Planetary population synthesis

Planetary population synthesis Planetary population synthesis
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Lecture 15<br />

Lecture Universität Heidelberg WS 11/12<br />

Dr. C. Mordasini<br />

<strong>Planetary</strong><br />

<strong>population</strong> <strong>synthesis</strong><br />

Mentor Prof. T. Henning

Lecture 15 overview<br />

1. Motivation for <strong>population</strong> <strong>synthesis</strong><br />

2. Method<br />

3. Formation tracks and a-M distribution<br />

4. Mass distribution<br />

5. Semimajor axis distribution<br />

6. Stopping distance of close-in planets<br />

7. Radius distribution<br />

8. Metallicity distribution

1. Motivation for planetary<br />

<strong>population</strong> <strong>synthesis</strong>

Deal with (a lot of) statistical data<br />

The last years of observational exoplanet research was characterized by a tremendous increase in<br />

data, i.e. in large number of detections. Of particular importance are the discoveries by high precision<br />

radial velocity observations, and by the KEPLER satellite (transit photometry). But also ground based<br />

transit observations, microlensing and direct imaging observations contribute to the very large data<br />

set.<br />

More, even bigger data sets are expected to come in the future (e.g. the GAIA satellite, an astrometric<br />

mission), or WFIRST (a microlensing satellite).<br />

Due to the different observational techniques, the different data sets contain different constraints which can in<br />

the end help to increase our understanding of the physics of planet formation. But it is often difficult to unite the<br />

different constraints into one coherent picture.

surements<br />

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al transit.<br />

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of<br />

50 days.<br />

values in<br />

rrence for<br />

ays. The<br />

) increases<br />

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(4)<br />

anets havervalcenstant,<br />

and<br />

se param-<br />

R⊕ bins<br />

a lack of<br />

ng a max-<br />

. Each rat<br />

fraction,<br />

planet der<br />

of target<br />

by the bi-<br />

(5)<br />

in a spec-<br />

Number of Planets per Star with P < 5<br />

Number of Planets per Star with P < 50 days<br />

0.100<br />

0.010<br />

0.001<br />

0.12<br />

0.10<br />

0.08<br />

0.06<br />

0.04<br />

0.02<br />

Deal with (a lot of) statistical data<br />

1.0 1.4 2.0 2.8 4.0 5.7 8.0 11.3 16.0 22.6<br />

Planet Radius (RE) 0.00<br />

1.0 1.4 2.0 2.8 4.0 5.7 8.0 11.3 16.0 22.6<br />

Planet Radius (RE) Fig. 5.— Planet occurrence as a function of planet radius for<br />

planets with P

2. Method

specialized<br />

models<br />

The essence of <strong>population</strong> <strong>synthesis</strong><br />

Ida & Lin 2004++<br />

Thomes et al. 2008<br />

Mordasini et al. 2009++<br />

Miguel et al. 2008,2009<br />

extraction process<br />

Towards a “Standard model of planet formation and<br />

evolution” or “Super-Montecarlo”....<br />

- you need specialized models to<br />

know what is important<br />

- while you get the essence, you<br />

have lost the subtlety of the original<br />

- but what is left is a concentrate<br />

of many effects<br />

- and lets you see the big<br />

picture (hopefully)<br />

<strong>population</strong><br />


Extended core accretion model<br />

Formation model tested in the Solar<br />

System (Alibert, Mordasini, Benz 2004)<br />

rvational motivation for <strong>population</strong> <strong>synthesis</strong> 9<br />

Mordasini et al. 2009a<br />

Mordasini et al. 2009b<br />

Observed<br />

<strong>population</strong><br />

e 1.1: The red line shows the total number of known extrasolar planetary companions as a function<br />

epoch of discovery. Note how the number has grown very quickly in the last years, approximately as<br />

nce 1995 (the green fitting curve goes as t 2.5 ). The data is taken from J. Schneiders extrasolar planet<br />

opedia at Before 1995, four pulsar planets, and a low mass companion of HD 114762<br />

m et al., 1989) were known. Even if the latter object has a projected mass in the planetary mass domain<br />

are indications that this system is seen in a rather face-on configuration, so that the true mass of the<br />

nion could be much larger, maybe even in the low mass M star regime (Hale, 1995).<br />

cations of <strong>population</strong> <strong>synthesis</strong> (Popov & Prokhorov, 2004).<br />

ost of the planets in the plot were discovered by the radial velocity (RV) method, where<br />

easures the wobble of the star around the common center of mass of the star-planet<br />

. A part of the thesis was also the observational search of extrasolar planets with the<br />

ethod using the HARPS spectrometer (Pepe et al., 2004) which yielded a number of<br />

sting discoveries No (Santos match: et al., 2004a; improve,<br />

Lovis et al., 2005, 2006; Udry et al., 2006; Mayor<br />

, 2008; Curto et al., 2006). This observational work within the HARPS consortium (PI:<br />

el Mayor) allowed change to learn andparameters understand the most important observational technique to<br />

t extrasolar planets. It also made possible a very direct access to the latest observational<br />

s, a direct insight in the various biases involved in the detection process, and a direct<br />

oration between the observational approach at the Obsérvatoire de Genève, and the<br />

etical approach of our group in Bern. Therefore, the observational results obtained by<br />

