29th - Kaipara Konnection - Dargaville.BIZ

29th - Kaipara Konnection - Dargaville.BIZ

29th - Kaipara Konnection - Dargaville.BIZ


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Volume 2 No 28<br />

The <strong>Kaipara</strong> <strong>Konnection</strong><br />

An Alternative View of Things<br />

29 September 2012<br />

This newsletter is brought to you to let you know what’s on and what’s happening in and around the <strong>Kaipara</strong>. It is<br />

available by e-mail only. If you or a friend wish to subscribe to this publication, which is free, go to http://news.dargaville.<br />

biz and click on the subscribe button. To unsubscribe please send an e-mail to dargavilleonline@yahoo.co.nz We will<br />

remove your address from our mailing list. To read back issues go to http://news.dargaville.biz<br />

All opinions expressed in this newsletter are the opinions of the contributors. They do not reflect the views of any<br />

organisations or groups that the contributors may belong to. Advertisers are responsible for the content and accuracy of<br />

their adverts.<br />

Before you print this newsletter- please consider the environment.<br />

The Team<br />

John MacDonald Editor and production<br />

Joseph Douglas Webmaster and web advisor<br />

Weather Forecast<br />

Here is an 8 day forecast from Weather Online.<br />

<strong>Dargaville</strong> Mangawhai Heads<br />

For Updates and Other Regions Go To<br />

Met Service: http://www.metservice.co.nz/public/localWeather/dargaville.html<br />

NZ Weather Online: http://www.weatheronline.co.nz/NewZealand/<strong>Dargaville</strong>.htm

Great men’s errors are to be venerated as more fruitful<br />

than little men’s truths. -- Friedrich Nietzsche<br />

The Rates Conundrum<br />

To pay or not to pay – that is the question.<br />

The first rates demand issued under the Long Term Plan that was adopted at the final <strong>Kaipara</strong> District council meeting<br />

on 30 th August 2012 is due to hit the mailboxes very shortly. The helpful staff have put up a rates calculator on the<br />

Council website which allows anyone to enter an address and see what the rates were last year and what they are<br />

going to be this year.<br />

The editor has compiled a simple spreadsheet of 18 like properties across the District from Baylys Beach to Mangawhai<br />

Head. Actual street numbers have not been included to protect the privacy of the property owners. The compilation is<br />

shown in graphical form here.<br />

The percentage increase was supposed to be an average of 19% according to at least two mainstream media reports<br />

here and here. Another major lie in the ongoing saga of spin and deceit from the former Mayor, Deputy Mayor and<br />

inept Councillors. The graph shown below, based on the increases in the 18 properties shows that only one property (in<br />

Pouto Road) comes in under 20%. The average increase for the 18 properties is in fact 36.05%. The hardest hit property<br />

on the list is in Insley Street Mangawhai Village with a rate increase of 72.73%. The rates for that property go from<br />

$1828.90 to $3159.10 this year. These figures are taken from the <strong>Kaipara</strong> District Council website. That is an actual<br />

increase of $1330.20 per year or $25.58 per week. For someone on a fixed income that is an almost impossible amount<br />

of money to find and the chances of selling the property are not promising. Inside sources tell <strong>Kaipara</strong> <strong>Konnection</strong> that<br />

property sales are increasing but prices are still falling. What a catch 22 situation to be in.<br />

The Ink Spot<br />

Phone: (09) 439 5158 E-Mail: darginkspot@slingshot.co.nz<br />


Find somebody to be successful for. Raise their hopes.<br />

Think of their needs. -- Barack Obama,<br />

This about to be mailed rates demand raises the<br />

question of the legality of the Long Term Plan against<br />

which the rates are being struck. Legal Eagle on his<br />

website <strong>Kaipara</strong> Concerns states: The adoption<br />

of the LTP was out of time and illegal.<br />

Council therefore has no power to set and<br />

collect rates. In advocating a Rates Strike he lays out<br />

very clearly the justifications for this and also provides<br />

advice on the consequences of not paying rates by the<br />

due date. To complicate matters even more, some of<br />

the rates that were struck in the LTP are derived from<br />

illegally struck rates in previous years. This, at least<br />

$7m, illegality has been publicly acknowledged by<br />

the <strong>Kaipara</strong> District Council CEO Steve Ruru.<br />

So what next?<br />

The Commissioners appointed by the Minster of Local<br />

Government expect to be paid their $900 per day<br />

plus expenses so they clearly have a vested interest<br />

in making sure that the rate money flows into the<br />

coffers. While there are some very obvious solutions to<br />

reducing costs at the Council – such as getting rid of<br />

unnecessary staff and positions within the precincts of<br />

Hokianga Road, this action will clearly not be enough<br />

for many ratepayers – particularly those who have received hefty rate demands as a consequence of “Jacks Dunny<br />

Project” at Mangawhai. The calls for accountability and subsequent vengeance are ringing out loud and clear. There is<br />

surely a small group made up of the elected Mayor and councillors, some former councillors, and Council staff who are<br />

no doubt very thankful that the “stocks” are now in the Auckland Museum and lynch mobs have not hit the streets – yet<br />

anyway.<br />

Once the report from the Auditor General is released, in about 3 months time, it will be clear what steps need to be<br />

taken to effect retribution against any guilty parties. One thing is certain – if her (the A.G’s) report does not meet peoples<br />

expectations then an ongoing rates strike will only be the first step. Threats of civil disobedience are murmuring in the<br />

background and should not be discounted. Many people in the District are pretty wound up at the blatant illegalities that<br />

have taken place over the last 5 years – often behind closed doors and without any sort of real consultation – and the<br />

abysmal failure of the check and balances from Central Government agencies that are supposed to prevent this sort<br />

of things happening. One can only wonder if the wining and dining of the Audit Office staff from Wellington was what<br />

influenced the boxes being ticked off on the check sheets rather than the laws and regulations that should have been<br />

the deciding factors.<br />

So do you pay your rates or not? There are two very clear schools of thought out there in the community. The “ayes” say

Freedom is the right to tell people what<br />

they do not want to hear. -- George Orwell<br />

pay your rates and get things moving while the “noes” have a list of 13 points which they demand be addressed before<br />

any rate payments start again. These are:<br />

1. A forensic examination, with community participation, into the entire conduct of the KDC back as far as necessary is<br />

completed and published.<br />

2. The legality of all debt is investigated and where there are defects in the deeds, executions, or other documentation<br />

the lenders are put on notice that there will be no further payments against such loans until and unless they are correctly<br />

engrossed, and tied back to lawful council resolutions that followed on from correct consultative procedures.<br />

