Visitor Info Line - Kaipara Konnection - Dargaville.BIZ

Visitor Info Line - Kaipara Konnection - Dargaville.BIZ

Visitor Info Line - Kaipara Konnection - Dargaville.BIZ


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The <strong>Kaipara</strong> <strong>Konnection</strong><br />

Online Weekly News And Views<br />

Volume 1 No 35<br />

24 Dec 2011<br />

We Wish All Our Readers A<br />

Safe and Happy Christmas<br />

and Great New Year<br />

<strong>Kaipara</strong> District - Natures Playground<br />

<strong>Visitor</strong> <strong>Info</strong> <strong>Line</strong>: 0800 152 472

It is not the gift, but the thought that counts.<br />

Henry Van Dyke<br />

This newsletter is brought to you to let you know what’s on and what’s happening in and around the <strong>Kaipara</strong>. It is<br />

available by e-mail only. If you or a friend wish to subscribe to this publication, which is free, go to http://news.dargaville.<br />

biz and click on the subscribe button. To unsubscribe please send an e-mail to dargavilleonline@yahoo.co.nz We will<br />

remove your address from our mailing list. To read back issues go to http://news.dargaville.biz<br />

All opinions expressed in this newsletter are the opinions of the contributors. They do not reflect the views of any<br />

organisations or groups that the contributors may belong to. Advertisers are responsible for the content and accuracy of<br />

their adverts.<br />

Before you print this newsletter- please consider the environment.<br />

The Team<br />

John MacDonald: Editor and production<br />

Joseph Douglas: Webmaster and web advisor<br />

Weather Forecast<br />

Here is an 8 day forecast from Weather Online.<br />

For Updates and Other Regions Go To:<br />

<strong>Dargaville</strong> Mangawhai Heads<br />

Met Service: http://www.metservice.co.nz/public/localWeather/dargaville.html<br />

NZ Weather Online: http://www.weatheronline.co.nz/NewZealand/<strong>Dargaville</strong>.htm<br />

Tangowahine Farm and Rural Retreat<br />

Centrally located, self contained - stay with us and enjoy <strong>Kaipara</strong>, Whangarei and the Bay<br />

of Islands - or just relax and enjoy the hot spa in the bush, farm and bush walks.<br />

www.tangowahine.co.nz<br />

TWF Darg Online advt Jun 11.indd 1 11/07/2011 10:04:47 p.m.

Christmas is a time when people of all religions come together<br />

to worship Jesus Christ. -- Bart Simpson<br />

Dreams for 2012<br />

Looking ahead to 2012, maybe we can dream and hope that:<br />

This being the last newsletter for 2011, we wish each and every reader a peaceful and<br />

safe holiday season with family and friends.<br />

Our thoughts and prayers are with families, friends, and the people of Christchurch who<br />

have just been “whammied” by yet more earthquakes. Kia Kaha.<br />

Probably not a good suggestion with the Uniformed Collections Unit for Inland Revenue<br />

(formerly the MOT Traffic Cops) out and about in force on the pretext of safety - “may<br />

your cups floweth over and your bellies be full!<br />

Haere pai atu, hoki pai mai<br />

Travel safely<br />

1. The majority of our myopic councillors will get their heads out of the sand at the desecrated Kai iwi Lakes and<br />

re-enter the real world of Northland again. Regional co-operation is essential if we are to lift the <strong>Kaipara</strong> out of<br />

the doldrums. Standing alone is asking to be shot down in any re-organisation of District and Regional Councils<br />

that the new Minister may undertake.<br />

2. The <strong>Kaipara</strong> District Council will see fit to do more than pay lip service to economic development. In the present<br />

circumstances with the fiasco of Jack’s Dunny at Mangawhai and the missing and unaccounted for millions of<br />

dollars, who would want to set up a new business or even move here? For that matter who would even want to<br />

“voluntarily merge” with us and inherit a massive debt?<br />

3. With local body elections coming up again approx 20 months away on 12 October 2013, let’s hope that<br />

Councillors and employees recognise that serving as a local body officer/employee is not a whole of life job.<br />

Integrity and honesty are essential requirements in this very important role as public SERVANTS.<br />

4. Where criminal acts have been identified in the Council decision and spending processes, these will be properly<br />

investigated and all perpetrators called to account and punished if appropriate.<br />

Probably safer to cue the Tui’s ad here – “Yeah Right”<br />

E raka te mauï, e raka te katau<br />

A community can use all the skills of its people<br />

<strong>Kaipara</strong> District - Natures Playground<br />

<strong>Visitor</strong> <strong>Info</strong> <strong>Line</strong>: 0800 152 472<br />

0800 1 <strong>Kaipara</strong><br />

Where Having Fun Costs Bugger All!

