CORPORATE MESSAGE - Max International Virtual Office

CORPORATE MESSAGE - Max International Virtual Office

CORPORATE MESSAGE - Max International Virtual Office


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inside this issue<br />

Corporate Messages<br />

Mike Larkins: Creating a<br />

Company as Strong as Our<br />

Products<br />

Peter Nordberg: Setting<br />

the Standard for Others to<br />

Follow<br />

Co-Founder Messages<br />

Greg Fullerton: Plant Seeds<br />

and Let Them Grow<br />

Steve Scott: Making the<br />

Ordinary Extraordinary<br />

Inspiration<br />

Dan Clark: Inspiring Change<br />

In Yourself and Others<br />

Chris Mullins: Rediscovering<br />

a Zest For an Active<br />

Lifestyle<br />

Diamond Dinner<br />

Power to Change the World<br />

Events & Promotions<br />

Build Your Business As You<br />

Take Advantage of Exciting<br />

New Promotions<br />

Product<br />

<strong>Max</strong>One TM Released After<br />

Decades of Groundbreaking<br />

Research, FAQ, Testimonials<br />

<strong>International</strong> Expansion<br />

Tools<br />

Exciting New Tools, <strong>Max</strong><br />

Living System<br />

Awards<br />

Recognition<br />

Top Associate and Preferred<br />

Customer Recruiters<br />

Rank Advancements<br />

Become a fan of <strong>Max</strong> on<br />

Facebook! Click here<br />

<strong>CORPORATE</strong> <strong>MESSAGE</strong><br />

Creating a company as strong as our products<br />

Mike Larkins, <strong>Max</strong> President<br />

Many of you are in the process of injecting new<br />

life into your businesses in the wake of another<br />

tremendous convention. We’ve received<br />

a lot of positive feedback from Associates<br />

throughout the company. Exciting new tools<br />

were introduced along with a wealth of valuable<br />

training. But the highlight was the launch of<br />

a new product, <strong>Max</strong>One TM . This revolutionary<br />

product will not only fuel your business in ways<br />

you’ve only dreamed of before, but will have<br />

an enormous impact on world health. It is a<br />

product unlike anything the world has seen,<br />

resulting from 25 years of committed, groundbreaking research and development by Dr. Herb<br />

Nagasawa and his team. Dr. Nagasawa’s dream was that people would benefit from the<br />

RiboCeine TM technology, regardless of economic status or access to prescriptions. Those of<br />

us who witnessed it will never forget the enthusiasm of this great man at the <strong>Max</strong> “All-Star<br />

Weekend” Convention as he saw his decades-long dream begin to become a reality.<br />

<strong>Max</strong>One is a major fulfilment of our mission and will have an enormous impact on world<br />

health. The diversity of the personalities, backgrounds, and talents of <strong>Max</strong> Associates and<br />

corporate leaders makes this company and this industry the perfect place to market a product<br />

of this caliber. I have often said to co-workers that the products are so good at <strong>Max</strong> our<br />

culture has to match it. When you have powerful, revolutionary products they can’t be marred<br />

by sub-par leadership. Individual work ethic and integrity throughout the company has to rise<br />

up to the quality of the products. <strong>Max</strong>One is a major fulfillment of our mission and will have an<br />

enormous impact on world health.<br />

I am becoming known for being a bit of an “A Company” zealot, as are some of my colleagues.<br />

The fever is catching on in the field. I am determined to help make the company shine as<br />

brightly as the products we sell and embody the same authenticity and character, impacting<br />

lives for the better. In keeping with an “A Company” philosophy, if we are genuinely focused<br />

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<strong>CORPORATE</strong> <strong>MESSAGE</strong><br />

on our purpose and mission, money will follow. “D Company” practices of making money at the detriment and expense of all<br />

else cannot exist anywhere in the company.Two of our leaders went across the country with a backup crew, sacrificing their<br />

bodies, in blazing heat for the very worthy cause of preventing child abuse. As a survivor of child abuse, I understand how<br />

vital it is to reverse the tides that lead to abuse. Eighty percent of victims of abuse grow up to become abusers themselves,<br />

not because they want to be but because of a confused, distorted attempt to cope with their own trauma. I remember being<br />

knocked unconscious for several hours. I dropped off of my eighth grade basketball team because I didn’t want to have to<br />

explain the welts covering the upper part of my legs. The abuse from my father came because of the abuse he experienced<br />

growing up. I worked with someone who told me that I could be the transitional figure in my generational family. “You can be<br />

the one to stop the current. You didn’t start it, but you can stop it.”<br />

The same principle applies to network marketing and this business. Many of you have been abused by “D Companies” in<br />

your past and are still suffering the scars from that experience. You can reverse that abuse and now is the time to do so.<br />

We, at corporate, want to set the standard. An example of moving in the right direction is the new <strong>Max</strong> Living bonus. After<br />

getting feedback from the field and discussing it internally we decided the car program should be replaced by a cash bonus<br />

that allows you to decide what will happen with the money. If you need it to go toward child care, housekeeping, back into<br />

your business, or toward a family vacation, it is up to you. It is consistent with the philisophy of an “A Company” to let you<br />

decide.<br />

Our continuing efforts to expand into foreign markets is part of our efforts to impact the world for the better. When we opened<br />

in the Philippines a primary concern many Associates had was that we would be like other companies that opened there,<br />

promising a great future, but died quickly because they hadn’t taken the necessary steps to foster longevity. This is also true<br />

of your individual businesses. As Edwards Deming stated, 85 percent of the outcome is determined by the first 15 percent–<br />

how you get started. The new <strong>Max</strong> Living System will help you get started in the right way.<br />

Adhering to <strong>Max</strong> Living principles will help keep us on course as a company. Take advantage of the yourmaxliving.<br />

com website. It is our way to help you stay on track, stay focused, and inspire you in your personal life and your <strong>Max</strong> business.<br />

It will place the things that matter most at the forefront of your life where they belong. When that happens, everything else<br />

falls in place. Thank you for making convention such a memorable and meaningful experience. Here’s to doing the same<br />

with our lives.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Mike Larkins<br />


<strong>CORPORATE</strong> <strong>MESSAGE</strong><br />

<strong>CORPORATE</strong> <strong>MESSAGE</strong><br />

Setting the standard for others to follow<br />

Peter Nordberg, <strong>Max</strong> Chief Executive <strong>Office</strong>r<br />

When you think of the things that make a successful marriage, some things that<br />

come to mind are a collective consistent effort, a mutual desire, respect, passion,<br />

and commitment. The same characteristics lead to success in this business. This<br />

business is very much a group effort—we couldn’t do it without you and you<br />

couldn’t do it without us.<br />

When you look at how far we’ve come in such a short time you realize we<br />

have put those characteristics to good use in the partnerships throughout this<br />

company. Our international markets are booming right now and we have started<br />

the process of opening in several more in the near future.<br />

Our success with this company has happened through one of the worst global<br />

crises of our time. It doesn’t matter who started the crisis we find ourselves<br />

in but we can individually and collectively put an end to it in the lives of those who catch the vision of this company<br />

and its products.<br />

The Philippines is a great example of how a company like <strong>Max</strong> can impact lives for the better. The average income in that<br />

country is roughly 1,700 U.S. dollars a year, which means that a Diamond pack amounts to roughly 10 months of income<br />

for the average person. Yet despite these challenges the numbers are booming in that country. In the last few months alone<br />

seven Associates advanced to Platinum and some are inches away from Diamond. That’s amazing.<br />

This is not to say the <strong>Max</strong> journey has always been easy. We have maybe even had more than our share of blows, but it has<br />

also made us stronger.<br />

In terms of the evolutionary process of this company we couldn’t be in a better spot than we are right now. We’ve<br />

accomplished great things already. We’ve released some incredible products—three since June of this year—each of which<br />

is powerful enough to start its own network marketing company. Our science and technology have never been more solid.<br />

We completed an acquisition that will keep us on the cutting edge of glutathione technology for years and decades into the<br />

future. Our product development team is creating groundbreaking products that work together for total cell health.<br />

At the <strong>Max</strong> “All-Star Weekend” Convention we introduced a new product, <strong>Max</strong>One TM, that is our most powerful product to<br />

date, backed by decades of groundbreaking science and research. This product is directly aligned with our commitment<br />

to improve world health. I think Associates are still in awe over what was introduced at convention and what it means for<br />


<strong>CORPORATE</strong> <strong>MESSAGE</strong><br />

them and their business, and by extension the well-being—both in terms of finances and health—of people throughout the<br />

world. We also released several powerful new tools at convention that will help you effectively introduce your prospects to<br />

the products and the opportunity.<br />

For a company that is less than 1,400 days old we have accomplished much, but make no mistake we have every intention<br />

of continuing to build and become even stronger. Many corporate and field leaders spoke at convention about how we intend<br />

to expand on a global basis with the intent of dominating in our industry, while utilizing the best practices representative of<br />

an “A Company.” One day soon we want to stand at the peak of this industry, plant our flag and proudly set the standard<br />

for others to follow.<br />

To accomplish this it will take the same effort as that of a successful marriage, consistency, commitment, focus, mutual<br />

desire, respect, and integrity. As with a marriage we can’t do it without you and you can’t do it without us. The opportunity<br />

is there right in front of us. So let’s join together in one movement, go out and make a difference.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Peter Nordberg<br />


CO-FOUNDER <strong>MESSAGE</strong><br />

CO-FOUNDERS <strong>MESSAGE</strong><br />

Plant seeds and let them grow<br />

Greg Fullerton, <strong>Max</strong> Co-founder<br />

clear night promised a nice day tomorrow.<br />

Perspective is an interesting thing. How we look at the world impacts everything<br />

in our lives from the way we build our businesses to the way we live our lives. Our<br />

different perspectives and personalities are what makes life interesting. Each one<br />

brings something different and important to your business. Imagine the world if<br />

we all saw it the same way.<br />

Peter listened patiently and, stifling a yawn, replied, “That’s nice.”<br />

A Momentum Tour experience perfectly illustrates this concept. One night in<br />

Flagstaff, Mike and Peter were feeling adventurous and decided they were going<br />

to sleep outside. Peter woke up in the middle of the night and nudged Mike.<br />

