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ie'$<br />

Out-<br />

5, HOWEVER<br />

present guarantee<br />

t. thla' ailtrfct- will<br />

a [foCnWoweth, niperln-<br />

Atlantic City aenools,<br />

St^fctto the Ocean City<br />

lub last Friday night.<br />

tBrouihout South<br />

fa with the aefih'<br />

U«jK that tttey will nave<br />

, SJM Mid. Yet he added<br />

rMii • tie ' utmost eonf 1-<br />

IfttVi puMia and that If<br />

ftitBr •pMslble way to ear-<br />

f eopfleratloB and iaor!«<br />

people Ml the school<br />

In.d<br />

ar* *•;<br />

y , Aut I<br />

the tegehera,<br />

ddlfcw. to<br />

&<br />

t tome way out will l>o<br />

S J , », critical, because we<br />

,Opoi» one Industry, the ho-<br />

nets. We nil are ID th«<br />

«t' r We'iriUBt float togeth-<br />

sltuatlon like this<br />

Now Jersey in the past three<br />

yenra, state government exponscR<br />

increased 24.8 per cent. Current<br />

school. expenses decreased 17 per<br />

cent."<br />

Mr. Chenoweth said Hint At-<br />

lantic City school children Me he-<br />

ing taught good citizenship find<br />

the fact that one way <strong>of</strong> nchi<br />

iidvnruled I money<br />

ii<br />

h© appi p<br />

ed lo enlist his services in hehnll<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Hclinqls, if eioeted.<br />

