Phineas F. Bresee - A Prince In Israel - Media Sabda Org

Phineas F. Bresee - A Prince In Israel - Media Sabda Org Phineas F. Bresee - A Prince In Israel - Media Sabda Org
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Phineas F. Bresee A PRINCE IN ISRAEL By E. A. Girvin CHAPTER 44 His Last Four Years -- Failing Health -- Seventy-third Birthday -- A Tribute in Verse -- "Thou Hast Well Seen" -- The Herald of Holiness -- The Mission of the Church -- International Holiness Convention -- A Partial Survey -- In the Harness -- His Last Address at the Nazarene University -- The Work of Education -- Human Personality -- The Pattern -- The Man of God -- Mental Furnishing -- A Pure Atmosphere -- His Last Editorial His Last Four Years It will not be feasible within the limits of this volume to narrate in detail the stirring events of the last four years of Dr. Bresee's life. He traveled much as General Superintendent, presiding over District Assemblies, explaining as no one else could, the distinctive peculiarities of the Nazarene movement, holding conventions, assisting in the organization of new churches, dedicating new church edifices, preaching with all his might the glorious possibilities of the sanctified life, inspiring his brethren by his example, his voice, and his pen, to heroic and lofty Christian ideals, and doing his utmost in every way to promote the work of organized holiness. He devoted much of his time and thought to the management and upbuilding of the Nazarene University. During the comparatively brief seasons that he was permitted to dwell in his home at Los Angeles, he busied himself with an extended correspondence, attended numerous meetings of the Board of Trustees of the University, and preached nearly every Sunday in the various Nazarene churches of Los Angeles and other cities in Southern California. It was during this period that Professor A. J. Ramsay, a man of rare culture, ability, and spirituality, became dean of Deets Pacific Bible College and Brother C. E. Jones, an experienced and capable business man, was appointed Financial Agent of the Nazarene University. As the time sped by, Dr. Bresee's health gradually failed, and the condition of his heart made it impossible for him to endure much physical exertion. And yet, strange to say, he was able to put as much energy as ever into his sermons, without the slightest physical inconvenience. Because of his heart trouble, he was accompanied by Mrs. Bresee in the numerous journeys required for the performance of his duties as General Superintendent. With her loving care and delightful companionship, he was enabled to engage in the strenuous activities involved in traveling from state to state, presiding over and planning for the highest welfare of District Assemblies, and preaching almost daily, and sometimes three times a day, without apparent injury. Seventy-Third Birthday On December 30, 1911, some sixty members of the First Church of Los Angeles, met at the residence of Dr. and Mrs. Bresee, the occasion of their gathering being the seventy-third anniversary of his birth. This occurred on Sunday, December 31st, and hence it was decided to celebrate the evening previous. The gathering was a genuine surprise to Brother and Sister Bresee. By common consent, Rev. C. E. Cornell took charge, and called upon Brother T. A. Asbridge to lead in prayer. Several hymns were sung, Brother Cornell made a few appropriate remarks, and Brother and Sister

Bresee both expressed their appreciation of the love and thoughtfulness of the brethren. The former spoke at some length of the providential circumstances connected with their coming to California. Several presents were handed to Dr. Bresee, among them being a purse of fifty-five dollars. A Tribute in Verse. On this occasion E. A. Girvin read the following stanzas, written by himself: I know a man whose walk has been with God For nearly threescore years, who gave his youth To Jesus, and, without reserve, at home, abroad Has served right royally the cause of truth. A man of brilliant gifts, of eloquence That thrills the heart, of logic that persuades The reason, for it is without pretense Or sophistry, whose power never fades. A man with great and splendid intellect endowed And yet with vast capacity of soul; With simple trust in friends, and never proud But humbler ever as he neared the goal. I see him in life's morning, as he rode A fiery messenger of grace divine, And preached in church and school and rude abode, While on his soul the heavenly light did shine. A noble spirit his, a strong, undaunted soul; Ah, fearlessly he pushed the battle on For thus he aimed to reach the glorious goal That he had set before him in life's dawn. While others earthly wealth and honor sought His quest was souls, as trophies for his Lord; While others with mere carnal weapons fought, He served his Captain with the Spirit's sword. Where'er he preached the Word, revivals blazed, And guilty sinners found a gracious peace, Rejoicing in salvation, and amazed That inner tempests should so quickly cease. But, as the years passed by, he had to fight A strange, mysterious principle within, Suggesting doubts and fears--the foe of right, The friend of every form and phase of sin. One day God suddenly met all his need And in a moment made his spirit whole; The blood of Jesus set him free indeed; The Holy Ghost indwelt and filled his soul.

<strong>Bresee</strong> both expressed their appreciation of the love and thoughtfulness of the brethren. The former<br />

spoke at some length of the providential circumstances connected with their coming to California.<br />

Several presents were handed to Dr. <strong>Bresee</strong>, among them being a purse of fifty-five dollars.<br />

A Tribute in Verse. On this occasion E. A. Girvin read the following stanzas, written by himself:<br />

I know a man whose walk has been with God<br />

For nearly threescore years, who gave his youth<br />

To Jesus, and, without reserve, at home, abroad<br />

Has served right royally the cause of truth.<br />

A man of brilliant gifts, of eloquence<br />

That thrills the heart, of logic that persuades<br />

The reason, for it is without pretense<br />

Or sophistry, whose power never fades.<br />

A man with great and splendid intellect endowed<br />

And yet with vast capacity of soul;<br />

With simple trust in friends, and never proud<br />

But humbler ever as he neared the goal.<br />

I see him in life's morning, as he rode<br />

A fiery messenger of grace divine,<br />

And preached in church and school and rude abode,<br />

While on his soul the heavenly light did shine.<br />

A noble spirit his, a strong, undaunted soul;<br />

Ah, fearlessly he pushed the battle on<br />

For thus he aimed to reach the glorious goal<br />

That he had set before him in life's dawn.<br />

While others earthly wealth and honor sought<br />

His quest was souls, as trophies for his Lord;<br />

While others with mere carnal weapons fought,<br />

He served his Captain with the Spirit's sword.<br />

Where'er he preached the Word, revivals blazed,<br />

And guilty sinners found a gracious peace,<br />

Rejoicing in salvation, and amazed<br />

That inner tempests should so quickly cease.<br />

But, as the years passed by, he had to fight<br />

A strange, mysterious principle within,<br />

Suggesting doubts and fears--the foe of right,<br />

The friend of every form and phase of sin.<br />

One day God suddenly met all his need<br />

And in a moment made his spirit whole;<br />

The blood of Jesus set him free indeed;<br />

The Holy Ghost indwelt and filled his soul.

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