Scriptural Sanctification - Media Sabda Org

Scriptural Sanctification - Media Sabda Org

Scriptural Sanctification - Media Sabda Org


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God. Sons are born into his family having still the taint of depravity lurking in their blood, to be<br />

purged away by the cathartic of a mighty faith in the all-cleansing blood of 'the Lamb of God which<br />

taketh away the sin of the world.'"<br />

Are we not clearly taught this lesson in the parable of the sower? The work which God has<br />

provided for -- the sowing of good seed -- is the same with all four kinds of soil or classes of hearers.<br />

But, because of the differences between the various soils -- representing the differences between the<br />

several classes of bearers there is perfect fruit produced by only one soil -- only one class bring forth<br />

fruit to perfection. And the sole reason given for such result is the difference between the condition<br />

and work of these several classes -- the purely human conditions of salvation. Take the class<br />

represented by the "thorny ground." Here was a mixed state of experience, represented by the which<br />

sprang up in the soil, and the "cares and riches and pleasures of this life," which spring up in the<br />

heart. Here is a mixture of, and a struggle between, the new life of faith, which comes from the seed<br />

of truth, and the desires and tendencies of the old life, still in the heart -- the "old man" that is not<br />

thoroughly crucified, eradicated, or dominated by the new life or "new man."<br />

It is bare assumption to say that the hearers of this class were not regenerated. The record<br />

indicates the contrary" he becometh unfruitful," ceases to bear fruit. He must certainly then once<br />

have borne it. And the plant of faith did spring up, but it was and unfavorable and hurtful<br />

surroundings. There must as really have been spiritual life in this case as there was in the one the<br />

different stages of whose development is represented by the "blade," the "ear," the "full corn in the<br />

ear." Is there no life till the "full corn in the ear ripens? If one should die during the time of this<br />

struggle, before the "choking" process is complete, would he not as certainly be saved as would the<br />

one who dies before his "blade" of faith is developed into the "ear, or the "full corn" of faithfulness?<br />

Then he must have been regenerated.<br />

Nor was this condition of conflict in the heart the result of backsliding; for the good and evil<br />

plants "sprang up together," not the evil after the good. Nor was it caused by the pressure on the will<br />

of innocent desires or appetites, constituting simply a condition of temptation in a thoroughly<br />

renewed heart, as Dr. Boland suggests. Else the "good-ground" hearers would have had the same<br />

experience.<br />

These evils in the heart were not only human in their origin not part of "perfect" work but, with<br />

proper human effort, before, at, or after conversion, they might have been prevented or removed.<br />

Hence our Lord's exhortation -- the lesson or moral of the parable -- to "take heed how we hear" the<br />

gospel, lest we fall into or remain in one of the unfruitful classes. They evidently resulted from a lack<br />

of proper instruction, knowledge of their condition, intelligent consecration, or of faith before or at<br />

the time of hearing. Possibly the force of bad habits of thought and action constituted a part of the<br />

unfavorable human conditions which prevented a perfect work. Regeneration, then, may be perfect<br />

on the divine side, but defective on the human.<br />

May we not get away from our preconceived views long enough to look about us and see that the<br />

teaching of this parable and the theory based on it find illustration in the facts of nearly or quite every<br />

revival and its results? Do we not know that hardly one in a hundred of the converts of ordinary<br />

revivals fails, after the subsidence of his emotional fullness, to give signs of remaining carnality in

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