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(•••— ••!•'• •:1/f,:PK,<br />

Asserts His Httjis^ ,<br />

' Is All at Sea Now<br />

the<br />

laving *a<br />

t I<br />

bouse If you cant set to It un-<br />

less-you use hip Mote and a<br />

jwfr boat? that'a what Leslie<br />

>, ..JSIeelmwi. 6633 Marndeo at,<br />

wul - j mpW«. wants to know..<br />

Steellban das a cottage, on<br />

Granny Bound, near Wlldvnocd.<br />

and toe onlj approach without<br />

°|BwrmrpljiK Is by a boardwalk to<br />

"~ hlgbway. Cnrortunately tb*<br />

ras washed out this<br />

" jrjdch. Dr.<br />

T 1<br />

r<br />

So Steelman wrote the tr*ehql-<br />

, JO, mt 3 p. ro. ders, asking them to do something<br />

[$. there will about it The freeholders gave the<br />

tliy -end com- tetter to Robert K. Bell, county,<br />

nolfcitor. asking that 1 he write Mr,<br />

Steelman that the problem it up<br />

to the township and himself.<br />

Pennsy Excursion<br />

To Zoo, Saturday<br />

{ ' The Pennsylvania Railroad an.<br />

nourrted tils week that it will<br />

operate a special round trip ex-<br />

cursion to the Philadelphia jool.<br />

OBlcal garden .tomorrow (Satur-<br />

d.u )<br />

Hoses VIII meet the train fa<br />

Philadelphia and convey the pas-<br />

atngcrs to the too and return,<br />

under tho personal supervision <strong>of</strong><br />

Pennsylvania Railroad reprer<br />

and n<br />

wolahlp per-<br />

. , . .. wen flus mu-<br />

•H. «nd Hmr. iooeph N. Fedrfck.<br />

5"tor qf,ttts Istmry and A<br />

E. ^bnrcbes. delivered tb«<br />

Wdress. "Youth and<br />

to tke Total*."<br />

o f s«rvloe.' those at-<br />

tending wore guests <strong>of</strong> Mr. and<br />

Mia. Gilbert Smith at breakfast at<br />

the Avalon hotel.<br />

tUn Science<br />

Subject For Sunday.<br />

Fac« wn<br />

Gmn Two Mondts'<br />

<strong>of</strong> Atom* by<br />

DEATH"<br />

NEW<br />

ipehpes<br />

it* he imprinted<br />

Beaut"<br />

PKESS<br />

PHONE 1480<br />

ICES<br />

Spocial reduced round trip rates<br />

to Cincinnati and rolumhns, Q..<br />

and inCIonnnolis. Ind, will be on<br />

sale tomorrow.<br />


CHTLDBCVs BHO^S — Fnpir Unfa<br />

Proper Btjlm. Prapcr Supett aa( Pnp<br />

. fr Fit. Eat* tiny Faal I-rtT Fitted.<br />

Take Your Scrip<br />

Dollar in Scrip is<br />

>«rfh $1.10 in merchan-<br />

dise in our store.<br />

rr,<br />

7H '*-<br />

•'s Jewel Shop, Inc.<br />

812 BOARDWALK<br />

Repair Work at <strong>On</strong>e-Half<br />

-. t, Former Prices<br />

^ERT'S HOTEL<br />


rant<br />

a. tn. to<br />

TO.<br />

Delicious Dinners<br />

and Platters<br />

TRAINOR'S and<br />

~ ><br />

BEER<br />

Sojners Point<br />

?«0BA*|0M AfTBa DEATH"<br />

will iM.the inbiect <strong>of</strong> the Lesjson-<br />

Seitaqn in all Cbnrchea <strong>of</strong> Christ.<br />

Scientist, on Sunday, April 23,<br />

MM.<br />

The GoJiJen Tint is; Bt ttat<br />

shall enduro unto the end, the<br />

Mnifi ihail bt saved" (Matthew<br />

•<br />

t«ilSJ,<br />

—, the citations which com-<br />

prise the Lesson-Sermon |g ne<br />

following from tte Bible- "For<br />

whether we jive, we live unto the<br />

Itwiti and whether we die. we die<br />

unto the Lori: whether we live<br />

therefore, or die, WJJ . are the<br />

Jon's. Far to this end Christ<br />

Doth died, /and rose, and revived<br />