What I don’t like about office Christmas parties<br />

is looking for a job the next day. --Phyllis Diller<br />

A Woops in the D& D News?<br />

In the December 21 st edition of the <strong>Dargaville</strong> and Districts News on the front page there is an article entitled “<strong>Visitor</strong><br />

Numbers Up”. Seems strange that a reporter would make this claim when all the reliable statistical figures show exactly<br />

the opposite is happening.<br />

The Aug – October bed night figures for the <strong>Kaipara</strong>, as published in the Territorial Authority Statistics, show a minus<br />

value even with the RWC visitor numbers included.<br />

August 2011 Down -7.38<br />

September 2011 Down -5.04<br />

October 2011 Down -2.92<br />

As a percentage of change from the previous year the figures show:<br />

August 2011 Down -15.0%<br />

September 2011 Down -10.7%<br />

October 2011 Down -6.5%<br />

A survey completed a number of years ago showed that the Kauri Coast only saw 8% of the visitors who came north<br />

from Auckland, and 87% of those travelled down the Kauri Coast from the north on their return to Auckland after visiting<br />

the Bay of Islands and Hokianga/Tane Mahuta. Why would this pattern suddenly and dramatically change?<br />

An informal poll in the New Zealand Herald on Friday 23 December 2011 indicated that most of the respondents were<br />

not travelling out of town to celebrate Christmas.<br />

So - a very misleading headline people. Pays to do a little research before bursting into print as the editor of this<br />

newsletter found out a couple of years ago. Don’t believe what you are told by one person only. For any items to do with

There are three stages of man: he believes in Santa Claus;<br />

he does not believe in Santa Claus; he is Santa Claus.<br />

--Bob Phillips<br />

tourism, it pays to check with the major accommodation providers who are usually the best informal source for validating<br />

gossip and fact until the “official” statistics are released.<br />

Other statistics show that only 3% of visitors now use I-sites so they are not the reliable source that they were perhaps<br />

20 years ago. The Internet, GPS, and print media such as the AA Handbook and Jasons are now the tools used by most<br />

travellers both from within New Zealand and overseas.<br />

Don’t “Twitter and Tweet” Your Christmas Holiday Plans.<br />

Some people never learn it seems. Popular social networking sites such<br />

as Facebook are full of people’s holiday plans and intentions. Even down<br />

to what day and time they plan to leave their houses to go away.<br />

Someone suggested that people posting their holiday plans in this<br />

manner should also put a large notice in the front window of their homes<br />

with the same messages on it. Great confirmation that you are not home.<br />

Just what the burglars need to know.<br />

While it is important that holiday plans are disclosed to friends and<br />

neighbours, broadcasting them to the world on social networking sites is not recommended. If the kids/grandkids have<br />

already posted this data, then get them to take the notices down immediately.<br />

Have a safe and happy holiday.<br />

New Council Website<br />

Following up from last weeks article on the new KDC website, we wrote to Council, copied to the Mayor and Chris<br />

Donahoe, asking that the Kauri Coast website be linked to from the Council website. It was previously but seems to<br />

have fallen off the page in the update. We got a reply back from Council and are pleased to note that our request has<br />

been attended to. Thanks<br />

Subject: Christmas Regulations<br />

All employees planning to dash through the snow in a one horse open sleigh, going over the fields and laughing all<br />

the way are advised that a Risk Assessment will be required addressing the safety of an open sleigh for members of<br />

the public. This assessment must also consider whether it is appropriate to use only one horse for such a venture,<br />

particularly where there are multiple passengers. Please note that permission must also be obtained in writing from<br />

landowners before their fields may be entered. To avoid offending those not participating in celebrations, we would<br />

request that laughter is moderate only and not loud enough to be considered a noise nuisance.<br />

Benches, stools and orthopaedic chairs are now available for collection by any shepherds planning or required to watch<br />

their flocks at night. While provision has also been made for remote monitoring of flocks by CCTV cameras from a<br />

centrally heated shepherd observation hut, all users of this facility are reminded that an emergency response plan must<br />

be submitted to account for known risks to the flocks. The angel of the Lord is additionally reminded that, prior to shining<br />

Trash Or Treasure Pre-Loved Goods<br />

Open Saturdays and Sundays 10.00am - 2.00pm<br />

Murdoch Street, <strong>Dargaville</strong>.<br />

At Great Prices!

Why is Christmas just like a day at the office? You do all the<br />

work and the fat guy with the suit gets all the credit.<br />

Voted TUANZ Best Carrier Of The Year 2009<br />

his/her glory all around, S/he must confirm that all shepherds are wearing<br />

appropriate Personal Protective Equipment to account for the harmful<br />

effects of UVA, UVB and the overwhelming effects of Glory.<br />

Following last years well-publicised case, everyone is advised that<br />

Equal Opportunities legislation prohibits any comment with regard to the<br />

redness of any part of Mr R Reindeer. Further to this, exclusion of Mr<br />

R Reindeer from reindeer games will be considered discriminatory and<br />

disciplinary action will be taken against those found guilty of this offence.<br />

While it is acknowledged that gift bearing is a common practice in various parts of the world, particularly the Orient,<br />

everyone is reminded that the bearing of gifts is subject to Hospitality Guidelines and all gifts must be registered. This<br />

applies regardless of the individual, even royal personages. It is particularly noted that direct gifts of currency or gold are<br />

specifically precluded, while caution is advised regarding other common gifts such as aromatic resins that may evoke<br />

allergic reactions.<br />

Finally, in the recent instance of the infant found tucked up in a manger without any crib for a bed, Social Services have<br />

been advised and will be arriving shortly.<br />

Updated Excerpts From The Workboot Councillors Blog:<br />

http://www.theworkbootcouncillor.net.nz/workboot-blogs/<br />

House of Cards Posted by WorkBoot on 21 December 2011<br />

The Council had a special meeting on 20 December. The subject was the $5 million dollars unaccounted or<br />

misaccounted for in the current annual plan budget and another $2 million or so deficits from the previous year. You can<br />

read the report here<br />

The Council voted to head towards borrowing a further $2.5 million with WorkBoot being the only opposing voter. You<br />

can read the press release here<br />

Comments and feedback are welcome here<br />

Two catchphrases dominate Council’s euphemistic vernacular at present and can be translated as follows - “Going<br />

forward/ Looking forward” = all is forgiven for the wrongs of the past and we accept no responsibility “addressing these<br />

issues as part of the Long Term Plan process” = massive rates increases paid by you<br />