3. All illegal/ultra vires rates are identified, publicly disclosed, admitted to, and all monies collected under them are either<br />

refunded, with interest, or credited against future payments. Where capital charges and operating charges were levied<br />

early against some ratepayers, those who were charged early must be paid interest representing the cost of that capital<br />

during the time that it was unavailable to the affected ratepayers. Ombudsman asked community to specify what interest<br />

rate would be fair, in regard to the 2008/9 operating charge but never instructed council to pay it because the matter was<br />

handed over to the Auditor General. All operating charges levied while the scheme was incomplete were blatantly illegal,<br />

and must be refunded, with interest. Capital charges should probably stand, even though they were illegally levied.<br />

Interest on these should be refunded.<br />

4. A correctly constituted new Long Term Plan - a legal, consulted, one is developed and passed.<br />

The new Plan must be based on adequate notice (that is, proper formal notification), adequate background information,<br />

proper community consultation, and hearings attended by all commissioners who listen to and heed the community’s<br />

views. The new plan must contain a formal written commitment that the rates prediction in the out years of the<br />

commission’s tenure will not be varied upwards under any circumstances.<br />

5. When the level of rating has been REDUCED/ADJUSTED to a point where it represents reasonable value for money<br />

to the ratepayer compared with what is received by comparable ratepayers elsewhere.<br />

6. Proceedings have been commenced against everyone found to have been engaged in fraud, deception, theft,<br />

criminal negligence, and/or professional misconduct.<br />

7. The contribution to the situation attributable to the negligence/ incompetence of Audit NZ has been identified and<br />

acknowledged.<br />

8. The huge number of anomalies and errors in the Rating database have been identified, clarified and fixed.<br />

9. A new Statement of Proposal issued for the central government subsidy , this should be applied and accounted for at<br />

individual rating unit level

Now I know what a statesman is; he’s a dead politician.<br />

We need more statesmen. -- Bob Edwards<br />

10. The promised investigation into all rates irregularities by Salter has been completed and made public. I.E. the<br />

completion of the report already promised.<br />

11. The <strong>Kaipara</strong> District is withdrawn from any involvement whatsoever in the proposed Local Government Funding<br />

Agency.<br />

12. The Commission gives its unqualified support to the District plan in its current form.<br />

13. Recovery of the illegal severance payment to the former CEO.<br />

You as the ratepayer must make your call and do what you believe is best for your family and the District that we live in.<br />

<strong>Kaipara</strong> District Council Updates For This Week<br />

For several years now the editor has kept a spreadsheet of newspaper, radio, and television links<br />

relating to KDC activity. From this week on, the additions for the last week will be included so that<br />

you can catch up on anything you may have missed.<br />

Nothing new this week.<br />

FL Computers.<br />

<strong>Dargaville</strong> Four Square Discount Supermarket<br />

111 Victoria Street, <strong>Dargaville</strong> 0310 Phone: (09) 439 1083<br />

Open 7 Days<br />

122 Victoria Street. <strong>Dargaville</strong>. Phone: (09) 439 0496. E-Mail: flcomputers@xtra.co.nz

If God had wanted us to vote,<br />

he would have given us candidates. -- Jay Leno<br />

What Others Are Saying<br />

Make sure that you click on the following links and read the latest postings. Very informative.<br />

From the KCRA<br />

http://kcra.org.nz/<br />

From <strong>Kaipara</strong>Concerns<br />

http://www.kaiparaconcerns.co.nz/<br />

From Mangawhai Residents and Ratepayers Association<br />

http://mangawhairatepayers.ning.com/<br />

From Council Watch<br />

http://www.councilwatch.org.nz/index.htm<br />

From Mike Sabin. Member of Parliament for Northland.<br />

26 September 2012<br />

Sabin commends added protections for Juries<br />

Mike Sabin, MP for Northland, commended the passing of a bill that protects the safety and<br />

privacy of jurors and streamlines the jury system when he spoke during the bill’s third and final<br />

reading in Parliament late last night.<br />

Mr Sabin says the Juries (Jury Service and Protection of Particulars of Jury List Information)<br />

Amendment Act is a pragmatic move which better protects jurors by restricting access to jurors’<br />

addresses on panel records.<br />

The Government moved to tighten access to jurors’ information after convicted murderer George Baker wrote to a juror<br />

whose name he saw on a list while representing himself in a trial.<br />

“As a former police detective, I can certainly vouch for the importance of jury service and those summoned for this civic<br />

duty deserve to feel safe. The new Act puts jurors’ safety and privacy first and also introduces other provisions which<br />

make the process more flexible,” Mr Sabin says.<br />

Instead of requesting to be excused from jury duty each time they are summoned, people may now apply to be<br />

permanently excused from service due to disability or for health reasons. Court registrars also must permanently excuse<br />

people aged over 65 who request a permanent excusal.<br />

“These changes provide for a more efficient, less onerous process, both for people seeking to be excused and for court<br />

staff,” Mr Sabin says.<br />

The Act also ensures people who have been sentenced to home detention for three months or more during the last five<br />

The Ink Spot<br />

Phone: (09) 439 5158 E-Mail: darginkspot@slingshot.co.nz

Get all the fools on your side<br />

and you can be elected to anything. -- Frank Dane<br />

years cannot serve on a jury.<br />

Those serving less than three months’ home detention will be deferred or excused from service if they are summoned<br />

while serving their sentence.<br />

“This is a win-win, not only for jury members, but also for the maintenance of justice as it stands in this country,” Mr<br />

Sabin said.<br />

ENDS<br />

Letters to the Editor.<br />

If you have a complaint about something we publish, a brickbat or bouquet, or some general<br />

comments that you want to share - this is the place to do it. Please ensure that we receive your<br />

letters no later than the Thursday morning before publication. As with other news media, we don’t<br />

publish or respond to letters that have no real name, address, and contact phone number. If you<br />

don’t want your name to appear please tell us. All letters are published in full as received. Please<br />

keep them to no more than 250 words if possible. Thanks!<br />

From: bruce [mailto:brucer@ihug.co.nz]<br />

Sent: Friday, 28 September 2012 4:52 p.m.<br />

To: brucer@ihug.co.nz<br />

Subject: The Rates Striike<br />

Dear Bruce and Heather ,<br />

Friday, 28 September 2012,<br />

This advertisement will appear in the next issue of the <strong>Kaipara</strong> lifestyler. It might appear to be taking a shot at<br />

Mangawahi, but read it carefully- it is trying to tell the rest of the district that we are all in the boat together. The rates<br />

strike is our ONLY effective weapon against the crimes that are being committed against us. PLEASE PLEASE do not<br />

leave this responsibility to others- play your part. If you do, we will succeed in getting things put right. If we keep funding<br />

this circus, they will set the lions free to slaughter us. There is likely to be some comment on this issue on National<br />

Radio during the weekend.<br />

Bruce Rogan.<br />

Ratepayers Awake!!<br />

Should you pay for removal of other people’s sewage? Probably not.<br />

The Mangawhai community objected to paying far too much for sewage removal. They never wanted the system forced<br />

on them, but they had a right to expect it to be managed properly when it was. It was a shambles, and still is. To cover<br />

their screw-ups Council tried to increase Mangawhai rates by a huge amount (more than 100% in many cases).<br />

