Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest


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1-13. Immediately after Peter’s glorious revival at Cæsarea he goes straight to Jerusalem,<br />

accompanied by the six Joppa brethren who had witnessed the new departure and the mighty work<br />

of God at the house of Cornelius. The news is already flown on the wings of the wind to Jerusalem,<br />

stirring apostles, prophets, elders and brethren with the momentum of an earthquake. This departure<br />

from the time-honored institutions of their fathers, so sudden, radical, decisive and significant, must<br />

receive summary attention at headquarters and be settled at once and forever. So bold Peter faces the<br />

grave council in the mother church at Jerusalem, rehearses to them his vision at Joppa, and testifies<br />

to the outpouring of the Holy Ghost on the Gentiles at Cæsarea, proving it all by those six faithful<br />

witnesses who had accompanied him throughout and now stand by his side in presence of all the<br />

apostles. Of course no trouble whatever arises from this radical, downright and outright revolution,<br />

though undreamed of hitherto; and why? Simply because all of the apostles and primitive saints fully<br />

recognized the leadership of the Holy Ghost. They are acquainted with Him. He dwelt in them, and<br />

they knew <strong>His</strong> voice and <strong>His</strong> works. For this reason there never was a schism in the Apostolic<br />

church, so long as they were true to Pentecostal experience and the Holy Ghost. When former<br />

generations went up to heaven and others succeeded who knew not God, then they founded human<br />

ecclesiasticisms and established church government to suit themselves, ignoring the sole right of the<br />

Holy Ghost to rule the church, and relegating Him back to the Apostolic age, and congratulating<br />

themselves that the days of miracles were past and they can make laws and manage the church to suit<br />

themselves. Right here is where human and Satanic usurpation of the divine right to rule the church<br />

came in, with the roll of ages developing into all the complicated machinery of priestcraft, prelacy<br />

and popery.<br />


ALL AGES.<br />

14-18. “Who shall speak words unto you by which you and all your house shall be saved.” Does<br />

not this look like they were yet to be saved? Justification is primary salvation; sanctification, full<br />

salvation; and glorification, final salvation. Hence, so long as we are in this world, we are in the<br />

kingdom of grace, subject to the saving power and operation of the Holy Spirit, liable to temptation,<br />

defection, defeat and ruin. Never is the problem of salvation settled beyond defalcation till we reach<br />

glorification, pass the pearly portal and take our place among the redeemed. A very specious and<br />

exceedingly dangerous heresy is now extensively preached from popular pulpits, audaciously<br />

restricting the baptism of the Holy Ghost to the apostles alone, and utterly abnegating the possibility<br />

of its reception by any one else, however true and saintly.<br />

17. “If therefore God gave unto them the like gift as even unto us. . .” This declaration of Peter,<br />

with many other parallels, settles the question beyond the possibility of cavil that the Gentiles at the<br />

house of Cornelius received precisely what the apostles did on the day of Pentecost. They were<br />

Gentiles, representative of the whole Gentile world down to the end of time. Hence you see that the

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