Scriptural Sanctification - Media Sabda Org

Scriptural Sanctification - Media Sabda Org

Scriptural Sanctification - Media Sabda Org


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of Reidsville, N. C., during a meeting held there by that most earnest and godly man, James E.<br />

Schoolfield. Since that time until the present, except for a short period in the fall of that year, there<br />

has been freedom from fear and doubt and condemnation, and we believe, from the feeling of evil<br />

tempers, as well as their outward expression, while unmixed love and peace have certainly seemed<br />

to rule in our heart. And observing men who have waited on our ministry since that time say that<br />

there has been decided increase in the spirituality and power of our preaching.<br />

The lapse referred to above we think came from brooding over real and imaginary wrongs, done<br />

us by another, when Satan took advantage of us and temporarily triumphed. But since then our peace<br />

and rest have been undisturbed. Our experience has been in substantial harmony with that of those<br />

who testify through this volume -- Christ dwelling within and keeping us from evil. We have since<br />

then doubtless made many mistakes, and others may have misinterpreted our motives and criticized<br />

our words and actions, but the "testimony of our conscience" is that we have, by the grace of God,<br />

lived "in simplicity and godly sincerity" -- without, we trust, any feeling, word, or deed that was<br />

inconsistent with love.<br />

Our message to you now is one of love and of earnest exhortation. We beg you to seek at once<br />

that which will prove the joy and comfort of your hearts and the strength and stay of your lives. Were<br />

these our dying words to you, we would say: Surrender your will and consecrate your all to Jesus<br />

now, and claim "the promise of the Father" -- "the gift of the Holy Ghost" -- to fill and thrill and keep<br />

you. Do not listen to any theorizing about the matter, but say, Lord Jesus, thou knowest what I need<br />

-- give it to me now. You need not seek it as "sanctification" *[Please see my comments in the<br />

Introduction to this digital edition. -- DVM] or the "second blessing" if you are prejudiced against<br />

these terms. Simply ask to be "filled with the Holy Ghost" and with "all the fullness of God." No<br />

caviler who believes in the Bible can deny you the right to claim that blessing, and that is all you<br />

need. That is the way in which we proceeded.<br />

Do not mind it if some one says that you received all that at conversion. Just tell him that if you<br />

did you have lost it, and need it again; that you want something that will abide and enable you to<br />

"rejoice evermore, pray without ceasing, and in everything: give thanks." You know that neither your<br />

conversion nor any subsequent baptism, unless you have received "the baptism with the Holy Ghost,"<br />

has enabled you to do this for any considerable length of time. Even Dr. Mudge, as we have seen,<br />

says that the great mass of Church members, no matter what they received at conversion, need to<br />

pass through such a "crisis" and receive very much such a blessing as is implied in this ethical<br />

baptism or fullness of the Spirit.<br />

If you want help in your seeking, read Dr. Keen's Pentecostal Papers, McNeil's Spirit-filled Life,<br />

McDonald's Saved to the Uttermost, The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life, etc. They cost very little.<br />

If you do not know where to get them, write us and we will secure them for you. Ask God to help<br />

you see your need and his rich provision for supplying that need, and then appropriate that provision.<br />

Ask him to "make you willing to be made willing" to become wholly his.<br />

And now, dear people, once under our care, and still in our heart, and all other readers of this<br />

humble volume, may the "very God of peace himself sanctify you wholly; and we pray God your

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