Pointing at the sky, Peter asked Mike what he thought. Mike was so awestruck<br />

by the billions of stars over their heads he hardly noticed he’d just been roused<br />

out of a sound sleep. He launched into a philosophical discussion about eternity<br />

and the mysteries of the universe. Mike finished on a practical note saying the<br />

Realizing he’d been doing all the talking Mike turned to Peter and asked what it meant to him.<br />

His response? “Somebody stole our tent.” Well, okay. That didn’t really happen, but you get my point about the value of<br />

different perspectives.<br />

Our experiences often take on new meaning in the present when we revisit significant moments from the past. Each time I tell<br />

the miraculous story of my daughter Carly’s courageous fight for life after being born at just 22 weeks of gestation, it inspires<br />

me in new ways. Carly showed a tenacity on the day of her birth, and the difficult weeks that followed, that she has had<br />

throughout her life. She attacks each new challenge with the same determination that made her the first baby her doctors<br />

had ever seen survive a birth that pre-mature. She inspires me every day to be a better person. She has taught me to keep<br />

going when things get tough. Even—and perhaps especially—when we fail. That is bravery. Thank goodness we have people<br />

in our lives who do that for us.<br />

Each morning when I scrubbed my hands in the newborn ICU I read a quote from Shakespeare’s Macbeth on a plaque by<br />


CO-FOUNDER <strong>MESSAGE</strong><br />

the sink that has become engrained in my memory and slowly changed the way I see the world. It said, “If you can look into<br />

the seeds of time and say which grain will grow and which will not, speak then to me.”<br />

Our thoughts, ideas, ambitions, and dreams are all seeds. All too often we don’t nourish them or allow them to grow<br />

because we are worried about what the outcome will be, or we don’t thoughtfully consider the outcome.<br />

Each time you have an opportunity to meet and talk to a new person, that is a seed. How many times have you talked to<br />

someone you had no intention of talking to about the business. and it turned into a great opportunity? When we make it<br />

about what we can give, and not about what we can get from people, our tendency to miss such opportunities will<br />

slowly fade. Take time to think about all the seeds in your life you are not letting grow and remember that simple quote, “If<br />

you could look into the seeds of time and say which would grow and which would not, speak then to me.”<br />

I feel that we are all interconnected–that there is a reason we have arrived here together. I have never been as passionate<br />

about anything as I am about this company. I believe everything in my life has led me here and prepared me for this<br />

opportunity. I have talked to many of you in the field who feel the same way. We are truly a family at <strong>Max</strong>. I believe we will<br />

impact the world in significant and positive ways and change lives everywhere we go.<br />

That difference begins now when you talk to the next person you meet<br />

and plant a seed. It may grow immediately, or it may soak up nourishment<br />

for a while before it sprouts, and not every one will. We need to look at those<br />

seeds and help plant them. We need to go out and make a difference in the<br />

world. That starts with talking to the next person you meet. So let’s go out<br />

together and make a difference.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Greg Fullerton<br />


CO-FOUNDER <strong>MESSAGE</strong><br />

CO-FOUNDERS <strong>MESSAGE</strong><br />

Making the ordinary extraordinary<br />

Steve Scott, <strong>Max</strong> Co-founder<br />

Before <strong>Max</strong>, the last thing I expected to do was start my own network marketing<br />

company, but that changed when I met a man named Dr. Robert Keller and was<br />

introduced to a product that did something nothing else in the world could do. I would<br />

come to find it was a product that could not only slow the aging process but reverse it<br />

and help people reclaim their youth.<br />

When we started hearing their stories of people who were taking it, we realized it wasn’t<br />

something that could be marketed on TV. The only way to tell the story was by word of<br />

mouth. Network marketing was the only answer—and it has been the perfect fit. I’ve<br />

really grown to love this industry and have seen the power of what it can do. With new<br />

products and technology introduced by Dr. Herb Nagasawa and his team, the future of<br />

<strong>Max</strong> has never looked brighter.<br />

Hearing people’s stories never gets old–whether they involve professional athletes or ordinary folks like you and me.<br />

Evander Holyfield has <strong>Max</strong>GXL ® imprinted on his boxing shorts because the product was instrumental in the resurgence of his<br />

professional boxing career. Heisman Trophy winner, Johnny “The Jet” Rodgers set 40 NCAA records, almost half of which were<br />

still standing when he was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame in 2000. His professional career was cut tragically short<br />

due to injuries. By the time he was 57 he could barely do the physical activities he loved like golf and racquetball. After starting on<br />

<strong>Max</strong>GXL, he now shoots 18 holes of golf every Sunday and plays racquetball three to five days a week. Bill Gillespie’s career was<br />

revived after he started taking <strong>Max</strong> products. Soon after, he broke five world records in weightlifting in one day—a feat that has<br />

never been matched—and he did it at the age of 49. These are just a few of the athlete stories at <strong>Max</strong>, and they will undoubtedly<br />

multiply exponentially in the years ahead. But athletes are hardly the only ones who benefit.<br />

After running the best dress shop in Vicksburg, Mississippi for over 20 years, Tina Martin’s life took an unexpected turn and her<br />

career came to an abrupt end. She spent the better part of the next eight years in bed. Most tragically for her was that her ability to<br />

function as a wife and mother was impaired. Within a few months of the time a friend introduced her to <strong>Max</strong>GXL she was running<br />

<strong>Max</strong> booths for 12 to 14 hours a day and you wouldn’t know there was ever a problem. Each gathering, like convention, introduces<br />


CO-FOUNDER <strong>MESSAGE</strong><br />

me to many more powerful stories like these. As amazing as the stories with <strong>Max</strong>GXL, <strong>Max</strong>ATP TM , and the newly reformulated <strong>Max</strong><br />

N-Fuze TM have been, <strong>Max</strong>One TM promises to take us to a whole new level. It’s hard to even comprehend what the future holds.<br />

Speaking of powerful stories, one recently unfolded on our television screens as 33 Chilean miners were rescued after 69 days of<br />

entrapment. People around the world banded together—pooling their resources and expertise—to make it happen. The miners’<br />

only job was to stay alive, stay nourished and keep their spirits up—none of which was easy given the circumstances. The rest<br />

depended on the people above.<br />

A company in Pennsylvania provided the technology that allowed them to drill fast enough to make the rescue. An American<br />

soldier serving in Afghanistan, who was the world’s leading expert on drilling, was called away from his duties to help. Thanks to a<br />

combined effort and people working around the clock, every miner was saved.<br />

Those miners were a lot like the cells in our bodies, that fight daily against free radicals and toxins for their survival. Our cells are<br />

dependent on us to provide the proper nutrition to help in that fight. It’s not good enough to merely survive but to thrive. At<br />

<strong>Max</strong>, we are all about thriving and living life to the max. When you partner with other <strong>Max</strong> Associates and Corporate leaders in<br />

distributing the life-changing products, you are in the business of helping people make life extraordinary.<br />

Never underestimate the power of one person and the impact we each have on the<br />

lives of those around us. I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for the people who guided<br />

me down the paths that led me here. When you partner with the right people and<br />

have the right products ordinary becomes extraordinary. That’s what it is all about.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Steve Scott<br />



Change from within<br />

Change is a necessary and vital aspect of any life, said Dan Clark, the keynote<br />

speaker at <strong>Max</strong> “All-Star Weekend” Convention last month. Whether change makes<br />

you think outside the box or puts you back in it—and there are many times, especially<br />

in this business, when effectively thinking inside the box is exactly what is required—<br />

the important thing is that the change is coming from the right place.<br />

Change from the outside is reactive change and creates pressure. If your need to<br />

change is a reaction to the recession, the downsizing of your job or industry, 9/11, or<br />

because someone else wants you to change, you inherit a victim mentality. People<br />

with a victim mentality will see the recession as working against them. But if you are<br />

a person who goes after change and see it as a positive, the recession becomes an<br />

opportunity.<br />

That kind of change happens from the inside out. It is proactive change and creates power. We believe we can seize the<br />

present and know the future is ours. We can do whatever it takes to succeed and we will succeed if we associate with the<br />

right people. This kind of change can also transform lives around you. It’s by stretching ourselves that we bring about change.<br />

Stretching ourselves is something that has to happen with someone else. Dan said he knows a lot of professional athletes<br />

and they can stretch to the point of discomfort alone, but stretching beyond discomfort is not something we can do<br />

alone—it requires people-to-people interaction. Understanding pain and stretching beyond our limits can often combine<br />

for inspired moments.<br />


OTHERS<br />

Dan Clark, Keynote Speaker<br />

“I don’t want to be known as a motivational speaker,” Dan said. “Motivational speakers have a tendency to say things like, ‘We<br />

become what we think about.’ I know that’s not true because if it was I would have been a woman before I was 12 years old.”<br />

Inspiration is a different thing altogether. In his keynote address at convention Dan Clark said, it would be a waste of your time<br />

if the speakers and presenters at convention, or anywhere else, did all they could to stretch you intellectually and emotionally<br />

and you left and went back home and continued doing exactly what you did before. That often happens, but that’s why<br />

change must result from true inspiration and a sustained determination to better your life.<br />



Impacting others<br />

Change that happens for the right reasons also tends to positively impact those around us. Dan told the poignant story of the<br />

day his dad died. He was in Seattle preparing to give two speeches on back to back days with different trade associations. He<br />

woke up in his hotel room at the Seattle Airport Marriott Hotel, preparing to leave for his first speech, when the phone rang.<br />

Thinking it was his driver, he almost said, “I’ll be right down” but was met with 15 seconds of silence that was finally pierced<br />

by the voice of his brother breaking the news of their dad’s death.<br />

Dan sat on his bed and wept. His dad was his hero and had battled cancer for six and half years. Dan always wanted to be<br />

at his dad’s bedside when he took his last breath but he wasn’t, and it broke his heart. He loved his dad, whom he described<br />

as understanding the power of the one. This was the man that always told him, “Dan, be yourself. You’d be a lousy someone<br />

else, so be the best you you can be.”<br />

Dan became, at times, accustomed to coming up short in a gene pool consisting of siblings with ultra-successful business<br />

careers and grade to grad school valedictorian honors. He recalled bringing home a report card one day consisting of four Fs<br />

and one D. His dad’s response? “Son, it looks like you’re spending too much time on one subject.”<br />