He nninipil to the fact that (lie<br />

lack <strong>of</strong> sehool funds is due to the<br />

failure <strong>of</strong> townships ami niunici-<br />

P!ilit!es|to pay their sluio school<br />

tux. Tltis luje migiit lie all, or In<br />

part eliminated if nn ecoiiomj-<br />

progrunt ware enlisted in the<br />

iiiKiiwiiy Uepiiriment, he contend-<br />

ed. H» (liso spoke in fnvor <strong>of</strong> fl<br />

general economy platform.<br />

Tin' following lielegaiDs to the<br />

sliUe convention <strong>of</strong> federated<br />

clubs next month in Atlantic City<br />

wpff eiiHJted; MIH. dandy and<br />

Mrs. Charles 11, Hand, with Mrs.<br />

T. Waller Wiikiiison und Miss Ju-<br />

lia Si'iill as alternates.<br />

I Mr." iiid Mrs. G«OTJW ft TPh'<br />

ClVCS |<strong>of</strong> Beechwoori. arrived Tuendny tojBeroheh,<br />

Silver Wed«iigg<br />

visit their daughter, Mrs, Arthur Cuests <strong>of</strong> Mr,<br />

Hainen Brick.<br />

MWnMi<strong>of</strong>2SYea»iA<br />

Worn at Surpriie Fete.<br />

Mr. ami Mr,, Clarence<br />

A nonilniiilntt i"()mmi|tec com-<br />

prlK Miss Julia flciill, Mrs, Mn.<br />

hello Clohs mid Miss Liiiiva .tones<br />

wim ,ii)i)oilik>d.<br />

.Mrs. Klliol Hnpning, legiHlfttlye<br />

fiiiiiriiHiii, ri'iioriei! Hpim the re.<br />

Dem stalf iesiHiaiioii and hills<br />

aow in lioniniiiiee. Mrs, dandy<br />

served refreshment!*.<br />

Tax Delinquency<br />

Is Largest Here<br />

But Percentage is Under<br />

Wildwood, N. Wildwood.<br />

or<br />

Ocean Cliy hi<br />

iinqiieiiey (ban<br />

cipality in flip<br />

the pereeninge<br />

smaller lhaii in<br />

North Wildwood.<br />

The resort, nm I<br />

piilU in llip pnsi fi<br />

taxes nmcunUnii In<br />

a l.irper tax d«"<br />

iiij olhei muni<br />

M.iv i ounts luil<br />

Wlldwood .mil<br />

to it. Tile total<br />

w weeki*, has<br />

JnOM.r,21 owpd<br />

45.flO per cent<br />

or Ihe His levy Tor 1!1LJ2. Al the<br />

close <strong>of</strong> 1M1 the delinquency was<br />

38,f»l per rent nf Ilia lnx levy.<br />

North Wildwood leads the alatr<br />

In mxes owed, with ahum (10 per<br />

cent <strong>of</strong> the 1032 levy still oiit-<br />

stnndliig. Wililwonrt is next In the<br />

county with M,!Si per cent nnfril-<br />

lected. The nmnimt is ?:(HO,10S.<br />

Cape May Mill hns SlM.141 or<br />

103! taxes tn hp paid in. Thp<br />

iiercpiiliuro is t:].O2 \wr cent <strong>of</strong><br />

Ihe tntnl levy.<br />

The state iivornpf <strong>of</strong> delinquen-<br />

cy is MM per cent, nn inerensp<br />

<strong>of</strong> 6 per cent over Inst year niid<br />

15 per cent over 1027,<br />

Legion Auxiliary<br />

Units in Se§§ion<br />

411 111 t mil present incidents<br />

n| the \niprii-all I ejriuH ^uxiliarj<br />

i I Cjpp M,i\ Cuuntv wi'ie enter<br />

tainni it ilinnPi MonduN lii^ht at<br />

thr hiime uf Mi- John Phillips,<br />

Wililwnuii Mi- H.irrv \ Morns<br />

jnii Mr. LJII Sluiip ittemied<br />

frnin hnic<br />

Dinner «a fulliiwaii h\ i meet-<br />

ll'IT ii win li ileleirati!-. finm eai_h<br />

in the h%c unit-., C,nic Md\, Wiltl<br />

ml tmiit Hnu-p, ruLkahoe and<br />

cjn Tii\, «pie present Miss<br />

Miniiii- Km , ul Builnifrtun, =tate<br />

irsidPiit, «a Kur-t uf lumor jml<br />

l.riker She aiiianewl a plan fur<br />

i irinulwuhip lime \ nnminat<br />

liljr dilllinitti p »,i aiipnintnl, l«e<br />

riuiM to rU'itinn nf nfTiiPis<br />

ni \t muntli<br />

Yttri^ whirh nptnally<br />

"v,piilina day."<br />

The couple was presented with<br />

„ hollow Jver eOT flllci with Ml-<br />

ver coiir^Tlowers, ranis and ."<br />

Hiivc-r HerdcV^rp other K}\,<br />

, A collation waVserved at whii 1.<br />

! n weddinit cuke took HIP place "i<br />

honor.<br />

Present weip; Mins Elisabeth<br />

Breckley, Mr. and Mrs. Wil lam<br />

Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W,<br />

Powell and (IuuBiitef, Ruth; Mr.<br />

an»i Mrs, Thomas McClui*. Miss<br />

Bertha Sheldon, Miss Julin Scull.<br />

Mrs, Emma Stites, Miss Miiry (.or-<br />

on, Mi«s Emma Mnthis, Mr«. Hat-<br />

it, Murphy. Mrs, Mary Carretf<br />

on, Mrs. KIIRBI; Fprffusoii, Harry<br />

YoiinB, Clinton lireekley, Mrs, Hi-<br />

m Cheatwnod, Mr, and Mis. Fer-<br />

guson and<br />



Cylinders ground, carbon removed, new<br />

and rings may make your engine "better ^^<br />

, , . and auto repair <strong>of</strong> this kind is our<br />

Our experts work on hour basis—or by<br />

Estimates gladly given.<br />

Powell's Modern Super St<br />

.14'1'lt NT. mill ASIiritV AVU.<br />

Nil riiiirtfi' When We full 1'iir und llclhcr Von.<br />

Ralph T. Stevens<br />

Solicits your support for the Republican<br />

tion for Freeholder at the Primary Ejection,<br />

Tuesday, May 16f 1933J<br />

Pledged to in economy program which include* i<br />

duction <strong>of</strong> Freeholder's Salaries from $2,300 a J |<br />

to $1,500 and FAIR COMPETITION in Countjj<br />

Contracts.<br />

—.Ortlereii uml pni.l fur hy Raljili T. Blevens<br />

three.rnnni house, fhe IlvIaK nnil<br />

dining rrioms being combined. An<br />

oddity in one bedroom is the nil-<br />

room ia one <strong>of</strong> the fonturen nfld<br />

the "Truhne," *hich tonsista <strong>of</strong>! Jualablp In in hed w hlrh<br />

