Neutron Sciences 2008 Annual Report - 17.79 MB - Spallation ...

Neutron Sciences 2008 Annual Report - 17.79 MB - Spallation ...

Neutron Sciences 2008 Annual Report - 17.79 MB - Spallation ...


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PUBLICATIONS <strong>2008</strong> ANNUAL REPORT<br />

B. C. Chakoumakos, R. Custelcean, J. O. Ramey, J. A. Kolopus, R. Y. Jin, J. S. Neal, D. J. Wisniewski, and L. A. Boatner, “Cerium chloride-methanol<br />

adduct crystals, CeCl 3 (CH 3 OH)(4): Preparation, crystallography, and scintillation properties,” Crystal Growth and Design 8, 2070–2072 (July <strong>2008</strong>).<br />

Y. Chen, J. W. Lynn, J. Li, G. Li, G. F. Chen, J. L. Luo, N. L. Wang, C. Dai, C. de la Cruz, and H. A. Mook, “Magnetic order of the iron spins in NdFeAsO,”<br />

Physical Review B 78, 5 (Aug <strong>2008</strong>).<br />

G. Cheng, F. Hua, Y. B. Melnichenko, K. Hong, J. W. Mays, B. Hammouda, and G. D. Wignall, “Association and structure of thermosensitive comblike<br />

block copolymers in aqueous solutions,” Macromolecules 41, 4824–4827 (July <strong>2008</strong>).<br />

G. Cheng, Y. B. Melnichenko, F. Hua, K. Hong, G. D. Wignall, B. Hammouda, and J. Mays, “Conformation of oligo(ethylene glycol) grafted<br />

poly(norbornene) in solutions: A small angle neutron scattering study,” European Polymer Journal 44, 2859–2864 (Sep <strong>2008</strong>).<br />

G. Cheng, Y. B. Melnichenko, G. D. Wignall, F. Hua, K. Hong, and J. W. Mays, “Small angle neutron scattering study of conformation of oligo(ethylene<br />

glycol)-grafted polystyrene in dilute solutions: Effect of the backbone length,” Macromolecules 41(24), 9831–9836 (<strong>2008</strong>).<br />

S. Cheng, H. Choo, Y. H. Zhao, X. L. Wang, Y. T. Zhu, Y. D. Wang, J. Almer, K. Liaw, J. E. Jin, and Y. K. Lee, “High ductility of ultrafine-grained steel via<br />

phase transformation,” Journal of Materials Research 23, 1578–1586 (June <strong>2008</strong>).<br />

S. Cheng, W. W. Milligan, X. L. Wang, H. Choo, and K. Liaw, “Compressive and tensile deformation behavior of consolidated Fe,” Materials Science and<br />

Engineering A: Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, Special Issue S1 493 (1–2), 226–231 (<strong>2008</strong>).<br />

S. Cheng, X. L. Wang, Z. L. Feng, B. Clausen, H. Choo, and K. Liaw, “Probing the characteristic deformation behaviors of transformation-induced<br />

plasticity steels,” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 39A, 3105–3112 (<strong>2008</strong>).<br />

S. X. Chi, C. Dai, T. Barnes, H. J. Kang, J. W. Lynn, R. Bewley, F. Ye, M. B. Maple, Z. Henkie, and A. Pietraszko, “Inelastic neutron scattering study of<br />

crystal field levels in PrOs 4 As 12 ,” Physical Review B 77 (Mar <strong>2008</strong>).<br />

S. Chi, D. T. Adroja, T. Guidi, R. Bewley, S. Li, J. Zhao, J. W. Lynn, C. M. Brown, Y. Qiu, G. F. Chen, J. L. Lou, N. L. Wang, and P. Dai, “Crystalline<br />

electric field as a probe for long-range antiferromagnetic order and superconducting state of CeFeAsO 1–x F x ,” Physical Review Letters 101, 217002 (<strong>2008</strong>).<br />

O. Chmaissem, H. Zheng, A. Huq, W. Stephens, and J. F. Mitchell, “Formation of Co3+ octahedra and tetrahedra in YBaCo 4 O 8.1 ,” Journal of Solid State<br />

Chemistry 181, 664–672 (Mar <strong>2008</strong>).<br />

J. H. J. Cho, G. S. Smith, W. A. Hamilton, D. J. Mulder, T. L. Kuhl, and J. Mays, “Surface force confinement cell for neutron reflectometry studies of<br />

complex fluids under nanoconfinement,” Review of Scientific Instruments 79 (Oct <strong>2008</strong>).<br />

A. D. Christianson, E. A. Goremychkin, R. Osborn, S. Rosenkranz, M. D. Lumsden, C. D. Malliakas, I. S. Todorov, H. Claus, D. Y. Chung, M. G.<br />

Kanatzidis, R. I. Bewley, and T. Guidi, “Unconventional superconductivity in Ba 0.6 K 0.4 Fe 2 As 2 from inelastic neutron scattering,” Nature 456, 930–932<br />

(Dec <strong>2008</strong>).<br />

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