City Corporate Cum Business Plan - Municipal

City Corporate Cum Business Plan - Municipal

City Corporate Cum Business Plan - Municipal


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Government of Tamil Nadu<br />

Tamil Nadu Urban Development Fund<br />

<strong>City</strong> <strong>Corporate</strong> <strong>Cum</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong><br />

Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

Final Report<br />

March 2007<br />

Wilbur Smith Associates Private Limited

Abbreviations and Acronyms<br />

BOT : Build, Operate and Transfer<br />

BPL : Below Poverty Line<br />

BT : Black Top<br />

CAA : Constitution Amendment Act<br />

CAGR : Compounded Annual Growth Rate<br />

CC : Cement Concrete<br />

CCP : <strong>City</strong> <strong>Corporate</strong> <strong>Plan</strong><br />

CMA : Chennai Metropolitan Area<br />

CMDA : Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority<br />

CMWSSB : Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board<br />

CPHEEO : Central Public Health Environmental Engineering Organisation<br />

CSC : Community Structure Component<br />

CUA : Chennai Urban Agglomeration<br />

DIC : District Industries Centre<br />

DPR : Detailed Project Report<br />

DWCUA : Development of Women and Children in Urban Areas<br />

ELSR : Elevated Storage Reservoir<br />

FOP : Financial and Operating <strong>Plan</strong><br />

FY : Financial Year<br />

G.S.T. Road : Grand South Trunk Road<br />

gm : Grams<br />

GoI : Government of India<br />

GoTN : Government of Tamil Nadu<br />

gpcd : Grams per Capita per Day<br />

GLSR : Ground Level Storage Reservoir<br />

ISP : Integrated Sanitation Program<br />

Ha : Hectares<br />

HH : Households<br />

HSC : House Service Connection<br />

IPT : Intermediate Public Transport<br />

kg : Kilograms<br />

LCS : Low Cost Sanitation<br />

Lit : Litres<br />

LL : Lakh Litres<br />

LPA : Local <strong>Plan</strong>ning Area<br />

lpcd : Litres Per Capita Per Day<br />

m : Meters<br />

ML : Million Litres<br />

MLD : Million Litres per Day<br />

MSW : <strong>Municipal</strong> Solid Waste<br />

MT : Metric Ton<br />

MTC : Metropolitan Transport Corporation<br />

NGO : Non-Governmental Organisations

NH : National Highway<br />

Nos : Numbers<br />

NSDP : National Slum Development Program<br />

O&M : Operation and Maintenance<br />

OHT : Overhead Tanks<br />

PSP : Public Stand Post<br />

PWD : Public Works Department<br />

SDBC : Semi-Dense Bituminous Concrete<br />

SFC : Second Finance Commission<br />

SH : State Highway<br />

SI : Sanitary Inspector<br />

SJSRY : Swarna Jayanti Shehari Rozgaar Yojna<br />

SO : Sanitary Officer<br />

Sq. km : Square Kilometres<br />

STP : Sewage Treatment <strong>Plan</strong>t<br />

SWM : Solid Waste Management<br />

TCS : Thrift & Credit Societies<br />

TNEB : Tamil Nadu Electricity Board<br />

TNRDC : Tamil Nadu Road Development Corporation<br />

TNSCB : Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board<br />

TNUDP : Tamil Nadu Urban Development Project<br />

TNUIFSL : Tamil Nadu Urban Infrastructure Financial Services Limited<br />

tpd : Tons per Day<br />

TWAD : Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board<br />

UGD : Underground Drainage<br />

ULB : Urban Local Body<br />

USEP : Urban Self Employment Program<br />

UST : Urban Skill Training<br />

UWEP : Urban Wage Employment Program<br />

VAMBAY : Valmiki Ambedkar Awas Yojana<br />

W : Watts<br />

WBM : Water Bound Macadam<br />

NMR Nominal Muster Roll

Contents<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

I. Background.....................................................................................................................................1<br />

A. Profile of Karaikudi ................................................................................................................1<br />

1. Objectives of the study ............................................................................................................2<br />

2. Scope of Work .........................................................................................................................2<br />

B. <strong>City</strong> <strong>Corporate</strong> cum <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>..........................................................................................3<br />

1. <strong>City</strong> <strong>Corporate</strong> cum <strong>Business</strong> planning Approach..................................................................3<br />

2. Source of Data ........................................................................................................................3<br />

C. Vision for Karaikudi Town.....................................................................................................4<br />

D. Report Structure ......................................................................................................................5<br />

II. <strong>City</strong> Demography........................................................................................................................7<br />

B. Population Trends and Urbanization.......................................................................................7<br />

1. Density Pattern .......................................................................................................................9<br />

C. Economic Development........................................................................................................11<br />

1. Sectoral Growth ....................................................................................................................11<br />

2. Industrial Development.........................................................................................................11<br />

3. Health....................................................................................................................................11<br />

4. Education ..............................................................................................................................12<br />

E. Growth Trends and Projections.................................................................................................13<br />

1. Growth Trends and Projections............................................................................................13<br />

2. Population Projection...........................................................................................................13<br />

III. Urban Management...................................................................................................................15<br />

A. Institutions and Capacity.......................................................................................................15<br />

1. Institutional Arrangements and Policy Context....................................................................15<br />

2. Service Delivery and Performance of Urban Local Body.....................................................16<br />

B. Organization Structure of Urban Local Body .......................................................................16<br />

1. Administrative Wing..............................................................................................................16<br />

2 Executive Wing......................................................................................................................16<br />

IV. <strong>Plan</strong>ning & Land Use Management ..........................................................................................19<br />

A. <strong>Plan</strong>ning Efforts in the Past...................................................................................................19<br />

1. Master <strong>Plan</strong> Outline..............................................................................................................19<br />

2. Master <strong>Plan</strong> Implementation and Implications.....................................................................19<br />

B. Land Use Management .........................................................................................................19<br />

1. Land Use Pattern – Current and Future...............................................................................19<br />

2. Development Patterns – Growth Areas and Direction .........................................................22<br />

C. Key Developmental Issues....................................................................................................22<br />

V. Infrastructure Services ..............................................................................................................24<br />

A. Physical Infrastructure ..........................................................................................................24<br />

1. Water Supply.........................................................................................................................24<br />

2. Sewerage and Sanitation.......................................................................................................29<br />

3. Storm Water Drainage and Rejuvenation of Water Bodies ..................................................30<br />

4. Solid Waste Management......................................................................................................33<br />

5. Roads and Traffic Management............................................................................................37<br />

6. Traffic and Transportation....................................................................................................39<br />

7. Street lighting........................................................................................................................42<br />

VI. Finances of Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity ...............................................................................................44<br />

A. <strong>Municipal</strong> Financial Management ........................................................................................44<br />

1. <strong>Municipal</strong> Fund.....................................................................................................................44<br />

2. Financial Status ....................................................................................................................44<br />

3. Revenue Account...................................................................................................................46<br />

4. Water Supply and Drainage Account....................................................................................53<br />

5. Capital Account ....................................................................................................................56<br />

6. Assets and Liabilities ............................................................................................................57<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

7. Key Financial Indicators and Issues.....................................................................................58<br />

VII. Urban Basic Services for Poor..................................................................................................61<br />

A. Overview...............................................................................................................................61<br />

1. Water Supply.........................................................................................................................61<br />

2. Sanitation ..............................................................................................................................62<br />

3. Roads and Street lights .........................................................................................................62<br />

B. Poverty Alleviation and Community Development..............................................................64<br />

1. Policies, Targets and Programs............................................................................................64<br />

2. Government Assisted Schemes ..............................................................................................64<br />

VIII. Infrastructure Development and Service Provision ..............................................................69<br />

A. Rationale, Need and Demand................................................................................................69<br />

1. Water Supply.........................................................................................................................70<br />

2. Sewerage and Sanitation.......................................................................................................71<br />

3. Storm Water Drainage & Rejuvenation of Water Bodies .....................................................72<br />

4. Solid Waste Management......................................................................................................74<br />

5. Roads and Traffic Management............................................................................................78<br />

6. Street Lighting.......................................................................................................................80<br />

7. Poverty Alleviation................................................................................................................80<br />

B. Project Identification for Service Delivery ...........................................................................81<br />

1. Cost Estimation - Water Supply............................................................................................81<br />

2. Sewerage and Sanitation.......................................................................................................82<br />

3. Storm Water Drainage & Rejuvenation of Water Bodies .....................................................83<br />

4. Solid Waste Management......................................................................................................83<br />

5. Roads and Traffic Management............................................................................................84<br />

6. Street Lighting.......................................................................................................................84<br />

7. Other Identified Projects.......................................................................................................84<br />

IX. Asset Management <strong>Plan</strong>............................................................................................................86<br />

A. Overview...............................................................................................................................86<br />

1. Asset Inventory......................................................................................................................86<br />

2 Information of <strong>Municipal</strong> Assets. ..........................................................................................86<br />

3 Strategies...............................................................................................................................89<br />

X. Resource Mobilization Initiatives .............................................................................................92<br />

A. Scope in Savings and Revenue Generation...........................................................................92<br />

1. Infrastructure ........................................................................................................................92<br />

2. Assets.....................................................................................................................................92<br />

B. Sector Wise Savings .............................................................................................................92<br />

1. Water supply .........................................................................................................................92<br />

2. Solid Waste Management......................................................................................................95<br />

3. Street Lighting.......................................................................................................................97<br />

4. Assets...................................................................................................................................101<br />

C. Additional Resource Mobilization ......................................................................................103<br />

1. Parking Fees .......................................................................................................................103<br />

2. Advertisement Fee...............................................................................................................103<br />

3. Conservancy Fee.................................................................................................................104<br />

4. Summary .............................................................................................................................104<br />

XI. Capital Investment <strong>Plan</strong> & Financial Sustainability ...............................................................107<br />

A. Capital Investment <strong>Plan</strong> ......................................................................................................107<br />

B. Financial Sustainability.......................................................................................................110<br />

1. Financial Sustainability ......................................................................................................110<br />

2 Basic Assumptions for Projections .....................................................................................111<br />

3. Project Cash Flows and FOP Results.................................................................................122<br />

XII. Urban Governance ..................................................................................................................130<br />

A. Urban Governance ..............................................................................................................130<br />

1. Current Initiatives...............................................................................................................130<br />

2. Strategies.............................................................................................................................130<br />


Tables<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Table 1.1: Goals and Service Outcomes .................................................................................................4<br />

Table 2.1: <strong>Municipal</strong> Population and Decadal Growth Rate ..................................................................9<br />

Table 2.2: Town Level Density ..............................................................................................................9<br />

Table 2.3: Ward Wise Density Pattern - 2001 ........................................................................................9<br />

Table 2.4: Occupational Details............................................................................................................11<br />

Table 2.5: Health Facilities in Local Body ...........................................................................................12<br />

Table 2.6: Education Facilities in Local Body......................................................................................12<br />

Table 2.7: Population Projection by Various Methods .........................................................................14<br />

Table 4.1: Details of Town <strong>Plan</strong>ning Schemes .....................................................................................19<br />

Table 4.2: Land Use 1991 and 2001 and Revised Master <strong>Plan</strong> Proposals............................................20<br />

Table 5.1: Details of Bore Wells...........................................................................................................24<br />

Table 5.2: Details of Storage Capacity .................................................................................................25<br />

Table 5.5: Details of Consumer Connections .......................................................................................26<br />

Table 5.6: Details of Performance Indicators for Water Supply...........................................................29<br />

Table 5.7: Details of Sanitation Facilities.............................................................................................30<br />

Table 5.8: Performance Indicators for Sanitation and Sewerage..........................................................30<br />

Table 5.9: Details of Drains ..................................................................................................................31<br />

Table 5.10: Details of Urinates .............................................................................................................31<br />

Table 5.11: Performance Indicators of Drains ......................................................................................32<br />

Table 5.12: Details of Generation of <strong>Municipal</strong> Waste ........................................................................33<br />

Table 5.13: Existing Fleet of Conservancy Vehicles............................................................................34<br />

Table 5.14: Performance Indicators for Solid Waste Management ......................................................35<br />

Table 5.15: Existing Details of Surfaced Roads ...................................................................................37<br />

Table 5.16: Performance Indicators for Roads .....................................................................................39<br />

Table 5.17: Characteristics of <strong>Municipal</strong> Roads...................................................................................39<br />

Table 5.18: Details of Luminaries.........................................................................................................42<br />

Table 5.19: Performance Indicators for Streetlights .............................................................................43<br />

Table 6.1: Summary of <strong>Municipal</strong> Fund...............................................................................................45<br />

Table 6.2: Sources of Revenue Income ................................................................................................46<br />

Table 6.3: Own Sources of Revenue Income........................................................................................47<br />

Table 6.4: Property Tax – Demand Collection and Balance Statement................................................48<br />

Table 6.5: Profession Tax – Demand Collection and Balance Statement.............................................48<br />

Table 6.6: Income from Assigned Revenue..........................................................................................49<br />

Table 6.7: Income from Revenue Grants ..............................................................................................50<br />

Table 6.8: Sector wise Revenue Expenditure .......................................................................................51<br />

Table 6.9: Sector wise Salary................................................................................................................52<br />

Table 6.10: Out standing Loan Statement.............................................................................................53<br />

Table 6.11: Revenue Account Status of Water Supply and Drainage Fund .........................................54<br />

Table 6.12: Water Charges – Demand Collection and Balance Statement...........................................55<br />

Table 6.13: Status of Capital Account - General ..................................................................................56<br />

Table 6.14: Status of Water Supply and Drainage Capital Account.....................................................57<br />

Table 6.15: Summary of Current Assets and Liabilities status.............................................................57<br />

Table 6.16: Key Financial Indicators....................................................................................................58<br />

Table 7.1: Existing Ward Wise Settlements of Slums ..........................................................................61<br />

Table 7.2: Existing Infrastructure Facilities..........................................................................................62<br />

Table 7.3: Performance Indicators for Slums .......................................................................................67<br />

Table 8.1: Goals and Service Outcomes – Water Supply .....................................................................70<br />

Table 8.2: Requirement until 2026 in Water Supply Sector .................................................................70<br />

Table 8.3: Goals and Service Outcomes - Sewerage ............................................................................71<br />

Table 8.4: Requirement until 2026 in Sewerage and Sanitation...........................................................72<br />

Table 8.5: Goals and Service Outcomes – Storm Water Drain and Water Bodies ...............................73<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Table 8.6: Requirement until 2026 in Storm Water Drains ..................................................................73<br />

Table 8.7: Goals and Service Outcomes – Solid Waste Management..................................................74<br />

Table 8.8: Details of Specification of Segregated Waste......................................................................74<br />

Table 8.9: Details of proposed primary collection system....................................................................76<br />

Table 8.10: Requirement until 2026 in Solid Waste Management .......................................................77<br />

Table 8.11: Goals and Service Outcomes –Roads, Traffic and Transportation....................................78<br />

Table 8.12: Requirement until 2026 in Roads and Traffic & Transportation.......................................79<br />

Table 8.13: Goals and Service Outcomes – Street Lighting .................................................................80<br />

Table 8.14: Requirement until 2026 in Street Lighting ........................................................................80<br />

Table 8.15: Goals and Service Outcomes – Poverty Alleviation..........................................................80<br />

Table 8.16: Details of Identified Investment in Water Supply Sector ..................................................82<br />

Table 8.17: Investments for Sewerage and Sanitation..........................................................................82<br />

Table 8.18: Investments for Drainage and Lake Development.............................................................83<br />

Table 8.19: Investments for Solid Waste Management ........................................................................83<br />

Table 8.20: Investments for Roads and Traffic Management...............................................................84<br />

Table 8.21: Investments for Street Lighting .........................................................................................84<br />

Table 8.22: The Investments for All Other Project...............................................................................85<br />

Table 9.1: Assets of Water Supply Details ...........................................................................................87<br />

Table 9.2: Details of Remunerative Assets...........................................................................................88<br />

Table 9.3: Details of Non-Remunerative Assets...................................................................................88<br />

Table 9.4: Details of Parks....................................................................................................................89<br />

Table 9.5: Details of Play Grounds.......................................................................................................89<br />

Table 10.1: Estimation of efficiency of pump ......................................................................................93<br />

Table 10.2: Estimation of net energy saving in pump house ................................................................94<br />

Table 10.3: Manpower deployment at pump house..............................................................................95<br />

Table 10.4: Saving in Solid Waste Management Sector towards Privatization....................................96<br />

Table 10.5: Expenditure trend in street lighting ...................................................................................97<br />

Table 10.6: Salient features of Retro fit tube lights ..............................................................................98<br />

Table 10.7: Comparison of conventional tube lights with retrofit lights ..............................................98<br />

Table 10.8: Assumption for calculating energy savings .......................................................................99<br />

Table 10.9: Energy savings in street lighting......................................................................................100<br />

Table 10.10: Additional Revenue Estimation from Remunerative Assets..........................................102<br />

Table 10.11: Estimated Parking Fee ...................................................................................................103<br />

Table 10.12: Estimation of Advertisement fee ...................................................................................105<br />

Table 10.13: Estimation of Conservancy Fee .....................................................................................105<br />

Table 10.14: Estimated additional revenue from expenditure control and resource mobilization......106<br />

Table 11.1: Sustainable Investment Phasing - Water Supply .............................................................107<br />

Table 11.2: Sustainable Investment Phasing - Sewerage and Sanitation............................................107<br />

Table 11.3: Sustainable Investment Phasing - Roads .........................................................................108<br />

Table 11.4: Sustainable Investment Phasing - Storm Water Drains and Natural Drains....................108<br />

Table 11.5: Sustainable Investment Phasing - Solid Waste Management ..........................................109<br />

Table 11.6: Sustainable Investment Phasing - Street Lighting ...........................................................109<br />

Table 11.7: Sustainable Investment Phasing - Commercial Complexes, Parks etc,. ..........................109<br />

Table 11.8: Component wise Sustainable Investments.......................................................................110<br />

Table 11.9: Key assumptions for forecasting income from Property Tax ..........................................112<br />

Table 11.10: Key assumptions for forecasting income from Water Charges .....................................112<br />

Table 11.11: Key assumptions for forecasting income from Sewerage Charges................................113<br />

Table 11.12: Key assumptions for forecasting income from Solid Waste conservancy fee...............113<br />

Table 11.13: Key growth rate assumptions for income from other own sources................................114<br />

Table 11.14: Key growth rate assumptions for income from assigned sources..................................114<br />

Table 11.15 Key growth rate assumptions for income from grants & contributions..........................115<br />

Table 11.16: Key growth rate assumptions for forecasting revenue expenditure...............................115<br />

Table 11.17: Key growth rate assumptions for forecasting water supply revenue expenditure .........116<br />

Table 11.18: Assumptions for O&M Expenditure..............................................................................116<br />

Table 11.19: Proposed Financing Pattern ...........................................................................................117<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Table 11.20: Summary of estimated capital investment and phasing schedule..................................118<br />

Table 11.21: Summary of phased investment in full project investment scenario .............................119<br />

Table 11.22: Financing pattern for proposed projects ........................................................................120<br />

Table 11.23: One-time charges for water & sewerage connections....................................................120<br />

Table 11.24: Financial Operating <strong>Plan</strong> Results - Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity..........................................124<br />

Table 11.25: Summary of Full Project Cash Flow..............................................................................125<br />

Table 11.26: Summary of base cost sustainable investment and phasing schedule............................127<br />

Table 11.27: Summary of sustainable project investment -base cost .................................................127<br />

Table 11.28: Summary of sustainable investment project cash flow..................................................128<br />

Figures<br />

Figure 1.1: Linkage and connectivity .....................................................................................................1<br />

Figure 1.2: Approach to <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>...................................................................................................1<br />

Figure 1.3: <strong>City</strong> <strong>Corporate</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>- The Process ........................................................................................2<br />

Figure 2.1: Population Growth Rate .......................................................................................................7<br />

Figure 2.6: Town Growth Trends .........................................................................................................13<br />

Figure 5.1: Head Works Location.........................................................................................................24<br />

Figure 5.2: Distribution Zones in Karaikudi.........................................................................................26<br />

Figure 6.1: Total Revenue Income and Expenditure Trend..................................................................44<br />

Figure 6.2: Total Capital Income and Expenditure Trend ....................................................................45<br />

Figure 6.3: Source of Income (2000 to 2004).......................................................................................46<br />

Figure 6.4: Property Tax Collection Performance ................................................................................47<br />

Figure 6.5: Items of Revenue Expenditure (2000 to 2004)...................................................................51<br />

Figure 6.6: Sector Wise Salary Composition (2000 to 2004) ...............................................................52<br />

Figure 6.7: Water & Drainage Account Expenditure Trend .................................................................54<br />

Figure 6.8: Water Charge Collection Performance...............................................................................55<br />

Figure 11.1: Full Project - Sector wise Investment.............................................................................122<br />

Maps<br />

Map 2.1: Administrative Boundaries (Wards) of Karaikudi...................................................................8<br />

Map 2.2: Ward wise Density Pattern of Karaikudi...............................................................................10<br />

Map 4.1: Existing Land Use .................................................................................................................21<br />

Map 4.2: Proposed Land Use................................................................................................................23<br />

Map 5.3: Existing Water Supply System in Karaikudi.........................................................................27<br />

Map 5.5: Solid Waste Management System in Karaikudi ....................................................................36<br />

Map 5.6: Road Network in Karaikudi...................................................................................................38<br />

Map 5.7: Traffic &Transportation Proposals for Karaikudi .................................................................40<br />

Map 7.1: Locations of Slums in Karaikudi...........................................................................................63<br />

Map 9.1: <strong>Municipal</strong> Assets in Karaikudi ..............................................................................................90<br />


Appendices<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Appendix I: Ward Level Densities......................................................................................................133<br />

Appendix II: Population Projection……………………………………….........................................134<br />

Appendix III: Minutes of Stakeholder meeting held on 3 rd July 2006................................................136<br />

Appendix IV: <strong>Municipal</strong> Finances......................................................................................................137<br />

Appendix V: Short Term Projects Details ..........................................................................................138<br />

Appendix VI: Draft Memorandum of Agreement ..............................................................................139<br />


A. Profile of Karaikudi<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

1. The town of Karaikudi has its<br />

origins from 1800 A.D<br />

around the oldest structure in<br />

the town, which is the Sri<br />

Koppudaiya Nayagi Amman<br />

Temple. Karaikudi is a home<br />

for the “Nagarathars” with<br />

the location of their ancestral<br />

Heritage Town<br />

village at Chettinadu. The<br />

H i T<br />

name Karaikudi was framed from thorny plants "Karai” and in an ancient literature this<br />

plant being referred as "Kareekudi". At present, the town is called Karaikudi. The areas of<br />

Muthupattinam, Meiyappan Ambalam Street and surrounding areas of Narayanan Chettiar<br />

Street has developed since 1940 and are characteristic of the heritage structures of the<br />

town. The development of the community based trade and prosperity led to the<br />

development of the core areas of old town.<br />

2. Town Administration: In the post independence period, the town has experienced growth<br />

in industrial activities (especially cotton and ginning) along with trading activities.<br />

Concentration of these activities mixed with residential developments has resulted in the<br />

further growth of the town.<br />

Figure 1.1: Linkage and connectivity<br />



NH.49<br />

THENI<br />

NH.47<br />




ERODE<br />



GUL<br />




AR<br />

NH.7<br />

NH.7<br />


SALEM<br />

KARUR<br />

NH.49<br />

NH.49<br />

NH.49<br />




NH.7A<br />





NH.45<br />


NH.7A<br />

NH.7A<br />

NH.4<br />




NH.45<br />



Sivaganga<br />

Sivaganga<br />

District<br />

District<br />

NH.5<br />




H.7<br />

NH.7<br />

NH.208<br />

Sivakasi<br />

Dindigul<br />

Madurai<br />

Virudunagar<br />

Karaikudi<br />

Devakkottai<br />

3. The old town is clearly distinguished by its smaller streets with winding patterns. In the<br />

past, the focus of activities was concentrated at Koppudiamman Kovil. One of the major<br />

milestones in the town’s growth was the establishment of Dr. Alagappa Chettiar Group of<br />

Institutions and Research centers on the eastern side of the town limits in the neighboring<br />

NH.49<br />

Melur<br />

Tiruppattur<br />

Trichy<br />

NH.210<br />

Sivaganga<br />

Manmadurai<br />

Pudukottai<br />

Tiruvadanai<br />

Thanjavur<br />

Ramanathapuram<br />

R<br />

Nagapattinam<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Sankarapuram Village. This is now a University, and has led to a number of housing<br />

layouts in the village area. The town has been growing towards eastern and northern side<br />

since then. These relatively new parts of the town can be distinguished from the Grid<br />

pattern of the roads executed by the different T.P.Schemes. Some of the major commercial<br />

areas are located on the important arterial links between the old town and the new town<br />

such as the College road, Sekkalai main road, new bus Stand, 100 ft road, Kandanoor road<br />

etc.<br />

4. Government of Tamilnadu (GoTN) has initiated to protect this Heritage town and<br />

indicated that the conservation should go beyond preservation and just development. In the<br />

<strong>City</strong> <strong>Corporate</strong> plan, the consultants are looking towards to preserve and protect the<br />

heritage monuments and special natural assets of the town<br />

1. Objectives of the study<br />

5. The main objective for the <strong>City</strong> <strong>Corporate</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> was emphasizes on issues of priority local<br />

concerns for livability, and the implied requirements in terms of<br />

(i) Enhancing <strong>City</strong> Productivity<br />

(ii) Reducing Poverty<br />

(iii) Improving Management<br />

(iv) Enhancing Financial Sustainability<br />

6. The objective of the assignment is to formulate a <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> comprising of appropriate<br />

policies and actions that are practically implementable to accomplish the objectives of the<br />

CCP.<br />

2. Scope of Work<br />

7. The scope of services for converting CCP to <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> broadly covers the following<br />

areas.<br />

(i) Financial Assessment of Urban Local Bodies;<br />

(ii) Assess Levels of service, coverage and quality of municipal services in both poor<br />

and non-poor localities;<br />

(iii) Outline issues in revenue realizations, quality of existing assets in relation to service<br />

levels and coverage, and institutional constraints;<br />

(iv) Prepare a Financial and Operating <strong>Plan</strong> (FOP);<br />

(v) Indicate and assess areas for expenditure reduction, revenue mobilization and<br />

management;<br />

(vi) Prepare a draft Memorandum of Understanding between Urban Local Body and<br />

TNUIFSL for effective implementation and monitoring of the <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>;<br />

(vii) Initiate consultations with council and local stakeholders on the priorities;<br />

(viii) Finalize <strong>Business</strong> Action <strong>Plan</strong> for the <strong>City</strong>, with a resolution from the council on the<br />

priorities and commitment to implement revenue and management improvement<br />

measures;<br />

(ix) Identify the obligations on the part of the ULB/TNUIFSL/TNUDF/Government for<br />

successful implementation of the <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>;<br />


B. <strong>City</strong> <strong>Corporate</strong> cum <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong><br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

8. The corporate plan is a strategic plan, which sets out in detail the policy and investment<br />

options. The plan sets out baseline for the performance of the municipality, its priorities<br />

and aims for future. The <strong>Business</strong> plan is the tool to implement comprising of projects and<br />

reforms to be under taken by the ULB. In addition, the <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> would formulate<br />

strength for additional resource mobilization to enhance the credit worthiness of the ULB.<br />

1. <strong>City</strong> <strong>Corporate</strong> cum <strong>Business</strong> planning Approach<br />

9. The approach of the <strong>Corporate</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> cum <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> is iterative in nature and is<br />

presented in Figure 1.2<br />

10. For the formulation of the <strong>City</strong> <strong>Corporate</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> cum <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>, the future vision of the<br />

city was developed through a participatory approach, initiated in July 2002. Public<br />

Consultations were conducted at the town level with the <strong>Municipal</strong> Councilors, officials,<br />

and line agencies and identified stakeholders.<br />

2. Source of Data<br />

11. A varied list of organisations apart from Karaikudi municipality were consulted for putting<br />

together the data presented in the report and used for analysis by the consultants through<br />

the <strong>City</strong> <strong>Corporate</strong> cum <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> preparation process.<br />

12. The census data for the town is made available by the directorate of Census operations<br />

Tamilnadu. Institutions and organisations like DTCP, DIC, TWAD board, IMA, Local<br />

NGOs, Alagappa University, Private organisations etc have provided the necessary data<br />

for the respective services.<br />

13. The municipality has provided the necessary data with respect to infrastructure at the ward<br />

level. This was instrumental in preparation of the <strong>Business</strong> plan, which includes Capital<br />

Investment program for the municipality and prioritizing the needs at the local level.<br />


Figure 1.2: Approach to <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong><br />

Situation Analysis<br />

Legal / Systems<br />

<strong>Municipal</strong> Acts<br />

Taxation Powers<br />

Borrowing Provisions<br />

Budgeting Systems<br />

Accounting Practices<br />

Finances<br />

Sources & Uses of funds<br />

Base and basis of levy of<br />

major taxes and charges<br />

Collection issues<br />

Uses<br />

Rate of growth<br />

Per-capita Analysis<br />

Services<br />

Current levels of services<br />

Water supply<br />

Sanitation<br />

Roads<br />

Solid Waste Management<br />

Drainage<br />

Lighting<br />

Traffic & Transportation<br />

<strong>City</strong> Strategic <strong>Plan</strong><br />

Shared long-term vision<br />

<strong>City</strong> <strong>Corporate</strong> <strong>Plan</strong><br />

ULBs’ commitment to citizens<br />

<strong>City</strong> <strong>Business</strong><br />

<strong>Plan</strong><br />

Capital Investment<br />

Need & Prioritization<br />

Capital<br />

Investment <strong>Plan</strong><br />

Project Identification & facility<br />

Siting<br />

• Sectoral Strategies<br />

• Integration of Line Agency<br />

Projects<br />

• Public Priorities<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Rates of growth<br />

Revenue revision assumptions<br />

Collection performance<br />

Expenditure growth Assumptions<br />

Expenditure Management<br />

Revenue Enhancement Measures<br />

Assumption on O & M for new<br />

investments<br />

Lending options<br />

Loan grant mix<br />

Loan terms<br />

Financial and Operating<br />

<strong>Plan</strong><br />

Sustainable<br />

Investment<br />

Project Pipeline<br />

Implementation Strategy<br />

Management Strategy<br />


Figure 1.3: <strong>City</strong> <strong>Corporate</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>- The Process<br />

Agenda for the Future<br />

Sectoral Strategies<br />

Master <strong>Plan</strong><br />

Water Supply Augmentation <strong>Plan</strong><br />

Sewerage Master <strong>Plan</strong><br />

Storm Water Master <strong>Plan</strong><br />

Comprehensive Traffic & Transport<br />

Study<br />

Annual Progress Report<br />

<strong>Plan</strong> Review<br />

• Annual Report and Assessment<br />

of Progress<br />

• Identification of Shortcomings<br />

• Areas of focus for forthcoming<br />

<strong>Corporate</strong> <strong>Plan</strong><br />

Strategic <strong>Plan</strong>ning, Existing<br />

Situation Review & Defining <strong>City</strong><br />

Vision and Goals<br />

• Review of current service delivery levels<br />

from the citizens’ perspective through<br />

consultation between councillors and<br />

technical staff of municipality<br />

• Agenda Note Preparation on Visions and<br />

Goals of the <strong>Corporate</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> in Consultation<br />

with <strong>Plan</strong>ning Partners<br />

• Review of State and Local Organisations/<br />

Institutional Operations in Service Delivery<br />

<strong>Corporate</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> Amendments<br />

Final <strong>Corporate</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> for Implementation<br />

<strong>Plan</strong> Monitoring and Evaluation<br />

• Review of Sustainability Indicators<br />

• Identification of Key Areas of<br />

deficiencies<br />

• Redressal of issues and accounted for<br />

Draft <strong>Corporate</strong> <strong>Plan</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong> Vision and Goals<br />

Draft <strong>Plan</strong> Formulation and<br />

Identification of Capital<br />

Improvement Program<br />

• Address issues and identify<br />

future requirement within <strong>Plan</strong><br />

Period<br />

• Identify Tasks to address<br />

strategies formulated to cater to<br />

future requirement<br />

• Identify Institutions involved in<br />

performing tasks<br />

• Define sustainability indicators<br />

to Monitor and Evaluate the <strong>Plan</strong><br />

<strong>Corporate</strong> <strong>Plan</strong><br />

Draft for Public Consultation<br />

Public Consultation, <strong>Plan</strong><br />

Approval and Finalization<br />

Critical Review and Approval of <strong>Plan</strong><br />

by Citizen Groups/ Public<br />

Representatives, Elected Councillors<br />

and <strong>Plan</strong>ning Partners<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />


C. Vision for Karaikudi Town<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

14. The vision for the town is to achieve improved service levels and better quality of life for<br />

the citizens to make Karaikudi as Heritage and Knowledge town. Specific goals and<br />

service outcomes have been framed in Table 1.1 below.<br />

Table 1.1: Goals and Service Outcomes<br />

Sr. No Goal 2011 2016 2026<br />

A. Water Supply<br />

1 Network cover for<br />

general households<br />

100% 100% 100%<br />

2 Network cover for Slum<br />

100% 100% 100%<br />

households<br />

3 Per Capita Supply 90 lpcd 130 lpcd<br />

4 Hours of supply 24 hours / daily<br />

5 Un accounted water 20% 15% 12%<br />

6 O&M Cost Recovery 100% 100% 100%<br />

7 Collection Efficiency 100 % 100 % 100 %<br />

8 Customer Satisfaction Good Good Good<br />

B. Sewerage<br />

1 Coverage (Access) 100% 100% 100%<br />

2 Treatment and Disposal 100% 100% 100%<br />

3 Recycling and Reuse 25% 40% 50%<br />

4 Customer Satisfaction Good Good Good<br />

C. Storm Water Drain and Water Bodies<br />

Macro Drainage<br />

1 Flood Alleviation and<br />

Macro Drainage<br />

100%<br />

Recommendation<br />

Micro Drainage<br />

1 With in the Town<br />

(Preparation and<br />

Implementation <strong>Plan</strong>s)<br />

D. Solid Waste Management<br />

1 Collection with in the<br />

Town<br />

2 Door to Door Collection -<br />

%<br />

100% 100% 100%<br />

100% 100% 100%<br />

100% 100% 100%<br />

3 Source Segregation - % 75% 100% 100%<br />

4 Collection - % 90% 100% 100%<br />

5 Scientific Disposal 80% 100% 100%<br />

6 Waste to Energy<br />

Generation<br />

50% 100%<br />

7 Cost Recovery of O & M<br />

50% 75% 100%<br />

-%<br />

8 Private Sector<br />

Participation<br />

E. Traffic and Transportation<br />

1 Road Network as % of<br />

Total Area<br />

100 % Primary<br />

Collection by<br />

Privatization<br />

Complete in the<br />

Disposal<br />

Complete in<br />

the Disposal<br />

12% 15% 15%<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Sr. No Goal 2011 2016 2026<br />

2 Average Speed -km/’h<br />

with in the town<br />

20 30 35<br />

3 Sidewalks length to Total Half of the 75% of the 95% of the<br />

road length<br />

requirement requirement requirement<br />

4 Road accidents Reduced by Reduced by Reduced by<br />

25%<br />

50%<br />

70%<br />

Roads Coverage<br />

1<br />

Safety<br />

<strong>Municipal</strong>ity 80% 100% 100%<br />

1<br />

Parking<br />

To reduce traffic<br />

accidents by traffic<br />

management measures<br />

With in the Town<br />

100% 100% 100%<br />

1 Construction of parking<br />

complexes at proposed<br />

locations<br />

100% 100% 100%<br />

Decongestion<br />

1 Development of Outer<br />

Ring Road<br />

100%<br />

F. Street Lighting<br />

1 Energy saving<br />

mechanisms<br />

80% 100% 100%<br />

2 Adequate lighting in Nonlit<br />

areas<br />

80% 100% 100%<br />

G. Poverty Alleviation<br />

1 Network Coverage for<br />

slum households<br />

90% 95% 100%<br />

2 UGD coverage for slum<br />

households<br />

60% 100% 100%<br />

3 Adequately lit slums 100% 100% 100%<br />

4 Adequate road link for<br />

the slums<br />

100% 100% 100%<br />

5 Pucca houses for all slum<br />

households<br />

80% 100% 100%<br />

6 Education for all in slums 100% 100% 100%<br />

D. Report Structure<br />

15. This report is the Draft Final Report and comprises of following structure:<br />

(i) Project Brief and Scope of work. The current section detailing the project<br />

objective and the Scope of work of the project. Approach to the <strong>City</strong> <strong>Corporate</strong><br />

<strong>Plan</strong>. The vision and the goals are framed with time frame;<br />

(ii) Chapter 2 gives the Profile of the ULB and in terms of its demographic<br />

characteristics, past trends and growth, population projections and future trends;<br />

(iii) Chapter 3 deals with urban management, the institutions involved, structure of<br />

ULB -its political and executive wings. The chapter also outlines the reform<br />

agenda currently undertaken by the <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

(iv) Chapter 4 elaborates planning and land use management and its growth directions<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

of the town;<br />

(v) Chapter 5 detailed on existing situation of infrastructure services, coverage, gaps,<br />

and issues confronting the same;<br />

(vi) Chapter 6 presents the fiscal situation of the Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

(vii) Chapter 7 deals with urban poverty including slums, demographic and socioeconomic<br />

characteristics, availability of infrastructure services and gaps in the<br />

provision and delivery of services. Housing for urban poor is also discussed in<br />

this chapter.<br />

(viii) Chapter 8 describes vision and sectoral strategies for the different infrastructure,<br />

facilities for the town along with the proposed interventions and costing for each<br />

of the sector.<br />

(ix) Chapter 9 will deal with the elements that are essential in an asset management<br />

program for movable and immovable infrastructure. More specifically road<br />

networks, sidewalks, water supply networks, pumping, storage, treatment facilities<br />

and storm water drains.<br />

(x) Chapter 10 deals with revenue generation through the non-traditional sources with<br />

minimum investment s and the enormous scope to control expenditure.<br />

(xi) Chapter 11 describes Capital Investment <strong>Plan</strong> and Financial Operating <strong>Plan</strong> and<br />

sustainability of the proposed interventions including the suggested reforms to<br />

enhance the municipal revenues.<br />

(xii) Chapter 12 outlines the various best practices world over regarding good urban<br />

governance. The strategies presented in this chapter, are an integrated whole and<br />

none of them can be seen are understood in an isolated section.<br />



TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

16. Linkage & Transportation: Karaikudi is situated towards north of Sivagangai district and<br />

is about 90 Km from Trichy and and 450 Km from Chennai respectively. It is well<br />

connected by rail and road transport. NH 210, SH 28 and SH 35 passes through the town.<br />

While NH 210 connects Trichy and Rameswaram, SH 28 & 35 connects Tanjavur,<br />

Sayalkudi and Dindigul with Karaikudi. Karaikudi is a junction on the southeast Railway<br />

division. The meter gauge line connecting Trichy, Manamadurai and Rameswaram pass<br />

through the town.<br />

17. Physical & Geographical Character: The terrain of Karaikudi is predominantly flat.<br />

Rocky areas are found in the surrounding areas of Karaikudi town and intensity of rocks is<br />

more towards western side of the town. The rocks are of ancient crystalline type. Clay<br />

deposits in the form of calcareous nodules and limestone are also found in the nearby<br />

areas. The soil is hard red laterite and is not suitable for cultivation. There is no physical<br />

restraint to developments except the railway line, which skirts the town at its eastern<br />

periphery.<br />

18. Climate & Rainfall: The summers are quite hot with temperatures of around 370 C. The<br />

climate is pleasant during the monsoon while the autumns are temperate. The winters are<br />

not very cold but the temperatures in January are around 220 C. The level of ground water<br />

table in most of the places within the town varies in summer to non-summer seasons<br />

between 6 and 3 feet respectively. The annual average rainfall in Karaikudi is 913.6 mm<br />

and the total rainfall for the year 2001 is 1096.4 mm.<br />

B. Population Trends and Urbanization<br />

Figure 2.1: Population Growth Rate<br />

19. Karaikudi is a selection grade 100000<br />

municipality with an area of<br />

13.75 Sq. km consisting of 36<br />

90000<br />

80000<br />

70000<br />

wards. The town population<br />

60000<br />

in 2001 was 86,596. The<br />

50000<br />

40000<br />

decadal growth rates had<br />

30000<br />

shown a gradually increasing<br />

trend until the year 1971 and<br />

then decreased from 1981<br />

20000<br />

10000<br />

0<br />

until it reached a very low value of 7.42 percent in 1991. This reduction can be attributed<br />

to the out migration, which is also reflected in the reduction in primary and secondary<br />

workforce in 1991. In 2001, Karaikudi has shown a growth of about 20.33 percent. This<br />

growth rate is due to increase in the educational facilities around the town and town<br />

experienced with inward migration. The decadal population growth rate is presented in<br />

Table 2.1. The population growth curve is shown in Figure 2.1<br />

Population<br />

1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001<br />


Map 2.1: Administrative Boundaries (Wards) of Karaikudi<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Table 2.1: <strong>Municipal</strong> Population and Decadal Growth Rate<br />

Year Population Decadal Growth Rate<br />

( %)-<br />

1901 11,801<br />

1911 14,648 24.13<br />

1921 15,350 4.79<br />

1931 21,672 41.19<br />

1941 28,908 33.39<br />

1951 38,453 33.02<br />

1961 43,698 13.64<br />

1971 55,449 26.89<br />

1981 66,993 20.82<br />

1991 71,965 7.42<br />

2001 86,596 20.33<br />

Source: Census of India.<br />

1. Density Pattern<br />

20. The town had a population density of 4,594 persons per Sq. km in 1971, which increased<br />

to 6,285 persons per Sq. km in 2001. The town has 36 administrative wards presented in<br />

(Map 2.1) and mainly the transport corridors, namely NH 210 and State Highway 28 &<br />

35, guide the density pattern of the town. Table 2.2 gives the town level density.<br />

Table 2.2: Town Level Density<br />

Year Area Population Density<br />

Sq. Km Per/ Sq. Km<br />

1971 12.07 55,449 4,594<br />

1981 13.75 66,993 4,970<br />

1991 13.75 71,965 5,339<br />

2001 13.75 86,422 6,285<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

21. There are three wards (5, 18, and 27) where density is more than 20,000 persons per Sq<br />

km and house significant slum population. Wards on the south and northeast (1, 9, 12, 17,<br />

19, 34, 35, and 36) have low density at less than 5000 persons per sq. km. Ward level<br />

density is presented in Appendix I. The density pattern (2001) is presented in Table 2.3<br />

and Map: 2.2<br />

Table 2.3: Ward Wise Density Pattern - 2001<br />

Sl No. Ward Number Density<br />

Per/ Sq. Km<br />

1 5, 18, 27 >20,000<br />

2 34, 15, 25, 33 15,001 – 20,000<br />

3 7, 13, 14, 16, 30, 29, 32, 28, 20 10,001 – 15,000<br />

4 24, 23, 22, 21, 26, 31, 8, 2, 11, 10, 6 5,001 – 10,000<br />

5 1, 12, 9,19,17, 34, 35, 36

Map 2.2: Ward wise Density Pattern of Karaikudi<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />


C. Economic Development<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

22. Karaikudi acts as a major growth center for all the rural areas as well the other areas of<br />

surrounding Chettinadu region. Over the years, Karaikudi has developed mainly along NH<br />

210 leading to Trichy, as seen from the developments on Sekkalai road, which proceeds to<br />

Devakottai in the south.<br />

1. Sectoral Growth<br />

23. There are no major industrial activities in the town except for the research institute of<br />

Central Electro-Chemical Research Institute, Karaikudi (CECRI) and Alagappa<br />

University, which are located out side the municipal boundaries. Most of the units located<br />

in Karaikudi are small-scale industries like engineering works, handlooms, wood works,<br />

etc.<br />

24. As per the 2001 census, the work force constitutes 33 percent of the town population.<br />

During the period 1971 to 1991, there is a major shift in occupation pattern from tertiary<br />

sector to secondary sector. This trend reversed in the following decade 1991 to 2001. At<br />

present majority of the people are engaged in tertiary sector in Karaikudi. The<br />

occupational details is presented in Table 2.4<br />

Table 2.4: Occupational Details<br />

Sector<br />

Number of Persons<br />

1971 1981 1991 2001<br />

Primary sector 1,079 757 936 420<br />

Secondary Sector 5,097 2,308 6,463 2,127<br />

Tertiary Sector 10,059 16,939 14,231 26,239<br />

Total Work Force<br />

Source: Census<br />

16,235 20,004 21,630 28,786<br />

2. Industrial Development<br />

25. The textile sector provided for the setting up of small scale weaving units in the town.<br />

This has however declined and has almost come to a standstill due to the large-scale<br />

mechanization of the textile industry in the neighboring region of Madurai. However, the<br />

economy of the town is primarily dependent on the trade and commerce related activities.<br />

There is no major industrial development in and around Karaikudi. There is a<br />

predominance of small-scale industries with an average of four members employed per<br />

industry.<br />

3. Health<br />

26. There is a government hospital, 4 maternity centers and 16 private clinics in Karaikudi<br />

town. While considering the existing population and size of the town, the available<br />

facilities are grossly inadequate. Table 2.5 provides the details of hospitals and<br />

dispensaries.<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Table 2.5: Health Facilities in Local Body<br />

Type Numbers Doctors Beds<br />

Government Hospital 1 12 120<br />

Maternity Homes 4 1 12<br />

Health Centers 1 - -<br />

Dispensaries 16 22 129<br />

Source: Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

27. Apart from the government hospital and maternity homes, there is one health center and a<br />

dispensary, run by the Government. There are four doctors each for the maternity home<br />

and the dispensary. There are 12 beds in the maternity home apart from those in the<br />

Government Hospital. There are 22 doctors and 129 beds with the private hospitals.<br />

4. Education<br />

28. The town has three different categories of educational facilities. There are four middle<br />

level schools, twenty elementary schools and one Deaf and Dumb School. Higher<br />

educational facilities include Engineering College and Polytechnic College etc. Alagappa<br />

Chettiyar University is the prime institution of repute just outside the municipal limits.<br />

Apart from these, there are colleges, which are either affiliated or self-financed and<br />

imparting education to students at college and graduation level. The town has elementary<br />

to post graduation education facilities. The details of education centers are illustrated in<br />

Table 2.6.<br />

Table 2.6: Education Facilities in Local Body<br />

Type of Schools Numbers<br />

Middle Schools (by education department) 4<br />

Elementary Schools (by education department) 20<br />

Deaf and Dumb School 1<br />

High School 1<br />

Higher Secondary School 3<br />

Professional college 1<br />

Private University 1<br />

Source: Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />


E. Growth Trends and Projections<br />

1. Growth Trends and Projections<br />

29. Some of the areas that are experiencing growth are<br />

those areas just outside the town towards Madurai<br />

with limited commercial activities. Although<br />

Karaikudi Town served as an important economic<br />

center for the nearby villages, it was solely<br />

dependent on regional economic centers of<br />

Madurai, Trichy etc for employment. Thus, it has a<br />

role of a transit town for goods and services due to<br />

its linkages to major economic centers of Madurai,<br />

Trichy, Virudunagar, etc.<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Figure 2.6: Town Growth Trends<br />

30. Thus, the emerging economic investments the town can make will be solely in terms of<br />

strengthening its current role as a supplier of commercial goods and services. Some of<br />

them can be well-planned commercial centers located in the transit-oriented locations of<br />

the town. In addition, efforts are on going to place Karaikudi as tourist destination and<br />

focal point for Chettinad heritage. Hence, the future towards economy would depend on<br />

tourism related activities.<br />

2. Population Projection<br />

31. The following methods are employed to project the Population.<br />

(i) Arithmetic Increase Method<br />

(ii) Incremental Increase Method<br />

(iii) Geometric Increase Method<br />

(iv) Graphical Methods (Exponential, Polynomial 2nd Order, Power Method and Log<br />

Method))<br />

32. By using the above methods, future population has been projected for the Present (2006),<br />

Intermediate (2021, 2026) and Ultimate Stage (2036) and furnished in Table 2.7<br />


Table 2.7: Population Projection by Various Methods<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Forecasting Method Present<br />

Projected Population<br />

Intermediate Intermediate Ultimate Remarks<br />

(2006) (2021) (2026) (2036)<br />

Arithmetic Method 91,410 1,05,853 1,10,668 1,20,296 Moderate<br />

Geometric Method 93,389 1,17,136 1,26,325 1,46,922 High<br />

Incremental Increase<br />

Method<br />

Graphical Methods<br />

92,290 1,12,893 1,20,933 1,38,775 Reasonable<br />

Polynomial Second<br />

Order<br />

91,569 1,09,994 1,16,490 1,30,013 Moderate<br />

Exponential Method 95,220 1,21,796 1,32,210 1,55,788 Very High<br />

Power Method 82,740 90,912 93,447 98,282 Low<br />

Log Method 80,600 85,976 87,546 90,426 Very Low<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

33. Considering the growth trends, the future growth would witness an increase in growth rate<br />

during the next decade. To assess the future growth of population, a variety of methods<br />

were employed, the details of population projection calculation are enclosed in Appendix<br />

II<br />

34. Projections by Incremental Increase are considered appropriate for the municipality. The<br />

projected population figures for the years 2011, 2021 and 2026 for the municipality by<br />

this method are 95,290, 112,893, and 120,933 persons respectively. Based on the<br />

population projection above, the demands and gaps are calculated.<br />


A. Institutions and Capacity<br />


1. Institutional Arrangements and Policy Context<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

35. Institutional Arrangements. The State Government’s line departments continue to play a<br />

crucial role in urban basic service delivery. Sectors and agency involvement include:<br />

(i) Water Supply & Sewerage. The Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board<br />

