NYT-1201: STATE OF THE ART A Thermostat That's Clever, Not ...

NYT-1201: STATE OF THE ART A Thermostat That's Clever, Not ...

NYT-1201: STATE OF THE ART A Thermostat That's Clever, Not ...


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ple and so that circle is diminished, and as it di<br />

minished, you know Bo is still there,” he said of<br />

his dog. “And I swear he understands. I swear he k<br />

nows. And you know I love him dearly for that.”<br />

Nate Schweber contributed reporting.<br />

~~~~~~~~~~<br />

<strong>NYT</strong>-1203<br />

Oh, for the Good Old Days of Rude Cellphone Gabbers<br />


When virtual assistants like Apple's Siri are used<br />

in public places, the results can be annoying, ev<br />

en creepy, to unwilling listeners.<br />

===== notyet<br />

Is talking to a phone the same as talking on it?<br />

The sound of someone gabbing on a cellphone is par<br />

t of the soundtrack of daily life, and most of us<br />

have learned when to be quiet — no talking in “qui<br />

et cars” on trains, for example.<br />

But the etiquette of talking to a phone — more pre<br />

cisely, to a “virtual assistant” like Apple’s Siri<br />

, in the new iPhone 4S — has not yet evolved. And<br />

eavesdroppers are becoming annoyed.<br />

In part, that is because conversations with machin<br />

es have a robotic, unsettling quality. Then there<br />

is the matter of punctuation. If you want it, you<br />

have to say it.<br />

“How is he doing question mark how are you doing q<br />

uestion mark,” Jeremy Littau of Bethlehem, Pa., fo<br />

und himself telling his new iPhone recently as he<br />

walked down the street, dictating a text message t<br />

o his wife, who was home with their newborn. The m<br />

achine spoke to him in Siri’s synthesized female v<br />

oice.<br />

Passers-by gawked. “It’s not normal human behavior<br />

to have people having a conversation with a phone

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