Phineas F. Bresee - A Prince In Israel - Media Sabda Org

Phineas F. Bresee - A Prince In Israel - Media Sabda Org Phineas F. Bresee - A Prince In Israel - Media Sabda Org
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"The whole Christian movement sprang out of the old conditions like a bird out of its shell, and yet was persecuted to death by the old church. But, finding new life in death, springing up out of its own ashes, rising out of its own blood, it conquered its way. There is something marvelously strange in the history of the Christian church. Persecuted, bleeding, dying, she draws strength as from her own blood, and, by the hand of God, puts on power in the midst of weakness. But, becoming strong, powerful, influential, she in turn, becomes the oppressor, and persecutes the same truth for which she has been persecuted. Her triumph becomes the strength of the oppressor. Thus, has history over and over again repeated itself." "A sanctified man is at the bottom of the ladder. He is but a child--a clean child. He is now to learn; to grow; to rise; to be divinely enlarged and transformed. The Christ in him is to make new and complete channels in and through every part of his being--pouring the stream of heaven through his thinking, living, devotement and faith. The divine battery--His manifest presence--is to be enlarged. The truth of God is to be revealed, and poured through the soul and lips, with holy fire and divine unction, more and more aboundingly. I am convinced that a lack of the conception of these facts has been the death warrant to many a soul. A lack of personal realization of the fact that I, myself, must stir myself up, has brought wreck and ruin to many. God will stir him up who stirs up himself, until he comes 'unto the measure of the fullness of the stature of Christ.' " "It must be made possible for man to be forgiven, and reconciled unto Him, and the first work of Jesus was the making of the atonement, but in doing that He contended with the powers of darkness; Satan gathered his emissaries; hell poured forth her legions; the heavens were black with the power of darkness; the earth trembled under the tread of the mighty contending forces. But that wounded, bleeding hand; that broken heart, held the hosts of hell at bay. For dreadful hours billows from the pit broke over Him. "At last, He lifted His eyes, and looking out into the darkness and beyond, said, 'It is finished;' and when the cloud of the darkness of the conflict passed away, there waved above the cross in holy triumph, the banner of salvation, and streams of heavenly light and human hope sprang out from it." "The Son of God has made the darkest place of human history the most luminous place in this universe. Everything is dim beside it. Ten thousand suns gathered into one, would be blackness itself compared to the unspeakable glory of the cross of Christ. The cross is the great, suffering, infinite, crowning glory of God. It is the mighty, struggling, dying effort to do what omnipotence can not do; to accomplish the impossible; to cause infinite justice and infinite mercy to kiss each other over the brow of a doomed man, and folding their arms about him, lift him to a new possibility. To the amazement of a moral universe, it is done. Infinite love, infinite suffering bring it to pass. A door of hope is opened for man. A possibility is set before us. There is light for darkness, purity for impurity." "There is no top to the divine heights; there is no bottom to the divine depths; there is no shore to the ocean of God's perfections. The soul bathes and drinks, and drinks and bathes, and yet I stand awe-inspired in the presence of the infinite glory, which, though I come nigh, is ever unapproachable; though I bathe my soul in it, and am filled with its measureless heights and depths and lengths and breadths, overwhelms me."

"Out of the great ocean of eternity, out of the great depths of the infinite, mysteriously comes the divine message. Love brooded over the depths, and mercy and justice found new relationship in atoning favor. On the wings of love and power, the redeeming forces were borne to the altitudes of Calvary, where they were compressed by dying agony, and the Holy Ghost came to scatter, like showers, love and mercy and power upon the hearts of men. And these showers and tempests of love and salvation. these irrigating streams from the mountains of His holiness, find their way as a divine utterance to human hearts. "There is, to me, in this, one marvelous--almost awful thought. Back of the rain and snow, the gentle showers and storms and water brooks, are all the forces of the infinite God. God does not fail. The rain and the snow come, and the earth is made fertile and productive, and no man can stop Him in His work. A man might undertake to thwart God's purposes. He might, by incessant labor, succeed in keeping some little spot from producing, and yet, a few feet away, the grass would spring up to mock him. Every shower that falls, every murmuring stream, every blade of grass, every flower, every head of grain and waving harvest, laughs him to scorn; vegetation still goes on; rain and snow come, and the earth buds. God is not dead. A man may not work with Him, and thus starve himself, but the great purpose of God goes on. So it is with His utterance to men. Out of the depths of the heart of God, by infinite power and love, it comes, borne on the wings of the Holy Ghost, to human hearts." Worship rises high above all forms. If it attempts to find utterance through them, it will set them on fire, and glow and burn in their consuming flame, and rise as incense to God; if it waits to hear His infinite will and eternal love, it spreads its pinions to fly to His bosom, there to breathe out its unutterable devotion." "It is true then, there is a baptism with fire. My friends, no man can have the baptism with God, which means the entrance of the Divine Presence into the soul as its abiding King, enthroned for two worlds, who does not receive the heart of the infinite into his being. Talk about a further baptism than the indwelling God! Oh, no; he who needs that, needs all; he who could desire it, does not know the billows of glory which His fulness of presence is." Courage and Gentleness Dr. Bresee was a man of dauntless courage. Threats and intimidation had no effect upon him. He regarded them not, and pursued his purpose with unyielding tenacity. He feared no one but his Maker. Nothing could induce him to compromise the essential principles of truth and righteousness, in order to avert trouble, or gain a selfish purpose. Naturally resolute and determined, his will was somewhat imperious, but, as the years went by, and he was melted and moulded by the Holy Spirit, he became one of the meekest and gentlest of men. He frequently quoted the verse, "the servant of God must not strive," and insisted that, in yielding our own rights, privileges, and preferences, we most truly conquer. He freely forgave those who injured him most, and gladly restored them to the fullest friendship and fellowship, when they acknowledged their wrong-doing, and asked for pardon. And yet in a very marked manner he combined the lion and the lamb. In his late years the lamb greatly predominated, but occasionally, when his indignation was aroused, those deep, mysterious

