CORPORATE MESSAGE - Max International Virtual Office

CORPORATE MESSAGE - Max International Virtual Office

CORPORATE MESSAGE - Max International Virtual Office


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inside this issue<br />

Corporate Message<br />

Dave Bagley: Realizing<br />

<strong>Max</strong>’s Full Potential<br />

Joe Voyticky: Making<br />

Dreams a Reality at <strong>Max</strong><br />

Training<br />

Visible Solutions: A New,<br />

Powerful Way to Introduce<br />

Prospects to <strong>Max</strong><br />

Events<br />

Las Vegas Kickoff Gets 2011<br />

Off to Roaring Start<br />

Car Winners<br />

Web Update<br />

New Visible Solutions<br />

Website Available to <strong>Max</strong>4U<br />

<strong>International</strong> Growth<br />

<strong>Max</strong> Officially Launches<br />

Singapore & Australia<br />

FAQ<br />

Visible Solutions tm<br />

Product<br />

Visible Solutions: Doing<br />

What No Other Skin Care<br />

Product Can<br />

Recognition<br />

Top Recruiters<br />

Rank Advancements<br />

Become a fan of <strong>Max</strong> on<br />

Facebook! Click here<br />

<strong>CORPORATE</strong> <strong>MESSAGE</strong><br />

Realizing <strong>Max</strong>’s full potential<br />

Dave Bagley, <strong>Max</strong> Co-CEO<br />

It is an exciting time to be associated with <strong>Max</strong> <strong>International</strong>.<br />

This is the year all the pieces of the puzzle come together<br />

and our Look, Feel, Live philosophy comes to fruition. The<br />

unprecedented cellular support <strong>Max</strong> supplements provide<br />

has now been combined with Visible Solutions TM for a more<br />

complete anti-aging package that allows you to look as good<br />

as you feel.<br />

As <strong>Max</strong> has come to this pivotal point in our history, I’m excited<br />

to be appointed as Co-CEO along with Joe Voyticky. It’s a<br />

humbling position but one backed by a lifetime of preparation<br />

for both Joe and I in different ways.<br />

I quite literally grew up in this industry and have grown to love<br />

and respect it—but I’ve seen both sides as well. I saw my mother<br />

as a single parent with no college education and six children to<br />

care for, attach herself to this industry. We had big dreams as<br />

a family. I remember sitting on the foot of my mother’s bed talking to my mom and siblings about<br />

what we would do when we finally had enough money. We were a team—each of us a spoke in a<br />

wheel of success. If any of us bailed out the wheel would wobble. But together we were convinced<br />

there wasn’t anything we couldn’t accomplish. The beautiful thing about this industry is it has the<br />

power to make dreams a reality, but all of the spokes need to be in place.<br />

I remember attending opportunity meetings and conventions and seeing the difference the products<br />

and opportunities made in people’s lives. I also saw the other side. I saw how people’s lives were<br />

impacted when their commission checks were cut in half or when the products no longer had the<br />

same impact. That is part of where my passion for product development came from.<br />

With the right company, the right management, the right players in the field, and the right products,<br />

there isn’t an industry that can do more to positively impact people’s lives and that is what <strong>Max</strong> is<br />

all about. We’re committed to being the highest-class company that exists in this industry. Without<br />

the field there is no <strong>Max</strong> and we will do everything in our power to ensure that the needs of the<br />

field are being met. You have our full support. Together we can walk in unison and make this<br />

incredible dream a reality. Let’s begin today to give each other the stability we each need to make<br />

that happen.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Dave Bagley<br />

Follow us on Twitter!<br />

www.twitter.com/maxintl<br />


<strong>CORPORATE</strong> <strong>MESSAGE</strong><br />

<strong>CORPORATE</strong> <strong>MESSAGE</strong><br />

Making dreams a reality at <strong>Max</strong><br />

Joe Voyticky, <strong>Max</strong> Co-CEO<br />

When I think about the things that led me to <strong>Max</strong>, it is an amazing journey. Sometimes life<br />

brings us places we could never anticipate being, but once we are there we can’t imagine being<br />

anywhere else.<br />

My background is about as varied as it gets. As a child I went from milking cows on the farm I<br />

grew up on to delivering Chinese food on the streets of Brooklyn when my family relocated to<br />

New York. Can you imagine a bigger contrast? Harvard Law School was in my future, followed<br />

by 14 years as a finance lawyer with a top tier finance firm representing international banking<br />

institutions and Fortune 500 companies.<br />

As varied as my background is, the thing that was common through all of it was hard work.<br />

Nothing was handed to me. Quite often the odds were stacked against me, but I made it<br />

happen because I refused to settle for less. I’ve met many Associates who have that same drive<br />

and determination and that is one of the things that makes <strong>Max</strong> great.<br />

The day my good friend Erin Edmonds gave me a call and asked me to work on a transaction<br />

with a little company out west I’d never heard of is a day I will be forever grateful for. The transaction involved trying to acquire<br />

a company called CellGevity, that I had also never heard of. I knew nothing about glutathione, and I consider myself a pretty<br />

educated guy. The things I would learn about <strong>Max</strong>, about CellGevity, and glutathione research and product development would be<br />

life changing. The same is true of your prospects, many of whom are in the same position of not knowing, but needing to know.<br />

The acquisition of CellGevity not only strengthened this company but put <strong>Max</strong> in a position to remain the glutathione leader for<br />

decades, which makes it a truly unique and important company that we are all privileged to be a part of. The last thing I expected<br />

when I flew to Utah to meet with Dr. Nagasawa and <strong>Max</strong> leaders was that it would eventually become a career choice, but<br />

sometimes life puts you where you need to be.<br />

Nothing in my past career prepared me for how personal this business is, but I love it. Instead of working with prestigious institutions<br />

in the world of high finance, I find myself mixing with energetic, passionate Associates in the field. I want to protect your opportunity<br />

and help each of you make your dreams more than just something you hope for, but a living, breathing reality. As Co-CEOs, Dave<br />

and I are committed to making <strong>Max</strong> even more solid and creating an opportunity that won’t only keep your hopes alive but turn<br />

your dreams into a reality.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Joe Voyticky<br />





Many Associates and prospects alike have wondered why a company like <strong>Max</strong>, which has specialized exclusively in groundbreaking<br />

supplements providing optimal cellular support, suddenly branches out into an area that is seemingly saturated in the marketplace.<br />

Associates like Kim Surra, Stacy Chapman, and many others who have extensive experience in skin care products with other companies were<br />

some of the most skeptical when <strong>Max</strong> Co-founder Steve Scott told them about this new phase in product development.<br />

“Over the years I’ve spent thousands of dollars with anti-aging lotions and potions, most of which did some—but very little—of what they<br />

claimed,” <strong>Max</strong> Diamond Associate Kim Surra said. “I was a top one percent income earner for my company, so I know a little something<br />

about skin care and building a skin care business.”<br />

Kim said despite the complete trust she has in Steve Scott as a true visionary, she was nonetheless very skeptical. It has been her experience<br />

that when things look too good to be true they usually are and this line seemed as if it fit into that category.<br />

“When I got my product, as skeptical as I was, within one use of the whole system, the difference in my skin was unbelievable,” Kim said.<br />

“I totally recommend this to anybody who gets this product and wants to share it as a business. Put it on one hand and not the other and<br />

start showing people.”<br />

Like Kim, Gold Associate Stacy Chapman has had extensive experience in skin care and was equally skeptical when Steve told her about<br />

<strong>Max</strong> coming out with its own line.<br />

“I was skeptical because, like a lot of you, I don’t want to be embarrassed,” Stacy said. “But what happened with the products is—they<br />

worked! They produced results but, more than that, they did it quicker than I ever expected.”<br />

Stacy said someone recently asked her a question which is quite a common one, “I thought we were a company that specialized in<br />



groundbreaking nutritional supplements, why are we suddenly doing skin care? Won’t that take the focus off of what we’re doing?”<br />

Stacy’s answer? “Not at all. I’ve found from years of working in spas that you have to work from the inside out because why does our skin<br />

show aging? One reason is, like other cells, our skin cells produce excessive amounts of free radicals, those unstable molecules that are<br />

controlled by antioxidants in our skin.”<br />

Simplify marketing<br />

Co-founders Steven Scott and Greg Fullerton feel this brings the <strong>Max</strong> tagline “Look, Feel, Live” full circle. With <strong>Max</strong> Solutions you can now<br />

look as good as you feel. Also important is what it can do for people in terms of building wealth. This product is a great introduction to <strong>Max</strong><br />

and its other products and could be one of our most powerful marketing tools to date.<br />

Stacy talked about a friend of hers that has been taking <strong>Max</strong> products and loves them but whenever Stacy talked to her about joining the<br />

company her reply was the same, “Oh, I’m just not a sales person. I can’t sell. I just can’t.”<br />

When Stacy demonstrated Visible Solutions products on her the first thing she said when she saw the results was, “I have two daughters<br />

who would absolutely love this.” Stacy then used the opportunity to remind her friend that if she signed up as an Associate and then<br />

signed up her daughters it would offset the cost of the products. Suddenly a person who could never have seen herself selling anything is<br />

experiencing the power of a product that practically sells itself. It can also become the gateway for introducing other equally powerful <strong>Max</strong><br />

products.<br />

Demonstration = Sales<br />

The extreme demonstrability of these products is what makes them so powerful. Steve Scott and his assistant Madison Lindsay sponsored<br />

several events where they demonstrated the products on women who were walking by.<br />

“The majority of these women knew nothing about <strong>Max</strong>, nothing about skin care and within 60 seconds of applying the product they were<br />

amazed,” Madison said. “They were showing their hand to their friends, to their sisters, their mothers, all the women that were around them.<br />

