Mr, UiiHWoitli tirut turiiecl nut a iium<br />

her nf Qirrlnges and wafftitiH tor Atlatillc<br />

Miss Eva Jones is yi«!Uii£ h<br />

father, Lemuel (Jouftver,<br />

M^r. Lafer^, <strong>of</strong> Hog lataud, i» vIsU<br />

ing relatives here.<br />

MJt*R Emma Beeves is visiting in At<br />

lantJe<strong>City</strong>,<br />

. Mrs. IteLieeca Osier, <strong>of</strong> Uamilen, hm<br />

beeu vlftltiiig her eounjn, Mnt, H, B.<br />

to<br />

Mrs, Slario RlHlsy aiid Mr»,<br />

Steelman left TucHday morning<br />

Npend a week in Philadelphia,<br />

Mr, Oleiinlager's new cottage<br />

a fine ap]»araiice nil PlcuMant avenue<br />

The school closed op Friday last with<br />

appropriate oserciscs by the Ht-bfilai<br />

giving them ml ves and teachers tauuli<br />

credlfr,<br />

Mias Irnina Uordery Is visiting ill<br />

Philadelphia, • "<br />

Inrael Omover is improving IIIH prop<br />

erty by erect! tig some carriage build! n gs.<br />

DeaomtiuU D^r was duly observed<br />

here with BervioeH in the hi. TE. Church,<br />

<strong>of</strong> Philadelphia,<br />

ttthe<br />

while: flttlng up<br />

tbeu- West svenne cottage for ocea<br />

panoy during the sommer. '<br />

T^ Jr, O. tt A,», <strong>of</strong> Ihia eity, oel-<br />

ebiated their first anniverairy Tuesday<br />

evening ID Bteelman'i Hall, Aolntef.<br />

efting programme was rendered, altar<br />

whlehVnLoa jwat wairaerved to thoae<br />

In attandiiDce, Japwjwe lanterns<br />

Parti«i contBTnplaHng pavwuf their<br />

hotttes mawnd b>Mfw laauUba;ml<br />

d and tebullt will »ve<br />

l l i ^<br />

crFapndlng<br />

and general houaBiBOfer<br />

In any pan <strong>of</strong> ths county,<br />

held<br />

Magistrate<br />

An ittiMMlaa;<br />

;i Bessleitar Keeftr, <strong>of</strong> New Haven,<br />

Conn,, who Is lecturing throughout the<br />

State In the Interest <strong>of</strong> the Order ot<br />

Good Templafs, addressed a meeting<br />

held In the First M, E. Church.^f thlg<br />

place, on Vfiday evening last, Tbe In-<br />

element Wcat her prevented many from<br />

torningout to hear this noted speaker,<br />

Jrhose delivery aud ezetllent command<br />

<strong>of</strong> languagf make her a mdst enter'<br />

taining talker. Her fund ot anecdote<br />

getmed Inexhaustible. She held her<br />

audignce for over two hours, and was<br />

treqnentlylnfemipted by appIaUBe^ At<br />

the close <strong>of</strong> the exerBiseg an Invitation<br />

was eiwrsded to all those who 1 desired<br />

to do so to come forward and sign a<br />

peUUon for the organisation <strong>of</strong> a lodge<br />

h d C<br />

p g<br />

<strong>of</strong> the order in <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>.<br />

'"4<br />

Joseph Booy, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, has<br />

rented and will occupy Wesley Bsyli's<br />

cottage,<br />

T, Hmith reports that a rat killed<br />

four kittens and tlvechlekenB belonging<br />

to htm,<br />


gunday trains will looii begin to run<br />

on theBrigantiiiBBailroad, .<br />

Quite a number <strong>of</strong> bicyeiists : from<br />

Camden are visiting at Ellsha Smitlt'e,<br />

The oystermen have begun to ship<br />

their produce to Philadelphia marketM,<br />

llie newly-organized Christian £u-<br />

deavor Boclety is progressing rapidly<br />

under themauagemeut<strong>of</strong> thePreflideut,<br />

Rev. P, V, Petty,<br />

A large consignment <strong>of</strong> electric poles<br />

passed through this place on Monday<br />

en routetaBriganttnefortheBrlgantlne<br />

Transit Company,<br />

The festival which wa* to have been<br />

given In CnnoveHiOroveby theOentre.<br />

ville M, P. Church was postponed until<br />

Saturday evening, <strong>Jun</strong>e 81>;<br />

mm. ............ .<br />

Mnyor Wright luwftdv^rtlwd hlaln-<br />

tantlon <strong>of</strong> ^hid^ tbe ta tirt th<br />

Sad Deatba H<br />

John A. Simpkius, who Ih'es In that<br />

part <strong>of</strong> tills borough termed liiiley ville,<br />

was on Wednesday night <strong>of</strong> tut week<br />

Blimmoned home by a neighbor and his<br />

brother-lii-Iaw from where he hud gone<br />

Manday morning to work for the ^eckj<br />

clamming, to wiinees the result <strong>of</strong> a * 1<br />

and patuful acGident^the death <strong>of</strong> I •<br />

twoypuugeBt chlldreu from drinking a<br />

cup <strong>of</strong> medicine containing morphine,<br />

which the family physician, pf,a».y,<br />

hod the evening previous left fur the<br />

mother, who was HuRerlng from fever<br />

and pain, the result <strong>of</strong> lying in the draft<br />

<strong>of</strong> an open window iunday lilgbt. The<br />

largest child, about five yean old, wan<br />

sickly, and was at this tim« jndIHJHIS*XI<br />

and lying beside his mother. The<br />

youngest, aged about three, was prat-<br />

tllng about the room. The mother and<br />

children were left by their grandmother<br />

in the daytime to the care <strong>of</strong> M w. Long,<br />

a neighbor, who attended them by going<br />

1 li UD w and theli, as onpnr tu n I ty <strong>of</strong>lered.<br />

Upon the return <strong>of</strong> the graudiiintber<br />

ttiie missed the medicines, aud think*<br />

Ing they bad been Dpi tied applied to the<br />

physician for more as the mother was<br />

worse, Been the children showed signs<br />

<strong>of</strong> illness, and upmi the arrival <strong>of</strong> the<br />

doctor they had fallen lulo a eoiiintose<br />

coudltlon and died In a few houm. An<br />

iuquest was held by Coroner Farr, aiid<br />

Mrs, Ijfing and the gran tin itfiipr, Mrs,<br />

Sirnpklns, who were present uml k te« f<br />

about the medicine left lln- |ih.'ynius<br />

evening, ttstlfltd Oiftt I>r, JSuiLv hud<br />

given striut orders to .<br />

put <strong>of</strong> the reach ot the children<br />

being nioeJn the lioiiHe, Dr,<br />

tilled that h6; left two medicines, = graduated at<br />

Jeflenon Medical College in IBS?, but<br />

at the outbreak ot the war threw up:<br />

bis practice, entered,the army &• Cap<br />

tain In the Beventh Now Jersey an<br />

was sooii promoted to the Colonelcy o<br />

the Twelfth New Jersey, a regimen<br />

composed <strong>of</strong> the flower and strength o<br />

the rural population <strong>of</strong> South' Jersey<br />

which had tile record <strong>of</strong> large louses in<br />

battle, few prisoners^ was never broke<br />

and never retreated until the<br />

Hue WUH broken or retreated and neve<br />

lost a color in action.<br />

At the battle <strong>of</strong> ChanceUorsvllIp Go!<br />

lone] WllletH was totally disabled by<br />

severu wotind In the faM and the. per><br />

aiiBut loss <strong>of</strong> use <strong>of</strong> the left arm<br />

being forced to withdraw from active<br />

Berviee, but was appointed President oi<br />

a Board <strong>of</strong> Court-martial In Washiug<br />

ton m serving until the elusii <strong>of</strong> th<br />

war,<br />

In }Ki!RicH the Coldiiel hnHicrvcdtw<br />

teruiH in (lie Htate ABsembly and on<br />

ii the State Henate, ahvayH being mem<br />

eer <strong>of</strong> Important committceM,<br />

AH a Director <strong>of</strong> the West<br />

Railmad he geuurcd the right <strong>of</strong> wav<br />

p «f (He Man rice lilver dlvlHlou nn<br />

mudo the cijtMtructlon<strong>of</strong> that brunch a<br />

ptwsibiUty,<br />

He Is a true H[MirtHm&ii and haa trav-<br />

•led estetirtlvcly through Mouth Amer-<br />

ca, West Indies, and our goutliwes<br />

Territories, marching for iiew ganio t(<br />

cuiiquer<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> Cltyaeeured IrrnoAt deslrubl<br />

citl/.eu In Dr, WilletM and we truNi ili<br />

patmtiuge which lie may receive here,<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>cmlonally, may Induce hiH eon<br />

tlimed reHldeiiee with us.<br />

Now Es the Time<br />

A TelnpHang la TnlVII.<br />

A roovsmetit is on fout t» have a sys«<br />

am <strong>of</strong> teiepinsne coiumiiiikuition estaL<br />

lalied between <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, Cape Maj<br />

utid Philadelphia, As now cct<br />

plated the line which extends to<br />

[Krft below Atluntlii <strong>City</strong> will lie<br />

tin lied »ii down the SHtttHt to the CU|K<br />

Bitty •eou n ty rysorta.<br />

Absolutely<br />

Pure<br />

A cream <strong>of</strong> tartar * bakiug powder,<br />

Highest <strong>of</strong> all ly leavonliid etreiiRlh.—<br />

•Latent United States Ooverurouiit'Food<br />

Report,<br />

Roynl Baking Powder<br />

ins WALL ST., N. v.<br />

For Male or Rent.<br />

Property known as Ti!tPH p s itt*tuu<br />

rant, situated ou Hay front Hear steam,<br />

boat pier, <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N, Ji Kur Jgar-<br />

tieulare apply to 6, M^. TILTON,<br />

N.J<br />

l t th<br />

Fh Arrlvali at the Emmett are; J, JJ,<br />

G C Phleft r, <strong>of</strong> Cleveland, 0;<br />

er and wife, Rev j a MeUuj.<br />

L A Howell, Samuel Allen and<br />

ordan Matthews and wife. Miss<br />

^ t Ireland, John B Eendribk, wile<br />

and daughten, Mrs M Flemnilrjg, " ~<br />

SbannbD<br />

WwWilL<br />

l^nonand<br />

1 •«___• .-_#'¥lfc;i<br />

\ Ainvrit an laniMln<br />

Asbury Aye., below Fourth St.,<br />


All work done !h first-class<br />

style.<br />

ANNA KING,<br />



** the Orphans' Court uf Capq May<br />

ty, heating date the l?th day <strong>of</strong><br />

tleeumber, IHIMK the siib«eriber, udiniiw<br />

tstrator, etc, af Jc^pb M, Ludlum, du-<br />

•eosetl, will exfrittte la mile at jjublic<br />

•(•udue, at the oitiets <strong>of</strong> Klorgan Hat id,<br />

^q.yiii Vape May Court House, New<br />

iereey, on<br />

PR1DAY, UtiNE S, <strong>1893</strong>,<br />

between the lioum <strong>of</strong> twelve, ntirl five<br />

o'elouk, to wit; At two ti'f;!oi?fc In tbu<br />

aflcniooii the following described real<br />

estate, situate in Uie tiiwughlp <strong>of</strong> Ifiii-<br />

nls hi said eounty i<br />

No, I la a tractor pieee<strong>of</strong> Cedargwanii<br />

tilt] cripple, ad|oiiili)g land now or lute<br />

f the lielrs or Mary Learning, Hum-<br />

hrey Blit and Philip HiUm, ctuiiJiiu<br />

iii oiie acre and a halt and two purcliw<br />

mifl or iesH, particularly dow-riljctl in<br />

lie deed fruBi Albert H, Ludlam to<br />

M, Ludlam dated October B,<br />

ftw.aiid resirdal in the Clerk's "<br />

f Biild county hi Deed Book Z,<br />

;Vi.1iytev<br />

No, 2 j« a lot <strong>of</strong> Cripple lying below<br />

the mill dant and adfcilnlng the mill<br />

house tot and Jeremiah H. Nixon, coi^<br />

veyetl lo Joseph M, Liidlatii by JatneH<br />

L, SniHIi, adiiiltilfltrutor <strong>of</strong> Hetiry LlUl-<br />

lam, by deed date*! July 10,1858, and<br />

reconieti a« aforesaid In Deed Uwtk No,<br />

SI, '"" " "' " """•<br />

t iffeft 148, etc,<br />

ii, 3 is all[thu right, title and Interest<br />

<strong>of</strong> said decedent <strong>of</strong>, ill arid to a tract <strong>of</strong><br />

.Meadow, eouialnlng^f acres, more or<br />

less, and lying on Dennis Creek, part<br />

<strong>of</strong> the real estate late <strong>of</strong> Hen ry Ludium,<br />

detwased, particularly described in a<br />

deed from Alarla Ltidlaiii to Juseph M,<br />

Ludlarn, dated August HO, IB&fJ, In pus*<br />

aatii <strong>of</strong> the subscriber '<br />

<strong>of</strong> the pubHcriber,<br />

No, 4 ji at 1 the right, title aud interest<br />

<strong>of</strong> said decedent <strong>of</strong>, In and to the enll <strong>of</strong><br />

what ft known as the Ludlam Mill<br />

Pond and the privilege <strong>of</strong> flooding the<br />

same, situate near IKrinlsville, ou the<br />

nod to Wst Creek, be the saine more<br />

or less.<br />

All the above described property will<br />

be Bhowii on applleatlou CJ A, Eltou<br />

Holmee, Dennlsvrile.isf, J, Conditions<br />

will be made known on day <strong>of</strong> sale,<br />

ftited May B.A, D, 1~"<br />

A, ELTON<br />

>; '• •'• AdralnlstratW,<br />

MuBQAlf HASP, Pfoel<strong>of</strong>c ' . <<br />

, ? rm m «««, depot op<br />

Hltflffliff, Flshlnff, tKi«ijne(indi»itlHRWh»rTBi<br />

•luunn rowminutn wumfrnm thehoUH,<br />

3m O, DOWIf,<br />


Cor, 9th St. and Central Ave.,<br />

( F r i SfU S d<br />

Mrst<br />

ud GeniRil A**.)<br />

M»S, A, B. BASCK,<br />


For Bale, Cheap.<br />

Three-man Flsfiingiklfl* perfect 6oh<br />

wife, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia: M<br />

Aunie Currie Dr LT Bouder A L<br />

and also 76 fa<br />

sriees<br />

at the leading Shoe Store in<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>*<br />

C. A, CAMPBELL'S,<br />

SIS Atbnrr aveime.<br />

All the latest styles in<br />

Ladies and Gent's Shoes<br />

Oent'a Fine Russet Calf, BJueher<br />

IJsut'a Fine Colt Blueher Bhoe<br />

laullto' Fine Bid Blueher Shoe<br />

Ladjes' Donegal Tip fllucherBhoe<br />

Fine Oxford Blueher Bhoe<br />

Fine RUHBCI Oxford Bhoe<br />

other styles too numerous to<br />

mention.<br />

Bicycle and Lawn Tennis<br />

Shoes in dififenMit colors • also<br />

a genuine Kangaroo Shoe at<br />

OWEN H, KUDIH.<br />

Seventh Street,<br />

BOOT<br />

and<br />


SHOE<br />

MAKER<br />

NEATLY B©M1,<br />

and lot at Linwood, reaunable. Apply<br />

11, H, BOii|iia6H,PIe!Uyiplfi!l»vSiJ,<br />

f M. R. ELUOTI,<br />

Suesssier to MRS, R- MORRIS,<br />

HEALEIt IN<br />

Provisions,<br />


Dr j Goods, Notions, Shots*<br />


anil GLAHBW ABK»<br />

If o. 714 AMbnry Ave*,<br />


viHiforn are asaiired <strong>of</strong> ef-<br />

fit-lent service, fresh goods »«d Phils,<br />

delphla prknft.<br />

For Hale,<br />

Fine CottaM overlooking the hay<br />

near the Bteumbitat Landing and Hum*<br />

rner Hallrogd Htatloti, LafRe veralo*<br />

liH; street improved; electric ears will<br />

ruuclose iiido»r, Forparllcutarsapply<br />

to it, UURTlrfBOBlNaOK,<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, H, J,<br />


Delightfully loralerf, right<br />

on tb Bh<br />

NEW<br />

y prl (n flnt-clan hotel<br />

^H has gjien Ehn pfrMtjt pruprietgri the<br />

f?i|M!rt fci:i>«it»ijgi5 at tigw iccalBr lo Ihe cqni-<br />

fort <strong>of</strong> flii-ir RiUittn, -<br />

For Itjrin-, FuflHiii, r-lc,,,<br />

Care HaliPrt Wlthsr,<br />

S OBBTH,<br />


Cor, 8th St. and Wesley Aye.,"<br />

OCEAN CITY, N. J. '<br />

h i dljlfii i J<br />

This houRP isi dsljelitfuiir ineated «m •<br />

Tsn »n a>w f*st dom tji* qce, n S<br />

datlnrw (]rst elan, T«rnui<br />

Bllliies " " A,<br />

wide<br />


i-cttlrni AY6,, h*t«re*n Ttb and Sill Ufa.<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, W. #.<br />

Now oien for the Reason,<br />

B.BUBLEY,<br />


OOEAN orry,N<br />

Now t'}*n for reception<br />

For terms, etc,, address<br />

Miss M, A, BOYLE,<br />


(Thirteonlh Semen)<br />

Wesley Ave, near Ninth St.,<br />

OCEAN CITY, N%<br />

the bt»qb and depot;<br />

mm It. HarSLEft Fniprfeti<br />



OCEAN ClTYj N, J,<br />

Home-lllfe in tMry p»rUe«l«r, ,<br />

Twn MiUM from me «*•*«, depot <strong>of</strong><br />

ihhf, bMilBBABdHitlaawkAiVH<br />

Pine, Cedar<br />

and Hemlock<br />

• • . • •• . - • . ( - '<br />

r<br />

-<br />


Sldlag. FloeriH. /<br />

Wtadov r nnttf<br />

SMII. D(M>rtt<br />

mm<br />

BrackeU,<br />

Shlifllci, Pltkll*.<br />

Uth,<br />

A full supply Mrtstantly en<br />

hand, and under coyer.<br />

Orders left at No. 759 As-<br />

bury avenue will revive imme-<br />

diate despatch by Telephone.<br />

lumber Yard iwiJllIci<br />

dTHOMAST<br />

NO. 108 MABKET STREET,<br />


SOUTH<br />

wtmm<br />


romp BI fas MABtxr.<br />

Full Flavored Teas,<br />

Choice Brands <strong>of</strong> C<strong>of</strong>fee,<br />

Sugars <strong>of</strong> all Grades,<br />

Canned Fruits,<br />

Pickles, Splcetj Ralslni,<br />

Beef, Butter and Lard.<br />

Hams <strong>of</strong> Best Quail<br />

Weighed when Purchased by<br />

Customers, No Loss in<br />

Weight Charged to Purchasert,<br />

ttimhtebkrttmtmtT<br />



Boisr and §jgi<br />

450 West Avenue,<br />

O€«1AM CITY, M. J.<br />

jobbing promptly attended<br />

to. Estimates cheerfully given.<br />

Guarantee to do first-class work<br />

and use the best material*<br />

Orders left at Win. Lake*!<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice, corner Sixth and Asbuiy<br />

avenue, will receive prompt<br />

attention.<br />

s&m<br />

A3<br />


Paiirfer and Glazier,<br />

Mill Wtwmm.WmH Wmlt*

mm<br />


Ctaa tbe<br />

•a the day *rf<br />

sad fades! Jot<br />

* e srashore the coming<br />

B yon niteirf<br />

After »»ifle<br />

to<br />

Hm Aen to the toot,<br />

uatfnin that bad<br />

, bat atai-fa Qm BOM-<br />

« <strong>On</strong> jut a wtai<br />

<strong>of</strong> thrfr joett tt^f «fl»<br />

is aU vse have<br />

two daji tfts tbaa<br />

I paw* moid<br />

j<br />

w, «. Mt "And<br />

Aa&mtaM a<br />

ss^lai<br />

flf pbuaob'k wu gw ^<br />

twsn tto sjttl (*H«d4*qf<br />

be- a the tomb, ni «* which * w* 11 &ffe r tog]<br />

Money to loan on B<strong>of</strong>iB and Mortgage on improved<br />


pet thins heart te fasty to<br />

btM* God, f* Cod fc is *<br />

bat ate w Bwnlht<br />

mi|]hed gl<br />

andWa rtfcr h«h he<br />

„ TBS6, „<br />

j- that weep now, for ye dull<br />

; We sitiU not rpmd «JQ eieait, ,,<br />

j singing bitf«nr««im«in wrietfaf<br />

— J says,<br />

i to tifElfflgnregpqf 10,000 i&Qti<br />

iimg aad sphe*fs£ sj<br />

_ ^ow than on „<br />

tombed wtfb fir** MicW, ,»<br />

Mdungd, witt suringmg •septs- beatt<br />

ttoe for the mnltttudiaou»eb<strong>of</strong>«. ST.<br />

«QOB _SJ.M.= «* — I>S~—not<br />

Ii^dliflttto badto<br />

11. HI* pats to wnsji ip=<br />

•Set a mtcb, © Left bAm aj.<br />

for he<br />

haa<br />

, __ on wfait JOB lasga mt,a6<br />

, • bl » ?» lege, and bow yes<br />

W* wffi de belter j Nothing, it «*3&», wffl sat thoroughly<br />

W# wffl b! ttwlto m bB*TaalybiJiriO« alls we<br />

#Matbiste<br />

^ aafrsfeibBLad,<br />

tHomphed giononjly; the<br />

rikr batbb9t&»wB fa<br />

==•—rr g^--K •••! • : ^ ^ 1 3 9 IB S9§ •I1.PII—••<br />

«U4 BBveold b*t* e» «j. Aad then<br />

hd f b<br />

fflg itt work for Qsd and ___<br />

HBtty. Men pays* hasten<br />

far tfaif cbonh. and cu both<br />

u for nytim," 1 ' **•-•' *<br />

and all than<br />

«^i OB best<br />

ihiBWD fato tbe<br />

ortambcmtDft. Boll *Olasawma. Oar the<br />

ather **** BHWUJTJ Tabernacle!<br />

tt»L*w^ferbe bath trt<br />

^ O b<br />

y «« bai<br />

plaestn fbs<br />

eocnpiedtiie at^atkn<br />

^ cf that IBS^-<br />

•tew about ootUag! _<br />

betas may be deep, and tfae<br />

„ i cmrtiij beUad as may be .<br />

jt to!«aeeatsd,bgttf wtb<strong>of</strong>l tbe Lad<br />

iphed glort=i wfll go througlj no nor* hurt brtbe<br />

Ms rids lathi*, water than when in bffrhood<br />

, t s U boyhood weHUrf<br />

«a-gaanaitB to the kaa aadhmrefoot<br />

« d th d ta<br />

tat bail «f<br />

d<br />

few, tbaa vbathi EBI ti<br />

Bstds|ts Dot osw ifaar think that! CK«H1 the madow brook og tl» old<br />

*«^HiSQf my tatnjgJf^dtooBocinJ rjntHfBtw^ H» odjis aaysean to be<br />

so« thjok sbe ought to ban' »D as^sii jn, bat I ^aatt wffl be aO<br />

feagirigb hoet got clatri right wifliyqa if joo harp God on yomf<br />

kBOckka ftp^rt tbt timhrei cr taBi*! raphJcBd •pdaog^lie kiagdoaB, "If<br />

bjsrisef lCriaml ToudoweUtonare! ©«i be fer yoo, wte as *<br />

tbetKaboaitoe ready, ba* wail aUtttsi yettF*<br />

I^ay IL Too »ns not yrtj Lay kU ef tbe Lwd<br />

Moo; ttaa wh*B at & battle ^<br />

"T<strong>of</strong>kw»aWa,tkaiiwbsi<br />

. . _ „ Load, Too wffl jet Jaye to<br />

. ^ffik OBt <strong>of</strong> tbe bittts water <strong>of</strong> Marib,<br />

f aad msny og jcor army wffl at so he?n-<br />

Wllk B*D«* fa it* Btmit.<br />

oa a attle raneh to thf<br />

i 18g^|b<br />

k a j i n<br />

with agvaal other attJe ponch^ u<br />

we «ae talkd, WM riding ova- th*<br />

erst <strong>of</strong> faDtwbh<br />

•DtswBaawalaihsi<br />

fire deer feeding on the that.<br />



OCEAN CITY, N. 1<br />

*-Bt=<br />

Doori, Window FrameSi Shutttfi, ^ah, Moldings, Brackets \ :<br />

Hot Brf&sh, &roll Work, Turning, &c, •<br />






Physicians* Druggist*.<br />

J* 5. WAGGONER,<br />

Physician and<br />

HO, 7S1 ASSORT AViNUB,<br />

OtEAH €ITV« S. J*<br />

to6tbeMi»ftflm0odhl<br />

oaajans nsaded la Sei<br />

fcrdftrid<br />

BtAftfifif weidfcinKn<br />

thai (a nd ftgi nal^li aot ifa<br />

E, GftaadthUEuyhBttw<br />

WfBiii«kdikSd<br />

10 to io<br />

ywbsefrdB 10 to io HtatttiaBn<br />

Conlrtrt with «eb was* af w«di aad<br />

te h ^ tn John<br />

not otrr 9rt mlnui la Lwftfc.<br />

-_ •--— _ pair <strong>of</strong> niipsifi«Jit|uifpoljt ,.} ».^,<br />

•ad took deliberate aiis, firing I C«nr«» *«& ttk<br />

•t tbe r«0os <strong>of</strong> the bcsrt. Wrdsabjeaf I 1 * 1 *- »iU* W-St Pi<br />

aad toon the bod boosded<strong>of</strong>l<br />

el<br />

i<br />

thBdpa*edck<br />

Lnli BepnhUc<br />

Y.CORSON,<br />



- No. 721 Asbuty Avenue,<br />

OCEAN CITY, N.J.<br />


DINING<br />

_ TO MPIB AWn Bg<br />

1321 MAREET WTHKET,<br />

ThpM Baaia get* «f Clly Haiti<br />

<strong>of</strong> the faiuona hjjeote theory Into a<br />

was fornished fa tat<br />

h<br />

W.<br />

rf"-*<br />

d mtsj <strong>of</strong> foerarBiT wffl §•£» bean-<br />

«* ^ ^to qsaOa that tber wffl dk<br />

«ik, and j friD at the foot <strong>of</strong> Smd<br />

wfll be<br />

, ad there<br />

e fiSTtspaia faj the way and<br />

basks to ft^t, and last <strong>of</strong> aO the<br />

y Jorda U& MiriI I h<br />

lbs<br />

a it tail af -^ijj|jriii ^<br />

*»• a lifted aai<br />

wffl ftrHtarH and wjflidapom<br />

wttb BO <strong>of</strong> ntaaiBOaiT moaey ia fats aad><br />

dkba^aad the tdghwaynwn psbbed<br />

ta* bridle and tsMt<br />

fw.aad be prajed God fat<br />

aad nddeslj oat <strong>of</strong> the jobt<br />

-Mr, Ot^. 1 oasa hasd ygn<br />

Bo^fe tet the fsBaoM gi"<br />

«*hpi3Jd<br />

par," bsatt* tha wmld hi to<br />

soi adths' d«rit Hr Us «u dtU to<br />

Gd'^b people c»lkd<br />

agbw. A<br />

who dstbkd to<br />

task It<br />

wrHriwn er bjptotf^ task It iato<br />

b» bad to ttoow the doowstic Into a<br />

ttaace, swi wafle tbe ggiwa to flris<br />

attteltlaKU^id that the made afal]<br />

eoafaaian <strong>of</strong> bef gnflW ind fnrthHtnore<br />

defcribed teeatatdf how^ei«st abom<br />

^ W , Midas<br />

nera- abntsd Tjctoiy<br />

thhh<br />

egh,<br />

Midas wai right If<br />

d jto ffl<br />

aAsdbrte<br />

fnl, th* delayed<br />

NlMth the<br />

the tniaspef t<br />

loot af&r they<br />

IHiid<br />

mU. thia nfe,<br />

C l<br />

and ^ace to fcold a JBbOte for tbe<br />

J<br />

<strong>of</strong> tbe Bed<br />

ftp belated<br />

ShBhBpwia==_M! _, _«<br />

did she not tokBthjU? TbeCTin]<br />

~-~ — • ^^-~ • ^ ^^^f ' -"^r^"^^* ^5^^5%? *w%?^t<br />

ttketaad Tbetrompetwas*aaawlbi=<br />

J st. Why md she bet tab tha@<br />

tbat grstbsS tbir«<br />

_- aa not sfifld<br />

wfthtbe hypnotic trestnjffltaf his cli<br />

ent sad PoaJntalasl tbatsa she wai a<br />

nwbfe<br />

j OPT lotasUoo 10 jues, W* wonM<br />

eenmad towtfe Us* but dans ef ttm<br />

nt, % -Aii iun i^>ii hin tb<br />

its lake irhteh t*irBrtJi mtb lR<br />

WM.LAKG,€<br />



in IBOM • A, M. TO I P, •.<br />

Good Roast Dinners, with<br />

three vegetables, for s$ cento,<br />

Turkey or Chicken Plnnera<br />

t$ tints.<br />

Ladies' Room upstairs, with<br />

Homelike Accommodations.<br />


-.---BAKERY,<br />

Sei St .Twentyf-Second St,<br />



, G, W, URQUHART,<br />

, 2365 North 13th Street,<br />

: WIN prnriirfi nl Oe»nn rifrdBrtne (hfi tnohlhi<br />

<strong>of</strong> Jnnr July nnd Aiipist<br />



AT LAW<br />

CAPE MAY C. HS| N. J,<br />

B. ENDICOTT,<br />

AT LAW,<br />

•senii I, a and n DBISB<br />

. Hank<br />


W««dtit«a<br />

b<br />

instro<br />

abe conM<br />

q»d la<br />

p Na She took tha*<br />

she liked tbe best and raj whkb<br />

M brt<br />

toe Men, fet the new membsi ia^hs not<br />

bsli ssl* De not ttaak God for the<br />

a»oey JOB isade today, for tsmsrow<br />

yea nigbt kse it afl and mots, Doaet<br />

F sight lose ft aU aad mots, Doast<br />

be too gnfiifal fsrjoqrgwd health to<<br />

s tor feaeenow yon may get the<br />

p Do oot be too fjad about<br />

t f h f i l l<br />

Sf9 a nstlon'i nai, fini thrungb the<br />

retewt ef tbe wrnwa <strong>of</strong> ttje Bed am, and<br />

tbea tbroo^b tbedspping<strong>of</strong> the hasds<br />

<strong>of</strong> thdr destae<strong>On</strong>, So I wlthdr»w Oy<br />

aitidnncrfJCriiBi, Let ereiy one take<br />

her or bi» twet nwsJe <strong>of</strong> diirine worship<br />

d ^b M<br />

,«_„. <strong>of</strong> pqjmocsry coastupption sbe<br />

was «bject to fit*, whka made her a<br />

thfflfo<strong>of</strong>bl j imspoodbls bdag. Be •&•<br />

cortfBglr asked for the tfpoistaeat <strong>of</strong><br />

a Baeiiesl maa t© report on Uw<br />

Is the best<br />

. Franklin,<br />

get the policies issued at<br />

2^fe? f P' BvAdwii & Co,, by<br />

HONE^Sou,,d( Literml, Solid and<br />

bUK^sful Fire Insurance Companies.<br />

Your choree <strong>of</strong> ig <strong>of</strong> the best<br />

Amnmn and English Companies,<br />

liDTII FOB iAtl<br />

a nwdies] maa to report oo the 0TTB<br />

•Mai ffieotal and phjiieal oonditlao,<br />

T h n r t d U k d b<br />

coQn.ertdeoUypoiikdbythehjT>.<br />

Bade aad the consaaiptlon tite<strong>of</strong>iea, dt<br />

fftd tht th lrihld b<br />

GOT- Loodoti<br />

aad<br />

wJe <strong>of</strong> dirine worship<br />

My id« <strong>of</strong> h^rs to<br />

b<br />

aad e^ebafioB, My id« <strong>of</strong> h^rs to<br />

that itla»pIa«wb9«*ie*Bdgajw#<br />

l d h ^<br />

otwftcbufcha<br />

there might be dis»<br />

yiS to eone. Oh. Irt na hara no<br />

madjoonieiJgjstftodei<br />

The time lei thaok God fora<br />

fin tasataH b<br />

tbe wue fladt. %<br />

to thank God for year salrttioQ b the<br />

Xt» finis to 1» grateful for tbe amfat<br />

^ ^ w i wast. Of<br />

ramncQ do BoUdag wrong «od<br />

want nothtng barmfoL<br />

Sow&ucb<strong>of</strong> tha mrial<br />

lal vfll SoaOy nuke sp tbe<br />

wold I k t bt I hi<br />

rouag man whq wmslo<br />

Portland Satordaj night found seas<br />

Turkish gwoida in a wtndow<br />

«B4 hating<br />

bk<br />

lal vfll SoaOy nuke sp tbe becTsly<br />

world I know not. bat I think Gabriel<br />

wfll ban hto teampet, ud Ihf<br />

harp, aad fiaadii M* otsmn, and<br />

bsg hispisaOi andthe " "<br />

ids-rioto. and Miriam her tn&<br />

I k<br />

,_-_ -ridsrioto. and Miriam her<br />

bfs)i aad as I euaBt make mqak dq<br />

ef them I think ! will tnoro<br />

ll<br />

__ _ friroda <strong>of</strong> tb* Scotch Cot<br />

choreh who do Bot like Busfal<br />

oa Cbngresj ^est, _4 baring alow<br />

for art bongbt *><br />

Qen, OL B. Howard, Hair "<br />

Qtben.<br />

rnnd to E*nW la n*itinf«<br />

tsr tnatm^nt, at nrHtly .<br />

Ihfrlr eBUnilom tsrrp^y totB" fend in<br />

, w . Win nrtflirf. Bras<br />

adnj we QH the money ortr and PVVT, mtiism<br />

fly «•* «t(b *• Bsna nKwar. Wtmt/f atn<br />

Ub pBipOH *nabl«« ttaaanow M> pami<br />

Hhay<br />

tnaB*ths4ireot rwmll <strong>of</strong> tintr<br />

Hsu, We enr* orar •• pef m t o «F<br />

fibf, and flnr w« BB praod a* m an *• b*<br />

irris<br />

. and nn, w* dsmi<br />

vnlBkeTfmmKVBa, Wm phnlt beforv<br />

and defy Mm & drink and l» ban A to<br />

II away a{|*r a tfcstdart, W* sm *•<br />

i l f l M b U<br />



•ha hclud QtW ttliUi "1 wonder wti*F<br />

That pretty old said WAS nftv.jr wod,«<br />

Antl she turned Mlde, with a tlc*y eji%<br />

And ML with her hnhd to her bended hod,<br />

"If they mly k now," her s&d heart paid,<br />

And her pleading ibangbt ld b<br />

ver» thfotif b<br />

^ AjtaLu for ft form that lens ago fled,<br />

The gallant fern <strong>of</strong> & Uoy in blue.<br />

tmln went the noldlors marehtng by,<br />

With ragcf ieal In their measured f »ai<br />

The brave Am brightsalDf Litid and, «ky<br />

Wltll Glorious Sight froni (U rich fold* shed,<br />

Aeiiln lUo blast <strong>of</strong> the buale led<br />

Her hport whew Llood won Uiq gtMSCS' flew.<br />

And blag law on A licro'a bed<br />

The BiULuit Conn <strong>of</strong> a boy In blue.<br />

Ho wtildlug elLlmet! frnfn the bcllflon high,<br />

Rut cvi-r thrsuBU nil the yean Issued<br />

A tall pnripflelnK tlia nslnffk-a cry<br />

Of «« and trlnmph that tntilB tired.<br />

And her heart on nil nthnr loVo WU fctd,<br />

But inf ihraiigh all the j ears was true<br />

To him who fell where the field waa red.<br />

The gallant form <strong>of</strong> ft boy In blue.<br />

Prlnn>,wliO nrl ynnng, when war times sped<br />

Wn» pinnr* ffttrtl flhnUtuitfloW,<br />

Atid lniiiy ft mulrlnti mourncJ her demi,<br />

Tho gnllsut form <strong>of</strong> a hoy In blue.<br />

-C. U Cleveland in Beaten Globe.<br />

MY COUSIN,<br />

My ceoein Mm haa, 1 am sorrF to say,<br />

pawn into a jirovocantB woman, with B<br />

dirty cQtnpleiias onil a tendeBej 10 hint<br />

on J<strong>of</strong>ntfldont tsvidenuo that mon whom<br />

ihe mot were in lovo with her. She gayo<br />

theao hinta to a (janfidaato, nod lbs con-<br />

fidante always told the men, and the m#n<br />

as a mlo were very Angry, Somctinics<br />

they eoBplhllM to no, iho wtis jast<br />

pretty enuBgh, to inakd her itorj..<br />

bio, and this was exasperating. I i«int«]<br />

oat to them that EJsa was tho Mad ef a<br />

girl that had to do something to make<br />

her mother Buffer, that thepe WHB ntsaa<br />

thsntio iriitaiuja <strong>of</strong> any one who knew<br />

her well hnvHiK taken her tujrioualy, nud<br />

that ft was best to 1«sr qnietly. with the<br />

ways <strong>of</strong> wotnen. I Aid what I<br />

tald heir that it Wai vnlgar te poio as the<br />

ear <strong>of</strong> Juggcmatit, but nlthougli aho is<br />

quite vulgar cHotigh to cfinscioiwly avoid<br />

vdldarit}' ilio wenW not BGB it,<br />

I came niKra hdr lato one ujghi at one<br />

sf her mathcr'a |»artiea wlion nearly OT<br />

ay one had yonn. She waa wearing tho<br />

moat affected clothw, liquid eym aud a<br />

anal] pout •<br />

"Podr little me!" ihe miS, in her fa¥or*<br />

He girl flf 4 manner, "what have I done!<br />

1 feel posltWiily certain tiiat MP= Wy.<br />

alonp will hilt me,"<br />

"Yar<br />

•'indeed, yra and yei and yeal, fie<br />

would take BIB into supper, and ever<br />

BIHCO if I mii a word to any other innn<br />

he hm acowlf*! at me in a istwitivcly TUIIF-<br />

defous way."<br />

'•mm," 1 saiiJ, ''Iwin give yen<br />

lejganB in tho art <strong>of</strong> inipllcHtioa tai a<br />

BhUUsg. It U cbcftp, but I hate to see<br />

yon doing lliingfl inurtlstfcally. It la all<br />

tight with mo, <strong>of</strong> eoBBe, hnt I fatioy that<br />

yon had better not tell other people that<br />

Wydoap is in love with yen,"<br />

I never gold ho waa. And why<br />

tnastn't 1 teW 1 ' ,.<br />

'•BefflBje WyddBp isdMigefona,"<br />

H 0h1 Why dangertmg? Then I think<br />

IwilL"<br />

She did, and Wyslgnn heard ef it. Be<br />

la connoctcd with the proprietor <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Wyiidnp multiplex seek. The multiple<br />