People reacted- they marched and they objected in writing, and they stopped paying their rates.<br />

What did YOUR council do? Please read carefully.<br />

Today FM. - 87.7 & 106.7 Mhz<br />

Bringing Back The Memories in <strong>Dargaville</strong>

Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do<br />

and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.<br />

-- George S. Patton<br />

They secretly backed off, and they secretly turned the guns on YOU.<br />

Then what did they do? With the minister’s help, they went into hiding.<br />

Are you angry about that? Would you like to give them a piece of your mind?<br />

You can’t blame the new gang in charge, because THEY didn’t jack up your rates, the elected council did, on August 29,<br />

and then they skipped town.<br />

Are you going to take that? Are you going to pay for illegally established debt to fund things that don’t benefit YOU at<br />

all? To fund McKerchar’s illegal redundancy package? To fund all the other screw-ups?<br />

The new rates demands are illegal- The Department of Internal Affairs publicly said so on 29 August, and their CEO has<br />

subsequently supported that position in writing. Even if you can pay these rates, should you?<br />

You can go on trusting and being obedient, or you can call a halt. By courageously standing up to all this illegality and<br />

irresponsibility, the Mangawhai ratepayers got a very temporary reduction in their rates increases, at YOUR EXPENSE.<br />

Mangawhai didn’t do that to you, the council did. We have to unite to deal with this. NOBODY is looking after the<br />

ratepayers’ interests.<br />

Are you OK with your increase? If you do nothing now, you are deemed to be. Your rates have risen by maybe 30%!!<br />

Do nothing and it’ll happen again and again. Alternatively, stop paying rates, march in the streets, and OBJECT, until<br />

accountability comes back to <strong>Kaipara</strong>. Democracy is very poorly but it is not yet dead- its survival is in your hands.<br />

Email mrra@vodafone.co.nz or go to www.mangawhairatepayers.ning.com<br />

Computer Tips For the Week.<br />

Spyware: The Bane of The Internet<br />

Q. How do you define spyware? How can I recognize it? How can I remove it? Are there sites that list spyware<br />

programs? How else can I protect my privacy?<br />

These are questions we’re asked every day. Here some answers. These are not the only possible answers but they are<br />

how we determine spyware and what we recommend. We hope you find this information a valuable resource.<br />

1. What is Spyware?<br />

Our definition is any software that installs on your computer without your knowledge or consent.<br />

• Any software that installs other software without your knowledge or consent.<br />

• Any software that will not allow you to install the program you want without installing something else as well<br />

because this "something else as well, you can be sure, is the spyware component.<br />

• Any software that collects data about you, private or otherwise, and stores that information in a database for any<br />

reason, without specifically telling you what it will do with that information.<br />

• Any software that intentionally makes itself nearly impossible to remove by using normal procedures (Control<br />

Panel-->Add or Remove Program) or makes it appear that it is easy to uninstall by creating an entry in Control

September 2012 Call 0800 15 24 72<br />

WHATS ON<br />

Let<br />

Jock take you<br />

on a hair-raising<br />

ride over sand dunes<br />

to the <strong>Kaipara</strong><br />

Lighthouse<br />


Jock will take you on a Sand Safari, a hair-raising ride over sand dunes to the <strong>Kaipara</strong> Lighthouse<br />

Call 09 439 6678<br />

<strong>Dargaville</strong> Museum<br />

Harding Park<br />

Open daily<br />

09 439 7555<br />

Pouto Sand Safaris<br />

Jock will take you on a Sand Safari, a hairraising<br />

ride over sand dunes to the <strong>Kaipara</strong><br />

Lighthouse<br />

09 439 6678<br />

www.pouto.co.nz<br />

Walk the Historic River Walk<br />

A 5km return walk from <strong>Dargaville</strong> township<br />

to the <strong>Dargaville</strong> Museum via Mangawhare.<br />

Ride Ripiro Beach on a Quad Bike<br />

Hire from Baylys Beach Holiday Park<br />

Ph 439 6349<br />

Take an Historic River Cruise on<br />

the ÒDaisyÓ<br />

Walk through Trounson Kauri Park<br />

A Mainland Island<br />

Trounson Park Rd Kaihu<br />

Kai Iwi Lakes Walk<br />

Circumnavigate three dune lakes. Easy<br />

walking.<br />

Vintage Machinery Club<br />

Harding Park <strong>Dargaville</strong><br />

Open: Wed, Fri, & weekends 10-30am -<br />

3.30pm<br />

The Kumara Box<br />

Warren Suckling:<br />

09 439 7018<br />

Buy fresh produce at Riverside<br />

Produce Market<br />

Every Thursday 2.30pm until 5.30pm<br />

Dormavilla Kauri Clock Factory<br />

134 Colville Rd SH 12<br />

Watch a craftsman working with Kauri timber.<br />

Free Tours<br />

094397373 094390007<br />

Funky Fish<br />

Trounson<br />

Kauri Park<br />

Walk through<br />

Trounson Kauri<br />

Park A Mainland<br />

Island Trounson<br />

Park Rd Kaihu<br />

Friday Nights in the Garage<br />

5.30 till 8.30<br />

Friday 7 September<br />

Dan Collett<br />

Friday 14 September<br />

Jo Little & Jarrod Smith<br />

Friday 21 September<br />

Little John Brothers

If women are expected to do the same work as men,<br />

we must teach them the same things. -- Plato<br />

Panel, Add or Remove Programs only to leave behind its spyware components.<br />

• Any software which hijacks your browser's start page and makes it difficult to change back to your preferred<br />

start page.<br />

• Any software which changes your default search engine without your consent and displays skewed results<br />

based not upon what you're searching for but upon who paid the search engine company the most.<br />

• Any program which automatically installs updates to itself without your knowledge or consent, or prior approval<br />

(other than via an incomprehensible EULA "End User License Agreement").<br />

• Any program which sells, rents, gives away, shares, or has the capacity to sell, share, rent, or give away<br />

information it has collected from your computer without also having the capacity to explicitly ask your permission<br />

before doing so.<br />

• Any program which installs itself via a drive-by download or from a pop-up add where clicking "OK" downloads<br />

the software, where clicking "CANCEL" downloads it, and where closing the popup window by clicking the "x" at<br />

the top-right hand corner downloads it.<br />

• Any program (other than 'cookies' which are not programs and are not spyware per se) which is recognized<br />

by legitimate software spyware removal tools as spyware. We also refer to such programs as scumware or<br />

trickware ...or "too-good-to-true-ware".<br />

• This definition is intentionally broad. It's meant to make you wary of many types of software and encourage you<br />

to use your own, good common sense before downloading anything. It is, more than anything our opinion. We<br />

hope you find it useful in your personal battle against spyware, scumware, and trickware.<br />

