Vellakovil City Development Plan - Municipal

Vellakovil City Development Plan - Municipal

Vellakovil City Development Plan - Municipal


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<strong>City</strong> <strong>Development</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> for Vellakoil <strong>Municipal</strong>ity SMEC India Pvt Ltd<br />

Final Report TNUDP III<br />


The foregoing account of the movable and immovable assets of the <strong>Municipal</strong>ity includes basically<br />

lands, parts of which are occupied by construction of structures for various uses. The structural<br />

elements in the form of buildings including OHTs, flow elements relating to essential services such<br />

as water supply, drainage, UGD, street lights and the like are designed with a design life time. The<br />

lands however as a base have no such limiting factor in terms of time. Thus the super structures and<br />

the constructed elements below the ground are depreciating in their values as they age. But the land<br />

assets both constructed and un-constructed keep appreciating in the standard and market values. In<br />

fact, the rate of appreciation of the lands is of great significance from the point of worthiness of the<br />

concerned local body and, it is invariably much faster in its appreciating value compared to the rate<br />

of depreciation of structures imposed on them. Also, the rate of depreciation standardized for<br />

various items of the structures is much more than the actual while taking into consideration the life<br />

time of such structures till the point of their condemnation.<br />

Generally, the assets of the local body, particularly the lands are rarely maintained and their values<br />

in the management of the resources of the local body are little considered. There must be a scientific<br />

approach town wise to evolve a dynamic model of the changing values of the assets both in terms of<br />

appreciation and depreciation from time to time, particularly when sizable developments take place.<br />

It is important to keep in view that as per the objectives of the devolution of functions and powers to<br />

the urban local bodies under the 74 th Constitutional Amendment Act, the value of the lands and<br />

properties are necessarily to be assessed depending on their location, land use and intensity of<br />

development over a time scale. In order to systemize the highly dynamic factor of values of the<br />

properties under local body, it is essential for an efficient management of the total assets owned by<br />

local body.<br />

The suggestions for the improvement of land asset management are listed below:<br />

1. Implementation of Asset Management <strong>Plan</strong><br />

2. Establishment of GIS inventory mapping for <strong>Municipal</strong>ity owned lands.<br />

3. Use of land assets for borrowing loans from capital market.<br />

4. Identifying the most remunerative activity by public–private participation, BOT, BOOT<br />

initiatives.<br />

5. Removal of encroachments on <strong>Municipal</strong> land parcels.<br />

6. Explore possibilities of acquiring additional land parcels for future requirements<br />


The assets creation by way of the projects proposed under CCCBP for implementation in the years<br />

to come are indicated with the capital investment values as in table below<br />

Table 7.3 New Assets for the year - 2010 to 2015<br />

S.N Physical Infrastructure facilities Amount<br />

( in lakhs)<br />

1 Water Supply 1199.12<br />

2 Sewerage System 3300.00<br />

3 Storm Water Drains 300.00<br />


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