So it caused this stir among all the women and everyone wanted to get the demonstration. They had never seen anything like it and were<br />

ready to buy.”<br />

Madison said 100 percent of the women she demonstrated on personally purchased the products. Madison also had volunteers helping her<br />

who had only 10 minutes of training before the event. Madison explained to them how to demonstrate and they did. Even with their lack of<br />

experience they were able to close 50 to 60 percent of the time. Steve had the same results on the women he has introduced the products<br />

to.<br />

“I demonstrated on 200 women in the last two years and in every case they wanted it,” Steve said. “Often times they get mad at me when<br />

I say that I couldn’t give it to them because I was always using lab batches and didn’t have any available.”<br />

In later demonstrations, when he had a steady supply of product to give to them, he found that 100 percent of the women who stayed on<br />

the product for 60 days or more never wanted to be without it.<br />

Given how demonstrable these products are, and how easily they sell themselves, marketing them simply means opening your mouth<br />

and letting people learn for themselves what the products can do. Once they are introduced to <strong>Max</strong> through these amazing products an<br />

Associate can then say, “And look at what else we have.”<br />


EVENTS<br />


More than 400 Associates and guests joined <strong>Max</strong><br />

in Las Vegas last month to mark the beginning of<br />

not only a New Year, but a new era at <strong>Max</strong>, as the<br />

Visible Solutions Skin Care System was officially<br />

introduced.<br />

Beginning with a Golds and Above dinner on Friday<br />

evening, continuing with a business presentation<br />

that night, and concluding on Saturday with a rich<br />

day of training, recognition, two car giveaways,<br />

and visionary direction from the corporate team,<br />

the event was roundly praised as one of the most<br />

exciting and helpful events in <strong>Max</strong>’s history—<br />

maybe the best ever.<br />

On Saturday morning, <strong>Max</strong> Co-founder Steven K.<br />

Scott set the tone of the weekend and members of<br />

the corporate executive team who followed shared<br />

with the audience how they will make <strong>Max</strong> better in 2011. All Associate in attendance were recognized for their current rank<br />

and <strong>Max</strong>’s newest Platinums and Diamonds also had time to share brief remarks.<br />

The bulk of the event was, of course, dedicated to Visible Solutions. Dr. Daria Davidson highlighted the science behind the<br />

products, and emphasized that what the skin care products do on the outside (and how quickly the results come) is what our<br />

supplement products do on the inside.<br />

With training from those with deep experience in skin care, and with emphasis on how to best use Visible Solutions to build a<br />

strong business, all who attended caught the vision of how they can achieve more with <strong>Max</strong>. For all who couldn’t attend the<br />

Vegas event, you either need to get with someone on your team (upline, crossline, or downline) who was there and get trained,<br />

or get to an upcoming event to get a sense of what you missed. The success of your business may depend on it!<br />

In the event ballroom, 20 demonstration stations did steady business showing people what One Minute Wonder can do.<br />

According to one experienced voice, “I’ve never seen a busier store at a <strong>Max</strong> event.”<br />

Congratulations to the winners of the Driver’s Seat Promotion, Part II:<br />

New Benz fulfills long-time dream<br />

Irene and Bob Hurley were enjoying a quiet evening with their kids at their home in Tillsonburg, Ontario, looking at photos on<br />

the computer when the phone rang. When Irene heard Mike Lebrun’s voice on the other end her first thought was, ‘Why is<br />

Mike Lebrun calling me at 8 o’clock on Saturday night,’ when she suddenly realized—he’s in Vegas! And she put two and two<br />

together.<br />


EVENTS<br />

“All of a sudden I could hear the roar in the background,”<br />

Irene said. “I felt a wave of excitement washing over me. I still<br />

think, ‘Wow, is it really true?’ Of course, test driving cars really<br />

helped.”<br />

Bob, being the gentleman he is, let Irene choose the car<br />

after they researched their options. Irene went with her heart,<br />

choosing the Mercedes Benz because, among other things, it<br />

sparked memories of a diesel Benz her brother used to have,<br />

which she and her friends would drive around in on Saturday<br />

nights back in high school.<br />

“So many great memories,” Irene said. “I have always wanted<br />

one since.”<br />

The Hurleys have only been with <strong>Max</strong> since August of 2010.<br />

After joining, Irene decided she was going to FastTrack to Gold<br />

and as a result of a lot of hard work ended up with 43 points in<br />

the contest. She had a big learning curve to overcome at first but had a lot of help from her team. She had great mentoring<br />

and support from Mike Lebrun, who was willing to do things like travel from Ottawa to help with meetings in their area.<br />

“John Otto also mentored me amazingly,” Irene said. “Bob was my rock, covering for all the areas that were left lacking as I<br />

plunged into this new venture!”<br />

The Hurleys were recognized by their <strong>Max</strong> peers at an event in Ontario the weekend after Vegas and at a second celebration<br />

in Montreal the week after that. Being recognized by Carol Ford and Mike Lebrun, in the midst of their peers, their family, and<br />

their team, Irene said, was awesome. “Thanks so much to all who helped make this possible for us,” Irene said.<br />

Audi win a team achievement for Puerto Rico Associates<br />

In contrast to the Hurleys quiet night at home, Maritza and<br />

Julio Rivera were enjoying an exciting, high-decibel night<br />

in Las Vegas amongst friends and team members from<br />

Puerto Rico when they won their car.<br />

Had there been a blackout in Vegas that night, the energy<br />

generated from the Puerto Rico section could have<br />

powered the strip for at least a couple hours when the<br />

Riveras names were read as the winners of a new car.<br />

They brought the house down!<br />

“The first thing that came to mind was to thank God when<br />

I saw my wife jumping up and down,” Julio said. “That’s<br />

when I knew we had won the car.”<br />


EVENTS<br />

The excitement displayed by their team was a sign to the Riveras that it was an achievement their entire team shared.<br />

“More than a team, we are family,” Julio said. “To tell the truth, I had never won anything before. We felt it was a great privilege.<br />

I challenge everyone to go after your dreams because they can become a reality.”<br />

With everyone on their team working together the Riveras were able to earn 65 points in the contest. The Riveras chose the<br />

Audi because they have had good experiences with that brand in the past.<br />

Build your business as you take advantage of exciting on-going promotions<br />

This is a great time to be engaged with <strong>Max</strong> <strong>International</strong>! It’s not too late to qualify to win a new car in the <strong>Max</strong> One-A-Day<br />

DVD Challenge, qualify for a Caribbean cruise, join new Gold Associates in Park City, and be part of an unforgettable week<br />

in Maui for Diamond Leaders.<br />

Here’s something else to be get excited about: You earn points in the two promotions simultaneously! With two promotions<br />

and two incentive trips, which are highlighted below, there is a lot of detail to cover. Visit the <strong>Max</strong> Blog to learn how you can<br />

qualify for these great rewards. Except for the Road to Diamond Event, Associates from all markets are eligible!<br />

Destination <strong>Max</strong> will give qualifying Associates a Caribbean cruise for two in August 2011! <strong>Max</strong> will cover airfare (up to<br />

US$1,000) plus all cruise expenses. As with the Driver’s Seat promotion, your business-building efforts help you generate<br />

points, and all Associates who accumulate 175 points are cruising! The promotion period is October 16th, 2010 through April<br />

30th, 2011.<br />

If you’re like many Associates you may have tried to put yourself in the shoes of the Hurleys and the Riveras after Vegas,<br />

wondering what it would feel like to win a new luxury automobile. It’s not too late to find out first hand and win one of your own!<br />

The <strong>Max</strong> One-A-Day DVD Challenge gives Associates another chance to win a car! All you have to do is share <strong>Max</strong>’s newest<br />

introductory video with people and submit their names and contact info on-line. As long as you enter at least five names every<br />

week, you remain in the contest. Miss a week, and you’re out. Associates who enroll after November 1 are required to be in the<br />

contest by the second Monday following enrollment. <strong>Max</strong> will randomly verify names that Associates submit. The promotion<br />

period is October 16th, 2010 through April 30th, 2011.<br />

Incentive Trips<br />

The Grand Wailea Resort in Maui is nothing short of Heaven on earth, and Diamond Associates can qualify for a weekl-long<br />

trip for two—new Diamonds and a guest—for the Diamond Retreat. Associates who achieve the Diamond rank from May<br />

2010 through March 2011 qualify for a trip for two. Current Diamonds must qualify as a paid-as Diamond for three of the five<br />

months following convention—November 2010 through March 2011. Additional family members can come at a cost that will<br />

be determined.<br />

New volume Golds in North America earn the Road to Diamond Event, an all-expenses-paid trip for one to Park City in June,<br />


EVENTS<br />

2011; spouse or significant other can attend for an additional fee. To qualify, achieve the rank of Gold at least once from June<br />

2010 to April 2011. The Road to Diamond Event is designed to help emerging leaders receive training that will help them<br />

continue to advance, while also bringing them closer to <strong>Max</strong> corporate and their Associate colleagues.<br />

Three new cars, a Caribbean cruise, a trip to Maui, and a weekend in Park City. Between now and April, 2011, you can qualify<br />

to be part of all this! <strong>Max</strong> <strong>International</strong> is offering several promotions and recognition incentives right now that can provide you<br />

with dramatic rewards in the coming months. Don’t miss out on these incredible promotions and incentives.<br />

For complete promotion rules visit the <strong>Max</strong> blog.<br />

Here are the scheduled events at <strong>Max</strong> <strong>International</strong> (Visit max.com to register for any of the following events):<br />

February, 2010<br />

Australia Launch Event—Shangri-La Hotel, Sydney<br />

February 12, 2011<br />

Registration: 9:00 a.m.<br />

Meeting: 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Lunch is included in registration.<br />