V method form the main observational comparison data that was used in the theoretical<br />

Population Synthesis Principle<br />

Draw and compute<br />

synthetic<br />

planet <strong>population</strong><br />

Apply observational<br />

detection bias<br />

Comparison:<br />

Observable sub-<strong>population</strong><br />

- Distribution of semi-major axis<br />

- Distribution of masses<br />

- Fraction of hot/cold Jupiters<br />

- Metallicity effect<br />

Initial Conditions: Probability<br />

distributions & parameters<br />

Disk gas mass<br />

Disk dust mass<br />

Disk lifetime<br />

Match<br />

From<br />

observations<br />

Cross check<br />

Couple to other detection<br />

methods<br />

Predictions<br />

(going back to the full<br />

synthetic <strong>population</strong>)<br />

Model solution<br />


Formation model<br />

Planet-Planet<br />

1. Disk migration<br />

2. Planet planet interaction<br />

(n-body)<br />

3. Planetesimal-envelope<br />

interaction<br />

4. Gaseous envelope structure<br />

5. Protoplanetary gas disk<br />

6. Disk of planetesimals<br />

Standard components, but coupled

1 Metallicity<br />

assume same in star<br />

and disk<br />

Stellar [Fe/H] from spectroscopy.<br />

Gaussian distribution for [Fe/H]<br />

with µ ~0.0, σ~ 0.2. (e.g. Santos<br />

et al. 2003)<br />

2 Disk (gas) masses<br />

Thermal continuum emission from cold dust at mm<br />

and submm wavelengths (Ophiuchus nebula).<br />

β Pic 12 K6–M4 0 ZS04 JA06<br />

NGC 2353 12 K0–M4 0<br />

Initial conditions<br />

N. C. Santos et al.: Statistical properties of exoplanets 367<br />

+6 K05 this work<br />

Collinder 65 25 K0–M5 0 +7 Tuc-Hor 27 K1–M3 0<br />

K05 this work<br />

+8 NGC 6664 46 K0–M1 0<br />

ZS04 JA06<br />

+4 S82 this work<br />

References. Schmidt (1982, S82),Park et al. (2001, P01),Hartmann et al. (2005, Ha05),Kharchenko et al. (2005, K05),Mohanty et al<br />

(2005, M05),Sicilia-Aguilar et al. (2005, SA05),Carpenter et al. (2006, C06),Lada et al. (2006, L06),Jayawardhana et al. (2006, JA06)<br />

Sicilia-Aguilar et al. (2006, SA06),Dahm & Hillenbrand (2007, D07),Briceño et al. (2007, B07),Jeffries et al. (2007, JE07), Hernández et al<br />

(2007, He07),Sana et al. (2007, S07),Caballero (2008, C08),Flaherty & Muzerolle (2008, FM08),Luhman et al. (2008, L08),Sicilia-Aguila<br />

et al. (2009, S09),Zuckerman & Song (2004, ZS04).<br />

Santos et al. 2003<br />

3 Disk lifetime<br />

L-band (3.4 μm)<br />

photometry:<br />

- excess caused by μsized<br />

dust @ ~900K<br />

... ok to < 10 AU<br />

Fig. 2. Left: metallicity distribution of stars with planets making part of the CORALIE planet search sample (shaded histogram) compared<br />

with the same distribution for the about 1000 non binary stars in the CORALIE volume-limited sample (see text for more details). Right: the<br />

percentage of stars belonging to the CORALIE search sample that have been discovered to harbor planetary mass companions plotted as a<br />

function of the metallicity. The vertical axis represents the percentage of planet hosts with respect to the total CORALIE sample.<br />

Haisch et al. 2001, Fedele et al. 2010<br />

NGC 2024<br />

Trapezium<br />


IC 348<br />

NGC 2362<br />

Fig. 4. facc (dots) versus fIRAC (squares) and exponential fit for facc (dot<br />

suggests that we may be looking at the approximate limit on the<br />

metallicity of the stars in the solar neighborhood.<br />

Here we have repeated the analysis presented in Paper II,<br />

but using only the planet host stars included in the well defined<br />

CORALIE sample7 Fig. 3. Accreting stars-frequencysurvey as a function (Udry et of al. age. 2000). New data The(based metallicities for this latter sam-<br />

on the VIMOS survey) are shownple as were (red) computed dots, literature fromdata a precise as (green) calibration of the CORALIE<br />

squares. Colored version is available<br />

Cross-Correlation<br />

in the electronic<br />

Function<br />

form.<br />

(see Santos et al. 2002a); since the<br />

4 Initial semimajor axis of the seed embryo:<br />

calibrators used were the stars presented in Paper I, Paper II,<br />

. This sub-sample He i 5876 has Åa total in emission of 41 ob- (EW and= this −0.5 paper, Å,–0.6Årespectively).<br />

the final results are in the very same scale.<br />

jects, ∼60% of them having planets The Analytical discovered evidence of in large the work con- (Lissauer & Steward 1992) and<br />