nine furniihefl roonr< j 10 he hut ,1 sinule lied It<br />

Thp "Modein-ri.Twic" i>! n ap.iri un .1 nv.he1<br />

i Mfk pTMMTe •nanh, Vernnio ClpaninR Interior,<br />

.,Tn«ch|ng up A" Knst Spots ttitk Ilncn, roUMblnff Nickel<br />

*nd TRBEK Colt* ol Simoniz ~<br />




HA1T,II ft SIIRBMK, WC,<br />

1 and Bay Avenue 34th and A»bury Avenue<br />

PHONE MJ<br />

For —<br />


PHONE<br />

OCEAN CITY 838<br />

or<br />

[ello, SisI<br />

SOMERS POINT 596<br />

Promiit nelivery<br />

C M. C<br />

Distributing Co.<br />

PONTIA<br />

, can't come over<br />

today. Thought<br />

tmight worry, to X<br />

y, but<br />

id^t weekly re-1<br />

[frlctutly<br />

tiwbytefe-<br />

m<br />

FOR - • -<br />

BEER<br />

Good Beer<br />

PHONl<br />


394<br />


YOUR HOME.<br />

R. H. Coney<br />


585 AMD UP, F. O. B. PONTIAC<br />

,., brings qualities<br />

that are NEW to<br />

the low price field<br />

Pontiac has brought entirely new standards <strong>of</strong> perform-<br />

ance and economy to the low price fleM, Here's a car-^a<br />

big Sttaight Eight—that does not even resemble the $585<br />

car <strong>of</strong> yesterday!<br />

Pontiac is big, and it rides and drives as only a big,<br />

. weli-balaneed car can, The wheelbase is 115 inches, the<br />

curb weight (Moor Sedan) is 3265 pounds. New bodies<br />

by Fisher are roomier, more luxurious; seats are wider<br />

and deeper and more comfortable. New Fisher No Draft<br />

Ventilation, individually controlled, makes summer driv-<br />

ing cool and pleasant.<br />

Pontiac's modern Straight Eight incorporates the latest<br />

development in engine mounting—the five-point rubber<br />

cushioning that removes every trace <strong>of</strong> vibration! 77<br />

horsepower; 78 real miles an hour. Yet Pontiac's modern<br />

Straight Eight engine is so efficient that it costs no more<br />

to operate than many smaller cars.<br />

Come in for a demonstration. Then you'll agree that<br />

Pontiac is the outstanding car in the low price field,<br />

Stf ;; siftH<br />


Red Men's<br />

n Offles!<br />

it, nj Hmtn At, CITY. NEW JTOY, FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1933<br />

