2012: The BUZZ Takes A Quick Look Back - Monroe County ...

2012: The BUZZ Takes A Quick Look Back - Monroe County ...

2012: The BUZZ Takes A Quick Look Back - Monroe County ...


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December 31, <strong>2012</strong> Page 5 - <strong>The</strong> <strong>BUZZ</strong><br />

Democratic and Republican<br />

leaders in the<br />

Senate vowed Friday night<br />

to work through the<br />

weekend to create a new<br />

bill that would avert the<br />

so-called “fiscal cliff”<br />

looming on Monday. President<br />

Obama said he<br />

doubted the Senate heads’<br />

final push would produce<br />

a deal, but added the Senate<br />

should allow “an up or<br />

down vote” on a scaledback<br />

proposal he has personally<br />

pushed.<br />

At the same time, Tennessee<br />

Senator Bob<br />

Corker said “the American<br />

people should be disgusted”<br />

the nation’s leaders<br />

have not solved the<br />


solution to the possibility<br />

of a new economic crisis at<br />

year’s end. Howard Kurtz<br />

of the Daily Beast called<br />

Washington “the country’s<br />

biggest day-care center,”<br />

and famous sex therapist<br />

Dr. Ruth Westheimer<br />

noted on Twitter that<br />

members of Congress<br />

“who can’t compromise<br />

probably aren’t good<br />

lovers.”<br />

A second, smaller but<br />

still powerful winter storm<br />

rolled into the Northeast<br />

on Friday and Saturday,<br />

dumping up to six inches<br />

of snow from Philadelphia<br />

to New York City to Hartford,<br />

Connecticut. However,<br />

the system lacked the<br />

punch of the week’s earlier<br />

storm that brought tornadoes,<br />

high winds, icy<br />

roads, power outages, and<br />

record snowfall and led to<br />

17 deaths and thousands of<br />

grounded flights.<br />

“America’s Toughest<br />

Sheriff,” Arizona’s Joe<br />

Arpaio, said on Thursday<br />

he was planning to dispatch<br />

armed volunteer patrols<br />

to the schools in<br />

Maricopa <strong>County</strong> within<br />

the coming week, a response<br />

to the state’s attorney<br />

general’s suggestions<br />

that at least one teacher in<br />

each school be weapontrained<br />

and armed. Arpaio<br />

said the volunteers would<br />

provide their own equipment,<br />

would not receive a<br />

taxpayer-based salary, had<br />

the experience to handle<br />

the job, and would patrol<br />

the perimeters of schools,<br />

not inside them.<br />

Gallup released its latest<br />

poll on Friday, reporting<br />

that a majority of<br />

Americans have a “favorable”<br />

view of the National<br />

Rifle Association. Fiftyfour<br />

percent nodded positively<br />

to the NRA, with 83<br />

percent of Republicans favoring<br />

less gun control,<br />

with 36 percent of Democrats<br />

supporting the<br />

organization.<br />

<strong>The</strong> American Society<br />

for the Prevention of Cruelty<br />

to Animals agreed on<br />

Friday to pay Ringling<br />

Brothers and Barnum and<br />

Bailey Circus $9.3 million<br />

to settle a lawsuit that accused<br />

the Virginia-based<br />

company of mistreating<br />

Asian elephants that perform<br />

in its shows. A 2000<br />

suit filed against the pro-<br />

ducer of the circus citing<br />

the Endangered Species<br />

Acts was dismissed.<br />

And the American<br />

Academy of Ophthalmology<br />

on Saturday urged<br />

New Year’s Eve revelers to<br />

take that bottle of champagne<br />

and “uncork it with<br />

care.” <strong>The</strong> exploding<br />

corks, aimed wrong, could<br />

cause major eye injuries<br />

and even blindness, said a<br />

spokesman, for the bottles<br />

hold more pressure than a<br />

car tire, as much as 90<br />

pounds per square inch,<br />

which propels corks at 50<br />

miles per hour.<br />

Thanks<br />

(Continued from pg 1)<br />

time to thank all the people<br />

that participated in the<br />

Toys for Tots program.<br />

Without your generous<br />

donations, hard work, and<br />

time invested to help, this<br />

event would not have been<br />

possible.<br />

A special thanks goes<br />

out to Tom and Renae<br />

Dockery of Tellico Tire,<br />

Chief Gregg Breeden and<br />

Gudger Bill Bivins with<br />

the Madisonville Police<br />

Department, and the volunteers<br />

from Mt. Calvary<br />

Baptist Church.<br />

This year’s event was a<br />

huge success and we hope<br />

to build on it for the years<br />

to come.<br />

Again, we would like to<br />

say thank you to everyone.”<br />

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