Phineas F. Bresee - A Prince In Israel - Media Sabda Org

Phineas F. Bresee - A Prince In Israel - Media Sabda Org Phineas F. Bresee - A Prince In Israel - Media Sabda Org
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Gift of Expression and Literary Style He was gifted as a writer, and had a literary style of rare purity, power, and originality. In some of his editorials he reached a height of nobility and grandeur which will bear comparison with the greatest utterances of Milton, Bunyan, and our own Lincoln. He had a marvelous genius of expression, and coined many phrases which came into very general use in holiness circles. Among these are: "The quick tomorrows;" "bring things to pass;" "we went out under the stars;" "Holy Ghost intensity;" "get heaven open;" "the sun never sets in the morning;" "the eastern gate;" "the inner temple;" and "the unseen holy." A Poet in Soul He loved nature, was in touch with her in all her moods, and could truly interpret them. Although entirely unconscious of the fact, he was a real poet. He never made a study of versification, or attempted metrical composition of any kind, but his sermons were full of true poesy, and many of his writings were poetical gems. He was a master of pathos, and instinctively knew all the avenues that reach the human heart. The following are a few of the almost innumerable passages that I could quote from his writings and sermons, which are fragrant with the sweetest flowers of poetry: "Have you nothing but earth, no love, no joy, no hope that flows from the upper springs, that never dry up? A great inheritance awaits you. Come to the Father's house. Infinite love and home and heaven may be yours." "A word fitly spoken, a joyous, happy word, that scatters sunlight all around. A word that is a seed of truth in a human heart, that will live and grow and be a beauty and a joy forever. A word that will point to higher ways and greater success, and some blessed triumphs. A word that should live in the memory--a golden band to the heart that uttered it for ever. How great the privilege to speak kind, sweet, loving words, to bless human hearts and make the world seem bright. But words not fitly spoken--how sad, how keen, hour cruel they are" "It must be back to Christ--the Christ of the dusty highways; the Christ of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; the Christ of the poor, the downcast, the friendless; the Christ who reached out to the 'woman who was a sinner;' and then the Christ who, in that last prayer, cried for His church, "Father, make them holy through thy truth."' "You are so absorbed in your own thought or experience, or in the special work that the Lord has given you to do, that you forget to stretch out your hands and speak a kindly word to that one you pass by. Not that you do not feel kindly toward him or her, but you are absorbed. There are those who have heard your testimony, who have been drawn to you, and are willing for you to say some sweet word out of your heart to them--but you pass on, and they are disappointed, and finally grieved. They are disappointed in you, and you have become a trial, and possibly, a stumbling-block in their way. That kind word and sweet look which were not given to them, personally become your loss for ever. I beseech you, dear friends, to be careful and break the bread of life through your own care for hungry ones, the hunger of whose souls you have not seen. Those whose hands you have not pressed, and into whose eyes you have not really looked."

"One life is ours. One transient life. Yesterday we were not here; tomorrow we will be gone. We are heavily freighted with intelligence, conscience, moral obligation, clear light, a knowledge of right and wrong, all the responsibilities of destiny. God over all has revealed Himself to us. Eternal life and glory are our inheritance in holiness." "Horeb's bush is the figure of a heaven-baptized soul, whose fruitage is the flaming glory of the Divine Presence.' "Repent. That word dawns upon thy soul like the star of Bethlehem upon the vision of the Eastern Magi. It means to thee that a new King is born. It means to gather thy store and away--out of the country--to pour thy treasure at His feet. Repent. It means that thou hast seen the vision of God. That cross which Constantine saw beneath the sun bearing the inscription, 'In hoc signo vinces' thou hast seen, with its bleeding, dying victim bearing to you the inscription --'In this hope'--thou hast seen in it a new possibility; it may be but dimly, but thou hast seen; and written beneath it was pardon, freedom, purity. Thou hast seen an opening beyond it, in the blue ether, a jeweled portal, and over it inscribed, 'Life, abounding life, eternal life.' Something of this vision has come to thee." "The indwelling Holy Ghost will bring about our personal transfiguration. He makes the place of His abode all glorious. I see human faces that shine with a glory like the rainbow around the throne. We need not wonder at it. He has made man for his own abode." "This cripple was, in many things, well surrounded. He lived in a favored land of beauty and blessing. Sky of deepest azure bent above him. A landscape of more than ordinary attractions met his gaze. Works of rarest art were all about him--he lay at the beautiful gate of the magnificent temple -- and more than all, he was at the entrance of the house of God. But none of these things availed him aught. It w as the name of the Nazarene--that name and the power of the Holy Ghost--that made him whole. "There are many who live within a few minutes walk of the house of God, who never enter. Oceans of selfishness and mountains of prejudice lie between them and the house of the Lord." "Brethren, we have the pry under a thousand souls, and every one must lift! Lift every pound of strength! Lift till we see stars! Lift until we see beyond the stars! But, Brethren, we may lift till every eyes is strained from its socket, and it will do no God, if Jesus of Nazareth walk not in the midst. When Peter lifted, almighty power wrought." "Peter hastened to assure them that not any power of their own had wrought it--it was not in them or of them; but 'The Prince of life,' who was dead and is alive forevermore. The marvel was, the mystery was, the glory was, that the Holy Ghost took that Name, that uplifted Name, and smote the hearts of men, and gathered them to the bosom of God." "There is not a text in the Bible three feet away from Calvary. God has put nothing in His book that is not within easy reach of His dying Son. Nothing will come into your life that will not be under the outstretched hand on the cross. So in everything, through everything, tell men of 'The Prince of Life.' "