Brisbane, Australia—Marriott Brisbane<br />

February 14, 2011<br />

Registration: 6:00 p.m.<br />

Meeting: 7:00 p.m to 9:00 p.m.<br />

Perth, Australia—Intercontinental Hotel Perth Burswood<br />

February 15, 2011<br />

Registration: 6:00 p.m.<br />

Meeting: 7:00 p.m to 9:00 p.m.<br />

Melbourne, Australia—Bayview Eden<br />

February 16, 2011<br />

Registration: 6:00 p.m.<br />


EVENTS<br />

Meeting: 7:00 p.m to 9:00 p.m.<br />

Auckland, New Zealand Anniversary Event—The Pullman Hotel Auckland (Formerly known as the Hyatt Regency)<br />

February 19, 2011<br />

Registration: 2:00 p.m.<br />

Meeting: 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.<br />

April, 2011<br />

Dallas Regional Event—Westin Stonebriar<br />

April 15, 2011<br />

May, 2011<br />

Singapore Launch<br />

May 7, 2011<br />

Registration coming soon!!<br />

Diamond Retreat—Grand Wailea Resort<br />

May 22, 2011<br />

April, 2012<br />

Wednesday, April 18—Saturday, April 21, 2012: <strong>Max</strong> <strong>International</strong> Convention, Salt Lake City, Salt Palace Convention Center.<br />

It’s never too early to prepare for the next Convention. <strong>Max</strong> is working hard to make this one you will remember. Tickets are<br />

only $69 if you register before December 31 of this year. To register click here.<br />

To register for any of the above-listed events please visit max.com.<br />




<strong>Max</strong>4U subscribers will be pleased to learn that they have access to a new customized website dedicated to our new<br />

skin care products—www.<strong>Max</strong>VisibleSolutions.com. Your personal website is accessed the same way as other <strong>Max</strong>4U<br />

sites, by simply adding your <strong>Max</strong>4U screen name at the beginning of the URL. For example: jim.maxvisiblesolutions.<br />

com.<br />

Visitors to the site will only see product information about Visible Solutions, although unlike maxgxl.com there will<br />

be information about the business opportunity. If you choose to enroll you will be given the option of signing up with<br />

only Visible Solutions products or product packs. As always, you will automatically receive credit for anyone who<br />

purchases or enrolls via your <strong>Max</strong>4U site.<br />




Rick Nelson, Vice President of Business Development, announced last month that <strong>Max</strong> Singapore went live as of Wednesday,<br />

Jan. 19, 2011. As our fifth international market, and our first foray into Southeast Asia, Singapore will provide an important<br />

foothold in one of the most populous regions of the world, Rick said.<br />

Also, after a long period of laying the groundwork and ironing out the details of opening in Australia, <strong>Max</strong> is ready for prime<br />

time in that country as well. Co-CEO David Bagley and Justin Call, Vice President of Sales and Support, will participate in<br />

several kick-off meetings beginning Feb 11 and 12 in Sydney. For a full list of events, and to register, visit the <strong>Max</strong> website.<br />

“It’s a very exciting time in that market,” Rick said. “We appreciate your patience. Australia is a very important market. It was<br />

well worth the wait. Australia represents a massive opportunity for Associates and a springboard into future markets.”<br />

Jim Stevralia, Vice President of <strong>International</strong> Development, said a number of leaders from the Philippines, North America,<br />

Australia, and New Zealand are working hard to build a foundation in Singapore with tremendous success. Additionally, New<br />

Zealand, another critical market in the <strong>Max</strong> family, will celebrate its first anniversary on February 19, 2011, as well as the first<br />

Road to Diamond Celebration with <strong>Max</strong> leaders the day before the anniversary event. The Road to Diamond celebration is<br />

invitation only but you can register for the anniversary celebration at max.com.<br />

Relative to our future in Southeast Asia, Rick cited statistics from the World Federation of Direct Selling Associations, 2009,<br />



that showed sales generated by direct sales were US$260 million in Singapore alone!<br />

“All told, 464,000 people are engaged in direct selling of some sort, with 50 percent being part-time, and 30 percent being<br />

women,” Rick said. “Our Southeast Asia headquarters will be the Manila Philippines office. This strategic location helps us<br />

leverage investments we have already made in the Philippines.”<br />

“It couldn’t be a better fit for our needs,” Rick said. “Services provided for Singapore from the Manila office will include<br />

Leadership Support and Customer Care. Joey Sarmiento, general manager of the Philippines, will spearhead this effort, and<br />

build on the success we’re enjoying in that market.”<br />

As we begin in Singapore, both <strong>Max</strong>One and <strong>Max</strong> N-Fuze will be available. Commissions in Singapore will be paid in<br />

Singapore dollars (S$). Shipping will be provided in-country, with will call orders for easy pickup. All of the Australian orders<br />

will continue to ship out of our New Zealand office.<br />

Jim said we are currently going through the approval process for making Visible SolutionsSkin Care System available in<br />

both Singapore and Australia markets. There is no release date for this product in either country, but when it does become<br />

available, it will be huge for the business development as it is already proving to be in North America.<br />

<strong>Max</strong>.com/sg went live at the same time as our Singapore launch last month, along with a localized version of max4u.com.<br />

This milestone fulfills the vision of providing Associates best-in-class tools, and a consistent global experience, right from the<br />

start of opening a new market.<br />

“May 7, 2011 will be our official kick-off event in Singapore featuring Co-founder Steven Scott. Now is the time to get<br />

positioned,” Rick said. “All <strong>Max</strong> Associates are welcome to establish teams in Singapore and Australia, but as always, we<br />

encourage you to do so with sound plans and counsel from your upline leaders as you continue to build strength in your<br />

home markets. Thank you for making these market openings possible. Great things await us in both of these countries!”<br />


FAQ<br />


What makes this product line different?<br />

A. The <strong>Max</strong> Amino-Nutrient Complex is what sets this product line apart from all others. This exclusive blend helps to naturally<br />

optimize collagen, protect moisture and raise hydration levels, increase and enhance elasticity and protect skin against free<br />

radicals.” This blend is included in every one of our products and is backed by independent user group and clinical studies.<br />

Is the <strong>Max</strong> Amino-Nutrient Complex exclusive to <strong>Max</strong>?<br />

A. Yes, this is an exclusive blend developed for and formulated for <strong>Max</strong>. No other skin care line has this combination.<br />

What is the base ingrediient of this product life?<br />

A. The base ingredient is a special patented form of Aloe Vera. It promotes healthy recovery and renewal of the skin as well as<br />

helps regulate the pH of your skin to help keep it healthy. It is important to note that many other products use water as the base<br />

ingredient which is not nearly as effective in delivering the nutrients to the skin.<br />

How much of the One Minute Wonder do I apply?<br />

A. Imagine frosting a cake; spread the product on lightly, enough to cover the surface, without rubbing it into the skin.<br />

If I use a quarter-sized amount of One Minute Wonder 3 times a week how long should it last?<br />

A. The One Minute Wonder should last 60-90 days when used as directed. You will find that after you learn how to use it, you<br />

will need less product then you initially use. Effective use involves rubbing it in small circles approximately 40-60 seconds after<br />

application. If you wait too long (2-4 minutes) before rubbing, it will not work properly as an exfoliator.<br />

How does the One Minute Wonder liquefy on my skin?<br />

A. The pH of your skin is what actually causes the product to change texture. Visible Solutions helps to regulate the pH level of<br />

your skin to achieve a healthy, hydrated glow.<br />

How do I know when the One Minute Wonder is ready to be rubbed off?<br />

A. After applying the product, allow it to sit on the skin for roughly 40-60 seconds. You will notice that it goes from a tacky looking<br />

texture to a more liquefied or watery look. Begin to rub in a circular motion, if product does not instantly start to ball up stop and<br />

wait 10 seconds and then begin again.<br />

What is actually balling up on my skin when I use the One Minute Wonder?<br />

A. The One Minute Wonder is a gel exfoliator that gently exfoliates without being abrasive. When you gently rub in a circular<br />

motion the gel is gently picking up the dead skin cells, dirt, oil and the debris that is sitting on the surface of your skin.<br />

How often should I use the One Minute Wonder?<br />

A. We recommend you use it at least 3 times a week or more if desired. Because our bodies are constantly pushing dead<br />

skin cells to the surface, it is essential to make sure that we are continually removing the dead skin, dirt and debris. This<br />

allows fresh, new skin to come to the surface more readily while at the same time hydrating the skin, minimizing pore size<br />

and evening skin tone and texture.*<br />


FAQ<br />

Where does the pink color in the One Minute Wonder come from?<br />

A. Since our products are free of any artificial fragrances or coloring, the vibrant pink color you see in the One Minute Wonder<br />

comes from the well-known vitamin B-12.<br />

What would happen if I left the One Minute Wonder in the sun or out in the cold—would it become less effective<br />

or ruined?<br />

A. This product is affected by cold temperatures. It should be kept at ambient (room) temperature when possible. Heat<br />

will not affect it as much as extreme cold, but if you expose it to sustained and extreme cold, allow it to return to room<br />

temperature before using (when it turns back into a gel). It should be stored in an area no colder than 40°F (5°C).<br />

How long can the lid stay off the One Minute Wonder before it becomes ruined?<br />

A. The lid should be placed back on the product immediately after use because it is moisture sensitive. Do not leave the lid<br />

off for more than a few minutes during each use.<br />

Can I just use the One Minute Wonder first instead of a cleanser since it claims to remove all the dirt, dead skin,<br />

and debris anyway?<br />

A. Yes. You may find that when you use it in the morning that it is not necessary to cleanse before you use it. We suggest<br />

using it on clean skin because if you have moisturizer or treatments on your skin it may affect the degree of exfoliation.<br />

Why isn’t a cleanser and toner part of the package? Aren’t those essential to most skin care lines?<br />

