Phineas F. Bresee - A Prince In Israel - Media Sabda Org

Phineas F. Bresee - A Prince In Israel - Media Sabda Org Phineas F. Bresee - A Prince In Israel - Media Sabda Org
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held manfully on their way, and I believe the reports will show substantial progress. In answer to the prayers of His people, God has poured out His Spirit, and continuously souls have been saved and sanctified at the altars of the Church of the Nazarene, wherever she has gone." After speaking of the progress made by the publishing interests, and the Pacific Bible College, Dr. Bresee tells something of his own labors, as follows: The Superintendency "As to my own time and strength and possibilities of labor, I am thankful to say that while my time has been necessarily largely devoted to the pastoral work of the First church of this city, together with editorial work on the paper, and teaching in the Bible College, yet through the forbearance and generosity of this First church I have been able to make two quite extensive trips, one to the East as far as Omaha, Neb., and north as far as Boise, Idaho, taking in Salt Lake City, Utah; and the other as far south as Southern Kansas, and as far east as Chicago. The first was made possible by the providing by the church here the services of Rev. C. W. Ruth, who very efficiently labored during my absence. I was accompanied and greatly assisted in my work by Brother C. E. McKee, of this city, who generously took the time, and bore his own expense in this extended trip. The other was made possible by the good fortune of the church here in securing the services of Rev. C. V. LaFontaine as my associate pastor. The se two trips took me nearly four months of the year, most of the expense of which, outside of traveling expenses, was borne by the First church here, in itself a considerable contribution to the general work. The Greatness Of The Work "It is more and more evident that God has called us to a great work, and that He is leading us forth as the way is prepared--and as we are prepared--toward its accomplishment. The growth and development of all life that is to be abiding, is at first slow. A gourd may spring up in a night, but not so an oak. In a marvelous manner God prepared the way for this work, and in no less marvelous way has He brought it on. Slowly but surely it has taken root, and begun to spread its life abroad. The evidences of divine guidance and overruling providences, have been beyond questioning, and the constant glory of the pillar of cloud by day, and the burning, shining light by night, upon its dwelling places and Assemblies, has been a marvel and joy. Converted and sanctified souls are its crowning and rejoicing. Let us walk carefully before Him. Let us have but one desire and aim--that He shall lead us all the way. Let us have but one passion--to glorify Jesus Christ. Ready to be counted as the offscouring of the earth, only so that the glory of the Lord shall go forth as brightness. Denominational success is not our aim, but that souls may be saved and sanctified. To this end we not only have suffered, but are ready to continue to suffer, the loss of all things. There is not among us, and we trust that there never will be, either honor or preferment, other than that of toil and burden-bearing. We have heard the Master call, and we are here to say again, 'Where He leads, we will follow."'

Other Proceedings Of The Assembly The Committee on Orders recommended that the credentials of the following brethren be recognized, and that they be recognized and approved as elders in the Church of the Nazarene: Charles V. LaFontaine, L. B. Kent, Penrose G. Linaweaver, Robert L. Vickers, Nathan P. Steves, Mrs. S. E. Taylor, and W. B. Golden. The Committee also recommended that Herbert J. Starkey, Herbert Buffum, Mrs. Lillie Buffum, J. H. McIntyre, S. B. Rhodes, and C. J. Kinne be elected to elder's orders. The report of the committee was adopted. Dr. Bresee was unanimously re-elected General Superintendent for the ensuing year. The business of the Assembly was carefully attended to, and the anointings of holy love rested both upon the delegates and the gathered multitudes. Few who were present at the opening exercises will ever forget the faith and victory which filled the hearts of the delegates and others present. A continuous heavenly benediction rested upon the Assembly all the way through, ready to burst out in holy triumph at any time. The Home Campmeeting The Home Campmeeting, which continued from November 4th to November 13th, inclusive, was conducted by Rev. H. C. Morrison, and was held in the First Church of the Nazarene, Los Angeles. The attendance was large and Brother Morrison preached with great power and unction. The altar was often filled with seekers, and nearly two hundred sought for pardon and entire sanctification. There were seasons of great power, when the Spirit of God swept through the assembled multitudes, making earth like heaven. The meeting was cumulative in power and victory to the end. The Bible readings in the forenoon meetings were given by Rev. L. B. Kent, of Jacksonville, Ill., were greatly enjoyed and were food for the soul. The whole spiritual life of the Church of the Nazarene in Southern California was deepened and widened, the cords lengthened and the stakes strengthened.

held manfully on their way, and I believe the reports will show substantial progress. <strong>In</strong> answer to the<br />

prayers of His people, God has poured out His Spirit, and continuously souls have been saved and<br />

sanctified at the altars of the Church of the Nazarene, wherever she has gone."<br />

After speaking of the progress made by the publishing interests, and the Pacific Bible College,<br />

Dr. <strong>Bresee</strong> tells something of his own labors, as follows:<br />

The Superintendency<br />

"As to my own time and strength and possibilities of labor, I am thankful to say that while my<br />

time has been necessarily largely devoted to the pastoral work of the First church of this city,<br />

together with editorial work on the paper, and teaching in the Bible College, yet through the<br />

forbearance and generosity of this First church I have been able to make two quite extensive trips,<br />

one to the East as far as Omaha, Neb., and north as far as Boise, Idaho, taking in Salt Lake City,<br />

Utah; and the other as far south as Southern Kansas, and as far east as Chicago. The first was made<br />

possible by the providing by the church here the services of Rev. C. W. Ruth, who very efficiently<br />

labored during my absence. I was accompanied and greatly assisted in my work by Brother C. E.<br />

McKee, of this city, who generously took the time, and bore his own expense in this extended trip.<br />

The other was made possible by the good fortune of the church here in securing the services of Rev.<br />

C. V. LaFontaine as my associate pastor. The se two trips took me nearly four months of the year,<br />

most of the expense of which, outside of traveling expenses, was borne by the First church here, in<br />

itself a considerable contribution to the general work.<br />

The Greatness Of The Work<br />

"It is more and more evident that God has called us to a great work, and that He is leading us forth<br />

as the way is prepared--and as we are prepared--toward its accomplishment. The growth and<br />

development of all life that is to be abiding, is at first slow. A gourd may spring up in a night, but<br />

not so an oak. <strong>In</strong> a marvelous manner God prepared the way for this work, and in no less marvelous<br />

way has He brought it on. Slowly but surely it has taken root, and begun to spread its life abroad. The<br />

evidences of divine guidance and overruling providences, have been beyond questioning, and the<br />

constant glory of the pillar of cloud by day, and the burning, shining light by night, upon its dwelling<br />

places and Assemblies, has been a marvel and joy. Converted and sanctified souls are its crowning<br />

and rejoicing. Let us walk carefully before Him. Let us have but one desire and aim--that He shall<br />

lead us all the way. Let us have but one passion--to glorify Jesus Christ. Ready to be counted as the<br />

offscouring of the earth, only so that the glory of the Lord shall go forth as brightness.<br />

Denominational success is not our aim, but that souls may be saved and sanctified. To this end we<br />

not only have suffered, but are ready to continue to suffer, the loss of all things. There is not among<br />

us, and we trust that there never will be, either honor or preferment, other than that of toil and<br />

burden-bearing. We have heard the Master call, and we are here to say again, 'Where He leads, we<br />

will follow."'

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