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V-<br />

,<br />

r » towW *ui»t this W«H*<br />

ll«f-Dr.-«id> Mw. Aldrfch C. ""<br />

VjSlmi St. James plains ifuest <strong>of</strong><br />

irt friends ,weje ^»vft«A<br />

City for .1* «•«, spent the EaW<br />

<strong>of</strong> Ntw ler b»"«7« *«? MM. Laura K.<br />

Mi* I* M. White *nd Mr. #<br />

mother,^ |,t<br />

^y Auiama?<br />

In Atlantic Ctty,<br />

' i^tfc* Ofetok<br />

mqr<br />

club. Laqt<br />

Bo^I<br />

Entertain at faftf.<br />

Mr. and Mr*. H*n*7 »»P«>r, Jr..<br />

AUantif av. nnd Pla^'pl, enter-<br />

tained the following at a dinner-<br />

brldgo, Saturday night:<br />

Mi* t *n<br />

lire H<strong>of</strong>fllnger Wcently «4<br />

an evwlns at Pine U>ftf» at *<br />

f h<br />

Mm. Harold B. V*tlB,<br />

Mr.<br />

Mr.<br />

''hire<br />

r wero boats)<br />

A which Mine<br />

<strong>of</strong> honor, it<br />

she met tier<br />

Is employed 1>y<br />

wpterwuy com-<br />

Wrtjr<br />

persona attended<br />

d t i<br />

tho<br />

;er card party given Jn<br />

* 61 St.. Augtfstfno's<br />

night In the par-<br />

Tho commlttqc,<br />

*. ,Mft. John Slithbn.<br />

Knob. Mujs Helen<br />

»a Mr*. Frank Sao-<br />

Sapnlno labored<br />

that they'not onlv<br />

qoS to the itffalr, bur<br />

*OI the entertainment<br />

attractive. The<br />

BQ numerous that al-<br />

partlolpaBE received<br />

Wfreshinenta wero ap-<br />

lncky favor prlzcn.<br />

f .Of live ducks npd chick-<br />

I "received with great In<br />

Mrs. Morgap Hand, Jr., Mr. and<br />

Mrs. W^lford Gardiner, Mr, and<br />

Mrs. Qarlfoit C. Brlca and Mr.<br />

d M Cooper, jr.<br />

and Airs. Henry<br />

• » -<br />

Ifr. Mid Mrs. Funds West<br />

Entertain Friends.<br />

Mr. _ond Airs, pran<strong>of</strong>s West, Sis<br />

Atlantic W-,* entertained the fol-<br />

lowing- Monday night: Mrs F. E<br />

Chaniplon, Miss Grace Hughes and<br />

Mrs, Surah I*ach. MIHB Hughes,<br />

who is an accomplished -musician,<br />

played several Humbert, on the<br />

piano.<br />

• • *<br />

Hf. and Mrs. Stedem<br />

Pinochle Party Hosts<br />

Dr. «nd Mrs. L. S. Stedem, 1534<br />

Ashury av., ontfi tainnl the follow-<br />

n.jr at a pinochle partv, "VVednei-<br />

ilay niejlit: Mr. anil Mn Walter<br />

Kensil, Mr. anil Mr- William Wil-<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Charlc. E<br />

decorations and<br />

ne wanted to play<br />

t-interesting to all.<br />

for CtiJIdron<br />

Ctart.<br />

children's party for<br />

, s' and primary de-<br />

ot tho Baptist Siindnv<br />

;.vell uttondod.. Over<br />

were ovorjoyoiT. wlion<br />

Brescnted with an E.i<br />

Dr and Mrs William H, Briek-<br />

i-i and daughter, Dqrotljy, ot<br />

riillndelphln, were Easter resort<br />

visltois<br />

• • *<br />

Mr r.nd \' r < . ". McKtavl*<br />

<strong>of</strong> Phllmlclphla, wcro at their<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Jamos KU!«oll, <strong>of</strong><br />