His dad was himself an extremely successful business man and a tremendous example of rising to the top while remaining a<br />

good and exemplary person, with his integrity intact.<br />

As Dan sat crying on his bed, with memories of his dad racing through his mind, the phone rang again. This time it was his<br />

ride. He gathered himself together, splashed water on his face and went downstairs. He would rather have been hopping on<br />

an airplane to go home to give his mom a hug and offer support to his grieving siblings, but Dan’s parents had always taught<br />

him to stay true to his commitments. How could he not show up when 3500 people and a 90-minute time slot were waiting<br />

on him?<br />

The ride down on the elevator would have been thankfully alone if it weren’t for the bellboy catching the edge of his cart’s<br />

wheel in the door just before it closed. Dan was backed to the rear wall of the elevator behind the cart, where he assumed his<br />

elevator position to avoid the need to socialize. But the psychotically overzealous bellboy would have none of it.<br />

“Whoooo weee,” he quipped. “You see that beautiful sunshine? I been living in Seattle 15 years and it has rained every day.<br />

You must have brought the good weather with you. Wooo doggies. How you doing?”<br />

“I’m fine,” Dan said, hoping the small talk would end there, but no such luck. Though he was avoiding all eye contact, Dan<br />

could sense the bellhop staring at him.<br />

He finally said, ‘Mister you’re not fine. You’ve been crying.”<br />

Dan replied, “Yeah my dad died this morning and I’m really sad.”<br />



The humbled bellboy simply said, “Whoa” and respectfully got out of Dan’s way as he walked to his waiting car. Dan said he<br />

had to dig deeper than at any other time in his life to give his scheduled speech. It ended with a song he sang for his dad, who<br />

had never heard him sing it in public—until then. He asked the driver to stop at the Seattle Aquarium on the way back to his<br />

hotel. He needed time and space to understand his pain.<br />

“Pain is a signal to grow, not to suffer,” Dan said. “When you understand the lessons it teaches, pain goes away.”<br />

Unexpected Inspiration<br />

When he got back to the hotel an impromptu basket of fruit, that included among other treasures, a tomato and a carrot,<br />

was waiting for him, along with a note that said, “Mr. Clark, I’m sure sorry your dad died. I’m supposed to get off work at five<br />

o’clock. I’ve asked to stay on all night long so I can be here just for you. Room service closes at ten o’clock. The kitchen has<br />

agreed to stay on all night long so they can be available just for you. If you need anything just call and ask for me. Signed,<br />

James the bellboy in the elevator.”<br />

He’s not the only one that signed the card. It was signed by every single employee at the Seattle Airport Marriott Hotel.<br />

“I have it matted and framed and hanging on my office wall to this day,” Dan said. “James the bellboy may have been the<br />

youngest person on the payroll, but he seemingly got it.”<br />

Change that happens from within is power. It leads to good, life-altering decisions.<br />

“The right answers have always been right<br />

or we can’t call them right,” Dan said. “I<br />

want to be the guy who gives you the box.<br />

I want to give you the container where you<br />

take all your facts and feelings, all of your<br />

best practices, all of your opportunities, all<br />

of your dreams, stick them in this box and<br />

take them home with you so you will not<br />

be the same.”<br />



“The first thing that attracted me to <strong>Max</strong> was good people,” Chris said. “The<br />

product sounded good but then again a lot of things do.”<br />

He has been approached over the course of his career about various products<br />

and companies more times than he could count. He said that for no particular<br />

reason he generally declined. As for <strong>Max</strong>, he formed an immediate rapport with<br />

fellow Brooklyner Joe Voyticky and Jim Stevralia when they met for lunch in San<br />

Francisco.<br />

In addition to the people you work with, it comes down to results. Chris had been<br />

retired from the NBA for 10 years, living a very active lifestyle in the outdoor-<br />

friendly environs of the Bay Area, that was starting to take its toll.<br />

Chris tried to stay active despite all the distractions that are a natural part of<br />

married life. Running kids to various sporting activites, along with all the other<br />

daily activities, was offset by his own need for physical activities like swimming<br />

and biking. Yet at the time he was introduced to <strong>Max</strong>GXL ® he found he was losing<br />

motivation for the physical activities he loved. Among other things, he was facing his first knee surgery soon, which made<br />

physical activity even more of a challenge.<br />

“I loved to be active but found I was getting away from that,” Chris said. “I wouldn’t say my body was breaking down but I<br />

was losing a lot of energy and zest for the thing I loved. I was giving in to discomfort and saying I was getting old. It wasn’t a<br />

good feeling.”<br />

After the surgery he found he was able to get back into his routine much quicker than expected. Little by little, after he started<br />

taking <strong>Max</strong>GXL, he found himself working out every day, sometimes twice a day, and not feeling the negative effects anywhere<br />

near as much as before. In fact, he felt great.<br />

He said not only did he feel better physically and had a lot more energy, but found he didn’t need to sleep as much, partly<br />

because the quality of his sleep was so much better. Chris said knowing <strong>Max</strong>GXL worked for him, he was confident to pass it<br />

on to those people he loved. Chris heard about <strong>Max</strong>One TM just before convention and couldn’t wait to try it. He took his first<br />

dose on stage to the applause of fellow Associates. He joked immediately after, “I feel better already.”<br />

“I used to say when I was playing in the NBA, ‘How many times can you do something you like to do that’s good for you,’”<br />

Chris said. “That’s what we have at <strong>Max</strong>. There are a lot of people that have a fortune but they don’t have their health. We<br />

have something that is good for us physically and can help us thrive financially. Really it’s been a blessing. I feel very fortunate<br />

to be associated with <strong>Max</strong>.”<br />




On the eve of the <strong>Max</strong> “All-Star Weekend” Convention, <strong>Max</strong><br />

leaders traded in the leather and blue jeans they donned<br />

during the Momentum Tour for tuxes and evening gowns at a<br />

gathering at one of Salt Lake’s finest restaurants. As with the<br />

Momentum Tour, and despite contrasts in attire and setting,<br />

inspiration was the order of the day.<br />

<strong>Max</strong> CEO Peter Nordberg admitted to being more comfortable<br />

in his biking togs, but was nonetheless honored to pay tribute<br />

to some of <strong>Max</strong> <strong>International</strong>’s most successful Associates at<br />

Wednesday’s affair. As he was preparing for the evening he<br />

complained to his wife Marcy about the need to spiff up. His<br />

ever-optimistic sweetheart said, “Isn’t it nice every once in a<br />

while to get dressed up and go out?” His characteristically<br />

understated, but honest reply: “Nope.”<br />

Greg Fullerton was respectfully on Marcy’s side of the debate.<br />

Growing up in less than privileged circumstances often<br />

meant shopping for school at the economic-friendly Army<br />

Navy surplus in downtown Salt Lake.<br />

“I went to third grade most of the time dressed as a Chinese<br />

general,” Greg said. “So dressing up feels good.”<br />

The debate on the merits or drudgery of putting on the ritz<br />

was, of course, secondary to the night’s theme of “inspire.”<br />

<strong>Max</strong> President Mike Larkins asked the Diamond Associates to<br />

think of a person in their life who inspired them in their youth<br />

and positively impacted their lives. The answers included a<br />

parent who showed unconditional love, a business associate<br />

who taught someone how to sell, and a religious leader who<br />

inspired a roomful of people into action.<br />

Mike reminded the Diamond leaders that just as they were<br />

inspired by influential people in their lives, they inspire people<br />

on their team to work toward and reach their potential. This<br />

applies to current team members and people they have yet to<br />



recruit. Given the state of the economy, Associates throughout<br />

the company will continue to recruit people who are hungry<br />

for inspiration and will look to us for that.<br />

“There are people who are in a massive search for affiliation,”<br />

Mike said. “They’re looking for income. They’re looking for<br />

better health. They are looking to be part of something<br />

that is bigger than themselves and that’s what we’re<br />

trying to create here. The partnering between you (Diamond<br />

Associates) and the company is something that I think is<br />

bringing out the best in all of us.”<br />

Co-founder Steve Scott said when he and Greg started the<br />

company they didn’t know what it would take to make it a<br />

success. It has been a learning process. At the inception of<br />

the company we had a phenomenal product, a lot of heart and<br />

a lot of passion. Becoming successful has been a process<br />

of assembling the right people into the right roles. We have<br />

put together a stellar corporate team. They continually get us<br />

back on track if we ever find ourselves straying.<br />

Steve said we are at a stage when we are ready to go into a<br />

whole new phase and it has required really getting things in<br />

order.<br />

Peter agreed, saying we have a chance to impact the lives<br />

of people around the world with life-changing products and<br />

opportunity.<br />

“In addition to the inspiration of my wife, my kids, my honor<br />

and integrity, I am inspired by what we are involved in together<br />

as a group,” Peter said. “We hear talk about us changing<br />

the world to the point that it almost becomes a cliché.<br />

But the amazing part is, they aren’t just words. It’s the<br />

absolute truth. We have the power to do it and we can inspire<br />

each other to make it happen.”<br />

Greg Fullerton said he has never been as excited about<br />

anything as the opportunity we have in front of us, the<br />

products we have, and our collective vision.<br />

“I am telling you it is beyond anything I ever dreamed of four<br />

years ago when we started this,” Greg said. “We will always<br />

be able to say we were there when it started.”<br />





This is a great time to be engaged with <strong>Max</strong> <strong>International</strong>! In the coming months, you have the chance to win<br />

one of three new cars, qualify for a Caribbean cruise, join new Gold Associates in Park City, and be part of an<br />

unforgettable week in Maui for Diamond Leaders.<br />

Here’s something else to be get excited about: You earn points in the three promotions simultaneously! With three<br />

promotions and two incentive trips, which are highlighted below, there is a lot of detail to cover. Visit the <strong>Max</strong> blog to<br />

learn how you can qualify for these great rewards. Except for the Road to Diamond Event, Associates from all markets<br />

are eligible!<br />

With the <strong>Max</strong> Driver’s Seat Promotion, Part II, two Associates have the chance to<br />

win the car of their choice—either an Audi A4 Quattro S-Line, a BMW 328i Sedan,<br />

or Mercedes C300 4Matic Sedan. By growing your business, advancing in rank,<br />

and helping your personally enrolled Associates do the same, you earn points; 25<br />

points qualifies you for the drawing! This promotion began October 16th, 2010 and<br />

concludes on December 16th, 2010.<br />

Destination <strong>Max</strong> will give qualifying Associates a Caribbean cruise for two in August<br />