"The whole Christian movement sprang out of the old conditions like a bird out of its shell, and<br />

yet was persecuted to death by the old church. But, finding new life in death, springing up out of its<br />

own ashes, rising out of its own blood, it conquered its way. There is something marvelously strange<br />

in the history of the Christian church. Persecuted, bleeding, dying, she draws strength as from her<br />

own blood, and, by the hand of God, puts on power in the midst of weakness. But, becoming strong,<br />

powerful, influential, she in turn, becomes the oppressor, and persecutes the same truth for which<br />

she has been persecuted. Her triumph becomes the strength of the oppressor. Thus, has history over<br />

and over again repeated itself."<br />

"A sanctified man is at the bottom of the ladder. He is but a child--a clean child. He is now to<br />

learn; to grow; to rise; to be divinely enlarged and transformed. The Christ in him is to make new<br />

and complete channels in and through every part of his being--pouring the stream of heaven through<br />

his thinking, living, devotement and faith. The divine battery--His manifest presence--is to be<br />

enlarged. The truth of God is to be revealed, and poured through the soul and lips, with holy fire and<br />

divine unction, more and more aboundingly. I am convinced that a lack of the conception of these<br />

facts has been the death warrant to many a soul. A lack of personal realization of the fact that I,<br />

myself, must stir myself up, has brought wreck and ruin to many. God will stir him up who stirs up<br />

himself, until he comes 'unto the measure of the fullness of the stature of Christ.' "<br />

"It must be made possible for man to be forgiven, and reconciled unto Him, and the first work of<br />

Jesus was the making of the atonement, but in doing that He contended with the powers of darkness;<br />

Satan gathered his emissaries; hell poured forth her legions; the heavens were black with the power<br />

of darkness; the earth trembled under the tread of the mighty contending forces. But that wounded,<br />

bleeding hand; that broken heart, held the hosts of hell at bay. For dreadful hours billows from the<br />

pit broke over Him.<br />

"At last, He lifted His eyes, and looking out into the darkness and beyond, said, 'It is finished;' and<br />

when the cloud of the darkness of the conflict passed away, there waved above the cross in holy<br />

triumph, the banner of salvation, and streams of heavenly light and human hope sprang out from it."<br />

"The Son of God has made the darkest place of human history the most luminous place in this<br />

universe. Everything is dim beside it. Ten thousand suns gathered into one, would be blackness itself<br />

compared to the unspeakable glory of the cross of Christ. The cross is the great, suffering, infinite,<br />

crowning glory of God. It is the mighty, struggling, dying effort to do what omnipotence can not do;<br />

to accomplish the impossible; to cause infinite justice and infinite mercy to kiss each other over the<br />

brow of a doomed man, and folding their arms about him, lift him to a new possibility. To the<br />

amazement of a moral universe, it is done. <strong>In</strong>finite love, infinite suffering bring it to pass. A door<br />

of hope is opened for man. A possibility is set before us. There is light for darkness, purity for<br />

impurity."<br />

"There is no top to the divine heights; there is no bottom to the divine depths; there is no shore<br />

to the ocean of God's perfections. The soul bathes and drinks, and drinks and bathes, and yet I stand<br />

awe-inspired in the presence of the infinite glory, which, though I come nigh, is ever<br />

unapproachable; though I bathe my soul in it, and am filled with its measureless heights and depths<br />

and lengths and breadths, overwhelms me."

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