wind studies fact sheet - UNT College of Music

wind studies fact sheet - UNT College of Music wind studies fact sheet - UNT College of Music
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PPerforming Groups: G Wind d Symphony – Eugene Mi igliaro Corpo oron Symp phonic Band – Dennis W. . Fisher Concert Band – Dr. D Nicholas E. E Williams Brass s Band – Dr. Brian Bowm man Green n Brigade - Dr. D Nicholas E. E Williams Baske et Ball Band - Dr. Nichol las E. William ms DDo I have to audition? Yes, auditions a are e held twice a year for all performing ggroup in twoo rounds. Reppertoire is proovided by studio o faculty and d available on n our website e. Green Briggade auditionns are held evvery August dduring march hing band ca amp. DDo I have to be a music major to per rform in an ensemble? No. All A UNT stud dents are eligible, regardle ess of major. CCan I play in n more than one ensemb ble? Yes. We W always have h member rs who play in n Wind Symmphony, Sympphonic Bandd, Concert Baand, Brass s Band or the e Green Briga ade. AAre perform mances availa able online for f my famil ly to watch? Yes, winspear WWebsite: www edu/windstudies; www. .music.unt.eedu/greenbriigade IInstrumenta al Faculty: Mary Karen K Clardy y, flute James Scott, flute Terri Sundberg, S flu ute James Ryon, oboe Kimbe erly Cole Lue evano, clarin net John Scott, S clarinet t Kathle een Reynolds s, bassoon Brad Leali, L saxoph hone Eric Nestler, N saxop phone John Holt, H trumpet t Keith Johnson, J trum mpet Fact Sheett Win d Studies WWilliam Schaarnberg, hornn TTony Baker, trombone VVern Kagaricce, trombone SSteve Wiest, trombone BBrian Bowmaan, euphoniuum DDon Little, tuuba CChristopher DDeane, percuussion MMark Ford, ppercussion PPaul Rennickk, percussion EEd Soph, druumset BBrian Perry, ddouble bass BBradley Bennnight, harp

PPerforming<br />

Groups: G<br />

Wind d Symphony – Eugene Mi igliaro Corpo oron<br />

Symp phonic Band – Dennis W. . Fisher<br />

Concert<br />

Band – Dr. D Nicholas E. E Williams<br />

Brass s Band – Dr. Brian Bowm man<br />

Green n Brigade - Dr. D Nicholas E. E Williams<br />

Baske et Ball Band - Dr. Nichol las E. William ms<br />

DDo<br />

I have to audition?<br />

Yes, auditions a are e held twice a year for all performing ggroup<br />

in twoo<br />

rounds. Reppertoire<br />

is proovided<br />

by<br />

studio o faculty and d available on n our website e. Green Briggade<br />

auditionns<br />

are held evvery<br />

August dduring<br />

march hing band ca amp.<br />

DDo<br />

I have to be a music major to per rform in an ensemble?<br />

No. All A <strong>UNT</strong> stud dents are eligible,<br />

regardle ess <strong>of</strong> major.<br />

CCan<br />

I play in n more than one ensemb ble?<br />

Yes. We W always have h member rs who play in n Wind Symmphony,<br />

Sympphonic<br />

Bandd,<br />

Concert Baand,<br />

Brass s Band or the e Green Briga ade.<br />

AAre<br />

perform mances availa able online for f my famil ly to watch?<br />

Yes,<br />

winspear<br />

WWebsite:<br />

www edu/<strong>wind</strong><strong>studies</strong>;<br />

www. .music.unt.eedu/greenbriigade<br />

IInstrumenta<br />

al Faculty:<br />

Mary Karen K Clardy y, flute<br />

James Scott, flute<br />

Terri Sundberg, S flu ute<br />

James Ryon, oboe<br />

Kimbe erly Cole Lue evano, clarin net<br />

John Scott, S clarinet t<br />

Kathle een Reynolds s, bassoon<br />

Brad Leali, L saxoph hone<br />

Eric Nestler, N saxop phone<br />

John Holt, H trumpet t<br />

Keith Johnson, J trum mpet<br />

Fact<br />

Sheett<br />

Win d Studies<br />

WWilliam<br />

Schaarnberg,<br />

hornn<br />

TTony<br />

Baker, trombone<br />

VVern<br />

Kagaricce,<br />

trombone<br />

SSteve<br />

Wiest, trombone<br />

BBrian<br />

Bowmaan,<br />

euphoniuum<br />

DDon<br />

Little, tuuba<br />

CChristopher<br />

DDeane,<br />

percuussion<br />

MMark<br />

Ford, ppercussion<br />

PPaul<br />

Rennickk,<br />

percussion<br />

EEd<br />

Soph, druumset<br />

BBrian<br />

Perry, ddouble<br />

bass<br />

BBradley<br />

Bennnight,<br />


Most Frequently Asked Questions<br />

When does marching band camp start?<br />

The first day <strong>of</strong> marching band camp is Wednesday, August 21, 2013, and goes through<br />

