Scriptural Sanctification - Media Sabda Org

Scriptural Sanctification - Media Sabda Org

Scriptural Sanctification - Media Sabda Org


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extravagances of some unbalanced mind. Thus he ran into the shallow fallacy of those sinners who<br />

feast on the failings of the saints -- ex uno disce omnes -- who from one learn the character of all."<br />

Two years ago, in this state, a most earnest and conservative evangelist asked all present who felt<br />

that they had access to God in prayer to stand. Of a congregation of some three hundred and fifty<br />

persons, mostly Church members, only seven stood, three of whom were preachers. The next night<br />

be asked those who had the witness of the Spirit to indicate it by giving him their hand. One of the<br />

seven held back. And these members of different Churches would compare favorably with those of<br />

other towns. This may not have been a fair test, yet we are sure that comparatively few have the<br />

abiding witness of the Spirit. Do we conclude, hence, that all these Church members were hypocrites<br />

or unregenerate? By no means. But we would say of them, as Mr. Moody once said of others:<br />

"Nine-tenths of them seem to be useless to the Church, but when you talk with them, you find they<br />

have some faith, and you cannot say they are not children of God, but they have not the power, they<br />

have not the liberty, they have not the love that real disciples of Christ should have." And we may<br />

add that they have not the assurance, joy, peace, and strength that are the birthright of every believer,<br />

and which come to every soul that receives "the gift of the Holy Ghost."<br />

And as the experience of such disciples is defective, so also is their service, their lives. Two of<br />

the greatest sins of the Church today are covetousness and worldliness. And we are sure that the cure<br />

for these and other evils in the experience and practice of professed Christians is "the baptism with<br />

the Holy Ghost," bringing purity, peace, unselfish love, and power to the doubting, worldly-minded,<br />

and spiritually weak disciples of our Lord. With the hope of doing at least something toward<br />

accomplishing these much-desired results, we have written.<br />

A word now as to the way in which we have tried to do this work:<br />

1. We have had constantly in view two classes whom we desire to reach -- the leaders of thought,<br />

who are more or less familiar with the literature of the subject, and the masses who have not read<br />

much on this theme, but who need to and would be glad to know more of it. The carrying out this<br />

double purpose has made the book much larger than was at first intended, which we regret.<br />

2. We have not gone over the ground usually traversed by Methodist writers on this subject half<br />

a century ago. Their chief contention was that entire sanctification may come in this life rather than<br />

exclusively at death. The controversy today is chiefly as to whether this work is accomplished at or<br />

subsequently to regeneration, and whether, as a subjective purification, it is gradual or instantaneous<br />

in its development. Hence the prominence we have given to the discussion of Pentecost and its<br />

results, as well as to other scriptures that are believed to bear more or less directly on the two points<br />

indicated above, found in Chapters 7, 8, and 9.<br />

3. have made the testimony of experience unusually prominent, because we believe its great<br />

evidential and illustrative value has not been duly appreciated. The chapters discussing the validity<br />

and value of this testimony, and embodying records of the same, are fuller than the demands of the<br />

argument made them, as we wished to illustrate for the general reader the way of this great salvation,<br />

as well as to establish for the more critical reader the chief proposition discussed in our book.

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