Clive ‘Legal Eagle’ Boonham has completed his analysis of Council’s non-compliance with the Local Government Act<br />

here. We all remain deeply indebted to Clive for his unpaid work in assisting us to understand these issues. Thank<br />

him for his efforts on behalf of the community by at least reading the document. I’ll be working to see this gets proper<br />

consideration but remain a lone voice on Council.<br />

Comments on Clive’s work can be made here<br />

For Best Prices On All Your Phone, Dial Up,<br />

Broadband, & Mobile Connections.<br />

http://www.slingshot.co.nz/ 0800 89 2000

Anyone who believes that men are the equal of women has<br />

never seen a man trying to wrap a Christmas present.<br />

From <strong>Kaipara</strong>Concerns<br />

http://www.kaiparaconcerns.co.nz/<br />

$4 MILLION MISSING 24.12.2011<br />

Council has done a check on its piggy bank and found that<br />

it is $4million short for last year. To see the Tiller-spin on this<br />

appalling performance go here.<br />

I find it hard to imagine how Councillors have the gall to front up<br />

to the community having made yet another dreadful gaffe. How<br />

long will the incompetence be allowed to continue before the<br />

government steps in and euthanises this moribund body.<br />


24.12.2011<br />

Legal Eagle has written a paper on Council’s complete failure<br />

to comply with the requirements of the LGA by not going through both the decision-making process and the consultation<br />

process when amending the scope of the EcoCare scheme and increasing the EcoCare debt, over five years ago.<br />

The paper also considers the farce of the Segmented Debt policy whereby Council is trying to inflict the whole of the<br />

EcoCare debt on 1200 or so Mangawhai residents.<br />

To see the paper in full go here.<br />

Council is obliged to comply with those processes and if it does not then it is deemed to have acted ultra vires (outside<br />

its powers). This creates yet another legal shambles that only the government has the power to fix.<br />

The failure to go though the legal processes appears to have been a deliberate and cynical abuse of power by Council<br />

and one has to wonder how long it will be allowed to get away with the total abuse of the Rating Act and the LGA, and<br />

its contemptuous treatment of ratepayers.

The one thing women don’t want to find in their stockings<br />

on Christmas morning is their husband. --Joan Rivers<br />

A Christmas Greeting from Mark Tan<br />

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!<br />

Christmas is 5 days away but I thought that I had better send this email off to you before it gets<br />

busy over here – Ivy’s parents are with us with my parents arriving tomorrow!<br />

We have certainly enjoyed our time over here in Shanghai. The contrast to home is very distinct<br />

and we have enjoyed it thoroughly. That being said, we have missed home – the place and the<br />

people – and we are looking forward to returning on the 18th of January.<br />

Mihiora has had a real experience here, one that has benefited her greatly. She has seen and<br />

experienced new cultures – Chinese and otherwise – as WISS (Western International School of<br />

Shanghai) is very much international. She has taken to writing and copying every word she can<br />

find, loves counting and describing and has lapped up every Chinese lesson she had each day. She has openly told her<br />

class here that she won’t miss them – you have got to love the honesty of children! She is looking forward to being back<br />

‘up north’ with her family, friends and especially her cousin Atama.<br />

Ivy has loved being back in Asia. She was far less homesick than I was without doubt! She has been busy completing<br />

her book (now about 10 years in the making!) and is in the process of finalising printing and cover design. It will be a<br />

great read so keep in touch if you want a copy! What has been most impressive to watch is Ivy cruising around Xujing<br />

on our electric scooter. She is truly local and has clocked up far more hours on that machine than I have minutes. She<br />

sold it today to a fellow teacher and, despite my initial predictions, she readily let it go.<br />

Teaching over here has been dreamlike. I have never had a smaller class with full time teachers working with you,<br />

beautifully attentive and polite students and great colleagues. The school provided lunchtimes would rival most<br />

smorgasbords back home (read into that how you like). But then life throws a curve ball at you and you’ve got to<br />

respond. The snapping of my achillies tendon was something completely out of the blue and it has now determined<br />

that we will be back, permanently, on NZ soil on the 18th of January. I never expected this to happen, let alone the ups<br />

and downs of rehabilitation – life has been a little trying of late with the realisation that I’ve got to learn to walk properly<br />

again, that I can’t simply run up the stairs to get something – but hey, that’s life and what doesn’t kill ya, makes you<br />

stronger. It is developing something in me but hindsight will reveal that in due course.<br />

Ivy and I have applied for jobs back home and are awaiting the outcomes for these. We will return to our place at<br />

Ahipara and I look forward to seeing the waves of the Tasman Sea once again . . . home. I don’t know how long it’ll be<br />

before I can surf again but at least I can see it.