ttat he might be Lord both <strong>of</strong> the<br />

dead and Ilvtor" (Romans 14:1,8).<br />

The Leanon-Seraiou also Includ-<br />

es the following DUMBS from -the<br />

Christian Science textbook "Sci-<br />

ence and Health with Key to the<br />

ey to the<br />

giplnres: by Mary -flaker Ediy-<br />

Mortal mind must part with er-<br />

ror. must put <strong>of</strong>f itEolf wUh its<br />

deeds, and injmortal manhood, the<br />

Christ ldH ill i<br />

ds,<br />

Christ<br />

hld<br />

d, the<br />

will mimar. Ftith<br />

it bd<br />

t l H will mimar. Ftith<br />

shosld enlarge its borders and<br />

stJengthen Its base by resting op-<br />

on Spirit. Instead tit matter. Wlien<br />

ma i i b<br />

p mer. Wlien<br />

man (ivessp bis belief to death,<br />

he wfll advance more, rapidlv to-<br />

w«Ms Gd IJf d I » (<br />

adance more,<br />

w«Ms God, IJfe, and<br />

«0)<br />

t (p.<br />

St. John'. Lulhermn.<br />

fpt hli soaQJpB . Ha U' laom fcr and<br />

jH4e for tti aailltr. and Dndw»dlr .111<br />

tWj* •.pleuhw ej*matiBii <strong>of</strong>tiimrt<br />

wWA he Ii earning m.<br />

itt<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

Firrt BaptUt Omrch<br />

ADnounc<br />

Bsv CHUBB W. iJUmate, MlnUl.r<br />

k! ** tvl w wnhip M 10..JO<br />

Bn* xcbaol. Jls4S ». n. CIMBU for<br />

all iwes. C«rt Hnn, laptrinURdtnt,<br />

fcuis HiviH mnd unag >t liW p. ».<br />

nrtBe ltd bjr bnn onttn.<br />

Frnjcr, nmlllls BB Wcdiu-si., ,t f sis<br />

P. m,<br />


S«, O. K. D.v!d*,n. iKtar*<br />

SffHtn for tht M Sqnd.r »!««<br />

t<br />

1 •. m.—HBII iBd<br />

9.« !. m.—Chareh i^iosi.<br />

10,45 •, ii—Momine prmrer and<br />

E3B.<br />

ST. JAMES A. H- R. CHUBCr<br />

lih SL tua^na A«,<br />

to, Ilenrif It Ompif, If., Paiui<br />

Kund.iy. 11 ., *,. HTHMH fa U«>«iiit«F.<br />

lliTO p, m. Ion to Sthool and lie<br />

BlWc a»».<br />

i» p.-» BBhB fcrrle. u Shilsh<br />

tapUn Churtb. Ssrswn br Sir. Knur<br />

1L ^gper, Jr.<br />

T ||. n, Ailafl ChrliU.n Eiufe»vOr.<br />

x n. «, torn br Jke ««it,<br />

daF E?Cft!ng. His N. A. A. C, P.<br />

ni 4U Jlept A. _ -,<br />

School CW- Nix BdH Ttidnr,<br />

to UK MM Hi*.<br />

4l IF !• 1 * • • • •<br />

• Money , '• Scri<br />

J7*<br />

Hotel, Offk*<br />

HM<br />

'• ' Iata¥4U *<br />

Paint*<br />

Varnish Stains<br />

Decorative Enamel<br />

2-Hour<br />

Lacquer Eaamel<br />

Screen Enamel<br />

Porch and<br />

Floor Enamel<br />

Spar Varnish<br />

Pure Shellac<br />

Small<br />

Can<br />

10<br />

Large Can<br />

20<br />

l'aint and Varnlih<br />

Kemvicr _ —<br />

Pnn I.lnsMd Oil<br />

6-01. battle -<br />

Turpentine<br />

0«oi, ran „<br />

10 c<br />

10*<br />

Puttj<br />

can , .___„„<br />

(.old 1-nlnt<br />

jar „..„„.......,„<br />

tliimlniim Paint<br />

Sand Paper<br />

package<br />

Pntty Knife<br />

10 e<br />

10«<br />

10 c<br />

Paint Rrashu<br />

AaorhMnt<br />

10 e<br />

gim<br />

Sornb Brn«kje« *<br />

Scmb •ask<br />

18.01,<br />

Laundry Soup<br />

SewifBf<br />

Dait<br />

Dait<br />

Mop<br />

MopBMdi"<br />

MA _<br />

<strong>On</strong> Mops<br />

each _<br />

Cedar Oil<br />

not -_ __<br />

labber Kneclin><br />

nidi web<br />

Robber Gloves<br />

pair ..„<br />

10 v<br />

._<br />

10 e<br />

10 v<br />

Daylight Saving<br />

Starts April 29<br />