A. Cleansers are a very important step of any skin care regimen and we recommend that you use your favorite cleanser<br />

together with Visible Solutions. Visible Solutions focuses on providing powerful anti-aging products that will have a dramatic<br />

effect on your skin.<br />

Will the cleanser/ toner I use affect my results with Visible Solutions?<br />

A. No, a cleanser will not change or hinder your results with Visible Solutions no matter what shape your skin is in. However,<br />

we do suggest a gentle cleanser that is free of sulfates (sulfates strip the skin of the good oils). Also, avoid using a cleanser/<br />

toner that has a high pH (alkaline) which can also remove necessary oils from the skin and leave it tight, pulled and dried out.<br />

If I use my own exfoliating cleanser does it make the One Minute Wonder less effective? If I use both is that<br />

exfoliating too much?<br />

A. No, what makes the One Minute Wonder unique is that it is a “smart” exfoliator. It will only remove the dead layer of skin<br />

cells and does not touch the healthy living cells. You cannot over-exfoliate with this product. You will find that at times your<br />

skin will exfoliate more than at other times.<br />

I have always used a toner, how should I incorporate this into the Visible Solutions skin care system?<br />

A. The purpose of a toner is to bring the pH of your skin down to a normal range after cleansing. Many are made with drying<br />

ingredients that do not provide a good environment for the rest of your skin care products. If you have a toner you like, make<br />

sure it is gentle, does not dry your skin and is not made with alcohol. You can use your toner before you begin your regimen<br />

starting with the Youth Recovery Serum.<br />


FAQ<br />

Will <strong>Max</strong> be coming out with a Visible Solutions cleanser or toner?<br />

A. The potential is there to add a cleanser/toner to the product line in the future, but there are no concrete plans at this point.<br />

Can I incorporate some of my favorite products in with this system or will it cause the products to be less<br />

effective?<br />

A. Yes, you can add your own products. Acne treatments such as Retin A can be used with this system. If you are using a<br />

Retinoid treatment, you should wait approximately 20 minutes between the Retinoid application and the rest of the regimen.<br />

There is a glycolic blend in the Skin Brightening Mousse so you may want to avoid using another glycolic product (also<br />

referred to as AHA)* during the day when you use it.<br />

Does it really matter what order you use the products in? Why?<br />

A. Traditionally in skin care treatments you should apply serums before creams so the oils in the moisture do not slow down<br />

or block penetration into the skin. Serums are very concentrated and made to penetrate quickly so those usually are applied<br />

first. The moisturizing products have natural emollients and penetrate slower so those are usually applied after a serum. The<br />

order that you use the products is not as important as simply using them consistently.<br />

It don’t really like the feel of the Youth Recovery Serum. If I take that step out will it make the other products<br />

less effective?<br />

A. The Youth Recovery Serum is a very powerful anti-aging product and not using it will diminish the results you see with the<br />

entire system. If it feels too heavy or tacky, you may be using too much. Try cutting back on the amount you are applying.<br />

I heard it’s essential to use a sun block when using any product that contains AHAs--is that true? What do you<br />

recommend?<br />

A. It is true that the us of AHA can increase skin sensitivity and the risk of sunburn. We suggest wearing protecive clothing<br />

and using a sunscreen every day. Use a broad spectrum sunscreen that gives you both UVA and UVB protection. UVA rays<br />

are the aging rays (gives you brown spots) and UVB rays burn the skin. We suggest using at least SPF 25 each day.<br />

Is there any sunscreen in the product line?<br />

A. No. A sunscreen over 15 SPF (outdoor protection) requires adding Zinc to the ingredients. Zinc changes the consistency<br />

of the product and gives it a heavier feel and may cause issues for people with sensitive skin. Not having sunscreen in the<br />

products allows users of all skin types to get the visible results they want by using the product line. We encourage you to<br />

apply your own sunscreen if desired.<br />

Are there any skin disorders that Visible Solutions would worsen or not be good for? What are the Conditions?<br />

What effect will it have on those conditions?<br />

A. We cannot make any medical claims regarding the ability of Visible Solutions to treat skin disorders. The ingredients in<br />

the products will help balance skin and keep pores clean—when you do that you have a lower tendency to produce oil and<br />

bacteria. Acne is less likely to develop when skin is kept clean.<br />

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products ar not intended to diagnose, treat, cure,<br />

or prevent any disease.<br />




Visible Solutions Skin Care System TM brings a new dimension to <strong>Max</strong> <strong>International</strong> and brings our original tagline of Look, Live, Feel full circle.<br />

Four years ago <strong>Max</strong> came into existence when some of the top marketing and scientific minds came together to distribute the revolutionary<br />

product <strong>Max</strong>GXL ® .<br />

Since then, <strong>Max</strong> has released products that have each further solidified our standing as the world’s glutathione leader. Now with Visible<br />

Solutions we can do for the skin and the appearance what our groundbreaking products have done for our cells and the inner workings of<br />

the body.<br />

There are a lot of skin care products out there, but with the four patented ingredients making up the proprietary and exclusive <strong>Max</strong> Amino-<br />

Nutrient Complex TM , nothing currently on the market can do what these products do.<br />

At <strong>Max</strong>, we’re privileged to have many prominent Associates with a lot of experience in skin care. The one thing they consistently have in<br />

common is that, despite initial reservations about <strong>Max</strong> branching out into skin care, they are blown away by what these products can do.<br />

Gold Associate, Stacy Chapman was very skeptical when <strong>Max</strong> Co-founder Steve Scott informed her about the then-forthcoming skin care<br />

line. Stacy has had access to some of the best skin care products on the market for many years and has done extensive research and spent<br />

a lot of money on skin car in an attempt to fight the aging process. She had seen so many products, many of which relied on hope and hype,<br />

rather than high quality ingredients, clinical studies, and results.<br />

All that and more<br />

Visible Solutions, Stacy came to find, had all of those things and far more than she could have hoped for. Stacy said that many of the<br />



products she has seen over the years claim to have the ingredients that will optimize collagen, enhance elasticity, regulate pH levels, and do<br />

all the other things you look for in a good skin care product. But when you take a close look at the list of ingredients, looking for the things<br />

that promote those kind of results, they are way down the list. The key ingredients that make up the Visible Solutions line, on the other hand,<br />

are at the top of the ingredient list.<br />

These proprietary and exclusive ingredients include Terra-Pure TM Aloe with a reverse osmosis formula that ensures all the amino acids and<br />

vitamins retain their full efficiency, which, independent of the other ingredients, allows for optimal collagen support. When mixed with the<br />

other ingredients, critical nutrients penetrate the skin and are delivered to where they are needed most. Terra-Pure Aloe is the base ingredient<br />

of the product line and promotes healthy recovery and renewal of the skin and helps regulate the pH of your skin to help keep it healthy.<br />

Other ingredients include Antarcticine ® , a naturally derived glycol protein that helps to prevent dryness of the skin and serves to protect<br />

the epidermis from extreme cold. Relistase TM is an active peptide that enhances skin elasticity and tightness. Lipochroman-6 is a potent<br />

antioxidant that helps protect the skin from photo-aging.<br />

These ingredients, as Stacy pointed out, eliminate the need for hype, by producing results that have been shown to be highly demonstrable.<br />

“I promise you, you have not seen a product like this on the market that demonstrates what this product does in such a short amount of<br />

time,” Stacy said. “And it does it every single time on every single person.”<br />

The independent clinical studies have shown a 44 percent reduction in wrinkle depth after 30 days, a 128 percent increase in collagen I after<br />

15 days, a 31 percent increase in elastin after 15 days and a 11.7 percent increase in elasticity after 4 weeks.*<br />

A symphony of synergy<br />

“Our products build upon each other because they work synergistically,” Stacy said. “Each one of the ingredients builds upon the others<br />

so you get better and better results every time you topically apply one of our products. Clarity of the skin, a reduction in the appearance of<br />

pores, the hydration levels, a reduction in the appearance of lines and wrinkles on our face, a tightening appearance of the jowls and lines.<br />

I don’t know about you but I am in my fifties and it’s huge to have that capability.”<br />

Stacy said that skin cells produce excessive amounts of free radicals. As <strong>Max</strong> Associates we have been well-informed about what free<br />

radicals can do to our cells and how powerful antioxidants like glutathione combat the damage caused by free radicals. The supply of<br />

antioxidants isn’t as great in our skin as other parts of the body, so if we fail to give the skin proper antioxidant support, collagens can be<br />

broken down and chemicals can be released that lead to aging and the formation of wrinkles.<br />

The mixture of proprietary ingredients in <strong>Max</strong>’s Visible Solutions work together to ensure that these critical nutrients are delivered where they<br />

are most needed. Thus the results that have been demonstrated on women in test groups, leading to the vast majority asking for more and<br />

wanting a steady supply.<br />

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.<br />

Anarcticine ® and Relistase TM are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Lipotec S.A. Terra-PureTM is a trademark of Terry Laboratories, Inc.<br />




Good health a universal concept<br />

Gary Renard, of Los Angeles, California, is a bestselling author who<br />

goes on speaking tours all over the world to talk about his books that<br />

have been translated into 20 languages. He and his wife Cindy heard<br />

about <strong>Max</strong> from their good friends Brian and Gabriella Wark who were<br />

sponsoring a workshop Gary was conducting at the University of Toronto.<br />

After Brian directed him to max.com, Gary started taking <strong>Max</strong>One TM after<br />

watching some videos discussing the product. Cindi and Gary are both<br />

taking <strong>Max</strong>One with very positive results.<br />

“I’ve been using and researching vitamin supplements for 30 years, and<br />

this is the first time I’ve ever really felt a strong difference right away” Gary<br />

said. “That’s all I needed. I’m not a scientist—I go with my experience.<br />

So I signed up quickly.”<br />

Gary had never worked in network marketing prior to signing up with<br />

<strong>Max</strong>. His books, which include The Disappearance of the Universe and Our Immortal Reality, deal with the concept of<br />

spiritual psychology. Although his work with <strong>Max</strong> isn’t directly related to his emphasis as a writer, he and many of his readers<br />

are interested in being as healthy as they can be. Bringing up the topic of <strong>Max</strong>, therefore, is never much of stretch among<br />

the people he associates with.<br />

Gary and Cindy are also excited about the new Visible Solutions TM Skin Care System. “Like many women—plus more men<br />

than you would expect—Cindy is always looking for great skin care products,” Gary said.<br />

