Scriptural Sanctification - Media Sabda Org

Scriptural Sanctification - Media Sabda Org Scriptural Sanctification - Media Sabda Org
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women or children. In one of these the change was wrought in three weeks after she was justified; in three, seven days after it; in one, five days; and in S. L., aged fourteen, two days only." Two days later he says of another of his societies: "Many believed that the blood of Jesus Christ had cleansed them from all sin. I spoke to these, forty in all, one by one. Some of them said they received the blessing ten days, some seven, some four, some three days after they found peace with God, and two of them the next day. What marvel, since one day is with God as a thousand years?" And if it comes by faith, just like regeneration (Acts xv. 8,9; xxvi. 18; Gal. iii. 2, 14), why should it not come as soon as one feels his need of it, and performs the conditions of full surrender, unreserved consecration, and perfect trust in Christ? This fullness of the Spirit is the antecedent condition of a normal development of the spiritual life. No one has reached the normal condition a vigorous life, healthy development, and abundant fruitfulness, until he is "full of the Holy Ghost and faith." Hence the sooner this fullness comes, the better. As bearing on this question of when to seek and expect it, we give the following instance from Dr. Steele as better than anything we can write. He says: "A few years ago the wife of a distinguished minister was lying hopelessly ill. All was mist and uncertainty before her. She longed for the purity and peace promised in the holy word, but her husband had always preached a gradual growth in grace, and completeness in Christ only at the last moment of life, and she waited for that hour in dread uncertainty. "'Oh that I could have complete deliverance from sin now, before that fearful hour!' "'Why not now?' the Spirit suggested. "She sent for her husband, and as he entered her sick chamber she anxiously inquired: 'Can Christ save me from all sin?' "'Yes -- he's an almighty Saviour, your Saviour, able to save to the uttermost.' "'When can he save me? You have often said that he saves from all sin at the dying moment. If he is almighty, don't you think he could save me a few minutes before death? It would take the sting of death away to know that I am saved.' "'Yes, I think he could.' "'Well, if he could save me a few minutes before death, don't you think it possible to save a few hours or a day before death?' The husband bowed his assent. 'But,' she said with deep earnestness, 'I may live a week, or a month; do you think it possible for God to save a soul from all sin so long before death?' "'Yes; all things are possible with God,' he answered with deep emotion.

"'Then kneel right down here and pray for me. I want this full salvation now, and if I live a month, I will live to praise God.' "He knelt beside her bed and poured out his soul to God in prayer as he had never done before. And while he prayed the cleansing blood that makes whiter than snow was applied to her soul, and she was enabled to rejoice with a joy that is unspeakable and full of glory. She lived a month afterwards to magnify the grace of God, and testify of the perfect love that casteth out all fear. And since that hour her husband has preached Christ as a present Saviour, able to save from all sin." 6. How shall we seek it? The answer to this question has already been given in general terms. Nor need we go into details here. We would refer the reader to the experiences given in former chapters. Viewing the matter in the light of those testimonies, the teaching of Scripture, and his own experience, the writer would say that the indispensable and certain conditions of receiving this baptism are complete surrender of the will to Christ, full consecration to his service, and unwavering faith in his promise to baptize us with the Holy Ghost. As in seeking regeneration, we should not be looking within for feeling or anything else that we may think constitutes our fitness or readiness for such a blessing. "All the fitness he requireth," in either case, is that "we feel our need of him," that "we hunger and thirst" after the blessing sought -- have conviction of our need and of his readiness to supply it. Dr. Keen, in his Faith Papers, says: "Are you a child of God seeking full salvation? Seize upon some declaration of God's word, such as, 'The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth from all sin'; apply it to your own heart; confess to yourself, to Satan, and to God, that it is true to you, even you, because the Lord has spoken it; refuse to listen to the lying voice of Satan that it is not so. Let no inward feeling nor outward sign dissuade you from your voluntary choice to count God's word to yourself. And, according to such a faith, it shall be done unto you. Have you given all to Christ? Are you now longing to be fully saved? Are you persuaded that "You may at once then begin to sing: The Rev. F. B. Meyer says: 'Tis the promise of God full salvation to give Unto him who on Jesus, his Son, will believe? I can, I will, I do believe That Jesus saves me now." "As once you obtained forgiveness and salvation by faith, so now claim and receive the Spirit's fullness ... There may not be at first the sound of rushing wind, or the coronet of fire, or the sensible feeling of his presence. Do not look for these, any more than the young convert should look to feeling as an evidence of acceptance. But believe in spite of feeling that you are filled ... and the

"'Then kneel right down here and pray for me. I want this full salvation now, and if I live a month,<br />

I will live to praise God.'<br />

"He knelt beside her bed and poured out his soul to God in prayer as he had never done before.<br />

And while he prayed the cleansing blood that makes whiter than snow was applied to her soul, and<br />

she was enabled to rejoice with a joy that is unspeakable and full of glory. She lived a month<br />

afterwards to magnify the grace of God, and testify of the perfect love that casteth out all fear. And<br />

since that hour her husband has preached Christ as a present Saviour, able to save from all sin."<br />

6. How shall we seek it? The answer to this question has already been given in general terms. Nor<br />

need we go into details here. We would refer the reader to the experiences given in former chapters.<br />

Viewing the matter in the light of those testimonies, the teaching of Scripture, and his own<br />

experience, the writer would say that the indispensable and certain conditions of receiving this<br />

baptism are complete surrender of the will to Christ, full consecration to his service, and unwavering<br />

faith in his promise to baptize us with the Holy Ghost. As in seeking regeneration, we should not be<br />

looking within for feeling or anything else that we may think constitutes our fitness or readiness for<br />

such a blessing. "All the fitness he requireth," in either case, is that "we feel our need of him," that<br />

"we hunger and thirst" after the blessing sought -- have conviction of our need and of his readiness<br />

to supply it.<br />

Dr. Keen, in his Faith Papers, says:<br />

"Are you a child of God seeking full salvation? Seize upon some declaration of God's word, such<br />

as, 'The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth from all sin'; apply it to your own heart; confess to<br />

yourself, to Satan, and to God, that it is true to you, even you, because the Lord has spoken it; refuse<br />

to listen to the lying voice of Satan that it is not so. Let no inward feeling nor outward sign dissuade<br />

you from your voluntary choice to count God's word to yourself. And, according to such a faith, it<br />

shall be done unto you. Have you given all to Christ? Are you now longing to be fully saved? Are<br />

you persuaded that<br />

"You may at once then begin to sing:<br />

The Rev. F. B. Meyer says:<br />

'Tis the promise of God full salvation to give<br />

Unto him who on Jesus, his Son, will believe?<br />

I can, I will, I do believe<br />

That Jesus saves me now."<br />

"As once you obtained forgiveness and salvation by faith, so now claim and receive the Spirit's<br />

fullness ... There may not be at first the sound of rushing wind, or the coronet of fire, or the sensible<br />

feeling of his presence. Do not look for these, any more than the young convert should look to<br />

feeling as an evidence of acceptance. But believe in spite of feeling that you are filled ... and the

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