<strong>On</strong>e more week <strong>of</strong> "slow" time,<br />

or "sim" time, svhlcStTer yon call<br />

It. "Dajliglit saying" time will<br />

inon be hsrel<br />

The freeholdrs aflopted a reso.<br />

lution, Wednesday, directing tlint<br />

the elnika be set ahead «n hour<br />

at midnight. April 23, As usiml,<br />

t.'retlioldpr Robert Miller voted<br />

asalnit the idea. He's a conlirmtd<br />

curing federal aid to prevent fur-<br />

ther beach erosion, ft was an-<br />

nounced Wednesday, when letters<br />

from the other counties were read<br />

at the freeholder meeting. .<br />

Senator W. Warren Barbour and<br />

Congrnsman Isaac Bacharach<br />

have both promised to hels get aid<br />

for New Jersey under President<br />

Roosevelt's relief plan.<br />

<strong>On</strong> motion ' <strong>of</strong> Preeholder K-<br />

_aw#BijcR- ^Chalmers, Luther 4-<br />

Ogden, dirtctqr <strong>of</strong> the board, iqip<br />

named' aMdelegate > to attend a*y"<br />

meetings or conferences on the<br />

subject, and to follow up on the<br />

attempt to have national funds<br />

spent on the seashore.<br />

Mita Marion Meehah, %f Dela8»<br />

cey pi,, had "as a house iruest over<br />

the Easter vaeatlotj, Miss Jeanne<br />

Bulger, <strong>of</strong> Elklns Park, Pa,<br />

i "<br />



UtaBHl NanktMl Enitattei Mi<br />

Lan4 |arn»r<br />

Mil Fl.M-r« in <strong>On</strong>an fllj<br />

lariren attd maps. muBicipai. ettgU<br />

Hen, reparu, (mtlnutts, invenin-<br />

tkai, appnlimrau, nlt.waier itwue,<br />

tulas, swamp and ult-maFBh prob^<br />

Inu, atrtal nrven anannd, mail '<br />

«ilon problem., dlv.n nsBlicd, if<br />

BsllUsB and ualenud fill-settle<br />

•mt W splMivM, Pnelle mrvsys -<br />

,«iir a easBtn, TaUne <strong>of</strong> Batoplals<br />

aFFanfed, Concftte quality EsnEfst-<br />

L.udK.iKi and Biibdivijlon aurven<br />

and plant.<br />

a«iBr Engineer, O««n Clt»i But.<br />

d«nt Enirineor jl. 1. State Highway<br />

rept.! KiibeF Ensiiinri<br />

Cerps. U, B. Army 1 Farmer<br />

Fertland Cement A l i<br />

Blood Transfusions<br />

For City Commissioner<br />

(Caiilinued frem page 1)<br />

chosen over 10 .members <strong>of</strong> the<br />

police department who volunteer-<br />

ed blood.<br />

Police Offer Blond.<br />

The file; fmir the transfusion<br />

was to be madn hecanie known<br />

feturda;, and the riolice Imme-<br />

dlatol}- orfercil their nomos in<br />

Chief Jack Jprnee, sayinB they<br />

were wllllnR to Kive blood, -<br />

WaJ,Qt (Ji6m.hs4,their blood .<br />

r willinR to Kive<br />

ai at thorn.hs4,their<br />

Optical Service<br />

Now Lower In Cost<br />

We desire to nnnounce that<br />

oar complete optical. aerVIee<br />

durinB 1MB win be rindt3»4<br />

i a reduced" cost. Dial S-'lBSl<br />

(or accurate eye sight itrvice<br />

at very modtrate ratei. Frajnes<br />

irreatly loweriiJ in price.<br />

. L W.BETTS& Sons<br />


1T08 Atlantic Ave<br />

ATLANTIC Cli*, K. 1,<br />

Houn 9 to 5-<br />

pi«i B.1M1 -, 1<br />

p o<br />

were William Smith. Alex Hart.<br />

ed, and if more should be need-1 only when weather was too to<br />

ed, they nroniihly will be called j vere.<br />

upon ! Thepolion who <strong>of</strong>fered blood<br />

Mr, Campbell hM been suiter-<br />

ing from general wearkness and<br />