Auduboit, oocupled their summer<br />

residence, 3200 Contral uv, over<br />

the EtiBtcr holidays.<br />

• « # •<br />

Mlsa Virginia BlacK, <strong>of</strong> Phila-<br />

delphia, waa a week-end house<br />

guest <strong>of</strong> Mr 'and Sirs Samuel B.<br />

d<strong>of</strong>f. 3211 Contral av.<br />

Mr. und Mrs. .1. .'. Mnmaiix, <strong>of</strong><br />

Pittsburgh, am all-weok vlBitDrs<br />

at their trimmer home, IGtli st.<br />

nnd Contral nv.<br />

Firemen Are Called<br />

Twice to Car Blftze<br />

Firemen woro callod out twice,<br />

Wednesday night and Tlmrpdny<br />

morning, because <strong>of</strong> a fire In an<br />

.intomobllo parked at 711 Ply-<br />

mouth pi Tho owner or tho oar<br />

In ono Mr Kdwnrda, according to<br />

file vocoi'ds.<br />

Tim Hist nlnnn camo In at10<br />

p m. Wednowl.iv, hut nlien fli'f-<br />

ini'n arrived the l)la£o had been<br />

nUinguishi'il Another alarm came<br />

In .it I) •' >n '1 hi*" time tho uphol-<br />

. A.<br />

Mrs. John rrj/k'i, <strong>of</strong> Wiivno, ster^<br />

camo 'ill,<br />

veterinary I<br />

ercd it ijiid fa,<br />

branv human,.<br />

Mrs. Champion.^<br />

whether ho coi<br />

or nbt<br />

was on Wednesday.<br />

1<br />

Public Service<br />

Buses To<br />

Philadelphia<br />

D£iiiii*{yre§ ill IMS nnd BA5 n. m,<br />

11,'.. (.IS •pd S.10 11. m.<br />

Ixtrn Tfip Eundafg at S.1B i>. fln.<br />

Super Service Buses<br />

euui LEAVE<br />

Public Service Terminal<br />

Ninth BttHt III Ailntle AVCBM<br />


TtltfhOM 1211<br />

It Will<br />

Cost You<br />

LESS!!<br />

TO BUILD<br />


TO ALTER<br />

TO RE-ROOF<br />

Ihaii Any Tint In the<br />

Lust 90 Yean!<br />

Powell*<br />

Van Glider<br />

Lumber Co.<br />

13TM & WEST Phone S3 J<br />

•Bulldillg Materials For<br />

Tfqur ETery NtM"<br />

Mows<br />

•fthc time<br />

«dmttge <strong>of</strong> preitnt 1^<br />

prieH and lwve the old ropf c«nr«red"<br />

flth' Oareystone — the a>b«MM-<br />

| < t ihingles which cannot burn,<br />

or ^.ot. Thept beautifully col-<br />

ro<strong>of</strong>*, ai firepro<strong>of</strong> and luting<br />

one, are a splendid Infeatm.nt<br />

Senator Read Built This Brii<br />

Here is one <strong>of</strong> the four new bridges connecting Ocean City<br />

mainland.<br />

ITieie bridges coat $1,500,000 and are the finest <strong>of</strong> their kind in)<br />

Jersey,<br />

They W«p Built Solely Throi<br />

the Efforts <strong>of</strong><br />


They will be dedicated June 10 as a memorial to the World '<br />

Veterans through legislation sponsored by Senator Read in 1<br />

These bridges are one <strong>of</strong> the many reasons iwhy Senator Read ,<br />

