NYT-1201: STATE OF THE ART A Thermostat That's Clever, Not ...

NYT-1201: STATE OF THE ART A Thermostat That's Clever, Not ...

NYT-1201: STATE OF THE ART A Thermostat That's Clever, Not ...


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after extensive remediation efforts, found that r<br />

adiation levels inside homes had dropped by only a<br />

bout 25 percent. That left parts of the city with<br />

levels of radiation four times higher than the rec<br />

ommended maximum exposure.<br />

“We can only conclude that these efforts have so fa<br />

r been a failure,” he said.<br />

Minamisoma, a small city whose center sits about 1<br />

5 miles from the nuclear plant, is a good place to<br />

get a sense of the likely limitations of decontam<br />

ination efforts.<br />

The city has cleaned dozens of schools, parks and<br />

sports facilities in hopes of enticing back the 30<br />

,000 of its 70,000 residents who have yet to retur<br />

n since the accident. On a recent morning, a small<br />

army of bulldozers and dump trucks were resurfaci<br />

ng a high school soccer field and baseball diamond<br />

with a layer of reddish brown dirt. Workers burie<br />

d the old topsoil in a deep hole in a corner of th<br />

e soccer field. The crew’s overseer, Masahiro Saku<br />

ra, said readings at the field had dropped substan<br />

tially, but he remains anxious because many parts<br />

of the city were not expected to be decontaminated<br />

for at least two years.<br />

These days, he lets his three young daughters outd<br />

oors only to go to school and play in a resurfaced<br />

park. “Is it realistic to live like this?” he ask<br />

ed.<br />

The challenges are sure to be more intense inside<br />

the 12-mile zone, where radiation levels in some p<br />

laces have reached nearly 510 millisieverts a year<br />

, 25 times above the cutoff for evacuation.<br />

Already, the proposed repatriation has opened rift<br />

s among those who have been displaced. The 11,500<br />

displaced residents of Okuma — many of whom now li<br />

ve in rows of prefabricated homes 60 miles inland

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