Phineas F. Bresee - A Prince In Israel - Media Sabda Org

Phineas F. Bresee - A Prince In Israel - Media Sabda Org Phineas F. Bresee - A Prince In Israel - Media Sabda Org
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Trip To Omaha Shortly after the Assembly, Dr. Bresee, accompanied by Brother and Sister Earl Hinchman, and Brother C. E. McKee, went to Omaha, Neb., where they held a ten days' meeting, and greatly strengthened and encouraged the church in that city. Dr. Bresee, in writing about the meeting, said: "We found here a heroic band of Nazarenes, about thirty in number. They have held the fort and earnestly pushed the battle without a pastor since the removal of Rev. J. A. Dooley, two or three months ago, to Minneapolis, Minn. They have been much helped by Rev. J. R. Lindsey, of Council Bluffs, who has now united with us here, and will do all in his power to push the work. He is spoken of as an able and efficient preacher, but is in business in Council Bluffs, and can not give his whole time to the work. However, he, with the others who have united from Council Bluffs--among whom is Brother Ogden, who leads the singing--are a great help. There have been a goodly number of seekers, both for pardon and entire sanctification, and some seasons of great victory, as they came through shouting the praise of Jesus. Perhaps the greatest blessing of the meeting was in the melting of the saints into sweet and blessed unity, and the pouring upon them of new enduements of love and power. They are enthusiastic Nazarenes , and are anxious to learn, and catch the tread and step of the personality of this movement of which they rejoice to be a part. We received into the church thirty-six, making sixty-six members, which gives them a good start. "Omaha is a great center, one of the strategic gateway cities in which it means so much to have the Church of the Nazarene firmly planted. The need is very great for a heaven-inspired and anointed work of holiness, free from fanaticism, and unhindered by side issues, a work which continually leads people into the cleansing fountain, and thus makes way for the conviction and conversion of souls by the present and manifest Holy Spirit. An organized work, which cares for those saved and sanctified, leading them forth into ways of strength and usefulness, thus saving them from the repression and overthrow which so often come to them by their being relegated to dead churches from the barren desert wastes to which fanaticism and side-tracks lead. "Brother C. E. McKee, who so generously came with me, has been--as he always is--in the thickest of the fight, preaching, exhorting, singing, leading souls to the altar, and helping them through. I do not see how we could have gotten along without him. "We spent part of a day at Council Bluffs. I was for several years, and at two different times, pastor of Broadway church, in that city, transferring from there to California. A little gathering was planned by Brother and Sister Arthur, and Brother and Sister Orcutt, at the home of Brother Arthur--of some of the old friends who were here so long ago. So we had the opportunity of seeing, talking, and praying with them. We will soon all be there. 'What a meeting that will be.' "We go to Salt Lake City for a few days, to Boise, Idaho, for a few more, and then will hasten home. 'There is no place like home,' but having Jesus with us, all places are blessed. "One of the things which has greatly helped in the work, inspiring confidence, and strengthening the hands of the workers, has been the number of persons resident here, who have been in attendance upon the Church of the Nazarene in Los Angeles, some having spent some time there. Having been

greatly blessed through its agency, they bear uniform testimony to the manifest presence of God and His blessing upon the work, and their longing that it might be repeated in this city." The Church In Boise, Idaho Dr. Bresee wrote of his visit to the church in Boise, as follows: "The city itself nestles almost in the lap of the mountains on the northeast. It has some beautiful streets, and nice public and private buildings, and seems enterprising and prosperous, with much improvement and many new houses. "We arrived here on Tuesday afternoon, December 8, 1903, for the purpose of holding a few days meeting in the Church of the Nazarene. We found a pleasant home at the parsonage, with Rev. R. Pierce and family. The meeting opened on Tuesday evening, with a good audience. The program has been meetings afternoon and night, with an all day meeting on the Sabbath. The services have been well attended; some souls have been converted, and some sanctified wholly. The Church of the Nazarene has a nice location in the northern part of the city, on the corner of Eastman and Twelfth streets. A neat, tasty church is built on the corner, and there is a good parsonage on Eastman street, all in excellent repair, and presenting an attractive appearance. "The property was built under the supervision of the Quakers, and the work carried on by them until they proposed to turn it over to us, some months ago. It is probably worth from $2,500 to $3,500, with an indebtedness of $700. Rev. R. Pierce was appointed to arrange the transfer, and organize a Church of the Nazarene, which he did, and at the desire of the brethren, became the pastor. "The little church is putting on the swing and victory which characterize and give such strong personality to the Church of the Nazarene and its work. It is something of a transition from Quakerism to the ways of the Church of the Nazarene, but, having the Spirit, they soon catch the step and rhythm. The attendance upon the meetings was somewhat hindered by the stoppage of all electric cars, caused by the failure of power resulting from a break in the water ditch, which turned the city into darkness and stopped all cars. "During the latter days there was also snow and rain, which added to the obstacles in the way. But the Lord overrules all things to the advancement of His work, as His people trust Him, and so, doubtless, with these conditions, the foundations could be built up with the greatest certainty. "Brother and Sister Deem, who are and have been friends of ours for years past, and who were largely instrumental in the turning over of this plant with its work to us, were almost constantly at the meetings, though they live five miles away in the country. Brother Deem is the Sunday school superintendent, Sister Deem teaches the primary department, and they have a very promising school.