Regulars in Rut,<br />

Headley Asserts<br />

In Wild wood Talk<br />

getter H»ve Qsm on State<br />

Road* Th«n Allow <strong>On</strong>e<br />

School to d<br />



(Tenebaum Say* Legislators<br />

Discuss 'Stink Bomb' Bills'<br />

u Jobless Go Hungry,<br />

TVtat Is said to Uave bten one<br />

ot the liugoBl pod most riitlma-<br />

Iaitlc meeiings <strong>of</strong> the ourrent<br />

Mpalfn i"ok place Tuesday<br />

nlfit when about 4000 peraonit<br />

jmnmed tht Wildwood Higli<br />

School auditorium to hear Indc<br />

pendoni Repulillcnn candldntOH<br />

outline what they Intend to do it<br />

elected.<br />

K feature <strong>of</strong> the ffieetlni was<br />

tkt endnriemenl <strong>of</strong> a proirnm<br />

divold at "mud ullnglng," Mrs,<br />

Deris Bradway, Wildwond pom-<br />

DJUloner and acting mayor, who<br />

prtsldtd, declartd they would<br />

IMY« mud sUnglni to the oth«r<br />

jldateB, Ralph T. Btevenn,<br />

lldati for frijfliokti'r. Bald<br />

mad -illnglng wai only for the<br />

purpose <strong>of</strong> sidetracking real la-<br />

Mil and that the Independents<br />

do not Imve to resort ti> it,<br />

i<br />

A llfnlficant fact wsa that<br />

Jljyor George A. Redding, <strong>of</strong><br />

NMth WlldSood ,n "regular"<br />

JttBir fat yeara, was preaer^ and<br />

MBi r BtUlated the candidates uf-<br />

the mMting, Thundiroua up-<br />

flN ahmik the hall when IIIB<br />

umc wan mentioned by Mr, Ste-<br />

vens.<br />

Holnnd Cornon, Wildwood lui<br />

UBIM man, Stevens' running<br />

Mil for (reclinlder, declared he<br />

tltt jald dearly for being govern-<br />

td lor many yearn, and accepted<br />

Uu jlw» on the tieket only in<br />

* to help pul county govern-<br />

Stan a more buslneuallke bu<br />

''yt want jn|n to work<br />

t ttam, and not tor<br />

it «ald,<br />

-SHnW mmW BHI«.<br />

, Teneabatim, Wildwood<br />

Hicltor and pr«sldont <strong>of</strong><br />

bar aMHltttm ajul"<br />

osaemblynWo, (Hbit \m-<br />

ft;*fcro he inrt^ttilfWMijW<br />

I are dlicuulhi "atHili bortib"<br />

P When they Hbould be Miylrii<br />

kkobl aytem and rellcvine<br />

d<br />

Read Says 'Bridge Photo'<br />

Wasn't Of Bridge At All<br />

Was Taken Mile Away in Bayous As<br />

Work" Started on Ijike Golf Course<br />

That old photograph published last week <strong>of</strong> Mayor Harry<br />

Heailley turning the flrat spadeful <strong>of</strong> earth for,the original<br />

