NYT-1201: STATE OF THE ART A Thermostat That's Clever, Not ...

NYT-1201: STATE OF THE ART A Thermostat That's Clever, Not ...

NYT-1201: STATE OF THE ART A Thermostat That's Clever, Not ...


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On Monday, the day after the election, there was a<br />

protest in the center of Moscow; despite the rain<br />

, thousands assembled — a sight unseen since the t<br />

ime of Perestroika. The leaders of the Nah-Nah mov<br />

ement and Mr. Navalny’s supporters stood together.<br />

The police arrested nearly 300 people. Among them<br />

was one of the authors of the Nah-Nah strategy, I<br />

lya Yashin, as well as Aleksei Navalny himself. Th<br />

ey were held by the police all night, prevented fr<br />

om meeting with their lawyers. In the morning, the<br />

y were brought to court and sentenced to 15 days f<br />

or disobeying police orders and obstructing traffi<br />

c, respectively.<br />

An even larger protest is planned for Saturday. It<br />

seems that the government has decided to turn the<br />

two into heroes.<br />

Valery Panyushkin is the author of “12 Who Don’t A<br />

gree: The Battle for Freedom in Putin’s Russia.” T<br />

his essay was translated by Yevgeniya Traps from t<br />

he Russian.<br />

~~~~~~~~~~<br />

<strong>NYT</strong>-1210: <strong>THE</strong> SATURDAY PR<strong>OF</strong>ILE<br />

Rousing Russia With a Phrase ... By ELLEN BARRY<br />

Aleksei Navalny has aroused Russians angry over wh<br />

at they say were fraudulent parliamentary election<br />

s, rebranding Vladimir V. Putin's United Russia pa<br />

rty as "the party of swindlers and thieves."<br />

===== notyet<br />

MOSCOW — The man most responsible for the extraord<br />

inary burst of antigovernment activism here over t<br />

he past week will not speak at a rally planned for<br />

Saturday, or even attend it, because he is in pri<br />

son.<br />

Cut off from the Internet, Russia’s best-known blo<br />

gger will have to wait until the next morning, whe<br />

n his lawyer will take him a stack of printouts te<br />

lling him what happened — whether the protest fizz

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