2011! <strong>Max</strong> will cover airfare (up to US$1,000) plus all cruise expenses. As with the<br />

Driver’s Seat promotion, your business-building efforts help you generate points,<br />

and all Associates who accumulate 175 points are cruising! The promotion period is<br />

October 16th, 2010 through April 30th, 2011.<br />

The <strong>Max</strong> One-A-Day DVD Challenge gives Associates another chance to win a car!<br />

All you have to do is share <strong>Max</strong>’s newest introductory video with people and submit<br />

their names and contact info on-line. As long as you enter at least five names every<br />

week, you remain in the contest. Miss a week, and you’re out. Associates who<br />

enroll after November 1 are required to be in the contest by the second Monday<br />

following enrollment. <strong>Max</strong> will randomly verify names that Associates submit. The<br />

promotion period is October 16th, 2010 through April 30th, 2011.<br />



The Grand Wailea Resort in Maui is nothing short of Heaven on<br />

earth, and Diamond Associates can qualify for a trip for two—new<br />

Diamonds and a guest—for a week there for the Diamond Retreat.<br />

Associates who achieve the Diamond rank from May 2010 through<br />

March 2011 qualify for a trip for two. Current Diamonds must<br />

qualify as a paid-as Diamond for three of the five months following<br />

convention—November 2010 through March 2011. Additional family<br />

members can come at a cost that will be determined.<br />

New volume Golds in North America earn the Road to Diamond<br />

Event, an all-expenses-paid trip for one; spouse or significant other<br />

can attend for an additional fee. To qualify, achieve the rank of Gold<br />

at least once from June 2010 to April 2011. The Road to Diamond<br />

Event is designed to help emerging leaders receive training that will<br />

help them continue to advance, while also bringing them closer to<br />

<strong>Max</strong> corporate and their Associate colleagues.<br />

Three new cars, a Caribbean cruise, a trip to Maui, and a weekend<br />

in Park City. Between now and April, 2011, you can qualify to be<br />

part of all this! <strong>Max</strong> <strong>International</strong> is offering several promotions and<br />

recognition incentives right now that can provide you with dramatic<br />

rewards in the coming months.<br />

Don’t miss out on these incredible promotions and incentives. At the<br />

<strong>Max</strong> “All-Star Weekend” Convention, Vice President of Sales and<br />

Support Eric Anderson encouraged Associates to establish core<br />

values, set specific goals, and implement core activities to carry<br />

out those goals, and make plans to be qualify for these exciting<br />

promotions. Making effective use of the new <strong>Max</strong> Living tools is a<br />

great place to start. We want Associates from all over the world to<br />

be there.<br />

“We’ll book every hotel in the city if we have to,” Eric said, referring<br />

to the event in Park City in 2011. For complete promotion rules visit<br />

the <strong>Max</strong> blog.<br />



Upcoming events at <strong>Max</strong> <strong>International</strong>:<br />

December, 2010<br />

Official Singapore Launch. The date for this momentous event is yet to be set but watch for the official announcement.<br />

Our first launch in Southeast Asia is a cause for celebration and will open the way for expansion throughout Asia. Mike<br />

Larkins called Singapore a gateway country that will allow us to piggyback into other Asian countries. This will truly<br />

be a groundbreaking event.<br />

January, 2011<br />

Regional event, Las Vegas Nevada. More details about this exciting event to come.<br />

April, 2012<br />

Wednesday, April 18—Saturday, April 21, 2012: <strong>Max</strong> <strong>International</strong> Convention, Salt Lake City, Salt Palace<br />

Convention Center. It’s never too early to prepare for the next Convention. <strong>Max</strong> is taking extra time to make this one<br />

you will remember. Tickets are only $69 if you register before December 31 of this year.<br />





When Dave Bagley and Peter Nordberg sat down with Dr. Herb<br />

Nagasawa, Dr. Scott Nagasawa and Scott Momii two years ago<br />

they weren’t prepared for the significance of the moment. Little<br />

did they know a partnership would be formed that would shape<br />

the future of <strong>Max</strong> <strong>International</strong> and, by extension, set the stage for<br />

historic developments in the area of glutathione technology and<br />

supplementation.<br />

“The more we engaged in conversation with these men the further<br />

on the edge of our seat we were,” Dave said of their initial meeting.<br />

“You knew they held the power of the future of glutathione support<br />

inside the body.”<br />

The humble demeanor of the man that sat before them, Dr. Herb<br />

Nagasawa, almost belied the mindboggling accomplishments of the<br />

scientist who had devoted countless hours, and the better part of his<br />

adult life, to groundbreaking research. He was focused on helping<br />

people throughout the world by untapping the full potential of the<br />

body’s most powerful antioxidant.<br />

“His work has all been all about helping humankind,” said colleague<br />

and fellow RiboCeine TM researcher, Dr. Jeanette Roberts. “He is a<br />

quality human being. It’s an absolute honor to work with him.”<br />

“He has obviously accomplished a lot, but to me that isn’t what his<br />

standout properties are,” Dave said. “They are leadership, humility,<br />

and service. One of the things I think is really incredible about this<br />

man is his tenacity. His work schedule goes as follows. He wakes up<br />

early in the morning and starts his research, grabs a quick lunch and<br />

goes back to his research. He checks in with his wife at around 6:30<br />

for dinner, then takes a nap. He wakes up and continues his work<br />

until 3 a.m. Then it’s an early start for more of the same the next day.”<br />

This is only made more amazing by the fact that Dr. Nagasawa<br />

continues to keep up this pace at the age of 83. Although Dave<br />

pointed out that he has let up a bit—and only works until 2 a.m.<br />

these days.<br />

Dave recently asked Herb what he wanted his legacy to be.<br />



“I was taken back a couple steps when Herb said, ‘Dave, I don’t<br />

want to be remembered for anything. I want my work and the results<br />

my work yields—for the help of humanity—to speak for itself. I don’t<br />

personally have to be known for anything.’ I think that’s admirable,”<br />

Dave said.<br />

It is little wonder, therefore, that Dr. Herb Nagasawa was rendered<br />

temporarily speechless in his excitement on the day his product,<br />

<strong>Max</strong>One TM ,was released to the market on the first day of the <strong>Max</strong><br />

“All-Star Weekend” Convention last month. The product, which is<br />

pure RiboCeine, is based on 25 years of dedicated, groundbreaking<br />

research. It, and all other products containing RiboCeine technology,<br />

are the exclusive property of <strong>Max</strong> <strong>International</strong> and distributed<br />

exclusively by <strong>Max</strong> Associates.<br />

Scott Momii said that word about <strong>Max</strong>One must be on the street<br />

because he has gotten phone calls from people asking how they can<br />

obtain RiboCeine. “I’m sorry,” he tells them. “You have to talk to one<br />

of our <strong>Max</strong> Associates.”<br />

Dr. Daria Davidson described <strong>Max</strong>One as a foundational product,<br />

offering core cellular support.<br />

“It truly becomes the hub of the wheel, and everything we add<br />

over time joins with products like <strong>Max</strong>ATP TM to form spokes on the<br />

wheel,” Dr. Davidson said. “You will see that all <strong>Max</strong> products go well<br />

together. What <strong>Max</strong> N-Fuze TM will do to help support the health of<br />

your cells around glutathione is huge.”<br />

Creating a market for glutathione<br />

Scott Momii said at the time he and Drs. Scott and Herb Nagasawa<br />

were first forming CellGevity five years ago they researched the<br />

market opportunity. They found that antioxidant sales in the U.S.<br />

were already over $3 billion but, despite the fact there was more<br />

written on glutathione than most other antioxidants combined,<br />

glutathione sales were virtually nonexistent. This would remain the<br />

case until <strong>Max</strong> <strong>International</strong> entered the marketplace with <strong>Max</strong>GXL ®<br />

about a year later. It soon became apparent to the CellGevity doctors<br />

that <strong>Max</strong> <strong>International</strong> was the best place to market the products<br />

they were in the process of developing. The fact that marketing<br />

glutathione enhancing products was—and is—so new was seen as<br />

a positive.<br />

“We feel there is still tremendous potential for growth and this market<br />

is waiting to explode,” Momii said. “Glutathione is the only antioxidant<br />

that has yet to reach its marketing potential.”<br />

If RiboCeine had been developed by a man with a different set of<br />

priorities, he may have set out to compete with <strong>Max</strong>, but for Herb it<br />

wasn’t about that at all. Dave said it wasn’t a matter of total sales but<br />

making sure it was done right. He quoted Dr. Nagasawa as saying,<br />

“I don’t want to personally get anything out of this. I know how<br />

important this product is and I want to reach the ends of the earth<br />

without the restrictions of a prescription.” The CellGevity doctors<br />

were looking for the right partner to make that happen.<br />



Dr. Scott Nagasawa said that his father Herb recognized the value<br />

of glutathione very early on, but also recognized the limitation of<br />

the existing dietary supplements. He set out to find a way to vastly<br />

improve the means for increasing glutathione levels in the body.<br />

Much of Herb’s research centered on veterans who were prone to<br />

liver disease resulting from a high incidence of alcohol abuse.<br />

Developing RiboCeine TM<br />

Herb found that low glutathione levels was common among veterans<br />

with alcohol liver disease. He set out to find a solution. Knowing<br />

that the fragile amino acid cysteine was essential to the production<br />

of glutathione, he focused on finding ways to protect it during the<br />

crucial absorption phase. He felt that if you protect the sulfhydryl<br />

group on cysteine compounds and screen them for their ability to<br />

increase glutathione you would significantly improve its bioavailability.<br />

In two separate laboratories at the University of Minnesota and<br />

the VA Medical Center in Minneapolis he and his team started to<br />

synthesize dozens and dozens of sylfhydryl protected cysteine<br />

compounds and screen them for their ability to increase glutathione<br />

levels. Ribose, which is essential for the production of ATP, had the<br />

best oral capabilities. When combined with cysteine ribose was by<br />

far the most effective at increasing glutathione levels—thus the birth<br />

of RiboCeine. One word summed it up for Dr. Nagasawa, “Eureka!”<br />

This was an incredible breakthrough after years of dedicated work.<br />

The first clinical study testing RiboCeine was conducted on mice,<br />

since human clinical trials are cost prohibitive. To simulate the<br />

damage cause by alcohol abuse, the mice were given high dose<br />

acetaminophen, which in low doses is very safe. High doses,<br />

however, deplete glutathione and cause liver damage. Nine<br />

compounds, including RiboCeine and NAC (N-acetyl-l-cysteine),<br />

were evaluated to determine their ability to protect against liver<br />

toxicity. RiboCeine was the only compound administered where<br />

no mice died. The mice administered RiboCeine, in fact, showed<br />

a significant decrease in oxidative stress and no significant liver<br />

damage. RiboCeine was shown to be 300 percent more effective<br />

than NAC in the liver cell wall.<br />

A separate study showed RiboCeine’s effectiveness in significantly<br />

raising glutathione levels in all of the major organs of the body.<br />

Dr. Nagasawa chose <strong>Max</strong> because he felt this company was the<br />

