NYT-1201: STATE OF THE ART A Thermostat That's Clever, Not ...

NYT-1201: STATE OF THE ART A Thermostat That's Clever, Not ...

NYT-1201: STATE OF THE ART A Thermostat That's Clever, Not ...


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Twitter turned into a newswire, a lifeline to the<br />

outside world and a catchphrase machine, all in on<br />

e. A player’s inadvertent text message became a un<br />

iversal lockout greeting: “How u?”<br />

For the dozen or so reporters who covered every me<br />

eting, it often felt like we were living in our ow<br />

n twisted reality show: “Survivor: Lockout Edition<br />

.”<br />

The show mercifully ended at 3 a.m. Nov. 26, when<br />

owners and players at last agreed to a new labor d<br />

eal, on the lockout’s 149th day. That deal is expe<br />

cted to be ratified Thursday, at yet another Midto<br />

wn hotel, the final chapter of a dizzying stakeout<br />

saga.<br />

To our great surprise, thousands of people joined<br />

us for the ride via Twitter, clicking and “retweet<br />

ing” every trivial nugget (“Talks have broken for<br />

dinner”), every news conference quote (“Enormous c<br />

onsequences”) and every punch-drunk riff by report<br />

ers (“Mutant pizza”), no matter the hour.<br />

During one late-night session at the Waldorf-Astor<br />

ia, I heard from a Twitter follower in Australia.<br />

He was just getting out of work. My friend David A<br />

ldridge of TNT said he received Twitter responses<br />

from six continents that night. Everywhere but Ant<br />

arctica, where I’m guessing the Wi-Fi is a little<br />

sketchy.<br />

Covering a professional sports labor battle can be<br />

a thankless task. No one wants to hear about mill<br />

ionaire athletes and billionaire owners fighting o<br />

ver a $4 billion pie, especially in a depressed ec<br />

onomy. The average fan wants to know only three th<br />

ings:<br />

Is it over?<br />

Who won?

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