2. How can you recognize it?<br />

Your first, best, line-of-defense is your own common sense. The Internet, despite its rather altruistic distant past, is not<br />

a free candy store. There are billions, perhaps trillions, of dollars to be made and just like in real life, there are those out<br />

looking for the easy buck. If you see something advertised as free and it pops-up wherever you go, and the company is<br />

practically jamming the software down your throat to get you to install it; or it promises you things that seem too good to<br />

be true. Be suspicious. Take a look at the company offering it. If it’s a big company and they’re offering you something<br />

free, and you think they’re just being nice, beware. You have a judgment call to make. Microsoft offers free things for<br />

your computer and they’re a very big company. We don’t consider their offerings to be spyware because the types of<br />

programs they offer are generally utilities or updates designed to make your Windows experience better.<br />

The Excite Group, a large, publicly traded company, offers “SmileyCentral” AKA “FunWebProducts” free. Hmm...but they<br />

won’t allow you to install “SmileyCentral” without “MyWebSearch” toolbar.(Note: The FTC (Federal Trade Commission)<br />

is very close to banning such tactics as those kinds of tactics are typical of spyware). Excite Group/MyWay spends<br />

millions of dollars promoting their “free programs”. This is an example where you really need to call upon your common<br />

sense and gut instincts despite the assurances they make of “No Spyware!”. Why would a huge company give away<br />

something free and spend millions of dollars promoting it? Just because they like you so much? When is the last time<br />

General Motors gave you a car? Please...beware. Read the FULL EULA of products like “Name removed due to<br />

threat of lawsuit”, SmileyCentral (AKA MyWay, AKA FunWebProducts) and don’t believe every “No Spyware!” you see.

If women are expected to do the same work as men,<br />

we must teach them the same things. -- Plato<br />

Panel, Add or Remove Programs only to leave behind its spyware components.<br />

• Any software which hijacks your browser's start page and makes it difficult to change back to your preferred<br />

start page.<br />

• Any software which changes your default search engine without your consent and displays skewed results<br />

based not upon what you're searching for but upon who paid the search engine company the most.<br />

• Any program which automatically installs updates to itself without your knowledge or consent, or prior approval<br />

(other than via an incomprehensible EULA "End User License Agreement").<br />

• Any program which sells, rents, gives away, shares, or has the capacity to sell, share, rent, or give away<br />

information it has collected from your computer without also having the capacity to explicitly ask your permission<br />

before doing so.<br />

• Any program which installs itself via a drive-by download or from a pop-up add where clicking "OK" downloads<br />

the software, where clicking "CANCEL" downloads it, and where closing the popup window by clicking the "x" at<br />

the top-right hand corner downloads it.<br />

• Any program (other than 'cookies' which are not programs and are not spyware per se) which is recognized<br />

by legitimate software spyware removal tools as spyware. We also refer to such programs as scumware or<br />

trickware ...or "too-good-to-true-ware".<br />

• This definition is intentionally broad. It's meant to make you wary of many types of software and encourage you<br />

to use your own, good common sense before downloading anything. It is, more than anything our opinion. We<br />

hope you find it useful in your personal battle against spyware, scumware, and trickware.<br />

2. How can you recognize it?<br />

Your first, best, line-of-defense is your own common sense. The Internet, despite its rather altruistic distant past, is not<br />

a free candy store. There are billions, perhaps trillions, of dollars to be made and just like in real life, there are those out<br />

looking for the easy buck. If you see something advertised as free and it pops-up wherever you go, and the company is<br />

practically jamming the software down your throat to get you to install it; or it promises you things that seem too good to<br />

be true. Be suspicious. Take a look at the company offering it. If it’s a big company and they’re offering you something<br />

free, and you think they’re just being nice, beware. You have a judgment call to make. Microsoft offers free things for<br />

your computer and they’re a very big company. We don’t consider their offerings to be spyware because the types of<br />

programs they offer are generally utilities or updates designed to make your Windows experience better.<br />

The Excite Group, a large, publicly traded company, offers “SmileyCentral” AKA “FunWebProducts” free. Hmm...but they<br />

won’t allow you to install “SmileyCentral” without “MyWebSearch” toolbar.(Note: The FTC (Federal Trade Commission)<br />

is very close to banning such tactics as those kinds of tactics are typical of spyware). Excite Group/MyWay spends<br />

millions of dollars promoting their “free programs”. This is an example where you really need to call upon your common<br />

sense and gut instincts despite the assurances they make of “No Spyware!”. Why would a huge company give away<br />

something free and spend millions of dollars promoting it? Just because they like you so much? When is the last time<br />

General Motors gave you a car? Please...beware. Read the FULL EULA of products like “Name removed due to<br />

threat of lawsuit”, SmileyCentral (AKA MyWay, AKA FunWebProducts) and don’t believe every “No Spyware!” you see.

Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.<br />

-- Colin Powell<br />

Sometimes companies merely take advantage of the many definitions of spyware to make empty promises. Be careful.<br />

(Note: These opinions are our opinions after seeing problems caused by software of this type and installing and<br />

removing software of this type. We are not referring to any particular software as spyware in the narrowest definition<br />

of it, We are warning you to be wary of software which forces you to install something you may not want in order to get<br />

something else you may want.)<br />

Cloudeight is often asked how we can provide the 2000+ free download we offer without using spyware. The answer<br />

is simple. We don’t spend millions on advertising. We clearly indicate our site depends on the generosity of its visitors<br />

who we hope will buy the high quality software we offer from our store, or one of our E-Books, our CD-ROMs or make<br />

a small donation. We will never stoop to including software in any of our products. When you download our Smileycons<br />

program you only install the Smileycons program and if you so desire, the add-on smiley packs the are available for it.<br />

When you download our stationery, screen savers, QuickNotes, Funletters, or WonderScreens, you get only what you<br />

downloaded and you don’t have to install something else to get it. We have always been committed to your privacy and<br />

we will always continue to do so.<br />

3. How do I remove Spyware?<br />

Amazingly, some of the software that provides the best defense again spyware and tools to remove spyware are free.<br />

Really free. Others however are not free and may actually be Spyware themselves.<br />

We recommend the following Spyware removal and defense tools:<br />

• Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (Free version)<br />

• SUPERAntiSpyware Free Edition<br />

• Spybot Search & Destroy (Spyware Removal Tool)<br />

• Ad-Adware (Spyware Removal Tool)<br />

Spyware Removal Tools To Avoid (suspected Spyware)<br />

• SpyWare Nuker (link leads to more information and not to the SpyWare Nuker Web site)<br />

• MailWiper/SpyWiper (link leads to more information and not to the Mail Wiper/SpyWiper Web site)<br />