best way to get his product to the corners of the earth. With the<br />

release of <strong>Max</strong>One, this remarkable compound is now available for<br />

human consumption for the first time in its pure form. The results<br />

have already been felt by thousands of <strong>Max</strong> Associates who are<br />

spreading the word about this revolutionary product. This is his<br />

dream and a legacy <strong>Max</strong> Associates are mission-bound to make<br />

a reality.<br />

“It’s all up to us what we do with one man’s legacy and<br />

vision,” Dave said. “It’s up to each of us to make the commitment<br />

to carry it out.”<br />



How is <strong>Max</strong>One different from <strong>Max</strong>GXL ® ?<br />

A. <strong>Max</strong>One utilizes <strong>Max</strong> <strong>International</strong>’s proprietary RiboCeine formulation, which Dr. Herb Nagasawa developed based on 25<br />

years of research. RiboCeine is shown to be 300% more effective than NAC (N-acetyl-l-cysteine) in raising liver glutathione levels.<br />

It doesn’t change the fact that <strong>Max</strong>GXL is still a great product that has produced amazing results for many people, but simply<br />

put, <strong>Max</strong>One represents an evolution in glutathione support. Featuring RiboCeine, <strong>Max</strong>One is a superior way to deliver cysteine;<br />

the key to supporting glutathione production within the body.<br />

How does <strong>Max</strong>One support glutathione production in the body?<br />

A. <strong>Max</strong>One features RiboCeine, which effectively protects and delivers cysteine to the cell, enabling your body to produce<br />

glutathione more effciently. Cysteine is a critical element needed to produce glutathione and is often in short supply in the body.<br />

On its own, cysteine is easily broken down during digestion. RiboCeine ensures that cysteine reaches the cell intact—available<br />

for glutathione production.<br />

Why don’t I have to take as many capsules as <strong>Max</strong>GXL?<br />

A. Since RiboCeine is so effective and effcient at raising glutathione levels, <strong>Max</strong>One can provide the same benefit in 1/3 the<br />

volume of <strong>Max</strong>GXL.<br />

What are the “other” ingredients?<br />

A. As demonstrated on the supplement facts panel, RiboCeine is the only active ingredient in <strong>Max</strong>One. The other ingredients listed<br />

are common, inert, and safe ingredients used to assist the RiboCeine raw material flow properly as part of the manufacturing/<br />

packaging process.<br />

Can these capsules withstand extreme temperature variations?<br />

A. As always, we suggest that you store <strong>Max</strong>One in a cool, dry place to ensure maximum product effectiveness and integrity.<br />

Can I take <strong>Max</strong>One with other <strong>Max</strong> products?<br />

A. <strong>Max</strong>One is designed to work synergistically with other <strong>Max</strong> products and can be taken together.<br />



I’m a 42-year-old Master’s marathon runner. My running had kind of plateaued late last year. After I started<br />

taking RIboCeine (<strong>Max</strong>One TM ) almost every race I’ve participated in this year has been a personal best.<br />

—Tekle Menelik, California<br />

I’ve been on RiboCeine for 16 months. Steve brought it to me knowing that, considering the health issues<br />

I’ve been through, if there were a subtle difference, I would feel it. The biggest difference is the tremendous<br />

energy I feel. Because of RiboCeine, I feel better than ever.<br />

—Kenny Wagner, Utah<br />

I’ve been taking RiboCeine since August of this year. My health has improved and I have energy throughout<br />

the day and am more alert. I’ve been getting a lot of compliments on how my skin seems to glow. I have had<br />

a hard time not sharing the secret of this product. I can’t wait to share it.<br />

—Lynn Lebrun, Canada<br />

Following my good friend Mitch Edland I believe anything that is worth doing is worth overdoing, so let’s<br />

just say I took more than the recommended amount of <strong>Max</strong>GXL ® . But I decided to take the normal amount of<br />

RiboCeine—partly because I was afraid I might run out. I will tell you without a doubt I am feeling great. My<br />

life is on a whole new level on this product—taking less of it. I’m so excited!<br />

—Scott Unclebach, Texas<br />

I’m taking a third as much product with RiboCeine than I was with <strong>Max</strong>GXL and it’s 300 percent more effective.<br />

I proved that because I feel it in my body. I’ve taken a lot of products in my life during my racing career and<br />

I wish I had these when I was racing. They’re the best products on the market, we’ve got an opportunity to<br />

share them with not only our friends but the fitness world and athletic world—which is a huge one to tap<br />

into—because they are such incredible products.<br />

—Russ Garn, <strong>Max</strong> Creative Director<br />

As many of you know, my experience with <strong>Max</strong>GXL was so profound I was more than a little attached to it, but<br />

I believed in this company. I believed in the corporate leaders. I wanted to try the new product. All I can tell<br />

you is—it works!<br />

—Mike Unclebach, Texas<br />




As the groundwork is being laid to launch in Singapore, Guatemala and several other countries in the near future, <strong>Max</strong><br />

<strong>International</strong> is truly living up to its name, becoming an increasingly global presence.<br />

It was announced at the <strong>Max</strong> “All-Star Weekend” Convention that the two regions <strong>Max</strong> currently has its sights set on are<br />

Southeast Asia and Latin America. No official launch dates have been set for any of the countries, but Singapore and<br />

Guatemala are right around the corner. Go live dates will be forthcoming.<br />

Vice President of Business Development Rick Nelson said the countries we have opened in have laid a foundation upon<br />

which to build. “Leaders from all our open markets are excited about the roadmap released at convention,” Rick said. “Their<br />

partnership in developing new markets will be key to our success.”<br />

President Mike Larkins said Southeast Asia is the perfect gateway for the rest of Asia. He emphasized the importance of<br />

opening at the right time. “We talk a lot about doing it right and we won’t go into any international market until we’re prepared<br />

to really support it,” Mike said. “That’s one of the tenets of the <strong>Max</strong> Code. Rick Nelson, Jim Strevralia (Vice President of<br />

<strong>International</strong> Development) and others have been very busy getting the preliminary things done—corporate and product<br />

approvals—so that we really are ready to support those markets.”<br />

Hispanic and Latino connections in North America are also huge, Mike said, adding that we are very serious about that<br />

market and those countries.<br />

“Southeast Asia is probably one of the fastest growing regions in the world,” said Jim. “They have avoided some of the<br />

recession we’ve had here in America. Their population is growing. Almost everywhere you go people are looking for healthy<br />

products and are eager for economic opportunities. So the people will embrace it and the business will grow very quickly.”<br />

CEO Peter Nordberg said, “The infrastructure and staff are ready. We have stepped it up. You guys wanted international<br />

expansion, so here it is.”<br />



<strong>International</strong>:<br />

In addition to the exciting new market development announcements,<br />

<strong>Max</strong> has made real progress in Canada, the Philippines, and New<br />

Zealand. We’ve also made major strides in Australia.<br />

Turning the recession into a boom for Canada Associates<br />

Carol Ford, VP of <strong>Max</strong> Canada, said Canada is primed for expansion<br />

within its borders and eventually beyond. With an eight percent<br />

unemployment rate in Canada right now people all over the country are<br />

open to opportunities to diversify.<br />

“I’ve lived through three recessions in my 32 years in this industry<br />

and each time companies boom if they have the right products. We<br />

absolutely have the right products at <strong>Max</strong> <strong>International</strong>,” Carol said. “So<br />

historically and currently you can benefit from the recession. Globally<br />

we are also set for expansion.”<br />

Carol said the best way to prepare for global expansion is to focus on<br />

the home market. Canada has tremendous cultural diversity. Associates<br />

who have recruited friends from the Philippines and New Zealand, who<br />

are currently living in Canada, can expand into those countries when<br />

the time is right. With <strong>Max</strong> laying the groundwork for expansion into<br />

Southeast Asia and Latin America, recruiting people with links to those markets strengthens the Canadian market as it lays<br />

a foundation for international expansion within individual businesses.<br />

Carol highlighted five Associates she felt were great role models within the Canadian market. Laureen Grant advanced<br />

to Silver working the business on top of her role as a full-time mother of three children under the age of four—the youngest<br />

being a newborn. At a meeting where she was presenting she had her baby carrier with her. Instead of making excuses she<br />

has found ways to be effective in both roles. After a tremendous, life-changing product experience, Martin Moreau has<br />

proven to be a strong, dedicated leader. He does everything he can to help his team reach their individual monthly goals.<br />

Art Dodd has very effectively implemented the Build to Bronze program on his team. Carol said when she recently called<br />

to congratulate him on his Gold advancement Art’s response revealed a lot about his success. He said, “I didn’t even know<br />

I was getting that close to Gold. I was just helping my team get to Bronze.” Several of his team members achieved Bronze<br />

the same month. Dale Scheerhoorn achieved Gold in his first month, despite working full-time career as a machinist. After<br />

working all day, Dale spends much of his time during the evening holding <strong>Max</strong> meetings in his own city and in neighboring<br />

