22nd - Kaipara Konnection

22nd - Kaipara Konnection

22nd - Kaipara Konnection


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The <strong>Kaipara</strong> <strong>Konnection</strong><br />

An Alternative View of Things<br />

Volume 1 No 41 a<br />

News Flash!<br />

22 Feb 2012<br />

Two news items which are of significance to all residents and ratepayers of the <strong>Kaipara</strong><br />

District follow.<br />

With the Minister of Local Government’s requirements for the <strong>Kaipara</strong> District Council to<br />

ensure that they are trusted by the community we believe that there is now no option but for<br />

the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, and all second or more term councillors to resign immediately.<br />

A petition is being raised to press for this to happen and a Commissioner to be appointed to<br />

govern the District until a final decision is made on the restructuring of the four Northland<br />

councils.<br />

When you see it please consider signing it. We need to rid ourselves of any further<br />

incompetence and regain our vibrancy and vision as a District.<br />

The Radio New Zealand interview this morning with Mayor Neil Tiller has certainly raised a<br />

lot of eyebrows.<br />

In the interview, it is alleged that Mayor Tiller stated that he has always been a staunch<br />

opponent of the Mangawhai EcoCare scheme. The editor of this newsletter has not been able<br />

to find any entry in the Council Minutes to support this claim, The Mayor needs to be a bit<br />

more specific as to dates and times to give a semblance of credibility to his claims. As much<br />

of the construction and budget blowout has occurred under his mayoralty, it is an interesting<br />

claim he makes.<br />

Former Councillor Bill Guest has written an open letter to all residents and ratepayers which<br />

was published in the <strong>Kaipara</strong> Lifestyler yesterday. A copy of this letter is attached.<br />

Former Councillor Bruce Rogan has written an open letter to the Mayor and news media<br />

about the Radio New Zealand interview with Mayor Tiller this morning. He has subsequently<br />

published an addendum which is included in this newsletter.<br />

If there are further important developments in this disgraceful saga we will keep you informed<br />

if possible.

If people behaved like governments, you’d call the cops.<br />

--Kelvin Throop<br />

Advertisment<br />

An open letter to the people of the <strong>Kaipara</strong><br />

‘‘Our once proud district is on the verge of financial collapse.<br />

Contact your local councillor and demand that the council resign, then contact your<br />

local Member of Parliament and demand a commissioner be put in place to salvage what we can”<br />

The council’s new management team have already identified $4.5 million in errors in the Annual Plan which will<br />

require trimming $2 million in services that were planned, and borrowing an additional $2.5 million on top of the<br />

$5 million being borrowed to finance the annual plan. A $4.5 million error<br />

The Salter Report from the law firm Simpson Grierson just released by council has confirmed fears that the<br />

EcoCare rate struck by the council is without legal substance. A $9.5 million error<br />

Can we really expect the same group of people who are<br />

responsible for the massive financial crisis we are in, to fix the problem?<br />

Demand that a Commissioner be appointed — Now<br />

I personally find it ironical that when I was a councillor on the <strong>Kaipara</strong> District Council, I continually warned the councillors at<br />

that time, namely Mayor Tiller, Julie Geange, Tom Smith, Mrs Sutherland, Richard Alspach, Brian McEwing, Brian Burnett and<br />

Graeme Taylor, over the issue of inadequate financial reporting, authorising loans without reliable data to back it up and failing to<br />

challenge the then Chief Executive’s performance.<br />

I have a quiet smile when I think how Mayor Tiller laughed at my warnings and made comments in the press regarding me<br />

personally, and accusing me of scaremongering and spreading falsehoods, while the rest of council simply dismissed my numerous<br />

notices of motion regarding the above and persuaded Mayor Tiller to remove my portfolio responsibilities in regard to finance.<br />

The chickens have come home to roost. I am predicting that rates will have to increase a minimum of 20% each year for the next<br />

three years to cover monies needed to service the $90 million worth of debt that <strong>Kaipara</strong> has around its neck and to service the<br />

extra $2 million a year that will be required to fund the Mangawhai loan, when the current interest rate of 3.5% plus the premium<br />

increases in 2013 to normal market rates.<br />

It is also possible that to cloud the issue, the council may decide to increase the rates by a smaller percentage and borrow more<br />

money. Either way the <strong>Kaipara</strong> District will have to pay.<br />

I also believe that it is almost certain that the rest of the <strong>Kaipara</strong> District will be required to pay towards the sewerage system<br />

in Mangawhai. In fact one may ask the question, should the Mangawhai ratepayers continue to pay their sewerage rates as they<br />

have been charged $9.5 million in error.<br />

We are facing amalgamation of local government caused by a lack of<br />

professionalism and incompetent governance by elected councillors. If we<br />

think that Whangarei or the Far North will take over Mangawhai or <strong>Kaipara</strong>’s<br />

debt of $90 million, the reality will be that any new form of local government<br />

structure will require that the current $90 million debt will stay and be paid for<br />

by <strong>Kaipara</strong> ratepayers.<br />

The rest of Northland will not accept the responsibility for what clearly is<br />

mismanagement.<br />

The councillors should resign, as I believe they must accept their share of<br />

responsibility for the predicament that the <strong>Kaipara</strong> District Council ratepayers<br />

are now facing.<br />

It is not good enough for them to dismiss the financial reviews that are<br />

now becoming public, as simply documents that state that <strong>Kaipara</strong> has made<br />

one or two mistakes. The Mayor has implied in the press that this has been<br />

because of staff issues. Under the Local Government Act, councillors can be<br />

held responsible for the decisions they have made. It is high time for <strong>Kaipara</strong><br />

ratepayers to demand that the Minister of Local Government holds a formal<br />

commission of enquiry into the decision making processes of the <strong>Kaipara</strong><br />