(TWAD) are responsible for creation of water and sewerage infrastructure in the<br />

state. However, <strong>Municipal</strong>ity is responsible for the provision and delivery of<br />

services within the town.<br />

(ii) Master <strong>Plan</strong>. The Town and Country <strong>Plan</strong>ning Department (TCPD) prepares the<br />

Master <strong>Plan</strong> and Comprehensive Development <strong>Plan</strong> (CDP) for the town, and the<br />

mandate of implementing the Master <strong>Plan</strong> /CDP lies with the ULB – growth is<br />

generally haphazard and unplanned, the CDP is rarely referred to. However, with a<br />

vision to achieve planned growth, revision of CDP is in progress.<br />

(iii) Roads and Highways. Highways and Rural Works maintain the National and State<br />

Highways that pass through the town. <strong>Municipal</strong> roads are maintained by the ULB.<br />

(iv) Environmental Protection. The Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB) is<br />

responsible for environmental protection and enforcement of rulings related to the<br />

same, passed by competent authorities.<br />

(v) Slum Up gradation. The Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board (TNSCB) develops<br />

improvement schemes for notified/regularized slum settlements in the town.<br />

Infrastructure provision is financed partly through loans from the Housing and<br />

Development Corporation (HUDCo) and partly through grants from GoTN and GoI.<br />

36. In addition to involvement of various institutions in the development of local-level<br />

infrastructure, the <strong>Municipal</strong> Administration & Water Supply Department controls locallevel<br />

governance through the Commissionerate of <strong>Municipal</strong> Administration (CMA).<br />

37. Policy Framework. The Tamil Nadu District <strong>Municipal</strong>ities Act, 1920, governs Karaikudi<br />

<strong>Municipal</strong>ity. The municipality is classified as a selection grade municipality Amendment<br />

to the Corporation Act (1971) and Amendment to the <strong>Municipal</strong>ities Act (1920), provides<br />

impetus for environment improvement through Rain Water Harvesting<br />


2. Service Delivery and Performance of Urban Local Body<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

38. The engineering department is responsible for all public works, and maintenance of civic<br />

facilities. This department is responsible for the following works:<br />

(i) Public Works (Construction and maintenance of roads and storm water drains,<br />

(ii) Maintenance of school buildings,<br />

(iii) Construction and Maintenance of Public Conveniences,<br />

(iv) Maintenance of other facilities viz., Bus stand, Markets, etc.<br />

(v) Street Lighting (Maintenance of Street Lights)<br />

(vi) Water Supply and Sewerage (Provision and operation and maintenance of water<br />

supply and sewerage system)<br />

(vii) Parks and Gardens (Maintenance of parks and gardens).<br />

B. Organization Structure of Urban Local Body<br />

39. In 1928, Karaikudi was a grade III municipality and in the post independence period was<br />

subsequently upgraded to grade II municipality. Later the state Government declared it as<br />

grade I municipality in 1973 and in 1988; the town achieved the status of a selection grade<br />

municipality. The master plan for Karaikudi town was prepared by the Karaikudi Local<br />

<strong>Plan</strong>ning Authority and the Directorate of Town & Country <strong>Plan</strong>ning Authority-<br />

Sivagangai prepared the master plan for Karaikudi town and was approved in 1984. The<br />

structure of the municipality consists of two wings i.e., the deliberative wing and the<br />

executive wing.<br />

1. Administrative Wing<br />

40. The <strong>Municipal</strong> Council, the political arm of the municipality consists of 36 elected<br />

councilors, each representing a ward. The Chairperson (elected from among the<br />

councilors) heads the municipal council, which performs its duties as per the provisions of<br />

the district municipalities Act. The political wing provides an overall direction to the<br />

<strong>Municipal</strong>ity and performs its functions through a set of committees constituted for<br />

different purposes.<br />

2 Executive Wing<br />

41. The Executive Wing is responsible for day-to-day operations of the <strong>Municipal</strong>ity, and is<br />

headed by the <strong>Municipal</strong> Commissioner. The Commissioner is the administrative head of<br />

the <strong>Municipal</strong>ity and is supported by different departments in the operations. The<br />

organizational structure of the <strong>Municipal</strong>ity comprises of five functional Departments.<br />

42. The Karaikudi municipality of executive wing is responsible for day to day operations, and<br />

is headed by the municipal commissioner. The commissioner is the administrative head of<br />

the municipality and is supported mainly by five departments in the operations. The<br />

organizational structure of the municipality comprises of five functional departments.<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

43. The municipality consists of a head that reports to the commissioner and functions as per<br />

the responsibilities prescribed in the Act and as delegated by the municipal commissioner.<br />

The function of clerical staff dealing under each department/ section of the <strong>Municipal</strong>ity is<br />

coded for the sake of work allocation and standardization.<br />

44. Various departments under the ULB share the responsibility of service delivery within the<br />

Corporation. The functions of various officials/departments, under the Administrative<br />

wing, are elucidated hereunder:<br />

(i) Commissioner. The Commissioner is at the apex of this structure and is responsible<br />

for all activities carried out by the ULB. The Commissioner is responsible for<br />

preparation and certification of all periodical records, returns and furnishes all<br />

information as may from time to time be required by the <strong>Municipal</strong> Council or the<br />

Standing committees. He is also responsible for preparation of accounts. At each<br />

general meeting, the Commissioner along with some other key officials, discuss<br />

various issues with the elected representatives.<br />

(ii) General Administration Department. The department is headed by the<br />

Commissioner and assisted by Assistant Commissioner (Personnel), Administrative<br />

officers, Public relation officer, Superintendent and other officers. This department<br />

is responsible for establishment, other essential matters relating to office, officers,<br />

staff and their welfare like preparation of staff pay bills, maintenance of registers for<br />

advances, GPF, pension, PF’s etc.<br />

(iii) Engineering and Water Supply Department. The <strong>Municipal</strong> Engineer heads the<br />

engineering department, and is assisted by Assistant Engineer, Junior Engineer and<br />

other staff. With regards to fieldwork, Scheme works are delegated to one Junior<br />

Engineer who also looks after regular works, related to Public Works, Drains, Street<br />

Lighting. The Assistant Engineer looks after the water supply and is assisted by<br />

electrician, operators and other staff. The Department is responsible for ensuring the<br />

quality and quantity of water supply to the municipality. A major function of the<br />

<strong>Municipal</strong>ity is formulation and execution of Works- like construction and<br />

maintenance of roads, buildings and other infrastructure systems.<br />

(iv) Revenue and Accounts Department. The department is headed by Revenue<br />

Inspector and assisted by junior assistant. The Accounts Section is responsible for<br />

supervising all financial transactions related to the ULB, advising the Revenue<br />

Officers on all internal financial matters, updating financial receipts and expenditure<br />

details in accordance with the utilization of funds, reporting deviations in<br />

expenditure of funds in any of the allocated schemes, assisting preparation of the<br />

ULB budget, maintenance of accounts regarding stamp duty, SFC Grants, MP<br />

Grants, maintenance of petty cash book and general cash book and attending to audit<br />

requirements and other such accounts-related duties. Revenue Officer, heading the<br />

Revenue Section, is responsible for collecting taxes such as, trade tax, house tax,<br />

advertisement tax, and entertainment tax; development charges; transfer of<br />

properties collection of duty; issuing notices for recovery of tax; and monitoring<br />

revenue collections of the ULB.<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

(v) Public Health Department. The department is headed by Sanitary Officer, and is<br />

responsible for ULB services such as Solid waste management, public health related<br />

works like malaria control, family planning, mother and child health care, birth and<br />

death registration etc, and other government assisted programs related to health and<br />

poverty reduction and awareness programs. The Sanitary Officer assisted by the<br />

Sanitary Inspectors and Sanitary Worker Supervisors, is responsible for services of<br />

Solid waste management and Malaria Control activities. Sanitary Worker<br />

Supervisors are in-charge of works execution at the field level, which includes<br />

monitoring and supervising the work of sanitary laborers in the wards under their<br />

charge and attending to specific local complaints. Besides, this department is<br />

responsible for the enforcement of the Public Health Act. The Public Health<br />

Department is vested with the responsibility of ensuring safe sanitation and<br />

cleanliness of the town. The department is also responsible for the maintenance of<br />

<strong>Municipal</strong> Dispensaries, Burial Grounds and slaughterhouses. One of the most<br />

crucial services of the municipality is maintenance of sanitation and cleanliness in<br />

the town. This involves mainly conservancy works involving sweeping of roads,<br />

garbage collection and disposal, cleaning of drains, and disinfecting of drains.<br />

Private contract was awarded for Solid Waste Management in certain areas of the<br />

town. Markets areas and main roads are cleaned every day<br />

(vi) Town <strong>Plan</strong>ning Department. A town-planning officer heads this department, assisted<br />

by building inspectors, surveyors and junior assistants and other staff. The major<br />

function of this department is issue of building license, preparation and<br />

implementation of development plans and eviction of encroachments, urban<br />

planning and building regulation. The Town-<strong>Plan</strong>ning Department’s main function<br />

is to implement the master plan proposals, ensure orderly growth in the town and<br />

avoid unauthorized constructions and to formulate projects.<br />


A. <strong>Plan</strong>ning Efforts in the Past<br />

1. Master <strong>Plan</strong> Outline<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

45. The Master <strong>Plan</strong> was prepared for the Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity in 1977 and was approved<br />

only in 1984. The main difference from the existing situations in 1991 to 2001 is the<br />

increase in residential area from 38.84 percent to 44.73 percent and commercial from 2.47<br />

percent to 2.98 percent.<br />

46. The growing population and the subsequent demand for basic services has stressed the<br />

need for expanding the area of the town and a revised proposal for 2026 is under<br />

preparation by the Directorate of Town and Country <strong>Plan</strong>ning, Sivagangai. While the<br />

commercial and residential areas have increased in the master plan proposals for 2011 and<br />

2021, there are otherwise no major changes in land use of existing and proposed land use.<br />

2. Master <strong>Plan</strong> Implementation and Implications<br />

47. Karaikudi had eight Town planning schemes prepared for planned development of the<br />

town. An extent of 10.48 sq km, out of 13.75 sq km of the total town area has been<br />

brought under development control under Madras Town <strong>Plan</strong>ning Act 1920. Much of<br />

these planned areas are to the north and northeast of the town. The details of Town<br />

<strong>Plan</strong>ning Schemes are presented in Table 4.1.<br />

Table 4.1: Details of Town <strong>Plan</strong>ning Schemes<br />

Town <strong>Plan</strong>ning Scheme Area<br />

Acres<br />

Kalanivasal Extension Town <strong>Plan</strong>ning Scheme part-I 126.0<br />

Kalanivasal Extension Town <strong>Plan</strong>ning Scheme part-II 197.0<br />

Meenakshipuram Town <strong>Plan</strong>ning Scheme 286.1<br />

Sanjai Extension Town <strong>Plan</strong>ning Scheme 179.0<br />

Nanaganathapuram Perumal Kovil Extension Town <strong>Plan</strong>ning Scheme Part –I 215.0<br />

Naganathapuram Perumal Koil Extension Town <strong>Plan</strong>ning Scheme Part II 265.0<br />

Railway Station Area Town planning Scheme part I 659.7<br />

Railway Station Area Town planning Scheme part II 475.4<br />

Source: Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

B. Land Use Management<br />

1. Land Use Pattern – Current and Future<br />

48. The proposed Karaikudi local planning area coincides with the municipal area and extends<br />

over an area of 13.75 Sq. km. The existing land use of 2001 and the proposals of 2011 and<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

2021 (which are yet to be sanctioned) in the town has anticipated the area under different<br />

land uses, which is briefly discussed below. The details of land use for 1991 and 2001 and<br />

Revised Master <strong>Plan</strong> Proposals are presented in the Table 4.2 Figure 4.1, 4.2 &4.3<br />

Table 4.2: Land Use 1991 and 2001 and Revised Master <strong>Plan</strong> Proposals<br />

Land Use<br />

Area Distribution<br />

Sq. km %<br />

1991 2001 2011 2021 1991 2001 2011 2021<br />

Existing Proposed Existing Proposed<br />

Residential 5.34 6.15 6.62 7.52 38.84 44.73 48.22 54.62<br />

Commercial 0.34 0.41 0.5 0.6 2.47 2.98 3.64 4.36<br />

Industrial 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8<br />

Education 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8<br />

Public and Semi-<br />

Public<br />

0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16<br />

Transportation (Roads<br />

and Rail)<br />

1.67 1.67 1.67 1.67 12.17 12.17 12.17 12.17<br />

Water Bodies 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.39 10.11 10.11 10.11 10.11<br />

Agricultural Wet 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 5.05 5.05 5.05 5.05<br />

Dry land +Vacant area 3.94 3.05 2.5 1.5 28.63 22.16 18.16 10.89<br />

Sub Total<br />

(Developed Area)<br />

9.12 10.00 10.56 11.56 66.3 72.8 76.8 84.07<br />

Sub Total<br />

(Undeveloped Area)<br />

4.63 3.75 3.19 2.19 33.7 27.2 23.2 15.93<br />

Total 13.75 13.75 13.75 13.75 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00<br />

Source: Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity.<br />

49. Residential. In 1991, residential areas constitute about 38.84 percent of the total area and it<br />

is increased to 44.73 percent in the 2001 land use plan. There are organized developments<br />

towards north and northeastern parts and form part of the town planning scheme area. For<br />

the proposals of 2011 and 2021, which, are yet to be sanctioned, the figures are 48.22 and<br />

54.62 percent respectively.<br />

50. Commercial. Major Commercial activities are concentrated in the old town and towards<br />

main transport corridors. Anna daily market and weekly market are also situated at core<br />

area of the town. The commercial area in the town has increased over the decade from<br />

0.34 sq. Km to 0.41 Sq. Km (3 percent of the total area of the town). Major commercial<br />

activities like wholesale and retail business of textiles, handlooms, furniture shops<br />

automobile spares, repair shops etc. is located along the main roads. For the proposals of<br />

2011 and 2021, the figures are 3.6 percent and 4.3 percent respectively anticipating an<br />

increase in commercial activities to serve the nearby areas also.<br />

51. Industrial. At present, the area under industrial use is around 0.1 Sq. Km that is about 0.8<br />

percent of the total area of the town. This is contributed by the small scale industrial<br />

activities (power looms, utensils cottage industries etc) scattered in entire town. For the<br />

proposals of 2011 and 2021, the industrial use is proposed to remain stagnant at 0.8<br />

percent, but these figures are likely to change during the sanctioning process.<br />


Map 4.1: Existing Land Use<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

52. Education. Karaikudi is one of the major institutional towns in Tamilnadu. Even though<br />

the Alagappa University is out side the municipal boundary it influences the town largely.<br />

There are at present Polytechnics, one Engineering and Graduation and Post Graduation<br />

College, three higher secondary schools and 20 elementary schools in the town.<br />

Educational land use was 0.8 percent both in 1991 and in 2001. For the proposals of 2011<br />

and 2021, the proposed figures remain at 0.8 percent.<br />

53. Public and Semi-public. The major Public and Semi-public activities in the town are<br />

scattered across the entire town. The land for the public and Semi-public use in the 2001year<br />

was around 1.13 percent of the total area of the town. For the proposals of 2011 and<br />

2021, the proposed figures remain at 1.13 percent as in the existing plan.<br />

54. Undeveloped areas. Most of vacant lands in the town are located towards north and<br />

northeast of the town between the already developed areas within and outside the town<br />

limits. Further, the Agricultural lands to the south of the town are also developing into<br />

residential areas. While there were 2.09 Sq. Km. of agricultural lands and water bodies in<br />

2001, the same is proposed for 2011 and 2021.<br />

55. Water bodies. Water bodies in the town account for almost 10.11 percent of the total area<br />

of the town. There are 13 water tanks and Athala Kanmoi, Karaikudi Kanmaoi,<br />

Vannankulam, Veerian Kanmoi, Nattar Kanmoi, Kodikalcan Kanmoi existing, and in<br />

which temple tanks (Uranis) are protected with side walls.<br />

2. Development Patterns – Growth Areas and Direction<br />

56. While the present area of the town is not fully developed, the future growth patterns are<br />

clearly directed towards the North and Western areas outside the municipal limits. The<br />

National highway and the State highways leading to Madurai and Trichy bound these<br />

areas. The eastern side of the town boundary follows the railway line. The municipal<br />

boundary follows railway line and other side of the railway line (out side municipal<br />

boundary) is developing slowly. The proposal prepared by Karaikudi municipality has<br />

taken note of these developments and plans to include them into the municipal limits.<br />

57. There was a proposal in 1991 to include the Sankarapuram town panchayat, which is<br />

adjacent to municipal boundary towards Madurai road. The main reason is to Protect<br />

Sambai Oothu water source from developments happening around the source. The<br />

municipality got the stay order from the court in this regard. After this incident, there is no<br />

further development, including new areas in municipal boundary.<br />

C. Key Developmental Issues<br />

(i) Lack of coordination between the implementing agencies.<br />

(ii) Unauthorized developments and layout in peripheral areas.<br />

(iii) Lack of technical expertise and manpower at the municipal level.<br />

(iv) Lacking efforts towards updating the changes in land use and revision of the<br />

master plan according to the changing and developing scenario of the town.<br />


Map 4.2: Proposed Land Use<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />


A. Physical Infrastructure<br />

1. Water Supply<br />


58. The Tamil Nadu Water and Drainage board<br />

executed the present water supply scheme of<br />

Karaikudi in 1975 and at present, the<br />

municipality maintains it. The installed<br />

capacity is 9.2 MLD, of which the quantity<br />

being extracted and supplied is 7.5 MLD. Of<br />

the total 21,102 properties assessed in the<br />

town, 43 percent of the properties have house<br />

service connections. There are four water<br />

supply zones in Karaikudi town.<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Figure 5.1: Head Works Location<br />

Kallukatti<br />

OHT<br />

12"CI<br />

59. Source: - The main source of water supply to<br />

Karaikudi town is Sambai Oothu, the<br />

8"CI<br />

groundwater artesian spring located outside the<br />

8<br />

municipal limits on the Madurai road. The<br />

7<br />

Pump<br />

Room<br />

head works at the source is 4.31 Km away<br />

from the town limits. There are nine deep bore<br />

wells near the head works from which water is extracted into the sump at the head works<br />

of capacity 2 lakh liters. This water is pumped by two centrifugal pumps with capacities of<br />

75 HP and 60 HP into the feeder mains of 12.74-Km length reaching the service<br />

reservoirs. Source location is shown in Figure 5.1<br />

60. About total 29 bore wells are fitted with pumps supplies water to entire town. Of these 29<br />

bore wells, nine wells are part of the head works at Sambai Oothu on Madurai Road.<br />

Water is continuously extracted by the nine bore wells at head works. Water extracted<br />

from bore wells at Athalapatti and Servar Urani is linked to the sump at the head works.<br />

Water from the sump at head works is pumped to the four service reservoirs (combined<br />

storage capacity of 3.4 ML). The details of bore wells are illustrated in Table: 5.1<br />

Table 5.1: Details of Bore Wells<br />

Location of bore wells 2002-03 2005-06<br />

Head works 1 6 9<br />

Others (with in the town) 12 20<br />

Source: Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

1<br />

Decrease in yield, in recent three years municipality put additional two bores around the source spring<br />

to meet the present demand<br />

18"CI<br />

Head<br />

14<br />

Middle<br />

Level 13<br />

10<br />

9<br />

11<br />

12<br />

Kallukatti<br />

Zone<br />

6"Ac<br />

16<br />

15<br />

17<br />

Middle Level<br />

OHT<br />

6"Ac<br />

10"CI<br />

Low Level<br />

OHT<br />

High Level Oht<br />

Low Level<br />

Zone<br />

High Level Zone<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

61. Yield and Reliability. The average yield from the nine bore wells at head works is about<br />

7.5 MLD those serving the piped supply in the town. The water from all the wells is<br />

potable since the source is the aquifers of Sambai Oothu and hence no treatment is<br />

enhanced. With regards to the other 20 bore wells located with in the town, they act as<br />

localized sources and the water is supplied directly to the distribution network. The hydro<br />

geological studies conform that all the sources have long-term reliability.<br />

62. Treatment facility: - Since water is drawn from a ground water source, an artesian spring,<br />

which has recorded negligible pollutants, pre-chlorination is the only type of treatment<br />

done before water is pumped into the elevated storage reservoirs. However, with<br />

developments in and around the source, there has been an increasing threat to by sewerage<br />

and sullage Sambai Oothu from contamination.<br />

63. Storage Capacity: - At the head works there is one sump with a storage capacity of 3.2<br />

ML into which water is pumped continuously throughout the day. The service reservoirs<br />

are supplied water from this sump. There are four service reservoirs (OHTs) in the town<br />

with a total storage capacity of 3.4 ML. There is additional service reservoir located in<br />

Subramanyapuram, which is under construction with storage capacity of 0.4 ML. The<br />

elevated storage capacity works out to be 50.67 percent of total water supply. The details<br />

of storage capacity of tanks are listed in Table 5.2<br />

Table 5.2: Details of Storage Capacity<br />

Location Capacity 2005-06<br />

ML<br />

Sekkalai Urani High Level Tank 0.15<br />

Maharnonbupottal Low level Tank 1.50<br />

Sathappa Park Middle Level Tank 1.50<br />

Kallukatti Tank 0.25<br />

Subramanyapuram 0.40<br />

Total 3.80<br />

Source: Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity.<br />

64. Feeder main Distribution Network: - The water is pumped and conveyed by CI pipes<br />

ranging from 6 to 12 inches diameter size to the service reservoirs located in the town.<br />

Water is pumped from the sump at the head works located near Madurai Road, bore wells<br />

on Devakottai Rastha and bore well near O. Siruvayal. The total length of the feeder mains<br />

is 12.74 Km. Two centrifugal pumps of 60 HP and 75 HP is used to pump water to the<br />

service reservoirs. The existing distribution network and reservoirs are presented in Figure<br />

5.3.<br />

65. Distribution Network: - There are 9,353 house service connections in the own connected<br />

by a distribution network of about 85.29-km. The town is divided into four water supply<br />

zones, High Level, Middle Level, Low Level and Kallukatti zones covering about 75<br />

percent of the total area of the town. One overhead tank is located in each of zone and<br />

water is supplied daily for 2 to 2.5 hours. The areas still not covered are in the east of the<br />

town near Railway station, Saudaminipuram etc and the areas to the extreme north<br />

(Kalanivasal) and south (Kodikattanpatti) of the town. The distribution zones are presented<br />

in Figure 5.2<br />


14<br />

Figure 5.2: Distribution Zones in Karaikudi<br />

Middle<br />

Level Zone<br />

18"CI<br />

10<br />

Head Works<br />

9<br />

7<br />

11<br />

13<br />

8<br />

Pump<br />

Room<br />

12<br />

Kallukatti<br />

OHT<br />

12"CI<br />

Kallukatti<br />

Zone<br />

6"Ac<br />

8"CI<br />

16<br />

15<br />

17<br />

Middle Level<br />

OHT<br />

6"Ac<br />

10"CI<br />

Low Level<br />

OHT<br />

High Level Oht<br />

Low Level<br />

Zone<br />

Un-served Area<br />

High Level Zone<br />

Un-served Area<br />

Bore Wells<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

1,2,3,4,5, 6, 7, 8, 9,- Head Works<br />

10, 11 - Devakottai Rasta<br />

9, 10 - Servar Urani<br />

11 - Athalapatti<br />

12 - Parappu Urani<br />

13 - Nadar Kudiyuruppu<br />

14 - ‘O’ Siruvayal<br />

15 - Kalanivasal Pudu Road<br />

16 - Kalanivasal Kottaiyar Road<br />

17 - Pattaiamman Kovil Street<br />

18 - Slaughter House<br />

66. House Service Connections: - There are 9,353 house service connections all of them<br />

metered. However, meters are not functioning and hence flat rates are charged. Domestic<br />

connections account for 97 percent of the connections while the rest account for the<br />

commercial connections. The monthly house service connections are charged at Rs. 41/-<br />

for domestic connections and Rs. 81/- for non-domestic, commercial and Rs. 121/- for<br />

industrial. One time connection fee of Rs. 2000/-, Rs. 3000/- and Rs. 5000/- are collected<br />

for new domestic, commercial and industrial connections respectively. The annual house<br />

service connection rates have grown at 3.4 percent. The details of water supply<br />

connections are illustrated in Table 5.5<br />

Table 5.5: Details of Consumer Connections<br />

Head 2002-03 2005-06 Percentage to total<br />

Domestic 8,633 9,102 97.30<br />

Non – domestic 237 251 2.70<br />

Industrial - - -<br />

Total Metered 8,870 9,353 100.00<br />

Source: Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

67. There are 348 public fountains in the town of which 56 are in slums. The population<br />

covered by these public fountains is 20,094. Apart from these, there are 592 hand pumps<br />

and 5 open wells in the town.<br />


Map 5.3: Existing Water Supply System in Karaikudi<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

68. System Coverage and Adequacy: - The average gross per capita supply is 73.38 lpcd as per<br />

the 2005 projected population. Against 21,102 Property Tax Assessments in the<br />

municipality during 2005 – 06, there are 9,353 service connections (9,102 domestic<br />

connections). The service coverage is only 43 percent with respect to P.T. Assessments.<br />

69. Low Pressure areas: - Low pressure is experienced in areas mostly in the tail end areas of<br />

distribution network such as Muththupattinam I st Street, Muththupattinam II nd Street, III rd<br />

Street and Gandhipuram Area, Meenakshipuram, Kalanivasal Area, V.O.C Road,<br />

Kattuthalaivasal, Jeeva Nagar and Paruppu Urani. Due to inappropriate sizing of pipes and<br />

being away from Over Head Tank, these areas have been experiencing low pressure. Ward<br />

level public Consultations were held to assess the extent of low pressure from which it was<br />

understood that leakages are prevalent in certain areas like Indira Nagar, and Samynada<br />

mainly due to faulty and aged valves.<br />

70. The capacity/ demand ratio in high level zone is 0.15 against a requirement of 0.33, i.e.,<br />

requirement of additional storage of at least 3 lakh liters to cater to the present population<br />

and 4 Lakh liter capacities for the future population. Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity has<br />

accordingly proposed (Roc. No. E2/4355/03 Dated: 10-02-2004) an additional Over Head<br />

Tank and received administrative sanction from the O/o Commissioner of <strong>Municipal</strong><br />

Administration during March/ April 2004 for construction of one Over Head Tank of 4<br />

Lakh liter capacity at Subramaniapuram.<br />

71. Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity indicated the system losses range from 20 percent to 25 percent. It<br />

is to be noted that, the ability to identify sources and the amount of loss is constrained<br />

because the system lack network maps and consumer databases are inadequate or not<br />

available.<br />

72. Water losses are due to leakages from old, damaged, corroded pipe lines/ connections and<br />

leaking joints, theft, illegal tapping of water unregistered connections, faulty meters and<br />

unrecorded supply due to poor records and billing errors.<br />

73. There is a need for Leak Detection Study and implement the recommended options, for the<br />

program to yield results, it is also necessary to have sufficient and reliable database<br />

regarding the water supply systems. A good information base, willingness to follow-up on<br />

systematic replacement of leaking pipes, defective meters and connections as well as tariff<br />

revisions, etc are critical to the success of the program. Control on Unaccounted for Water<br />

(UFW) and loss minimization can be achieved through prevention of illegal tapping, water<br />

metering, education and information management, promotion of water conserving<br />

household appliances etc.<br />

74. Key issues/indicators are based on review and discussions and data analysis presented in<br />

Table 5.6 below.<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Table 5.6: Details of Performance Indicators for Water Supply<br />

Indicator Current Situation Benchmark<br />

Per Capita Supply 73.33 lpcd 90.0 lpcd<br />

T & D losses/ Total Supply 20 % 10 %<br />

Supply Frequency Daily Daily<br />

Distribution Network Reach (% of Road Length) 53.14 % 85 %<br />

Elevated Storage capacity/ Total supply 50.67 % 33 %<br />

% of P.T. Assessments with House Service Connections 42.90 % 100 %<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

(i) The town lacks proper distribution network and there is a requirement to have more<br />

storage at distribution level. This will also reduce longer and inefficient networks<br />

with low pressure;<br />

(ii) Low service coverage i.e. only 42.90 percent with respect to P.T. Assessments. The<br />

number of properties assessed stands at 82.09 percent of the households;<br />

(iii) A large number of leaks, faulty and aged valves;<br />

(iv) Reduced pressure in supply due to inappropriate sizing of pipes and distances from<br />

Over Head Tank;<br />

(v) Probable threat of pollution and contamination to the aquifers of Sambai Oothu.<br />

Ongoing / Recently completed Projects.<br />

75. Ongoing and Proposed Sub-Projects. Various improvement works were proposed under<br />

this scheme prepared by Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity during 2001-02. However, the proposals<br />

are rather towards addressing the immediate issues and catering to the intermediate<br />

demand only. The proposals include:<br />

(i) Provision of distribution network for un-served areas of the town. Newly<br />

developed areas of Bus Stand, Subramanyapuram, Saudaminipuram and some<br />

other areas of city to be extended with water supply distribution network.<br />

(ii) Replacement of existing corroded & damaged pumping and distribution mains<br />

(iii) Replacement of Motors.<br />

(iv) Sinking of 4 new deep bore wells with pump room.<br />

(v) Two service reservoirs each having 4.0-lakh-liter capacity in Subramaniapuram<br />

near Arya Bhavan and on Senjai ground.<br />

(vi) However, to achieve long term sustenance in the provision and delivery of water<br />

supply system for Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity, the strategies and capital improvement<br />

programs is designed to meet the ultimate demand for the year 2026.<br />

2. Sewerage and Sanitation<br />

Existing situation<br />

76. There is no under ground drainage system in Karaikudi. The safe disposal system<br />

comprises of the individual facilities like septic tanks, low cast sanitation units, and liquid<br />

waste (sullage and kitchen waste) is let in to the open drains.<br />

77. The main mode of individual disposal in the town is through septic tanks, low cost<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

sanitation units and through public conveniences. About 76.64 percent of total assessments<br />

are having septic tanks as safe disposal system and 11.2 percent of the population has low<br />

cost sanitation units as disposal mode. The existing details of sanitation facilities are listed<br />

in Table 5.7<br />

Table 5.7: Details of Sanitation Facilities<br />

Description 2002-03 2005-06<br />

No. of Septic Tanks 12,112 13,826<br />

No. of Low Cost Sanitation Units 3,752 2,347<br />

No. of Units (ISP) 66 66<br />

No. of Units (Others) 72 72<br />

Source: Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

78. An estimated 60,000 population in the town uses about 13,826 septic tanks as safe disposal<br />

mode. About 17,000 population depends on low cost sanitation units and public toilets.<br />

The local body has provided public conveniences in the town and their total capacity is<br />

138 seats. There are 66 units under ISP. Slum population per seat of the public<br />

convenience in Karaikudi is 192 persons. The <strong>Municipal</strong>ity has recently embarked onto<br />

the provision of Integrated Sanitation Complex units each with 16 seats through the<br />

Integrated Sanitary Program (ISP), funded by World Bank through TNUDP II.<br />

79. About 76.6 percent of the property tax assessments have safe disposal facility served by<br />

septic tanks. However, the numbers of properties assessed in the municipality itself being<br />

low, the actual coverage is much lower.<br />

Service Adequacy and Key Issues.<br />

80. Key issues/indicators are based on review and discussions and data analysis presented in<br />

Table 5.8.<br />

Table 5.8: Performance Indicators for Sanitation and Sewerage<br />

Indicator Current Situation Benchmark<br />

% P.T. Assessment Covered with Septic tanks 65.52 % 90.0 %<br />

% P.T. Assessment Covered with Low cost sanitation 11.12 % 10.0 %<br />

% P.T. Assessment Covered with Safe Disposal<br />

facility-Total<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

76.6 % 100.0 %<br />

(i) Absence of adequate safe disposal facilities led to disposal of sullage and night soil<br />

into drains/ nallahs and tanks in the town.<br />

(ii) The shallow ground water aquifer, which is the only source of ground water, is<br />

highly susceptible to pollution from the open flowing sewerage and sullage in the<br />

surrounding tanks and nallahs.<br />

3. Storm Water Drainage and Rejuvenation of Water Bodies<br />

81. Existing Situation:- The city has an effective network of storm water drains running to a<br />

length of approximately 137.90-km. This is 89.02 percent of the total road length in the<br />

town. Predominately Karaikudi has a flat terrain with potable water bodies in and around<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

the town. The existing natural drains (Odai’s) are between these water bodies. Most of the<br />

road network in the town has storm water drains on either side of the roads. These drains<br />

discharge storm water into the lakes (Urani’s/ Kanmoi’s) in the low-lying areas. The<br />

length of the pucca and kutcha open drains is 138 2 km. Most of the existing kutcha drains<br />

were converted into pucca drains during the last three years coupled with construction of<br />

new Pucca drains. The drains carry the wastewater in addition to the storm water<br />

generated during the monsoon, thus polluting the water bodies making them unsafe for<br />

potential use. The existing details of drains are listed in Table 5.9<br />

Table 5.9: Details of Drains<br />

Tertiary Drain Type Length - 2002-03 Length 2005-06 Total length<br />

Km Km %<br />

Open Drains- Pucca 49.20 70.70 51.3<br />

Open Drains- Kutcha 67.20 67.20 48.7<br />

Total 116.00 137.90 100.0<br />

Source: Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

82. Some of Karaikudi’s major water bodies are located towards the west of Sekkalai road. A<br />

gentle slope exists towards this side of about 1:250 and most of the primary drains of<br />

Karaikudi let into these water bodies.<br />

83. Most of Karaikudi’s primary drain flows (13.81 Km) from east to west meeting the major<br />

water bodies like the Athala Kanmoi, Adi Dravidar Kanmoi, Nattar Urnai, Veerayan<br />

Kanmoi etc. They also carry with them some quantity of the town’s sullage and sewage.<br />

The absence of proper sewerage system has led to the degradation of these natural drains<br />

as well the water bodies. The details of natural water bodies are illustrated in Table 5.10<br />

and location of water bodies are presented in Figure: 5.3<br />

Table 5.10: Details of Urinates<br />

Name of Water Body Area in Ha Name of Water Body Area in Ha<br />

Puthu Kanmoi 3.15 Servav Urani 17.52<br />

Konneri Kanmoi 2.30 Kuppadiamman Koil 8.77<br />

Ayyanaar Kovil Urani 1.10 VannanKulam 0.3<br />

Kalanivasal Vadakku Urani 0.16 Keela Urani 8.81<br />

Manakkadu Kanmoi 2.88 Adidravida Koil Urani 65.34<br />

Chellan Chetti Urani 2.08 Perumal Koil Urani 4.36<br />

Retta Arasu 1.28 Senjai Urani 13.07<br />

Athala Kanmoi 37.17 Nattar Urani 56.63<br />

Edachiammal Urani 1.60 Kodikattan Kanmoi 69.69<br />

Parrippu Urani 1.43 Veeran Kanmoi 204.73<br />

Sekkalai Urani 17.58 Pappa Urani 8.71<br />

Karaikkudi Kanmoi 52.05 Kudikattan Pattil Kanmoi 30.49<br />

(Railway)<br />

Vaithi Urani 24.18 Kudikattan Kanmoi 143.79<br />

Muthth Urani 0.08<br />

Source: Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

84. From the field visits and public consultation, the following areas require strengthening of<br />

2 Additional length of 22 km was added within last two years (2003-2006).<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

primary drains viz., North Urani Street, Pillayar Coodam Street, Alagappan Street,<br />

Pugazendhi Street, Marudhuapandiar Street, Sekkalai Thiyagarajan Chettiyar street,<br />

Arunachalam Chettiyar street, Pillayar Koil Street, Swaminathan Achari Street, Srinivasan<br />

Street, North lane 1,2,3, Middle lane, South lane etc,.<br />

85. Most of the flood prone areas are those near the water bodies in the low lying areas<br />

towards south. Some of the areas that face regular flooding problems are Vadakku Urani<br />

and Idaichi Urani areas of ward 1, Sekkalai water tank and near Ambedkar statue, Pillayar<br />

Kovil Urani of ward 7, Senjai Urani, Nattar Kanmoi areas of ward 35.<br />

Service Adequacy and Key Issues.<br />

86. Key issues/indicators are based on review, discussions, and data analysis presented in<br />

Table 5.11 below.<br />

87. At 89.02 percent of the total road length, the storm water drains cover the entire town<br />

effectively though not adequately. The system is effective for the fact that Pucca open<br />

drains cover most of the areas.<br />

88. Wards 34, 33, 32, 23, 24, 26, 11, 10, 6, 12, 17, 15, 31, 13, 4, 27, 29 and 46 present a good<br />

coverage of above 150 percent of the road length. The rest of the wards need to improve<br />

the system through construction of new drains over the next five years. The priority would<br />

be for wards 9, 7, 28, 35, 1, 5, 25, 30, 19, 21 and 22 where the coverage very less. These<br />

wards need to take up up-gradation of the existing kutcha drains to pucca type apart from<br />

new formations as and when new roads are laid.<br />

Table 5.11: Performance Indicators of Drains<br />

Indicator Current Situation Benchmark<br />

Storm Drain network/ Total Road Length 89.02 % > 150.0 %<br />

% Pucca Drains 51.03 % 100.0 %<br />

% Kutcha Drains 48.70 % 100.0 %<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

(i) Large amounts of domestic sewage flow into the storm water drains polluting the<br />

Urani's/ Odai's. In addition, the storm water drains and natural drainage channels<br />

are susceptible to uncontrolled garbage dumping resulting in blockage and<br />

stagnation.<br />

(ii) Silting, disposal of construction waste, solid waste dumping and encroachments on<br />

the banks of Odai and Urani’s are interrupting the smooth flow of storm water.<br />

(iii) All the water bodies and the tanks in the town had connecting flowing channels<br />

which have either got encroached upon or choked over the years of negligence and<br />

no maintenance.<br />


4. Solid Waste Management<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

89. Existing situation:-Efforts to improve the solid waste management in the town were made<br />

by the health department. The town is divided into 8 zones and the waste generated is<br />

collected and disposed at the site located on Devakottai road in an area of 13.70 acres. The<br />

site is about 5 km from the town. The total quantity of solid waste generated in the town is<br />

41.51 tons per day and around 30 tons of the waste generated per day is collected with a<br />

collection efficiency of 72 percent as per the estimates of the municipality. The detail of<br />

municipal waste generation is illustrated in Table 5.12.<br />

Table 5.12: Details of Generation of <strong>Municipal</strong> Waste<br />

Type Quantity 2002-03 Percentage Quantity 2005-06 Percentage<br />

Tons Tons<br />

Domestic 12.57 36.4 16.52 39.8<br />

Commercial 4.32 12.5 5.32 12.8<br />

Industrial 3.82 11.1 3.81 9.2<br />

Markets 2.29 6.6 4.29 10.3<br />

Street Sweeping 10.00 28.9 10.00 24.1<br />

Drain Cleaning 12.57 4.2 1.44 3.5<br />

Hospital Waste 0.13 0.4 0.13 0.3<br />

Total 34.57 100.00 41.57 100.00<br />

Source: Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity & Analysis<br />

90. Per capita waste generation in Karaikudi is 461 grams/day and is on the higher side for a<br />

town of similar size. Solid waste generated in Karaikudi is mainly organic in nature. The<br />

other major components being inert material mixed with paper and plastic. Apart from<br />

these, bio-medical waste also mixes with the domestic solid waste generated by the city.<br />

91. Domestic, Commercial and Markets: - Domestic waste per household varies from area to<br />

area in the town and on an average, ranges between 250 to 500 gram. About 16.52 tons of<br />

domestic waste is generated per day. The commercial waste includes the waste from hotels<br />

and eating establishments, shops, small time street traders, etc. There is one daily market<br />

and one weekly market run by the municipality. The daily waste generated by these<br />

markets is roughly around 4.29 tons. Market waste, generally organic in nature is planned<br />

to use for composting.<br />

92. Industrial: - About 3.81 tons of industrial waste per day is generated mainly from the<br />

looms and household industries in the town. Out of this only 9.2 percent of the total waste<br />

generated. The waste mainly consists of cloth, plastic carry bags, paper bags, glass bottles<br />

etc.<br />

93. Bio-medical waste: Bio Medical Waste of about 0.13 T is generated everyday. They<br />

consist of recyclable types of bottles etc as well as non-recyclable types of tissues,<br />

dressing left-outs, needles etc. These are from the private hospitals, nursing homes,<br />

medical Laboratories etc. At present, a separate area is being planned at the compost yard<br />

to handle this waste through incineration plant to be provided by the support of the Indian<br />

Medical Association and Local Medical Practitioners Association.<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

94. Primary Collection & Street Sweeping: Door to Door collection has been implemented in<br />

all 36 wards. Privatization of solid waste collection has been implemented in 7 wards and<br />

18 important streets, which is entrusted with collection of about 25 percent of the total<br />

waste generated in the town. The municipality handles another 70 percent of the waste<br />

collection through door-to-door collection process. The municipal health workers collects<br />

wastes from the doorstep use 100 handcarts with compartments with total capacity of 0.1<br />

T. These tricycles cover the entire population of the town. The system of primary<br />

collection followed is cleaning, sweeping, scrapping and collection of MSW by tri-cycle/<br />

handcarts and transfer to secondary collection points. In the other wards where door-todoor<br />

collection is yet to be introduced, waste is collected from the community dustbins.<br />

95. Secondary Collection: - The municipality has 5 sanitary inspectors, 9 sanitary supervisors,<br />

and field assistants under the supervision of the <strong>Municipal</strong> Health Officer to monitor the<br />

solid waste management system in the town. At present there are 215 workers engaged in<br />

collection of waste across the eight zones of the town. The approximate road length per<br />

sanitary worker in the town works out to be 720 meter. Waste collected through primary<br />

collection is transported from the secondary collection points to the disposal site. The fleet<br />

of vehicles available for the purpose includes trucks, tractors and mini trucks as presented<br />

in Table 5.13 and the solid waste management system is presented in Figure: 5.5<br />

Table 5.13: Existing Fleet of Conservancy Vehicles<br />

Type of vehicle Owned/Rented Number of Capacity Total Age<br />

Vehicle<br />

trips<br />

Tones Years<br />

Tractors Rented 2 2.5 4 -<br />

Mini Trucks Owned 2 2.5 3 10<br />

Trucks Owned 1 3 3 11<br />

Tipper Owned 1 3 3 11<br />

Push carts Owned 100 0.1 3<br />

Source: Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

96. The frequency of transportation of waste from various waste collection points is once a<br />

day and the total capacity of the fleet is 18 T. The total rated capacity of the vehicles with<br />

the municipality is about 29.4 percent of the waste generated in the town. Assuming a bulk<br />

density of 0.35 3 , and an average of 3 trips per vehicle per day, the actual vehicle carrying<br />

capacity with the municipality is only 21 percent of the waste generated, which is very<br />

low. The municipality has hired two private vehicles (tractors) to augment the existing<br />

fleet and to overcome the shortage in transportation capacity of waste to the disposal site.<br />

97. About 13.7 acres of land is available for treatment and disposal of waste. The disposal site<br />

is about 5 km. from the town. At present, no scientific method of disposal is followed. The<br />

area available is sufficient to meet the disposal requirement till 2026.<br />

98. Keeping in view the increasing waste generation in the town, the disposal site is divided<br />

into two parts. One part is used for bio-medical waste and another for organic and<br />

inorganic waste processing. In case of Bio-medical waste, the municipality is adopting the<br />

3 The solid waste management studies conducted in several towns of Tamilnadu (Palani, Mamallapuram,<br />

Kodaikanal, Rameswaram, Erode etc have put the density factor for un-compacted waste at an average<br />

of 0.18 – 0.2. When compacted the same is observed to be in the range of 0.35 -0.4.<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

practice of deep burrowing, but plans are being considered for an incinerating the waste.<br />

99. At present private sector is involved in the transportation of solid waste to the disposal<br />

site. The main roads in the core areas of the town including New Bus Stand to Periyar<br />

Statue, Rajai Bus Stand to Sekkalai road junction are currently vested with the private<br />

sector.<br />

Service Adequacy and Key Issues.<br />

100. The collection performance and vehicle capacity adequacy ratio indicates the need to<br />

increase the numbers of vehicles. The other alternative is privatization of garbage<br />

transport. Key issues/indicators are based on review, discussions, and data analysis<br />

presented in Table 5.14 below.<br />

Table 5.14: Performance Indicators for Solid Waste Management<br />

Indicator Current Situation Benchmark<br />

Per-Capita Generation 461 gm < 350 gm<br />

Collection Performance (% Collected to generated) 70.8 % 100.0 %<br />

% Rated vehicle capacity to total waste generated 21.9 % >= 40 %<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

(i) The vehicle capacity adequacy is considerably less and hence, the municipality has<br />

adopted alternate day collection, which in turn reduces the collection efficiency.<br />

(ii) Scientific methods are not followed to dispose the waste<br />


Map 5.5: Solid Waste Management System in Karaikudi<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />


5. Roads and Traffic Management<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

101. Existing Situation:- The older part of the town developed around the Koppudiamman<br />

Kovil has narrow roads. The new areas of the town developed radially around the old areas<br />

have grid-iron pattern of roads. These areas are close to the new bus stand. Karaikudi is<br />

well connected by both National and State high ways and around 11.03 Km of road length<br />

within the town is part of the highways (NH and SH).<br />

102. The density of the roads in the town is about 11.27 km per sq. km of the town area.<br />

Average width of the roads in the town is at 5.5 m average carriageway of 3.1 meter.<br />

103. Total road length in the town is 154.90 Km, of which 11.03 km are NH & SH. The total<br />

length of municipal roads is about 144 km of which 100.50 km is BT surfaced and 7.64<br />

km by cement concrete roads. Cut-stone slab roads constitute a meagre 0.44 km length and<br />

are found largely in slums.The details of existing surfaced roads are listed in Table 5.15<br />

and road network presented in Figure 5.6<br />

Table 5.15: Existing Details of Surfaced Roads<br />

Surface type Length (2002-03) Length (2005-06)<br />

Km % Km %<br />

Cement Concrete 7.64 5.3 7.64 5.3<br />

BT/Tar 95.56 66.9 100.50 69.9<br />

WBM 28.69 20.1 26.94 18.7<br />

Cut Stone Slab 0.44 0.3 0.44 0.3<br />

Gravel & Earthen 10.55 7.4 8.35 5.8<br />

Total 142.88 100.00 143.87 100.00<br />

Source: Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity & Analysis<br />

104. The roads cover around 6 percent of the total area of town. The town has been effectively<br />

connected through a total length of 143.87 km of road network.<br />

105. The NH 210 runs across the town from the north to south leading to Devakottai and<br />

Rameswaram in the South and Trichy in the north. The state highway branches out to the<br />

west of the NH 210 connecting Madurai, Tanjavur and Dindigul.<br />

106. BT roads constitute 69.9 percent and cement concrete roads constitute 5.3 percent. It is<br />

observed that in several areas, the road surface is badly damaged due to heavy vehicle<br />

traffic plying on these roads mainly the NH cutting right through the north-south length of<br />

the town. Around 25 percent of existing black toped roads to be rehabilitated with seal<br />

coat.<br />


Map 5.6: Road Network in Karaikudi<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

107. Service Adequacy. The per capita road length in the town is 1.78 m, which is above the<br />

considered norm of 1.75 m. However, it is observed that certain peripheral wards are<br />

devoid of good connectivity attributed to the large extents of water bodies in these wards.<br />

In addition, the high per-capita road length can be attributed to grid pattern of road<br />

network in the town. The surface condition of the roads needs improvement and there is a<br />

need to provide surfacing to a large extent of earthen and gravel roads. Hence, the wards<br />

deficient in coverage needs new formations, and those wards deficient in road widths<br />

needs widening and the others needs specific improvements. Key issues/indicators are<br />

based on review, discussions, and data analysis presented in Table 5.16 below.<br />

Table 5.16: Performance Indicators for Roads<br />

Indicator Current Situation Benchmark<br />

Road Density 11.67 Km/ Sq. km 10.0 – 15.0 Km/ Sq. km<br />

Per capita Road Length 1.78 m 1.75 m<br />

% CC Roads to Total Road Length 5.3 % 5.0 %<br />

% <strong>Municipal</strong> Surfaced Roads 94.2 % 100.0 %<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

6. Traffic and Transportation.<br />

108. Exiting Situation:- The travel pattern in the town is guided by the road network and land<br />

use pattern in the town. The concentration of commercial and trading activities at the<br />

center of the town coupled with the radial pattern of the roads make a large number of<br />

trips to originate and end at the Periyar statue intersection. The road pattern also makes a<br />

lot of through traffic to pass through the town. All the regional traffic pass through the<br />

center of the town owing to the non-availability of any ring roads/ bye-pass roads.<br />

109. The urban roads in the town are characterized by mixed traffic conditions resulting in<br />

complex interaction between various kinds of vehicles. The characteristic details of<br />

municipal roads are presented in Table 5.17.<br />

Table 5.17: Characteristics of <strong>Municipal</strong> Roads<br />

Name of the road Length Width of Capacity Peak Volume/<br />

Carriage<br />

hour capacity<br />

Way<br />

ratio<br />

Km m PCUs PCUs<br />

Madurai Road 0.60 7.0 1,200 1,091 0.91<br />

Sekkalai Road 1.74 6.2 1,063 1,021 0.96<br />

V.O.C Road 2.22 6.2 1,063 786 0.74<br />

Mela Urani Road 0.48 3.6 617 382 0.62<br />

Kallukatti N Road 0.12 10.0 1,714 753 0.44<br />

Source: Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />


Map 5.7: Traffic &Transportation Proposals for Karaikudi<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

110. The V/C ratio is found minimum on Kallukatti East road at 0.27 while the maximum value<br />

of 0.96 was on Sekkalai road. The width of these major roads varies from 3.6m to 10m.<br />

