Phineas F. Bresee - A Prince In Israel - Media Sabda Org

Phineas F. Bresee - A Prince In Israel - Media Sabda Org Phineas F. Bresee - A Prince In Israel - Media Sabda Org
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Phineas F. Bresee A PRINCE IN ISRAEL By E. A. Girvin CHAPTER 24 Eighth Annual Assembly -- The Address of the General Superintendent -- Spiritual Victories -- New Fields -- Openings for the Church of the Nazarene -- A Very Great Work -- The Committees -- The Church of Spokane -- Home Campmeeting Described by Dr. Reid -- Trip to Omaha -- The Church in Boise Eighth Annual Assembly In a previous chapter I have given a brief account of the first few annual Assemblies of the church. It would be a delight to tell of every one of these gatherings, but the space at my command is not sufficient to warrant my doing so. They grew larger and more important from year to year, and were participated in by greater numbers of delegates. The Assembly of 1903 was a memorable one. The work had progressed more rapidly during the preceding year than during any other equal period in the history of the movement, and in looking over the reports of the different sessions, the names appear of new workers, who were destined to play an important part in the future activities of the church. The Address Of The General Superintendent The address, written by Dr. Bresee, is a very able one, covering every department of the work of the church, and being of great historical value. In it, among other things, he says: "In bringing you this report, and rendering to you in some sense an account of the stewardship entrusted to me by you, I can but express my gratitude to God for the possibilities of labor which have come, for the fellowship of the heroic souls with whom I have been permitted to be associated, and especially for the victories He has given us. Chief among these are: "That the fires of the Pentecost in which this church was born have not grown dim. That the sanctification of believers through the baptism with the Holy Ghost by our risen Lord, giving power to witness for Him, has not ceased. That the conviction of sinners by the Holy Spirit and their conversion to God, still goes on among us. "There prevails among us everywhere the deep conviction that the dispensational truth is that Jesus Christ baptizes with the Holy Ghost, cleansing, filling, and empowering, and that when He thus comes, He convinces of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment; and that the conflict with the powers of darkness is brought on, to the glory of our conquering Christ. The result is that our people live mostly, in the Pentecostal glory, and souls are continually added to the company of the redeemed and bloodwashed.

New Fields "While we have never sought to push this work as an ecclesiasticism, and our lack of funds--going forth as we have, more especially to the poorer people--has been such as to preclude our entering many doors which otherwise would have been opened to us, and securing agencies which might otherwise have been employed, nevertheless, we have joyfully entered such doors as have been clearly opened and our entrance made possible, using such agencies as in the providence of God have been by Him raised up. During the year the work has been opened up at Ocean Park, where a vigorous class has been organized, and under the pastoral care of the Rev. Thomas Fluck, promises well for Jesus Christ. "Several months ago work was so successfully opened at Salt Lake City by the Rev. I. G. Martin, that at a subsequent meeting held by the Rev. C. W. Ruth, a Church of the Nazarene was organized, and has been vigorously pushing the battle. "At Boise, Idaho, a proposition to turn over to us a church and parsonage property, led to Rev. R. Pierce being sent to that field, and the organization of our work there, of which Brother Pierce is pastor. "At Omaha, Neb., the Rev. J. A. Dooley and wife had for some time been carrying on an independent work to push the cause of holiness in that great center. It came to be the desire both of them and of the entire church to unite with the Church of the Nazarene, which transfer was made. "Brother and Sister Dooley felt called some time since to go to Minneapolis, Minn., to open the work there, and the church at Omaha is for a little time without a pastor, but seems to be in a vigorous and hopeful condition. I hope soon to visit them and arrange for the continued prosecution of the work there, in accord with the desire and faith of the heroic band who hold the fort. "At Maples Mills, Ill., Rev. J. A. Smith, of Pekin, Ill. has recently organized a very promising Church of the Nazarene, of which the Rev. William McFarland has been constituted pastor. Openings For The Church Of The Nazarene "Openings for the church are multiplying; hungry hearts longing for the gospel of full salvation call us. People who see the need of organized church life, to hold and build up in holiness those who are brought to the fountain of cleansing, and to press the new-born souls to the standing-ground of perfect love, in many places beckon us to come. The felt insufficiency of holiness evangelists--compelled to turn the results of their work over to the tender mercies of the careless or opposed to the work, to die--look to us and wait for us to supply, or help to supply, this great need. I am impressed that God wants us to occupy, to strongly occupy, the great centers. A great holiness fire should be kindled, and be fed and propagated through simple but efficient organizations in these great centers, which would soon shine out into the cities, villages and country round about. I feel assured that God will speedily answer our prayer in raising up the proper agencies, and supplying sufficient funds for this work. Our Christ can and will raise up the heroes to accomplish this planting of the work.

New Fields<br />

"While we have never sought to push this work as an ecclesiasticism, and our lack of funds--going<br />

forth as we have, more especially to the poorer people--has been such as to preclude our entering<br />

many doors which otherwise would have been opened to us, and securing agencies which might<br />

otherwise have been employed, nevertheless, we have joyfully entered such doors as have been<br />

clearly opened and our entrance made possible, using such agencies as in the providence of God have<br />

been by Him raised up. During the year the work has been opened up at Ocean Park, where a<br />

vigorous class has been organized, and under the pastoral care of the Rev. Thomas Fluck, promises<br />

well for Jesus Christ.<br />

"Several months ago work was so successfully opened at Salt Lake City by the Rev. I. G. Martin,<br />

that at a subsequent meeting held by the Rev. C. W. Ruth, a Church of the Nazarene was organized,<br />

and has been vigorously pushing the battle.<br />

"At Boise, Idaho, a proposition to turn over to us a church and parsonage property, led to Rev. R.<br />

Pierce being sent to that field, and the organization of our work there, of which Brother Pierce is<br />

pastor.<br />

"At Omaha, Neb., the Rev. J. A. Dooley and wife had for some time been carrying on an<br />

independent work to push the cause of holiness in that great center. It came to be the desire both of<br />

them and of the entire church to unite with the Church of the Nazarene, which transfer was made.<br />

"Brother and Sister Dooley felt called some time since to go to Minneapolis, Minn., to open the<br />

work there, and the church at Omaha is for a little time without a pastor, but seems to be in a<br />

vigorous and hopeful condition. I hope soon to visit them and arrange for the continued prosecution<br />

of the work there, in accord with the desire and faith of the heroic band who hold the fort.<br />

"At Maples Mills, Ill., Rev. J. A. Smith, of Pekin, Ill. has recently organized a very promising<br />

Church of the Nazarene, of which the Rev. William McFarland has been constituted pastor.<br />

Openings For The Church Of The Nazarene<br />

"Openings for the church are multiplying; hungry hearts longing for the gospel of full salvation<br />

call us. People who see the need of organized church life, to hold and build up in holiness those who<br />

are brought to the fountain of cleansing, and to press the new-born souls to the standing-ground of<br />

perfect love, in many places beckon us to come. The felt insufficiency of holiness<br />

evangelists--compelled to turn the results of their work over to the tender mercies of the careless or<br />

opposed to the work, to die--look to us and wait for us to supply, or help to supply, this great need.<br />

I am impressed that God wants us to occupy, to strongly occupy, the great centers. A great holiness<br />

fire should be kindled, and be fed and propagated through simple but efficient organizations in these<br />

great centers, which would soon shine out into the cities, villages and country round about. I feel<br />

assured that God will speedily answer our prayer in raising up the proper agencies, and supplying<br />

sufficient funds for this work. Our Christ can and will raise up the heroes to accomplish this planting<br />

of the work.

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