Hα10% together The knowledge with the He of ithe emission metallicity is distribution for stars in<br />

text of the CORALIE survey itself. most Here likely we have due included to ongoing all mass the solar accretion, neighborhood and these (and twoincluded stars<br />

numerical simulations (Kokubo & in Ida the CORALIE 2000): sam- spacing<br />

stars known to have companions with areminimum classifiedmasses as accreting lowerstars.<br />

ple)Weestimateafractionofaccret- permits us to determine the percentage of planet host stars<br />

than ∼18 MJup; changing this limiting to stars e.g. 10 in NGC MJup 6231 does of not 11/75 peror metallicity 15 (±5%). bin. WeThe warn result the reader<br />

between bodies Δ ∝ a<br />

is seen in Fig. 2 (right panel). As<br />

change any of the results presented below. that this might be a lower limit we can to the perfectly actual see, fraction the probability of accret- of finding a planet host is<br />

The fact that planets seem to orbit ingthe stars; most further metal-rich investigation stars a strong is needed function to disentagle of its metallicity. the nature This result confirms former<br />

in the solar neighborhood has led some (accretion groupsvs tobinarity/rapid build planetda<br />

rotation) analysis done ofda the in Paper systems II and with bylarge Reid (2002). For example, here<br />

search samples based on the high metal Hα10% p(a)da content (>300 of kmtheir s host we can see that about = 7% dlog(a) of the stars in the CORALIE const. sample<br />

stars. Examples of these are the stars BD-10 3166 (Butler et al. having metallicity a between 0.3 and 0.4 dex have been discov-<br />

2000), HD 4203 (Vogt et al. 2002), and HD 73526, HD 76700, ered to harbor a planet. On the other hand, less than 1% of the<br />

HD 30177, and HD 2039 (Tinney et al. 2002). Although clearly stars having solar metallicity seem to have a planet. This result<br />

increasing the planet detection rate, these kind of metallicity bi- is thus probably telling us that the probability of forming a giant<br />

ased samples completely spoil any statistical study. Using only planet, or at least a planet of the kind we are finding now, de-<br />

stars being surveyed for planets in the context of the CORALIE pends strongly on the metallicity of the gas that gave origin to<br />

survey (none of these 6 stars is included), a survey that has the star and planetary system. This might be simple explained if<br />

never used the metallicity as a favoring quantity for looking for we consider that the higher the metallicity (i.e. dust density of<br />

planets, has thus the advantage of minimizing this bias. the disk) the higher might be the probability of forming a core<br />

