Phineas F. Bresee - A Prince In Israel - Media Sabda Org

Phineas F. Bresee - A Prince In Israel - Media Sabda Org Phineas F. Bresee - A Prince In Israel - Media Sabda Org
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oratorical effect; and God crowned His Word at every service with the salvation of souls. The secret of the holiness movement in developing great preachers, lies in the fact that it has a message to men. The absence of this power among a people, when the gospel is emasculated, is because there is no real message. The Interest Manifest The local interest was great, the large hall where the Assembly was held being usually crowded, both at the business sessions and at the weekday religious services. We were told that no church or religious gatherings ventured to take the great auditorium for their Sabbath services; but great audiences were gathered there both Sabbaths. The daily papers said that no religious gathering had so affected the city since the great meeting of Moody and Sankey. We were told by a thoughtful observer that the joy of our people made a great impression. Many people were present from long distances. Some wondered "whereunto this thing would grow," and others rejoiced that there was a "sect of the Nazarene," where not only those driven from their churches because of holiness could find a home, but that there was an organized agency to push full salvation and hold the ground. It was a time of seed sowing for the whole Southeast. The Coming Host The Old Guard are firm, united, and invincible. They stand East, West, North, South, with banners flying. But, as Wellington rejoiced in the coming of Blucher, they rejoiced in the constantly gathering reinforcements. Almost every District has an oncoming crop of promising young men. We were impressed with this in the Districts that we have recently visited. The president of Oklahoma Holiness College told us that he knew eight or ten young men in that District who gave large promise of great excellence in the pastorate. Abilene and Dallas Districts have a host of young men that promise well. There has been among them an undue tendency toward being evangelists, but a hopeful reaction has set in toward the pastorate, which that great field so much needs. Kansas District is also bringing its young men to the front. God is raising up holiness schools to train as many of them as possible for larger service. We have reason to believe that what we say of these Districts is true of many. In Memoriam The Assembly was more than startled, early in its session, by the announcement of the death of Rev. Isaiah Reid so well and long known as one of the leaders in the holiness work in this country; who by pen as well as voice had so earnestly uttered the message. It seemed to us peculiarly sudden, as it had been but four weeks since we parted from him at the close of the Kansas District Assembly. He had recently found his way back into the Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene, and an open door to what seemed a wide field of usefulness as teacher of theology in the Kansas Holiness Institute. The District Assembly had recognized his orders, he preached with much liberty, and seemed especially happy, loving, and hopeful. We little thought that we should see his face no more. We trust that he has gone to join that division of the army to which he seemed to more especially belong, represented by such of our brethren as Inskip, McDonald, Wood, and Kent, who have preceded him.

Loyalty To be fully loyal to a church there must be a deep conviction that it is doing the will and work of God, and that we are built into it by divine grace and power. The men and women who are really of this work known as the Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene, have had its life begotten in them by the Holy Ghost, and its work is brought forth as a holy service unto God. As Jesus was the Son of man, born by divine love and power, through human necessity, so this work is born of the Spirit through the deep necessities of men, and is the spiritual child of these devoted hearts. To simply say that they love it, seems to lack fervency. Their very being has gone forth into it. Anything that would seem to threaten to divide or mar it, seemed to send a thrill of agony. It was the heartless woman who was not the real mother, who could consent to see the child cut in twain and divided; the real mother was ready for any sacrifice rather than the severing of the child of her life. There seemed very generally this sacred sense of motherhood in the hearts of the Assembly, in reference to this precious work. Many, we believe most, felt, "This is God's work, born by the Spirit through my soul." This was the keynote of its unity and strength and the promise of its future.

Loyalty<br />

To be fully loyal to a church there must be a deep conviction that it is doing the will and work of<br />

God, and that we are built into it by divine grace and power. The men and women who are really of<br />

this work known as the Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene, have had its life begotten in them by<br />

the Holy Ghost, and its work is brought forth as a holy service unto God. As Jesus was the Son of<br />

man, born by divine love and power, through human necessity, so this work is born of the Spirit<br />

through the deep necessities of men, and is the spiritual child of these devoted hearts. To simply say<br />

that they love it, seems to lack fervency. Their very being has gone forth into it. Anything that would<br />

seem to threaten to divide or mar it, seemed to send a thrill of agony. It was the heartless woman who<br />

was not the real mother, who could consent to see the child cut in twain and divided; the real mother<br />

was ready for any sacrifice rather than the severing of the child of her life. There seemed very<br />

generally this sacred sense of motherhood in the hearts of the Assembly, in reference to this precious<br />

work. Many, we believe most, felt, "This is God's work, born by the Spirit through my soul." This<br />

was the keynote of its unity and strength and the promise of its future.

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