The peak hour volume ranges from 341 PCUs in Devakkottai road to 1091 PCUs on<br />

Madurai road.<br />

111. Intersections: - There are four important junctions in the town where major roads like the<br />

State Highways and National Highways meet. These are:<br />

(i) Periyar statue intersection<br />

(ii) Second Beat intersection<br />

(iii) First Beat intersection<br />

(iv) Kallukatti Intersection<br />

112. While the Periyar statue junction is a 5 arm junction and other three junctions are four arm<br />

junctions. In case of Periyar junction, meandering alignment has made the junction a<br />

bottleneck for the smooth flow.<br />

113. The construction beyond the culvert at second beat junction is a severe bottleneck to traffic<br />

flow. At the first beat intersection, encroachments have lessened the width of the roads. In<br />

case of Kallukati intersection, the road geometrics need to be revised to improve visibility.<br />

The traffic and transportation proposals are presented in Figure: 5.7.<br />

114. Parking Facilities. There are no specific parking provisions made by the municipality in<br />

the town for orderly and regulated parking of vehicles along the major roads. Parking of<br />

vehicles on Madurai road from old bus stand to second beat has become a major hindrance<br />

to the through traffic. In addition, a large number of auto rickshaws and taxies are<br />

generally parked opposite to old bus stand.<br />

115. For the purpose of improving the parking facilities in the town, regularization drive would<br />

be the first step required concentrating on Madurai road from old bus stand to second beat.<br />

For the stretch between First Beat and Second Beat the parking of taxis on the northern<br />

side street may be allowed to continue and facilities need to be improved for orderly<br />

parking. The open spaces available beyond the canal bund on the southern side of the<br />

Madurai road may be developed as on-street parking lots.<br />

116. Public transport system in the town is catered to by private service operators through minibuses<br />

between various localities in and around the town. There are about 10 to 15 such<br />

mini buses plying within the municipal limits.<br />

Key Issues<br />

(i) The main issue is not just the connectivity in the peripheral wards but also the<br />

requirement of good surfaced roads. Also within the other wards of the town,<br />

considerable lengths of roads need to be surfaced.<br />

(ii) Encroachments and informal activities on major corridors of the town create<br />

congestion, especially in the old town area. The margins of the road and the<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

footpaths are encroached in several sections by small time street vendors, illegal<br />

parking and other informal activities.<br />

(iii) Heavy traffic movements and frequent congestion is seen on Madurai road, Sekkalai<br />

road and Kallukatti East road.<br />

(iv) Absence of raised footpaths and pedestrian crossing facilities on busy routes.<br />

(v) Haphazard on street parking of vehicles on Madurai road from old bus stand to<br />

second beat junction.<br />

(vi) Most of the roads in Karaikudi town are functioning as one-way streets.<br />

(vii) During night time the visibility is poor on most of the roads and at several junctions.<br />

(viii) Lack of segregated roads creates absolute confusion and hazardous traffic<br />

movements.<br />

7. Street lighting<br />

117. Existing Situation. The municipality maintains around 3,839 streetlights with an average<br />

spacing between each lamppost of 42m, which is considerably high. Around 93 percent of<br />

the luminaries in the town are tube lights. High power lamps in the town constitute 7.43<br />

percent of the total number. These include sodium vapour lamps and mercury lamps. The<br />

existing details of luminaries are listed in Table 5.18.<br />

Table 5.18: Details of Luminaries<br />

Type of Luminary Number (2002-03) Number (2005-06)<br />

% %<br />

High Mast Lamps 1 0.03 1 0.03<br />

Mercury Vapour Lamps 72 1.88 82 2.14<br />

Sodium Vapour Lamps 200 5.23 202 5.23<br />

Tube Lights 3,554 92.87 3,554 92.58<br />

Total 3,827 100.00 3,839 100.00<br />

Source: Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity & Analysis<br />

118. Service Adequacy and Key Issues. Except for wards 34, 25, 18, 1, 4 and 8 all the other<br />

wards have the street lights spaced at a distance more than the accepted average norm of a<br />

minimum of 30m. In wards 5, 32, 7 and 16 the average spacing is below 40m. Wards 11,<br />

24, 14, 2 and 28 are the worse off in terms of streetlight spacing with the range above<br />

110m. Considering that these wards are also some of the peripheral wards, the actual<br />

spacing between the light poles would be much higher than 150m. The details of<br />

performance indicators for streetlights are furnished in Table 5.19.<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Table 5.19: Performance Indicators for Streetlights<br />

Indicator Current Situation Benchmark<br />

Spacing between Lamp Posts 40.35 m. 30.0 m.<br />

% Tube Lights 93 % 70.0 – 80.0 %<br />

% High Power Lamps 8% 20.0 – 30.0 %<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

(i) The street lights are spaced at an average of about 40.35m against an acceptable<br />

30m and this is prevalent in 30 out of the 36 wards<br />



A. <strong>Municipal</strong> Financial Management<br />

1. <strong>Municipal</strong> Fund<br />

Amount in Rs. Lakh<br />

800.00<br />

700.00<br />

600.00<br />

500.00<br />

400.00<br />

300.00<br />

200.00<br />

100.00<br />

Total Revenue Income & Expenditure Trend<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

119. Overview. Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity maintains a municipal fund for managing the finances<br />

of the <strong>Municipal</strong>ity. The accounts of the municipal fund were maintained on a cash based<br />

single entry system till the FY 1999-2000. The financial status of the <strong>Municipal</strong>ity has<br />

been reviewed for the past four years, commencing from the financial year 2000-01. This<br />

section contains a description of the municipal finances, the sources and uses of funds, and<br />

an assessment of municipal finances based on important financial indicators. Currently the<br />

urban local bodies of Tamilnadu maintain three separate funds, namely General Fund<br />

(Revenue Fund), Water & Drainage Fund and Education Fund. For the purpose of this<br />

analysis, Education fund has clubbed in to General fund. For further analysis, the items of<br />

each fund are categorized under the following major heads.<br />

120. Revenue Account: All recurring items of income and expenditure are included under this<br />

head. These include taxes, charges, salaries, maintenance expenditure, debt servicing etc.<br />

121. Capital Account: Income and expenditure items under this account are primarily nonrecurring<br />

in nature. Income items include loans, contributions by GoTN, other agencies<br />

and capital grants under various State and Central Government programs, revenue account<br />

transfer for capital works and income from sale of assets. Expenditure items include<br />

expenses booked under developmental works and purchase of capital assets.<br />

122. Deposits and Advances: Under the municipal accounting system, certain items are<br />

compiled under advances and deposits. These items are temporary in nature and are<br />

essentially adjustments for the purpose of recoveries and payments. Items under this head<br />

include library cess, income tax deductions, pension payments, provident fund, payment<br />

and recoveries of advances to employees and contractors, etc.<br />

2. Financial Status<br />

123. Revenue income of<br />

<strong>Municipal</strong>ity has<br />

grown to Rs. 599.70<br />

lakh in the FY 2003-<br />

04 from Rs. 547.41<br />

lakh in FY 2000-01,<br />

at an annual growth<br />

of 3.09 percent.<br />

Revenue expenditure<br />

Figure 6.1: Total Revenue Income and Expenditure Trend<br />

-<br />

2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04<br />

Year<br />

Revenue<br />

Income<br />

Revenue<br />

Expenditure<br />


Amount in Rs. Lakh<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

increased at an average annual rate of 15.63 percent from Rs. 416.52 lakh to Rs. 637.78<br />

lakh during the assessment period. The revenue account maintains surplus during the<br />

entire assessment period except during 2003-04 and maintained a maximum surplus of Rs.<br />

245.44 Lakh in 2002-03. The trends for the revenue fund are presented in Table 6.1. High<br />

revenue income during the FY 02-03 has attributed to transfer of previous years ULB’s<br />

share of State Finance Commission Grant (SFC) allocation and Surcharge on stamp duty.<br />

During the FY 03-04 high revenue expenditure incurred due to a high operation and<br />

maintenance expenditure for service provision.<br />

Table 6.1: Summary of <strong>Municipal</strong> Fund<br />

Item 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04<br />

Amount in Rs. Lakh<br />

Revenue Account<br />

Revenue Income 547.41 514.43 740.52 599.70<br />

Revenue Expenditure 416.52 450.55 495.08 637.78<br />

Surplus/Deficit<br />

Capital Account<br />

130.88 63.88 245.44 (38.08)<br />

Capital Income 180.71 40.61 51.12 350.89<br />

Capital Expenditure 291.45 0.05 18.82 156.86<br />

Surplus/Deficit (110.75) 40.56 32.30 194.03<br />

Fiscal Status<br />

Advances & Deposits<br />

20.14 104.39 277.74 106.54<br />

Extraordinary Income 204.63 26.27 37.86 18.08<br />

Extraordinary Expenditure 11.92 1.80 137.30 12.62<br />

Surplus/Deficit 192.70 24.47 (99.44) 5.46<br />

Overall Fiscal Status 212.84 128.86 178.30 112.00<br />

Source: Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity & Analysis.<br />

Note: Figures in parentheses indicates a deficit. Capital Income includes Revenue account transfer for capital<br />

works.<br />

Figure 6.2: Total Capital Income and Expenditure Trend<br />

124. Capital income comprises<br />

of loans, grants and<br />

Total Capital Income & Expenditure Trend<br />

contribution in the form<br />

400.00<br />

of initial deposit for<br />

350.00<br />

water supply connections,<br />

300.00<br />

revenue account transfer<br />

250.00<br />

for capital works and sale<br />

200.00<br />

proceeds of assets.<br />

Majority of the capital<br />

income is in the form of<br />

loans. The capital<br />

150.00<br />

100.00<br />

50.00<br />

-<br />

2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04<br />

account has witnessed<br />

surplus except during<br />

Year<br />

2000-01, implying loan drawn and grant received was utilized less for capital works.<br />

Fiscal status of revenue account and capital account status witnessed surplus during the<br />

entire assessment period. During the FY 00-01, major share of capital expenditure were<br />

incurred from public works and Roads asset creation.<br />

125. The following sections present detailed review of revenue and capital accounts, primarily<br />

Capital<br />

Income<br />

Capital<br />

Expenditure<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

aimed at assessing the municipal fiscal status and providing a base for determining the<br />

ability of <strong>Municipal</strong>ity to sustain the planned investments.<br />

3. Revenue Account<br />

126. The revenue account comprises of two components, revenue income and revenue<br />

expenditure. Revenue income comprises of internal resources in the form of tax and nontax<br />

items and external resources in the form of shared taxes/ transfers and revenue grants<br />

from the State Government. Revenue expenditure comprises of expenditure incurred on<br />

establishments, operation & maintenance and debt servicing.<br />

127. Revenue Income. The revenue sources<br />

of municipality can be broadly<br />

categorized as own sources, assigned<br />

revenues and grants. The source wise<br />

income generated during the review<br />

period is presented in Table 6.2. The<br />

base and basis of each income source<br />

has been further elaborated in the<br />

following section. The revenue income<br />

of Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity has increased<br />

from Rs. 440.30 lakh in 2000-01 to Rs.<br />

485.03 lakh in 2003-04 – a low<br />

Compound Annual Growth Rate<br />

(CAGR) of about 3.28 percent. The<br />

revenue income has declined from Rs.<br />

620.69 lakh in 2002-03 to Rs. 485.06<br />

lakh in 2003-04. During the financial<br />

Figure 6.3: Source of Income (2000 to 2004)<br />

Revenue Grants<br />

19%<br />

Non Tax- Own<br />

Sources<br />

19%<br />

Sources of Revenue Income (2000 to 2004)<br />

Assigned Revenues<br />

18%<br />

Tax- Own Sources<br />

44%<br />

year 2002-03 the Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity has received maximum surcharge on stamp duty<br />

and State Finance Commission Grant (inconsistent transfer of ULB share), which<br />

attributed to high revenue income during the same period.<br />

Table 6.2: Sources of Revenue Income<br />

Item 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04<br />

Amount in Rs. Lakh<br />

Own Sources<br />

Tax 197.40 198.95 218.97 227.35<br />

Non Tax 87.60 63.31 136.69 96.99<br />

Assigned Revenue 57.33 67.10 103.69 115.38<br />

Grants 97.97 77.51 161.33 45.34<br />

Total (excl. W&D A/C) 440.30 406.87 620.68 485.06<br />

Source: Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity & Analysis.<br />

128. Own-source income includes income from resource mobilization activities of <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

in the form of taxes, income from municipal properties and markets, building permit fee,<br />

trade licenses, income from fees and fines, etc. Own revenue sources are further classified<br />

as tax revenue and non-tax sources that are generated by various sections of the<br />

<strong>Municipal</strong>ity. The salient features of the revenue head is detailed below:<br />


Rs. Lakh<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

• Own Sources/Tax. This item head comprises of income sourced primarily from<br />

property tax (General-purpose tax, Lighting tax, Scavenging tax and Education tax<br />

excluding Water and Drainage tax), professional tax and other taxes. The property tax<br />

is the largest revenue-generating item. Own sources of tax income are presented in<br />

Table 6.3. Average income from own sources constituted 63.34 percent of the total<br />

revenue income during the review period and has increased at an average compounded<br />

annual growth rate of 4.40 percent. Tax sources contributed 43.97 percent of the<br />

revenue income and non-tax sources contribute 19.37 percent of the revenue income.<br />

Income from municipal properties, markets and other remunerative assets witnessed<br />

inconsistent collection performance during the assessment period, which attributed to<br />

low revenue non-tax income during FY 01-02 & FY 03-04.<br />

Table 6.3: Own Sources of Revenue Income<br />

Item 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04<br />

Amount in Rs. Lakh<br />

Taxes<br />

Property Tax (excl. W&D Tax) 185.91 186.05 202.17 219.73<br />

Profession Tax 11.48 11.87 16.78 7.62<br />

Other Taxes 0.01 1.03 0.02<br />

Non - Taxes<br />

Income from ULB’s Properties 37.66 11.30 43.45 12.51<br />

License Income (Trade, etc.) 8.57 6.96 18.62 9.09<br />

Income from Fees and Fines 11.25 13.00 31.01 24.88<br />

Miscellaneous Income 30.11 32.05 43.62 50.51<br />

Total (excl. W&D A/C) 285.00 262.26 355.67 324.34<br />

Source: Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity & Analysis.<br />

Property Tax: This is the most important category of own source income to<br />

the <strong>Municipal</strong>ity. Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity levies a consolidated property tax<br />

of 31 percent of the Annual Rental Value (ARV). During the assessment<br />

period, the numbers of property tax assessments increased at an average<br />

growth rate of 5.73 percent per annum. Property tax income however has<br />

increased at a CAGR of about 5.73 percent during the assessment period.<br />

Figure 6.4: Property Tax Collection Performance<br />

129. The average collection performance<br />

Property Tax Collection Performance<br />

of Property Tax for the review<br />

450<br />

period is 78 percent and the same is 400<br />

presented in Table 6.4. The<br />

350<br />

property tax levied is 31 percent of 300<br />

the Annual Rental Value (ARV)<br />

250<br />

and includes the general tax (18%), 200<br />

water and drainage tax (8%) and<br />

150<br />

education tax (5%). It is observed<br />

100<br />

that the <strong>Municipal</strong>ity maintained a<br />

50<br />

Low arrear collection of average<br />

about 56 percent, except during<br />

0<br />

2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04<br />

FYs 01 and FY 02. The current and<br />

Year<br />

arrear collection during the FY 04 was 84 percent and 42 percent respectively.<br />

Total-<br />

Demand<br />

Total-<br />

Collection<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Table 6.4: Property Tax – Demand Collection and Balance Statement<br />

Item 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04<br />

Demand (Rs. Lakh)<br />

Arrear 50.44 79.74 112.73 120.95<br />

Demand 233.59 226.95 280.71 293.52<br />

Total 284.03 306.69 393.44 414.47<br />

Collection (Rs. Lakh)<br />

Arrear 40.35 47.92 48.07 50.28<br />

Demand 210.23 202.84 224.42 245.88<br />

Total 250.58 250.76 272.49 296.16<br />

Collection Performance (%)<br />

Arrear 80% 60% 43% 42%<br />

Demand 90% 89% 80% 84%<br />

Total 88% 82% 69% 71%<br />

Total no of Assessment<br />

(Nos.) 19,991 20,294 22,640 24,986<br />

Growth in Assessment (%) 1.52% 11.56% 10.36%<br />

Source: Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity & Analysis.<br />

130. The total collection performance of the <strong>Municipal</strong>ity has witnessed a declining trend from<br />

88 percent to 69 percent during the assessment period. The maximum arrear collection was<br />

achieved during the FY 01 and the same was as low as 42 percent during FY 04. There are<br />

a total of 24,986 assessed properties in the <strong>Municipal</strong>ity and this has increased at an<br />

average growth rate of 5.73 percent per annum from 19,991 assessments in 2000-01. The<br />

ARV per property during the FY 04 is Rs. 3,790 and the tax per property is Rs. 1,175.<br />

Professional Tax: The municipality also collects professional tax from all<br />

registered organizations, companies or firms, public or private, individuals<br />

and State & Central Government departments. Currently 3,686 assesses are<br />

registered with the <strong>Municipal</strong>ity. Based on the demand, the average tax per<br />

professional is about Rs. 314/- per annum. low average collection of 21<br />

percent observed during the review period and the current collection is<br />

around 56 percent during the same period. The details of Demand Collection<br />

and Balance statement are provided in Table 6.5.<br />

Table 6.5: Profession Tax – Demand Collection and Balance Statement<br />

Item 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04<br />

Demand (Rs. Lakh)<br />

Arrear 41.65 48.55 39.40 39.40<br />

Demand 17.15 16.29 17.81 11.57<br />

Total 58.80 64.84 57.21 50.97<br />

Collection (Rs. Lakh)<br />

Arrear 2.73 3.65 6.83 -<br />

Demand 8.75 8.22 9.95 7.62<br />

Total 11.48 11.87 16.78 7.62<br />

Collection Performance (%)<br />

Arrear 7% 8% 17% -<br />

Demand 51% 50% 56% 66%<br />

Total 20% 18% 29% 15%<br />

Source: Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity & Analysis.<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

(ii) Own Sources/Non Tax. This item head comprises of income from <strong>Municipal</strong><br />

properties, fees on <strong>Municipal</strong> services (building permission, etc.), income from<br />

interest on investment and miscellaneous services. On an average, through the<br />

assessment period, own source/non tax income constitutes 19.37 percent of the<br />

total revenue income. Income from remunerative enterprises, income from fees<br />

and fines constitute the major revenue sources under this item head. Income<br />

through non-tax own sources of the <strong>Municipal</strong>ity has grown over the assessment<br />

period at a CAGR of about 3.45 percent.<br />

Remunerative Enterprises: Income from remunerative enterprises is the nontax<br />

income in the form of rentals from assets like shopping complexes,<br />

market fee, parking fee and income from other real assets owned by the<br />

<strong>Municipal</strong>ity. Income from the remunerative assets of the municipality<br />

contributed 5.23 percent of the revenue income during the assessment period<br />

and registered a negative CAGR of about 30 percent. Income from<br />

municipal properties, markets and other remunerative assets witnessed<br />

inconsistent collection performance during the assessment period, which<br />

attributed to low non tax revenue income during the FY 01-02 & FY 03-04.<br />

The average revenue mobilized during the review period under this item<br />

head is Rs. 26.23 Lakh. Rent recovery from the shopping complexes is very<br />

low during the FY 2003-04, attributed to negative revenue growth of<br />

remunerative enterprises.<br />

(iii) Assigned Revenues. This item head comprises of income from Government of<br />

Tamil Nadu (GoTN)/State transfers of municipal income collected by the state line<br />

department. Transfers are in the form of municipality’s share of taxes levied and<br />

collected by GoTN from establishments/operations within the municipal limits.<br />

Surcharge on transfer of immovable properties and entertainment tax, are the<br />

major items on which these revenues are realized by <strong>Municipal</strong>ity.<br />

Table 6.6: Income from Assigned Revenue<br />

Item 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04<br />

Amount in Rs. Lakh<br />

Entertainment Tax 22.17 20.00 20.89 19.10<br />

Surcharge on Stamp Duty 35.16 47.00 82.81 96.28<br />

Other Transfers - 0.10 - -<br />

Total 57.33 67.10 103.69 115.38<br />

Share in total Revenue Income (%) 13.02 16.49 16.71 23.79<br />

Growth (%) - 17.03 54.54 11.27<br />

Source: Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity & Analysis.<br />

Income through assigned revenues contributes around 17.50 percent of<br />

revenue income and it is growing at an average compounded annual growth<br />

rate of 26.25 percent during the review period. It is observed in Table 6.6<br />

that the inflow from this account head has been inconsistent due to delays in<br />

transfers and deductions at source towards municipality debt repayment<br />

commitments and/ or other dues payable to GoTN.<br />

Entertainment Tax: The Commercial Tax (CT) Department collects<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

entertainment tax from six cinema halls (with a total capacity of 5,200 seats)<br />

functioning within <strong>Municipal</strong> limit. The CT Department transfers 90 percent<br />

of the total tax collection to <strong>Municipal</strong>ity, and retains 10 percent towards<br />

management charges. Entertainment tax accounts for around 4.31 percent of<br />

total revenue income.<br />

Stamp Duty: Surcharge on stamp duty is another assigned revenue source,<br />

accounting for 13.18 percent of revenue income during the assessment<br />

period. It is levied in the form of a surcharge on stamp duty applicable on all<br />

properties registered or transferred within <strong>Municipal</strong>ity limits. The<br />

Registration Department collects and 90 percent of the collections are<br />

transferred to <strong>Municipal</strong>ity.<br />

(iv) Revenue Grants and Contribution. This item mainly comprises revenue grants and<br />

compensations from the State Government under various heads. The regular grants<br />

include the State Finance Commission (SFC) grants and the others include aid<br />

grants, grants for services like roads, buildings, maternity and child welfare, public<br />

health, contributions for elementary and secondary schools and etc. Grants, which<br />

are for specific purposes, are ad-hoc in nature. In case of Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity,<br />

revenue grants and contributions constitute about 19.16 percent of the total<br />

revenue income and have registered an average annual growth rate of (22.65)<br />

percent. SFC Devolution is major item of grants, which is transferred as part of<br />

SFC recommendation. As per SFC recommendation, 12% of state revenue under<br />

pool B is transferred to each local body based on a formula recommended by SFC.<br />

The fluctuation in SFC grant is due to delay and deduction at source.<br />

Table 6.7: Income from Revenue Grants<br />

Item 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04<br />

Amount in Rs. Lakh<br />

State Finance Commission Grant 76.06 46.62 161.33 32.40<br />

Other Grants 21.91 30.89 - 12.94<br />

Total 97.97 77.51 161.33 45.34<br />

Share in total Revenue Income (%) 22.25 19.05 25.99 9.35<br />

Growth (%) (20.88) 108.14 (71.90)<br />

Source: Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity & Analysis.<br />


131. Revenue Expenditure. Revenue<br />

expenditure of <strong>Municipal</strong>ity has<br />

been analyzed based on<br />

expenditure heads broadly<br />

classified under the following<br />

departments- General<br />

Administration and Tax<br />

collection, Public Works and<br />

Roads, Street Lighting, Public<br />

Health & Conservancy, Town<br />

<strong>Plan</strong>ning and Miscellaneous<br />

Items. Water supply and drainage<br />

revenue expenditure is analyzed<br />

separately and the same is<br />

presented in the following<br />

section. Revenue expenditure is<br />

further classified under<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Figure 6.5: Items of Revenue Expenditure (2000 to 2004)<br />

Operation &<br />

Maintenance<br />

18%<br />

Items of Revenue Expenditure (2000 to 2004)<br />

Debt Servicing<br />

2%<br />

Establishment, Operation & Maintenance and Debt Servicing.<br />

Establishments<br />

80%<br />

Table 6.8: Sector wise Revenue Expenditure<br />

Item 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04<br />

Amount in Rs. Lakh<br />

Establishment 289.20 291.47 329.74 372.55<br />

Operation & Maintenance 45.92 52.91 65.53 135.54<br />

Debt Servicing - 7.00 14.00 12.88<br />

Total (excl. W&D A/C) 335.12 351.38 409.27 520.97<br />

Growth (%) 4.85 16.48 27.29<br />

Source: Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity & Analysis.<br />

(i) Establishment Expenditure. Establishment expenditure alone accounts for about 80<br />

percent of revenue expenditure, excluding water supply and drainage account.<br />

About 67 percent of the total revenue income is utilized for payment of salaries<br />

excluding water supply and drainage staff salary and other related expenses. Debt<br />

servicing of the <strong>Municipal</strong>ity accounts for a meager around 1.97 percent of the<br />

revenue expenditure was made from general fund during the review period.<br />

(ii) For the assessment period, revenue expenditure grew at an average rate of 15.84<br />

percent; while growth in revenue income was 3.28 percent during the same period.<br />

This indicates that revenue and education fund of <strong>Municipal</strong>ity is in deficit.<br />

(iii) Further, while expenditure on establishment grown at annual average rate of 8.81<br />

per cent, expenditure on O&M grew at an average rate of 43.45 percent per annum<br />

indicating that the Operations and maintenance expenditure need to be controlled.<br />

Public health conservancy O&M increased by 8 times and street lighting by two<br />

times during the financial year 2002-03 to 2003-04.<br />


The following Table 6.9<br />

presents sector<br />

/department wise salary<br />

expenditure incurred<br />

during the assessment<br />

period. Since, the<br />

department wise<br />

establishment expenditure<br />

was not furnished in the<br />

account statement<br />

(consolidated figures only<br />

available in the 2000<br />

series) consultant were<br />

used the third SFC<br />

questionnaires for<br />

working out the<br />

department wise salary.<br />

Sector wise Salary Composition (2000 to 2004)<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Figure 6.6: Sector Wise Salary Composition (2000 to 2004)<br />

Conservancy<br />

54%<br />

Water Supply<br />

6%<br />

General Administration<br />

24%<br />

Public Health<br />

8%<br />

Engineering Wing<br />

4%<br />

Over 54 percent spent for conservancy staffs salary and around 24 percent for<br />

general administration departments include revenue collection and administration<br />

department salary. Water supply staff salary contributes about 6 percent of the total<br />

expenditure incurred towards establishments.<br />

Table 6.9: Sector wise Salary<br />

Item 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04<br />

Amount in Rs. Lakh<br />

General Administration 55.95 56.64 56.59 52.37<br />

Engineering Department 10.05 10.18 10.17 9.41<br />

Conservancy 128.86 130.46 130.35 120.62<br />

Public Health 20.20 20.45 20.43 18.91<br />

Street Lighting 8.41 8.52 8.51 7.88<br />

Water Supply 14.19 14.37 14.35 13.28<br />

Total 237.66 240.62 240.40 222.47<br />

Growth (%) 1.25 (0.09) (7.46)<br />

Source: SFC Questionnaire Document<br />

Establishment expenditure of all sections (excluding water and drainage account)<br />

accounts for an average of 80.33 percent of revenue expenditure. Establishment<br />

expenditure of the <strong>Municipal</strong>ity has been consistently above 70 percent and there<br />

have not been any major efforts on part of the <strong>Municipal</strong>ity towards containing the<br />

establishment expenditure.<br />

Though the growth rate of establishment expenses has fallen, the actual results of<br />

privatization efforts are yet to reflect on accounts. In the coming years, these<br />

expenses are expected to go down due to the reforms taken up by the <strong>Municipal</strong>ity.<br />

It is necessary that the <strong>Municipal</strong>ity go ahead with such privatization initiatives so<br />

as to improve upon and allocate more amounts for the O&M and debt servicing.<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

(i) Operations & Maintenance. Operation and maintenance expenditure of all sections<br />

together accounts for 17.70 percent of revenue expenditure and had increased at an<br />

average rate of 43.45 percent per annum.<br />

General Administration, Public health & conservancy, Street lighting are the major<br />

expenditure items. O&M expenses are dominated by power charges for street<br />

lighting and that for general administration, while that for the upkeep of roads has<br />

been minimal. Street lighting sector can be put for privatization and implement<br />

energy conservation measures to curtail the costs on repairs, replacements and<br />

power charges.<br />

Debt Servicing. A review of the outstanding loan statement of <strong>Municipal</strong>ity, as on<br />

March 31, 2005, i.e., at the start of the FY 2004-05 reveals that the net outstanding<br />

debt liabilities of <strong>Municipal</strong>ity are at Rs. 476.59 Lakh. Table 6.10 details out the<br />

agency wise outstanding loans.<br />

Table 6.10: Out standing Loan Statement<br />

Item Loan Amount Outstanding<br />

Amount in Rs. Lakh<br />

Government of Tamil Nadu 269.13 259.29<br />

MUDF 50.80 30.50<br />

TUFIDCO (Own Fund) 62.50 62.50<br />

TUFIDCO (Various Schemes) 99.99 46.55<br />

TNUDF 35.28 32.12<br />

DTCP 25.00 45.63<br />

Total 542.70 476.59<br />

Source: Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity & Analysis.<br />

132. The total amount of loans drawn by the <strong>Municipal</strong>ity till date is Rs. 542.70 Lakh, majority<br />

of it from Government of Tamilnadu and TUFIDCO. It needs mention that the ratio of<br />

outstanding loans to current demand of property tax is about 162 percent. The ratio in<br />

terms of ARV (estimated at Rs. 3,790) is 1.99; thereby indicating that the <strong>Municipal</strong>ity is<br />

capable of leveraging additional debt to finance its projects as this is below the threshold<br />

of 2 to 3 (generally considered by Financial institutions).<br />

133. Debt servicing accounted for around 4.46 % of revenue expenditure during the review<br />

period and the DSR (as % of revenue income) is around 3.78 %, which is well below the<br />

threshold level of 25 percent, as considered by financial institutions. The <strong>Municipal</strong>ity has<br />

to start to focus upon sustainable debt servicing after having cut down establishment costs<br />

to improve its credit rating and capability towards leveraging additional debts.<br />

4. Water Supply and Drainage Account<br />

134. As mentioned earlier, local bodies in Tamilnadu maintain a separate water supply and<br />

drainage fund. Hence, to maintain the consistency and also to assess the cost recovery<br />

aspect, the consultants have analyzed the water fund separately. The details are provided<br />

in Table 6.11 and the water supply and drainage revenue fund expenditure trend is plotted<br />

on a graph Figure 6.7.<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Table 6.11: Revenue Account Status of Water Supply and Drainage Fund<br />

Item 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04<br />

Amount in Rs. Lakh<br />

Revenue Income<br />

Water & Drainage Tax 64.67 64.71 70.32 76.43<br />

Water Charges 42.40 42.85 49.47 38.11<br />

Water Supply & Sanitation Grant - - - -<br />

Other Income 0.04 - 0.03 0.10<br />

Total 107.11 107.57 119.82 114.64<br />

Revenue Expenditure<br />

Establishments 12.61 22.90 24.77 13.49<br />

Electricity Charges 37.18 29.00 36.88 61.26<br />

Miscellaneous 19.65 23.50 16.62 30.75<br />

Debt Servicing- Old 11.97 23.77 7.54 11.31<br />

Total 81.41 99.17 85.81 116.81<br />

Surplus/Deficit 25.70 8.40 34.01 (2.17)<br />

Recovery (%) excl. tax 52% 43% 58% 33%<br />

Source: Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity & Analysis.<br />

135. Salaries of staff directly working in the water supply department are booked under this<br />

head, while salaries of other engineering staff performing administrative functions related<br />

to water supply are booked under the engineering section of general fund. Expenditures<br />

incurred under this account comprised of 43 percent power charges and other operation &<br />

maintenance expenses accounts 7 percent and 20 percent on establishment costs. The<br />

balance 16 percent is spent on wages and other expenditures, around 14 percent utilized<br />

towards debt servicing.<br />

Amount in Rs. Lakh<br />

Figure 6.7: Water & Drainage Account Expenditure Trend<br />

70.00<br />

60.00<br />

50.00<br />

40.00<br />

30.00<br />

20.00<br />

10.00<br />

-<br />

Water & Drainage Account Expenditure Trend<br />

2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04<br />

Year<br />

Staff Salary &<br />

Employee<br />

Related<br />

Expenses<br />

Equipment<br />

Maintenance &<br />

Repairs<br />

Board<br />

Payment<br />

Miscellaneous<br />

Debt<br />

Servicing- Old<br />

Administration<br />

Expenses<br />

Electricity<br />

Charges<br />


Rs. Lakh<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

136. The cost recovery incase of excluding water and drainage tax income work out to only 46<br />

percent of the revenue expenditure incurred in the water supply and drainage fund account.<br />

Thus, the above analysis indicates that the current tariff is not able to recover even a share<br />

of the O & M expenses, when it is compared with only water charges. Major share of<br />

water supply income is derived by way of water and drainage taxes, which account for<br />

about 61.47 percent of water supply and drainage income.<br />

Figure 6.8: Water Charge Collection Performance<br />

137. There are a total of 9,052<br />

water supply house service<br />

80<br />

Water Charge Collection Performance<br />

connections as of 2004-05<br />

70<br />

provided by the <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

in the town. The average<br />

60<br />

collection performance of<br />

50<br />

water charges for the review 40<br />

period indicated in Table<br />

6.12 though averaged at 64<br />

30<br />

percent, the cost recovery in 20<br />

the sector is only 46 percent<br />

excluding water and<br />

10<br />

drainage taxes, indicating<br />

low coverage and very less<br />

number of legal service<br />

0<br />

2000-01 2001-02<br />

Year<br />

2002-03 2003-04<br />

connections against the service provided.<br />

Table 6.12: Water Charges – Demand Collection and Balance Statement<br />

Item 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04<br />

Demand (Rs. Lakh)<br />

Arrear 16.03 14.39 44.86 27.36<br />

Demand 45.88 47.02 28.82 45.48<br />

Total 61.91 61.41 73.67 72.84<br />

Collection (Rs. Lakh)<br />

Arrear 3.46 0.24 34.75 7.09<br />

Demand 37.69 41.51 13.64 30.74<br />

Total 41.15 41.75 48.39 37.83<br />

Collection Performance (%)<br />

Arrear 22% 17% 77% 26%<br />

Demand 82% 88% 47% 68%<br />

Total 66% 72% 66% 52%<br />

Total no of Connections (Nos) 7,404 7,607 8,105 8,397<br />

Growth in Connections (%) 6.55% 3.60% 1.26%<br />

Source: Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity & Analysis.<br />

138. The numbers of House Service Connections stand at just 42 percent of the PT assessments<br />

indicating the large numbers of unauthorized connections in the <strong>Municipal</strong>ity. The<br />

unauthorized connections and unassessed properties need to be brought under the user<br />

charges and municipal tax gambit to affect cost recovery on the investments.<br />

Total-<br />

Demand<br />

Total-<br />

Collection<br />


5. Capital Account<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

139. Capital Income. Capital income comprises of loans, grants and own contributions. The<br />

detailed components of capital income are detailed in Table 6.13. An analysis of this<br />

account indicates that grants & contributions have contributed the maximum share of<br />

income under this account. While on an average, 55 percent of the capital income is in the<br />

form of loans from various sources and 40 percent is from grants and contributions like<br />

XIIth Finance Commission grants for public works and roads. New loans were acquired<br />

during the assessment period. Own contribution from revenue account contributed 4.68<br />

percent during the assessment period.<br />

Table 6.13: Status of Capital Account - General<br />

Item 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04<br />

Amount in Rs. Lakh<br />

Capital Income<br />

Capital Loans 169.48 5.77 18.73 23.32<br />

Capital Grants and Contribution 2.75 13.25 3.84 194.98<br />

Own Sources - 0.05 - 49.41<br />

Total (excl. W & D a/c) 172.23 19.07 22.57 267.71<br />

Capital Expenditure<br />

General 16.82 - 1.00 2.57<br />

Public Works and Roads 197.65 - 5.25 -<br />

Street Lighting 3.05 - - -<br />

Public Health & Conservancy 2.57 - - -<br />

Education 5.31 - 12.10 37.88<br />

Total 225.39 - 18.35 40.45<br />

Surplus/Deficits (excl. W &D a/c) (53.16) 19.07 4.22 227.26<br />

Source: Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity & Analysis.<br />

140. There have not been any significant capital grants over three years since FY 01 except FY<br />

04. There is also no income realized by the <strong>Municipal</strong>ity in the form of sale proceeds.<br />

141. Capital Expenditure. The majority of capital expenditure has been directed towards<br />

general purpose includes all item of works excluding water supply and drainage and roads<br />

over the past four years, this is due to fact TNUDF/TUFIDCO had funded most of the<br />

municipalities for roads during the assessment period.<br />

142. Analysis of capital income and capital expenditure notes that the account was in surplus<br />

during the assessment period excluding FY 00-01, indicating lesser utilization of allocated<br />

funds or just start of utilization of allocated funds. There was no capital work under taken<br />

during 2001-02 other than water supply and drainage fund.<br />

143. Water supply and drainage capital account status is detailed in Table: 6.14. Capital<br />

income is mainly from water supply connection charges, other than that no other income<br />

received during the assessment period. Capital account is surplus during the financial year<br />

2001-02 to 2003-04 except during 2000-01.<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Table 6.14: Status of Water Supply and Drainage Capital Account<br />

Item 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04<br />

Amount in Rs. Lakh<br />

Capital Income<br />

Capital Loans - - - -<br />

Capital Grants and Contribution - - - 48.28<br />

Own Sources 8.48 21.54 28.55 34.90<br />

Total 8.48 21.54 28.55 83.18<br />

Capital Expenditure<br />

Water supply 52.68 0.05 0.47 102.48<br />

Drainage &Sanitation 13.38 - - 13.93<br />

Total 66.06 0.05 0.47 116.41<br />

Surplus/Deficits (57.58) 21.49 28.08 (33.23)<br />

Source: Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity & Analysis.<br />

6. Assets and Liabilities<br />

144. Current assets and liabilities of Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity include monies due to<br />

<strong>Municipal</strong>ity from debtors and monies due from <strong>Municipal</strong>ity to creditors, respectively.<br />

Table 6.15 presents a summary of the current assets and liabilities of Karaikudi<br />

<strong>Municipal</strong>ity.<br />

145. The current assets include outstanding arrears in property tax, water charges and<br />

profession tax and lease rental (non-tax items) dues. The total current assets due to<br />

municipality are Rs. 196.66 lakh.<br />

146. Current liabilities include the payment of power charges due to TNEB, Salaries Payable,<br />

PF and other contribution due, tax /cess payable to government, other payables and<br />

deposits. The net liability of Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity is Rs. 57.8 lakh. The current ratio is<br />

the ratio of total current assets to total current liabilities, which is used to measure shortterm<br />

liquidity of a ULB. The idea behind measuring this ratio is to assess whether the<br />

ULB has enough liquid assts to pay off its current obligations when they fall due.<br />

Intuitively one would expect that this ratio should be over 1. In case of Karaikudi<br />

municipality, the current ratio is 3.40 and hence ULB has comfortable current ratio.<br />

Table 6.15: Summary of Current Assets and Liabilities status<br />

Description Amount (Rs. Lakh)<br />

A. Current Assets<br />

Property Tax Recoverable 118.31<br />

Profession Tax Recoverable 43.35<br />

Water Charges Recoverable 35.00<br />

License/Lease/Rental/other Recoverable -<br />

Other Recoverable -<br />

Cash on Hand /Bank -<br />

Total – Current Assets 196.66<br />

B. Current Liabilities<br />

Salaries Payable -<br />

PF and Other Contribution 42.00<br />

TNEB 12.00<br />

Library Cess Payable -<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Description Amount (Rs. Lakh)<br />

Other Payables -<br />

Deposits 3.80<br />

Total – Current Liabilities 57.80<br />

Net Status 138.86<br />

Source: Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity & Analysis.<br />

7. Key Financial Indicators and Issues<br />

147. A set of key financial indicators has been derived using the financial data procured from<br />

the <strong>Municipal</strong>ity for the assessment period. Table 6.16 presents these indicators. These<br />

indicators are used to assess the municipal performance with regards resource<br />

mobilization, fund utilization, financial performance and collection efficiencies.<br />

Table 6.16: Key Financial Indicators<br />

Indicators Value Unit<br />

A Resource Mobilization<br />

1 Per Capita Income<br />

2 Sources of Funds<br />

691 Rs. p.a<br />

a Share of Own Sources in Total Revenue Income (RI) 70.23 %<br />

b Share of Property Tax in Total Revenue Income 45.18 %<br />

c Share of Revenue Grants & Subsidies in Total RI 15.58 %<br />

3 Growth in Revenue Income 3.09 % p.a<br />

4 Growth in Own Sources of Revenue Income 3.80 %<br />

5 Per Capita Own Income<br />

B Fund Application<br />

353 Rs. P.a<br />

1 Per Capita Expenditure<br />

2 Uses of Funds<br />

575 Rs. p.a<br />

a Share of Establishment Expenditure in Total RE<br />

Share of O&M Expenditure in Total Revenue<br />

68.59 %<br />

b Expenditure 26.95 %<br />

c Share of Establishment Expenditure to Total RI 56.48 %<br />

3 Growth in Establishment Expenditure 6.46 %<br />

4 Growth in O&M Expenditure 26.67 %<br />

5 Growth in Total Revenue Expenditure<br />

C Liability Management<br />

1 Per Capita Liability (2004-05 estimated)<br />

15.63 % p.a<br />

a Outstanding Debt per Capita 536 Rs.<br />

b Outstanding Non-Debt Liability per Capita 141 Rs.<br />

c Total Outstanding Liability per Capita<br />

As a Proportion of Property Tax Current Demand (2003-<br />

677 Rs.<br />

2 04 estimated)<br />

a Outstanding Debt as % of P.T Demand 162.37 %<br />

b Outstanding Non-Debt Liability as % of P.T Demand 42.63 %<br />

c Total Outstanding Liability as % of P.T Demand<br />

3 As a Proportion of Property Tax Own Revenue Income<br />

205.00 %<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Indicators Value Unit<br />

(2003-04 estimated)<br />

a Outstanding Debt as % of Own Revenue Sources 108.57 %<br />

b O/s Non-Debt Liability as % of Own Revenue Sources 28.50 %<br />

c Total O/s Liability as % of Own Revenue Sources 137.07 %<br />

4 Non-Debt Liability as % of Total Liability 20.80 %<br />

5 Debt Servicing Ratio (D.S/ Revenue Income) 3.78 %<br />

D Performance Indicators<br />

1 Operating Ratio 0.84 Ratio<br />

2 Growth in Per Capita Own Income 3.42 % p.a<br />

3 Growth in Per Capita Grant (23.38) % p.a<br />

4 Growth in Per Capita Total Revenue Income 2.12 % p.a<br />

5 Growth in Per Capita Establishment Expenditure 7.53 % p.a<br />

6 Growth in Per Capita O&M Expenditure 29.12 % p.a<br />

7 Growth in Per Capita Revenue Expenditure 14.17 % p.a<br />

8 Capital Utilization Ratio 0.81 Ratio<br />

E Efficiency Indicators<br />

1 Tax Collection Performance<br />

a Property Tax 78% %<br />

b Water Charges 63% %<br />

c Sewer Charges NA %<br />

d Profession Tax 21% %<br />

2 No. of P.T Assessments per Tax Collection Staff 2,776 Nos.<br />

3 Property Tax Demand per Assessment 3,790 Rs. p.a<br />

4 No. of <strong>Municipal</strong> Staff per 1000 Population 3.27 Nos.<br />

5 Annual Revenue (Own Source) per <strong>Municipal</strong> Staff 11.15 Rs. Lakh p.a<br />

6 Population per Residential P.T Assessment 3.59 Persons<br />

Source: Analysis.<br />

148. Resource Mobilization Indicators. These indicators summarize the performance of the<br />

<strong>Municipal</strong>ity with regards sources of funds. Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity derives about 70.23<br />

percent of its revenue income from own sources, which is a good sign, while grants<br />

account for just about 15.58 percent of the revenue income.<br />

149. Fund Application Indicators. These indicators are a measure to ascertain the utilization<br />

from the municipal fund. Around 69 percent of the revenue expenditure is spent on<br />

establishment heads, only about 27 percent for O&M of municipal assets and services.<br />

Leaving only 4 percent utilized for debt servicing. Establishment expenditure accounts for<br />

about 57 percent of the total revenue generated by the <strong>Municipal</strong>ity.<br />

150. Liability Management Indicators. These indicators are a measure to ascertain the<br />

utilization from the municipal fund regards to debt servicing. The ratio of debt servicing to<br />

revenue income is only 3.78 percent during the assessment period. The per capita average<br />

outstanding debt works out to 536 rupees and per capita non-debt liability is 141 rupees.<br />

Out standing debt to property demand is around 162 percent and non-debt liability is 43<br />

percent times the property tax demand for the current year.<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

151. Overall Financial Performance Indicators. These indicators are a measure to assess the<br />

overall financial performance of the <strong>Municipal</strong>ity with regards operational performance<br />

and effective growth in revenue income and expenditure. The average operating ratio<br />

during the assessment period was a healthy 0.84 and the capital utilization ratio was low at<br />

0.81 indicating lesser utilization of revenue surpluses in asset creation – rather most of the<br />

capital expenditure has been incurred through external funding like loans, grants and<br />

contribution. The indicators of growth in per capita income and expenditure item heads<br />

indicate the effective growth, giving a performance measure relative to the growing<br />

population. Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity has demonstrated only 2.12 percent annual growth in<br />

per capita revenue income during the assessment period, while the per capita revenue<br />

expenditure has grown at a significantly higher 14.17 percent during the corresponding<br />

period. Which indicates that as population increases revenue fund will be in deficit, so<br />

there is a need for controlling revenue expenditure.<br />

152. Efficiency Indicators. These indicators are essentially a measure to assess <strong>Municipal</strong><br />

efficiency with regards revenue base coverage and realization. Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity has<br />

maintained a healthy collection performance both with regards property tax and water<br />

charges (78 percent and 63 percent respectively). The average population per assessment<br />

at 3.56 indicates that the property tax base has a wide coverage.<br />

153. Key issues and conclusions are based on the review and assessment municipal finances<br />

and discussions with relevant municipal officials.<br />

(i) Maintenance and Reporting of Accounts. The State Government deducts debt due<br />

by the Urban Local Body and then transfers funds (SFC devolution) the Urban<br />

Local Body records do not capture such apportionment. ULB’s do not maintain<br />

department/sector wise salary expenditure as mentioned in the ULB’s Accounting<br />

Manual.<br />

(ii) Revenue Realization. Taxes and charges are major own sources of revenue<br />

income. Being more dynamic in nature and within the control of the Urban Local<br />

Body, these revenue incomes have potential to contribute more to the municipal<br />

fund. Besides low tax rates and charges levied, the actual demand itself is not<br />

established. Key issues regarding the above comprise:<br />

• Low water supply coverage witnessed there are chances of illegal or<br />

unauthorized connections in the town;<br />

• Financial transaction trends not commensurate with population growth trends,<br />

resulting in reduction in per capita expenditure levels;<br />

(iii) Fund Application. Key issues regarding application from the municipal fund<br />

comprise:<br />

About 69 percent of the total expenditure is on establishment-related heads, leaving<br />

relatively lower amounts for expenditure on operation and maintenance of services, which<br />

is very high and above the normal/ideal range of 49 percent.<br />


A. Overview<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

154. Owing to rapid urbanization in and around the town, large influx of the migrants has been<br />

observed, which has resulted in formation of slums. The town presents a wide range of<br />

activities in various institutional and commercial sectors. Growth in such activities,<br />

possibilities of absorption in various service sectors, scope of employment in trade and<br />

business activities, hawking, retailing, carting etc. could have attracted rural poor to the<br />

town.<br />

155. There are fifteen notified slums and the total population residing in slum is 26,013.<br />

Around 30 percent of total population is residing in slums. The extent of area under the<br />

slums is around 150 acres. The ward-wise details on slum settlements are listed in Table<br />

7.1.<br />

Table 7.1: Existing Ward Wise Settlements of Slums<br />

Sl.<br />

No.<br />

Location Ward<br />

No.<br />

House<br />

holds<br />

Population No. of BPL<br />

Households<br />

BPL<br />

Households<br />

%<br />

1 Kalanivasal 1 475 2,375 163 11.13<br />

2 Meenakshi Puram 3 353 1,743 40 2.73<br />

3 Jeeva Nagar 3, 4 265 1,320 18 1.23<br />

4 Anna Nagar 5 877 4,347 143 9.76<br />

5 Servar Ooani 22 116 563 85 5.80<br />

6 Veeriyam Kanmoi 34 243 1,177 89 6.08<br />

7 Pappa Oorani 34, 35 456 2,703 118 8.05<br />

8 GaneshPuram 31, 33 720 3,562 66 4.51<br />

9 Kalvaipottal 30 319 1,496 59 4.03<br />

10 Keela Oorani South 25 295 1,428 161 10.99<br />

11 Kurchi Kmai 19 216 1,022 126 8.60<br />

12 Pananthoppu 32, 33 310 1,530 70 4.78<br />

13 Senjai Avvaiyar St 36 180 926 79 5.39<br />

14 Maruthupandiyar Nagar 19 132 538 70 4.78<br />

15 Vaithiyalingapuram 34 252 1,283 178 12.15<br />

Total 5,209 26,013 1465 100.00<br />

Source: Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

1. Water Supply<br />

156. All the slums are having piped water supply systems connected through public stand posts.<br />

In addition to this, hand pumps are also provided in some slums, which are located in<br />

wards 1, 5, 22, 33, 30, and 34. There are 56 public stand posts in these slums apart from<br />

eight bore wells with hand pumps. The distribution network in the slums runs to a length<br />

of 12.35 km.<br />


2. Sanitation<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

157. There are 13 public convenience units including eight ISP units located in the slums of<br />

Karaikudi. These are located in almost each of the slum localities. Most slum households<br />

have individual septic tanks or Low Cost Sanitation units.<br />

3. Roads and Street lights<br />

158. The municipality has laid bituminous roads (16.1 km) and cement concrete (4.5km) roads<br />

in majority of the slums. However, the street lighting remains inadequate in these slums at<br />

an average of one street light pole for every 267m of road length. There are 126 tube<br />

lights, 1 Sodium Vapour Lamp and 2 Mercury vapour lamps in the slums. The existing<br />

infrastructure facilities of slums are presented in Table 7.2 and identified slums with<br />

location are presented in Figure: 7.1<br />

Table 7.2: Existing Infrastructure Facilities<br />

Name of<br />

Ward Length of Roads Water Supply Public Street Lights<br />

Slums<br />

No CC BT WB Oth Piped PSP HP Conve MV SV<br />

nience<br />

Tu<br />

Kms Kms Nos. Nos Nos.<br />

Kalanivasal 1 - 0.3 - 0.5 0.25 5 1 1 (16) - - -<br />

Meenakshi Puram 3 0.6 2.0 - 0.5 1.20 9 - 1 (8) - - -<br />

Jeeva Nagar 3, 4 - 1.2 0.4 0.3 1.40 5 - 1 (16) - - -<br />

Anna Nagar 5 - 2.7 1.2 - 2.00 7 2 1 (16) - - -<br />

Servar Orani 22 0.4 0.9 0.5 - 0.50 4 1 1 (8) - - -<br />

Veeriyam<br />

Kanmoi<br />

34 0.5 0.8 0.3 0.3 0.60 5 - 1 (16) - - 15<br />

Pappa Orani 34,35 0.3 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.50 2 - - - - 12<br />

