NYT-1201: STATE OF THE ART A Thermostat That's Clever, Not ...

NYT-1201: STATE OF THE ART A Thermostat That's Clever, Not ...

NYT-1201: STATE OF THE ART A Thermostat That's Clever, Not ...


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eating an event on Facebook, the Select Guests men<br />

u shows your existing friends, but it also lets yo<br />

u enter the e-mail addresses of people who do not<br />

have Facebook accounts. Type one or more e-mail ad<br />

dress, separated by commas, into the Invite by E-m<br />

ail Address box. Your invitees will receive a mess<br />

age with a link to your event page that, unfortuna<br />

tely, prompts them to sign up for Facebook before<br />

they can look at it.<br />

GET <strong>THE</strong> TICKER OUT <strong>OF</strong> YOUR WAY Facebook recently a<br />

dded a constantly scrolling window on the right si<br />

de of the screen that shows your friends’ updates<br />

as they come in. Fun for some, agitating for other<br />

s. You can’t turn it off entirely, but you can mak<br />

e the moving ticker as small as possible. Using yo<br />

ur cursor, grab the bar that separates the Ticker<br />

from your Facebook Chat window. Drag it upward unt<br />

il the Ticker is as small as possible — the size o<br />

f two status updates. That will reduce the level o<br />

f unwanted distraction it causes while you’re tryi<br />

ng to read the rest of the page, while still letti<br />

ng you see new updates.<br />

ADD A CALENDAR TO YOUR PAGE If you’re a business o<br />

wner, a team coach or a performer who wants to kee<br />

p everyone on Facebook apprised of your coming eve<br />

nts, simply creating separate Facebook events for<br />

each one can be ineffective. These can get lost in<br />

the stream of events, making it hard for people t<br />

o check for, say, your next game. As an alternativ<br />

e, use the Social Calendar app, which was not deve<br />

loped by Facebook. Go to facebook.com/SocialCalend<br />

ar and click the Add to My Page link in the lower<br />

left corner. That will pop up a menu of pages you<br />

manage. Click Add to Page next to one or more page<br />

s, then click Close. Those pages will now include<br />

a Calendar link in their upper left corner, just b<br />

elow Wall, Info and Photos. Social Calendar is pre<br />

tty smart — it will autocomplete the names of even<br />

ts you’ve already created, and if you type in an A

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