• SpyHunter (link leads to more information and not to the SpyHunter site or download)<br />

4. Are there sites which have lists of spyware or where I can learn more about Spyware?<br />

Sure, there are some really good sites that offer great information about Spyware. Spyware lists are very hard to<br />

maintain because of the number of spyware programs being released every day. So be sure to check back often. The<br />

sites below are our favorite references but you may find many others by searching the Internet.<br />

• Spyware Info<br />

• Scumware Com

• DoxDesk<br />

Americans will put up with anything<br />

provided it doesn’t block traffic. -- Dan Rather<br />

• Top Ten Tips To Avoid Spyware<br />

Interesting Reading:<br />

• A Secret War<br />

• PC Invaders Camp On Hard Drives<br />

• Web Surfers Brace for Popup Downloads<br />

5. How else can I protect my Privacy?<br />

Install a good anti-virus program and keep it updated. We don’t<br />

recommend any Anti-Virus or Internet Security Suite which charges you<br />

an annual subscription fee. There is no evidence that these programs are<br />

any better than the free ones currently available.<br />

• Microsoft Security Essentials (free and rated no 1 by most agencies)<br />

• AVG Anti-Virus (free version available for home/personal use)<br />

• AVAST Anti-Virus (free version available for home/personal use)<br />

• Kerio Internet Firewall (free version available for home/personal use)<br />

• Sygate Internet Firewall (free version available for home/personal use)<br />

• Outpost Internet Firewall (free version available for home/personal use)<br />

Service Pack 2 for Windows XP makes dramatic and welcome changes to the security of your computer (in you’re<br />

using Windows XP) and make it easier for you to identify and and prevent the hijacking of your browser by spyware and<br />

scumware companies. It enhances the built-in firewall and button-down your Outlook Express. It’s almost a new version<br />

of Windows with some really great features. Windows XP SP2 is a great tool in your fight for privacy and security on the<br />

Internet. These benefits are also available in Windows Vista and Windows 7.<br />

Just make sure that you keep the definitions up to date manually as most of the free antispyware programs do not<br />

update automatically.<br />

The free antivirus programs we recommend all update daily or more frequently depending on settings<br />

Reference: thundercloud.net<br />

New AsiAN RestAuRANt<br />

RestAuRANt<br />

73 Victoria Street <strong>Dargaville</strong>. Phone (09) 439 8388<br />

Dine in - Takeaways - Open 7 Days - Licenced

I don’t believe in a government<br />

that protects us from ourselves. -- Ronald Reagan<br />

New Books In the <strong>Dargaville</strong> Library<br />


A Wife on Gorge River – Catherine Stewart<br />

Gentle Birth Choices – book + DVD – Barbara Harper, R. N.<br />

Eating Dirt – Adventures and Yarns from New Zealand’s Action Man – Steve Gurney<br />

A Savage Country – The Untold Story of New Zealand in the 1820s – Paul Moon<br />

Naked Truth – Lifting the lid on the New Zealand sex industry – Rachel Francis<br />

JUNIOR<br />

Sushi my Sausage Dog – Shevon Burrows<br />

Sparkle’s Song – Samantha Hale<br />

Grandma Bendy – Izy Penguin<br />

On Plastic Bag Patrol – over the curve of the earth – Andrew Fagan<br />


The Age of Miracles – Karen Thompson Walker<br />

Highland Storms – Christina Courtenay<br />

A Killing in the Hills – Julia Keller<br />

Renegade – Robyn Young<br />

Keep Up To Date With Events at the Library Phone 09) 439 3150 or visit their web page<br />

http://www.kaipara.govt.nz/library.php<br />

Northland Events Calendars<br />

To see what is happening around Northland, you can visit:<br />

Hokianga http://www.hokiangatourism.org.nz/news.html<br />

Kauri Coast http://kauricoast.co.nz/Events.cfm<br />

Mangawhai http://www.mangawhai.co.nz/Events.cfm<br />

Northland http://www.northlandnz.com/events.php<br />

FL Computers.<br />

<strong>Dargaville</strong> Four Square Discount Supermarket<br />

111 Victoria Street, <strong>Dargaville</strong> 0310 Phone: (09) 439 1083<br />

Open 7 Days<br />

122 Victoria Street. <strong>Dargaville</strong>. Phone: (09) 439 0496. E-Mail: flcomputers@xtra.co.nz

Live in such a way that you would not be ashamed<br />

to sell your parrot to the town gossip. -- Will Rogers<br />

Community Notices<br />

1st <strong>Dargaville</strong> Girls’ Brigade<br />

ARE YOU a girl aged between 5-18yrs?<br />

Then Come along to our Youth program, build friendships,<br />

be empowered with skills, Christian qualities and<br />

values, great girl chats and loads more.<br />

We meet on Thursdays, 3pm, come straight from school, for<br />

cookie and drink, official start time 3.30-5pm held at<br />

<strong>Dargaville</strong> Baptist Community Church.<br />

Contact Pauline for more info. 4397507<br />

Astronomy Skydome Observers Inc<br />

Meets every second Thursday of the month,<br />

88 Chases Terrace<br />

or at Skydome<br />

28 Seaview Road.<br />

Baylys Beach<br />

Phone 439-8519 for details.<br />

Come along and explore the wonders of the night sky and help make a contribution to<br />

the study of astronomy. Telescopes and binoculars available, bring your own if you wish.<br />

Skydome Observers Inc is a non-profit organisation and a registered charity<br />

Kaihu Valley Music Club<br />

The regular club day is the second Sunday of each month<br />

at the Kaihu Memorial Hall.<br />

Starting 1.00pm.<br />

Gold coin admission. All are welcome.<br />

Local and visiting musicians will be attending.<br />

Inquiries to Esma at 09) 439 7293<br />

New AsiAN RestAuRANt<br />

RestAuRANt<br />

73 Victoria Street <strong>Dargaville</strong>. Phone (09) 439 8388<br />

Dine in - Takeaways - Open 7 Days - Licenced

In America sex is an obsession,<br />

in other parts of the world it is a fact. -- Marlene Dietrich<br />

Media Release – Whangarei District Council<br />

No shellfish gathering in Waipu Estuary area of Bream Bay for 28 days<br />

Members of the public are advised not to gather shellfish from the Waipu Estuary and<br />

Bream Bay one kilometre either side of the mouth of the estuary for the next 28 days.<br />

A broken sewer main near McLean’s bridge has spilled up to 40 cubic metres of sewage<br />

into a nearby paddock and stream flowing into the Waipu River. The break has now been<br />

repaired.<br />

People are advised not to enter the water in the estuary or the Bay 1km either side of the<br />

River mouth area for two days, and to follow sensible hygiene precautions if coming into contact with the water.<br />

Wet fish in the estuary should not be caught amd eaten for the next two days.<br />