be returned to the New Jersey senate. His record is one<br />

oompliihment for Ocean City and Cape May County.<br />

--ThlB Advoi•tiacmunt Ordered and Paid Vm by JUIIIOB U, Duvill<br />


Rmmarkmble Nmw Invention<br />

Makes Safest Tire Ever Built<br />

* Times Safer from Blow-outs<br />


W HEN tho iptedometcr reads 40,<br />

B0, 80-thi heat inaide your tirei<br />

•bicomas terrific A bligter Btartii BQts<br />

blgBer and bigier ... Until BANG1 A<br />

blowout! And you're headed for trouble.<br />

Now, to protect you from blow-outs<br />

every QoodriEh Safety SUvertown hag the<br />

•unaaiiiB new Ufe-iaver Golden Ply that<br />

«MtB heat. Pabrie and rubbw don't<br />

•spate . , . thui blbtam don't form.<br />

Blow^uti ar« prmmtcd by<br />

ptMir very cause/<br />


HAD A BLOW-C<br />

ta\J wdrich Silver,<br />

towns hap the moat akid-reiiatinB tread.<br />

IU aquetfte drying aotion givei your oar<br />

«t« road^p, fcnd reducas danger ol<br />

Bklddmg to a minimum.<br />

Let UB put Goodrich fiafBty SUvertowns<br />

oa you* ear. Renumber, ttey eoat no<br />

more than other standard k "<br />

Lvertown<br />


'S Modern Suner<br />

W T<br />

lit Contractor<br />

iptly Settled<br />

Alto Grants Non-<br />

to City in Garage<br />

Man's Action.<br />

sult <strong>of</strong> Harold D. Powell,<br />

1st KJmlT'' " wnOr ' "K"'" 8 * the<br />

" EiiRincerinp co. and the<br />

i m l<br />

settk'd before »He hear-<br />

Los cmnplf-tcd, yesterday, with<br />

Cnginrenne firm ngreelntf to<br />

".md the tour^ frranUnR a<br />

HOT p,qOO dam-<br />

fht alleWJ was done to Jiia<br />

II when the central Ocean<br />

•ewer extension was con-<br />

1 Thi manner in which<br />

„ drain pipe, whieh runi<br />

the alley a few feet from<br />

ill building, was installed<br />

in a settling <strong>of</strong> tho bvild.<br />

n the sand was allowed to<br />

, from under jt,<br />

ity Aiki for Non-buit<br />

' earing began Wednesday<br />

f, but waif halted for the<br />

•r" the jury was choien and<br />

presented their open-<br />

pr<br />

i<br />

Vp wwi not a owwJldate. A<br />

UtfBand, an orator by virtu*<br />

big calling, ,1s, lost to the g<br />

l«r« and will 'be heard (presum-<br />

ably) on the other side.<br />

According to the regulars, Wild-<br />

wood Crest le swinging in behind<br />

tho regular band wagqn. A atate-<br />

lnent Isauod by tlie campaign<br />

headquarters this week eays the<br />

Crest Itepubtlcun club, by untn-<br />

Imous vote, endorsed thi- regular<br />

ticket. It 'alBO says t T te club,<br />

lieadml by Mayor A. K, nilnn. Is<br />

componed <strong>of</strong> «wvMr«l hundred<br />

motnbera.<br />

credit Wildwood Ciest with 379<br />

voti-B, or which about 21G ->,-^: to<br />

the regular;,<br />

Insurgent Massmeeting<br />

Well Attended.<br />

An infoiiiul muts mcetini?,<br />

slionioieil bv the McMurrav forn-s<br />

in Wildwootl, w.ii held W (Nlnt^day<br />

in one <strong>of</strong> the Hunt theatres.<br />

It is reported that a capa-dity<br />

tiowd attended, and greeted the<br />

insuiKont ticket with enthuaiaim.<br />

All the candidates were present<br />

nnd spoke.<br />

Independence<br />

Week Observed<br />

two witnMSM appeared<br />

ay morning, Mr, Powell,<br />

<strong>of</strong> the buildiiiB, and Har-<br />

illlison, who tnude a survey<br />

buiiiiinff before and after<br />

work was done. At the<br />

_„,,„.. <strong>of</strong> their teitimony, the<br />

Inked for a noji-suit. No de-<br />

was made before the noon<br />

"pwiiiB the redess, a further<br />

conference between aator-<br />

was calleii, and the result<br />

| a setUcment. The Eastern<br />

eeflnK Co. nBreed to repair<br />