Ganesh Puram 31,33 - 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.40 2 1 2 (16) - - -<br />

KalvaiPottal 30 - 1.2 0.6 0.9 1.00 4 1 1 (16) - - 33<br />

Keela Orani<br />

South<br />

25 0.7 0.8 - 0.6 0.95 2 - 1 (16) 1 - 27<br />

Kurchi kamoi 19 0.6 1.2 0.7 0.5 0.80 2 - - - - -<br />

Panan thoppu 32, 33 0.3 1.1 0.5 0.4 0.75 3 1 1 (16) 1 1 21<br />

Senjai Avvaiyar<br />

Street<br />

36 0.5 0.9 - 0.5 0.60 2 - 2 (24) - - 18<br />

Maruthupandiyar<br />

Nagar<br />

19 0.9 1.1 0.8 0.3 0.20 1 - - - - -<br />

Vaithiyalingam<br />

puram<br />

34 - 0.5 1.5 0.9 1.20 3 1 - - - -<br />

Total 4.5 16 7.4 6.4 12.4 56 8 13<br />

(168)<br />

2 1 126<br />

Source: Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />


Map 7.1: Locations of Slums in Karaikudi<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />


B. Poverty Alleviation and Community Development<br />

1. Policies, Targets and Programs<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

159. To alleviate the problems of slum dwellers and to reduce urban poverty, a set of programs<br />

are initiated and are being implemented by the municipality with assistance from state and<br />

central government. Two major slum improvement programs are being implemented in<br />

Karaikudi viz., Swarna Jayanti Shehri Rojgar Yojna (SJSRY) and National Slum<br />

Development Program (NSDP) apart from the other program like the Integrated Sanitation<br />

Program.<br />

160. The SJSRY is planned to provide employment to the urban poor by helping to provide<br />

self-employment or provisions for wage employment. The central government funding is<br />

75 percent and the state government funding is 25 percent. The target groups will be a<br />

minimum of 30 percent women beneficiaries. The proportion of SC and ST will be the<br />

same proportion as in total population of the town and 3 percent is reserved for<br />

handicapped population.<br />

161. A task force has been formed for the implementation of the Swarna Jayanti Shehri Rojgar<br />

Yojna in Karaikudi town. As part of this program, the following schemes are implemented<br />

for urban poverty alleviation over the past five years.<br />

162. SJSRY program consists of -<br />

(i) Urban wage employment scheme<br />

(ii) Urban self employment Programs<br />

(iii) Urban Skill Training<br />

(iv) Development of Women and Children in Urban Areas (DWCUA)<br />

(v) Thrift & Credit Societies (TCS)<br />

2. Government Assisted Schemes<br />

163. Urban Self-Employment Program (USEP). This is one of the main components of SJSRY.<br />

This program is decided by the selection of beneficiaries who are finalized by the task<br />

force based on the recommendations of the Community Structures and the UPE Cell. In<br />

these programs, the Elected Council is not involved because of the non-involvement of the<br />

Urban Local Body funds. The sharing pattern between Central and State governments is<br />

75 percent and 25 percent respectively. This is only for the subsidy money, which will be<br />

15 percent of the project cost. The beneficiary will spend 5 percent as margin money. The<br />

banks then contribute the rest of the project cost and thus have a strong say in the selection<br />

of beneficiaries.<br />

164. The minimum eligibility for this scheme is confined to Below Poverty Line beneficiaries<br />

who have education up to ninth standard with emphasis given based on non-economic<br />

criteria. The maximum unit cost will be Rs 50,000 and the maximum allowable subsidy<br />

will be 15 percent of the cost of the project, subject to a limit of Rs 7,500.<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

165. In most of the selected cases, the banks take an upper hand in the decisions, based on the<br />

viability of the project and the experience of the claimant. There seems to be no strict<br />

reservations as per the Program Target Groups. The bankers finalize most of the decisions<br />

after a visit to the site, based on the list forwarded by the rest of the Task Force. The Task<br />

Force of the Urban Poverty Eradication Cell consists of the<br />

(i) Project Officer of the UPE- the Commissioner<br />

(ii) The Chairman of the Council<br />

(iii) Town <strong>Plan</strong>ning Officer-the Nodal Officer<br />

(iv) Community Organizer<br />

(v) District Employment Officer<br />

(vi) Bank Representatives (usually remain absent during meeting proceedings. Final<br />

decision only after thorough investigation)<br />

166. Urban Wage Employment Program (UWEP). This program seeks to provide wage<br />

employment to beneficiaries below the poverty line within the jurisdiction of the local<br />

body by utilizing their labor for construction of socially and economically useful public<br />

assets. The eligible municipalities should have less than 5 lakh population as per 1991<br />

census. This happens to be the program where the <strong>Municipal</strong> Council has strong decisionmaking<br />

powers about the selection of work. The other employment programs are decided<br />

by the selection of beneficiaries who are finalized by the task force based on the<br />

recommendations of the community structures and the UPE Cell. The UPE cell consists<br />

Chairman, Commissioner, Community Development Society President and COs<br />

(Community Organizers-who help the municipality in implementation of the program.)<br />

167. Usually the empowerment in this stage is given to the council. The ratio of share between<br />

the Government and the local body is 60:40. The Urban Local Body bears the expenses<br />

related to the workforce, whereas the Government meets the material costs. The workforce<br />

is necessarily from the identified Below Poverty Line list. Under this scheme, 22,972<br />

Mandays of work was generated in Karaikudi during 1999/2000.<br />

168. Development of Women and Children in Urban Areas (DWCUA). This program is aimed<br />

at supporting women and children through self-employment schemes on individual and<br />

group basis for activities like cottage industries, upgrading petty businesses etc. The funds<br />

for this project are shared between central and state governments in the ratio 75:25. This<br />

accounts for 45 percent of the total funds and the rest 5 percent comes from the<br />

beneficiary. There is no funding from municipality. The rest 50 percent is contributed by<br />

the bank and hence justifies their upper hand in taking the decisions. The beneficiaries are<br />

again selected by the task force of the urban poverty eradication (UPE) cell that comprises<br />

of commissioner-project officer, the municipal chairman, Town <strong>Plan</strong>ning Officer (TPO) -<br />

nodal officer, community organizer (CO), and bank representatives. The UPE cell receives<br />

inputs from the Community Development Societies, which in turn depends on the<br />

structures below. In case of Karaikudi, there has been only one group benefited during the<br />

year 2001-2002 with an amount of Rs. 30,000.<br />

169. National Slum Development Program. Under this program, the funding of the works is<br />

shared between the (Central Government + State Government 50 percent, <strong>Municipal</strong>ity-50<br />

percent). The works are finalized by the decision of the Council. They are inspected by the<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Regional Directorate of <strong>Municipal</strong> Administration (RDMA) through the Regional<br />

Engineer. This program is primarily aimed at improving or upgrading the existing slum<br />

environment. This is a central government sponsored slum development program and has<br />

three main components:<br />

(i) Construction (Infrastructure);<br />

(ii) Welfare (Immunization, education, etc.); and<br />

(iii) Shelter Up-gradation (Toilets and individual water connections).<br />

170. The slums given importance are of two types, permanent and non-permanent. In any case,<br />

they are designated as slums by the slum clearance board. For permanent slums, they are<br />

to be identified by the quality of roads and drainage. Special priority has to be given to the<br />

following works<br />

(i) Improvement of drinking water Supply system<br />

(ii) Laying/Relaying of roads<br />

(iii) Provision of Street Lights<br />

(iv) Drainage facilities<br />

(v) Improvement and new Public Conveniences with water Supply<br />

171. Special emphasis is to be given to areas for water supply and sanitation facilities including<br />

drainage facilities. The SJSRY community structures of Community Development<br />

Societies, Neighborhood Committees, Neighborhood Groups, etc need to forward the final<br />

requirements to the Council for decision. The funds allocated have to be decided as per<br />

slum population. Under this program, Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity allotted Rs 6.91 lakh and the<br />

Government funded Rs 6.0 lakh for the year of 2001-02.<br />

172. The municipality during 2001-02 has sanctioned seven works under the program out of<br />

which three works were completed, three works are in progress and one work has been<br />

cancelled because of the objection raised from TNEB. In the year 2000-2001, the<br />

municipality has spent Rs 12.5 lakh under this program for various works.<br />

173. Issues.<br />

(i) The community structures are not given due importance preparation of plans for the<br />

slums.<br />

(ii) The priority for works was given to slum wise allotments, based on the preference<br />

of the council for the priority was to maximize the use of funds in a particular slum<br />

in that particular year. For the next year, another slum would be taken up. Hence,<br />

sector wise works were not given importance in all the slums. In addition, the<br />

proportion of funds to be released based on slum population not considered.<br />

174. Integrated Sanitation Program. The Integrated Sanitation Program is a World Bank<br />

funded program under implementation through the Project Management Unit of Tamil<br />

Nadu Urban Development Project (TNUDP-II) and in coordination with the RDMA.<br />

Under ISP program, five sanitary complexes are constructed in Karaikudi.<br />

175. The program is based on demand driven community participation. Under this program, the<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

recipient community is made aware of various environmental and sanitation aspects. For<br />

successful implementation, the program is coordinated at the local level through the<br />

community organizers (COs) of the SJSRY scheme. The program is generally funded by<br />

way of grants. 80 percent is provided by TNUDP-II as grant<br />

176. The whole program is planned towards community empowerment and integrated<br />

sanitation at the Sanitation Complex itself. It is at this place where the community meets<br />

as a social group. The major components of the program include:<br />

177. Identification of the recipient Community of BPL Population (mostly in slums). This<br />

process is usually decided by the municipal council and does not involve the Community<br />

Development Structures (CDS) of the Town.<br />

178. Provision of an Integrated Complex with Toilet, Bathing, Washing and Meeting Room<br />

facilities with special provision of sanitation facilities for children. 16 toilets (10 major +6<br />

minor) are provided for the community.<br />

179. Separate facilities for bathing of 10 units are also provided. A separate platform is also<br />

provided for washing as well. Each unit of ISP is constructed at a cost of about Rs. 10<br />

lakh.<br />

180. Awareness programs consisting of information, education and communication activities<br />

are also conducted within the same complex to create a strong awareness on the related<br />

issues of health, sanitation and environment. These are conducted as discussions with the<br />

leaders of community organizations, specialists from the associated fields of health,<br />

education in the form of camps etc. These activities are for information dissemination and<br />

education. The communication aspect consists of both formal as well as informal type,<br />

where formal events are organized by the communities themselves to propagate their<br />

experiences.<br />

181. Service Adequacy and Key Issues. The following are a set of indicators, for which the<br />

current situation and the desired values are presented. The desired values can be used as<br />

benchmarks by the municipality to check its performance annually/ periodically and set<br />

targets for itself to be achieved in the next financial year. This will also aid in preparation<br />

of the Annual CCP Progress Reports by the municipality. The details of performance<br />

indicators are furnished in Table 7.3.<br />

Table 7.3: Performance Indicators for Slums<br />

Indicator Current Situation Benchmark<br />

Slum population as % to Total Town Population 30.10% < 10.0 %<br />

Household size in Slums 5 persons 4 persons<br />

% Slum Households to Total Households 30.51 % < 6.5 %<br />

Distribution Network Reach (against Road length in<br />

slums) in Slums<br />

21.44 % > 100.0 %<br />

Slum Population per Public Stand Post/ Hand Pumps 406 Persons 100 Persons<br />

Slum Population per Seat of Public Convenience/ ISP 155 Persons 60 Persons<br />

Complex<br />

Spacing between Street Lights in Slums (m) 266.7 m. < 30.0 m.<br />

Source: Analysis<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

(i) Very often the sanitation facilities in the slums are poor with lack of proper drainage<br />

and silt & garbage found choking in the drains wherever present.<br />

(ii) The survey to identify Below Poverty Line families by the Community Organizers<br />

(COs) themselves has not been successful. The Below Poverty Line eligibility<br />

criterion declared by the Government is not reasonably established through the<br />

survey. This could be one of the main reasons for Karaikudi having high Below<br />

Poverty Line population.<br />

(iii) In most of the municipalities, the ratio of CO to families is inadequate. In case of<br />

Karaikudi, there are only two Community Organizers for 5,000 odd households.<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />


A. Rationale, Need and Demand<br />

182. Considering the current deficits and the future requirements, the following strategies and<br />

action plan are suggested.<br />

183. Infrastructure assessment of the town indicates inadequate service levels, for present<br />

scenario, which will further enhance given the future growth;<br />

(i) Per capita water supply is 73 lpcd instead of 90 lpcd. The coverage of water<br />

supply connections with respect to property tax assessments is only 44.3 percent;<br />

(ii) Karaikudi lacks safe sanitation disposal facility, Underground drainage system;<br />

(iii) Karaikudi lacks scientific municipal solid waste treatment and disposal system<br />

catering to the waste collected; waste collection efficiency of the local body based<br />

on rated capacity of the vehicle is a low 21 percent;<br />

(iv) Surfaced roads within the Urban Local Body is approximately 94 percent; missing<br />

links, network deficiency and lack of traffic management systems causes<br />

congestion within the Urban Local Body area and reduces the carrying capacity of<br />

the roads;<br />

(v) Drainage network of the town covers only 89 percent of the total road length;<br />

which has been indicated as one of the major causes of flooding and water<br />

logging. The abysmal levels of service therefore provide a strong basis and need<br />

for the project.<br />

(i) Approach and Design Criteria. The Urban Local Body should increase the level of<br />

coverage of all facilities, to meet the service norms based on State Norms, CPHEEO<br />

Norms, UDPFI Norms or other applicable criteria. Based on this, considering the<br />

current deficits and the future requirements for the Urban Local Body, strategies and<br />

action plan are suggested.<br />

(ii) Component Selection Criteria. The total investment in the Urban Local Body<br />

depends on several parameters like, the level of current basic needs, the town’s<br />

affordability, and the assessed implementation capacity of the town or its agencies.<br />

Overall, project component selection is influenced by affordability and<br />

implementation capacity. In the interest of integrated town development, another<br />

criterion considered in project component selection has been to ensure inter-sector<br />

linkages and optimization. For instance, water supply, sanitation and sewerage have<br />

been seen as a composite sector and not in isolation from each other.<br />

(iii) Least Cost Solutions and Component Selection. In formulating project components,<br />

the preferred option was developed based on least cost options, taking into account<br />

meeting service delivery targets, and whole-life costs, including considerations on<br />

achievable operation and maintenance arrangements, given available resources in<br />

terms of skills and facilities.<br />


1. Water Supply<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

184. Goals and Service Outcomes. The goals and service outcomes based on the proposed<br />

strategy for the horizon period is presented in Table 8.1.<br />

Table 8.1: Goals and Service Outcomes – Water Supply<br />

S.No Goal 2011 2016 2026<br />

1 Network cover for general<br />

households<br />

100% 100% 100%<br />

2 Network coverage for urban<br />

slum households<br />

100% 100% 100%<br />

3 Per capita supply 90 lpcd 90 lpcd<br />

Hours of supply 24 hours / daily<br />

6 Un accounted water 20% 15% 12%<br />

7 O&M Cost Recovery 100% 100% 100%<br />

8 Collection Efficiency 100 % 100 % 100 %<br />

9 Customer Satisfaction Good Good Good<br />

185. The Karaikudi municipality should increase the supply levels and the coverage, to achieve<br />

an average gross supply of 90 lpcd and to cater to 100 percent population. Assuming that<br />

distribution network is extended to 85 percent of the town roads, all the citizens will enjoy<br />

the required supply.<br />

186. The total demand at the source in 2026 for a supply of 90 lpcd is about 11.49 MLD<br />

indicating a deficit of 4.89 MLD for year 2026 population. Considering the availability at<br />

source the per capita levels have been maximized to 90 lpcd against the requirements and<br />

the demand for the future is assessed. The details of future requirements of water supply<br />

are illustrated in Table 8.2.<br />

Table 8.2: Requirement until 2026 in Water Supply Sector<br />

Description Unit Gaps Up To 2026<br />

Source development till 2026 MLD 4.89<br />

Feeder mains and Transmission Mains Km 4.31<br />

Roads Covered with Distribution Network Km 81.25<br />

Elevated Storage capacity w.r.t Supply (2026) ML 0<br />

Rehabilitation of existing Network Km 10.10<br />

Treatment capacity (2026) ML 11.49<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

187. Considering the above requirements, capital investments in water supply have been<br />

planned for facilities to meet growing demand:<br />

(i) Increase in the source development<br />

(ii) feeder main laying and rehabilitation of existing distribution network<br />

(iii) new laying of distribution network<br />

188. Operation & Maintenance <strong>Plan</strong>. Adoption of an O &M <strong>Plan</strong> and Schedule, including<br />

options of using the private sector for O &M (e.g. management contract).<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

189. Asset Management <strong>Plan</strong>. To address the condition assessment and the performance of the<br />

water supply assets, it is recommended that an asset management plan be prepared for the<br />

assets of water supply in Karaikudi.<br />

190. Tariff Revision. Future capital investments on system up-gradation being imminent, the<br />

tariff structure shall be revised from time to time to enable cost recovery and to service the<br />

additional debt from the capital investments.<br />

191. Performance Monitoring. It is important to monitor certain key indicators to assess the<br />

performance of the system and to ensure sustainability of the operations.<br />

192. Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building. Recruitment of trained engineering<br />

personnel for management of waterworks is an important issue confronting the<br />

municipality and as well of more importance is to keep them technically updated.<br />

193. It is necessary that periodic training be imparted to the electricians at the pump house. The<br />

training should be given to maintain pumps, motors and in energy savings subject. Such<br />

training facilities are available along with training manuals at the Tamil Nadu Water and<br />

Drainage Board head office. The availability of Alagappa University within the vicinity<br />

should reduce the burden on the municipality, which can be consulted for training<br />

sessions. It is much pertinent and necessary for the operations staff to understand the<br />

peculiar characteristics of Sambai Oothu.<br />

2. Sewerage and Sanitation<br />

194. Goals and Service Outcomes: The goals and service outcomes based on the proposed<br />

strategy for the horizon period is presented in Table 8.3.<br />

Table 8.3: Goals and Service Outcomes - Sewerage<br />

S.No Goal 2011 2016 2026<br />

1 Coverage (Access) 100% 100% 100%<br />

2 Treatment & Disposal 100% 100% 100%<br />

3 Recycle & Reuse 25% 40% 50%<br />

4 Customer Satisfaction Good Good Good<br />

195. The town does not have any sewerage system and the sanitation facilities include septic<br />

tanks and low cost sanitation units. Against the population coverage, only 76.6 percent of<br />

the Property Tax Assessments have safe disposal facility. Sewerage and sullage water<br />

generally flows into the storm water drains and finally into the Uranis. The poor and slum<br />

dwellers lack adequate safe sanitation facilities and hence are prone to health related<br />

diseases. To enhance the coverage of safe sanitation facilities, the following strategies are<br />

recommended. The details of future requirements of sewerage and sanitation are illustrated<br />

in Table 8.4.<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Table 8.4: Requirement until 2026 in Sewerage and Sanitation<br />

Description<br />

Under Ground Drainage<br />

Unit Gaps Up To 2026<br />

Length of Under Ground Drainage km. 156.74<br />

STP Capacity MLD 9.19<br />

Road Rehabilitation due to Water Supply and Sewerage km. 156.74<br />

Project<br />

Public Conveniences Units (ISP) 27<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

196. Stringent Building Permission Mechanism. Until now, the municipality does not have any<br />

role to play with respect to this service. Its role is more of secondary nature with the<br />

building permission rules of Town <strong>Plan</strong>ning department playing the primary role. Hence, it<br />

is necessary that the building use permissions be issued only on ensuring that safe disposal<br />

facility is adequately provided. The future plan shall be directed towards catering to the<br />

town’s requirements for the year 2026. The program can be phased in the same way as that<br />

of the water supply system so that the investment can be made judiciously.<br />

197. Sewerage <strong>Plan</strong>ning. There is immediate need to take the under ground drainage project to<br />

protect aquifer of Sambai Oothu which is prone to pollution. Proposals will be limited to<br />

the areas where population density dictates the introduction of piped underground<br />

sewerage as the only alternative for improving the sanitation and environmental health<br />

conditions, and where water supply is available. In congested low-income and slum areas,<br />

community sanitation facilities will be provided, which will be connected to the sewerage<br />

network. In addition, the municipality has to prepare detailed project report for UGD.<br />

198. Coverage of Slum Areas. Currently, a majority of the low-income areas do not have safe<br />

sanitation facilities. However, the Slum Improvement Program have created infrastructure<br />

in the form of public conveniences, the operation and maintenance of these facilities is not<br />

satisfactory and hence could not be sustainable. Hence, the sanitation projects be taken up<br />

under the ISP program for the poor and the slum dwellers and it should be inter linked<br />

with the UGD. The O & M of the ISP units are to be managed by the local communities.<br />

199. Requirement for future. The capital investments under this sector are towards provision of<br />

Under Ground Drainage System for the entire town. The sewerage sector and provision of<br />

public convenience systems under the sanitation sector mainly aimed at improving the<br />

sanitation facilities in the slums and the town. For this corporate plan, period investments<br />

are restricted to provision of Pubic Convenience systems.<br />

3. Storm Water Drainage & Rejuvenation of Water Bodies<br />

200. Goals and Service Outcomes. The goals and service outcomes based on the proposed<br />

strategy for the horizon period is presented in Table 8.5.<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Table 8.5: Goals and Service Outcomes – Storm Water Drain and Water Bodies<br />

Sl.No Goal 2011 2016 2026<br />

Macro Drainage<br />

Macro Drainage Recommendations 100%<br />

Micro Drainage<br />

With in the Town 100%<br />

201. Primary Drain Rehabilitation and Improvement. A significant reduction in depth and<br />

width is noticed due to siltation and encroachment of drain bunds. To alleviate these, a<br />

rehabilitation and improvement program is recommended.<br />

(i) Improvement measures such as widening and deepening<br />

(ii) Construction of side walls to confirm to uniform cross-section in built up areas<br />

(iii) Diversion of drains at critical sections<br />

(iv) Construction of cross-drainage works<br />

202. Drainage Rehabilitation. The low-lying areas are to be relieved of the flooding problem in<br />

future by undertaking a drainage rehabilitation program. As a part of this program, the<br />

leading/ connections between secondary and tertiary drains to primary drains have to be<br />

improved and strengthened. In addition, control of weed growth, limiting the dumping of<br />

solid and construction waste and controlling the encroachments and built-up on Odai and<br />

Urani edges have to be encouraged to effect a smooth and effective functioning of the<br />

drainage system.<br />

203. In accordance with the above, the municipality shall desilt the primary drains on a regular<br />

basis before the onset of the monsoon. The construction of new drains and missing links<br />

shall be taken up on priority. Moreover, it is recommended that to construct fencing height<br />

of 2m along natural drain both sides. The details of future requirements of storm water<br />

drains are illustrated in Table 8.6.<br />

Table 8.6: Requirement until 2026 in Storm Water Drains<br />

Description Unit Gaps Up To 2026<br />

Upgradation of Kutcha to Pucca<br />

Kutcha to Pucca Open km. 69.27<br />

Kutcha to Pucca Closed km. 25.19<br />

New Pucca Open Drains km. 73.74<br />

New Pucca Closed Drains km. 22.06<br />

Lakes conservation /Tanks regeneration and Nalla<br />

strengthening<br />

Water Bodies Conservation Nos. 6<br />

Desilting and Strengthening of Primary Drains km. 13.81<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

204. Improvement Works and Construction of Tertiary Drains. Improvement works in the town<br />

shall mainly comprise of up-gradation of kutcha drains to pucca drains. It is proposed to<br />

construct tertiary drains for the major arterials and important roads to increase the<br />

coverage and to facilitate proper draining of storm water into natural drains. Maximum<br />

length of the new formations shall be pucca closed drains.<br />


4. Solid Waste Management<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

205. Goals and Service Outcomes. The goals and service outcomes based on the proposed<br />

strategy for the horizon period is presented in Table 8.7.<br />

Table 8.7: Goals and Service Outcomes – Solid Waste Management<br />

S.No Goal 2011 2016 2026<br />

1 Collection with in the Town 100% 100% 100%<br />

2 Door to Door Collection - % 100% 100% 100%<br />

3 Source Segregation - % 75% 100% 100%<br />

4 Collection - % 90% 100% 100%<br />

5 Scientific Disposal 80% 100% 100%<br />

6 Preparation of Manure 25% 50% 100%<br />

7 Cost Recovery of O & M -% 50% 75% 100%<br />

8 Private Sector Participation Primary<br />

collection<br />

100%<br />

Secondary<br />

collection and<br />

Maintenance of<br />

disposal site<br />

Primary,<br />

Secondary and<br />

Maintenance of<br />

disposal site<br />

206. Existing Service Level. Storage of waste at source is one of the important<br />

recommendations of MoEF. The introduction of door-to-door collection by the<br />

municipality has led to implementation of source segregation. The system of primary<br />

collection is partly privatized and the private contractor and the rest cover about 25 percent<br />

of the households of the town by the <strong>Municipal</strong>ity. The households store the un-segregated<br />

waste in open containers and dispose off the same at the community collection points.<br />

Recovery of waste that is saleable such as newspaper, glass bottles, and recyclable plastic<br />

is observed in the domestic sector. Similar to the domestic households, major hotels and<br />

restaurants also store waste in open containers.<br />

207. Improvement Strategies. Highest priority has to be accorded for segregation and storage at<br />

source irrespective of the area of generation so as to facilitate an organized and<br />

environmentally acceptable waste collection, processing and disposal. Source segregation<br />

of recyclable and biodegradable (organic waste) also provides an efficient resource<br />

recovery.<br />

208. In order to achieve the above objective, a ‘Bin system of Solid Waste Storage’ at source is<br />

being recommended. As per this system, each households shall be directed to keep<br />

separate bins/ containers for biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste generated within<br />

their premises.<br />

209. The bins can be of 10-15 liters capacity made of plastic/ reinforced plastic/ LDPE or metal<br />

bins of individual choice, but should be provided with lid. The segregated waste so stored<br />

in these bins will have to be transferred to the dumper placer provided for each area. The<br />

specifications of segregated waste are summarized in Table 8.8.<br />

Table 8.8: Details of Specification of Segregated Waste<br />

Storage of Segregated waste<br />

S. No. Source<br />

Bio-Degradable Non-Bio-degradable<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

S. No. Source<br />

Storage of Segregated waste<br />

Bio-Degradable Non-Bio-degradable<br />

1 Households 10-15 litres capacity plastic/ A bin or Bag of suitable<br />

reinforced plastic/ LDPE/ metal<br />

bin with lid<br />

Size<br />

2 Hotels,<br />

60 litres capacity-LDPE /HDPE A bin or Bag of suitable<br />

Restaurants<br />

Size<br />

3 Shops, Offices, Suitable container not<br />

A bin or Bag of suitable<br />

Institutions exceeding 60 litres<br />

Size<br />

4 Market Stalls 40-60 litres bin-LDPE/HDPE A bin or Bag of suitable<br />

size<br />

5 Function Halls Bin/ Skip matching to<br />

A bin or Bag of suitable<br />

<strong>Municipal</strong> Collection system size<br />

6 Hospitals, 60 litres capacity bin for non- Store waste as per Bio-<br />

Nursing homes infectious bio-degradable waste medical Waste Mgmt<br />

Handling Rules 1998<br />

7 Construction/ - Store with in premises<br />

Demolition waste<br />

and deposit in the<br />

notified Site by the local<br />

body or to the municipal<br />

Vehicle<br />

8 Garden Waste Store with in premises Deposit in large<br />

community bin or to the<br />

municipal vehicle<br />

210. Construction waste has to be stored at the premises of the construction either in skips or in<br />

suitable containers and has to be directly emptied to the notified disposal site by the<br />

generator. Meat and fish markets should store waste in non-corrosive bins of maximum<br />

100 liters capacity each and transfer contents to large container to be kept at the market<br />

just before lifting of such large containers. Slaughterhouses should keep separate<br />

containers for animal waste and other wastes. It is also being recommended that this<br />

system of source segregation and storage is encouraged through community education and<br />

awareness campaigns and hence no capital investments are envisaged in this regard.<br />

211. Primary Collection & Street Sweeping. Waste is generally collected door-to-door by<br />

either the municipal or the private contractor. This waste collected is deposited at<br />

collection points except in areas where door-to-door collection is not implemented. In such<br />

areas, people dispose the waste into the dustbins located at every odd point on the roads.<br />

The community storage facilities comprise of all types of collection bins such as concrete,<br />

steel and masonry bins, including the garbage chowks. The average road length per<br />

conservancy worker in Karaikudi is about 720 m as against the desirable norm of 300 m.<br />

212. Improvement Strategies: - The following measures have been recommended for improving<br />

the primary collection practices of Karaikudi.<br />

(i) Implementation of 100 percent ‘Door-to-door collection’;<br />

(ii) Installation of ‘Community Storage Bins’ in areas where door-to-door collection<br />

could not be implemented.<br />

(iii) Introduction of multi-bin handcarts/ Tri-cycles.<br />

(iv) Placement of dumper containers of sufficient number in markets and ensuring that<br />

all the vendors place the waste in the containers.<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

(v) Introduction of bio-medical waste management facility with support from Indian<br />

Medical Association.<br />

213. It is recommended that the community be involved in primary collection through<br />

segregation at household level to minimize the number of waste handling operation. Nonbiodegradable<br />

waste shall be collected separately from premises where door to door<br />

collections are organized. Present system of primary collection should be supplemented by<br />

introducing multi-bin carts (Push carts / Tricycles) covering the entire area of the town of<br />

which 80% will be handled by private contractors and the rest by the municipality. The<br />

details of proposed primary collection system are summarized in Table 8.9.<br />

Table 8.9: Details of proposed primary collection system<br />

Mode of Area of collection Primary Collection<br />

collection<br />

Vehicle<br />

Door to Door 1. Residential Multi-bin cart/ tricycle-<br />

colonies of High with 2 bins for<br />

and Middle income Biodegradable waste and<br />

group<br />

1 for recyclable<br />

2. Hotels/<br />

Restaurants<br />

Large Fruit and Vegetable<br />

Community Markets/ Transfer<br />

Bin System Stations<br />

Small Slums/urban poor<br />

Community Colonies<br />

Bin System<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

Closed vehicle to collect<br />

Biodegradable<br />

Carrying bins to Transfer<br />

Point<br />

Carrying bins to Transfer<br />

Point<br />

Secondary storage<br />

1. Bio-degradable in<br />

Skips/ wheel containers<br />

2. Non-biodegradable-<br />

Sell or hand over to<br />

waste collector<br />

Direct transport to<br />

Disposal site<br />

Skip / Dumper Placer<br />

Transfer contents of<br />

biodegradable to<br />

community bins<br />

214. Since further areas and eventually the entire town are proposed to be brought under<br />

privatization, hence there would not be any further requirement to induct conservancy<br />

workers. The existing street sweeping operations in Karaikudi are satisfactory and to<br />

ensure operational efficiency of the system, the following measures are suggested.<br />

(i) Markets and other areas of the city shall be swept at least twice a day and<br />

sweeping should be done on Sundays and holidays in core areas and denser areas.<br />

(ii) Sweepings shall be collected separately as degradable and non-biodegradable<br />

waste and deposit in containers kept at various locations and a separate crew<br />

equipped with appropriate implements may do de-silting of larger drains.<br />

215. Collection & Transportation. There are 32 secondary collection points, and a fleet of<br />

vehicles comprising of tractor-trailers and mini trucks numbering six in total. On an<br />

average, each vehicle makes three trips a day and around 70.8 percent of the waste is<br />

transported to the disposal site.<br />

216. Improvement Strategies. In view of the criticality of the information on vehicle movement<br />

in assessing the collection and disposal efficiency of the local body, it is recommended<br />

that a standard register at the disposal site be maintained. The register should contain<br />

information on each of the vehicle trips. A summary of this information shall be prepared<br />

at the end of the day, to be verified by the health officer.<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

217. It is also recommended that Dual Loaded Dumper Placers (DLDPs) be introduced to<br />

improve the collection efficiency and to cover 80 percent area of the town in phased<br />

manner. The introduction of Dual Loaded Dumper Placers shall eliminate the need of the<br />

Secondary Collection Points except in places where Dual Loaded Dumper Placers cannot<br />

be introduced. Instead of these collection points, in the end, transfer stations with<br />

advanced segregation and recycling facilities may be introduced.<br />

218. Requirements. Additional five Dual Loaded Dumper Placers with 19 numbers of<br />

containers will be required for collection of approximately 53 tons of waste that shall be<br />

generated in Karaikudi by the year 2026. The details of future requirements of solid waste<br />

management are presented in Table 8.10.<br />

Table 8.10: Requirement until 2026 in Solid Waste Management<br />

Description Unit Gaps Up To 2026<br />

Primary collection<br />

Hand Carts Nos. 20<br />

Push Carts (Street Sweeping) Nos. 258<br />

Secondary collection<br />

Dumper bins (7 cum) Nos. 19<br />

Transportation Vehicles<br />

Dumper Placer Nos. 5<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

219. Disposal Improvement Strategies. The present waste disposal sites are used for simple<br />

dumping, and do not conform to government regulations. Under the Project, it is proposed<br />

to have a compost plant and a scientific sanitary landfill, to treat the organic and inorganic<br />

waste, respectively. Improved collection procedures and a move towards segregation of<br />

waste at source will assist the composting process. Existing waste disposal sites will be<br />

developed into proper sanitary landfill in compliance with the Supreme Court guidelines<br />

and the Solid Waste Handling Rules (2000)<br />

220. The characteristics and quantity of solid waste generated in the town primarily influence<br />

the disposal options. A review of the availability of solid waste sample indicates that<br />

nearly 40% of the waste generated in Karaikudi is organic nature. In terms of the quantity<br />

around 41.51 tons of waste is generated every day and is expected to go up 53.32 tons by<br />

the year 2026. Considering these aspects, it is recommended to develop a landfill site and<br />

composting site for safe disposal of solid waste of Karaikudi. The disposal strategies are:<br />

(i) Compost the organic fraction of the waste<br />

(ii) Sanitary land filling of inorganic fraction of waste and the compost rejects<br />

221. Requirements. Area requirements for the landfill sites are worked out based on the<br />

generation trends and sustainable waste management practices. Karaikudi shall be<br />

generating around 53.32 tons of solid waste at a rate of 480 gm/ capita/ day by 2026. The<br />

base year (2005) waste generation trends when projected to the design year 2026,<br />

Karaikudi shall be requiring a total of 9.00 acres (for a generation 53.32 tons per day) of<br />

landfill area and 1 acre for composting.<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

222. The above analysis is based on CPHEEO design assumptions for sanitary landfills,<br />

wherein a landfill height of 5 m and a bulk density of 0.85 tons/ m 3 are assumed. However,<br />

the actual height of landfill depends on the geological/ geographical conditions of the site<br />

and technology of landfill development.<br />

5. Roads and Traffic Management<br />

223. Goals and Service Outcomes. The goals and service outcomes based on the proposed<br />

strategy for the horizon period is presented in Table 8.11.<br />

Table 8.11: Goals and Service Outcomes –Roads, Traffic and Transportation<br />

S.No Goal 2011 2016 2026<br />

1 Road Network as % of Total<br />

Area<br />

12% 15% 15%<br />

2 Average Speed -km/’h with<br />

in the town<br />

20 30 35<br />

3 Sidewalks length to Total Half of the 75% of the 95% of the<br />

road length<br />

requirement requirement requirement<br />

4 Road accidents Reduced by Reduced by Reduced by<br />

25%<br />

50%<br />

70%<br />

Roads Coverage<br />

1 <strong>Municipal</strong>ity 80% 100% 100%<br />

Road Safety<br />

1 To reduce traffic accidents by<br />

traffic management measures<br />

With in the Town<br />

100% 100% 100%<br />

Parking<br />

1 Construction of parking<br />

complexes at proposed<br />

locations<br />

100% 100% 100%<br />

Decongestion<br />

1 Development of Outer Ring<br />

Road<br />

100%<br />

224. About 6 percent of the total area of the town is under roads with a total length of about<br />

154.9 km. 94.6 percent of the roads are surfaced. Accordingly, strategies are formulated to<br />

have 100 percent coverage of surfaced roads including up-gradation of roads. The<br />

percentage of concrete roads in the town is at 5 percent and since these Cement Concrete<br />

roads are provided with minimum widths in core areas, the overall system get affected<br />

with load and pressure on the remaining roads resulting in frequent O & M costs and<br />

traffic congestion. The deficiencies in Karaikudi with respect to the road infrastructure<br />

pertain mainly to the width of roads and density of roads.<br />

225. Roads planning. The newly developing areas lack the facility and shall increase to a<br />

minimum of 10 percent though the norm can be in the range of 15-20 percent. The road<br />

widening projects can provide succor to a certain extent in increasing the area under roads,<br />

but is limited to certain commercial corridors only. Roads planning shall also ensure that<br />

road; parking and traffic infrastructure provision matches the city’s present and future<br />

needs for both private and public transport. The details of future requirements of roads and<br />

traffic & transportation are summarized presented in Table 8.12.<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Table 8.12: Requirement until 2026 in Roads and Traffic & Transportation<br />

Description Unit Gaps Up To 2026<br />

Upgradation<br />

BT to Concrete km. -<br />

WBM to Black Top km. 3.50<br />

Earthen to Black Top km. 0.65<br />

Relaying of Black top km. 27.88<br />

New Formation<br />

Concrete km. -<br />

Black Top km. 36.87<br />

Traffic and Transportation<br />

Widening/ Strengthening km. 5.00<br />

Junction Improvement Nos. 8.00<br />

Bye-pass Road (Regional Outer Ring Road) km. 20.00<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

226. Asset Rehabilitation. Upgrading shall be undertaken to extend, refurbish and enhance the<br />

roads. <strong>Plan</strong>s shall be phased to optimize cost and surface condition and shall include<br />

upgrading earthen roads to bituminous-topped roads. This phased up-gradation would<br />

considerably reduce the costs on new formations.<br />

227. Widening and Strengthening of Road structures. With due consideration to the growing<br />

traffic intensity it has been proposed to upgrade all the major roads with specific focus on<br />

the State and National Highways and some major roads. It is recommended that the road<br />

from old bus stand to Periyar statue intersection should be widened.<br />

228. Intersections. There are four important junctions in the town where major roads need<br />

improvements. These are:<br />

(i) Periyar statue intersection<br />

(ii) Second Beat intersection<br />

(iii) First Beat intersection<br />

(iv) Kallukatti Intersection<br />

229. The traffic from Devakkottai approach is routed through the adjoining street and joins<br />

Madurai road at first beat junction. An alternative road on eastern side is being proposed to<br />

relieve congestion.<br />

230. The moffusil buses from Madurai, Sivaganga and Devakkottai are diverted along V.O.C.<br />

Road, Kalanivasal road and new bus stand road to reach the new bus stand. The detour<br />

caused by this is about 5 Km, which has to be minimized by suggesting a suitable alternate<br />

route from old bus stand to the new bus stand.<br />

231. The entire circulation with in the city has to be examined and if necessary suitable traffic<br />

circulation plan has to be suggested with a view to minimize the inconvenience to the<br />

vehicular traffic.<br />

232. Even at predominant bus stops where enough road width is available, recessed bus bays<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

are not provided in this town. Buses that halt at bus stops on the carriageway are found to<br />

create problems of traffic congestion.<br />

6. Street Lighting<br />

233. Goals and Service Outcomes. The goals and service outcomes based on the proposed<br />

strategy for the horizon period is presented in Table 8.13.<br />

Table 8.13: Goals and Service Outcomes – Street Lighting<br />

S.No Goal 2011 2016 2026<br />

1 Energy saving mechanisms 80% 100% 100%<br />

2 Adequate lighting in Non-lit areas 80% 100% 100%<br />

234. The strategic intervention in this sector is increasing the number of lampposts in the wards<br />

identified to reduce the average spacing between lampposts in the town to below 30m.<br />

Further, measures are to be adopted to minimize the power consumption charges, which<br />

are observed to be on the higher side. The details of future requirements of street lighting<br />

are summarized presented in Table 8.14.<br />

Table 8.14: Requirement until 2026 in Street Lighting<br />

Description Unit Gaps Up To 2026<br />

Street Lighting<br />

Tube Light Nos. 2,324<br />

High Power Nos. 377<br />

Power Saver Switches Nos. 5<br />

High Mast Lamps Nos. 4<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

235. Further, to improve upon the O & M of the street lighting it is recommended to mechanize<br />

the system and involve private sector in the same. To reduce the power consumption, new<br />

technology bulbs are to be introduced with dimming systems during non-peak hours of<br />

operation to reduce the power consumption, which will be discuss in brief in Chapter X.<br />

7. Poverty Alleviation<br />

236. Goals and Service Outcomes: The goals and service outcomes based on the proposed<br />

strategy for the horizon period is presented in Table 8.15.<br />

Table 8.15: Goals and Service Outcomes – Poverty Alleviation<br />

S.No Goal 2011 2016 2026<br />

1 Water supply network coverage for<br />

slum households<br />

90% 95% 100%<br />

2 UGD coverage for slum households 60% 100% 100%<br />

3 Adequately lit slums 100% 100% 100%<br />

4 Adequate road link for the slums 100% 100% 100%<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

237. Beneficiary Selection. Identify the target beneficiaries based on a socio-economic survey<br />

and initiate efforts to form Community Development Societies (CDSs) covering the target<br />

population and implement guidelines on the lines of SJSRY in beneficiary selection.<br />

Encourage the community to avail the benefits under the various slum development<br />

programs by developing linkages with the lead bankers and ensure that the flow of<br />

communication between the various actors and the community structures through a proper<br />

reporting procedure.<br />

238. Program Monitoring. While implementation of the program is important the monitoring<br />

of the same is more important for continuing of the process. This ensures the success of<br />

the program and hence further participation of the communities over the years, which will<br />

only lead to complete poverty alleviation.<br />

B. Project Identification for Service Delivery<br />

1. Cost Estimation - Water Supply<br />

239. Source Development. To meet the future requirements, source of water has to be further<br />

harnessed from Sambai Oothu either by increasing the yield from the existing bore wells<br />

and with additional bore wells at the head works to take the total yield to about 9.87 MLD<br />

by 2011 and to 11.49 MLD by 2026.<br />

240. Replacement of Pumping Main. A replacement is required for 4.31 km of 6” AC and 8”<br />

Cast Iron pumping mains at Devakottai Rastha Bore Wells. These pipes are damaged and<br />

corroded. The new pumping main has to lay from source to elevated storage reservoirs for<br />

supply of additional water by 2026.<br />

241. Storage Adequacy. While storage capacity is adequate at 0.52 and 0.57 capacity/ demand<br />

ratio in middle level and low level zones, the high level and Kallukatti zones have<br />

demand/ capacity ratio of 0.15 and 0.24 respectively against the needed 0.33. For the<br />

envisaged increase in supply by 2026, there would not be any requirement for additional<br />

storage.<br />

242. Extension and Replacement of the Distribution System. The present distribution system is<br />

under four zones, which however are not able to cater to the demands of tail end users. To<br />

cater the increasing demand and to effect an equitable distribution of water in all the areas<br />

of the town, it is proposed to create seven zones from the existing four zones. The scheme<br />

puts the requirement of an additional 81.25 km of distribution network, which will take<br />

care of the present uncovered areas of Kalanivasal, Subramaniapuram, Sudamanipuram,<br />

Senjai and Kalavaipottal area and for the year 2026. This has been arrived at assuming that<br />

about 80 percent of the total road length by 2026 will have the distribution network.<br />

243. The replacement works shall be in Subramaniapuram, Pillaiyar Koil Street, Shanmugam<br />

Pillai Street, Pavendar Salai and Alagappan Ambalam Street and Pavendar Salai to a total<br />

length of 10.1 km.<br />

244. Treatment Facility. Since water is drawn from ground water source, an artesian spring,<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

which has recorded negligible pollutants, pre-chlorination is the only type of treatment<br />

done before water is pumped into the elevated storage reservoirs. However, with<br />

increasing urbanization, there has been an increasing threat felt by the citizens of<br />

Karaikudi to this only source of water in the form of seeping of sewerage and sullage<br />

contaminating the aquifer of Sambai Oothu running below the town. So considering the<br />

seepage of wastewater in to the ground water it is essential to have treatment plant in<br />

2013.<br />

245. The capital costs estimated for the proposed interventions are to the tune of Rs. 764.60<br />

lakh. The investment for the water supply sector is based on the requirements and demand<br />

for the year 2026. Accordingly, the gaps are identified and the projects are identified<br />

broadly as source development, storage capacity augmentation, pumping main, and<br />

augmentation of distribution network, rehabilitation for existing network. The total<br />

investment towards water supply is presented in the Table 8.16.<br />

Table 8.16: Details of Identified Investment in Water Supply Sector<br />

Component<br />

Total investment up to 2026<br />

Rs. Lakh<br />

Source development till 2026 (4.89 MLD) 7.34<br />

Feeder mains and Transmission Mains (4.31 km) 34.48<br />

Additional distribution network (81.25 km) 162.51<br />

Rehabilitation for existing Network (10.10 km) 20.20<br />

Treatment capacity (2026) (11.49 MLD) 540.07<br />

Total<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

764.60<br />

2. Sewerage and Sanitation<br />

246. An investment of Rs. 4,376.46 lakh (base cost) for provision of under ground drainage<br />

system is envisaged in lieu with the environmental aspects i.e., pollution of the fresh water<br />

aquifer beneath in the region. The investment components include sewer length of 156.74<br />

km, STP, land and electrical equipment and public conveniences for slums. The total<br />

sewerage and sanitation investments are presented in Table 8.17.<br />

Table 8.17: Investments for Sewerage and Sanitation<br />

Component<br />

Total investment up to 2026<br />

Rs. Lakh<br />

Under Ground Drainage<br />

Sewer network (156.74 km) 2,351.16<br />

STP & Land and Electrical equipment (9.19 MLD) 137.89<br />

Road Rehabilitation due to Water Supply and Sewerage<br />

1,567.44<br />

Project (156.74 km)<br />

Public Convenience in Slum (27 ISP units) 319.97<br />

Total 4,376.46<br />

Source: - Analysis<br />


3. Storm Water Drainage & Rejuvenation of Water Bodies<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

247. The investments are in line with up-gradation and new formation of roads. The<br />

components involved in this sector are up-gradation of the existing drains and new<br />

formations. The estimated cost for extension and augmentation of storm water drainage<br />

including the improvement measures to odais is about Rs. 120.0 lakh. While Rs. 1259.37<br />

lakh is proposed for up-gradation of drains, Rs. 1259.9 lakh is proposed for new<br />

formations. Rs. 103.58 lakh is proposed for desilting and strengthening of odais and<br />

ponds. The proposed investments towards drains and nallas are presented in Table 8.18.<br />

Table 8.18: Investments for Drainage and Lake Development<br />

Component<br />

Total investment up to 2026<br />

Rs. Lakh<br />

Up gradation of Kutcha to Pucca<br />

Kutcha to Pucca Open (69.27 km) 831.18<br />

Kutcha to Pucca Closed (25.19 km) 428.19<br />

New Pucca Open Drains (73.74 km) 884.88<br />

New Pucca Closed Drains (22.06 km) 375.02<br />

Total 2,519.27<br />

Lakes conservation /Tanks regeneration and Nalla<br />

strengthening<br />

Tanks/ Lakes conservation (6 nos.) 120.00<br />

Desilting & Strengthening of Primary Drains (13.81 km) 103.58<br />

Total 223.58<br />

Source: - Analysis<br />

4. Solid Waste Management<br />

248. The total investment identified for this sector is Rs. 389.07 lakh. The requirements at the<br />

disposal site are planned for the horizon year 2026. The components for primary and<br />

secondary collection are for the immediate requirements and the investment requirement<br />

is. Rs. 80.63 lakh. Rs. 50.00 lakh of identified investment is for procuring Dual Loaded<br />

