Precious Metals Recovery LLC RCRA Permit Application Dry Hills ...

Precious Metals Recovery LLC RCRA Permit Application Dry Hills ... Precious Metals Recovery LLC RCRA Permit Application Dry Hills ...


15 ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH LDR REQUIREMENTS Hazardous wastes will be treated according to the LDR treatment standards contained in 40 CFR 268. Each waste for which a treatment standard has been set will be evaluated for the applicable parameters. Analytical results completed in support of the LDR requirements will be entered in the proposed TSF’s operating record. Hazardous wastes resulting from operations at the proposed TSF will be analyzed to determine if the LDR standard has been met. Hazardous wastes that exceed the applicable LDR treatment standards will be processed in the retort, if applicable, or sent to an appropriately licensed treatment facility. A LDR notification required by 40 CFR 268.7 will accompany the shipment of hazardous waste, identify the waste as LDR regulated, and indicate that further treatment is necessary prior to disposal. In addition to the LDR notification, the waste profile sheet and current analytical data sheets for the waste stream will be provided to the receiving treatment facility. Hazardous wastes that meet the applicable treatment requirements for disposal and no longer exhibit a hazardous characteristic for mercury, will be prepared for shipment to an appropriately licensed landfill with no further treatment necessary. A LDR certification, including analytical records to support the certification, will be prepared and accompany the shipment of hazardous waste to the receiving facility. Waste Analysis Plan App 2A-Page 16 JBR Environmental Consultants, Inc. March 2013

ATTACHMENT 2-A-1 Profile Instructions and Form

ATTACHMENT 2-A-1<br />

Profile Instructions and Form

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