Phineas F. Bresee - A Prince In Israel - Media Sabda Org

Phineas F. Bresee - A Prince In Israel - Media Sabda Org Phineas F. Bresee - A Prince In Israel - Media Sabda Org
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were about us, he breathed upon them, and the tempest was stilled. Thank God, He took us into the vessel with Him, and brought us safely to the land of perfect love. "Glory be to God, the time came when the depths of our hearts cried out to the depths of His infinite love, and He showed us the way of a complete consecration to God, and entrance into the Holy of Holies, where the Shekinah spread His glory over us. "Glory be to God that we have come to know that the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanseth us from all sin. Thank God that Jesus now is revealed in us, and we have peace, and joy, and victory. (Shouts of 'Hallelujah! Glory to God!) That we have them through the blood of the Lamb, and the word of our testimony. Oh, Lord, we praise Thee that we have been lifted out of the pit. Thank God, our feet are upon the rock, a new song has been put in our mouth, even praise to God, and we are running up the way, shouting the praises of the Lamb that was slain. "And now, Lord, we are here this morning to worship Thee, here where we would rather be than any place this side of heaven, here where the smile of Thy love is upon us. Lord, make this the best hour that we ever saw. Let the heavens open upon us in richest benediction. Let the glory of the Lord fall upon every heart this morning, and may we rejoice together in the covenants of Thy love. "I pray God to bless our dear brother, the pastor. Put upon him the anointings of God. Let heaven break loose around him this morning. Give him a depth of unction, and a breadth of spiritual power greater than anything that he has ever known. Sweep down upon him, Oh, thou Shekinah of God, this morning, until he will not know himself. "We pray God that the Word may be in the power of the Holy Ghost, that all our hearts may be filled with love divine, and that we be lifted nearer to the great white throne. Oh, Lord, we pray that Thy people may be united in their cry, with the cry of the prophets and apostles and saints and martyrs in all ages. Hear our united cry, as we put it in the name of Jesus this morning, and open the windows of heaven upon us. Lift the everlasting doors, and let Thy glory fall upon every heart. "Oh, Lord, we pray for Thy coming everywhere, for all the churches, for all who preach the fulness of the gospel of the Son of God, for all who are sick and dying and bereaved--for all our sick and dying and bereaved ones-- Oh, Jesus, come and walk among us. "We pray for our missionaries in foreign lands, that God may abundantly rule and overrule with mighty power in the work of Thy love. "We pray, Oh, God, for our university. Oh, Lord, we are looking to have it grow to the pattern shown us in the heavenlies, where there will be a fire burning up to God, the red hot lava of divine love, flowing on and on, through the oceans, and over the mountains, to the glory of Jesus Christ. "Lord, we are waiting for Thy mighty leadership to lead us on. Oh, hear our cry this morning, and answer, not according to our feeble asking, but according to Thy riches in glory; for Thine own sake let it come to our waiting hearts.

And when the mighty work is wrought Receive Thy waiting bride; Give us in heaven a happy lot With all the sanctified. "Lord, we are coming; we know the mansions will be ready, and that Jesus will come and take us to His own divine abode. Bring us on in triumph, that we may be forever Thine." He closed with the Lord's prayer. The following is a transcript of my notes of the prayer offered by Dr. Bresee at the First Church, Los Angeles, on Sunday morning, March 15, 1914: "Oh, God, our Heavenly Father, we praise and adore Thy holy name this morning. Praise shall employ our nobler powers while life and thought and being last, or immortality endure. Glory to Thy name! Oh, God, we wait with reverential awe before Thy throne. This morning, with uncovered face, we gaze into Thy glory, and adore and worship Thee. "Oh, Lord, we thank Thee that we are in Thy house this morning. We would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of the Lord than to dwell in the tents of wickedness. All the week long we have looked forward to again standing within the gates of Thy sanctuary, and joining with Thy holy people in songs of praise and thanksgiving. And Thou hast spared us. The dawn of this blessed Sabbath is upon us, and we once again tread Thine earthly courts. One thing we have desired of the Lord, and that will we seek after, that we may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of our life, to see Thy beauty, and to inquire in Thy temple. "We are here this morning with great thanksgiving. Glory be to God, we are not left in darkness. We are not left shut up to ourselves. We are not left to struggle on simply with human intuitions, and human longing and hunger, but Thou hast met us with Thy revelation, with Thy light, with Thy power, opening our ears and our eyes. Thou hast broken the long night of our senses. Thou hast come into our being. Thou hast made us new creatures. We know what it is to feel and realize the second birth. Thank God, that we have come into the divine family, and our whole being, as though stretched out in flowers, opens its petals to and in the life and light of God. "Glory be to God, we are at Thy feet. We see no man but Jesus only. We are looking into Thy face. We are here today for divine manifestation. We have something of form and ceremony, but that does not amount to anything with us, only as it may help us to see the King this day, to behold Thy glory, and to be metamorphized into Thine image. and transformed into Thy beauty, that we may tread Thy courts with great delight, that we may hear Thy voice, that we may be thrilled with Thy touch, that we may be transformed by Thy presence. "Lord, we are here for Thee to open upon us the windows of heaven, according to Thy covenant, and to bind us up in the bundle of Thy everlasting covenant, and to fill us with Thy divine glory. Thou knowest that we are in harmony with Thy purpose, that we may be transformed before Thee, and filled today with heavenly light, life, and power. Oh, Lord, not our way, but Thy way. Not