Dumper Placers and Rs. 10.45 lakh for the dumper bins. The major investment is towards<br />

development of landfill site and compost yard (Rs. 308 lakh). Table 8.19 gives the<br />

investment for solid waste management sector.<br />

Table 8.19: Investments for Solid Waste Management<br />

Component<br />

Total investment up to 2026<br />

Rs. Lakh<br />

Solid Waste Management<br />

Hand Carts (20 nos) 1.60<br />

Push Carts (258 nos) 18.58<br />

Secondary collection<br />

Dumper bins (7 cum) (19 nos) 10.45<br />

Dumper Placer (5 nos) 50.00<br />

Development of Compost (1 acre) 52.50<br />

Development of Land Fill Site (9 acres) 255.94<br />

Total 389.07<br />

Source: Analysis<br />


5. Roads and Traffic Management<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

249. Rs. 93.53 lakh is proposed for up-gradation of existing roads to Bituminous surfacing, Rs.<br />

35.28 lakh is proposed for widening and strengthening of identified road stretches in the<br />

town. New formation is proposed in undeveloped areas at a cost of Rs. 1,179.85 lakh. The<br />

cost of development of bypass road is Rs. 4,000 lakh and has to be borne by highways<br />

department. The investments for roads and traffic management are presented in Table<br />

8.20.<br />

Table 8.20: Investments for Roads and Traffic Management<br />

Component<br />

Up gradation<br />

Total investment up to 2026<br />

Rs. Lakh<br />

WBM to Black Top 52.53<br />

Earthen to Black Top 13.00<br />

Relaying of Black top 27.88<br />

New Formation 0<br />

Black Top and Heritage Walks 1,179.85<br />

Total<br />

Traffic and Transportation<br />

1,273.26<br />

Widening/ Strengthening 35.28<br />

Junction Improvement 40.00<br />

Bye-pass Road (Regional Outer Ring Road) 4,000.00<br />

Total<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

4,075.28<br />

6. Street Lighting<br />

250. Rs. 708.25 lakh is identified for the provision of additional street lights in Karaikudi. The<br />

Retrofit lights are introduced instead of tube light; to reduce energy cost. Table 8.21 gives<br />

the investment for street lighting sector.<br />

Table 8.21: Investments for Street Lighting<br />

Component<br />

Total investment up to 2026<br />

Rs. Lakh<br />

Street Lighting<br />

Retrofit Light 580.97<br />

High Power 109.19<br />

Power Saver Switches 0.23<br />

High Mast Lamps 17.86<br />

Total 708.25<br />

Source: - Analysis<br />

7. Other Identified Projects<br />

251. A total investment of Rs. 260 lakh is identified for funding various other projects as<br />

identified by the municipality in the end. This is towards construction of commercial<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

complexes, construction of parks, plays grounds and electrical crematorium, pedestrian<br />

walks of all Cettinadu heritage buildings and system modernization.<br />

Table 8.22: Investments for All Other Project<br />

Component<br />

Total investment up to 2026<br />

Rs. Lakh<br />

Construction of Commercial Complexes 120.00<br />

Parks and Play Grounds 60.00<br />

System Modernization 10.00<br />

Electrical Crematorium 70.00<br />

Total<br />

Source: - Analysis<br />

260.00<br />


A. Overview<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

252. This asset management has the objective of defining and describing the key elements, and<br />

principles of an Asset Management System. This chapter will deal with the elements that<br />

are essential in an asset management program for movable and immovable infrastructure.<br />

More specifically road networks, sidewalks, water supply networks, pumping, storage,<br />

treatment facilities and storm water drains.<br />

253. While the need for Asset Management is clearly felt, it is equally important to have<br />

appropriate management information on asset condition, infrastructure costs and<br />

performance, and the consolidated requirements for repairs and maintenance, as well as<br />

appropriate maintenance standards.<br />

1. Asset Inventory<br />

254. The first stage of implementation of an asset management program for municipal<br />

infrastructure relies on the essential element of inventory. The location of some of the<br />

available assets is presented in Map 7.1. For each element in each category of<br />

infrastructure it is fundamental to know about all as mentioned bellow:<br />

(i) Available Assets<br />

(ii) Location of Asset<br />

(iii) Age of Asset<br />

(iv) Quantity of Asset<br />

(v) Physical Characteristics of Asset<br />

255. Infrastructure Assets will include all movable and immovable equipment, properties<br />

including but not restricted to sectors like water supply, drainage, sewerage, solid waste<br />

management, roads, street lighting etc. Unlike other assets of the municipality, these assets<br />

undergo constant use, wear and tear, addition, repair etc. This correspondingly changes<br />

their values and hence a constant value updating is necessary.<br />

2 Information of <strong>Municipal</strong> Assets.<br />

256. Water Supply. The water supply assets basically comprise of all the assets from the<br />

headwork’s, treatment plant, sump, transmission mains, pumping mains, feeder mains,<br />

distribution mains and sub mains, including all valves, connections, meters and all related<br />

facilities for the efficient delivery service of water.<br />

257. For Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity, there are different types of fixtures related to the intake from<br />

groundwater. There are 29 bore wells located mainly at headworks and in areas like<br />

Kalanivasal, Devakottai Rastha, Pappa Oorani. These were constructed as early as 1980.<br />

There are 348 Public taps in the town. Most of them are as old as 1970. There are also 6<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

open wells. These are located at 100 ft Road, Ice well area, Sambandha Mudaliar street,<br />

Anna Nagar street, etc. There are 14 hand pumps located in wards like 1, 4, 8, 11, 22, 5,<br />

10, 18, 20, etc. currently there are also 5 OHT Tanks. The assets of water supply are<br />

presented in Table 9.1.<br />

Table 9.1: Assets of Water Supply Details<br />

Asset Type Ward/Location Numbers Construction<br />

Period<br />

Bore Head Works Site –Out<br />

22 1980-2000<br />

(all 220 ft) side the <strong>Municipal</strong> Limit 7 1980-1990<br />

1,3,4,19,22,29 in areas like Kalanivasal 9 1990-2000<br />

area, Devakottai Rastha, Pappa Oorani 4 2000<br />

Public Taps All the wards spread over all the areas of 11 1970-80<br />

the town<br />

67 1980-90<br />

109 1990-00<br />

Open Wells 5 1930-40<br />

Hand pumps In areas like Servar Oorani 12 1980-90<br />

Kalavai Pottal, Kalanivasal, Periyar<br />

Street, Rajendran Street, in wards like<br />

1,4,8,11,22,5,10,18,20,22,29,30,34,35 etc<br />

14 1990-00<br />

Over Head Locations like Saththappa Park,<br />

3 1975<br />

Tank Maharnonbu Pottal, Sekkalai, Kalukatti<br />

Area and subramanyapuram<br />

1 1985<br />

Distribution In Wards like 14, 7, 23, 15 1.55 km 1970<br />

Pipes 3”, 4” In all Wards especially closer to OLD 53.28 km 1971-1980<br />

of AC, CI, Town like 22, 23, 27, 24, 15, 13 etc<br />

PVC, type In all wards 14.35 km 1981-1990<br />

In all wards 9.88 km 1991<br />

Valves Scour Valves Total 124<br />

1970-1995<br />

Scour Valves Unused 124<br />

Air Valves Total 8<br />

1970-1995<br />

Air Valves Unused 8<br />

Sluice Valves Total 6<br />

1970-1995<br />

Sluice Valves Unused 6<br />

Pumps Head works<br />

75 HP 2 1975<br />

60 HP 1 1975<br />

20 HP 2 1975<br />

15 HP 2 1975<br />

12.5 HP 3 1975<br />

10 HP 1 1975<br />

Source: Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

258. Sanitation. The town does not have any sewerage system and hence the sanitation is<br />

through septic tanks and low cost sanitation units. The local body owns 18 public<br />

conveniences in the town with 41 seats and another 5 Pay & Use toilets with 40 Seats.<br />

Recently it has also added another 64 seats through ISP project.<br />

259. Land and Buildings. Buildings are of 2 types; remunerative and non-remunerative. The<br />

details of remunerative and non-remunerative assets are presented in Table 9.2 and Table<br />

9.3.<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Table 9.2: Details of Remunerative Assets<br />

Ward<br />

No.<br />

Asset Name Type Location Market Value<br />

1 Sq. ft in Rs.<br />

10 Traveler’s Bungalow Building Govindarujulu Road 9.50<br />

22 Old Bus Stand Building Building Kovilur Road 7.40<br />

15 <strong>Municipal</strong> Market Building Sekalai Road 8.50<br />

22 Kalluketti North Shopping Building Kaluketti 9.50<br />

22 Kalluketti West Shopping Building Kaluketti 9.50<br />

22 Kalluketti East Shopping Building Kaluketti 9.50<br />

22<br />

Restaurant in Old Bus<br />

Stand<br />

Building<br />

Kovilurar Street<br />

7.00<br />

34 Sanitary Workers Quarters Building Ganesapuram<br />

22 Pay and Use Latrine Building Old Bus Stand<br />

1 Slaughter House Building Ganesapuram<br />

8 New Bus Stand Building 100”Road 10.00<br />

17 Daily Market Building Sekkalai Road 8.00<br />

8<br />

Restaurant and Shopping<br />

Complex<br />

Building<br />

8.00<br />

22 South Police Station Building 7.00<br />

29 Fire service Building 5.00<br />

8 Petrol Bunk Building 8.00<br />

11 Choikkan Urani Shops Building 7.50<br />

Source: Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

260. Remunerative assets have been used to estimate the additional resource that could be<br />

mobilized and is presented in the Chapter X<br />

Table 9.3: Details of Non-Remunerative Assets<br />

Ward No. Asset Name Type Location<br />

Outer Limit Headworks RCC Koviloor Road<br />

17 M.L.L.M.Maternity Centre RCC Church 1st St<br />

6 Meyyappa Maternity Centre RCC Senjai Oorani North<br />

8 Office Building RCC 100 Ft. Road<br />

21 Clock Tower RCC Amman Sannathi<br />

29 Deaf and Dump School Tiled Railway Feeter Road<br />

36 Senjai School AC Senjai<br />

27 Naganathan School Tiled Chellappa Chettiar Street<br />

19 Nallaiyan Asari School AC Nallaiyan Asari Street<br />

28 Sivan Koil School Tiled Pasumadam Street<br />

12 Muthupattianam School Tiled KamanPandigai Street<br />

1 Kalanivasal School Tiled Kalanivasal<br />

8 Ramanathan Chettiar School Tiled Church 6 th Street<br />

11 Muthupattianam Reading Room RCC Muthupattinam 1 st Street<br />

12 Other 11 Reading Rooms RCC Different locations<br />

Source: Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

261. Lands owned by <strong>Municipal</strong>ity are of different types such as parks and play fields for<br />

recreation, burial Grounds, burning grounds etc. Table 9.4 and Table 9.5 give the details<br />

of parks and playgrounds owned by Karaikudi municipality.<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Table 9.4: Details of Parks<br />

Ward No Park Name Area<br />

Ha<br />

2 Sathappa Park 0.59<br />

8 N.S.Ganapthi Park 0.96<br />

9 KPW Park 0.20<br />

12 SMAR Park 0.02<br />

Source: Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

262. More than 3-lakh Sq. ft of open space as playgrounds is available with the municipality.<br />

All these areas belong to the municipal schools.<br />

Table 9.5: Details of Play Grounds<br />

Ward No. Play Ground Name Area<br />

Sq. ft<br />

36 Subash Nagar <strong>Municipal</strong> School 196,000<br />

27 Sekkalai municipal elem. School 31,500<br />

19 Nellayanasari Street <strong>Municipal</strong> Elementary School 30,000<br />

28 Sejari <strong>Municipal</strong> Higher Elementary School 67,360<br />

12 <strong>Municipal</strong> Sivan Koil Elementary School 154,569<br />

Source: Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

Other Assets<br />

263. Other assets of the municipality include its solid waste management facilities of disposal<br />

site on the Devakottai road (13.7 acres) and a fleet of 5 vehicles utilized for the process. It<br />

currently also owns 19 pushcarts, 72 dustbins etc for the primary collection.<br />

264. In all Karaikudi municipality has with it 10 vehicles including 1 lorry, 1 tractor, 4 mini<br />

lorries, 2 power tillers, 1 sullage tanker and 1 jeep. It also owns about 170 km of roads of<br />

which 56 percent is BT surfaced. 3,827 street light poles and the associated fixtures also<br />

form the assets of the municipality.<br />

3 Strategies.<br />

265. Condition Assessment Survey (CAS) establishes the existing condition of the asset and<br />

hence is a benchmark for comparison, not only between different assets, but also for the<br />

same asset at different times. Condition Assessment Survey records the deficiencies in a<br />

system or component, the extent of the defect, as well as the urgency of the repair work; in<br />

some cases, the estimated cost of repair is provided at the time of inspection. This type of<br />

systematic inspection is essential for asset management as it provides data for the<br />

"maintenance management", "service life prediction" and "risk analysis" enabling<br />

technologies, mentioned earlier.<br />


Map 9.1: <strong>Municipal</strong> Assets in Karaikudi<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

266. The data collected in a Condition Assessment Survey should reflect the change in the<br />

reliability of the system as a whole. This implies that the state or condition of a system<br />

inspected should then be linked to the change in reliability of the system or its<br />

components. In this way, programmed maintenance and repair for a given system can be<br />

based on updated reliability estimates.<br />

267. While the above-mentioned three tools are mostly innovative type, there are specific<br />

Information technology tools that are necessary for accurate generation of MIS.<br />

268. Creating a Geographical Information Systems (GIS) database of the assets identified.<br />

269. Global Positioning Systems (GPS) technology assists for rapid and accurate data<br />

collection, precise identification of building or service locations, calculations of areas and<br />

lengths, estimation of building height, and more importantly the easy, clear and<br />

unambiguous documentation of physical location of identified defects and potential<br />

problems.<br />



A. Scope in Savings and Revenue Generation<br />

1. Infrastructure<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

270. The main objective of the <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> is to generate revenue through the non-traditional<br />

sources with minimum investments. There is enormous scope to control expenditure in<br />

water supply, solid waste management and street lighting sector etc, the analysis will find<br />

the options for the replacement of inefficient existing pumps in terms of energy efficiency<br />

through Cost Benefit Analysis. Regarding street lighting, the analysis will be towards<br />

introducing technology of street lighting with the help of private participation.<br />

2. Assets<br />

271. The major assets for the municipalities are the immovable assets. This is one potential area<br />

to develop the asset values and increase the municipal revenue. The analysis includes find<br />

out the various options to make use of vacant lands on BOT basis and revising of rents for<br />

the remunerative assets up to market values.<br />

B. Sector Wise Savings<br />

1. Water supply<br />

272. Energy Saving. A significant number of municipalities in Tamil Nadu rely on motive<br />

power for conveying water, either through significantly long distances (typically source to<br />

distribution point) or to meet contour gradient requirements within the distribution system.<br />

Pump Stations or Booster Stations achieve this objective by providing the necessary<br />

motive power to increasing the energy of the fluid to ensure water supply and distribution<br />

at required pressure and quantity.<br />

273. Smooth functioning of the pump stations is highly critical, since they operate on a 24-hour<br />

basis and virtually form the heart of a system. Such pump stations consume a significant<br />

amount of electricity and result in high O & M costs for the <strong>Municipal</strong>ity that owns and<br />

operates such pumping system. It is common that over time, pumps and motors undergo<br />

severe wear and tear resulting in reduced operating efficiencies. This directly translates<br />

into higher power consumption for the same amount of output or even reduced output,<br />

which further results in a tangible increase in spending.<br />

274. Energy Audit is an effective management tool to combat and control spiraling O &M and<br />

energy costs and to enable the municipality effectively uses the system at the optimum<br />

cost possible. There is scope to control expenditure with effective energy management,<br />

leak detection and unauthorized tap connections.<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

275. The main source of water supply to Karaikudi town is Sambai Oothu, the groundwater<br />

artesian spring located outside the municipal limits on the Madurai road. There are 7 deep<br />

bore wells near the head works and two bores from surrounding area. The water is<br />

extracted into the sump at the head works of capacity 2 lakh litres at source. This water is<br />

pumped by 2 centrifugal pumps with capacities of 75 HP and 60 HP into the feeder mains<br />

of 12-Km length reaching the service reservoirs. The age of these pumps are around 5<br />

years old with a designed LPM of 4,500 (75 HP) & 3,000 (60 HP). The cost of energy<br />

consumed during the year 2004-05 was Rs. 33.88 lakh. Cost benefit analysis has been<br />

worked out to compare the with the ideal efficient pump energy cost against existing<br />

pumps energy cost.<br />

276. Following criteria was adopted for replacing the inefficient existing pump.<br />

(i) Age of the pump is more than 15 years;<br />

(ii) Efficiency of the pump is less than 50 percent; and<br />

(iii) Net energy saving is more than 10 percent.<br />

277. Cost benefit analysis has been worked out to compare the energy cost of new pump with<br />

existing pump for a period of 15 years. The net energy saving percentage is more than 10<br />

percent from the current level and hence is recommended for replacement. The working<br />

details are presented in following table. The replacement of existing pump would fetch<br />

additional revenue to the tune of Rs. 4.91 lakh in 2007, there after it will increase. The<br />

efficiency of pumps and energy savings are presented in Table 10.1 and Table 10.2.<br />

Table 10.1: Estimation of efficiency of pump<br />

Description<br />

Ideal Condition<br />

Unit Value<br />

Total Capacity of Pump HP 150<br />

Power Consumption per HP/hour KW 0.747<br />

No. of Hours of Pumping hours 20.00<br />

Total Power Consumption KW/annum 817,965<br />

Unit Rate of Power INR/KW 3.50<br />

Total Energy Charges per annum<br />

Current Status<br />

INR Lakh 28.63<br />

Total Energy Charges per annum INR Lakh 33.88<br />

Current Efficiency assuming Ideal is 100% % 84.50<br />

Annual Increment in Energy Cost % 5<br />

Interest Rate % 9.5<br />

Continue with the current Pump if net savings is < % 5.0<br />

Repair the current Pump if net savings is between previous<br />

and less than<br />

% 10.0<br />

Replace the current Pump if net savings is > % 10.0<br />

Age of Pump Years 5<br />

Source: Analysis.<br />


Table 10.2: Estimation of net energy saving in pump house<br />

Year Capital cost of<br />

Pump<br />

O & M -<br />

New Pump<br />

O & M -<br />

Existing<br />

pump<br />

Savings in<br />

Energy cost<br />

Cost of fund Net savings Savings<br />

Rs. Lakh Percent<br />

2007 3.60 28.63 33.88 5.25 0.34 4.91 14<br />

2008 30.06 35.57 5.51 0.34 5.17 15<br />

2009 31.56 37.35 5.79 0.34 5.45 15<br />

2010 33.14 39.22 6.08 0.34 5.74 15<br />

2011 34.80 41.18 6.38 0.34 6.04 15<br />

2012 36.54 43.24 6.70 0.34 6.36 15<br />

2013 38.37 45.40 7.04 0.34 6.70 15<br />

2014 40.28 47.67 7.39 0.34 7.05 15<br />

2015 42.30 50.06 7.76 0.34 7.42 15<br />

2016 44.41 52.56 8.15 0.34 7.80 15<br />

2017 46.63 55.19 8.55 0.34 8.21 15<br />

2018 48.96 57.95 8.98 0.34 8.64 15<br />

2019 51.41 60.84 9.43 0.34 9.09 15<br />

2020 53.98 63.89 9.90 0.34 9.56 15<br />

2021 56.68 67.08 10.40 0.34 10.06 15<br />

Source: Analysis.<br />

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TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

278. Reduction in UFW. Unaccounted for water (UFW) is the difference between the volume of<br />

water delivered into the distribution system and the water sold/ billed or accounted for by<br />

legitimate consumption. UFW includes losses, physical losses and non-physical or<br />

commercial losses.<br />

279. In case of Karaikudi property tax assessment to water connection is very low coverage<br />

only 43 %. Consequently, there are chances of revenue leakages through unauthorized<br />

/illegal connections in the town, if regularized, this would generate significant amount of<br />

revenue for the <strong>Municipal</strong>ity. Exact quantification is not possible in the absence of number<br />

of illegal connections in the town and hence municipality should take necessary action<br />

towards legalizing the illegal connections in the town.<br />

280. Staff. The study is also focused on existing manpower deployment at pump house and<br />

options of privatization (maintenance of pump house) and savings through redeployment<br />

of excess manpower at pump house. At pump house/head works, Karaikudi municipality<br />

deploys only two pump house cleaners and hence no saving is envisaged. The details of<br />

staff deployment at pump house is presented in Table 10.3<br />

Table 10.3: Manpower deployment at pump house<br />

Items Sanctioned post Permanent Temporary<br />

Pump Operator - - -<br />

Pump house cleaner 2 2 -<br />

Total 2 2 -<br />

Source: Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

2. Solid Waste Management<br />

281. Compared to all departments public health division will maintain maximum number of<br />

workers and more number of vehicles including the O & M cost. With respect to solid<br />

waste management, the analysis is focused on comparison of manpower with municipal<br />

staff to the private operator.<br />

282. Staff Reduction and Privatisation. There are 161 permanent staff excluding consolidated<br />

pay members working as sanitary workers. The average salary per month for each sanitary<br />

worker is around Rs. 5,000/-. Around 27 percent of workers are going to retire by 2010.<br />

By implementing privatisation and redeployment of additional manpower to the other<br />

department, it is estimated that the municipality would be saving around Rs 16 lakh per<br />

annum by 2010 and the details are presented in Table 10.4.<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Table 10.4: Saving in Solid Waste Management Sector towards Privatization<br />

Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015<br />

Waste Handled by <strong>Municipal</strong>ity in Tons 31.92<br />

Waste Handled by Private Contractor in<br />

Tons<br />

13.28<br />

Total Expenditure by <strong>Municipal</strong>ity in<br />

per tone per month in Rs.<br />

26,450.00<br />

Total Expenditure by Private Contractor<br />

per tone per month in Rs<br />

4,773.70<br />

Per tone cost handled by <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

per day in Rs.<br />

828.58<br />

Per tone cost handled by Private<br />

359.52<br />

Contractor per day in Rs<br />

100 % Privatization by the year 2010<br />

Projected Waste Generation by 2010 in<br />

Tones<br />

Total expenditure towards SWM<br />

(excluding Transportation) by<br />

<strong>Municipal</strong>ity per annum in Rs<br />

43.93<br />

9,654,248.69<br />

Total expenditure towards SWM<br />

(excluding Transportation) by Private<br />

Contractor per annum in Rs<br />

7,983,908.93<br />

Savings per annum 1,670,339 1,770,560 1,876,793 1,989,401 2,108,765 2,235,291<br />

2005 to 10 2010 to 15 2015 to 20 2020 to 25 2025 to 30 2030 to 35<br />

Existing no of filled posts (Sanitary<br />

workers)<br />

161<br />

Retirement of SW in duration of five<br />

years<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

43 26 33 23 23 10<br />


3. Street Lighting<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

283. In street lighting sector, there is large scope to minimize the expenditure towards power<br />

consumption and operation & maintenance. Related to street lighting the data has been<br />

collected as follows:<br />

(i) Number and types of street lighting and its operation and maintenance<br />

(ii) Expenditure towards salaries and power charges<br />

284. Energy Savings: This section reviews the current level of energy consumption,<br />

maintenance and establishment charges incurred in street light maintenance. Karaikudi<br />

<strong>Municipal</strong>ity maintains 3,827 light fixtures out of which around 93 percent fixtures are<br />

tube lights, about 5 percent sodium vapour lamps and remaining are mercury vapour<br />

lamps. As per the latest available data on energy consumption, the total cost of energy is<br />

Rs. 30.12 lakh per annum and average maintenance expenses of street lighting are Rs. 9.02<br />

lakh per annum.. The average cost of energy consumption per fixture is Rs. 787 per<br />

annum. The average maintenance expenditure per light works out to Rs. 236 per annum.<br />

There are 5 skilled wiremans and five helper to operate and maintain entire street lighting<br />

in the town and all of them are permanent employee of the municipality. Table 10.5<br />

provides the details on expenditure towards street lighting.<br />

Table 10.5: Expenditure trend in street lighting<br />

Items 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 Average<br />

Rs. Lakh<br />

Establishment 8.41 8.52 8.51 7.88 8.33<br />

Energy Charges 14.67 10.60 13.47 29.70 17.10<br />

Maintenance Expenses 6.65 8.10 6.65 14.71 9.02<br />

Total 29.73 27.22 28.63 52.29 34.45<br />

Source: - Analysis<br />

285. Energy savings in street lighting is possible through replacement of existing conventional<br />

tube lights with energy efficient retrofit tube lights, installing power saver devices and<br />

privatizing the operation and maintenance of street lighting. There are 3,554 florescent<br />

tube light fixtures installed in Karaikudi town. The 40-Watt fluorescent tube lights with<br />

ballasts will consume an additional 10-13 watts. To reduce the energy consumption, 28<br />

Watt T-5 retrofit tube lights have to be introduced in place of existing conventional tube<br />

lights.<br />

286. Based on the best practices followed in other parts of country, retrofit tube lights are<br />

proposed in Karaikudi. The new tube-lights have a higher luminary rating, longer life<br />

span, lower failure rate and perform better under the highly fluctuating voltage that<br />

plagues the town's electricity supply. Table 10.6 provides the details of retrofit tube lights<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Table 10.6: Salient features of Retro fit tube lights<br />

Description Value<br />

Tube type E+28 W<br />

Power consumption 28 W<br />

Power Factor 0.95<br />

Rated life of tube (burning hours) 18,000<br />

Rated life of electronics (burning hours) 50,000<br />

Stroking Voltage Less than 120 volts<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

287. The following table presents the comparison of present conventional florescent tube lights<br />

with proposed Retrofit tube lights.<br />

Table 10.7: Comparison of conventional tube lights with retrofit lights<br />

Description 40 Watts Tube Light Retrofit light<br />

Connecting load* (W) 52.5 30<br />

Light output (Lm) 2,450 2,900<br />

Annual energy consumption ** (KWH) 211 120<br />

Energy charges @ Rs. 3.50/- 738 422<br />

Life of lamp (Hours)<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

4,000 18,000<br />

* Including ballast loss of 12.5 W for conventional 40 Watts Tube lights.<br />

** Calculated for 11 hrs daily burning.<br />

288. Karaikudi has poor lighting levels, inappropriate operation timings, poor quality of power<br />

and inefficient lighting devises.<br />

(i) Operator switching streetlights require 1 to 1.5 hrs to operate all the switches in an<br />

area, resulting in some places lights are switched on/off almost 1 to 1.5 hrs prior<br />

and after the required time;<br />

(ii) Lighting levels are higher than required standards;<br />

(iii) During off peak hours (after 11 pm in night) lighting levels increase further due to<br />

increase in voltage;<br />

(iv) Lighting devises are not mounted properly, thus unnecessarily distributing light to<br />

surrounding areas and providing less light on roads and pathways; and<br />

(v) Selection and mounting of lamps is not done in a scientific manner, considering<br />

parameters like land use, type of road and illumination required as per Indian<br />

Standard Codes.<br />

289. In order to address some of the above issues in the town, power saver devises have to be<br />

installed. The power saver devises save energy, by regulating voltage after peak hours.<br />

The built in timer automatically reduces voltage from 240V to 180 V after 10 pm. It also<br />

can reduce voltage stepwise up to 110 V in different time slots. This action optimizes the<br />

illumination level after peak hours. The programmable timer switch also controls street<br />

lighting operating hours as per desired timings. These power savers also act as protection<br />

devises, which increase the life of lamps and luminaries.<br />

290. The replacement of existing lights proposed to replace in a phased manner for next two<br />

years (2006 & 2007). Separate cash flow for street lighting was prepared to ascertain the<br />

savings due to the replacement of new energy efficient lights and installing power saver<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

devices. The cash flows have been worked out considering privatization of streetlights.<br />

291. The basis for preparing cash flows are as follows, annual increment in energy cost at 3<br />

percent, rate of interest at 8.5 percent and net energy savings share (profit share) between<br />

contractor and Urban Local Body with a mutually agreed percentage basis. In this case, it<br />

was assumed that the cost of savings in energy utilization was distributed between<br />

contractor and Urban Local Body at 80 percent and 20 percent respectively. Through street<br />

lighting energy consumption Urban Local Body can save a minimum of Rs. 4.94 lakh in<br />

2008, out of which Rs. 0.99 lakh is transferred to municipality as per the above mentioned<br />

profit sharing arrangement, rest with private contractor. Further details are presented in the<br />

following table. Existing municipal skilled staffs shall be retained for overseeing the<br />

private contractors operation and maintenance work and hence no savings are envisaged<br />

from staff reduction or redeployment. Assumption for calculating energy savings are<br />

presented in Table 10.8 and energy savings is tabulated in Table 10.9. The Internal Rate<br />

of Return (IRR) for 2012 is more than the discounted rate of 10 percent making the<br />

initiative viable.<br />

Table 10.8: Assumption for calculating energy savings<br />

Description Unit Value<br />

No. of Street Lights in the Urban Local Body Nos. 3,827<br />

Total Annual Energy Cost for Street Lighting INR Lakh 30.12<br />

Energy Cost per Street light/annum INR 787<br />

Standard Cost as per Case Studies (30% saving) INR 551<br />

Annual Increment in Energy Cost % 3<br />

Transfer of Savings to Urban Local Body % 20<br />

Rate of Interest % 8.50%<br />

Source: Analysis<br />


Table 10.9: Energy savings in street lighting<br />

Year Capital Cost No. of Lights Actual Energy<br />

Cost<br />

Normative<br />

Energy Cost<br />

Rs. Lakh Nos. INR Lakh<br />

Net Savings Transfer of<br />

Savings to<br />

Urban Local<br />

Body<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Net Cash<br />

flow<br />

2006 14.54 3,827 31.02 21.72 0.00 -14.54<br />

2007 15.42 3,827 31.95 22.37 0.00 -15.42<br />

2008 3,827 32.91 23.04 4.94 0.99 4.94<br />

2009 3,827 33.90 23.73 10.17 2.03 10.17<br />

2010 3,827 34.92 24.44 10.47 2.09 10.47<br />

2011 3,827 35.96 25.17 10.79 2.16 10.79<br />

2012 3,827 37.04 25.93 11.11 2.22 11.11<br />

2013 14.54 3,827 38.15 26.71 11.45 2.29 -3.10<br />

2014 15.42 3,827 39.30 27.51 11.79 2.36 -3.63<br />

2015 3,827 40.48 28.33 12.14 2.43 12.14<br />

2016 3,827 41.69 29.18 12.51 2.50 12.51<br />

2017 3,827 42.94 30.06 12.88 2.58 12.88<br />

2018 3,827 44.23 30.96 13.27 2.65 13.27<br />

2019 3,827 45.56 31.89 13.67 2.73 13.67<br />

2020 3,827 46.92 32.85 14.08 2.82 14.08<br />

Total 89.35<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

IRR 2012 13%<br />

IRR 2015 15%<br />

IRR 2020 23%<br />


4. Assets<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

292. Details of remunerative assets owned by Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity are presented in Table<br />

10.10. Current year demand for remunerative assets was collected from municipality and<br />

the same were compared with the market rental value. From the following table it is<br />

apparent that the municipal remunerative assets are under valued. In case of daily market,<br />

the annual lease is Rs. 3.83 lakh, which is very low when compare to the market value of<br />

Rs. 8.25 lakh. There is a wide scope of revenue maximization through lease and rentals<br />

from remunerative assets of Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity. The ULB should follow the market<br />

value as minimum for lease and rentals of remunerative assets. Through this process<br />

municipality can fetch additional revenue to the tune of Rs. 10.12 lakh per annum.<br />

Revision of rentals and lease amounts has to be done every 3 year to a minimum of 15<br />

percent from FY 2006-07. The collection performance of leases and rentals are<br />

inconsistent over the assessment period and hence collection efficiency also to be<br />

improved.<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Table 10.10: Additional Revenue Estimation from Remunerative Assets<br />

Name of the Asset Ward Area Rental Value Accruing Market value Market Rental Additional<br />

No<br />

rentals<br />

Revenue<br />

Sekkalai Road <strong>Municipal</strong><br />

Sq. ft Rs./Year/Sq.ft Rs./Year Rs./Year/Sq. ft Rs./Year Rs./Year<br />

Complex 15 600 260 156,060 300 180,000 23,940<br />

Kallukatti North New Shop 22 1,800 250 449,340 350 630,000 180,660<br />

Kallukatti East Old Shop 22 450 233 105,000 350 157,500 52,500<br />

Kallukatti East New Shop 22 300 210 63,000 350 105,000 42,000<br />

Amman sannadhi 22 50 240 11,976 350 17,500 5,524<br />

Kallukati West 22 1,300 261 339,004 350 455,000 115,996<br />

Subramaniapuram<br />

Kallukati North Silver Jubilee<br />

8 350 309 108,000 165 57,750 -<br />

Building 22 800 244 194,880 350 280,000 85,120<br />

Bharat Petroleum Bunk<br />

Rajaji Bus stand North East<br />

2 600 269 161,640 90 54,000 -<br />

Shops 22 350 232 81,360 350 122,500 41,140<br />

Rajaji Bus stand<br />

Rajaji Bus stand old Hotel<br />

22 1,200 263 316,044 350 420,000 103,956<br />

Anand shops<br />

Rajaji Bus stand West Part<br />

22 300 215 64,560 350 105,000 40,440<br />

Shops 22 300 278 83,280 350 105,000 21,720<br />

New Bus stand 8 3,000 259 778,428 265 795,000 16,572<br />

Daily Market 17 1,500 256 383,844 550 825,000 441,156<br />

Total Revenue<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

3,296,416 4,309,250 1,012,834<br />


C. Additional Resource Mobilization<br />

1. Parking Fees<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

293. Land-use and economic activity drives the parking demand in Karaikudi. Town attracts<br />

significant tourist and two-wheeler traffic, which puts up specific parking requirement.<br />

Private vehicles can be seen parked haphazardly along the roadside in the premises of Bus<br />

stand and market areas. Based on the field visit three locations were identified for on street<br />

parking of two wheelers. For estimating the parking fee, it was assumed that 40 percent of<br />

the total vehicle will be parked less than or equal to one hour and 60 percent of the total<br />

vehicle will be parked more than one hour. Vehicles that are parked more than an hour can<br />

be charged four rupees per vehicle and for other vehicles two rupees can be charged. An<br />

annual vehicle increment of two percent has been assumed to calculate the future revenue<br />

generation. The estimated parking fee is presented in Table 10.11.<br />

Table 10.11: Estimated Parking Fee<br />

Year Old Bus stand New Bus stand Madurai Road Total<br />

Approx. Nos of<br />

Vehicles./day<br />

100 200 300 600<br />

2007 1.53<br />

Rs. Lakh<br />

2.34 3.50 7.37<br />

2008 1.56 2.38 3.57 7.52<br />

2009 1.59 2.43 3.65 7.67<br />

2010 1.69 2.48 3.72 7.82<br />

2011 1.66 2.53 3.79 7.98<br />

2012 1.69 2.58 3.87 8.14<br />

2013 1.73 2.63 3.95 8.30<br />

2014 1.76 2.68 4.02 8.47<br />

2015 1.80 2.74 4.11 8.64<br />

2016 1.83 2.79 4.19 8.81<br />

2017 1.87 2.85 4.27 8.99<br />

2018 1.91 2.90 4.36 9.17<br />

2019 1.94 2.96 4.44 9.35<br />

2020<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

1.98 3.02 4.53 9.54<br />

2. Advertisement Fee<br />

294. Lease amount fixed by the council for advertising on lamp posts and hoardings 4 erected<br />

within the <strong>Municipal</strong> limit are accounted in advertisement fee. In case of Karaikudi<br />

<strong>Municipal</strong>ity average revenue generated through the advertisement fee is very low (Rs. 70,<br />

000). Hence, there is a scope to increase the advertisement fee by extending the coverage<br />

net. The following table (Table 10.12) presents detailed estimation of advertisement fee<br />

for Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity. The total estimated advertisement fee is Rs. 5.92 lakh per<br />

annum with an annual increment of 2 percent on total advertisement fee adopted to<br />

4 At present, the municipality is not the responsible agency to collect the advertisement fee for the<br />

hoardings. It is state level policy to change the advertisement has to collect by the municipality.<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

forecast the future revenue. This minimum increase is assumed to accommodate increase<br />

in advertisement hoardings/ boards, which are likely to come in future.<br />

3. Conservancy Fee<br />

295. Conservancy 5 establishment cost work out to 54 percent of total establishment cost of<br />

Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity, to meet at least a part of solid waste collection expenses<br />

conservancy fee is introduced. It is proposed to cover at least 70 percent of the residential<br />

properties and 100 percent of non-domestic properties like hotels, lodges, commercial<br />

establishments, etc in the town. For residential, properties Rs. 15 per month and nondomestic<br />

properties Rs. 20 per month can be charged with a upward revision of 15 percent<br />

every 3 years once from 2006-07 is proposed. Table 10.13 presents estimated additional<br />

revenue mobilization through conservancy fee for Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity.<br />

4. Summary<br />

296. Summary of additional revenue mobilization through expenditure control measures and<br />

additional revenue generations are presented in Table 10.14.<br />

5 The conservancy fee has to collect after passing the council resolution. In the case of Karaikudi council<br />

is against this proposal during the stakeholders meeting<br />


Table 10.12: Estimation of Advertisement fee<br />

Description Unit Major Arterial Roads<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Other Roads Markets/ Bus stands Street Light poles<br />

Average Size of Hoarding Sq. m 10.00 5.00 10.00<br />

Average Rate/sq. m/half yearly Rupees 75.00 50.00 100.00 50.00<br />

Total Length of Road Km 144.11<br />

Length of Road % 20 50 - -<br />

Total Length of Road Km 29.00 72.00 - -<br />

Spacing of Hoarding/Boards per km Nos. 5 5 - -<br />

Total no of Hoarding/Boards Nos. 144 360 50.00 1,914<br />

Total Revenue per annum Rs. Lakh 2.16 1.80 1.00 0.96<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

Table 10.13: Estimation of Conservancy Fee<br />

Description<br />

Domestic<br />

Coverage 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017<br />

(No) 70% 16,700<br />

17,118 17,546 17,984<br />

18,434<br />

18,802 19,178 19,562 19,953 20,352 20,658<br />

Non<br />

Domestic<br />

(No) 100% 2,121 2,174 2,228 2,284 2,341 2,388 2,435 2,484 2,534 2,584 2,623<br />

Total<br />

Revenue<br />

(Rs. Lakh) 19.09 21.95 23.69 34.61 36.99 38.51 50.05 52.55 54.34 66.81 69.43<br />

Source: Analysis<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Table 10.14: Estimated additional revenue from expenditure control and resource mobilization<br />

Item 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018<br />

Rs. Lakh<br />

Expenditure Control Measures<br />

Energy savings – WS 4.91 5.17 5.45 5.74 6.04 6.36 6.70 7.05 7.42 7.80 8.21 8.64<br />

Energy Saving – Street lights - 0.99 2.03 2.09 2.16 2.22 2.29 2.36 2.43 2.50 2.58 2.65<br />

SWM - Privatization - - - 16.7 17.7 18.8 19.9 21.1 22.4 22.4 22.4 22.4<br />

Additional Resource Mobilization<br />

Leases/Rentals from Assets 10.13 10.13 11.65 11.65 11.65 13.39 13.39 13.39 15.40 15.40 15.40 17.71<br />

Parking Fee 7.37 7.52 7.67 7.82 7.98 8.14 8.30 8.47 8.64 8.81 8.99 9.17<br />

Total Revenue 22.41 23.81 26.8 44 45.53 48.91 50.58 52.37 56.29 56.91 57.58 60.57<br />

Source: Analysis<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />


A. Capital Investment <strong>Plan</strong><br />

297. Water Supply. Under this component, provision of source development, feeder mains up to<br />

OHTs, distribution network, rehabilitation to distribution network and treatment plant is<br />

proposed. The investment towards lake rejuvenation component is included in water<br />

supply sector. The sustainable costs estimated for the proposed interventions are to the<br />

tune of Rs. 888.20 lakh. This is worked out based on the base cost estimated in 2005.<br />

298. The Capital Investment <strong>Plan</strong> (CIP) for the water supply sector is based on the requirements<br />

and demand for the year 2026. The priority is given to the source development (new bore<br />

wells) in 2007-08 and the same in 2012-13. The feeder main and transmission main<br />

planned in 2007-09 and distribution network in 2009-10 and 2011-16. Rehabilitation of<br />

existing network shall be taken up in 2007-08. The strengthening and desilting of nallahs<br />

and lakes are planned to be taken up in 2009-10. The treatment plant will be executed in<br />

the year 2013-14. The phasing of the investment is presented in the Table 11.1<br />

Table 11.1: Sustainable Investment Phasing - Water Supply<br />

Component 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011<br />

Rs. Lakhs<br />

2012 2013 2014 2015<br />

Source development till 2026<br />

(4.89 MLD)<br />

3.67 3.67<br />

Feeder mains and<br />

Transmission Mains (4.31 km)<br />

34.48<br />

Distribution Network<br />

(81.25km)<br />

16.25 65.00 32.50 48.75<br />

Rehabilitation of existing<br />

Network (10.10 km)<br />

20.20<br />

Treatment capacity – 11.49<br />

540.07<br />

MLD (2026)<br />

Tanks/ Lakes conservation 60.00 60.00<br />

Replacement of Pumps 3.60<br />

Total 41.75 60.00 96.45 65.00 3.67 572.57 48.75<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

299. Sewerage and Sanitation. An sustainable investment of Rs. 1,536.92 lakh (base cost) for<br />

provision of under ground drainage system. The CIP is presented in Table 11.2.<br />

Table 11.2: Sustainable Investment Phasing - Sewerage and Sanitation<br />

Component 2006 2007 2008<br />

Rs. Lakhs<br />

2009 2010<br />

Sewer network<br />

(72 km)<br />

235.12 352.67 491.27<br />

STP & Land and Electrical<br />

equipment (9.19 MLD)<br />

137.89<br />

Public Convenience in slums (27<br />

ISP units)<br />

95.99 111.99 111.99<br />

Total 331.11 464.66 741.15<br />

Source: Analysis<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

300. Roads & Traffic and Transportation. An sustainable investment of Rs. 370.88 lakh is<br />

proposed for up-gradation of existing roads, widening & strengthening of few roads and<br />

junction improvements. The details of investment phasing is summarised in Table 11.3.<br />

Table 11.3: Sustainable Investment Phasing - Roads<br />

Component 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012<br />

Rs. Lakhs<br />

Up-gradation<br />

Earthen to Black Top 5.64 12.65<br />

New Formation<br />

Black Top 41.29 47.21 47.21 70.80 70.80<br />

Traffic & Transportation<br />

Widening/ Strengthening 13.95 21.33<br />

Junction Improvement 13.49 13.49 13.02<br />

Total 13.49 68.73 87.2 59.86 70.8 70.8<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

301. Storm Water Drainage & Natural Drains. The components involved in this sector are upgradation<br />

of the existing drains and new formations. The estimated cost for extension and<br />

augmentation of storm water drainage including the improvement measures to Odai’s is<br />

about Rs. 563.91 lakh. The investment phasing for storm water drains is given in Table<br />

11.4<br />

Table 11.4: Sustainable Investment Phasing - Storm Water Drains and Natural Drains<br />

Component 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014<br />

Rs. Lakhs<br />

Up-gradation of<br />

Kutcha to Pucca<br />

Kutcha to Pucca<br />

Open<br />

24.94 16.62 37.40 37.40<br />

Kutcha to Pucca<br />

Closed<br />

7.85 5.80 7.45 7.45<br />

New Pucca Open<br />

Drains<br />

44.39 44.39 44.93 91.77<br />

New Pucca<br />

18.75 18.75 33.75 39.38<br />

Closed Drains<br />

Natural Drains<br />

Desilting &<br />

Strengthening of<br />

Primary Drains<br />

Up-gradation of<br />

Kutcha to Pucca<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

10.36 20.72 20.72 15.54 15.54<br />

32.79 32.78 65.57 65.57 78.68 78.68 78.68 131.15<br />

302. Solid Waste Management. The total investment identified for this sector is Rs. 389.07<br />

lakh. The components for primary and secondary collection are for the immediate<br />

requirements. The major investment is towards development of landfill site and compost<br />

yard. The Capital Improvement Program for solid waste management is presented in<br />

Table 11.5.<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Table 11.5: Sustainable Investment Phasing - Solid Waste Management<br />

Component 2006 2007 2008<br />

(Rs. Lakh)<br />

2009 2015<br />

Hand Carts (20 nos) 1.6<br />

Push Carts (258 nos) 18.58<br />

Dumper bins (19 nos) 5.23 5.23<br />

Dumper Placer (5 nos) 25.00 25.00<br />

Development of Compost (1 acre) 26.25 26.25<br />

Development for land fill (9 acres) 127.97 127.97<br />

Total<br />

Source : Analysis<br />

155.82 172.80 30.23 30.23<br />

303. Street Lighting. Rs. 738.22 lakh is identified for the provision of streetlights in Karaikudi.<br />

Table 11.6 gives the Capital Improvement Program for street lighting.<br />

Table 11.6: Sustainable Investment Phasing - Street Lighting<br />

Component 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2012 2013 2014 2015<br />

Replacement of<br />

Tube Lights<br />

with Retro Fit<br />

Retro Fit Tube<br />

Light (2324 nos)<br />

High Power<br />

(377 nos)<br />

Power Saver<br />

Switches (5 nos)<br />

High Mast<br />

Lamps (4 nos)<br />

29.96<br />

Rs. Lakhs<br />

6.95 62.75 62.75 67.97 87.15 58.10 58.10 58.10 119.10<br />

5.49 5.72 5.85 16.44 15.73 15.73 15.73 28.54<br />

0.23<br />

5.36 5.36 7.14<br />

Total 36.91 73.83 73.83 73.82 110.73 73.83 73.83 73.83 147.64<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

304. Other Identified Projects. A total investment of Rs. 260.00 lakh is identified for funding<br />

various other projects as identified by the municipality. This is towards construction of<br />

two commercial complexes, development of parks and plays grounds, electrical<br />

crematorium and system modernization. (Table 11.7).<br />

Table 11.7: Sustainable Investment Phasing - Commercial Complexes, Parks etc,.<br />

Component 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09<br />

(Rs. Lakh)<br />

2009-10 2010-11<br />

Construction of Commercial<br />

- - - 60.00 60.00<br />

Complexes<br />

Parks and Play Grounds - 30.00 30.00 - 0 - 0<br />

System Modernization 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00<br />

Electrical Crematorium - 0 - 0 - 0 70.00 - 0<br />

Total 2.00 32.00 32.00 132.00 62.00<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

305. Summary. The total estimated base cost of projects for all the sector is Rs. 4,747.20 lakh.<br />

the summary of sustainable investments are in the following Table 11.8.<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Table 11.8: Component wise Sustainable Investments<br />

Component Capital Expenditure<br />

<strong>Municipal</strong> Infrastructure Rs. Lakh<br />

Water Supply & Rejuvenation of Lakes 888.20<br />

Sewerage & Sanitation 1,536.92<br />

Roads & Traffic and Transportation 370.88<br />

Storm Water Drains & Desilting of Natural Drains 563.91<br />

Solid Waste Management 389.07<br />

Street Lighting 738.22<br />

Others 260.00<br />

Total (<strong>Municipal</strong> Infrastructure) 4,747.20<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

B. Financial Sustainability<br />

1. Financial Sustainability<br />

306. Sustainability Analysis. The sustainability analysis assumes that the municipality will<br />

carry out reforms indicated as assumptions for financial projections. A financial and<br />

operating plan (FOP) prepared for Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity then evaluates the municipal<br />

fund status for the following scenarios:<br />

(i) Base Case Scenario. In the base case scenario, the finances of the ULB are forecast<br />

in a “do nothing” or “without project” scenario. Additional resources mobilized<br />

through various initiatives like expenditure control through energy savings,<br />

privatization etc. and further resources mobilized through introducing conservancy<br />

fee, parking fee, remunerative assets lease/ rental value appreciation and extending<br />

advertisement fee coverage are loaded on to the FOP. The revenue surplus thus<br />

generated indicates the ULB’s capacity to service capital expenditure.<br />

(ii) Full Project Scenario. The Full project investment scenario is based on<br />

investments identified for Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity and the requirement for<br />

upgrading the town’s infrastructure. It is estimated and phased based on the<br />

construction activity and investment priority. Implications of this investment in<br />

terms of external borrowings required, resultant debt service commitment, and<br />

additional operation and maintenance expenditure are worked out to ascertain subproject<br />

cash flows. Revenue surpluses from the Base Case Scenario are applied to<br />

sub-project cash flows emerging from full project investments – the municipal<br />

fund net surpluses indicates the ULB’s ability to sustain full investments. FY 2020<br />

is assumed as the reference year to determine the net surpluses and whether the<br />

<strong>Municipal</strong>ity maintains a debt/revenue surplus ratio as an indication of the ULB’s<br />

ability to sustain investments.<br />

(iii) Sustainable Investment Scenario. The sustainable investment scenario is worked<br />

out when the full project investment scenario indicates inability of the municipality<br />

to sustain the full identified investment. In this case, the identified investment is<br />

sized down to immediate felt need for the municipality to sustain on its own.<br />

Implications of this investment in terms of external borrowings required, resultant<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

debt service commitment, and additional operation and maintenance expenditure<br />

are worked out to ascertain sub-project cash flows. Revenue surpluses from the<br />

Base Case Scenario are applied to sub-project cash flows emerging from<br />

sustainable investments – the municipal fund net surpluses indicates the ULB’s<br />

ability to sustain the investments. FY 2020 is assumed as the reference year to<br />

determine the net surpluses and whether the <strong>Municipal</strong>ity maintains a debt/revenue<br />

surplus ratio as an indication of the ULB’s ability to sustain investments. The<br />

outcome of this scenario will give an indication of the actual level of investment<br />

sustainable by the municipality without any additional external support.<br />

2 Basic Assumptions for Projections<br />

307. The FOP is based on a whole range of assumptions related to income and expenditure.<br />

These are critical to ascertain the investment sustenance and would also provide a tool to<br />

test certain specific policy decisions regarding revenue and expenditure drivers on the<br />

overall municipal fiscal situation. This section elucidates the key assumption adopted for<br />

the three FOP scenarios.<br />

308. In order to determine the financial viability of the project, two instruments were used – the<br />

Modified Internal Rate of Return (MIRR) and the Financial and Operating <strong>Plan</strong> (FOP).<br />