siidini? to the satisfacUon <strong>of</strong><br />

nwelli and a non-suit £os thg<br />

I was consented to.<br />

Officials Subpoenaed<br />

Powell was represented by<br />

] I, Garrison, the engineer.<br />

insny by Vincent S. Hane.<br />

r snil the city by WilUam H,<br />

II, Jr., and Andrew C. Boi-<br />

..rse number <strong>of</strong> witnegses<br />

iiutooenaed, includinK former<br />

• Joieph G. ChamBion, Conv<br />

(lontr John E, Trout, City<br />

s Harry Morris, City Engineer<br />

lam H. Colliison, Jr., and<br />

p otter, but none was ealled<br />

itUfy^ ____^<br />

;Guns Begin to Bark<br />

t&unty Primary Fight<br />

(GonUnuifU from Bap! I)<br />

MM, <strong>of</strong> Wijdwood, former<br />

iblyman, wanted to run for<br />

ir, with Mr, Loveland for the<br />

bly.<br />

'aisembly eantlidate was<br />

i at the confereme, and up<br />

day no petitiws had<br />

. candidates for freeholder<br />

. York, <strong>of</strong> Cape May,<br />

... Clark, <strong>of</strong> Wildwood,<br />

ar's primary was nip and<br />

Dctan City, even without<br />

Kj^rely local candlaates, or<br />

•jlcause <strong>of</strong> It, At any<br />

unlonlitl and regularg<br />

c to he about equally divld-<br />

Financial Independence —<br />

Not 4th <strong>of</strong> July,<br />

National recognlMon was helnir<br />

taken, this week, especially In ra-<br />

dio educational programs, ol the<br />

fact that this Is Financial In<br />

pendenee Week, sponsored by the<br />

News <strong>of</strong> Some*' Point<br />

; In Rfiid-IlMidley Scrap.<br />

lit hern, <strong>of</strong> cnurae, will<br />

in the ncnd-Headley scrap,<br />

.promises to be a good one,<br />

lowly does one ot the can<br />

I takt the battle that he<br />

dlsdaing to apeak to<br />

oent or tn his opponent'8<br />

^rit'Scpuhllcan Club, the<br />

' phalanx, Is meeting every<br />

Jay night, those daps, map<br />

t- the eamplilgn. The Ocean<br />

lUIcon Club, home <strong>of</strong> the<br />

hns opened canipaiBii<br />

on Ashury av., near nth<br />

fvtfce leHderB meet nightly<br />

utiqiocteii l)oi)i sides will<br />

If''.for mnsg mootlngs<br />

put the county within the<br />

life insurance companies.<br />

Radio prograinB include the fol<br />

lowing!<br />

Today (Friday), 2 to 2:IB p. m.,<br />

Arthur Capper, U, B, ienator from<br />

KanaaB, Station WJZ.<br />

Saturday, 7:15 to 7:30 p, m.,<br />

Merle Thorpe, editor <strong>of</strong> "Nation's<br />

Business," Station W.1Z.<br />

Saturday, 7:30 to 7:45 p. m,<br />

Mias Frdnces Perkins, secretary<br />

<strong>of</strong> labor. Station WABC,<br />

Sunday, S to 3:30 p, m, Df. S,<br />

Parkos Cadman will answer a<br />

question or 100 words regarding<br />

life insurance. Station WEAP,<br />

"Life insurance has gone<br />

ihrough previous depressions and<br />

has fulfilled Its contract, 100<br />

cents on the dollar," Hoy B, Dar-<br />

by, reeon Insurance man, said<br />

this week, ''We are three and a<br />

half yiiira through til© deprpsi-<br />

slon, yet life Insurance has met<br />

its obligations without flinchlnK,<br />

As a result It has tho confidence<br />

<strong>of</strong> the people.<br />

Incomes Exceed ExptmHr.<br />

"The major companieB Incomes<br />

exceeded their expenses during<br />

1032. Recently restrictions h nve<br />

been placed by the insurance<br />

(•ommissioners "» borrow ing ag-<br />

ainst cash value,<br />

'This is not to be viewed with<br />

nlarm. tor many comiianles need<br />

no such restrletlonB, Bill svhen<br />

PreslUeiit Roosevelt declared a<br />

hank holiday, and people were<br />

desperate for funds, it was nec-<br />

essary to protect thj interests <strong>of</strong><br />