And when the mighty work is wrought<br />

Receive Thy waiting bride;<br />

Give us in heaven a happy lot<br />

With all the sanctified.<br />

"Lord, we are coming; we know the mansions will be ready, and that Jesus will come and take<br />

us to His own divine abode. Bring us on in triumph, that we may be forever Thine."<br />

He closed with the Lord's prayer.<br />

The following is a transcript of my notes of the prayer offered by Dr. <strong>Bresee</strong> at the First Church,<br />

Los Angeles, on Sunday morning, March 15, 1914:<br />

"Oh, God, our Heavenly Father, we praise and adore Thy holy name this morning. Praise shall<br />

employ our nobler powers while life and thought and being last, or immortality endure. Glory to Thy<br />

name! Oh, God, we wait with reverential awe before Thy throne. This morning, with uncovered face,<br />

we gaze into Thy glory, and adore and worship Thee.<br />

"Oh, Lord, we thank Thee that we are in Thy house this morning. We would rather be a<br />

doorkeeper in the house of the Lord than to dwell in the tents of wickedness. All the week long we<br />

have looked forward to again standing within the gates of Thy sanctuary, and joining with Thy holy<br />

people in songs of praise and thanksgiving. And Thou hast spared us. The dawn of this blessed<br />

Sabbath is upon us, and we once again tread Thine earthly courts. One thing we have desired of the<br />

Lord, and that will we seek after, that we may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of our life,<br />

to see Thy beauty, and to inquire in Thy temple.<br />

"We are here this morning with great thanksgiving. Glory be to God, we are not left in darkness.<br />

We are not left shut up to ourselves. We are not left to struggle on simply with human intuitions, and<br />

human longing and hunger, but Thou hast met us with Thy revelation, with Thy light, with Thy<br />

power, opening our ears and our eyes. Thou hast broken the long night of our senses. Thou hast come<br />

into our being. Thou hast made us new creatures. We know what it is to feel and realize the second<br />

birth. Thank God, that we have come into the divine family, and our whole being, as though<br />

stretched out in flowers, opens its petals to and in the life and light of God.<br />

"Glory be to God, we are at Thy feet. We see no man but Jesus only. We are looking into Thy<br />

face. We are here today for divine manifestation. We have something of form and ceremony, but that<br />

does not amount to anything with us, only as it may help us to see the King this day, to behold Thy<br />

glory, and to be metamorphized into Thine image. and transformed into Thy beauty, that we may<br />

tread Thy courts with great delight, that we may hear Thy voice, that we may be thrilled with Thy<br />

touch, that we may be transformed by Thy presence.<br />

"Lord, we are here for Thee to open upon us the windows of heaven, according to Thy covenant,<br />

and to bind us up in the bundle of Thy everlasting covenant, and to fill us with Thy divine glory.<br />

Thou knowest that we are in harmony with Thy purpose, that we may be transformed before Thee,<br />

and filled today with heavenly light, life, and power. Oh, Lord, not our way, but Thy way. Not

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