iock is, if ouo mfty trnst the advortiifr<br />

meat, an added luxury to life and eon<<br />

notwpor out, ,It haa certainly conferred<br />

more fortune than honor npon the negih=<br />

ew <strong>of</strong> ttis proprietor. Iftayourignomncu<br />

yen eheerUy aak Wyfiloap if he la con-<br />

nected with the multiples sock, he will<br />

toll you frankly that ho la ita nephew.<br />

But when oiitai he knowa that yon are<br />

aware <strong>of</strong> the connection he does not p<strong>of</strong>-<br />

mit any farther reference to it. For in-<br />

Btunce, Denner happnied onco to be talk-<br />

ing at the club about the poeBibility that<br />

he might have to luive hia houae, A cer-<br />

railway had a great envy to go<br />

througii his front garden, Seine'ene<br />

adtod him if ho felt nnxlgus about it,<br />

"YCB," said Denner, "I am in a gtatq<br />

ef the most awful miHporwe, like my innl.<br />

tiplex ioekft," Wyilonp waa pre«Bt and<br />

hcAfd this, but ho aaid nothing. Later,<br />

at whist,'Major BiRlmount—who U all<br />

liv<strong>of</strong> and iugiHcious—was eeupled with<br />

Wyalanp agtiinat Driiifield and Domier,<br />

The major la qnito unabtu to believe in<br />

citrnordinary lnek at whigf uniesa it<br />

eome to himself. He would<br />

own mother if ahe had Mvon<br />

tiumpB. Congcqnently it. waa Tinfortq=<br />

onto that Denner commrncod by dealing<br />

himiBlf tho whole <strong>of</strong> the 13, With great<br />

difflculty the major held his tongue sad<br />

spoke nothing, but hia lacs darkened.<br />

Denuer was greatly mrpriied.' Wyaldnp<br />

siailcd a faint gh«t <strong>of</strong> ft imilo, Prea-<br />

ontly Dennor noticed that the majer was<br />

watching him intently. As Denner ii<br />

a porfoctly ordinary and honest man ho<br />

was natvirally annoyed, Bnt Is spite ef<br />

his honesty when it came to Damer'a<br />

tnrn to deal again ho dealt hlmBelf 11<br />

rnnpa with the acs nod king <strong>of</strong> another<br />

Huit He could hardly believe hia eyes.<br />

Ho flung down hia cards anil won tho<br />

rubber.<br />

As the major row to go hu flnld, "My<br />

children had been meaning to take me to<br />

the Egyptian hall tonight, but whist's<br />

flood enough for me," No man probably<br />

Ukea to have it implied that hs fa cheat-<br />

ing for the sake <strong>of</strong> shilli<strong>of</strong>f potato at<br />

wbJit, Denner wan folions and lort ns<br />

time hi making the major very mush<br />

nad very, much more hnmblft,<br />

bat he wns noverthelwa esceedingly an-<br />

noyed abcat it. Of conns U may not<br />

have teen Wyalonp tbmt was reipoasibla,<br />

bat I bavs voiced that<br />

db<br />

day, Jlaw, the major Bannot play eartSi<br />

and Wyslou|i can. This wna tha only<br />

occasion eu which it had oecnrrai to mo<br />

that Wyilonp hiid the battered nUa sf<br />

a consck'ntsi.<br />

I wna etirfona to tm bow be would<br />

take iny cousin Elsa's fludaoity. She<br />

had hinted at Wyilonp'fl dovotion in a<br />

convt'iBatloi! with yonng Cecil Banks,<br />

BanksiAaropeAtcr, Ho told Wyrioup<br />

aU about it. Farther, ho told me that<br />

ho had tdlil WyeloBji, Now, I thought,<br />

Wyilonp will cut her (laid md msks no<br />

secret why he dees it, or as wpl Bit<br />

&.mo Bcandfll nnoat about her. Ho did<br />

nothing <strong>of</strong> the kind. Ha treated her<br />

with the moat (lollt'fltfl and respectful<br />

attention. He took every chaacs <strong>of</strong><br />

mting her. Ho seemed at first to de-<br />

riro nothing more than to he forever her<br />

hnmblo and sileut worshiper,<br />

Otieo or twice as the stopped ffom the<br />

carriage up the strip <strong>of</strong> carpet to same<br />

par^ to wWeh Wyglonp bid net been<br />

Invited she saw him standing in tho<br />

trewd, half in shadow, cloaked, watch-<br />

tag her with raptured eyea and n roman-<br />

tio air aa irapTe&ayo afl As advertise-<br />

ments <strong>of</strong> the multiplex soek. <strong>On</strong> the oo-<br />

ensiong when he did nest her ho by no<br />

Bfttw moriapaiixcd her. Ho took with<br />

hambie gmtitwdo ai much <strong>of</strong> her society<br />

ihe voncbBafed to him. Ho femem<br />

bored and showed her thnt he remem-<br />

bered every word ahe laid flsd every<br />

preference thai aho ospfessdd, Howai<br />

reverent and ebivniroua with her, Hl«<br />

manner was peffeet, Ho was splendid.<br />

He was Elizabethan,<br />

I do not think Elsa had bees treated<br />

with abnormal reverence before. She<br />

luxuriated in it, She censed to jay 'any-<br />

thing, that could imply that Wyilosp<br />

was fond <strong>of</strong> her, yet abe talked a gooa<br />

deal <strong>of</strong> him. She told me ooe Bight that<br />

tie was the only man ahe knew, who had<br />

a really noble nature, I Bald: "AU right,<br />

but let it stop at that, Don't marry<br />

him," She add ecstatically that one<br />

would not marry Kir Galahad, I said<br />

that 1 had never tried, nun ibe idd<br />

ine that I was vulgar, which was fairly<br />

true, : :;<br />

Of eonrie n week 0? two afterward ahe<br />

came to mo with a letter in her hand,<br />

'You know," iho began, "that po<strong>of</strong>,<br />

deaf tnnmma does not like Mr, WyiJ<strong>of</strong>lp,<br />

She aiks him to things (sometimes be-<br />

canse 1 moke her, bnt eho hates him,"<br />


Bntrci<br />

"Well, Tni m gteat tjonbls,<br />

written to me—ii pni|Kreal. aad I have<br />

accepted him. Oil! oh! I hadn't expect-<br />

ed it, and Vm not worthy, ond I never<br />

called any one Algumcm before in my<br />

life, I want yoa to bruiik it to iaamma<br />

and toU her it'a all right,"<br />

'You won't like it. He's going abroad<br />

to look after tho colonial intoroata <strong>of</strong> tbe<br />

multiples tmk, ¥m had better write<br />

and say that yon've changed your nilnd,<br />

What's that letter you've got theref*<br />

"It's his. It's the letter, lis&tbe&r<br />

to let it get out ef iny hands, 1 *<br />

"The addretyi on the envelops,'* I aald,<br />

% got in WyBleup'a writing,**<br />

"Well, it ii the saute M the wrlUng Is<br />

theindde and the Wine as tho accept*<br />

ances ho wfote to our invitatioM, I<br />

wish we hadn't destroyed them,"<br />

I went to a drawer aaH pnlled out a<br />

sheet <strong>of</strong> nete paper. "There," I said,' 'I<br />

law WysloBp ^vrito ttuit and rign it.<br />

<strong>On</strong>inpare it with the letter, I have<br />

known Wyiloup'8 handwriting for<br />

years,"<br />

It took tun time to convince her, bnt I<br />

did it. Slis beaiiue slightly illogicfll,<br />

She wUd that Wyalonp ought to be<br />

ashamed <strong>of</strong> liimuulf, and that it obvious*<br />

ly waa not he who had' played her tho<br />

trick and that I was much to blame tot<br />

introducing him to her—which, by the<br />

way, I never did. ihe also laid that It<br />

would kill her, but it didn't,<br />

This is theVreplyeho receivoil to her<br />

acceptance in Wytsloqp'a own haadwrit^<br />

UsjkR Miss HjumiNo—1 tm<strong>On</strong>ef frwn roue<br />

(tUr tiiat pOiliij IKTSBB, bH bessii wrillag ta<br />

pit a lin>I»>fMil 111 my banw. And OuA yoU hftvo<br />

peen «. victilii (if & VutgpJ> pinBcticill joke. I<br />

must thiink jon fiir tlia very «itn Hd fluUer,<br />

niii ilidi«d Mirry thai I eanRel plud * rtjht to<br />

tlicm, liut I ttiuiii iiejiu to bu uwaFi & brtJti<strong>of</strong><br />

teyna, Itcamu in my linBwiedBB «. few months<br />

ago that yea luvl coujilud mjr ninne witii roun*<br />

Innfcrj 1 u!ij(!t!tlil»lHp uny. I shalr Uicrefora<br />

retain j-iiUF iuttur as A lioetago, Aa long em ya<br />

refrain fnmi tnJilnBsuch UberUef In the fotun<br />

no ono will isco that loiter; bul m?m\L ' '<br />

Uiftt you would wtsli, I remain j-qtwt<br />

fully, __ AMUWOS WTBHJDP,<br />

Elm spent a vast amoant <strong>of</strong> tears,<br />

gagpa and torn biHidherchiefs over thifl<br />

letter, -How dan a man say that ho<br />

will he my bretherT sha<br />

Then she once man referred to tho prob-<br />

ability <strong>of</strong> her immediate decease.<br />

Wyaloup left EBgland a few days aft-<br />

erward, aud we never found out whom<br />

he had got to write the letters for him,<br />

FOF all we knew he may have dbgafaed<br />

bis own handwriting, , \<br />

When Eba married Sh* Pete a year<br />

afterward, Wyilstip teat herfs h wed*<br />

ding present agobibonbonniero with her<br />

love lettor folded Binall Inside it, He<br />

onooinore showed tho relies <strong>of</strong> a con><br />

A few weeks nfterwiud I canght Eta<br />

speaking <strong>of</strong> Wyslonp to A dear JWeai.<br />

•Yes." eaiil Elsa sweotly, "there was<br />

something between us, bnt itconldnenr<br />

be. Ho left England, you know, dlrwtlj<br />

afterward, I do w hope that his lifo i«<br />

not qulto ipoiled,"<br />

Bo Elsa struck the last blow. Bnt Urea<br />

she wna novqr liamparvd OTHB iy ^be r&*<br />

TUB memtirt <strong>of</strong> St, fttuphsa'a dittrch<br />

9hQ attendod dirMs eurvtos Snudi^t<br />

morning listened to a sermen which ia<br />

the proper (BBM <strong>of</strong> the phraM created*<br />

wnaatioB and farnlBhedtlMSQ with food<br />

for dlscn«i«)ri during thonttaljidef <strong>of</strong><br />

Ihtiday. The topio<strong>of</strong> Dr, McPonnoU'*<br />

lisedurae was oa manieipal gonsa-<br />

tuenfc and incldHitally upon obolarftt bot<br />

bitead sf sonflnlng hlm»lf to etaamai-<br />

plBoo ntterasces so tbe ssbjeet be dealt<br />

with it In to hroadest bearings and g*w<br />

Us hearers A diaeotirw <strong>of</strong> which It iinfa<br />

to say not B word was lost<br />

"We an told," said Dr. MgPonBSll,<br />

"to be on our g&afd against thfoholerfc.<br />

The medical pr<strong>of</strong>ession in united la th*<br />

belief that the KMrgt will break oat<br />

again this ittmmer net sal r in Earops,<br />

bnt in this eoBDtry, The germa <strong>of</strong> tha.<br />

dke»B have lam dormant during the<br />

winter, but so soon u fliey are revivified<br />

by the son tho death Mil will begin te<br />

be called^ and aU the ismroeo <strong>of</strong> mod-<br />

BD aclonce will bo called<br />

thopiagno, It Is admitted on sdl<br />

that we are b jeopardy; it<br />

on all sides that the work <strong>of</strong><br />

cannot begin too aoon.<br />

"There are VBrionsmethodfl<strong>of</strong> meeting<br />

the dtnntioa, moat <strong>of</strong> which an ftt our<br />

own hands, That the most stnmaous<br />

efforts are necessary cannot ba ques-<br />

tioned, Bnt it has been BuggeBted that<br />

tbocler^ should ontte in Offering np<br />

prayer to Divino Providooco tb*t this,<br />

calamity may be averted from Us, With<br />

•fullsense<strong>of</strong> thegravity<strong>of</strong> the occasion<br />

oiad after tho meet earnost reflection, I<br />

have decided ttat I for one eas <strong>of</strong>fer no<br />

ancb prayer, I will sot pay that this<br />

dty may be snared from the cholera<br />

when I see that tho dty itself Is making<br />

no effort t&gn<strong>of</strong>d against tho danger,<br />

"If the cholera makes havoc among<br />

us, it will be because our itreeta are<br />

dUty, onr water la impure, our dralnftge<br />

isftlthy. And whose faalt is WM It is<br />

yoar fault, It is my fault, in tbat we do<br />

not tee to if Oat o<strong>of</strong> city government is<br />

rightly administered and that poUttc-<br />

danaare&ot permitted to u» Its &an-<br />

chlsw for their own • enda. And ooz<br />

lethargy is all the more tuiwoittymth»t<br />

it la selflshi For the cholera, If itaHnw<br />

will not place us in danger. We can<br />

avoid it. We can lean the crowded<br />

dtynjid betake onrselvea eomfortanly<br />

to places where pare air and good water<br />

will free ns from apprehension,<br />

. "Bnt if yon should go where I go, into<br />

the dwellings <strong>of</strong> the poor, you would<br />

realite what s calnmity y Unpendlng<br />

over the great mass <strong>of</strong> toeinaabStantoaf<br />

ths city, and hew empty, yes and woras,<br />

It would bo to p»y that the cholera in*y<br />

be Btai4 from entering homes wbiob<br />

onr neglect has left to sta&d amU BB><br />

rouadmgs which must breed the vary<br />

pestilence that we seek to etoape,"—<br />

Phila4elpbUi Times, :<br />

HiB In Ike Eyei <strong>of</strong> Bit Mtrfont<br />

It is the habit <strong>of</strong> man to look,down<br />

upon the brnto eroaUoa oa hta interiors,<br />

and yet if man conld knew it hat (he<br />

dumb animals think <strong>of</strong> htm perhaps he<br />

would bo less puffed tip with his own<br />

iuiportonco and Bnporiority,<br />

It must appear rtdicnloa* to tbe dog,<br />

for instance, that man should require 00<br />

estensive an equipment <strong>of</strong> words te ex-<br />

press hia wants and emotiona—worfi<br />

ttiat serve rather to hide than to Din-<br />

minate his thooghta—when the dog with<br />

his limited vocabulary expresses Mmaelf<br />

clearly. Barely a dog mnst regard his<br />

bark, capable PH it is <strong>of</strong> alraoet endltH<br />

modulfltioni, as SBpefior Is tbo espn»-<br />

sion <strong>of</strong> thought to man's cumbrous flow<br />

<strong>of</strong> ambhfBity,<br />

Then the uwiae, which man is prona<br />

to regard as the living embodiment <strong>of</strong><br />

gluttony, has no doubt an gptuion <strong>of</strong><br />

man which in Its turn is by.no means<br />

flattering to its object, . The bog aught<br />

with reason from bis point <strong>of</strong> view criti-<br />

cise man upon big manners at the table,<br />

"How wasteful <strong>of</strong> tUne," he might say,<br />

"is man's proctlw <strong>of</strong> feediog himself-<br />

with knife, folk and Bpoon, when ha<br />

couia satisfy bis hunger man eapedi-<br />

tiomly by following tny eMinple and<br />

consume his food without any <strong>of</strong> fbtms<br />

adventtHoas time destroyersi Man con-<br />

demns me beeanse, f<strong>of</strong>woth, I eat with<br />

oneuTtw<strong>of</strong>eetlnmytroTighfbiitbsfails<br />

to apprehend that mf purpose, fa a laud*'<br />

ble ono;. Oat my sole Qbjwt U to get near-<br />

er ny base <strong>of</strong> sopplles and so sate T*1U.<br />

tittle in iny operations,"—Boeton<br />

ittek tad 1U Laefc<br />

0T9ons sees laeky in any as- '<br />

terprJso they undertske, whfla otten<br />

who make Investment are sare to Um -,<br />

theif capitRl," «as reaarted by Witt' '<br />

Bertram, "I knew • reong ftEew tta* V<br />

t3 in a lot in tt^j^in,<br />

sold later for ^,000, It w* tb# lot<br />

that ttw Unsdo Boom was latsr fmQ^<br />

upon, and tan rise to r«»I o&tfo (<br />

Um than ftmr ye»if afttr Ua fr<br />

wan made. J know ftaothtr ^<br />

went m Sanaor aqttE^. Km, In ]<br />

•nd t*rrfed with Um ' —<br />

w i m<br />

'Sisiiiii<br />

: \wsgm<br />

mm<br />

mM<br />

Wi<br />

.* i<br />

wu in "'full growth" at<br />

ft* •<br />

s<strong>of</strong>l<br />

,' «>•

1<br />

m£3L• -'<br />

M<br />

maw*-<br />

M<br />

mIs<br />

"p. :L j<br />

*$;<br />

^ • ^ ;<br />

*;»,;'!<br />

m<br />

•< • \ .<br />

m<br />

*.\*,, -Si'-<br />

,£" •;: J<br />

/ir *•••.•<br />

,1" ^ '•• '• '<br />

: - •.'^-6--.i<br />

'v; i-<br />


wit Pmutiiife •*•&*<br />

K, 0VBTI8 ROBIN gON,<br />

LAPS<br />

It* f* fer<br />

JUNE S. ISBI.<br />

, Bel-<br />

ware, eigm tote very much dive, even<br />

If they do live In • ems!! State, op.<br />

pruned for yaure «ILh Q^uootstls IegW><br />

fatten and napreflmcy. <strong>On</strong> Hftturday<br />

they elected a Mayor, <strong>City</strong> Solicitor,<br />

Tmuuter, ud gained HHHIOI <strong>of</strong> CJity<br />

Council, the flnst time in many ptn,<br />

Tire Elisabeth Joura»l nys the joke<br />

to on GOT, Wsrtt. Hta name ta on a<br />

IEToJ^elHani piotming against a n<br />

ley line In front <strong>of</strong> hta reeidenoe In JTer-<br />

•ey <strong>City</strong>, If is also on a bill, panged by<br />

theUit legifilatnne, enabling traetlon<br />

CQtnpsnlei to run their lines through<br />

any and All itfeets without asking «B.<br />

sent <strong>of</strong> the piBperty ownera,<br />

Tiis Kansu law Imposing a tax on<br />

every man ever 21 yearn <strong>of</strong> age who<br />

doa not vole bH been dtelaied oonitJ*<br />

toUonal In a tat case. A similar law<br />

•hould he enacted In every State <strong>of</strong> Uie<br />

Union. <strong>On</strong>e <strong>of</strong> the greatest Mid most<br />

menacing danpis that confront our<br />

InMltoUoDS is the growing Indlflerenoe<br />

<strong>of</strong> the people to tbe performance <strong>of</strong> their<br />

political duties, Vote or pay, should be<br />

tbe rule.<br />

HID OitAHDE.<br />

J, Warren Lloyd has been engaged a§<br />

teacher <strong>of</strong> our public whool for tbe<br />

earning term.<br />

?• MAV PftfiRf HOltftfe<br />

BepikiM are being made to tbe<br />

Hia Bailie M, Hand was in attend,<br />

anee at the wedding <strong>of</strong> her pousln, Mias<br />

Berths Beeves, at e« Isle <strong>City</strong>, on<br />

Wednesday last<br />


>' Mite Society held their<br />

regular walou at Andrew Saefcfc reftl-<br />

jileo yesterday afternoon.<br />

Children's Day will 1» observed on<br />

innday next, with appHiprgpriate ser-<br />

vlsw In the morning and an InfenMU<br />

Ing8unday.#i'liool programme fur the<br />

evening.<br />

SBIER ORi£S.<br />

John Acker has brick on ibe ground<br />

preparatory to making ImprayeraenU!<br />

about ht«pnmtfitt,<br />

Hugh Holmes has sold his eetfage to<br />

William Holmes, JrSi <strong>of</strong> Polling Creek,<br />

who will occupy It in a short time.<br />

Captain Wm. 8. Crawford has been<br />

Improving lite buildings by an uppli.<br />

tiou <strong>of</strong> paint,<br />

plaitsjq dtuters, neat Swiss ruflle<br />

* (in aeck, yokeaiidnleevte. Tores<br />

nieces only to one buyer.<br />

At fide-Nlghf Gowns <strong>of</strong> good Muslin,<br />

s ,,,• Mother Hubhafd_yokoot 3 mw«<br />

BwlBi liuertiou between fine<br />

plaits, neat Bwljs Insertion en<br />

neck-yoke and sleovew<br />

Atffie—Might Gowns <strong>of</strong> good Cam.<br />

brio, Mother Hubbard yoke <strong>of</strong><br />

rows <strong>of</strong> plalU in clusters, wide<br />

anibrte ruffle eft neck; yoke and<br />

sleeves. Three pleas only to one<br />

buyer.<br />

At flSe-NightGowtu <strong>of</strong> nod Muilln.<br />

Mother Uubbard yoke <strong>of</strong> £4 very<br />

fine plaits, collar, cuffs and yoke<br />

farther nUtohed.<br />

And BO on with all tbe between<br />

prices up to WR each,<br />

Cotaet Covers.<br />

At lgo—Good Cambric Corset Covers,<br />

square neck trimmed with very<br />

seat Swiss edge. Three pieces<br />

only to one buyer.<br />

At25(>-Ck»d Canabfls Ooreet Covers,<br />

round high neck trimmed with<br />

neat pattern SWUM edge.<br />

At 26o-=Good Cambric Corset Covers,<br />

surplice seek <strong>of</strong> hemstitched<br />

plaiting, torchon inserting and<br />

^ge.— Tnree-plec€8-ouly-tOTrtie<br />

buyer.<br />

ABd so on with all tile between<br />

prices up to $8,80 each.<br />

Alt<br />

city.<br />

tt i»<br />

reugh <strong>of</strong> OouM<br />

U4t all lam aliUB Up „<br />

O»jin air Mull be ilrand <strong>of</strong> fenfli, brim.<br />

bub** Mid other underfrenrtft, itdHH •!*•<br />

eonred betel erultnin i» leHihtl)<br />

up ud Uiu it •lull he the 3u(r <strong>of</strong><br />

nwn <strong>of</strong> lotk In Mid BsrHigh to el „<br />

mote iftBrtftom all neb bb briera.bunhia<br />

•ndf>UM>f ttBd*>Tr0*Ui>»d to flUnuf lwJ«<br />

h<br />

-,-_ -„ Aotf belt NHid, U)« ypstt the f«l(urt<br />

ef HI ovnar or ovn#n <strong>of</strong> irar lot <strong>of</strong> lota to<br />

ootnpTf wiUi Mi« ^l fM Hl<br />

wmt&u, Ms Si<br />

foFib*Ooanc<br />

<strong>of</strong> th*<br />

,.rtMl~«Mi'flnMBdi|i'<br />

or wflttan notlo« to comply urfrawlUKo<br />

H tefred Uf4B joy SWHF or HHH H filling<br />

HF or<br />

Mile*<br />

l<br />

H H<br />

be<br />

lotujlj. or In nig aim non-r«idt 1<br />

mtUtm if hit sfMrftddnH be knoini;».-<br />

wlts, m life* asUta •lull be petted Upon the lud<br />

&•& I. An) b* it sneied, tk« MM noU«><br />

•tall be nadfll U» ttfaelttreor !h« Major and<br />

the M*I or the Beroujh, dull MI forth irpoelll-<br />

«ltyUl6 looHfotiet the let Or tot- «ri shall<br />

•late thf Datum <strong>of</strong> the work rrqnlred th«H0n,<br />

ahal] reqilcflt tlie perfonnance bj iueh owhef or<br />

dwpera <strong>of</strong> aaid work WI()I[D nft»n dayi,iihft!l re=<br />

elta Uila ordlnaaee inj tliaJl Hi fnrtliUie PCflaltr<br />

THE-an OF<br />

has the reputation <strong>of</strong> being<br />

Leading pry<br />

OCEAN CI<br />

orii<strong>On</strong>«<br />

6»,4.<br />

h ldf<br />

with<br />

[bejtmiaetrf.UiatHi<br />

Uf owner for mud 1<br />

for 111 aaldCou&<br />

bnid A<br />

AorjoHDrHf} to Sew Jerasy law, active<br />

finffieo are to it csrtaln extent exempt<br />

from taxation en the If property, and It<br />

has been qqlte pf<strong>of</strong>ltsble for nearly<br />

everybody In the atnaller towns to Join<br />

the fire ampules to save toxef, In<br />

aoaie <strong>of</strong> that plaop tb« hai beoome m<br />

pnfftleDt that the authorities an en-<br />

deavorlsgtocBrtaU the lire member*<br />

•hip, which amounts to about go per<br />

cent, <strong>of</strong> the total asewment.<br />

IT takes a woman to pt up a flrst-<br />

Ayoung lady<br />

WilliamRGarrtooii, whree buildings<br />

were burned a shnrt lime ago, *l|l com-<br />

mence rebuilding at ones, ~<br />

MIHB Julia TVjwnaend has been haying<br />

•ffine needed repairs made at her home,<br />

MIsB Bertha tyler haa been visiting<br />

Cape May <strong>City</strong> frJetidfc<br />

WilbtHiprlflprand wife, <strong>of</strong> (Jam.<br />

den, were down visiting their<br />

a few days last week.<br />

At lSo—Good Bttong heavy Muslin<br />

Drawers, wide hem aiid S ptnits,<br />

Three plecss only to one buyer,<br />

AtSde-Good atrone heavy Muilln<br />

DrawerH, wide him and 7 flue<br />

plftlls. Three pleos only to one<br />

buyer.<br />

At 40e—Good Muslin Drawers, wide<br />

neat Swiss ruflle with p)aits<br />

above. Three pieces only to one<br />

buyer, • " ,<br />

And noon with all the bet ween pries<br />

up to m each.<br />

«ndara to<br />

, the SiH*t<br />

J Forthwith<br />

proend to perform Ibetahl work or hawi thp<br />

HIBe nerfonne.1 and Ms c«[ Iherfftf, btj<strong>of</strong> re.<br />

.parted toOoundl. fthall b* ud h^mpa l|pp<br />

lupefl = »)a_ErotierfypaimwouBt |e anylueUnj=<br />

fBranoe ««pt (*irt, and the Mayor Ud Qiynel]<br />

lhall u once pnsea to eollnt ihe ume by due<br />

prose** <strong>of</strong> |a#, with eorta <strong>of</strong> mil,<br />

Bfi6.5. And he || siMOtrf, that thbjerdlnanw<br />

•ball t«f e Fffeet imttiidlaleif,<br />

>bd leaJed M« B, Jl, D, IIS,<br />

Q, P. BtJORK, Mayor.<br />

America, devoted to<br />


is the gtmi esteblishmcfit ol<br />

AJioraL<br />

Seaside<br />

Not Excelled |<br />

as a • >•<br />

Health Restorer,<br />

Finest facilities for<br />

kn<br />

imfalle •<br />

*Jiir,<br />

»•£;• in tftv<br />

H,M„far ibe<br />

Henry High and wife bave taken up<br />

their residence at Avalon.<br />

Ephralm Sloan has graded the side-<br />

walk adjoining his property.<br />

A l E l<br />

mm<br />

yg y<br />

from Salem county Is said to have<br />

Eloped with an old man simply because<br />

her father refused to allow her to marry<br />

the young man <strong>of</strong> her choice, Because<br />

the latter would not elope with her the<br />

frisky maiden made up her mind to<br />

spite both parent sod lover, and kill<br />

two birds with one atone—sod BO she<br />

married tne.old, decrepfd man wham<br />

-she hated, b, woman, thy ways are<br />

past finding out! ' I<br />

How QOICKLY ntind, dreamless sleep<br />

comas |D visitors who, perhaps, have<br />

found It difficult to yield to its woolnp<br />

at home. The sea sir brl ngs heal th and<br />

its necessary aeajmpenlment, restful,<br />

comfortable sleep, and with It more<br />

vigor to the oyerwroagbtmu) or woman.<br />

Change rmm the buiy, hnsUIng, nopjy<br />

cttfes to the quiet and ease <strong>of</strong> this most<br />

delightful mortglvH tbe needed rest<br />

to mind and body which flta one far<br />

enterlsg Into business with greater<br />

vigor and zeal when the sultry daya are<br />

over, and adds many pleasant recollec-<br />

tlons to budwelt open In the days to<br />

gome, To those who are able to enjoy<br />

the •nmrner s^foum here, It proves an<br />

Inestimable privilege.<br />

^ , <strong>of</strong> Fluhliig Creek, and<br />

Jtortha Holmeb, <strong>of</strong> this plats,<br />

wen married on Thursday evening,<br />

May^Mth, by Rev. F.J.Parker.<br />

The mad leading to Burlefgh haft<br />

been greatly Improved,<br />

DEJfPJBVlLl.E.<br />

Walter B, Johnson And wife, <strong>of</strong> Phil-<br />

adelphia, are enjoying the Townseud<br />

homestead for tbe euninier months.<br />

Children's services were held in the<br />

Memorial Baptist Church on Sunday<br />

evening. It was a very Interesting oe»<br />

<strong>of</strong> good Muslin, cam-<br />

bric ruflle <strong>of</strong> 4-plallB and 8 plaits<br />

above. Three plecet oiily to one<br />

buyer.<br />

At Ofie—Skirts <strong>of</strong> good Muslin, S-Inch<br />

ewQbrie ruffle with wide hem and<br />

7 plaits, 9 plaits above,<br />

Atfl-Hklrta <strong>of</strong> good Muslltj, wide<br />

fine Swiss ruflle. plaits above.<br />

At flM^Hklrta <strong>of</strong> Rood Muslin.<br />

platted cambric ruflle trimmed<br />

With machine made toreboil In<<br />

sertlon sod edge.<br />

And man with all the between prices<br />

upt<strong>of</strong>Meaeh,<br />

.. _. Be It enieted bj the Mnjer and<br />

_=,,, ef the Horough <strong>of</strong>bm»s fflly, Ui.i<br />

the fsliawinf ftltni <strong>of</strong> mDnej napKt|»l; bo and<br />

Ihe Mm* »r* henbf •pprdprjated And Bel Bpflrt<br />

to the follcwlrtK publlo HKHI, for and during lht><br />

flacar year bfgtjinjtig the second TUSDAY sfUr<br />

the Bprinir eleeUon A, Li, *!ghtft«n ijuhdi^d atiil<br />

nlhety^hi^s and ending Iha irWhd TUIfflrJAV<br />

After the apridg eleetieo A, p, elglit^n hunilrrd<br />

a_nd nlnfllyifeHFi fix:<br />

!. ForlfrttJ»t»aldBorr.Ufth. tiffili.<br />

S. ForpaWte<strong>of</strong>am.^Ttfirin<br />

S, For payment sf<br />

*. ForfeMrd»aJ)tt»gCQ.<br />

s, ropatseta.tfflDt<br />

cen tral^ located at the northwest comer <strong>of</strong> Eighth and<br />

Market Streets, '" ,<br />


<strong>of</strong> this famous house-reaching every Sate and Territory<br />

t<br />

The Epworth League held Ita month-<br />

ly entermiDment on Monday evening!<br />

In the church. The programme cnn«<br />

Blaiod <strong>of</strong> muiie, reoltattem and dta><br />


<strong>City</strong> Council lost, Wednesday night<br />

graniefl lloinBBi toT, P, Walton, Btbek=<br />

las Hotel; P. H, H, Gake, UongreiB<br />

HBlliJohaTiBey, LaftyettB Hotel rJ,<br />

P. Powell, American House- P. J, Mel-<br />

¥ln, 8ea Steam- Julius Kcrnlg, Qfiote?<br />

Jobn itewart, jr., M», M, Couildlne,<br />

I^trick CoUInfl, D, U, Jemup, Rftloona:<br />

Thomas QlementH, bottlfnf buaisen,<br />

LevI Vaura, Alexander Gordon, John<br />

J, Batty, John L, landing, p«d Am-<br />

old, on «x»unt <strong>of</strong> charges <strong>of</strong> jlligaj<br />

selling <strong>of</strong> liquor, were refused lleefuea,<br />

Christopher Baefamay dropped dead<br />

Thursday <strong>of</strong> heart disease. The de-<br />

ciltr FilWIe Icliflt<br />

Atlantic Oty puhflc scbnole cJaeed so<br />

on the flnt brad bakery<br />

p My, but had nut teen<br />

In famine for several J-HUB.<br />

Memorial windows bare been plwed<br />

in the new Methodlflt chureb by the<br />

ChUdren,<br />

Good MuHlin Drawefs, hem and 4<br />

pialla, g and 4 years, Be; 0 yean,<br />

- | lOe; 8 and 10 {can, Ific* 12 and<br />

14yearttlSe, Three pieces only<br />

tn one buyer,<br />

GdCHlMuHlIn Drawers, wide hem<br />

and plaits with eontinuoua aide<br />

band, «, 4, B, 8,10, 1% 14 ysr<br />

Hlzes, m, 25, &Q, 88, 35, Sis,<br />

Night UnwiiB,<br />

Jkiyi' Muslin Night Shirt**,-ajllar,<br />

cu Ilk and pocket and down front<br />

trimmed with colored feather<br />

mitched band, 4, fl, S yeam, 40n|<br />

10,12,14 yeaB, 46c,<br />

Uood Muslin NightDBBSS, Mother<br />

Hubbard yoke, woven edge on<br />

neck and sleeves, 2,1, B, 8,10,<br />

12yeafB. 25,^35,40,45c,<br />

.Long and Short Dresses at aimoHt<br />

any price,<br />

We put the Atalanta at the<br />

head <strong>of</strong> the Bicycle line \ as<br />

good as the best and $30<br />

cheaper—$ 1 to Instead <strong>of</strong> $ 150<br />

for either Roadster, light Road-<br />

steror Ladies*,<br />

But the other Bicycles are<br />

here—any ol them, from little<br />

ones for the lad, up.<br />

, FM BmsT<br />

T, Per water<br />

B, For hoa*,<br />

g F i<br />

, For , SOo.<br />

g, For miwtmutAUi items, )i ion.<br />

Bto. S, That Uiti ordlnuicn ulinli tote ettstl<br />

OB Ihe teath day <strong>of</strong> Juht. A. D. 1833.<br />

In Wlliieafl wfiers<strong>of</strong> I ha*e hprpynto Otl<br />

TOimji H Mayor or Uld ItarfHigh and ennini<br />

<strong>of</strong>flelal aAAl <strong>of</strong> mid Borough to ba ifflid<br />

<strong>of</strong>flelal<br />

M<br />

or Uld ItarfHigh nd ennini Itit<br />

amid Borough to ba ifflied nn«J<br />

d to b tfi Clk t<br />

g o ifflied nn<br />

MheMtitfed to by tfi» Clerk ttlli twsntj<br />

•Uth day <strong>of</strong> M«|f, A, B, lffln.<br />

Alton: G. P. MOOItE, Mayor.<br />

IL &, ABkMB, Be»BgB Olrt<br />

Pr'irafsm<br />

m HEADINO K. R<br />

_ „,__,„_ eiT¥_...<br />


Two FprH«^Chfrtnut Htrr«t aod<br />


A.<br />

Ifl effect February Jfi, J(Si<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Union-has been built up tote piwnt great prr><br />

portions by the well known promptness and accuracy with<br />

which orders are filled, and for the added reason that this<br />

house Is widely recognized as a safe place to order Dry<br />

Goods, where, not only the same careful attention is given to<br />

customers by mail as is accorded to purchisers at the<br />

counters • but a superb stock is always on hand, and<br />

samples and illustrated Catalogues are forwarded upon<br />

request. ,<br />

Address<br />


Eighth and Market Streets, Philadelphia.<br />

FOB<br />

H m »rti aooam,<br />

7(n«raeiprea*<br />

7««ltl K l<br />

Febraary J, J(S<br />

fLASflb Biff:<br />

ud Arkanxm aTpniltp,<br />

arrl»e FJilta,<br />

Bffiam<br />

10 ao am<br />

Sffipm<br />

0«pni<br />

swt<br />

SUNDAY,<br />

f13 am ac«sm. arrJTfljTiii*.<br />

lOOpmerpraaa, •• ••<br />

| S p B h * "<br />

p<br />


Tra(n» ls»lI Aljaniic <strong>City</strong> werk-davti B a in<br />

Ud B» p m, SyndAjr 7 » am, nnd 40D|i iii<br />

connect with txprnm Injjtii for BaMlmeFe and<br />

Wuh!n«rsn, flat £ O B B fPDOi Twrnij.fpurtl!<br />

d q h i PlJIdU<br />

(tttdChratniitatreeU.PIiJIftdsiphU, ptm-l -<br />

J " Tram GhMfnut atrs*l Peffy ti n* U di pot<br />

FOR hEW YORK.<br />

8 IS urn FiprnK, srHn Hnir Ynrk,<br />

children <strong>of</strong> the late Dr. WlJlUtm<br />

..,,. ... _ fihepparta^dBohertg.Hand i<br />

to the end nf thi terra, proving the In- Thera was a heavy, arrii <strong>of</strong> oottagers<br />

te«t Uhen by the pupil*, wbiehaujpire on Haturday night, and iunday itore-<br />

-..i «>. it-,, *.^^. A= Thursday asrt praented Ils old-time hrightneH<br />

well for their future. <strong>On</strong><br />

the tsftchera were Invited by<br />

It<br />

V:i'..-<br />

Pltjf, Dcremer to hold their refnlar<br />

weekly Bwttlng at Stadlef'B lee creain<br />

larior, whe» tM gave them U» prlvb<br />

lege <strong>of</strong> dlstjufclng iw cream, csko and<br />

froUltuHiad <strong>of</strong> bow to train the young<br />

:id^ MembefiflftheMoard <strong>of</strong>Eduea-<br />

floBtierjsmpftalerJ by their wives, hon><br />

ored theeorapaiiy with their prewnoe,<br />

Tin evening waa apent in Bpeech-oiak.<br />

jnt, Idtertperaed wltli readJngs and re-<br />

dt«tlons by the tether*, Altogether<br />

H was ny&y pleannt event and an ap.<br />

propriate ending to the may<br />

The RepubHc Blao brought down a large<br />

etowd Bandny,<br />

Judgi Heward Uarnw sold thflflhon.<br />

Home tor<br />

mortgage held by the<br />

and Inflnn tSiored<br />

liphls, Judaet^rnw<br />

hotel tn fbr $16,0O6 for his<br />

client. Judge Garniw Ii<br />

Keystone, 20 in, wheels, cushion<br />

UIBB, fie; si in, ten SB in, m.<br />

Keystone, £4 In, wheib, cushion<br />

_ tirei, m\ m in,, m,<br />

Pet, 20 In, wheels, Ciuhlnn Ureand<br />

parajtel bearingi, |m<br />

Boys' <strong>Jun</strong>ior, S4 in, wheels, ciwhion<br />

Ureik cone bearingn, f2S,<br />

No, 1 Oinchi diamond frame, 24 In,<br />

wheela, cushion tlrtB, ball linuw<br />

inn fig; No, i pneumatin tlree,<br />

No, i ComblniiOon Jdalor, 24 lo,<br />

wbeelB, euibiOD tlfs, ball bear-<br />

ings, mi No, a, ifl ID,, »45- NO,<br />

4, pneumatic tires, fOQ,<br />

Ko, 1 Bob Kay, diamond fimaeg,<br />

28 In, wheels, cuHhlou tlrei, ball<br />

b l piieumatic<br />

Chestnut Hlretit and HflUth Wirsl FftrricW<br />

10 Ifl B m<br />

10 Slum<br />

3 ffl p rib<br />

8Wa m ueem, arr AUnnlic C'ltJ<br />

• Vlninjirili, " *•<br />

3 001> M MprnS "1 " . .<br />

ppmwtpn«<br />

Sffi<br />

SUNDAY.<br />

^fflpin<br />

BiTpm<br />

f 43 pm<br />

*30annsipriarri»f> AtinnUoCItr,<br />

l»|h '" " *• •" «-'<br />

ruilhiao parlor can ttteehed to e<br />

iplApih<br />

tnln,<br />

Tims at ta Inr both<br />

STORES,<br />

Special Valms in Smsmaik Cotim Gmd$><br />

Printed Figured Swiss, 30B| value m, *<br />

Priutod Diiuitis, 25c; vaim S7jt<br />

Hntln StflpeOiOTBdlis. ate; vJue^e,<br />

Organdy Oorda^riiitd, lOe; vtioe Ite<br />

Batln Htrlpe <strong>On</strong>dlne Suttltjp, Usek gfnunds, ID Ulilna Bilk<br />

Is. I2\s\ value ate.<br />

Wotted Swiwes, m, m, m, m AH new lots (tut opened,<br />

ami &t new prices.<br />

Hemstitched Robs, white Uwii, 11,00 per Robe; full pattern.<br />

All Over Embroidered BWIMB, alau lanbroideied on «tgw<br />

45 IncljiM wide, We per yard,<br />

Jiidia Jjown Robee. black ground with while embroidery<br />

|g,60 jwr pnttern for full dnss.<br />

We niake a special sale this wtek <strong>of</strong> INDIES' ETON<br />

HUITH, UM ta f 15,00 each, Hp«lal value »t 15,00, EIDN<br />

JAt'KBr, wtUi uhjua Silk Vat FrorjnaAinf tbe lult m£pto£<br />

witlifiut Biltlltluiiul wiUat, In lljise we <strong>of</strong>ler the best ftult values<br />


4411, 15O, 152 R. 3d<br />

Sailing, Gunninff, etc<br />

The Liquor Traffic and<br />

kindred evlli are forever pro,<br />

hibiied by deed.<br />

Every lover <strong>of</strong> Temperance<br />

and Morals should combine<br />

help us*<br />

Water Supply,<br />

Railroad,<br />

Steamboats<br />

And all other<br />

Modern ConvenieECtt.<br />

firae at AttimKe oitr<br />

4(1 «pren tnlu in run o»ar Saltle<br />

In the criminal pEMwutloa <strong>of</strong> tfis Bl<br />

There in more tnuble for the <strong>of</strong>ficiate<br />

<strong>of</strong> dupe May point fctatf fte<br />

M B<br />

) • Theaaloon keepera<strong>of</strong> AttanUcGity are<br />

dbobnGetted ovefaa opinion filed I<br />

<strong>City</strong> Solicitor Endieott that the law<br />

iUowJnjr •lleeuse holder to apply for a<br />

r^cwal merely hy flUng a Bond refers<br />

^Sm!<br />

' lb> issond year,<br />

io the ategoiy nmst hive fals<br />

: ^ii^l;;;^,. twelve free-<br />

No freeholder ^tlgninDTe<br />

tb*n OM, .ppliatton, OwlDg to the<br />

la^/^nnber <strong>of</strong> amloora aa<br />

?b$10A''kijl. * Ji«n»,there !•<br />

j»me lively aklrailanlng for baoiea.<br />

fraud the bOL<br />

before Mayor H<br />

They wen brought<br />

th,<strong>of</strong> this city, who<br />

aland them unrter tell fer* further<br />

beuiiig The dead-<br />

they not<br />

•earing tomorrow night.<br />

oek in Council still<br />

laving held any met ___„ _ _<br />

Jen, last March, The County Solicitor<br />

w been Inatfueted by the Board <strong>of</strong><br />

Freeholders to BUS the mrnugh for back<br />

Monday jqnaS, IBB.<br />

s Mmlin wear,<br />

Many features <strong>of</strong> the great<br />

e begun lat k k i<br />

|ott oat on tbe meftffitwv, but tbb<br />

M^« ; *ilfAw.ll^be:aeW:<br />

Mam •*-— — --•<br />

In<br />

tb. ^r^tbe benefit <strong>of</strong> tbe<br />

Obanh Tttote vb «t<br />

sale begun last week mark it<br />

as the most notable we have<br />

yet made.<br />

In magnitude the movement<br />

out-marks all ite predecessors<br />

~?mtim thai? fmr hundred<br />

ihdttsimd pieces especially<br />

gathered for the occasion.<br />

^ynd ^the wonderfully litfle<br />

prices come from timely, wise<br />

atM: $0t btt^ing aftd frpfii<br />

Rooimrtg how fo pr<strong>of</strong>it by every<br />

meani <strong>of</strong> legitimately saviner<br />

0^r^mp0cesfmm^^<br />

w classes <strong>of</strong> thtse goods are<br />

'^[J0:t^t&m^?efe!rge.<br />

Womffi'* Wight Gown*. '^; •: :'-^:^^: = •<br />

Atteo--NighfeClowni<strong>of</strong> good Moilini<br />

ppl«ttiar Hbbb*rd yote <strong>of</strong> —^-'<br />

<strong>Jun</strong>o, Eadlat', 2& in, wheelfl, ball<br />

bearings, euehliiq tlrs, 175* pneu<<br />

matleUrei,|90,<br />

Ko, 2 Cfesccnt, 80 In. wheels, bail<br />

bmringB, pneumatio tlree, $100,<br />

Cfedonda, pneumatic tires, |1 IS,<br />

Victor Flyer, 1160.<br />

Victor, model "D" Boaditer, pnen><br />

waHc,|lfiO,<br />

Vlotorta, pneumatle, f lao.<br />

BOOK NEwa for <strong>Jun</strong>e has an<br />

admirable plate paper portrait<br />

Of Dr, Horace Howard Furness,<br />

whose "Variorum Shakspeare'<br />

hai gained fame for himself<br />

and his country.<br />

Pictures o( the late John Ad-<br />

djngton Symonds, Rev. Wm,<br />

M, Taylor, Madison j. Cawein,<br />

William Winter and Haw-<br />

thorne as he appeared in 1850<br />

are also given. Then there<br />

are half a dozen illustrations<br />

= „ time at aTfihnn, mm (JeUllod lablss,<br />

RsadlnftH, H, Tranifer OS, and Cab g. .„<br />

FiUiM«gtf Mi bamjre prtimpiif oonT af «!,*<br />

I! ranch OBIGB HewVork AtlABliB iTMtu^whe..<br />

aiUf<strong>of</strong> tajtsaie «n ta Isft and tkkeii. And<br />

lima toUM Of UW Feadlnt Ra4(n*l<br />

brajwhef ew to obtained,<br />

I, A, BWiiOARB, a ,<br />

Sen MM. QBB 1 !.<br />

We*t Ssnmy<br />


OH AHB AFTEH MAR, Sift, iSSfc<br />

. SUBSCRIPTION, 11.00<br />





Thousands <strong>of</strong> lots for sale<br />

at various prices, located in aE<br />

parts <strong>of</strong> the city.<br />

For information apply to<br />

E. BLAKE,<br />

Secretary,<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Asso'n,<br />

W, L SMITH A ION,<br />

Cheap Philadelphia Sltrr,<br />

34th Street and Asburj ivsnuo, k<br />

OCEAIg CITTT, S. i.<br />


irom current books and<br />

more than the usual variety ol<br />

bookish miscellany.<br />

BOOK NEWS is 5c, 59c a year,<br />


Never wears out. N<strong>of</strong>ieeogdeipenis,<br />

For terras and coutraetocooBUlt Itotelt<br />

t my agent for <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, -<br />


13- S, SAMPiON,<br />

" • Dumn<br />

Stoves, Heaters,Ranges,<br />


Cor. Fourth Street and West Avenue,<br />

OOEAN OWY./N. J-<br />

Tin roorw •iu) ahwWfen worktr. AB<br />

<strong>of</strong> Bete CuUiiK fuFBUhed at abort nmlee, mui Fishing Skiff, perfect mn-<br />

, ksd •!» 76 nUhoma unbifdo rail-<br />

h u h l jteidA d k<br />



ing set thoroughly jteideA tod corked;<br />


4 S S<br />

FLOU?<br />

Terra Cotta Pipe.<br />

43 So- Second %,<br />

with h. Q<br />

ISHiVEL 6. ADAMS A CO..<br />

HEIRT k ff, SltTH,<br />

OCEAN<br />


We ahall be gUd to receive iteinfl o*<br />

d ltlb <strong>of</strong> inlerMt<br />

We ahall be gUd to rce<br />

news &od communlcatlobB <strong>of</strong><br />

to this eommuDlt^ and pur-rw«toim<br />

everywhera, J<br />

All Gommanlestlona should be m-<br />

(wmpaiiled with the full name and fld-<br />

drtts <strong>of</strong> the writer, not nesiMMllyf<strong>of</strong><br />

publication, but m guarantee <strong>of</strong> gmfl<br />

faith.<br />

rrttit<br />

Not f<strong>of</strong>ys^rshaa there been sueta a|(f#<br />

haivr crop <strong>of</strong> itrawberrlea as tbere la<br />

~" Birawberry llelda <strong>of</strong><br />

BouthJereey,,which were white with<br />

blossoms a week ago, are today a maas<br />

Straw hats are beginning to<br />

The strawbeny crop thla year will be<br />

uiiUHuallF large.<br />

The photograph gallery on the beach<br />

Ifl being enlarged.<br />

The Traymare will open for tile Beft-<br />

Ntn 00 the 16th In|L<br />

, Council meets 16 regular monthly<br />

•Heslon to-morrow evening.<br />

Councilman Canfleld Is onlargtng<br />

ulfl cottage on Fourth etnet,<br />

Y, Gonna has rented Albert Gilbert's<br />

Cottage to a Phllodetphla party,<br />

H; H, MarterroF^undeii, is Bpend*<br />

Ing a few a few days In this city.<br />

It will cost 120 for each fiflh caught<br />

on Hunday Iu the waters <strong>of</strong> this State<br />

hereafter.<br />

The Union Transfer Company put<br />

their wagons in Bcrvfce in tlits city on<br />

Thunday last,<br />

Mrs, A. €. SenwinArt and family, <strong>of</strong><br />

Caradeu, are located In on Anbury<br />

avenue eottage. , *<br />

J, K. Get^, <strong>of</strong> Camden, k visiting<br />

his Hlster, M. J. Octty, at her Central<br />

avenue rcflldenM.<br />

Mni, J, H, Uiarki <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia,<br />

has rented a cottage here through the<br />

agency <strong>of</strong> Y.Corson.<br />

E, H, Baher and wife, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia,<br />

are enaoosoed In their third syndicate<br />

cottage for the summer,<br />

Robert Fisher has rented Ills new cnt-<br />

tago on the ocean front to Julius Fmrn-<br />

hagen, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia,<br />

Bev, George a Jl^kes, <strong>of</strong> Brldgstfln,<br />

ban rented J, L, Bice's oottagc, in flrst<br />

Byndlcate, tor the •eaanii,<br />

The <strong>Jun</strong>e meeting <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Ocean</strong> city<br />

