NYT-1201: STATE OF THE ART A Thermostat That's Clever, Not ...

NYT-1201: STATE OF THE ART A Thermostat That's Clever, Not ...

NYT-1201: STATE OF THE ART A Thermostat That's Clever, Not ...


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And the bonuses, many say, run deeper than that.<br />

“The perks in the Ivy League are more intangible t<br />

han they are material,” said Tom Beckett, the athl<br />

etic director at Yale. “The perks and salaries at<br />

these other big schools, that’s not going to happe<br />

n. But there are wonderful things that do happen.”<br />

Ivy League universities emphasize the prestige of<br />

their institutions to coaching candidates. This ye<br />

ar, Columbia was No. 4 in U.S. News and World Repo<br />

rt’s annual ranking of national universities, and<br />

people at the university consider its alumni netwo<br />

rk to be particularly strong.<br />

The athletic department in 2007 received pledges o<br />

f $10 million from William V. Campbell, the chairm<br />

an of the board of Intuit, and $5 million from Rob<br />

ert K. Kraft, the chairman of the Kraft Group and<br />

the owner of the New England Patriots. Both played<br />

football at Columbia. Campbell is also the chairm<br />

an of Columbia’s trustees, giving the team a power<br />

ful advocate on campus.<br />

“Even successful alums from other areas of the sch<br />

ool don’t have the same affinity for the school th<br />

at athletes do,” said Jake Novak, a senior produce<br />

r at Fox Business who chronicles Columbia athletic<br />

s on a widely read blog. “They can open so many do<br />

ors for a coach and give him entree into a differe<br />

nt world in New York.”<br />

Novak and others said that for a savvy coach, the<br />

Columbia job was a sparkling opportunity. The admi<br />

nistration has shown a new commitment to athletics<br />

, as evidenced by recent increases in operating bu<br />

dgets, the opening next year of a new primary faci<br />

lity for the athletics department and efforts to h<br />

elp athletes in areas like class scheduling.<br />

“Fifteen years ago, there was a long list of thing

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