NYT-1201: STATE OF THE ART A Thermostat That's Clever, Not ...

NYT-1201: STATE OF THE ART A Thermostat That's Clever, Not ...

NYT-1201: STATE OF THE ART A Thermostat That's Clever, Not ...


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led, exploded into violence or made history. At a<br />

final coordinating meeting for the protest on Frid<br />

ay evening, where a roomful of veteran organizers<br />

were shouting to make themselves heard, a young en<br />

vironmental activist turned toward the crowd, sudd<br />

enly grave.<br />

“I’d like to thank Aleksei Navalny,” she said. “Th<br />

anks to him, specifically because of the efforts o<br />

f this concrete person, tomorrow thousands of peop<br />

le will come out to the square. It was he who unit<br />

ed us with the idea: all against ‘the Party of Swi<br />

ndlers and Thieves,’ ” the name Mr. Navalny coined<br />

to refer to Vladimir V. Putin’s political party,<br />

United Russia.<br />

A week ago, Mr. Navalny, 35, was famous mainly wit<br />

hin the narrow context of Russia’s blogosphere. Bu<br />

t after last Sunday’s parliamentary elections, he<br />

channeled accumulated anger over reported violatio<br />

ns into street politics, calling out to “nationali<br />

sts, liberals, leftists, greens, vegetarians, Mart<br />

ians” via his Twitter feed (135,750 followers) and<br />

his blog (61,184) to protest.<br />

If Saturday’s protest is as large as its organizer<br />

s expect — the city has granted a permit for 30,00<br />

0 — Mr. Navalny will be credited for mobilizing a<br />

generation of young Russians through social media,<br />

a leap much like the one that spawned Occupy Wall<br />

Street and youth uprisings across Europe this year.<br />

The full measure of Mr. Navalny’s charisma became<br />

clear after protests on Monday night; an estimated<br />

5,000 people materialized, making it the largest<br />

anti-Kremlin demonstration in recent memory, and M<br />

r. Navalny was arrested on charges of resisting th<br />

e police and sentenced to 15 days in prison.<br />

All that night, as temperatures dipped below freez<br />

ing, Mr. Navalny’s disciples stood vigil outside t<br />

he precinct where he was being held, their eyes on

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