Scriptural Sanctification - Media Sabda Org

Scriptural Sanctification - Media Sabda Org

Scriptural Sanctification - Media Sabda Org


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Do not these facts loudly and eloquently appeal to college professors and theological instructors<br />

of all our Churches in all sections of our land? We commend to those of our own Church the<br />

example of the cultured and seraphic Fletcher when he was president of Lady Huntingdon's college.<br />

The Rev. Joseph Benson, well-known commentator, in giving an account of in visit to Trevecca,<br />

says:<br />

"Here it was that I saw -- what shall I say -- an angel in human flesh? I should not far exceed the<br />

truth if I said so. Prayer, praise, love, and zeal -- all ardent elevated above what one would think<br />

attainable in this state of frailty were the elements in which he continually lived. Languages, arts,<br />

sciences, grammar, rhetoric, logic, even divinity itself, as it is called, were all laid aside when he<br />

appeared in the schoolroom among the students. And they seldom hearkened long before they were<br />

all in tears, and every heart caught fire from the flame that burned in his soul."<br />

The historian says:<br />

"Closing these addresses, Fletcher would say: 'As many of you as are athirst for the fullness of the<br />

Spirit of God, follow me into my room.' Two or three hours were spent there in such prevailing<br />

prayer as seemed to bring heaven down to earth."<br />

Oh for more Tholuck's and Fletchers in our colleges and "schools of the prophets" We appeal to<br />

the laity of all our Churches. As we have seen, this theory and experience of the baptism of the Holy<br />

Ghost are not confined to any denomination. On the contrary, cultured men and women of all the<br />

leading Protestant Churches and some saintly Catholics have embraced this theory and found this<br />

experience. Their teaching and testimony have been given in this volume those of Catholics,<br />

Lutherans, Episcopalians, Congregationalists, Presbyterians, Baptists, Quakers, and others. We<br />

appeal to the members of all these Churches to weigh the testimony of those of their communions<br />

who have studied this question and tested its truth by experiment.<br />

We beg you to try this blessed way of peace and rest and brightness for yourselves. Experiment<br />

in this blessed science of full salvation, and see for yourselves that God is abundantly "gracious,"<br />

and fills his children with all his fullness of fire and power. You want to be happy and useful. God<br />

calls you to a life of joyous fruitfulness. Jesus has made provision for your heart to be full of joy and<br />

your life full of fruit. Do not slight this provision. With this baptism of the Spirit comes this perfect<br />

peace, and abundant power to work for Christ and souls. Discard all technical terms, and seek by<br />

consecration and faith this fullness of love and this induement power. Pray every day the prayer of<br />

Paul found in Ephesians iii. 14-20 until the answer comes, remembering the assurance of complete<br />

success, given in the twentieth verse -- success through or "according to the power that worketh in<br />

us."<br />

You want to be useful as well as happy, and doubtless feel that you fall far below the measure of<br />

God's requirement. You need this baptism of love ad power to that end. As one has well said:<br />

"This Spirit baptism will not make all believers evangelists; it would make all influential<br />

witnesses for Christ in the field where God has called each to live and work. It would anoint the<br />

mother with power to train her children for the service of God. It would anoint the Sabbath-school

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