“Let’s be naughty and save Santa the trip.”<br />

--Gary Allan<br />

We hope to keep in touch. It’s difficult with so many emails and so many contacts, someone will always be forgotten so<br />

apologies in advance. I have re-awoken my website, www.markbtan.com, which contains a heap of our experiences<br />

over here as well as thoughts on things back in NZ. On top of that I have added in a feature that notifies you of any<br />

updates I put on there. Please feel free to join the list and jump on board by visiting the site and using the link on the<br />

homepage.<br />

We hope that you are all well and enjoying life. It is cold here but that is nothing when we think about what we will soon<br />

be experiencing – summer in the Far North of Aotearoa, New Zealand. Family, fun, friends and fried bread (well, it<br />

started with F!).<br />

Again, have a super Christmas and a fantastic 2012. Yes, 2012 - we used to read about these numbers in futuristic<br />

novels! Enjoy, smile and smile again.<br />

Mark<br />

Letters to the Editor.<br />

If you have a complaint about something we publish, a brickbat or bouquet, or some general<br />

comments that you want to share - this is the place to do it. Please ensure that we receive your<br />

letters no later than the Thursday morning before publication. As with other news media, we don’t<br />

publish or respond to letters that have no real name, address, and contact phone number. If you<br />

don’t want your name to appear please tell us. All letters are published in full as received. Please<br />

keep them to no more than 250 words if possible. Thanks!<br />

Dear Editors<br />

You may recall a while ago I berated DOC for stealing a community asset namely the access Bridge to the “Sharp” Kauri<br />

here in the Tutamoe/Tangowahine district. The Kauri was originally part of Matt Sharps farm before the land was sold<br />

for pine forest. Matt Sharp managed to get the <strong>Dargaville</strong> Lions to build a substantial bridge which in later years came<br />

under the care of DOC decided wrongly it was an asset they could do without!<br />

We accused them of blatant theft with no community consultation and DOC fessed up following representations from<br />

myself and Becky Godfrey of the Tangowahine School PTA they agreed to replace our communities bridge.<br />

I am delighted to report that the bridge has now been replaced and the addition of a carparking area has been added<br />

so thank you DOC for improving things and for those of you who don’t know of the mighty Kauri in the Pakotai reserve<br />

it is well worth a visit and is located about one K before the Opouteke turn off on the right hand side after the pine forest<br />

heading North.<br />

Cheers Hugh<br />

PS. Would have been nice to have been invited to the opening but then as far as DOC is concerned the less said the<br />

better.<br />

The Ink Spot<br />

Phone: 0800 INKSPOT E-Mail: darginkspot@slingshot.co.nz

Many banks have a new kind of Christmas Club<br />

in operation. The new club helps you<br />

save money to pay for last year’s gifts.<br />

Community Notices<br />

Paula Bennett is coming to <strong>Dargaville</strong><br />

Dearest <strong>Kaipara</strong> Network<br />

Minister Bennett is coming to <strong>Dargaville</strong>! To engage in discussion and hear your views on the Green paper. Actual<br />

details are still to be confirmed, but with the short time frame and holiday season I thought it was best to pencil book in<br />

your diary now:<br />

Date: Monday 23 January 2012<br />

Time: 4.00 - 5.30 pm<br />

Venue: <strong>Dargaville</strong> Town Hall Committee Room, Hokianga Road<br />

You can find more information on the Green Paper at http://www.childrensactionplan.govt.nz/<br />

Please RSVP to myself by return email and also feel free to forward onto your networks.<br />

Regards<br />

Debbie Evans, Chief Executive<br />

<strong>Kaipara</strong> Community Health Trust<br />

PO Box 363, <strong>Dargaville</strong> 0300, Northland<br />

09 439 5050 or 0275 586 272<br />

Mission: To ensure there are quality health services available locally for our community to access<br />


For Really Affordable:<br />

* Ink and Toner Cartridges<br />

* Computer Repairs<br />

* Computers and Laptop Sales<br />

115 Station Road. <strong>Dargaville</strong>. E-mail: darginkspot@slingshot.co.nz<br />

Phone: 0800 INKSPOT or (09) 974 7521

Christmas is a race to see which gives out first -<br />

your money or your feet.<br />

<strong>Dargaville</strong> High School<br />


Facilitator: Karen Boyes<br />

A workshop on the Psychology of Learning will be held at the <strong>Dargaville</strong> High School Hall on Thursday 2nd February<br />

7.00pm to 8.45pm.<br />

Some topics covered will be study skills and goal setting. This would benefit Parents, Whanau, Caregivers, and<br />

Students.<br />

Recommended student age 11 years upwards.<br />

Gold coin entry.<br />

Contact: 09 439 7229 Lorraine<br />

E-Waste Dump in <strong>Dargaville</strong><br />

Now you can take all your E-waste to the recyling centre in Beach Road <strong>Dargaville</strong>!<br />

The Ink Spot<br />

Phone: 0800 INKSPOT E-Mail: darginkspot@slingshot.co.nz

I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was six.<br />

Mother took me to see him in a department store<br />

and he asked for my autograph. --Shirley Temple<br />

Holiday Eating Advice.<br />

Its that time of the year again when we tend to overdo things so here are a few thoughts to ponder:<br />

“A gourmet who thinks of calories is like a tart who looks at her watch.”<br />

James Beard.<br />

Cucumber should be well sliced, dressed with pepper and vinegar, and then thrown out.”<br />

Samuel Johnson<br />

“The cook was a good cook as cooks go; and as cooks go, she went.”<br />

HH Munro<br />

“I drive way too fast to worry about cholesterol.”<br />

Steven Wright.<br />

“Cursed is he who uses peanuts when the recipe calls for almonds.”<br />

Christopher Driver<br />

“If a lump of soot falls into the soup and you cannot conveniently get it out, stir it well in and it will give<br />

the soup a French taste.”<br />

Jonathan Swift<br />

“Personally I stay away from natural foods. At my age I need all the preservatives I can get.”<br />

George Burns<br />

“Whenever cannibals are on the brink of starvation, Heaven, in it’s infinite mercy, sends them a fat missionary.”<br />