New Zealand History This Week 29 September – 06 October<br />

1 October 1986 Goods and Service Tax Act comes into force<br />

Initially adding 10% to the cost of most goods and services, GST was a key part of the economic reforms of the fourth<br />

Labour government that were dubbed ‘Rogernomics’.<br />

Minister of Finance Roger Douglas had the opportunity to implement his ‘new right’ reforms after Labour won a landslide<br />

victory in the snap election of July 1984. The new government inherited an alarmingly high budget deficit and overseas<br />

debt, an inflated dollar, and rocketing inflation. The economy was in crisis, and Rogernomics was a ready-made solution<br />

– or so it seemed to many.<br />

It was the days of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, and ‘new right’ policies were the latest craze worldwide. But<br />

nowhere else were they implemented with the speed and zeal shown by Douglas and his supporters. New Zealand<br />

was quickly reinvented as one of the most free-market economies in the industrialised world. The agenda came thick<br />

and fast: deregulation, privatisation, the sale of state assets, and the removal of subsidies, tariffs, tax breaks and price<br />

controls.<br />

GST was added to the mix in 1986. Opponents called it a ‘regressive’ tax – one that hits the poorest the hardest<br />

– because people on low incomes tend to spend the greatest proportion of their money on goods and services.<br />

The reforms had come as a surprise to the electorate and the media. A long period of low or negative economic growth<br />

increased public concern, and tens of thousands of people lost their jobs. Worried that things had gone too far, Prime<br />

Minister David Lange put the brakes on after winning re-election in 1987, calling for a ‘pause and a cup of tea’. Lange<br />

forced Roger Douglas to resign from Cabinet in 1988, but he was voted back in by the Labour caucus the following year.<br />

Lange himself resigned shortly afterward.<br />

The rate of GST was increased to 12.5% in 1989 and remained at that level until 2010,<br />

when it was raised to 15%. There is disagreement to this day about whether the reforms<br />

were a failed experiment or a necessary step towards a stronger economy.<br />

Image: Roger Douglas on the steps of Parliament (Timeframes)

Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth.<br />

-- Franklin D. Roosevelt<br />



115 Station Road <strong>Dargaville</strong><br />

(1Km down on the right just before railway crossing. Please call first!)<br />

Our Easy Buying Choices<br />

* Call in, phone, e-mail, or use our website to place your order. (We don’t fill ink cartridges sorry)<br />

* Pay invoice amount into our bank account<br />

* On receipt of payment your supplies will be delivered to you. (usually within 2 working days)<br />



* Local Call: (09) 439 5158<br />

* E-mail: darginkspot@slingshot.co.nz<br />

* Website: http://inkspot.nscoc.com<br />



The Ink Spot<br />

Phone: (09) 439 5158 E-Mail: darginkspot@slingshot.co.nz

Before I met my husband, I’d never fallen in love,<br />

though I’d stepped in it a few times. -- Rita Rudner<br />

2 October 1986 ‘Slice of Heaven’ hits No. 1<br />

Written for the movie Footrot Flats: the dog’s tale, which was based on the iconic New<br />

Zealand cartoon series, Dave Dobbyn’s hit single featured reggae band Herbs singing a<br />

cappella. It topped the charts for eight weeks.<br />

Released two months before the film, ‘Slice of Heaven’ became synonymous with it<br />

and was named Song of the Year at the 1986 New Zealand Music Awards. In 2001 the<br />

Australasian Performing Right Association (APRA) invited its members and an academy<br />

to vote for what they believed to be New Zealand’s top songs of all time. ‘Slice of Heaven’<br />

was voted number seven on this list. In the same year Dave Dobbyn received a rare lifetime achievement award from<br />

the New Zealand recording industry in recognition of his almost 30 years as a musician and songwriter with bands such<br />

as Th’ Dudes and DD Smash.<br />

Footrot Flats was the work of cartoonist Murray Ball. The popular newspaper cartoon series featured the daily<br />

adventures of typical New Zealand farm characters, including Dog the sheepdog, his owner Wal Footrot, and their<br />

neighbour, Cooch Windgrass. Footrot Flats: the dog’s tale was New Zealand’s first full-length animated feature film.<br />

4 October 1957 Morris Yock trademarks the jandal<br />

Inspired by footwear he had seen in Japan, Auckland businessman Morris Yock and his son Anthony began<br />

manufacturing this simple rubber footwear in their Onehunga garage in 1957. The name ‘jandal’ combined the words<br />

‘Japanese’ and ‘sandal’.<br />

There is some dispute over whether or not Yock actually invented the jandal. The family of a Taranaki man, the late<br />

John Cowie, claim that he began manufacturing a plastic version of the traditional woven-soled zōri (Japanese sandal)<br />

in Hong Kong in the late 1940s and that it was he who came up with the name ‘jandal’. According to them, Yock only<br />

imported the jandals and applied for the trademark in 1957. (John Cowie moved to New Zealand about a year later).<br />

Maurice Yock’s son Philip disagrees – he says his father learnt from manufacturers in Hong Kong, and that because of<br />

New Zealand’s import licensing in the 1950s he had to make them here.<br />

The jandals were initially manufactured by Jandals Ltd using rubber imported from Hong Kong; J. Yock & Co. arranged<br />

distribution. Skellerup took over the supply of raw materials and eventually bought the business in 1987. Skellerup<br />

subsidiary Viking Footwear took over the name in the 1990s, and today it is owned by Sanford Industries.<br />

During the 1980s and ’90s the brand came under threat from cheap imported imitations. In response the owners<br />

threatened legal action to protect the ‘Jandal’ trademark: the original jandal sets itself apart with its specific rubber<br />

formula. These days even the genuine article is imported – since the late 1980s the jandal has been manufactured in<br />

Malaysia.<br />

One interesting ‘fact’ about jandals is that more left-footed ones seem to wash up on our beaches than right-footed<br />

ones – a 23-year study of Northland beaches found that 70% of washed-up jandals were left-footed. Why this might be<br />

is open to conjecture – one theory is that it is to do with the way (predominantly right-footed)<br />

New Zealand boaties launch their boats, leaving their left foot in the water while they push to get<br />

afloat.<br />

Their relatively low cost and suitability for the New Zealand summer lifestyle have ensured that<br />

jandals continue to be popular today, though they are not nearly as prevalent as in the early<br />

