Scriptural Sanctification - Media Sabda Org

Scriptural Sanctification - Media Sabda Org

Scriptural Sanctification - Media Sabda Org


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We close these extracts from Bishop Foster with the following wise words addressed more<br />

particularly to Methodists professing this "higher experience," but appropriate to all classes of our<br />

people. He says:<br />

"Brothers, God has taken us into a great fellowship, even the fellowship of himself; he has made<br />

us partakers of the divine nature; has given to us the Spirit of his Son, the indwelling of the Holy<br />

Ghost; has raised us to sonship and heirship; has set us to be the lights of the world; to be co-workers<br />

with him in the salvation of our fellow-men, the custodians and the dispensers of his eternal truth,<br />

and the witnesses of his grace to present and complete salvation from sin. This is our high calling<br />

of God in Christ Jesus. We expect in a brief period to be done with this earthly life, and are<br />

confidently hoping to be welcomed into heaven. In view of these things, what manner of persons<br />

ought we to be? Surely we are called unto holiness. Let us not quibble and quarrel about names. The<br />

great thing is to live as children of light.<br />

"God has intrusted us with a great trust: the blessed doctrine of Christian holiness. The trust puts<br />

us under peculiar responsibilities. Our fellow-Christians of other communions have given no such<br />

hostages as we have. They are more modest in their professions. It is for us to prove that we are not<br />

rash, and by the beauty of our lives to furnish incentives to the higher experience which we profess.<br />

It is for all who profess the name of the Lord Jesus to depart from all iniquity, and to show<br />

themselves pure and spotless."<br />

We feel like giving here the words of a distinguished minister who was not a Methodist, the Rev.<br />

Dr. Dale, of England. In a sermon preached before the Wesleyan Conference in 1879, he said:<br />

"If Methodism had carried out its doctrine of entire sanctification in public, as well as in private<br />

life, it would have effected the most profound ethical revolution modern history has known."<br />

Anent ["anent," an archaic word = "concerning" -- Old English Etymology of a usage meaning:<br />

"on a level with" -- DVM] what Bishop Foster says in the last paragraph quoted from him, it may<br />

not be amiss to add the following from a private letter written the author by a well-known<br />

Congregational minister and author:<br />

"We Congregationalists must grope our way into the great truth with no denominational teaching<br />

or literature to help us. But it is the great birthright and inheritance of Methodists."<br />

We have quoted thus largely from this profound philosopher, learned divine, and eminent saint<br />

because, from his long experience, his high position, and his wide observation, he is far better fitted<br />

for giving advice to all classes than we are; and because his experience and teaching of this "higher<br />

grace" for nearly half a century, and his well-known catholic and charitable spirit, and especially his<br />

conservative views on this subject, fully entitle him to a patient and respectful hearing by those on<br />

both sides of this perplexing question. Let us carefully weigh his weighty words.<br />

It is not improper for us to add that Bishop Foster wrote the above some eight years ago, and that<br />

part of his advice was intended to meet conditions supposed to be then existing in his own Church.<br />

To what extent these conditions exist in our Southland we are not fully prepared to say. That there

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