Child English Intake - My Doctor Online The Permanente Medical ...

Child English Intake - My Doctor Online The Permanente Medical ...

Child English Intake - My Doctor Online The Permanente Medical ...


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Psychosocial History (cont'd)<br />

-Whi~h oith~ foll~i~g-;~ c~entiY-con~d~;edt~-be~i~ifi~~t pr~blems?- NONE 0------------------------o<br />

Blames others for own mistakes 0 Often argues with adults<br />

o Oftenangryor resentful 0 Oftendeliberatelyannoyspeople<br />

o Oftentouchyor easilyannoyedby others 0 Oftenlosestemper<br />

o Oftendefiesauthorityfigures' requestsor rules<br />

At what age didtheseproblemsbegin?<br />

Which of the following are currently considered to be significant problems? NONE 0<br />

o Stolen without confrontation 0 Forced someone else into sexual activity<br />

o Stolenwith confrontation 0 Deliberatelysets fires<br />

o Breaking and entering 0 Cruel to animals<br />

o Destroyedothers' property 0 Useda weaponin a fight<br />

o Run away fromhomeat leasttwice 0 Ofteninitiatesphysicalfights<br />

o Oftenlies 0 Physicalcruelto people<br />

o Oftentruant 0 Alcohol/Druguse<br />

At what age didtheseproblemsbegin?<br />

Which of the followingare currentlyconsideredto be significantproblems? NONE 0<br />

o Unrealisticworryaboutfutureevents 0 Unrealisticconcernsaboutcompetence<br />

o Unrealisticconcernaboutpastbehavior 0 Extremeself-consciousness<br />

o Complaints about body aches and pains 0 Excessive need for reassurance<br />

o Inability to relax<br />

At what age did these problems begin?<br />

Which of the following are currently considered to be significant problems? NONE 0<br />

o Unrealisticandpersistentworryaboutarmto familymembers<br />

o Unrealistic and persistent worry that a terrible event will separate child from family<br />

o Persistentschoolrefusal 0 Persistentrefusalto sleepalone<br />

o Persistentavoidanceof beingalone 0<br />

o Repeatednightmaresregardingseparationfromthe family<br />

o Excessivedistressin anticipationof beingseparatedfromparent/guardian<br />

o Excessivedistresswhenseparatedfromparent/guardian<br />

At what age did theseproblemsbegin?<br />

.-.---­<br />

Whichof the followingare currentlyconsideredto be significantproblems? NONE 0<br />

o Depressed or irritable mood most of the day, nearly every day<br />

o Decreased or increased appetite associated with weight loss or gain<br />

o Feelingworthlessor excessiveand inappropriateguilt<br />

o Feelinghopeless 0 LowSelf-esteem<br />

o Sleepstoo muchor too little 0 Decreasedpleasurein activities<br />

o Increasedfatigueor tiredness 0 Decreasedabilityto concentrate<br />

o Increasedor decreasedenergyand movement 0 Has thoughtsof hurtingothers<br />

o Has attemptedsuicide. 0 Has expressedthoughtsof suicide.<br />

When? When: 0 Past 0 Current<br />

At whatage did theseproblemsbegin?<br />

' ~ ~

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