Scriptural Sanctification - Media Sabda Org

Scriptural Sanctification - Media Sabda Org

Scriptural Sanctification - Media Sabda Org


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The Rev. B. Carradine, D.D., is widely known both North and South as a most earnest and<br />

successful evangelist of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Before he voluntarily left the<br />

itinerancy and engaged in the work of an evangelist, he served most efficiently some of the leading<br />

charges of his Church in New Orleans and St. Louis, receiving large salaries for his services. He is<br />

a man of good culture, high character, great spirituality, and wonderful pulpit power.<br />

On the first day of June, 1889, while he was pastor of Carondelet Street Church, New Orleans,<br />

he received this wonderful baptism; and we give some extracts from his recorded experience, which<br />

has been helpful to the writer and others. While the reader may not agree with all Dr. Carradine's<br />

views and methods, it is hoped he will weigh well his testimony. After most interestingly telling how<br />

he was brought into the experience here given, he says:<br />

"On the morning of the third day -- may God help me to tell it as it occurred! -- the witness was<br />

given. It was about nine o'clock in the morning. That morning had been spent from daylight in<br />

meditation and prayer, in profound peace and love, and in the full expectancy of faith, when<br />

suddenly I felt that the blessing was coming. By some delicate instinct or intuition of soul, I<br />

recognized the approach and descent of the Holy Ghost. My faith arose to meet the blessing. In<br />

another minute I was prostrated by the power of God. I called out again and again, "O my God! my<br />

God!" and "Glory to God!" while billows of fire and glory rolled in upon my soul with steady,<br />

increasing force. The experience was one of fire. I felt that I was being consumed. For several<br />

minutes I thought I would certainly die. I knew it was sanctification. I knew it as though the name<br />

was written across the face of the blessing and upon every wave of glory that rolled in upon my soul.<br />

"I knew I was sanctified just as I knew fifteen years before that I was converted. I knew it not only<br />

because of the work itself in my soul, but through the Worker. He, the Holy Ghost, bore witness<br />

clearly, unmistakably, and powerfully to his own work; and, although months have passed away<br />

since that blessed morning, yet the witness of the Holy Spirit to the work has never left me a<br />

moment, and is as clear today as it was then."<br />

Farther on, in speaking from experience of the results of this baptism, he says:<br />

"When that sanctifying work occurs, sin dies in the heart. Various propensities of the body, which<br />

regeneration subdued, but could not eradicate, are instantly corrected, arrested, or extirpated. The<br />

craving of habit is ended, the root of bitterness is extracted, pride is lifeless, self-will is crucified,<br />

and anger and irritability are dead. In a word, inward sin is dead. A sweet, holy calm fills the breast,<br />

actually affects the body, steals into the face, and rules the life. The millennium has begun in the<br />

soul."<br />

After quoting from the experiences of others to prove that this great blessing is not merely a<br />

recovery from backsliding, he has this to say of his own case:<br />

"With great shrinking I mention my own experience in the same breath with such superior and<br />

holy men. But God calls upon me to witness here, and by my tongue and pen to protest humbly, but<br />

firmly, against this degrading definition of sanctification. God knows that I have not been a<br />

backslider. He knows that for over twelve years the rule of my life, rarely broken, has been never to

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