Building and Loan Association will be<br />

held on Baturfay evening. i<br />

CapL I. Q. AdaniH will open the<br />

merry^round M the foot <strong>of</strong> Ninth<br />

street neit Saturday evening.<br />

The Cape May County Hoard <strong>of</strong> Free.<br />

holders meet at the Alnufann», neait<br />

Cape May Court Houie, to-day.<br />

George E. Webb and family, <strong>of</strong> PIiH-<br />

adetphla, Sfe here for ihw Beauoo, occu-<br />

pying an Aibury avenue cottage.<br />

, Mrs, Mark Lake and children re-<br />

turned to thlfl city Baturday after an<br />

enjoyable vlBit with relatlvea at Morton,<br />

Mr, Simmons, <strong>of</strong> Mlllville, haH rented<br />

the cottage occ-upled fay Carl<strong>of</strong>l Uornon,<br />

Asbury avenue, through the agency nf<br />

The shipment <strong>of</strong> Btrawberrisi from<br />

New Jersey will be a big QUO, <<br />

While the strawberry drop is certain<br />

to be an excellent one the blackberry<br />

crop—usually one <strong>of</strong> the most pr<strong>of</strong>itable<br />

Qfgouth Jersey eropi=win be almoit<br />

nothing, aa the fruit branches were fro.<br />

gen. during the severe winter, and the<br />

crop will to almost worthless. The<br />

failure <strong>of</strong> the blackberry crop will have<br />

a tendency to make the peach yield a<br />

paying one, and as there promise to be<br />

one <strong>of</strong> the btgeet peach crops in recent<br />

yearn growers are jubilant. There were<br />

no serious late frtst to Injure the budi<br />

and the trees are loaded with fruite,<br />

which promises to be «f more than or-<br />

dinary BIMS, The fruit will begin to<br />

ripen about the flnt <strong>of</strong> July,<br />

Raspberries promise to-be_plenUfuL<br />

The vines are now ihlckly covered with<br />

gttsn truit, aud the .prospect <strong>of</strong> big<br />

Hhlpmente and afflall pries la a smuree<br />

<strong>of</strong> worrlment to the fruit farmen.<br />

HuekleberHefl will aim be pientlfuli<br />

tbs<br />

I,I!»WOOJ). ••'-•(,<br />

El Isha Smith and daughter are spend*<br />

ing ten days at Salem and Brtdiiion,<br />

Three pairs at twiiis were barnf here<br />

last week, and parents are getting<br />

alarmed at the preepeeL<br />

WOW REPUBLttt<br />

Mia Lfszie Hal ne* spent a few days<br />

visiting Hiss Maretto Ffambes,<br />

The L. 0, 0, gave a grab sociable on<br />

Saturday evening. It was a grand sue*<br />

The school closed on Friday fast, Mr,<br />

Mono Will go down to AUantle <strong>City</strong> on<br />

the electric earn,''<br />

MaggieKOBO left onMonrtay morning<br />

tor a trip with her father, Captain Joel<br />

lloao, on hie v«sel.<br />


As per announcement, the people <strong>of</strong><br />

our town held a^testival on De<strong>of</strong>lratloB<br />

eently and also under Look to measure<br />

the [depth <strong>of</strong> the diteh. Bay, Harryrj<br />

p .<br />

D, Hegtonlgie and Btra Johnson<br />

covered the distance Asm Atlantic <strong>City</strong><br />

to this placejn flftetn riiinnttt on their<br />

bicycles.<br />

and the poor people *>i South Jereey,<br />

whose iiarvestlH huckleberrloi asd €rsn><br />

bcrrlPfl, an likely to be more benefited<br />

than the fro 11 fftrmers. Swamp huckle-<br />

berry buHhonnre now cu verediylth green<br />

fruit.<br />

A meeting foi the eteetlon <strong>of</strong> three<br />

church trualeefl will be held-in the<br />

church building next Mnndsf evening<br />

at 4 o'clock, • . ,<br />

William Lake ban rented one <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Association cottages to Mrs, Eddy and<br />

Mm, Hatch, Philadelphia, who are HOW<br />

occupyipglt,<br />

William D, Barnbunit and family, <strong>of</strong><br />

Philadelphia, am quartered in their<br />

Asiiury avenue cottage, near Sixteenth<br />

street, for the season,<br />

Wiiiiam M.Tw* and family, <strong>of</strong> Phil-<br />

adelphia, are enHCOiiced In an AsHocia-<br />

tloii cottage, whieb they rented through<br />

the figeney <strong>of</strong> WiUiam Lake,<br />

All adjourned meeting <strong>of</strong><br />

was hold* on Friday evening, Mayor<br />

Moore in the chair, Ctiuueltmen Cor»<br />

«on, Canneid, Hand and Btwlmau<br />

were prcfleut. After the approval <strong>of</strong><br />

the mlnutcH an order wp drawn<br />

in favor <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Health for fflO,<br />

the amount nf the appropriation, C,<br />

WaLaon, Bireet Bupervtaor, teudered<br />

liisrefilguati to takeeftest iroBaed late-<br />

ly. It was accepted and Peter Mur-<br />

doch eleeted to fill the vacancy. Bills<br />

to the amount <strong>of</strong> $287,14 were mad and<br />

ordered paid,<br />

Bids for tbe removal <strong>of</strong> garbage were<br />

read, as follows; Parker Miller, 11000;<br />

Murdoch, $800= Carli* 8. Otrmn,<br />

* A, I), Sharp, fSfifl; tJhaHeB Kiiig,<br />

§425, Council resolved itself Into a<br />

enmmittee to consider the matter^n<br />

Monday even lug,<br />

Gouneilmen Coraon and Canllcld<br />

were appointed a committee to see if<br />

The<br />

Aid B-wiety <strong>of</strong> the first<br />

M.E, Church intend holding a Btraw-<br />

berry festival on Thursday evening<br />

next In the Auditorium building,<br />

M, R Milb, <strong>of</strong> philadelphim hM<br />

rented John Thomas' cottage, Anbury<br />

avenue, south <strong>of</strong> Twelfth street, through<br />

tbe agency ef B. Curtis KoblnHon,<br />

The First and Trinity H, E. Sunday-<br />

suhpotg<strong>of</strong> Hillviiie will run anoscur-<br />

sion to thin elty an Tuesday, July IHh,<br />

Tbe Millfille eieunlon la always a<br />

large one,<br />

W< S, Watson, a PbUndeiphiali,<br />

through tlie ageB^r <strong>of</strong> Robert Ftaher;<br />

has rented Jesse Itapp'a cottage on Ai*<br />

bury aveijue, north <strong>of</strong> Pint street, Oe-<br />

, cupaney waa taken on Saturday,<br />

Children's Day will be obfler?ed in<br />

the First M, E, Cbureh on Bunday next<br />

It Is the Intention <strong>of</strong> those having the<br />

oierciws In charge to furnish a pro.<br />

gramme <strong>of</strong> wore than uaual excellence-<br />

Our real estate agenta report s greater<br />

demand for cottages at this season than<br />

usual In former years, and those who<br />

have deferred securing accommqdatlnni<br />

will have to make haste or take such as<br />

, riniAin. ,<br />

Robert HBher has rented these eot.<br />

tages<strong>of</strong> late- pev* W, A. MasBey's, on<br />

UcntnU avenue, to M, F, Bobertfl; Bev,<br />

J, D, Turpln's, on Asbury avenue, to'<br />

Mra, f^lil T« % lodW's, on Central<br />

Bvenikf,toiiiB, V.Carrow, V "% \<br />

SMDWIB. MllW^who has Iwn enV<br />

ployed here for some time by the Penn-<br />

Bylvania Globe Gas Light tioinpany,<br />

will remove to Torresdate, Fa,, in the<br />

near future, when the town is being<br />

lighted by the above company.<br />

MisBLiEtle Sharp will hava elurge<br />

<strong>of</strong> the hollneSH l meeting thin Bummer,<br />

niflhdp Andrews will fpreach Hunday;<br />

July 80th, and Biahop Walden will<br />

r aeh SundsyjilHgust Snth^ Bev* J,<br />

HeiiUer, j, M AdBme, Dr, J*. M<br />

Hmith and other weEl-toown divines<br />

will assist tn tbe services. The amp<br />

meeting will begin August 4th ana<br />

continue until the 18th.<br />

We are informed that Mother §team><br />

nteteompaey, under the leadership <strong>of</strong><br />

D/B, Hallhwr, will put boattonthe<br />

bay to ply between Geean Ulftp, iomeri'<br />

Point ftDdLongport thU Beaion. Oae<br />

boat the Golden Gftte, bM already been<br />

rentled witth imf b^eugltiw and<br />

eoDdensera. Beubea Young, »n esjp<br />

rlenoed aipUin, will pomnind ,fti:<br />

iteftmtr. The tfttt win be ttduoed to<br />

twenjy-a?e ceate fbr tlie round trip.<br />

.? It<strong>of</strong>ti*^-Oa»Uiw Mfsmmia u<br />

iV^flri'-MW^^^aBN? ^ &\•:•"••<br />

FOR REHT,-A ntoe eottMeiJdl<br />

furolibed; beat loO»tlon on<br />

the paving oil Apbury avenue, between<br />

Sixth and Ninth streets, wputd becom-<br />

pteted before the openlng<strong>of</strong> the seaBon;<br />

also to' ptit down Htone er<strong>of</strong>wiuRH on<br />

Seventh and Eighth atreetfl, Ununell<br />

adjourned,<br />

A Pffs«r Haste<br />

The miclence <strong>of</strong> Wesley iilsley, AH*<br />

bury avenue, near Fourth street, was<br />

the scene <strong>of</strong> a very pretty home wedding<br />

on Thursday ©veplng Jast. The lilgb<br />

e<strong>of</strong>itiaetlng p^« wetc-MlNfl-Nellie<br />

ttlsley, danghtet <strong>of</strong> Wesley ttlsley, and<br />

Elva J? Bharp, son <strong>of</strong> A, D,8hBfp, The<br />

ceremony took place at precisely B<br />

o'clock, Bev, W, A, Mawey <strong>of</strong>ficiating.<br />

After the happy, ffiapls; bad received<br />

the congratulations <strong>of</strong> those present,<br />

the wedding party retired to the dining<br />

room, where an elaborate lunch was<br />

served* <strong>On</strong>ly the immediate families<br />

<strong>of</strong> the bride and groom were present.<br />

The bridal presents were very hand-<br />

eonifi. The uewiy*wedded couple will<br />

takeup their residence with the groom's<br />

parents for the present. <strong>On</strong> Monday<br />

evening tbe^were tendered a serenade<br />

by the W, A, Manahan Cornet Baud,<br />

Of this place, M r, and MrN, Sharp have<br />

our best wishes for their future welfare<br />

and happiness.<br />

fisy wbleh In every way wasa deeldeil<br />

siiocese, being largely attended and well<br />

patronized.<br />

Large crowds came in tbe afternoon<br />

frem EngllHli Creek in company with<br />

the O, A! SS| headed by the Union Cor-<br />

net Band <strong>of</strong> Bcullvliie, The band ren-<br />

dered excellent music. The graves <strong>of</strong><br />

soldiers were decorated, and a number<br />

<strong>of</strong> Bed Men also decorated the giaves<br />

<strong>of</strong> their brothers and Htoteis,<br />

An excursion toOccan Cl^ and Long,<br />

port by our people. Our paator aud<br />

family are invited,<br />

J, T, PrlOB and J, W.Bmltb and wife,<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, attended the festival,<br />

MAY'S liASDlHO,<br />

Captain Daniel Gillord ID having hU<br />

house painted.<br />

The Board <strong>of</strong> Health held a meeting<br />

en»Monday evening.<br />

The Atlantic County Board <strong>of</strong> Free-<br />

holders have voted f3R,00o for the erec-<br />

tion <strong>of</strong> a new county Jail at tins* place,<br />

and also decided to make extensive re-<br />

pairs to tli@ Court House.<br />

William 8, Leach and' MIKS Marian<br />

Bushton, both nf this place, were<br />

married on Thursday evening by Bw,<br />

J, H, Boyd,<br />

A HirawberTy festival, In aid oi Uie<br />

M, B, Church, was hgld on Saturday<br />

evening,<br />

Tlie Board <strong>of</strong> Education has been<br />

authorised to spend 14600 In Iriipmving,<br />

enlarging and refurulahlug the present<br />

iichool building.<br />

iJenjamln Kewkirk, brakeman on the<br />

Oeean <strong>City</strong> accommodation train, W. J,<br />

K. «., met with an accident on Batur*<br />

day which nfllght have had a fatal ter-<br />

minaUon, <strong>On</strong> Its return trip the traiii,<br />

as usnal, was made up <strong>of</strong> freight cars<br />

and passenger coaches, otie <strong>of</strong> the former<br />

<strong>of</strong> which was loaded with poles, and in<br />

making up the train it was plaad ini*<br />

mediately in front <strong>of</strong> the coaches.<br />

While the train was running between<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> View and Hea Isle Cily one <strong>of</strong><br />

the logs fell from the ear, one end strik-<br />

ing the ground and the other entering<br />

the front end <strong>of</strong> the passenger car at a<br />

point where but a few minutes before<br />

Mr, Newklrk bad been Btandliig, His<br />

face was somewhat scratched, bu t other*<br />

wist be escaped injury. The ear was<br />

so badly damaged that It bad to be sent<br />

to the repair shops,<br />

has<br />

their<br />

Qtmim Will Ht • Rnritr-<br />

to the Bouth Jei^y<br />

this season will find that one <strong>of</strong><br />

favitfite pastimes, thitf <strong>of</strong> firabblng,<br />

be very doll work on account <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Boin)iity,<strong>of</strong>trjeeo shell flah. Fishermen<br />

afi eonipiainlng <strong>of</strong> the few crabs to be<br />

found and notis are being Bhlpped to<br />

the Philadelphia or'New YerM marfcetB<br />

fmm this locality, Dunaily at this<br />

eeapon <strong>of</strong> the year, the waters <strong>of</strong> Cape<br />

Hay and Atjantle couatifs are teeming<br />

with crabB, but this year boiled or<br />

deviled crabe »« really s luiury. Dur-<br />

ing the winter thousands <strong>of</strong> them were<br />

killed by thfawefeenM: and IB the<br />

shallow waters <strong>of</strong> South Jersey the bot-<br />

toms froze so Bolid that all <strong>of</strong> thebedded<br />

crabs were frozou to death.<br />

Efforts are. being made to<br />

release <strong>of</strong> JohnBonMW, servlni?<br />

tho<br />

life<br />

E, H. JaekBon aud family, <strong>of</strong> Phlla-<br />

deipliln, have again taken the enttage<br />

which they have occupied sevcnil ma-<br />

sonR,<br />

Mrs. F. A. Baker and mnt at Camden,<br />

spent a part <strong>of</strong> last week with relatives<br />

in our village.<br />

The CiiriHtlan Endaivjir Boeiety<br />

the regular evening servlDe..<br />

the night the pafitor nils another ap><br />

itmeiit. <strong>On</strong> Sunday evening the<br />

Endeavor was Hurprhsed and greatly<br />

pleased with n vlnlt from Rev, J. K.<br />

Peters, Freiident <strong>of</strong> the Cfeunty Hoard,<br />

and Ezra A. Lake, President <strong>of</strong> the gcN<br />

eiety <strong>of</strong> the Pleasaiitvine Preshyierlan<br />

church, •<br />

Mrs, Margaret English, who met<br />

with an accident three months ago, la<br />

very poorly. She impmvei very slowly,<br />

Harry Turner eitpeciB to go back<br />

to Texas til August.<br />

Tbe memorial ierviees held here ou<br />

pecoratlon - Day far sur]!aased. that <strong>of</strong>.<br />

previoiiB years. Nearly ail <strong>of</strong> our people<br />

turned out, as well as a large number<br />

from theadjotnlng towns, which swelled<br />

the gathering to about fix hundred<br />

souls. At eleven o'clock s, m,* Joe<br />

Hooker PoBt, O. A. B.( et Atlantie <strong>City</strong>,<br />

arrived, aeajnipaBied by the Union<br />

Cornet Band, <strong>of</strong> Beuiiville, and pro.<br />

eeeded to the eemetery adjoining the<br />

Anbury M, aChareh.whereour pastor,<br />

Bev, F, A, Howell, took a part at the<br />

grave as ehaploin, A very Impwsslve<br />

Bervlco Was held, after which the soldiers<br />

broke ranki and decorated the graves<br />

<strong>of</strong> their fallen comrades, HeXt came<br />

the tribe <strong>of</strong> Red Men <strong>of</strong> English Creek<br />

and Homers- Feint todeeorBte the graves<br />

<strong>of</strong> their departed brothers and iistenh<br />

At noon luncheon was served, ample<br />

prevision having been made by oar<br />

people for a crowd. At one o'clock the<br />

church was fliled with people, when an<br />

address was delivered by Rev, Joseph<br />

Ostorberry, <strong>of</strong> the M. F, Obureh. The<br />

choir favored us with a selection and<br />

the band rendered "Shall We Gather<br />

at the River, 11 after whteli Rev. F. A,<br />

Howell made an address on the causes<br />

<strong>of</strong> the late war, and spoke <strong>of</strong> the first<br />

blood shed OH April 19,1861. When the<br />

first regiments o! Maasaehusetta VOIUB-<br />

teerswire passing through Baltimore<br />

on their way to Washington they were<br />

fired upon by the eiUzenfl and three<br />

men kilted. Comrade John Getts aroee<br />

and stated that he on the name day. In<br />

the city <strong>of</strong> Baltimore fought for one<br />

hour and a bait with razors, he being a<br />

barber, with the Confederates who at-<br />

tempted to pull down the stars and<br />

stripes from his building, Mr, Gette<br />

now resides in Atlantic <strong>City</strong> and is a<br />

member <strong>of</strong> the G, A, R, After the ser*<br />

view clflfled, ail «tart4sd for Bargain town,<br />

Where services were also held. Many<br />

whs were present at Asbury said tbe<br />

services were fbr in advance <strong>of</strong> last year.<br />

Decoration Bay ib growing more and<br />

more each year In the favor <strong>of</strong> our<br />

from Philadelphia and taken occupancy<br />

<strong>of</strong> William Adams' new cottage.<br />

We are glad to see James R, Adami<br />

home again,. We hope he has been<br />

benefited by his trip.<br />

Floral Bervleea will be held in the<br />

PfesbyterlaB (Jhunb on Bunday, 18th<br />

Mrs, PPHton Adami and Mrs, Oeorge<br />

Leaeh have new bicycles, Qul te a num-<br />

ber <strong>of</strong> ladiea now have wheels in our<br />

Lawyer Clarence Cole and family, <strong>of</strong><br />

Atlantic <strong>City</strong>, spent Saturday and Hun-<br />

day with Lewis Conover and wife,<br />

Mr, Uuiworth spent a few days hi<br />

Vineland the latter part <strong>of</strong> the week.<br />

T, M, Conover has bought a small<br />

engine <strong>of</strong> the Unaworth Oompany, He<br />

Intends placing It in a pleasure yacht.<br />

Mfg. Knowls is visiting Aibury Park,<br />

Mrs. J, H, Helm fs visiting in Ham-<br />

monton, where she espocU to remain<br />

for two weeks, '<br />

William Johnson, the factory iufipeo*<br />

tor, was in town Saturday inspecUlig<br />

our fact<strong>of</strong>lefl,<br />

W 111 ism U tis worth Is home from Vice-<br />

land on a visit.<br />

Lucas Lake's ar.ypnr-old horse iRHeri-<br />

oiisiy ill.<br />

A Iwm delegation f*t 8t, Btoplieii'B<br />

Tabornaclei No, i, Hibernian FlHhe^<br />

men, a wieiety <strong>of</strong> eolored jwoplis from<br />

Atlantic UUy, was here on Hunday at-<br />

tending tbe funeral <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> their mem><br />

bera,<br />


Fremnnt Davis, eolored, was piaMd<br />

under I1Q0O ball Friday by JiiRtico<br />

WilliamR, to answer for a revolting<br />

crime, J<br />

Mas Melnliart was arrested lost<br />

Wednesday night on a chnrgo <strong>of</strong> at<br />

tempting to break Info an unoccupied<br />

ootiagc.<br />

Mrs. Elizabeth Brewer, <strong>of</strong> this eily,<br />

was Friday placed under tSOO bail to<br />

answer a charge <strong>of</strong> stealing the wed-<br />

ding dress <strong>of</strong> Mrs, Babette llerko. The<br />

latter sap the dress disappeared two<br />

years ago, and that she saw the defend'<br />

ant wearing the costume on Tuesday <strong>of</strong><br />

iant week at the Pleassntvi lie Cemetery,<br />

The streets were partially sprinkled<br />

with milk Sunday by the running<br />

away <strong>of</strong> the team <strong>of</strong> Tiiomaw Kl Wilson,<br />

The demands <strong>of</strong> the striking gradu-<br />

ates <strong>of</strong> Uie High School fur 40 admis-<br />

iion tickets sieh f»r the eommenee»<br />

men t exercises were granted *<br />

Oiiicer White Saturday shot a sup<br />

posed inad dog that ran into Woitery's<br />

Hotel and attempted to take possesslnn.<br />

The Jewish Materney Association <strong>of</strong><br />

Philadelphia lias opened a house for<br />

Ms<strong>of</strong>txttly<br />

Pure<br />

A cream <strong>of</strong> tartar baking powder.<br />

Highest <strong>of</strong> all la leavening strength.—<br />

Latest United States Government Food<br />

Boyal Dahlnn Powder<br />

lOfi WALL ST., ft. If,<br />

IJOWARD REED, Ph. G.;<br />

Physician and Surgeon*<br />


Cor, flth Btrect and Central Avenue,<br />

OCEAN CITY, N. J^ _^<br />


, Cor, 7th and Central^<br />

Oiiiee bourss i to ift<br />

4 too<br />

Now is the Time<br />

TO am<br />


For Nrtle or Il*»t.<br />

Property known as Tllton's lk«tan-<br />

rant, Hltuated on Hay front near stoaai-<br />

boat pier, <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N, J. For par*<br />

tlculan apply to U, M, TILTON,<br />

, . Absecon, N, J,<br />

King's Ai<br />

Asbury km, below Fourth St.,<br />

OOEAN OITY, N,<br />

All work done in prst-class<br />

tyle,<br />

ANNA KING, Proprietress,<br />



t* the Orphani*' (^jurt <strong>of</strong> Cape May<br />

eountyi bearniR date the I7th day bf<br />

Ijmbor, liim, the subscriber adm<br />

i etc., «f JoHcpb M, Ludlam, de=<br />

ill to sale at public<br />

vali<br />

Tbe voters, at a public meeting last<br />

Saturday night, decided by a vote <strong>of</strong> SO<br />

to 84 to SHSUB 150,^ in bonds f«r tlie<br />

erection <strong>of</strong> a high school.<br />

Rev, T, J. Crow has been cliiHJcii ck*l'<br />

vendue, at thii'vftiee «f ftrorean Hand,<br />

^1,, in (Jape May Uourt House, IJBW<br />

jersey, on " .<br />

FRIDAY, JtiNl 9, 1593,<br />

between the hours <strong>of</strong> twelve and five<br />

o'clock, to wit i At two o'clock hi the<br />

afternoon the following dHteriiied real<br />

tate, Hltuato in the township or 1)1 u«<br />

iH iii said county :<br />

No.i Is a tractor pt&ic <strong>of</strong> Cedar Swamn<br />

and cripple, adjoining laud now or late<br />

<strong>of</strong> the ueirH <strong>of</strong> *Itiry Learning, Hum.<br />

phrey SiitoH and Philip Stiles, contain,<br />

ing otie acre and a hnir and two perches<br />

more or less, parllcuturly detfcrli>ed in<br />

the deed from Albert H, Ludlnm to<br />

JoHtjph M, Ludlam dated October 5,<br />

ISM, and recorded iii the Clerk's Office<br />

iff said county iu Deed Book Z, pages<br />

NfcS'iaalot <strong>of</strong> Cripple lying below<br />

the miii dam and adkiining the mill<br />

lot and Jeremiah H, Nlxoii, eoii*<br />

veyed to jiwepl! SI. Liidiaro by James<br />

L, SraUh. administrator <strong>of</strong> Henry Lud=<br />

lam, by deed dsM July 10, IMS, and<br />

recorded as aforeHald in Deed Mtsik No,<br />

T7, pages HB, etc.<br />

No, S is all the right, title and interest<br />

<strong>of</strong> said decydeut <strong>of</strong>, in and to a tract <strong>of</strong><br />

Meadow, containiiiK W aere», more «r<br />

leas, and lyliiff °« DunniB Creek, part<br />

<strong>of</strong> the real tstato late «f Henry Ltidfajii,<br />

deeeOHil particularly described in u<br />

deed fnim ftfarip Luiriam to Jijspph M.<br />

Ludiaro, dated AuguHt «0, imit Iu p«*»<br />

gewlon <strong>of</strong> the Hubsfiriber,<br />

No 4 is ail the right, title and interest<br />

<strong>of</strong> said deeedintnfrin nud to the soil <strong>of</strong><br />

what IH known m the Ludlam Mill<br />

Piiiid and tho privilege <strong>of</strong> fliKidlug the<br />

Y0WR SHOGS<br />

at the leading Shoe Store in<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>,<br />

C.A.<br />

81ft Anbar?<br />

All the latest styte in<br />

Indies and Gent's Shoos<br />

Gent's Fine Kusset Calf, 11!usher<br />

Clent's Fine Ualt Jiluoher Shoe<br />

!M\m' Fluo Kid Illueher Hlioe.<br />

Ladles' Douewl Tip Btuchcr Bhoe<br />

Ladles' FlneOxfora iiiuehif Bbo©<br />

Ladiyw 1 Fine RuSHet Oxford Shoe<br />

other Btylei too numerous to<br />

mention.<br />

Bicycle and Lawn Tennis<br />

Shoes in diflerent colors | also<br />

a genuine Kangaroo Shoe at<br />

Pine, Cedar<br />

and Hemlock<br />


Sliiifj,<br />

Winlow Franist<br />

BIIKU, Mulllm,<br />

Bfacketl,<br />

SMiglK, PltktU,<br />

Ufl( Dim, Cepett.<br />

A iuH supply constantly on<br />

hand, and under cover.<br />

Orders left at No, 759 As-<br />

bury avenue will receive imme*<br />

diate despatch by Telephone.<br />

OWEN H, KUDER,<br />

4OS seventh Street,<br />

(iMf Ashtiry ATfthUr)<br />

I inber Yard aid Glee:<br />

Car, lilh St, k West kn.,<br />

OITY, N. J.<br />


NO. 108 MARKET STREET,<br />



game, situate<br />

d "b Wt<br />

ege g<br />

Dciinlaville, on tlie<br />

b t<br />

sentence at Trenton for murdering<br />

BainueJ MBSBIP, inAUintleClty. While<br />

Bomers was quarreling with his wife<br />

^ d wmi killed with<br />

Bomers has served<br />

a blow front an ax,<br />

BRICK l BRICK 11 BRICK 11 J-^Orferi<br />

for brick left at Thorn's hardware and<br />

furniture itnfi) brftt,GI«pn ObtUge, 8th<br />

3t. and Haven Av^., will receive prompt<br />

i w i t h Abel p Bcu<br />

3t. and Haven Av^., wl<br />

attention; or with Abel p, Bcull, eon<br />

trscterand bullderj'hlstjf qpttagB.Oen-<br />

611<br />

egate from ttiis eoun^ to represent tlilfl<br />

dlHtriijt In the Christian Endeavor Boci-<br />

ety eonveulien, which Cflnvenffl st<br />

Montreal, Canada, July Slh,<br />

William Fowdeh, <strong>of</strong> Camdeu, has suc-<br />

ceeded Ubariea W, Brown as superln^<br />

tendentflf the Atlantic Electric Light<br />

Company.<br />

Charles Wright and William Gardner*<br />

two 15>year*Id boy§, were raved froin<br />

a watery graveSunday by Albert Wont-<br />

ton. The boat in which the Imys were<br />

sdling upset opposite Man Killer Island<br />

and they were nearly exhausted when<br />

picked up by Mr. Wootton.<br />

James Natty was arrested Saturday<br />

night for reckless driving.<br />

Trumbuli White, a Western author,<br />

will make a canoe trip from thin city to<br />

New York this summer,<br />

The electric lights, were not est!n-<br />

guiihed as was expected Sunday night<br />

because <strong>of</strong> the expiration <strong>of</strong> the city's<br />

contract with the corporation and a<br />

failure <strong>of</strong> renewal.<br />

The prejeeied driveway from this city<br />

along the beach to Longprt, six mile*,<br />

received an impetus at Monday night's<br />

meeting <strong>of</strong> the cnmmiUee, The rail-<br />

road companies <strong>of</strong>lered to furnish free<br />

<strong>of</strong> cost six hundred car loads <strong>of</strong> gravel.<br />

Mayor Wright has ismed orders to<br />

the police foree to shoot every dog found<br />

4inmuMled on the streets,<br />

Edward Waidmyer, a sign painter,<br />

fell from a seafloid Monday, Two ribs<br />

were broken, and his shoulder blade<br />

fractured. He will probably die. •<br />

Miss Josephine Fletcher, for three<br />

years musical instructor in the public<br />

echoolH, has resigned and instituted<br />

prueeediHga to recover three montbs'<br />

tjalary. The Board <strong>of</strong> Education re-<br />

fused to pay her because she declined<br />

to sign a release iu full,<br />

: iBSEOOH. ,<br />

Mrs, Lewis has returned frimi Iloltl-<br />

more, having enjoyed a very prolonged<br />

and pleasant visit;<br />

' Nicholas Carman has about recovered<br />

from his recent illness. ,<br />

Ellery Cranmer and sisters have been<br />

visiting at Mrs. B, M. Townseiid'B,<br />

Cards are out for the wedding <strong>of</strong> Miss<br />

Annie Ryan te William Dunham which<br />

game, situate i ,<br />

road "bi Wtsit CJnsik, bu ttie BMHO iiioru<br />

All the nlmve deffe-rihix! projierly will<br />

he Hliiiwn oli apnlieatiiiii ti> A, ElUm<br />

Holme*. Ikmiiisville, K. J. tkHitHtin<br />

will be madH known i;ii dity <strong>of</strong> Hale,<br />

iialwi May S.A; J). 18t«t<br />

A, hLTON HOLMES,<br />

AdmiulHtmtor,<br />

MDHOAN HANH, ProeUir.<br />

. I*r'B Vim.<br />

FOB<br />

OB May BOlh a birthday parQ? was<br />

given Rev. F, A, HowelKat the ps<br />

B<strong>On</strong>age, The members <strong>of</strong> the church<br />

and congregation preBentad Mr. Howell<br />

and wife with a very bandsome table-<br />

cloth and twelve napkins id match.<br />

Tbe dominlei thanked all who con*<br />

Mbuted to the present. FreBldtng<br />

EnaerHajfrlewafl preBent on this occa-<br />

sion, It also being iibput the time <strong>of</strong> our<br />

,<br />

flat Quarterly Conference.<br />

SEVlN-RieMlP G0t'T f AQt<br />

lot nt Llnwoml, rcawiiiable. Apply<br />

M. H, HOiUNSON. riposonlviile, N. J.<br />

WM. E. KERN.<br />

Cioii Engineer #<br />

SurDeydr.<br />

t For Male.<br />

Fine Cottage overlooking the bay<br />

near the Steamboat Landing and Suui«<br />

iper liailroad Btatlon, Laree veran.<br />

dalis; Htrt*t hiijirnvetl; clectrlp earn wil!<br />

rim close to diHir, For nnrtleularH apply<br />

to H, UURflS HORINBQK,<br />

O C i t N;J,<br />


on<br />

located*<br />

Bench.<br />


In nn!i=etiyig hoisl<br />

the prfwnt pmprifiu>« IBs<br />

rprt kiowpttg or how ti>ciin>r (s ii\« ons-<br />

fart<strong>of</strong> thi'lr g!!piM!,<br />

For ti-riii 4 , rooniH; clc, addr«i> the<br />

care tiebHt Ftohnr.<br />

FAMILY anuuEniE«i<br />

4LWAn Til ^»Hi?W AMD BBI f© H<br />


FuU Flavor^ Teas,<br />

Choice Brands <strong>of</strong> CoHet,<br />

Sugars <strong>of</strong> all Grades,<br />

Canned Fruit<br />

Rddei, Spices, RaIsinsrDrii<br />

' Beel, Butter and Lard*<br />

Hams oi Best Qua!<br />

Weighed when Purchased<br />

Customers, - No Loss w<br />

Weight Charged to Purehasera.<br />

1 K» to wd Biki **i«* ppm tot hm,<br />

aRB ciRgTH,<br />

OeMn taty. V, J.<br />

WESLEY HOUSis,<br />

Cor, 8th St, and Wesley Ave,,<br />

OCEAN CITY, N. j.<br />

This limiHC to fipljghirullj Seated on • wide<br />

*»en»psf»wfeet fmm tlw <strong>of</strong>t*.B iieDmiae-<br />

dsiJniiH first claan Tprnui wunilfthfe Open<br />

•11 ihe year. • As E. OO f '<br />

f<br />

1OW PRICES.<br />


Itise and Sip ftuiten.<br />

Special nttentlon ttiveu to<br />

urve<br />

<strong>On</strong>e <strong>of</strong> otiftMithnaiaBild wheelmen took<br />

il hdmewBid trip &om AUantld <strong>City</strong> re-<br />

in tn take place <strong>Jun</strong>e 14th,<br />

Tlie funeral <strong>of</strong> Walter Klngsbury,<br />

whtfih took place on Sunday tast, was<br />

largely attended, .• The body was burled<br />

In M, E, eemetery at this place.<br />

Miss Clara and Master Harry itr«k><br />

bine, <strong>of</strong> Phllacleiphia, have been Uie<br />

guest* <strong>of</strong> Miss Clara and Miss Anna<br />

Miekle,<br />

Mrs, Bamaon continues very iii.<br />

atrawbeitiw Are pleutlful and m»<br />

qultoes abundant<br />

A reward is bflered for the apprehen><br />

slon ef the person who forcibly entered<br />

tbe store <strong>of</strong> Mrs, A, C, Matbews »me<br />

Ume betwwQ rtaturday night and Mon-<br />

day morning. , . '.:."\ :<br />

• • Mrs.Beed, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, been visl^<br />

IngM-MffIfkfeW^;. -.- \r, =":|V' • ". •• :<br />

MR. ELLIOTT,<br />

Successor te MRS- R. MORRIS,<br />


Groceries, ProYlslons,<br />


Dry Goods, Motions,<br />


CHINA and OLAfifiW AIlE,<br />

Ho, 714 Anbury A v®M<br />

OOEAN OITY, N. J.<br />


, bciweti ft* mrn<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> Cliy, H* J<br />

Now cipBii for the sea»u.<br />

S, DUBLEY,<br />


OOEAN CITY, M, J.<br />

Now oisn forreeeptien <strong>of</strong> gu#gt«,<br />

For tcriiis, etc,, addreis<br />

, A, BOYLE,<br />


Wesley Ave, near Ninth St.,<br />

OCEAN CITY, N, J,<br />

. _ jHadii and<br />

4SP West Avenue,<br />

OCEAH Olfi »»<br />

jobbing promptly attended<br />

to* Estimates cheerfully given.<br />

and use the best material*<br />

Orders left at Wm. Lafce*i<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice, corner Sixth and Asbury<br />

aTcnue, wUl receive prompt<br />

attention, .<br />



OCEAN U1TV, N, J.<br />

aummer vlslUirsareawiired <strong>of</strong> ef-<br />

fielent wrvlce, frefch J^KMIS atid PliJIa-<br />

delphis pries*.<br />

!<br />


Painter aiiSlftzier.<br />


t.cswiit Hrsh Pure<br />

tmm4L Oil anfl<br />

First Quality Hard<br />

Varnishes.<br />

MB<br />

Oil and<br />

iiko la #¥*;? ^ r t l c o l u . t e l l i<br />

l t . Two Miiafis f Mm the OO**^ depot fir<br />

pr*t <strong>of</strong>flee, FijihfnK, boating Mil mtllilK w!l*t<br />

within a few mlnuu* w«Ile from the heuH.<br />

J08, O, pOWK, Prop.<br />


Cor. Qth St. and Central Aveit<br />

(Formerly Sixth fL and Central A».)<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong><br />

A, B, RANCK,<br />

ReberfeT Fire and Water<br />

Pro<strong>of</strong> Faintat<br />

Pure*Me^lHc Paints for Tir*<br />

and Shingle Ro<strong>of</strong>s (and no<br />

oilier should be used where<br />

rain water is caught for family<br />

use),<br />

AJ1 brands <strong>of</strong> Ready Mixed<br />

Paints.<br />

Window Glass <strong>of</strong> all kinds<br />

and patterns. Reference given.<br />

HTOBEOTf A<br />

OCEAN<br />


Cor, 4th St.and Central Ave,,<br />

OCEAN CITY, N,J,<br />

Petlgiitfiii, Full vfctw tt Oc**n «hd<br />

fftBi f ii<br />

n»r.<br />

. HUB, LA<br />

ll<br />

KE,<br />

ATalon, N* J.,<br />

WILLIAM A. MANAHAN, Prop'r.<br />

EntUA ud rumWwd u,it<br />

idmlrrtlj i«si«d hstel n<br />

""ism<br />

TIM<br />

air Oio<br />

erqmJ<br />

ttti.% ernUH),<br />

• P^vQiMltt<br />



• H.M, e<br />

v AT<br />

_.j Hsm FBIOS L .,,<br />

^LANTi&AyiloiiiJiMM<br />

j > ^<br />

;; ... v ;-. r-ZiiiB'^i! ^ - ^ 3 ^ S'>»" Jju' 1 " ??* ji^iii" fcS'?!"''' ; * '''V'" 3 ^JiT *"*i- *'i'' K ' ''* ! Ji>'""iW.>.. t t fci':^*&&i'-\f'? : /l l ^t^i£ffiL i f~i$i : i^ft:il& ' >V >l'-' ' '• ' .V; /,'i ^l 5 7. *? s .lj-{ •(iM** ^^.S: !: "' i<br />

>1U?J« v. k<br />


A LEFT HANMW MAN, sail -*T* asm ma meal M un cotter lareforjHmhMteJirtBd<br />

is <strong>of</strong> to us*<br />

BaWBUiM. Jma 4,—£1* •ermon p&><br />

faetedbf Hat, DE fUpufe fwthta fer#<br />

aooa U bonded eo the tort Judge*<br />

hUdf U<br />

w»j •tamtfan. Tttit-Egio*<br />

M tb. nil «urf . p^, ^ ^ ta5S5J5SSS?E<br />

TJwra wei» hnndreda a* people w&0 will Ml with yea no= neg at the table<br />

would bare considered it the greatsi w it the hearth, Her ami goes eat to<br />

bosoF <strong>of</strong> their Ufojutto have him speak gently yen do not ftMcJly know tha a*<br />

to them, Ytt although he la so high nj total <strong>of</strong> ittgetag, Feld the h«dj that<br />

dt h i t b d l have in* » aaay kiadnema f<strong>of</strong> yon<br />

right ©TSF the heart that has beat with<br />

te tewmrd fog dace before TOO wen<br />

bore. Let th# pilgrim retf. 8h A<br />

Death fa tht nnfflcr boage!<br />

Gth bt<br />


HIM Hh u Oatr tb*<br />

w»<br />

uototh* Lord the Lard «I«1<br />

op a deHverer, Ehnd,tlis tea e|<br />

BJlt kfh<br />

eath fa tht nnfflcr boage!<br />

Gather about na what we win <strong>of</strong> com-<br />

ort asd lns b th l<br />

left taadod,<br />

W2<br />

faler is ZaseL<br />

md what waa<br />

Hawni<br />

tand that the Hblft<br />

h<br />

Sft<br />

^af - - --=-= =• . . •=-___» jp _ . . _•*=— »—•—• U l f l v m i<br />

Babupotei spAB thaa a snort oatrags-<br />

sutt. aad, Human <strong>of</strong> whom I first<br />

agifab had a divine eommbmon to de-<br />

itroy thaJcppremw. He HOI, pretend-<br />

nvtbatbs' WM going to pay the t«.<br />

aodtaksdto iesKing Eglon. Be wu<br />

told bt WM In the tnmmer home, the<br />

i*M* to which tasking retired when if<br />

rates bet to sit in ths palace. This<br />

•muster botus VMS place •nrroooded<br />

\nf flowers and trees and tprmglBg fonn-<br />

taiaa and warbling bK&<br />

Chad entered tha itiiniser hoajeand<br />

tail ID King Eglonthm he had Yaacfei<br />

srknd witb flint Ini&iadiat^? ali £bj|<br />

attendant! wits waved oat <strong>of</strong> ths roy'ai<br />

Enance, King Egloa risai op to n-<br />

&kn tb* messenger, Ehud, the (eft<br />

basded nun, put* tata left band to his<br />

right rids, pulhjout s dagger MdthrnMs<br />

Egloo throngh nnUl tbe baft went ia<br />

after tbe blade, Eglon falls, Ehud<br />

coma forth to blow atoampet <strong>of</strong> re><br />

suit amid the msBstyas <strong>of</strong> Ephraim,<br />

aad a great hart la marshaled, asipfond<br />

Math nfamits to the conqueror, and<br />

tead ia f» So,0 Lori, let all thy<br />

Haataa peria&l ie, O Lead, let «J] thy<br />

frlaaOa MnrnpU<br />

LETT BAH<br />

fa worldly podtion he is not beyond thi<br />

reach <strong>of</strong> Ehud's dagger- I we § greftl<br />

many people trying to climb op In aoeia]<br />

pmttion, having an ids thai then ia •<br />

»<br />

ft* pf^ tebaildatewa> that could ia,eor entering doea be wait to<br />

urns, bat I think if pnf, ttb pietum we ha« gathered on ths<br />

only good «aaagh wt will, Or bending owr yea? pillow ho<br />

* ' doea not stop to tee whether then U"»<br />

color in the cheek, or geatleBai in the<br />

eye,« mitiUgeflce in tie brow. Bat<br />

what <strong>of</strong> thai? Most we stand forever<br />

monming among the grave* sf our dead,<br />

No! Ho! The peepfe in Bengal bring<br />

fierest It<br />

meaarernnning<br />

-If<br />

tkdpate, what hare'they got! Hen are<br />

Bet safe from calumny whits they live.<br />

•fter ttty are dsd, f<strong>of</strong> I bate sees<br />

•wins root up graveyards.<br />

<strong>On</strong>e day a man gees up tote pablldty.<br />

and tts world <br />

an riaga na trowel opoo the brick bs<br />

de«pot«xpect to put spa perfect wait<br />

TaaBratttna a arjpenter Mods a pta»<br />

OWkboatd ordrinaa) bittarsngbay<br />

b«N9 ha doea not expect to nuke parfest<br />

death comes to the •nmser house, Eg-<br />

loa did not expect to die in that fine<br />

plaoi Anita aU the flower lata that<br />

drifted like au&mer now into the win*<br />

dowi in the tinkleaad daah <strong>of</strong> the foun-<br />

tains; in tho sound <strong>of</strong> a thousand leav^<br />

Sattering on one tree branch; in the cool<br />

hteexe that came up to shake feverish<br />

trouble eat <strong>of</strong> the king*(t locks, tbern<br />

was nothing that spake <strong>of</strong> Seatb, bnt<br />

tbsshedM! Ia the winter, wfaes the<br />

snow is a shroud, and whan tbe wind la<br />

a dirge, it ta easy to think <strong>of</strong> onr mortal-<br />

ity, fast when the weather is pleasant'<br />

aad aU ear surroundings are agreeable<br />

bow dimcnlt it is for n» to appreciate<br />

tbe troth that we are m<strong>of</strong>talt Aad yet<br />

mytextteacbM that death does some,<br />

times come to the aunuss beaaa.<br />

He Is blind ana cannot see the leavea.<br />

He U deaf and cannot bear the foun-<br />

taiaa. Oh, if death wonlfl ask us for<br />

vtcMmi, we could point him to hundreda<br />

<strong>of</strong> people who wonld rejoies to ban<br />

him come. Posh back the dow <strong>of</strong> that<br />

boveL Look at that little child—cold<br />

and sick and hungry. It has never heard<br />

the name <strong>of</strong> Ood bat In blasphany. Par<br />

enta intoxicated staggering aroand its<br />

straw bed. Oh. death, there ta • mark<br />

fortheei Dp with it into the light! Be-<br />

fore these little feet stumble on life's<br />

pathway giya thein rat<br />

Here U an aged num. He has done<br />

ok work. Be has done it gloriously,<br />

Ths companions <strong>of</strong> his youth sre all<br />

gene, Ua children dead, He loiup to be<br />

at rat, nnd wearily the days and the<br />

nights pass,<br />

these straita? They call them the «„„<br />

<strong>of</strong>Team,' 1 Ot I itaad tedar at toe gate<br />

<strong>of</strong> tew thsagh wbjeb mmy rf year<br />

loved ones have goae, and 1 want to t#ll<br />

roIUi ! yea that all are not •biawT&eiid thai<br />

ha¥# gms' thfoBgh those straits iato tte<br />

Thi Ifeat oeean iSBtcbfflf ant beyoad,<br />

The sound that comia fium that other<br />

shoro on 11111 nights when we ttre wrap-<br />

ped in nrayer makes ma tolnk that the<br />

departed are not dead. We ate the dead<br />

—We who toll, we who weepi wa who<br />

ein—we a» the dead, Sow my heart<br />

sch« for human sorTOwl TOaaoaiid<strong>of</strong><br />

breaking hearts thai I hoar all about mel<br />

This last look <strong>of</strong> faca that will never<br />

brighten again! This last Was <strong>of</strong> lips<br />

that never will speak againi This widow-<br />

hood ud orphanage! Ob, when will'the<br />

day <strong>of</strong> sorrow be goner<br />

After the tbarpest winter tbe spring<br />

dismount! from the shoulder <strong>of</strong> a south-<br />

ern gale ana puts its warm band upon<br />

the earth, aal is ita palm then comes<br />

tha grass, asd' tawe come the flowers,<br />

and God reads over the poetry <strong>of</strong> bird<br />

and brook *wd^ bloom and prononnoa it<br />

vety good. What, my friends, if erery<br />

winter had not its spring, and every<br />

night its day, aad awry gloom Its glow.<br />

'•Well. y.ea;;i(BowT5wTlfX--,-.<br />

ls=*PerkhiB her natno is, B1II-K JI<br />

eight to behold, aa her flab hosim r.<br />

an awful lot •taca her last visit in r-<br />

"She's so short she can't cam 1 nil •<br />

astnach aa some folks said iv; ,<br />

shemut weigh eoraidable evw « •<br />

deedwdflf^^<br />

"1 reckon she'd got above ...<br />

time I se her," said His Mnlvln;<br />

"Well,* centioBBd Jltas HoblH. •:<br />

rett's wife wa'n't there when 1 fu-1 v<br />

m, an BO I had the opp'tunity I v,= i.<br />

waatia te speak with Hia Perhiti*< =<br />

knew how she most bate to bo gut tu ;<br />

fit, an m I began to tell her hyw H.,<br />

could rejuee her flesh,<br />

"I told her abtmt Aant Anne, ah hu%<<br />

she'd lost 40 poaads by dois so nnd m<br />

an I handed her the Ust <strong>of</strong> thlnga tu tsii<br />

and not to eat that I've beta carryii.<br />

roand for thq hut 10 daya againit a fav'<br />

fable time tu give it to her.<br />

"Aa I told her what bad helped QsBsin<br />

Philana«, wjiM-iympthlsed with hw<br />

and told her I knew them methods would<br />

bring her down j«t where the'd waul<br />

to ba An she smiled at meso't 1 said<br />

ds fflm who bt the flwtf ^V*?<br />

nrist gift, L*8smwl,BsTld,Joiib<br />

jihttdirfaspi*<br />

yjdlaats tt tfa<br />

tfae.ro«b«» dnU,«Bd<br />

fwmhaivs in tb* toul 0» es<br />

iueh a en* is dj»k sod gloomy Iw<br />

lirtss te oM BardlU wba fa»i««I gr<br />

King Dartd to saM U* Mpu with the<br />

I kiag Ia JWUMISB: "I « Itta 4^fe»<br />

J aco» jeaBold, wans I dbBSB<br />

goaSMdeiilF Can thy errant ttaie<br />

1 «t or what 1 dHakf Ou 1 bar toy<br />

t l U net and ringing<br />

feldh<br />

m mm mmi mm CITY, N. JS<br />

•i -Si<br />

ho has an tend a number oi desirable lumished and yniuF^<br />

bhal cottipi. Full infonnatlon furnished on application.^<br />

Bunding lott lor sile In ev^ iection <strong>of</strong> the cityt I also :<br />