In addition to consistently recruiting Associates, Gary has signed up an impressive number of Preferred Customers since<br />

joining <strong>Max</strong>. Not only has he introduced many of his long-time friends to <strong>Max</strong> products, but a number of the readers of his<br />

books and people he meets on the street.<br />

“I think if you’re enthusiastic and give people access to the information, the <strong>Max</strong> products can practically sell themselves,”<br />

Gary said. “I don’t use the hard sell. A lot of open-minded people will be intrigued by this. Those are the ones you want. If<br />

someone is not interested, simply move on to the ones who are.”<br />



Get the word out about <strong>Max</strong><br />

Previous to <strong>Max</strong>, Liz and Pedro Arevalo of Houston,<br />

Texas, worked in another network marketing company<br />

for about a year, but feel that <strong>Max</strong> has so much more to<br />

offer. Between the products—which the Arevalo’s feel<br />

are the best in the industry—the management team,<br />

first-rate marketing and training tools, the Arevalo’s feel<br />

<strong>Max</strong> has everything.<br />

Pedro works full-time as a journalist. He is the editor of<br />

the Spanish-language Sucesos Newspaper, published<br />

in the Houston area, and he hosts a weekly AM talk<br />

radio show. Predro’s work provides forums for him to<br />

write the occasional article about <strong>Max</strong> and talk about<br />

his experience with <strong>Max</strong> and its products. He has<br />

established a lot of credibility among his readers and<br />

listeners over the years, and has sparked a lot of interest in <strong>Max</strong> as a result.<br />

In addition to his presence in the media, Pedro has created flyers with product information that he leaves on cars in the<br />

parking lots of movie theatres, supermarkets, and other places. He has also placed a video on Youtube. In other words, he<br />

uses every means at his disposal to get the word out about <strong>Max</strong>.<br />

Liz and Pedro are excited about the new Visible Solutions TM Skin Care System and feel it could be a tremendous boost to<br />

personal businesses throughout the company. Their previous company specialized in skin care. With all the skin care products<br />

on the market, offering something new and innovative is rare, and the Arevalos can see Visible Solutions is something special.<br />

Even more important is the fact that the people who come on board because of the amazing skin care products will be<br />

introduced to a line of products unlike anything in the industry with <strong>Max</strong>One TM , <strong>Max</strong> N-Fuze TM , and <strong>Max</strong>ATP TM .<br />

Pedro feels that building a business at <strong>Max</strong> is about getting through adversity with your dreams intact. One way to keep the<br />

dream alive is to realize that everyone is a prospect.<br />

“Don’t dismiss anyone,” Pedro said. “Everyone you know or meet is a good prospect. If someone says ‘no’ don’t take it<br />

personally—there are thousands of people waiting for what <strong>Max</strong> has to offer.”<br />




Congratulations to the <strong>Max</strong> Associates who have advanced in rank because of their dedicated efforts in sharing the <strong>Max</strong> WAY!<br />

AACC, Forest, VA<br />

Ada Melara and Sergio Acevedo, Miami, FL<br />

Anthony Bandola, Philippines<br />

Pedro Arevalo, Katy, TX<br />

Kylee Brasch, Arana Hills, QLD, AUS<br />

Felicitas Cael, Philippines<br />

Sonia Zelaya and Jose Callejas, Miami, FL<br />

Kristine Dabu, Philippines<br />

Rhonda Dasher, Vidalia, GA<br />

John Dinamling, Philippines<br />

Angelita Dosdos, Philippines<br />

DunEagle Enterprises Ltd, Avondale, NZ<br />

Karen Farrell, Woodridge, QLD, AUS<br />

Juan Figueroa de Leon, San Juan, PR<br />

Analiza and Genesis Gonzales, Philippines<br />

Grace Gutirrez-Buencamino, Philippines<br />

Monica Holmes, Willetton, WA, AUS<br />

Tama Jensen, Philippines<br />

Jarrot Johnston, Woodstock, ON<br />

Mireya, Leduc, Hollywood, FL<br />

Bronze Associates<br />

Heriberto Lopez Rivera, Barranquitas, PR<br />

Rene Lopez, Barranquitas, PR<br />

Francis Martin, Rayne, LA<br />

Hector Nieves, Juncos, PR<br />

Valmai Parker, Bunbury, WA<br />

Marites Patio, Philippines<br />

Dr. Hector Perez, San Sebastian, PR<br />

Freda Ranter and Steve Martin, Woodstock, ON<br />

Felipe Rivera-Collazo, San German, PR<br />

Carlos Rodriquez Ortiz, San Juan, PR<br />

Angel Rodriguez, San Juan, PR<br />

Divina Sabado, Philippines<br />

Mary Jane Salud, Philippines<br />

Verna Schulte, Coralville, IA<br />

Venus Tan, Philippines<br />

Universal Service and Solution, Arecibo, PR<br />

Luis Vega, Corozal, PR<br />

Yamile Vicens, Vega Alta, PR<br />

Carol Williams, Lincolnton, GA<br />

Dawn Zivanovich and Gordon Green, Ancaster, ON<br />



Carroll Baudoin, Lafayette, LA<br />

Lynette Bishop, Mountain Creek, QLD, AUS<br />

Corie Castle, Stakehill, WA, AUS<br />

Gloria Cunningham, North Augusta, SC<br />

Donna DeWaard, Victoria, BC<br />

Robert Foster, Saint Cloud, FL<br />

Andres Lopez Rivera, Comerio, PR<br />

Zayda and Francisco Lopez, Miramar, FL<br />

Jose Lopez, San Sebastian, PR<br />

Dinora Rivas and Carlos Martinez, Miami, FL<br />

Irene and Bob Hurley, Tillsonburg, ON<br />

Angel Lopez, Barranquitas, PR<br />

Federly Rabanal, Philippines<br />

Silver Associates<br />

Gold Associates<br />

To read the complete profile of the advancements, listed below click here.<br />

Sandra and John Nissley, Iowa City, IA<br />

Cindy and Gary Renard, Los Angeles, CA<br />

Frankie Robles, Toa, Baja, PR<br />

Wendy and Henry Scheerhoorn, Woodstock, ON<br />

Janis and Dr. Gary Smith, Saint Cloud, FL<br />

Janet Soriano, Philippines<br />

Diana Stewart, Mt. Creek, QLD, AUS<br />

Marie Taylor, Malvern, VIC, AUS<br />

Sally Watson, Caloundra West QLD, AUS<br />

Mario Rivera, Yabucoa, PR<br />

Jose Rodriguez, Miami, FL<br />

Annelyn Sunga, Philippines<br />



Platinum Associates<br />

<strong>Max</strong> combines the best in the industry<br />

Sheila and Carlos Marquez, of Yabucoa, Puerto Rico, are excited to have<br />

reached this significant milestone at <strong>Max</strong> and hope their story will help their<br />

fellow Associates and dreamers accomplish the same.<br />

Carlos said that growing up he was always taught that the path to realizing his<br />

dreams was to study a specific discipline or trade, then build a career around<br />

that—which is what he did. Reality taught him a different lesson, however, when<br />

it took him seven years after graduation to find a job in his chosen profession.<br />

Then, even after finding a decent job, stability was fleeting. At one point he was<br />

working for a private company that was going through a lot of changes. It soon<br />

became clear he would either lose his job or his salary would be drastically<br />

reduced.<br />

Carlos was grateful to a friend who, at this stage in his career, helped him work<br />

his way into the educational system, which he thought was the solution to<br />

his professional problems. He would soon find that this also wasn’t all it was<br />

cracked up to be. He talked to retired teachers and saw that their lifestyles left<br />

much to be desired. Most of them were barely generating enough income for<br />

the basics in life and were doing well to avoid bankruptcy.<br />

Meanwhile the Marquez’s debt was growing along with their young family. Their dreams of prosperity were slowly becoming<br />

nightmares and they were praying for a solution. When a friend introduced him to network marketing it seemed to be<br />

the answer they were looking for. But this too created at least as many challenges as solutions. Over the course of three<br />

businesses, success came and went. It got to the point where Sheila asked Carlos to choose between her and the business<br />

they were working. Through it all, the greatest thing he gained was experience. He was building the skill set that would allow<br />

him to make the most of the opportunity when the right company came along.<br />

When his good friend Julio Rivera asked him to watch a video featuring Steven Scott he felt almost immediately that this was<br />

it and he finally found his niche. “The background, abilities and vision of this man, Steven Scott, were remarkable,” Carlos<br />

said. “The product he was selling seemed truly unique.”<br />

His experience on the product confirmed this, exceeding his expectations. Carlos flew to Salt Lake City to meet with <strong>Max</strong><br />

executives and ended up joining the company along with Julio, and Hector Marcano. Mentored by his sponsor, Julio, he has<br />

been able to refine his skills and build a strong team at <strong>Max</strong>.<br />

“I decided to start doing things the right way, being lead by my upline Julio Rivera,” Carlos said. “Julio and Maritza have truly<br />

impacted our lives for the better. The good thing about network marketing is you can start over every day. I knew that <strong>Max</strong><br />

had all the elements we needed to achieve our goals and if I failed it was my own fault.”<br />

By focusing on creating a duplicatable system and helping their team build to Bronze, their entire team is experiencing the<br />

success they dreamed of, including Mario and Glendalize Eliza, who have advanced to Gold.<br />