Oscar Wilde<br />

“Anything is good if it’s made of chocolate.”<br />

Jo Brand.<br />

“The perfect lover is one who turns into pizza at 4am.”<br />

Charles Pierce.<br />

“I refuse to spend my life worrying about what I eat. There’s no pleasure worth foregoing<br />

just for an extra three years in the geriatric ward.”<br />

John Mortimer<br />

“Americans will eat garbage provided you sprinkle it liberally with ketchup.”<br />

Henry Miller<br />

New AsiAN RestAuRANt<br />

RestAuRANt<br />

73 Victoria Street <strong>Dargaville</strong>. Phone (09) 439 8388<br />

Dine in - Takeaways - Open 7 Days - Licenced

Every December the Christmas season brings a temporary<br />

end to the economic recession - and every January sees the<br />

recession back with double power!<br />

New Books In the <strong>Dargaville</strong> Library<br />


Three Famines – Tom Keneally<br />

This is a Call: the life and times of Dave Grohl – Paul Brannigan<br />

Sweet As – Journeys in a New Zealand Summer – Garth Cartwright<br />

Jacqueline Kennedy – Historic Conversations on Life with John E. Kennedy<br />

Allan Hubbard – A Man Out of Time – Virginia Green<br />

Seasons – a journey through the New Zealand garden – Jack Hobbs<br />

The Cultivation of New Zealand Trees & Shrubs – Lawrie Metcalfe<br />

Two Dogs & a Garden – Derelie Cherry<br />

JUNIOR<br />

Bruiser – Gavin Bishop<br />

How to Draw Vampires, Ghosts and Other Halloween Horrors – Mark Bergin<br />

Happy Feet’s Incredible Journey – The story of the world’s most famous penguin<br />


Heart of Danger – Fleur Beale<br />

Before i Fall – Lauren Oliver<br />

Editors Note; A big thanks to Linda McLean from the <strong>Dargaville</strong> Library for her contribution of new<br />

books for this newsletter every week without fail. Hope you have a good break Linda and our best<br />

wishes to you and yours for 2012<br />

Keep Up To Date With Events at the Library Phone (09) 439 3150 or visit their web page<br />

http://www.kaipara.govt.nz/library.php<br />

New AsiAN RestAuRANt<br />

RestAuRANt<br />

73 Victoria Street <strong>Dargaville</strong>. Phone (09) 439 8388<br />

Dine in - Takeaways - Open 7 Days - Licenced

A hug is the perfect Christmas gift; one size fits all,<br />

and nobody minds if you exchange it.<br />

Call us on (09) 439 5158 or e-mail darginkspot@slingshot.co.nz for more great prices<br />


Oh, for the good old days when people would stop<br />

Christmas shopping when they ran out of money.<br />

Author Unknown<br />

Northland Events Calendars<br />

To see what is happening around Northland, you can visit:<br />

Hokianga: http://www.hokiangatourism.org.nz/news.html<br />

Kauri Coast: http://kauricoast.co.nz/Events.cfm<br />

Mangawhai: http://www.mangawhai.co.nz/Events.cfm<br />

Northland: http://www.northlandnz.com/events.php<br />

This Week In New Zealand History<br />

1913 Waterfront strike ends<br />

The Great Strike of 1913, which had begun in late October when Wellington waterside workers stopped work, finally<br />

ended when the United Federation of Labour (UFL) conceded defeat. The bitter two-month struggle had involved up<br />

to 16,000 unionists across New Zealand and sparked violent clashes between strikers and mounted ‘special’ police<br />

– whom the unionists dubbed ‘Massey’s Cossacks’ after the conservative prime minister, W.F. Massey.<br />

The strike had been faltering since early November, when the Auckland and Wellington wharves were reopened,<br />

manned by ‘scab’ workers protected by police and specials. A general strike in Auckland, which began on 8 November<br />

and involved more than 10,000 workers, was called off on the 22nd (except for watersiders, seamen, drivers and<br />

tramwaymen). On 17 December the powerful Federated Seamen’s Union, which had<br />

been drawn into the strike against its leaders’ wishes, broke ranks by reaching a deal with<br />

shipowners to return to work.<br />

On the 20th the UFL announced that a conference of strikers’ delegates had decided to call<br />

off the strike immediately for all workers, except miners. The UFL halted the miners’ strike<br />

on the 29th, and most miners – except for the significant number who were blacklisted by<br />

employers – returned to work in January 1914.<br />

Image: 1913 waterfront strike (Te Ara)<br />

1953 Queen Elizabeth II arrives for summer tour<br />

For New Zealanders old enough to have experienced it, the visit of the young Queen and her dashing husband, Prince<br />

Philip, in the summer of 1953–4 is a never-to-be forgotten event. Some still regard the royal tour as New Zealand’s<br />

greatest public occasion.<br />

Thousands greeted the first reigning monarch to visit this country in Auckland’s aptly named Queen Street. In scenes<br />

reminiscent of a modern-day rock concert, hundreds of people had camped out overnight to get a good spot for the<br />

occasion.<br />

The Queen visited 46 towns or cities and attended 110 separate functions during her stay. It was said that three in every<br />

four New Zealanders saw her.<br />

Today FM. - 87.7 & 106.7 Mhz<br />

Bringing Back The Memories in <strong>Dargaville</strong>

Never worry about the size of your Christmas tree.<br />

In the eyes of children, they are all 30 feet tall.<br />

Larry Wilde<br />

The country was gripped with patriotic fervour; sheep were even dyed red, white and blue.<br />