a tort <strong>of</strong> anaemia, following an<br />

operntlon several months ago. His<br />

determination to attend to city<br />

affalri, rather than gVi south for<br />

an extended rest period, ig said<br />

by his physician to have been an<br />

added reason ,for his fai^rii^to<br />

rejain his strengUi,<br />

HilifB <strong>On</strong>ly Fair<br />

Despite bis,condition, Mr. Camn-<br />

hell, who Is about 70, has mlised<br />

hut few meetings <strong>of</strong> the city cum<br />

misslaners this winter, and then<br />

I ""' W U u or Tan Purl<br />

" N F »r Qiferft.<br />

We Charge far Lmm OKI,<br />

AtiAitif AV, ATLANTIC err<br />

Just dn<br />

plcl Turkish custom<br />

-~j- you had your watpr today?" is a<br />

familiar chant in Constantinople where ven-<br />

dors-make a living by selling water~on the<br />

, city streets.<br />

This, instance is « striking example <strong>of</strong> the<br />

difference between water and water service,<br />

/ tn Rendering water service, ydur company<br />

/ spares no effort to see that you have water<br />

V *^T *^ * wn °^ "*• foocet— whenever you<br />

iwojit it, «t sufficient pressure, and' in what*<br />

\ «v»r qoanHty you desire.<br />


Dr. Harry H, Lake<br />

Optometrist<br />

822 Anbury Ave, Phone 49<br />

, LAW<br />

Augustus S. Goetz<br />

<br />

Additional XjiNta ieuiU+f tUux niiptAlMl)^ '<br />

(Bocilc valuA<br />

fi,«M,MS 8*<br />

Cuh coltaettd frai"<br />

Cafh collfctcd ftom<br />

Cmih collesttd fnta<br />

Total Caili<br />

[ B« ACCOUNT<strong>ED</strong> FOR<br />

from AJiMU and Htotk<br />

llsh H on an unrestricted<br />

,, voiced Wednesday by<br />

Buvinger. in an address<br />

:iwanis Club on national<br />

•"•Ituatlon, in which he re-<br />

Eland 'hat the gov-<br />

gnarnntec bank<br />

toent , ^ _ „<br />

OHn>t. aUoweil on AiHW . .<br />

Lones churned <strong>of</strong>f:<br />

Oh Auete -. -<br />

<strong>On</strong> Stock AitqUueAt .<br />

Total IAMP* Charnad <strong>of</strong>t"<br />

KemalnlnE AutVi)<br />

Uniollect^t A«*(.<br />

Uvcollectad AdrttldnaJ Aaaete<br />

UnesllHUd ^m* A»MjB»tnt<br />

lotil UemkMttf {jAiioItcetHl Aictu<br />

TOTAL ASSETS ACCOUNT<strong>ED</strong> FOR ' _<br />

tl«7 WM<br />

SS.2iO.16<br />

,*1 B6« 26<br />

3.J2C061.9E<br />

Stevrtt Liabilities •( date <strong>of</strong> SiUDenilon<br />

VVJ"" 1 * 1 LlMHtl t dt f S I<br />

R _<br />

l<br />

V V J * 1<br />

Aildltloniil<br />

SDenilon<br />

at data <strong>of</strong> Su»Den»Ion<br />

FlsUt>ilib«l<br />


in Resort<br />

GuoIin*>SH.v«l and unpreo-<br />

,>liow rtsirjlncd hj liuk <strong>of</strong><br />

Vt ould be fremendous,<br />

bank were fiuaranted,"<br />

1 payment <strong>of</strong> S billionB <strong>of</strong><br />

In all closed banks will<br />

The direct first cost<br />

; <strong>of</strong>f would bf 8 billions<br />

rfryone <strong>of</strong> tbeae closed<br />

bsve assets In tliclr port<br />

whose ^aluc In normal<br />

Is sufficient to pa> their<br />

ln full<br />

! resumption <strong>of</strong> normal bus-<br />

would follow guarun-<br />

deposlti and pjjment<br />

I depositors would soon, bring<br />

income up to normal<br />

Soon Over lost,<br />

the present nation il cirn-<br />

citj m about one billion<br />

below normal, onlj nb<br />

ifteekn <strong>of</strong> normal btlnl-<br />