hava i^ lots near TWrty-€'I hth * slreetj which l *® olfer to /<br />

fi l th hare<br />

a<br />

JVC IJOWPW 1 "' «—---^ --B<br />

syndtow, five lots to the share,<br />

wloin on Bond and Mortgage on improve4';<br />



eottOT Wha^<strong>of</strong>irtttfti»feooldthrs*'<br />

net be |« a burftn ute my, laid the<br />

kins" (U gdm. six, S6)f Bsrsiltal ws»<br />

dnii: '-*-•« a. good man, fit he gimplrdfr<br />

asiijHi tfae Qidioary BOlttMa <strong>of</strong> the bodf ID<br />

oldhg<br />

enEonngin:<br />

I shenlda't Wa mite nrpifsed if by<br />

this time negt year you was as slim as I<br />

be,' "An what do yw s'poae test creetui<br />

Jdr<br />

Jdr<br />

Miss Malvina shook her bead aad for-<br />

bore to make any Eonjestnrea,<br />

"Why. ihs looked me up an down, an<br />

Bays she, still suiilin:<br />

" 'Do you think that would bo eiackly<br />

'blWMBobbr<br />

S, "in the day when t&t keeptn at ih*<br />

boiue shftll tremble, and the tasng nifn<br />

ahfill bow tbemielves, ud the ^5nd«i<br />

Ink out <strong>of</strong> the >indowi*be dwjuswd."<br />

TtU i.*MiggestivB ef the Ulan <strong>of</strong><br />

and wras, feet and lega, l«th aud<br />

lie rarthlj hooao begins te desay, £-.„,-<br />

I* tvWeat ID every pan, sod U th&v |g no<br />

light ghiqltui fwm ators the na It Is a<br />

ar«ryplitBR. Baf lH«To&a^TBr<br />

Mind and eompjinlon <strong>of</strong> Joenaft, «eh <strong>of</strong><br />

whom wholly foHowwl the Leris "Lo, I<br />

am this day fourmsireaad five F f U<br />

Atl Mmg thU dayssI<br />

A<br />

weeaMpp- TbsifitHttHBfaoyasai<br />

*rtjr®nh»do*BOt expeetto chime a<br />

"*Liia» Sookb" wi "Lady af the Lake."<br />

Pa not be Hirpriseaif is waaBr* *£•<br />

f^ di d<br />

e irpriseaif is waaBr<br />

doing good yes ate not<br />

f L V d d t b<br />

tatselynoeeiifttLVttdM!tBBdtb<br />

tahum is an art, •«JeaeB. n trada,<br />

ftawt w» Mi bta^ii* performing a<br />

oomitton on tte hmnao<br />

r stood by sod a^dj<br />

y yea do that. It doesn't<br />

te CHOW f« any tranMe atalL p<br />

th* m msim, "it is wry<br />

, bnt I apoQed ahatfol <strong>of</strong> eys<br />

tbat" mI irt tnipriifld'If ft<br />

befote we can help<br />

M ad bring them<br />

L«tft iaadsd<br />

•us, coins qqlekly,** Oh, death, there IJI<br />

a mark for flreet Take from htm the<br />

ataff and give hint ths se^pterI Dp with<br />

Mm into the light, where eyes never<br />

grow dim, and the air whitens not<br />

through tee long years <strong>of</strong> eternity. Ah,<br />

death will not do that. Death tnrni<br />

back -from the straw bed and from the<br />

aged man ready for tbe skits and comes<br />

to the BcmaieT house.<br />

What dost thou here, thou bony,<br />

ghastly monster, amid Oil waving grass<br />

and under this stmUght sifting through<br />

the tree branches? Children are at play.<br />

How qnkkly ttirfr feet go fend their<br />

locks tea In As wmdt father and<br />

night its day, and ewry gloom its glow,<br />

and wary bitter now its sweet hereafter!<br />

If yon have been on the sea, yon know,<br />

•s the • hip passes In the nigai, there is a<br />

phosphorescent track left behind it, and<br />

as the watery roll ^p they toss with uu-<br />

plendor, Well, acros thii<br />

onean <strong>of</strong> human trouble Jftres<br />

walks. Oh, that in the phosphore«ent<br />

track <strong>of</strong> hia feet wa ml^htsJI follow and<br />

be iUnminedl<br />

There was s gentlenan in the rail car<br />

who saw in that same"'car three passen-<br />

gers <strong>of</strong> very differsnt droumstancHi<br />

The first wai a maniac. Be tu care-<br />

fnlly goaraed by bi» attendants; his<br />

mind, like A ship dismasted, was heat-<br />

ing against a dark, desolate coast, from<br />

.which no help could come. The train<br />

•topped, and the man was taken oat into<br />

the asylum to watte away perhaps<br />

throngh years <strong>of</strong> gloosL The steend<br />

fijsenger was a culprit. The sntt^td<br />

law had seized on him. At the cars<br />

Jolted the chains rattled. <strong>On</strong> his face<br />

wen crime, depravity and despair. The<br />

train halted, and he was taken ont to the<br />

penitentiary, to which be had been COD-<br />

demned. There was the third passen-<br />

ger under far different circumstances.<br />

Shews* a bride. Erery hoar was'gay<br />

as a marriago bell Life gUttered and<br />

beckoned. Her companion was taking<br />

her to Ws father's house, The train<br />

halted. The old nan was there to we)*<br />

come her to her new home, and his<br />

white locks snowed down upon her as<br />

he sealed his word with a father's" kite,<br />

Qnidkly we fly toward eternity. We<br />

will soon be there, Seme leave this Hfq<br />

irble.WMBobbsr<br />

Why, I eonldnH bTiBTemy own eaw,"<br />

said Miss Eegiah, growing still redder,<br />

with a wave <strong>of</strong> angry recollection,<br />

"AU I esn say ia, M ihe added as she<br />

rose and straightened the folds <strong>of</strong> hef<br />

dr&M o?er her gannt, spare ffliai, 'HI<br />

she don't know a tasty, sUm Bflptr when<br />

she aees it, why, I giw her npr—Yontb's<br />

Companion,<br />

condemned enlpritfl. They refused a par-<br />

don; they carry their ohalna. Oh, may<br />

it be with u that, leaving thla fleeting<br />

Ufa for ths next, we may find onr Father<br />

ready to gr«t as^ onr new home with<br />

blm forever. That will be SKirriags<br />

banquet! Father's welcomol Father*!<br />

besBtnl Father's klas! Heaven 1 Heaven!<br />

The tree Mobammedu is enjoined to<br />

prayer five times a day—namely, first in<br />

the morning before sunrise, at noon, u<br />

the afterneon before sunset, in the even<br />

Ing between mnset aad dark, aad be-<br />

tween twilight ud the fint watch, be-<br />

ing the w«m prayis, Aiia^prays<br />

is volunteered by many between the first<br />

watch <strong>of</strong> the night and the dawn <strong>of</strong> day.<br />

These pMym are simply repetitions <strong>of</strong><br />

the laudatory ejaculation, "God y<br />

great!" "God to powerfulr i! Qod to all<br />

powiffnir and are counted byttjescru*<br />

pnlonson a string <strong>of</strong> beads. They may be<br />

pertonfled at toe mosqne or any dean<br />

place, ,<br />

During pTftyer the eyes are tnned to<br />

the Kebla or point <strong>of</strong> the heavens in tha<br />

direction <strong>of</strong> Mesa, which to indicated in<br />

every mosque by a niche called Mehrab.<br />

and externally by ths positioa <strong>of</strong> min<<br />

areti and doom Even the posture dur»<br />

mg prayer is prescribed. The most sol-<br />

emn adorattoa is bowmg the forehesd ts<br />

the ground, , Women are to fold theii<br />

bands en their bosomi and not to make<br />

ancb pr<strong>of</strong>ound obetoaaea as the men.<br />

They are to pray gently and not to ac-<br />

company toe rats to the mosque. In<br />

addrasuig Qed wortbJpen are to be<br />

humble, putting aMde jewels and costly<br />

8pparel,=Brooklyn Eagle.<br />

.,„, tben.treii IO to mjrtHSgth now for<br />

war, hptb to go ont and io e«e In" (Joah<br />

Slv, 10,11).<br />

4. "Asd the d«m nhsli be Ant tatta<br />

Mr«t« wben theeonnd ef fte prtsdhig ti<br />

low, and he Khali ristupat the volee<strong>of</strong> She<br />

bitd, and AU thedaaghte <strong>of</strong> tnosJc ihall<br />

be brought low," Suggaiyv?qf Ups el<strong>of</strong>r<br />

big in ttpo ienteleM gums, lsabllliy te<br />

njecp and falluM <strong>of</strong> thevoke, Comnent<br />

seems ann«t-*wwt; tfUtflf conrite the pos-<br />

stbUitis <strong>of</strong> an old age is tbe f«r <strong>of</strong> God.<br />

Think <strong>of</strong> MnntB, <strong>of</strong> whom It In wii W*n that<br />

at tteftge ISfthfjieye n> Dot diB nor Ui<br />

Bstoml force tbatid. At ttM m be<br />

walked Dp the moniit*ln aieae and west<br />

onl to he with 6ed, and 1,400 yean Uu«<br />

we find him alive iwd well (Dent xxxl*t I;<br />

Doont Window Frames, Shutters, Sash, Moldings, Brackets<br />

Hot Bid Sash, Scroll Work, Turning, ike.<br />

ALSO PEALflit IK<br />






h.«U,3j=<br />

a "Also wbsi they sUl bs afmld <strong>of</strong><br />

that whieb In high, and fea» «hsll be to<br />

the way, and the almond tree pthiOl fiowiio,<br />

ud the grtjohqjiwf HUI be a taideo, and<br />

dstire dull Ml, betanae nun goeth to his<br />

long hom* nnd tbe mourners go about tbe<br />

BtrCTtft," Tbin U protaWy KnertiTa <strong>of</strong><br />

tfae ensily t*rrifled old pencil to whom<br />

erwyibing is a burden and noihisg U catU-<br />

fjing, TbeaJmotid tn* may sttgpat to<br />

white bend <strong>of</strong> olA age, siad the<br />

Bpokiffi ef m the long Jwmf, O<br />

•an" U Hill thejtey,fcjfthe rpjoldngfas<br />

nntieipati* GO long home to the<br />

b "with Chrirt Jo di" «b<br />

Y. OORSON,<br />



No, 721 Asburj Avenue,<br />

OCEAN CITY, N* J*<br />

WM, L4KJK. _*enl w(*ta a«e Uui<br />

h C i ld lll d ft<br />

Iha OompOund O*yi*ii bid Ci-rlalnly dona w<strong>of</strong>t=<br />

isrt for itis, It TIM .IH relieirf ms si tb*<br />

treadf ul *p*>(!n I irted to lia^e, I (Irtnlj belle**<br />

hat | mm\4k h*TB pine lute crawampMap |Ut<br />

viptpr, liner 1 bid pnrumonia. If I had not takoB<br />

ifa» CoMprmni) Oiryfcpn, I imi« «y Unt I kin<br />

la baiter h«lth tha» ntr tartar* tineti I waa ><br />

child, and ail from __«(!* OrimjUmod Ol/ges<br />

frBBlffleni, I fffll Ihst I vail tieiSF mj bull<br />

eoOBBlt (n lit prailB and <strong>of</strong> Ihri jtHUned II hu<br />

dqnemf, ; 1«|, E. WuOd,<br />

inl<br />

and hM<br />

I<br />

<strong>On</strong>. Bjirier 5 Fateti, HiiiftdHphlm Fa,<br />

AlHHt t inn Me I Mimiilcnoid UMAR Of>n>-<br />

f g , M pTOp»«l 6j Wf». BUtMejf &<br />

I *at MimfriBs from ihrosi ud IUHB<br />

tba left inriffhiTlnK hidutbeHj<br />

nd hMlnf trird all owier nmeilM knen w<br />

Be. I wu Didu@ed ie try jaw rfinwdj.<br />

II oared Bis perBuntDiiy.and I i^Jgiee Owl<br />

It »** BTef aads feanvD to nt. Ii h*i dene<br />

nnTtbiHC fw w* I eenid HITS M*rf. 1 bare<br />

rwommendea it ta Hteni othen, whs hue<br />

triedn>nd bren brtudMid, rrHBbMM It<br />

W|lbioBj(ff>mW»t confidence<br />

motfeft, Sjt WB<br />

lint<br />

. , __, _Jd Bs hi* no* had<br />

<strong>of</strong> m ttteHi af tba A*thm» ilnee<br />

ifaa snt Atm I Uie plaMara tn r«=<br />

mmending n » ml my f riendi who am afflicted<br />

' BleaiMNMHi ItaeapiffDaAlihsit<br />

n UipaiiBumpaeqllnrlqUilicllnMta.<br />

IA MD. in<br />

Drr BUrtey* Paleo, nilHtclplilB. F».<br />

IE la nn micrfU that afier epnghlmt mlly<br />

nanttui, aD4 ln*tlnif wltB IBs T*rr bcM<br />

qlana, I obrajnad nir lint rHt anil Built fr<br />

nja at Compound Oifpn B«Da E. i<br />

danlaoo, OUo-<br />

y<br />

t phyal-<br />

freni tbe<br />

A4mn*,<br />

Now thai •stones hu pmted bwond m thtdow<br />

<strong>of</strong> douM Ihat Inf6iBJ»r«W5e <strong>of</strong> DipPjnUiil* III a<br />

iuB nibjeot to ifie taina nituni towt tbtt<br />

ttfl all dlwma. nioepHble to tfMnant,<br />

*DdM)wnaprOpi>rUii|i flf cMHCqnliEH.<br />

otelr H with «ny Other mortjH eanWen <strong>of</strong> Hi*<br />

vtem.we hM« hidad rHebtlrTfcie IfUleiMtl<br />

*14 t«n for A1««fesit nt«rpblna, «*«.<br />

TU»faj MpraCent Ib* neu«A perten <strong>of</strong> aur<br />

lTf4 byhgdlii bn<br />

Bud p^<br />

»W* ar^<br />

b* neu«A p n<br />

i)4 byhgdlii* bn<br />

w, a T. V. <strong>of</strong>fioer*,<br />

. nusn K. wiffl<br />

ftiai taltt<br />

, nry<br />

wifflwa HJ«<br />

taltt<br />

l d<br />

ODl<br />

T<br />

HVIIIH a&pat, w. o,<br />

ar,-Ui|iHlpImfl'W;o<br />

lendd.HeTfcZnniCen, h»BllUep<br />

Irmlnir Ht«r ot Ft-brnwy 11HB, •»• o(4t, "If<br />

M b4t • f««nt oJtperiniMtS fq Oar stir, bat IE 0*n<br />

rf*f to H frtnafltflhiB eildenert Of ini^w u<br />

Older tMUluMons in «her plscel Tho«ft afBlot-<br />

«d by an nnjpmirrtblc appellts lov Mqqor *nd<br />

reanrwaiiE hf be ciir*d.C4B 67 • few weeb*<br />

trralinem hmwm nUenee <strong>of</strong> |la power."<br />

Amen* onr hearty iw-w^rUn Ht) Stabop<br />

FUlewi, Bar. s>, small, Ben Walter Thorn*.<br />

lUJfc Bon, Janus B. noiam, Oai. 8, B, SlD>Jfr-<br />

Mn,,O«b O, B, iiowani, k>ir lathnrp and<br />

liSR*<br />

, W*b*T» <strong>of</strong>gmnlaal a mp^nnmeB^wtop<br />

food to t«tod «ll Hiiat|n|r«*BawftoeaBhfl*<br />

f i t ad Jd t<br />

food to t«tod «ll Hiiat|n|r«*Bawfto<br />

my- fpr mBbn»ni at Rnadf rwJnwd ntt,<br />

ailnttibeir sbMsftnwtiorrpaytot&e rana In<br />

«wy laatallmentll. after tfelSK ratlorBd, By *D<br />

tetew* H» mnfOhrHd onrtarl<br />

Wllte Hie M money YQ<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

^M uqjn «a ptsad ai wa an t» N in-<br />

9^f d tn, W* de<br />

sad o^Mniio^f^akaiid >• Np atf to<br />

ll a»ayart«r a^fflwdan, v* ^m* tlw<br />

Ut psBsok«tiflfth&f b »*^ y<br />


eiplain<br />

And NatUM's bpttuly eHRH tn WUIB,<br />

The wltiter woedH HTO still ni fair<br />

A* when tho BUininer llngcnsi thpfc.<br />

Alt In whttc Mil) sJijBlfl Hhtl'hnaJioil<br />

When NatuWi linsl urn! sijnimef flushed,<br />

Laya lu lhitiot tftk mr-i fur I rtm forvvpr lsat to<br />

1, Viiuf hiftrtbrokcti - AtniS.<br />

ieniiblfl, gooil natured QCOTBB bnrrt<br />

Into a tit <strong>of</strong> merry laughter as he road<br />

thistiniBtle, ' : ' • ' '<br />

•'Hero's a Hi«! mii up, 1 * muttered hgr<br />

'and all heennsij my wife hapiiened to<br />

place her dressmaking enrd among rniao<br />

when BHR was nminging my cifdcMp<br />

yesterday. Well, I anppoio I'll have to<br />

go after her nad saplain,' s<br />

Ho went into tho Hhfory below pre=<br />

paratory to leaving the house and dig*<br />

covered lying en tho table another letter<br />

(IHS»K1 to Win, [ ' ,<br />

•Hcllu!" Oitohiiniwl he. as ho opotiod<br />

and glanced at tho tspiatle, "More com-<br />

uiliujiH, and all on acconat <strong>of</strong> that<br />

tlock.<br />

i 4 H d e h | m t o<br />

Utnt, Ulsi rrlMlHa rturtunbury U, OF rattier<br />

WQH.raj 1 nlTlanMsl wlfo to {inn injr righito<br />

coll ma bi fwssmnt fur ynur infoBwUii HfidNi<br />

Of (odftjf. He inaii, IHUl a HUirHed nail at that,<br />

slial! Kivu jircsmts in' ojie I law, ormth«r him<br />

lpv«Usni1 ilnny mo thu Mtlsfaction dyo tan<br />

KrnUcmjin. Hy disiBiiiiting » fenitenua. to<br />

confer with Mr- Uktrk, A friend <strong>of</strong> mine. In ro-<br />

d tn tlio mcflsHiry iirmimcment»,jDti»iU<br />

"&^ty, totty,** cried Mr, MaybloiBotD,<br />

roiriyeonvfliaedmttilaBghteR '" * "<br />

OH I live! H-HIR that dock anyway! 1<br />

wonder What will turn up nextT<br />

"I will,*' oxdaimed n voico melodrft-<br />

matiuilly<br />

Ho hniked up front tho challenge ftfl<br />

was muling" and beheld Priflcilla stand-<br />

ing beforu him, wrathful at» KtjmflBia<br />

and holding tho unlucky clock in fttbioat*<br />

suing attitude. ,<br />

'•Mr. HsyLIoBsom," ndd she, "I b*Te<br />

como hero tu tell yon thai J tnat none<br />

<strong>of</strong> yonr presents. If I had known "<br />

you sent mo that clock, I wouldn't<br />

rosdvud it, IthaJijUrcsdyrQbbedi<br />

my lever, a<strong>of</strong>l yea can take<br />

moos sift buck -twain,"<br />

With that eho horlSd; tha, poor €<br />

tbe floor.<br />

"Yoo gidilj 1 , hAadntrong gh-ir ei-<br />

eMmed he nsgtily. "Now yau'va-daba.<br />

tho dnmi^s without listening to « word<br />

<strong>of</strong> t'Spianation "<br />

"I wnnt no cjcpltiniiiktaj from yon,<br />

thr," retorted elin lianghtily. leaving tha<br />

room. -<br />

As 108 descended tho Btaircaie fibe on-<br />

eonntercd Hn, Mnybloajoui with htr<br />

mother, asenaihk, practical woman, who<br />

had induced her uanghter to return and<br />

leek art oxuhui&tlun <strong>of</strong> the apparently<br />

tuspldoua clrcntnatAncna from Mr, May*<br />

blosost,<br />

A flatlc onctrantoi 1 bptwecn the wife and<br />

tite dressmaker aoeined imnnnemt when<br />

the front door opened and Aogujtua en*<br />

terwl<br />

Tho young man had trucked his ewert-<br />

henrt to thuNyrry house and had cotneto<br />

drag her awnfrby force if neeesarf,<br />

Portnnatelyjftt this inmnont Mr. May-<br />

ld f thb b<br />

and after eome jlifHtfnlty managed g<br />

tho see^tary explanation, The result<br />

<strong>of</strong> tfl was a fopemtant wife,, two contrite<br />

and cfsrtfaH^ lovers, nnd—A rained<br />

dock,—London Tit-Htt<br />

<strong>On</strong>r O«od Qoqda,<br />

Already a sf arises from many qtinr-<br />

ton tb&iiome <strong>of</strong> tho now dns mate-<br />

rials will Blip in the seatns, which tend'<br />

esey is hated by cvary woman making<br />

or wearing a gown. Bop sackings have<br />

been spoken <strong>of</strong>, also iorgej and deasy<br />

cheviot* . • .<br />

In many raflea the corapWnts am<br />

just, but only where the shopper bnya<br />

inferior goodi. If merchaots would<br />

keep and women bny goods <strong>of</strong> merit<br />

onlyj they would never complsin <strong>of</strong><br />

Hgami slipping; This dose not man {be<br />

•most eipenalve goods, bot a trustworthy<br />

qoaUty, <strong>of</strong> which there we maay among<br />

the flomestie and foreign drew goods.<br />

An opes ateatf weave <strong>of</strong> woolen or<br />

silk goods wtlt, from its very nature, slip<br />

or pull In tho scams If it is <strong>of</strong> * poor,<br />

cheap finality, Bny reliable goods <strong>of</strong><br />

melinro quality, Mid so matter bow<br />

fdeary the woavo they will prore B<strong>of</strong>fl-<br />

doutly fiim to hold tho stftctilng <strong>of</strong> tbo<br />

It ie not nectissafy to decry cer'<br />

tetfltod h<br />

^Ly, __<br />

remedy Uet with ths merchant ud tbo<br />

ehopper, who should refuse them in<br />

the cheapest grades. Cnforfcnnatrfy Is<br />

the« dayg mecaslul nulerlda are Often<br />

bTouRht oat In ehesper and ehonper<br />

qualities, until they are at bit drtTcn<br />

from the market,—Dry Goods Econo-<br />

mist ;<br />

Painted WtiKe ri» tin<br />

Ftiint <strong>of</strong>ten peeli from wblto<br />

floors on aceoant <strong>of</strong> the tattering which<br />

tho B<strong>of</strong>f wood gets from boot heels, eto,<br />

<strong>On</strong>e such has been treated in a way that,<br />

so fur, prondac* to bo a CBFO, Komove<br />

nil the loose paint and' clean the floor,<br />

Ujlng careful to rinao <strong>of</strong>f nil the ioap.<br />

When very dry, apply Unwed oQ, Sm<strong>of</strong>c.<br />

ing hot—hot eriosgh to tnrn a wbltq<br />

feather a little brown. It is then tbtn<br />

aod penetrates the wood, This will spoil<br />

ii brush* <strong>of</strong> bristles, but It ia vastly dona<br />

with an imitation brush <strong>of</strong> cotton cloth<br />

rolled on a flat stick and tacked. Let<br />

tho oil dry and harden thro© or fom<br />

day!, the longer the better.<br />

Toon paint the bare portions .with<br />

paint made largely <strong>of</strong> .ml lead, one oi<br />

two coats, When well dri&d, paint th«<br />

wools floor for uniform color. Do not<br />

let the dealer make yon believe his rends<br />

raised ii "ths thing," Yon will get only<br />

oeher, and that ii earth and "dirt cheap,* 1<br />

The metal plgmente nrefsr better, Tha<br />

points to lOBlat on are; Bet oil and thor-<br />

ough drying to harden the wood and tha<br />

red lead paint,—Baltimore Americas,<br />

A Bimstliignf (tewing Claaaw.<br />

<strong>On</strong>e <strong>of</strong> tho pnu-tloal resulta <strong>of</strong> thq<br />

great good doao by tins sowing ckum<br />

held among uoeiety women daring the<br />

past Bffison Is a determined effort about<br />

to bo made to place the'sawlng Bchoolaoi<br />

New fork on • more prnetieftl and ag><br />

Hotwitbgtandlng the largo number ol<br />

these schools and tho great changg<br />

wrought during the last few years in all<br />

Industrial education, th^Sowtng Schooli<br />

itUl romain bi a large meanro isolated,<br />

and those engaged In this work ETO with-<br />

out tho adyantagis ef comparing expert-<br />

mum with ethers working along tha<br />

uno llnua aod tecfliviag nggeeOuoi<br />

from them.<br />

In viow <strong>of</strong> this fact ft taaa hen pro-<br />

poBOrt that a eo&fer&npa <strong>of</strong> sewing scnoui<br />

workeTB be held at tiiS 1 Tathera 1 ooUcgfl,<br />

^ew York Herald/ I V T • ,<br />

About one>thifd <strong>of</strong> tho world eo<strong>of</strong>tinif^<br />

to wimt another one-tUrd 4oq9, tblnki<br />

or wishes.* Yoa POO it on every hasd,<br />

People go to chnpch b<strong>of</strong>flo» S

'} %<br />

. " • , * •<br />

v<br />

tTss<br />

rHUHfiI>AYf JD2TE 15, 1S98.<br />

people <strong>of</strong>OeanClfr will<br />

begin holding dittos senrtees for the<br />

irinn nest Sunday, Jane 18th, in<br />

*&#eliH*n f s HsiJ, on Asbniy avenue, be-<br />

low fisventn stiset- Piesfblnji at S-»<br />

sod tJD P, tf., by HOT. J, F. lee, pastor.<br />

yf<br />

now raarkaf snljr bjf ttent and twisted<br />

tnds and charted tlmben. The Hi*<br />

EL f JtfmW, Hmlth, Alfnd Hebnn<br />

*•Joseph C Bodey van elected T<br />

efihe M, E-Church far thi» yean at<br />

Td<br />

KS-<br />

on Tbaiadajf evening.<br />

Immediately After tbe etetlUfli the new<br />

Baud etgwlsd by electing JL C. R«*«<br />

luaan, ptaidaat; J.O. Down, rlee p<br />

.lit Monday fnomliig bj<br />

Mr- Kenuey. an empjajee <strong>of</strong> the«aiab><br />

lishmetit who etent In the leentd story<br />

<strong>of</strong> thetalldinE. H* was awakened by<br />

the aaeklbg <strong>of</strong> the window panes In<br />

hto roota, cawed by the lotense beat,<br />

and apftDglniE froto his bed hasttlj<br />

made hto ejrli from the burning balld-<br />

Hlfl€rit*<strong>of</strong> "fire, fire" awakened<br />

, "ftbeTr«ynioi», which<br />

Is but a few feel to the watt si the de-<br />

•trojed •tmctore, who quickly aroBsed<br />

the inmates <strong>of</strong> the hotel, and jBcoriag<br />

a box <strong>of</strong> new bUnkets from the store*<br />

rooin, Htarafed them with wmtcr and<br />

esnred the ro<strong>of</strong> *nd that portion <strong>of</strong> the<br />

hotel m«t spaaed m Ins flame!, tbns<br />

aartng one <strong>of</strong> Deean <strong>City</strong>'s bjuidaoei«r<br />

just hall—titosc Taffeta Plaids<br />

loTElouse Waists. Very likely<br />

h* b f<br />

better for<br />

than if silk worms<br />

that use<br />

furnished<br />

, p ; , p<br />

Meat: lohnW, Smith, s^ete^ary; and<br />

Ik R. Thorns, teEganier,<br />

Tbe (Talon Transfer Company y *|*<br />

«W appreciated by those whs make<br />

<strong>of</strong>luiikdlUiea, li diminishes U*<br />

<strong>of</strong> travel t*ry considerably<br />

buds <strong>of</strong> thb<br />

company wd to have it delivered to<br />

Inideatinatfsn In good order, trltboot<br />

the neeeslty for bntmring a single<br />

tnomgfat upon It, and at a east which Is<br />

trifling when compared<br />

which &»<br />

ith the an-<br />

Within s sbort time after the<br />

very<strong>of</strong> the fire a Urge number <strong>of</strong> sor<br />

trttlsene, armed with<br />

l<br />

John A. English, proprietor <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Traynaore, dadioua <strong>of</strong> showing his ap-<br />

predation <strong>of</strong> ihe aetlati <strong>of</strong> OOF dUsftna<br />

In protecting hto botel from <strong>On</strong>s Mandaj<br />

last, bn piaented the<br />

fire company with • f 10 bill<br />

their Rumtmt and hints ibat<br />

The committee <strong>of</strong> arrangements tor<br />

thf mx&m held at J.T. Price's wish to<br />

* fender* vote <strong>of</strong> thanks to Mr. and Mm.<br />

Oafry O. Btselman and their assistants<br />

'r In thf «»nent nmsie rendered st that<br />

' mctabk, and *!» to all other friends<br />

,WbeattI*t#d In tbe entertainment.<br />

utlpltmeBt, were en the scene gad done<br />

noble work In einflning the Qame8 to<br />

the bnildlng la which they itarted.<br />

Owing to the iDBamniable Baton <strong>of</strong><br />

the materials used In the srastRteUon<br />

<strong>of</strong> the anHl and the had waf galnal<br />

by the fl» before discovery, the content*<br />

<strong>of</strong> the boildlog were eonsnmed.<br />

I, G. Adams, <strong>of</strong> Atlantic <strong>City</strong>, owner<br />

<strong>of</strong> the e&rowl, bad had the building<br />

newly painted this spring, besides giv-<br />

ing the rnachlnery a complete o?er-<br />

haullng. His Ion ii f 15.000, with an<br />

insoraaoe <strong>of</strong> W)00. The danuge done<br />

totheTrayrnQrewtn Mmsfint to about<br />

|20O, tod the dty'a ]sa Is In the neigh,<br />

borbood<strong>of</strong> |60.<br />

Tbtowaatbe moat dlnAttna ftjnfls.<br />

every fiber. Silk and Wool<br />

so periccflyput together that<br />

the goodness <strong>of</strong> each shows at<br />

the best. Handsome as they<br />

are, they 1 II seem handsomer<br />

when you know the price—#i<br />

instead <strong>of</strong> $1.50. Seven<br />

styles, 39 inches.<br />

Natfy blue Serges are may*<br />

be quickest steppers just now<br />

from the counters <strong>of</strong> Summery<br />

Woolen stuffs.<br />

At «s« a good SO*quality, 3S in,<br />

At 50e,» good aOe qnjjiiy, 3i in.<br />

At SOe, a gooJ 7Se qBAlity, 60 ia.<br />

At 7MC, a food 85s qn*lHj, 46 fa,<br />

At Ufa a good it W qnali^ri f0 fa, 8<br />

At •LQQ* good *mi QUfclity, 66 in.<br />

At 9L%% a good fl,GO qaaflfcr, 54 in.<br />

Navy blue comes laughing<br />

to the front in that great camp<br />

<strong>of</strong> Hopsackings—those open*<br />

mesh beauties that divide favor<br />

with the<br />

88 in. E^eankiog at SQe,<br />

4Q lit Hopeaddng at tSe,<br />

48 in. Bopnekisgat #1«1,<br />

48 in. Bepnetiag at *I,ti<br />

1<br />

i<br />

87 in.<br />

SJln,<br />

15 in,<br />

SO in,<br />

Min-<br />

83 In.<br />

n,<br />

81 to 16 in.<br />

85 to 46 fa,<br />

31 to 8ft fa,<br />

tl to 36 in.<br />

K to 40 It<br />

55o<br />

65C<br />

tie<br />

Oe<br />

Me<br />

Hkr<br />

•1<br />

•&00<br />

4600<br />

t<br />

it.oo<br />

•S.3S<br />

If Cedar Chests cost no<br />

more than pine, no woman<br />

would want any other kind to<br />

pock away clothes in. Here's<br />

a carload so dose to pine<br />

prices that—well, the maker is<br />

the one that loses sleep.<br />

11x11x38 in., at t&50 eaeh,<br />

mmm la,, at Sfrso b<br />

are now<br />

suitable for use<br />

summer<br />

oriy<br />

5nrX^??r*t=5=<br />

gntlaa which baa ever wUl ted <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong>, »od only the «omid one in ten<br />

yean, The place wu opened for the<br />

«aeon on Hatnrday nlgbt,«n4 u no<br />

fire had bees, in or around the building<br />

noee lost time, muiy think It was <strong>of</strong><br />

Incendiary origin. Aemrdlng to Mr,<br />

WUuam H, Elwell, who recently r»<br />

df tbeW.J, R,<br />

B.4W agEDt mt Otma dtyt spent several<br />

dajnlaatwees: InvIaiUng eld Meodi fn<br />

fakb and vicinity, pievlaos to his<br />

b<br />

r *- —, p ^<br />

WOaop, who lately<br />

was-jD|»d by J. M,<br />

aeeonnt, the fin itwtod on<br />

the ostslde <strong>of</strong> the building bet the<br />

ocean, and gained entrance to the I •-<br />

Hldelbrongn the window In hto n»ra.<br />

The place <strong>of</strong> amugenuot was one <strong>of</strong><br />

the mort popnlar In town, ind ib lou<br />

trill be felt by all, Hr, Adanu will<br />

comnKnoe rebntWing at oo«, '<br />

U<strong>of</strong>ortdnately the Traymore Hotel,<br />

owned by J. A, English, <strong>of</strong> Miiadei.<br />

phja, had been Dsderfeins repalre last<br />

week, and In coneeqtiegee the water<br />

pifstarougboat the boildlnff were db-<br />

CODOCCtrt, and the appliance! for flgbt-<br />

tag fire, with which It ia<br />

Dress Goods people say no<br />

such <strong>Jun</strong>e bargains <strong>of</strong> Cottons<br />

and all the Summery stuffs<br />

were ever before <strong>of</strong>fered*<br />

Finest Hreneh Sateen made<br />

thu seamn, at Me in-<br />

stead <strong>of</strong>STm*<br />

Lovely% cool Seoleh Crepes<br />

that were SO and 00c?<br />

pp, see how that Bicycle<br />

fairly flies I<br />

Mote the name—Atalanta<br />

likely as not. There isn't a<br />

lighter-looted wheel on the<br />

market j nor a belief. And the<br />

fun <strong>of</strong> it i§ that the Atalanta is<br />

$L20 instead <strong>of</strong> $150!<br />

y, g p<br />

<strong>of</strong> customers, and comtorteble arm dam m.<br />

pleasant resting places after the fen^e<br />

waiting tor fHends, CourteouiLOTp^<br />

to render service or Impart inf<strong>of</strong>mitioB tsif#wn<br />

Buflet in i ^ ^ | ! ! ^ ?<br />

(JCEAN err<br />

X Moral<br />

Seaside<br />

Resoi<br />

Not Excelled<br />

as a<br />

Health Resfcoi<br />

Finest facilities for<br />

ence <strong>of</strong> customtrs who do not wBh tp<br />

luncheon, a doorway on the second floor Ie^into Mosebaen s<br />

Restaurant. •<br />

Binrdes <strong>of</strong> any other make<br />

you choose=-#i 8 to # 150, A<br />

few 1892 Safeties at very little<br />

price,<br />



•OB •••UHT *¥I.<br />

Dim &I, L J.<br />

the pnel-<br />

p, y cpe e pel<br />

don <strong>of</strong> agat at Anton, and in the<br />

Nla0U» ROb, over Uw B»d.<br />

, intbeWlo4yCltyrarBorseUrDe,t«]dDg<br />

Jntbv^ocM^BOfaiMi<br />

<strong>of</strong> Intent, after which they win Jtsve<br />

fte-penveriCbtondo.<br />

Mr, Stall has left behind hlrn warm<br />

b^ bis genial<br />

eqnipped, esald not be gotten into<br />

operation tor jmrne time after the alam<br />

bad been glren, Mr, English expreBMd<br />

himself as* much pleased with the ef-<br />

fortj pnt forth to mwe his property, and<br />

di h<br />

^ printed<br />

IBjmmBdc,<br />

20c Bathh at We.<br />

That's the news from coun-<br />

ter to counter* '<br />

just as welcome words from<br />

the Woolsny stuffs—like the<br />

AIUwooI French Crepe at ^oc;<br />

lately a quick seller at fi,<br />

Sevunteen s<strong>of</strong>t ihades,<br />

, Or the tSc Challis, those<br />

Cotton-and-Wool beauties that<br />

have proved such favorites,<br />

M l<br />

SMITH ft THORN,<br />

Market St., Eighth St,<br />

: 5ai!in|lGunnjn«iete<br />

The Liquor Traffic and its'<br />

kindred evils are forever pro-<br />

hibited by deed.<br />

Every lover <strong>of</strong> Temperance^]<br />

and Morals should combine to<br />

help us.<br />

In All H*<br />

•us.<br />

Terra Cotta Pipe,<br />

' WBalcaala aad Reuui,<br />

IfaHroad<br />

B, B<br />

aq4 PBifbrm coorKsy (a HU With whom<br />

he ws» brought In contact while fn toe<br />

•fifrkp at toe West Jersey Ballnwl,<br />

-whose kindest w^beswlU fblferw hint<br />

Trbmteww hjalntaat* may lead blm to<br />

'V*'.<br />

bm prepared n grand pro-<br />

tbesnmniB?, Bey. Bishop<br />

A. Andrew*, D, D.; U^B., will<br />

30$h, and<br />

M. W»Weo, D.D,<br />

•* WinFp»sjch^anday, Angnst 30th, Her,<br />

*"- s * d ** 1 *• most elo-<br />

p p y ,<br />

to letDTO ihanlu b* ail Wnoaa><br />

utsted iu fighting toe fire. He wade a<br />

*»n What ion to the<br />

fin company.<br />

AB last Sunday was the day wt apart<br />

by the Methodist Chnreh at large M tbs<br />

occasion npon which to give over the<br />

eJcercteea endre to the children, the First<br />

M, B. Charch <strong>of</strong> this place had an ex-<br />

llent programme arranged in whlefa<br />

the flanday-«bool BChoUrs look the<br />

heliotrope and Nile green<br />

timings.<br />

Women 1 s Outing Brims*<br />

New shapes, new features,<br />

new elegancies almost every<br />

day* When a style becomes<br />

a bit passe we let the newer<br />

ones crowd it to one side.<br />

8 15 a Utfn ftslli.<br />

BaSsm<br />

soi<br />

iBpa<br />

9«Q«U<br />

StOBDART'S ^<br />

Some Special Values in SeasmaNt Cotim Goods,,<br />

Ot^ndy<br />

i\ Biri<br />

aH<br />

Printed PiioiedSwUm 90e;<br />

Printed l>iniillHi,2Sc; ^<br />

feiatrineOrfpBdla?<br />

dy Oorf* Printei, lOe? ^ae lie,<br />

Birine <strong>On</strong>dlae BiuUn^ btaek grounda, in UWna Bilfe<br />

ISiu; value iJte, '<br />

Sed iwlsii, Se, %% 3Se, «e. All new lob tori spenid,<br />

Ha^Fil^RobB,whltiiawnffi,OOpe?I»fjftIprtttrn,<br />

All Over Embroidered Bwines, also embroJdered on edges<br />

i d e 6 i<br />

e i ! , r y r i ^ ._, u_ ^<br />

ludla lawn Robta, btacJt ptraud with white enbroldery,<br />

^" W/nSte "spseiaf^e this week <strong>of</strong> LADIES* ETON<br />

BUlm W.K in lis.00 aeli, 8r«U «Jat at ism ETON<br />

JACKET, witb China Silk Vat Front, making the Suit esnptete<br />

witlioui additional waist. In them we efler tne bat suit value*<br />

in the niafket,<br />


Tli* w Nmi mm* wr? osiai nim, =<br />

44S* 4lSOtia^ II. 24 «TM Pni LAD El,PHI A.<br />

1 ? " • " * " • " " • " ' * " •<br />

Thechnreh waabaatlfledwIUj potted<br />

plants and evergreen*, and the Ameri-<br />

can flag bad a posspjeuons phwe In the<br />

V-3*<br />

E, Adams, one <strong>of</strong><br />

inoj^ stoanent divlnea, will<br />

d Jl 2d<br />

Rer. W. A, Maney was atrisled In<br />

the morning service by Revs, £, W,<br />

Bartfne, B. H. Banderiln and E, B,<br />

fbe eunp^eeUng will<br />

Hefore the senson, Mx children were<br />

presented for oapUno, «B follows:<br />

Parker and Eugene Scott Miller, chil-<br />

dren* <strong>of</strong> Simeon B. and Barab A. Miller;<br />

Joseph and Leroy Moray, children <strong>of</strong><br />

Mr. and Mn, J. K, Morey; Either<br />

Osrhait, daogbter <strong>of</strong> Hr. and Mn,<br />

iamnel Garnart, and Amy M, Voss,<br />

dangtiler<strong>of</strong> John and IibaleV«B, After<br />

ttrong<strong>of</strong> pee&li<br />

Jtar, tn|*;aoelal Inn<br />

"•-"• t f J<br />

this JmpreHlve ceremony, Her. Masny<br />

dellfcred a short sermon,<br />

Tbe vocal exercises <strong>of</strong> tbe morning<br />

under chargsW a donbleqasrtetiB<br />

<strong>of</strong> Miss Jenniu Massy mad<br />

Hrm, JR, Cortls Robinson, soprano; Miss<br />

BfaUIeea^lIlBtMisrle Barley and Min<br />

Alioaltuuey, alto; H, H, Luke, tenor<br />

and organist; Joseph Champion, butt,<br />

the "Sandown" i§<br />

at the front—<strong>of</strong> white Sail<br />

Cloth or navy blue Serge, The<br />

daintiest Outing Suit yet<br />

shown,, Alter the Eton style,<br />

somewhat j but with a broad<br />

flaring collar entirely differ-<br />

ent from anything yet shown.<br />

Another newness is the<br />

London Cutaway-Coat Suit,<br />

Then, too, there are new<br />

combinations in Lawns, Ging-<br />

hams and what not <strong>of</strong> the sea-<br />

sonable stuffs.<br />

The assortment <strong>of</strong> Serge<br />

Eton Suits was never com-<br />

$6, #8.50, £io» $12,<br />

white<br />

large<br />

in<br />

SSBpra<br />

LTTMGBE Aim WABifjHoTeif.'* <br />

«im AiiuiifeChj wtctDM<br />

BE<br />

if ^<br />

i<br />

1<br />

Stoves, HeaterSjRangea,<br />

PUMPS, SIUK8»«C*t<br />

r. Fourth Street and Wett Avenue,<br />

OOEAN OttY,' N. J.<br />

All<br />

M i\<br />

HCCLUSC A CO.,<br />


ure rugs, UherabslB,<br />

PaUot Hedldnes, Faints, Oils, «?l&<br />

3<br />




B, OEBLACH<br />

Qw*j, Witches, JewdiV* Oitmondt,<br />

Y- CORSON,<br />

.'7<br />

t ADA1SI ML,<br />

'<br />

ATUHTIO ill.<br />

i -t- *»1-»—J 01,<br />

THDS8DAY, JUKE lflf 1898.<br />

We ahali be glad to nodn itemi <strong>of</strong><br />

d i t l f i t t<br />

to<br />

mm where,<br />

ftftmm<br />

and our naslm<br />

il<strong>of</strong>ttiona shobld be ao><br />

(he full ninie and ad><br />

1 writer, not neDessarilj for<br />

BHbUcaUQB, bat a guarantee <strong>of</strong> good<br />

IEWB,<br />

GUbert JBmleyand wifearesQinnced<br />

in a GtriMI aftnse eottage, •<br />

Mre. W. W, Calmore, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia,<br />