−1 0.8<br />

0.6<br />

0.4<br />

0.2<br />

(a)<br />

ted line) and for fIRAC (dashed line).<br />

Andrews et al. 2010 (b) (c) (d)<br />

NGC 6531<br />

We identified 26 cluster members in NGC 6531 based on the<br />

presence of Hα emission and presence of Li. 13 other sources<br />

show presence of Li 6708 Å, but have Hα in absorption. As in<br />

the case of NGC 6231, these might be cluster members with no<br />

or a reduced chromospheric activity. We measured the EW of L<br />

6708 Å of these 13 sources and compared them with the typi<br />

) but low EW [Hα].<br />

cal EW of the 26 stars in NGC 6531 showing also Hα emission<br />

Page 5 of 7<br />

0.0<br />

4 3 2 1 0<br />

Log M⇤M ⇥<br />

5 Stellar mass

3. Formation tracks<br />

and<br />

mass-distance distribution

Edge of<br />

comp. disk<br />

Formation of the a-M diagram<br />

Dittkrist et al. in prep<br />

One model,<br />

very different<br />

outcomes.<br />

isothermal type I<br />

adiabatic type I<br />

saturated type I<br />

type II<br />

Mstar=1M⊙, alpha=7x10-3 Starting mass<br />

Irradiated disk<br />

2% interstellar grain opacity

Inner boundary comp. disk<br />

0.1 AU<br />

Type II Migration<br />

Limit<br />

Synthetic a-M diagram<br />

Giants<br />

<strong>Planetary</strong> Desert<br />

Failed cores<br />

(Proto-terrestrial planets)<br />

Timescale Limit<br />

Iceline<br />

upturn<br />

Mainly icy core<br />

Mainly rocky core<br />

Menv / Mheavy > 10<br />

1< Menv / Mheavy < 10<br />

Menv / Mheavy < 1<br />

Mstar=1 M⊙, alpha=7x10 -3<br />

Irradiated disk. Σ(0.1)=0<br />

non-isothermal migration<br />

0.3% interstellar grain opacity

4. The planetary<br />

mass distribution

Mordasini<br />

et al. 2009b<br />

Model incompleteness<br />

<strong>Planetary</strong> Initial Mass Function PIMF<br />

Peak at low masses<br />

Neptunian Bump<br />

Minimum: <strong>Planetary</strong> desert<br />

Flat Giant’s Plateau<br />

Superjupiter Tail<br />

• Complex structure, dominated by low mass planets<br />

• Consistent w. non-detection of Jupiters around 90% stars.<br />

• Maxima at masses similar to Solar System planets.<br />

MStar=1 MSun<br />

Nominal Model<br />

Type Mass (MEarth) %<br />

(Super)-Earth < 7 58<br />

Neptunian 7-30 17<br />

Intermediate 30-100 6<br />

Jovian 100-1000 14<br />

Super-Jupiter > 1000 4<br />

Model predicts that planets with<br />

M < 30 MEarth account for over<br />

75% of all planets

Mordasini et al. 2012<br />

PIMF: Dependence on disk properties<br />

Metallicity Disk mass Disk lifetime<br />

Fe/H mainly just scales<br />

PIMF for giant planets:<br />

Fe/H: threshold, but final<br />

mass not given by Fe/H<br />

•higher number of giants<br />

•but not more massive<br />

Inverted metallicity<br />

effect for low mass<br />

Weak metallicity<br />

effect for Neptunes<br />

Disk mass changes the MF<br />

shape for giant planets.<br />

High disk mass: giant<br />

planets of higher mass, but<br />

less of lower mass.<br />

Disk lifetime changes both.<br />

Long living disks: giants<br />

• more numerous and<br />

• higher mass<br />

-Correlation with MD

We derive the statistical properties of planets from the 1330 FGKM target stars<br />

for which we have uniform precision of 3 m s −1 and at least 6 years duration of<br />

observations. Detected exoplanets have minimum masses, Msin i, between 6 MEarth<br />

Mass distribution: low RV precision<br />

and ∼15 MJup, with an upper mass limit corresponding to the (vanishing) tail of<br />

the mass distribution. The planet mass distribution is shown in Fig. 1 and follows<br />

a power law, dN/dM ∝ M −1.05 54), 55) affected very little by the unknown sin i. 41)<br />

The paucity of companions with Msin i greater than 12 MJup confirms the presence<br />

of a “brown dwarf desert” 54) for companions with orbital periods up to a decade.<br />

Using a synthetic observational bias for a RV survey of 10 years at 10 m/s precision, find sub-<strong>population</strong><br />

of detectable synthetic planets.<br />

Number of Planets<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

Planet Mass Distribution<br />

dN/dM ∝ M −1.05<br />

104 Planets<br />

Keck, Lick, AAT<br />

Marcy et al. 2005<br />

0<br />

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14<br />

M sin i (MJUP) Fig. 1. The histogram of 104 planet masses (Msin i) found in the uniform 3 m s −1 Doppler survey<br />

of 1330 stars at Lick, Keck, and the AAT telescopes. The bin size is 0.5 MJup. The distribution<br />

of planet masses rises as M −1.05 from 10 MJup down to Saturn masses, with incompleteness at<br />

lower masses.<br />

The mass distribution is very well reproduced.<br />

Forming really massive planets is hard (insufficient mass & time)

Observation<br />

?<br />

Towards the underlying mass distribution<br />

Udry & Santos 2007<br />

All instruments<br />

HARPS (1 m/s)<br />

Observational<br />

bias<br />

Hints of the Neptunian bump and<br />

the minimum at 30 ME?<br />

Synthetic<br />

Mordasini et al. 2009<br />

10 m/s<br />

1m/s<br />

0.1 m/s<br />

Full Population<br />

Very strong sign of core accretion<br />

(all models - Ida & Lin, Mordasini et al, Miguel et al.)

Depth of the minimum<br />

rch for southern extra-solar planets. XXIII. 9<br />

e<br />

-<br />

to<br />

so<br />

n<br />

a;<br />

en)<br />

er<br />

sa<br />

ly<br />

ns<br />

re<br />

ts<br />

yrre<br />

st<br />

el<br />

Dependence on gas accretion rate in runaway<br />

in Mordasini Fig. 7. Theoretical et al. 2011<br />

mass distribution from Neptunian to Jovian<br />

<strong>Planetary</strong> gas accretion rate<br />

limited to slow viscous disk<br />

accretion rate.<br />

Shallow minimum.<br />

<strong>Planetary</strong> gas accretion rate not<br />

limited to disk accretion rate for<br />

gas already in the planet’s hill<br />

sphere (fast accretion).<br />

Deep minimum.<br />

Detections important for directly<br />

constraining formation theory.