bridges between here and Somerii Point, had nothlnK to <br />

, The bill wu^ prenapd by iei^^<br />

Chartis H,"BUitotfc s»tt ftoiiainiwi^w^<br />

if U being introdu(Bid'bj» SttaattWIf<br />

Brdi, in; ord§r to ji»yen| mny possible<br />

Bridge Fete<br />

Pack City, Hope<br />

Huge Crowd Expected for<br />

Dedication Week End.<br />

Whenthti, .<br />

Binned IW ,tt«, \<br />

d<br />

Abandoned Baby<br />

Haa New Parents<br />

Couple Who Lost Their<br />

Own Baby Adopt Him.<br />

The baby boy, found two weeks<br />

Ujgo on the porch at the home <strong>of</strong><br />

'THr, and Sirs, Joseph Notarangalo,<br />

485 central nv.. Ocean ("Hy. and<br />

since kept at the Atlantic Shores<br />

Hospital. Somers Point, was le-<br />

gally adopted yesterday.<br />

The names <strong>of</strong> his new parents<br />

were not divulged by Dr. H, Bos.<br />

tin White, head <strong>of</strong> r the hospital,<br />

who negotiated the adoption. He<br />

did say they were out-<strong>of</strong>-town res-<br />

idents, however,<br />

A young counle, who lost their<br />

own child by death a few weeks<br />

ago, called at the hospital last<br />

week to see the infant, who is<br />

about four and ahalf months old.<br />

He is about the same age as their<br />

own child would have been, so<br />

he steps into their home tn mend<br />

a pair <strong>of</strong> broken hearts.<br />

Henry Y. Clouting, nape May<br />

County,, freeholder, and director <strong>of</strong><br />

charities, secured the adoption<br />

papers for the young couple.<br />

A GENERAL, •. MO TO R S V A L u 5S5<br />

The Blue Ribbon Garage<br />


| ; ;Wor mutters: "The<br />

XQU a canne itnie <strong>of</strong><br />

(|*tt dam It."<br />

ta<br />

i a runner-up does-<br />

to much is after<br />

Young,<br />

Enb<br />

Clare. .Fault,<br />

"and<br />

at Hattorai.<br />

channel bass<br />

The iRrmit.<br />

mi landed<br />

atures s »<br />

fs used by the<br />

to »nd goin»<br />

tho<br />

the local flshermen to be lita (tueata<br />

for hreakfart at the ^osevilU<br />

Club,<br />

The inland on which the >club Is<br />

located ii <strong>of</strong>ie <strong>of</strong> the l«it dcytl-<br />

oped ieetlom <strong>of</strong> the enuntry, Wild<br />

horses, wild cattle and other wiii<br />

mals roam the island «t will, Th»<br />

Goosivilit Club owns about 1,000<br />

acres, extending across the islaii,!<br />

from the bay to the oc«an. Dm<br />

<strong>of</strong> tht features is » landing n*ld,<br />

l f used by the mtonbtrs<br />

City Commissioner<br />

Campbell was taken<br />

•William H,<br />

to Hahne-<br />

mnnn Hospital. Philadelphlii, on<br />

Tuesday morning, for observation<br />

nnil special trantment. He went in<br />

tun city BmbulMice,<br />

Mr, Campbell rallied after blnod<br />

tranHfHslonB two weeks ago, but<br />

In order to make his recovery<br />

permanent, his physician. Dr. Jflhil<br />

B, Townsend, has advised spefiial<br />

freatinent. Dr, William R. Wll-<br />

Ilnras, an expert on internal trou<br />

blj>s, will have charge <strong>of</strong> the<br />

treatments,<br />

Dr Townsend sain Mr, Camp-<br />

bell probably wiH be at the hos<br />

pital ahout two weeks.<br />

tf, <strong>of</strong> Dreril Hill,<br />

1,0,8 srrlwd for the swion.-He Is<br />

lctd tt 90S Pk i<br />

1,0,8 srrlwd for the swinHe<br />

located tt 90S Park pi. ud wll<br />

i<br />

Coniiiierce Chamber<br />

To Meet Tuesday<br />

The chamber <strong>of</strong> commerce will<br />

meet Tuesday at 8 p, rh., in its<br />

leadquarters at 10th st, and West<br />

v,<br />

Mrs, Rosalie T. Howe, secre.<br />

ary, reported yesterday that<br />

ratifying results have been ob=<br />

alned from the memborshin<br />

drive, now under way ,ond that<br />

if will enable the chamber to pro-<br />

ceed with plans that have been<br />

held in abeyance due to lack <strong>of</strong><br />

funds, -<br />

LoveUnd Endorsed.<br />

French B. Loveland, resort at-<br />

torney, was endorsed list night by<br />

both the Democratic Club ami the<br />