District councillors involved past and present.<br />

Bill Guest — ex councillor and Mayoral candidate<br />

They are burning<br />

the boat to fuel<br />


All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good<br />

conscience to remain silent. --Thomas Jefferson<br />

To Mayor Neil Tiller<br />

An email I sent at 9:44 today, of which the text is reproduced below, is factually incorrect in that my recollection<br />

of who was behind my ouster from council was defective.<br />

I did ask for the voting record from that time, because I called for divisions at nearly every vote, but was<br />

told by council that no records were kept of divisions until recently. Fortunately others were present who<br />

took notes.<br />

In the incident that I recounted it was councillor Taylor (not Tiller) who moved that I be excluded from<br />

council. Councillor Taylor represented the Otamatea (Mangawhai) ward, was deputy mayor, and was on<br />

side with then Mayor Graeme Ramsay, in their concerted drive to ram a sewage scheme down the throats of<br />

the Mangawhai community, come hell or high water.<br />

Neil Tiller’s support of Ecocare came later, and he is correct when he says that at that time he was seeking<br />

more and better information on which to base any council decisions. I therefore apologise to him on that<br />

point. In fairness to Mr Tiller he abstained from voting in support of my ouster, and even expressed the view<br />

that he could not see where I had breached council confidence or done anything outside standing orders.<br />

I am indebted to the Northern Advocate for bringing this matter to my attention, and I note that during the<br />

debate over Ecocare and my exclusion the then mayor said….. We must pull together or we will end up like<br />

Rodney….. Well I think the record shows that by “ pulling together” we have ended up so far beyond Rodney<br />

that we are never going to come back. If we could get back to the level of dysfunctionality of Rodney<br />

in its darkest days we would be in heaven, relative to where we are now. Elected councillors simply MUST<br />

stop thinking that they cease to represent their ratepayers the day they are sworn in. At every point where<br />

they are being asked to vote on a resolution, they must ask whether their agreement is in the best interests<br />

of those they represent, and they must have the courage and conviction to vote NO if their conscience tells<br />

them they should. That won’t in itself prevent their ratepayers from being shafted, but at least they will be<br />

able to say that it was not because of their actions that it occurred.<br />

Tangowahine Farm and Rural Retreat<br />

Centrally located, self contained - stay with us and enjoy <strong>Kaipara</strong>, Whangarei and the Bay<br />

of Islands - or just relax and enjoy the hot spa in the bush, farm and bush walks.<br />

www.tangowahine.co.nz<br />

TWF Darg Online advt Jun 11.indd 1 11/07/2011 10:04:47 p.m.

Subject: for attention of the mayor<br />

Dear Mr Tiller,<br />

I heard with my mouth dropping in disbelief your scurrilous interview with Mary Wilson of Radio New<br />

Zealand.<br />

You had the effrontery to claim that you resisted the disaster that is the Mangawhai sewage debacle<br />

and that it happened over your dead body.<br />

You were in favour of it in your role as infrastructure portfolio holder in 2002 when I was on the<br />

council desperately trying to get some brakes put on the insanity being pursued by you, Mayor<br />

Graeme Ramsey, the now unfrocked CEO McKerchar at the time, and a bunch of carpetbaggers<br />

and mountebanks from the construction sector, whose saliva used to spray all over the assembled<br />

marks whenever they spoke. When I finally got the council to agree that if the project went wrong<br />

it would be a debt on the whole district and not just on the ratepayers affected by the scheme, and<br />

we instructed the CEO to write to the Australian crooks who were hatching the whole thing up with<br />

Beca Carter as handmaidens, you might recall that McKerchar did not write as instructed, because<br />

he decided on his own recognisance that it might have “frightened the horses” if he did. I wrote<br />

to them myself with the news that if the project went wonky they might not get paid because the<br />

district as a whole would have to agree to funding the shortfall,. And it was you, Mayor Tiller who<br />

moved the (illegal) resolution that I be barred from future council meetings and be stripped of all my<br />

responsibilities.<br />

Then you went on to tell Mary Wilson that you personally live near the beach and pay only $750<br />

in rates and ought to pay more. You’re damn right you ought to pay more. I live about the same<br />

distance from the beach and I pay over $4,000 in rates directly as a result of your incompetence<br />

and arrogance, and all because my sewage is processed by a second rate badly engineered faulty<br />

scheme that is already at the limits of its capacity, and over the limits of its effluent disposal field,<br />

despite having cost over three times the amount that the community was told it was going to cost.<br />

The suggestion that <strong>Kaipara</strong> is the Greece of local government in New Zealand would have some<br />

applicability if there was the slightest chance that a bunch of German bankers would come down<br />

here and sort you out. Unfortunately, that task, given the head-in-sand, hands-off, let the locals<br />

stew, attitude of the minister, is going to fall on the shoulders of the district’s ratepayers. You might<br />

need the diplomatic protection squad to follow you around and pick up any stray microphones left<br />

on tables in coffee bars you frequent- I believe they are now very good at that..<br />

Bruce Rogan.<br />

The essence of good government is trust.<br />

--Kathleen Sebeliusson<br />

Tangowahine Farm and Rural Retreat<br />

Centrally located, self contained - stay with us and enjoy <strong>Kaipara</strong>, Whangarei and the Bay<br />

of Islands - or just relax and enjoy the hot spa in the bush, farm and bush walks.<br />

www.tangowahine.co.nz<br />

TWF Darg Online advt Jun 11.indd 1 11/07/2011 10:04:47 p.m.

It might be more worthwhile if we stopped wringing our<br />

hands and started ringing our Councillors<br />



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