New Zealanders made sure that the Queen saw the country at its best. Screens were<br />

erected to hide unsightly buildings, and citizens were instructed when and how to plant blue<br />

lobelias, red salvias and white begonias. It was hard to spot a car that did not sport a Union<br />

Jack, or a building in the main cities that was not covered in bunting and flowers during the<br />

day or electric lights at night. This was truly a remarkable event.<br />

Sadly, the Queen’s triumphant arrival would be swiftly followed by one of New Zealand’s<br />

darkest moments, when disaster struck at Tangiwai on the following night, Christmas Eve.<br />

1964 NZ whalers harpoon their last victim<br />

More than 170 years of New Zealand whaling history came to a close when J.A. Perano<br />

and Company caught its last whale off the coast near Kaikōura.<br />

Dunedin-born Joe Perano had started whaling out of Tory Channel in the Marlborough<br />

Sounds in 1911, beginning a 53-year family business. He was credited with bringing many<br />

modern innovations to the New Zealand whaling industry: he constructed this country’s first<br />

power-driven whale chaser, was the first operator to use explosive harpoons, introduced<br />

the electric harpoon, and in 1936 equipped his whale chasers, mother ship and shore<br />

stations with radio telephones.<br />

Joe Perano died in 1951, aged 74. In 1964 the business was being run by his sons, Gilbert and Joseph. The whale<br />

they killed on 21 December was the last to be harpooned in New Zealand waters from a New Zealand-owned ship.<br />

Wellington Head, a steep headland on Arapawa Island north of Tory Channel that stands sentinel over the waters in<br />

which Joe Perano and two of his sons whaled for more than half a century, was renamed Perano Head in 1969.<br />

Read more: http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/timeline<br />

FOOD! This week it’s “Other BBQ Stuff” Suggestions<br />


Ingredients<br />

6 beef sausages, grilled for 10-15 minutes or until done<br />

6 lamb chops, grilled 5-7 minutes per side<br />

6 100g eye fillet, scotch, sirloin or rump steaks, grilled 3-4 minutes per side<br />

6 bacon rashers, grilled to crispy<br />

6 flat field mushrooms, grilled 3 minutes per side<br />

3 lamb kidneys, halved, cored and trimmed, grilled 2-3 minutes per side<br />

3 tomatoes, halved and grilled 2-3 minutes per side<br />

Salt and pepper to taste<br />

Sauce<br />

300ml cream, 2 tsp instant beef stock powder<br />

2 Tbsp wholegrain or regular prepared mustard<br />

New AsiAN RestAuRANt<br />

RestAuRANt<br />

73 Victoria Street <strong>Dargaville</strong>. Phone (09) 439 8388<br />

Dine in - Takeaways - Open 7 Days - Licenced

I never believed in Santa Claus because I knew<br />

no white man would be coming<br />

into my neighborhood after dark. ----Dick Gregory<br />

Season chops, steaks, kidneys, tomatoes and mushrooms with salt and pepper. Lightly oil the medium-hot barbecue<br />

and grill ingredients in descending order for a total cooking time of 12-15 minutes.<br />

Set aside in a warm place and make the sauce.<br />

In a clean saucepan, gently heat the cream and whisk in powdered stock until dissolved, adding the mustard last.<br />

Remove from the heat.<br />

Do not boil.<br />

Divide the ingredients into equal portions and serve with the sauce.<br />


Ingredients<br />

700g flour<br />

2 tsp yeast<br />

2 tsp sugar<br />

200ml - 300ml lukewarm milk<br />

2 tsp Salt<br />

1/2 tsp Rubbed Thyme<br />

1/2 tsp Rubbed Rosemary<br />

1/2 tsp Rubbed Oregano<br />

Sieve flour into a bowl and make a well in the centre.<br />

Sprinkle the yeast into the well, mix with milk, cover and leave to stand for 30 minutes.<br />

Add salt and herbs and knead to a dough.<br />

Cover and put to rise in a warm place for 60 minutes.<br />

Divide the dough into 12 pieces and form each into a ‘sausage’ about 30 cm long.<br />

Wrap these in a spiral around long sticks and bake by holding over the glowing charcoal, or barbecue for a few minutes<br />

each side.<br />


Ingredients<br />

scallops, garlic, butter, white wine, black pepper<br />

Mix up a little bowl of garlic butter, about 1 teaspoon of garlic to 200 g butter.<br />

Clean the scallops so only the orange and white parts remain.<br />

Give the scallop shells a good scrub in seawater and put two or three scallops in each.<br />

Place a small knob of garlic butter on top of scallops, add a couple of tablespoons of white wine and a good grind of<br />

black pepper.<br />

Carefully place the shells on the barbecue grill and cook for a few minutes only. The scallop meat should just turn white<br />

and the butter melt into the wine.<br />

Read More: http://www.kiwiplanet.co.nz/foodworld/<br />

New AsiAN RestAuRANt<br />

RestAuRANt<br />

73 Victoria Street <strong>Dargaville</strong>. Phone (09) 439 8388<br />

Dine in - Takeaways - Open 7 Days - Licenced

Santa Claus has the right idea. Visit people once a year.”<br />

--Victor Borge<br />

Musical Notes For This Week<br />

Events in Music<br />

1957 - Singers Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme wed in Las Vegas<br />

1963 - Beatles release “I Want To Hold Your Hand”/”I Saw Her Standing There”<br />

1963 - Merle Haggard 1st appearance on country chart with “Sing a Sad Song”<br />

1964 - George Harrison’s girlfriend Patti Boyd attacked by female Beatle fans<br />