Trip To Omaha<br />

Shortly after the Assembly, Dr. <strong>Bresee</strong>, accompanied by Brother and Sister Earl Hinchman, and<br />

Brother C. E. McKee, went to Omaha, Neb., where they held a ten days' meeting, and greatly<br />

strengthened and encouraged the church in that city. Dr. <strong>Bresee</strong>, in writing about the meeting, said:<br />

"We found here a heroic band of Nazarenes, about thirty in number. They have held the fort and<br />

earnestly pushed the battle without a pastor since the removal of Rev. J. A. Dooley, two or three<br />

months ago, to Minneapolis, Minn. They have been much helped by Rev. J. R. Lindsey, of Council<br />

Bluffs, who has now united with us here, and will do all in his power to push the work. He is spoken<br />

of as an able and efficient preacher, but is in business in Council Bluffs, and can not give his whole<br />

time to the work. However, he, with the others who have united from Council Bluffs--among whom<br />

is Brother Ogden, who leads the singing--are a great help. There have been a goodly number of<br />

seekers, both for pardon and entire sanctification, and some seasons of great victory, as they came<br />

through shouting the praise of Jesus. Perhaps the greatest blessing of the meeting was in the melting<br />

of the saints into sweet and blessed unity, and the pouring upon them of new enduements of love and<br />

power. They are enthusiastic Nazarenes , and are anxious to learn, and catch the tread and step of<br />

the personality of this movement of which they rejoice to be a part. We received into the church<br />

thirty-six, making sixty-six members, which gives them a good start.<br />

"Omaha is a great center, one of the strategic gateway cities in which it means so much to have<br />

the Church of the Nazarene firmly planted. The need is very great for a heaven-inspired and anointed<br />

work of holiness, free from fanaticism, and unhindered by side issues, a work which continually<br />

leads people into the cleansing fountain, and thus makes way for the conviction and conversion of<br />

souls by the present and manifest Holy Spirit. An organized work, which cares for those saved and<br />

sanctified, leading them forth into ways of strength and usefulness, thus saving them from the<br />

repression and overthrow which so often come to them by their being relegated to dead churches<br />

from the barren desert wastes to which fanaticism and side-tracks lead.<br />

"Brother C. E. McKee, who so generously came with me, has been--as he always is--in the<br />

thickest of the fight, preaching, exhorting, singing, leading souls to the altar, and helping them<br />

through. I do not see how we could have gotten along without him.<br />

"We spent part of a day at Council Bluffs. I was for several years, and at two different times,<br />

pastor of Broadway church, in that city, transferring from there to California. A little gathering was<br />

planned by Brother and Sister Arthur, and Brother and Sister Orcutt, at the home of Brother<br />

Arthur--of some of the old friends who were here so long ago. So we had the opportunity of seeing,<br />

talking, and praying with them. We will soon all be there. 'What a meeting that will be.'<br />

"We go to Salt Lake City for a few days, to Boise, Idaho, for a few more, and then will hasten<br />

home. 'There is no place like home,' but having Jesus with us, all places are blessed.<br />

"One of the things which has greatly helped in the work, inspiring confidence, and strengthening<br />

the hands of the workers, has been the number of persons resident here, who have been in attendance<br />

upon the Church of the Nazarene in Los Angeles, some having spent some time there. Having been

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