Michael Sol Collection - Milwaukee Road Archive

Michael Sol Collection - Milwaukee Road Archive

Michael Sol Collection - Milwaukee Road Archive


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<strong>Michael</strong> <strong>Sol</strong> <strong>Collection</strong>

<strong>Michael</strong> <strong>Sol</strong> <strong>Collection</strong>





<strong>Michael</strong> <strong>Sol</strong> <strong>Collection</strong>

The entire work cost approximately twelve million dollars and required three<br />

years' time to complete. The electrical energy is obtained from the mountain<br />

waterfalls along the route.<br />


Of all the achievements in railroad transportation-and they have been manifold<br />

and splendid-electrification stands as the one supremely towering fact of a hundred<br />

years. The magnificent upbuilding of railroad value and worth has rested for over a<br />

century on the one foundation of steam locomotion. Electric locomotion means the<br />

change to a newer, better foundation, on which builders shall rear the structure of<br />

railroading to undreamed-of efficiency and comfort.<br />

The traveler is destined to reap great benefits from this stupendous achievement<br />

of the Chicago, <strong>Milwaukee</strong> &. St. Paul Railway, for with electrification has come a<br />

greater dispatch in train operation, a better maintenance of time schedules, the<br />

practical elimination of vexatious delays due to snow blockades and cold weather,<br />

Hydro-Electric Power Plant and Dam al Great Falls, Montana<br />

<strong>Michael</strong> <strong>Sol</strong> <strong>Collection</strong>

smoother riding caused by the greater evenness of speed, enhanced comforts due to<br />

greater cleanliness, and a pronounced improvement of the view from car window<br />

and observation platform, owing to the absence of smoke, dirt and other undesirable<br />

incidents to steam travel.<br />

These advantages, added to the luxuriousness of the train equipment as exemplified<br />

in the superb transcontinental all-steel "Olympian" and "Columbian," the<br />

renowned personal service of the employes, the splendid physical condition of the<br />

line, and the extent and variety of the scenery, make the Chicago, <strong>Milwaukee</strong> &..<br />

St. Paul Railway more than ever the route of efficiency, comfort and charm. It is<br />

the shortest highway connecting the great Central \Vest with the North Pacific<br />

Centers. Chicago, <strong>Milwaukee</strong>, 51. Paul, Minneapolis, Aberdeen, Miles City, Butte,<br />

Missoula, Spokane, Seattle and Tacoma are main line metropolitan marts, most<br />

conveniently reached by this short direct route of magnificent and matchless scenery.<br />

No other railway offers more interesting or pleasurable features, greater comfort and<br />

more efficient service. With the two splendid de luxe trains, "The Olympian" and<br />

"The Columbian," superb service is provided between Chicago and the Pacific North<br />

Coast and points intermediate.<br />

The World's Mi"htiest Electric Locomotive<br />

<strong>Michael</strong> <strong>Sol</strong> <strong>Collection</strong>

Railway. Already results have been obtained that foreshadow large developments<br />

in steam road electrification throughout the world.<br />


The electrical power employed to operate the entire 440 miles of electrified<br />

main line road, and the 160 miles of electrified spurs and yards of the Chicago,<br />

<strong>Milwaukee</strong> &, St. Paul Railway is obtained from the hydro-electric power plants of<br />

the Montana Power Company, whose main plant is located at Great Falls, Mont.<br />

The power is delivered to the railroad at fourteen sub-stations scattered along the route.<br />

Since the sub-stations receive the electricity in 100,000-volt alternating current,<br />

and since they must deliver it to locomotives in 3,000-volt direct current, each<br />

sub-station has two functions to perform-to reduce the voltage and to change<br />

the current from alternating to direct.<br />

The reduction of the voltage is accomplished as follows: The 100,000-volt<br />

alternating current is received through oil switches, is conveyed to the high-tension<br />