be required to cover<br />

<strong>of</strong> paying the denOBltors<br />

1 such a cost would not bo<br />

ns ihe rl»a In Ihe ral<br />

: banks' isseti. tollowlug<br />

nl normal business<br />

either tho reopening<br />

liquidation <strong>of</strong> the banks,<br />

j orderly manner, without loss<br />

k to the depositors or atpek-<br />

I^Me ialil "It appears poB<br />

in lieu <strong>of</strong> direct gov<br />

. guaranty <strong>of</strong> bank dcpon<br />

re may be some form <strong>of</strong><br />

[t"ta»iirance through a now<br />

^'•gencf or corporation, to<br />

\ for that purpose In my<br />

t ii, at least, a step ln<br />

o~.l direction. Anything along<br />

|1IM ttlli be ttn Improvement<br />

l/tni) condltionn which fonu-<br />


Closed Bank"Collectioni '<br />

$248,309.15 to Match 31<br />

(Contlniud froB* naff* ')<br />

loans and property owned by the<br />

1)ink and are listed at tho hook<br />

inlue, rfttlid thnn actual value<br />

The HahllkloB are llBtod In<br />

tliree k-roupa Swured liabilities<br />

.imountlni to $1,0*7.767 22. which<br />

comprise federal reserve and Re-<br />

eomtriKtlon Finance forporatlon<br />

bonoivlHK8, misecrired liability<br />

amountlnir to ll,4«)V.52lf* Q . nctwe-<br />

p . <strong>of</strong> pbtfca .and *li«vi«n^Tits oh<br />

itteet che«llnir flte work <strong>of</strong> patrolmen,<br />

^f fefwiuifa In rhare* <strong>of</strong>. ati^tloti I^<br />

fautriAt<br />

slclit litaed to ,tU(tht ihlfbi.<br />

f U found app.n and doled<br />

fJKe<br />

'Clrk.<br />

N<br />

i<br />

. 171,<br />

r. eleap Jail and nollih brms<br />

AHH demohiltxed:<br />

e rtrt. The condit<br />

Mr. Alorrta practically without the<br />

use <strong>of</strong> his lower limbs, since hhi<br />

right 1*B was partly pairidyied be-<br />

Be wi^s resting much more com-<br />

fertftbly yesterday, however, und<br />

was able to nit np. He will not<br />

be able to attend to his.duties for<br />

some time, according to his phy-<br />

sician.<br />

ReeotMtlA fop the department 1^<br />

bo ttaigMalem bate been aubmlttrd (0 th*<br />

Staiubtil lAeelfleattona /or. . unlfonnn<br />

liave b«eh dA*a, arises on naine received<br />

trtita ieverflt i i i<br />

VaiS latc«i» - -<br />

dud £ftt«rlnff<br />

UlSr 'v»llf«i« La*«<br />

Material WUUH..<br />

In the report It was pointed Out<br />

that from March 19 to April 18<br />

there hud been 68 arrests, while<br />

In the period from January 1 to<br />

March 18 there were only 32 ar-<br />

rests Jerneo nlno ga\e a detail-<br />

ed account <strong>of</strong> the changes In or-<br />

ganisation <strong>of</strong> the department that<br />

ho has made while acting chief<br />

A hitherto undlHClosed (act Is<br />

tliut his "lihie denim squad" clon-<br />

ed tip 17G hmwei that were ncceo-<br />

srblo to thieves Ite nlso report-<br />

ed That the nilmber game and li-<br />

quor' sMllns business have been<br />

demoralized i<br />

The report follows:<br />

April 19th, 1033.<br />

TO Mayor Hnrry Headlcy<br />

1-ROM Jack C. crnce Acting. Cliltf o[<br />

SUBJECT Artiiitlm <strong>of</strong> Polk* tleuirl-<br />

m«nt Marrh 19th to Auril 18th 1Q33.<br />

1 Tlie following U a report <strong>of</strong> the ar-<br />


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