Ontario. Huguette Gilbert is a true entrepreneur and owns and operates several businesses in addition to <strong>Max</strong>. Despite<br />

her busy schedule she has personally recruited nearly two dozen Associates in Quebec after just a short time with <strong>Max</strong>.<br />

Carol feels the current Advisory Council—consisting of Double Diamond leader Mike Lebrun and Diamond Associates<br />

Chris and Tammy Gingras, Jim Fitzpatrick, and Henry Kramer—is doing a great job of representing the thoughts and<br />

ideas of Associates throughout Canada.<br />



Tremendous growth in the Philippines is just the beginning<br />

To say the Philippines is booming would be an understatement. It has<br />

experienced 74 percent growth in terms of sales in the three months<br />

before convention. Associate recruiting increased 2.5 times during the<br />

same period.<br />

“The fact that many of our Associates are able to promote the Diamond<br />

Pack means only one thing,” said General Manager of the Philippines<br />

Joey Sarmiento. “That Associates are able to effectively convince<br />

prospects of the greatness of the opportunity and the effectiveness of<br />

the products.”<br />

This is no small thing considering that the price of a Diamond Pack<br />

amounts to close ten months of income for the average Filipino.<br />

Even more important than the number of recruits and Diamond Packs<br />

sold is the success rate of the prospects after they become Associates.<br />

With the emphasis on the Build to Bronze program there was substantial<br />

growth in advancements across the board from Bronze to Platinum.<br />

In the three months before convention five Associates advanced to<br />

Platinum and two more have achieved that rank since convention.<br />

“This has created a lot of excitement, anticipation and desire among our Associates,” Joey said. “Everyone wants to become<br />

Platinum in the Philippines and our Platinums are pushing to Achieve Diamond.”<br />

In total, there has been 267 percent growth in Rank Advancements between May and August. Joey said there has been a<br />

powerful dedication to achieving a work ethic that has led to the numbers this country is consistently seeing.<br />

“They all have something in common,” Joey said. “They have a passion and a 100 percent belief that <strong>Max</strong> is the way for them<br />

to achieve their goals and dreams.”<br />

The members of the Philippines Advisory Council are great examples to fellow Associates of people who are driven to<br />

succeed and help others do the same. They include Christopher Reyes, Alan Baino, Erick Lovitos, Hd Yco, Espyh<br />

Cano, Greny Guadamor, and Jhoanna Yco.<br />

Joey said despite all the growth in the Philippines we have barely scratched the surface of growth potential in the country as<br />

a whole.<br />

“The use of leaders in promoting significant income in a third world country is really touching the lives of many people,” Joey<br />

said. “This is the perfect time to introduce your friends and contacts to <strong>Max</strong> in the Philippines and we will be more than happy<br />

to be of assistance to you.”<br />



New Zealand experiences stellar first year as Australia gets set to officially launch<br />

Like Carol Ford of Canada, Vince Rimmer, General Manager of New<br />

Zealand, said that building in our own communities is the place to start.<br />

“The real area of opportunity is where we live,” Vince said. “We have<br />

opportunities to build our business everyday in our own back yard.”<br />

New Zealand also has a great team of people to help their Associates<br />

in any way they can. They are Terri Moller, <strong>Office</strong> Manager and<br />

Accountant, Pearl Lolesi, Reception and Customer Support,<br />

Shayne Prendergast, Leadership Support and Account Manager,<br />

and Anna Finau, Shipping Supervisor.<br />

“We have a great staff,” Vince said. “They put in long hours. They work<br />

together as a team and as a family—because that is essentially what<br />

we are.”<br />

With the first anniversary of the New Zealand launch happening in<br />

February of 2011, Vince spoke of the tremendous growth that has<br />

happened in the short time since then. The opportunity for growth will<br />

dramatically increase with Australia set to open their office in February<br />

of 2011, right around the time of New Zealand’s anniversary. <strong>Max</strong> N-Fuze TM has been approved in Australia and we are<br />

making solid progress in that region.<br />

New Zealand is in great hands with Advisory Council members that include a new Associate, Rangi Savage, who is already<br />

experiencing tremendous growth on his team, and Gold Associates, Grant Bracefield, Dr. Guoping Pu, Mark Arnold,<br />

and Dr. Janna Jones.<br />

Vince reminisced about the day he first heard about <strong>Max</strong> <strong>International</strong>. He got two phone calls within 15 minutes of each<br />

other from friends in West Virginia and Utah respectively. They told him about a company marketing an amazing new product<br />

that helped increase a vital antioxidant, he’d never heard of, at the cellular level. The product turned out to be more powerful<br />

than he could have ever imagined.<br />

“We thought we had everything with <strong>Max</strong>GXL,” Vince said. “Now we have <strong>Max</strong>One and it is an incredible product. If we only<br />

remember to tell everyone we meet about <strong>Max</strong>, and give of ourselves, our knowledge, product, and opportunity, great things<br />

will follow. The <strong>Max</strong> family with grow and we will change lives.”<br />


TOOLS<br />



Vice President of Marketing Lela Russo introduced a number of tools and web updates that will make it even easier to live<br />

up to the old adage of being the messenger, not the message.<br />

The new Product Sample Pack, which goes for $30 includes:<br />

• Five-day supply of <strong>Max</strong>One TM<br />

• Two days of <strong>Max</strong> N-Fuze TM<br />

• Two days of <strong>Max</strong>ATP TM<br />

• The powerful new introductory DVD, “The Perfect Time. The Perfect Solution.”<br />

The <strong>Max</strong> Action Plan booklets will be replaced with the <strong>Max</strong> Living System. The <strong>Max</strong> Living System combines all the concepts<br />

in the <strong>Max</strong> Living workshop into an easy-to-use, step-by-step system. You will be empowered to meet your <strong>Max</strong> goals as<br />

you work on those things at the core of what matter most in your life. It’s imperative that Associates teach new enrollees how<br />

this works, so they can use it effectively and find the success they dream of.<br />

New <strong>Max</strong>.com enhancements launched last July include:<br />

• Easy shopping<br />

• Intuitive enrollment process<br />

• Updated content<br />

• New video section<br />

• <strong>International</strong> versions<br />

• New <strong>Max</strong>.com events section.<br />


TOOLS<br />

We want the websites to be more dynamic. <strong>Max</strong>4U is not meant to be merely an information site but a marketing site to help<br />

you with your business.<br />

Recent <strong>Max</strong>4U enhancements include:<br />

• <strong>Max</strong>GXL.com – a website devoted exclusively to <strong>Max</strong>’s powerful products was<br />

launched March, 2010 for <strong>Max</strong>4U subscribers.<br />

• An enhanced <strong>Max</strong>GXL.com homepage was later launched in September,<br />

2010. This includes a graphic of the human body with information about how<br />

glutathione affects major organs of the body.<br />

• Country-specific <strong>Max</strong>4U enhancements for markets around the world was<br />

launched in April, 2010.<br />

• A Spanish language version of <strong>Max</strong>4U was launched in September, 2010. A<br />

French version will be available soon.<br />

• New auto responder pages not only provide your prospects with valuable information but make marketing efficient with<br />

questions that direct them back to you.<br />

• The <strong>Max</strong>4U Lead Tracking System, launched last month, makes organizing simple with automated contact information:<br />

Prioritize your contact list based on their interest level.<br />

Project a professional image by inserting notes that allow you to remember specific details about each prospect.<br />

Other new tools discussed at convention included:<br />

• Updated newspaper and athlete brochure<br />

• ‘Pique Interest’ cards with concise, compelling information about <strong>Max</strong>One TM , <strong>Max</strong><br />

N-Fuze TM , and <strong>Max</strong>ATP TM . Each card has detachable tabs that allow you gather<br />

your prospect’s contact information on the spot. It is a powerful way to introduce<br />

a prospect to the products in a way that will spark interest in a low pressure way.<br />

• The new Build to Bronze DVD is a simple duplication system to help you and your<br />

team advance in the company by making the best use of the system we have in<br />

place.<br />

• All of these tools and much more are available at your <strong>Max</strong>4U Backoffice.<br />


TOOLS<br />

Making the tools effective with belief in the company<br />

Diamond Associate Mickey Burns said that it is a privilege to be part of a company<br />

like <strong>Max</strong>–with a professional image most companies would need fifteen years<br />

to build. Everything, including the website, training and leadership on all levels<br />

and its one-of-a-kind products, are standard-setting. The same is true of <strong>Max</strong>’s<br />

incredible tools, many of which were introduced at the <strong>Max</strong> “All-Star Weekend”<br />

Convention in October.<br />

“When I first started in this business, I was a bit of a tool myself,” Mickey said.<br />

“I had no idea what to do, who to say it to, how to do it. Someone told me, ‘Do<br />

what you’re told. You’re not allowed to come up with your own ideas until your<br />

check is delivered by FedEx.”<br />

All of the tools introduced at convention and other resources at our disposal are<br />

extremely helpful in making the business duplicatable, Mickey said. But the most important thing is not a product sheet or a<br />

tear-off card. It is what is happening between your ears. We all need to be on the same page in these four areas:<br />

• Belief in the industry<br />

• Belief in the products<br />

• Belief in the company<br />

• Belief in yourself<br />

Sometimes we’re like a golfer who instead of working on your swing, keeps changing the clubs. We need to stop changing<br />

the club and work on the swing. People using the exact same tools are going to have extremely varied results because it’s<br />

their conviction in the company and the products that sells first.<br />

One of the biggest determiners of success is going from hoping to knowing. Often when you start you are hoping it will work,<br />

but over time come to truly know it will. Seeing other’s success, learning from the best, following your leaders and being<br />

coachable and accountable are all things that help you make that transition. When you know in your soul you will succeed,<br />

that is when it happens. Once you have this firm inner conviction, it will show in your being. At that point you can simply let<br />

the tools do the talking.<br />

“Stick to the tools,” Mickey said. “Nobody talks about glutathione better than Dr. Keller, Dr. Nagasawa, Dave Bagley, Dr. Scott<br />

Nagasawa and Scott Momii. Nobody does a better job of talking about how the business works than the Build to Bronze<br />

video or an upline leader on a three-way call. Let the tools do the talking and you will have success.”<br />