1964 - Beatles’ “I Feel Fine,” single goes #1 and stays #1 for 3 weeks<br />

1965 - Paul McCartney is interviewed on pirate radio station Radio Caroline<br />

1966 - Jimi Hendrix writes “Purple Haze” backstage at the Upper Cut Club<br />

1967 - Paul McCartney and Jane Asher get engaged<br />

1967 - Dave Brubeck Quartet formally disbands<br />

1967 - Beatles’ “Hello Goodbye,” single goes #1 and stays #1 for 3 weeks<br />

1968 - Beatles’ “Beatles-White Album,” goes #1 and stays #1 for 9 weeks<br />

1970 - Paul McCartney sues his bandmates to dissolve the Beatles<br />

1974 - Beatles are legally disbanded (4 years after suit was brought)<br />

1984 - Def Leppard drummer Rick Allen loses his arm in a car crash<br />

1993 - Singer Deni Hines (22) weds INXS guitarist Kirk Pengilly (35)<br />

1994 - Billy Ray Cyrus (Achy Breaky Heart) weds Leticia Finley<br />

Birthdays in Music<br />

1924 - Johnny Otis, [Veliotes], composer (Every Beat of My Heart)<br />

1929 - Billy Horton, rocker (The Silhouettes-Get a Job)<br />

1931 - Scotty Moore, guitarist (for Elvis)<br />

1931 - Skeeter Davis, [Mary Penick], Dry Ridge Ky, singer (End of World)<br />

1937 - O’Kelly Isley, Cincinnati Ohio, singer (Isley Brothers-Twist and Shout)<br />

1937 - John Hartford, NYC, country singer (Gentle on My Mind)<br />

1937 - Paul Stookey, singer/musician (Peter, Paul, and Mary)<br />

1941 - Michael Pinder, rocker (Moody Blues-Nights in White Satin)<br />

1941 - Leslie Maguire, rocker (Gerry and Pacemakers-Ferry Crossed the Mersey)<br />

1941 - Ray Thomas, England, rock vocalist (Moody Blues-Nights in White Satin)<br />

1942 - Michael Nesmith, Houston, rocker (Monkees-Last Train to Clarksville)<br />

1942 - Andy Summers, Blackpool England, rock guitarist (Police-Roxanne)<br />

1943 - Dave Rowberry, Newcastle, rocker (Animals)<br />

1943 - John Denver, NM, singer (Rocky Mt High), thank God he’s a country boy<br />

1944 - Henry Vestine, rock guitarist (Canned Heat-On the Road Again)<br />

1945 - Noel Redding, rocker (The Jimi Hendrix Experience-Purple Haze)<br />

1945 - Dwight Bement, rocker (Gary Puckett and Union Gap-Young Girl)<br />

1945 - Davy Jones, Manchester Eng, singer (Monkees-Last Train to Clarksville)<br />

1946 - Marianne Faithfull, Hampstead England, vocalist (Money)<br />

1947 - Dick Diamonde, [Van Der Sluys], Hilversum, rock bassist (Easybeats)<br />

Today FM. - 87.7 & 106.7 Mhz<br />

Bringing Back The Memories in <strong>Dargaville</strong>

You know you’’re getting old,<br />

when Santa starts looking younger. --Robert Paul<br />

1947 - Jeff Lynne, rocker (ELO-Telephone <strong>Line</strong>, Travelling Wilburys)<br />

1948 - Larry Byrom, rocker (Steppenwolf-Hour of the World)<br />

1948 - Tony Hamilton, rocker (Aerosmith)<br />

1949 - Ira Newborn, NYC, orch leader (Manhattan Transfer)<br />

1950 - Alex Chilton, Memphis Tenn, rock guitarist/vocalist (Box Tops)<br />

1951 - Tom Hamilton, Colorado Springs Co, rock bassist (Aerosmith-Dream On)<br />

1951 - Fermin Goytisolo, rocker (KC and Sunshine Band-Give It)<br />

1952 - Karla Bonoff, rock singer (New World, Restless Nights)<br />

1953 - Richard Clayderman, pianist (Amour, Romantic America)<br />

1954 - Steve Wariner, Noblesville Indiana, country singer (Small Town Girl)<br />

1954 - Robin Campbell, British reggae vocalist/guitarist (UB40-Red Red Wine)<br />

1954 - Annie Lennox, Aberdeen Scotld, vocalist (Eurythmics-Sweet Dreams, Why)<br />

1956 - Michael Gibbons, rocker (Bo Donaldson and Heywoods-Billy Dont be a Hero)<br />

1963 - Lars Ulrich, Danish/US heavy metal drummer (Metallica-Kill ‘em All)<br />

1971 - Dido, pop singer and rap/dance music vocalist (Eminem’s ‘Stan’, ‘No Angel’)<br />

Deaths in Music<br />

1978 - Chris Bell, rock guitarist (Big Star), dies at 27 in car crash<br />

1979 - Richard Rodgers, composer (Rogers and Hammerstein), dies at 77<br />

1983 - Dennis Wilson, drummer/singer (Beach Boys), drowns at 39<br />

1985 - George Rhodes, orch leader (Sammy Davis Jr Show), dies at 66<br />

1997 - Floyd Cramer, pianist (Nashville Sound), dies of cancer at 64<br />

Today FM. Timeless Music Always on 87.7 and 106.7 in <strong>Dargaville</strong><br />