“We want to send out the message to all of the <strong>Max</strong> leaders in the world, and especially in Latin America that this is a real<br />

and unique opportunity,” Carlos said. “There has never been a better time to get involved with <strong>Max</strong>.”<br />



Diamond Associates<br />

Never give up on your prospects<br />

As Analis and Hector Marcano, of Caguas, Puerto Rico, celebrate their<br />

advancement to Diamond, they are equally excited for Sheila and Carlos<br />

Marquez and their rise to Platinum. The Marcanos are thankful for Julio’s<br />

persistence when he was introducing them to <strong>Max</strong>. After six years in the<br />

industry, Hector flatly told Julio he had no interest in another opportunity. But<br />

Julio knew if he could get Hector, Carlos, and others, whom he knew would<br />

be an asset to the company, to the fly-in in Salt Lake, they would see what<br />

<strong>Max</strong> stood for and would have a hard time resisting the opportunity.<br />

Hector was extremely skeptical at first (both because of his past experience and his current circumstances). It took a lot of<br />

convincing on Julio’s part, but joining <strong>Max</strong> is a decision he, Carlos, and Julio are sure they will never regret.<br />

Despite being very impressed with the company, the leadership and the product, it took time for Hector to decide it was really<br />

something he wanted to pursue. Having recently become married and was just starting a family, and he didn’t want to take<br />

risks with his career. He was resistant to change.<br />

Instead of joining <strong>Max</strong> after the fly-in, Hector told Julio to continue on the products and give him an update in a few months.<br />

Meanwhile, Hector went back to his job as a supervisor with Dish Network, where he was doing well and falling into a routine.<br />

But <strong>Max</strong> stayed in the back of his mind.<br />

“One day I started wondering what would happen if Puerto Rico were to face a natural disaster like Chile or Haiti and other<br />

places,” Hector said. “Our earnings would disappear.”<br />

Eleven months after the fly-in Hector bumped into Julio. Hector said that since the fly-in he was in the exact same place in<br />

his business, while Julio had made substantial progress in his <strong>Max</strong> business. Hector realized it was a possible solution to his<br />

economic concerns.<br />

Hector immediately went on the products and had great results. He started actively working the business. The lesson of never<br />

giving up on prospects came full circle when Hector refused to give up on his friend Pastor Jesus Figuero. Pastor Figuero<br />

was busy remodeling a church at the time Hector approached him about <strong>Max</strong>. Hector’s repeated attempts to schedule a<br />

meeting with Pastor Figuero were constantly delayed. One day Hector decided to simply stop by the church, prepared with<br />

a presentation to give Pastor Fiuero and his workers.<br />

“To my surprise all of them chose to get involved with <strong>Max</strong> <strong>International</strong>,” Hector said.<br />

Now Pastor Fiuero has advanced to Platinum and Hector is seeing the lives of his team being transformed by <strong>Max</strong>, which is<br />

extremely gratifying.<br />

“The great thing about this industry, and <strong>Max</strong> in particular, is that as you realize your dreams people around you do the same.<br />

It’s a beautiful thing,” Hector said. “Helping others succeed is most important thing of all.”<br />




Congratulations to the <strong>Max</strong> Associates who have advanced in rank due to their dedicated efforts in sharing the <strong>Max</strong> WAY!<br />

Marilyn Agito, Philippines<br />

Dr. Gerardo Alvarado, Juana Diaz, PR<br />

Martha and Salvador Alvarado, Coral<br />

Gables, FL<br />

Walfre Alvizures, Acton, CA<br />

Susan Anog, Philippines<br />

Deogracias Arcilla, Philippines<br />

Michelle and Ronald Balita, Philippines<br />

Mark Paul Bangloy, Philippines<br />

Mark Songgay Bangloy, Philippines<br />

Luis Benjamin, Bayamon, PR<br />

Thaddeus Bircham, Amberley, NZ<br />

Charine Bisa, Philippines<br />

Linda Delarge and Mario Boissonneau,<br />

Woodstock, ON<br />

Jose Bonilla, Arecibo, PR<br />

Lolita Bool, Philippines<br />

Kenneth Brazil, Philippines<br />

Ardie Brown, Hot Springs Village, AR<br />

Noemi Bustos, Philippines<br />

Jacquilene Cabaccan, Philippines<br />

Luciano Callegari, Cutler Bay, FL<br />

Marian Capelli, Branford, CT<br />

Jon Carpenter, Chugiak, AK<br />

Miguel Cecilio, Philippines<br />

Tom Chapman, Auckland, NZ<br />

Rita Colon, Barranquitas, PR<br />

Percival Cotton, Avondale, NZ<br />

Ebert Cox, Franklin, TN<br />

Liezel Cruz, Philippines<br />

Linda Delarge, Woodstock, ON<br />

Bronze Associates<br />

Darlene Elazegui, Philippines<br />

Nancy Eldred, Haute-Aboujagane, NB<br />

Denis Espinoza, Caguas, PR<br />

Nelson Garcia, San Juan, PR<br />

Ric Garringo, Philippines<br />

Julie Harrell, Franklin, TN<br />

Amanda Hernandez, Saint Augustine, FL<br />

Teresa Herrera and Juan CarBallo,<br />

Homestead, FL<br />

Lynsey Vinen and Jeremy Hickmans,<br />

Fernhill, NSW, AUS<br />

Angela and Elvis Isaacs, Ajax, ON<br />

Marena and Marshall Jones, Kentville, NS<br />

Duck Yea Kim, Auckland, NZ<br />

Donald Lapora, Bellevue, WA<br />

Donald Lawrence, Knoxville, TN<br />

Elizabeth Madden, Marshfield, MA<br />

Mauro Magcaling, Philippines<br />

Mary Ann Mannell, Georgetown, ON<br />

Marc Lustina, Arlington, TX<br />

Glonida Marquez, Philippines<br />

Ernest Martinek, Oak Leaf, TX<br />

Stefanie and Lance Massey, Nashville, TN<br />

<strong>Max</strong>imum Health LLC, Metairie, LA<br />

Vicki and Barry Melton, Waitakere City, NZ<br />

Jessie Mercado, Laguna, Philippines<br />

G. A. Moore, Pilot Point, TX<br />

Alice Norris, Kahului, HI<br />

Joann Mullan, Martinez, GA<br />

Brandi Nash, Brentwood, TN<br />

Hazel and David Oro, Philippines<br />

Tina Palmer, Abbotsford, BC<br />

Dr. Samuel Perez, Bayamon, PR<br />

Stella-Maris Perrotti and Ross Blandino,<br />

Victoria, BC<br />

Dianne Becker, Cambridge, Waikato, NZ<br />

Rolando Rivera, Vega Alta, PR<br />

Shiela Rodelas, Philippines<br />

Estrella Rodriguez, Philippines<br />

Jaime Rosado, Bayamon, PR<br />

Richard Roy, Lafayette, LA<br />

Benjamin, Rubinett, Crystal Beach, FL<br />

Maria Ruchey, Auckland, NZ<br />

Lucila and Marcial Semilla, Philippines<br />

Sheera Semilla, Philippines<br />

Sam Shepherd, Odessa, ON<br />

Patti Smith, Longview, WA<br />

Charles Steblina, Coral Gables, FL<br />

Eula and Richie Sweet, Kaneohe, HI<br />

Linda Tabarno, Philippines<br />

Rodayln Tanyag, Philippines<br />

Huberto Te, Philippines<br />

Team <strong>Max</strong> of Miami Inc., Miami, FL<br />

Dawn Thompson, Garland, TX<br />

Milagros Traquena, Philippines<br />

Shirley and Jerry Walls, Fort Worth, TX<br />

Feng Wang, Auckland, NZ<br />

Daryl Williams, Amberley, NZ<br />

Chong Xu, Auckland, NZ<br />

Kristine Yco, Philippines<br />

Rosemarie Zafe, Philippines<br />



Mercedita Aguirre, Philippines<br />

Ofelia Arrieta Espinosa, Caguas, PR<br />

Angel Ayala Lopez, Caguas, PR<br />

Lolinie Balita, Philippines<br />

Nicholas Bevilacqua, Miami, FL<br />

Sandy Blackburn, Brentwood, TN<br />

William Bowley, Fort Worth, TX<br />

Rowena Camaligan, Philippines<br />

Randy Cantillo, Philippines<br />

Edna Cecilio, Philippines<br />

Julia Chaves and Sergio Zamora, Miami, FL<br />

Sandra Cotto, Toa Baja, PR<br />

Natasha and Christian Danychuk, Port Elgin, ON<br />

DunEagle Enterprises Ltd., Avondale, NZ<br />

Alana Ferguson, The Colony, TX<br />

Levita and Reynaldo Goco, Carson, CA<br />

Consuelo and Emerson Gumabao, Philippines<br />

Gail Bobbi Horne, Katy, TX<br />

Ronglan Hu, North Shore City NZ<br />

Luis Isaac Santiago, Dorado, PR<br />

Emilia Lao, Philippines<br />

Shalini and Marleuz Magcaling, Philippines<br />

Amar Capuli, Pampanga, Philippines<br />

Eden Cordero, Philippines<br />

CR-Hamric LLC, Hot Springs National Park, AR<br />

Bruce Griffith, Carrollton, TX<br />

Jonathan Inesta, San German, PR<br />

Troy Madge, Franklin, TN<br />

Emilia Medina, Toa Baja, PR<br />

Silver Associates<br />

Gold Associates<br />

To read the complete profile of the advancements, listed below click here.<br />

Mychell Mangubat, Philippines<br />

Natividad Masagca, Philippines<br />

Mayra Medina Maysonet, Toa Baja, PR<br />

Lorna and Oscar Nario, Carson, CA<br />

Shara and John Niesner, Montgomery, TX<br />

Bernie Ogilvy, Onehunga, NZ<br />

Debbi and Shane Patton, Frankford, ON<br />

Jose Perez, Corozal, PR<br />

Kristin Pichler, La Jolla, CA<br />

Ricardo Pineda, Philippines<br />

Teresita Prado and Jenny Ocampo, Philippines<br />

Celina Ramirez, Philippines<br />

Thomas Reinheimer, Sterling, VA<br />

Felipe Rivera-Collazo, San German, PR<br />

Mary Jane Salud, Philippines<br />

Eden Salufrania, Philippines<br />

Jason Song, Takapuna, NZ<br />

Dorothy Spaulding, North Augusta, SC<br />

Rhonda Spellman, Parker, CO<br />

Delfina Ugale, Philippines<br />

Jacqueline Vande Guchte, Edmonton, AB<br />

Lindsey Wilkes, Arlington, TX<br />

Teri Deacon and Martin Moreau, Victoria, BC<br />

Nature’s Medicine, Colleyville, TX<br />

Venus Nueva Espana, Philippines<br />

Yimaris Rosado, Corozal, PR<br />

Shirley and Sherman Semilla, Philippines<br />

Alezander Traspe, Philippines<br />



Sharing <strong>Max</strong> is a gift<br />

Jose Camacho, of Toa Baja, Puerto Rico, found out about <strong>Max</strong> from his good friend Victor<br />