Mass distribution II: high RV precision<br />

uncorrected<br />

for obs. bias<br />

corrected for obs. bias<br />

Mayor et al. 2011<br />

•RV: thanks to 1 m/s precision observations, a new huge <strong>population</strong> of low<br />

mass planets has emerged in the last few years.<br />

•bi (tri?) modal distribution: minimum at about 30 Earth masses, too.<br />

•neptunian bump: strong increase between 30-15 ME.<br />

•overall maximum at small masses.

Synthetic PIMF and rv precision<br />

Observational RV precision 10, 1 and 0.1 m/s<br />

•Bimodal at 1 m/s (Jovian, Neptunian), and trimodal at 0.1 m/s (Jov., Nept., proto-terrestrial)<br />

•At least qualitatively similar as observations.<br />

•At low masses, model incomplete, so direct comparison very difficult,<br />

•but distinction between Jovian (w. gas runaway) and Neptunian (w/o gas runaway)<br />

•and distinction between objects which migrated significantly (Neptunian), and those<br />

formed in situ (proto-terrestrial), could be real.

5. The semimajor axis<br />


where they have to stop before falling onto the star. Several stopping mechanisms<br />

have been proposed, invoking, e.g., a magnetospheric central cavity of the accretion<br />

disk, tidal interactions with the host stars, Roche-lobe overflow by the young inflated<br />

giant planet, or photoevaporation. The question is, however, still debated. Alternative<br />

points of view invoke in situ formation (Bodenheimer, Hubickyj & Lissauer<br />

2000), possibly triggered through disk instabilities (Boss 1997, Durisen et al. 2007).<br />

Note however that, even in such cases, subsequent disk-planet interactions leading to<br />

N<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

Semimajor axis distribution: giant planets<br />

5<br />

0<br />

1 2 3<br />

log(Period) (days)<br />

uncorrected for obs. bias<br />

The semimajor axis distribution of giant planets found by RV consists of a<br />

•pile up at a period of about 3 days (0.04 AU). Stopping mechanism for migration?<br />

•maybe this pile up is only tiny, when properly correcting for obs. bias...<br />

•a period valley (10 d < P < 100 d). Timescale effect?<br />

•an upturn at about 1 AU. Reservoir at large distances? Original formation region?<br />

