Scriptural Sanctification - Media Sabda Org

Scriptural Sanctification - Media Sabda Org

Scriptural Sanctification - Media Sabda Org


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may see what Israel needs, and then give us so much of the meek and lowly and loving spirit of the<br />

Master that we will, in a loyal and unselfish spirit, do what will please him and save men!<br />

2. We would appeal to the presidents and faculties of our colleges and universities, especially to<br />

our theological professors. We would most heartily commend to them the epignosis -- the "certain<br />

knowledge of God," or the "full assurance of faith" -- that comes with this wonderful baptism, as the<br />

infallible remedy for all doubt and unbelief. This was notably the case with that rare scholar and<br />

saint, Wilbur Fisk. And it will work a perfect cure for scientific skepticism in case of themselves and<br />

their pupils. We most heartily commend it, too, to all theological students as the source of their<br />

greatest power in the ministry. Without it, no matter how superior their intellectual equipment, they<br />

will be comparatively weak and inefficient.<br />

The well-known Professor Tholuck has been called "The Spiritual Primate of the Established<br />

Church of Germany." We are told that "to his influence, more than to any other cause, must be<br />

assigned the reintroduction into the German universities, and into the German mind, of the principles<br />

and spirit of the evangelical faith." The following from a writer in the New York Christian Advocate,<br />

published a few years ago, gives the secret of his wonderful success in this most important work:<br />

"It was not simply in the lecture room, the pulpit, and the printed page that he won victories for<br />

the Master. Personal intercourse with the student was his marked characteristic. His house was the<br />

home of the undergraduates. He was not satisfied unless some were at his table. But how came he<br />

to have such a passion for the souls of the young men that he was called the 'Student Professor,' the<br />

'soul-loving Professor Tholuck'? How came he to have a spirit so rare? He began his manhood as an<br />

unbeliever, and wrote his oration on leaving the gymnasium [high school] on 'The Superiority of<br />

Mohammedanism over Christianity.' Under the influence of Neander he was converted. He<br />

afterwards received what he called 'a baptism of fire' (the baptism with the Holy Ghost). When he<br />

had been a professor fifty years, he said: 'Nothing fills me with more adoring wonder than to think<br />

how the "Spirit of Fire" has ever been with me since I received the baptism of fire from above.'<br />

"When he went to the University of Halle, only five out of nine hundred students believed in the<br />

divinity of Christ. They had been converted by the influence of a Christian craftsman, and they were<br />

called by the other students 'the idiotic orthodox.' Hegel, who had imbibed some Christian principles,<br />

gave Tholuck this parting charge: 'Deal a deathblow to the bold rationalism prevalent at Halle.' It was<br />

a mighty task, as the whole faculty was against him, and, with the whole body of the students, had<br />

petitioned against his appointment at Halle. But he had earnestly prayed to be sent there, and went<br />

with the 'baptism of fire' upon him. God enabled him by his sermons and personal influence to<br />

revolutionize the university, to convert the faculty to his side, and lead thousands of students to<br />

Christ, and become a mighty power in the spiritual life of Germany.<br />

"It was his custom to walk for his health two hours a day, and he would select a student to walk<br />

with him and talk about Christ. A great number of the pupils date their new life from these<br />

never-to-be-forgotten walks with the ardent, holy professor. One student was a Jew -- wild, unruly,<br />

dissipated. Tholuck could only see him before six in the morning. He often visited him at that hour<br />

and in prison. One day he received a note from the wild student with these words: 'Tholuck is

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