is viaitirig Mends In tnto city,<br />

AssHBor Ludlam ta golog the rounds<br />

1ng hla tiw duplicate foi 1883^<br />

Miw Maggie Murdoch la speridirjg •<br />

fleaaon with her parents In thb city.<br />

Mra. William Shriver to entertaining<br />

BueMs tt her oottngs on Aebury sveuue,<br />

Kev. J. L, Landii, editor <strong>of</strong> the Mil!«<br />

vlHejiatarprtee, was here on Batnrday,<br />

Mre, WlinSnTJoneris occopying her<br />

A*E,AKTIC<br />

rt«tn<br />

POIIft,<br />

—At the ba«e <strong>of</strong> a giant oak cut dowb<br />

by GoUDOlIman Btuth an Indian toma-<br />

hawk and numerous flint arrow-heads<br />

were found.<br />

Mra, Buhama lepil to visiting hef<br />

daughter, Sylvia Rlsley, at Pleasant*<br />

Aabury avenue eoltage tot a short<br />

SOB*<br />

Qharleg Una will open hlflmerry-go.<br />

round on Saturday esoplpg tor the aea-<br />

• o n , ' :. • • '• " • • • • :<br />

; • ; •<br />

neorge O, Adams la ereetlug a cot-<br />

onUentral avetiue, nuth <strong>of</strong> Hlnth<br />

Japhet Champton is building a large<br />

Mrs. Enaeh Ohamplon IB<br />

ing. '<br />

iSAVIBW. ;<br />

Tho Indies' Aid <strong>of</strong> Bettni Church<br />

will hold a picnic on Saturday neit<br />

Miss Cora Albertson baa returned<br />

from Atlantic <strong>City</strong> for the summer,<br />

Mr. arid Mrs, Jetliro AJbertson en-<br />

tertalned a number <strong>of</strong> friends ftom At-<br />

lantlo Oltv lait Sunday.<br />

Clarenee Ajbertaon toependlnga week<br />

flfe^ni parade,'Th^ returrMd on<br />

Wednesday, after having visited Mn<br />

L, f B son and daughter, who reside there.<br />

Mis Wbeaton received a choice moon<br />

flower vine «nd Alia Lewis a passion<br />

Sower_vine from Philadelphia, the gift<br />

<strong>of</strong> Mrs. Abram iagne-<br />

Gantam Zepbentab Staelman, <strong>of</strong><br />

Philadelphia, was the guest <strong>of</strong> hi*<br />

brother, William SteeUnan, and etater,<br />

MTh S<br />

E, T. Clinton and family, <strong>of</strong> Phll&.<br />

delphfa, are located In a Cetitral avenue<br />

cottage.<br />

Mis, James Dlokson and family, <strong>of</strong><br />

Philadelphia, ate occupying tbelr Oea-<br />

tnl avenue cottage.<br />

E, A, Bourgeois and wife and H. G.<br />

Steelmra and wife visited relaUves at<br />

Bitellvtlle OQ Sunday. •<br />

H. B, Adams & Co. have rented Mrs.<br />

M, Hteelinati'fl Bniall cottagete Thomas<br />

llowen,<strong>of</strong>BridgBton,<br />

A, F, Eryin, <strong>of</strong> Phllftdelphta, baa his<br />

family domiciled In a Central avenue<br />

Cottage for the summer.<br />

. After this lane the card <strong>of</strong> Dr<br />

on oar Brit page, Will md "Howard<br />

^Seed, Ph. G,t WSk," efe ;<br />

Uhariia Wick sad family, <strong>of</strong> Phila-<br />

delphia, in quartered at a Wealey<br />

avBDue eotUge far tbe mama.<br />

Joseph F. Haod has the contract for<br />

puttlDg down the piling on the bay<br />

Aunt for the electric (allread,<br />

Mn J, H, Christ and family, <strong>of</strong> PhlU<br />

adelpbla, aredomleiled in their Uentral<br />

avenue oottage for the season,<br />

W, AlianChirT and faml^<strong>of</strong> PUla-<br />

deipbiM, have eogaged noms at the<br />

IlrlglitOD for tbe entire season,<br />

R, M, ThompBon and family are<br />

pleaflanUy located, in tbilt bay frout<br />

enttafs, north point syndicate,: •<br />

Dr.J. W» Tbatober baa his famlty<br />

domiciled In their O$ean avenue cot-<br />

tage fnj ai few weeks* recreation,<br />

J. C, (Joiey and fanally, <strong>of</strong> CAmden,<br />

are located hi tbflJr eotUge, at Fourw<br />

teentb stftet arid Asbury ftvecuo,<br />

witb his gnndbthef,<br />

LISWOOD,<br />

Captain Joseph Merret has rented his<br />

cottage to a Phlladolphia j^rty.<br />

Mrs. KateSnaHnon, <strong>of</strong> Atlantic <strong>City</strong>,<br />

her daughter, Mn, J, O, Hires, <strong>of</strong><br />

thla place Monday<br />

Sfflitb, formerly<br />

PBlenno,<br />

visiting relatives.<br />

Mt?. Captain John<br />

<strong>of</strong> this plaw^bnt now <strong>of</strong> Palermo, Is<br />

very alck witb walking typhoid fever.<br />

Captain L O, Adame Is building an<br />

addition to his rwldence,<br />

Mra, John Iretand'a broken arm la<br />

mending nicely.<br />

FORT<br />

Mn, Lydta Adjamj, <strong>of</strong> this place, dls*<br />

tlngulshed herself Friday by killing a<br />

mad dog! The animal had previously<br />

bitten the beret <strong>of</strong> John W. Johnson,<br />

several dogs and & dozeu canlnea at<br />

Smlthvllle and deeds' Point. Mre,<br />

Adam«, fearing the mad dag might<br />

bite some person, loaded her gun and<br />

started In puwuit, BhoovertfiQt the<br />

rabtd animal at Leede? Potut and dis><br />

patched it with one shot Two other<br />

dogs showing symptoms <strong>of</strong> hydropho-<br />

bia were killed at <strong>Ocean</strong>vJUe a few days<br />

ago. Absalom Hlgbee, <strong>of</strong> our Board ot<br />

Mre,Thompeopf on<br />

Ohildred'B Day was selebrated in the<br />

Bethel M, E, Chnreh on Sonday after-<br />

noon ud evening with appropriate<br />

iervleee, consUting<strong>of</strong> singing, reading<br />

and recltatlosi. In the afternoon the<br />

pastor, JRev, John Warthajsn, delivered<br />

an addnsB on the design <strong>of</strong> the day,<br />

and in the evening Bev. Joseph Oator-<br />

berry, <strong>of</strong> the M. P. Church, delivered a<br />

CA1»»<br />

ffeer*<br />

. 1 J M Ctonvsr'fl Bmali reur<br />

' Asbury avenue hftk been renled tbrougb<br />

the agency <strong>of</strong> fl, B. Adanls A Co,<br />

Dr, Q5 W. UrqubMt baa taken eeoii-<br />

paiicy <strong>of</strong> a oottage on A&bury avenue,<br />

between Seventh and Eighth streets,<br />

MH, J. A. Guldin, <strong>of</strong> Pottflvtlle, Fa,,<br />

htm reuted Robert Fisher's cottage, cor-<br />

net Seventh Btreet and Wedley avenue,<br />

Thomas lba# aoi wife an ocenpy-<br />

Ipg their Flith street oottage after hav-<br />

ing spent the winter in Philadelphia,<br />

' * Harry Chandler, <strong>of</strong> Viueland, wbo<br />

recenUy pnrchiied a Wsley avenue<br />

wsttage,I hii taken up his' mldena<br />

heM,<br />

Rev. Daniel B. Harris, Presiding I<br />

der, <strong>of</strong> LHunOep dbtrlot, wai In tblf<br />

city Sattifday ftDewltif old acquaint-<br />

inees, ; "'. '• *' '•''. ',,.<br />

Mm. Edgar Btokea, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia,<br />

Health, has ordered ail bitten doga to<br />

be chained and killed seeoouaathey<br />

show any signs <strong>of</strong> being mad.<br />


<strong>On</strong>e thousand Italians, mostly from<br />

hltadelplilai are employed hereduring<br />

the berry and fruit Heason and Saturday<br />

they had a Jolly, pidnls after theshlp-<br />

meots for the day. Among the, parti?<br />

clpssts ware two AjnerleauB, whu had<br />

bwndrlnklDg freely, Tbey became In><br />

volved In a quarrel with the Italians<br />

and during the melee one <strong>of</strong> the berry<br />

plotters shot Charles Booy In the arm.<br />

Tlie aOalf eame Dear<br />

Mnt, as tbe Italians<br />

aijd are dam<br />

Is Interfered<br />

lnatlng in a<br />

after<br />

feared tnitpjby w!<br />

possibly hit life, as It<br />

tUe<br />

avenue.<br />

B.<br />

oil<br />

Tayior, ,ef Beverly,<br />

i'U<br />

has<br />

, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, bas<br />

b d<br />

tented a cottage en Fburth street and<br />

b» taken occupancy <strong>of</strong> it tor ma<br />

mer months, •-. *<br />

Mre J.B. MeCnltongb, <strong>of</strong><br />

pbla, was In thto cl^ on Tuesday look-<br />

ing aftBr, her new cottage which Is<br />

John B. Ulement, <strong>of</strong> Pbtladelphla,<br />

has rented MB, Jame« Thatoher'B cot-<br />

tage, Thirteenth etPpet and Asbury<br />

avenue, through the agency J<br />

Rublnnon,<br />

Bav. W. F, ^ . f<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Young PenpleV Meeting at this<br />

' place tbls year, and all who remember<br />

how eBtnuslistiG they were last year<br />

wUlijwit to enjoy<br />

The fnnefal <strong>of</strong> Bebeoea Adatns took<br />

place and Satuttlay was targil^ attended<br />

The Her\'iceB were held In Mt, Pleasant<br />

M, P, CbuFeb, Bev. J, Angelow and<br />

Rev, J, h.' Watson <strong>of</strong>ficiated. After<br />

the Bermdn by Rev, J, Angelow, pastor<br />

<strong>of</strong>thecbnrchjftev.'J, I*, Watson who<br />

had been ber pastor seven! yearn ago,<br />

spoke very feelingly <strong>of</strong> his relations<br />

with her and <strong>of</strong> herchriatian character,<br />

and when tie spoke <strong>of</strong> her motherly acts<br />

the audience wu moved to tears. She<br />

sleeps In the churchyard at Mt. Pleas-<br />

'spay 9iswi^swer« eBiebra-<br />

tod Sunday last in both the' Mt, Pins^<br />

ant and St, Join's M, F, Churches<br />

Tbs«udi«Twtf were large au4 the pro-<br />

retntuett bbrae<br />

fear past resided. He will speiM abmo<br />

weefcfl with his motber and friend^<br />

William Anplow has* been" tran*.<br />

retted ftott tbe nlRht freight to " " "-<br />

feilght<br />

Hantto Frambes, <strong>of</strong> Fort, Be-<br />

public, Is spending a fewdajs tr|At-<br />

lantlsUiiy/-=>_•=' '- "':' - }-r $ :<br />

Mrs. Sylvia Rialey entertained qnlte<br />

a number <strong>of</strong> EagUah Creek friends on<br />

Sbnday. ' • V<br />

A large amount <strong>of</strong> Fleasantvllte mat'<br />

ter is unavoidably crowded out <strong>of</strong> thla<br />

issne.<br />

tresh dru^ or wd* wate<br />

William A* Hapahan, well-known in<br />

<strong>City</strong>; p^opfleW<strong>of</strong> tb^ laming<br />

,'W|iS married on Sunday<br />

f Abl<br />

P*-,<br />

Bmllf sMGhnuita^.<strong>of</strong>-;<br />

byKev. E. Page Htltee, <strong>of</strong> Utpe<br />

Children's Day w»r observed at the<br />

Freebyteriau Church on Sunday morn-<br />

£ft>f # dlrectlou <strong>of</strong>'tttss<br />

f<br />

on Foreign uiatsnir<br />

Evan IL Jeflrlea and family, <strong>of</strong> At-<br />

lantio Olty.afe^lBlHng bis parents,Wll-<br />

Uam Jeffries and wlft,<br />

MM Hannah Jeflttaj wan horued by<br />

a oow last Thursday.<br />

„ John filackmaa Is very poorly,<br />

Ella, daughter <strong>of</strong> Walter Jefftles, tell<br />

out <strong>of</strong> a swing Wednesday afternoon<br />

and broke ber aim,<br />


HemnUleAppnlser W. D, Rich, <strong>of</strong><br />

this city, la bdthewd over theappljca-<br />

tioos <strong>of</strong> the pmprletora <strong>of</strong> the slot hone><br />

racing and dloe/throwlngmachines for<br />

license in oompllaaee with tbe ordl-<br />

aauos taxing "slot machine*," Prose-<br />

cutor Ferry nays they are pirns <strong>of</strong><br />

chance and tbe Appraiser looks upon<br />

them as Innocent amiuements. Tbe<br />

<strong>City</strong> Solicitor has been asked for his<br />

opinion, and meanwhile the machines<br />

have suspended operations.<br />

The delegates from this counly to the<br />

annual convention <strong>of</strong> the State Medical<br />

Society are Drt. Boardman Reed, J, A,<br />

Joy, A, D, Oujfeadsn, W, SL Pollard, <strong>of</strong><br />

this city; P, H, Boysen, <strong>of</strong> Egg Harbor<br />

<strong>City</strong>, and Job Boinerfi, <strong>of</strong> Lin wood.<br />

William Fleming, an old-time Phlla*<br />

delphla poiltlcbm, and for many years<br />

ahotelkeeper In this city, died Tburis-<br />

day. He leaves a widow and several<br />

children.<br />

Trouble In the dining room <strong>of</strong> tbe<br />

fashioaable Wludsor Hotel was occa-<br />

aloned Friday evening by the entire<br />

carps <strong>of</strong> colored waiters going out on a<br />

strike, Then wen over one hundred<br />

gueyti ID the house, and considerable<br />

Inconvenience resulted from the con-<br />

certed movement, <strong>of</strong> wblob tbe <strong>of</strong>fice<br />

bid no Intimation until tbe dining<br />

room doers were opened for the wiving<br />

<strong>of</strong>dltmtr. The set vies was conducted<br />

by an Improvised corps. Head Clerk<br />

Towcaenil had dlscbarfed one <strong>of</strong> the<br />

waiters tor cause, and tbe others de-<br />

manded his reinstatement, which was<br />

refused, G, Jason Waters, the propri*<br />

etor, was at his other hotel, Devon Iun,<br />

when the trouble occurred,<br />

Tbe city authorities bsve aUrted a<br />

crusade agalnflt gasoline B to vea,<br />

tbe fourth ssasoti nee <strong>of</strong> the Corin •<br />

thin Yacht Club was held Baturdaj',<br />

The Georgia, Alert, Ivle, Alberto, Dot,<br />

Erica, Lillias, Tulnta, Wbll, Wasp,<br />

Valkyrie, Bay, Viking and Bonlta<br />

started. Captain George Gale, <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Qeargie, brought his boat It) first, his<br />

time being 1 hour, 32 minutes and 49<br />

secouds. Tbe Bonita was second, In 1<br />

hour, 14 minutes and 35 seooudi, with<br />

the Alberta third, In 1 hour, 14 minutes<br />

and 49 eeoonds. The course m eight<br />

miles In length.<br />

Mayor Wfiiard Wright started MOD-<br />

day on a protracted trip to the moun-<br />

tains for bis health, .<br />

A colored man, giving bis name as<br />

ThebandsoDie newsesalde ^<br />

at Wlldwood, 6n Five Mile Beach, was<br />

destroyed by fin at 1 o'clock Sunday<br />

morntng, together with the contents.<br />

The lew la placed at 1^600, on Which<br />

then was no Insurance, The structure<br />

was owned by Allen Watteni, <strong>of</strong> frank<br />

ford. Pa,<br />

Captain Daniel Inland was in Phila-<br />

delphia on Monday,<br />

Harry Lee and John Peterson went<br />

to AUantle <strong>City</strong> Monday on business.<br />

Captain Mauncs P, Godfrey and Hiss<br />

Annie Marshall, <strong>of</strong> MarBhallvlIIe, were<br />

mother on the 6th lost.<br />

Horace Lee, wife and son spent Sun-<br />

day with his brother, Samuel Lee, at<br />

Eldora, .<br />

John Lie, son <strong>of</strong> Captain James Lee,<br />

recently fell from the masthead <strong>of</strong> a<br />

vessel and was severely hurt, but fbrtu><br />

nately so bones were broken.<br />

Children's^ at theM,E,ChUHSh<br />

wasagrandaflalr.<br />

Mis. nitlenhouse, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, is<br />

vlnltlng her sister, Mrs, Anthoay Bteel-<br />

mau,<br />

Mrs. Dr. Madden and family is visit<br />

ing her father, Captain T, Weeks,<br />

Mrs, Rebecca, Hslnts and Mrs, Emma<br />

Wells, <strong>of</strong> Bridgeton, is visiting Mis.<br />

Edmond Taylor,<br />

Irwln Shaw, <strong>of</strong> Beavllle, spent Sun-<br />

day here among ftleuda.<br />

Mrs. Ward iUIle spent last week with<br />

her sister, Mrs, Lorenio Smith, at El-<br />

dora,<br />

A Bon.in-law <strong>of</strong> Mr. Adams, who was<br />

killed In Washington by the falling <strong>of</strong><br />

the building used by tbe.aovenimeut<br />

for the transaction <strong>of</strong> Its perislon bush<br />

ness, was Interred in the cemetery at<br />

this place Monday, The body was<br />

brought here Baturday,<br />

Samuel Champion, <strong>of</strong> Millvilte, was<br />

here on Monday,<br />

Rev, B, I, Gamp, tbe Presbyterian<br />

minister, was married on the 8th Inst,<br />

to a Wilmington, Del,, lady. The re-<br />

ception took place on Saturday at the<br />

residence <strong>of</strong> Mis. Joseph gheppard, thla<br />

plaee,<br />

Dr, Yorkes, the dentist, and Miss<br />

Emma Baker were married on Satur-<br />

day at the residence <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Joseph<br />

Bhoppard by Hev. D. 1, Camp,<br />

Captain T, Weeks and Mrs, Anthony<br />

Bteetman attended the railroad trial In<br />

Camden last week,<br />

Osboru CorsoB, <strong>of</strong> O«au)Clty, spent<br />

Bunday With friends ia. this place.<br />

The Jnna meeting ot Cbundl Was held<br />

on Friday Evening, Mayor Moore Irfthe<br />

chair and CouncIlmenODtsonlCanfleld,<br />

Hand and Steelman preeent, J __<br />

Themlnutn <strong>of</strong> the •ajKi<strong>of</strong>ltrmast<br />

ing were read and approved,<br />

The cotnmlttee on securing piling for<br />

board wait and wharf reported program<br />

A.D.Stiatpwasawarded the contract<br />

for renoving the garb ige this season.<br />

The paving committee reported pro*<br />

Bills'to the amount <strong>of</strong> 11867,94 were<br />

read and ordered paid,<br />

A communication asklug for a lamp<br />

at Fifth street and AUantle avenue was<br />

read and laid over for further coni|der><br />

atlon, ,<br />

J. C, Steelman and A, 1). Bbarp were<br />

ssjpted aa DSCU rity for the garbage con-<br />

tractor. • "<br />

Tbe commtttee on paving Was !n-<br />

etructed to put down flagstone crossings<br />

at Seventh aud Eighth streets.<br />

Councilman Can Held was added to<br />

the committee to purchase pillhgr The<br />

eoTamltteewMlflStructedtoputBeventb<br />

street wharf In order.<br />

The Mayor and Clerk were Instructed<br />

to Issue duplicate note 10 H, Gerlach for<br />

HOW, and to take sffldavlt <strong>of</strong> Mr. Qer-<br />

lach that old note was lost, and further<br />

that tbe Borough would not be held FB><br />

aponsible for its payment should it be<br />

found, .<br />

A communication requesting Council<br />

to brush and cut grass on Gentral avenue<br />

about two hundred fett north <strong>of</strong> Third<br />

street was read and discussed. Council-<br />

man Canileld was Appointed to attend<br />

to the matter.<br />

William Lake, H, Relnhart and R.<br />

H, Thorn wore appointed to receive flre<br />

apparatus upon Its arrival and turn the<br />

same over to the fife company.<br />

Council adjourned to meet on Friday<br />

evening, <strong>Jun</strong>e Sid.<br />

WM, R. ELLIOTT<br />

Sue«aaor to MRS. R.MORBI<br />

Groceries, Provisions,<br />


and O1.A8SW ARE,<br />

Ho. 914 AsbnryAw©*» :<br />

OGIAN OITY,:N..J.<br />

Biinimer vfsllow are assiired <strong>of</strong> ef=<br />

flolaatJervJce..ffeHb goods and Phlla-<br />

delphla prices, .<br />

Now is the Time<br />

James Jones, was arrested Sunday night<br />

on a charge <strong>of</strong> Incendiarism. The<br />

charge was made by Mre, John T«n-<br />

with, <strong>of</strong> We Seaview ExeuriioB House,<br />

juet below Chelsea, Hhe says she was<br />

the porch when she noticed<br />

the darkey acting suspiciously. She<br />

kept her eye on him until he.,crept<br />

under the porch floor, a short distance<br />

ort She then summoned an <strong>of</strong>Bcer,<br />

and together they found Janet endea*<br />

wring to Ignite a pile <strong>of</strong> wood which<br />

he had collected with the evident Intea-<br />

Uon <strong>of</strong> flring the buUdlng, He fell<br />

back in tenor at Use approach <strong>of</strong> the<br />

, bat prompUy obeyed thilatter^s<br />

Command to come from under the plat-<br />

form. He was taken to the <strong>City</strong>-Hall<br />

in a patrol wagon, <<br />

Thi1 License and Police Committee <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong> Council are holding midnight Bes><br />

sions examining signatures to license<br />

applications. Many <strong>of</strong> the applications,<br />

It Is alleged, contain bogus and dupl<br />

cate signatures,<br />

I wlfeiUrtedlfor<br />

tne World's Fair oh Tuesaayi" They<br />

will be gone about a month.<br />

5 ^hers |H qnittls dlflcrene^ <strong>of</strong> opinion<br />

between some <strong>of</strong> our Ooupdlmen arid<br />

Wo»lEierclBBBIundeFtiieleiideiship<br />

whohwbwn au annpal vislto faeie<br />

' ior miiov 5fe*w. to With m agaltf t» fe-<br />

SBalnnDtiitbeoioH<br />

• ; GrW gUuy eri^y* the<br />

tUeiatWansort.<br />

•Owrne W, Htaqnll, manager for<br />

OluetttCoon * Co., Philadelphia, will<br />

: take' po«t«ton <strong>of</strong> Utm J- B. MdOuP<br />

new cottage, Wesley avenue,<br />

k<br />

O.<br />

, to* JiitftB ijlgbt pr top<br />

XMUraVAJdfBstlrai, Monej •pent there<br />

will be oaad In a good »peetsdonaneis\!<br />

The qnlprits will be drawn andTquar-<br />

Cuptd has been playing havoc with<br />

the hearts <strong>of</strong> the young people <strong>of</strong> our<br />

town, and for the second" time within<br />

a week the tintinnabulations <strong>of</strong> the<br />

marriage bells have been heard when<br />

Miss Beulab Elliott, daughter <strong>of</strong> W, R,<br />

Elliott, nne <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>'s leading mer-<br />

chants, was led to the allar by Edward<br />

Pickering, also <strong>of</strong> ibis place, ou Thurs<br />

day evening last The wedding was a<br />

very quint one, only the bride's imme-<br />

diate family being present. The cere-<br />

mony took place at the FlmL M. EL Par-<br />

nonage, Ilev, W, A, Mawey pronounc-<br />

ing tbc words that made them man and<br />

wife. Upon the return <strong>of</strong> the wedding<br />

party to the residence <strong>of</strong> the bride's<br />

parents an elaborate luncheon was<br />

served. May tbelr journey through life<br />

be all that their fondest anticipations<br />

pictured,<br />

Re*etf ed.<br />

Y0UR<br />

at the leading Shoe Store in<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>,<br />

C. A. CAMPBELL'S,<br />

813 Anbury avmni.<br />

All the latest styles in<br />

Ladies and Gent's Shoes<br />

Gent's Flue Russet Calf, Blueher<br />

Uont's fine Calt filuoher Shoe<br />

I^adies* Fine Kid Bluober Bhoe<br />

Ladlefl* Donegal Tip Blueher Shoo<br />

Ladles' Fine Oxford Blueher Shoe<br />

d Fins Busset Oxford Shoe<br />

CBA1EES IH<br />

1 jr.<br />

, Cedar<br />

and Hemlock<br />

• '-'i<br />


BIIIHB, FHwriii,<br />

WWowFfiMf,,<br />

Other ityles too numerous to<br />

mention,<br />

and Lawn Tennis<br />

gg<br />

Shoes in different colors; also<br />

A genuine Kangaroo Shoe at<br />

$<br />

OWEN H. KUDER,<br />

4O8 Reventli Street,<br />


filasoii, the captain <strong>of</strong> a yacbt<br />

at liongport, teak out a party <strong>of</strong> flve<br />

Sunday morning, accompanied by a<br />

large keg <strong>of</strong> beer. After Balling about<br />

until afternoon ihe bout was noticed to<br />

eapsisw and the six oeeupsntt were<br />

tbrowa into deep water, George Clark<br />

and Jesse Camp, two boatmen, saw the<br />

accident and at once put out In a boat<br />

to the rescue. The captain, when<br />

reached, was s< Ling astride the empty<br />

beer keg, and instructed thai the others<br />

be taken in Ant Ail the men were<br />

brought safely on shore.<br />

For Hale.<br />

Fine Cottage overlooking the bay<br />

near the Steamboat Landing and gum*<br />

mer Railroad Station, Large veran-<br />

daus; street improved; electric an will<br />

run close to door. For purlieu lam apply<br />

to B( UCRTIS ROB1NBON,<br />

Oraan <strong>City</strong>, N. J.<br />


Delightfully lm-ated, right<br />

hB<br />

PicklU,<br />

UUi, Umt, Cimit<br />

A full supply constantly on<br />

hand, and under cover.<br />

Orders left at No. 759 As-<br />

bury avenue will receive imme-<br />

diate despatch by Telephone.<br />

iiirittr Yard iid 01CI:<br />

CITY, If. J.<br />

NO. 108 MARKET STKEET,<br />


rins<br />

FAMILY<br />

at>w4ii FOUirp JJI THB<br />

Full Flavored Teaa,<br />

Choice Brands <strong>of</strong> C<strong>of</strong>fee,<br />

Sugars <strong>of</strong> all Grades,<br />

Canned Fruito.<br />

Pickles, Sptccs, Ralsina, Dried<br />

Bmt, Butter and Lard.<br />

—Hami—ol:-~BestQ<br />

Weighed when Purchased y<br />

Customers, No Loss if><br />

Weight Charged to Purchaser*.<br />

Miotattty<br />

Pure<br />

A creun <strong>of</strong> tartar baking powder.<br />

Highest <strong>of</strong> all In leavening strengths<br />

Latest United Stat Government Pood<br />

Beport "' -<br />

Royal Baking Powder Co^<br />

1M WALL ST., K, V,<br />

IT*<br />

g f<br />

enbcn at ihs piejeetad flfB

u '<br />

%mm<br />

i. I<br />

:•> J<br />

£l '<br />

• If<br />

Tit —<br />

[£/".<br />


tetmtt<br />

1 1<br />

K. CtTllTIB liOBIlf SOV,<br />


UCftAM «!¥*," MEW<br />

In*. **eh<br />

f l h d<br />

JmUH<br />

fbn Haw In<br />

if<br />

JUNE 18, IMS.<br />

Entered M lbt> Fat* Offlw *tO«*n «lf, N, J,.<br />

ma iB*5oBd-4U» ami] guttler,,<br />

The colored people <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> will<br />

begin holding divine Bsrviees for tho<br />

Benson nest Sunday, <strong>Jun</strong>e 18th, iii<br />

-Jitafllipflngfl^HflH^oii Anbury ayenijejjg-<br />

litw Seventh street Preaching at 3,30<br />

and a30 P, M,, by lk¥, j, F, Lee, pa§ti>r.<br />

Elected.<br />

John W, smith, Alfred Nelmii and<br />

Joseph C, Butley were elected Trustee*<br />

<strong>of</strong> the M, E, Church for three yea at<br />

a meetiug bold on Tbureday evening.<br />

Immediately after the election the new<br />

Baud organized by olectlug K. C. Rob=<br />

luson, pffsldeut; j, O. Down, vice prea-<br />

Ideut; John W. Bmtiht seerateryf ant!<br />

L. It. Thomas, treasurer.<br />

The elte where tlio !iand«ome new<br />

nierry=fffrrotmtl ttii||dtnt|once ntood Is<br />

Bow=toarked only by bettt and twisted<br />

rods and filiarred tiniberfi. The flre<br />

wineli destroyed the structure was dl»-<br />

oovered about l.lfi Monday morning by<br />

If r. Keuiiey, an employee <strong>of</strong> the«tab><br />

llBlimetit who alept In the nceond story<br />

<strong>of</strong> the building. Ho was awakened by<br />

the crooking <strong>of</strong> the window panes In<br />

hln roam, catjflcd by the Intense brat,<br />

and springing from hln bed<br />

made big exit from the burning build-<br />

ItiK. Ilia eriefl <strong>of</strong> "flre, flre" awakened<br />

Elmer D, Sony, nf tlieTrayraore, whleh<br />

|H but a few feet to the WOHtnt tha de*<br />

The Union Transfer Company fa a|.<br />

wftyn appreciated by UIDHO who make<br />

UHOdf Its fuQilUtes, It dlmluiilici the<br />

dlseomfitrteef travel vary considerably<br />

io give baggage Into the hands <strong>of</strong> thin<br />

company and to have it delivered to<br />

Its destination in gasd ardor, without<br />

the necessity for bestowing n *>lugU<br />

thought upon It, sod at o cent which Ii<br />

trifling when, compared With the an<br />

i which<br />

John A. English, proprietor <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Traymore, deilroufl <strong>of</strong> showing his np><br />

preclatlon <strong>of</strong> the action <strong>of</strong> our citlzene<br />

In protecting hia hotel from lire Monday<br />

rooming laet, but presented the local<br />

flre company,with a 110 bill to assist<br />

their flnauoes, and UUHH Uiat more<br />

may follow.<br />

The committee <strong>of</strong> arT8tigeni6DU» tor<br />

the sociable held at J,T, Price's wish to<br />

tender m vote <strong>of</strong> thnnb* to Mr, and Mn,<br />

Hurry G, Stoelmaq and their assistants<br />

foi the oxcallent music rendered at that<br />

Boclabks, and alas to all other friends<br />

who assisted In the entertainment,<br />

Mlihr itilriii,<br />

Willlmn H, El well, who recently re-<br />

signed from the service <strong>of</strong> the W, J. R.<br />

K, as agent at <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, spent wveral<br />

days last week In vlalUngoId friends in<br />

this place and vicinity^ prevlaUA to his<br />

depsrture for the West<br />

Mr, Slwell left on Monday for Phlta-<br />

delphls, where he^wflsjolned^byj. 31,<br />

Wilsou, who lately occupied the po§j><br />

U <strong>of</strong> agent at Avaloo. and ID the<br />

egBuUonloQ started forCht-<br />

c$go, via Niagara Palls, over the Head,<br />

log Railroad, They intend remaining<br />

In the Windy <strong>City</strong> for seme Lime, taking<br />

In the World's Fair and visiting plaeeii<br />

<strong>of</strong> Interest, after which they will leave<br />

for Don verj Colorado. *<br />

Mr, El well has left behind him warm<br />

friends, gained by his genial mannere<br />

and anlform eourtesy to ail with whom<br />

he was brought In contact while In the<br />

aervlcv <strong>of</strong> the West Jersey Railroad,<br />

whose kindest wjanea will follow him<br />

wherever his Interests may load him to<br />

l<br />

structure, who quickly amused<br />

the Inmates <strong>of</strong> the liotcl, and seeuriug<br />

a box <strong>of</strong> new blankets from the store-<br />

room, Haturated them with water and<br />

covered tlis ro<strong>of</strong> and that portion <strong>of</strong> the<br />

hotel most exposed to the flames, thiiH<br />

Having one nf <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>'s handsomest<br />

hnsteirles.<br />

Within a iliort time after the dig*<br />

covery <strong>of</strong> the flre a large number <strong>of</strong> our<br />

citizens, armed with every conceivable<br />

implemont, wore on the ttceiio and done<br />

noble work Id confining the flames to<br />

the buildluff in wlilcb they started.<br />

Owing to the inflammable nature <strong>of</strong><br />

tho materials "nod In the conHtnieiiQii<br />

<strong>of</strong> the carousal and the head way gained<br />

by the flre before discovery, the am ten In<br />

<strong>of</strong> the building were efiiiRumed.<br />

I, Q, Adaffii, <strong>of</strong> Atlantic <strong>City</strong>, owner<br />

<strong>of</strong> the carousal, had had the building<br />

newly painted this spring, beside* giv-<br />

ing the machinery a. complete over-<br />

uayllng, Hla km ii fiS.QOQi with an<br />

Insurance <strong>of</strong> mm, Tlie damage dene<br />

to the Tfaymore will amount to about<br />

1200. and the elty'fl Iran in In the neigh-<br />

borhood <strong>of</strong> ISO,<br />

TliiB wag the most dlsaHtroun confla.<br />

gratlon which has ever vlaltetf <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong>, and only the second one In ten<br />

years, Tho pises win opened for tho<br />

reason on Saturday night, and BH no<br />

flre had been hi nr around the building<br />

sines that time, niaisy think it was <strong>of</strong><br />

Incendiary origin. According to Mr,<br />

Kenney's account, the lire utarieU on<br />

the outBldo <strong>of</strong> the building next the<br />

ocean, and gained entrance to the In-<br />

side through the window in hli room.<br />

The plaee <strong>of</strong> amusement wan ntio ot<br />

the most popular In town, and it* low<br />

will be felt by nil, Mr, Adanw will<br />

commence rebuilding at once,<br />

Unfortunately the Traymnre Hotel,<br />

owned by J, A, English, <strong>of</strong> Piilladel.<br />

phia, had been undergoing re pal re last<br />

week, and in HmseqBencs the water<br />

pipes thmughout the building were dis«<br />

connected, and tbe appliance* for fight-<br />

ing flre, with which It is throughly<br />

equipped, eqtild ant Be gotten iiilo<br />

for wjfne time after the alarm<br />

<strong>Jun</strong>512,<br />

No, they're not all Silk—<br />

Just hmlf—those Taffeia Plaids<br />

for Blouste Waists, Vgry likely<br />

they're tetter tor that use<br />

than if silk worms furnished<br />

every fiber. Silk and Woo!<br />

so perfectly put together that<br />

the goodness <strong>of</strong> each shows at<br />

the fiesti , Handsome as they<br />

are, they'll seem handsomer<br />

when you know the price—If<br />

instead <strong>of</strong> $1,50, S<br />

styles, 39 inches.<br />

Navy blue S<br />

••:,, 3<br />

Seven<br />

are<br />

be quickest steppers just now<br />

from the counters <strong>of</strong> Summery<br />

Woolen stuffs.<br />

At 401, a good EC =i qtinlity, 80 in,<br />

At Sue, n geod OOo quality, 30 in.<br />

At (JOo, a good ISa qunlity, CO in.<br />

At ?uo, fl good (Vio qnnlity, 4ft in.<br />

At Site, ft good f L0u quality, CO rn,<br />

At ll.QOft gooa f 1,1.1 quality, 50 In.<br />

At 11,31, a gooa #1,60 qnnlity, (H in,<br />

Navy blue cornea laughing<br />

to the front in that great camp<br />

<strong>of</strong> Hopsackingi—thoie open-<br />

mesh beauties that divide favor<br />

with the Serges,<br />

88 in, Kopsnnkiiig at fitto.<br />

40 iu, Uopsaoking nt f6os<br />

4«in, Honsaokingni il.flut<br />

4H in, Hopsnckiiig nt fl.&l.<br />

18<br />

31 In,<br />

31 in.<br />

24 iu,<br />

27 in*<br />

S7 in*<br />

HOio!<br />

TOiu.<br />

88 1B,<br />

33 In/<br />

>t? to Sis,<br />

ST to 82 in.<br />

81 to 30 in.<br />

Jtl to 80 in.<br />

87 to 82 in.<br />

81 to 00 in.<br />

esto^iu,<br />

37 to S3 In.<br />

31 to 80 in,<br />

SttoSflin.<br />

85 to 40 In,<br />

50s<br />

55fl<br />

m<br />

me<br />

eoo<br />

sop<br />

m<br />

•1<br />

I4.es<br />

§5.60<br />

s&oo<br />

to, so<br />

•7.00<br />

mm<br />

is. 05<br />

so, ea<br />

f&75<br />

If Cedar Chests cost no<br />

more than pine, no woman<br />

would want any other kind to<br />

pock away clothes in* HeWs<br />

ld l i<br />

p y<br />

a carload so close to pine<br />

l the maker Is<br />

the one that loses sleep,<br />

31x31x30 in.. At §0,00<br />

" " 1 in., at i»7.G0<br />

Bicycle<br />

Dress Goods people say no<br />

such <strong>Jun</strong>e bargains <strong>of</strong> Cottons<br />

and all the Summery stuffs<br />

wen? ever before <strong>of</strong>fer©!.<br />

Finest B¥mch Satemi made<br />

thw imsm, at Me in*<br />

Zip-p, tee how that<br />

fairly flies I<br />

Note the name—Atalanta<br />

likely as not. There isn't a<br />

" jhter-footed wheel on the<br />

market, nor a better* And the<br />

fun <strong>of</strong> it is that the Atalanta is<br />

$ i so Instead <strong>of</strong> $1501<br />

Bicycles <strong>of</strong> any other make<br />

you choose—018 to # 150. A<br />

few 1S92 Safeties at very little<br />

price*<br />


for use during<br />

contemplate aviiitol<br />

tended to freely use flie<br />

for the convenience ot<br />

Toilet Roonis are<br />

and Telephone Office!, and a<br />

not only suburban time-tables can be<br />

packages may be check*<br />

the day, writing materials;<br />

if and comfortable arm<br />

laiting for friends. Cour^u. employei, are<br />

to render service or impart ihformatontovisWrs. ^<br />

Buftet in tfaa Baiemut it Eighth and Blb^ Streets, c<strong>of</strong>fee<br />

and lemonade are served without charge, For the ©emvom-<br />

ence <strong>of</strong> customers who do not wfth W i«ve the building for<br />

luncheon, a doorway on the second floor tods into Mosebach s<br />

Restaurant. • . '<br />

p cool Scotch Crepea<br />

Umi were GO and D<br />

nowSQe*<br />

Finest dommlie, printed<br />

Sateens* IS from 90ct<br />

Batim at 15c,<br />

That's the news from eoun*<br />

ter to counter.<br />

Pfiotoi! Plisibir<br />

SiniUrj Englnear.<br />

fl. HOWARD THORN,<br />

Minigsr,<br />

Market StM ilihth St., Filbert St.f<br />

SMITH<br />

had beta giren, M p<br />

niHilf as* much pleased with tbe ef«<br />

f<strong>of</strong>ts put forth tn save his property,and<br />

desires to return thanks to at) who m-<br />

eieted In flghtiug the flre, He made a<br />

iiibififiQilBl contribution to the nowly-<br />

organlzed fire company.<br />

just as welcome words from<br />

the Woolsny stuffi=-like the<br />

All-wool French Crepe it qoc •<br />

lately a quick bailer it $.1.<br />

Seviinteen 10ft shades.<br />

Or the 18c ChalHs, those<br />

Gotton-and-Wool beauties that<br />

have proved such favorites.<br />

Mostly rcream-grounds with<br />

heliotrope and Nile green<br />

tintings.<br />

THORN,<br />

Gas Fitting,<br />

tu AH Its<br />

age.<br />

nt»<br />

qnent mid belovedmeinbers<strong>of</strong> the New<br />

Jem? Oonfereneo, will preach Suuday,<br />

July 8th. Bay. J, E, Adanu, one <strong>of</strong><br />

Newark's moat eloquent divines, will<br />

preach Sunday, July 28d( Bey. J, E><br />

tollh, D, ft, pastor <strong>of</strong> Bute itnet,<br />

Treaton, one <strong>of</strong> the mightiest among<br />

tbemighty,*!!! preaeh Sunday, August<br />

2 7 1 b , •••;•;•=• - T ' " " ' - . " ' '.<br />

The W. C, T, U?.will have charge<br />

July 16th, and tlie caaip meeting will<br />

0oDUrnJefroniAugu8t4th until ttaeiStb,<br />

Aagiwt Btb, Sunday, Rev, Dr. T, J,<br />

Qray, president <strong>of</strong> Dickinson Seinlnafy,<br />

qua or the leading ni«D <strong>of</strong> Uenttal Peon*<br />

Vyl^aBta, will preach. Don't fall to put<br />

yodr famllta under iueh Influeuoetj for<br />

As last Sunday was the day mt apart<br />

by the Methodist Church at large as the<br />

occasion upon whlnn to give over the<br />

ixereisa entire to the children, the First<br />

M, E, Clitirch <strong>of</strong> thin plftw hafTan ex-<br />

cellenl programme arranged In which<br />

the Sundfly-sclKioI schulars took the<br />

leading part.<br />

The church was beautified with pnlted<br />

planta and evergFgeiig, and the Amerl-<br />

fan, flag had a eonHplcuoiiH place Iii the<br />

deehratian,<br />

B@v. W, A, Mmwey was assisted in<br />

the nioruitipf mtvl&> by Bam. D, W.<br />

Bartlne, B, H, Sauderljii and E, B,<br />

The H^SOD WAS r<br />

iFJUift bopfttYounr*Hcdh»'B pier<br />

Hntord» sight, which wM sttended<br />

6y * fiMQlsdiblfl thnttg <strong>of</strong> people, The<br />

nrjaogBBleDtB tor this HCIS] funoUoq<br />

'^fTBtilidef the nuHWgalneiit <strong>of</strong> Janin<br />

A. WUlbrd, ws4 nothing ww emitted<br />

1 tbitt waaidadd to tbe comfort nnden<<br />

The floor <strong>of</strong> th«<br />

.. J piwilton l» M emuoth _<br />

gldL udune who enjoyed the torp.<br />

KbotoTni.Uvityrntd ewryrenwn<br />

be|r»tlfled,«dd% ttteloota<strong>of</strong> pl^si<br />

irl^ti ibmie on tt* f*tm <strong>of</strong> U» ladlo<br />

lUflUfti, tfrwi* evident th*t twh<br />

Before tbe HRBOO, HIX children were<br />

presented for baptism, m followu 1<br />

Parker and Eugene geatt Miller, chil-<br />

dreti <strong>of</strong> Simeon B, and Sarah A, Miller;<br />

Joseph and IjernyMorey, children <strong>of</strong><br />

Mr. and Mrs, J, K,<br />

Oarbart, daughter <strong>of</strong><br />

Storey- Esther<br />

Mr. and Mn.<br />

^^hotali are nply<br />

^vltb pteasnie Heken wbo<br />

ithi(i.tlieAmerl / .-ears<br />

a hoteikeeper In this city, died Thurs-<br />

day. He leaves a widow and several<br />

children.<br />

Trouble In the dining room <strong>of</strong> tbe<br />

fashionable Windsor Hotel was occa-<br />

sioned Friday evening by the entire<br />

corps <strong>of</strong> colored waiters going out on a<br />

strike. There were over one hundred<br />

guests in the house, and -considerable<br />

Inconvenience resulted from tbe<br />

certed movemeut, <strong>of</strong> which the <strong>of</strong>lk-e<br />

had no Intiniatttin until the dining<br />

room doors were opened for the serving<br />

<strong>of</strong>dluner. The service was eoudueted<br />

by an improvised cor pa. Head Clerk<br />

bad discharged one <strong>of</strong> the<br />

waiters fur cause, and the others de-<br />

manded his reiuBtatoment, which Was<br />

refused, (i, Jason Waters, the proprl<br />

etor, was at his other hotel, Devon Inn,<br />

when the trouble occurred.<br />

The city authorities have started a<br />

erumide against gasoline Btov@i,<br />

The fourth season mm <strong>of</strong> the <strong>On</strong>rin<br />

thin Yacht Club was held Saturday,<br />

The Georgie, Alert, Ivio, Alberta, Dot,<br />

Erica, Lllilss, Tulutaj Wbih, Wasp,<br />

Valkyrie, Kay, Viking and<br />

started. Captain George Gale, <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Georgie, brought his boat in flr»t, bis<br />