The MIRR determines the rate of return based on surplus cash flows from project account<br />

being invested at market rates. The FOP is a cash flow stream of the ULB based on the<br />

regular municipal revenues, expenditures, and applicability of surplus funds to support<br />

project sustainability. The FOP horizon is determined to assess the impact of full debt<br />

servicing liability resulting from the borrowings to meet the identified interventions. The<br />

proposed capital investments are phased over ten years investment from FY 2006-07 to<br />

2015-16 implying that the last loan draw down would occur in FY 2020-21. Considering a<br />

five-year moratorium period, the debt servicing commitment will commence in the FY<br />

2011-12 for the first phase (1st five year) and 2016-17 for the second phase (2 nd five year)<br />

of investment.<br />

309. Revenue Income. The assumptions for forecasting revenue income comprise:<br />

(i) Taxes and charges. In cases like property related taxes, water charges and<br />

sewerage charges, where the base and basis of revenue realization are known and<br />

predictable, the likely revenue is forecast based on certain assumptions regarding<br />

growth in number of assessments, revision in ARV (in case of property-related<br />

taxes), revision in charges/tariffs and improvement in collection efficiencies. The<br />

assumptions with regards basis for forecasting revenue income of taxes and<br />

charges are the same for base case and investments scenarios (full project as well<br />

as sustainable project scenarios). However, the tax base (number of connections)<br />

varies for the base, full project and sustainable investment scenarios, assuming that<br />

the new investments in water supply and sewerage schemes will result in increased<br />

coverage of the infrastructure systems. In the sustainable investment scenario, the<br />

increase in tax base is scaled down pro rata with the scaled down (sustainable)<br />

investment. Table 11.9, Table 11.10, Table 11.11 & Table 11.12 list the<br />

assumptions adopted with regards forecasting income from property tax, water<br />

charges, drainage charges and conservancy fee respectively under the three FOP<br />

scenarios. The investment scenarios include both full project and sustainable<br />


investment scenarios.<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Table 11.9: Key assumptions for forecasting income from Property Tax<br />

Description Current Level<br />

Base Case<br />

Scenario<br />

Investment<br />

Scenarios<br />

Annual growth in number of<br />

assessments (%)<br />

5.73 3.00 3.00<br />

Average ARV per Property (Rs.<br />

Per Annum)<br />

3,790 3,790 3,790<br />

Tax Rate (% of ARV)<br />

Periodic increase in ARV (%)<br />

31.00 31.00 31.00<br />

2006-07 - 30.00 30.00<br />

2011-12 - 30.00 30.00<br />

2016-17<br />

Collection Performance (% of<br />

Demand)<br />

- 30.00 30.00<br />

Arrears 56.00 50.00 50.00<br />

Current<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

86.00 85.00 85.00<br />

Table 11.10: Key assumptions for forecasting income from Water Charges<br />

Description Current Level<br />

Base Case<br />

Scenario<br />

Investment<br />

Scenarios<br />

% water connections to property<br />

tax assessments<br />

Monthly water charge per<br />

connection (Rs.)<br />

36.23 36.23 80.00<br />

Domestic 41.00 41.00 60.00<br />

Non Domestic 81.00 81.00 100.00<br />

Industrial<br />

Periodic revision in water charges<br />

(%)<br />

121.00 121.00 150.00<br />

2006-07 - 15.00 15.00<br />

2009-10 - 15.00 15.00<br />

2011-12 - 15.00 15.00<br />

2015-16 - 15.00 15.00<br />

2018-19<br />

Collection Performance (% of<br />

Demand)<br />

- 15.00 15.00<br />

Arrears 32.00 50.00 50.00<br />

Current<br />

One time connection fee (Rs.)<br />

71.00 80.00 80.00<br />

Domestic 2,000 2,000 2,000<br />

Non Domestic 3,000 3,000 3,000<br />

Industrial 5,000 5,000 5,000<br />

Periodic revision of one time<br />

connection fee<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

-<br />

20 % - 3 yrs<br />

once<br />

20 % - 3 yrs<br />

once<br />


Table 11.11: Key assumptions for forecasting income from Sewerage Charges<br />

Description Current Level<br />

Base Case<br />

Scenario<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Investment<br />

Scenarios<br />

% Sewerage connections to PT<br />

assessments<br />

Monthly sewerage charge per<br />

connection (Rs.)<br />

- - 80.00<br />

Domestic - - 50.00<br />

Non Domestic - - 100.00<br />

Industrial<br />

Periodic revision in sewerage<br />

charges (%)<br />

- - 200.00<br />

2006-07 - - 15.00<br />

2009-10 - - 15.00<br />

2011-12 - - 15.00<br />

2015-16 - - 15.00<br />

2018-19<br />

Collection Performance (% of<br />

Demand)<br />

- - 15.00<br />

Arrears - - 50.00<br />

Current<br />

One time connection fee (Rs.)<br />

- - 80.00<br />

Domestic - - 5,000<br />

Non Domestic - - 7,000<br />

Industrial - - 14,000<br />

Periodic revision of one time<br />

connection fee<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

- -<br />

20 % - 3 yrs<br />

once<br />

Table 11.12: Key assumptions for forecasting income from Solid Waste conservancy fee<br />

Description<br />

% coverage to PT assessments<br />

Current Level<br />

Base Case<br />

Scenario<br />

Investment<br />

Scenarios<br />

Domestic - - 70.00<br />

Non Domestic<br />

Monthly conservancy fee per PT<br />

assessment (Rs.)<br />

- - 100.00<br />

Domestic - - 15.00<br />

Non Domestic<br />

Periodic revision in conservancy<br />

fee (%)<br />

- - 20.00<br />

2006-07 - - 15.00<br />

2009-10 - - 15.00<br />

2011-12 - - 15.00<br />

2015-16 - - 15.00<br />

2018-19<br />

Collection Performance (% of<br />

Demand)<br />

- - 15.00<br />

Arrears - - 50.00<br />

Current<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

- - 85.00<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

(ii) Other revenue income from own sources. All revenue income from own sources<br />

other than property-related taxes, and water and sewerage charges, where the base<br />

and basis is not clearly defined, are forecast based on the observed trend during the<br />

assessment period (2000-01 to 2003-04), subject to minimum and maximum annual<br />

growth rates of 5 percent and 15 percent, respectively. Though the income from the<br />

municipal properties and markets past trend witnessed negative growth trend, by<br />

taking necessary action towards upward revision and through increasing collection<br />

efficiency municipality can achieve 10 percent growth per annum. Since most of<br />

the items past trend does not provide clear growth trend over the assessment period,<br />

it was assumed that a minimum of 5 per cent and a maximum of 15 percent annum.<br />

Table 11.13: Key growth rate assumptions for income from other own sources<br />

Description Current Level Assumption<br />

Profession tax (12.77 %) 5.00 %<br />

Other taxes & Charges (100.00 %) 5.00 %<br />

Income from <strong>Municipal</strong> Properties and Markets (30.74 %) 10.00 %<br />

License Income (Trade, etc.) 1.97 % 5.00 %<br />

Income from Special Services (29.05 %) 5.00 %<br />

Income from Sale Proceeds (12.45 %) 5.00 %<br />

Income from Fees and Fines 30.27 % 15.00 %<br />

Income from Interest on Deposits 145.97 % 6.00 %<br />

Income from Investments(Excl. Interest) -- 5.00 %<br />

Miscellaneous Income 18.38 % 10.00 %<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

(iii) Assigned Revenue. Items of assigned revenue such as surcharge on stamp duty,<br />

entertainment tax share, etc. are forecast based on the observed trend during the<br />

assessment period (2001 to 2003-04), subject to minimum and maximum annual<br />

growth rates of 5 percent and 15 percent, respectively. Entertainment tax observed<br />

trend during the assessment period was negative growth rate, which attributes to<br />

inconsistent transfer of ULB share during the review period. Hence, a nominal<br />

growth rate of 5 percent assumed to forecast the revenue. In case of surcharge on<br />

stamp duty witnessed a high growth rate of 39.90 percent during the review period,<br />

which is very high. This high growth trend attributed to uneven transfer of stamp<br />

duty to municipality. Considering high property value appreciation in the town a<br />

maximum of 15 percent has been adopted to forecast the revenue.<br />

Table 11.14: Key growth rate assumptions for income from assigned sources<br />

Description Current Level Assumption<br />

Entertainment Tax (4.85 %) 5.00 %<br />

Surcharge on Stamp Duty 39.90 % 15.00 %<br />

Other Transfers (100.00 %) 5.00 %<br />

Total- Assigned Revenue 26.25 % 15.00 %<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

(iv) Grants and Contributions. Revenue income in the form of grants and contributions<br />

are also forecast based on the observed trend during the review period (2000 - 01 to<br />

2003-04), subject to minimum and maximum annual growth rates of 5 percent and<br />

15 percent respectively. Although SFC devolution observed trend was negative,<br />

due to inconsistent transfer of grant to ULB. Considering the States tax revenue<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

growth trend forecast, population growth trend and reforms measures initiated by<br />

the municipality will fetch more devolution fund. In this perspective, a maximum<br />

of 15 percent growth per annum adopted.<br />

Table 11.15: Key growth rate assumptions for income from grants & contributions<br />

Description Current Level Assumption<br />

State Finance Commission Grant (24.76 %) 15.00 %<br />

Other Grants (16.09 %) 5.00 %<br />

Total- Grants & Contribution (23.38 %)<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

(v) Additional Revenue Income due to Sub-Projects. The sub-projects – in case of<br />

water and sewerage projects – are expected to fetch additional revenue by way of<br />

increase in number of assessments and levy of user charges (in cases where a new<br />

sewerage system is proposed). The sewerage charge is adopted as per Table 11.11<br />

starting from 2007-08 and a revision of 15 percent is proposed every three years,<br />

beginning from 2007-08. The additional revenue income due to water supply and<br />

sewerage sub-projects is computed based on the proposed number of new<br />

connections, proposed tariffs and assumed collection performance. In addition solid<br />

waste conservancy fee also planned to levy on property assessments.<br />

310. Revenue Expenditure. Key assumptions for forecasting revenue expenditure comprise:<br />

(i) Expenditure on <strong>Municipal</strong> Services. Expenditure on municipal services including<br />

general administration, revenue collection and service delivery are forecast based<br />

on the observed trend during the assessment period (2000-01 to 2003-04), subject<br />

to minimum and maximum annual growth rates of 5 percent and 20 percent,<br />

respectively.<br />

Table 11.16: Key growth rate assumptions for forecasting revenue expenditure<br />

Description Current Level Assumption<br />

General Administration & revenue Collection<br />

Staff Salary and Employee Related Expenses 7.58 % 8.00%<br />

Allowances to Elected Representatives 6.48 % 5.00%<br />

General Expenses 14.26 % 13.00%<br />

Pensions and Gratuities 14.40 % 5.00%<br />

Education - Staff Salary -- 5.00%<br />

Miscellaneous 6.70 % 15.00%<br />

Total-General Admin. & Revenue Collection 7.78 %<br />

<strong>Municipal</strong> Services excl. W&D<br />

General Expenses 16.01 % 5.00%<br />

Public Works and Roads 75.62 % 5.00%<br />

Public Health and Conservancy 100.58 % 15.00%<br />

Street Lighting (including Electricity Charges) 27.72 % 20.00%<br />

Education (87.09 %) 5.00%<br />

Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance 2.18 % 5.00%<br />

Miscellaneous (13.11 %) 5.00%<br />

Total- <strong>Municipal</strong> Services excl. W&D 43.45 %<br />

Source: Analysis<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Table 11.17: Key growth rate assumptions for forecasting water supply revenue<br />

expenditure<br />

Description Current Level Assumption<br />

Staff Salary & Employee Related Expenses 2.28 % 5.00%<br />

Administration Expenses -- 5.00%<br />

Equipment Maintenance & Repairs (41.10 %) 5.00%<br />

Board Payment -- 5.00%<br />

Electricity Charges 18.11 % 15.00%<br />

Vehicle Maintenance & Repairs 24.03 % 15.00%<br />

Miscellaneous 28.96 % 10.00%<br />

Total- Water Supply & Drainage 12.79 %<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

(ii) Outstanding Non-debt liabilities. The outstanding non-debt liabilities like payments<br />

due to employees, TNEB, TWAD, State Government cess, etc. are assumed to be<br />

cleared in equal installments over a 5-year period from 2006-07 to 2010-11.<br />

Wherever data was provided by the ULB, it was considered for preparing the FOP.<br />

(iv) Outstanding Debt Liabilities. The outstanding debt liabilities are proposed for<br />

clearance over a 10-year period beginning 2006-07 to 2016-17 with the furnished<br />

interest rate adopted otherwise at a constant interest of 9.50 percent per annum was<br />

assumed.<br />

(iv) Additional O&M Expenditure due to Sub-Projects. While each sector identifies the<br />

O&M costs applicable for asset maintenance (manpower, consumables, power<br />

charges, etc.), a proportion of the capital cost was derived for projections. Table<br />

11.18 presents the assumptions regarding O&M expenditure on new assets.<br />

Table 11.18: Assumptions for O&M Expenditure<br />

Sector As % of Capital Cost<br />

Water Supply 6.00<br />

Sewerage & Sanitation 4.00<br />

Roads and Traffic Management 3.00<br />

Storm Water Drainage 2.00<br />

Solid Waste Management 10.00<br />

Street Lighting 10.00<br />

Slum Upgradation 1.00<br />

Others 2.00<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

(v) Additional Debt Servicing Expenditure due to Sustainable Investment. The loans<br />

for the sustainable investments are assumed to spread over 20 years, carrying an<br />

interest burden as indicated in Table 11.19, with a five year moratorium on interest<br />

and principal repayment – interest during the moratorium period being capitalized.<br />

Considering a five-year loan draw down schedule (2006-07 to 2010-11) and a 20year<br />

tenor, debt servicing will commence from 2011-12 for a period of 15 years.<br />

According to the project implementation schedule, the loan drawn and repayment<br />

schedule will differ.<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Table 11.19: Proposed Financing Pattern<br />

Infrastructure Type Loan Grant<br />

ULB +<br />

Consumer<br />

Interest<br />

Rate<br />

Water Supply 50<br />

Percentage<br />

30 20 8.50<br />

Sewerage & Sanitation 50 30 20 8.50<br />

Roads and Traffic Management 60 30 10 8.50<br />

Storm Water Drainage 60 30 10 8.50<br />

Solid Waste Management 60 30 10 8.50<br />

Street Lighting 60 30 10 8.50<br />

Slum Up gradation 60 30 10 8.50<br />

Others<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

80 10 10 8.50<br />

311. Capital Account. In case of capital account, no capital transactions are considered in the<br />

base case scenario, as this scenario is aimed at ascertaining the ULB’s capacity to generate<br />

internal resources that would be leveraged to undertake identified sub-projects. In the<br />

identified investment and sustainable investment scenarios, sub-project cash flows are<br />

loaded onto the FOP and their impact on municipal finances in corresponding scenarios<br />

are tested. Key assumptions regarding capital account are investment phasing and project<br />

financing/funding structures.<br />

312. Capital Expenditure. The estimated expenditure for implementing sub-projects is phased<br />

over a five-year period beginning 2006-07. Based on the above phasing the actual<br />

investment requirement over the five-year period is ascertained adopting a physical<br />

contingency of seven percent and a price contingency of six percent per annum. Following<br />

tables presents the base full project cost and implementation schedule.<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Table 11.20: Summary of estimated capital investment and phasing schedule<br />

Sector<br />

Total<br />

Investment<br />

Investment Phasing (%)<br />

Rs. Lakh 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16<br />

<strong>Municipal</strong> Infrastructure<br />

Water Supply 888.20 0% 5% 7% 11% 0% 8% 0% 65% 0% 4%<br />

Sewerage & Sanitation 4,056.49 0% 20% 30% 30% 20% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%<br />

Roads 1,348.65 5% 5% 10% 10% 20% 10% 10% 15% 15% 0%<br />

Storm Water Drains 2,622.85 0% 5% 5% 10% 10% 15% 15% 15% 25% 0%<br />

Solid Waste Mgmt 389.07 40% 44% 8% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 8%<br />

Street Lighting 738.22 5% 10% 10% 10% 15% 0% 10% 10% 10% 20%<br />

Slum Upgradation 319.97 0% 30% 35% 35% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%<br />

Others 260.00 0% 15% 20% 30% 35% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%<br />

Sub Total – ULB Investment<br />

Other Agency Infrastructures<br />

10,623.45<br />

Ring Road/Bypass<br />

Sub Total –Other Agency<br />

4,000.00 - - - - - 10% 30% 30% 30% -<br />

Investment 4,000.00<br />

Grand Total Investment<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

14,623.45<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Table 11.21: Summary of phased investment in full project investment scenario<br />

Sector<br />

Total<br />

Investment<br />

Investment Phasing – Rs. Lakh at Current Price<br />

Rs. Lakh 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16<br />

<strong>Municipal</strong> Infrastructure<br />

Water Supply 888.20 4 40 60 97 - 71 4 577 - 37<br />

Sewerage & Sanitation 4056.49 - 811 811 1,217 1,217 811 - - - -<br />

Roads 1348.65 67 67 135 135 270 135 135 202 202 -<br />

Storm Water Drains 2622.85 - 131 131 262 262 393 393 393 656 -<br />

Solid Waste Mgmt 389.07 156 173 30 - 0 - - - - 30<br />

Street Lighting 738.22 37 74 74 74 111 - 74 74 74 148<br />

Slum Upgradation 319.97 - 96 112 112 - - - - - -<br />

Others 260.00 - 39 52 78 91 - - - - -<br />

Sub Total – ULB Investment<br />

Other Agency Infrastructures<br />

10,623.45 264 1431 1405 1975 1951 1410 606 1246 932 215<br />

Ring Road/Bypass<br />

Sub Total –Other Agency<br />

4,000.00 - - - - - 400 1200 1200 1200 -<br />

Investment 4,000.00 - - - - - 400 1200 1200 1200 -<br />

Grand Total Investment<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

14623.45 264 1431 1405 1975 1951 1810 1806 2446 2132 215<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

313. Capital Income. Capital income is forecast based on actual requirement to meet proposed<br />

capital expenditure.<br />

Table 11.22: Financing pattern for proposed projects<br />

Sl<br />

No.<br />

Sector<br />

Government<br />

Grant<br />

Financial<br />

Institution<br />

Loan<br />

ULB<br />

Share<br />

% Share<br />

Consumer<br />

Contributi<br />

on<br />

Other<br />

Depart<br />

ment<br />

<strong>Municipal</strong> Infrastructures<br />

1 Water Supply 30.00 50.00 10.00 10.00 -<br />

2 Sewerage & Sanitation 30.00 50.00 10.00 10.00 -<br />

3<br />

Roads and Traffic<br />

Management 30.00 60.00 10.00 - -<br />

4 Storm Water Drainage 30.00 60.00 10.00 - -<br />

5<br />

Solid Waste<br />

Management 30.00 60.00 10.00 - -<br />

6 Street Lighting 30.00 60.00 10.00 - -<br />

7 Slum Up gradation 30.00 60.00 10.00 - -<br />

8 Others 10.00 80.00 10.00 - -<br />

Other Agencies owned Infrastructures<br />

9<br />

Traffic &<br />

Transportation - - - - 100<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

Table 11.23: One-time charges for water & sewerage connections<br />

Sl. No Description Water Supply Sewerage<br />

1 Domestic 2,000 5,000<br />

2 Non Domestic 3,000 7,000<br />

3 Industrial 5,000 14,000<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

314. In summary, the following key assumptions were made while preparing the cash flows:<br />

(i) Revenue Income .<br />

a. Property Tax: projected based on ARV per property; number of assessments<br />

to grow at a nominal 3 percent per annum; ARV for all properties revised<br />

once in 5 years beginning 2006-07 at 30 percent; and collection performance<br />

assumed at 50 percent against arrears demand and 85 percent against current<br />

demand.<br />

b. Water Charges: At a nominal 3 percent per annum (proportionate to<br />

property tax assessment growth rate) regular connections are envisaged in<br />

the base case scenario and increase in water connections is a result of the<br />

availability of additional water for distribution – it is assumed that 80<br />

percent of the property tax connections would have water connections by FY<br />

2013; the current rate of water charge is maintained till 2005-06, and from<br />

2006-07 a 15 percent increase is assumed every 3 years; collection<br />

performance is assumed at 50 percent against arrears demand and 80 percent<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

against current demand; and new (one-time) connection charges are<br />

collected as per the current rate till 2005-06, and from 2006-07 a 20 percent<br />

increase in every 3 years.<br />

c. Sewerage Charges: No new connections envisaged in base case scenario and<br />

sewer connections are provided under the Project – it is assumed that 80<br />

percent of the property tax connections would have water connections by FY<br />

2020; monthly flat rate of Rs. 50, Rs, 100 & Rs. 200 per connection for<br />

domestic, non domestic and industrial connections respectively, it is<br />

assumed for sewerage charge starts from 2013-14, and from then on a 15<br />

percent increase is assumed every 3 years; collection performance is<br />

assumed at 50 percent against arrears demand and 80 percent against current<br />

demand; and new (one-time) connection charges are adopted as per Table<br />

11.11.<br />

d. Conservancy Fee: In base case scenario and investment scenarios, it is<br />

assumed that 70 percent of the residential property tax assessments and 100<br />

percent of non-domestic property assessments would have to be brought<br />

under the conservancy fee coverage net. Monthly conservancy fee of Rs. 15<br />

& Rs, 20 per property assessment s has been proposed for residential and<br />

non domestic properties respectively. It is assumed for conservancy fee<br />

starts from 2006-07, and from then on a 15 percent increase is assumed<br />

every 3 years; collection performance is assumed at 50 percent against<br />

arrears demand and 85 percent against current demand.<br />

e. All other Revenue income items. (including municipal own sources, grants<br />

and assigned revenues): past trend is adopted, subject to minimum and<br />

maximum ceilings of 5 and 15 percent per annum, respectively.<br />

(ii) Revenue Expenditure.<br />

a. Past trend is adopted, subject to minimum and maximum ceilings of 5 and<br />

20 percent per annum, respectively.<br />

b. Additional O&M expenditure is estimated based on ascertained percentages<br />

of capital costs.<br />

c. All outstanding non-debt liabilities are to be cleared off in the next 5 years.<br />

d. All outstanding debt liabilities are to be cleared off in the next 10 years at an<br />

interest rate provided by the ULB, otherwise at an average interest rate of<br />

9.50 percent.<br />

e. New loans are to be serviced over a 20-year tenor (including a five-year<br />

principal plus interest moratorium) at interest rates indicated in Table 11.19.<br />

(iii) Capital Expenditure.<br />

a. Capital expenditure is forecast based on the identified investments.<br />

b. The base costs estimated are at 2005-06 prices, which are then indexed by 7<br />

percent for physical contingencies, and 6 percent for price contingencies.<br />

(iv) Capital Income.<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

a. Capital Income is ascertained based on assumed project financing patterns<br />

as detailed in Table 11.19.<br />

3. Project Cash Flows and FOP Results<br />

315. The base case scenario is worked out considering only the revenue account transactions to<br />

assess the municipal capacity to generate revenue surpluses that could be leveraged to<br />

undertake capital investments. Detailed cash flows are worked out for each of the subprojects<br />

based on the assumptions with regards investment phasing, financing pattern,<br />

additional O&M expenditure and additional income due to proposed capital investments,<br />

for the Full Project scenarios and Sustainable investment scenarios. The net project cash<br />

flows are then loaded onto the base case scenario to test their impact on the overall<br />

municipal fiscal situation.<br />

316. Base Case Scenario. The base case scenario results indicate that under the past-trend based<br />

assumptions adopted, Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity would end up with a positive cumulative<br />

surplus of Rs.6,747 lakh by the end of FY 2019-20 (refer Table 11.24). With reforms and<br />

additional resource mobilization initiatives like energy saving in water supply pumps at<br />

head works, energy savings in street lighting and privatization of solid waste management<br />

activity and parking fee, levying of new charges like conservancy fee municipality can<br />

reach above said cumulative surplus. Base case with out reforms and with out additional<br />

resource mobilization initiatives municipality would end up with a positive closing<br />

balance of Rs. 5,962 lakh.<br />

Investment<br />

(i) Full Project Sustenance<br />

Scenario. Table 11.25<br />

presents a summary of<br />

total project cash flows<br />

due to the full project<br />

scenario. Detailed subproject<br />

cash flows are<br />

presented in Appendix<br />

III. Karaikudi<br />

<strong>Municipal</strong>ity would<br />

accumulate a negative<br />

closing balance of Rs.<br />

12,490 lakh by the end of<br />

2019-20 due exclusively<br />

to the full project<br />

investment. The total net<br />

project cash flows due to<br />

full project when loaded<br />

onto the base case<br />

Solid Waste<br />

Management<br />

4%<br />

Storm Water<br />

Drinage<br />

25%<br />

Street Lighting<br />

7%<br />

Figure 11.1: Full Project - Sector wise<br />

Base Cost Full Project Investment Distribution<br />

Others<br />

2%<br />

Road and Traffic<br />

Management<br />

13%<br />

Water Supply<br />

8%<br />

Sewerage<br />

38%<br />

Scenario FOP indicate that Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity would end up with a negative closing<br />

balance of Rs. 5,743 lakh by the FOP horizon year 2019-20, which represents the extent of<br />

subsidy/grant required by the <strong>Municipal</strong>ity to sustain the full project investments. The<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

NPV of subsidy/grant required amounts to about Rs. 20,257 lakh at 2005-06 prices,<br />

assuming a discount factor of 8.50 per cent. Table 11.24 presents a summary of the<br />

municipal fiscal status in the Full Project scenario. The full project (municipal share)<br />

investment proposed for Karaikudi is to the tune of Rs.10,623 lakh, out of which 38<br />

percent of the total investment is proposed for sewerage and 25 percent for storm water<br />

drain construction and improvement. Only 8 percent of the total investment proposed in<br />

Karaikudi for water supply improvement works and source augmentation works. This<br />

clearly indicates that the ULB need a sewerage system and better storm water drainage<br />

facility in future.<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Table 11.24: Financial Operating <strong>Plan</strong> Results - Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity.<br />

Item Heads 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020<br />

Base Case - <strong>Municipal</strong> Fund<br />

Opening Balance 140 304 478 657 844 1,065 1292 1670 2087 2522 2,975 3,462 4,224 5,023 5,872<br />

Revenue Income 732 877 940 1,009 1,097 1,184 1,397 1,535 1,666 1,809 1,986 2,337 2,557 2,817 3,082<br />

Additional Revenue<br />

Mobilization<br />

0 28 30 33 50 52 55 57 59 63 65 68 72 75 77<br />

Total Revenue Income 732 905 970 1,042 1,147 1,236 1,452 1,592 1,725 1,872 2,052 2,405 2,629 2,891 3,159<br />

Revenue Expenditure 568 732 790 855 927 1,008 1,074 1,176 1,290 1,419 1,565 1,643 1830 2,042 2,284<br />

Status 164 174 180 187 220 227 378 417 435 453 487 762 799 849 875<br />

Closing Balance 304 478 657 844 1,065 1,292 1,670 2,087 2,522 2,975 3,462 4,224 5,023 5,872 6,747<br />

Project Account - Full HPI Scenario<br />

Total Net Project Cash Flow<br />

(after deducting ULB equity<br />

from cash flow)<br />

Rs. Lakh<br />

0 (24) (149) (167) (334) (555) (1,140) (2,127) (3,151) (4,410) (5,569) (7,144) (9,055) (10,85<br />

6)<br />

Overall Closing Balance 304 453 509 677 730 737 530 (40) (629) (1,435) (2,107) (2,920) (4,032) (4,984) (5,743)<br />

Project Account - Sustainable HPI Scenario<br />

Total Net Project Cash<br />

Flows (after deducting ULB<br />

equity from project cash<br />

flow)<br />

0 (8) 21 209 365 616 827 1,018 1,007 1,131 1,330 1,610 1,934 2,369 2,945<br />

Overall Closing Balance 304 470 678 1,054 1,430 1,908 2,497 3,105 3,529 4,106 4,792 5,833 6,957 8,241 9,692<br />

124<br />

(12,49<br />


1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

Table 11.25: Summary of Full Project Cash Flow.<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Description 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020<br />

Full Sub Project Cash Flow<br />

Water Supply<br />

Rs. Lakh<br />

(2.1) (29.3) 66.2 77.1 110.8 64.2 (9.3) (578.2)<br />

Sewerage<br />

0.0 (502.1) (1,842.7) (4,095.9) (7,021.2)<br />

Roads and Traffic<br />

(1,253.6<br />

Management (47.2) (146.9) (355.4) (682.1) )<br />

Storm Water Drainage<br />

0.0 (97.4) (301.3) (727.7)<br />

(1,393.8<br />

)<br />

Solid Waste<br />

(1,090.9<br />

Management (79.3) (301.7) (568.3) (829.4) )<br />

Street Lighting<br />

Slum Upgradations<br />

(25.9) (110.9) (263.4) (488.0) (822.3)<br />

0.0 (71.3) (231.9) (487.6) (744.9)<br />

(10,005.1<br />

)<br />

(1,964.5<br />

)<br />

(2,437.4<br />

)<br />

(1,353.5<br />

)<br />

(1,175.0<br />

)<br />

(1,002.5<br />

)<br />

8 Others 0.0 (38.6) (132.8) (315.2) (607.2) (899.5)<br />

Total Sub Project<br />

Cash Flow (154.5)<br />

Total Full Project Cash Flow<br />

(1,298.3<br />

)<br />

(3,629.7<br />

)<br />

(7,548.7<br />

)<br />

(12,823.<br />

0)<br />

(18,773.<br />

4)<br />

(12,906.2<br />

)<br />

(2,797.9<br />

)<br />

(3,885.7<br />

)<br />

(1,597.3<br />

)<br />

(1,593.9<br />

)<br />

(1,260.5<br />

)<br />

(1,192.1<br />

)<br />

(25,242.<br />

8)<br />

(15,134.5<br />

)<br />

(3,832.1<br />

)<br />

(5,740.6<br />

)<br />

(1,831.7<br />

)<br />

(2,094.7<br />

)<br />

(1,509.7<br />

)<br />

(1,474.8<br />

)<br />

(32,196.<br />

3)<br />

(1,198.3<br />

)<br />

(17,326.2<br />

)<br />

(5,082.5<br />

)<br />

(8,319.7<br />

)<br />

(2,056.5<br />

)<br />

(2,682.9<br />

)<br />

(1,749.5<br />

)<br />

(1,746.8<br />

)<br />

(40,162.<br />

5)<br />

(1,825.2<br />

)<br />

(19,200.<br />

0)<br />

(6,322.8<br />

)<br />

(10,900.<br />

2)<br />

(2,295.1<br />

)<br />

(3,451.5<br />

)<br />

(1,979.2<br />

)<br />

(2,007.2<br />

)<br />

(47,981.<br />

1)<br />

(2,448.0<br />

)<br />

(21,078.<br />

6)<br />

(7,540.4<br />

)<br />

(13,457.<br />

0)<br />

(2,527.5<br />

)<br />

(4,241.2<br />

)<br />

(2,197.7<br />

)<br />

(2,255.2<br />

)<br />

(55,745.<br />

6)<br />

(3,042.9<br />

)<br />

(22,881.<br />

9)<br />

(8,708.4<br />

)<br />

(15,920.<br />

6)<br />

(2,746.5<br />

)<br />

(5,009.3<br />

)<br />

(2,404.3<br />

)<br />

(2,489.4<br />

)<br />

(63,203.<br />

3)<br />

(3,607.1<br />

)<br />

(24,402.<br />

2)<br />

(9,822.6<br />

)<br />

(18,282.<br />

7)<br />

(2,937.1<br />

)<br />

(5,753.8<br />

)<br />

(2,597.7<br />

)<br />

(2,708.8<br />

)<br />

(70,112.<br />

0)<br />

Opening Balance 17 108 356 588 887 1,139 1,364 1,595 1,771 2,019 2,299 2,623 3,059 3,634<br />

A Sources of Fund<br />

1 Debt Drawdown 63 59 76 47 42 34 242 51 50 - - - - -<br />

2 Equity Drawdown 352 311 386 311 174 202 741 308 247 - - - - -<br />

3 Govt. Grant 164 139 167 115 92 101 421 154 127 - - - - -<br />

4 User Charges 54 115 189 270 332 414 506 568 661 794 871 978 1,143 1,173<br />

5 New Connection Fees 103 263 233 275 234 192 196 196 237 237 242 272 272 -<br />

Total- Inflow 736 887 1,053 1,019 874 942 2,106 1,277 1,321 1,031 1,114 1,250 1,415 1,173<br />

B Disposition of Funds<br />

1 Project Capex 579 509 630 474 308 337 1,405 513 423 - - - - -<br />

125<br />

(4,142.0<br />

)<br />

(25,548.<br />

8)<br />

(10,878.<br />

2)<br />

(20,534.<br />

7)<br />

(3,110.9<br />

)<br />

(6,472.3<br />

)<br />

(2,777.0<br />

)<br />

(2,912.0<br />

)<br />

(76,375.<br />


2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Operation &<br />

Maintenance<br />

Debt Servicing-<br />

23 62 88 119 147 167 194 286 326 385 408 432 458 486<br />

Principal Repayment<br />

Interest During<br />

- - - - 152 181 181 181 181 367 381 381 381 383<br />

Construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - -<br />

Total- Outflow 42 69 102 128 15 32 95 121 142 - - - - -<br />

Net Cash Flow - - - - - - - - - - - - - -<br />

Closing Balance 645 639 820 720 621 717 1,875 1,102 1,072 752 789 814 840 869<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Table 11.26: Summary of base cost sustainable investment and phasing schedule<br />

Sector<br />

Total<br />

Investment<br />

Investment Phasing (%)<br />

Rs. Lakh 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16<br />

<strong>Municipal</strong> Infrastructure<br />

Water Supply 888 0% 5% 7% 11% 0% 8% 0% 65% 0% 4%<br />

Sewerage & Sanitation 1,217 0% 20% 30% 30% 20% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%<br />

Roads 371 5% 5% 10% 10% 20% 10% 10% 15% 15% 0%<br />

Storm Water Drains 564 0% 5% 5% 10% 10% 15% 15% 15% 25% 0%<br />

Solid Waste Mgmt 389 40% 44% 8% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 8%<br />

Street Lighting 738 5% 10% 10% 10% 15% 0% 10% 10% 10% 20%<br />

Slum Upgradation 320 0% 30% 35% 35% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%<br />

Others 260 0% 15% 20% 30% 35% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%<br />

Total – ULB Investment<br />

Source : Analysis<br />

4,747.00<br />

Table 11.27: Summary of sustainable project investment -base cost<br />

Sector<br />

Total<br />

Investment<br />

Investment Phasing – Rs. Lakh at Current Price<br />

Rs. Lakh 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16<br />

<strong>Municipal</strong> Infrastructure<br />

Water Supply 888 4 40 60 97 - 71 4 577 - 37<br />

Sewerage & Sanitation 1,217 - 243 366 366 243 - - - - -<br />

Roads 371 13 13 27 27 54 47 47 71 71 -<br />

Storm Water Drains 564 - 33 33 66 66 79 79 79 131 -<br />

Solid Waste Mgmt 389 156 173 30 - 0 - - - - 30<br />

Street Lighting 738 37 74 74 74 111 - 74 74 74 148<br />

Slum Upgradation 320 - 96 112 112 - - - - - -<br />

Others 260 - 39 52 78 91 - - - - -<br />

Total – ULB Investment<br />

Source: Analysis<br />

4,747.00 210 468 388 453 321 319 447 1,104 580 458<br />


Table 11.28: Summary of sustainable investment project cash flow<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Description 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020<br />

Sustainable Sub Project Cash Flow<br />

1 Water Supply (0.2) (2.7) 153.5 286.6 442.4 568.7 666.2 726.7 730.9 755.8 757.3 758.9 761.1 759.8<br />

2 Sewerage<br />

Roads and Traffic<br />

0.0 123.4 300.7 523.5 834.9 1,189.1 1,586.0 2,068.3 2,605.0 3,232.5 3,982.1 4,804.8 5,739.4 6,831.7<br />

3 Management (0.8) (2.9) (7.4) (14.9) (27.7) (50.8) (80.4) (119.3) (169.2) (224.1) (288.9) (355.0) (422.5) (491.5)<br />

4 Storm Water Drainage<br />

Solid Waste<br />

0.0 (2.1) (7.1) (17.8) (35.3) (61.2) (102.3) (153.6) (220.9) (293.9) (381.7) (470.8) (561.3) (653.3)<br />

5 Management 20.6 15.5 (12.0) (34.0) (56.4) (89.2) (112.4) (136.3) (161.4) (179.4) (204.1) (230.6) (245.1) (260.7)<br />

6<br />

Street Lighting<br />

(2.2) (13.4) (38.9) (80.1) (141.4) (231.8) (331.6) (453.7) (600.3) (780.8) (997.1)<br />

(1,236.<br />

6)<br />

(1,485.<br />

3)<br />

(1,743.<br />

9)<br />

7 Slum Upgradations 0.0 (6.1) (20.8) (45.0) (71.0) (97.2) (132.6) (168.4) (204.5) (240.9) (277.6) (314.8) (352.3) (390.3)<br />

8 Others 0.0 (3.3) (12.2) (29.9) (59.0) (88.4) (128.3) (168.5) (209.0) (249.9) (291.3) (333.1) (375.4) (418.1)<br />

Total Sustainable Sub<br />

Project Cash Flow<br />

17.4 108.4 355.8 588.3 886.6 1,139.3 1,364.5 1,595.3 1,770.6 2,019.2 2,298.6 2,622.9 3,058.5 3,633.6<br />

Total Full Project Cash Flow<br />

Rs. Lakh<br />

Opening Balance 17 108 356 588 887 1139 1364 1595 1771 2019 2299 2623 3059<br />

A Sources of Fund<br />

1 Debt Drawdown 147 352 311 386 311 174 202 741 308 247 - - - -<br />

2 Equity Drawdown 25 63 59 76 47 42 34 242 51 50 - - - -<br />

3 Govt. Grant 74 164 139 167 115 92 101 421 154 127 - - - -<br />

4 User Charges 30 54 115 189 270 332 414 506 568 661 794 871 978 1,143<br />

5 New Connection Fees - 103 263 233 275 234 192 196 196 237 237 242 272 272<br />

Total- Inflow 275 736 887 1,053 1,019 874 942 2,106 1,277 1,321 1,031 1,114 1,250 1,415<br />

B Disposition of Funds<br />

1 Project Capex<br />

Operation &<br />

245 579 509 630 474 308 337 1,405 513 423 - - - -<br />

2 Maintenance - 23 62 88 119 147 167 194 286 326 385 408 432 458<br />


3<br />

4<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Debt Servicing-<br />

Principal Repayment<br />

Interest During<br />

- - - - - 152 181 181 181 181 367 381 381 381<br />

Construction 12 42 69 102 128 15 32 95 121 142 - - - -<br />

Total- Outflow 257 645 639 820 720 621 717 1,875 1,102 1,072 752 789 814 840<br />

Net Cash Flow 17 91 247 233 298 253 225 231 175 249 279 324 436 575<br />

Closing Balance 17 108 356 588 887 1139 1364 1595 1771 2019 2299 2623 3059 3634<br />


A. Urban Governance<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

317. This chapter outlines the various best practices world over regarding good urban<br />

governance. The strategies presented in this chapter, are an integrated whole and none of<br />

them can be seen are understood in an isolated section. Commitment of the municipality to<br />

civic, secure and transparent administration will realize the dream of any city/town where<br />

the citizens will be those who govern and the municipality as an institution is one who<br />

facilitates and provides the service.<br />

1. Current Initiatives<br />

318. The other initiatives that are being adopted by the municipality to enhance its performance<br />

and capacity building are computerization of its activities and involving private sector in<br />

the delivery of civic services.<br />

319. Computerization. GoTN has initiated steps to computerize municipal administration in the<br />

state. The entire process consists of four modules: Revenue and Taxation, Record<br />

Maintenance, Personnel Management System, Financial Management System.<br />

320. As a start up, data relating to property tax has been computerized and the assessments are<br />

now handled by using computers. The billing and collection system of the property taxes<br />

is also computerized in the town. However, the computerization efforts are slow owing to<br />

the absence of technical capabilities with the municipality.<br />

321. Private Sector Participation. The municipality has initiated the involvement of private<br />

sector in service delivery through part privatization of the solid waste collection system.<br />

The initiative has received good response from the citizens of the town and further<br />

privatization of certain other components of services is in active consideration of the<br />

municipality.<br />

2. Strategies<br />

322. Decentralization. In conformity to the 74th CAA, the Government of Tamil Nadu has<br />

made necessary legislative changes to devolve functional domains of the 18 listed items in<br />

the 12th schedule of the constitution. However only seven functions are made obligatory<br />

functions of urban local bodies and important functions like urban planning including<br />

town planning, regulation of land use and construction of buildings, slum improvement,<br />

urban poverty alleviation remain discretionary functions with rather little say for ULB.<br />

Consequently, the funds and concerned staff continue to remain under the control of the<br />

State Government. Financial powers as envisaged in the 12th Schedule of the Constitution<br />

also need to be immediately devolved to urban local bodies.<br />

323. The local bodies should have control over the land in their jurisdiction and other<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

infrastructure including roads in their area. They should have power to remove<br />

encroachment from public land, construct and maintain roads within their respective<br />

municipal areas.<br />

324. The municipality shall divide the area into zones/ divisions for better service delivery and<br />

management control. Such a mechanism is already being implemented in water supply and<br />

public health sectors.<br />

325. Urban Environmental Management. The costs of maintaining a healthy urban environment<br />

needs to be recovered through various municipal taxes and user charges following the<br />

“Polluter Pays” principle. For this, the functional role of the ULB as envisaged in Item 8,<br />

12th Schedule of the Constitution have to be resolved keeping in view the role of Tamil<br />

Nadu Pollution Control Board and the organizational and fiscal strength of the ULB.<br />

326. Access of Urban Services to Poor. Since “Ability-to-Pay” for the full cost of<br />

environmental infrastructure services’ provision is the important criterion, crosssubsidization<br />

of tariffs, innovative project structuring and user/ community participation<br />

are the means towards ensuring access of these services to the poor. Again, the functional<br />

and financial role of ULB with respect to the items 10 and 11 of 12th Schedule against<br />

those of central and state government agencies need to be resolved.<br />

327. Streamlining and Strengthening of Revenue Base of Local Bodies.<br />

(i) The recommendations of the State Finance Commissions must be made mandatory<br />

and should be implemented as a matter of course. Law enforcement powers should<br />

be given to local bodies to compel payments of taxes and other charges levied by<br />

them.<br />

(ii) Property Tax base should be de-linked from rental value method and should be<br />

linked to Unit Area or Capital value method.<br />

(iii) Fiscal powers of municipal bodies to fix tax rates, fee structure and user charges<br />

should be strengthened through specific guidelines and notifications. Prepare model<br />

guidelines for the town to allow greater flexibility in levying taxes, fees and user<br />

charges, borrowing funds and incurring expenditures.<br />

(iv) The annual report of the municipality shall devote a section highlighting the<br />

amounts of subsidy given to a particular service, how was the subsidy funded and<br />

who were its beneficiaries.<br />

(v) Adopting Zero-based budgeting shall be carried out supported by the already<br />

computerised accounting system for continual monitoring of budgets and cash flow<br />

management.<br />

(vi) Implementation of MIS to provide relevant information on accounts, commercial<br />

and operating systems for better decision making and information dissemination to<br />

citizens.<br />

(vii) Auditing of Accounts should be carried out effectively and regularly to promote<br />

transparency and accountability.<br />

(viii) Application of e-governance is equally important for municipal finance. Adequate<br />

software in the financial management is required at different levels.<br />


328. Transparency and Civic Engagement in <strong>Municipal</strong> Management.<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

(i) Laws/ rules/ regulations specific to town/ local issues should be tried to facilitate<br />

effective implementation. These should be lucid and easily understood.<br />

(ii) Participatory mechanisms should be so structured that they have legal entity and<br />

administrative power. Local bodies should be responsive and innovative and involve<br />

community participation in civic engagement.<br />

(iii) Specific code of conduct for municipal executives and elected representatives.<br />

(iv) Public education, resource mobilisation, good leadership and transparent processes<br />

apply in municipal finance and development work.<br />

(v) Closer networking with media and their engagement in creating public awareness<br />

and creating demand for good governance. Cautious engagement of private sector<br />

with continuous monitoring is necessary.<br />

(vi) Setting in place an active and online public Grievances’ Redressal System, with<br />

automated department wise complaint loading and monitoring system.<br />

(vii) Instruments to improve the efficiency of local bodies through enhanced technical,<br />

administrative, and financial capacities.<br />

(viii) Credit Enhancement options other than state guarantees need to be adopted.<br />

(ix) Preparation of annual Environmental Status Reports through a multi-stakeholder<br />

consultation process.<br />

329. Capacity Building of Local Bodies.<br />

(i) The municipality shall maintain data to generate indicators as suggested in this<br />

document for evaluating their performance.<br />

(ii) Prepare and conduct capacity building programs for elected representatives,<br />

especially women representatives with a view to enable them to focus on gender<br />

based issues.<br />

(iii) Promote the creation of interactive platforms for sharing municipal innovations,<br />

experiences among municipal managers.<br />

(iv) Better Human Resource Management through assessment of the training needs of<br />

personnel involved in urban administration to enhance the management and<br />

organizational capabilities.<br />

(v) Assessment of fund requirement and resource persons to tackle the training needs of<br />

all the personnel.<br />

(vi) Development of Training Material in the local language and Impact and Evaluation<br />

Studies of the Training Programs.<br />

(vii) Capacity building to position the ULB in a better place to employ highly qualified<br />

staff and seek superior quality of out-sourced services.<br />


Appendix I: Ward Level Densities<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Ward Area Population Male Female Households Literates Density<br />

No.<br />

Sq. Km<br />

Population Population<br />

1 1.23 3291 1673 1618 658 2403 2682<br />

2 0.28 2397 1153 1244 479 1768 8591<br />

3 0.13 2535 1296 1239 507 1916 19351<br />

4 0.08 1241 624 617 248 842 15134<br />

5 0.18 4403 2225 2178 881 3434 24598<br />

6 0.47 3432 1756 1676 686 2974 7287<br />

7 0.13 1321 665 656 264 1180 10084<br />

8 0.88 5511 2797 2714 1102 4808 6284<br />

9 0.52 2113 1055 1058 423 1693 4087<br />

10 0.32 2360 1200 1160 472 2009 7375<br />

11 0.18 1532 767 765 306 1271 8418<br />

12 0.67 1261 642 619 252 984 1896<br />

13 0.10 1475 731 744 295 1211 14461<br />

14 0.14 2055 1046 1009 411 1770 14784<br />

15 0.12 1910 954 956 382 1559 15528<br />

16 0.12 1506 753 753 301 1278 12872<br />

17 0.41 1996 967 1029 399 1754 4880<br />

18 0.09 3767 1803 1964 753 3221 42326<br />

19 2.38 5914 2927 2987 1183 4589 2482<br />

20 0.16 1713 855 858 343 1461 10706<br />

21 0.20 1498 740 758 300 1272 7528<br />

22 0.35 2132 1073 1059 426 1554 6057<br />

23 0.19 1052 509 543 210 853 5566<br />

24 0.27 2089 1062 1027 418 1699 7853<br />

25 0.12 1688 828 860 338 1193 14427<br />

26 0.26 2515 1265 1250 503 2103 9563<br />

27 0.07 1553 716 837 311 1155 23179<br />

28 0.15 2190 1089 1101 438 1801 14503<br />

29 0.28 3432 1757 1675 686 2539 12127<br />

30 0.28 2922 1445 1477 584 1894 10289<br />

31 0.32 2259 1143 1116 452 1696 6994<br />

32 0.18 1798 883 915 360 1413 10274<br />

33 0.17 2900 1461 1439 580 2122 16959<br />

34 1.05 3440 1718 1722 688 2611 3286<br />

35 0.87 1470 685 785 294 1146 1688<br />

36 0.41 1751 852 899 350 1135 4313<br />

Total 13.75 86422 43115 43307 17283 68311 6287<br />


Appendix II: Population Projection……………………………………….<br />

Sample calculation for Population Projection<br />

By considering Population from 1951 to 12001 and Projected for 2006<br />

Year Population Polynomial Arithmetic Increase Incremental Increase Method Geometrical Progression<br />

2nd Order method<br />

method<br />

Decadal Projected Increment Increment Projected Rate of Projected<br />

Increment Population X Y Population Growth Population<br />

Exponential<br />

Method<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Other Methods<br />

Power<br />

Method<br />

Log<br />

Method<br />

1951 38453<br />

1961 43698 5,245 5,245 0.1364<br />

1971 55449 11,751 11,751 6,506 0.2689<br />

1981 66993 11,544 11,544 -207 0.2082<br />

1991 71965 4,972 4,972 -6,572 0.0742<br />

2001 86596 14,631 14,631 9,659 0.2033<br />

2006 91,569 91,410 92,290 93,389 95,220 82,740 80,600<br />

9,629 2,347<br />

9,629<br />

0.1630<br />

Selection of Population Projection Method:<br />

Census Population is considered from 1951 to 2001.<br />

Projection by Arithmetic Increase Method:<br />

Average decadal increase of population (X)=9629.<br />

Projected population for n decades = Census Population for the latest year +n x Average decadal growth rate.<br />

