NYT-1201: STATE OF THE ART A Thermostat That's Clever, Not ...

NYT-1201: STATE OF THE ART A Thermostat That's Clever, Not ...

NYT-1201: STATE OF THE ART A Thermostat That's Clever, Not ...


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ut many evacuated residents must accept that it wo<br />

n’t happen in their lifetimes.”<br />

To judge the huge scale of what Japan is contempla<br />

ting, consider that experts say residents can retu<br />

rn home safely only after thousands of buildings a<br />

re scrubbed of radioactive particles and much of t<br />

he topsoil from an area the size of Connecticut is<br />

replaced.<br />

Even forested mountains will probably need to be d<br />

econtaminated, which might necessitate clear-cutti<br />

ng and literally scraping them clean.<br />

The Soviet Union did not attempt such a cleanup af<br />

ter the Chernobyl accident of 1986, the only nucle<br />

ar disaster larger than that at Fukushima Daiichi.<br />

The government instead relocated about 300,000 pe<br />

ople, abandoning vast tracts of farmland.<br />

Many Japanese officials believe that they do not h<br />

ave that luxury; the evacuation zone covers more t<br />

han 3 percent of the landmass of this densely popu<br />

lated nation.<br />

“We are different from Chernobyl,” said Toshitsuna<br />

Watanabe, 64, the mayor of Okuma, one of the town<br />

s that was evacuated. “We are determined to go bac<br />

k. Japan has the will and the technology to do thi<br />

s.”<br />

Such resolve reflects, in part, a deep attachment<br />

to home for rural Japanese like Mr. Watanabe, whos<br />

e family has lived in Okuma for 19 generations. Th<br />

eir heartfelt appeals to go back have won wide sym<br />

pathy across Japan, making it hard for people to o<br />

ppose their wishes.<br />

But quiet resistance has begun to grow, both among<br />

those who were displaced and those who fear the c<br />

ountry will need to sacrifice too much without gua<br />

rantees that a multibillion-dollar cleanup will pr

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