Udry· Santos<br />

Udry & Santos 2007<br />

Msini>0.75 MJ<br />


Synth. semimajor axis distribution<br />

ig. 8. Starting position relative to the iceline of embryos growing<br />

Preferred starting<br />

ventually to planets with a final mass M ≥ 300M⊕ as a function<br />

f [Fe/H]. Symbols show the disk gas mass: Red filled squares are<br />

ow [MD/MSN] < −0.1. Black triangles are intermediate [MD/MSN]<br />

location (6-7 AU)<br />

-0.1 to 0.4), and green open circles finally are those disk with a large<br />

MD/MSN] > 0.4.<br />

he minimal necessary planetesimal disk mass is reduced at<br />

mall distances, in the second case at large distances while in<br />

he other parts of the plot, the points lie on top of each other.<br />

his shows that at small distances (where the core accretion<br />

imescales are short) the small isolation masses (and the associted<br />

long Kelvin-Helmholtz timescales for gas accretion) limit<br />

iant planet growth. Isolation masses decrease with decreasing<br />

emimajor axis (at least for the chosen solid surface profile),<br />

hich must be canceled out by an increasing ΣS. Faster type<br />

C. Mordasini et al.: Extrasolar planet <strong>population</strong> <strong>synthesis</strong> IV 13<br />

-embryos of giant-planetsto-be<br />

come from outside the<br />

iceline (Ida & Lin 2004). More<br />

solids=>more massive cores.<br />

-high [Fe/H]: start also inside.<br />

Planets inside 0.1 AU excluded Mp>300 MEarth Mstar= 1 Msun<br />

formation, and influences in this way the birth place of giant<br />

planets to be. In the left panel of Fig. 8 we have directly plotted<br />

the position where embryos start to grow astart which later become<br />

planets larger than 300 M⊕, relative to the position of the<br />

iceline aice in the corresponding disk, as a function of [Fe/H].<br />

Additionally, the disk lifetime was color coded. Note that in our<br />

simulation, the location of the iceline is independent of [Fe/H]<br />

(but dependent on Σ0). Possible effects of a modification of the<br />

disk temperature structure and thus the iceline location via a<br />

metallicity dependent disk opacity are thus not included.<br />

The figure shows that at low metallicities [Fe/H] −0.3,<br />

planets can only start to form in a small region with a width<br />

of 2-3 AU just outside the iceline. In this low [Fe/H] disks,<br />

only in this region massive cores can form quickly enough.<br />

With increasing [Fe/H], the zone expands to larger radii, and<br />

Distance migrated [AU]<br />

for [Fe/H] −0.15, giant planets can also form inside the ice-<br />

line. This corresponds, with the highest Σ0 of the distribution<br />

(which is necessary, see next section) to a solid surface density<br />

about 3.5 times as high as ΣS,SN. These results are qualitatively<br />

similar to those of Ida & Lin (2004a), except for a somewhat<br />

Log(Mdisk/MMSN)<br />

lower numerical value (3.5 instead of 5). The absence of red<br />

squares at negative values of astart − aice shows that the disk<br />

masses must always be rather large for the formation of giant<br />

planets Typical inside the iceline, migration<br />

even if [Fe/H] is large. At higher<br />

[Fe/H], giant planets can form at almost all semimajor axes if<br />

concurrently [MD/MSN] is high indicated by green open circles<br />

distance<br />

(about 1 AU to 20 AU), but the preferred formation location is<br />

still beyond the iceline. Finally, at the highest [Fe/H], the loca-<br />

-about 3-5 AU. Not so much...<br />

tion of the iceline becomes less important.<br />

One therefore sees from the figure, that while at low metallicities,<br />

pathways to giant planets are very restricted and in particular<br />

only possible in a small part of the disk, this is not the<br />

case for higher metallicities, where giant planets can form all<br />

over the disk.<br />

There is another important effect for the starting positions,<br />

which cannot be directly seen in Fig. 8 which was already<br />

quickly mentioned in sect. 3.2.3. For giant planet formation<br />

at low [Fe/H], high [MD/MSN] Mordasini et areal. needed 2012<br />

for compensation<br />

18 C. Mordasini et al.: Extrasolar p<br />

Fig. 12. Distribution of final semimajor axes of synthetic planets larger th<br />

for [Fe/H]< −0.2, blue solid lines for −0.2

[Fe/H] - semimajor axis<br />

Observations: No clear correlation of [Fe/H] & semi. axis (giants). Udry & Santos 2007<br />

Somewhat surprising: High [Fe/H] allow giant planet formation inside aice..<br />

•High [Fe/H]: Small starting positions<br />

➡Small disk gas mass sufficient.<br />

➡Drives slow migration.<br />

➡Planet quickly more massive than local gas disk mass: slows down.<br />

➡Migration only over small distance.<br />

•Low [Fe/H]: Large starting positions<br />

➡Mean necessary gas mass high.<br />

➡Drives rapid migration<br />

➡Planets need to migrate over large extent until collected enough planetesimal for runaway<br />

and to eventually slow down.<br />

➡Migration over large distance.<br />

[AU] high [Fe/H] mean [Fe/H] low [Fe/H]<br />

Effects compensate!<br />

Complex interaction of<br />

various processes.<br />

Mfinal>300 Mearth<br />

mean astart 6.2 6.8 7.2<br />

mean a-astart -3.5 -4.0 -4.7<br />

mean a 2.7 2.8 2.6

6. Stopping distances

m Kepler 13<br />

Number of Planets per Star<br />

0.1000<br />

0.0100<br />

0.0010<br />

P 0 = 1.7 days<br />

P 0 = 2.2 days<br />

0.0001<br />

0.68 1.2 2.0 3.4 5.9 10 17 29 50<br />

Orbital Period (days)<br />

Howard et al. 2011<br />

P 0 = 7.0 days<br />

Close-in low mass/radius planets<br />

2−4 R E<br />

4−8 R E<br />

8−32 R E<br />

ig. 7.— Measured planet occurrence (filled circles) as a funcn<br />

of orbital period with best-fit models (solid curves) overlaid.<br />

ese models are power laws with exponential cutoffs belowachareristic<br />

period, P0 (see text and equation 8). P0 increases with<br />

reasing planet radius, suggesting that the migration and parkmechanism<br />

that deposits planets close-in depends on planet<br />

ius. Colors correspond to the same ranges of radii as in Figure<br />

The occurrence measurements (filled circles) are the same as in<br />

ure 6, however for clarity the 2–32 R⊕ measurements and fit<br />

excluded here. As before, only stars in the solar subset (Table<br />

and planets with Rp > 2 R⊕ were used to compute occurrence.<br />

e integrated occurrence to P = 50 days is given in<br />

ble 4.<br />


4.1. Planet Occurrence<br />

n the previous section we considered only GK stars<br />

th properties consistent with those listed in Table 1.<br />

Mayor et al. 2011<br />

particular, only stars with Teff =4100–6100Kwere<br />

Cut off below P0:<br />

-small radii 2-4 Re: P0 = 7 days<br />

-large radii >4 Re : P0 = 2 days.<br />

Neptunian and smaller sized further out than giant planets.<br />

No pile up at 3 days. Different stopping mechanism?<br />


Gas surface density [g/cm 2 ]<br />

MMSN, irrad., Σ0 ∝ a -0.9,<br />

,alpha=7x10 -3<br />

Gas surface density [g/cm 2 ]

7. Radius distribution

,-$.&//$01$23&,-$<br />

Formation of M-R diagram<br />

Fraction Z of heavy elements<br />

Z 95 %<br />

•Rapid collapse at about 0.2 MJ<br />

•when Z≈ 0.5<br />

•Two groups for R (pre/post<br />

collapse) during formation.<br />

•After disk dispersal (T>10 Myrs),<br />

slow contraction.<br />

•At late times, characteristic<br />

maximum at about 4 MJ (degeneracy).<br />

•Z decreasing with total mass:<br />

imprint of formation (TKH)!