time being 1 hour, 12 minutes and 49<br />

seeouda. The Sonits was second, In 1<br />

hour, 14 minutes and 35 seconds, with<br />

the Alberta third, In I hour, 14 mlnuies<br />

and 40 seconds. The course was eight<br />

miles In length.<br />

Mayor Witlard Wright started Mon-<br />

day on a protracted trip to the tnoun<br />

tains for his health,<br />

: •<br />

A colored man, giving his name as<br />

Jama Jones, was arrested Sunday night<br />

on a charge <strong>of</strong> fneeadlartsn. The<br />

charge was made by Mrs, John Tren<br />

with, <strong>of</strong> theBeaview Bxcurelou House,<br />

Just below Chelsea, She says she was<br />

sitting on the porch when she noticed<br />

tbe darkey acting suspiciously, She<br />

kept her eye on him utattl he crept<br />

under, the porch floor, a short distance<br />

<strong>of</strong>f, Bite then summoned an <strong>of</strong>llcer,<br />

and together they found Jones endea-<br />

voring to ignite a pile <strong>of</strong> wood which<br />

he had collected with the evident inten-<br />

tion <strong>of</strong> firing the building. He fell<br />

back In terror at Ute approach <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>of</strong>llcer, but promptly obeyed the letter's<br />

command to come from under the plat<br />

form* He was taken to the <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

in a patrol wagon.<br />

The License and Police Committee <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong> Council are holding midnight see.<br />

slons examining signatures to license<br />

applications, Many <strong>of</strong> the applications,<br />

It is alleged, contain bogus and dupli-<br />

cate signatures, :<br />


8, N, Conwen and wife, <strong>of</strong> Washing,<br />

ton, D, 0,, are the guests <strong>of</strong> Dr, Gebr-<br />

ing and wife ^<br />

The West Jersey Division , <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Pennsylvania railroad, in Its great<br />

magnanimity, has erected a new shed<br />

for a depot at the station. This Is in<br />

direct opposition to the request <strong>of</strong> the<br />

patrons or the road. The traflta from<br />

[bis plaoB demands the facilities <strong>of</strong> sta-<br />

tinnfi on the malo line, Tbe exposure<br />

which is iUflered during the winter<br />

season by travelem waiting for the ar-<br />

rlval <strong>of</strong> trains in the open air Is <strong>of</strong> no<br />

interest to the Railroad Company,<br />

The services observed Children's Day<br />

in our church were very Interesting and<br />

highly appreciated by the people. The<br />

young people who took the parts <strong>of</strong> Col.<br />

iimbla and her defensea were welt<br />

trained. Much credit 1B due to the<br />

superintendent <strong>of</strong> the ecbool. Last<br />

ysar the superintendent inBtltuted the<br />

custom <strong>of</strong> denaratlng the gravei <strong>of</strong><br />

thoee who had labored la the Sunday.<br />

Bchoul, Twenty-fonr graves were dee*<br />

orated, including two superintendents<br />

aad two secretaries, : : < .<br />

Tbe Unlan Transfer Company Bag.<br />

gage Express will call at resldeneesand<br />

iotels In <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> and check baggage<br />

thfotgh to dstinaUon, whereb<br />

passenger will avoid ail trouble <strong>of</strong> c c<br />

*ugst railroad station. Orderefor bag.<br />

can be left at railroad depot,<br />

"VMJitHrvr<br />


Gen. Bupt, Agent<br />

BBIOK ! BsiqE 11 BRIGK 111—Orders<br />

tor brick left m.% Thorn's hardware and<br />

furniture store or at Qletttt.Cottage, 8th<br />

at, and Haven Ave., will reeetre prompt<br />

Attentlou; or with Abel D,SeuIl, con-<br />

tod bUdThlttOttiOl^<br />

tral avenue, above<br />

iThl<br />

Seventh St. 11<br />

VAVM miklt BOVltTT<br />

lieitui Plasktrf Hun Kittf There br<br />

MATT<br />

The handsome nswBe*slde pavilion<br />

at Wild wood, on Five Mile Beach; was<br />

destroyed by flre at 1 o'clock Suuday<br />

ttiorning, together with the contents.<br />

The loss is placed at $3500, on which<br />

there was no inauranee. The structure<br />

was owned by Allen Walters, <strong>of</strong> Frank-<br />

fordi M,<br />


Captain Daniel Ireland was In Fhila<br />

delphla on Monday.<br />

Harry Lee and John Pslerson wen<br />

to Atlantic <strong>City</strong> Monday on hUBihesa,<br />

Captain Maurice P, Godfrey and MIBB<br />

Annie Marshall, <strong>of</strong> MarsbalivUle, were<br />

married at tlie^reflldenee <strong>of</strong> the bride'a<br />

mother on the 6th InsL<br />

Horace Lee, win and son spent iuu<br />

day With bis brother, Samuel Lee, a<br />

Eldora. ,<br />

John Lee, son <strong>of</strong> Captain Jamee Lee,<br />

recently fell from the masthead <strong>of</strong> a<br />

vessel and was severely hurt, but fartu<br />

nately no bones were broken.<br />

Children's Day at the H, E, Church<br />

was a grand aflair,<br />

Mrs, RUtenhouse, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, IN<br />

v/sftlng her sister, Mrs, Anthony 8(flt>l<br />

mail,<br />

Mn, Dr, Madden and family |a visit<br />

Ing her father. Captain T, Weeka<br />

Mrs, Rebecca Heluts and Mre, Enima<br />

Wells, <strong>of</strong>, Bridgeton, Is vfHlting Mrs,<br />

Edmond Taylor,<br />

Irwln Shaw, <strong>of</strong> Beavllic, spent Bun<br />

day hen among friends<br />

Mrs, Ward Htllte spent last week with<br />

her siHter, Mrs, Lorenzo Smith, at El-<br />

cJoro,<br />

A son-in-law <strong>of</strong> Mr, Adams, who was<br />

kilted in Wfisbington by the falling <strong>of</strong><br />

the building used by the Govcrnmeti<br />

for tho transaction <strong>of</strong> lta pension bus!<br />

ness, waa interred in the cemetery at<br />

this place Monday. The body was<br />

brought here Saturday.<br />

Samuel Champion, <strong>of</strong> Millv(lie, wan<br />

here on Monday,<br />

Rev, B, 1, Camp, the Prosuyterlai<br />

minister, was married on the 8th inst,<br />

to a Wilmington, Del,, lady. The re-<br />

ception took place on Saturday at tlie<br />

rtaldeuee <strong>of</strong> Mre, Joseph Sheppard, tlilH<br />

place,,<br />

Dr..Yerkea, the. den Hat, and Miss<br />

mma iiaker were married on Satur=<br />

day atths realdenee <strong>of</strong> Mre, Joseph<br />

Hheppard by Rev, D. I. Camp,<br />

Captain T, Weeka and Mrs, AutlKiiiy<br />

Steelman attended the railroad trial In<br />

Camden laat week, •<br />

Osborn Coraou, <strong>of</strong> OecaHi<strong>City</strong>,<br />

Hunday with friends in this plaee,<br />

fiAPK M&T CTfYi<br />

At the hearing <strong>of</strong> G, Eugene Corwin<br />

treasurer, and Councllmen Edward<br />

Hprlnger and Percy Haldeman, <strong>of</strong> Cape<br />

May Point, charged ^y"Mayor Bailey<br />

with conspiracy to defraud the borough,<br />

Hie defendants waived a bearing and<br />

were held In fcam <strong>City</strong> to have their cesspools<br />

„ .__.. H Is better to have it done<br />

mw than to wait until hot weattwr.<br />

Orders «ent to Charles Miller, <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong>, N. J,, wilt reeei?B prompt atten-<br />

Jon, Terma cash.<br />

*Bii *f c«ii6ll*<br />

The <strong>Jun</strong>frfuoetlng <strong>of</strong> Council was held<br />

on Friday evening, Mayor Moore In the<br />

chair andCounoluaenOorsoiiiCanfleld,<br />

Hand and Bteolman prsent,<br />

The minutefl <strong>of</strong> the adjouruod Jneet-<br />

Ing were read and approved.<br />

The committee on wcuring piling for<br />

boardwalk and wharf reported, progretfi,<br />

A. D. Sharp was awarded the ebutract<br />

for removing the garb igo tlila season.<br />

The paving cumnittlee reported pro.<br />

Bills'to the amount <strong>of</strong> 11867.94 wen<br />

read and ordered paid,<br />

A eommunicotian asking for a lamp<br />

at Fifth street and Atlantic avenue was<br />

read and laid over for further consider-<br />

ation.<br />

J, 0, Steelman and A, D, Sharp were<br />

HsptedBHRecur! ty forthe garbage con<br />

tractor.<br />

The committee on paving woe In<br />

Htructcd to put diiwn flugatonecroBiliigf!<br />

at Seventh and Eighth streets.<br />

Councilman Canfleld was added to<br />

the committee to purchase piling. The<br />

committee was Instructed toputievenfh<br />

street wharf In order.<br />

The Mayor and Clerk wereJustructed<br />

to Issue duplicate note to H, Gerlaeb for<br />

f 1060, and to take anidavit <strong>of</strong> Mr. Ger-<br />

lach that old note was lost, and further<br />

that the Borough would not be held re-<br />

le for Its payment should It be<br />

found,<br />

A communication requesting Council<br />

to brush and out grasson Central avenue<br />

about two hundred feet north <strong>of</strong> Third<br />

street was read and discussed. Council"<br />

man Canfleld was appointed to attend<br />

to the matter,<br />

William Lake, H. Relnhart and R<br />

H, Thorn were appolnled to rocelvo flru<br />

apparatus upon its arrival and turn the<br />

same over to the lire company.<br />

Council adjourned to meet on Friday<br />

evening, <strong>Jun</strong>e Ski,<br />

•=——=*^=»_= =<br />

Hymeneal*<br />

Cupid bat) been playing havoc with<br />

the hearts <strong>of</strong> tho young penpia <strong>of</strong> our<br />

town, and for the second time within<br />

week the tintinnabulations <strong>of</strong> the<br />

marriage bells have been heard when<br />

Miss Beulah Elliott, daughter <strong>of</strong> W. It<br />

Elliott, one <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>'s leading mer-<br />

chants, was led to the altar by Edward<br />

Pickering, also <strong>of</strong> this plage, onThurs<br />

day evening last, The wedding was<br />

veryqtilft one, only the bride's immt-<br />

dlatc family tebig present, Tlie cere-<br />

mony took place at tbe Flrat M. E. Par-<br />

Honage, Uuv. W, A. AlaKHey pronounc*<br />

ing the Words that made them man and<br />

wife, . Upon the return <strong>of</strong> the wedding<br />

party to the residence <strong>of</strong> the bride's<br />

parents an elnborate luncheon was<br />

served. May their journey through life<br />

be all that their fondest anUclpatlt us<br />

pictured,<br />

A Tflchllng PjtrljF B«M-n*nl* ,<br />

uy MuBon, the caplaln <strong>of</strong> a yaelit<br />

at Longpnrt, tuttk out a party <strong>of</strong> five<br />

Sunday morn Ing, accompanied by a<br />

large keg <strong>of</strong> beer. After Mailing about<br />

until afternoon the bout was noticed to<br />

capsize and the n]s occupants were<br />

thrown Into deep water. George Clark<br />

and Jesse Camp, two boatmen, saw tbe<br />

accident and at mice put out In a boat<br />

to the rescue. The captain, when<br />

reached, wan sitting astride the empty<br />

beer keg, and instructed that the others<br />

be taken In first All the men were<br />

brought safely on shore,<br />

MsohiteJy<br />

Pun<br />

A cream <strong>of</strong> tartar baking powder.<br />

Highest <strong>of</strong> all In leavening strength —<br />

Latest United States Uovemment Food<br />

Report,<br />

Royal Baking Powder <strong>On</strong>H<br />

1« WALL IT,, H. Y,<br />

Fins MnpsBr JRHilnf,<br />

The inrmbrrB <strong>of</strong> !h« : priiJ»et«J Bra c<strong>of</strong>n.—.j<br />

Bfii fcquwlri to m#el In tin ietrpF team fit tlin<br />

Fub'io TSOIHHJI bu idir»B en die <br />


Pine, Cedar<br />

and Hemlock<br />


Window FfiiiH,<br />

Sill, Ooort,<br />

Blltdi, NotMttfs.<br />

Shlnglfli, PlthtU,<br />

Uth, Unsi, Cemit.<br />

A full supply constantly on<br />

hand, and under cover.<br />

Orders left at No, 759 Ai-<br />

bury avenue will r^eive imme-<br />

diate despatch by Tile^hone,,<br />

OWEN H. KUDER,<br />

408 Hireet,<br />

A»bM>y AVenui-)<br />


For Bale.<br />

Fine Cottage overlooking the . bay<br />

near the Steamboat Landing and Bum><br />

mer iiiijlroacl Btfliinii, Lanre veran-<br />

dahs- street imprctved- electric mtn will<br />

k to door,. For nartlcplara apply<br />


<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N, J,<br />

to<br />


Delightfully located, right<br />

on the Beach,<br />

I umber Yard and Old:<br />

for \%ih St, k W^t Af«,f<br />

O€E4ir OUT, M. J.<br />

THOMAS<br />

NO. 103 MABKET STREET,<br />


,•.=>!<br />



fOOHD Of TUB MAPBf, •<br />

Full Flavored Teas,<br />

Choice Brands <strong>of</strong> C<strong>of</strong>fee,<br />

Sugars <strong>of</strong> all Grades,<br />

Canned Fruita.<br />

Pickles, Spices, Raisins, Dried<br />

Beef, Butter snd Lard.<br />

Hams ol Bes| Qui<br />

Weighed when Purchased<br />

Customers, , No j Lc@i w<br />

Weight Charged to Purchaser*.<br />


ypsin ?)tp*iienett In flnitfjui heul<br />

h»» g|*eii the pTrMnt pfopfiflton the<br />

invert ksiowtwieo <strong>of</strong> haw is mUt to ths n<br />

fsrt.ef their KHFita,<br />

¥<strong>of</strong> tef ffl«, rooms, ets,, nddrwi the<br />

i<br />

Cftre Robert Ftoher.<br />

MIB8B8 CRRTir,<br />

oatn Oilj, H, J,<br />


Cor. 8th St. and Wesley Avei(<br />

OCEAN CITY, N. j.<br />

Thin hOHSn Is Jellghtfy]], (Mateaun • wide<br />

"•""iri-irtailiam the oca.il \a,3^n,mfr-<br />

ilrat GJHI, Terms reManM,)* Open<br />


f«Biral ATC, between fib and MiMSt**<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> Oily, V. J.<br />

New open for tbe eeasen. : '<br />

8, BURLEY, PROP,<br />


OCEAN CITY, N* J,<br />

Now open for reception <strong>of</strong> guests,<br />

For ternlR, etc,, addrem<br />

MlftiM, A.BOYLE,<br />


Wesley Ave, near Ninth St.,<br />

OCEAN CITY, N. J,<br />

I^OMisd bBAr Uia bineh Hid dapot;<br />

the oc*»n,<br />

Iliia R, HEIgtEB,<br />



OCEAN CITY, N, J,<br />

like ID wety. partleulsr,<br />

«m, Two HUHM from tA t^<br />

port <strong>of</strong>flee. FJlhniR(if«ii<br />

4t r i k f<br />

Two HuiMfnm tfte ««*n, dfpot or<br />

. ?. FlfhlnK, bo*iln^lllldiHiilihf wharrea<br />

•iltaln A ft* miButn fralk frpp the hooH,<br />


Cor. gtH St, afld Central Avc,<br />

(Formorij Bixlh Bt, Kiid Oanlrai Are.)<br />

Otmtt Giy, N,%<br />

MKS, A, B, RANCK.<br />


Cor, 4th St, and Central Ave, j<br />

OCEAN CITY, N,J,<br />

tfilW<br />

siiiii *31 nt ot c<br />

tei thseity<br />

I.OW<br />


•oise and Sip Paiiton.<br />

450 West Avenue,<br />

OCEAN C1TW, If. J,<br />

jobbing p^mptly attended<br />

to. Estimate! cheerfully given.<br />

Guarantee to do flrst-eiass woric<br />

and use the best material.<br />

Orders left at Wm. Lake*i<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice, corner Sixth and Asbury<br />

avenue, will receive prompt<br />

attention.<br />


Painter ibi Glazier.<br />

B n iniie \,\<br />

Oil<br />

First Quality Hard Oil<br />

Varnishes,<br />

ud<br />


•fneiHl wrt rantblMd (Wt JHT. II fc the<br />

m at sdmlr*!? Ij toc*t«t t<strong>of</strong>elna (A* tft» Je<br />

QMAHorpporfntHi UlanHM-tfr A b<br />

<strong>of</strong> itM mwrnlfloHt B l<br />

" i<br />

trao<br />

Flre and<br />

Pro<strong>of</strong> Palnta. ,<br />

Pure Metallic Paints for TIL<br />

and Shingle Ro<strong>of</strong>s<br />

other should be useU<br />

rain water b caught for famUyiv,<br />

"^Ail br*nds <strong>of</strong> t^'i/^S^<br />

Paiqe.'/ __ ^ r ' U :*X£>t<br />

•.*•>-<br />

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IS<br />

>••<br />

sight to biholS, Everybody has point<br />

vexation or imuoyance or trial, and hi<br />

or she thinks it is tbs ono least adaptrd,<br />

'•Anjtning !rat tHs," all say, "Any.<br />

tiling bat this: 8<br />

Oh, tnj lirarer, (ire you sot ashamed<br />

to be complaii;iiig all this tine agaiiisl<br />

Qod! Who manages the affairs <strong>of</strong> thit<br />

world anyhowl Is it on infinite Modoc,<br />

<strong>of</strong> a Sitting Dnll Bavflgo, or as flmnipo-<br />

tent Nana Sahib? No, it in the most<br />

niercifnt and gloriogi and wise Being in<br />

all the universe. YOB cflnnot teach Uia-<br />

nipotenco anything. Yen havo fretted<br />

and worried Almost enough. Do you<br />

not think so? Some <strong>of</strong> yon are making<br />

yourselves ridiculous in the eight <strong>of</strong> iU<br />

own waeei ei misfortune, BQE we now on.<br />

There are men who keep their grip <strong>of</strong>i<br />

this world anW the bat-moment wh(<br />

anggwt to me the condition and condae*<br />

flf thfrpifrFf^'nT fn th?b^h?H<br />

agara npidn coming on toward the fall,<br />

Seeing that he c«ald not escape, a nio-<br />

ment or two lief ore begot to theTorgf<br />

<strong>of</strong> the plunge he lifted a wins boUlt<br />

and drank It <strong>of</strong>f and then tossed the bo*<br />

tie Into the air. Bo there are men whe<br />

clatch the w«M, and they go. dewn<br />

thfough the rapids <strong>of</strong> temptation ami<br />

Bin, and they hold on to flic Tory<br />

moment <strong>of</strong> life, drinking to their eternal<br />

damnation w they wa over aad go dowtj<br />

Ob, let go! let got The bait furtana<br />

are in'heayen, There are BO nbsciinditirf<br />

Cflshinrsfrom that bank, BO failing in<br />

promises to pay. Set yonr affMtiojw on<br />

tlilngB above, not on thing on the earth<br />

Let got Depend upon it that Gotl will<br />

keep upon JOB the staff, or the rod,<br />

tho iron wheel until you ito lit go,<br />


Another thing my telt tefichts us it<br />

that Christian sorrow ii going to haw a<br />

sure tcrmicna. My test lays, "Bread<br />

jgjrti la lirtjigiWl hcpgtHHft hs ..wfll Bflt 1]<br />

Here is a naval architect, and hp ilmws<br />

ont the plan <strong>of</strong> n Bhip <strong>of</strong> miiny thiiUKtiiid<br />

tons, Msmy workmen are engngtHl on it<br />

for a long while. The ship is done, nml<br />

tese day, with the Sngs op and the nfr<br />

gufgoouH with Ijunting, that vewt'l b<br />

laanehed for Southampton, At that time<br />

a lad 8 years <strong>of</strong> ago coincs running down<br />

the dock with a toy boat whiah ho has<br />

ever thrasUing It." Bleeswl he Godfoi<br />

that! Pound away, O flaiL Turn on,<br />

O wheel! Yonr work will soon ba done,<br />

"Ho will not be ever thraihtng it," NJ<br />

the Cliristian haa almoit as nneh we in<br />

tlio organ for thi stop tremulant as he<br />

has for the trumpet, Bttt after awhile<br />

he will put the hut dirge into tho portfo-<br />

lio forover, So much <strong>of</strong> ns as iawhcftt<br />

will bo separated from so inffeh as it<br />

chaff, and there will bo no more need <strong>of</strong><br />

pounding.<br />

They mw6r-*6ry in haiven boeanac<br />

they have nothing to cry about. Then<br />

are no tears <strong>of</strong> bereavement, f J on<br />

shall havo y<strong>of</strong>lr friends all ronnd about<br />

yon, There are as tears <strong>of</strong> poverty bo-<br />

cansfl each ono rite at ths kittg'fl table<br />

and baa his own chariot <strong>of</strong> ealvntton<br />

ami free access to the wardrobe where<br />

princes get their array. Ha tears oi<br />

sickness, for there are ao paesDOBias on<br />

the air, and no mularial eshnlations from<br />

the Kill ing river <strong>of</strong> life, and as ernteh<br />

for the lame limb, and as splint for the<br />

broken arm, bnt the pulses throbbing<br />

with the health <strong>of</strong> the eternal God in a<br />

climate like oaf <strong>Jun</strong>o before the blo»<br />

soms fall, or ear gorgeoaij Oetohw be><br />

fere tho loaves scatter.<br />

In that land tho Bouls will talk ovei<br />

the different modea <strong>of</strong> thrufaing. Oh,<br />

the itery ef the Btaff that Btruck the<br />

fitches, and the rod that beat the cfliii<br />

mtai sad the iron wheel that went ovei<br />

the com I Daniel will describe the lions,<br />

and Jonah leviathans, and Pan! the elm*<br />

wood whips with which hewaBSEourKed,<br />

and Evv will toll how aromatic Eden<br />

was the day ebe left it, and John Rogers<br />

will tell fit the smart <strong>of</strong> tto flame, and<br />

Elijah <strong>of</strong> the fleryteam that, wheeled<br />

him np the sky steeps, andChrifit <strong>of</strong> the<br />

nnmbnes and paroiysm and homor-<br />

rhagva ef the awfnl erucifiiion. TJic<br />

Oioy are before the throno <strong>of</strong> Qod, <strong>On</strong><br />

one elevation all thogo who were strnek<br />

<strong>of</strong>thosteS, <strong>On</strong>n higher devotion nil<br />

those who were strnek <strong>of</strong> the rod. <strong>On</strong> a<br />

highest elevation, and amid tho highe<br />

altitudes <strong>of</strong> Inmrun, rdl those who were<br />

under the wheeL He will net erer be<br />

thradiing it- ,-— ——<br />

Oh, my iieAreTS, Is there not eBongh<br />

salvo in this text to make a piaster large<br />

enough to hftil all yonr wsnmM When<br />

a child is hurt, the mother is very apt to<br />

say is it, "Now, it will SOOB feel better,"<br />

And that ia what Qod wiys when he nn-<br />

boaonis all the trouble in tliohuBh <strong>of</strong> tliie<br />

made with his Own jackkaife, and he gnsi iirsmi», "Weeping may endure<br />

— . - . . - . . foranighti but joycomethin thomom-<br />

tag, 1 ' Ton may leave your pocket imnri-<br />

kerchief soppliifi wet with teara on yonr<br />

says: "Hero, my boat is better than<br />

Jnst look at this jibteom anil<br />

these weather cross jack bracea," and he<br />

drops his Uttlo boat besido the great ship,<br />

and there is a roar <strong>of</strong> laughter on the<br />

dock* ' • :<br />

All, my friends, that great ship is your<br />

life as God planued it—vast, million<br />

teased, ocean destined, eternity bound.<br />

That little beat is yonr life as yon are<br />

trying to how H out and fashion it and<br />

launch it, AH. do net try to bo a rival -<br />

<strong>of</strong> the great Jehovah, Ood is always<br />

right, find in ntno eases ent <strong>of</strong> ton yon<br />

are wrong. He sends just tha hardships,<br />

just the iiaakn{itdes, just the cross that<br />

It b best for yon to have. Ho knows<br />

what kind <strong>of</strong> grain yen are, and bo sends<br />

tha right ktml <strong>of</strong> thraeliing machine, ft<br />

wfll be a r«l or staff or iron wheel jnit<br />

according M you are fitehes er eumwiu<br />

or corn.<br />

THE W1IK4T AHD TUB 0Uf?><br />

•Again, my snhjeet teaehea m that<br />

God keeps trial on us ontU w# let go.<br />

The farmer ahoate "whoar to hia<br />

horses as soon as tho gram has druppeil<br />

fron the stalk. The farmer coma with<br />

his fork and tosses up the straw, and lie<br />

sees that the straw has let go the grain<br />

and the grain is thoroughly thrashed,<br />

go God, Smiting rod and turning wheel<br />

cease as soon as we let go,, We<br />

hold on to this world with its pleasnrea<br />

and riches and emoluments, and otir<br />

knrokJes ate so flrmiy set that it seems<br />

as if we cogld bold on forove&^Ciod<br />

eemss along with some thrashing trouble<br />

and beats ns loose,.<br />

We started nndcr the delusion that<br />

this was a great world, We learned out<br />

<strong>of</strong> ear geography thai it was so many<br />

thousand mOsui diameter and so many<br />

thoiBand miles in drcurnference, and wu<br />

•aid, "Oh, my, what a worldr* Troubles<br />

ffoae In afterlife, and thin trouble sliced<br />

<strong>of</strong>f one part <strong>of</strong> the world, and thnt trou-<br />

blo iUce4 <strong>of</strong>f another part <strong>of</strong> Uie World,<br />

and it has got to be a oraalla* world, and<br />

in eoine<strong>of</strong> yrar estimations a very in-<br />

flcant world, and* it ii depredating<br />

the an» as a BpUHtual property. Ton<br />

parespt<strong>of</strong>f, SO per cent <strong>of</strong>f, and there<br />

an those here whs wonld not give 10<br />

eents"for this world—for the entire world<br />

a IOQI possession,<br />

tMng, InBcboolwonaed to write eeia<<br />

poaiUgnj abont friabdsMp, and perhapi<br />

ws made ow gmdnatfng appssch on eonh<br />

neaesmnt: tfay on • friendahip. Oh* H<br />

wu a'channed tnirigt Bnt dm It ness<br />

mneh to yon AH it nwd t<strong>of</strong> ! Tea have<br />

gone on lu life, ud one Mend has bo=<br />

' "" ' and another friend baa, mt^<br />

I frieadhai<br />

stiiS* frienaalyp' bonks<br />

^.^ p meas to ypa moroly<br />

py<br />

fntare, bet we h»vB<br />

may bo d^ated<br />

_ _<br />

that<br />

p tho bat*<br />

yow bndncia<br />

nott<br />

^arrant;<br />

fjwr W*, y i B<br />

W trad*rfl*iartanln»y be rich<br />

i^ pv Ana God,<br />

»tt than taWtortoM*, If e<br />

ppg y<br />

dentl; pillow, Imt you will go up a\m><br />

Intely sorrowUss, They will wear black;<br />

yon Will wear white, Cypttuses for<br />

theBl; liulPia for you,<br />

You will tttiyi "Is it possible thnt lam<br />

here! Is this haiven? Ain I so pnro now<br />

I will never do iinythiug wrong? Ain 1<br />

eo well tliat 1 will never again be sick?<br />

Are these couipjiniunBhipa so flnn tlutt<br />

they will never ajpin bo brpken? t timt<br />

Mary?. IH tlmt John? la that my loved<br />

one I pnt away into darkness? Can it ho<br />

that theBe are the faces <strong>of</strong> those who hiy<br />

so-wan and emsflated in the back room<br />

on thnt awful night dying? Oh, how ra-<br />

diant they ant Lookatthenil Howni-<br />

diaftt they aral<br />

"Why, bow nniike this place is from<br />

what I thought when I left the world<br />

below! Ministers drew pictures <strong>of</strong> tills<br />

land, but how tame compand with the<br />

realityl They told me en earth tliat<br />

death was sunset. No. not It tssnnrisel<br />

Qlorions sunriBel I see the light IMJW<br />

purpling the hilht, and tho clonds flaihe<br />

wito the eomiug day,"<br />

Then the gates <strong>of</strong> heaven will be<br />

opened, and the entranced ssnl, with the<br />

Bcutenwa and power <strong>of</strong> the celestial vt=<br />

sjon, will look ten thonsftnilB <strong>of</strong> miles<br />

down npon the bannered procession^<br />

river <strong>of</strong> flhlmmertng splendor—and will<br />

mf ont, "Wbo are thoyf' And the an-<br />

gel <strong>of</strong> Qod standing close by will say,<br />

"Han't yen knew who they nrtF "Ko, p<br />

says the entraiiwd soul, "1 oonnot gness<br />

Who they' are," The angel will say; "I<br />

wfll tdl yon, then, who they are. These<br />

are tlioy who cjinio ont <strong>of</strong> great tribuhv<br />

li ^<br />

tton, as thnahling, an^lud their robea<br />

washed and made white in the blood <strong>of</strong><br />

the Ltsab," • r<br />


Oh, that I could administer 1 sonw <strong>of</strong><br />

these drops <strong>of</strong> celestial anodyne to these<br />

d d d l If yon wonld<br />

pangs, The tbesght thirt you are going<br />

to got through with this after awhile--<br />

aU Una sorrow andjili this trouble. We<br />

ahall bare a great many granl, days in<br />

heawn, hat I will tell you which will be<br />

the grandest day <strong>of</strong> all the ioUliop ag»<br />

<strong>of</strong> heaven. Yon say, "Are yon sure you<br />

can tell moT Yes, I can. It will bo the<br />

day we get there. Borne say heaven is<br />

growing more glorious. 1 BUppose ft is,<br />

but I do not. can much abont, that.<br />

Heaven now is good onotagh far me.<br />

Hbrty has no more gratalatory<br />

Hiaa the breaking in <strong>of</strong> the Eng<br />

lish aftay npon iincknow, India. A<br />

few weeks before a masaaciB had oocpr-<br />

rod at Cawnpnri, and B60 womun and<br />

children had been put in s room. Then<br />

five pr<strong>of</strong>esaidual batchers went in and<br />

i h Then the bodies <strong>of</strong> the<br />

tteown into a<br />

JM the English army came into<br />

wnport th*y went Into fte room, and;<br />

Agk, what a hocrid ucenol Sword steokss<br />

OBthe wall'BeaV tho Boor, abowtag that<br />

QvppOr thing* had crouched when they<br />

dkd d they »w ab» ttrtthiB<br />

dpte blood, Tho aoldierb<br />

lart their<br />

abosi b* aubnwrgei <strong>of</strong> ~ttb oarnaga.<br />

Andob that floor <strong>of</strong> W<br />

pressions within dtplematis limits, but<br />

that she WHS amazed at the ganeherlstie<br />

exhibition made by somn el New York's<br />

women, in that line Is a fact, aad one set<br />

particularly ereditabie to tho homo brt-<br />

gade either,—Joseph Howard,<br />

will turn My iiMd up«i «hee, and jmtelj<br />

purKs ftway thy fires, Mid take mrnf all<br />

il?}- Mm Aftirwanl tbou shfUt t»cnll«l the<br />

ejty <strong>of</strong> rii|iiU«ii!>iiw«. the fidthful eiir,"<br />

St« BIMI Zeeh. slii, % ft Two part* ft» to<br />

bo pliiln nr i*ripli, niiii it 1* tin llilni (Mirt<br />

thni in to I* rurtiiHl.<br />

4. "Ttit-n NIHIIS tlu 1 oiTcring<strong>of</strong> Judnli sail<br />

Jcpifwili'm Iw [ilHiMuit unto the Lenl, sata<br />

the dnyit<strong>of</strong> old uniins' fh form*r<br />

When liiy filiiilj *&< lElin enmlng in nn^ ud<br />

glory tJiij- nfinll Iw iw ft hjitltin •"<br />

in iMiiiy mxh; iii, m «ii, m siii, n, Tim<br />

fihiijl ft HHlitmiiH imtion jEltsriff <strong>On</strong>i, and<br />

all thnt w* thi'tii plmil dckiiowlcdije th«u<br />

UH t|[|> wt!t1 which the IJOP\ hatfa<br />

(liHk U^Jls isi.P;,<br />

B, "'And 1 wijl cftnit' liiwr to you to jtid^<br />

ment, find I will \# n swift WHIIPW ngairirt<br />

tliiviC thiit fHlr lliit Me, HAlth thu Ijard <strong>of</strong><br />

HostH," In cftiinectinii with the forifi<br />

uf thu fd-nluiit, Hicrv miiitt lie judgment on<br />

the ungrHily, "It will IM> •'tliudsy<strong>of</strong> the<br />

iiiisi ihff~yi3tr_ <strong>of</strong><br />

for tlii! eohthiveniy <strong>of</strong> Zion," "tte<br />

daj* uf thu ri'iiKiTuiee and the year <strong>of</strong> Hi<br />

ritlutuutl" (Ifift. xxxte, Hi isHI, 4), Whti<br />

tie conn-?) in iw jiiorifkit In libtnaiDU, It<br />

will )w in yli-Iil vtiiMiiiiirai en them thn*<br />

the Ksspsl (11<br />

tjommuriteaw<br />

iSiURY AViHUr, OCIAH eiTY,<br />

Thirty-eigbU,<br />

{desirable furnished and unfur-<br />

furnished on application,<br />

1 also<br />

<strong>of</strong>fer to VOL. XIII. OOEAN CITY, N, J., THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1808. KG.<br />

proper^.<br />



, «ASC7ABfOBH» OF<br />

Daars, Window Fnmoi, Sh^, Siih, Mc^"^ Braeket,<br />

Hot Bed &sh, Scroll Work, lurning, &c*<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> ftntineL<br />


OCEAN CITY, 11<br />

MIiQQ p*r yMfv atwietlg In nf<br />

gt.SO at mil <strong>of</strong> y?nw.<br />

ALSO<br />

Ksstatifftnii,<br />


A UKGB&TIX'K W C»NffiAI!Ti,¥ OK HAftD, UNDER<br />







•* ' No, 721 Aabuty Avenue,<br />

OOKAN CITY, N. J.<br />


DINING<br />



tint P*«* PHt afCltyHall,<br />



MMhlM TO «#«B WROH B A M TO 8 F= H:<br />

Good Roast Dinners, with<br />

tiiree vegetables, for ag cents,<br />

Turkeji: or Chicken Dinners<br />

15 cents.<br />

Ladies' Room upstairs, with<br />

aomelike accommodations.<br />


Physicians, , Ms,<br />

, D.<br />

Physician<br />


Vat. 8th Blroet alia Cuiitntl AVLUIUU,<br />

QUEAN CITY, ft. J,<br />

I)R, J~ S, WAGGONER,<br />

MO. 731 Af3BUR¥<br />

Ol'EAff CITV, M<br />

Tan Dn!g». Floe StaUaiHr^. DDBfe£tlDDCfT,<br />

&*,. eoMUiitlr on h«nd, _<br />

J HO WARD "\VTLLEmlT7b7,<br />

Cor, ;th and Central,<br />

liOHfMl S tiiU<br />

4 tn it<br />

BR, G. W. URQUHART,<br />

2265 North 13th Street,<br />

WM. LAKE, V, K.f<br />


S. TwenQr-Second St,<br />



Wfas Waflt la Act<br />

"Afl sirti <strong>of</strong> pfx>ph want to go on the<br />

itng(t," said tha manager <strong>of</strong> adramatia<br />

Bgency the etaer day, "Appliemti<br />

como from every walk in liffc The lady<br />

in society and the woman who sells yini<br />

nd needi« behind the counter think<br />

they are bore to be actresBea. They<br />

waste their tiirio trying to got into the<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>eiision, fast not nntil too late do they<br />

resllgo that thefr Toeatten ii not the<br />

stage and/that they ui then nnflt for<br />

anything eis& The reson is, I fancy,<br />

that many women are simply em* tor<br />

novelty, oicitoment and Hmm, They<br />

cannet reajrt the opportuwitibs which<br />

the stage <strong>of</strong>fers for satisfy ing their crav-<br />

ing, and if they can do nothing both?<br />

will gv on as ballet girl*.<br />

"Agratinanf people como in hen<br />

every day whs are to write ft syniphBny,<br />

but thisy Hnpr around the apnd» and<br />

pick op odd jots now sad then. A mana*<br />

pv perhant cannot afford to pay thii<br />

salary an eiperloucod actt^a wontd d&><br />

mand, and, for. some performancci is<br />

willing to accept the eurviccs <strong>of</strong> on ama-<br />

teur. Three woppp Apply for position<br />

to one man,"^Mnsic and Drama.<br />

TortiUb W<br />

At the prstent time the, Teil nstd by<br />

Tnrlrish U4Jw is no longer what it wan.<br />

Its transparency admits <strong>of</strong> a pretty faos<br />

being easUj outlined. When the yaih-<br />

mock is vny thick, one may conclude thnt<br />

tho face It bidia Is not very seductive.<br />

In ppiteoF the prvgrew <strong>of</strong> cirUizBtion and<br />

tha «n*eqoent transftinnatfon <strong>of</strong> habjta<br />

and opstoma in many eonntricft the po-<br />

rf w«cn In Tmk^j ho» wlf<br />

slightly changed, ItisoBh/ineKeptioqal<br />

Sisoa ij»*tJio« belonging to th* higher<br />

slsssn are nnqpoonifBniod ont <strong>of</strong> door*<br />

byctmqeha, Those ore the cadiow, wbe<br />

h d i d d follow the Bute nod<br />

faabions.~Bill MaU Bndgnt.<br />

Dnd* Wnyhnck—1 declare, Eton,<br />

tiiii knifs t<strong>of</strong>fies soapy, sari? us theother<br />

e.bnt<br />

m to yonr fork,,<br />

ew York Weekly,<br />

1 ^ ^ -<br />

n, "Fur I iini ihp IMH\; I thiihgp oot!<br />

tlii-rvfiire J"e &TPHH <strong>of</strong>. Jntiih flni iiotcsHi=<br />

KHHtTijrinKnnpJ ftlmndnnt la<br />

trutli IB illn imme froni the<br />

<strong>of</strong> tbylr history (Ki, sijdy, fl),<br />

nnil. tifHiiiH 1 nf MLt ftivinnnt Jle will have<br />

uicfcy notwitbmiiiiillriff tJI ihiit they have<br />

done (J«, XSKI, »i, STi, "He, being ftUl <strong>of</strong><br />

piiniHiaHjcfli fiirfpivu thylr liiinilltj Md dfr<br />

Htniyetl t!n>m iioi—ft«, many ft iltno mmrf<br />

He Ilia anker liWny nnd did not, sltr up oil<br />

His nnilth" U*s. Usviil, m).<br />

f. "Jtettini unt4) Sic, and I mill rFturn<br />

unto yon, HiiJUi ihs U>nl <strong>of</strong> Host*. lim je<br />

Hslil, WJicftin iJitti! we retiimf" Jle K»<br />

niii^ls thi'm (if thu iniquity ef their fHthfR*<br />

KviirMiHi's u-HtlH«l in ihenewtHdH, "¥e<br />

luiVu isiHt rtUlliutui ft(piliiflt, tbt? Lord (rum<br />

thfl diu' thiit I knew you" (Deut ix, S4).<br />

Yyb lie b t'vi-r jiIwiilinK witb then to r&<br />

iiin!, bec-mi*. He is lovcnttd Imn loved thin<br />

wiUi an i 4-oiiiimnj* <strong>of</strong><br />

•omc finite olrtest mid IICMI<br />

Fire- lii*iirAii(-*> < o<br />

<strong>of</strong> A in c-r Ira.<br />

Wlmt ! H thcttintt^r with Ocuan<br />

<strong>City</strong>? She's hoomlng, that's<br />

all, New wattsf siipjily sys-<br />

tem • n«w eiuctrle straot rail-<br />

road; alectric lights; now<br />

hotuls; new • cottages-;, nuw<br />

tanantB nnd new yuostH; every-<br />

thing Is on the jump, ami Fisher<br />

Is rushing thn buBiness,<br />

Call and see him, and put<br />

your.moiH'y in Ocuan. <strong>City</strong> ho<br />

fori* things gtit up to th»- fiir mm. Il liM siim rfjiHVHif me <strong>of</strong> iftn<br />