Watch for an article in the December newsletter discussing Scott and Mike Unclebach’s Build to Bronze<br />

presentation at convention.<br />




At Convention, Vice President Mark Brown unveiled our new <strong>Max</strong> Living<br />

System, a comprehensive planning and “getting started” guide that helps<br />

both new and veteran Associates concentrate their activity in the right areas.<br />

The <strong>Max</strong> Living System Guide Book replaces the <strong>Max</strong> Action Plan booklet,<br />

updating the content to better reflect the principles of our <strong>Max</strong>imizing What<br />

Matters Most seminars. As Mike Larkins said at convention, if we can take<br />

care of the first 15 percent, and do it right, the remaining 85 percent will follow.<br />

The Guide Book helps establish correct principles that lead to success.<br />

The <strong>Max</strong> Living System Journal is a focused 3-month planner that incorporates<br />

key money-making activities on each page, along with a task list. This component of the journal makes it especially easy to<br />

convert your core values (as established in the Guide Book) to daily tasks—whether they are business-related or not.<br />

The <strong>Max</strong> Living System also provides the Build to Bronze DVD, which explains how the right placement strategy and<br />

duplication can help you advance in rank as a <strong>Max</strong> Associate.<br />

This great content is housed in an attractive leatherette planner with the <strong>Max</strong> logo. The complete <strong>Max</strong> Living System is just<br />

$75 and can help you completely transform your <strong>Max</strong> business, and your life. It’s available for purchase now in the Sale Aids<br />

section.<br />

To get a closer look at the <strong>Max</strong> Living System components, click the thumbnails below.<br />

The <strong>Max</strong> Living System Guide Book Journal Journal page close-up<br />


AWARDS<br />

Most Valuable Player Award:<br />

Dr. Daria Davidson and John Fox for their efforts in<br />

helping cross-line growth at <strong>Max</strong>.<br />

The Presidential Cup Award was<br />

presented to George and Kristina<br />

Reninger for staying true to <strong>Max</strong><br />

Code values and overall performance.<br />

Leadership Excellence Award:<br />

Alan and Jean Sickman for their<br />

company-wide leadership and<br />

consistent effort to improve lives.<br />

Troy and Rhonda Madge received the <strong>Max</strong><br />

Humanitarian Award for sacrificing their energy<br />

and time to charitable causes.<br />


AWARDS<br />

Ray and Yvonne Reed received the Top Enroller<br />

Award for the most personally sponsored Associates<br />

since last convention.<br />

Advancement Award:<br />

Julio & Maritza Rivera moved up<br />

in the ranks quickest since last<br />

convention.<br />

The Founders Award: Hd and Nitz Yco<br />

For efforts to grow the business and<br />

help other people do the same.<br />

(accepted by Joey Sarmiento, General<br />

Manager of <strong>Max</strong> Philippines)<br />

Jean and Alan Sickman and<br />

Michelle and Rick Teague were<br />

our first Associates in the Million<br />

Dollar Club.<br />

Team Builder Award<br />

went to Mark Arnold<br />

for promoting the<br />

most rank advancements<br />

within his<br />

organization.<br />



Passion and Persistence<br />

Kathy Taylor Yokel, of Fairbanks, Alaska, has a diverse set of interests ranging<br />

between the arts and sciences. She has worked as both a teacher and biologist<br />

and has passions for acting, singing, dancing, environmental education, and<br />

soccer.<br />

After an accident sidelined her, Kathy’s doctor recommended <strong>Max</strong>GXL ® and,<br />

though reluctant at first, she was willing to try anything that could help her condition.<br />

Six weeks later she was actively researching <strong>Max</strong> <strong>International</strong> and plunging into<br />

the business.<br />

“To say I was a neophyte was an understatement,” Kathy said. “I listened to training<br />

audios, read information, and called my senior partner with lots of questions. I<br />

realized I didn’t have a clue how to do this business, so I became a sponge and<br />

allowed myself to be coached by my mentor.”<br />

Kathy is driven by her passion and finds she can’t keep quiet about this company.<br />

She talks to people in her many walks of life including the gym, plane rides, church,<br />

trade shows, and everywhere in between. She started out leading with the product but finds more and more she leads with<br />

the business because of what an amazing opportunity it is. She has also come to find that “no” usually means “not now.” A<br />

recent customer she signed up was someone she originally approached 14 months ago.<br />

“Being competitive and bold in this business helps,” Kathy said. “I read about a gym owner in a magazine, called her up, met<br />

with her, gave her some <strong>Max</strong> products, did a three-way call with a senior partner and now she is an Associate and product<br />

evangelist. I met my first pro athlete while swimming at the pool. How many Associates have done their “initial contact” in a<br />

bathing suit?”<br />

Kathy has approached people in all walks of life to try <strong>Max</strong> products, which for her is extremely diverse and consists of family,<br />

friends, neighbors, an opera singer from the Met, coaches, and medical professionals—to name a few. She isn’t shy about<br />

approaching anyone except for perhaps her upline regarding a three-way call. She didn’t want to inconvenience her busy<br />

team members, but has learned that it is essential.<br />

She now describes her method of building the business as one of “scaffolding and support by senior partners” because of<br />

how important their contribution is. She realizes they are the “pillar and tool” in her business building.<br />

“I guess the things that sets me apart,” Kathy said. “Is that I am determined, passionate, and coachable. If you are missing<br />

any of those components it is hard to move forward. Always remember,’what you believe, you become.’”<br />




Congratulations to the <strong>Max</strong> Associates who have advanced in rank because of their dedicated efforts in sharing the <strong>Max</strong> WAY!<br />

Allan Aguilar, Philippines<br />

Dr. Julius Alegarbes, Pasig, Philippines<br />

Rodrigo Alombro, Philippines<br />

Maria Fely Amistad, Philippines<br />

Deruth Apangu, Hamilton, ON<br />

Myrna Arorong, Paranaque, Philippines<br />

Melissa Arthur, Lexington, VA<br />

Angel Ayala Lopez, Corozal, PR<br />

Jonathan Balan, Philippines<br />

Lolinie Balita, Philippines<br />

Frederick Baltr, Caguas, PR<br />

Preciosisima Banzon, Philippines<br />

Jerome Boggus Jr. Evans, GA<br />

Lirio and Danilo Borje, Philippines<br />

Lolita Borje, Philippines<br />

Levi Caberto, Philippines<br />

Jose Callejas Jr., Miami, FL<br />

Helena Carreiro, St. Joseph-du-Lac, QC<br />

Ligaya and Eduardo Casantosan, Philippines<br />

Corie Castle, Stakehill, WA<br />

Anita Caverte, Philippines<br />

Joselito Chan, Philippines<br />

Dabu Neil Dominic, Philippines<br />

Josefa Matira De Leon, Calapan City, Philippines<br />

Todd Dulmage, Toronto, ON<br />

Romel Fuenmayor, Doral, FL<br />

Rhoel Gambulao, Philippines<br />

Gaylord Gumpal, Philippines<br />

Margarita Lambo, Philippines<br />

Caberto Levi, Philippines<br />

Andres Lopez Rivera, Comerio, PR<br />

Bronze Associates<br />

Angel Rafael Lopez Rivera, Barranquita, PR<br />

Zayda and Francisco Lopez, Miramar, FL<br />

Giovannie Lopez, Caguas, PR<br />

Ricardo Lopez, Caguas, PR<br />

Dr. T. L. Lowery, Cleveland, TN<br />

Luis Maisonet, Carolina, PR<br />

Mychell Mangubat, Philippines<br />

Elaine Medeiros, Mississauga, ON<br />

Denise and Keith Meehan, Loudon, TN<br />

Alberto Moraga Mora, Caguas, PR<br />

Brenda Murphy, Saint Helens, OR<br />

Bernie Ogilvy, Onehunga, NZ<br />

Teresa Ornido, Philippines<br />

Melissa Owen, Forest, VA<br />

Margot and Francisco Penaranda, Stuart, FL<br />

Merlita Perez, Philippines<br />

Imelda Perjis, Philippines<br />

Elaine Rafols, Cebu, Philippines<br />

Lois Regan, Augusta, GA<br />

Joel Rivera Figueroa, Vega Baja, PR<br />

Ivelisse Romero, Corozal, PR<br />

Jennelyn Rubang, San Pablo, Laguna, Philippines<br />

Mary and Jim Schroeter, Tehachapi, CA<br />

Loreta Julaton Sibayan, Philippines<br />

Annelyn Sunga, Apalit, Pampanga, Philippines<br />

Jacinto and Remedios Tagulao, Philippines<br />

Paul Tesseyman, Rockland, ON<br />

Maria and Ruben Valerio, Reseda, CA<br />

Jacqueline Vande Guchte, Edmonton, AB<br />

Erwin Villanueva, Philippines<br />



Charlene Burlingame, Fredericton, NB<br />

Jeremias Cariaga, Philippines<br />

Sally Coburn, Chugiak, AK<br />

Camencita Faraon, Philippines<br />

Caroline and James Henderson, Lynchburg, VA<br />

Jonathan Inesta, San German, PR<br />

Dr.Steve Kumar, Auckland, NZ<br />

Preciosa Macasero, Philippines<br />

Ruby Osorio and Luis Arteaga, Naples, FL<br />

Anna and John Bartolome, Philippines<br />

Bee Healthy, LLC, Midville, GA<br />

Jay Christenberry, Seymour, TN<br />

Emma and Nestor Diego, Philippines<br />

Liza Alviar and Nathaniel Estrabo, Philippines<br />

Silver Associates<br />

Gold Associates<br />

Steve Montgomery, Victoria, BC<br />

Alan Poole, Victoria, BC<br />

Daniel Rodriguez, Toa Baja, PR<br />

Anelie and Danilo Sison, Philippines<br />

Billy Steblina, Coral Gables, FL<br />

Cristina Taurozzi, Deux-Montagnes, QC<br />

Anna Townsley, Monument, CO<br />

To read complete profiles of Gold advancements, listed below, please visit www.max.com/recogition.php. Keep<br />

up the great work!<br />

Rachel and Thomas Loo, Auckland, NZ<br />

Imelda Manilag, Taguig City, Philippines<br />

Carmen Nera, Quezon City, Philippines<br />

Al and Karen Prosser, Houlton, ME<br />

Lucita Rodrigo, Philippines<br />



Bringing success home<br />

Brian Perez, of the Philippines, had been working in another network<br />

marketing company for several years when the company suddenly closed.<br />

After that, he started working a traditional business. When his friend Greny<br />