Aponte. After researching the company, he decided to pursue the business because<br />

of the unique and effective product and an aggressively rewarding compensation plan.<br />

He found that when he told people about his experience on the product it sparked an<br />

interest.<br />

The Camachos’ product testimonial is simple but powerful and has significantly<br />

changed their life for the better. Jose found he was able to stay alert all day without<br />

getting tired in the middle. His wife who had to care for three children as part of her busy<br />

daily routine, could make it through the day without a hitch. Their product experience<br />

seemed to strike a chord with many people who find that having the energy to stay<br />

productive and vital throughout each day was no small thing.<br />

In addition to a unique, life-changing product, Jose feels the <strong>Max</strong> compensation plan<br />

aggressively rewards hard work.<br />

Economically speaking, the Camachos have always tried to live by the philosophy that each year at Christmas time they are<br />

more financially viable than the year before. Since joining <strong>Max</strong>, they have done well enough that they were able spend an<br />

incredible week with their family in Maui, Hawaii, during the summer and still have enough to spare at Christmas time. This<br />

year they are planning for another Hawaii trip along with a cruise and are working out a plan to make it happen.<br />

Jose feels it’s equally important to form an action plan with the members of his team. He suggests Associates identify leaders<br />

on their team who will help them work out an action plan to achieve their goals now.<br />

Jose said every morning over coffee he discusses with his wife what he is going to do that day. A typical day consists of<br />

calling prospects to make or confirm appointments, to talk about the opportunity, and work with his team.<br />

Jose said he makes new prospects wherever he goes—the bank, a party, the laundromat, stores, the bakery and everywhere<br />

in between. He sees each opportunity to share <strong>Max</strong> with someone as a gift. He listens to the needs of each prospect and<br />

customizes his approach accordingly. Doing this has also opened the door to new contacts because when one contact<br />

senses that he’s got a good thing, it leads to referrals.<br />

Advancing to Platinum or any other rank, Jose feels, results from becoming a better person every day, increasing your<br />

commitment to your team, spending time with your family, realizing each of your dreams. In doing this you become a good<br />

example to those around you.<br />

Platinum Associates<br />

“The sky’s the limit,” Jose said. “Dream big and you will be successful. We will find ourselves on the beaches of the world.”<br />



Staying positive in a negative world<br />

Via Cartagenas, of Harbor City, California, found that she was drawn to <strong>Max</strong><br />

despite a vow to never get involved with network marketing again. When a<br />

friend persuaded her to attend a fly-in in 2007 she was immediately impressed<br />

with <strong>Max</strong> leaders, but it was ultimately Dr. Keller’s product that was the deciding<br />

factor.<br />

The science behind <strong>Max</strong>GXL ® was intriguing and immediately sparked an<br />

interest. Her results on the product were even more impressive than the science.<br />

It was no effort to be passionate about sharing it with her friends and within a<br />

month of joining the company she had handed out 40 boxes of the product.<br />

Via said that credibility of the product combined with the integrity of the<br />

management created trust in the company that has remained with her ever<br />

since.<br />

Advancing to Platinum involved, first of all, having a product she could believe<br />

in and be passionate about, then having the courage to share that passion<br />

with people she knows and cares about. It also involved keeping the businessbuilding<br />

process simple.<br />

Her relationships have also been vital to her success, including her mother Remy and her daughters, Olive and Celwyn.<br />

Upline support from people like Henry and Teresa Kramer has been invaluable and she feels they have played the biggest<br />

role in her advancement.<br />

“They are the best partners I ever had,” Via said. “Teamwork is vital. Keeping it simple and staying positive in a negative world<br />

are the ways to succeed. When you believe you can, you can’t go wrong. If you’re convinced you can’t—you’re right. Positive<br />

thoughts produce positive action.”<br />

<strong>Max</strong> is an opportunity that needs to be shared<br />

Jesus Figueroa Rivera, of Carolina, Puerto Rico, is a pastor and a former network<br />

marketer. Before <strong>Max</strong>, Jesus had taken time away from network marketing to focus on<br />

his ministry and hadn’t worked in the industry for about two years. That all changed<br />

when he received a call one day from his good friend Hector Marcano.<br />

“Hector told me he had an opportunity he had to tell me about,” Jesus said. “I could<br />

hear emotion in his voice that I can’t express. I told him to meet me at my church. I<br />

understood his emotion when I learned about the company and the products.”<br />

Jesus said he decided to get involved the same night. When he started taking the<br />

products he found them to be the best he had ever experienced, and had incredible<br />

results. Now, in addition to his work in the ministry Jesus works <strong>Max</strong><br />

“I just speak out, because I know deep inside I have the best opportunity in my hands,<br />

so why be afraid to share it with others,” Jesus said.<br />

Jesus feels extremely blessed in all aspects of his life. He said God has given him<br />

a beautiful church where he can gather with his congregation and a company with<br />

products he truly believes in and can feel good about sharing.<br />

“My advice to Associates at <strong>Max</strong> is don’t be afraid to share this opportunity with people,”<br />

Jesus said. “Your business with grow as you bless other people’s lives.”<br />



<strong>Max</strong> is about show and tell, not a hard sell<br />

Steve Plog, of Las Vegas, Nevada, has become known as the ADD guy. He holds a regular<br />

seminar called “Why I Love My ADD.” To add to his mystique, he always dresses like Johnny<br />

Cash—all in black. When Steve’s buddy George Reninger called to tell Steve about <strong>Max</strong>, George<br />

used this to his advantage and asked him if he would be interested in hearing about a company<br />

founded by a guy with ADD, which holds events where the corporate employees dressed all in<br />

black?<br />

This somewhat unorthodox approach, which wouldn’t have had much of an effect on just about<br />

anyone else, immediately piqued Steve’s interest. Steve still loves those things about <strong>Max</strong>, but has<br />

come to appreciate even more how marketable <strong>Max</strong> is because of the strength of the products.<br />

He said he looks and feels so much better on the products, he has started dating women 30<br />

years younger than him.<br />

“I tell people <strong>Max</strong> is simple and easy to do and people love simple,” Steve said. “I use George<br />

Reninger’s micro-franchise network system. We tell people we have two positions, one, inviter,<br />

and two, presenter. If you don’t like sales, build a business as an inviter.”<br />

Steve estimates that only about 20 percent of the population likes to or can sell. He said the vast majority of network<br />

marketing companies rely on selling your friends on what their product might do. The better salesman you are the more<br />

money you make.<br />

“At <strong>Max</strong> we’re not selling, we’re doing show and tell,” Steve said. “Show them it works and tell them it’s only $2 a day to<br />

look and feel younger.”<br />

With that approach, Steve is confident 100 percent of your downline can make money. Steve is excited about going Platinum<br />

because it means he can afford to fly around and visit his downline, something he thrives on.<br />

Catch a vision, plant seeds, and the rest will follow<br />

Before <strong>Max</strong>, Rick Monterrosa, of Miami, Florida, had been out of the<br />

industry for eight years and network marketing was the last thing he ever<br />

saw himself doing again. That all changed when Rick’s brother Alex told<br />

him about a company he needed to check out. Alex told them bluntly<br />

they would be fools to not get involved.<br />

After doing research into the products, which were both groundbreaking<br />

and backed by science, and the management and ownership, he could<br />

see his brother was right.<br />

“The amazing products, the proven track record of people like Steven<br />

Scott and the generous compensation plan made this a true opportunity<br />

for the person who was willing to put forth the effort,” Rick said. “We<br />

have a vehicle through which we can dramatically impact people’s lives.”<br />

Rick said once he caught the vision and started planting seeds the<br />

results were very rewarding. He has learned that when you focusing on<br />

positively impacting other people’s lives the same is returned to you.<br />



“It is as simple as sharing with as many people as you can and once they get on board helping them be successful,” Rick<br />

said. “Success at <strong>Max</strong> comes through a team effort and applying the powerful strategies of diligence and effective partnering<br />

like Steve Scott teaches. The beautiful thing about these principles is they will work for anyone who applies them.”<br />

Building strong relationships is an essential in this business. Rick said his first personally sponsored Gold decided to get<br />

involved after eight months of building a relationship and not giving up on him. Patience and persistence are a must, Rick<br />

said.<br />

Rick is convinced that <strong>Max</strong> will become the next giant in the industry and he feels blessed to be a part of it. With Visible<br />