(irwuifuS ppcllj I ii| la i.avf. I (Iriiib bnhnn<br />

ihiit I wctuhl havit gnne iiitfl eonHUPiipiifiii !yt<br />

winter, *Krr I had piwmnonia, if I hiid B01 BSta<br />

UiftCor.ipoiiniiOifJ'Bnn. I nujit tor tbal I in<br />

]n hotter iinlili thRA 6Tsr hsforn Sin» I *M a<br />

child, and ah from Juiir Gniiiiinunpl Qifsm<br />

Trenlmpni. 1 fr«! lh«t I »n never uj_ ti*if<br />

enndeh In lla DfaSjfi asd DI ihr B«M got»J It bag<br />

dmefflp. Mil, J, i. We<strong>of</strong>l.<br />

ItJ<br />

Dn, BMfk-y £ F»i>H,<br />

Hy tnoiiiar UHd J8UF<br />

tr«ltn(-t!{ b*«Hi<br />

and hating trl«! HI nther rtmailM innwn m<br />

Be, I wu ihrtnc*rt in tfy jOHr fnmnlF><br />

If cured ma pirfHAnentiy, and I rejoke that<br />

It in inr sud* tttoWBH nft 11 bu dene<br />

*»(.fylhln? for n* I BouW hale Mkad, I ftaTB<br />

reronmendpa ft to IPHCM) othan, whs hln<br />

trlr4 it aod bMsil bpni/flts).. I n»»Biinisnd»d It<br />

with thit jmnlABl OOpnOftnog.<br />

Fkffirt S Mm, BP», &W,<br />

" Oiyien<br />

hu BntHBD<br />

Albert Ql<br />

n, Btarkrr £ Ps!«e, Ihiudolphi*. FB,<br />

CshimiiDi QmjgHB did We nwft food M a<br />

nlinr fi?om HaF Fswr thu uvt^mcl hp«t<br />

eTBftrin<br />

lutelr u with an» other morbid oondiHon <strong>of</strong> th*<br />

mtMn,m hate Hided f«PjiHjTheJ»«*ieB«i<br />

ecld tare f*r Aleabsl, JHorpftlne, ete,<br />

TOb! ji PI! prsilt the MatH* petf HI <strong>of</strong> «ny<br />

tnon Bunt HjTWaied bj iaadjiw teotpenira<br />

mtormtr* ftaUoBai W, QTT, V. eftee, eiewf•<br />

B»fe ud phjiJeljmj. rmiswi E wi|i*m »fi<br />

ef ill 'Wo an WKFIBlF frjsndlr to toll OloTif<br />

T. U<br />

and<br />

ffis HiiUdeph<br />

BB, HSrf I* it, "It<br />

b hat arf^nteiparimBBtn oureli/, hit it us<br />

refer to al fHinartahle>TidBnW=l ef lueedH H<br />

otter iDttltUtiawi in otlief place!, Tttaaa afflict.<br />

ed bj tn unn*emab|e appfilltn fpr Uquor and<br />

really want U bu eiired, eaB by a f«w w»ffci'<br />

tnatlnnt b«a erfdeoee <strong>of</strong> Ita pewsr,"<br />

AmmtK our hHr» !«>*««•» am Btahnp<br />

rallowi!TBPT, !•! imili, HOBWBIW Thoraaa<br />

Hilli, nan, Jjime* S, Hobbi, Del, ft S, Kiwla?<br />

a Tmpann»Sit«t!»<br />

itli **«* wtiooUnot<br />

rand t« b#U>d in treitlnif .**«* wtiooUnot<br />

H» for |rt«m?Bt, at snallf r«Ju»d HtM,<br />

U u ibelr obTIgBiloM » rrp»y is tha fund in<br />

Tll ft b*l rtfd B t<br />

U u iblr g py nd in<br />

SMyTn»t*llinBnI«, after b*lmt rsprt<strong>of</strong>od, By to<br />

dojnx *• Uie the (nUMJ mr Hi o«r, CUiliii<br />

HUT euM wiU tN HflW ndn«, MoisSf lent<br />

fqr thii purpow enkbtH tMasqder » U U UF<br />

saa they piealF M b« weatad, thertjrii]r.0Babl^<br />

then to «5rthrfdir«f rsntlr ot Vtair nbamp<br />

tlpRi Weapre Of <strong>of</strong> m pff* t°m> si appu-<br />

oaBt*, *Hd they «n H proai « wo *r« t*feji is-<br />

<strong>On</strong>r nureta aafo, f win Hid *ure. We dont<br />

lake wlilateT fmin a Baa. W a Ptaee |I hefore<br />

htm and defy him ts drink*nd ba «aw« 41 to<br />

Uk4 It^MBjaftrr m f*wd»a. We ^ara Uw<br />

aae npon fprienUSe^rtnelpiH by taKlap away<br />

apputll* without IffipMrlnc on* at ma w !•»<br />

i ny rbt AJ nbKriptXn rmtna<br />

Utk4 ^<br />

dlaaaae n<br />

the pp<br />

minimi any rbt. ABJ<br />

*fl|blSd to th«<br />

ma w !•<br />

rmtna<br />

S^ife^-<br />

edw<br />


noRmina throosh wrmdH In ncf lon» mOssi*<br />

H H f f l l l<br />

I fniliiti, nlmmt in<br />

A erjatal (JKlns, ana (Inf.<br />

Ifnnron oro this It might lifivp been.<br />

Ami<br />

Whlto Him rlftn a'nr<br />

And no a thniijjlit iii sunn' rjinjlonn Iiivust.<br />

Bt l d<br />

la fcnJiiil wlifB ftal'H mys «n it Kssi,<br />

A eryrtjil rivilldt JKirii.<br />

E J l a, Cnssiiiiif lit Now Vork Sun,<br />


This is thn roninnro <strong>of</strong> n tiililrtifl g<br />

—tin) rittniinco nf nn nltl \mv\ Anil n<br />

i i I am grity hnired anil 40,<br />

yrt as I nil nt my Aimk In tho glmany<br />

llttlo<strong>of</strong>llct'<strong>of</strong> IIiiriunii'H mill Jifjt> i-Qinoa<br />

t«*tw€»n my uyija IUUI th» uoiuniiin (if fig-<br />

imNi In thu tluHty JuflgorB—n younR ftice<br />

with diMiF, bright oy=nn!l I full fhtu a<br />

day drtjftm itnil ftirgfltthjitl nmoM and<br />

poor and poiinnnniilact'.<br />

Shn }H thu isiily child bf Jere Jfnfmi\nf<br />

thi 1 miiliohiiifu mill owner. And as putitlt)<br />

[inci ^uutl juj BftQ 1B iMjautlful,<br />

1 iuivij wiitehod hur KPIW Into wotniiit*<br />

houd. I hfivo wntfliii'd \WT l i<br />

n antl wiil*?nlnf dad fkv<br />

tho Ideal <strong>of</strong> mydreftinfl;<br />

Andull tiicsoycjirs I hrtVi? iidfn<br />

Injl to loyn her,<br />

Siiwly IOTO la not wluilly<br />

though it la hfi|»lefls, I nin n hotter ismn<br />

that 1 hnvo loved NoUto Utinnim.<br />

No. I bnild nftftir cftsttis,<br />

I nin 40 nml Bhu 18.<br />

1 iim only her futhpr's hnokkcopcivnnii<br />

ulio is tho bfirt«s at millions.<br />

TlifrL. wr« A time when little Ndlio<br />

Iluriiiiin Hxis en my Bhoulilur, hutitLfl<br />

'niy ptit'kiJtH for KixKlipt) anil (Btaiped hpr<br />

liarHfj'H uhnfgn several tiines a day to<br />

tra](]lo down ia thiiuiill iiiH.-nrL-h(if "hw<br />

Jrti-k SpnnMf," lAter she hronf{ht hfr<br />

Hiih<strong>of</strong>tl taHkrt, the laeoniKihlo LnUij ¥i»rts<br />

nnd thtj utitonqnerflhlo PSjinirtoain frnc-<br />

tions, to thn fintiin old frieiiii, who WSIH<br />

Bf'vor tfio baiiy_td-bfl^bathL!rHlJiy Httlo<br />

Nfllii' IliLrJiiim,<br />

Hhij is UH uniifftt'tsNi ftiirt cnrtllili in her<br />

nhij \ny» I"T hiiiiil on niy itriis<br />

np into illy frii«» illlrt fisks why I uomp BO<br />

ftt'ldom to tlio hull, and linvo I pmm<br />

lirfd ftf old fricndu, <strong>of</strong> hnr—tht't! I find<br />

it hiinl to answer lightly, to Hinlir tftlnt'<br />

ly, (iiid I K« itWity with n hcnrtathn.<br />

The giri don* not Isu-k ftif frifihdH,<br />

Grim, atcm ulil Jere Hiiriniirrs Jittlis<br />

lirifiht fHLifl ehilil, iiiotlujrless rfnoe hitr<br />

liahyhnntl, long ngo fiuuifl iv tender RJirtt<br />

in th" lu'nrts nf tho vilhtfrn frilk. In the<br />

cisttilj^S her fiieo £H iwwnlenniD as fiiin-<br />

ehinp, Thu ehililriii! linii({ on hnr gown,<br />

tho woniuii iiing her jffliifWM, snd tho<br />

toughest niilliin.nd has nlwiiyn a eivil<br />

fur her itnd n lift <strong>of</strong> tho cap m ahe<br />

gho hija hor youBg frit-ndfl, too,<br />

tho crmntry gontl<strong>of</strong>ulk, Young<br />

DvttiiiOinl is otton at tho hall, Itlaru<br />

ntorwi that hu is tbn fortaa&to iiiitor <strong>of</strong><br />

JPTO Ilnrmnn'a huircse. He Ifl a fresh<br />

fricod, good havrted Ind, Lowa to tee<br />

youth, anil they ara young together;<br />

Qrny hiilrtsl Jack Bpencef, whiit have<br />

you to do with "love'i young dwani?*'<br />

The Htriko!<br />

The mill to Hhatdown, and thestrQfera<br />

gjither in knnta aliinjf thn yiih^o street<br />

and dincuBS the ftltmiUon, The cut rat<br />

havo CAUHMI tho trouliki, Jerti tltinnrtn<br />

Us hard BIJHI juid it hnfd innelor. He<br />

holds thn ftite uf thcap ficoiiln.in his<br />

hands. A few amts lefi§ to. them, a fow<br />

iioUriTB more to him. This hoemod to him<br />

to Rettle thn question, Thfi Hmes wero<br />

dull—he we«M rcHluras WHKOB. The Hftr?<br />

man mill eiierfttivei went out in a hody,<br />

Tho flrst ilny <strong>of</strong> the sWko Dig Jnhnf<br />

the w«i¥or who heacifiil the strikers,<br />

avmo to Jere Harmnn with ft doIegatloB<br />

to nrbitrate the matter,<br />

To thc^n Harman snidi "Betiira to<br />

work at my teiinspr ntay out and Htiirvo.<br />

Monday 1 hire new hntiitfl If yoa aru not<br />

hock In yonr places, As long na I own<br />

this mill I Bliall be mrwfcer here."<br />

Thlfl wftU hifl fioal ftflfl wir, and no wordfl<br />

<strong>of</strong> mine, no warniiigi <strong>of</strong> the murmurs<br />

and threats that grow ntiA dceiM-niuiiong<br />

tho men, will shake his will,<br />

Thero la talk <strong>of</strong> firing the mill among<br />

tho mod bmined ones, And Big John<br />

"That wero ebonping the ntiso <strong>of</strong>f to<br />

spito the fwe, mm. If tho mHl wwe<br />

hnrnod, bow wqald that hfilp ns to work<br />

and wngea? Nay, It must he other<br />

means," '.<br />

"Aye, we ttait U», bat if wo do not<br />

got our righto by fair iniwiff wo will<br />

hnvo them by fooll >f erted Miothor,<br />

They mam mischief. I have worried<br />

jere Honnap, bnt ho will not hood,<br />

• »• a : * • • •#• # • *<br />

Tho etrike is met.<br />

The night la esdedi and 1 •!( alone in<br />

the efflea in tho gray dawn, rick imd<br />

dlzsy with tho horrors <strong>of</strong> tho night's ex<<br />

porionco. I ihat my eyes, and tho pic-<br />

turo atandfl oat brfoni me—tho dark<br />

pight, the hall with itt Uffhts glowing<br />

oat through ihs windows, tho gay party<br />

<strong>of</strong> young JJOODiB -In the drawing room,<br />

the gleam <strong>of</strong> torched oatsldo, tho mob <strong>of</strong><br />

dsBptsStQ men, tho Angry, nptnmod<br />

fao«. There w» a tramp <strong>of</strong> foot, howie<br />

shout*, and a Btoue <strong>of</strong>ashod through a<br />

window and Bhattorod tho chaMolier.<br />

The muiio stopped with a discordant<br />

crash, Thoro was inntiint oanfarion, and<br />

above it nil there wore the bosrss cfk<<br />

<strong>of</strong> • Joro Harnum.<br />

I Bpmog throagh tho ptmsa window<br />

dfad th Tb<br />

and Hg John nhontad:<br />

W^ naught yen,<br />

ths nuwtor BMt ficnr its, lirlng ont the<br />

nuwtufl"<br />

"Ounif 1U(P hiinogt^inea if<br />

nnrt tjilk it u¥t-r~initiniy; v I iirgcdT<br />

lit nijilit liki! n uiob <strong>of</strong> rufliniiH<br />

g<br />

Jero Ilunnun hiul loinq out to thutn,<br />

Tlioy jirmitetl hini wltli na fuigry shout,<br />

"Wa tuu to bii jiut <strong>of</strong>f m lun'gur. If<br />

itfiijf rijfljts by fsiir tiinihs or by fJ<br />

Jeru Hnfiilan?"<br />

"Your fight«"= ln-KJin Jpra<br />

in his hnreh. atMn volts?, I stw thirt<br />

Nelliii Ilorman luiil HIIPIKMI out to her<br />

father 1 ! Rliloand litJiJ hw hand pleii,<br />

Ingly on Ilia Hhouldiir, Silo did not four<br />

tho ftiigfy incn, for willingly not one <strong>of</strong><br />

thoiu would him* hnrsiinl il hitir <strong>of</strong> lior<br />

fliiinty hi-ml, I wiw tlmt j*hn would hnvo<br />

f d i with ht* fnther to bfi gen tlo with<br />

tlirlli.<br />

Yes, eiii- HghtB!" )i WIB<br />

drunk m lilinu with ni(jp=Hun?iy he did<br />

iijit mm the girl nt her fiither'a Mi', A<br />

(ttoiio whUsiNl thrniigh the air. It might<br />

havo IKVIS Jnrti Ilttrmiui^<br />

instend, it Htrilyk her. It cut it<br />

eniel gitah jiiHt nliovf' tins toiuphi,<br />

Tliny HjinHig toNvsiril hi*—her frti'tiils,<br />

hep lovpr—lint Ki'lliii Hiirmiin put hur<br />

two hiiiidn out to in'h >vltU' n Hliitrji, gtisp^<br />

liig cry,<br />

"Jnck, Jack!" niie s.'iiU, and I gnught<br />

her hi iny iiriiis, '<br />

I hn'vfi'livnl ovrr the ngony, thn joy, nf<br />

thiit inoinsint all through tho lung, ioiio*<br />

ly hoiirn <strong>of</strong> thiH night.<br />

It WiUi Hig John hinifwlf who brought<br />

tho diHitor and (jriral liko a uhild when<br />

thoy fejld him Hho WIIH flying. His httlo<br />

erlpplml chllri she hiw! IOVHI nnd fHri«l<br />

for, nriii it hml died in her ftritiH. "Aye,<br />

anil thnt hnrni should hnvp liirtiiR tss her,<br />

whii sviifl iniiro j»(sod and innoi*E <strong>of</strong><br />

timid iind pm-ijiiinliJis generally<br />

tiuii iiiiil ili'iiioriilii'iitiiiii,<br />

nmivn ILiridumiienn f thn lowe<br />

k r('jir!"r!i?titi?pl i.t im n&t<br />

B1R>V« tliif hi'nie ('reniitHii lii'iii<br />

Blntiifiil mul shiftiybS, with m>t<br />

or ik-if n^licet- fo-keup<br />

Tiii ! iiinyT yhy^iin aro tolerably<br />

roili but mieh jiiiislieil nilepifl in<br />

i h<br />

is<br />

yiui<br />

he,,<br />

yiiil ilfl<br />

er tinin<br />

j<br />

thuy ftpt', UH ii fiUc. iiltcrly nnwortliy <strong>of</strong><br />

Tiiia is th! 1 pfritf'iiii-nt, imido to n'<br />

ryporter by n gentleiii m who hia only<br />

l iTturneii frnui' Hundurna, who<br />

fiiiiiiHiir wills tho |h?ipplo iiiiil<br />

wUti is ii nmi) i<br />

iniilil cviT u to<br />

ffn !liere wifhmit ii prnt If<br />

, you will'raiitif? fiway liopoor-<br />

eji vgsi jmt f«:-!«t upitii thfir<br />

ioil, but if yon jfu th!*»>.with mosey yen<br />

will iiit^ntihU' ill* l'nlilicil.: Tbe peoplo<br />

theris will I'iili'.T steiil fri.nii yuuqliiriglit.<br />

or tliroiijjh the nini'kervui' thu tribiinisl?<br />

which flif'y ttriti ristirH."<br />

The liciuht <strong>of</strong> nmljln.in !>I the• nvornge:<br />

is lit linve ?i ft?w Kiiver<br />

s^jiiW ! kt»fB.^=\\yi«H—this<br />

tnki'S liineo in ilia ,<br />

he works n't iimfjer, iiiter^stii hijnieif no<br />

further in ftiiytiung wlilth J«igUt emxm<br />

him to esersriso either Ilia hnnsla tjf liis<br />

lirniiiR, hnt elenjiiiy. nml ilrowsily •COH-<br />

siilt'H hiinnnlf wiih HIQ ehesi]i rum whibh<br />

is thfl= tiHfive. iiriiik. Tliis atuSf; inudp<br />

from mtrnr fiiiirtjiiii" 1 , issimng eprnph<br />

to iiimi a Ijnli? in. it Itrtr (>f rriilreail imii.<br />

•Til!- 1 hlllMllil is li?n (lji;t <strong>of</strong> thft JiOOTf 1 !<br />

cliissMfl, .Ttiiiy %,{<br />

fill, ntisi ii! sliPM tli^iicriifiMn tins = iin>rlV-<br />

flcil stTiin^r gills iif a tfiit-taur. .<br />

KiHiwlt'iliiii IN tli'j fntiliinn. •<br />

: •<br />

A siiiHiriiiiiitiM- tiiii!, yon iniiy fnj-,<br />

tiut BSj|ilifif?!t:f nf !:ifllt>r t'hili.L'a, The<br />

butterfly•« 1 i'i!!iiftt'p.>m Ki'W Yuilt, wtii^i;:<br />

BQdirty atot'k in triiil?! cutiMHia ipf pkiili-<br />

miiiff from tlin liitKHt IKIVO!? nnil jiliiU's,<br />

gowns triiiii thi! Rii('iiu lii.Piiis nml *i<br />

reservoir <strong>of</strong> miji^rlkiiil,pur!!,, is a<br />

to ht'nr NViiHliinffifm woltiS'ii'1<br />

iilmiit jiriasis r^ffirni, nur imblis<br />

iVBteni yr tjipj Uyiii'tsig him t'entrovi'rsy.<br />

Ant! t!iBj*'nut only mil; on such sti" "<br />

liatiirally nml witlifMit iiny<br />

jmBingi lint they kntnv whnfc tlwy is<br />

talking ftl!»»it,' It its i<br />

to throw out ii Btniliitaly *>rtrli*{*t rptiiark<br />

nbniit'urmin book.nf Ih'ipii's nijil iriiHt tii<br />

ftitfi tluit. thi' w'.nnnn ynu. nm UtMug Us<br />

ii us igmifiiiit uf it us 1 yoti nrk ' Oil, no;.<br />

the oililsiivo iitjiiiiis! ymi iii '<br />

JN tlfu<br />

w<br />

• ' • ..rJ 1 '::<br />

SI<br />

• ^<br />


' - * * l<br />


It" I'<br />

£-• '<br />

TCtt»TI»* BOBIWHON,<br />

EDITOK A»t> HKOPRUfTOft.<br />

rir*v NKW JE<br />

¥••<br />

AdnftMMMAta lu teal BAlaBK IS Mk<br />

nt^fNlMtepll»«.<br />

Jah *srt promptly daw far<br />

^rnwn and thlitoetfiib their hsrtii<br />

JUSE S, IMS,<br />

F stand tt Ih* f«» 0Bte6 at Oan Sir. *?• J.<br />

LIKE the charity that iuveni a muJ<br />

tltude<strong>of</strong> slnn. tbe towns nf Miy'i Land<br />

tug and §« Isle, to many nf thi ruetro.<br />

(Mill tan newspaper i-ornaptiudeuUt, wem<br />

to embrace shout all the telegraphic<br />

point* In UiUHUte, mutliol UnmOen.<br />

All Use accounU* <strong>of</strong> furettt Jlrw in (Jlnu-<br />

owter county, catches <strong>of</strong> flj»li oil Aiigle=<br />

as*, politics in galena and glfttw blower**<br />

Strike* In Bfillville, publ toned In mewl<br />

<strong>of</strong> tlto big city dslllQfl, are dated at one<br />

or theolher <strong>of</strong> thcae plat-on, leading t»<br />

Ute premnnpttati that a coiLM|>iraoy ex-<br />

IHIM |a boom the town loL«at thet»pIfti*H<br />

and thai the reported have been let f ii<br />

t>n tiie ground Boot.<br />

A DAY OF<br />

If Oie gamblefg <strong>of</strong> Ihlfl Htate ihittk<br />

that because the people are im Inneor<br />

holding num nieotliig«, cii?f, tn pmtt*t<br />

agalii»t the damnable legislation <strong>of</strong> lawt<br />

winter, they are Batinfle«J tn at-wpt<br />

ppeseut ciJtiditlunH they are greatly iii<br />

enur- The pe«pie yf New jureey are<br />

itlll nurelug in their heartH the wrath<br />

they feel apniiiit thotte villaiUH who,<br />

list to all decency, last winter [iliu^d<br />

the hrani) <strong>of</strong> disthnuor o"n the fair ffuue<br />

<strong>of</strong> out Btiite. A day <strong>of</strong> retribnthm in<br />

oomlngaud the puninhiiieiit will niit be<br />

l«H«evere ijecaniHc it 1M IOUK delayed,<br />

Thepet»pjearedoingftdual <strong>of</strong> an onioyiit<br />

<strong>of</strong> thhiklug iiutef which will iwHieitome.<br />

thlug whidt will coutmtwe tliu«e wh»<br />

LsvoHO vlIiaiijoUHly Hluned BgahiHt the<br />

body politic.<br />

with Iilm In ojfeti oiiifllct they find<br />

tliemwivatepeedJiy worstisl, slid lioiice<br />

slander him behind hla Lwck,<br />

They insinuate that ho IH (fuwc-tw^d <strong>of</strong><br />

ability ancj. nii>t!iing<br />

wltfrli command!! public attention aiid<br />

admiration they speedily «sk In plot<br />

lib overthmw. They belittle hi* every<br />

if he, beliigliijmail, em* In the<br />

itartli'ijlar, lltey magnify the<br />

fault into ftumelhljiff mi mil tal noun.<br />

Of till the devils Incarnate, Envy is<br />

the «n«teHL It fts-da, however, on Its<br />

own vitals Btiri the enviiiUH man<br />

111 liirt litsirr a lire wliifh \x<br />

ftUle, Ha ftiilforu ton tliOUmliii Units<br />

more iimu the |ien«)ii lie piiinttora, Mow<br />

HJIH, tlii> tnvy lie nurse* In lib*<br />

raiiflnt l» liiil fnitu the wnrld nt<br />

It mm what iu>tyuiwH the mil.<br />

tett4|»tll»!o iniiueiidn or itiMiinmtiim<br />

which IN expnswwl anil honistt in<strong>On</strong> ilu»<br />

and ionUi this envious \vm>n iin<br />

whii'h (NiijiiuiiiiialyM U> IIHI the NUIU-<br />

st Gliiuagu, and abFJuf<br />

<strong>of</strong> two <strong>of</strong> ttiruu wfekn is tlm<br />

Burnt people exiiec-U Tliiw, hiiwever, in<br />

Imuryat uurrvnt railmwi nilcs<br />

and ehargis', and tlitwe Win* have liith<br />

erUi lakeii dlHlant »nd more<br />

trli«i retreneli and n[ieiid the<br />

OHir at home, Bcsreely any »ue wliti<br />

leaves towu it) the miiumer ill till In<br />

likely to let the trip to Utili^i take the<br />

place <strong>of</strong> their entire outluR, tluiuifli<br />

they wek aearby and lew expensive re-<br />

WftH.<br />


What fight lias a. newiipaper malt tu<br />

Meek <strong>of</strong>fice? None at all.<br />

in to try tit get an odlcie for the "nthur<br />

fellow," to Hound the |irai«e <strong>of</strong>. thy can.<br />

dldato*tid keep lib nwii feellrigH f*r*<br />

let tly quiet; tst "whoop her up" fur hl«<br />

nan, and let hi« man forget ail about<br />

him when lie ia eieeted; to defund IIIH<br />

againHt the uiijunt attat-kw <strong>of</strong><br />

i, and nee whatever fuviirri<br />

blti caudidaUj has t» bestow go to the<br />

: other fellow,<br />

It in aliHi h(H huBiueBH to IAKMII tiie<br />

tuwu 'for all it l» worth, month after<br />

mouth; tit defend It against the aH|i(<br />

HIOU i»f rival towiiH, and thm iti return<br />

to tee mucb <strong>of</strong> the printing go to other<br />

- [itacea heeause they get it done a few<br />

centB cheaper, ., .<br />

It hi the liiiHiiiew <strong>of</strong> the newHpaiwr tn<br />

give every enterprise a'freijiieiit ''Bend<br />

<strong>of</strong>f," and eatcli a genuine "tongue hmh-<br />

Jog' 1 tweaujsi he h«i failed to<br />

tlmt U i protQinent QlUtsn had<br />

fmwm Oruli.<br />

A terrible aerWent Lieftil nine pleHsnre-<br />

Bcekfr» to C'ajie May Point who were<br />

enjoying a ride nn thu HWitriiiiack ISH<br />

iicai tht' Hteambnat landing no W«ines»<br />

day <strong>of</strong> liutt wet'k. They were jisrlicU<br />

(lanut Iii tm eseiirMliiiiisHidiiutisd by the<br />

OlsrlHtlan EudeavorHiK'itjIy <strong>of</strong> Delaware<br />

M)unty, Pii,, on the rtcpiiUMc, aud were<br />

alt t¥«itii>n, liulh earn<br />

wen- nruaHbe»r=<br />

by, wild in-eiimpmikHl thu exfUrHlii!),,<br />

watelitsl tier eoiiHUititiy im Uielouti trip<br />

up the river. With Mr, Harris* tAtv waM<br />

removed tu thu Prtvlfyterlaii H'mpilah<br />

piiiloityiphln, an MHifi an tbe llepiiblid<br />

reat'lied her wharf, All thiiiiiherH were<br />

The citizens rettdhig In<br />

<strong>of</strong> the May's Landing Gunxt Houae<br />

were treated to s noyel Might TharHday<br />

evening on seeiug m lafge wUd deer<br />

juni|j over fbe tJourt House fence and<br />

run down the nialu avenue <strong>of</strong> the town.<br />

The anlm&l BO intoHevefal yard?, and<br />

afterward trmk refuge in aswanipoppo-<br />

te the Methodhit Epitteopal Uhuhh.<br />

l*ogB were put on l(atrall,aud soon had<br />

the deer ruunlug agaJu. It tail into<br />

the yard back, uf the MaaKlon House,<br />

where it WBM captured. <strong>On</strong> being ex.<br />

amiue he<br />

the iijlnimuui HIHSHJ.<br />

Railroad men Hay that such an ar.<br />

ratigenient an ISIIH became an abwihite<br />

neeetwity, an the Atlantic <strong>City</strong> hrsliChi*<br />

<strong>of</strong> fell three tiiiet have been running be><br />

hind for Hcveral ytant, * Tlilh waft eauBeil<br />

not only by the competition that re-<br />

duced the hire, but the ami pet It Ion in<br />

hpeed played havoc with the protiui,<br />

The etiuipuentji demanded were <strong>of</strong> a<br />

high grade aud eaeh <strong>of</strong> the two oper><br />

atiiig power* raced for an eighiy^minute<br />

speed that made the tout <strong>of</strong> running<br />

the road very high. They declare the<br />

public will not mind the five minuteH<br />

added nor the twenty-five cent inercaw*,<br />

both <strong>of</strong> wbii-h will meet the deniandn<br />

<strong>of</strong> the atockholderH, The BLateinent IN<br />

aim made that the Uanideii and Allan*<br />

tic road Inw ]ald im dividend for mine<br />

years and that the West jerney aiid At-<br />

laiitie <strong>City</strong> were eiiiibleii to do mi Ue><br />

eauite uf the priinbt iiii igher<br />

75 tolls extra heavyfapan Mat*<br />

tiuffai pfrmn ; 0jo,<br />

Sf r&lis, heavy si imlcss CMntt<br />

Matting* five patterns, at<br />

P4-<br />

go rolls 6m Joined Matting at<br />

Matting Rugs—cool bits for<br />

here, there or<br />

2.2x4.0 at me much<br />

%MnS at fi<strong>On</strong> each<br />

8,0x0,081800 each<br />

Take Tennii Rackets-=a!l<br />

kinds from anywhere. Weigh<br />

their worth. See if tho Want-<br />

maker Specials are not at least<br />

ene^thirdelieapirthan any other<br />

in the market,<br />

tiemiantswn S{ecial,H,aO; with cork<br />

hatidle, t-5.<br />

(Jerniftiitowii, oval haudle, IS,<br />

UerniaiiUiWii fltandnnJ, B.flO; with<br />

enrk handle, N,<br />

Itelmout, %%.W, with cork handle<br />

%Mh, WiMahlcknii, |y.6O; with<br />

cork liatidle, 12,75,<br />

Ardiaore, 1*2; with enrk handle, 12^.<br />

Falrmoutit, 13,7-1: with ixirk handle,<br />

Printed Biorod Bwlif.<br />

EBBBS<br />

Iniiic luarket.<br />


UN,<br />

1 , f 1,<br />

Juvenile, flk.<br />

Nets, pegs, ropes, poles,<br />

and all sorts oi Tennis fi<br />

1 •<br />

What shall the Summer-time<br />

Book?<br />

iglnnihg to worry over<br />






sbaeut a few days viaitlug frleiidH, or<br />

that Borne dfHtlnguIshed friend from a<br />

distance had via!t«d liinr.<br />

unhurt.<br />

The WjUialoii WOH the reHuit <strong>of</strong> an ac*<br />

eideut entirely, the wheels taking the<br />

wrong track for Home, unexplained<br />

rtafton, and once started could not tie<br />

frfAppet).^_^<br />

before tho<br />

Govornor<br />

to *veiy public, charitable and church<br />

enwrlainmeiit- frequently advertise<br />

them gratuitously; generally pay his<br />

awn way to everything and then be<br />

prejudiced, nudiafItfthle aiui<br />

•plHted becauHe a large space til<br />

bU paper in not devoted to the fnrther-<br />

UHK HodeHaklnp to the e«*<br />

uf oUier matter,<br />

wonder t«*t there are m<br />

tp the newspaper bus|=<br />

<strong>of</strong> nnnaoal<br />

Fallor's pnpCT<br />

Monday<br />

psblle inttTt-Ht,<br />

g was<br />

fren the<br />

and<br />

fact that it pneented in a<br />

connected way the tndiapHtebia record<br />

<strong>of</strong> facts which sliow that Soinnel Morey<br />

f h fl h<br />

, bails Bad ran a atenmbeat,<br />

There ia a vague Jmpressiori in the<br />

pdhlle mind that Morey inado H)me<br />

sort <strong>of</strong> ftn imperfect attempt to ran a<br />

•tffluiiijoat on the Coanocticut river at<br />

Fail-let!, feat it ia not geaerally known<br />

Dw<br />

to the most undo*] ruble ijuallty<br />

an Ml to the lot <strong>of</strong> rosu* Notli-<br />

m ivpubfve to \<br />

d Opjlght cltsracter as thin fallen<br />

whKsh eblbroueH itoeif in the<br />

and TOloda <strong>of</strong> individuals. Bge-<br />

uf evpry man. There<br />

who reach it by tndiwtry and<br />

there are tlinH who<br />

ii SucBrta through mental »operi'<br />

genius. Some men are bom<br />

Poverty,phjTBioaHnilrniUy<br />

tbse<br />

can clouda hinder the<br />

og. Tbe,f may obBeore<br />

for m tlnie, hut tbe<br />

show itself<br />

tafgeta<br />

0*<br />

that, botldee bbexpertsints thereat his<br />

own home, he fan. a Btomnb<strong>of</strong>tt froni<br />

Hftrtford to New Haven, and that he<br />

built atBordentowu, N. J,, a largwb<strong>of</strong>tt<br />

which ^e rfln between that plage and<br />

A model <strong>of</strong> his boat wu exhibited hi<br />

New York city, and bis invention a^<br />

tracted tbi Bttentlon <strong>of</strong> Robert Fnlttm,<br />

tha Livlngitona and others who wow'<br />

atadjiiiB tho probiein <strong>of</strong> 8tt«m ns-rigs-<br />

tios, Fnlton indeed mwle practical ap.<br />

plication <strong>of</strong> the invention to &rmPiQTcW<br />

nje, but Moruys the Vertncmter, was the 1<br />

i uiv«itor boyond<br />

b PhU<br />

<strong>of</strong> wall paper and deco-<br />

J t fiTU Blh'<br />

g pp<br />

ration* In B*ui h Jersey at fiTU ,<br />

Hiiclh and Anlinry, at Fhllada. price*,<br />

Fon RENT,—A hies eottage; Ailly<br />

fyrtiWied' bwt locaUou en the island.<br />

Apply to It, C, ndbiuiHin, tbi» city.<br />

The Union Transfer Com [any Bag.<br />

g»RB5JEprew will all stfMldencBsftiid<br />

bprelj 1B <strong>Ocean</strong> (pity and check baggage<br />

through to deBtlnatioD, wbefeby the<br />

paftenen will avoid all tmuble <strong>of</strong> eheck»<br />

fug at7»llrond •tBUon, OtAm fnr bag*<br />

re ean be left at railroad depot<br />

, F. MPBFJIY, JOIW B Aient<br />


lor brff* left »tThorn's hardwire nod<br />

ramftara itolfB or at Otenn f30ttnget Sth<br />

~~ wUlreeeive<br />

It was an ill wind for the im-<br />

porter that bfilatfid th«stj best<br />

French Sateens,<br />

_J t JiIeswftv//JpJ!j*ou, may hap.<br />

Meant to have been here n<br />

month ago • meant to he 35c a<br />

yard*<br />

But here they ate at iSc! •<br />

How; straight and sum such<br />

lots come to Wanamaker's !<br />

Scheurdr, Uiuth & Co,'s Sa*<br />

teens, Freres, Koechlin Co.'s<br />

Sateens, Names to conjure<br />

with throughout the Sateen<br />

world whenever quality or style<br />

is in question.<br />

Nearly aoo new patterns.<br />

More than 10,000 yards.<br />

, Of course there's a choice-^<br />

the women know tftat well<br />

enough.<br />

Irish Lawns from Yankee<br />

Looms keep the fingers <strong>of</strong> a<br />

dozen salespeople on the fly<br />

measuring, tearing, measuring,<br />

tearing* Perhaps a hundred<br />

styles, 38 in,,<br />

Not every one can see a cy-<br />

clone, not every one tares to,<br />

but you can guess at the work<br />

a cyclone does by glancing<br />

down the long Cotton Goods<br />

aisle just before bell rings, any<br />

evening. Dress patterns and<br />

sliort lengths flying out all day<br />

long, armsiul at a time, so<br />

empty shelves and scatter pieces<br />

that it doesn't seem that trade<br />

winds alone could have done<br />

it. •' .• -. •<br />

Get Priestly's name on any<br />

sort <strong>of</strong> Dress Goods and your<br />

need't question further^not<br />

even on Grenadine, Quality,<br />

color, weave will surely be<br />

right, These All-wool Black<br />

aid Grenadines are Priest<br />

already, mayhap,/ No need to<br />

worry a bit. We've made a<br />

little list <strong>of</strong> all the welcome<br />

Books for house or hammock<br />

or steamer chair or railroad<br />

ride reading, with the prices<br />

plainly printed, Thi»is the<br />


Paper Novels, 10 (<br />

Aifeiplii Series, 10 cents,<br />

Tl>e Hapmoek Series^ *<br />

Pajter KOVCIH, 30 eelttfl,<br />

Cloth litiuyd ]Sn», Iff (siiU<br />

Tlie National ISmiM, 80 eenlH<br />

The Leiiux ISnnw, B.TceijtH<br />

lAlfiurc itoiirSeriH*, is peiitn<br />

111 Cjreei! and White,<br />

III Ited and White,<br />

.PAOB<br />

a<br />

H<br />

IT<br />

IH<br />

Ntttury and Oui-dr Life, i^<br />

(.^Hiking and PftservliiK, '<br />

(rbieagis and the World's Fair,<br />

Fur liitlie PoIkH,<br />

I<br />

j<br />

m<br />

y M<br />

l*«!uukr Hand<br />

M l FlU<br />

An<br />

4< r !<br />

47<br />

Ask for "Books for<br />

Reading.' 1 -The list is Irce,<br />

foiiN WANAMAKBM,<br />



\<br />


HENRY A, W, SMITH.<br />

PrMtetl Pliaitar<br />

Hi<br />

SieHiif Iigtser,<br />

fl. HOWARD THORK,<br />

iiwger,<br />

60a ftsiunv *ve,,<br />

Ooeii Cttf, N, J.<br />

SMITH & THORN,<br />

In All UH<br />

Underground drain<br />

Terra Cotta Pipe,<br />

ATLAHtly d<br />


£ KEADIHQ B, H<br />

Diviftiols,<br />

mpiiH<br />

trt*BiJl<br />

ffflf RSUTI TO MEW s<br />

IB s-ffsct r«bni«rT JS, IMS,<br />

LEAVE ATLANffc flcfW<br />

T H t d A i<br />

SlrKi,<br />

if if, • n meeam,<br />

ffiff<br />

*FH» Ftiilk, 1015 a in<br />

6 80p mespmc<br />

T Ii • m Moom, irrlffi Vt<br />

jQgpntwpHH, '•<br />

SSAtii<br />

sffipn<br />

B 40 e m<br />

ii<br />

R. R. SOOY, Proprietor.<br />






ArMoral Seaside<br />

Not Excelled<br />

as a<br />

Health Restorer; 1<br />

Fineit facilities lor<br />

Sailing.Gunninff, etc<br />

The Liquor Traffic and its ,<br />

kindred evili are forever pro- J<br />

hibited by deed,<br />

Every lover ol Temperance<br />

and Morals should combine to ,|<br />

help in.<br />

Water buf>ptyf<br />

Steamboats<br />

And all other<br />

Modern Conveniences.<br />

Thousands <strong>of</strong> lots for sale<br />

at various prices, located in all<br />

parts <strong>of</strong> the city.<br />

For information apply to<br />

E. B. LAKE,<br />

Secretary,<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Asso'n,<br />

W, L SMITH & SON,<br />


m. fliMDiii'i<br />

1625<br />



Away with evary Child's<br />

Children's Nobby<br />

A Banjo Souvbnier<br />

p<br />

jp in HHI , . _<br />


f \ i * AiUaU Ci kd B<br />

FO<br />

TnfB<br />

•ad a<br />

BALT<br />

\suin<br />

R AN HNOT0N,<br />

AiUaUe <strong>City</strong> we*k-d*T* Bum<br />

p pi, Bundsjf J IS fe m, UK) 10Q n in<br />

gnnH* with tttn_*5itBi ftp Byiimpff »n4<br />

WuhiBRtrai, TltBfDHK Tram Tw^nij ffurth<br />

- k i l i ; Bkii •^i^t-*_- Hifafef """"••<br />

SSOdt<br />

116 • tli<br />

ley's. Regular $i goods at<br />

50c An Bayard Dress pattern<br />

costs but $4, TTiiiik <strong>of</strong> a/¥mt-<br />

ley Grenadine at %% the Dress!<br />

Plam black All-wool Challis<br />

wool, weave and dy<br />

ih i<br />

, y<br />

was never within easier reach,<br />

ga.ln., Sfie, reRulnr fifte kliitl* "<br />

M til,, 60c, fegulBf Gffc glud,<br />

40JH,,7fle,regiilBr8. 1 5cklnd.<br />

4g iti,t II, regplir 11.26 kind, •<br />

China Mattings (or the Sum-<br />

tner floprj <strong>of</strong> course, Fresher,<br />

asi.iii<br />

iaopn,<br />

iinp<br />

800»tn<br />

»lp<br />

Jiso.m<br />

U to fer<br />

ItntlwIilrtM,<br />

IS Bit<br />

botli<br />

MJH an HI _ _ _ _<br />

l depot<br />

Qwrt B<br />

t BjUtlf<br />

u<br />

detsifeil abim,<br />


Eighth and Market Streets,<br />


RJli<br />

SAMPLeS<br />

ALL K1NI5S<br />

OF<br />

Dry Goods.<br />

airier, cooler, cleaner than Car'<br />

pet. And with fife such special<br />

lots in sight the merest pinch<br />

<strong>of</strong> money is enough to do for a<br />

raom,<br />

j6o rolls China Mattiny<br />

ing- 6$ lbs* to the roll <strong>of</strong><br />

o7nw<br />

or tpsjatmse mniwiftt ui ticketi iwd<br />

lime iUlH til tha Rndlng ifeHd<br />

brudni em Is obiaiwd.<br />

I, A, SWllQABO, C. Q. HAB000E,<br />

W«4 Mmnmf Hall Rwtd.<br />


ON AIID ATtm MAR, inih tW,<br />

StOam<br />

They will be forwarded at<br />

once to any address. '<br />

MailOMers<br />

receive prompt and careful at-<br />

tention ;at allfift<br />

tention ;at all-fifties.<br />

•<br />

AiburyAve., below Fourth St.,<br />

OCEAN CITY, N. J<br />

AH work done in<br />

style,<br />


No.'721. Asbu'iy Avenue,<br />

OCEAN CITY, N,j5<br />


43 So. Second St.,<br />

, i«.<br />

34th Street and Asbury avenue,<br />

OCE/IS C1VY, W, J.<br />

flaajil ilillferiti ffw,<br />

urbing.<br />


Heveif gem nut, No Hecond elpenie.<br />

Fur termH and rniitrautfl onoault Rntert<br />

my a^nt f,,f Oe«ii CHjf.<br />


BliLH!!JI<br />

* »<br />

Cor, Fourth Street and West Avenue,<br />

OOEAN CITY, N, J,<br />

nWEWY, •cCLUREkCO.<br />

ra Market Street, Philadefphia,<br />

V&iuta, Oils, etc.<br />

H. QEKLACH A<br />

. . fiiiuu m<br />

ue^t Wttehes, Jeweif j & Diamonds,<br />

.Ufrdwl.<br />

jT, will r*»»i<br />

ISRiEL G. U)AiS t CO.,<br />

tl<br />

2031 ATLAHTIC A?E,<br />

IT. AI.HAN,<br />

* d CAFE, t<br />


b«4propeft<br />

J,fl2D0dtlboDd<br />

"B»<br />

THUMDAY, JUNE m 1W8-<br />

We shall be glad to receive Items 0<br />

ttewm and comnaunleaUons <strong>of</strong>'<br />

to this eomjaunUy and oiir<br />

- All tommunleatlnnfl Hhould he<br />

ftnmpaBltd with the full naniu and atf<<br />

dresa <strong>of</strong> the writer, not HeeeMarlly for<br />

tniblieation, but a guarantee <strong>of</strong> good<br />

HEWN*<br />

The bathing BOSHOII lim l<br />

Couuell meela in adjiitinirtt<br />

tt>morrow evening.<br />

Charles Vnm ban oisiswl hi A<br />

go-round for the Heflariii,<br />

CH, Stsrn JIM his fnuilly<br />

it) a Central aveiiuc cottage.<br />

Tto Oroan <strong>City</strong> Volunteer Fire t'nra.<br />

paoy will Iidld a meeting tlilM evenittg.<br />

j, E, AiiHtln hori ninvcHl hit* tum\)y<br />

to Bsealiiy's Polot for the Hiiiunie<br />

mouthH,<br />

J.Y,Radcllfl and family, <strong>of</strong> Caniskm<br />

are euseoueed lu llteir-AHbury-Hvtsiim<br />

aittage,<br />

Forrest K, Utirl, <strong>of</strong> JiurHiiKtoii, n\mvi<br />

ft few d&i'H IIIBI wHjk witli Uhiirlm Cnwn<br />

In tula city;<br />

B. €. lilugham and family, uf fain<br />

den; ate pleaflautlyHtluivtrtl in their bay<br />

H,C, Watt,alMitlaiJel|ilihi merchant<br />

has bin family ILH«IH1 lit tin AHbury<br />

avenue dottaf?p.<br />

Q&jrge M, Megargee niiil family,.n<br />

Phlladel|ihta,urt'd iif $V2M<br />

U'eiio!!! Haiunlay fiiFTTK<br />

(earn the lulus! Hly lex in<br />

unaerneatli ilic<br />

yacht, which will be rigged out by the<br />

24th, for Samuel Btetswr, <strong>of</strong><br />

Lauding, and lias three more on the<br />

ways,<br />

George Wilwn, a ?=y#aMiIcl boy, fell<br />

overboard from a plesaure yaclit lu the<br />

bay, Mr. Wiimn reHcuid the child.<br />

Captain E, D, French received two<br />

very fine dngn from Virginia on Friday,<br />

Thomas Turner to bulidlug-a-new-<br />

cotlage, =:<br />

Jamen Leach Was buried on Wednes-<br />

day afternoon lit tlie M, E, Cenaetery,<br />

Mrn. W.L.Blake 1B HUH away, J,<br />

Endleott Ifi beauiifylng; her honn with<br />

paint and paper in her absence.<br />

JAtfi. Roland Kandolph, <strong>of</strong> Tuokertop,<br />

to visiting Mrs-William Johnwn, her<br />

mother,<br />

Elsnprth Johnwn In borne from Ban<br />

E, D. Ftenoh has elgbteen<br />

In Jtefordur<br />

tempting to<br />

himiery from<br />

walk.<br />

Tlie horM.! <strong>of</strong> 1A*win Itryant, a lii>tcl-<br />

kifuper, ran away Htimluy and wnH-kcd<br />

the carriage. Hryniil sftvpcl IIIN lift- by<br />

jumphig from tlie vehicle,<br />

The Turn Verein will biiiht a huli mi<br />

North ('anitina avciitie.<br />

The <strong>City</strong> Coiinei]nit>ii JUIVP IH*H. hi<br />

WaHliinglon, D, U,, gettiiig |H>|iiWrH on<br />

street paving. » .<br />

Harry Watmn wtm (Allen U\ thru-e<br />

place* Haliirday by a diig Ujioiigjiig Ui<br />

JoliiiMlHur,<br />

The two electric light eompmiieH have<br />

refused to make a four montiiH 1 poiitnii't<br />

for lighting the city at a rate <strong>of</strong> 40 ceiili<br />

a iiglit each night.<br />

George Ogden, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia,<br />

flgiired liiB face and bruised IIIH<br />

Haturtlay afternoon by jumping oil a<br />

train after lils hat, ,<br />

While going up the HtepH <strong>of</strong> I be Ceylon<br />

colUu^e, thin ptacs, Hunday, Wllliaiii<br />

Watflon, <strong>of</strong> Camden, slipped and fell<br />

over the baluster. In hl« deHcent lie<br />

Htruck an Iron fence, and one iif the<br />

rail points penetrated his Hkull, while<br />

another rod entered hlH shoulder, Dr,<br />

Peiinlngloii attended him, and pro-<br />

nnunced the wqands <strong>of</strong> a daiigerouH<br />

nature. The wounded mail wiw taken<br />

to the CiKiper HnHpltal, Camden, on a<br />

latetrtiiu,<br />

Mayor Wlllard Wright, who has (wen<br />

ill for Borne weeks with eryHi]ieiaH, prob-<br />

ably BUperinduced by an Attack nf<br />

grippe, fluRered a relapse Hunday and<br />

IN DOW lying in a precarious condition,<br />

Mr, Wright is about 8? yearn <strong>of</strong> age,<br />

aud in one <strong>of</strong> the mratt popular men<br />

and otllctala In thii <strong>City</strong>, being a phyHt-<br />

clan by pr<strong>of</strong>etwfoii. He has been twjc*<br />

elected to tlieotilde he niiwholdH, the<br />

last time being in March, 1892.<br />

C. A, Idler, while out riding in the<br />

exereiHiiig wagon <strong>of</strong> the Utiod Will<br />

Hook and Ladder Company, liecatne<br />

alarmed at what he tlnMight to lie the<br />

litimeH running away, and undertook<br />

to juiiipout the back part <strong>of</strong> the wagon.<br />

HIH collar bone was broken, aiid lie \\im<br />

badly cut about the face,<br />

luvttatlnitB are out announcing the<br />

marriage <strong>of</strong> John Hackney, ot PleaHant-<br />

ville, and Miss Elizabeth Handy, <strong>of</strong> thin<br />

place, on Juue 27th, They wilf tJiko u<br />

trip to Chicago, ,<br />

Sage IH on the Kick lint.<br />

Mis* Ll??,ie Halt*ey returned home<br />

Monday from a few dayH' vlnit to her<br />

SMST at Camilen,<br />

Markle, the nlno-jnonfbfMild child <strong>of</strong><br />

J. M. COIIIHH, died Haturday night <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> the brain. It was burled<br />

at Salem Cemetery Monday'aflernoon.<br />

Cblldreii'n Day was olwervcd in the<br />

I'rpHbyterlan Church on Sunday lant,<br />

The following wan the programme:<br />

Anthem, eliolr; prayer, Ilev, I*. H,<br />

Kennedys IWautifui giibba'tli, wing,*by<br />

weluN)l* gorlptiiN reading, school; duett,<br />

HeavenLy jjwlder, M|H»es Hhaner; reel-<br />

tation, Ethel ItlMleyj rct;ltatlsiii, Irene<br />

Fiiiittm; duett and choruH, Mm Hmtm<br />

F b and MIHH. Manie Craig; 8ab=<br />

hath IkfliH, Ming, HcliolarHj retltalion,<br />

fourgirlH; rucltatUtli, MlhHNHllleShaner;<br />

Comu to the Hniihe <strong>of</strong> tlie Lord, Hong,<br />

h rwitatlon, Tiiomiw Hullutiii<br />

wetH^Hong, eight girln; addrewi,<br />

paHtor; recltatioii, Walter PrambeM:<br />

The collection amounted to $10,00.<br />

MJJ R, Siatliiews and family, ot<br />

MudlHon. N, J,, are vlHiting her father,<br />

II, C, Potter.<br />

Mifw A, It, Hlnckiiiaii aiid friendH <strong>of</strong><br />

Atlantic (!!ty retuniwl fniiii a wyek's<br />

visit Ui New" York <strong>City</strong> and vicinity.<br />

They K-port a delightful time, both In<br />

entertainment and Hlght=Heelng, hut re-<br />

turn with a Kresujr appreciation for<br />

our eity-by.tlie-fieiJ. WIilIu Man hat ten<br />

and Hrigtitnti Itenclicfl, Hhecp'H-liead<br />

and, thu many other reHortH near New<br />

York are pleasant and have many ad-<br />

vautitgeH, Atlaiitln far excetH tiieiii all<br />

in the Ilius <strong>of</strong> buthliig, boating and<br />

y B Hie mnr<br />

&nd MIHH Margarcl<br />

tire out<br />

rjngu <strong>of</strong> H, h, llasx<br />

( ( i I Tl<br />

jg g<br />

(T, (ijirwoj«I nn Tlnirwiay evening, <strong>Jun</strong>e<br />

Sfllli, at Hnieiit M, E, Cluircb, ites-ep-<br />

lion at the jfrmitn'H rt-Hideiicc froni H,Sn<br />

tit 11M,<br />

Pure<br />

iTiam <strong>of</strong> tarlar baking nowder.<br />

f ill! iii IciiveniiigHlreiigH'>^<br />

United BtateH Unverniiieiii<br />

Baking Fowder €0**<br />

inn n AI.I, ST., N, ¥.<br />

Tlii'irn-nihiTit <strong>of</strong> illii projifliHl (IreliijnnniH'<br />

rt> riijiii-Blt-il 10 tiiit-t In flit* luwf-r Ifmin "1 1'f<br />

itlilM- Sr-lio.il liUildiHif nn UIH !Stl ijliit, otH<br />

rliick |i. MI, ininliM Aftlun low-nrila ni|n(iiliijf a<br />

rmnii> it}' whlrli iiii>Kirr l'iini|iniiy In in In- kurtivn<br />

nlii) In SIEII Ilic in'i'mmftfi'ciTlilicJttf for itii'nr-<br />

i iiiJIiKHt KiHlJKit,<br />

i iif t*ii|i"ililti4>.<br />

Prit|if>rly hiinwn m Tilloti's lk«lii!i<br />

r&iit, HJlimiiHi oil Hay front near HUTUII<br />

iBiiil pier, Oci'iiii Cify^ N. J, 1 Kor piir<br />

Umiiiimiipply It* '('•• M.TlimJN,<br />

Al N J<br />

piir-<br />

N, J,<br />

For<br />

Fiiil* Collide ovurlfrnkhijl tht* liiiy<br />

tin' HtciintiiHiil Liiiidiiig Hiul Huili><br />

luur iiiiitniiul Hlutlnii. LarEu vi;r»n><br />

diihsi Hirt^cl iiuproywl; cleclrii- csinf wiil<br />

run clow (odiHir. Kor piiTtii'iiliirN iipjtly<br />

to ' H. CliRTIK HOHINHtiN,<br />

iity, N.J.<br />

FOB<br />

ami lot at<br />

M, n.<br />

G0Tf AGE<br />

reat«!iiable. Apply<br />

N. J.<br />

WH. R. ELLIOTT<br />

gueeesKf te MRS 9 , ft MORRi<br />

itRAtRIS IN . '. ,<br />

Groceries, Provisions,<br />


Dry Goods, Motions, Shoes.<br />

A FVU. LI HE OF<br />


Atibury Awe,,<br />


Huninier viHilnw are<br />

flcIeYit servliK, frv«li<br />

deipliia i<br />

and<br />

<strong>of</strong> i*f.<br />

Phihi.<br />

Now is the Time<br />

T*i<br />

at the leading<br />

Octsan <strong>City</strong>,<br />

sripes<br />

Shoe Storn in<br />

C. A. CAMPBELL'S,<br />


* y<br />

THEHiibF Ok, TALMAQE'S 8ER-<br />


\|*t f«HbU Trip Aqw<br />

* aft*. SlffeiHMf'* Dwmflftij Linn —<br />

*? s ''ii :v " '•''""•"•'<br />

1 was tired, and Lame te bod<br />

A little Arty. 1 nn glad yoa h*re come, body ii aeatts&d in the doit, *nd oat <strong>of</strong><br />

thftt^daxt i-c^Htuble* grow, and msa at<br />

the H^etablc", and «—••»»»-*• «U7 th»a I thft *my,<br />

flltttl ATlff C«f< +llaat¥l BUJ iunnltu.1. A*-l_* * «WA nATiiJ<br />

Oh. tt It ftconaalatlon to feel thatwimn men and tat them, And cannibals, fight<br />

mw eo&l^ find vrith floletfin tmnd carry ^rtth cannlbftlB until at~lart"there ihaH<br />

