NYT-1201: STATE OF THE ART A Thermostat That's Clever, Not ...

NYT-1201: STATE OF THE ART A Thermostat That's Clever, Not ...

NYT-1201: STATE OF THE ART A Thermostat That's Clever, Not ...


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<strong>NYT</strong>-1203<br />

Center of Penn State Scandal, Sandusky Tells His Ow<br />

n Story ... By JO BECKER<br />

In an extensive interview, Jerry Sandusky, the for<br />

mer assistant football coach, insisted that he had<br />

never sexually abused any child.<br />

===== notyet<br />

The former Penn State assistant football coach Jer<br />

ry Sandusky, in his first extended interview since<br />

his indictment on sexual abuse charges last month<br />

, said Coach Joe Paterno never spoke to him about<br />

any suspected misconduct with minors. Mr. Sandusky<br />

also said the charity he worked for never restric<br />

ted his access to children until he became the sub<br />

ject of a criminal investigation in 2008.<br />

The failure by Mr. Paterno to act more aggressivel<br />

y after being told in 2002 that Mr. Sandusky had m<br />

olested a 10-year-old boy in the showers of the un<br />

iversity’s football building played a role in Mr.<br />

Paterno’s firing last month after 62 years at Penn<br />

State. Mr. Sandusky, in the interview, said that<br />

Mr. Paterno did not speak to him or confront him o<br />

ver the accusation, despite the fact that Mr. Sand<br />

usky had been one of his assistant coaches for thr<br />

ee decades and was a regular presence at the footb<br />

all team’s complex for years after the 2002 episode.<br />

Mr. Sandusky, in a nearly four-hour interview over<br />

two days this week, insisted he had never sexuall<br />

y abused any child, but he confirmed details of so<br />

me of the events that prosecutors have cited in ch<br />

arging him with 40 counts of molesting young boys,<br />

all of whom came to know Mr. Sandusky through the<br />

charity he founded, known as the Second Mile.<br />

Mr. Sandusky said he regularly gave money to the d<br />

isadvantaged boys at his charity, opened bank acco<br />

unts for them, and gave them gifts that had been d<br />

onated to the charity.<br />

Prosecutors have said Mr. Sandusky used such gifts

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