milliong <strong>of</strong> small riblicy holders.<br />

As the hanking situation clears,<br />

restriction will be removed,<br />

as It is only a tempornry meas.<br />

ure."<br />

County Escapes<br />

Damage Actions<br />

$75,000 Suits Are Knock-<br />

ed Out <strong>of</strong> Court.<br />

ay SUII rwtte,<br />

*M May situation still Is<br />

i but It Is apparent Mm<br />

T, Millet Hand has<br />

regulars tnd will join<br />

ivene and the unionists,<br />

<strong>of</strong> |he regular, organl<br />

Latimer Offers<br />

City Tract For<br />

Use <strong>of</strong> Factory<br />

Monaghah Offers $100 to<br />

Help Pay Co.t <strong>of</strong> Mov-<br />

ing Machinery.<br />

CIT<strong>ED</strong><br />

An <strong>of</strong>fer to the city <strong>of</strong> Someri<br />

Point was made this week by<br />

rliomas C. Latimer, candidate for<br />

mayor, <strong>of</strong> a tract <strong>of</strong> ground for<br />

use by a factory, It oae can be<br />

Induced to, come to iomors Point<br />

The <strong>of</strong>fer, the Herald Is Inform-<br />

:d, (ioes not necessarily depend up-<br />

(..to gather<br />

jtHsr for brief<br />

snail<br />

talks.<br />

'Writing many letters<br />

many hands, and<br />

^rlenos to write<br />

, . ,_. letklng votes. In,,<br />

s.-Jt: la In auoh t way<br />

•w Calvin Coolldfe won<br />

' " battlei,<br />

intereBtlng<br />

»ry no-<br />

. „ the un«<br />

!W will hold a illgUt<br />

JN_Headley, who Snows'<br />

" llogy, can deliver<br />

addrasii whenever<br />

fl Harry Tenen.<br />

talkir, will at-<br />

with<br />

aa<br />

, the<br />

No Traffic Trouble<br />

Here Over Week End<br />

Following; the Rood example set<br />

during thi previoui throe or four<br />

days by local motorlslK, wcelt-end<br />

visitors to Oeean Cliy ohoyed stop<br />

street ilgns very well, considering<br />

oyurything. • „ ,'<br />

Police were stationed at, all in<br />

teraeOtionB on !th and nth sts<br />

iady to stop any <strong>of</strong>lenderB and<br />

osplalii the law. Tills tlioy oic n<br />

fitr tlaei,"but"in a largo majority<br />

o[ casas it was uniiecPsaniT.<br />

Several froupi <strong>of</strong> ears Were no-<br />

ticed, with local «r* .mawi up<br />

with fololfn cars. The vlslfors am<br />

exnetlv what the natives dia —<br />

obeyed the rules. •<br />

('oiinly Clerk William A. Blnir<br />

was cndorBCd IIIBI week by Hie<br />

Mays Landing women's .Republi-<br />

can fllub, and assiifed <strong>of</strong> RtronR<br />

sitpport In the county ^ent BCC.<br />

(ion, Mr. Dlair siioke to the club<br />

briefly,<br />

"I have done mv heat fluring<br />

Hie past." he said, to run the<br />

Sffirk's'<strong>of</strong>fice as efficiently as pos-<br />

sible, and if I go hack into <strong>of</strong>-<br />

fice I can only promise to con-<br />

tinue to do my best. ........<br />

You follts are the best judges<br />

if whether my Herviee haa been<br />

iBtlsfaetory, and If you thlnlt I<br />

im desii'vinB, I shall deply np<br />

iroclate your support," -<br />

Mr, Blair Is being opposed in<br />

lie primary election by James M<br />

ifonaghnn, Jr.. <strong>of</strong> Soniei's •Point,<br />

ind If Sir: Blair is the winner,<br />

ie will have Daniel nonway, son-<br />

In-lnw <strong>of</strong> former Sheriff .Tames<br />

ritnlnn. nRainst him in the sen-<br />

ernl election, as well as,the Doni-<br />

jcratle candidnle.<br />

The oampalKn so far has bsen<br />

ixceodlngly aulet, but \ht> "fire,<br />

works" s'o not usually ^tart un-<br />

111 after thB time elapsBS for ril-<br />

mg petitions, which Is -April 28,<br />

this year.<br />

Special Easter<br />

Mi I<br />

Music Is =<br />

Speelal muiio was enjoyed by<br />