Guadamor introduced him to <strong>Max</strong> <strong>International</strong> he had no interest in getting<br />

involved in the industry again, despite the fact that his traditional business<br />

was struggling.<br />

business and believed that I could be successful someday.”<br />

Three months later, Greny came back with samples of <strong>Max</strong>GXL ® and<br />

explained the <strong>Max</strong> Code. After giving it some serious thought Brian decided<br />

to join <strong>Max</strong>. It was that or leave the country and his family to find work in a<br />

foreign land. Brian did this despite some opposition from his family initially.<br />

“My family did not believe in the power of network marketing due to my past<br />

experience,” Brian said. “Despite the criticisms I continued to do my <strong>Max</strong><br />

Brian said he studied the company, the compensation plan, and identified the strategies that would make him<br />

successful. In the meantime, he had given a sample of <strong>Max</strong>GXL to his aunt who was having significant health<br />

issues. Her results on the products were powerful and Brian became increasingly sold on the validity of the<br />

company.<br />

“I was fully convinced of the effectiveness of the product,” Brian said. “I started sharing the products with other<br />

relatives, friends, and other people who I believed needed it.”<br />

Getting his prospects on the product was the first step to sparking an interest in the company. Recruits soon<br />

followed.<br />

“I can now provide my family with things we didn’t have before,” Brian said. “We have income we didn’t dare<br />

dream of before.”<br />

Platinum Associates<br />

Brian holds weekly meetings in his home and now has the full support of his family who couldn’t be more<br />

excited about <strong>Max</strong> and the impact it is having on them and the people they love.<br />



Duplication equals success in Philippines<br />

Jhoanna Yco, of the Philippines, is grateful to her team, whom<br />

she feels is a big part of her advancement to Platinum and general<br />

success at <strong>Max</strong>. She said she is humbled by the fact that a lot of the<br />

people she has introduced to the company consider her their “angel”<br />

for helping them improve their health and financial standing.<br />

Jhoanna believes in her mentor who told her that duplication equals<br />

success. She and her team try to talk to three to five people a day<br />

about the company. They are open to talking to anyone about the<br />

company, but more often than not the people they approach are<br />

friends, relatives, and referrals from people they previously talked<br />

to. She varies her approach to use based on the needs of each<br />

prospect. More often than not she leads with the business. When<br />

they see what the product can do, an interest in the business<br />

naturally follows.<br />

Finding three to five people everyday can sometimes be a challenge because it requires a great deal of travel<br />

and can sometimes take all day. The people she talks to are sometimes discouraged by the price of the<br />

product. But many who try it and have great results realize they can actually generate income by introducing it<br />

to others. Those are the same people who end up asking Jhoanna to help them organize a meeting so they can<br />

gather 10 or 15 people together to hear about <strong>Max</strong>.<br />

“Once they’re done with that, those who will join will be encouraged to go through the system we have<br />

established,” Jhoanna said. “I think it is the system we are following that helps most of us succeed in the<br />

Philippines.”<br />

The system includes opportunity meetings, business-building workshops, new Associate orientation, leadership<br />

training and counseling. The system makes duplication possible for everyone.<br />

“We try to instill in the Philippine Associates the concept that achieving success requires truly believing you are<br />

capable of it,” Jhoanna said. “Once that is accomplished, anything is possible.”<br />



Alex called Julio and had Steve Scott on the phone.<br />

Overcoming adversity and daring to dream<br />

Julio and Maritza Rivera, of Puerto Rico, said they are privileged to be<br />

the first Associates outside of North America to reach the Diamond rank.<br />

But far more important for them is helping others achieve the same goal<br />

and fulfill their dreams. They feel their advancement will help create a<br />

stampede of Diamonds on their team in the near future.<br />

The Riveras have overcome adversity to get here. In 2009, the Riveras<br />

were dealing with a very difficult political situation involving some<br />

Associates on their team. It was serious enough that it threatened to<br />

completely undermine their efforts and pull the rug out from under their<br />

business. Their friend and mentor Alex Monterrosa assured them that<br />

<strong>Max</strong> was a solid company and they would pull through. A few days later<br />

“Steve offered his unconditional support,” Julio said. “The certainty of his commitment to us was without<br />

question. It was the most stunning thing that has ever happened to us.”<br />

Steve Scott offered to come to Puerto Rico to host a <strong>Max</strong> meeting. Julio promised he would have at least 200<br />

people at the meeting. He went immediately to work to keep his promise. When Steve showed up in Puerto<br />

Rico he spoke to a packed house of over 800 people. That was the beginning of the path that led to achieving<br />

Diamond.<br />

Diamond Associates<br />

“It helped us achieve something even more important than Diamond,” Julio said. “It helped us gather a group of<br />

leaders that are committed to the same objective and our team Dream Builders <strong>International</strong> was born.”<br />



The Riveras were happy to be honored at the <strong>Max</strong> “All-Star Weekend” Convention. They almost didn’t make it<br />

when Maritza’s father unexpectedly passed away two weeks before the event.<br />

“I knew my father would be really proud and happy for this success,” Maritza said. “That’s why I decided to go<br />

and to dedicate this milestone to him.”<br />

Maritza said her father has been a wonderful example to her of someone who devoted his life to fighting<br />

through adversity to support his family. He passed that spirit on to his family. Her father started working in<br />

network marketing when Maritza was 14. In addition to helping her develop a strong work ethic through his<br />

example, he taught her how to master the techniques of the industry that she would later use herself.<br />

Their experience at convention and the acceptance of fellow Associates was inspiring. Advancing in past<br />

companies would often create animosity among other distributors. But their experience with <strong>Max</strong> Associates<br />

has been the antithesis of this.<br />

“We received a spectacular welcome at convention, especially from the Diamonds,” Julio said. “They treated us<br />

as if they had known us all their lives and made us feel like we were part of a big family.”<br />

After hitting rock bottom economically at one point in their lives, Julio and Martiza were scared to even dream,<br />

but <strong>Max</strong> has given them the license to dream again. They can travel, have the home of their dreams, and time<br />

with their children. Equally important is their ability to help their relatives and friends achieve the same success.<br />

Global economic woes have hit Puerto Rico pretty hard and having a viable opportunity to offer people<br />

is no small thing. Julio said he is inspired by people on his team like Carols Marquez whose persistence,<br />

determination, and courage are unflagging even when things don’t go perfectly his way.<br />

Julio said they are even thankful for the adversity in the past because it helps them appreciate the greatness of<br />

the present and the amazing future they anticipate at <strong>Max</strong>.<br />



Double Crown Associates<br />

Focus on the now and success will follow<br />

Having worked in the industry for nearly two decades, Alan and Jean<br />

Sickman, of Virginia Beach, Virginia, said soon after joining <strong>Max</strong> that it<br />

would be the last company they would ever work for. That conviction is<br />

firmer today than when they first said it. They have seen the company<br />

transform the lives of countless people, both in terms of health and<br />

finances. Recent developments—such as the release of three powerful<br />

new products and all the exciting announcements at the <strong>Max</strong> “All-<br />

Star Weekend” Convention last month—have fueled their belief in the<br />

company even more.<br />

daily, will eventually lead to the success we all dream of.<br />

“Coming out of convention, I definitely sensed a lot of optimism and<br />

belief in the potential of this company,” Alan said. Now it’s just a matter<br />

of taking what we have learned and begin the process of realizing our<br />

indiivual potential. Alan outlined several specific steps that, if followed<br />

The steps consist of daring to dream big, maintaining strong personal belief and conviction in the products and<br />

the company, identify and apply core activities to your business every day, stay focused on your goals through<br />

careful evaluation, and following up with prospects. Alan said he is confident that the Associates who follow<br />

these steps will find success.<br />

First, dare to dream big. Don’t allow doubts and fears to diminish your dreams. To accomplish this, Alan<br />

challenged Associates to post a dream board in a place you will look at every day. It will consist of realistic,<br />

achievable interim goals that can be accomplished through daily core activities.<br />

Next, belief. Alan said belief is over 50 percent of the business, belief in yourself, the company, and the<br />



product. If your belief is sincere and deep it will show in your eyes when you approach a prospect. If it isn’t,<br />

that will also show through. Fostering a positive outlook each day, through positive affirmation, will create and<br />

sustain this. If your belief is in order you will achieve your goals, Alan said.<br />

Once that is in place, identify core activities. This will form the catalyst for achieving your goals. If you are<br />

preparing for a marathon you need to do core activities every day to be successful. The same is true of this<br />

business. Talking to people, getting tools and products into their hands, getting them on conference calls and<br />

to home meetings are all core activities that, when you apply on a consistent, daily basis, will lead to recruits.<br />

This will form the foundation of your business.<br />

Assuring that you are achieving those core activities requires focus and careful evaluation. Remember:<br />

W.I.N. “What is Important Now?” You need to continually ask yourself if you are doing things in this moment<br />

that will grow your business and get you closer to your goals. One of the activities you need to be focused on<br />

is following up with prospects. Getting tools and products into people’s hands will more often than not have no<br />

effect if you don’t follow up.<br />

Find an accountability partner. This can be anyone from a spouse, to<br />

a friend, a sponsor or other team member. Ask them to evaluate your<br />

activities on a weekly basis. This is vital to success.<br />

“Evaluate your activities, not your results, every day,” Alan<br />

emphasized. “Then tell your accountability partner, ‘These are the things<br />

I’m making a commitment to do. I want you to call me at least on a<br />

weekly basis and give detailed feedback on what I have accomplished. If<br />

you are focused on the activities, the results will take care of themselves.”<br />

By following these steps, before you know it Napoleon Hill’s words in his<br />

book Think and Grow Rich will become a reality for you when he said,<br />

“When riches come they come so quickly, and with such quantity one<br />

wonders where they have been all along.”<br />


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