Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest

Godbey's Commentary - Acts - Romans - Enter His Rest


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included with it.] In this distribution he gave Ham, Africa; Shem, Asia; and Japheth, Europe. In<br />

Hebrew, Ham means black, hence he became the ancestor of the black races. Shem means red,<br />

therefore he became the ancestor of the Mongolian races of Asia, from whom the American Indians<br />

also came, doubtless having crossed Behring Strait from Asia into America at an early day. Japheth<br />

means white, hence he became the ancestor of all the white races of Europe, who, in the last four<br />

hundred years, have spread out over the continent of America, pursuant to God’s promise to Noah<br />

(Genesis 9:27): “God shall enlarge Japheth and shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and<br />

Canaan [Ham] shall be his servant.”<br />

This prophecy is now literally fulfilled in America, where the white man, Japheth, dwells in the<br />

tents of Shem [the Indians], and Ham [the colored people] is his servant. Hence you see the<br />

persistency of the triple gospel proclamation symbolized by the three repetitions of Jehovah’s call<br />

in this vision, forcefully indicative of the world’s triple evangelism as we carry the gospel to the<br />

children of the dark continent, to the Mongolian millions of Asia, and to all the white races of<br />

Europe and America.<br />

17-23. Meanwhile Peter, wrapped in heavenly bewilderment, is contemplating the astounding<br />

vision and electrified by Jehovah’s voice. Cornelius’s messengers having arrived, and hunted around<br />

through the city for the house of Simon the tanner, and standing before the gate, are now<br />

interrogating some member of the family whom they had called out, “Is Simon, called Peter, lodging<br />

here?” When Peter hears the voice calling his own name, the Spirit immediately speaks to him,<br />

ordering him to go down without delay and depart with them, responsive to the call of Cornelius,<br />

assuring him that they are sent of God.<br />

24. As this is a new departure in the divine economy, Peter very prudently takes with him six holy<br />

brethren from Joppa to serve as witnesses of the important transactions pending. Meanwhile<br />

Cornelius, knowing the time necessary for pedestrians to make the round trip, has assembled his<br />

holiness band in mid afternoon of the fourth day, all holding on to God in prayer, that he may bring<br />

on the noted apostolic senior in the fullness of Christ.<br />

25. “And it came to pass when Peter was coming in, Cornelius meeting him, falling at his feet,<br />

worshipped.” E.V. erroneously says “worshipped him.” Cornelius was no idolater. He did not<br />

worship Peter, but God. When I arrive at my preaching place responsive to a brother’s call, I am<br />

always glad on meeting him to drop on my knees and unite with him at a throne of grace, thus<br />

invoking God to sanctify our introduction and bless the work.<br />

26. Cornelius, of course, paid to Peter the Oriental civility due a person of distinction, which here<br />

Peter modestly declines, having profited by the vision, which revealed to him for the first time in his<br />

life that a Jew is no better than a Gentile.<br />

27-38. Peter now enters, and Cornelius introduces him to his holiness band, who are so delighted<br />

with a visit by the senior apostle. He now proceeds to give them the benefit of the heavenly sunburst<br />

he had received at Joppa, shining away all the clouds which, in Jewish vision, had hung over the<br />

Gentile world from the days of Abraham, assuring them of their glorious privileges and equal rights

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