One of the Sub·Stelions and Bungelow Homes of Employes<br />

<strong>Michael</strong> <strong>Sol</strong> <strong>Collection</strong>

-<br />


current distributor made up of three lines of copper tubing, and there forms the<br />

source of power for the sub-station.<br />

From the current distributor the current is conducted through other oil switches<br />

to the transformers-entering at 100,000 volts and emerging at 2,300 volts.<br />

The voltage being reduced. the next step is to change from alternating to direct<br />

current. The current is conducted from the transformers through switches to the<br />

motor-generator sets and is the power employed to operate them.<br />

Motor generators, of which there are either two or three in each sub-station,<br />

consist of one alternating current motor driving two direct current generators. The<br />

motor is of the 60-cycle synchronous type, which means that the current changes<br />

sixty times each second. Each set generates a 1,500 or 2,000-volt direct current,<br />

and the two generators, being permanently connected in series, deliver a combined<br />

direct current of 3,000 volts, which is the highest voltage direct current adopted for<br />

railroad work in the world. By way of comparison -the direct current voltage<br />

for ordinary street railway work is only 550 volts.<br />

After passing through the control switches, this 3,000-volt direct current is<br />

conducted to the feeder and trolley lines, thence through the pantagraph for the<br />

The "OlYmpian," Electrically Operated, Starting on lIs Trip over the Rockies<br />

<strong>Michael</strong> <strong>Sol</strong> <strong>Collection</strong>


Map showing the Electrified Districl<br />


I-Two DOl<br />

2-Summit 5-Piedmont<br />

3-Josephine 6-Janney<br />

4-Eustis 7-Morel<br />

<strong>Michael</strong> <strong>Sol</strong> <strong>Collection</strong>

are used only in emergency and for stopping trains. Electric energy so generated<br />

can be turned into the trolley wire to assist other trains and reduce the amount of<br />

purchased electric current."<br />

In actual operation, at the crest of the grade, the helper locomotive is brought to<br />

the front of the train and coupled with the forward locomotive, both being operated<br />

as one. The train is then controlled on the down grade by regenerative braking.<br />

This system of braking provides maximum safety, eliminates wheel, brake-shoe<br />

and track wear and overheating; insures uniform speed on down grades, and returns<br />

electrical energy to sub-stations to be utilized by other trains-from 2S to S2 per cent<br />

of power is recovered by regenerative braking.<br />


The electric locomotive can be operated for a thousand miles or more with<br />

only casual inspection, whereas the steam locomotive on mountain work requires<br />

considerable attention at every division point. This has made it possible to operate<br />

the electric locomotive over several old steam divisions, and practically eliminate<br />

roundhouses and yards at intermediate points.<br />

The "Olympian" Climbine the Continenlal Divide<br />

<strong>Michael</strong> <strong>Sol</strong> <strong>Collection</strong>

The buildings are of modern, permanent, fireproof construction, with concrete<br />

foundations, brick super-structure and concrete roofs.<br />


Some of the advantages of the Electric Locomotive:<br />

Does away with fuel trains.<br />

Runs at an even speed.<br />

Has no tender, as it uses neither coal or water.<br />

Operates over several steam railway divisions.<br />

Is always ready to start simply by turning a hand-switch.<br />

Has no ashes to dump-no flues to clean-no boilers to inspect.<br />

Power to send it through the heaviest snowdrifts.<br />

Handles twice the load of the steam locomotive at greatly reduced cost.<br />

Is smokeless, noiseless, dirtless and "jerkless."<br />

Operates best in cold temperatures when steam locomotives have their<br />

greatest troubles.<br />

Is thoroughly dependable in all temperatures.<br />

Electrified Yards at Butte. Montana<br />

.' .<br />

<strong>Michael</strong> <strong>Sol</strong> <strong>Collection</strong>

1 Is easy on track and roadbed at all speeds.<br />

Its motors, when reversed on down grades, become generators which return from<br />

25 per cent to 52 per cent of the power used in climbing.<br />

i<br />

1<br />


Sixty-five years ago the first train on the line that formed the nucleus of the<br />

Chicago, <strong>Milwaukee</strong> &L St. Paul Railway made its maiden trip from <strong>Milwaukee</strong> to<br />

Waukesha, a distance of twenty miles.<br />

To-day the mileage of the Chicago, <strong>Milwaukee</strong> &.. St. Paul Railway is more than<br />

10,000 miles-self-owned-and with its allied lines serves people of eighteen states.<br />

Sixty years ago twelve of these states were not born -five of them do not even<br />

appear in the census tabulations of that time.<br />

The area of these states is approximately 15,000,000 square miles. More than onethird<br />

of the people of this country live, work, trade and prosper within their borders.<br />

Their 1,700,000 farms-their mines-their manufar-turing plants, produce annually<br />

about ten billion dollars of wealth, and in that territory nearly 1,000 cities and towns<br />

of commercial significance are on the Chicago, <strong>Milwaukee</strong> &.. St. Paul Railway.<br />

