Precious Metals Recovery LLC RCRA Permit Application Dry Hills ...

Precious Metals Recovery LLC RCRA Permit Application Dry Hills ... Precious Metals Recovery LLC RCRA Permit Application Dry Hills ...


construction on this site will begin until authorization has been granted by the NDEP Administrator. This RCRA hazardous waste permit application presents a description of the materials to be received, managed, treated and stored. This application describes the treatment processes as well as the treatment and storage units. Lastly, this application describes the operation, inspection, and maintenance of the TSF units, and the reporting procedures for the proposed facility and its personnel. Authorized Signatories – 40 CFR 270.11 A responsible officer must be designated as the authorized signatory for the proposed TSF. Assignment may be made to a specific corporation position rather than to specific individuals. The Authorized Signatory for the proposed TSF will be the General Counsel for BGNA. Change in Authorized Signatories – 40 CFR 270.11 If it becomes necessary to change the authorized representative, because a different position has responsibility for the overall operation of the proposed TSF, PMR will notify the Administrator of NDEP of the new authorization prior to or together with, any reports, information, or applications which require an authorized signature for PMR. Certification – 40 CFR 270.11 The following certification will be included on all documents submitted to NDEP for review in the consideration of this permit application. I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision according to a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. The certification will be included on all documents submitted to NDEP for review in the consideration of this permit application. Confidential Information – 40 CFR 270.12 Information that is confidential, or contains business protected information and design components, will be clearly designated as such. No claim of business confidentiality is being asserted at this time. If future submissions contain confidential information, the claim will be made by stamping the words “confidential business information” on the cover of the document and on each page containing such information. PMR RCRA Permit Application, Dry Hills Facility Page 2 JBR Environmental Consultants, Inc. | HATCH March 2013

Pre-application Public Meeting – 40 CFR 124.31 & 270.14 A public information meeting was hosted by PMR at the Crescent Valley Community Center on Tuesday, December 11, 2012, in accordance with 40 CFR 124.31(c) and 40 CFR 270.14(b)(22). On behalf of PMR, representatives of BGNA were available to answer questions and discuss the proposed TSF. Advance notice of the meeting was published in the Eureka Sentinel and The Elko Daily Free Press; written notices were posted in conspicuous places in the communities of Crescent Valley and Beowawe. In addition, and in accordance with the guidance provided in 40 CRF 124.31, a sign, large enough to be viewed from the nearest road, was posted on the site of the proposed TSF facing Willow Corral Pass. Lastly, a radio announcement for the meeting was broadcast on KELK radio station. All forms of public notice were delivered and given on November 9, 2012, thereby providing the public with at least thirty days’ advance notice of the event. Proof of the public notice is included in Appendix I-A. An attendee register was located at the entrance for those who chose to sign in. Attendees who were interested in being added to the proposed TSF’s mailing list were instructed to sign the register indicating such. Copies of both the attendee register and submitted comments are included in Appendices I-A and I-B, respectively. Displays of the proposed TSF were available for all attendees to browse. On behalf of PMR, BGNA representatives were stationed among the displays to answer questions and to direct attendees toward displays of interest. PMR RCRA Permit Application, Dry Hills Facility Page 3 JBR Environmental Consultants, Inc. | HATCH March 2013

construction on this site will begin until authorization has been granted by the NDEP<br />

Administrator.<br />

This <strong>RCRA</strong> hazardous waste permit application presents a description of the materials to be<br />

received, managed, treated and stored. This application describes the treatment processes as well<br />

as the treatment and storage units. Lastly, this application describes the operation, inspection,<br />

and maintenance of the TSF units, and the reporting procedures for the proposed facility and its<br />

personnel.<br />

Authorized Signatories – 40 CFR 270.11<br />

A responsible officer must be designated as the authorized signatory for the proposed TSF.<br />

Assignment may be made to a specific corporation position rather than to specific individuals.<br />

The Authorized Signatory for the proposed TSF will be the General Counsel for BGNA.<br />

Change in Authorized Signatories – 40 CFR 270.11<br />

If it becomes necessary to change the authorized representative, because a different position<br />

has responsibility for the overall operation of the proposed TSF, PMR will notify the<br />

Administrator of NDEP of the new authorization prior to or together with, any reports,<br />

information, or applications which require an authorized signature for PMR.<br />

Certification – 40 CFR 270.11<br />

The following certification will be included on all documents submitted to NDEP for review in<br />

the consideration of this permit application.<br />

I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were<br />

prepared under my direction or supervision according to a system designed to<br />

assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information<br />

submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system,<br />

or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the<br />

information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate,<br />

and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false<br />

information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing<br />

violations.<br />

The certification will be included on all documents submitted to NDEP for review in the<br />

consideration of this permit application.<br />

Confidential Information – 40 CFR 270.12<br />

Information that is confidential, or contains business protected information and design<br />

components, will be clearly designated as such. No claim of business confidentiality is being<br />

asserted at this time. If future submissions contain confidential information, the claim will be<br />

made by stamping the words “confidential business information” on the cover of the document<br />

and on each page containing such information.<br />

PMR <strong>RCRA</strong> <strong>Permit</strong> <strong>Application</strong>, <strong>Dry</strong> <strong>Hills</strong> Facility Page 2<br />

JBR Environmental Consultants, Inc. | HATCH March 2013

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