Roosevelt Club for state senator.<br />

He is beinp opposed by Evans G.<br />

Slaughter, <strong>of</strong> Wilclwooil.<br />

Woman, 71, Goes on<br />

Airplane Ride Here<br />

Mrs, Jennie Sonneborn, 71, <strong>of</strong><br />

Tacony, a , Kuest , <strong>of</strong> Lau-<br />

ra White, 21 W. 14th at. for th«<br />

Bast fhree weeks, enjoyed her<br />

first airplane tide last Sunday.<br />

Fred Borhiin. who was the ni.<br />

lot, flies his nlane from the 18th<br />

st, flvinjr field, from where, he<br />

will qarry passengers this sem-<br />

son, '<br />

Mrs, Sonneborn declared after<br />

,her ridt, "AtttomobiliB are new<br />

Who Swallowed,<br />

Pin is Recovering<br />

After nearly two weeks <strong>of</strong> ser-<br />

ious completions,. Barbara Chew,<br />

seven-mon(hs-old daughter <strong>of</strong> Mr,<br />

and Mrs- Gunge M,/Chew, egg<br />

Bay av,, h Miorted improving,. •'<br />

i Barbmra s^lowed-«ri ,ope« k r<br />

ty pifi a lew weeki sga and the<br />

only way it could be removeid was<br />

by art operation on the stomach.<br />

Following the operation blood poi-<br />

BOiiinB set in. Two blpoj transfus-<br />

ions were Kiven, Dr. Nevln B,<br />

Sfiitz, formerly with Dr, Allar<br />

Corson, and Dr, John B, Townsend<br />

blood* on one uccaiion and<br />

nn internR at HBhneman'* l HospitBl'<br />

on the other, ' ,<br />

The infant (eems on th© %vay to<br />

iKovery riow, '<br />

Pfpgram on Pier is<br />

Postponed <strong>On</strong>e Week<br />

The musical prog.'am planned<br />

for. Sunday afternoon at the mul-<br />

Ic pavilion has heon postponed a<br />

week, it was amiuuced yesterday<br />

by Miss Louisa T. rornon, in<br />

charge <strong>of</strong> arrangeiiifciifs.<br />

The program <strong>of</strong> songs had been<br />

planned for t!ii« Sunday as a cli-<br />

max to the national musio week,<br />

Next Siindny's program, nnd<br />

those who will take part, will bo<br />

published next week.<br />

Motorcycle PoUce<br />

Given Night Sticks<br />

The two police department mo-<br />

iorcycles, an well aa all police au-<br />

tomobiles, were equipped with<br />

heavy nightsticks this week by<br />

nider nf Acting Chief Jack 0,<br />

Jernet,<br />

The clubs are effective Instru-<br />

ments to use in'emergencies, the<br />

chief explained. Foot policemen<br />

were equipped with the night<br />

sticks three weeks ago,<br />

Errickson Head <strong>of</strong><br />

County Tax Board<br />

The county, board <strong>of</strong> taxation "or-<br />

aniied for the coming year Men-<br />

lay, at Court House, Guv Brrlck-<br />

ion was re-elected president and<br />

" Allan'. Wales, <strong>of</strong> Cape May, took<br />

I place on the hoard for another<br />

erln. ;<br />

Plans calculated to pack Ocean<br />

City to capacity, the week end <strong>of</strong><br />

June 10, were being perfected'tmp<br />

meek by Morgan-IUnck rust, Am-<br />

rican Legion, which in B|»onsoring<br />

the dedication <strong>of</strong> the new Ocean<br />

City-Somern Point bridges on that<br />

The bridges will b» dedicated as<br />

World War memorial. That it<br />

ill be one <strong>of</strong> the most outstand-<br />

ing celebrations in Ocean Citys<br />

history is the hope Of the poat-<br />

Plnns include competitive<br />

marching by various drill teams<br />

from New Jersey and PennitylvEn-<br />

la. prominent speakers, a recepT<br />

tlon and d$nce.<br />

Want* HonBinn Rates.<br />

The committee will also endeav-<br />

or to induce most <strong>of</strong> the pflrtici-<br />

Dttnta and viators to remain over<br />

night, and Harold S. Paris,, <strong>of</strong> 601<br />

Sth st.- chairmen «f the housing<br />

committee, desires,to obtain com-<br />

oletc information-about rates iahd<br />

tricts flatt"<br />

from V»V<br />

taxes- '<br />

The<br />

holders.<br />

»hdw « 4<br />

quent. «od tK»t-,1<br />

are lo #<br />

a<br />

proval<br />

talfaed<br />

loner <strong>of</strong> , , .,,<br />

through the v»lrl(»l%j{<br />

crinttndent#. '<br />

The county .will $<br />

state trewmw" ""<br />