Solutions TM he feels there is no limit to the potential because we have the complete anti-aging package. He feels fortunate<br />

that he is now generating enough income to work <strong>Max</strong> full-time and he is able to custom-make his lifestyle free of the<br />

restrictions of a boss and a eight-to-five job.<br />

“I’m most excited about our future as a company as we get ready to expand internationally, allowing us to take health and<br />

hope to the world.”<br />

Relationships are more important than anything at <strong>Max</strong><br />

Charlotte and Christopher “Topper” Reyes of the Philippines, have<br />

found that building a successful business with <strong>Max</strong> involves consistency<br />

and setting specific goals that you follow up on daily. Achieving Platinum<br />

involved making a detailed plan and helping their team build to Bronze.<br />

Accomplishing consistent daily tasks like sharing the <strong>Max</strong> opportunity<br />

with three to five people a day keeps you in the game. Following up with<br />

the contacts is essential and is what leads to recruits. When you are<br />

consistent you set the kind of example any team needs.<br />

“A good leader is a good follower,” Christopher said. “As a leader you<br />

must know what your team needs and help them set and achieve their<br />

goals.”<br />

Charlotte and Christopher have some great examples of leaders on their<br />

team including their sponsor Esphy Cano. One of the best examples you<br />

can set for your team is achieving new pin ranks and Platinum is a major<br />

milestone that will serve as an inspiration.<br />

“It motivates my team to do the business more seriously and work to achieve their goals,” Christopher said. “<strong>Max</strong> is touching<br />

the lives of many people, especially here in the Philippines.”<br />

Christopher thinks <strong>Max</strong> leaders should find ways to inspire their teams every day, and help motivate and encourage them in<br />

the business.<br />

“Remember this is a people helping business,” Christopher said. “Whatever success your team has is also your success.<br />

Trust, love, and building good relationships with your team is more important than anything else.”<br />

<strong>Max</strong> also congratulates Elenita Paringit, of the Philippines, who went from Silver to Platinum during the<br />

last rank period. Unfortunately, Elenita couldn’t be reached for comment but we look forward to featuring<br />

her when she goes Diamond, which, at the rate she is going, won’t be far off.<br />



Diamond Associates<br />

Stick to a plan and know your ‘why’<br />

Greny and Jho Guadamor, of the Philippines, attributes hard work and<br />

team work as the driving force behind the amazing accomplishment of<br />

going Diamond in the month of December. It is traditionally a difficult<br />

month to market with the holidays and people’s minds and finances<br />

tied to other things. Achieving Diamond hugely impacted their team’s<br />

motivation and belief.<br />

“To be honest,” Greny said. “They were more excited than us.”<br />

Fellow team members wanted to see the Diamond ring the Guadamors<br />

were awarded. They wanted to try it on, imagining what it would feel<br />

like when it was theirs, and hoping the success would rub off.<br />

Greny said it’s an overwhelming feeling to provide that kind of<br />

inspiration to the people they care about and to set the standard for<br />

others to follow in the Philippines. The Guadamors’ mentor, Hd Yco,<br />

who advanced to Diamond the same month, are determined to make<br />

this a trend that spreads throughout the Philippines.<br />

Greny said they have been so busy traveling through the Philippines supporting their team and helping them build their<br />

business that they haven’t found the time for personal recruiting. But everyone has benefited from the Guadamors work.<br />

“It’s our mission to help those in our downline who are committed to this business,” Greny said. “We plan to advance in the<br />

company together and they give 110 percent.”<br />

The Guadamors are filled with more gratitude than they can express right now for upline support from Tammy and Chris<br />

Gingras, Patricia and Jim Fitzpatrick, Teresa and Henry Kramer, and their mentors Hd and Nitz Yco. They also thanked<br />

Philippines General Manager Joey Sarmiento and their hardworking downline for helping to make this happen. Most<br />

importantly the Guadamors thanked God for leading them to <strong>Max</strong>.<br />

Greny briefly listed five keys to becoming successful at this business. The first is having the right attitude—knowing how to<br />

learn and unlearn; second, having the right guidance through wise mentors; third, good relationships with team members<br />

implementing the 4 C’s—Concern, Companionship, Care, and Communication; fourth, daily planning—prioritize your daily<br />

tasks and be consistent in your business building activities; and fifth, know your “why”, your reason for doing the business.<br />

Greny’s biggest “why” is his family. He and Jho celebrated their 2nd anniversary on January 31st. Greny said his family is<br />

everything to him—his inspiration, his motivation and the reason he does what he does. They have two great kids, Neyjohn,<br />

7, and Neil Josh, 1.<br />

“It’s why I’m here at <strong>Max</strong> and am willing to do whatever it takes,” Greny said.<br />



Stand for what you believe is right and run your own race<br />

Achieving the rank of Diamond is not something an Associate ever does alone,<br />

and Chad and Jill Statham, of Plano, Texas, credit their team for lifting them<br />

up as leaders and trusting them with that responsibility. As an industry that<br />

thrives on the concept of duplication, Chad feels that network marketing is<br />

simple, but the challenge comes with cultivating the self discipline to learn and<br />

apply the basic principles that are freely taught.<br />

“Our business is simply to share and invite,” Chad said. “Share the products<br />

and invite your prospects to join your businesses or become a customer.”<br />

The Stathams singled out Rick and Michelle Teague as the Associates they<br />

have learned the most from. Chad and Jill have observed that no matter what<br />

is going on around them, the Teagues remain constant and consistent to the<br />

principles they teach on building the <strong>Max</strong> business.<br />

“I’m grateful to all the professionals in our business who truly do care about<br />

the people, the product, and the company we represent,” Chad said. “If you<br />

are consistent, eliminate distractions, and work hard with sincerity and humility, you can achieve what matters most to you.<br />

Whatever you can envision, you can achieve with <strong>Max</strong> <strong>International</strong>. This is what we have learned in our two-and-a-half years<br />

with <strong>Max</strong>: keep it simple, learn the basics, and get good at them. There are no magic sponsoring tricks.”<br />

“If it is to be, it is up to me” is one of many catch phrases that are common in this industry and which have had a significant<br />

impact on Chad and his approach to the business. A catch phrase he first heard in his early twenties, “To be more, one must<br />

simply choose to become more,” really struck a chord with him.<br />

“I took this to mean that there is a way and a path to take to be more, and in network marketing we have a better way,” Chad<br />

said. “Network marketing is the single greatest industry on the planet. We all must protect the ideals and guard the vision<br />

of this business. Protect the ideal that someone struggling to make ends meet may be more, become more, and live their<br />

dreams.”<br />

Another saying the Stathams live by is “People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.” The<br />

Statham’s team knows how much they care. They know Chad and Jill are passionate about what they believe is right.<br />

Chad has a plaque in his office titled “The Essence of Survival.” It reads, “Every morning in Africa a gazelle wakes up. It<br />

knows that it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun<br />

the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death. It doesn’t matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle, when the sun comes up<br />

you better be running.”<br />

This ties in with a phrase Chad and Jill live by which is “Run your own race.” They admire and appreciate the examples of<br />

Associates like Mike Unclebach and Dickie Poe who wake up every morning ready to run their own race and aren’t afraid to<br />

invite people to look at <strong>Max</strong> <strong>International</strong>.<br />

“We encourage you to align yourself with this company and your team,” Chad said. “Be loyal and committed. Stand for what<br />

you believe is right and run your own race.”<br />



Achieving Diamond is in every Associates reach<br />

Advancing to Diamond during the typically lean month of December was no small<br />

accomplishment for Hd and Nitz Yco of the Philippines. According to them it took<br />

a lot of patience and love to make it happen–love for what they were doing and love<br />

for the people they were working with and working for.<br />

Keeping a positive attitude is a major key to success and was a big part of his<br />

team’s success during this stellar month. It was a team accomplishment. Hd said<br />

the impact of this advancement is something that can’t be expressed in words but<br />

can be seen in the body language and general demeanor of the members of his<br />

team. The excitement running throughout his team is palpable, because there is a<br />

sense of confidence that going Diamond is something each member of his team<br />

can accomplish this year by working together.<br />

“The collective hope for financial freedom is within reach for each member of our<br />

team,” Hd said. “Through hard work each person can accomplish this.”<br />

Hd said that prospects in the Philippines are just waiting to be approached by<br />

<strong>Max</strong> Associates. Most of his recruits have been friends and people he knows. Hd feels that it is not about the approach you<br />

use when introducing someone to the company, but about what <strong>Max</strong> has to offer and letting them see that and decide for<br />

themselves that it is something they want to be a part of.<br />

“Trust and credibility play a major role in building your business,” Hd said. “Remember to always have in your heart what the<br />

other person needs and not the other way around. Health and wealth is something everyone dreams of and we can help<br />

people realize those dreams.”<br />

Hd said that he and Nitz feel incredibly humbled to have the honor of being one of the first Associates in the Philippines to<br />

achieve Diamond. They also feel an obligation to their team and other Associates to help them achieve the same goal.<br />

“We will continue to encourage our group to have the right attitude for success,” Hd said. “If each person can improve their<br />

attitude by one percent each day, by the end of the year it will have improved 365 percent. That’s an amazing feat.”<br />

Hd said not a day goes by that he and Nitz don’t discuss the business and think of ways they can improve. Continually<br />

realigning your approach to the business is vital to success. Examine what you are doing. Learn better ways to do things<br />

and unlearn the things you may be doing that are wrong or less productive. Doing this will help foster a strong belief in the<br />

business and give you a sense of controlling your destiny. It will also provide a positive example that can be filtered down to<br />

your team.<br />

Hd feels if Associates treat the business with a sense of urgency, as if this is our one chance to create significance and<br />

success in life, it will have a positive impact on their business and will lead to Associates setting goals, working hard, and<br />

becoming result-oriented.<br />

“Each time I allow a negative attitude to slip through, I feel I have to replace it with 10 positive actions,” Hd said. “I want to<br />

go to bed every night with a positive spirit and a positive outlook. I feel this will generate good vibes throughout my team. I<br />

challenge others to do the same.”<br />


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