lurfle conRTiWtion ot both mom<br />

hilt" and ewnine services in «ie<br />

Hrst Prosbyttrian church on aas<br />

*In the tnominK * bmss quartet,<br />

composed <strong>of</strong> mBmbeM <strong>of</strong> the Cape<br />

May' County American. Ug'on<br />

Blri4, Btaytd EaBtM —<br />

lUUon * """<br />



J, T, TALE§£<br />

'SO Ashury Avenue<br />

OCEAN CITt<br />

Guaranteed<br />

Batteries<br />

and<br />

Guaranteed<br />

Service<br />




04B ASnnEf ATE,<br />

Lacroaae is s»M to be thi<br />

oldest Rame playad on tlw<br />

North American Mntlnent,<br />

Pressing<br />

Cleaning<br />

The kind that makes<br />

old clothes take on new<br />

life.<br />

Thoroughness, prompt<br />

service always.<br />

We Call and Deliver<br />

Ocean City Dry<br />

Cleaners & Dyers<br />

4th and HAVEN<br />

MntaMiMM<br />


r«w! i» u *hitH»yoa etiaiamUMa.<br />

mht—«YehIclt ortjing «n iDiBuisenE for<br />

lumsudailrrtgliKfJng the lutThe nine<br />

tttfiila h the dimiiiunvt.<strong>of</strong> (he Ficncli cah-<br />

fish ^anisg "s lev'" like thii <strong>of</strong> a gsir,<br />

•nd wu applied is thi! irpc <strong>of</strong> nnius<br />

beaus€ <strong>of</strong> is light, bpundms monsn.<br />

Cmhthlt came from the lulu's MPrillt<br />

mctBiag "a isBetuuli," ton Itiin mttr<br />

"m hc-goAt," titrt "i rtptoat" There us<br />

ihouHodl <strong>of</strong> lUth inda about the OIIEUII<br />

<strong>of</strong> Enellih worii ill<br />




More Red Cross<br />

Flour Received d<br />

•"Another.. ,<br />

Cross flour, consisting o|<br />

Red<br />

Cross flour, c o g ITS<br />

bass has been reeelviil It fomifg<br />

Mnt, it wai repotted this weik<br />

bv jamas 5i; Monaihan, Jr., lo-<br />

eil relief director. In, addition,<br />

there Is a suptily <strong>of</strong> man's, wo.<br />

men's and children's clothing and<br />

1 J ' tie 'dlstrlbuled le<br />

needy persons who apply to the<br />

nverseer <strong>of</strong> the poor at the <strong>of</strong>fice<br />

<strong>of</strong> Lewis fl. MathlBB,<br />

Point Nurse Goes<br />

To N. C, For Visit<br />

lies Jeisle B, McLean, iiurne<br />

the Atlantle Shorea HospHal.<br />

BptndlnK a brief vicatlBn with<br />

"fib"and relatives In per home<br />

B • North Otrotlna<br />

For---<br />


PH0N1<br />

OCEAN<br />

Prompt Delivery<br />

etc<br />

Distributing Co.<br />

I Gordon^ Rpll Butter<br />

Chuck Roast<br />

Legs Lamb<br />

Golden Crown Bacon<br />

Veal Chops<br />

;;, * r- « r rJ^ F . ', -JJ^<br />

Shoulders<br />

Lamb lh 12c<br />

Stewing -<br />

Chicken*<br />

- Vegetables - - Fnala<br />

I Asparagus (medium) bunch<br />

ScaUions (fresh pulled) bu 3c<br />

Jersey Rhubarb bu 9c<br />

Jersey Spinach tb 5c<br />

Stringless Beans<br />

Lima Beans^<br />

California Peas<br />

Sweet Potatoes<br />

1b 10c<br />

3 IDS 14c<br />

Egg Plant*<br />

Cauliflower<br />

Jumbo Asparagus<br />

hd 19c<br />

bu 33c<br />

E S<br />

H<br />

R<br />

B<br />

Y<br />

A<br />

Y<br />

Grape Fruit . _ 3J<br />

Juicy Orange* .. „' ...<br />

Navel Orange* - _<br />

Bneapple Orange* ..<br />

.Navel Oranges, lge ..<br />

StaymRn Winesap Apples<br />

.. T _ .„. _ 3 lb«<br />

t^toUng «r Eating Apple*<br />

fftear*<br />

Bananas, large<br />

Honey Dews, Ripe<br />

j Jersey Redskin Potatoes basket 39c<br />

- - Groceries - -<br />


8 ounce ,„„..,..,.,„ 10c<br />

Pint -• ..- 19c<br />

Quart - ..-..._.-,............ 3Sc<br />

Lake Shore Honey, 32-oz jar 39c<br />

Not-,a-Seed Raisins .... 2 pkgs 15c<br />

Hebe Milk .........:,„„„....... 3 cans 17c<br />

12-lb PJUsbury's Floiir 41c<br />

26^z jar Stuffed Olive* 48c<br />

Litty Corned Beef .;,.;... 19c<br />

Baker's Cocoa .... 1/2 ft

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