Gift of Expression and Literary Style<br />

He was gifted as a writer, and had a literary style of rare purity, power, and originality. <strong>In</strong> some<br />

of his editorials he reached a height of nobility and grandeur which will bear comparison with the<br />

greatest utterances of Milton, Bunyan, and our own Lincoln. He had a marvelous genius of<br />

expression, and coined many phrases which came into very general use in holiness circles. Among<br />

these are: "The quick tomorrows;" "bring things to pass;" "we went out under the stars;" "Holy Ghost<br />

intensity;" "get heaven open;" "the sun never sets in the morning;" "the eastern gate;" "the inner<br />

temple;" and "the unseen holy."<br />

A Poet in Soul<br />

He loved nature, was in touch with her in all her moods, and could truly interpret them. Although<br />

entirely unconscious of the fact, he was a real poet. He never made a study of versification, or<br />

attempted metrical composition of any kind, but his sermons were full of true poesy, and many of<br />

his writings were poetical gems. He was a master of pathos, and instinctively knew all the avenues<br />

that reach the human heart. The following are a few of the almost innumerable passages that I could<br />

quote from his writings and sermons, which are fragrant with the sweetest flowers of poetry:<br />

"Have you nothing but earth, no love, no joy, no hope that flows from the upper springs, that<br />

never dry up? A great inheritance awaits you. Come to the Father's house. <strong>In</strong>finite love and home and<br />

heaven may be yours."<br />

"A word fitly spoken, a joyous, happy word, that scatters sunlight all around. A word that is a seed<br />

of truth in a human heart, that will live and grow and be a beauty and a joy forever. A word that will<br />

point to higher ways and greater success, and some blessed triumphs. A word that should live in the<br />

memory--a golden band to the heart that uttered it for ever. How great the privilege to speak kind,<br />

sweet, loving words, to bless human hearts and make the world seem bright. But words not fitly<br />

spoken--how sad, how keen, hour cruel they are"<br />

"It must be back to Christ--the Christ of the dusty highways; the Christ of sorrows, and acquainted<br />

with grief; the Christ of the poor, the downcast, the friendless; the Christ who reached out to the<br />

'woman who was a sinner;' and then the Christ who, in that last prayer, cried for His church, "Father,<br />

make them holy through thy truth."'<br />

"You are so absorbed in your own thought or experience, or in the special work that the Lord has<br />

given you to do, that you forget to stretch out your hands and speak a kindly word to that one you<br />

pass by. Not that you do not feel kindly toward him or her, but you are absorbed. There are those<br />

who have heard your testimony, who have been drawn to you, and are willing for you to say some<br />

sweet word out of your heart to them--but you pass on, and they are disappointed, and finally<br />

grieved. They are disappointed in you, and you have become a trial, and possibly, a stumbling-block<br />

in their way. That kind word and sweet look which were not given to them, personally become your<br />

loss for ever. I beseech you, dear friends, to be careful and break the bread of life through your own<br />

care for hungry ones, the hunger of whose souls you have not seen. Those whose hands you have not<br />

pressed, and into whose eyes you have not really looked."

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