1980s, when Kiwis bought more than one million pairs a year.<br />

Today FM. - 87.7 & 106.7 Mhz<br />

Bringing Back The Memories in <strong>Dargaville</strong>

The thing that impresses me the most about America<br />

is the way parents obey their children. -- King Edward VIII<br />

FOOD! This week it’s “Mussels”<br />

Quick Mussel Chowder<br />

Ingredients<br />

16-20 fresh mussels in shell<br />

1 cup water<br />

1 bay leaf if you have one on hand<br />

2 stalks celery, finely diced<br />

1 carrot, peeled and finely diced<br />

1/2 leek or 1 small onion, finely diced<br />

1 tsp curry powder<br />

2 x 535g cans Wattie’s Very Special Creamy Pumpkin Soup<br />

sour cream and chopped parsley to garnish<br />

Method<br />

1. Discard any mussels that are open. Scrub the mussels and remove the beards. Heat the water and bayleaf in a<br />

saucepan until boiling rapidly. Add the mussels, cover and boil for 5 minutes. Drain the mussels in a colander and allow<br />

to cool, set aside.<br />

2. In a saucepan heat a dash of oil and gently cook the celery, carrot, leek or onion and curry powder for about 3-5<br />

minutes until softened but not browned.<br />

3. Stir in the two cans of Wattie’s Very Special Creamy Pumpkin Soup and bring to a simmer. Reduce heat and do not<br />

boil.<br />

4. Discard any mussels that have not opened this time remove the meat from the shells of the ones that have and chop<br />

roughly. Add the mussels to the soup and warm through.<br />

5. Ladle into warm soup bowls and garnish with a dollop of sour cream and a sprig parsley.<br />

Chilli Mussels<br />

Ingredients<br />

2 kg fresh mussels in shell<br />

1/2 cup dry white wine<br />

1/4 cup water<br />

1 Tbsp finely chopped fresh ginger<br />

1 Tbsp black peppercorns<br />

120g pouch Wattie’s Wok Creations Sweet Chilli and Lime Stir Fry Sauce<br />

1/2 cup strained cooking liquid<br />

egg noodles or spaghetti for 4<br />

2 Tbsp chopped fresh coriander<br />

1/4 cup roughly chopped roasted peanuts<br />

New AsiAN RestAuRANt<br />

RestAuRANt<br />

73 Victoria Street <strong>Dargaville</strong>. Phone (09) 439 8388<br />

Dine in - Takeaways - Open 7 Days - Licenced

Method<br />

If you are not criticized, you may not be doing much.<br />

-- Donald H. Rumsfeld,<br />

1. Discard any mussels that are open.<br />

2. Scrub mussels well and remove the beard.<br />

3. Put the wine, water, ginger and peppercorns into a large saucepan and bring to the boil.<br />

4. Add the mussels all at once, cover and cook over a high heat for 4-5 minutes or until the shells open. Discard any<br />

mussels that have not opened. Strain off and reserve the 1/2 cup of the cooking liquid.<br />

5. Put the Wattie’s Wok Creations Sweet Chilli Stir Fry Sauce and the strained cooking liquid into a saucepan and bring<br />

to the boil.<br />

6. Cook the egg noodles or spaghetti according to the directions on the packet. Drain and divide among 4 bowls. Place<br />

the mussels on top of each bowl, pour over the hot chilli sauce and garnish with chopped coriander and peanuts.<br />

Seafood Marinara on Pasta<br />

Ingredients<br />

1 onion, peeled, finely diced<br />

6 large button mushrooms, diced<br />

1 Tbsp oil<br />

350 g firm white fish fillets, diced<br />

1/2 cup red wine<br />

12 cooked mussels, diced<br />

400g can Wattie’s Chunky Tomato and Roasted Garlic Pasta Sauce<br />

1/2 cup fresh herbs, like oregano, thyme or parsley<br />

cooked spaghetti pasta for 4<br />

Method<br />

1. Cook the onion and the mushrooms in the oil in a pan for 3-4 minutes over a moderate heat stirring regularly until<br />

golden brown but not burnt.<br />

2. Push the onions and mushrooms to one side and add the fish to the pan, browning well. Add the red wine and bring<br />

to the boil. Add the mussels, Wattie’s Chunky Tomato and Roasted Garlic Pasta Sauce and herbs and simmer for 3-4<br />

minutes only.<br />

Serve over pasta.<br />

Garnish with grated Parmesan cheese and a sprig of fresh herb if wished.<br />

Read More http://www.foodinaminute.co.nz/<br />

FL Computers.<br />

<strong>Dargaville</strong> Four Square Discount Supermarket<br />

111 Victoria Street, <strong>Dargaville</strong> 0310 Phone: (09) 439 1083<br />

Open 7 Days<br />

122 Victoria Street. <strong>Dargaville</strong>. Phone: (09) 439 0496. E-Mail: flcomputers@xtra.co.nz

The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn<br />

are composed entirely of lost airline luggage.<br />

-- Mark Russell<br />

Musical Notes For This Week 29 September – 06 October<br />

Events in Music<br />

1962 - Brian Epstein signs a contract to manage Beatles through 1977<br />

1962 - Beatles release their 1st record “Love Me Do”<br />

1967 - BBC starts their own popular music radio station<br />

1967 - Pink FLoyd’s 1st US tour (arrives in NYC)<br />

1967 - Grateful Dead members arrested by narcotic agents<br />

1970 - 63 arrest in riot to buy Rolling Stone tickets in Milano Italy<br />

1983 - Paul McCartney & Michael Jackson release “Say, Say, Say” in UK<br />

1992 - Madonna premieres her “Erotica” video on MTV<br />

Birthdays in Music<br />

1907 - Mrs. Miller, American singer (d. 1997)<br />

1912 - Kenny Baker, radio singer/actor (Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back)<br />

1929 - Leroy Van Dyke, Spring Fork Mo, country singer (Walk on By)<br />

1930 - Richard Harris, Ireland, actor (Man Called Horse)/singer (MacArthur Park)<br />

1932 - Dottie West, country singer<br />

1935 - Julie Andrews, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, actress/singer (Sound of Music, Mary Poppins)<br />

1938 - Carlo Mastrangelo, Bronx NY, rocker (Dion & The Belmonts)<br />

1941 - Chubby Checker, [Ernest Evans], Phila, rock vocalist (Twist)<br />

1942 - Dewey Martin, Canada, rock vocalist/drummer (Buffalo Springfield)<br />

1942 - Frankie Lymon, NYC, rocker (The Teenagers-Why do Fools Fall in Love)<br />

1942 - Richard Street, Detroit Mi, rocker (Temptations)<br />

1942 - Millie Small, Jamaican singer<br />

1943 - Jerry Maitini, US saxophonist (Sly & Family Stone-Sex Machine)<br />

1943 - Jim Martini, rocker (Sly & Family Stone-Everyday People)<br />

1944 - Scott McKenzie, rock vocalist (If You Come to SF<br />

1945 - Donny Hathaway, Chicago, singer/songwriter (Where is the Love)<br />

1945 - Don McLean, New Rochelle NY, singer/songwriter (American Pie, Vincent)<br />