/"<br />

,/<br />

In the Picturesque Missoula River Gorge, Montana<br />

<strong>Michael</strong> <strong>Sol</strong> <strong>Collection</strong>

The greatest achievement next to the electrification was the inauguration, in 1911,<br />

of through service between Chicago and the North Pacific Coast, the fifth great<br />

transcontinental line to be built, and the shortest, with light curves and easy grades.<br />

The extension of this road from Mobridge, South Dakota, to Spokane, Seattle,<br />

Tacoma and other important centers of the Northwest Domain, is notable as well<br />

for the rapidity of its building as for its solidity. The line, 1,420 miles across the<br />

Rockies, Bitter Roots and Cascades, was completed in one day less than three years,<br />

the fastest rounding out of high-class mountain construction in railway history. The<br />

cost exceeded $200,000,000. As none of the errors of previous railway building<br />

were made, it will not be necessary in the future to re-Iocate the line.<br />

Unlike the earlier transcontinental roads, the Chicago, <strong>Milwaukee</strong> &u St. Paul<br />

Railway received no government grant either of money or lands. The builders were<br />

content to depend on the resources of the marvelously rich country penetrated by its<br />

lines, and results' have fully justified this faith in the success of the great enterprise.<br />

In addition to the new sections opened to settlement, many important industrial areas<br />

were tapped which supply a large and increasing traffic. From the opening day of<br />

its through service, the Pacific North Coast Line has proved to be in a class by itself,<br />

In the Snow·Crowned Cascades. WashinQIOn<br />

<strong>Michael</strong> <strong>Sol</strong> <strong>Collection</strong>

the route that is different. Popular from the first, it has steadily grown in favor and<br />

is being more and more appreciated as filling a want felt by both the business public<br />

and by pleasure seekers.<br />


Travelers are of one mind as to "The Olympian" and "The Columbian" being the<br />

most sumptuously appointed trains in the American railway service, which means<br />

there are none finer in the world. The equipment consists of observation-library<br />

cars, drawing-room, compartment standard sleeping cars, tourist sleeping cars, dining<br />

cars, coaches, baggage, mail and express cars-all steel. Each train is the other's<br />

counterpart and it seems impossible to improve on what this provides in the way of<br />

utility, comfort and pleasure.<br />

Only by the Chicago, <strong>Milwaukee</strong> &.., St. Paul Railway can the transcontinental<br />

trip between Chicago, Seattle and Tacoma be completely enjoyed without discomfort<br />

or the least fatigue, for no other route offers the advantages of the short, direct,<br />

mountain electrified line-a fact to be remembered by the traveler contemplating a<br />

trip to or from the Pacific Coast. From Lake Michigan to Puget Sound "TheTrail of the<br />

Kendall's Peak, in the Cascodes<br />

<strong>Michael</strong> <strong>Sol</strong> <strong>Collection</strong>

Olympian" presents ever-changing views of pleasing variety and unequaled grandeur.<br />

The beauty of the majestic" Father of Waters" to the Twin Cities, the interesting<br />

expanse of the vast wheat areas and fertile prairies of the VVonder West, the<br />

exhilarating thrills of the Montana-Idaho Rockies, with their valley farms and towering<br />

forests, the unique "Shadowy" St. Joe Country, the marvels of the" Inland Empire,"<br />

and the Cascades where Mount Rainier-"easily King of all"-and other snowmantled<br />

sentinels, guard the Pacific, compose a galaxy of instructive and uplifting joys<br />

which no words can portray, and which, not seen, is a life-long regret.<br />


The electrification of the 440 miles of main line of the Chicago, <strong>Milwaukee</strong> &,<br />

St. Paul Railway over the Great Continental Divide is a long stride forward in Railroading,<br />

in Electricity and in Conservation of Resources. To produce enormous<br />

power from mountain waterfalls instead of from coal, to transmit this power in the<br />

form of electricity over great distances with but small loss in transmission, and to<br />

apply it so as to promote more efficient and economical operation, is an achievement<br />

of the Chicago, <strong>Milwaukee</strong> &, St. Paul Railway which has created a new epoch in<br />

railroad transportation and has erected another milestone in the world's progress.<br />

At fndian Henry's, in Mt. Rainier National Park, Wasbington<br />

<strong>Michael</strong> <strong>Sol</strong> <strong>Collection</strong>

<strong>Michael</strong> <strong>Sol</strong> <strong>Collection</strong>

<strong>Michael</strong> <strong>Sol</strong> <strong>Collection</strong>

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