Wednesday, August 28, 2013. Auditions for <strong>wind</strong> sections, guard, drumline, and front<br />

ensemble will take place on Wednesday, August 21, 2013.<br />

Do I have to audition for marching band?<br />

There will be formal auditions for the guard and drumline. For wood<strong>wind</strong> and brass players,<br />

there will be a very brief playing audition to determine part placement, not to determine<br />

whether or not you’ll have a spot in the marching band.<br />

Do I have to be a music major to march in the marching band?<br />

No. All <strong>UNT</strong> students are eligible, regardless <strong>of</strong> major.<br />

Is marching band a part <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Music</strong> Education Degree Plan?<br />

Yes, 3 semesters.<br />

Do the residence halls open early for marching band camp?<br />

Yes. The residence halls will open on Tuesday, August 20, 2013, 9:00am- noon for all<br />

students who are in the marching band.<br />

Can I play in marching band and a concert group?<br />

Yes. We always have marching band members who play in Wind Symphony, Symphonic<br />

Band, Concert Band, or Brass Band. <strong>Music</strong> majors are strongly encouraged to participate in<br />

concert ensembles for both fall and spring semesters.<br />

What additional expenses should I anticipate as a member <strong>of</strong> the marching band?<br />

The only items that are not provided are the marching shoes and gloves. The shoes are<br />

approximately $30.00. The price <strong>of</strong> gloves will vary. Orders will be taken during band camp.<br />

Can I play in a concert group if I am not a music major?<br />

Yes. All non-majors are encouraged to audition for the concert ensembles.<br />

When are auditions for concert ensembles?<br />

The concert ensembles auditions will begin the week <strong>of</strong> Monday, August 26, 2013<br />

What do I need to play for my concert ensemble audition?<br />

The music will be prescribed for each instrument. Please see the Wind Studies website<br />

(<strong>wind</strong><strong>studies</strong>) beginning the afternoon <strong>of</strong> August 1, 2013 for the music<br />

which you may download. Sight-reading may be required.

IInternationally<br />

y acknowledg ged as one <strong>of</strong> the premier ensembles e <strong>of</strong> its kind, the NNorth<br />

Texas Wind Sympphony<br />

is<br />

sselected<br />

from the most outs standing musicians<br />

attendi ing the Collegge<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Music</strong>. TThe<br />

Wind Syymphony<br />

has bbeen<br />

hhighly<br />

acclaim med for “wond derful and ar rtistically rend dered performmances<br />

whichh<br />

are elegant and polished, ,” and<br />

ccomplimented<br />

d for “terrific c ensemble ski ills which emb body a high ddegree<br />

<strong>of</strong> inteegrity<br />

and sennsitivity.”<br />

Theey<br />

have<br />

bbeen<br />

praised for f “stunning g and inspirati ional recordin ngs,” and forr<br />

being an enssemble<br />

whosee<br />

“enriching<br />

pperformances<br />

demonstrate their sheer jo oy <strong>of</strong> musicing g.” Known fo for “admirablle<br />

and adventuurous<br />

prograamming,<br />

wwhich<br />

personif ifies diversity y and original lity,” the grou up pursues a rrelentless<br />

commmitment<br />

to AAmerican<br />

muusic.<br />

They<br />

hhave<br />

been call led “an ensem mble which is s simply sensa ational, full <strong>of</strong>f<br />

bristling eneergy,<br />

made upp<br />

<strong>of</strong> players wwith<br />

a<br />

hheadlong,<br />

in-y your-face virt tuosity who play<br />

with an ir rresistible inteensity<br />

and dyynamism<br />

that makes you waant<br />

to<br />

lleap<br />

out <strong>of</strong> your<br />

chair appl lauding at the e Coda.” The North Texas Wind Symphhony<br />

pursues the highest<br />

ppr<strong>of</strong>essional<br />

standards s and is determined d to bring its audiences thee<br />

finest artistiic<br />

repertoire ffrom<br />

all musiccal<br />

pperiods,<br />

cultur res, and styles.<br />

TThe<br />

Symphon nic Band has developed an n exemplary national n reputtation<br />

for both th their perforrmances<br />

and<br />

rrecordings.<br />

Membership M is drawn from the t finest musicians<br />

attendding<br />

the Colleege<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Music</strong>. The highest quality<br />

ttraditional,<br />

mi ixed with con ntemporary lit terature make e up the founddation<br />

<strong>of</strong> mussical<br />

repertoirre<br />

performed bby<br />

the<br />

ggroup.<br />

The ba and has perfor rmed for such h visiting dign nitaries as: Heer<br />

Royal Highhness,<br />

Queen Elizabeth; HHis<br />

Royal<br />

HHighness,<br />

Cha arles, Prince <strong>of</strong> o Wales; and d Egyptian Pr resident Hosnni<br />