1945 - Neil Frances Tennant, rocker (Pet Shop Boy-West End Girl)<br />

1946 - Sylvia Peterson, US vocalist (Chiffons-He’s So Fine)<br />

1947 - Marc Bolan, London England, rock vocalist (T-Rex-Bang a Gong)<br />

1947 - Lindsey Buckingham, rocker (Fleetwood Mac-Rumours, Tusk)<br />

1947 - James Fielder, Denton TX, rocker (Blood Sweat & Tears)<br />

1947 - Brian Johnson, Australia, hard rocker (AC/DC-Whole Lotta Rosie)<br />

1948 - Ellen McIlwaine, Nashville, blues singer (Honky Tonky Angel)<br />

1950 - Ronnie Laws, US saxophonist/guitarist (Earth, Wind & Fire)<br />

1950 - Thomas McClary, US soul guitarist (Commodores-Still)<br />

1951 - Brian Greenway, Montreal, rock guitarist/vocalist (April Wine)<br />

1951 - Sting, [Gordon Sumner], rock vocalist (Police-Roxanne)/actor (Dune)<br />

Today FM. - 87.7 & 106.7 Mhz<br />

Bringing Back The Memories in <strong>Dargaville</strong>

That’s the secret to life... replace one worry with another....<br />

-- Charles M. Schulz,<br />

1951 - Bob Geldof, Irish singer (The Boomtown Rats) and activist<br />

1954 - Stevie Ray Vaughan, Dallas TX, guitarist (Sky is Crying, Texas Flood)<br />

1954 - David Hidalgo, American musician (Los Lobos, Latin Playboys)<br />

1962 - Tommy Lee, American musician (Mötley Crüe)<br />

1969 - Gwen Stefani, Fullerton, California, singer (No Doubt)<br />

1971 - Kevin Richardson, American singer (Backstreet Boys)<br />

1974 - Keith Duffy, Dublin Ireland, Irish singer (Boyzone)<br />

Deaths in Music<br />

1967 - Woodrow Wilson “Woodie” Guthrie, US folk singer/guitarist, dies at 55<br />

1970 - Janis Joplin, rock singer (Down on Me), dies of a drug overdose at 27<br />

1975 - Al Jackson, rock drummer (Booker T & The MG’s), dies at 39<br />

1998 - Gene Autry, American singer, actor, and entrepreneur (b. 1907)<br />

2004 - Bruce Palmer, Canadian musician (Buffalo Springfield) (b. 1946)<br />

2012 - Andy Williams (Moon River)<br />

Today FM. Timeless Music Always on 87.7 and 106.7 in <strong>Dargaville</strong><br />

Nostalgia TV Clips from U Tube<br />

To celebrate the restoration of the De Havilland Mosquito aircraft to flying status this week we offer some video’s on the<br />

aircraft and it’s history<br />

Historical Information<br />

The De Havilland Mosquito WW2 Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (4 mins)<br />

De Havilland Mosquito | WWII RAF Aircraft (55 mins)<br />

Wooden Mosquito Airplane Manufacturing in Australia -1944 de Havilland DH98 (3 mins)<br />

This Week in Auckland<br />

De Havilland Mosquito aircraft Landing Akl Air NZ Hangar 1st Landing after rebuild<br />

Worlds Only Flying Mosquito - Taxi After Maiden Flight<br />

De Havilland Mosquito aircraft 2nd Takeoff after rebuild from Auckland Airport NZ<br />

If you find a Kiwiana, nostalgia, or other interesting link share it by sending it in. Paste the URL into<br />

the text of your e-mail and we will publish it.<br />

Today FM. - 87.7 & 106.7 Mhz<br />

Bringing Back The Memories in <strong>Dargaville</strong>

England and America are two countries<br />

separated by a common language. -- George Bernard Shaw<br />


For people 50+ to learn about technology and computers.<br />

Open Day: 3rd Monday of each month<br />

1.00-3.00pm.<br />

For More Information Ring:<br />

Heather (09) 4394452 or Francie (09) 439548

There is no such thing as a nonpolitical speech<br />

by a politician. -- Richard M. Nixon<br />

115 Station Road <strong>Dargaville</strong><br />

(1Km down on the right just before railway crossing. Please call first!)<br />





PRICES START FROM $150.00<br />

WITH LCD MONITOR FROM $3500.00<br />

* Local Call: (09) 439 5158<br />

* E-mail: darginkspot@slingshot.co.nz<br />

* Website: http://inkspot.nscoc.com<br />



The Ink Spot<br />

Phone: (09) 439 5158 SPOT E-Mail: darginkspot@slingshot.co.nz<br />


The quickest way of ending a war is to lose it.<br />

-- George Orwell<br />

FL Computers.<br />

<strong>Dargaville</strong> Four Square Discount Supermarket<br />

111 Victoria Street, <strong>Dargaville</strong> 0310 Phone: (09) 439 1083<br />

Open 7 Days<br />

122 Victoria Street. <strong>Dargaville</strong>. Phone: (09) 439 0496. E-Mail: flcomputers@xtra.co.nz

Pad Thai<br />

As a child my family’s menu consisted of two choices:<br />

take it or leave it. --Buddy Hackett<br />

Authentic Thai Food<br />

Open 6 Days<br />

Mon - Sat 11.00am - 2.30pm 4.00pm - 9.00pm<br />

52 Normanby Street. <strong>Dargaville</strong><br />

Phone: (09) 439 1315<br />

All Mains Can Be<br />

Cooked Mild,<br />

Medium, Hot<br />

or Thai Hot<br />

Please Let Us Know<br />

Your Preference<br />

When You Order

I am not part of the problem. I am a Republican.<br />

-- Dan Quayle<br />


Saturday & Sunday 11:00 am – 3:00 pm<br />


Eggs, Bacon, Sausage, Tomato, Hashbrown, Toast & Spreads $11.00<br />


With Fruit & Yogurt<br />

Prices Subject To Change Without Notice<br />

Pouto Road. <strong>Dargaville</strong> Courtesy Van Available<br />

Phone: (09) 439 5923<br />

$ 9.00<br />


Traditional 2 Egg, Ham & Cheese $10.00<br />

PANCAKES – Berries, Whipped Cream & Maple Syrup<br />

Short Stack of 3 $10.00<br />

Tall Stack of 6 $12.00<br />


Savoury Biscuits with Gravy $ 9.00<br />

Includes Complimentary Glass of Bubbly or Bottomless Coffee/Tea<br />

Additional Glass of Bubbly $3.00

If you stay in Beverly Hills too long you become a Mercedes.<br />

-- Robert Redford<br />

FL Computers.<br />

<strong>Dargaville</strong> Four Square Discount Supermarket<br />

111 Victoria Street, <strong>Dargaville</strong> 0310 Phone: (09) 439 1083<br />

Open 7 Days<br />

122 Victoria Street. <strong>Dargaville</strong>. Phone: (09) 439 0496. E-Mail: flcomputers@xtra.co.nz

A Colour In Page For Kids<br />

Feel No Guilt - Print It Out

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