(where n = number of decades)<br />

Projected population for 2006 = Population for the year 2001 + 0.5 x Average decadal growth rate.<br />

= 86,596 + 0.5 x 9,629<br />

= 91,410<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Projection by Incremental Increase Method:<br />

Incremental Increase (Y) = 2,347<br />

Projected population for n decades = Census Population for the latest year + n x Average decadal growth rate +n(n+1)/2 x Y<br />

Projected population for 2006 = 86,596+(0.5x9,629) + 0.5 x(0.5+1)/2 x (2,347)<br />

= 92,290<br />

Projection by Geometrical Increase Method:<br />

Average Rate of growth (r) = 0.1630<br />

Projected population for n decades = Census Population for the latest year x (1+ Rate of growth) n<br />

Projected population for 2001 = Population for 2001 x (1+ Rate of growth) 0.5<br />

Projected population for 2006 = 86,596 x (0.5+0.1630) 0.5<br />

= 93,383<br />

For other Graphical Methods Population is Projected based on the Graphs Given Below.<br />

(i) Projection By Polynomial Second Order Method.<br />

Polynomial second order trend line has been set<br />

It follows the equation Y = 353.82X 2 +7153.5 X+30122<br />

From this equation, projected population for the year 2006 = 353.82*(6.5) 2 +7153.5 x 6.5 + 30122<br />

= 91,561<br />

(ii) Projection By Power Function.<br />

Power Function trend line has been set<br />

It follows the equation Y =35398 X 0.4535<br />

From this equation, projected population for the year 2006 = 35398 (6.5) 0.4535<br />

= 82,790<br />

Other Population Projections by using the Graphical Methods are done by considering the respective Trend line of the particular method.<br />


Appendix III: Minutes of Meeting on Consultancy Service for Conversion of <strong>City</strong><br />

<strong>Corporate</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> into <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> for Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity held at<br />

Council Hall, Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity on July 3, 2006.<br />

List of Participants<br />

S.No Name Designation<br />

1 Thirumathi C. Sumathi Chairman - Karaikudi<br />

<strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

2 Thiru R. Govindarasan Vice – Chairman<br />

3 Thirumathi R. Punkodiarumaikan Commissioner<br />

4 Thiru D. Chandra Sekaran ME, Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

5 Thiru P. Muruganandham T.P.I, Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

6 Thiru M. Balasubramanian H1, Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

7 Thiru S. Durai Raj Ex-MLA<br />

8 Thiru A. Raja Mohamad MC<br />

9 Thiru A. Balaswamy MC<br />

10 Thirumathi S. Latha MC<br />

11 Thirumathi Malarkodi Daivasikamani MC<br />

12 Thiru Subramanian MC – Ward 25<br />

13 Thirumathi D. Bhakyalakshmi MC - Ward 30<br />

14 Thirumathi Valsala MC<br />

15 Thirumathi Deivarani MC<br />

16 Thiru K. Arumugam MC – Ward 8<br />

17 Thiru Noormohamad MC – Ward 16<br />

18 Thiru Anbazagan MC – Ward 36<br />

19 Thiru M. Rajandran MC – Ward 7<br />

20 Thiru Muthaiya MC<br />

21 Thiru P. Vairavan MC – Ward 24<br />

22 Thiru MN. Naehiappan MC – Ward 9<br />

23 Thiru S. Ramaswamy MC – Ward 12<br />

24 Thiru KSS. Dravidamani MDMK<br />

25 Thiru N. Ilankovan EE - TNEB<br />

26 Thiru P.S. Yogamoorthy EE – GWD<br />

27 Thiru AL. Valliappan AD- GWD<br />

28 Thiru S. Veerappa AEE – TNEB<br />

29 Thiru MR. Subramanian AE – TNEB<br />

30 Thiru R. Singaravelan AE – TNEB<br />

31 Thiru J. Suramanian AE – TNEB<br />

32 Thiru K. Ganesan A.C. College of Engg. & Tech.<br />

33 Thiru M. Shanmugam Alagappa Polytechnic<br />

34 Thirumathi Pazaniammal Headmistress<br />

35 Thirumathi Meenalaksmi Headmistress<br />

36 Thirumathi N. Velammal M.E. School<br />

37 Thirumathi R.Valliappan Headmaster – SMSV HSS<br />

38 Thiru D. Jeyasingh Headmaster – RMS<br />

39 Thiru C. Rajasekaran Headmaster – VDC

S.No Name Designation<br />

40 Thiru N. Kathamuthu Headmaster<br />

41 Thiru K. Malaiswamy Headmaster<br />

42 Thiru R. Ravindaran Headmaster<br />

43 Thiru N. Balasubramanian Headmaster<br />

44 Thirumathi M. Kasthuri Headmaster<br />

45 Thiru A.Shahul Mamood Senior Citizen<br />

46 Thiru P. Vairavan Senior Citizen<br />

47 Thiru Senthil Kumar Senior Citizen<br />

48 Thiru Manivel Senior Citizen<br />

49 Thiru P. Vadivel Senior Citizen<br />

50 Thiru R.G. Saravanan Senior Citizen<br />

51 Thiru N. Daniel Senior Citizen<br />

52 Thiru K.M.Sampath Senior Citizen<br />

53 Thiru P. Vikram Senior Citizen<br />

54 Thiru Palaniswamy Senior Citizen<br />

55 Thiru A.M. Hari Prasad WSAPL<br />

56 Thiru E. Gopinath WSAPL<br />

The Chairperson and the Commissioner presided over the meeting in the presence of<br />

councilors, senior citizens, NGOs and Alagappa University Professors and other line<br />

agencies. The details on the discussion held and decision taken are listed below:<br />

1. It was discussed, that the present sand bed is being polluted due to septic tanks and<br />

sullage water from the residential areas. Hence, in order to avoid this problem Under<br />

Ground Drainage system is suggested to protect geological formation to sand bed<br />

under the town, which is main drinking water source for the <strong>Municipal</strong>ity.<br />

2. Protection of water bodies, rejuvenation of lakes and desilting and strengthen of<br />

Odais with top priority is suggested for the future.<br />

3. Spacing should be maintained for the water extracting from bore wells at Sambai<br />

Otthu source.<br />

4. Widening of Madurai road was suggested in order to avoid the traffic congestion in<br />

the town.<br />

5. Tree plantation was suggested, for all 40 feet roads in order to avoid noise and air<br />

pollution respectively.<br />

6. Parks and playground should be developed at all municipal vacant lands.<br />

7. Construction of electrical crematorium was suggested.

8. It is suggested that an integrated approach to introduce the solar street lighting in<br />

order to reduce the energy consumption and electricity charges can be taken up.<br />

9. By- Pass road has to be developed from Trichy road to Madurai road.<br />

10. To protect the surroundings of Sambai Otthu water source, it is very essential to<br />

include the Sankarapuram Panchayat area into municipal area.<br />

Prioritization for <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

1. Solid Waste Management<br />

2. Implementation of Under Ground Drainage<br />

3. Rejuvenation of Water bodies<br />

4. Improvement of Roads<br />

5. Improvement of Storm of Drains

Some of the individual stakeholder’s suggestions are given below<br />

Commissioner and Chairman briefing the<br />

project to the Stake holders<br />

One of Stake holders expressing their views<br />

on Projects<br />

Thiru S. Durai Raj Ex-MLA insisting on<br />

UGD project.<br />

NGOs and Councilors are expressing their<br />

views on Projects

<strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> - Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

Appendix IV: <strong>Municipal</strong> Finances<br />

17- Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity - Abstract of Accounts 1- Income and Expenditure Statement<br />

Head of Account 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04<br />

Rs. Lakh<br />

Opening Balance<br />


I Revenue Income<br />

A Tax- Own Sources<br />

1 Property Tax (General Purpose) - 58% of Total PT 145.50<br />

2 Property Tax (Education Purpose) - 16% of Total PT 40.42<br />

3 Profession Tax 11.48<br />

4 Other Taxes & Charges 0.01<br />

Tax- Own Sources 197.40<br />

B Assigned Revenues<br />

1 Entertainment Tax 22.17<br />

2 Surcharge on Stamp Duty 35.16<br />

3 Other Transfers -<br />

Assigned Revenues 57.33<br />

C Non Tax- Own Sources<br />

1 Income from <strong>Municipal</strong> Properties and Markets 37.66<br />

2 License Income (Trade, etc.) 8.57<br />

3 Income from Special Services 0.14<br />

4 Income from Sale Proceeds 0.48<br />

5 Income from Fees and Fines 11.25<br />

6 Income from Interest on Deposits -<br />

7 Income from Investments(Excl. Interest) -<br />

8 Miscellaneous Income 29.49<br />

Non Tax- Own Sources 87.60<br />

D Revenue Grants<br />

1 State Finance Commission Grant 76.06<br />

2 Other Grants 21.91<br />

Revenue Grants 97.97<br />

Total- Revenue Income (Excl. W&D Fund) 440.30<br />

E Water and Drainage Fund<br />

1 Water & Drainage Tax - 26% of Total PT 64.67<br />

2 Water Charges 42.40<br />

3 Drainage Charges 0.04<br />

4 Income from Interest on Deposits -<br />

5 Water Supply & Sanitation Grant -<br />

6 Other Income -<br />

Total- W&D Fund Revenue Income 107.11<br />

Total- Revenue Income 547.41<br />

17- Abstract of Accounts 1/16<br />

145.60<br />

40.45<br />

11.87<br />

1.03<br />

198.95<br />

20.00<br />

47.00<br />

0.10<br />

67.10<br />

11.30<br />

6.96<br />

0.25<br />

0.45<br />

13.00<br />

0.20<br />

-<br />

31.15<br />

63.31<br />

46.62<br />

30.89<br />

77.51<br />

406.87<br />

64.71<br />

42.85<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

107.57<br />

514.43<br />

158.22<br />

43.95<br />

16.78<br />

0.02<br />

218.97<br />

20.89<br />

82.81<br />

-<br />

103.69<br />

43.45<br />

18.62<br />

0.00<br />

0.03<br />

22.27<br />

0.60<br />

-<br />

42.98<br />

127.96<br />

161.33<br />

-<br />

161.33<br />

611.95<br />

70.32<br />

49.47<br />

-<br />

0.03<br />

-<br />

-<br />

119.82<br />

731.78<br />

171.97<br />

47.77<br />

7.62<br />

-<br />

227.35<br />

19.10<br />

96.28<br />

-<br />

115.38<br />

12.51<br />

9.09<br />

0.05<br />

0.32<br />

24.88<br />

1.21<br />

-<br />

48.93<br />

96.99<br />

32.40<br />

12.94<br />

45.34<br />

485.06<br />

76.43<br />

38.11<br />

-<br />

0.10<br />

-<br />

-<br />

114.64<br />

599.70<br />

Appendix - IV

<strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> - Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

Appendix IV: <strong>Municipal</strong> Finances<br />

17- Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity - Abstract of Accounts 1- Income and Expenditure Statement<br />

Head of Account 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04<br />

Rs. Lakh<br />

II Revenue Expenditure<br />

A General Administration<br />

1 Staff Salary and Employee Related Expenses 233.24<br />

2 Allowances to Elected Representatives 1.11<br />

3 General Expenses 3.00<br />

4 Pensions and Gratuities 47.34<br />

5 Education - Staff Salary -<br />

6 Miscellaneous 4.51<br />

Establishment 289.20<br />

B Operation & Maintenance<br />

1 General Expenses 5.87<br />

2 Public Works and Roads 7.67<br />

3 Public Health and Conservancy 4.31<br />

4 Contractor Payment- Conservancy -<br />

5 Street Lighting (including Electricity Charges) 21.32<br />

6 Education -<br />

7 Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance 2.76<br />

8 Miscellaneous 4.01<br />

Operation & Maintenance 45.92<br />

C Debt Servicing<br />

1 Public Works and Roads -<br />

2 Public Health and Conservancy -<br />

3 Others -<br />

Debt Servicing -<br />

Total- Revenue Expenditure (Excl. W&D Fund) 335.12<br />

D Water and Sanitation Fund<br />

1 Staff Salary & Employee Related Expenses 12.61<br />

2 Administration Expenses -<br />

3 Equipment Maintenance & Repairs 5.77<br />

4 Board Payment -<br />

5 Electricity Charges 37.18<br />

6 Vehicle Maintenance & Repairs 0.83<br />

7 Miscellaneous 13.05<br />

8 Debt Servicing- Old 11.97<br />

Total- W&D Fund Revenue Expenditure 81.41<br />

Total- Revenue Expenditure 416.52<br />

Operating Surplus (W&D Revenue Fund) 25.70<br />

Operating Surplus (Revenue Account) 130.88<br />

Closing Balance-(Revenue Account) 130.88<br />

Transfer to Capital Account -<br />

17- Abstract of Accounts 2/16<br />

231.13<br />

1.38<br />

9.54<br />

45.75<br />

-<br />

3.67<br />

291.47<br />

14.60<br />

7.40<br />

1.21<br />

-<br />

18.70<br />

8.40<br />

2.45<br />

0.15<br />

52.91<br />

-<br />

-<br />

7.00<br />

7.00<br />

351.38<br />

22.90<br />

-<br />

4.05<br />

-<br />

29.00<br />

6.90<br />

12.55<br />

23.77<br />

99.17<br />

450.55<br />

8.40<br />

63.88<br />

194.77<br />

0.05<br />

272.41<br />

1.37<br />

3.74<br />

48.40<br />

-<br />

3.82<br />

329.74<br />

10.85<br />

9.49<br />

4.37<br />

-<br />

20.12<br />

15.65<br />

3.03<br />

2.02<br />

65.53<br />

-<br />

-<br />

14.00<br />

14.00<br />

409.27<br />

24.77<br />

-<br />

1.38<br />

-<br />

36.88<br />

4.98<br />

10.26<br />

7.54<br />

85.81<br />

495.08<br />

34.01<br />

236.70<br />

431.47<br />

-<br />

290.38<br />

1.34<br />

4.48<br />

70.87<br />

-<br />

5.48<br />

372.55<br />

9.16<br />

41.52<br />

34.74<br />

-<br />

44.41<br />

0.14<br />

2.94<br />

2.63<br />

135.54<br />

-<br />

-<br />

12.88<br />

12.88<br />

520.97<br />

13.49<br />

-<br />

1.18<br />

-<br />

61.26<br />

1.58<br />

27.99<br />

11.31<br />

116.81<br />

637.78<br />

(2.17)<br />

(38.08)<br />

393.39<br />

49.41<br />

Appendix - IV

<strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> - Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

Appendix IV: <strong>Municipal</strong> Finances<br />

17- Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity - Abstract of Accounts 1- Income and Expenditure Statement<br />

Head of Account 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04<br />

Rs. Lakh<br />


III Capital Income<br />

A Capital Loans<br />

1 Public Works and Roads -<br />

2 Street Lighting -<br />

3 Public Health & Conservancy -<br />

4 Education -<br />

5 Others 169.48<br />

Capital Loans 169.48<br />

B Capital Grants and Contribution<br />

1 Public Works and Roads -<br />

2 Education -<br />

3 Others 2.75<br />

4 Eleventh Finance Commission Grants -<br />

Capital Grants and Contribution 2.75<br />

C Own Sources<br />

1 Transfer from Revenue Account -<br />

2 Sale of <strong>Municipal</strong> Property -<br />

Own Sources- Capital -<br />

Total- Capital Income 172.23<br />

Water and Drainage Fund<br />

D Capital Loans<br />

1 Water Supply -<br />

2 Sewerage & Sanitation -<br />

Capital Loans W&D Fund -<br />

E Capital Grants and Contribution<br />

1 Water Supply -<br />

2 Sewerage & Sanitation -<br />

W&D -Capital Grants and Contribution -<br />

F Own Sources<br />

1 Water Connection Charge 8.48<br />

2 Sewerage Connection Charge -<br />

W&D Own Sources- Capital 8.48<br />

Total W&D Fund- Capital Income 8.48<br />

Total- Capital Income 180.71<br />

17- Abstract of Accounts 3/16<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

5.77<br />

5.77<br />

-<br />

-<br />

13.25<br />

-<br />

13.25<br />

0.05<br />

-<br />

0.05<br />

19.07<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

21.54<br />

-<br />

21.54<br />

21.54<br />

40.61<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

18.73<br />

18.73<br />

-<br />

-<br />

3.84<br />

-<br />

3.84<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

22.57<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

28.55<br />

-<br />

28.55<br />

28.55<br />

51.12<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

23.32<br />

23.32<br />

-<br />

-<br />

194.98<br />

-<br />

194.98<br />

49.41<br />

-<br />

49.41<br />

267.71<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

48.28<br />

-<br />

48.28<br />

34.90<br />

-<br />

34.90<br />

83.18<br />

350.89<br />

Appendix - IV

<strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> - Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

Appendix IV: <strong>Municipal</strong> Finances<br />

17- Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity - Abstract of Accounts 1- Income and Expenditure Statement<br />

Head of Account<br />

IV Capital Expenditure<br />

2000-01 2001-02<br />

Rs. Lakh<br />

2002-03 2003-04<br />

1 General 16.82<br />

-<br />

1.00<br />

2.57<br />

2 Remunerative Schemes -<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

3 Public Works and Roads 197.65<br />

-<br />

5.25<br />

-<br />

4 Street Lighting 3.05<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

5 Public Health & Conservancy 2.57<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

6 Education 5.31<br />

-<br />

12.10 37.88<br />

7 Others -<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

Total - Capital Expenditure Excl W&D Fund 225.39<br />

-<br />

18.35 40.45<br />

Water and Drainage Fund<br />

8 Water Supply 52.68<br />

9 Sewerage & Sanitation 13.38<br />

Total W&D Fund- Capital Expenditure 66.06<br />

Total - Capital Expenditure 291.45<br />

Operating Surplus (W&D Capital Account) (57.58)<br />

Operating Surplus (Capital Account) (110.75)<br />

Operating Surplus (Over all excluding revenue transfer) 20.14<br />


V EA Income<br />

1 Cash at Bank/ in Hand 74.07<br />

3 Cess Income 57.67<br />

4 Cash Deposit 21.76<br />

5 Staff Advance 0.07<br />

6 Security Deposit 51.05<br />

7 Miscellaneous 74.07<br />

Total- EA Income 204.63<br />

VI EA Expenditure<br />

1 Cess Transfers -<br />

2 Other- Deposits -<br />

3 PF and Pension -<br />

4 Miscellaneous 11.92<br />

Total- EA Expenditure 11.92<br />

Operating Surplus (Extraordinary Account) 192.70<br />

17- Abstract of Accounts 4/16<br />

0.05<br />

-<br />

0.05<br />

0.05<br />

21.49<br />

40.56<br />

104.39<br />

-<br />

-<br />

9.84<br />

6.30<br />

10.13<br />

-<br />

26.27<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

1.80<br />

1.80<br />

24.47<br />

0.47<br />

-<br />

0.47<br />

18.82<br />

28.08<br />

32.30<br />

269.00<br />

-<br />

-<br />

28.56<br />

3.20<br />

6.10<br />

-<br />

37.86<br />

-<br />

62.20<br />

70.10<br />

5.00<br />

137.30<br />

(99.44)<br />

102.48<br />

13.93<br />

116.41<br />

156.86<br />

(33.23)<br />

194.03<br />

106.54<br />

-<br />

-<br />

12.99<br />

5.09<br />

-<br />

-<br />

18.08<br />

-<br />

8.05<br />

-<br />

4.57<br />

12.62<br />

5.46<br />

Appendix - IV

<strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> - Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

Appendix IV: <strong>Municipal</strong> Finances<br />

17- Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity - Abstract of Accounts<br />

Head of Account<br />

Opening Balance<br />


I Revenue Income<br />

A Tax- Own Sources<br />

1 Property Tax (General Purpose) - 58% of Total PT<br />

2 Property Tax (Education Purpose) - 16% of Total PT<br />

3 Profession Tax<br />

4 Other Taxes & Charges<br />

Tax- Own Sources<br />

B Assigned Revenues<br />

1 Entertainment Tax<br />

2 Surcharge on Stamp Duty<br />

3 Other Transfers<br />

Assigned Revenues<br />

C Non Tax- Own Sources<br />

1 Income from <strong>Municipal</strong> Properties and Markets<br />

2 License Income (Trade, etc.)<br />

3 Income from Special Services<br />

4 Income from Sale Proceeds<br />

5 Income from Fees and Fines<br />

6 Income from Interest on Deposits<br />

7 Income from Investments(Excl. Interest)<br />

8 Miscellaneous Income<br />

Non Tax- Own Sources<br />

D Revenue Grants<br />

1 State Finance Commission Grant<br />

2 Other Grants<br />

Revenue Grants<br />

Total- Revenue Income (Excl. W&D Fund)<br />

E Water and Drainage Fund<br />

1 Water & Drainage Tax - 26% of Total PT<br />

2 Water Charges<br />

3 Drainage Charges<br />

4 Income from Interest on Deposits<br />

5 Water Supply & Sanitation Grant<br />

6 Other Income<br />

Total- W&D Fund Revenue Income<br />

Total- Revenue Income<br />

17- Abstract of Accounts 5/16<br />

2- Income and Expenditure -Sectoral Contribution<br />

2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 Average<br />

Percentage to Total<br />

33.05<br />

9.18<br />

2.61<br />

0.00<br />

44.83<br />

5.04<br />

7.99<br />

-<br />

13.02<br />

8.55<br />

1.95<br />

0.03<br />

0.11<br />

2.56<br />

-<br />

-<br />

6.70<br />

19.89<br />

17.27<br />

4.98<br />

22.25<br />

100.00<br />

60.38<br />

39.59<br />

0.04<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

100.00<br />

100.00<br />

35.79<br />

9.94<br />

2.92<br />

0.25<br />

48.90<br />

4.92<br />

11.55<br />

0.02<br />

16.49<br />

2.78<br />

1.71<br />

0.06<br />

0.11<br />

3.20<br />

0.05<br />

-<br />

7.66<br />

15.56<br />

11.46<br />

7.59<br />

19.05<br />

100.00<br />

60.16<br />

39.84<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

100.00<br />

100.00<br />

25.86<br />

7.18<br />

2.74<br />

0.00<br />

35.78<br />

3.41<br />

13.53<br />

-<br />

16.94<br />

7.10<br />

3.04<br />

0.00<br />

0.00<br />

3.64<br />

0.10<br />

-<br />

7.02<br />

20.91<br />

26.36<br />

-<br />

26.36<br />

100.00<br />

58.69<br />

41.29<br />

-<br />

0.03<br />

-<br />

-<br />

100.00<br />

100.00<br />

35.45<br />

9.85<br />

1.57<br />

-<br />

46.87<br />

3.94<br />

19.85<br />

-<br />

23.79<br />

2.58<br />

1.87<br />

0.01<br />

0.07<br />

5.13<br />

0.25<br />

-<br />

10.09<br />

20.00<br />

6.68<br />

2.67<br />

9.35<br />

100.00<br />

66.67<br />

33.24<br />

-<br />

0.09<br />

-<br />

-<br />

100.00<br />

100.00<br />

32.53<br />

9.04<br />

2.46<br />

0.06<br />

44.10<br />

4.33<br />

13.23<br />

0.01<br />

17.56<br />

5.25<br />

2.14<br />

0.03<br />

0.07<br />

3.63<br />

0.10<br />

--<br />

7.87<br />

19.09<br />

15.44<br />

3.81<br />

19.25<br />

100.00<br />

61.47<br />

38.49<br />

0.01<br />

0.03<br />

--<br />

--<br />

100.00<br />

100.00<br />

Appendix - IV

<strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> - Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

Appendix IV: <strong>Municipal</strong> Finances<br />

17- Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity - Abstract of Accounts<br />

Head of Account<br />

II Revenue Expenditure<br />

A General Administration<br />

1 Staff Salary and Employee Related Expenses<br />

2 Allowances to Elected Representatives<br />

3 General Expenses<br />

4 Pensions and Gratuities<br />

5 Education - Staff Salary<br />

6 Miscellaneous<br />

Establishment<br />

B Operation & Maintenance<br />

1 General Expenses<br />

2 Public Works and Roads<br />

3 Public Health and Conservancy<br />

4 Contractor Payment- Conservancy<br />

5 Street Lighting (including Electricity Charges)<br />

6 Education<br />

7 Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance<br />

8 Miscellaneous<br />

Operation & Maintenance<br />

C Debt Servicing<br />

1 Public Works and Roads<br />

2 Public Health and Conservancy<br />

3 Others<br />

Debt Servicing<br />

Total- Revenue Expenditure (Excl. W&D Fund)<br />

D Water and Sanitation Fund<br />

1 Staff Salary & Employee Related Expenses<br />

2 Administration Expenses<br />

3 Equipment Maintenance & Repairs<br />

4 Board Payment<br />

5 Electricity Charges<br />

6 Vehicle Maintenance & Repairs<br />

7 Miscellaneous<br />

8 Debt Servicing- Old<br />

Total- W&D Fund Revenue Expenditure<br />

Total- Revenue Expenditure<br />

Operating Surplus (W&D Revenue Fund)<br />

Operating Surplus (Revenue Account)<br />

Closing Balance-(Revenue Account)<br />

Transfer to Capital Account<br />

17- Abstract of Accounts 6/16<br />

2- Income and Expenditure -Sectoral Contribution<br />

2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 Average<br />

Percentage to Total<br />

69.60<br />

0.33<br />

0.90<br />

14.13<br />

-<br />

1.35<br />

86.30<br />

1.75<br />

2.29<br />

1.28<br />

-<br />

6.36<br />

-<br />

0.82<br />

1.20<br />

13.70<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

100.00<br />

15.49<br />

-<br />

7.09<br />

-<br />

45.67<br />

1.02<br />

16.03<br />

14.70<br />

100.00<br />

100.00<br />

65.78<br />

0.39<br />

2.72<br />

13.02<br />

-<br />

1.04<br />

82.95<br />

4.16<br />

2.11<br />

0.34<br />

-<br />

5.32<br />

2.39<br />

0.70<br />

0.04<br />

15.06<br />

-<br />

-<br />

1.99<br />

1.99<br />

100.00<br />

23.09<br />

-<br />

4.08<br />

-<br />

29.24<br />

6.96<br />

12.66<br />

23.97<br />

100.00<br />

100.00<br />

66.56<br />

0.33<br />

0.91<br />

11.83<br />

-<br />

0.93<br />

80.57<br />

2.65<br />

2.32<br />

1.07<br />

-<br />

4.92<br />

3.82<br />

0.74<br />

0.49<br />

16.01<br />

-<br />

-<br />

3.42<br />

3.42<br />

100.00<br />

28.87<br />

-<br />

1.61<br />

-<br />

42.98<br />

5.80<br />

11.96<br />

8.79<br />

100.00<br />

100.00<br />

55.74<br />

0.26<br />

0.86<br />

13.60<br />

-<br />

1.05<br />

71.51<br />

1.76<br />

7.97<br />

6.67<br />

-<br />

8.52<br />

0.03<br />

0.56<br />

0.50<br />

26.02<br />

-<br />

-<br />

2.47<br />

2.47<br />

100.00<br />

11.55<br />

-<br />

1.01<br />

-<br />

52.44<br />

1.35<br />

23.96<br />

9.68<br />

100.00<br />

100.00<br />

64.42<br />

0.33<br />

1.35<br />

13.14<br />

--<br />

1.09<br />

80.33<br />

2.58<br />

3.67<br />

2.34<br />

--<br />

6.28<br />

1.56<br />

0.71<br />

0.56<br />

17.70<br />

--<br />

--<br />

1.97<br />

1.97<br />

100.00<br />

19.75<br />

--<br />

3.45<br />

--<br />

42.58<br />

3.78<br />

16.15<br />

14.29<br />

100.00<br />

100.00<br />

Appendix - IV

<strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> - Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

Appendix IV: <strong>Municipal</strong> Finances<br />

17- Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity - Abstract of Accounts<br />

Head of Account<br />


III Capital Income<br />

A Capital Loans<br />

1 Public Works and Roads<br />

2 Street Lighting<br />

3 Public Health & Conservancy<br />

4 Education<br />

5 Others<br />

Capital Loans<br />

B Capital Grants and Contribution<br />

1 Public Works and Roads<br />

2 Education<br />

3 Others<br />

4 Eleventh Finance Commission Grants<br />

Capital Grants and Contribution<br />

C Own Sources<br />

1 Transfer from Revenue Account<br />

2 Sale of <strong>Municipal</strong> Property<br />

Own Sources- Capital<br />

Total- Capital Income<br />

Water and Drainage Fund<br />

D Capital Loans<br />

1 Water Supply<br />

2 Sewerage & Sanitation<br />

Capital Loans W&D Fund<br />

E Capital Grants and Contribution<br />

1 Water Supply<br />

2 Sewerage & Sanitation<br />

W&D -Capital Grants and Contribution<br />

F Own Sources<br />

1 Water Connection Charge<br />

2 Sewerage Connection Charge<br />

W&D Own Sources- Capital<br />

Total W&D Fund- Capital Income<br />

Total- Capital Income<br />

17- Abstract of Accounts 7/16<br />

2- Income and Expenditure -Sectoral Contribution<br />

2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 Average<br />

Percentage to Total<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

98.40<br />

98.40<br />

-<br />

-<br />

1.60<br />

-<br />

1.60<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

100.00<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

100.00<br />

-<br />

100.00<br />

100.00<br />

100.00<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

30.26<br />

30.26<br />

-<br />

-<br />

69.48<br />

-<br />

69.48<br />

0.26<br />

-<br />

0.26<br />

100.00<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

100.00<br />

-<br />

100.00<br />

100.00<br />

100.00<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

82.99<br />

82.99<br />

-<br />

-<br />

17.01<br />

-<br />

17.01<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

100.00<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

100.00<br />

-<br />

100.00<br />

100.00<br />

100.00<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

8.71<br />

8.71<br />

-<br />

-<br />

72.83<br />

-<br />

72.83<br />

18.46<br />

-<br />

18.46<br />

100.00<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

58.04<br />

-<br />

58.04<br />

41.96<br />

-<br />

41.96<br />

100.00<br />

100.00<br />

--<br />

--<br />

--<br />

--<br />

55.09<br />

55.09<br />

--<br />

--<br />

40.23<br />

--<br />

40.23<br />

4.68<br />

--<br />

4.68<br />

100.00<br />

--<br />

--<br />

--<br />

14.51<br />

--<br />

14.51<br />

85.49<br />

--<br />

85.49<br />

100.00<br />

100.00<br />

Appendix - IV

<strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> - Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

Appendix IV: <strong>Municipal</strong> Finances<br />

17- Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity - Abstract of Accounts<br />

Head of Account<br />

IV Capital Expenditure<br />

1 General<br />

2 Remunerative Schemes<br />

3 Public Works and Roads<br />

4 Street Lighting<br />

5 Public Health & Conservancy<br />

6 Education<br />

7 Others<br />

Total - Capital Expenditure Excl W&D Fund<br />

Water and Drainage Fund<br />

8 Water Supply<br />

9 Sewerage & Sanitation<br />

Total W&D Fund- Capital Expenditure<br />

Total - Capital Expenditure<br />

Operating Surplus (W&D Capital Account)<br />

Operating Surplus (Capital Account)<br />

Operating Surplus (Over all excluding revenue transfer)<br />


V EA Income<br />

1 Cash at Bank/ in Hand<br />

3 Cess Income<br />

4 Cash Deposit<br />

5 Staff Advance<br />

6 Security Deposit<br />

7 Miscellaneous<br />

Total- EA Income<br />

VI EA Expenditure<br />

1 Cess Transfers<br />

2 Other- Deposits<br />

3 PF and Pension<br />

4 Miscellaneous<br />

Total- EA Expenditure<br />

Operating Surplus (Extraordinary Account)<br />

17- Abstract of Accounts 8/16<br />

2- Income and Expenditure -Sectoral Contribution<br />

2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 Average<br />

Percentage to Total<br />

7.46<br />

-<br />

87.69<br />

1.35<br />

1.14<br />

2.36<br />

-<br />

100.00<br />

79.75<br />

20.25<br />

100.00<br />

100.00<br />

36.20<br />

28.18<br />

10.63<br />

0.04<br />

24.95<br />

36.20<br />

100.00<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

100.00<br />

100.00<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

100.00<br />

-<br />

100.00<br />

100.00<br />

-<br />

-<br />

37.46<br />

23.98<br />

38.55<br />

-<br />

100.00<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

100.00<br />

100.00<br />

5.45<br />

-<br />

28.61<br />

-<br />

-<br />

65.94<br />

-<br />

100.00<br />

100.00<br />

-<br />

100.00<br />

100.00<br />

-<br />

-<br />

75.44<br />

8.45<br />

16.11<br />

-<br />

100.00<br />

-<br />

45.30<br />

51.06<br />

3.64<br />

100.00<br />

6.35<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

93.65<br />

-<br />

100.00<br />

88.03<br />

11.97<br />

100.00<br />

100.00<br />

-<br />

-<br />

71.85<br />

28.15<br />

-<br />

-<br />

100.00<br />

-<br />

63.79<br />

-<br />

36.21<br />

100.00<br />

4.82<br />

--<br />

29.08<br />

0.34<br />

0.28<br />

40.49<br />

--<br />

75.00<br />

91.95<br />

8.05<br />

100.00<br />

100.00<br />

9.05<br />

7.05<br />

48.85<br />

15.16<br />

19.90<br />

9.05<br />

100.00<br />

--<br />

27.27<br />

12.76<br />

59.96<br />

100.00<br />

Appendix - IV

<strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> - Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

Appendix IV: <strong>Municipal</strong> Finances<br />

17- Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity - Abstract of Accounts<br />

Head of Account<br />

Opening Balance<br />


I Revenue Income<br />

A Tax- Own Sources<br />

1 Property Tax (General Purpose) - 58% of Total PT<br />

2 Property Tax (Education Purpose) - 16% of Total PT<br />

3 Profession Tax<br />

4 Other Taxes & Charges<br />

Tax- Own Sources<br />

B Assigned Revenues<br />

1 Entertainment Tax<br />

2 Surcharge on Stamp Duty<br />

3 Other Transfers<br />

Assigned Revenues<br />

C Non Tax- Own Sources<br />

1 Income from <strong>Municipal</strong> Properties and Markets<br />

2 License Income (Trade, etc.)<br />

3 Income from Special Services<br />

4 Income from Sale Proceeds<br />

5 Income from Fees and Fines<br />

6 Income from Interest on Deposits<br />

7 Income from Investments(Excl. Interest)<br />

8 Miscellaneous Income<br />

Non Tax- Own Sources<br />

D Revenue Grants<br />

1 State Finance Commission Grant<br />

2 Other Grants<br />

Revenue Grants<br />

Total- Revenue Income (Excl. W&D Fund)<br />

E Water and Drainage Fund<br />

1 Water & Drainage Tax - 26% of Total PT<br />

2 Water Charges<br />

3 Drainage Charges<br />

4 Income from Interest on Deposits<br />

5 Water Supply & Sanitation Grant<br />

6 Other Income<br />

Total- W&D Fund Revenue Income<br />

Total- Revenue Income<br />

17- Abstract of Accounts 9/16<br />

3- Income and Expenditure -Growth Trends<br />

2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 Average<br />

Percentage increase over previous year<br />

-- 0.07<br />

-- 0.07<br />

-- 3.40<br />

-- 10,356.85<br />

-- 0.78<br />

8.67<br />

8.67<br />

41.36<br />

(97.96)<br />

10.07<br />

8.69 5.81<br />

8.69 5.81<br />

(54.59) (3.28)<br />

-- 5,129.45<br />

3.83 4.89<br />

-- (9.81) 4.43 (8.55) (4.64)<br />

-- 33.67 76.19 16.27 42.04<br />

-- -- -- -- --<br />

-- 17.03 54.54 11.27 27.61<br />

-- (69.99) 284.54 (71.21) 47.78<br />

-- (18.82) 167.49 (51.17) 32.50<br />

-- 78.57 (98.40) 1,150.00 376.72<br />

-- (5.64) (94.39) 1,167.33 355.77<br />

-- 15.51 71.31 11.72 32.85<br />

-- -- 201.89 100.40 151.15<br />

-- -- -- -- --<br />

-- 5.62 37.99 13.83 19.15<br />

-- (27.73) 102.11 (24.20) 16.73<br />

-- (38.71)<br />

-- 41.01<br />

-- (20.88)<br />

-- (7.59)<br />

246.06 (79.92) 42.48<br />

-- -- 41.01<br />

108.14 (71.90) 5.12<br />

50.41<br />

(20.74)<br />

7.36<br />

-- 0.07 8.67 8.69 5.81<br />

-- 1.07 15.45 (22.96) (2.15)<br />

-- -- -- -- --<br />

-- -- -- 233.33 233.33<br />

-- -- -- -- --<br />

-- -- -- -- --<br />

-- 0.43 11.40 (4.33) 2.50<br />

-<br />

-- (6.02) 42.25 (18.05) 6.06<br />

Appendix - IV

<strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> - Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

Appendix IV: <strong>Municipal</strong> Finances<br />

17- Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity - Abstract of Accounts<br />

Head of Account<br />

II Revenue Expenditure<br />

A General Administration<br />

1 Staff Salary and Employee Related Expenses<br />

2 Allowances to Elected Representatives<br />

3 General Expenses<br />

4 Pensions and Gratuities<br />

5 Education - Staff Salary<br />

6 Miscellaneous<br />

Establishment<br />

B Operation & Maintenance<br />

1 General Expenses<br />

2 Public Works and Roads<br />

3 Public Health and Conservancy<br />

4 Contractor Payment- Conservancy<br />

5 Street Lighting (including Electricity Charges)<br />

6 Education<br />

7 Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance<br />

8 Miscellaneous<br />

Operation & Maintenance<br />

C Debt Servicing<br />

1 Public Works and Roads<br />

2 Public Health and Conservancy<br />

3 Others<br />

Debt Servicing<br />

Total- Revenue Expenditure (Excl. W&D Fund)<br />

D Water and Sanitation Fund<br />

1 Staff Salary & Employee Related Expenses<br />

2 Administration Expenses<br />

3 Equipment Maintenance & Repairs<br />

4 Board Payment<br />

5 Electricity Charges<br />

6 Vehicle Maintenance & Repairs<br />

7 Miscellaneous<br />

8 Debt Servicing- Old<br />

Total- W&D Fund Revenue Expenditure<br />

Total- Revenue Expenditure<br />

Operating Surplus (W&D Revenue Fund)<br />

Operating Surplus (Revenue Account)<br />

Closing Balance-(Revenue Account)<br />

Transfer to Capital Account<br />

17- Abstract of Accounts 10/16<br />

3- Income and Expenditure -Growth Trends<br />

2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 Average<br />

Percentage increase over previous year<br />

-- (0.90) 17.86 6.60 7.85<br />

-- 24.32 (0.72) (2.19) 7.14<br />

-- 217.67 (60.80) 19.79 58.89<br />

-- (3.35) 5.79 46.43 16.29<br />

-- -- -- -- --<br />

-- (18.65) 4.09 43.46 9.63<br />

-- 0.79 13.13 12.98 8.97<br />

-- 148.83 (25.68) (15.58) 35.86<br />

-- (3.46) 28.24 337.51 120.77<br />

-- (71.89) 261.16 694.97 294.74<br />

-- -- -- -- --<br />

-- (12.27) 7.59 120.73 38.68<br />

-- -- 86.31 (99.11) (6.40)<br />

-- (11.10) 23.67 (2.97) 3.20<br />

-- (96.26) 1,246.67 30.20 393.54<br />

-- 15.23 23.85 106.84 48.64<br />

-- -- -- -- --<br />

-- -- -- -- --<br />

-- -- 100.00 (8.00) 46.00<br />

-- -- 100.00 (8.00) 46.00<br />

-- 4.85 16.48 27.29 16.21<br />

-- 81.63 8.17 (45.54) 14.75<br />

-- -- -- -- --<br />

-- (29.85) (65.93) (14.49) (36.76)<br />

-- -- -- -- --<br />

-- (21.99) 27.17 66.11 23.76<br />

-- 733.23 (27.83) (68.27) 212.38<br />

-- (3.84) (18.25) 172.81 50.24<br />

-- 98.58 (68.28) 50.00 26.77<br />

-- 21.82 (13.47) 36.13 14.82<br />

-- 8.17<br />

9.88<br />

28.82<br />

15.63<br />

Appendix - IV

<strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> - Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

Appendix IV: <strong>Municipal</strong> Finances<br />

17- Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity - Abstract of Accounts<br />

Head of Account<br />


III Capital Income<br />

A Capital Loans<br />

1 Public Works and Roads<br />

2 Street Lighting<br />

3 Public Health & Conservancy<br />

4 Education<br />

5 Others<br />

Capital Loans<br />

B Capital Grants and Contribution<br />

1 Public Works and Roads<br />

2 Education<br />

3 Others<br />

4 Eleventh Finance Commission Grants<br />

Capital Grants and Contribution<br />

C Own Sources<br />

1 Transfer from Revenue Account<br />

2 Sale of <strong>Municipal</strong> Property<br />

Own Sources- Capital<br />

Total- Capital Income<br />

Water and Drainage Fund<br />

D Capital Loans<br />

1 Water Supply<br />

2 Sewerage & Sanitation<br />

Capital Loans W&D Fund<br />

E Capital Grants and Contribution<br />

1 Water Supply<br />

2 Sewerage & Sanitation<br />

W&D -Capital Grants and Contribution<br />

F Own Sources<br />

1 Water Connection Charge<br />

2 Sewerage Connection Charge<br />

W&D Own Sources- Capital<br />

Total W&D Fund- Capital Income<br />

Total- Capital Income<br />

17- Abstract of Accounts 11/16<br />

3- Income and Expenditure -Growth Trends<br />

2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 Average<br />

Percentage increase over previous year<br />

-- -- -- -- --<br />

-- -- -- -- --<br />

-- -- -- -- --<br />

-- -- -- -- --<br />

-- (96.60) 224.61 24.51 50.84<br />

-- (96.60) 224.61 24.51 50.84<br />

-- -- -- -- --<br />

-- -- -- -- --<br />

-- 381.82 (71.02) 4,977.60 1,762.80<br />

-- -- -- -- --<br />

-- 381.82 (71.02) 4,977.60 1,762.80<br />

-- -- -- -- --<br />

-- -- -- -- --<br />

-- -- -- -- --<br />

-- (88.93)<br />

18.35<br />

1,086.13<br />

338.52<br />

-- -- -- -- --<br />

-- -- -- -- --<br />

-- -- -- -- --<br />

-- -- -- -- --<br />

-- -- -- -- --<br />

-- -- -- -- --<br />

-- 154.10 32.54 22.24 69.63<br />

-- -- -- -- --<br />

-- 154.10 32.54 22.24 69.63<br />

-- 154.10<br />

-- (77.53)<br />

32.54<br />

25.88<br />

191.35<br />

586.40<br />

126.00<br />

178.25<br />

Appendix - IV

<strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> - Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

Appendix IV: <strong>Municipal</strong> Finances<br />

17- Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity - Abstract of Accounts<br />

Head of Account<br />

IV Capital Expenditure<br />

1 General<br />

2 Remunerative Schemes<br />

3 Public Works and Roads<br />

4 Street Lighting<br />

5 Public Health & Conservancy<br />

6 Education<br />

7 Others<br />

Total - Capital Expenditure Excl W&D Fund<br />

Water and Drainage Fund<br />

8 Water Supply<br />

9 Sewerage & Sanitation<br />

Total W&D Fund- Capital Expenditure<br />

Total - Capital Expenditure<br />

Operating Surplus (W&D Capital Account)<br />

Operating Surplus (Capital Account)<br />

Operating Surplus (Over all excluding revenue transfer)<br />


V EA Income<br />

1 Cash at Bank/ in Hand<br />

3 Cess Income<br />

4 Cash Deposit<br />

5 Staff Advance<br />

6 Security Deposit<br />

7 Miscellaneous<br />

Total- EA Income<br />

VI EA Expenditure<br />

1 Cess Transfers<br />

2 Other- Deposits<br />

3 PF and Pension<br />

4 Miscellaneous<br />

Total- EA Expenditure<br />

Operating Surplus (Extraordinary Account)<br />

17- Abstract of Accounts 12/16<br />

3- Income and Expenditure -Growth Trends<br />

2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 Average<br />

Percentage increase over previous year<br />

-- -- -- 157.00 157.00<br />

-- -- -- -- --<br />

-- -- -- -- --<br />

-- -- -- -- --<br />

-- -- -- -- --<br />

-- -- -- 213.06 213.06<br />

-- -- -- -- --<br />

-- -- -- 120.44 120.44<br />

-- (99.91) 840.00 21,704.26 7,481.45<br />

-- -- -- -- --<br />

-- (99.92) 840.00 24,668.09 8,469.39<br />

-- (99.98)<br />

37,540.00<br />

733.48<br />

12,724.50<br />

-- -- -- -- --<br />

-- (54.77) 190.22 (54.52) 26.98<br />

-- 8,530.14 (49.21) 59.06 2,846.66<br />

-- (80.16) (39.76) -- (59.96)<br />

-- -- -- -- --<br />

-- (87.16)<br />

44.13<br />

(52.25)<br />

(31.76)<br />

-- -- -- -- --<br />

-- -- -- (87.06) (87.06)<br />

-- -- -- -- --<br />

-- (84.91) 177.78 (8.60) 28.09<br />

-- (84.91)<br />

7,527.78<br />

(90.81)<br />

2,450.69<br />

Appendix - IV

<strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> - Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

Appendix IV: <strong>Municipal</strong> Finances<br />

17- Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity - Abstract of Accounts<br />

Head of Account<br />

Opening Balance<br />


I Revenue Income<br />

A Tax- Own Sources<br />

1 Property Tax (General Purpose) - 58% of Total PT<br />

2 Property Tax (Education Purpose) - 16% of Total PT<br />

3 Profession Tax<br />

4 Other Taxes & Charges<br />

Tax- Own Sources<br />

B Assigned Revenues<br />

1 Entertainment Tax<br />

2 Surcharge on Stamp Duty<br />

3 Other Transfers<br />

Assigned Revenues<br />

C Non Tax- Own Sources<br />

1 Income from <strong>Municipal</strong> Properties and Markets<br />

2 License Income (Trade, etc.)<br />

3 Income from Special Services<br />

4 Income from Sale Proceeds<br />

5 Income from Fees and Fines<br />

6 Income from Interest on Deposits<br />

7 Income from Investments(Excl. Interest)<br />

8 Miscellaneous Income<br />

Non Tax- Own Sources<br />

D Revenue Grants<br />

1 State Finance Commission Grant<br />

2 Other Grants<br />

Revenue Grants<br />

Total- Revenue Income (Excl. W&D Fund)<br />

E Water and Drainage Fund<br />

1 Water & Drainage Tax - 26% of Total PT<br />

2 Water Charges<br />

3 Drainage Charges<br />

4 Income from Interest on Deposits<br />

5 Water Supply & Sanitation Grant<br />

6 Other Income<br />

Total- W&D Fund Revenue Income<br />

Total- Revenue Income<br />

17- Abstract of Accounts 13/16<br />

4- FOP Assumptions<br />

SAGR CAGR CAGR Variable<br />

% pa % pa Rs. pc/ pa %pa<br />

5.81<br />

5.81<br />

(3.28)<br />

5,129.45<br />

4.89<br />

5.73<br />

5.73<br />

(12.77)<br />

(100.00)<br />

4.82<br />

(4.64) (4.85)<br />

42.04 39.90<br />

-- (100.00)<br />

27.61 26.25<br />

4.73<br />

4.73<br />

(13.59)<br />

(100.00)<br />

3.83<br />

5.00%<br />

5.00%<br />

(5.75) 5.00%<br />

38.58 15.00%<br />

--<br />

25.06<br />

5.00%<br />

47.78 (30.74) (31.40) 10.00%<br />

32.50<br />

1.97<br />

1.01 5.00%<br />

376.72 (29.05) (29.72) 5.00%<br />

355.77 (12.45) (13.28) 5.00%<br />

32.85 30.27 29.04 15.00%<br />

151.15 145.97<br />

-- 6.00%<br />

-- -- -- 5.00%<br />

19.15 18.38 17.27 10.00%<br />

16.73<br />

3.45<br />

2.48<br />

42.48<br />

41.01<br />

5.12<br />

7.36<br />

(24.76)<br />

(16.09)<br />

(22.65)<br />

3.28<br />

(25.47)<br />

(16.89)<br />

(23.38)<br />

2.31<br />

15.00%<br />

5.00%<br />

5.81<br />

5.73<br />

4.73<br />

(2.15) (3.49) (4.40)<br />

-- (100.00) (100.00)<br />

233.33 233.33<br />

-- 15.00%<br />

-- -- -- 5.00%<br />

-- -- -- 5.00%<br />

2.50<br />

2.29<br />

1.33<br />

6.06<br />

3.09<br />

2.12<br />

Appendix - IV

<strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> - Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

Appendix IV: <strong>Municipal</strong> Finances<br />

17- Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity - Abstract of Accounts<br />