Mubarak. TThe<br />

Symphoniic<br />

Band has rreleased<br />

ffive<br />

compact disc recording gs on the Mar rk and Euroso ound labels. TThe<br />

2001 CD release by MMark<br />

Custom<br />

RRecordings,<br />

Diversions, D received<br />

Gramm my nominatio ons in three caategories.<br />

Criitical<br />

commennts<br />

have incluuded<br />

“ “played with great g gusto by y the ensemble”;<br />

“played with brilliancce”;<br />

and “thee<br />

elegant sonoority<br />

<strong>of</strong> this mmarvelous<br />

bband<br />

is appar rent in the slow<br />

sections. Attention<br />

to de etail, precise iintonation,<br />

annd<br />

beautiful pphrasing<br />

makke<br />

this a<br />

ccompelling<br />

pe erformance”. Other comments<br />

include “Bravo . . . foor<br />

a resplendeent<br />

performannce”.<br />

The ennsemble<br />

is<br />

ddedicated<br />

to playing p outsta anding and ch hallenging works<br />

<strong>of</strong> diversee<br />

musical stylles<br />

while furthhering<br />

<strong>wind</strong> mmusic<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

aartistic<br />

and historical<br />

signif ficance.<br />

TThe<br />

Concert Bands foster the highest performance p standards s whiile<br />

<strong>of</strong>fering itss<br />

members ann<br />

opportunity to<br />

eexpand<br />

their technical, t inte ellectual, and musical horiz zons. The plaayers<br />

are seleccted<br />

from the most talentedd<br />

mmusicians<br />

in the t <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> f <strong>Music</strong>. The group seeks to t broaden peerformance<br />

annd<br />

teaching skkills<br />

through the<br />

pprogramming<br />

<strong>of</strong> exemplary y literature wh hile fostering g an interest inn<br />

the band as an integral paart<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Ammerican<br />

mmusic<br />

scene.<br />

TThe<br />

Brass Ba and provides students with h the unique opportunity o too<br />

perform in oone<br />

<strong>of</strong> the most<br />

widely knoown<br />

<strong>wind</strong><br />

mmediums<br />

throughout<br />

the world. w Similar to the British h style brass bband,<br />

the Ameerican<br />

brass bband<br />

providess<br />

its<br />

mmembers<br />

the opportunity o to o develop the e highest stand dards <strong>of</strong> technnical<br />

and mussical<br />

playing. Emphasis is given to<br />

tthe<br />

developme ent <strong>of</strong> tone, quality,<br />

intona ation, rhythm, , and virtuosicc<br />

technique thhrough<br />

perforrmance<br />

<strong>of</strong> a wwide<br />

vvariety<br />

<strong>of</strong> liter rature, includ ding masterwo ork transcripti ions, traditionnal<br />

marches, aand<br />

original wworks.<br />

TThe<br />

North Te exas Green Brigade B Marc ching Band enjoys e a reputtation<br />

for higgh<br />

quality mussical<br />

and visuual<br />

pperformances.<br />

The ensemb ble performs at a a variety <strong>of</strong> f athletic evennts<br />

throughouut<br />

the year andd<br />

is <strong>of</strong>ten the featured<br />

eexhibition<br />

gro oup at numero ous marching festivals. In addition a to beeing<br />

one <strong>of</strong> thhe<br />

most visiblle<br />

organizatioons<br />

open<br />

tto<br />

all students s on campus, the band reco ords regularly y and releasess<br />

a CD <strong>of</strong> seasson<br />

highlightss<br />

every two yyears.<br />

An<br />

integral<br />

component<br />

<strong>of</strong> any music educat tion major’s curriculum, c thhe<br />

band proviides<br />

ongoing opportunitiess<br />

for the<br />

ddevelopment<br />

<strong>of</strong> o leadership skills. The 30 00 member Green G Brigadee<br />

is a powerfuul<br />

contributor to the growthh<br />

<strong>of</strong> the<br />

ffuture<br />

band co onductor and embodies the e spirit and pr ride <strong>of</strong> the Unniversity<br />

<strong>of</strong> NNorth<br />

Texas.<br />

TThe<br />

North Te exas Basketb ball Band per rforms for tho ousands <strong>of</strong> speectators<br />

everyy<br />

spring semeester.<br />

This group<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

sstudents<br />

serve es as ambassa adors <strong>of</strong> spirit and tradition n at all home aand<br />

conferencce<br />

tournamennt<br />

games. In aaddition<br />

tto<br />

their support<br />

<strong>of</strong> the <strong>UNT</strong> T Men’s and Women’s W Bas sketball teams,<br />

the Basketbball<br />

Band maakes<br />

numerous<br />

aappearances<br />

at a various univ versity functions.<br />

The gro oup <strong>of</strong> thirty mmembers<br />

is oppen<br />

to all studdents<br />

by comppetitive<br />


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