Mordasini et al in prep.<br />

M-R diagram<br />

Synthetic <strong>population</strong> and<br />

all known planets with<br />

known M-R outside 0.1<br />

AU (Solar System &<br />

Exoplanets)<br />

Z = Mcore/M<br />

Orange: Z ≤ 1%<br />

Red: 1 < Z ≤ 5%<br />

Green: 5 < Z ≤ 20%<br />

Blue: 20 < Z ≤ 40%<br />

Cyan: 40 < Z ≤ 60%<br />

Magenta: 60 < Z ≤ 80%<br />

Yellow: 80 < Z ≤ 95%<br />

Brown: 95 < Z ≤ 99%<br />

Black: Z > 99%

M-R diagram: effect of opacity<br />

Zero grain opacity Full interstellar grain opacity<br />

Mordasini et al in prep.<br />

The lower the grain opacity in the envelope, the easier for the planet to accrete gas (reduced<br />

pressure support of the envelope). During evolution: The smaller the opacity, the faster the<br />

cooling (smaller radii).

Planet Radius, R p (R E)<br />

32<br />

16<br />

0.001 0.002 0.004 0.0079 0.016 0.032 0.063 0.13 0.25 0.50 1.0<br />

0.000035 0.00007 0.00014 0.00028 0.00056 0.0011 0.0022 0.0044 0.0088 0.018 0.035<br />

8<br />

4<br />

2<br />

1 (2)<br />

58018<br />

1 (4) 0.0021<br />

4 (45) 0.022 2 (18) 0.0087 4 (60) 0.030 5 (153) 0.076 6 (208) 0.10 5 (198) 0.099<br />

57907over<br />

0.00007 all planets 57808 0.00078 with 57749P<br />

0.00030 < 57653 50 days. 0.0010 57538 We 0.0027 57429 computed 0.0036 57240 oc- 0.0035<br />

1 (5)<br />

52618<br />

It is worth identifying additional sources of error and<br />

simplifying assumptions in our methods. The largest<br />

source of error stems directly from 35% rms uncertainty<br />

Planet Occurrence from Kepler 9<br />

Planet Occurrence − d 2 in R⋆ from the KIC, which propagates directly to 35%<br />

uncertainty in Rp. We assumed a central transit over<br />

the full stellar diameter in equation (2). For randomly<br />

distributed transiting orientations, the average duration<br />

is reduced to π/4 times the duration f/dlogP/dlogR of a central transit.<br />

p<br />

Thus, this correction reduces our SNR in equation (1) by<br />

afactorof 0.001<br />

Howard et al. 2011<br />

0.12<br />

π/4, i.e. a true signal-to-noise ratio thresh-<br />

old of 8.8 instead of 10.0. This is still a very conservative<br />

2 (11) 0.0054 4 (39) 0.019 6 (69) 0.034 1 (15) 0.0071 1 (28) 0.014 1 (25) 0.012 3 (168) 0.082<br />

58031 0.00019 58028 0.00067 58022 0.0012 58017 0.00025 58009 0.00049 58004 0.00043 57997 0.0029<br />

merator and denominator of equation (2) nearly equally.<br />

0.0010 1 (6)<br />

0.00004 58009<br />

0.0029 4 (34)<br />

0.00010 58004<br />

Planet Occurrence − f cell<br />

detection threshold. Additionally, our method does not<br />

account for the small fraction of transits that are grazing<br />

√ and have reduced significance. We assumed perfect<br />

t scaling for σCDPP values computed for 3 hr intervals.<br />

This may underestimate 1 (9) 0.0042 σCDPP for 1 (15) a 60.0075 hr interval 1 (52) (ap- 0.026<br />

58036 0.00015<br />

58030 0.00026<br />

58020 0.00090<br />

proximately the duration of a P = 50 day transit) by<br />

∼10%. These are minor corrections and affect the nu-<br />

3.1. Occurrence as a Function of Planet Radius<br />

0.017 3 (25)<br />

0.00058 57998<br />

Comparison: KEPLER data<br />

0.012 1 (15)<br />

0.00043 57988<br />

0.0076 3 (70)<br />

0.00027 57981<br />

0.034 4 (154)<br />

0.0012 57963<br />

3 (21) 0.011 7 (64) 0.032 21 (269) 0.15 31 (521) 0.30 36 (893) 0.53 34 (1101) 0.79 18 (749) 0.61<br />