Head of Account<br />

II Revenue Expenditure<br />

A General Administration<br />

1 Staff Salary and Employee Related Expenses<br />

2 Allowances to Elected Representatives<br />

3 General Expenses<br />

4 Pensions and Gratuities<br />

5 Education - Staff Salary<br />

6 Miscellaneous<br />

Establishment<br />

B Operation & Maintenance<br />

1 General Expenses<br />

2 Public Works and Roads<br />

3 Public Health and Conservancy<br />

4 Contractor Payment- Conservancy<br />

5 Street Lighting (including Electricity Charges)<br />

6 Education<br />

7 Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance<br />

8 Miscellaneous<br />

Operation & Maintenance<br />

C Debt Servicing<br />

1 Public Works and Roads<br />

2 Public Health and Conservancy<br />

3 Others<br />

Debt Servicing<br />

Total- Revenue Expenditure (Excl. W&D Fund)<br />

D Water and Sanitation Fund<br />

1 Staff Salary & Employee Related Expenses<br />

2 Administration Expenses<br />

3 Equipment Maintenance & Repairs<br />

4 Board Payment<br />

5 Electricity Charges<br />

6 Vehicle Maintenance & Repairs<br />

7 Miscellaneous<br />

8 Debt Servicing- Old<br />

Total- W&D Fund Revenue Expenditure<br />

Total- Revenue Expenditure<br />

Operating Surplus (W&D Revenue Fund)<br />

Operating Surplus (Revenue Account)<br />

Closing Balance-(Revenue Account)<br />

Transfer to Capital Account<br />

17- Abstract of Accounts 14/16<br />

4- FOP Assumptions<br />

SAGR CAGR CAGR Variable<br />

% pa % pa Rs. pc/ pa %pa<br />

7.85<br />

7.58<br />

6.56 8.00%<br />

7.14<br />

6.48<br />

5.47 5.00%<br />

58.89 14.26 13.18 13.00%<br />

16.29 14.40 13.32 5.00%<br />

-- -- -- 5.00%<br />

9.63<br />

6.70<br />

5.69 15.00%<br />

8.97<br />

8.81<br />

7.78<br />

35.86 16.01 14.91 5.00%<br />

120.77 75.62 73.96 5.00%<br />

294.74 100.58 98.68 15.00%<br />

-- -- -- 0.00%<br />

38.68 27.72 26.52 20.00%<br />

(6.40) (87.09)<br />

-- 5.00%<br />

3.20<br />

2.18<br />

1.22 5.00%<br />

393.54 (13.11) (13.93) 5.00%<br />

48.64 43.45 42.09<br />

-- -- --<br />

-- -- --<br />

46.00 35.65<br />

--<br />

46.00 35.65<br />

--<br />

16.21 15.84 14.75<br />

14.75<br />

2.28<br />

1.31 5.00%<br />

-- -- -- 5.00%<br />

(36.76) (41.10) (41.65) 5.00%<br />

-- -- -- 5.00%<br />

23.76 18.11 17.00 15.00%<br />

212.38 24.03 22.86 15.00%<br />

50.24 28.96 27.74 10.00%<br />

26.77 (1.87) (2.80)<br />

14.82 12.79 11.73<br />

15.63<br />

15.26<br />

14.17<br />

Appendix - IV

<strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> - Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

Appendix IV: <strong>Municipal</strong> Finances<br />

17- Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity - Abstract of Accounts<br />

Head of Account<br />


III Capital Income<br />

A Capital Loans<br />

1 Public Works and Roads<br />

2 Street Lighting<br />

3 Public Health & Conservancy<br />

4 Education<br />

5 Others<br />

Capital Loans<br />

B Capital Grants and Contribution<br />

1 Public Works and Roads<br />

2 Education<br />

3 Others<br />

4 Eleventh Finance Commission Grants<br />

Capital Grants and Contribution<br />

C Own Sources<br />

1 Transfer from Revenue Account<br />

2 Sale of <strong>Municipal</strong> Property<br />

Own Sources- Capital<br />

Total- Capital Income<br />

Water and Drainage Fund<br />

D Capital Loans<br />

1 Water Supply<br />

2 Sewerage & Sanitation<br />

Capital Loans W&D Fund<br />

E Capital Grants and Contribution<br />

1 Water Supply<br />

2 Sewerage & Sanitation<br />

W&D -Capital Grants and Contribution<br />

F Own Sources<br />

1 Water Connection Charge<br />

2 Sewerage Connection Charge<br />

W&D Own Sources- Capital<br />

Total W&D Fund- Capital Income<br />

Total- Capital Income<br />

17- Abstract of Accounts 15/16<br />

4- FOP Assumptions<br />

SAGR CAGR CAGR Variable<br />

% pa % pa Rs. pc/ pa %pa<br />

-- -- --<br />

-- -- --<br />

-- -- --<br />

-- -- --<br />

50.84 (48.37)<br />

--<br />

50.84 (48.37)<br />

--<br />

-- -- -- 5.00%<br />

-- -- -- 5.00%<br />

1,762.80 313.89 309.99 15.00%<br />

-- -- -- 5.00%<br />

1,762.80 313.89 309.99 15.00%<br />

338.52<br />

-- 3,043.56<br />

--<br />

-- -- --<br />

-- 3,043.56<br />

--<br />

15.84<br />

14.75<br />

-- -- --<br />

-- -- --<br />

-- -- --<br />

-- -- -- 5.00%<br />

-- -- -- 5.00%<br />

-- -- --<br />

69.63 60.27 58.76<br />

-- -- --<br />

69.63 60.27 58.76<br />

126.00<br />

178.25<br />

114.09<br />

24.76<br />

112.07<br />

23.58<br />

Appendix - IV

<strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> - Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity<br />

Appendix IV: <strong>Municipal</strong> Finances<br />

17- Karaikudi <strong>Municipal</strong>ity - Abstract of Accounts<br />

Head of Account<br />

IV Capital Expenditure<br />

1 General<br />

2 Remunerative Schemes<br />

3 Public Works and Roads<br />

4 Street Lighting<br />

5 Public Health & Conservancy<br />

6 Education<br />

7 Others<br />

Total - Capital Expenditure Excl W&D Fund<br />

Water and Drainage Fund<br />

8 Water Supply<br />

9 Sewerage & Sanitation<br />

Total W&D Fund- Capital Expenditure<br />

Total - Capital Expenditure<br />

Operating Surplus (W&D Capital Account)<br />

Operating Surplus (Capital Account)<br />

Operating Surplus (Over all excluding revenue transfer)<br />


V EA Income<br />

1 Cash at Bank/ in Hand<br />

3 Cess Income<br />

4 Cash Deposit<br />

5 Staff Advance<br />

6 Security Deposit<br />

7 Miscellaneous<br />

Total- EA Income<br />

VI EA Expenditure<br />

1 Cess Transfers<br />

2 Other- Deposits<br />

3 PF and Pension<br />

4 Miscellaneous<br />

Total- EA Expenditure<br />

Operating Surplus (Extraordinary Account)<br />

17- Abstract of Accounts 16/16<br />

4- FOP Assumptions<br />

SAGR CAGR CAGR Variable<br />

% pa % pa Rs. pc/ pa %pa<br />

157.00 (46.54) (47.04)<br />

-- -- --<br />

-- (100.00) (100.00)<br />

-- (100.00) (100.00)<br />

-- (100.00) (100.00)<br />

213.06 92.52 90.70<br />

-- -- --<br />

120.44 (43.59) (44.13)<br />

7,481.45 24.83<br />

-- 1.36<br />

8,469.39 20.79<br />

12,724.50<br />

(18.66)<br />

-- (100.00)<br />

26.98 (15.80)<br />

2,846.66 311.59<br />

(59.96) (100.00)<br />

-- (100.00)<br />

(31.76)<br />

(55.46)<br />

-- --<br />

(87.06) (87.06)<br />

-- (100.00)<br />

28.09 (27.36)<br />

2,450.69<br />

1.91<br />

23.65<br />

0.40<br />

19.65<br />

(19.43)<br />

Appendix - IV

Appendix IV: Ward Level Priorities - Short Term Project Details<br />

TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Sector Component Quantity Unit Cost (Rs. Lakhs)<br />

Ward 1 1 CIP-Roads<br />

i Widening - Km -<br />

ii Up-gradation - BT to CC - Km -<br />

iii Up-gradation - WBM to BT - Km -<br />

iv Up-gradation - Earthen to BT 2.81 Km 28.05<br />

v New Formation - CC Roads 0.34 Km 19.28<br />

vi New Formation - BT Roads 0.82 Km 8.21<br />

vii New Formation - WBM Roads 0.67 Km 4.53<br />

2 CIP-Water<br />

i Distribution Network Reach 1.80 Km 5.40<br />

3 CIP-Storm water Drains<br />

i Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Open 1.06 Km 8.97<br />

ii Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Closed - Km -<br />

iii Upgradation - Pucca Open to Closed - Km -<br />

iv New Formation - Pucca Open 1.10 Km 13.53<br />

v New Formation - Pucca Closed 4.02 Km 58.33<br />

4 CIP-Street Lights<br />

i No. of Tube Lights - No.s -<br />

ii No. of High Power Lamps 37.00 No.s 3.33<br />

5 CIP-Slums<br />

i Seats of Public Conveniences 30.08 No.s 18.80<br />

Ward 2 1 CIP-Roads<br />

i Widening -<br />

ii Up-gradation - BT to CC -<br />

iii Up-gradation - WBM to BT 1.39<br />

iv Up-gradation - Earthen to BT -<br />

v New Formation - CC Roads -<br />

vi New Formation - BT Roads -<br />

vii New Formation - WBM Roads -<br />

2 CIP-Water<br />

i Distribution Network Reach 0.92<br />

3 CIP-Storm water Drains<br />

i Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Open -<br />

ii Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Closed -<br />

iii Upgradation - Pucca Open to Closed 1.26<br />

iv New Formation - Pucca Open -<br />

v New Formation - Pucca Closed 0.43<br />

4 CIP-Street Lights<br />

i No. of Tube Lights 54.00<br />

ii No. of High Power Lamps 17.00<br />

5 CIP-Slums<br />

i Seats of Public Conveniences -<br />

Ward 3 1 CIP-Roads<br />

i Widening 1.36<br />

ii Up-gradation - BT to CC -<br />

iii Up-gradation - WBM to BT 1.38<br />

iv Up-gradation - Earthen to BT 0.60<br />

v New Formation - CC Roads -<br />

vi New Formation - BT Roads -<br />

vii New Formation - WBM Roads -<br />

2 CIP-Water<br />

i Distribution Network Reach 1.89<br />

3 CIP-Storm water Drains<br />

i Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Open -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 6.26<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 2.76<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 12.58<br />

Km -<br />

Km 6.26<br />

No.s 2.43<br />

No.s 1.53<br />

No.s -<br />

Km 5.44<br />

Km -<br />

Km 6.19<br />

Km 6.00<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 5.67<br />

Km -<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Sector Component Quantity Unit Cost (Rs. Lakhs)<br />

ii Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Closed 0.85 Km 7.82<br />

iii Upgradation - Pucca Open to Closed 1.93 Km 19.34<br />

iv New Formation - Pucca Open - Km -<br />

v New Formation - Pucca Closed 0.56 Km 8.08<br />

4 CIP-Street Lights<br />

i No. of Tube Lights 77.00 No.s 3.47<br />

ii No. of High Power Lamps 28.00 No.s 2.52<br />

5 CIP-Slums<br />

i Seats of Public Conveniences 13.55 No.s 8.47<br />

Ward 4 1 CIP-Roads<br />

i Widening -<br />

ii Up-gradation - BT to CC 0.10<br />

iii Up-gradation - WBM to BT 0.35<br />

iv Up-gradation - Earthen to BT 0.32<br />

v New Formation - CC Roads -<br />

vi New Formation - BT Roads -<br />

vii New Formation - WBM Roads -<br />

2 CIP-Water<br />

i Distribution Network Reach -<br />

3 CIP-Storm water Drains<br />

i Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Open -<br />

ii Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Closed -<br />

iii Upgradation - Pucca Open to Closed 1.25<br />

iv New Formation - Pucca Open -<br />

v New Formation - Pucca Closed -<br />

4 CIP-Street Lights<br />

i No. of Tube Lights -<br />

ii No. of High Power Lamps 9.00<br />

5 CIP-Slums<br />

i Seats of Public Conveniences 22.36<br />

Ward 5 1 CIP-Roads<br />

i Widening 1.77<br />

ii Up-gradation - BT to CC 0.34<br />

iii Up-gradation - WBM to BT 1.31<br />

iv Up-gradation - Earthen to BT -<br />

v New Formation - CC Roads -<br />

vi New Formation - BT Roads -<br />

vii New Formation - WBM Roads -<br />

2 CIP-Water<br />

i Distribution Network Reach 3.51<br />

3 CIP-Storm water Drains<br />

i Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Open -<br />

ii Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Closed -<br />

iii Upgradation - Pucca Open to Closed 1.05<br />

iv New Formation - Pucca Open -<br />

v New Formation - Pucca Closed 3.05<br />

4 CIP-Street Lights<br />

i No. of Tube Lights 18.00<br />

ii No. of High Power Lamps 44.00<br />

5 CIP-Slums<br />

i Seats of Public Conveniences 69.02<br />

Ward 6 1 CIP-Roads<br />

i Widening -<br />

ii Up-gradation - BT to CC 0.27<br />

iii Up-gradation - WBM to BT 1.97<br />

iv Up-gradation - Earthen to BT 0.54<br />

Km -<br />

Km 0.10<br />

Km 1.58<br />

Km 3.20<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 12.48<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

No.s -<br />

No.s 0.81<br />

No.s 13.97<br />

Km 7.09<br />

Km 0.34<br />

Km 5.88<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 10.53<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 10.53<br />

Km -<br />

Km 44.24<br />

No.s 0.81<br />

No.s 3.96<br />

No.s 43.14<br />

Km -<br />

Km 0.27<br />

Km 8.86<br />

Km 5.35<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Sector Component Quantity Unit Cost (Rs. Lakhs)<br />

v New Formation - CC Roads - Km -<br />

vi New Formation - BT Roads - Km -<br />

vii New Formation - WBM Roads - Km -<br />

2 CIP-Water<br />

i Distribution Network Reach 0.57 Km 1.71<br />

3 CIP-Storm water Drains<br />

i Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Open - Km -<br />

ii Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Closed - Km -<br />

iii Upgradation - Pucca Open to Closed 3.18 Km 31.84<br />

iv New Formation - Pucca Open - Km -<br />

v New Formation - Pucca Closed - Km -<br />

4 CIP-Street Lights<br />

i No. of Tube Lights 68.00 No.s 3.06<br />

ii No. of High Power Lamps 31.00 No.s 2.79<br />

5 CIP-Slums<br />

i Seats of Public Conveniences - No.s -<br />

Ward 7 1 CIP-Roads<br />

i Widening 0.96<br />

ii Up-gradation - BT to CC 0.28<br />

iii Up-gradation - WBM to BT 1.49<br />

iv Up-gradation - Earthen to BT 0.62<br />

v New Formation - CC Roads -<br />

vi New Formation - BT Roads -<br />

vii New Formation - WBM Roads -<br />

2 CIP-Water<br />

i Distribution Network Reach 1.50<br />

3 CIP-Storm water Drains<br />

i Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Open -<br />

ii Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Closed -<br />

iii Upgradation - Pucca Open to Closed -<br />

iv New Formation - Pucca Open 1.52<br />

v New Formation - Pucca Closed 3.35<br />

4 CIP-Street Lights<br />

i No. of Tube Lights -<br />

ii No. of High Power Lamps 36.00<br />

5 CIP-Slums<br />

i Seats of Public Conveniences -<br />

Ward 8 1 CIP-Roads<br />

i Widening -<br />

ii Up-gradation - BT to CC -<br />

iii Up-gradation - WBM to BT -<br />

iv Up-gradation - Earthen to BT 1.25<br />

v New Formation - CC Roads -<br />

vi New Formation - BT Roads 6.34<br />

vii New Formation - WBM Roads 1.06<br />

2 CIP-Water<br />

i Distribution Network Reach 6.61<br />

3 CIP-Storm water Drains<br />

i Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Open -<br />

ii Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Closed -<br />

iii Upgradation - Pucca Open to Closed -<br />

iv New Formation - Pucca Open 5.01<br />

v New Formation - Pucca Closed 6.84<br />

4 CIP-Street Lights<br />

i No. of Tube Lights -<br />

ii No. of High Power Lamps 57.00<br />

5 CIP-Slums<br />

Km 3.85<br />

Km 0.28<br />

Km 6.69<br />

Km 6.20<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 4.50<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 18.63<br />

Km 48.54<br />

No.s -<br />

No.s 3.24<br />

No.s -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 12.50<br />

Km -<br />

Km 63.44<br />

Km 7.13<br />

Km 19.83<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 61.39<br />

Km 99.25<br />

No.s -<br />

No.s 5.13<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Sector Component Quantity Unit Cost (Rs. Lakhs)<br />

i Seats of Public Conveniences - No.s -<br />

Ward 9 1 CIP-Roads<br />

i Widening -<br />

ii Up-gradation - BT to CC 0.48<br />

iii Up-gradation - WBM to BT 1.34<br />

iv Up-gradation - Earthen to BT 2.66<br />

v New Formation - CC Roads -<br />

vi New Formation - BT Roads -<br />

vii New Formation - WBM Roads -<br />

2 CIP-Water<br />

i Distribution Network Reach 2.25<br />

3 CIP-Storm water Drains<br />

i Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Open -<br />

ii Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Closed -<br />

iii Upgradation - Pucca Open to Closed -<br />

iv New Formation - Pucca Open 4.35<br />

v New Formation - Pucca Closed 5.75<br />

4 CIP-Street Lights<br />

i No. of Tube Lights 74.00<br />

ii No. of High Power Lamps 43.00<br />

5 CIP-Slums<br />

i Seats of Public Conveniences -<br />

Ward 10 1 CIP-Roads<br />

i Widening -<br />

ii Up-gradation - BT to CC -<br />

iii Up-gradation - WBM to BT -<br />

iv Up-gradation - Earthen to BT 0.16<br />

v New Formation - CC Roads -<br />

vi New Formation - BT Roads 1.29<br />

vii New Formation - WBM Roads 0.49<br />

2 CIP-Water<br />

i Distribution Network Reach 1.77<br />

3 CIP-Storm water Drains<br />

i Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Open -<br />

ii Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Closed -<br />

iii Upgradation - Pucca Open to Closed 0.59<br />

iv New Formation - Pucca Open -<br />

v New Formation - Pucca Closed 2.34<br />

4 CIP-Street Lights<br />

i No. of Tube Lights 81.00<br />

ii No. of High Power Lamps 30.00<br />

5 CIP-Slums<br />

i Seats of Public Conveniences -<br />

Ward 11 1 CIP-Roads<br />

i Widening -<br />

ii Up-gradation - BT to CC 0.11<br />

iii Up-gradation - WBM to BT 1.89<br />

iv Up-gradation - Earthen to BT -<br />

v New Formation - CC Roads -<br />

vi New Formation - BT Roads -<br />

vii New Formation - WBM Roads -<br />

2 CIP-Water<br />

i Distribution Network Reach 0.57<br />

3 CIP-Storm water Drains<br />

i Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Open -<br />

ii Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Closed -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 0.48<br />

Km 6.04<br />

Km 26.60<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 6.75<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 53.33<br />

Km 83.36<br />

No.s 3.33<br />

No.s 3.87<br />

No.s -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 1.60<br />

Km -<br />

Km 12.92<br />

Km 3.34<br />

Km 5.31<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 5.87<br />

Km -<br />

Km 33.98<br />

No.s 3.65<br />

No.s 2.70<br />

No.s -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 0.11<br />

Km 8.49<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 1.71<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Sector Component Quantity Unit Cost (Rs. Lakhs)<br />

iii Upgradation - Pucca Open to Closed 2.48 Km 24.76<br />

iv New Formation - Pucca Open - Km -<br />

v New Formation - Pucca Closed - Km -<br />

4 CIP-Street Lights<br />

i No. of Tube Lights 69.00 No.s 3.11<br />

ii No. of High Power Lamps 24.00 No.s 2.16<br />

5 CIP-Slums<br />

i Seats of Public Conveniences - No.s -<br />

Ward 12 1 CIP-Roads<br />

i Widening -<br />

ii Up-gradation - BT to CC -<br />

iii Up-gradation - WBM to BT -<br />

iv Up-gradation - Earthen to BT -<br />

v New Formation - CC Roads 0.02<br />

vi New Formation - BT Roads 0.19<br />

vii New Formation - WBM Roads 0.14<br />

2 CIP-Water<br />

i Distribution Network Reach -<br />

3 CIP-Storm water Drains<br />

i Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Open -<br />

ii Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Closed -<br />

iii Upgradation - Pucca Open to Closed 1.54<br />

iv New Formation - Pucca Open -<br />

v New Formation - Pucca Closed -<br />

4 CIP-Street Lights<br />

i No. of Tube Lights 42.00<br />

ii No. of High Power Lamps 16.00<br />

5 CIP-Slums<br />

i Seats of Public Conveniences -<br />

Ward 13 1 CIP-Roads<br />

i Widening 1.11<br />

ii Up-gradation - BT to CC -<br />

iii Up-gradation - WBM to BT 1.61<br />

iv Up-gradation - Earthen to BT -<br />

v New Formation - CC Roads -<br />

vi New Formation - BT Roads -<br />

vii New Formation - WBM Roads -<br />

2 CIP-Water<br />

i Distribution Network Reach 1.70<br />

3 CIP-Storm water Drains<br />

i Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Open -<br />

ii Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Closed -<br />

iii Upgradation - Pucca Open to Closed 3.26<br />

iv New Formation - Pucca Open -<br />

v New Formation - Pucca Closed -<br />

4 CIP-Street Lights<br />

i No. of Tube Lights 82.00<br />

ii No. of High Power Lamps 28.00<br />

5 CIP-Slums<br />

i Seats of Public Conveniences -<br />

Ward 14 1 CIP-Roads<br />

i Widening 1.36<br />

ii Up-gradation - BT to CC -<br />

iii Up-gradation - WBM to BT 2.20<br />

iv Up-gradation - Earthen to BT -<br />

v New Formation - CC Roads -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 1.18<br />

Km 1.88<br />

Km 0.92<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 15.41<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

No.s 1.89<br />

No.s 1.44<br />

No.s -<br />

Km 4.44<br />

Km -<br />

Km 7.24<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 5.10<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 32.64<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

No.s 3.69<br />

No.s 2.52<br />

No.s -<br />

Km 5.44<br />

Km -<br />

Km 9.90<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Sector Component Quantity Unit Cost (Rs. Lakhs)<br />

vi New Formation - BT Roads - Km -<br />

vii New Formation - WBM Roads - Km -<br />

2 CIP-Water<br />

i Distribution Network Reach 1.21 Km 3.63<br />

3 CIP-Storm water Drains<br />

i Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Open - Km -<br />

ii Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Closed - Km -<br />

iii Upgradation - Pucca Open to Closed 3.50 Km 34.99<br />

iv New Formation - Pucca Open - Km -<br />

v New Formation - Pucca Closed 0.77 Km 11.22<br />

4 CIP-Street Lights<br />

i No. of Tube Lights 138.00 No.s 6.21<br />

ii No. of High Power Lamps 42.00 No.s 3.78<br />

5 CIP-Slums<br />

i Seats of Public Conveniences - No.s -<br />

Ward 15 1 CIP-Roads<br />

i Widening -<br />

ii Up-gradation - BT to CC -<br />

iii Up-gradation - WBM to BT 2.43<br />

iv Up-gradation - Earthen to BT -<br />

v New Formation - CC Roads -<br />

vi New Formation - BT Roads -<br />

vii New Formation - WBM Roads -<br />

2 CIP-Water<br />

i Distribution Network Reach 1.25<br />

3 CIP-Storm water Drains<br />

i Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Open -<br />

ii Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Closed -<br />

iii Upgradation - Pucca Open to Closed 2.78<br />

iv New Formation - Pucca Open -<br />

v New Formation - Pucca Closed -<br />

4 CIP-Street Lights<br />

i No. of Tube Lights 41.00<br />

ii No. of High Power Lamps 20.00<br />

5 CIP-Slums<br />

i Seats of Public Conveniences -<br />

Ward 16 1 CIP-Roads<br />

i Widening 0.38<br />

ii Up-gradation - BT to CC -<br />

iii Up-gradation - WBM to BT 0.70<br />

iv Up-gradation - Earthen to BT -<br />

v New Formation - CC Roads -<br />

vi New Formation - BT Roads -<br />

vii New Formation - WBM Roads -<br />

2 CIP-Water<br />

i Distribution Network Reach 1.04<br />

3 CIP-Storm water Drains<br />

i Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Open -<br />

ii Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Closed -<br />

iii Upgradation - Pucca Open to Closed 1.86<br />

iv New Formation - Pucca Open -<br />

v New Formation - Pucca Closed -<br />

4 CIP-Street Lights<br />

i No. of Tube Lights 14.00<br />

ii No. of High Power Lamps 1.00<br />

5 CIP-Slums<br />

i Seats of Public Conveniences -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 10.92<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 3.75<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 27.76<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

No.s 1.85<br />

No.s 1.80<br />

No.s -<br />

Km 1.53<br />

Km -<br />

Km 3.15<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 3.12<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 18.56<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

No.s 0.63<br />

No.s 0.09<br />

No.s -<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Sector Component Quantity Unit Cost (Rs. Lakhs)<br />

Ward 17 1 CIP-Roads<br />

i Widening -<br />

ii Up-gradation - BT to CC -<br />

iii Up-gradation - WBM to BT -<br />

iv Up-gradation - Earthen to BT -<br />

v New Formation - CC Roads 0.21<br />

vi New Formation - BT Roads -<br />

vii New Formation - WBM Roads 0.21<br />

2 CIP-Water<br />

i Distribution Network Reach 1.94<br />

3 CIP-Storm water Drains<br />

i Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Open -<br />

ii Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Closed -<br />

iii Upgradation - Pucca Open to Closed 2.48<br />

iv New Formation - Pucca Open -<br />

v New Formation - Pucca Closed -<br />

4 CIP-Street Lights<br />

i No. of Tube Lights 46.00<br />

ii No. of High Power Lamps 19.00<br />

5 CIP-Slums<br />

i Seats of Public Conveniences -<br />

Ward 18 1 CIP-Roads<br />

i Widening 1.31<br />

ii Up-gradation - BT to CC 0.15<br />

iii Up-gradation - WBM to BT -<br />

iv Up-gradation - Earthen to BT -<br />

v New Formation - CC Roads -<br />

vi New Formation - BT Roads -<br />

vii New Formation - WBM Roads -<br />

2 CIP-Water<br />

i Distribution Network Reach 0.75<br />

3 CIP-Storm water Drains<br />

i Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Open -<br />

ii Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Closed -<br />

iii Upgradation - Pucca Open to Closed 1.74<br />

iv New Formation - Pucca Open -<br />

v New Formation - Pucca Closed -<br />

4 CIP-Street Lights<br />

i No. of Tube Lights -<br />

ii No. of High Power Lamps 5.00<br />

5 CIP-Slums<br />

i Seats of Public Conveniences -<br />

Ward 19 1 CIP-Roads<br />

i Widening -<br />

ii Up-gradation - BT to CC -<br />

iii Up-gradation - WBM to BT 1.10<br />

iv Up-gradation - Earthen to BT 0.89<br />

v New Formation - CC Roads -<br />

vi New Formation - BT Roads 4.05<br />

vii New Formation - WBM Roads -<br />

2 CIP-Water<br />

i Distribution Network Reach 8.87<br />

3 CIP-Storm water Drains<br />

i Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Open 0.57<br />

ii Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Closed -<br />

iii Upgradation - Pucca Open to Closed -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 11.88<br />

Km -<br />

Km 1.42<br />

Km 5.82<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 24.79<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

No.s 2.07<br />

No.s 1.71<br />

No.s -<br />

Km 5.23<br />

Km 0.15<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 2.25<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 17.44<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

No.s -<br />

No.s 0.45<br />

No.s -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 4.94<br />

Km 8.86<br />

Km -<br />

Km 40.51<br />

Km -<br />

Km 26.61<br />

Km 4.80<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Sector Component Quantity Unit Cost (Rs. Lakhs)<br />

iv New Formation - Pucca Open 1.84 Km 22.56<br />

v New Formation - Pucca Closed 7.35 Km 106.50<br />

4 CIP-Street Lights<br />

i No. of Tube Lights 179.00 No.s 8.06<br />

ii No. of High Power Lamps 77.00 No.s 6.93<br />

5 CIP-Slums<br />

i Seats of Public Conveniences 30.75 No.s 19.22<br />

Ward 20 1 CIP-Roads<br />

i Widening 2.45<br />

ii Up-gradation - BT to CC 0.27<br />

iii Up-gradation - WBM to BT -<br />

iv Up-gradation - Earthen to BT -<br />

v New Formation - CC Roads -<br />

vi New Formation - BT Roads -<br />

vii New Formation - WBM Roads -<br />

2 CIP-Water<br />

i Distribution Network Reach 2.13<br />

3 CIP-Storm water Drains<br />

i Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Open -<br />

ii Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Closed -<br />

iii Upgradation - Pucca Open to Closed 2.17<br />

iv New Formation - Pucca Open -<br />

v New Formation - Pucca Closed 1.09<br />

4 CIP-Street Lights<br />

i No. of Tube Lights 69.00<br />

ii No. of High Power Lamps 30.00<br />

5 CIP-Slums<br />

i Seats of Public Conveniences -<br />

Ward 21 1 CIP-Roads<br />

i Widening 2.08<br />

ii Up-gradation - BT to CC -<br />

iii Up-gradation - WBM to BT 1.32<br />

iv Up-gradation - Earthen to BT 0.27<br />

v New Formation - CC Roads -<br />

vi New Formation - BT Roads -<br />

vii New Formation - WBM Roads -<br />

2 CIP-Water<br />

i Distribution Network Reach 2.10<br />

3 CIP-Storm water Drains<br />

i Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Open -<br />

ii Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Closed -<br />

iii Upgradation - Pucca Open to Closed 1.65<br />

iv New Formation - Pucca Open -<br />

v New Formation - Pucca Closed 2.76<br />

4 CIP-Street Lights<br />

i No. of Tube Lights 71.00<br />

ii No. of High Power Lamps 25.00<br />

5 CIP-Slums<br />

i Seats of Public Conveniences -<br />

Ward 22 1 CIP-Roads<br />

i Widening -<br />

ii Up-gradation - BT to CC 0.10<br />

iii Up-gradation - WBM to BT 0.85<br />

iv Up-gradation - Earthen to BT 0.46<br />

v New Formation - CC Roads -<br />

vi New Formation - BT Roads -<br />

Km 9.79<br />

Km 0.27<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 6.39<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 21.70<br />

Km -<br />

Km 15.86<br />

No.s 3.11<br />

No.s 2.70<br />

No.s -<br />

Km 8.33<br />

Km -<br />

Km 5.96<br />

Km 2.70<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 6.30<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 16.54<br />

Km -<br />

Km 39.98<br />

No.s 3.20<br />

No.s 2.25<br />

No.s -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 0.10<br />

Km 3.80<br />

Km 4.61<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Sector Component Quantity Unit Cost (Rs. Lakhs)<br />

vii New Formation - WBM Roads - Km -<br />

2 CIP-Water<br />

i Distribution Network Reach 2.38 Km 7.14<br />

3 CIP-Storm water Drains<br />

i Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Open - Km -<br />

ii Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Closed 1.18 Km 10.87<br />

iii Upgradation - Pucca Open to Closed 0.27 Km 2.73<br />

iv New Formation - Pucca Open - Km -<br />

v New Formation - Pucca Closed 1.58 Km 22.90<br />

4 CIP-Street Lights<br />

i No. of Tube Lights 63.00 No.s 2.84<br />

ii No. of High Power Lamps 13.00 No.s 1.17<br />

5 CIP-Slums<br />

i Seats of Public Conveniences 2.92 No.s 1.83<br />

Ward 23 1 CIP-Roads<br />

i Widening 0.21<br />

ii Up-gradation - BT to CC 0.19<br />

iii Up-gradation - WBM to BT 0.42<br />

iv Up-gradation - Earthen to BT 0.53<br />

v New Formation - CC Roads -<br />

vi New Formation - BT Roads -<br />

vii New Formation - WBM Roads -<br />

2 CIP-Water<br />

i Distribution Network Reach 1.69<br />

3 CIP-Storm water Drains<br />

i Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Open -<br />

ii Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Closed 0.85<br />

iii Upgradation - Pucca Open to Closed 1.69<br />

iv New Formation - Pucca Open -<br />

v New Formation - Pucca Closed -<br />

4 CIP-Street Lights<br />

i No. of Tube Lights 36.00<br />

ii No. of High Power Lamps 10.00<br />

5 CIP-Slums<br />

i Seats of Public Conveniences -<br />

Ward 24 1 CIP-Roads<br />

i Widening -<br />

ii Up-gradation - BT to CC -<br />

iii Up-gradation - WBM to BT 1.63<br />

iv Up-gradation - Earthen to BT 0.33<br />

v New Formation - CC Roads -<br />

vi New Formation - BT Roads -<br />

vii New Formation - WBM Roads -<br />

2 CIP-Water<br />

i Distribution Network Reach 2.07<br />

3 CIP-Storm water Drains<br />

i Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Open -<br />

ii Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Closed 0.95<br />

iii Upgradation - Pucca Open to Closed 2.68<br />

iv New Formation - Pucca Open -<br />

v New Formation - Pucca Closed -<br />

4 CIP-Street Lights<br />

i No. of Tube Lights 111.00<br />

ii No. of High Power Lamps 32.00<br />

5 CIP-Slums<br />

i Seats of Public Conveniences -<br />

Km 0.84<br />

Km 0.19<br />

Km 1.87<br />

Km 5.30<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 5.07<br />

Km -<br />

Km 7.82<br />

Km 16.88<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

No.s 1.62<br />

No.s 0.90<br />

No.s -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 7.35<br />

Km 3.30<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 6.21<br />

Km -<br />

Km 8.79<br />

Km 26.81<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

No.s 5.00<br />

No.s 2.88<br />

No.s -<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Sector Component Quantity Unit Cost (Rs. Lakhs)<br />

Ward 25 1 CIP-Roads<br />

i Widening 0.44 Km 1.74<br />

ii Up-gradation - BT to CC - Km -<br />

iii Up-gradation - WBM to BT - Km -<br />

iv Up-gradation - Earthen to BT 0.60 Km 6.00<br />

v New Formation - CC Roads - Km -<br />

vi New Formation - BT Roads - Km -<br />

vii New Formation - WBM Roads 0.06 Km 0.43<br />

2 CIP-Water<br />

i Distribution Network Reach 1.01 Km 3.03<br />

3 CIP-Storm water Drains<br />

i Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Open - Km -<br />

ii Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Closed - Km -<br />

iii Upgradation - Pucca Open to Closed 0.62 Km 6.18<br />

iv New Formation - Pucca Open - Km -<br />

v New Formation - Pucca Closed 1.16 Km 16.79<br />

4 CIP-Street Lights<br />

i No. of Tube Lights - No.s -<br />

ii No. of High Power Lamps 10.00 No.s 0.90<br />

5 CIP-Slums<br />

i Seats of Public Conveniences 11.71 No.s 7.32<br />

Ward 26 1 CIP-Roads<br />

i Widening 2.02<br />

ii Up-gradation - BT to CC -<br />

iii Up-gradation - WBM to BT -<br />

iv Up-gradation - Earthen to BT -<br />

v New Formation - CC Roads -<br />

vi New Formation - BT Roads -<br />

vii New Formation - WBM Roads -<br />

2 CIP-Water<br />

i Distribution Network Reach 1.78<br />

3 CIP-Storm water Drains<br />

i Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Open -<br />

ii Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Closed -<br />

iii Upgradation - Pucca Open to Closed 3.47<br />

iv New Formation - Pucca Open -<br />

v New Formation - Pucca Closed -<br />

4 CIP-Street Lights<br />

i No. of Tube Lights 65.00<br />

ii No. of High Power Lamps 31.00<br />

5 CIP-Slums<br />

i Seats of Public Conveniences -<br />

Ward 27 1 CIP-Roads<br />

i Widening 1.77<br />

ii Up-gradation - BT to CC -<br />

iii Up-gradation - WBM to BT -<br />

iv Up-gradation - Earthen to BT -<br />

v New Formation - CC Roads -<br />

vi New Formation - BT Roads -<br />

vii New Formation - WBM Roads -<br />

2 CIP-Water<br />

i Distribution Network Reach 2.07<br />

3 CIP-Storm water Drains<br />

i Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Open -<br />

ii Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Closed -<br />

iii Upgradation - Pucca Open to Closed 2.12<br />

iv New Formation - Pucca Open -<br />

Km 8.10<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 5.34<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 34.71<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

No.s 2.93<br />

No.s 2.79<br />

No.s -<br />

Km 7.06<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 6.21<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 21.18<br />

Km -<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Sector Component Quantity Unit Cost (Rs. Lakhs)<br />

v New Formation - Pucca Closed - Km -<br />

4 CIP-Street Lights<br />

i No. of Tube Lights 44.00 No.s 1.98<br />

ii No. of High Power Lamps 23.00 No.s 2.07<br />

5 CIP-Slums<br />

i Seats of Public Conveniences - No.s -<br />

Ward 28 1 CIP-Roads<br />

i Widening 1.56<br />

ii Up-gradation - BT to CC -<br />

iii Up-gradation - WBM to BT 3.00<br />

iv Up-gradation - Earthen to BT -<br />

v New Formation - CC Roads -<br />

vi New Formation - BT Roads -<br />

vii New Formation - WBM Roads -<br />

2 CIP-Water<br />

i Distribution Network Reach 5.79<br />

3 CIP-Storm water Drains<br />

i Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Open -<br />

ii Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Closed -<br />

iii Upgradation - Pucca Open to Closed 0.02<br />

iv New Formation - Pucca Open -<br />

v New Formation - Pucca Closed 5.46<br />

4 CIP-Street Lights<br />

i No. of Tube Lights 169.00<br />

ii No. of High Power Lamps 54.00<br />

5 CIP-Slums<br />

i Seats of Public Conveniences -<br />

Ward 29 1 CIP-Roads<br />

i Widening -<br />

ii Up-gradation - BT to CC -<br />

iii Up-gradation - WBM to BT 1.82<br />

iv Up-gradation - Earthen to BT -<br />

v New Formation - CC Roads -<br />

vi New Formation - BT Roads -<br />

vii New Formation - WBM Roads -<br />

2 CIP-Water<br />

i Distribution Network Reach 1.62<br />

3 CIP-Storm water Drains<br />

i Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Open -<br />

ii Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Closed -<br />

iii Upgradation - Pucca Open to Closed 2.46<br />

iv New Formation - Pucca Open -<br />

v New Formation - Pucca Closed -<br />

4 CIP-Street Lights<br />

i No. of Tube Lights 42.00<br />

ii No. of High Power Lamps 23.00<br />

5 CIP-Slums<br />

i Seats of Public Conveniences -<br />

Ward 30 1 CIP-Roads<br />

i Widening -<br />

ii Up-gradation - BT to CC 0.30<br />

iii Up-gradation - WBM to BT 2.70<br />

iv Up-gradation - Earthen to BT 1.00<br />

v New Formation - CC Roads -<br />

vi New Formation - BT Roads -<br />

vii New Formation - WBM Roads -<br />

Km 6.25<br />

Km -<br />

Km 13.50<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 17.37<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 0.17<br />

Km -<br />

Km 79.16<br />

No.s 7.61<br />

No.s 4.86<br />

No.s -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 8.19<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 4.86<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 24.58<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

No.s 1.89<br />

No.s 2.07<br />

No.s -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 0.30<br />

Km 12.14<br />

Km 10.00<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Sector Component Quantity Unit Cost (Rs. Lakhs)<br />

2 CIP-Water<br />

i Distribution Network Reach 3.61 Km 10.83<br />

3 CIP-Storm water Drains<br />

i Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Open - Km -<br />

ii Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Closed - Km -<br />

iii Upgradation - Pucca Open to Closed 1.26 Km 12.59<br />

iv New Formation - Pucca Open - Km -<br />

v New Formation - Pucca Closed 2.35 Km 34.10<br />

4 CIP-Street Lights<br />

i No. of Tube Lights 61.00 No.s 2.75<br />

ii No. of High Power Lamps 38.00 No.s 3.42<br />

5 CIP-Slums<br />

i Seats of Public Conveniences 13.49 No.s 8.43<br />

Ward 31 1 CIP-Roads<br />

i Widening 0.15<br />

ii Up-gradation - BT to CC 0.29<br />

iii Up-gradation - WBM to BT 0.72<br />

iv Up-gradation - Earthen to BT -<br />

v New Formation - CC Roads -<br />

vi New Formation - BT Roads -<br />

vii New Formation - WBM Roads -<br />

2 CIP-Water<br />

i Distribution Network Reach 1.35<br />

3 CIP-Storm water Drains<br />

i Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Open -<br />

ii Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Closed -<br />

iii Upgradation - Pucca Open to Closed 3.49<br />

iv New Formation - Pucca Open -<br />

v New Formation - Pucca Closed -<br />

4 CIP-Street Lights<br />

i No. of Tube Lights 53.00<br />

ii No. of High Power Lamps 38.00<br />

5 CIP-Slums<br />

i Seats of Public Conveniences 19.71<br />

Ward 32 1 CIP-Roads<br />

i Widening 0.73<br />

ii Up-gradation - BT to CC 0.18<br />

iii Up-gradation - WBM to BT -<br />

iv Up-gradation - Earthen to BT 0.35<br />

v New Formation - CC Roads -<br />

vi New Formation - BT Roads -<br />

vii New Formation - WBM Roads 0.17<br />

2 CIP-Water<br />

i Distribution Network Reach 1.27<br />

3 CIP-Storm water Drains<br />

i Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Open -<br />

ii Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Closed -<br />

iii Upgradation - Pucca Open to Closed 2.16<br />

iv New Formation - Pucca Open -<br />

v New Formation - Pucca Closed -<br />

4 CIP-Street Lights<br />

i No. of Tube Lights 18.00<br />

ii No. of High Power Lamps 13.00<br />

5 CIP-Slums<br />

i Seats of Public Conveniences 3.71<br />

Ward 33 1 CIP-Roads<br />

Km 0.61<br />

Km 0.29<br />

Km 3.24<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 4.05<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 34.86<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

No.s 2.39<br />

No.s 3.42<br />

No.s 12.32<br />

Km 2.91<br />

Km 0.18<br />

Km -<br />

Km 3.50<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 1.15<br />

Km 3.81<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 21.56<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

No.s 0.81<br />

No.s 1.17<br />

No.s 2.32<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Sector Component Quantity Unit Cost (Rs. Lakhs)<br />

i Widening 0.73 Km 2.93<br />

ii Up-gradation - BT to CC - Km -<br />

iii Up-gradation - WBM to BT 0.51 Km 2.31<br />

iv Up-gradation - Earthen to BT 0.30 Km 3.00<br />

v New Formation - CC Roads - Km -<br />

vi New Formation - BT Roads - Km -<br />

vii New Formation - WBM Roads - Km -<br />

2 CIP-Water<br />

i Distribution Network Reach 1.66 Km 4.98<br />

3 CIP-Storm water Drains<br />

i Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Open - Km -<br />

ii Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Closed 0.90 Km 8.33<br />

iii Upgradation - Pucca Open to Closed 1.84 Km 18.42<br />

iv New Formation - Pucca Open - Km -<br />

v New Formation - Pucca Closed - Km -<br />

4 CIP-Street Lights<br />

i No. of Tube Lights 31.00 No.s 1.40<br />

ii No. of High Power Lamps 25.00 No.s 2.25<br />

5 CIP-Slums<br />

i Seats of Public Conveniences 44.96 No.s 28.10<br />

Ward 34 1 CIP-Roads<br />

i Widening -<br />

ii Up-gradation - BT to CC -<br />

iii Up-gradation - WBM to BT 1.88<br />

iv Up-gradation - Earthen to BT 1.40<br />

v New Formation - CC Roads -<br />

vi New Formation - BT Roads 0.75<br />

vii New Formation - WBM Roads -<br />

2 CIP-Water<br />

i Distribution Network Reach 3.35<br />

3 CIP-Storm water Drains<br />

i Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Open -<br />

ii Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Closed 0.94<br />

iii Upgradation - Pucca Open to Closed 2.26<br />

iv New Formation - Pucca Open -<br />

v New Formation - Pucca Closed 1.07<br />

4 CIP-Street Lights<br />

i No. of Tube Lights -<br />

ii No. of High Power Lamps 47.00<br />

5 CIP-Slums<br />

i Seats of Public Conveniences 56.21<br />

Ward 35 1 CIP-Roads<br />

i Widening -<br />

ii Up-gradation - BT to CC 0.15<br />

iii Up-gradation - WBM to BT 0.80<br />

iv Up-gradation - Earthen to BT 0.45<br />

v New Formation - CC Roads -<br />

vi New Formation - BT Roads -<br />

vii New Formation - WBM Roads -<br />

2 CIP-Water<br />

i Distribution Network Reach 3.17<br />

3 CIP-Storm water Drains<br />

i Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Open 1.00<br />

ii Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Closed 0.03<br />

iii Upgradation - Pucca Open to Closed -<br />

iv New Formation - Pucca Open -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 8.47<br />

Km 14.00<br />

Km -<br />

Km 7.46<br />

Km -<br />

Km 10.05<br />

Km -<br />

Km 8.70<br />

Km 22.64<br />

Km -<br />

Km 15.49<br />

No.s -<br />

No.s 4.23<br />

No.s 35.13<br />

Km -<br />

Km 0.15<br />

Km 3.60<br />

Km 4.50<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 9.51<br />

Km 8.49<br />

Km 0.24<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />


TNUIFSL_CCP_BP_Karaikudi<br />

Sector Component Quantity Unit Cost (Rs. Lakhs)<br />

v New Formation - Pucca Closed 4.17 Km 60.50<br />

4 CIP-Street Lights<br />

i No. of Tube Lights 69.00 No.s 3.11<br />

ii No. of High Power Lamps 39.00 No.s 3.51<br />

5 CIP-Slums<br />

i Seats of Public Conveniences 29.57 No.s 18.48<br />

Ward 36 1 CIP-Roads<br />

i Widening -<br />

ii Up-gradation - BT to CC -<br />

iii Up-gradation - WBM to BT 1.65<br />

iv Up-gradation - Earthen to BT 0.40<br />

v New Formation - CC Roads -<br />

vi New Formation - BT Roads -<br />

vii New Formation - WBM Roads -<br />

2 CIP-Water<br />

i Distribution Network Reach 2.21<br />

3 CIP-Storm water Drains<br />

i Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Open -<br />

ii Upgradation - Kutcha to Pucca Closed -<br />

iii Upgradation - Pucca Open to Closed 2.23<br />

iv New Formation - Pucca Open -<br />

v New Formation - Pucca Closed 1.43<br />

4 CIP-Street Lights<br />

i No. of Tube Lights 79.00<br />

ii No. of High Power Lamps 40.00<br />

5 CIP-Slums<br />

i Seats of Public Conveniences -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 7.44<br />

Km 4.00<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 6.63<br />

Km -<br />

Km -<br />

Km 22.33<br />

Km -<br />

Km 20.76<br />

No.s 3.56<br />

No.s 3.60<br />

No.s -<br />


Appendix VI: Draft Memorandum of Agreement<br />



Dated ___________________________<br />

THIS AGREEMENT is made on this ___________________ day of<br />

_______________,2006 ___________________ between the Tamilnadu Urban<br />

Infrastructure Financial Services Ltd., and Urban Local Body.<br />

WHEREAS the projects identified in the <strong>City</strong> <strong>Corporate</strong> <strong>Cum</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> seeks<br />

financial assistance from the TNUIFSL under the World Bank AID.<br />

WHEREAS the projects identified in the <strong>City</strong> <strong>Corporate</strong> <strong>Cum</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>, in pursuance<br />

of the requirements for Comprehensive <strong>City</strong> Development, fully detailed in the <strong>City</strong><br />

<strong>Corporate</strong> <strong>Cum</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>:<br />

AND WHEREAS the comprehensive infrastructure projects identified in the <strong>City</strong><br />

<strong>Corporate</strong> <strong>Cum</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> has prepared feasibility and detailed project reports:<br />

AND WHEREAS municipality has to implement the reform agenda, as per the timeline<br />

indicated in the reform agenda.<br />

AND WHEREAS the projects identified in the <strong>City</strong> <strong>Corporate</strong> <strong>Cum</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> has<br />

considered the <strong>City</strong> <strong>Corporate</strong> cum <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> Report and found them consistent with<br />

the goals and objectives of CCP-BP:<br />

<strong>Municipal</strong> Commissioner<br />

Managing Director<br />

Tamil Nadu Urban Infrastructure Financial Services<br />



1. That the sustainable prioritize infrastructure projects identified in the <strong>City</strong> <strong>Corporate</strong><br />

cum <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> report will be taken up as given in the Memorandum of Agreement.<br />

(a) __________________________________<br />

(b) ________________________________<br />

(c) ________________________________<br />

2. The TNUIFSL and the Local Body should engage Third party quality control agency to<br />

check quality and audit.<br />

3. Local Body is the responsible agency to see the progress of the projects, progress of the<br />

ongoing projects and the implementation of reforms agenda.<br />

4. That the parties to the agreement further covenant that in case of a dispute between the<br />

parties the matter will be resolved to arbitration within the provisions of the arbitration and<br />

conciliation Act, 1996 and the rules framed there under and amended from time to time.<br />

The matter in dispute shall be referred to __________________ (Insert a name of an<br />

arbitrator) as arbitrator, however, in case such person refuses to act as arbitrator, or is<br />

rendered, unable because of sickness or otherwise, or dies, ________________ (name of<br />

the second person for arbitrator) shall act as arbitrator between the parties and the dispute<br />

shall be referred to such person and still in case this second person is not available for any<br />

reason to act as arbitrator between the parties, both parties shall name one person of their<br />

choice as arbitrator and decision such arbitration shall be final and binding on the parties.<br />

IN WITNESS HEREOF all the parties have put their hands on these presents of<br />

Memorandum of Agreement in the presence of witnesses.<br />


1. ____________________ TNUIFSL<br />

2. _____________________ Or<br />

Urban Local Body<br />

<strong>Municipal</strong> Commissioner<br />

(Government of Tamilnadu)<br />

Managing Director<br />

Tamil Nadu Urban Infrastructure Financial Services<br />


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