Make sure you stay tuned on New Years Eve from 8.00pm<br />

For the next 5 hours you can hear all your requests as you phone them in<br />

Lots of great giveaways as well.<br />

Dont miss the fun<br />



Today FM. - 87.7 & 106.7 Mhz<br />

Bringing Back The Memories in <strong>Dargaville</strong>

Mail your packages early so the post office<br />

can lose them in time for Christmas. --Johnny Carson<br />

Wot A Strange Language Is English<br />

Some New Zealand Slang. D - H (More next Year)<br />

D<br />

Dairy – corner store<br />

Dear – expensive<br />

De Facto – a couple who live together but are not married<br />

Ding – small dent in a vehicle<br />

Dressing gown – bathrobe<br />

Dob in – to inform the authorities of someone who is breaking the law<br />

Drongo – term of abuse, idiot<br />

Dodgy – unreliable<br />

Dole – unemployment benefit<br />

Down trou - dropping ones trousers<br />

Down under - New Zealand, as seen from the northern hemisphere<br />

Dux - the highest academically achieving student<br />

Duvet - quilt<br />

Dunny - toilet<br />

E<br />

Eh - used at the end of a sentence when expecting a response; pronounces “A?”<br />

Electric jug - electric kettle<br />

Engaged - busy phone line<br />

Exercise books - school work books<br />

Eye fillet - beef tenderloin<br />

F<br />

Fancy – something attractive<br />

Feed – meal<br />

Fizzy drink – soda<br />

Flick – movie<br />

Flat out – full speed<br />

Flat – an apartment<br />

Flat mates – people who live together in a flat or house<br />

Flash – something that looks new<br />

Flog – steal<br />

Footpath – side walk, pavement<br />

Fortnight – two weeks<br />

Footy – rugby<br />

Freezing works – meat processing factory<br />

Fringe – bangs<br />

Frock – dress

Blessed is the season which engages the whole world<br />

in a conspiracy of love. --Hamilton Wright Mabi<br />

G<br />

Gawk – to stare at<br />

Gidday – hello<br />

Gumboot – rubber boots<br />

Grotty – dirty<br />

Girl guide biscuits – fundraising sale of biscuits by a charitable girl’s organisation<br />

Give it away – to abandon something<br />

Give it heaps – try your best<br />

Godzone – New Zealand<br />

Going bush – become reclusive<br />

Going nuts – going insane or angry<br />

Good nick – good condition<br />

Good on you – expression of approval, friendly approval of somebody’s actions<br />

Good as gold – affirmative answer, approval of quality<br />

Growling – to nark<br />

Gizza – could be used in a sentence in the place of “give us a..”<br />

Grannyflat – small self contained house on the same section as the main house<br />

Greases – fish and chips, popular takeaway meal in New Zealand<br />

Greenie – conversationalist, or member of Green Party<br />

Green fingered bro – someone who regularly smokes cannabis<br />

Greenstone – New Zealand jade<br />

Grunds – underwear<br />

H<br />

Haere Mai - come here (Maori origin)<br />

Haka - traditional Maori dance<br />

Hand bag - purse<br />

Handle - pint of beer<br />

Hangi - traditional Maori meal prepared in an underground oven<br />

Hamu - unlawfully demand somebody for food or money<br />

Hard yakka - hard work<br />

Hardcase - person with a good sense of humour<br />

Half pie - poor performance<br />

Headmaster - principal of a school<br />

Heart of gold - kind, open hearted person<br />

Hei matau - traditional Maori pendant, made from bone or greenstone carving in the shape of a highly stylised fish hook<br />

Helengrad - New Zealand’s capital city Wellington during the period from 1999 to 2008 while Helen Clark was the Prime<br />

Minister of New Zealand<br />

Hen fruit - eggs<br />

Heaps - a lot, “There are a lot of boats in the harbour - There are heaps of boats in the harbour”<br />

Hire - rent<br />

Hissy fit - throwing a tantrum<br />

Hokey pokey - very popular type of ice cream flavour in New Zealand

What do you call people who are afraid of Santa Claus?<br />

Claustrophobic. --Anonymous<br />

Tournament History<br />

Panui<br />

Tom Waru Memorial Shield<br />

Mixed touch tournament<br />

20th Anniversary<br />

Date: Saturday 28th January 2012<br />

Place: Rugby Park, <strong>Dargaville</strong><br />

Host: Waikaretu Marae<br />

Kaupapa , 14 Players per Team<br />

3x Female, 4x Males TO START GAME<br />

Entry fee; $50.00 Per Team<br />

No more than two teams representing each Marae<br />

Each team is to nominate a referee and ball for the day<br />

NZ Touch Association rules will apply<br />

• Tom Waru was from Naumai. Like many others of his generation he moved to Auckland to live and work.<br />

He had a passion for the development and enhancement of rangatahi.<br />

• This tournament is in memory of the late Tom Waru and whanau members from throughout New Zealand<br />

appreciate the opportunity to return to the <strong>Kaipara</strong> district to celebrate this Tournament.<br />

• The first tournament was hosted by Oturei Marae, at Rugby Park, <strong>Dargaville</strong> in 1992.<br />

• Marae from the Waipoua Forest in the North, to Pouto in the South, Tangiteroria in the east and the western<br />

coastline have shared this annual event every Northland/Auckland anniversary weekend.<br />

If you have any enquiries please contact<br />

Tahu Kena, Henry Kemp, or kipisarich@hotmail.com

A Colour In Page For Kids<br />

Feel No Guilt - Print It Out

A Colour In Page For Kids<br />

Feel No Guilt - Print It Out

If We Have Missed Your <strong>Kaipara</strong> Accommodation Enterprise<br />

From Our Listing Please Send Us An Email and We Will Add It.

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