56665 0.00037 55966 0.0011 54585 0.0051 52260 0.010 48639 0.019 43318 0.028 36296 0.021<br />

all planets in a radius interval with P < 50 days. The<br />

3 (10)<br />

1 30446<br />

0.68<br />

0.0075 1 (10)<br />

0.00026 22540<br />

1.2<br />

0.011 4 (50)<br />

0.00040 15445<br />

2.0<br />

0.067 6 (59) 0.22 1 (18)<br />

0.0023 9764 0.0077 5784<br />

3.4 3.4df(R) 5.9<br />

0.062 3 (85)<br />

0.0022 3170<br />

10<br />

0.81 2 (41)<br />

0.028 1605<br />

17<br />

0.95<br />

0.033<br />

29 50<br />

Orbital Period, P (days)<br />

Fig. 4.— Planet occurrence as a function of planet radius and orbital period for P 10 are shown Here as blackdf(R)/d dots. The phaselog space is Rdivided is into the a grid mean of logarithmically number spaced cells ofwithin planets which planethav occurrence<br />

is computed. Only stars in the “solar subset” (see selection criteria in Table 1) were used to compute occurrence. Cell color indicates<br />

planet occurrenceing with the P

Number planets per star<br />

is reduced to π/4 times the duration of a central transit.<br />

Thus, this correction reduces our SNR in equation (1) by<br />

afactorof<br />

Radius distribution of KEPLER planets<br />

π/4, i.e. a true signal-to-noise ratio threshold<br />

of 8.8 instead of 10.0. This is still a very conservative<br />

detection threshold. Additionally, our method does not<br />

account for the small fraction of transits that are grazing<br />

√ and have reduced significance. We assumed perfect<br />

t scaling for σCDPP values computed for 3 hr intervals.<br />

This may underestimate σCDPP for a 6 hr interval (ap-<br />

Nominal Model: all a<br />

T=5x10 9 yrs<br />

Nominal Model: P

is reduced to π/4 times the duration of a central transit.<br />

Thus, this correction reduces our SNR in equation (1) by<br />

afactorof<br />

Radius distribution of KEPLER planets II<br />

π/4, i.e. a true signal-to-noise ratio threshold<br />

of 8.8 instead of 10.0. This is still a very conservative<br />

detection threshold. Additionally, our method does not<br />

account for the small fraction of transits that are grazing<br />

√ and have reduced significance. We assumed perfect<br />

t scaling for σCDPP values computed for 3 hr intervals.<br />

Number planets per star<br />

Mordasini et al in prep.<br />

Nearly no type I: all a<br />

T=5x10 9 yrs<br />

Nearly no type I: P

8. The metallicity<br />


Correlation stellar [Fe/H] & giant planet frequency<br />

N. Santos et al. (2005)<br />

search sample (all stars)<br />

stars with giant planets<br />

•the detection probability for giant planets is a strongly increasing function of<br />

the host star metallicity.<br />

•No hot Jupiters found in globular cluster 47 Tuc ([Fe/H]=-0.76). Expected for<br />

solar neighborhood frequency (~0.5%): seven discoveries.<br />

•Best known star-planet correlation for exoplanets. Important constraint for<br />


Mordasini et al. 2009b<br />

Synthetic <strong>population</strong> observable at 10 m/s<br />

[Fe/H]<br />

Blue: Observation (Fischer & Valenti 2005)<br />

Red: Observation (Udry & Santos 2007)<br />

Black: Observable synthetic planets<br />

cf. also Santos et al. 2004, 2005<br />

∝ Z 2<br />

∝ Z<br />

Reproduced by the synthetic <strong>population</strong>.<br />

•Dependence not strong enough: Additional<br />

mechanisms? Planetesimal formation<br />

(Johansen et al. 2010) ?<br />

Large metallicity effect on RV detections<br />

• Metal rich systems tend to produce more<br />

massive planets<br />

• Radial velocity method favors massive<br />

objects<br />

Does not mean there are no planets<br />

around low [Fe/H] stars... we just can’t<br />

detect them at 10 m/s...

Mayor et al. 2011<br />

No metallicity effect for low mass planets<br />

•HARPS high precision sample: [Fe/H] distribution for giant planet hosts (black), for hosts with<br />

planets less massive than 30 ME (red), and for the global combined sample (blue).<br />

•No metallicity effect for low mass planets. The dividing line lies at about 30 ME. Same as the<br />

minimum in the mass distribution.<br />

•Even absence of low mass planets at high [Fe/H]? And of Super Jupiters at low [Fe/H]?<br />

?<br />


Mordasini et al 2012<br />

Metallicity of synthetic hot planets<br />

C. Mordasini et al.: Extrasolar planet <strong>population</strong> <strong>synthesis</strong> IV 21<br />

C. Mordasini et al.: Extrasolar planet <strong>population</strong> <strong>synthesis</strong> IV 21<br />

Mstar=1 M⊙<br />

Slow type I<br />

migration<br />

Fast type I<br />

migration<br />



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