Scriptural Sanctification - Media Sabda Org

Scriptural Sanctification - Media Sabda Org

Scriptural Sanctification - Media Sabda Org


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(3) Another reason is the greater usefulness that follows this baptism. The testimonies to this<br />

result, found in the "experience" chapters of this book, are very decided. We refer especially to those<br />

of Finney, Moody, Earle, Peck, James Brainerd Taylor, Pierson, and others. A moderate estimate is<br />

that one's usefulness in the ministry is doubled if not quadrupled. And the sweeter spirit, more<br />

consistent life, more effectual prayers, and more earnest and effective words of private Christians,<br />

in the home, in the social circle, and in all places for Christian work, are far more potent for good.<br />

Having Christ in us as "the power and wisdom of God," we become sources of greater power for<br />

good to others -- "rivers" of saving and refreshing influence quietly flowing out from our<br />

"Spirit-filled" souls to those with whom we are brought into contact. In a word, a happy experience<br />

and a consistent life take the reproach of weakness and ineffectiveness of bad tempers and<br />

inconsistent and fruitless lives from our holy religion, and commend it more effectively to the world<br />

as something most valuable and desirable.<br />

(4) We need hardly add that, as the result of such a fruitful and useful life, we may expect larger<br />

and more glorious reward in heaven. A fuller consecration, a richer experience, greater faithfulness,<br />

and more abundant usefulness here will secure greater reward there.<br />

At least these four things, then, will come to us from this full baptism with the Holy Ghost -- less<br />

danger of backsliding, greater happiness, and enlarged usefulness here, with more abundant reward<br />

hereafter. May these reasons prove influential with all our readers!<br />

5. When should we seek and expect this baptism? All the reasons for seeking it at all, given in the<br />

last section, indicate that it should be sought as soon as it may be obtained; for certainly the purity,<br />

happiness, and strength which tend to prevent our backsliding, promote our usefulness, and increase<br />

our reward ought to be sought as soon as they are available. And, as has been frequently said before,<br />

we believe these are available at or very soon after conversion. Hence we would insist that in cases<br />

where this baptism does not come at regeneration, the young converts' minds should at once be<br />

directed to this promised baptism, and they urged and encouraged to immediately seek it. As we have<br />

seen, that appears to have been the apostolic method. (Acts ii. 37, 38; viii. 6, 12, 17; xix. 5, 6.)<br />

Dr. Steele says:<br />

"The reason for the seeming blending of the baptism of the Holy Ghost with regeneration, in<br />

exceptional instances in the Acts of the Apostles, is to be attributed to the fact that the regenerate<br />

were urged to the immediate attainment of this great blessing, so that they did attain it with the<br />

interval of only a brief period."<br />

John Fletcher is said to have found this blessing "a very few days after his conversion." And when<br />

John Wesley's preachers constantly held out this blessing as attainable soon after regeneration, and<br />

many believers exemplified the truth in their experience, there were instances of its attainment within<br />

a few days after conversion. In his Journal, August 4, 1762, Mr. Wesley says:<br />

"The next morning I spoke severally with those who believed they were sanctified. There were<br />

fifty-one in all -- twenty-one men, and twenty-one widows or married women, and nine young

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