db<br />

Bcoamodatkait<br />

Bo»rtiir« mnd 'rooming,/house<br />

VH 9^*<br />

as hotels, ire reabeged, to .<br />

inforirtBtlon to Mr. Paris. He pat-<br />

ticukiri" vinti to,know both dai-<br />

ly and week-end rates for single r<br />

and double rooms, and whethei jmttbl(s value<br />

lUte. In ttMi ,<br />

state, sad th«f"<br />

rvd to V<br />

thoufh the<br />

been B»U<br />

Will IRMM ••<br />

to itbei state:<br />

Wktn tbe<br />

paid, tb« d r<br />

the state, and -it*<br />

evidence ot loaeB<br />

f ntfte,<br />

•tate<br />

d. / b<br />

«ead<br />

W»lned »<br />

provMM<br />

Such<br />

op«rnte i~tiorV oa tht i J too slow'tor me — it's<br />

or not there is a both attached.<br />

Thousands Expected.<br />

From hotels and larger rooming<br />

houses, he wants rates for group!;<br />

ot five or more, for both Saturday<br />

and for the week end. Charges<br />

for breakfast where meals are<br />

served, and any other informatlor.<br />

will be welcomed,,<br />

To Nab Hertzler on<br />

Embezzlement Charge<br />

When James M, Hertller, form-<br />

er resort druBgist, <strong>of</strong> 719 8th rt,<br />

steps out <strong>of</strong> jail, some ,20 days<br />

from now, he will be turned over<br />

to federal authorities, it was<br />

learned this week, ,<br />

Hertller is now serving a SChday<br />

sentence for the'sale <strong>of</strong> liquor'm<br />

Ocean City. He was eommittiid<br />

uniler a city ordinance, last week.<br />

The federal detainer has been<br />

placed in the hands <strong>of</strong> Sheriff. Wil-<br />

liam B. Powell, It charges em-<br />

hexilemcnt <strong>of</strong> U, S. postal funds.<br />

The charge was not explained<br />

further than tliatL<br />

Simms* Restaurant<br />

Opens 23rd Season<br />

Tomorrow (Saturday)' Simms 1<br />

boardwalk restaurant will,, W-open<br />

for its 23rd season. Thejreitau<br />

rant. as in the past, will be under<br />

the tilrect supervision "i its own-<br />

or, Floyd Ci Simms.<br />

Burkhardt Coal Co,<br />

Opens Office Here<br />

The Burkhardt Coal Company,<br />

<strong>of</strong> Atlantic City, has opened a<br />

branch at nth st, and West av.,<br />

under the management, <strong>of</strong> B. J.<br />

Yetfer, <strong>of</strong> this city.<br />

addition V<br />

the fity, s<br />

Bands ot dplUrp,<br />

ueatlon Is 1 likely<br />

tlon rrom other<br />

(Coallniwl <<br />

Guilty, Says Jt<br />

But Urgwrj|<br />

William Blevin, ^'<br />

was convicted «f a<br />

eharge bv a iurv<br />

deliberation, Mond<br />

jury recommended<br />

chargei involved a girt?<br />

years old.<br />

Blevin will be aenti „<br />

week by Judge Falmtr'<br />

Isolate to*<br />

BE81IT,TS<br />

KESTAX<br />

Harvey Cobb, <strong>of</strong>;<br />

onial Hotel, 131 Atll<br />

spent 64c in Thi ;<br />

Ledger classified «<br />

mint, aavtrtislBr Bftv<br />

meiit. The afl M "<br />

apartment for *17G.<br />

er Williams, chttl .,.„_<br />

at LatenA Ho«p!t«I?l<br />

aelphla, lo;'<br />

'^nfl I lot iJ<br />

deposit," •; *S%&•,&*<br />

displaying the '.<br />

Last Year's Runner-Up In<br />

Mibs Tourney Out Of Race<br />

Wildwood Boy, Almost National Champion in 1932, Is<br />

Noted Out by Cousin; County Finals Tomorrow.<br />

LOAN DESIR<strong>ED</strong><br />

dtalrcn 10 borro* 4 or 6"<br />

Ian •bout 2 WK PI*t^j<br />

cority RsferwtM. Brttr'<br />

ger Box 2i- Otean CIW<br />

FOE MIS'r'lbMI!:<br />

ply asBHI Point<br />

FOR BAtE<br />

A<br />

AMrtinint,<br />

FOR RENT<br />

<strong>On</strong>e half<br />

sir mt.<br />

AI<br />

ftmti,<br />

Bwln<br />

d<br />

Thonilaa,<br />

TOE BAlSSttorttbW<br />

Ins M.cklnr. tiie national<br />

tourniiment looted noon nim M the<br />

likely;«hner ^i-FrtSS. JHs w#<br />

expeettd to ramp Wron^l the pre-<br />

limi wiMi^iWi ;<br />

. Ch^mpiOTJ^Iftt" „<br />

will meet here toinop<br />

county trtle-iHij-*<br />

Seycn <strong>of</strong> fte Y'i)<br />

naw have ttw.v.<br />

dm City, lolmfl „<br />

«wt: B. Oatf&J|ll«W»<br />

nil<br />


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