Child English Intake - My Doctor Online The Permanente Medical ...

Child English Intake - My Doctor Online The Permanente Medical ...

Child English Intake - My Doctor Online The Permanente Medical ...


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Prenatal and Birth<br />

Was your child adopted? 0 Yes 0 No If Yes, at what age?<br />


How wasthe biologicalmother's healthduringpregnancy? 0 Good 0 Fair 0 Poor 0 N/A<br />

How old was the biological mother when the child was born? o Unknown<br />

Did the motheruse any of the followingsubstancesor medicationwhilepregnant?<br />

o Alcohol 0 SleepingPills 0 Heroin 0 DiabetesMedication<br />

o Tranquilizers 0 Marijuana 0 Methamphetamine 0 Cigarettes<br />

o Antibiotics 0 Cocaine 0 Anti-SeizureMedication<br />

Other:<br />

Did toxemiaor eclampsiaoccurat birth? 0 No 0 Yes 0 Unknown<br />

<strong>The</strong> childwasborn: 0 Before8 months 0 Atterm (8-10months) 0 10months 0 Unknown<br />

Werethereany complicationsduringlabor?0 No 0 Yes (pleaseexplain) 0 Unknown<br />

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Did the child experience any of the following during delivery? (Check all that apply)<br />

o Normal 0 Caesarian 0 Breech 0 Forceps 0 Induced 0 FetalDistress 0 Unknown<br />

Werethereany healthcomplicationsfollowingbirth? 0 No 0 Yes(pleaseexplain)? 0 Unknown<br />

M._._.___._________________________ --.--.------.-.-.---------------.---.---.--­<br />

-------.--.--.-.---.----.----.-.--------------.--.---.-------.---------.----.-.-.-.-.-------....---<br />

Infancv and Development<br />

Were there early infancy feeding problems? o No DYes o Unknown<br />

.Was the child colicky (difficult to soothe, cried a lot)? o No DYes o Unknown<br />

Were there infancy sleep pattern difficulties? o No DYes o Unknown<br />

Were there problems with the infant's alertness?<br />

. - ­<br />

o No DYes o Unknown<br />

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How easy was it to get the child calm and on a schedule? (check one)<br />

. 0 YetyJ~.~~Y 0 Ea~y" 0 Av~~<br />

How sociable was the child with other people? (check one)<br />

_!;JV efY-_~oc!a~!.t? P Ay-erag~_s()ciability ------.---.--..---.-------­<br />

o Less sociable<br />

What was the child's activity level as an infantltoddler:(check one)<br />

Very active Active<br />

--------------.-----.-.--..------.---.-­<br />

ODD<br />

Less active<br />

Where there any delays in developmental milestones, such as sitting up, crawling, walking, talking or toilet<br />

training? 0 No 0 Yes (please explain) 0 Unknown<br />

-_.~-­ ..---­<br />

-.--------------------.-.---.­ w ~__.___<br />

-..-.----..----------­<br />

<strong>Child</strong> <strong>Intake</strong> 11.2009.sgc 2

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