N*,**.^ to "" THE BVmkY SCHOOL.<br />

When I WM a llttls while ehafWn ifl<br />


Jons 18.—HOT, DF, TaU<br />

tugs ta islscting a these for today*!<br />

lanion la the Brooklyn Talmnaclcchaw<br />

oaUu'lj nltablo to tho eauoa sf<br />

ths tills bdsg "GtapM From<br />

a" ud the text Numbers rtii, m,<br />

"And they Gams onto ths brook <strong>of</strong> Eft-<br />

ehol Hid ent dowa frem them* a branch<br />

with one elaiter <strong>of</strong> grapei, and they<br />

ban it between two npms a staff, 1 *<br />

Tlie long trndge <strong>of</strong> tho Israclitsi across<br />

tha wihfrrneNi WM alnogt ended, They<br />

bad come to the borders ef ths promised<br />

land. Of tho 000,000 adnlta who started<br />

from Egypt for Canaan, hew many do<br />

JRJO auppHS get there? Piys: hurtdrod<br />

thousand? Oh, no. Not 200,000, not<br />

100.000, nor 30, nor 10* aer IS* bog only<br />

3 BUB, Ob, It HI a minoaa march<br />

that God'j poopk inado, but tieirehll-<br />

dten wan* Uvtng, and they wore on the<br />

tauch. and now that they bad ecine np<br />

to the borders <strong>of</strong> the prorated land they<br />

were very enrtonj to know what Mad <strong>of</strong><br />

ft place it m and whether it *oaM bo<br />

ttfe ta go ««. So a Bceutinfl party ia<br />

•mt oat to reeonnolter, ud they earn-<br />

hu tht land, and they come back bring"<br />

tag •pedmffiM <strong>of</strong> ita growth.<br />

Jut aa yen earns back from Califor-<br />

&H, bringing to your family a basket <strong>of</strong><br />

frsn nr nlasu or apples to show what<br />

moastroiu frnit they havo there, to this<br />

•eooHng party ent <strong>of</strong>f the biggest bttneh<br />

<strong>of</strong> grapes they could find, It was as<br />

luge that one man eonld not carry it,<br />

and they thrust a polo through tho clus-<br />

ter, »B4 there was ono man at either end<br />

<strong>of</strong> ths pels, md so tho bnneh <strong>of</strong> grapes<br />

bt* A hundred nun *?hoihall hawwithiH<br />

tamo Krtiuj istrticlos that started from<br />

the dead body flnt samsd, coming np<br />

through the vegetable, through th<strong>of</strong>lrrt<br />

nmn who ate it And throngh the canal*<br />

bftla who ftfterwsrt ate hlnv sad there<br />

bp mpro than a hnndred nen who hs¥i .._<br />

rights in tho particles <strong>of</strong> thatbods^in] Bftrkl<br />

th& rwnm*tt(m how can they bo assert-' "<br />

sd when these partiela fecteng to them '<br />

yon ont to your resting placo thpy will<br />

open ,the gate thfcmgh which setae <strong>of</strong><br />

yrmr Meadg hs?e already gend and<br />

throogh whieh m*ny <strong>of</strong> year friends trill<br />

follow, filix'jiltig ntider the aama ro<strong>of</strong>,<br />

at last BleepUig otiflfr the «une sod. The<br />

autumnal learn thftt drift across ynnr<br />

grave will'drift items tbetai, the bird<br />

sfflp! thnt drop on thflr ma<strong>of</strong>id will drop<br />

on yonrs, iind then tn atsrles winter<br />

nights, when the wind comes howling<br />

through th> ftflrgn, yes will be t»nip«iy j Yen say, "Thiss U a missionary buried<br />

for each other. The child elsse np to iB'GreeiiwtHKl, and when ho was in China<br />

the btatoni <strong>of</strong> its mothrr. Its hubfind bo tad his arm funpntatod=in tte resur<br />

and wife retnarriedi en their U^ the' reetion will that fragment <strong>of</strong> the body<br />

sacrament <strong>of</strong> lira ilnat fly i&OOG miles te join the rfiit <strong>of</strong> thi<br />

Brnthera iind staters who used la sport \ l»dyr<br />

to fling iLcmsclvL-fl on tha grata nowj Yen my, ^WUJ it not beaverydiffl=<br />

agaih reclining side by sida in the grave, 4 enlt thing for ft spirit coaiag back in<br />

in fliJcfcs nf gunllght aifting throngh the that day to find tho myriad jsrtielei <strong>of</strong><br />

tang, lithn willnws. Then at the taunp- \ its own hndy, when they TOAJ hare been<br />

et <strong>of</strong> the archangel to ri«s sido by tide, ( scattered by the windi er overlaid by<br />

thcm^lTM from the dnit <strong>of</strong> whole generations <strong>of</strong> the dead, iwUng<br />

Tho faces that were ghastly and forlhe myrial pafttcieai <strong>of</strong> itoWn body-<br />

Jiow at arentidfl<br />

sully hur to« TO!C« <strong>of</strong> the<br />

nranw-ths-Pr<br />

lifil when yon saw them last all aflnsh<br />

with the fight <strong>of</strong> ineorruptiea, The<br />

father lookuig uannd on his childrsn<br />

and Bftying, "Come, eqme, my darlltip-<br />

thii is thn mortiing qf the resuffietton."<br />

Mrs, Bigi.iunir'y wroto boafttifnlly. with<br />

the teiirs and blt»d <strong>of</strong> her own broken<br />

henrh<br />

f Aim *hs m shftdcfl elismbt*,<br />

A il h b d<br />

tim« ago In a InxnrisBl<br />

TtasyMd. The ¥lafldr««r had dona nla<br />

work Th» tino had clambswd np and<br />

iptesd Ita wealth all orer the arbor. Tho<br />

ns uti ahower had ml»d a enp which<br />

th« Ttftr 4f4nl! sotil with flashed cheek<br />

It lay iinmbering in the light, clastor<br />

igmtast the check <strong>of</strong> clnetcr. The rinds<br />

<strong>of</strong> the gropes seemed almost bunting<br />

frith tho juice in ths warm tips <strong>of</strong> the<br />

•atoms*) day, and it seemed aa If all<br />

you bad to do wu to lift a chaUco<br />

toward tbo dnstor and tti Ufebleed<br />

•void btigJn to drip away. Bat, my<br />

friends, tn these rigorous climes we know<br />

nothing about large grapea,<br />

i&rbo states that in Bible times and<br />

b Bible laodi ttaere- wtsre grsporineB ao<br />

Urgt that it took two men with out-<br />

attrtcbed arms to roach roand them, and<br />

fe* amys teen wire elnstefs 2 cubite in<br />

length, or twiao tho kmgth from tbo el-<br />

<strong>of</strong> the leag flBger, And<br />

, a welling la U\tm laadi, tell*<br />

• the time he WHS • nnitten<br />

grape would slako his<br />

HihT-jegm?<br />

Jy " N e wendtr,<br />

. WlgjfiiF Bible ttaea two men<br />

.fep^rht it worth their while to pnt their<br />

rtreogth together to carry dewn one<br />

«lnster <strong>of</strong> gfaps from the promised<br />

land. . s '-•<br />

r ,<br />

<strong>On</strong> it low toaph m gqfferlQg ehlld<br />

OriiiHnif hnr niollipr'ii hand,<br />

[hit "mill lha gup ktiil itrngalo<br />

With hhufldcrlOB Ut*(h«crlsd,<br />

"Mhihnp, nh, Joarmt tnnttief,<br />

Burjf me by yoiif rids,' 1<br />

<strong>On</strong>ly finn Wish nha altered "*<br />

As liffi inli, ijlMntf fft*i,<br />

"Bitsp iiy Bijf elile, Afkr mr,%h*t, :<br />

An'l rise with me at Lut"<br />

A CUSUB OP<br />

Oh, yra, wo want ta be bnrtedtogeth=<br />

cr= Bwoot antfltypo ef eyerlnating fed*<br />

denee in tswh atlwr's conipjinlonship.<br />

When thft wrrekef went down into ths<br />

enbin <strong>of</strong> tlw Imt steamer, he found ths<br />

muther and child in each other's arms.<br />

It was aid. htit it was beautiful, and it<br />

was Hpprnpriirte, Together they went<br />

down, TnKeth^r they will rise. <strong>On</strong>e on<br />

earth, <strong>On</strong>>.< in heaven, Ifl there sot<br />

something cheering in ail this thought<br />

d Bomethiiij? to iirprew upon OS the<br />

ides that the departed arc oars yet-—COM<br />

Bnt this morning I bring yon a larger<br />

clnator from tho hearenly EKhol—acloa-<br />

*sf <strong>of</strong> bopea, ftelnator <strong>of</strong> pnspeets, adua-<br />

ter<strong>of</strong> Cbriatian WnsolaMons, and I sin<br />

svpwttng that ono taste <strong>of</strong> it will ron»<br />

vp yomr appetite for ths hiavenly Ca-<br />

wmo. Dnrlng tho nast winter sons qf<br />

, thi« congregatJon have gang away never<br />

. to ntnm, The aged have put dawn<br />

' fedr staff aad taken np tho scepter,<br />

'Mie In nridlife eanu b|»m:ft®l"efflco or<br />

tbop and did not go 1 fc^E again and<br />

a wlD go back •gain. And the dear<br />

i flbOdmi, some <strong>of</strong> than, taafe been gath-<br />

f «Bd in Chriafi arms, Ho found tWi<br />

world too Toogh m place for them, and<br />

i L M bs boa guthensl thcau In, And, oh,<br />

( bow msny wounded salt there are—<br />

v"-%j-wonnaa for whieh thfe werlfl'sffers no<br />

lpedIsyBeJit=-ftnd snles frost the, gwpet<br />

<strong>of</strong> oer Lord Jesu Christ there ehall<br />

t eonsolattsn there will be no eon*<br />

Oh, that ths Qod <strong>of</strong> all<br />

help raowhUo I preach<br />

that the Gyd <strong>of</strong> all wmfort would<br />

help jon while yon hearl<br />

r<br />

Vint, 1 emwte you with the divinely<br />

'•auctioned Idea • that yonr departed<br />

friendi are aa iutich yonrs- now as they<br />

yurwore. 1 know you MinottmM get<br />

In your ndnd when you hflTfl<br />

thklriod <strong>of</strong> trouble that your friends<br />

tt« Sit vS from yon tad thiSy are no<br />

tosgsr yow», but tho desire to have all<br />

o^r torod opa in the aamo tot tn the<br />

i a natural dedre, a universal<br />

nd therefore a God Implanted<br />

and i« mighty nggesttvs <strong>of</strong> tho<br />

last thai dej^f has no power to break<br />

Dot 1 ci.npole you again with tho fuel<br />

<strong>of</strong> yonr present aerjaaintanctBljip and<br />

contmiioiwuion with your departed<br />

fritnrta. 1 liavft Bb Bynipirthy, I need not<br />

say, frith thi? idflfts <strong>of</strong> yiiKJgra BpWtnaJ=<br />

ten, bnt whnt I IUHJUI js the theory set<br />

forth by the npostle when ho says, "We<br />

il hy it jpsit eland <strong>of</strong> wJt=<br />

Just u in the nnuient amphj-<br />

wtTB 80,000 er IW.OOO pefl=<br />

pie locking dawn from the galleries opon<br />

the cnnitintiuits in the center, so, iay§<br />

pan), thorn is a grunt host <strong>of</strong> yemrfriondg<br />

in all tho gftllirin <strong>of</strong> the sky looking<br />

down njHin iptir tsirthly »traggl«i. It ia<br />

a Bwtftt, a wmeijling, a Scfiptejal idea.<br />

With wliig <strong>of</strong> imgel, earth and heavsn<br />

are tti constant cUmmnnicHtinn,<br />

Do«n6t the Dibits say, "Are they net<br />

sent forth aa minbtering spirits to thesn<br />

who Rhall be hirtm <strong>of</strong> ash'sOon?" And<br />

when ministurinff aniritB come down and<br />

ice m, do thoy nut take iotne rniiflnsge<br />

back? Hia injjMiSHible to raliio, I know, i. v . on !!O *<br />

the iilisi thjit thure Li sneh rapid and per*<br />

petuiil iatPFuoniaiD&iciitioii <strong>of</strong> enrth and<br />

bnt it is a glorions reality. Yon<br />

a rjiil train, and'the train ifl in fall<br />

, ftnfl iiiiother train from.the O|»-<br />

ptttiitti dint-tiuD diuhna past yon K><br />

BWiftly thiit yon are startled. All the<br />

way between here And heiiven its filial<br />

with the np tniiiu and' the down trains<br />

=*jiirtts Mining—ipirita g<strong>of</strong>ag—coming<br />

whiln there aro a thotumnd million other<br />

ejjirifs iloing tha Hms thing, and all the<br />

assortnuint to be mads within one dajF*<br />

Von say, "If 160 men go into a plaea<br />

<strong>of</strong> cTenlng tnUTtainmcnt and lea?a<br />

their hats' and overcoats in the h*ll,<br />

when they come back it ia atmnt inpoa-<br />

| aible for them to get the right ones, or to<br />

j get than without a great deal <strong>of</strong> per*<br />

piexity, and yet yon tell mo that myr-<br />

iada<strong>of</strong> spirits In tho laat day will come<br />

and find myriads <strong>of</strong> bodies."<br />

Have yon any tnore quatlnna to aakf<br />

Any more difficnltiw to Bngg«t? Any<br />

mere myattripi? Bring them on I Against<br />

ft whole reganent <strong>of</strong> tkejptieijm I will<br />

march these two "shampioM; "ilar*el j<br />

not at this, for -the boar la coming when :<br />

all «ho ate in their graves shall cotne !<br />

1 fertL" "The Lnrd tball deaemd ftem j<br />

heaven with n shout, and the voles <strong>of</strong> ths ,<br />

< archangel, aad the tramp <strong>of</strong> Qod. and I<br />

the dead in Uhrtit shall rise flats B Ym |<br />

sw I stick to these two passages. Who<br />

art then, O fool, that thou repUtst<br />

agslnet Qodf Hath ha premised, and<br />

shalt he not do it? Hath he eom^uded,<br />

and ghall he not bring it to patf Bsv«<br />

yon not coBfidence in Us omnipotence!<br />

If he could in the fint pUee hnUd raj<br />

body, after it is ton down can he not<br />

build It again?<br />

"Oh,-» yon gay. «*I weeld bsilepe that<br />

if you woHid eiplain It, Iain net din.<br />

posed Ui be skeptical, bnt explain how<br />

it can be done," My brother, yen be=<br />

iieve a grrat many thingt yea cannot<br />

explain. Yon believe yonr mind acts im<br />

yoHf body, Esfiilain the pr&csa. This !<br />

see*l planted Bfitnes npa blue flower, Aa»<br />

other etxA plantqd eotnefi np a yellow<br />

flower. Another seed planted cones op<br />

a white flowtr. Why? Why that wart<br />

on yoaf finger? Tell Bie Why iotnfi eowa<br />

ha^ hnrtis and other' eows have no<br />

honis. Why, When two obotAcln strike<br />

Hit'h other in thu air, do yon hear tils<br />

pereoMBionf Whiit is thsi Subtle enerffy<br />

tliat diBtMilViS a soliil in a ertteiblft?<br />

What makes the notches on an wk loaf<br />

different friim any other kind <strong>of</strong> leaf?<br />

Whot makes the firango blosaom differ-<br />

ent from that <strong>of</strong> the rose? How can th#<br />

p'mightilivsji which ridi-a on the circle <strong>of</strong><br />

til! ijLsiFpn find rwiinto tiirnite chariot<br />

on » hi'liotn-.iB;;! Esplnin these. Can<br />

on I %HH not -explain<br />

thn nsHrret-rion, Ynu explain one-half<br />

nf thu L-i!iiiiii(iij fiiVHttTies <strong>of</strong> eveijday<br />

lifts and I will vspfiimall the niyitrriffi |<br />

nf tlie rwiirret'tiiin. Vmi cnnisot answer.;<br />

me vi'py pluin imeHtifins in ngfnrd to er-<br />

tliiiary itifiiirM, 1 ttui not oshainol tn my<br />

thiit I fi'iuiiut oxplain Goil, and Uic judg-<br />

ment, iind tho rrSHrrwfiiin, I rfmrily ac-<br />

cept them aa fucts, trtmendons anil iufi-<br />

they were tudng orrtiaary tones. And<br />

aj we comB today nd stand by ths HT»<br />

er <strong>of</strong> Jordan that divides ni from w<br />

frienda whq are goae it eoeme to me We<br />

stand on onn bank, and they stud on thf<br />

other, and ft is only a narrow Rtrtsatn.<br />

and ourToietsRo, and their voi&sa eoMe.<br />

Hush! I hear distinctly what<br />

they say, "These are they whs came eot<br />

<strong>of</strong> great tribulation and had their rebel<br />

washed and made white in the bind <strong>of</strong><br />

the Lamb. 14 Htill tho ysi&segfflea aaeai<br />

the water, and I hear, "Ws hanger ao<br />

tncire; wo thirst no more; neither shall<br />

the sun light da ns. nor any heat, for the<br />

Lamb which la in the midst ef the throne<br />

loads na to living, fountains <strong>of</strong> wntet,<br />

and Ood wjpeth away all tears fmro<br />

onr^BB," •<br />

Big Winlnfa uiiug iufe*.<br />

A group <strong>of</strong> men were fltanding Is the<br />

<strong>of</strong>flco <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> the leading hotela recently,<br />

and ihe-talk tnrHod-to-ggmbliag and<br />

gamblers, toe <strong>of</strong> the paly, a ine look-<br />

big, portly man, with a rabimind eoiin-<br />


flrt<br />

•«•<br />

in<br />

teaancfi.Sflld;<br />

"What I am going to relate took place<br />

bi New Orleans in IMS, A, n«% dnoad,<br />

qnlet mannered fellow accoetea me in the<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> toe flt. Charlee hotel sad wanted<br />

to borrow PQf He ffu Cfcarles Gem, ft<br />

Frenchman and a high roller at faro.'<br />

Be had been in New Orleans & weak and<br />

had 'gone broke, 1 He laid he felt like he<br />

: could win if I could only lead him a<br />

; 'stake,' Aftsr mme penoasloa I lot him<br />

hnva the money, with the tuidsnrtandiag<br />

thnt I was to hare half <strong>of</strong> Us wtnulnga,<br />

and that M aoon as he had wen enough<br />

to take tan? <strong>of</strong> hiBiself he ehonld pill<br />

out my half, I thought no more abont<br />

the matter, and after reading a tittle<br />

while I went to niy room and i^t to.<br />

sleep,<br />

"Abqnt 1 o'el'ick in the rnoming a boy<br />

came to my rqom, tvnkn aie np and hand=<br />

ed me a packnge, h contained p00 aad<br />

a note from <strong>On</strong>ree naj-inir it was my half<br />

<strong>of</strong> the winnings, ana that I eonld take it<br />

or send it back to biplftyisIaBaslchose,<br />

I thooght #200 on a |S0 tBTefltranii wu<br />

pret^ good, ao i pnt the money in oy<br />

pocket and divided to Jet well enough<br />

alone. The first thing I heard the ttext<br />

morning waft tliat Coroe had won $5,000,<br />

He kept on playing and in 34 honrs had<br />

wan, all told, f 5^000, I did not HI him<br />

for a gooil many years after that, and<br />

when I met him Agaia he had plenty <strong>of</strong><br />

money. The H*MDII4 meeMaf was ear<br />

hut, and 1 havo not heard a word from<br />

him flinue.' ? —LortSi JliCenriBr-JonrnaL<br />

<br />

L-The<br />

HTUU-Bk Ge«<br />

t h "Bat now ta Chris* rise from<br />

dead art btenms tfco fln* fmltt <strong>of</strong> t<br />

^ LnelilBg huek em the<br />

ter the» !* ft wnmrtabl* enaplrte<br />

the B«t lawn bring a fanrreaisn<br />

and tte lart, one on th* ttoiBtom,<br />

between the twn »a havfl w me^J<br />

pnirtlal dally lifs, <strong>of</strong> qqejliiMmdrtrt<br />

ChrUt in rrsiif^len nnd wiUUng fnf HB<br />

kinR^in, Let us rtrtjbiuiUa and if<br />

sibistmbnwemflre JuUr the fiw tJu<br />

bsliwen nre Imfcsl opsn by G»l w, rt«fn<br />

with Christ and mnu^. with Him in ih.<br />

hea^fnlls (Epti, li, 5,0; CoL Hi, l.SMi"<br />

may ettf eoDgtRpt prftjer be that ol l"wil n<br />

thiL Hi. to, it , .__ , , ,<br />

--Ainktioi»isneiUM (Jnli<br />

gg<br />

That frinad<br />

month—i<br />

the fatailj<br />

<strong>of</strong> yearg who died last<br />

o told all<br />

I Btifore tlis rpanmetifiii takes place<br />

'. evfrythiiig will bu silent, Tliq niauso-<br />

I<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

1st<br />

ones go sway bom our<br />

why put • fence around-<br />

In the ocjnetBTj? Why the<br />

<strong>of</strong> fonr or flvo names on<br />

f «ne family motramon» Why tho plant'<br />

jjAB <strong>of</strong> VBB cypreH wi&a so tbftttt COTBTB<br />

f&mU the clnnt^r <strong>of</strong> gnree? Why put<br />

- the huband bedie th§ wife and the<br />

': ddldm at their feet? Why the bolt on<br />

ifiato <strong>of</strong> our lot, and the charge to<br />

-1 to* fcwpera «f the gnand to see that the<br />

* S jgraa* is tut and the Tine attended to and<br />

planted? Wayne* put our<br />

frdfpattea friends in ono common field and<br />

Ob, 1% tt been use they ws oar*<br />

0 etrick*iu motheft ia as<br />

ho last<br />

a boy in the army, and yon got a pass,<br />

and you weut throngh the lines, and yon<br />

fosnd him, and tho regiment coming<br />

from faur neighborhood yon knew most<br />

<strong>of</strong> the boya there. <strong>On</strong>e day yoa Btarted<br />

for home. Yen' said? "Well, now, hafe<br />

yon any letters to nend? Any measagra<br />

tosendr And they filled yonr pocketa<br />

with letters, aiid yen started home. Ar-<br />

riving home, the neighbors came {Q( and<br />

one Mid, "Did yon see my John?' and<br />

others, "Did yen sea QsirgeF' "Do yen<br />

know anything abont my FrankT' And<br />

then yon Vreniiht out the letters and<br />

ga¥6 them the in£«agt» ef whish yon<br />

had been the bsflrer, Do yon suppose<br />

that ftngels <strong>of</strong> Got!, coming down to thla<br />

awfnl battlefleld <strong>of</strong> sin and sorrow and<br />

death and meeting ns and seeing us and<br />

finding out all abont us, carry back no<br />

messaged the sUrs? •<br />

Oh, there is consokUon in it! Ton are<br />

in jatsuni ciinimuniuation with that<br />

land. They are in tympathy with yon<br />

BOW more than they BY*P were, and they<br />

are waiting for the moment when tho<br />

hammer stroke Shall shfltter tho last<br />

chain <strong>of</strong> your earthly bondage, and yonr<br />

soul shall sj?ring upward, and they will<br />

No<br />

f tne yyelitla<br />

Np stirring <strong>of</strong> thi<br />

that once boniided the niJIside,<br />

opuning <strong>of</strong> the hand that oneo<br />

the flower, eat <strong>of</strong> tho edge <strong>of</strong> the wild-<br />

wood. No clqtclilng <strong>of</strong> swerdsby the<br />

men who went down when Persia bat.<br />

tied and Borne foil Silence from ocean<br />

beach to laotintiiin cliff and from ri«r<br />

to river. The sea einfnng the samo old<br />

tuae. The lakes hnsheil to slc«p in the<br />

bosom <strong>of</strong> the same great hills, Ho hand<br />

JMaf hing the gate <strong>of</strong> the long barred<br />

Kpnkher, All the nations <strong>of</strong> thudeail<br />

mbtionieas in their winding sheets, Up<br />

the aide <strong>of</strong> the hills, down throngh the<br />

trough <strong>of</strong> the Taik>yi, far ont in the eav-<br />

erns, ncrops .the fifldfl, deep down into<br />

tte coral imlncefr nf the ecffln depths<br />

where leithim Rpnrti with hia fellows'<br />

^-c¥erywhisre, layyr abeye layer, heigut<br />

above height, dtpth below depth—dead I<br />

dewli dAut! Sat in the twinkling <strong>of</strong> an<br />

eye, as quiqk as that, as<br />

tftirapet &>mes sealing.<br />

(itrl Hw <strong>On</strong>e Ttst rHeHd.<br />

In Enjrlfind, M WO have been told, there<br />

is a >'Oiri's Lf ttt*Gniid,"havlat amem-<br />

berrfiip <strong>of</strong> oviir S.lHtO penon*. Of this<br />

nnmbtT 3.000 iire girls. The remaining<br />

naiiifis on the ll»t aW these <strong>of</strong> lady cor-<br />

ryspondents and hftwjraiy memhefs, who<br />

enntrol and carry ont tfie provWons <strong>of</strong><br />

partiri whu have inaugurated so btnefi.<br />

cent an institntinn, gis'lftg by letttr ad-<br />

vie Uring at<br />

n. ' -<br />

; Tea ask Ine a great<br />

ejmog*ai«»er ^atooot<br />

Yoossy, fotmrtance, if If sinw f i body<br />

li cOMlflntJy chingmg, and<br />

th b h tfl<br />

y , tff y,<br />

aad be UTHOB to Wyeart<strong>of</strong> agsand<br />

id bu hkd 10 df&omt bodied and *t tto<br />

fctafi tfxnto not^ptaticla<br />

ftaet in the<br />

the garth will give one fearful shudder<br />

and the door <strong>of</strong> the family yault, with-<br />

out being unlocked, will burst open, and<br />

all the graved <strong>of</strong> the dead will begin 1 to<br />

throb and heave Uko the wavw <strong>of</strong> the<br />

sea, and thu mnnsolenm <strong>of</strong> princes wil]<br />

fall into the duat, and Osteud and Se-<br />

bastopol and Aujterllti find Gettysburg<br />

stalk forth in tho lurid air, and the ship-<br />

wrecked rise from the imp, their wet<br />

loeki looming above the billow, and all<br />

the Jani and all the sea become one<br />

moving mass <strong>of</strong> life—all generations, all<br />

ages with nptnrned conntcnanew—some<br />

kindied wtth rapture and others blanched<br />

with despair, bet gasuig in one direc-<br />

tion, noon one object, and that the throne<br />

<strong>of</strong> famrfMtton. • '•,.'•-<br />

<strong>On</strong> that day yon will gst baekybur<br />

Christian dead. There is where tho com-<br />

fort cornea in. They will come np with<br />

the giime hand, tho same footud the<br />

same entire body, hot with a perfect<br />

hand, and a perfect foot, tad a perfect<br />

body, corruption hftvtnff became ineor*<br />

ruption, murtnlity having bceotne im><br />

morBUi^_ And, eh, the reunion! Oh,<br />

the etnbrftot after BO lonff an atHeS<strong>of</strong>il<br />

Gp_mf«t one adot&er wift tbo» words.<br />

While I present tbe» tioughto mt<br />

srning doa it not a»m that hosTas<br />

«nH very nesj to as, as thoogh on<br />

friendi, whom w* thought a gnat way<br />

fffj tra not In the distance, bnt doio by><br />

Yoo b»Tef tomrtjinea o<strong>of</strong>fie down to m<br />

rrref at oightfaU, and yon baTs horn<br />

bov «Mly you sould<br />

across that river-<br />

ovwto tbeother ddeo*<br />

Not long.ago a local collector, whose<br />

letters <strong>of</strong> rn» interest only hia most in-<br />

tiiniite friends are allowed to aee, m=<br />

cured immMsisjnn <strong>of</strong> aboat 20 letters <strong>of</strong> a<br />

risviilytinuary hem whieh were most ¥tti=<br />

uabks hi^toricttUy on nctount <strong>of</strong> the new<br />

light thfy tlaew apoa some diapnted<br />

points. Tiifif nunber, however, neci»»<br />

sarily nsinct*! tiiUU' judiviilual commer><br />

cial VAltH', m V> <strong>of</strong> them were conHgned<br />

to tliu fliiini's without hnvingi even been<br />

The vjiltiLi <strong>of</strong> tlte remnininf 10<br />

oarN! cnhJineiN! greiitly by this<br />

Tosneh tnlleetore the rnonay<br />

value iif IL Utter is the only point to be<br />

nnd (tiny do not hqiteto to<br />

j ifico that will indrensethU<br />

Many vriy impcirtiint hbttorical<br />

letters havo nsimHy been d^lroyed in<br />

this way,«=Phibidelptiia n<br />


Eighth and Market •Stniots,<br />

i'HILADILpHIA,<br />

whom the Lnrd !a«u, „<br />

ear three l«MiM in thU bwk, <strong>of</strong> four If<br />

had taken tha flirt tontaa <strong>of</strong> thp Ea i,<br />

*re have • rtBhteniii man ton<br />

tnade m»| fnr bb plA£fl In tha kh))ifl- tifn nf Him who tt<br />

"Th« NI'Nloni "f ticsl" \J Cut, J, •&), In<br />

this Bi-cliiin WlsiliHii ifrim Hllto theWmpls<br />

mus who OR! iM'in^ Irai iivtmf thnt ihfr<br />

aiiiy turn iihrt rttih.: His spirit and thus<br />

dwtll siift-ly ruitl ln>ti!itsviL<br />

Hi, il^HJ, pfjliii-n Ti'SMPmv, M,hi, "Trust<br />

1B thf? l^ipl with ftJi thy hiiirt Bjiil Iran not<br />

ttnt« iiiiftutHvi! Iihili'wtiiliiHng," llclr, IIH<br />

in IMWHI il, no it'Afft'thjit. iiiily hyinviriK<br />

ijtlflHttwRiciit.lain woIimni wl-ulum, Bttsin-<br />

ful rtn; we iiuA m liinnti i« our Ilmvsnly<br />

FitfiiiT that He ^[k?itkith cwn hf ehiwtea*<br />

Ihjl if rmlf llii Itifly «i¥i> us fhtm the pit<br />

(.inii KKsiit, IN, iif, go, ;«j nnrl innk«iiAp)tf<br />

takPH nf IISH hrilim^*qlli-b. xii, iOj, yjjs<br />

ehlliln-n, ws* RH< iiiit' M tnk«:-(fiit far jeliii<br />

hist iiiip Fiithi'r Wfiuld havy ija [Hi!iW4« inio<br />

ritln-Ti, This Wfirlil WMILIII hfivc ii.s bylii-TE<br />

llint lii-r \viiya nre tijts only hniipj 1 r<br />

wiiili- till' irtdii U thnt it U rajlj Mi«1oni'M<br />

ways Ihiit urf iviiyH <strong>of</strong> pUwsftiii<br />

pittha jipntv iVi-rsn IT), Kvpry pyadhlQ «t-<br />

triu:iiii[i,fiiiii nil mil, is,mit iR-fi.rti m in*rts=<br />

dum thiit wi"iutk iunl ri-ei'ivii (iv, f; jfls, i. S>'<br />

-LfswiS- VIL—Pmitf irf'Wbd«ni~ *<br />

Jell, i=m. Uiiliii'n Ttxt (l^tv. xt, aij, *f to<br />

(riiit trf f li!> riKliiwMiH is a tn* nt lifi>,<br />

hi; thnt wilili.ih will<br />

lint nf thi; 1ft vvixra ut<br />

Iho Wist ilrlrt thu fiBtlihh, the,<br />

Ihe wipkvd, Ti-niiiiilipK m <strong>of</strong> the HmidUF'it<br />

Wordjt fiiiici'niltm the wbtf; imil fnolbth !il<br />

M«th, yii, U^i isv, i-ia , Artnm Rod EM<br />

in tho giinlfh «f ""<br />

<strong>of</strong> thrttna! <strong>of</strong> life to [iH>h« it to that <strong>of</strong> thy<br />

kii.iiTi.-dRo <strong>of</strong> Hfsojj nnd evil, and thtlr ox><br />

sct!iii1iiiii« linye lubcrltisl their failingN md<br />

aw all funlUh by minim \Vn must be bora<br />

from flbDva iiy rvctjvlng lUm w^o ia the<br />

wisdom <strong>of</strong> Gihl.<br />

Vlli, = Aptiinst<br />

Kx, Ih "Wine IM n mticker, ntraug drfak fa<br />

IN not wist'. 11 In contrast to iwin^ Qiltd<br />

with «ri!Hvthi_> tw|i!r U copimiwidtd ts be<br />

filUM with tliuBpSrit (Ejib, v, 1% and thuj<br />

• fithwDgs <strong>of</strong> njnidng lnateart <strong>of</strong><br />

Mlii_V!itb mmnjit thu druBkanL<br />

IX,—The KKBtllont Wflmaa<br />

—.-- _ - - —„ Geldin Tpxt (pm?<br />

M»i, mj, "Favor « docEJifuI, and bautf<br />

Is vain, bus >\ woniiui that tmnAh tho I^rt<br />

tho Hluili IM prn!s«l, !! Iimuaul W biliuLd-<br />

ing here meFciy the perfect wonmn, wife<br />

atid nintbur, Wi> ennNlfleriid lltr as HUfQjvjjt<br />

Ive <strong>of</strong> tho true shUKh, tho Urtde sf Christ<br />

&a tu her pt'rsonAl Htaudinit nrni ebaraeter'<br />

sad then he? n-liition ta her Husboufl to<br />

bur houHphdld and ty the poar and needy<br />

Lssios X-lteverutiffl and" £ideltt;<br />

^[•"i 1-»8J. , 6nld¥D Tsxt (Roni. Mi,<br />

V_s \f !n htisinisyi, fonent In<br />

BpMt, Mrvinic the IxinL" Two lessons hnwe<br />

ls«n given tui fwni ihiH woriilurful tout<br />

with Its d^ripiiun <strong>of</strong> things ta seen under<br />

the sun, Thtpe Is hot bins very wmfortiuB<br />

Sr onAtura^fiii in tho mnstant Mulcsv<strong>of</strong> to<br />

•to riglit nuil nut to du wnwm with<br />

ttoHBbt uf B just God ever heloro roU,<br />

Neitiiur lit thm Miftbliw niitfni la n «tudr<br />

ftf Ibu richB iy»l poverty pwhlein, bilt ttf»<br />

U real ft-*i <strong>of</strong> Hiul in seuihB J«i« as the trf<br />

nf tho law for ' '"<br />


H you<br />

communicate<br />

CURTIS<br />

ite<br />


j.<br />

has<br />

744 MBURV AVfNUf, OCEAN CITY, N,<br />

hand a number ol desirable forced and<br />

Full information lurniihed on application.<br />

rSa.einevery^i<strong>On</strong> <strong>of</strong> te d^ 1 also<br />

have50 Is near Thirty-eighth street, which 1 will <strong>of</strong>fer to<br />

a syndicate, five lots to the share, .<br />

Money to loan on Bond and Mortgage on .mproved<br />

property, ~^<br />

VOL. XIII. OCEAN' CITY, N. JM THUUHDAY, JUNK 20, wm. NO. 13.<br />

CO.,<br />


Qcean (jiftj Sentinel.<br />


OCEAN CITY, N. J.,<br />

Doon, Window Franvs, Shutters, Sash Moldings,<br />

Hot Bed Sash, Scroll Work, Turning, &<br />

Brackets<br />

$t.oo p*p y»Pf tirtftii/ in<br />

$t Jft at end<br />

IN<br />

A LAISIB<br />



EAON<br />

JiesUturttHts,<br />





Y;CORSON,<br />



No. 721 Asbury Avenue,<br />

OCEAN CITY, N. J.<br />


DIKING<br />

roll i.*P!iM AND<br />

1821 MARKET STUEET,<br />

FHlt.tDEI.Faii<br />


KMLtM TO i-WEH FEOB fl A, H. TO S P. N,<br />

Good Roast Dinner^ wi<br />

three vegetables, for 25 cents,<br />

Turkey or Chicken Dinners<br />

vic!*, rh. 0., M. n,<br />

nndSwrgvon,<br />


. SHtii Hlivft iiiitl Cuiiirul Avuitm 1 ,<br />


RC','-'^ * H*- ^ '''.'*' ' >V ><br />

•^ ' 9m<br />


i'M&'X'ii':^-,. cinir BOBIWMOS<br />

mm<br />

" • * • .<br />

Jfe *<strong>of</strong>fe prnptir<br />

, JUNE m<br />


Before iBftUwi nnmber <strong>of</strong> tlw tf ESTI«<br />

T*EL-h** gone forth SB it** mf.*iflti <strong>of</strong><br />

enlightenment Hid education, a new<br />

publteslk.ii, nailer the above<br />

will lave been launched<br />

i a in <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>,<br />

wtil be published in the<br />

Tbe<br />

interest <strong>of</strong> Orsan <strong>City</strong>, and aJl who f«i<br />

give it m\f><br />

a pride in tbe town<br />

aid- Its aeteral<br />

will be omler the di rectum <strong>of</strong>. men<br />

mined tij.tli* basinew, w<br />

And talents will te devoted In making<br />

it s faithful ylirisijlcler <strong>of</strong> p**in|i events<br />

and refieet credit upon th* plaee fsf flu<br />

nativity. Tt will be a purely<br />

Although Ibis nisj **stn to be a l»Ul<br />

• stroke; entailing* as it<br />

ibe oaUay <strong>of</strong> Urge sums -if mimey, yet<br />

the ppflject<strong>of</strong> feels thai %lw time ha*<br />

(AUK wlien such sit #f teipri* will r&> •<br />

celre tbe entliLisIirftio support f UifJi<br />

private aatl public inter^t*.<br />

i preteflthHis town* eitj.ipiri daily<br />

, why not OPean lily ?<br />



THE KINS Hifii<br />

TOR*<br />

Be* ii Srm MvH; Is fllkh C**iij.<br />

itttit bw Ms P* EptaMMMa In TMl<br />

C«oBtTT—Aa Trt 11 II Is, Iu<br />

Me* Wart ftr W««t.<br />

can claim a monopoly In<br />

M last one industry. There is BOBS Ifkg<br />

it fai tbe esHBtry. Germany ta the aesr-<br />

Si 'competitor. The lace pfipFr factory<br />

ben htte only oasis the esBfltfji Bow<br />

tbe tfldttstfy came to be atsbU^d<br />

and ths derclopm«3t <strong>of</strong> e«rtai&<br />

in regard to.it makerjnit«<br />

p<br />

4O original story-<br />

A certain bnaincs man tolerably well<br />

knswn in Minneapolis once apon & time<br />

teased HSI money asd mstmaJ to a<br />

Rnsdaa immisrant wiin was trying to<br />

a gretohgoie in St FaoL Tbe fia*<br />

nil was TetygPatefn] fertile help, tat at<br />

the sd <strong>of</strong> stjt months had not repaid an?<br />

f hl Tfc^ bri hi<br />

<strong>of</strong> theliMtt Tfc^ beirin^ Eaaa<br />

tia flp and ttiqairtJ wherefoHs this peg<br />

Ugtaea The flerist eipLilnsd his diflieol<br />

tt at l h d<br />

dsii be bad<br />

p<br />

length, and y<br />

ttat in addition to other bar-<br />

brother.<br />

"Why doesn't yoer brother<br />

, rfr. He t? hoaest and- ifldtts=<br />

trices, bet ess Ind nn tfnrk as bsa nsdei'<br />

"Whal trads £aa ihal b^T<br />

"Hs is & lace paf^f makw anil thews<br />

ire sre BO faeteriW ef that »«t &

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